Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : M

May I help you maam.

It is a macabre deed.

They have put macadam to lay the road.

"macaroni","N","1.मैकरोनीइटालियन व्यंजन"
The restaurant serves hot cheese macaroni at lunch time.

He used a mace to hit his victims.
The Mayors do not any more carry a mace.
Add some mace powder to add aroma to the dish.

Their machinations were quashed at an early stage.

Why dont you buy a sewing machine?.

The clock has a very sound machinery.
The government machinery needs to be restructured.

He is a machinist in that factory.

The young boys think it is macho to smoke.

Mackerel is a sea fish.

She wears a red mackintosh in rains.

"macro","Adj","1.बहुत बडआ"


He went completely mad.
On hearing the arrival of her father, she ran like mad.
The Principal was mad at the children for playing the practical joke on the new teaher.

Neeta is madly in love with Girish.

Will you sign this, madam?.


He is a typical madcap character.

It maddens her that she could not make the trip.
It maddens me to see his erratic behaviour.


"madeira","N","1.एक तरह की शराब"
They served madeira with dinner.


With the amount of noise,this class is like a madhouse.

"madman","N","1.पागल आदमी"
When he is angry he behaves like a madman.

"Madonna","N","1.कुमारी मरिया"

Madrigals are part song,often about love.

She was caught in a maelstrom.
They were all drawn into the maelstrom of independence movement.

Maestro Ravishankar left his audience speechless.

A group of criminals in Italy is called a Mafia.

Stardust is a monthly magazine.
--"२.पिस्तौल का पेट"
The magazine is empty of bullets.

"magenta","N","1.गहरा गुलाबी रंग"
The bridal dress was magenta with rich gold embroidery.

People use maggots as baits when they go fishing.


We saw a magic show at the fair.
Her singing is pure magic.

Ten is a magical number.

P C Sorcar is a renowned magician.

,Kindly finish your task, she said in a magisterial way.

He is a magistrate in the court.

Magma is found in the core of the earth.

He is a very rich and magnanimous person.

An oil magnate is a very important person.

Milk of magnesia helps constipation.

A magnet attracts objects made of iron.

She has a lot of personal magnetism.

He was magnetised by her soulful singing.

He has a magnetic personality.

The magneto of this engine is not working properly.

"magnificat","N","1.मरिया का भजन"

Taj Mahal is a magnificent monument.

The magnificence of Kashmirs beauty can not be denied.

"magnify","V","1.आवर्धन करना"
Microscope magnifies Bacteria.
--"२.बढा चढाकर कहना"
She tends to magnify the faults of people she dislikes.

The magnitude of Newtons discovery in the field of Physics cannot be denied.
The magnitude of the task was overwhelming.
The magnitude of brightness of a star.

"magnolia","N","1.सफेद या गुलाबी फूलोंवाला पेड"
The row of flowerin magnolia added a pleasant color to the garden.

A magnum of champagne.

Magpie is a bird.

Maharaja Ranjit singh ruled Punjab.

The road was lined with Mahogany trees.

A maid comes to clean the house.
Love between a man and a maid.

She is a pretty looking maiden.
Ravi Shastri bowled three consective maiden overs.
This is his maiden speech as the Principal.

The letter came in the mail today.
A coat of mail was worn by the soldiers.

"mailbag","N","1.पत्र रखने का थैला"
The mailbags were loaded in the mailvan.

"mailbox","N","1.लेटर बॉक्स"
A mailbox is red in colour.

I mailed the letter three days back.

"maim","V","1.अपंग बनना"
In a war, several soldiers are maimed.

The main street of a city.
He is in the main honest.
The service of this hotel is in the main reliable.

"mainland","N","1.मुख्य भूभाग"
During winters these tribes from the hills migrate to the mainland.

"mainspring","N","1.मुख्य प्रेरणा"
The love of literature was the mainspring of her life.
--"२.बडई कमानी"
The mainspring of the clock has broken.

"mainstay","N","1.मुख्य आधार"
A mother is the mainstay of a happy home.

The mainstream of political thought is with the left party.

"maintain","V","1.बनाए रखना"
Destpite his erratic behaviour she has been maintianing her friendship with him.
It is a big job to maintain a school.
--"३.निश्चयपूर्वक कहना"
He has always maintained that he is not guilty.
--"४.भरण पोषण करना"
He earns enough to maintain his family.

The maintenance of this building is very costly.
He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.

"maisonette","N","1.मकान का हिस्सा"
He has a cozy little maisonette in the big house round the corner.

They grow maize in their farm.

His house is majestic in design.

The sheer majesty of the mountain scenery from this point is unbelievable..

"His majesty","N","1.महाराजा"

"Her majesty","N","1.महारानी"

He has played a major role in my success.

The majority of the members voted for the motion.
This government does not have an absolute majority.

This table is made of wood.
She is making a beautiful dress.
She makes her own dresses.
Please make your beds before you go out.
He makes a lot of money by giving tutions.

The machinery is of an excellent make.

"make away with","PhrV","1.चोरीकरलेना"
The thieves made away with all the cash.

"make for","V","1.की ओर जाना"
When the interval came, everyone made for the tea stall.

"make_little_of","V","1.तुच्छ समझना"
He made little of her achievements.

"make off","V","1.भाग जाना"
The thieves made off in a stolen car.

"make out","N","1.सफल होना"
How are you making out with your boss?
--"२.लिख देना"
Please make out a cheque for me?
I cannot make out a word of what he says.

"make up","N","1.श्रृंगार"
Actors apply a lot of make up.
Jealousy is not a part of his make up.

God is the maker of this universe.

"make shift","N","1.कामचलाऊ"
She turned her store into a makeshift computer room.

"make weight","N","1.पासंग"
A make weight player in the team.

The film beautifully depicts the making of a great man.
He has the making of a successful lawyer.

A school of maladjusted children.

The government faces the charges of corruption and maladministration.

Maladroit handling of the crisis.

Inefficiency is one of the maladies afflicting these offices.

There are signs of a creeping malaise in our office.

He has malaria.

The strike was caused by a malcontent union.

My pet bitch has given birth to two male and three female pups.

Male of the species is very colorful.

The malefactors will be punished.

Beware of that malevolent man.

Excessive dose of calcium can also result in malformation of tender bones.

She did it out of malice.

He is all set to malign you.

A malign influence.

She has the malignant power over him.
Fortunately the tumor is not malignant.


"mall","N","1.मालएक बडई बिल्डिंग जिसके अन्दर पूरा बाजार हो"
A number of big malls are coming up in the city.

The lake was full of mallards.

Aluminium is a malleable metal.

In Africa ,a lot of children are malnourished.

The number of children suffering from malnutrition is higher in backward districts.

The drains of this colony are malodorous.

He was sent to jail for his alleged malpractices.


We should not maltreat animals.





Human beings are mammals.


He worships Mammon.

An extinct hairy elephant.

He has taken the mammoth task of cleaning the city.


All men are born free.
He is a self made man.
All officers and men in the Army are brave.
My man will drive you home.

The railway crossing at that point was not manned.

His hands were manacled behind his back"

He manages the shop single handed.
A teacher must know how to manage children.

One should opt for a family of manageable size.

The government has a reputation for sound economic management.

A hotel manager.

Foreign office mandarins do not have faith in their Ministers policies.
Market is flooded with mandarins this year.
He speaks Mandarin.

Our election victory has given us a clear mandate to go ahead with our policies.

It is mandatory for all the children to learn the local langauage.

Lions have a strong mandible.

The melodious sound of mandolin could be heard from the


Mane of a horse .



Horses are fed from a manger.

"mange-tout","N","1.एक तरह का मटर"

"mangled","Adj","1.क्षत विक्षत"
There were a lot of mangled bodies at the accident site.

His hand was caught in the machine accidently and was totally mangled.

Mango is the king of fruits.

Next to the lake is a big mangrove.

A mangy dog.

He was manhandled by a group of youths.

A manhole cover.

To reach manhood.
He is always on the look out to prove his manhood.

"manhunt","N","1.खोज बीन"
To catch a dreaded criminal, the police organised a manhunt.

She has a mania for cleanliness.

He is a homicidal maniac.
He is driving like a maniac.

"manicure","N","1.नख प्रसाधन"
She has a manicure once a week.

A manifest truth.
--"२.व्यक्त करना"
The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.

"manifesto","N","1.घोषणा पत्र"
The party released its manifesto.

He is a man of manifold interests.

"manila","N","1.खाकी कागज"
Manila envelopes.

To manipulate the gears and levers of a machine.
He manipulates people with his sweet talk.

"mankind","N","1.मानव जाति"
The invention of the wheel was beneficial to the mankind.

He looked manly in a soldiers uniform..



There were beautiful mannequins in the shop.

He runs the business in a profitable manner.
To have a charming manner.
He should not have behaved in this manner.


He devised a crafty manoeuvre to outwit the police.

He manoeuvred the car rapidly and avoided the truck.

He is the lord of the manner.

There was a shortage of manpower in the factory.

She is a dancer manque.

"mansard","N","1.दुढालू छत"

He ordered the manservant to clean the car.

In th edistance was a dilapidated mansion.

The police charged him with manslaughter.


Hills with a mantle of snow.

Gayatri mantra.

I have manual sewing machine.
I need a car maintenance manual.

He wants to manufacture cars.
A news story manufactured by unscrupulous journalists.

An electronics manufacturer.

Cow dung manure is good for floering plants.

A medieval manuscript.
To submit a manuscript to a publisher.

There were too many guests in the party.

A map of Indian sub-continent.

"map","V","1.योजना बनाना"
She mapped out her ideas for the new project.


The earthquake marred the town.

