Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Sita is delegated with the management work of the office.
सीता को कार्यालय का प्रबंधन कार्य सौंपा गया है.
Ram was delegated to the Internaional Conference by his Institute.
राम को उसकी संस्था द्वारा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन में प्रतिनिधित्व करने कि लिये भेजा गया था.

Put a dab of paint here.


She dabbles in astronomy






A daily record
A daily newspaper

He stops by daily


A dainty teacup
A dainty dish to set before a kind










The snow damaged the roof




He was wearing clothes damp with perspiration







You are in no danger
He feared the dangers of traveling by air
He moved out of danger

A dangerous criminal has run away from the jail.
It appears to be a dangerous operation

The ornaments dangled from the tree
He dangled the ornaments from the Christmas tree




How dare you call my lawyer?
I dont dare call him
I dare you!



She was sitting in a dark corner
Dark green
Dark eyes
A dark scowl
Keep it dark
Much that was dark is now quite clear to me

The powers of darkness
He moved off into the darkness
He was in the dark concerning their intentions

The sky darkened
The screen darkened
A scandal that darkened the familys good name
Darken a room

He moved off into the darkness
The powers of darkness




His forefinger darted in all directions as he spoke


He made a dash for the door
He wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
He is preparing for the 100-yard dash

He dashed the plate against the wall
Her comments dashed his ambitions and hopes
Dashed by the refusal
She dashed into the yard

A dashing hero

Statistical data

What is the date today?
The date of the election is set by the election commission.
He tried to memorize all the dates for his history exam
They hoped to get together at an early date
She asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date
They are upto date
His date never stopped talking
The store sells fresh dates.

The package is dated November 24
Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings
She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated


Daub the wall with paint

Her daughter cared for her in her old age

Loosing the game did not daunt her.
The idea of going to a strange place in the distant land daunted her.

"dawn","N","1.उषाकाल" #/प्रभात/सबेरा/तडके
We got up before dawn
The dawn of civilization
It was the dawn of the Roman Empire

It started to dawn, and we had to get up
It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
The age of computers had dawned

Two days later they left
The dawn turned night into day
It was a busy day on the stock exchange
How long is a day on Jupiter?
It should arrive any day now
He deserves his day in court
In the day of the dinosaurs




She was dazzled by the bright headlights


The nerve is dead
Mars is a dead planet
Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range
A dead shot
Dead silence
Passersby were dead to our plea for help
His gums were dead from the novocain
Dead capital
Dead air
A dead telephone line
Latin is a dead language
A dead tennis ball
A dead law
A dead issue
A dead battery
The party being dead we left early
This is a dead town; nothing ever happens here

They buried the dead
The dead of winter

Deadly poisons
The seven deadly sins

Deaf to her warnings


It was a package deal
He got a good deal on his car
The deal was passed around the table clockwise
The captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions

He deals fairly with his employees
This book deals with incest
I can deal with this crew of workers
How are we going to deal with this problem?
She deals in gold
Whos dealing?
He dealt me the Queen of Spades



He paid dearly for the food
She loved him dearly



I would dearly love to know
He paid dearly for the food
She loved him dearly


Her death came as a terrible shock
The animal died a painful death
He bled to death
He seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life
It was the death of all his plans
He had two deaths on his conscience







We debated the question of abortion






He is badly in debt




The corpse was in an advanced state of decay

The unoccupied house started to decay


He is deceased


Deceitful advertising
She was a deceitful scheming little thing

The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house
Christmas is celebrated in the month of December.

Proper decency should be shown while attending a prayer.

"The Decencies","N","1.सामाजिक जीवन का शिष्टाचार"
All people should follow the decencies to live respectfully in the society.

All poor should be provided with decent food and shelter.
The exhibition was quite decent.
He was wearing a decent dress.

"decently","Adv","1.शालीनता से"
She walked decently over the stage.

"decentralize","V","1.विकेंद्रित करना"
The minister decided to decentralize the transport industry.

Decentralization will improve the situation of public transport in our country.

He made deception his way of life and suffered later.

Her looks were quite deceptive compared to her behaviour.

"deceptively","Adv","1.कपट से"
He catered into the tht deceptively without even beying the ticket.

"deci","Comb form","1.दसवा हिस्सा"
Deci is one tenth part of decimetre.

The intensity of sound is measured in decibels.

"decide","V","1.निश्चय करना"
He was not able to decide whether he should go for the movie.
--"२.निर्णय देना"
The judge has to decide about the case tommorow.
--"३.निर्णय तक पहुचना"
The torture at the office finally made her decide to leave the job.

He has decided views about that book.

"decidedly","Adv","1.निश्चित रुप से"
He felt decidedly well after the lunch.

The decider match will be played on Monday .

Forests of northern India are deciduous in nature.

He gave ten decilitres of solution for the experiment .

The result was presented in decimals .

You should decimalize the numbers for presenting the result.

"decimal point","N","1.डेसीमल बिंदु"
The fractional numbers were converted into decimal point numbers.

"decimate","V","1.बडई संख्या में मारना"
The earthquake has decimated the population by a large scale.
--"२.बहुत कम कर देना"
The government decimated the grants by a great extent.

The pollution lead to the decimation of the city.

The length of this line is 20 decimetre.

"decipher","V","1.अर्थ निकालना"
The historical manuscript was deciphered by a set of historians.

The decision should be taken before the officer arrives .
He made a firm decision before he left for the office .

The decisive factor for the match is the skill of the players.
A decisive person should lead the party.

"decisively","Adv","1.निश्चय के साथ"
The quiz team answered every question very decisively.

You should show decisiveness while dealing with a client.

"deck","N","1.डेक/जलपोत की छत"
The crew members go for a walk on the deck.
--"२.बस की छत"
There was a great rush on the bus deck.
--"३.ताश के पत्ते"
He took out the ace from the deck of the cards.
--"४.रेकार्डिंग के लिए एक यंत्र"
He had a nice deck and a good collection of cassettes.

She decked up nicely for the party.

"decker","N","1.कई छतों वाले"
He travelled by double decker bus.

"deck Chair","N","1.झूलाकुर्सीनुमा"
The deck chair in her garden was very comfortable.

"declaim","V","1.घोषित करना"
The staff was declaiming about the rudeness of the Boss.

The leader made declaimation about his party.
There was a declamation competition at the school.

His speech was quite declamatory.

The was no declaration about his arrival.
--"२.घोषण पत्र"
A declaration was issued to him so that he can quit the place well within time.

"declare","V","1.घोषित करना"
He has to declare about his sons massiage.
--"२.विवरण देना"
The business man will declare about his income today .
--"३.उद्घोषणा करना"
The captain will declare about his team mates later.
He has declared about his meetings.

His declared goal is fulfilled.

"decline","V","1.मना करना"
He might decline to accept the offer.
--"२.क्षीण हो जाना"
She met with a big accident in the declining years of her life.

A decline was noticed in the sales of the engine.

The script was decoded by a group of policemen .

The decoder was very fast.

"decollete","Adj","1.कंधे तक दिखने वाला वस्त्र"
She wore a decollete gown for the party.

"decolonize","V","1.उपनिवेष को छोडना या स्वतंत्र घोषित करना"
The Britishers decolonized India in the 20th century

"decolonization","N","1.उपनिवेषवाद का अंत"
The eastern states went through the process of decolonization later.

"decommission","V","1.बंद हो जाना"
The loss in sales lead to the decommission of the factory.

"decompose","V","1.अपघटित हो जाना"
The body will decompose faster if kept outside the coldroom.

The process of decomposition of plants is very slow .

He was kept under decompression so that he can recover soon.

"decongestant","N","1.सर्दी खासी की दवा"
The doctor gave him a decongestant for chest pain.





"decontaminate","V","1.विसंदूषित कर देना"
The workers at the nuclear power plant will be decontaninated .

He went through the procedure of decontamination before coming out of the factory.
The room had a great decor.

"decorate","V","1.अलंकृत करना"
When is she coming to decorate the bride?
How should I decorate this place?
--"३.पदक प्रदान करना"
The headboy was decorated with a medal for his services.

"decorator","N","1.कमरे इत्यादि को सजाने वाला व्यक्ति"
He is a professional decorator.

The decoration of the room was very impressive.
The decoration piece lying on the bed is very costly .
--"२.सजावट की वस्तु"
The decorations for the party are being arranged.
He has received a decoration for winning a championship.

He used decorative material to make his room look more beautiful.

His speech is very decorous while talking in a get together.

He carved out his words very decorously.

He maintained a decorum behaviour throughout the party .

"decoy","N","1.फसाने वाले जानवर या चिडिया"
The bird was caught in a decoy.
--"२.प्रलोभन देने वाला व्यक्ति"
The school children were warned against the decoy .

The hunter decoyed the prey using a loaf of meat .

"decrease","V","1.घटना या घटाना"
The intensity of rain has decreased now.

There was a decrease in the speed of train near the station.
A decrease was noted in the rate of crime in that area.

The decree was issued by a ruler.
The decree was issued by the courts against the accessed.

"decree absolute","N","1.न्यायालयकाआदेश"
A decree absolute was issued to the husband by the court .

The bicycle is in a decrepit condition.

The public decried about the relief measures takenly the government.

"dedicate","N","1.समर्पित करना"
Gandhiji dedicated his life for his country.

He is a dedicated worker.

The priest was amazed by the dedication of the disciple.

"deduce","V","1.परिणाम निकालना"
The result can be deduced after a long analysis.

It is not a deducible theorem.

He deducted the loan before giving him the pay.

"deductible","Adj","1.काटने योग्य"
That is a deductible portion of his income.

The deduction in price was due to greater availability.
His salary was given to him without deduction of loan.
The old worker got his pension after deduction for insurance.