"marathon","N","1.लम्बी दौड"
To run a marathon.
--"२.बहुत लम्बा"
He won a marathon legal battle.

The colony was overrun by marauding bands of hooligans.

The Taj Mahal is made of marble.
He collects marbles as a hobby.

To march like a soldier.
She marched into his office and demanded an apology.

Margarine is made out of vegetable fat.

Leave wide margins.
The margin of a lake.
--"२.अतिरिक्त राशि"
To make a comfortable profit margin.

"marginal","Adj","1.हाशिये का"
These are marginal points and can be discussed later.
--"२.बहुत कम"
This will have a marginal effect on the countrys economy.

Marigold is a yellow flower.

He started taking marijuana in his teens.

Marine animals.



Dont ever hope for marital bliss.

Great maritime nations.
The maritime states of Indian subcontinent.


There was a coffee mark on my white skirt.
He got the highest marks in maths.
The arrow missed its mark.
The war has left its mark on the country.

Mark the items which have been checked.
You will be in trouble ,just mark my words.

He has made a marked contribution to this field.

Motorway marker posts show the way to the nearest telephone.

"mark-down","N","1.मूल्य घटना"
A mark-down of 20% on last months prices has beenobserved.

She has gone to the market to buy vegetables.

The market place was packed with the holiday shoppers.

"market-price","N","1.अंकित मूल्य"
He was able to buy a car much below the market-price.

This has proved to be a highly marketable product.

We should adopt high powered marketing strategies.

He is an accompolished marksman.

He is known for his accurate marksmanship.


"marlin","N","1.समुद्री मछली"

Marmalade is eaten for breakfast.

"marmoset","N","1.अफ्रीकन बंदर"
All the children had crowded in front of the cage which had marmosets in it.

"maroon","Adj","1.गाढा भूरा रंग"
She was wearing a maroon sweater.

"maroon","V","1.असहाय छोडना"
He was marooned on the road after his car broke down.

For her wedding, there was a big marquee in the garden.

"marquetry","N","1.जडआऊ कामलकडईपरलकडईसे"
The shop has the best marquetry furniture in town.

He marriage is on next Sunday.

The marriageable age.

"marriage-license","N","1.विवाह अनुज्ञा"
He has misplaced his marriage license.

"marriage certificate","N","1.विवाह प्रमाणपत्र"
They were issued a marriage certificate after their marriage.

"marriage guidance","N","1.विवाहकेलियेसलाह"
Suman and Ravi werre advised to take marriage guidence.

"marriage licence","N","1.विवाह अनुज्ञा"
The police asked the couple to show their their marriage licence.

Rachel and David are getting married on wednesday.

The icy wind chilled me up to the marrow.
Marrow is used in salads.

"marry","V","1.विवाह करना"
Her uncle forced her to marry a rich person.
She has been married for 20 years.

Mars is the notable planet among the planets and stars for
its red color.

"marsala","N","1.एक तरह का मद्य"
Sicily is famous for itस् marsala.

"marsh","N","1.दल दल"
Dont go to play in marsh, or you will get dirty.

"marsh gas","N","1.मीथेन"
Marsh gas is a poisonous gas.

"marshal","V","1.क्रम से रखना"
the children were marshalled in to the ground by their teachers.

"marsh land","N","1.कच्चभूमि/दलदल"
His foot got slipped in the marsh land.

"marsh mallow","N","1.एक प्रकार की मिठाई"
I went to the store to buy some marsh mallows.

"marsupial","Adj","1.धानी प्राणी"
Have you ever noticed the opposums marsupial?

Marten is one among the mongoose species.

"martial","Adj","1.युद्ध संबंधी"
India is developing the martial technics.

"martial arts","N","1.युद्धविद्या"
BuxXist monks were much familiar with martial arts.

"martial law","N","1.सैनिक कानून"
Some of the South Asian countries are in rule with martial laws.

The martian year lasts 670 days.

"martin","N","1.अबाबील चिडइया"
Martin belongs to the sparrow bird family.

"martinet","N","1.कठोर अनुशासक"
They soon discovered that the new teacher is martinet.

"martini","N","1.एक प्रकार की शराब"
At the hotel, martini was served with food.

Netaji like warriors were the martirs of the independence.

Salute martyrdom of our brave soldiers.

Its a marvel that he escaped unhurt.

Children like tales of marvellous things, like that of sindabad, the sailor.

Some political parties are following marxism, even now.

Chainas leaders are devoted marxisists.

"marzipan","N","1.बादाम की मिठाई"
Marzipan was shaped and coloured to look like apples.

After applying mascara she looked beautiful.

The regimental mascot is a leopard.

The teacher asked us to write five masculine names.

A mash of snow covered the mountain.

She conceals her worries behind a mask of cheerfulness.

The thief had masked his features with a stocking.

"masked ball","N","1.नृत्य जिसमें अतिथि मुखौटे पहनते है"
Jane and Jack arranged a masked ball.


We need a mason to complete the building.

The masonry work of the house is over.


Her sorrow is just a masquerade.

There was masses of dark clouds in the sky.
There were masses of people at the funeral.
--"३.क्रीस्त याग"
You should go to the mass.

"mass","V","1.एकत्र होनाkaranA"
The general massed his troops for final attack.

"mass media","N","1.सम्पर्क साधन"
At present mass media is the means to reach a large number of people.

"mass produce","V","1.बडई संख्या में उत्पादन करना"
The company mass produces rubber goods.

"massacre","V","1.कडई पराजय देना"
We were massacred in the final.

There was a blood massacre of innocent civilians.

The doctor recommended massage for her back pain.

"massaue","N","1.मालिश करने वाला"
He is a massaue by profession.

"massage parlour","N","1.मालिशकरनेकीदुकान"
He has gone to a massage parlour.

The rocky massif was already splatched with golden aspens.

It is a massive machine.

He sailed two years before the mast.

She had mastectomy operation.

He is the master of the house.
The museum had some of the old masterss classical paintings.
I went to my masters house to clear some doubts in maths.

"master class","N","1.संगीतपाठ"
There is a master class in the school.

"master key","N","1.सर्वकुञ्जी"
Robbers use master keys to open different locks.

"master of ceremonies","N","1.विधिनायक"
Rashmi was the master of ceremonies at the function.

"master plan","N","1.जटिल परिस्थिति की विजय योजना"
It was all part of his masterplan to gain control over the company.

"master degree","N","1.स्नातकोत्तर उपाधि"
You shall take a master-degree in English.

Her performance was masterful in the play.

"master mind","N","1.अतिचतुर"
He is the mastermind behind the project.

"master piece","N","1.श्रेष्ठ कृति"
The ninth symphony was Beethovens master piece.

She has achieved mastery of several languages.

"masthead","N","1.मस्तूल शिखर"

We applied mastic on our roofs and window frames.

Food should be masticated for proper digetion.

"mastitis","N","1.स्तन की सूजत"
The cow was suffering from mastitis.

"masturbate","V","1.हस्तमैथुन करना"

She kept the dead boby on the mat.

The matador was killed in a bull fight.

He would play a foodball match against his formar champions.
Ive found a vase thats an exact match of one we already have.
She made a good match when she married him.

"match box","N","1.दियासलाई की डिबिया"
We need a match box to light the fire.

"match maker","N","1.शादी तय करने वाला व्यक्ति"
She was a successful match maker.

"match stick","N","1.दियासलाई"
His legs are like match sticks.

"match wood","N","1.तीलियों का काष्ठ"
A boat reduced to match wood on the rocks.

Hes off for a drink with his mates.
The bird seems to have lost his mate.

Hard work was a material in his success.

He is the person who believes in materialism.

He was a materialist by thought.

It is a materialistic society.

"materialize","V","1.मूर्तरूप देना"
He claimed that he can materialize the ghosts.

She feels maternal towards him.

He took his wife tothe maternity hospital as the case of emergency.

"maternity leave","N","1.प्रसूति छुट्टी"
Radhika has applied for maternity leave.

"maternity pay","N","1."
She was paid her maternity pay by the employer.

Don"t get too matey with him, he cant be trusted.

He is poor in mathematics.

"mathematical","Adj","1.गणित सम्बन्धी"
She has a fine mathematical brain.

She is a very good mathematician.

"matinee","N","1.सिनेमा अपराह्ण"
They have gone to the theatre for matinee.

"matins","N","1.सुबह की प्रार्थना"
The church of England attend matins every Sunday.

"matriarch","N","1.मातृ सत्ता"
All the religions have their own matriarch.

Kerala is the only state where you find matriarchy families.

"matriculate","V","1.पंजीकृत करना"
When did you matriculate?

"matrimony","N","1.वैवाहिक जीवन"
You will be joined in holy matrimony.

He lived within the European cultural matrix.

The matron gave us the instruction.

Will this paint give a gloss or a matt finish.

I dont discuss private matters with my collegues.

"for that matter","IDM","1.तत्सम्बन्धित"
Dont talk like that to your mother, or to anyone else for that matter.

"a matter of course","N","1.स्वाभाविक बात"
I check my in-tray every morning as a matter of course.

"a matter of openion","N","1.विचारणीय विषय"
She is a good singer that is a matter of openion.

"matter of fact","Adj","1.तथ्यात्मक"
She told us the news in a very matter of fact way.

"no laughing matter","N","1.गम्भीर विषय"
It is no laughing matter that our country is facing an economic crisis.

Floors are covered with coconut mattings.

"mating","N","1.सुबह की प्रार्थना"
My friend Rosy attends matins every saturday.

The gardener was working with a mattock.

Some matresses contain springs.

"mature","Adj","1.पूर्ण विकसित"
Hes not mature enough to be given too much responsibility.
--"२.पका हुआ"
The survey report was that the fruits were not mature enough to be sold.