It is a deductive principle.

A good deed is always remembered.
A copy of the dead was given to him after his meeting with the client.

"deed of Convenant","N","1.दानपत्र"
He issued a deed of convenant before his death for the nearby church.

"deed poll","N","1.एक पक्षीय विलेख"
He gave a deed poll in the newspaper regarding the change of his name.

He deems it a great honour to be invited for the meeting.

She took out water from a deep well.
He took a deep breath on seeing his sick friend.
He wore a deep blue jacket for the party.
He has got a deep insight into the subject .
His sentences had deep meanings.
He had a deep voice.
His involvement in the affair was very deep.
He was deep in thoughts.

"deepen","V","1.और गहरा हो जाना"
The reservoir deepened during the rains.

He is deeply interested in the matter of religion.

The deepness of the river was difficult to be measured .

"deepsea","Adj","1.समुद्र का गहराई वाला हिस्सा"
He went into deep-sea to unfold the mysteries.

"deep-Water","Adj","1.गहरा पानी"
The diver went into deep-water.

"deep-set","Adj","1.गहराई लिए हुए"
it is a deep-set river

He was deep asleep when Ram came inside the house .
He went deep inside the river.
The prayer was performed by standing deep in the river.

"deep down","IDM","1.असलियत में"
He appears to be friendly, but deep down hes very selfish.

The fish was kept deep-freezed in order to useit after two days

"deep-fry","V","1.तेल में डुबा के तलना"
The fish was deep-fried before it was served.

His values are deep-rooted into his heart.

The cause of his failure is deep-seated.

Pacific is the deep.

He saw a deer in the zoo.

"deerstalker","N","1.एक प्रकार की पगडई"
He wore a deerstalker on his head for the cultural function.

"de-escalate","V","1.युद्ध की तीव्रता कम करना"
The war has de-escalated after the army moved back.

"de-escalation","N","1.युद्ध की तीव्रता में कमी"
A de-escalation was noticed in the war during peak winter.

"deface","V","1.विकृत कर देना"
The historical monument was defaced by the tourists.

The opposition challanged the ruling partys survival, but they continued ruling defacto.

He is the defacto ruler of the empire even if he is brutal.

"defame","V","1.मानहानि करना"
He has brought defame to the family by sobbing.

His family has to bear the defamation because of his deeds.

He made defamatory remarks against the leader.

He was sent to jail in default of evidence against his .

He has defaulted from his usual behaviour.
--"२.भुगतान न करना"
He defaulted on the loan.

He is a defaulter and you must keep your children away from him.
The defaulter could not pay back the loan in due time.

They brought a defeat to his country by playing badly in the match.
--"२.विफल कर देना"
He tried to convince him, but he defeated him.

Defeat should not be the way of life.

He never bothered about his duty which is the sign of defeatism.

"defeatist","Adj","1.पराजयवाद को मानने वाला"
He is a defeatist by nature.

"defecate","V","1.मलत्याग करना"
The child defecated on the bed.

Defecation is a necessary factor for every living being.

A defect was detected in the motor.
--"२.एक राजनैतिक पार्टी को त्याग कर दूसरी में शामिल होना"
He defected the opposition party and joined the leading party.

"defector","N","1.राजनैतिक पार्टी छोडने वाला व्यक्ति"
He is a great defector.

The piece was found to be defective.

the piece went to the supplier defectively.

Defectiveness should be removed before the supply of material.

They fought for the defence of his country.
The defence ministry took up the case of intruders.
The tank was kept on the front as a defence against intruders .
He had nothing to say in his defence.
--"३.रक्षा कडई"
He played in defence in the football team.

The city near the border appeared to be defenceless.

The defencelessness of the city made it attackable.

"defencelessly","Adv","1.रक्षा के बिना"
The child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly.

"defend","V","1.रक्षा करना"
He defended himself with a sharp weapon when the enemy attacked him.
He defended against the opposite team.
--"२.सर्मथन देना"
He defended him about his claims.
--"३.अपना स्थान बनाए रखना"
He has to defend himself as a champion.

He is a great defender of his party .

He is a defendant in the property case.

"defenseman","N","1.रक्षा करने वाला"
He was the defenseman of the football team.

"defensible","Adj","1.सहज में रक्षा होने योग्य"
The castle was built in such a manner that made it defensible.

"defensive","Adj","1.बचाने वाला"
The army was deployed along the border as a defensive matter.
He talked in defensive manner at the party meeting .
--"३.defensively","Adv","1.रक्षा के रुप में"
The speech was made defensively so that no body can point out the political party.

The payment was deferred for two or three days.
--"२.किसी के मत को स्वीकार करना"
The students deferred to their teacher about the detailed topic.

"deference","N","1.आदर करना"
The people at the court showed deference on the arrival of the judge.

This actions showed his deferential behaviour.

The dead body of the leader was brought to the cremation ground deferentially.

The staff is on strike in defiance of the late payment of bonus.

He was on the stage in a defiant manner.

He suffered from the disease because of the deficiency of vitamins.
His definciences as a musician are very clear.

His diet is deficient of essential nutrients.
His knowledge is deficient about the topic.

He has to face a deficit of Rs. 1500/- in order to carry out the work regularly.
The budget deficit was brought in front of the party.

"defile","V","1.दूषित करना"
Ganges are defiled by pollutants.
--"२.अपवित्र करना"
The public defiled the holy place by throwing garbage near it.

"defile","N","1.संकुचित मार्ग"
The route through the mountains was a defile one .

"define","V","1.स्पष्ट करना"
He defined the principle underlying the theory.
--"२.सीमांकन करना"
The border line of the country should be clearly defined.
The powers of a judge are defined by the court.

"definitely","Adv","1.पक्का करना"
He will definitely come to receive her at the airport .
--"२.स्पष्टता से"
He defined his views definitely.

He gave a definition of the law in the lecture.
The definition of a skilled writer is his ability for the appropriate words.
He brought a high definition television.

He gave a definitive solution to the problem.
His will is definitive and could not be changed whatever may be the circumstances.


"deflate","V","1.भरी हुई हवा निकालना"
The tyre of the bus deflated near the bus stop.
--"२.आत्मविश्वास कम करना"
He can not be deflated by peoples opposition.
--"३.कम होना"
The price of essential items could not be deflated even at the time of full crop.

"deflation","N","1.हवा निकालना"
There was deflation noticed in the bus tyre.

"deflationary","Adj","1.महगाई कम करना"
The policies of government are quite deflationary.

The road deflected near its end.
He could not be deflected even a bit from his habits.

A deflection was noticed in the path of comet.
The deflection of the compass was noticed by the surveyor.

"deflower","V","1.चरित्र नष्ट करना"
The man deflowered the girl.

"defoliate","V","1.पत्ररहित करना"
The fumes of the nearby industry defoliated the forest.

"defoliation","N","1.पतझड का समय"
Before defoliation, came the season of spring.

"deforest","V","1.पेडओं को उखाडना"
The trees should not be deforested.

"deforestation","N","1.पेडओ का उखाडना"
Deforestation has affected the atmosphere badly.

"deform","V","1.विकृत होना"
The structure was deformed badly after the earthquake.

A deformation in the structure was noticed soon after the earthquake.

He has a deformed leg by birth.

There was a deformity in his hands.

"defraud","V","1.कपट करके हरना"
The shopkeeper defrauded her by giving her a bill slip of lower price than she actually paid .

"defray","V","1.अदा करना"
He defrayed the dues on his account.

"defrost","V","1.बर्फ गलाकर हटाना"
The refrigerator needed defrosting.
The frozen food should not be allowd to defrost completely.

He is a deft musician.

"deftly","Adj","1.चतुराई से"
He completed the work deftly.

His quick deftness was a product of good design.

"defuse","V","1.फ्यूज हटाना"
The police squad came to defuse the bomb.
--"२.तनाव कम करना"
The crisis was defused as soon as the leader came up with a solution.

"defy","V","1.अवज्ञा करना"
He defied the orders of the court and did not leave the place .
Politician defied public opinion.
--"२.चुनौती देना"
He defied the enemy in the war.

He measured the angle in deg.

"degenerate","V","1.क्षय होना"
His physical weakness degenerated his mental abilities also.

He has a degenrate character.

The character of the log did not show any degeneracy.

"degeneration","N","1.क्षय होना"
His physical weakness lead to mental degeneration.

He is suffering from a degenerative disease.

"degrade","V","1.पदावनत करना"
He was degraded from his post.
--"२.नष्ट होना"
The plastic can not be degraded.

"degradable","Adj","1.नष्ट होने योग्य"
Plastic is not a degradable material.

"degradation","N","1.मान भंग"
He is living under utter degradation.

Prisoners have to face a degrading treatment.

He got a degree in medicine from the famous medical college.
The angle can be measured in degrees.
The temperature was recorded to be 37oC.
He shows a high degree of realiability in the products he delivers.

"dehumanize","V","1.अमानव बन जाना"
Criminals dehumanize because of the torture they face.

"dehydrate","V","1.पानी का सूखना"
The milk was dehydrated in order to make its powdered form.
--"२.शरीर में पानी की कमी होना"
Due to the sun-stroke, her body dehydrated badly.

"dehydration","N","1.पानी की कमी"
The patient was suffering from dehydration.

"de-ice","V","1.बर्फ रहित करनाHonA"
The referigerator has to be de-iced.

"deicer","N","1.बर्फ पिघलाने वाला पदार्थ"
The mechanic used a de-icer to prevent ice forming near the motor.

"deify","V","1.पूजा करना"
Indians deify the earth.

The king was a deification for the people of his kingdom.

"deign","V","1.अपने को अत्यधिक महत्व देना"
The king passed through the road without even deigning to look at the people around.