My plan gradually reached the point of maturation.

"matzo","N","1.एक तरह की रोटी"
Matzo is eaten by Jews.

He behaves like a maudlin when he drinks.

"maul","V","1.क्षतविक्षत करना"
The lion mauled the man in no time.
Her novel was badly mauled by the critics.

"maunder","V","1.बकवास करना"
I mustnt keep maundering about my silly problems.

"maundy thursday","N","1.पुण्य बृहस्पतिवार"
We go to church on maundy thursday.

Taj mahal is a mausoleum of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan.

She looks pretty in that maurve chess.

"marverick","N","1.स्वतन्त्र व्यक्ति"
Politically, shes a real maverick.

A small company disappearing in the maw of gaint conglomerate.

"mawkish","Adj","1.अति भावुक"
It was a mawkish film.

"maxim","N","1.नीति वचन"
`Where there is a will there is a way is a maxim.

Try to obtain maximal benifit from the course.

"maximize","V","1.उच्चतम सीमा तक बढआना"
We must maximize our profits.

The maximum temperature recorded in July was 30 degree C.
The maximum load for this truck is one ton.

May is the fifth month of the year.

This medicine may soothe your cough.

"may flowers","N","1.हावथार्न के फूल"
She decorated the table with may flowers.

"may be","Adv","1.सम्भवत
May be it is a holiday today.

"may day","N","1.मई दिवस"
May day is celebrated as a labour day.
--"२.रेडियो संसूचक"
The coast guards received a may day from a lost ship.

"may fly","N","1.मई की मक्की"
May fly is an insect which appears only in the month of may.

Drunken booligans were creating maythem on streets.

"mayonnaise","N","1.पीली चटनी"
Mayonnaise is offered as an accompaniment at dinner.
People were annoyed when they found that the mayor had deceived them.

He looked fine in mayoral robes.

His mayorality is till the end of this year.

The Mayoress accompanied the Mayor to the function.
Mrs.Shivani is the new Mayoress of this town.

"maypole","N","1.मईपोलसज्जित खम्बा जिसके चारों ओर लोग मई दिवस पे नृत्य करते हैं"
The dance around the maypole was very charming.

The narrow alleys of the city formed a very confusing maze.
It is impossible to find ones way through the maze of terminology in this book.

"mazurka","N","1.पोलिश नृत्यचार या आठ जोडों के लिए"
It was fun learning the mazurka.

"MB","N","1.चिकित्सा में स्नातक"
I hope she becomes a good doctor after completing her MB.

"MBA","N","1.एम.बी.ए.वाणिज्य प्रशासन में स्नातकोत्तर"
Todays competitive world substantiates a professional degree like MBA.

"MBE","N","1.ब्रिटिश राज्य का सदस्य"
India was once a part of MBE.

"MC","N","1.कॉंगरेस सदस्य"
After becoming a MC she is now looking for the post of PM"
--"२.सेना पदकब्रिटेनमें"
He has been awarded an MC for bravery.

"MCC","N","1.राष्ट्रीय परिषद का सदस्य"

"McCoy","N","1.वास्तविक वस्तु"
Be sure what you buy is McCoy.

"MD","N","1.स्नतकोत्तर चिकित्सक"
He is an MD in paediatrics.
The MD of the Company has come up with new policies.

I requested her to give the books back to me.

"mead","N","1.शहद की शराब"
To make the mead is easier than to obtain the honey.

"meadow","N","1.घास का मैदान"
The sight of thousands of sheep in the lush green medow is enthralling.

No one could survive on the meagre rations provided by the captors.

"meal ticket","N","1.कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जिससे भोजन की व्यवस्था हो"
He slept on an empty stomach, as his search for a meal ticket was fruitless.

A meal should be taken at the proper time.
If you want to loose weight stop eating between meals.

"-meal","N","1.अनाज का चूरा"
The intense floods caused the entire family to survive on oatmeal for days.

"mealtime","N","1.भोजन का समय"
Its a good idea to have a fixed mealtime for the entire family.

"mealy-mouthed","Adj","1.बात को टालने वाला"
To avoid misunderstandings its better not to be mealy mouthed.

To win, they needed a good mean run rate.
You should find a means to reach there.

I didnt mean to insult him.
I wish I had understood what she meant.

He is a very mean person.

The river meandered from the hills on to the plains.
They spent the morning meandering through the forest.
The discussion meandered to new topics.

They were lost in the meanderings.

The meaning of the phrase was not very clear to me.

The sentences you make should be meaningful.

He looked at her meaningfully.

Its meaningless to walk on without a goal.

The means are more important than the achievements.
He does not have the means to support the prifessional education of his children.

"meantime","Adv","1.इसी बीच"
Meantime, the losses continue to hit the company hard.

"meanwhile","Adv","1.इसी दौरान"
Meanwhile the people kept prospering.

Measles is no longer the dreaded disease it used to be.

"measly","Adj","1.बहुत कम मात्रा में"
She was aggrieved to see the measly portions served to the children.

"measurable","Adj","1.मापने योग्य"
The amount of loss incurred by him is not measurable.

He measured the lenght of the room.
Can one really measure the ability of a candidate in a ten minute interview?
The lenght of the trouser measures 41 inches.
She never measures the effect of what she is going to say.

It is advisable to ascertain the correct measure of every thing purchased.

His answers are always well measured.

The tailor made a mistake in the measurement.

"measuring-tape","N","1.मापक यत्रं"
The tailor lost his Measuring-tape.

The doctors have advised that red meat may be harmful to the heart.
The fifth chapter of the book is actually the meat of the authos argument.

"meatball","N","1.छोटे टुकडों में कटे मॉंस के गोले"
Meatballs are a speciality of that restaurant.

"mecca","N","1.मक्कामुसलमानों का तीर्थ"
The Government makes special arrangements for pilgrims to visit Mecca every year.

It is better to consult a mechanic than to always try self-help.

Today even lives have become highly mechanical.

She continued to do her work mechnically.

Parents have expressed doubts about school students capability to cope with the complex subject of Mechanics.

Not only the goal but the mechanism to achieve it should also be right.

He sure has excellent mechanistic capabilities.

There is a race to mechanise things today.


She received a gold medal for her excellent performance.

"medallion","N","1.बडा पदक"
He received the Medallion for risking his life to save people.

"meddle","V","1.काम में हस्तक्षेप करना"
He has to meddle when one is working.

"meddler","N","1.काम में हस्तक्षेप करने वाला"
He has earned a reputation as a meddler.

"meddlesome","Adj","1.हस्तक्षेपकरनेमेंलीन रहनेवाला"
People are disgusted with his meddlesome manner.

He spoils everything with his meddling.

The media plays a big role in creating doubts in peoples minds.

The study of mediaeval history makes an interesting reading.

He always goes to the extreme, never to the median point.

He begged his friends to mediate with the authorities to improve the situation.

"mediation","N","1.बीचबचाव करना"
He is willing to go for mediation before the final step.

"mediator","N","1.बीचबचाव करने वाला"
He has taken on the role of a mediator.

"medic","N","1.डाक्टर/आयुर्विज्ञान का विद्यार्थी"
She plans to become a medic after completing school.

"medicaid","N","1.मेडिकेडगरीबों को दवा एव उपचार उपलब्ध कराने की एक योजना"
Medicaid is a boon to the poor.

Medical science has made tremendous progress in last few years.

He has created Medical history.

"medical officer","N","1.चिकित्सा अधिकारी"
The Medical Officer was caught unawares by the emergency.

He is in dire need of medicament.

"medicated","Adj","1.दवा युक्त"
The drink was medicated to put him to sleep.

"medication","N","1.दवा का प्रयोग"
Too much medication is not recommended.

The herb has excellent medicinal qualities.

The medicine is beyond my means.

I would prefer to follow a certified medicos advice.

We can learn a lot from medieval times history.

Hes a mediocre candidate in all aspects.

"meditate","V","1.तपस्या करना"
It has been proved that it is good to meditate.

Meditation is cure for soul like medicine for body.

"meditative","Adj","1.सोचने में मग्न"
I was in a meditative mood when she surprised me.

It would be fun to explore the Mediterranean.

I dont like too bright or too light colours, medium suits me fine.

"medium wave","N","1.मध्य तरंग"
The program would be broadcast on Medium wave of AIR.

"medley","N","1.अलग अलग का मेलचीजों या व्यक्तियों"
The fashion of medley mixes is in.

"meek","Adj","1.दब्बू/अहंकार रहित"
He is a pretty meek fellow.

Once proved guilty he sat down meekly.

Meekness is not always a virtue.

I dont know whether I would like to meet her.
The Prime MInister met his cabinet for the talks.
The Indian team met the Australians in the finals.
It is impossible to meet the deadline under the present circumstances.

The meeting was postponed due to the strike.
The meeting of the two friends after a gap of ten years was accidental.

"meeting House","N","1.बैठक घर"
The meeting house was not large enough to accommodate all.

"mega","Adj","1.बहुत बडआ"
It was a mega event.

"megabyte","N","1.कम्प्यूटर की स्मृति का माप"
The more megabytes the better the computer efficiency.

The frequency was quite a few megahertz.

"megalith","N","1.बडआ पत्थर"
The entire structure rested on a megalith.

"megalithic","Adj","1.बडए पत्थरों का बना हुआ"
It was a megalithic structure.

"megalomania","N","1.की तीव्रलालसा"
He has megalomania for power.

"megalomaniac","N","1.के लिए पागल"

Megaphones should be banned since they cause noise pollution.

"megastar","N","1.बडसितारामनोरंजन के क्षेत्र में"
He never expected to become a megastar one day.