Rama is a deity for the Hindus.
All the village people worship the same deity.
गाव में सभी लोग एक ही ईश्वर को पूजते है.

"The Deity","N","1.देवता"
Sun was the deity in old civilizations.

"deja-vu","N","1.पहले न घटित के घटने का आभास"
The sight of the large sea was a dejavu for him .
Ram had an odd sense of deja_vu just as he entered the deserted building.

He felt dejected when he could not clear the test even in three attempts.
After Sitas death Im feeling very dejected.
सीता की मृत्यु के पश्चात मैं बहुत उदास महसूस कर रहा हू.

He left the hospital dejectedly.
She said dejectedly,"I do not know anything. You do what you think should be done."

The incident left her with a sense of dejection.
He was full of dejection on hearing that he has not cleared the exam.

He is a dejure officer.

Have a dekko at the painting.

"delay","V","1.देरी करनाHonA"
You should not delay the procedure further.
Traffic was delayed by the bad weather.
Ram is trying to delay his going to London.
राम लंदन जाने को टालने की कोशिश कर रहा है.

The function will start without delay.
There was a delay of two hours noticed for the arrival of the train.
There will be some delay in the Annual function.
वार्षिकोत्सव मे थोडआ विलम्ब होगा.

He gave delectable performance.
Kajol prepared a delectable meal for all of us.
काजोल ने हम सबके लिये मनभावना खाना बनाया.

The show was full of delectation.

The workshop was attended by delegates from all organizations.
Ram is appointed as the delegate for the Medical Conference.

"delegation","N","1.प्रतिनिधि मंडल"
The delegation met to discuss about the energy crisis.
The manager decided to meet the Union delegation.
--"२.कर्तव्यो की व्याख्या"
The senior officer gave the delegation of authority to the juniors.

"delete","V","1.मिटा देना"
Please dont delete that document.
The editor suggested to me to delete last two lines of my article.
संपादक ने मुझे अपने लेख की अंतिम दो पंक्तिया हटा देने का सुझाव दिया.

"deletion","N","1.मिटा हुआ"
No deletion should be allowed in that file .

The smoke has deleterious effect on public health .

The deliberate killing of trible people in BIHAR.
बिहार में आदिवासी लोगों की सुविचारित हत्या.
He made a deliberate attempt to kill his wife.
His way of talking is very soft and delibrate.

They deleberated over the issue for full two hours.
Just deliberate before you take an action.

They deleberately avoided the issue.
वे जानबूझकर इस विषय से बचते रहे.
He has harmed her deliberately.

The committee decided about the matter after deliberation .
After long deleberations they decided to go ahead with the operation.
He took great deliberation in writing the necessary steps for the experiment.
One should choose his carrier with deliberation.
लोगों को अपनी जीविका सोचसमझ कर चुनना चाहिए.

His work showed a great delicacy.
The delicacy of her features made her extremely attractive.
--"२.स्वादिष्ट भोजन"
Ice-Cream is a delicacy for children.
Crabs are a delicacy in this region.
The delicacy of their game has led them to the number one position in the world.
We should remember the delicacy of their position.

Rose is a delicate flower.
Silk is a delicate fabric.
The babys skin is very delicate .
The child has a delicate constitution.
A new born baby has a delicate skin.
He advised the delicate handling of the situation by his wife.
The doctor did a delicate surgery.
This tray is very delicate.
Crockery made of bone china is extremely delicate.
The delicate carvings on the temple wall are very impressive.
The eye surgery normally needs delicate handling.
The dogs have a very delicate sense of smell.

The temples in Orissa have delicately carved statues.
The admirer delicately praised the artist.

Cheese is a delicatessen.
A shop selling delicatessen (as salads or cooked meats).

She prepared a delicious meal for the family.
My mother always prepares delicious food.
मेरी मा हमेशा स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाती है.
It was a delicious joke.

"deliciously","Adv","1.स्वाद लेते हुये"
He ate the cherry dish deliciously.
The restaurant serves deliciously prepared food

His delight to see her was obvious to all.
To our delight the show started on time.

"delight","V","1.खुश होना"
The people of the village were delighted at the arrival of the leader.
His skillful batting delighted his fans.
उसकी कुशल बैटिंग ने उसके प्रशंसकों को आनन्दित किया.

Her delighted smile made him forget all his sorrows.

The comedy was delightful.
Being a mother is a delightful experience for a woman.
एक औरत के लिए मा होना एक सुखद अनुभव है.

"delightfully","Adv","1.खुशी से"
They delightfully watched the event.

"delightedly","Adv","1.खुशी से"
The viewers delightedly watched the show.

He has delimited himself to his home.
Delimit your area of research in the first chapter itself.

"delineate","V","1.विवरण देना"
The architect delineated about the plan.
The secretary delineated the initial plans of the project.

The delineation of the plan was given by the architect.
Every object has its definite delineation.
हर वस्तु का अपना निश्चित आकार होता है.

The child was poor, so he drifted towards delinquency.
Delinquency amongst the teenagers is on the increase in the major cities.
बडए शहरों में किशोरों में अपराध बढ रहा है.
The captains delinquency led to the defeat of the team

He is a delingquent criminal.
Delinquent teenagers are kept in juvenile prisons.

The delinquents should be punished.

The beggar appeared to be sick and delirious and could not move properly.
The performer faced a delirious crowd.
Hari was delirious while opening the gift.

She was raving deliriously.

"deliriously happy","Adj","1.खुशी से पागल हो जाना"
The mother was deliriously happy at the birth of her baby.

He often suffers from fits of delirium.
The students were full of delirium when their performer came.

The postman comes to deliver the letters.
Did you deliver my message to my Grandpa?
क्या तुमने मेरा संदेशा मेरे दादाजी तक पहुचा दिया.
If the courier could not deliver the packet by the weekend, the relaibility of the courier service will be in danger.
The lecture was delivered by a well known scholar.
He delivered all his property to a charity organization.
She delivered a fiery speech.
--"३.जन्म देनाकर्मवाच्यमें"
She was delivered of a baby in the hospital.
The boxer delivered the punches with great force .
The police delivered the people from the dacoits .

The old womans death was a deliverance for her.

The construction company has to make delivery of the cement by tommorow.
Ram said,please pay on delivery of Car.
राम ने कहा,"कृपया कार प्रदान होने पर भुगतान करे"
Sonu went for her delivery to the hospital yesterday.
The delivery of the baby proved very difficult for her.
The delivery of the ball was very fast.
--"४.भाषण शैली"
Her delivery of Hindi is very poor.
उसकी हिन्दी भाषण शैली बहुत खराब है.
The delivery of the lecture was made by a great scientist.

"delivery","Adj","1.पहुचाने वाला"
The delivery van came with the parcels.

Take the delivery note for the goods delivered.

"dell","N","1.पेडओं से घिरी छोटी घाटी"
The dell near the river was very beautiful.
I saw a very beautiful dell in Nainital.

"delphinium","N","1.एक प्रकार का नीला फूल"
The flowers of delphinium are blue in colour.

"delta","N","1.ग्रीक वर्णमाला का चौथा अक्षर"
Delta is the fourth letter of Greek alphabet.
--"२.नदी से बना एक तिकोना उपजा क्षेत्र"
Sunderban is the biggest delta of the world.
Nile delta is famous in the World.

"delude","V","1.धोखा देना"
Dont get deluded by the empty promises made by anybody.
Ram is trying to delude Sita.
राम सिता को धोखा देने की कोशिश कर रहा है.

The village was in a great deluge after the rains.
Their was a deluge of complaints in principals room.
प्रधानाचार्य के कमरे में शिकायतो की भरमार थी.

The town was deluged due to the heavy monsoon rains.

The rich man gave a delusion to the poor that he will fill their homes with food.
He is suffering from a great delusion that hell be successful without working hard.
He was under a delusion that hell get married to Mona.
वह भ्रम में था कि उसका विवाह मोना से हो जाएगा.

His look gives a delusive impression.
Under a delusive belief she relied on him.


The actress looked the room in a deluxe hotel.
The prices of the delux car are higher than the ordinary one.

"delve","V","1.खूब छानबीन करना"
The police team delved deeply into the murder case .
He delued into his bag to find the glasses.
He delved in his bag for a pen.

He is a democrat.


"demagogue","N","1.जनोत्तेजक नेता"
All leaders of modern age are demagogues.
He was a demagogue of the Congress Party.

The demagogic leader was never seen after he won the election.

All leaders of the modern times practise demagogy.

Every demand of a child should not be fulfilled.
बालक की हर माग पूरी नहीं करनी चाहिए.




Women must demand for their participation in the society.
औरतों को समाज में अपनी भागीदारी मागनी ही चाहिए.
Bringing up a child demands a lot of patience.

The job of a medical practitioner is highly demanding.

Demarcate the boundaries of the plot with white chalk.

There is no clear demarcation between the concepts of language and dialect.

Man always tries to demean women.
पुरुष हमेशा महिलाओं को नीचा दिखाने की कोशिश करते है.

She found it very demeaning to work under their contract.

Our demeanour towards our elders should be polite.
हमारे बडों के प्रति हमारा आचरण विनम्र होना चाहिए.

She appeared demented after the death of her son.

She spoke quite dementedly about the incident.

The demerits of the system are innumerable.

The government put higher taxes for the land held in demsne.

The concept of the demigod is from the classical mythology.

Under the present circumstances the government can not even contemplate demilitarizing the Kargil sector.

The demilitarization on the border will be welcome by all.

The demise of the players sports-man ship is very sad.

Why dont you demist the windscreen while I am driving.

The demister in my car is not working properly.

They are coming here for a demo of their latest product.

We should not demobilise anyone at this time of need.

There is complete democracy in India.
India is a democracy.

Azaad was one of the great democrats of India.

India has a democratic system of governance.

The Union has a democratically elected leader.

There is a need to democratize the Organization.


The demography of these tribes show a very low rate of literacy.

He is a demographer.

The demographic study about these communities reveals the shocking state of health are.

Nagar Nigam must try to demolish illegal constructions.
She demolished the whole plate of Pakodas in no time.
--"३.विध्वंस करना"
Indian forces have demolished the intruders.

The demolition of Babri Masjid triggered communal riots all over the natiuon.

Mostly people living in rural areas believe in demons.

She has demonic enegy for work.

Metal has been demonetized since the ancient period.


The demoniac tortures by the landlords on their subjects was the primary cause of the rebellion.

I want to demonstrate the good qualities of the new SURF EXCEL before you.
Thousands demontrasted in front of the Secratariate against the governments policy of liberalization.
--"२.प्रमाणित करना"
Let me demonstrate to you the truth of what shes saying.

In a scientific study demonstration of a law is necessary.

Indians are not very demonstrative.
`that is a demonstrative pronoun.



There were hundreds of demonstrators in front of the ministers house.
The demonstrator set up the apparatus for the experiment.

The demoralization of the army led to their defeat.

The Team was not demoralized by the defeat.

He was demoted when the charges of corruption were proved against him.

Ram demurred over his transfer.

His demur expressed his dissatisfaction.

Sita was a very demure young Lady

They are trying to demystify the workings of the administration.


Lion lives in the den.
--"२.निजी कमरा"
He spends most of the time in his den with his computer.
All the criminal elements gather in Harishs den in the evening.

The government decided to denationalize the telecommunications.

Denationalization of banks was not liked by the bank employees.

Durign the prohibition many people died of consuming denatured alcohol.

Dengue is a dangerous disease

The charges against the captain of the team are deniable.

There was no denial from ny side about lending him money.
We must be ready for denial of bad habits for good health.

All political parties denigrate each others achievment.


I am a denizen of India.

Tatas new model of car has been denominated as Indica.

Botanical denominations of the various species of plants are tough to remember.

We should not allow denominational education in the schools.

The denominator in"3/4 is 4.

In perl $ symbol denotes Scalar variable.
--"२.सूचित करना
What does the symbol"@" denote?

Movie"HUM APKE HAI KAUN" had a satisfactory denouement.

We should not denounce our Government for their economic policies.
Ravi denounced him to the police.
Both the nations have denounced the peace treaty.

The deforestation of the dense forests of the central India will lead to an ecological imbalance.
How can she be so dense?

The denseness of the forests in Karnataka has allowed him to dodge police for so long.

The density of population is quite high in Kerela.

A truck hit the car from the back and caused this dent in the boot of my car.

The collision dented the side door of my car.

Dental decay troubles people a lot

The number of dentifrices that have invaded the market now is amazing.

The dentist suggests people to take full care of their teeth.

Dentistry is very common now a days.

She bought a new set of dentures recently.

"denude","VT","1.निरावृत करना/उघाडना"
The mower left the garden denuded of any grass.

He does not like her denounciation of his friends.

"deny","VT","1.अस्वीकार करना/बातकाटना"
One may not deny the truth.
--"२.वंचित करना"
Do not deny anything to anyone because of caste.

Do not depart from your earlier statement.

Administration department is the biggest department in India.

Awadh express will give two whistles before its departure from the Station.

I cant depend on you any more.
--"२.आश्रित होना
Women should not depend on their husbands for their needs.

Children must not deny their dependence on their Parents.

Timor is trying to free from the dependency of Indonesia.

He has two dependants under his care.

In the past India was dependent on other countries in the field of technology.

Sitas novel depicts life in Southern areas

The election has depleted party funds.

The depletion of ozone layer is a serious problem.

The house is in a deplorable condition.
Yesterdays accident was a deplorable incident.

Merely deploring the increasing incidents of violence in the Valley is not enough.

The troops have been deployed along the border.

He was deported because of his alleged involvement in the conspiracy.

A deportation order is issued by the District Collector.

I can depose when time arises

The people depose political parties with wrong motives.

His deposit was refunded when he returned the car

I want to deposit my savings in a National bank.

Banks are the safest depositary for peoples savings.

Deposition of government is not in the interest of the country.
Submit a deposition of the witness.

Indias largest Book depot is in Delhi.

My brother is depraved by bad company.

He has fallen into depravity.

"deprecate","VT","1.की निन्दा करना"
The teacher should not deprecate his students efforts

The value of rupee has depreciated over the last few months.

The depreciation of dollar against yen is worrying the Americans.

The glut of oil depressed gas prices
--"२.उदास करना
These news depressed her
--"३.कम करना
The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir
--"४.मन्द करना
The rising inflation depressed the economy

Depression of the space bar on the typewriter
She overcame with depression.

The drug is quite depressive.
She was again in a depressive mood.

The poor suffer even from the deprivation of right to proper housing.
India has widespread deprivation caused by lack of employment.

"deprive","VT","1.वंचित करना"
Rams father deprived him of his property.

She is the spokesperson for the deprived people.

The depth of the water of sea cant be imagined by man.
He had sunk to the depths of addiction
In the depth of winter the people living in the higher altitude of Himalayas are cut off from the mainland.

He is on deputation from the main branch.

He deputed the responsibility to his deputy.

He is deputizing for his senior.

The deputy is in-charge until the manager returns.

The deputy commissionar of police told the press about the big robbery.

Some anti-social persons tried to derail two coaches of Awadh express.

Because of the derailment of the Express train the traffic to the Eastern areas is completely stopped.

He has tried to derange the whole system.

He is completely deranged.

The government should deregulate the prices of essential commodities.


Near the river bank there was a derelict house.

Any dereliction of duty should be punished.
From a distance we could see the house in a state of dereliction.

"deride","VT","1.उपहास करना"
He derided his students attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics.

He suddenly became center of derision for his stupidity.

One could hear their derisive laughter for quite a distance.

The derivation of many words in the modern Indian language can be traced back to Sanskrit.


She derives a great deal of pleasure from her neighbours garden.
The present name was derived from an older form.


He was,from the very beginning,intersted in dermatology.

Hari is a famous dermatologist of this town.

Mohan derogated Haris achievements.

Prabhas derogatory remarks angered Mohan a lot.

They descended from the stairs rather quietly.

She is descended from an old Italian noble family

My relatives from Delhi descended upon us last Friday.

It is believed that we all are descendants of Adam and Eve.

The plane began descent towards Hove Airport.

Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental.
She describes herself as a preacher.
The child described a perfect circle on the sand.

Every description of the book was there on the Internet.
--"२.प्रकार" #of_some/every/all के बाद आने पर
A number of boats of all description were lying along the bank.

The descriptive variable is missing from the sentence.
Descriptive linguistics simply describes language

Foreign invaders desecrated many idols in the temples.

Desecration of holy shrines for political gain is not a good practice.

One should desegregate all the educatonal Institutes.


Rajasthan is in the Thar desert in the western part of Inidia.

The park was completely deserted by this time in the evening.
The mother deserted her children

On the far side of the deserted street was the man with the umbrella.
They entered the deserted hut.

He was the only deserter in his batallion.

Desertion requires a lot of mental strenght.

I think that I deserve a reward for my patience.

He chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season

He is a deserving candidate for th first position in P.M.T.

The awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult
He contributed to the design of a new instrument
The design of the building is very awkward.
The coach had a design on the doors

Design a better mouse trap.
This room is not designed for work
She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day
She designed to go far in the world of business

Ram is attending the interview with the Director designate.

The inside of the park was designated as No Smoking area.
पार्क के अन्दर का क्षेत्र ,धूम्रपाननिशिद्ध, क्षेत्र निर्दिष्ट हो गया था.
Ram was designated as the Police Chief.
राम पुलिस के सर्वोच्च अधिकारी के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया.

We must give our designation on the top of every official letter.

Hari is a textile designer.

A selfish and designing nation obsessed with the dark schemes of European intrigue

Ram got the desirable job.

A man of many desires but of no efforts ,cant do anything.
She was his hearts desire.

We must desire for freedom.

Most politicians are desirous of gaining popularity through popular

He should desist from loosing his temper so quickly.

We should not desist before we achieve our target.

The desk is too small.

I saw a desolate and despairing home in the town.
She was feeling quite desolate after her friend left for home.

The city was desolated after the war.
Ram was depressed and desolated after he lost his daughter.

His daughters death left Ram with a complete sense of desolation.

They were rescued from despair at the last minute

Dont despair--help is on the way!

They prey on the hopes of the desperate
--"२.निराशोन्मत्त" #निराशा जनित उन्मत्तता में
He was a desperate criminal in reality.
He made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber

It was a policy of desperation.

He would do something as despicable as murder.

He despises the people he has to work for.

There was a great despite among them.

Despite being late she could manage to catch the flight.

He is very despondent about his results.

The despot drove the poor people out of the kingdom.

Though he ruled a big state he never behaved in a despotic way.

Despotism leads man to distraction.

We had choco bar as a dessert.

Every journey has its own destination.
Life without destination is not worth living.

She was destined to become a great pianist

He is destined to go hifh in his career.

Destiny of a man depends upon his work.

Give the clothes to the destitutes.

Administrators who are destitutes of ordinary senstivities to human needs
are bad administrators.

The fire destroyed the house
--"२.मार डालना
The custom agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid

He is the major destroyer of Haris theory.


The flood did a lot of destruction in the village.

He proposed a policy that is destructive to the economy

Detach the attachments from the application form and fill it.
His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery
--"२.भेज देना
Detach a regiment in the front to fight.

A detached part of the body cant be attached again.
So many detached houses are there in the town.
The detached shutter fell on him

His detachment from the family affairs is an indication of his loosing interests.
The detachment of the units from the main branch has given them greater autonomy.