"megaton","N","1.बहुत बडआ धमाका"
The chorus of crackers sounded like a megaton.

Dont leave things uncovered, use the melamine.

Eversince the death of her son she has been in a state of melancholy.

He has a chronic case of melancholia.


What would you gain by being melancholic now.

India is a melange of different cultures..

He is white due to deficiency of melanin.

"melanoma","N","1.चमडई पर एक गहरा दागजिससे कैंसर हो सकता है"
Not all melanoma is cancerous, but it always pays to get it checked.

The exhibits meld the tradtional crafts and modern hi-tech products.

A melee of media persons crowded outside the parliament.

People adore her due to her mellifluous speech.

He is a very mellow person.

She is a melodious singer.

He is fond of melodrama.

Her entry is always melodramatic.

"melodramatically","Adv","1.अतिनाटकीयता से"
She presented her case melodramatically.

"melody","N","1.मधुर संगीत"
Her voice is full of melody.

I love melon.

Eat the ice-cream, dont wait for it to melt.

"meltdown","N","1.परमाणु दुर्घटना"
It was a terrifying meltdown.

I could see the metal melting.

"melting point","N","1.तापमान जिस पर पदार्थ पिघलता है"
Every substance has a different melting point.

Only a member is allowed in the club.

He has finally received his membership card.

He got a shock on removing the membrane.

The vase is a memento of our time in Italy.

The offending officer was immediately issued a memo.

It is a well written memoire of his stay in the war-ridden region.

Well, the ornate box is a memorabilia of her stay in China.

It was a memorable trip.

He was shocked to receive the memorandum.

India Gate is a memorial for those who died to keep us safe.

"memorial day","N","1.यादगार दिवस"
Let us celebrate the memorial day with new resolves.

"memorialise","V","1.यादगार दिवस मनाना"
Let us memorialise this event.

"memorise","V","1.याद करना"
Memorise the tables properly.

She has a sharp memory.

Dennis is definitely not a menace.

The monster in the movie was menacing.

The entire menage went on a pleasure trip.

"menagerie","N","1.जानवरों का समूह"
His menagerie was discovered in time.

"mend","V","1.ठीक करना"
Please mend my trousers.

It does not pay to be mendacious.

"mender","N","1.ठीक करने वाला"
Let me take it to the mender.

Once prosperous he now leads the life of a mendicant.

"mend","V","1.ठीक करना"
No need of mending my shirt, I have rejected it.

The menfolk went on a hunting trip.

"menial","Adj","1.छोटा काम"
A job is never menial.

"meningitis","N","1.गर्दन तोड बुखार"
He survived meningitis but suffered for the rest of his life.

"menopause","N","1.मासिक धर्म का बंद हो जाना"
Regular medical advice should be taken by women approaching menopause.

"menses","N","1.मासिक धर्म"
She has very painful menses.

"menstrual","Adj","1.मासिक धर्म से संबन्धित"
Consult a doctor for your menstrual problems.

"menswear","N","1.आदमियों के कपडे"
She is expert in designing menswear.

He is going through lot of mental anguish.
He has a mental problem.

"mentally","Adj","1.मानसिक रूप से"
He is mentally challenged, not retarded.

"mentality","N","1.मानसिक दशा"
He has a sick mentality.

"menthol","N","1.पुदीने का सत"
Apply some menthol to the knee, it would help you"

Dont mention about my trip to anyone.

The above mentioned points have to be considered seriously.

"mentor","N","1.विश्वसनीय सलाहकार"
I would not have been successful without my mentor.

The menu does not list the snack items in that hotel.

He is expert in all mercantile methods.

Ive yet to see another mercenary like him.

"merchandise","N","1.व्यापारी माल"
The merchandise was lost at sea.

The merchant was elated with the find.

"merchantable","Adj","1.व्यापार योग्य"
Its not difficult to find a new merchantable item.

"merchant Bank","N","1.व्यापार के लिए कर्ज देने वाला अधिकोष"
To begin a business approach a Merchant Bank.

"merchant Navy","N","1.व्यापारी जहाज"
Hes going to join the merchant navy soon.

He is a very merciful person.

She is mean & merciless.

"mercurial","Adj","1.पारा युक्त दवा"
Be careful of the dosage of the mercurial medicine"
She has a mercurial mind.

Mercury is a heavy substance"
How about a trip to Mercury.

Please show mercy to others.

Mercifully, he was set free.

Animals are butchered mercilessly.

"mercy killing","N","1.दया करके मारना"
There is a debate on mercy killing in the medical cirles.

Go jump in the mere, youll soon learn swimming.

A mere Rs. 50/- cannot feed my family.

"meretricious","Adj","1.बनावटी शोभा युक्त"
Her house is meretricious.

"merge","V","1.विलय करना"
The two concerns decided to merge.

The merger was okayed by the board.

Where will you go in this meridian heat.

"meringue","N","1.एक प्रकार की मिठाई"
Have some more meringue.

"merino","N","1.भेड की एक जाति"
We saw thousands of Merino in Kashmir.

He has obtained this job on merit only.

She is a merited candidate.

The job has been completed in a meritorious fashion.

"merlin","N","1.छोटा बाज"
The Merlins flight was a glorious sight.

Mermaid exists only in stories, or do they?

My merriment knew no bounds.

The party was merry.

"merrymaking","N","1.खुशी मनाना"
There is a time & place for merrymaking.

They climbed up the mesa to get a better view.

He was addicted to mescaline.

Use a mesh to keep the mosquitoes away.
The fish got stuck in the mesh.

"mesh","V","1.जाल में फसनाPasAnA"
They meshed the reptiles.

Her eyes were mesmeric.

He mesmerised her with his knowledge.

Lets eat in the mess.
Please clear the mess.
He is in a real mess.
They asked the kids to clean the mess in the room.

"mess up","PhrV","1.गडबडईकरना"
He messed up the whole program.

"messy","Adj","1.फैला हुआ"
The room is very messy.

How messily they eat.

How can one tolerate this messiness.

Luckily the message reached on time.

The messenger lost his way.

Dont wait for a messiah, work to achieve what you want.

Messrs X&Z planned to expand their business.

"Met","N","1.मौसम विभाग"
The Met forecast proved to be off target yet again.

"metabolism","N","1.रस प्रक्रिया"
Metabolism keeps living beings alive.

Gold is a precious metal.

"metal detector","N","1.धातु खोजक"
He was sure he would find fortune with his metal detector.

"metal fatigue","N","1.धातु कमजोरी"
The box cracked due to metal fatigue.

"metalwork","N","1.धातु पर कार्य"
He is excellent in metalwork.

Its tough to understand the metalanguage spoken on shop floors.

"metallic","N","1.धातु जैसा"
The water had a metallic taste.

"metallurgy","N","1.धातु विज्ञान"
He is planning a career in metallurgy.

The metamorphose that occured in her in just a few days was astonishing.

"metamorphosis","N","1.आकार बदलना"
It is interesting to study metamorphosis of a frog.

He is fond of using metaphors in his speech.

He is a specialist of Metaphysics.


"mete out","PhrV","1.देना/भुगतवाना"
The court meted out severe penalties for the offenders.

People were very eager to see the meteor shower.

"meteorite","N","1.टूटा हुआ तारा"
The white streak across the sky was a meteorite.

"meteorology","N","1.मौसम विज्ञान"
She would be taking up a course in meteorology soon.

Please use another meter as this one is giving an incorrect reading.

"methane","N","1.दलदल की वायु"
People are disgusted with the smell of methane near their homes.

The method she adopted was correct.

Approach the solution in a methodical manner.

His family is fed up of his methodism.

He is a die hard methodogist.

She is an extremely meticulous worker.

The metre was very catching.
I bought two metres of the material for her dress.

We follow a metric system of measurement.

India has four Metros.
--"२.भूमिगत रेल"
There is a proposal to start Metro in Delhi as well.

Use a metronome for your practical project.

Its not easy to bear the grind of a Metropolis.

Delhi is the most polluted metropolitan city of India"

His mettle is extra ordinary.

"mew","N","1.सागर का पक्षी"
The flock of mew over the sea was a wondrous sight.
The cats mew will drive me crazy.

Clean up the mews properly.

You would have to redecorate the mezzanine soon.

"miasma","N","1.दूषित वायु"
The city is plagued with miasma.

Mica is a mineral composed of aluminium silicate.

Mice are creating a havoc here.

"michaelmas","N","1.संत माईकल की याद में बडआ दिन"
Lets celebrate the Michaelmas.

"mickey","N","1.मिकीहवाईजहाजों से बम फेंकने का यंत्र"
Use the Mickey carefully.

He is trying to invent a micro device.

"microbe","N","1.सूक्ष्म कीटाणु"
She studies the harmful microbes.

"microbiology","N","1.अणुजीव विज्ञान"
He is a professor of Microbiology.

"microchip","N","1.माइक्रोचिपधातु से बनी एक चीज जो संगणक में प्रयुक्त होती है"
Microchip technology has advanced a lot since its inception.

"microcomputer","N","1.सूक्ष्म संगणक"
Robot has a microcomputer for a brain.

"microcosm","N","1.सूक्ष्म ब्रह्माण्ड"
The city is a microcosm of the entire country.

"microfiche","N","1.लघुफिल्म की छोटी परत"
Keep the microfiche carefully.

I have misplaced the microfilm.

"microlight","N","1.छोटा और हलका हवाईजहाज"
He planned to travel by a Microlight.

"micron","N","1.मीटर का दसलाखवा भाग"
Measurement of the rainbow colours is made in microns.

"micro-organism","N","1.सूक्ष्म जीव"
Not all micro-organism are harmful.