Several of the details are similar in the document.
The office circular touched all details
Rams essay contained too much detail
A detail was sent to remove the fallen trees

The brochure details all the operations of the machine.
He detailed the soldiers about their duties.
The ambulances were detailed to the fire station

A detailed plan was chalked out to free the captives.

Custom officers wanted to detain the passengers till the police came.

She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water.
We detected traces of the poison in her food

Early detection can often lead to a cure

Once I got an opportunity to read a thrilling detective novel.

I appointed a very well known detective to solve the murder case.
He is under detention without trial.

We are thinking of ways that can deter the youth from smoking.

I wash dishes with detergent.

The political situation deteriorated after the collapse of the government.

Flights have been cancelled due to deterioration in weather condition.

Education is an important determinant of ones outlook on life.

He started the project work with great determination.

Examination marks can determine your career.

It was tough for the army to fight a determined enemy.

`Theis a determiner.

I dont believe in the theory of determinism.

Nuclear deterrent does not necessarily create a sense of security for th epeople of a nation.

I detest having to get up early in the morning.

Some teenagers have detestable habits.

Some manners of teenagers are looked with detestation by the elders.

If the King does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned.

The bomb planted in the railway station failed to detonate.

The detonation of the bomb in the railway station was done by a remote control.

The police caught the gang that smuggled detonators.

A detour is being made to see the remote village.

No amount of criticism can detract from her achievements.

The President of the party dismissed the detractors of the party.

Smoking cigarette and chewing tobacco is detrimental to health.

Detritus are produced by the wearing away of rocks.

"de trop","Adj","1.अनचाहा"
Their behaviour towards me made me feel a de trop guest.

One of the two players must gain two successive points after deuce to win the

Deutschmark is the unit of money in Germany.

The rupee has been devalued against the dollar.

Cyclone has devastated many places of Orissa.

Cyclone has caused devastation of many villages in Orissa.

Orissa has been hit by devastating cyclonic storm.

Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather.

The USA is a developed country.

India is a developing country.

The government has launched a new scheme for the development of villages.

The course of the river was deviated to prevent flooding.

The deviation of the river from its natural course is done to prevent flood.
The minister was accused of deviation from the partys code of conduct.

India has developed its own nuclear device.
The poet e e cummings has a distinct stylistic device of poetry.

Satan was a devil.

They devilled the chicken.

It was a devilish plan to plant bombs in shopping centre.

He made money by devious means.

He made money deviously.

He made money through deviousness.

We devised a scheme to clean the city.

His theories are devoid of logic.

Despite the devolution to states,the central government holds the ultimate

"devote","VT","1.समर्पित करना"
I devote a lot of time to my studies.
I am devoted to my father.

He is a devoted husband and a father.

He has no devotion to his family.

Mira Bai was a devotee of Lord Krishna.

I like to listen to devotional songs.

The hungry children devoured the food in the orphanage.
She devoured each and every word of his novel.
Fire devoured his home.

He is a devout social worker.

In the morning the grass was wet with dew.

Zakir Hussain has a great musical dexterity.

Zakir Hussain is a dexterous musician.

He is suffering from diabetes.

He is a diabetic patient.

We didnt enjoy the picnic due to diabolical weather.

The doctor diagnosed the patient to be diabetic.

A centre for the diagnosis of communicable diseases was opened yesterday.

Draw a diagonal line across the page.

The teacher explained the theory with diagrams.

I want to dial a telephone number.

The immigrants spoke an old dialect of English.

To resolve the present crisi the Company manager has finally decided to have a dialogue with the labour leaders.

The teacher asked the students to measure the diameter of the circle.

Those boys are twins yet diametrically different.

She has a diamond studded ring.

I got a curtain stitched out of diapers.
Wet diapers can cause infection.

A solution of salt and sugar is good for diarrhea.

She writes all her grief in her diary.

The National newspaper launched a diatribe against government policies.

Pandavas lost to Kauravas in the game of dice.

They set a false dichotomy between playing and studying.

I cant stoop to his dictates.

She dictated works to her siblings.

Dictations help to improve the spellings.

He is a dictator by nature.

In poetry diction is very important.

I have a copy of Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary.

Dictums have moral teachings.

The 18th century English poetries have a didactic tone.

She died from cancer.

Dies are used in stamping designs on coins,leather etc.

Children should have a proper and healthy diet.

The cost of diesel has shot up.

My views differ from my fathers views.

There is a lot of difference between jazz and rock.

Both of them took different approaches to the problem.

Differential treatments were meted out to immigrants and natives by the govern-

It is not easy to differentiate those twin sisters.

Climbing a mountain is a difficult task.

There are lot of difficulties in climbing the mountain.

Red Cross is a large diffuse organization.

Tension along the border has diffused in the past few months.

There has been diffusion of tension along the border in the past few months.

The workers filled in the dig with mud.

The workers digged holes to plant trees.

I read lot of digests.

I cannot digest milk products.

We should take such foods that are easy for digestion.

Irregular eating habits can cause digestive troubles.

Rambhai is working as a digger in the graveyard.

Telephone numbers have atleast four digits.

The inaugural ceremony was dignified by the presence of the Queen.

A delegation of dignitaries from USA will be arriving tommorrow.

It was beneath his dignity to cheat.

Dike prevents flooding.

The Archeological Survey of India is renovating the old dilapidated forts.

The ASI is renovating the forts that are in a state of dilapidation.

The public has been dilatory in condemning the police action against protesters.

You have placed me in a dilemma.

His diligence won him quick promotions.

A diligent detective investigates all clues.

Dills are added to pickles for a strong taste.

Some shampoos shouldnt be diluted.

The dilution of industrial wastes into river water is dangerous.

Studying in dim light spoils the eyesight.

Lights in the theatre were dimmed as the movie began.

The Chakma refugee problem has brought a new dimension to Indo-Bangladesh
border dispute.

The worlds petroleum reserves are diminishing day by day.

The government is planning for a small diminution in taxes.

The joker in circus was diminutive in stature.

`Hariis the diminutive of the name `Harikrishna.

The bar was full of din.

The politicians dinned in the Lok Sabha.

We dined in a five-star hotel today.

"ding dong","N","1.घण्टीकीआवाज"
Every morning I could hear the ding dong from the nearby temple.
A ding dong over Bofors guns were going on in the Lok Sabha.

I like to sail a dinghy.

I drove through dingy streets of Mumbai.

Dinner in the hostel is served from 730 pm.

He succeeded in examination by dint of hard work.

There are many diocese in Rome.

I dipped my pen into the ink.
The value of rupee has dipped an all time low.
The land dips to the south.

There was a slight dip in onion price this week.

Many children in India suffer from diphtheria.

Im doing a diploma course in translation studies in Hindi.

The Kashmir issue should be settled by diplomacy not war.
He is not educated but gets his work done by diplomacy.

A number of foreign diplomates were invited to the function.
He is not much educated but is a diplomat in his dealings with people.

Mr. Foreign MInisters diplomatic efforts were successful in gaining international support.

He asked a direct question relating to her personal life.

I directed them towards the town hall.

He directly asked her questions relating to her personal life.

He took turning in the right direction.
A new council was set up under the direction of the king.

Mr.Nair is the director of this institute.
Satyajit Ray is a well-known director of films in the West also.

The orders passed from the directorate has to be strictly adhered to.

You can look up the directory for his address and telephone number.
Some of the men belonging to the Sikh community carry dirks with them.

There is lot of dirt in the room.

He was wearing a dirty shirt yesterday.

He is suffering from disability of sight.

Many soldiers were disabled in the war.

The biggest disadvantage of industrialisation is pollution.

Some disaffected members left to form a new party.

There are signs of growing disaffection among his followers.

"disagree","VT","1.असहमत होना"
I disagree with whatever you said.

I had a disagreeable experience in the boarding school.

Many people expressed their disagreement to the PMs statement.

The refree disallowed the goal.

The moon disappeared behind the cloud.

Nobody seems to be bothered about the disappearance of forests in the country.

I am very disappointed with my examination result.

Poor examination results brought a great deal of disappointment to the teachers.

His proposal was received with disapprobation by the committee.

There is a widespread disapproval of government policies.

My parents disapprove my ideas.

The criminals were disarmed before taking them to the court.

India is a promoter of disarmament.

"disarrange","VT","1.अस्तव्यस्त कर देना"
Children disarranged all the books kept in the shelf.

The room was in a state of disarrangement.

With cyclonic storm hitting Orissa,the telephone lines went into disarray.

Her pursuit for a doctorate degree is a story of utter disaster.
A major train disaster was averted in Punjab.

A disastrous cyclonic storm hit the Orissa coast.

The customs officer disassembled the goods for a thorough check.

"disavow","VT","1.अस्वीकार कर देना"
She disavowed all knowledge of the document.

Many of the regiments were disbanded after Independence.

The lawyer was disbarred for indiscipline.

There were cries of disbelief when Sachin was given LBW out.

I disbelieve in the existence of God.

His medical bill was disbursed by the company.

He was given the medical disbursement.

We inserted the floppy disc into the computer.

Syringes should be discarded after use.

It is hard to discern how the market will react to the political developments.

Today I was discharged from the hospital.

There are many disciples of Dalai Lama in India.

My father is a strict disciplinarian.

The management took disciplinary action against the trade union.

There is no discipline amongst the students.
He is engaged in research work in a scientific discipline.

"discipline","VT","1.अनुशासित करना"
Parents must discipline their children.

"disclaim","VT","1.अस्वीकार करना"
The banned militant group disclaimed the responsibility of the bombing.

The auction house would not disclose the price at which the Van Gogh pain-
ting was sold.

There was a disclosure of ministers private property in the press conference.

Smoking discolours the teeth.

Flies caused discomfort to the sleeping child.

I was diconcerted to find other guests formally dressed for the function.

If you dont pay your bills theyll disconnect the supply of electricity.

I saw many discontented faces in the room.

There is lot of discontentment among the public on government policies.

The support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31.

His orthodox views are discordant with present-day ideas.

Goods were sold with a discount of 20%.

The government discounted the air fares.

"discourage","VT","1.हतोत्साहित करना"
We should discourage smoking among youth.

Initially I had to face discouragement from my family when I took up modell-
ing as my career.

We went to attend a discourse on yogabhyas.

Mr.Yogi discoursed on the power of yogabhyas.

Roentgen discovered X-rays.
I discovered a new shop for technical books.

U.S.A. is a discovery of Columbus.

Your actions will bring discredit to your name.

This newspaper story discredits politicians.

I should make few discreet enquiries about him before I marry.

There is a lot of discrepency in the prize money for mens and womens tennis.

The servants showed great tact and discretion.

Our society still discriminates between boys and girls.

There is still discrimination between boys and girls in our society.

We discussed our household budget.

The book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic.

"disdain","N","1.अवहेलना "
She gave me a look of disdain.

"disdain","VT","1.अवहेलना करना"
She disdains to eat with low class people.

She gave a disdainful look to me.

He is suffering from some incurable disease.

The passengers disembarked at Southampton.

He is disenchanted with his work.

"disenchantment","N","1.मोह दूर होना"
She expressed her disenchantment towards academic pursuit.

I want to disengage myself from his influence.

Im not in favour of her disengagement from his influence.

The Womens Bill has met with widespread disfavour.

Majority of the members seem to disfavour the Womens Bill.

The vandals disfigured the statue.

The pipe disgorged sewage into the river.

His behavior has brought disgrace on himself and on his family.

He got drunk and disgraced himself in the party.

His disgraceful performance in the public exam annoyed his parents.

The theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his

The CID officer disguised himself as a potter to hide his identity.

The very thought of taking exams fills me with disgust.

The very thought of taking exams disgusts me.

They served me a dish of rice.
I like only vegetarian dishes.

We gave them a set of dishes as wedding present.

I was disheartened to learn about your illness.

"dishevel","VT","1.अस्त व्यस्त कर देना"
The child dishevelled his mothers hair.

"dishevelled","Adj","1.बिखरे बालों वाला"
He has a rather dishevelled hairstyle.

Ramu is a dishonest boy.

He was punished for his dishonesty.

His rowdism has brought dishonour to the family.

"dishonour","VT","1.अपमानित करना"
His rowdism dishonours the familys reputation.

His family is worried about his dishonourable acts.

He was dishonourably chucked out from the army.

Im disinclined to believe his story.

Nowadays markets are flooded with disinfectants.

Ashok is ambitious and disingenuous.

The USSR got disintegrated in 1996.

She showed a disinterested act of kindness towards the poor.

The film was so disjointed that I couldnt understand.

My dislike for him was instinctive.

I really dislike this salesman.

His shoulders got dislocated in an accident.
Flights have been dislocated due to bad weather.

His suffered a dislocation of shoulder bones in an accident.

The wind dislodged the tiles from the roof.

Disloyal aides revealed his indiscretion to the papers.

Ram has been accused of disloyalty to the party.

The Indian football team gave a dismal performance .

"dismantle","VT","1.विघटित करना"
Bankrupcy has dismantled the orgnisation.

She expressed her dismay at his failure to secure top rank.

We were dismayed at Indian teams poor performance.

The pilots body was dismembered in the aircrash.

He was dismissed from the party on charges of corruption.

Orders of his dismissal has come from the head office.

Sona was punished for her disobedience.

He was fired for disobeying his boss.

The Lok Sabha was in utter disorder over the issue of Womens Bill.
He is suffering from mental disorder.

A disorderly pile of clothes was lying in the room.

The team was totally disorganized.

He disowned the responsibility of what happened in the family.

She disparaged her students efforts.

There is a big disparity the rich and the poor.

A journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of events and incidents.

The Gorkha Regiment has been dispatched to Kargil.
The invitation cards were dispatched through courier.

My mother dispels the doubts and fears that I sometimes have.

His work is good but he is dispensable.

My father dispenced money to us on the NewYear day.

THe police dispersed the crowd with tear-gas.

His illness dispirited her.

He wore a dispirited expression in her face.

She wore a rather dispiriting expression in her face.

The refugees were displaced by war.
Weeds displace other plants.

There was a display of firework on Republic Day.

He displayed his strength before his friends.

Rams attitude displeased his parents.

The Foreign Minister expressed his displeasure over his meeting with his Pakis-
tani counterpart.

One should use disposable syringes.

The safe disposal of nuclear wastes is a major problem.
The companys assets disposal is expected next year.

She disposed her parents possessions.

"dispose of","PhrV","1.निपटाना"
He disposed of the older stocks.

Im not disposed to go there at this moment.
Her mother is disposed to new ideas.

She showed the catalogue showing various disposition of the rooms.
He is of a cheerful disposition.
Nowadays children are showing a disposition to violence.

The farmers were dispossessed of their lands before Independence.

Its wrong to devote disproportionate amount of time watching TV.

Its wrong to devote your time dispropotionately in watching TV.

"disprove","V","1.झूठा ठहराना"
The allegations have been completely disproved.

The workers union disputed with the management on the issue of bonus.

The workers union is in dispute with the management.

We were disappointed by the disqualification of the team .

The boys college team was disqualified for cheating.

He shows a total disregard for his wifes feelings.

Her husbanded disregarded her feelings.

The building was in disrepair.

She didnt join the disreputable college despite getting admission.

Some rowdies brought disrepute to our college.

I have a healthy disrespect to our orthodox customs and traditions.

All of us dislike her disrespectful manners.

He remarked at her disrespectfully.

A few students disrupted the meeting.

The meeting went off without any disruption.

A few disruptive students ruined the college.

Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction over governments economic

The officer was dissatisfied with his assistants work.

The students dissected the bodies for anatomical study.

A dead body was send to the medical college for anatomical dissection.

Computers are used to disseminate information.

There is lot of dissensions among the members within the party.

The republics expressed their dissent from joining the Union.

The Soviet republics dissented from the Union.

Raja Rammohan Roy was a dissenter of customs and traditions in his times.
Dissenters are Protestants.

"dissertation","N","1.शोध निबंध"
Her doctoral dissertation on population growth was highly appreciated.

The dissidents walkedout of the meeting.

A group of very dissimilar people live in the same colony.

After entering politics,he learnt to dissimulate his feelings.

After entering politics,he has learnt the dissimulation of feelings.

Her sons letter dissipated all her fears.
He dissipated all his income in drinking.

He leads a dissipated life .

"dissociate","VT","1.अलग करना या हो जाना"
You must dissociate these two events!

We witnessed the dissolution of their marriage in the court.

I dissolved sugar in water.
Their marriage dissolved after three months.

He is infamous for leading a dissolute life.

A note of dissonance was there in their song.
There is some dissonance among the members of the party.

Negative campaigning will only dissuade people from voting.

The distance from Indore to Bhopal is around 300 km.

He distanced himself from campus politics.

A distant relative of mine passed away this month.
The Institute is about 2 kilometers distant.

She can not help having a distaste for gossip monger.

His joke on her disability was quite distasteful.

He distilled water for the experiment.



Plants of several distinct types
A distinct flavor
I have noticed a distinct improvement in her performance.

It is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation
He learned the distinction between gold and lead
It has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town

Jerusalem has a distinctive Middle East flavor

We distinguish several kinds of maple

Our distinguished professor
His distinguished bearing




He drives me to distraction

She felt distraught with grief

The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia




I distrust that man

A man of distrustful nature

Some bad elements in the crowd disturbed the speech.
She was disturbed about the violence breaking out in the old city.
Dont disturb the patients wounds by moving him too rapidly!

He looked around for the source of the disturbance
They were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused
There was too much anger and disturbance




The next speaker dittoed her argument


He went for a dive in the deep sea.

He dived deep in the blue waters.


The two paths diverge here
The lines start to diverge here

An angle is formed by the divergence of straight lines
A growing divergence of opinion

The news spread in the diverse parts of the country

Diversify a course of study

A diversion from the main highway

A diversity of possibilities should be explored.

They diverted the traffic because of the demonstration.


The mountain range divides the two countries
Divide the cake into three equal parts
Can you divide 49 by seven?



Divine worship
her pies were simply divine
The custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his...powers
Divine judgment
The divine strength of Achilles

Ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs

All his children asked for the proper division of the parental property.
Two infantry divisions were held in reserve

Divisional artillery
The divisional line between two states
American divisional (fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel

They decided to have a divorce.

The couple divorced after only 6 months

He refused to divulge the information.

How is she doing in her new job?
We could do with a little more help around here
This car does 150 miles per hour

The docile masses of an enslaved nation
A gentle old horse, docile and obedient
Docile pupils eager for instruction


Dock the ships

Only 5 of the 120 cases docketed were tried

I felt so bad I went to see my doctor
She is a doctor of philosophy in physics

His doctrines over Marxism swept the world.


The parents documented every step of their childs development
Can you document your claims?


He dodged the issue



The dog barked all night
You lucky dog
You dirty dog



Dogged persistence

He believed all the Marxist dogma

Dogmatic writings





The dollar coin has never been popular in the United States
He worships the almighty dollar


His domain extended into Europe
It was a limited domain of discourse


Domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction have to be first tackled.
Domestic servant
Domestic worries
dog is a domestic animal.
५. domestic wine


Domesticate plants
The cow was domesticated a long time ago

Television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion

The villa dominates the town
Her husband completely dominates her










He knocked on the door
We closed the door to Haitian immigrants
She forgot to lock the doors of her car
His office is three doors down the hall on the left

A dormant volcano
Dormant buds
Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened



"dose","V","1.औषधि लेनाdenA"
He dosed himself up with medicine and went to bed

"doss","V","1.सोने के लिए लेटना"
We dossed down on the floor after dinner.