Use the microphone so that people can hear you clearly.

"microprocessor","N","1.छोटा संगणक"
The microprocessor experiment was very successful.

Microscope helps see the micro-organisms clearly"

Bacteria & virus are microscopic"

"microwave","N","1.सूक्ष्म तरंग"
We purchased a new microwave oven"

Finish the story dont leave it in the mid.

"Midas touch","N","1.हर काम से फायदा होना"
He sure seems to have a Midas touch.

Come home by midday.

Dont leave things in the middle of the room.

You have to reach some middle point in this case.

"middle class","N","1.मध्य श्रेणी"
Middle class suffers the most from these price hikes.

"middle east","N","1.मध्य पूर्व"
We had a pleasanrt trip to the middle-east.

"middlebrow","Adj","1.ज्यादा बुद्धिमान नहीं"
His books are very popular with the middlebrow readers.

He was lucky to have an experienced middleman to help him.

"middling","Adj","1.मध्य श्रेणी का"
Dont always buy middling objects.

"midfield","N","1.मैदान का मध्य"
The player fainted midfield due to the heat.

The place is swarmed by midges in the twilight.

"midget","N","1.बौना आदमी"
The midget was life of the show.

They made a trip to the midlands.

The earthquake at midnight woke up everyone.

Walk to the midpoint and then back.

"mid-range","Adj","1.मध्यम श्रेणी का"
Buy only mid-range things for now.

His midriff was paining.

He is an able midshipman.

She feels uncomfortable in the midst of strangers.

Row near the edge, not in midstream.

"midsummer","N","1.गर्मियों का मध्य"
We all meet in the midsummer holidays.

"mid-term","Adj","1.सत्र के बीच में"
They enjoyed the mid-term break.

"midway","Adj","1.बीच का मार्ग"
There has to be some midway solution.

"midweek","N","1.सप्ताह का मध्य"
He is tired by midweek only.

The midwife is very experienced one.

"midwinter","N","1.शीतकाल का मध्य"
They had their midwinter vacations sooner due to the snow.

She was perplexed by his mien.

She was a bit miffed at his ignorance.

Might is not always right.

Call before you go, as he might not be expecting you.
He might get upset if we do not go there.

He was a mighty king.
He had a mighty personality which terrified all.

She is mighty pleased with his achievements.

She has been suffering from migraine since last two days.

India has a number of migrants from Bangladesh.

"migrate","V","1.दूसरे देश में जाना"
Disillusioned due to the bureaucracy she decided to migrate.

Migration of qualified professionals is a big problem.

Each year the migratory birds come to our country.

No one heard a word as the mike was not functioning.

He has a very mild nature.
he was given a mild punishment.
The taste of the food is qute mild in this restaurant.

During the monsoon one must spray the plants aganist the mildew.

He spoke mildly but firmly.

Everyone appreciates his mildness in a crises.

He was advised to jog a mile everyday.

"mileage","N","1.मीलों की संख्या"
The vehicle had a good mileage.

"miler","N","1.एक मील दौडने वाला"
He who runs a mile is a miler.

"milestone","N","1.मील का पत्थर"
Keep a tab on the milestones, we turn at no. 42"

Do you need to smoke & pollute the milieu more than it already is.

The militant elements in the organization triggered the controvery.

The violent demonstraion is a proof of growing millitancy amongst the youth.

The borders were militarized after the threat of war.

This militarism is not going to take the nation far.

His milistaristic speech aggravated the situaion.

The military helped restore peace in the region.

"military base","N","1.सेना का आश्रय"
The military base was off limits to everyone.

Drink a glass of milk everyday.

Milk the cow twice everyday.

What would a city brat know about milking.

"milkmaid","N","1.दूध दुहने वाली"
The milkmaid was very efficient.

The milkman was dishonest.

"milksop","N","1.डरपोक आदमीlaDakA"
He is such a milksop, he can not help you.

Her cloths were milky white.
They serve milky tea.

"milky way","N","1.आकाश गंगा"
The milky way on a clear night is a fascinating sight.

Walk straight up front. A while later you will find a mill on your left, just opposite it is the library.
The mill closed down due to lack of funds.

Mill the wheat properly.

We would witness the beginning of a new millennium soon.

"miller","N","1.मिल मालिक"
The miller was a generous man.

"millet","N","1.मोटा अनाज"
All he had was a few grams of millet.

Milli- is a prefix for thousands such as milligram, millimeter etc.

Atmospheric pressure is measured in millibars.

Only a few milligrams of the drug were lethal enough.

Pour 1.millilitre of chemical into the burette.

The cloth was a few millimetre shorter than required.

"milliner","N","1.महिलाओं के हैट बेचनेवाला"
He is a very famous milliner of that city.

"million","N","1.दस लाख"
We would be happier with a million laughs than with a million rupees.

Even though not so rich, he was a millionaire at heart.

"millipede","N","1.लाखों पैर वाला"
Studying the millipedes was a great adventure.

"millisecond","N","1.क्षण का लाखवां भाग"
It seemed that everything happened in just a millisecond.

"millpond","N","1.चक्की चलाने के लिए निर्मित तालाब"
The millpond was dry due to neglect.

"millstone","N","1.चक्की का पत्थर"
Grind the millstone & earn your bread.

The milometer of most taxis is broken"

He is a great mime artist.

"mime","V","1.नकल करना"
It is fun to mime the teachers.

"mimetic","Adj","1.नकल करने वाला"
She is a born mimetic.

Monkeys & parrots are great mimics.

"mimic","V","1.नकल करना"
He can mimic his teachers well.

"mimosa","N","1.पीले फूलों का पेड"
The lawns are surrounded by mimosa.

"mimicry","N","1.नकल करना"
He is expert at performing mimicry events.

The minaret is a cultural heritage.

His tone was very minatory.

"mince","V","1.छोटा छोटा काटना"
Mince the potatoes & tomatoes properly.

Hed make mincemeat of anyone saying a word against his family.

She spoke in a soft mincing voice.

Her mind was full of scary thoughts.
He has a sharp mind.
She could not remeber anything. Her mind went totally blank.
The illness has effected her mind.
He is in his late eighties but his mind is as alert as it was earlier.
Study in the morning with a fresh mind.
He is one of the greatest minds of his period.
Do not let your mind deviate from your work.

He does not mind the noise.
He does not mind if I borrow his books.
I do not mind him smoking occasionally.
Mind your language.
Dont mind his rudeness.
Would you mind the baby for an hour.

"minded","Adj","1.दिमाग वाला"
He is a keen minded person.

Be mindful of the difficult road.

"mindfully","Adv","1.सावधानी से"
Please drive mindfully.

He has averted many dangers with his mindfulness.

She is a mindless fool.

The money I earn is mine to spend as I wish.

The mine had to be closed because of the flooding.

Be careful they are mining for coal in this area.

The area is an old minefield, still dangerous.

"miner","N","1.खदान में काम करने वाला"
The miner was a very brave person.

Gold is a very valuable mineral.

He is an expert of mineralogy.

"minesweeper","N","1.सुरंग भेदी पोत"
The minesweeper detected all the mines successfully.

"mineworker","N","1.खान में काम करने वाला"
The mineworker was very pleased to know the new safety measures.

She does not like to mingle much.

He is one of the most mingy person.

Mini skirts dont suit all.

"miniature","N","1.सूक्ष्म चित्र बनाना"
He recreated the entire event in miniature"

Only a miniature creature could pass through those bars.
It was a exact miniature of the sculpture.
He is a miniature artist.

"mini-bar","N","1.छोटा शराबखाना"
The mini-bar was well stocked.

"minibus","N","1.छोटी बस"
We hired a minibus for the excursion.

"minicab","N","1.एक टैक्सी जो पहले से तय हो"
It would be better if you book a minicab tonight.

"minicomputer","N","1.छोटा संगणक"
Minicomputer is the latest trend.

"minim","N","1.एक प्रकार का राग"
Lets practise the minim in the morning.

"minimal","Adj","1.छोटे से छोटे"
She didnt want to leave behind the minimal trace.

"minimise","V","1.छोटा करना"
Dont try to minimise the gravity of the problem.

"minimum","Adj","1.कम से कम"
We pay the minimum taxes.

"minimum","N","1.कम से कम"
The minimum you can do is grant her leave.

Beware of that minion.

It was a very interesting miniseries.

The minister was genuinely pleased by the work.

"minister","V","1.सेवा करना"
Minister her properly, shes the future queen.

"ministerial","Adj","1.मंत्रालय संबंधी"
She is the supreme authority on all ministerial matters.

He was very pleased with her ministrations.

"ministry","N","1.मंत्री मंडल"
It is definitely a huge ministry for a state.

"mink","N","1.ऊदबिलाव के बाल"
People have started purchasing fake mink.

"minnow","N","1.छोटी मछली"
The antics of minnow in the aquarium were very engaging.

He was still a minor when he performed the fabulous deed.


Even though in are in the minority they have a major voice in the decision making.

The minstrel performed magnificently.

The mint was forced to close temporarily.
I like tea with mint.
The smell freshly ground mint was heavenly.

They used to mint coins illegally.

"minuet","N","1.एक धीमा नाच"
Lets all dance the minuet.

Life minus troubles would not be life either.
Four minus eight makes four.

It was so minuscule that it couldnt be read even with a magnifying glass.

The minute passed and she could not say anything.
The minutes of the meeting are not yet ready.

It was a minute particle but hurt the eye badly.

Dont decide in a jiffy, analyse the problem minutely.

She is a real minx and gets her work done.

The miracle left everyone speechless.

They had a miraculous escape.

The oasis was nothing but a mirage.