"dosser","N","1.बेघर-बार व्यक्ति"
He has been spending hid life like a dosser after the death of his wife.

"doss house","N","1.रैन बसेरा"
Those who had no home took shelter in the nearby doss house

The committee thoroughly checked the dossiers of all the applicants.

Dots are important in a graphor geometry
Join up the dots to complete the drawing
A dot is used as a full stop at the end of a sentance
The island was just a dot in the occan

"dot","V","1.बिन्दु से चिह्नित करना"
The students wre asked to dot the cities in the map.
--"२.जगह-जगह फैलाना"
The sky was dotted with stars on the dot - le; ij
Hes very punstual always arrive on the dot

"dotted line","N","1.बिन्दुओं की रेखा"
Please sign on the dotted line

"dotage","N","1.वृद्धावस्था की मतिक्षीणता"

"dote on","PhrV","1.बेहदप्यारकरना"
She dotes on her children

"dotty","Adj","1.सठियाया हुआ"
Not another of your dotty ideas for making money

In a scheme, he got double the amount invested
They were sleeping on a double be
It has a double advantage of being cheap and effective

"double act","N","1.अभिनेतायुगल"

"double agent","N","1.दो दुश्मन देशों का गुप्तचर"

"double-bass","N","1.दोहरी गूज"
The double bass of the violin was very impressive.

"double bill","N","1.दोहरा प्रदर्शन"

"double bluff","N","1.सचकोझूठजैसाकहना"

"double chin","N","1.दोहरी ठुड्डी"
As people grow in age they develop double chin.

"double cream","N","1.मोटीमलाई"
I used double cream for icing the cake.

"double dealer","N","1.दोहरी चाल चलनेवाला"

"double-dacker","N","1.दोहरी छत की गाडई"
When I visiting Bombay I travelled in a double decker bus

"double-entendre","N","1.दोहरा मतलब"

"double figure","N","1.दोहरा अंक"
His salary jumped by double figure when he got a rise of 10% in his salary

"double life","N","1.दोहरा जीवन"
He can not any more continue to live a double life.

"double standards","N","1.दोहरे मापदण्ड"
He applies double standards when dealing with different persons

"double-take","N","1.धीमी प्रतिक्रिया"
He did a double take to answer my question.

"double talk","N","1.दोहरे मतलब वाली बात"
Politicions mostly double talk so that they can change their statements at will

"double time","N","1.दुगनी मजदूरी"
The workers were paid in double time for work after the normal working hour.

He draws double the amount as salary than her

Because of the injury in her eyes she saw double

He has a double-barrelled gun

"double-book","V","1.दो नामों पर आरक्षितकरना"
Room no. 1.was double booked on that day.

"double breasted","Adj","1.एक खास तरह का कोट या पैकेट"
He instracted the tailor to make a double breasted coat with 8 buttons on the chart

"double - check","V","1.अच्छी तरह से चैक करना"
Mother asked the child to double check if he had enough money in his packet for his journey

"double-cross","V","1.धोखा देना"
The project -dealer double -crossed the customers.

"double-edged","Adj","1.दोहरी धारवाला"
He has a double - edged tounge which cuts like a double - edged knife

"double glaze","N","1.जुडवा काच"
He got his bedroom windows fixed with double-glazed glass which made the room almost sound proof

"double jointed","Adj","1.लचीलेजोडवाला"
He has double - jointed fingers which move on either sides very easily

"double-park","V","1.समानान्तर गाडई खडई करना"
He double parked his car in the narrow lane which blocked the path of the passers by

"double-quick","Adj","1.दुगनी गति से"
They ran double-quick in order to catch the running train

He ran at the double when ordered by his boss to complete the task allotted to him

"double","V","1.दुगना करनाHonA"
The prices of the immoveble properties have almost doubled in that duration
They doubled up laughing at my joke
Double the paper twice and you get four equal sheets of it
The sofa doubles as a bed at night

Doublet is a close fitting upper garment

God has doubly gifted her as a good actress

Some peope have doubts about her honesty

I doubt whether hell come to the party or not

"doubter","N","1.सन्देह करने वाला व्यक्ति"
His friend prooved to be a great doubter

The correctness of his statement is doubtful

He spoke doubtfully

This doubtless is a fact which can be proved

"dough","N","1.साना हुआ आटा"
He poured a little water in the atta to make a dough

The bakery on the next street has delicious doughnuts.

"doughty","Adj","1.वीरता से"
He gave a doughty performance in the war

He doused himself in kerosene oil and lighted fire to commit suicide

I could see a dove sitting on the tree.

The doves come back to the dovecotes in the evening


The carpenter cut the wood pices perfectly to dovetail each other so that they fitted together
--"२.सही तरह से करना"
The students of architecture were trained to make subjects which dove-tailed each other perfectly

The actor perpusely wore a dowdy dress.

She has been down since her last exam results.
He lay face down
The thief was hidden in the down staircase
The shades were down
We cant work because the computer is down
The tree is down
They made the down payment

You have 4 downs to gain 1.yards

You should run down a hill.
He ran off down the street.

He downed three martinis before dinner
Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal
The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect

She felt very downcast at the death of her friend.

His downfall was caused by gambling.

Hes been downgraded from director to deputy.

Dont feel downhearted,you will get better job.

His son ran downhill but fell down.

you can download data on the floppy.

She generally buys things in downmarket.

We were caught in a downpour.

He isnt an idiot, but he is downright cunning.

"downs syndrome","N","1.डाउन्ससिन्डरोम"
Her child is suffering with downs syndrome.

They lived downstairs.

The downtrodden people in our country are still suffering.

His business was hit by a downturn.

The market is showing a downward trend in the stock prices.

He is sailing against downwind.

In India dowry system is still prevailing.

Her neighbour used dowse to detect underground water but it didnt workout.

Ravindra Nath Tagore was the doyen of our country.

We had a little doze on the bus.

She was dozing in the class.

I need two dozen of pencils.
Eggs are sold in dozens.

Bananas are 8 rupees a dozen.
Pack them in dozens.

He took a sleeping draft
The draft of the letter is ready.

Draft a speech
He was drafted in the army the next year.

But in so many other areas we are still dragging.
Drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen
He dragged me away from the television set
The speech dragged on for two hours

They cleaned all the drains.
Teaching a child in a professional course causes a drain on resources.

The rain water drains into this big vat.
We drained the oil tank
The water drained from the pipe
Life in the camp drained him

There is no good drainage system in our city.

There are many drakes in the pond.

One dram is equivalent to 0.001.kilogram.
She is fond of her dram.

They are intersted to perform drama in an open auditorium.
He told us a real-life court-room drama with intersting arguments.

A dramatic entrance in a swirling cape
A dramatic sunset

Her behaviour changed dramatically after her marriage.

"dramatis personae","N","1.किसीनाटककेपात्र"
all dramatis personae in the play Shakespere were well placed.

He is a great dramatist.

They dramatized Shakesperes play.
The real incident was dramatized by the press.

Why dont you drape curtains over the doors?
The palatial walls of Mysore palace were draped with tapestries.

He is a wholesale draper.

He is in the business of drapery.

Please draw the drapes and switch the lights off.

Our chief minister has taken a drastic measures to control the pollution.

She emptied her cup of milk in one long draught.
Open all the windows and let the cool draught come in.
The doctor has given her sleeping draught.

He is working as a draughtsman in archaeological dept.

I draw a line here
Draw a chicken
Draw the shades
This chimney draws very well
You please draw this cork out of the bottle.
She drew off a pint of beer.
Draw a card
The archers were drawing their bows
Draw water from a well.
He drew my attention to a point which I had overlooked.
What conclusions did you draw from my report.
She has drawn the information from many different sources.
His madness drew passers-by to the scene.
The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population
The crowd is drawing nearer to the square
Draw the name of the winner in a raffle.
Draw a deep breath
She was drawn to despair
Draw blood
The will was drawn when he was 89 years old
Draw a cheque
He spent the day drawing in the garden
This boat draws 70 inches
Draw steel

The draw for the third round of the cricket tournament.
When is the draw for the weekly lottery?
The match ended in a draw.
The show was a big draw.
She is a bit slow on the draw.

"draw up","PhrV","1.खाका तैयार करना"
He drew up a plan after careful thought
--"२.आकर रुकना"
The car drew up in the partico

"draw string","N","1.थैला आदि बद करने की डोरी"
Draw strings are a convenient method for tightening loose garments or bags etc

A major drawback of living in big cities is the high pollution level.
The main draw back in the deal was its enormons cost

"draw-bridge","N","1.खींच कर पुल को बद करने वाला तख्ता"
The soldiers were ordered to lower the draw bridge to stop rioters from entering the moat of the castle

The table had two drawers for keeping papers etc.
--"२.चैक लिखने वाला"
The drawer of the cheque forgot to put the date on it
He is not a good drawer

The size of his drawers is 34

He has a very good hand at drawing
He takes classes for architectural drawing

"drawing-board","N","1.ड्रॉइंगबोर्ड" #लकडई का चिकना तख्ता जिसपर कागज रखकर चित्र खीचा जाता है
The students were asked to bring their drawing boards for the drawing test

The students fixed the drawing paper on the drawing board with the help of drawing pins

"drawing room","N","1.बैठक"
The visitors were made comfortable in the drawing room

"drawl","N","1.गुनगुनाते हुए बोल"
He has a distinct drawl.
He spoke in a specific drawl like texaes do

"drawl","V","1.गुनगुनाते हुए धीरे बोलना"
He drawled an apology.

"drawn","Adj","1.मुर्झाया सा"
Day to day tensions and sleeplessness made her look drawn

"dray","N","1.नीची ठेला गाडई"
The coolie pulled the dray with difficulty

The prospect of losing her beauty filled her with dread

Mohan dreaded his meeting with his stepfather.

The sound of the bomb was extremely dreadful
The thought of accident itself was dreadful

"dreadfully","Adv","1.भयकर ढंग से"
She was dreadfully sorry and apologetic about her initial rudeness.

"dreadlocks","N","1.कसकर बटे हुए बालों की लट"
The sypsiegils generally tie their hair in tight dreadlocks

He had a bad dream this morning
His dream is to rise high in life and status
Some people never see dreams

"dreamless","Adj","1.स्वप्न रहित"
He had a peaceful and dreamless sleep

"dreamworld","N","1.सपनों का संसार"
Film line is a dream world for many new artists

She dreams of bbecoming a successful singer one day

"dreamer","N","1.स्वप्न देखने वाला"
He is a great dreamer

"dream-land","N","1.सपनों का देश"
He must be living in a dream land.

"dream-like","Adj","1.सपना सा"

She thought of her boy friend with a dreamy look in her eyes
--"२.धुधली सी"
I have only a dreamy recollection of her face
--"३.आराम दायक"
The music had a dreamy influence on my senses
--"४.हैरान करने लायक"
What a dreamy little car it is

While explaining the beauty of the place she looked dreamily towards that visitor

It was a dreary day
Dreary people make others dreary

She spoke drearily about her experience.

The dreariness of the weather drearily affected my mood

"dredge","V","1.नदी के तल से मिटटी खींचना-खींच कर निकालना"
A dredger was used to dreadge the soft mud from the bottom of the canal
While preparing sweets cakes etc the bakers dredge them with various sugers powders etc

Sea conches were removed from the sea bed with a dredger

"dregs","N","1.तलछट- गुज"
Some drunkords drink upto the dregs leaving nothing in the glass
--"२.आखिरी दम तक"
He worked till the dregs
--"३.बेकार हिस्सा"
Some people are dregs of society

"drench","V","1.भिगोना/गीला करना"
She was drenched completely in the rain

She got a wonderful dress for her wedding day

He dressed for the occasion.
He has gone inside to dress for the evening party
The shopping centre was dressed like a bride
--"३.पट्टी करना"
The doctor told the nurse to dress the woulds of the patient
The chicken was dressed well for the dinner
--"५.बढआ चढआ कर कहना"
Rumours are always dressed to convince the rumour mongers.

"dress-rehearsal","N","1.असली शो के पूर्व अभ्यास"
A dress-rehearsal of the republic day parade was held on 24th January

She was well dressed dressed to hill

"dressage","N","1.घोडए की सिखलाई"
The trainer of the horses knows all the ins and outs of dressage
--"२.करतब दिखानाघोडएका"
The dressage of the white horse impressed the andience very much

The dresser was pleced in a corner of the kitchen for convenience
--"२.शीशा लगी लकडई की मेज"
A dresser was placed at the entrance of the house for the visitors
--"३.मेकअप करने वाला"
The dresser dressed the actors for the shooting.

"dressing","N","1.कपडआ पहनना"
She takes a long time in dressing herself up.
--"२.पटटी बाधना"
They must have applied proper dressing on the particulars wound
The salad had a fine dressing
The pillow had a tight dressing

"dressing down","N","1.डाट फटकार"
The servant was given a strong dressing down by the master

"dressing gown","N","1.रात के कपडों पर पहना जाने वाला कोट"
The visitor rang the bell continuously, so the land owner had to came out in a dressing gown.

"dressing room","N","1.कपडए बदलने का कमरा"
Most of the tailors have a dressing room for the customers can change their dresses or see proper fitting of clothes
She is a very good dressmaker.

Her clothes are a bit too dressy for college wear.

There was a dribble of oil out side the bottle.
There is dribble all over your clothes.

Juice dribbled down the side of the packet.
Please take care the baby doesnt dribble over your dress.
He dribbled the football towards the goalkeeper.

She paid the whole amount to me in dribs only.

She has a small hair-drier with multiple speed.

The drift of people from the villages into the cities is not a healthy
Our young generation is drifting away from traditional values.
Her French is not very good,but she got the drift of what I said.
Deep and highsnow driftsare posing threats to the ship.

Their boat drifted out to river.
The people drifted away from the Exhibition Ground.
The arguments drifted back to current situations in politics.
Our old bombay highway road is closed because of drifting.

Her son is just a drifter,he cannt settle down anywhere.

A baby shark came into the drift-net.

Drift-wood was the only hope for him to save himself from drowing.

The carpenter uses drill machine to make holes in the wall.
The soldiers were at drill.
The N.C.C.cadets have practised rifle drill.
What is the drill for claiming insurance money?

My neighbour is drilling a new borewell beside the old one.
The teacher drilled the whole class in mathematics.

We can not live without food and drink.
Bottled drinks are not good for health.
Please make the drink for the guests.

Why dont you drink a glass of water after food.
Though he is an army officer but never drinks.
He drank away his all inheritance.
They are drinking themselves to death.

This water is not drinkable.

His father is a heavy drinker.
She is a coffee drinker.

Drinking and driving is strictly banned in U.S.A.
This water is safe for drinking.

Water is dripping from the roof.
Rain is dripping from the trees.

Her face was dripping with sweat.

There is a continous drip of water from a leaky pipe line.
Put the patient on a drip.

The doctor has advised her to take dripping of meat.

Drive cattles into a field.
She herself drives her car.
Dry leaves driven away by the strong wind.
The thief was driven back by the watch dogs.
Hunger and poverty drove him to steal.
Drive the nails into a plank.
He drove the ball into the rough.
A person driven by jeolousy is capable of doing any work.

He took her wife out for a drive.
She tried backhand drive in tennis.
In mumbai,Marine Drive is famous for its scenic beauty.
He has a great drive to become rich.
He prefers a car with left-hand drive.
His drive to achieve big things has made him work so hard.

Stop your drivel,and get out.



It was drizzling when we left home.
Drizzle the meat with melted butter



One drop of each sample was analyzed
A drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index
It was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height
They expected the drop would be successful

The bombs are dropping on enemy targets
Stock prices dropped
The Giants dropped 1.of their first 13
She dropped into army jargon.

Dont drop the dishes
Drop him from the Republican ticket
Drop a hint
Drop a lawsuit
The Giants dropped 1.of their first 13
They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock
The cow dropped her calf this morning



I was drowned in work
She drowned her trouble in alcohol
The child drowned in the lake
He drowned the kittens


The long drive made me drowsy.




They drugged the kidnapped tourist


He could hear the drums before he heard the fifes

Rain drummed against the windshield







Dry land
Dry humor
The dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers
A dry cow
A dry white burgundy
A dry cough
Dry sobs
A dry book
Ary weight
A dry run
Dry facts
Dry toast
His mouth was dry
A very dry martini is almost straight gin
A dry greeting

The laundry dries in the sun

Dry the clothes outside



A dual role for an actor
Ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek


They admitted the force of my argument but remained dubious




Before he could duck, another stone struck him.



Payment is due
All due respect
Gave my comments due consideration
The train is due in 1.minutes

Give the devil his due
The society dropped him for non-payment of dues


In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters




He was so dull at parties
Business is dull (or slow)
A dull glow
Dull greens and blues
A dull throbbing
The dull thud
The knife was too dull to be of any use
A dull gaze

Middle age dulled her appetite for travel
Age had dulled the surface


She was duly apprised of the raise

Struck dumb
Dumb animals



The company dumped him after many years of service
No dumping in these woods!


The dun and dreary prairie
She wore a dun raincoat


The grocer dunned his customers every day by telephone





The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone

A duplicate key

He made a duplicate for the files



They advertised the durability of their products

Hopes for a durable peace
Durable denim jeans
Less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys

The ceremony was of short duration

Confessed under duress



The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn

The furniture was covered with dust
Astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust

The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image
Dust the bread with flour
"dustbin","N","1.कचरा पेटी"
The container in which garbage is thrown is called a dustbin.

"dustcart","N","1.कूडआ गाडई"
The vehicle which collects garbage from door to door is called a dustcart.

The person who comes door to door to collect dust

"dustpan","N","1.डस्टपैन" #चौडए मुह वाला छोटा पात्र जिसका प्रयोग जमीन से धूल/मिटटी आदि को बहार कर उठाने के ल
इए किया जाता है
Use a dustpan to collect the garbage.

"dusty","Adj","1.धूल धूसरित"
Dry summer days will be dusty

"dutch","N","1.हॉलैण्ड देश के निवासीBAXA"
The friend who is visiting me this summer is a Dutch

The student wrote a dutiful latter to his teacher

It is the duty of the police to maintain law and order

Double duvet will be very comfortable on bed

A dwarf ran the tea shop on the street corner.

"dwell","V","1.निवास करना"
--"२.पर विचार करना"
--"३.पर देर तक बोलना"

"dwindle","V","1.क्षीण हो जाना"

My hope to travel in flight is dwindling

They use vegetable dyes for coloring the garments.

Clothes will be dyed to look attractive

It was her dying declaration.


Dynamic leadership is required for progress

Stones are broken into pieces by dynamites

"dynamo","N","1.डाइनामोSaktimApI" #भौतिक शक्ति को विद्युत उर्जा में परिवर्तित करने वाला यन्त्र
A cycles head lights work with the help of a dynamo

Mughal dynasty ruled India for many centuries.


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