Her shoes were stuck in the mire.

He should not be mired in the past.
The mud mired our carpet.

She looked in the mirror.

Their mirth was contagious.

They gave a mirthful laugh.

They were laughing mirthfully.

The place has become extremely miry.

They came out unharmed from their misadventure.
It was nothing but a series of misadventures.

He has a very misanthropic attitude.

It is a case of misapplication of law.

"misapply","N","1.दुरुपयोग करना"
Dont misapply your knowledge & intelligence.

There is no cure of misapprehension in any stream of medicine.

"misappropriate","V","1.गबन करना"
He was apprehended before he could misappropriate any money.

"misbegotten","N","1.बेकार योजना बनाना"
It was a misbegotten plan right from inception.

"misbehave","V","1.बुरा व्यहवार करना"
Dont misbehave with people.

"misbehaviour","N","1.बुरा व्यहवार"
She could not endure the misbehaviour of her friend any more.

"miscalculate","V","1.गलत हिसाब लगाना"
Dont miscalculate the figures.

"miscalculation","N","1.गलत हिसाब"
The miscalculation cost them dearly.

She is depressed after her third miscarriage recently.

"miscarry","V","1.गर्भपात होना"
She feared she would miscarry again.

"miscast","V","1.गलत काम देना"
He has been miscast in the role.

"miscellaneous","Adj","1.अनेक प्रकार के"
Dont forget to pack all the small miscellaneous items.

"miscellany","N","1.विविध संग्रह"
It was impossible to sort through the miscellany & find something.

It was just a mischance that so many things happened together.

Dont stop kids from making mischief.

"mischief-making","N","1.शैतानी करना"
Their entire group enjoys mischief - making.

She was very mischievous as a child.

"mischievously","Adv","1.शैतानी पूर्ण"
He mischievously winked at his friends.

"misconceive","V","1.गलत समझना"
Dont misconceive the entire event.

"misconception","N","1.गलत विचार"
You have a misconception about her.

Good institutions do not overlook misconduct.

"misconstruction","N","1.गलत समझना"
There was a lot of problem because of his misconstruction of events.

"misconstrue","N","1.अनर्थ करना"
He is known to misconstrue the events.

"miscount","N","1.गलत गिनना"
The hostesses miscount allowed him to reach London undetected.

"miscount","V","1.गलत गिनना"
She miscounted the number of people sitting there.

Beware of that miscreant.

"misdeed","N","1.बुरा काम"
Misdeed will not pay you well in the end.

"misdemeanour","N","1.साधारण अपराध"
Forgive his misdemeanour, hell never repeat it.

"misdirect","V","1.गलत रास्ता दिखाना"
How can a teacher misdirect children.

He is a big miser, hell never help you.

He was miserable on getting the sad news.

Live within your means but dont be miserly.

He gave her a job to rescue her from the misery.

"misfire","V","1.गलतचल जाना"
The gun misfired accidentally.

He is a total misfit in this environment.

Misfortune seems to follow the Kennedy family.

He was ashamed of his misgivings.

"misguided","Adj","1.गलत रास्ते पर चलनेवाले"
They are misguided youth, not rouges"

"mishandle","Adj","1.गलत ढंग से प्रयोग करना"
Dont mishandle the experiment or youll cause a mishap.

They were fortunate to escape the mishap unhurt.

"mishear","V","1.गलत सुनना"
Did I mishear you or do you mean what you said?

"mishit","N","1.गलत निशाना"
He scored despite the mishit.

He made a total mishmash of the even.

"misinform","Adj","1.गलत सूचना देना"
The mole was instructed to misinform them.

"misinformation","N","1.गलत सूचना"
They were totally misled due to the misinformation.

"misinterpret","V","1.गलत समझना"
People always misinterpret her actions.

"misinterpretation","N","1.गलत समझना"
He was shocked to hear the misinterpretation of his comments.

"misjudge","N","1.गलत निर्णय लेना"
Dont misjudge people by appearance.

"misjudgement","N","1.गलत फैसला"
The press condemned the misjudgement by the court.

"mislaid","Adj","1.गलत जगह पर रखा हुआ"
The mislaid document was found just in time.

"mislay","V","1.गलत जगह पर रखना"
One should take care not to mislay things.

He always misled innocent people.

"misleading","Adj","1.गलतफहमी पैदा करनेवाला"
All the information provided by her was misleading.

Do not mismanage the important event.

?He misleadingly robbed them of all their valuables.

The couple is a total mismatch.

We have had enough of mismanagement of funds.

"misname","V","1.गलत नाम होना"
My dog was misnamed as puppy since he grew up to be a ferocious huge dog.

"misnomer","N","1.नाम का गलत प्रयोग"
,Director is a complete misnomer for the post.

"misogynist","N","1.औरत जाति से नफरत करने वाला आदमी"
It would be worthless to argue with such a misogynist.

"misplace","V","1.गलत जगह रखना"
Dont misplace any important document.

"misplaced","Adj","1.खोई हुई चीज"
He found the misplaced car keys.

"misprint","N","1.गलत छपना"
The newspaper apologised for the misprint.

"misprint","V","1.गलत छपना"
The name of the Institute was misprinted.

"misquote","V","1.गलत उद्धरण देना"
He claimed that it was a misquote.

"misquotation","N","1.गलत उद्धरण"
He was shocked at the misquotation.

"mispronounce","V","1.गलत उच्चारण करना"
Americans always mispronounce Hindi words"

"misrepresent","V","1.गलत प्रतिनिधित्व करना"
He was caught before he could misrepresent in the court.

"misread","N","1.गलत पढना"
The problem occurred as he misread the instructions.

People finally revolted against the misrule.

"miss","V","1.चूक जाना"
She would never miss the target.
She missed the train.
He missed the appointment.
I miss my sister.
--"४.असफल होना"
He was sure he would not miss this time.

"too good to miss","IDM","1.न छोडनेलायक"
The offer is too good to miss.

She is a gorgeous miss.

"missal","N","1.इसाइयों की पूजा की किताब"
Respect the Missal as you would any other holy book.

"misshapen","Adj","1.गलत आकार वाली"
The dress looks misshapen.

"misshapen","V","1.गलत आकार वाली"
The ball was misshapened under the pressure.

"missile","N","1.मिसाइलफेंक कर मारने योग्य चीज"
The missile technology has advanced a lot.

"missing","Adj","1.खोया हुआ"
The missing tape was found intact.

The mission returned successful & confident.

"missionary","N","1.धर्म प्रचार करने वाला"
He cherished his role as a missionary.

"missive","N","1.लंबा कार्यालयी पत्र"
He had to follow the missive.

"misspell","V","1.गलत वर्तनी लिखना"
Try not to misspell anything.

"misspelled","Adj","1.गलत वर्तनी वाला"
The name is misspelled.

"misspelling","N","1.गलत वर्तनी"
Check the document for any misspellings.

"misspend","V","1.गलत खर्च करना"
Dont misspend hard earned money.

"misspent","Adj","1.गलत खर्च किया हुआ"
The money for this was misspent.

He always followed his missus around.

Nothing was visible due to the mist.

"misty","Adj","1.धुंध से भरा हुआ"
The mornings are misty in winter.

Good that he admitted the mistake.

"mistake","V","1.गलत समझना"
I mistook her for her sister.

It was a case of mistaken identity.

Please take a seat Mister Zee.

"mistimed","V","1.गलत समय पर करना"
He mistimed his approach.

Christmas is also known as the mistletoe season.

"mistreat","V","1.गलत व्यवहार करना"
Dont mistreat people or youll be friendless.

"mistreatment","N","1.गलत व्यवहार"
She reused to give in to their mistreatment.

"mistreatment","N","1.गलत इलाज"
The mistreatment was detected in time.

You will have to deal with the mistress of the house.

"mistrial","N","1.गलत मुकदमा"
The judge closed the case as he considered it to be a mistrial.

Her mistrust of her husband often led to their quarrels.

"mistrust","V","1.अविश्वास करना"
Dont mistrust everyone.

You are very mistrustful"

"mistrustfully","Adv","1.अविश्वास के साथ"
They listened to his latest excuse mistrustfully.

"misunderstand","V","1.गलत समझना"
Why do you always misunderstand him.

Thank god the misunderstanding has been resolved.

"misuse","N","1.गलत प्रयोग"
Dont misuse public property.

He is just a mite weaker than her.
--"२.छोटा बच्चा या जानवर"
He is but a mite, dont be frightened.

"mitigate","V","1.गम्भीरता कम करना"
You would have to mitigate the risks before getting the approval.

"mitigating","Adj","1.गम्भीरता कम करने वाला"
Be careful to explain the mitigating factors.

"mitigation","N","1.गम्भीरता कम कर देना"
Risk mitigation is integral part of business.

"mitre","N","1.पादरियों की ऊची टोपी"
He always wore the mitre to the sermon.

"mitt","N","1.मुक्केबाजई के दस्ताने"
The mitt will protect your hands in the bout.

"mitten","N","1.जाली के दस्ताने"
Wear a pair of mittens before holding the wild cat.

She mixed the sounds to create the effect.
Mix the coupons properly.
The colors mix well.

Wait till the residue settles down in the mix.

"mixed","Adj","1.मिश्र/मिला हुआ"
She ordered mixed vegetables.

"mixer","N","1.मिक्सर/मिश्र करनेवाला यंत्र"
Use the mixer properly.

Churn the mixture well before pouring in the pan.

"mix-up","N","1.असमंजस में पडना"
It was all a horrible mix-up.

"mnemonic","N","1.याददाश्त बढाने वाला शास्त्र"
Sharpen your mnemonic skills before the examr.

No one could understand his moan of pain.

"moan","V","1.शोक करना"
Dont moan over what has happened, think ahead.

He filled up the moat with water to prevent intruders from entering.

The police found it difficult to control the mob.

"mobile","Adj","1.चलता फिरता"
He was glad to be mobile again.

"mobilise","V","1.गतिशील करना"
The work would be easily done if you could just mobilise the workers.

He has amazing mobility for his age.

"mobile home","N","1.कारवा"
They lived in a mobile home.

The mobster had made life miserable for the locality.

"moccasin","N","1.नरम चमडे से बना सपाट जूता"
Doctors recommended moccasin for her feet.

"mocha","N","1.एक प्रकार का हीरा"
He was delighted on finding the mocha.
She was reluctant to taste the mocha.

He would not give up a chance to mock ever.

He laughed a mock laughter to irritate them further.

Dont make a mockery of everything.

"mocking bird","N","1.नकलची चिडइया"
The mocking bird was a source of amusement to all visitors.

He has a mod outlook.

"MoD","N","1.रक्षा मंत्रालय"
The MoD denied any intelligence lapse.

"mod cons","N","1.आधुनिक सुविधाए"
Today even middle class homes have all sorts of mod cons.

I have no ready mode of transportation to go there.

They prepared the model of a computer for their experiment.
She is an up and coming fashion model.

"role model","N","1.आदर्श"
He is my role model.

"modem","N","1.मोडेमएक यंत्र जो संगणकों को जोडता है"
What good is a modem without an internet connection.

She was sure she would succeed in her modelling career.

He has a moderate income.

"moderate","V","1.धीमा करनाHonA"
You have to learn to moderate your anger.

They are a moderately well off family.

Exercise moderation, you will achieve what you want in due time.

He was unsure whether a moderator could help them.

He has a very broad & modern outlook.

He sometimes tends to take modernism too far.

"modernise","V","1.आधुनिकरण करना"
We have to modernise the set a little more.

The modernisation wave is sweeping across the country.

IT is better to change with times and have a modernistic approach.

She is definitely not a modest person.

"modestly","Adv","1.संकोच से"
He spent his earnings modestly.

He was often cheated owing to his modesty"

I just want a modicum of the cake.

We would have to modify the radio before it could be used.

The building required extensive modification.

He has been very successful as a beautifier & modifier.

"modish","N","1.आधुनिक रीति के अनुसार"
She does all the work in a modish way.

"modulate","N","1.स्वर साधना"
He has to learn how to modulate his voice properly.

The builder decided to build the township module by module.

This moggie is very good at catching the mice.

Akbar was a very successful Mogul emperor.

"mohair","N","1.अंगोरा ऊनअंगोरा जाति की बकरी के लम्बे रेशमी बाल"
I prefer mohair to ordinary wool for knitting.

"mohair","Adj","1.अंगोरा ऊन काअंगोरा जाति की बकरी के लम्बे रेशमी बाल"
I had a beautiful mohair coat.

Mohammed preached peace & peaceful co-existence.

The clothes are still moist"

Moisten the cloth and put on his brow.
He moistened his lips out of habit.

He put a moistened piece of cloth on her feverish brow.

Moisture spoilt everything.

I had to have my molar removed.

Molasses ran down the tube.

There is a mole on my hand.
The mole ran for its life.
The mole was detected too late.

We once thought that molecule could not be broken.

"molehill","N","1.छंछूदर द्वारा ऊपर फेंकी मिट्टी"
He stepped accidentally on the molehill.

"moleskin","N","1.नरम सूती कपडआ"
Wear a moleskin till the rash heals.

He is not the kind to molest someone.

"molester","N","1.छेडछाड करनेवाला"
The molester was given a good beating.

The moll instigated them on.

"mollify","V","1.शांत करना"
Its difficult to mollify her once she looses her temper.

The mollusc made good its escape.

"mollycoddle","N","1.अत्यधिक ध्यान देना"
Dont mollycoddle your children.

"molotov Cocktail","N","1.बोतल में पेट्रोल भर कर बनाया विस्फोटक"
The molotov cocktail was detected before any harm could be done.

"molten","Adj","1.पिघला हुआ"
The molten lava flew down the ridges like water.

My mom taught me a lot about life.

One moment lost cannot be made up at times.

It was a momentary lapse, but it cost dearly.

It proved to a momentous occasion.

The momentum of his fall took both of them down too.

My mommy is the best.

The monarch was a good man.

The monastery was not easily accessible.

"monastic","Adj","1.आश्रम संबंधी"
All monastic issues were finished with first.

Lets meet on next Monday to finalise the deal.

"monetary","Adj","1.पैसे से संबंधित"
All monetary transactions were looked after by her.

We need money, we are not its slaves.

"money bags","N","1.पैसे भरे थैले"
The money bags were transported safely.

"money order","N","1.धनादेश"
The money order reached in time.

"Money Lender","N","1.साहूकार"
The money lender was a kind man.

How could he become moneyed overnight.

The mongoose killed the snake.

"mongrel","N","1.मिश्रित जाति का कुत्ता"
We had a wonderful mongrel, before this.

The monitor was ineffective.

The monitoress was very impressive.

People listened to the monitory quietly.

The monk was found to be a fraud.

"monkish","Adj","1.भिक्षु जैसा"
He has taken to a monkish living style.

The mokey ate potatoes from the box.
My father gifted one mono record player on my birthday.

There are no monoacidic elements exiting.

"monoatomic","Adj","1.एक परमाणुक"
Inert gases are monoatomic.

"monocephalous","Adj","1.एक मस्तकवाला"
Human beings are monocephalous.

The Indian musical instrument `eka tara is अ monochord.

"monochrome","Adj","1.एक वर्ण"
My friend has a monochrome television in her house.

Monochromatic audio sets are costly.

My friend uses a monocle because she has no proper sight.

"monocular","Adj","1.एक नेत्री"
`Beware of monocular people for they are very cunning, said my grandma.

"monocratie","Adj","1.एक शासकीय"
Monocratic nations grant limited freedom yo the citizens.

"monocracy","N","1.एक तन्त्र"
Monocracy existed in the medieval ages throughout the world.

"monodrama","N","1.एकल नाटक"
Our college had just organised a monodrama for it was too long.

"monody","N","1.एक स्वर गीत"
On the death ceremony people sing monody to express grief.

"monogamist","N","1.एक पलीक"
Many of the religious leaders insist men on being monogamists and not polygamists.

Tea is a monosyllabic word.


He is a monotheist.

Islam is a monotheistic religion.

"monotonic","N","1.एक स्वर/एक ताल"
Sa,Re,Ga,Ma are the basic monotonics in Indian classical music.

The depressed man committed suicide because of the severe monotony and loneliness he was facing.

"monotypic","Adj","1.एक प्रतिरूपी"
The monotypic machine casts and sets type, letter by letters.

"monoxide","N","1.एकल आक्सैड"
Carbon monoxide, mde of ane carbon atom and one oxygen atom, is a very harmful gas.

"monovalent","Adj","1.एक संयोजक"
All elements with a valency of one are called monovalent elements.

Rev.monsignor Phillip is an important and reputed priest.

"monsoon","N","1.बरसाती पवन"
The monsoons are the main source of rainfall in the Southern parts of India.

"monster","N","1.विरूप प्राणी"
The monsters were 8 feet high, with a single eye.

The man accused of the Rajkot murder case had a monstrous stature.

"monstrosity","N","1.भीमकाय प्राणि"

The maid said to the gentleman, `Monsuir, I have cleaned your room.

"montage","N","1.संग्रथित चित्र"
Art films are usually a montage.

Big foot is supposed to be living in montane region..

There are 1.months in a year.

The Taj mahal is a monument built by Shahjahan in memory of his wife.


The cow sounded a low moo across the feilds, when the wolf ate its calf.

"mooch about","V","1.बिना उद्देश्य के इधर उधर घूमना"
We are not supposed to mooch about on roads.

The colour combinations in an office is very important in setting the mood of the employees and customers.

Savitri sat moodily under a banyan tree when her mother scolded her.

The moon is our natural source of light during the night.

"moon beam","N","1.चन्द्रकिरण"
The moon beams were cutting through the dense trees in an equitorial forest on that fateful night.

"moon blind","Adj","1.निशान्धा"
The boy is a moonblind.

The moondrop hangingfrom my ear tantalized many people.

"moon flower","N","1.चन्द्रकान्ति"
The moon flower is a very beautiful night blooming flower.

The moonlight glitterd the waters of Yamuna.

The Taj mahal looks beautiful in the moonlit.

"moonlit night","N","1.चादिनी रात"
It was during a moonlit night that Romeo proposed to Juliet.

Poets describe the moonrise as a romantic and sensous phenomenon of nature.

The colour of the moonstone, I had seen at the jewellers, was captivating.

The beggar was a dumbwitted, moonstruck idiot.

"full moon","N","1.पूर्णिमा"
The Taj mahal looks very beautiful on full moon nights.

"moor","N","1.बंजर भूमि"
The Baskerville was close to the moor where the great hound was free to roam.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was famous for the movement of morganatic weddings.

"morganatically","Adv","1.अनुलोम विवाह के द्वारा"
Because of people marrying morganatically, many cultural, social and ancient problems have come to an end.

The dead body was kept in the morgue for preservation.

"moribund","Adj","1.अन्त के करीब"
You are really coming to moribund.

Have you ever met the moramana people?

Ruth is thinking to follow mormonism.

I saw her cycling down the road this morn.

Isnt it a pleasant morning.

"In the morning","N","1.सुबह"
I drink a glass of milk in the morning.

"morning dress","N","1.प्रातालीन वस्त्र"
She went to the breakfast table in her morning dress.

"morning prayer","N","1.प्रातालीन आराधना"
The college begins after a short morning prayer.

"morning room","N","1.प्राताल बैठने का कक्ष"
She sat reading the newspaper in the morning room.

"morning sickness","N","1.उल्टीगर्भधारण की स्थिति में"
Do you know that her daughter-in-law was doubtful of morning sickness.

"morning star","N","1.प्रभात तारा"
Yesterday I was about to see the morning star.

"mornings","Adv","1.प्रत्येक सुबह"
She goes for a walk in the mornings.

Ruchika morosely accepted her second rank in class.

The morph of the statue is beautiful.

"morphic","Adj","1.आकार सम्बन्धी"
The monuments of India deserves morphic awards.

The vowels are the morphemes of any alphabet of a language.

"morphemics","N","1.रूपिम विज्ञान/आकृति विज्ञान"
Now-a-days morphemics is being studied by many people.

"morphogenesis","N","1.संरचना विकास"
Morphogenesis is the study of the forms of things especially of the plants and animals.

"morphology","N","1.Akqwi विज्ञान"
He went to abroad for further studies in morphology.

Morphological studies have come out successfully with correct and relevant theories.

"morphologist","N","1.आकृति विज्ञानी"
Prof.Rao is a morphologist in the university.

"monophonemics","N","1.रूपस्वनिम विज्ञान"
Monophonemics is an interesting area of study.

"morpheus","N","1.यूनान का स्वप्न देवता"
Morpheus is still worshipped in some European countries.

"In the arms of morpheus","N","1.उनींदा/निद्रित"
He went into the arms of morpheus in the bus.

"morphine","N","1.अहिफेनासव/अफीन से बनाई जाने वाली पीडआ नाशक दवा"
Morphine is harmful to our health.

"morrow","N","1.कल/अगला दिन"
They postponed it to morrow.

A morsel of food is sometimes a great deal to people who find very little to eat.

She had a beautiful pair of shoes made of morocco.

Though he is not a moron, he looks like one.

"moronically","Adv","1.बालिशता से"
Why do you behave moronically?

"moronic","Adj","1.क्षीण बुद्धि का"

"morose","Adj","1.चिड पिडआ/रूखा"
He has known as a morose person.

His moroseness made him a lonely person.

"moralistic","Adj","1.शिक्षा प्रद"
I was attached by moralistic speech.

"moralitically","Adv","1.नीतिवादात्मक रूप से"
She moralitically enlightend them.

Inspite of the defeat, morale was still high in the team.

`Beware of morasses while walking in the forest said the mother to her daughter.

"monatorium","N","1.ऋण स्थगन"

I dont think that you are a monatory.

She seems to be morbid.

Her morbidity made her look much older to her age.

There are many morbific insects found in Java.

Do not speak mordant words as she is already worried.

She spoke so mordantly that I was about to slap her.

"mordent","Adj","1.स्वर कम्पन"
It was a very mordant sound made by the fork.

I have more pens than he has.

"more or less","IDM","1.लगभग"
Theyve more or less finished the job.

"see more of some one","IDM","1.से अक्सर मिलना"
The more I see her the less I like her.

"and what is more","IDM","1.और भी"
This work has to be done and what is more important is it has to be in time.

"more than","IDM","1.अंश तक"
She did more than what she said.

"more than a little","IDM","1.बहुत/अत्यधिक"
Her work showed that she did more than a little.

"more over","Adv","1.इसके अतिरिक्त"
She has costly jewellery and moreover a good personality to wear it well.

"morello","N","1.गहरा लाल रंग का चेरी का फल"
The kids tasted the morellos but did not like them.

According to the mores they had to do the worship of God at this moment.

All the living beings on earth are mortal.

Killing anyone is a morsin.

"mority","N","1.मृत्यु संख्या"
The mority in the flood area is rising day by day.

"mority table","N","1.मृत्यु संख्या सारिणी"
The officials have to maintain a mority table.

Plastic is a morely element invented by man.

Mortar is a chemical used in the construction of buildings.

Nima had to mortage her jewels to pay off her debts.

The mortager was a very greedy man.

"mortician","N","1.अन्त्येष्टि निर्वाहक"
The service of mortician is often used by the people.

"mortify","V","1.लज्जितकरना" #अपमानित करना/नीचा दिखाना"
We should not mortify any one.

The mortification by her uncle made her depressed.

"mortlock","N","1.चूलदार ताला"
The doors in the museum are mortlocked.

There are many uncleaned bodies in the mortuary.

"mortuary house","N","1.शवगृह"
The village did not have a mortuary house.

"mosaic","Adj","1.पच्चीकारी/चित्र वर्ण"
Now-a-days the mosaic art has become predominant.

The entire planetorium was furnished with mosaicr-proof.

,Mecca Masjid is an old mosque of Hyderabad.

Mother is the best creation of God.

"become a mother","V","1.माता होना"
It gives a satisfaction to our hearts to become a mother.

"mother church","N","1.मूल चर्च"
The mother church is situated in Rome.

"mother country","N","1.मातृभूमि"
I am proud of my mother country, India.

Angels mother-in-law is very intelligent and shrewd.

"mother land","N","1.मातृभूमि"
Mother and mother land are the two great things in the world.

"mother less","Adj","1.मातृहीन"
A mother less child often needs and receives more love, affection and
protection from the father.

"mother like","Adj","1.मातृवत"
Mother Theressa used to give mother like love to the destities.

"mother love","N","1.मातृप्रेम"
The one who gets mother love is fortunate.

"mother nature","N","1.प्रकृति"
Mother nature differs from one person to another.

"mother of perl","N","1.मुक्ता"
The sailors discovered the big mother of perl on the voyage.

"mother state","N","1.मूल राज्य"
U.S.A is the mother state of America.

"mother ship","N","1.आधार पोत"
Mother ship was a bliss for Rekha.

"mother superior","N","1.अध्यक्षा"
The mother superior will be indpecting the newly established school.

She is a mother to be lady.

"mother tincture","N","1.मूलार्थ"
I didnt understand the mother tincture behind it.

"mother tongue","N","1.मातृभाषा"
I studued my mother tongue as second language.

"mother wit","N","1.सहज बुद्दि"

"mother hood","N","1.मातृत्व"
Mother hood id considered to be the purnacle of complete woman hood.

"motherly","Adj","1.मातृ सुल्भ"
The motherly nurse took good care of the aged patient.

"motherliness","N","1.मातृ सुलभता"
The motherliness of her aunt, has transformed Mohan into a responsible
and trustworthy person.

Self confidence should be the motiff of every one.

Newtons laws of motion widely accepted by the world.

"In motion","Adj","1.चलायमान"
Dont jump on the bus while it is in motion.
THe machine was set into motion by the mechanic.

"motion of no confidence","N","1.अविश्वासमत"
A motion of no confidence was passed againast the prime minister.

"motion picture","N","1.चलचित्र"
The motion picture was shown on televison yesteerday.

"motion to","PhrV","1.इशारा करना"
He motioned to her to look in the direction of the trees.

He stood motionless in the dark.

"motionlessly","Adv","1.गतिहीनता से"
The old man sat motionlesly like a statue.

There is a motive behind every plan of action.

"motive power","N","1.प्रेरक बल"
Self analysation should be the motive power of our lives.

"motivate","V","1.प्रेरित करना"
My teacher used to motivate me to acquire a good profession.

Sarojini Naidu was motivated by the call of Gandhiji.

Motivation is a very important factor in every individuals life.

There is no meaning in living a motiveless life.

I got the motivity of courage from my teacher.

There were motley paintings in the conference hall.

"motorer","N","1.मोटर दौड प्रतियोगिता"
MRF often organizes motorers all over the world.

The washing machine has an electric motor.

"motor-content","N","1.प्रेरक प्रसंग"

"motor defect","N","1.गतिपरक दोष"
Due to major motor defect he could not participate in the rally.

He bought a new motorbike.

"motor boat","N","1.मोटर नाव"
A sail in a motor boat on the open sea is a fantastic experience.

"motor car","N","1.मोटरकार"
Driving a motor car is my hobby.

"motor cycle","N","1.मोटरसाइकिल"
Motor cycles are commonly used in India.

"motorize","V","1.मोटर सज्जित करना"
Now-a-days so much of the manual work is motorized upto the present need.

"motorist","N","1.मोटर यात्री"
A motorist must follow all the traffic rules deligently.

The sight of the mottle is given me pleasure.

"motto","N","1.AxarSa वाक्य"
`Live each day as it comes. Thats my motto.

The bricks are moulded by hand.

See the protective mouldings round the car.

This cucumber has gone mouldy.

"moult","V","1.पर रोआ या सींग झाडना"
Pigeons usually moult a feather or two.

"mound","N","1.स्वर्ण गोलक"
A small hill on a grass mound.

Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.

He hurriedly mounted his horse and left.

"mount gaurd","IDM","1.रक्षक जैसा व्यवहार करना"
Soldiers mounting gaurd over the palace.

"mount the throne","V","1.राजा या रानी होना"
Aurangazeb mounted the throne after the imprisonment of Shah Jahan.

They recieved the news that the enemy troops were mounting towards their city.

The Himalayan mountains are on the borders of India.

"mountain chain","N","1.पर्वत माला"
The mountain chain of Tirumala Hills provide a beautiful scenery.

"mountain range","N","1.पर्वत माला"
The Himalayan mountain range looks very magnificent.

"mountain sickness","N","1.पर्वत रोग"
Piligrims visiting Vaishnava Devi temple have mountain sickness.

"mountain side","N","1.पहाडई डआल"
The mountain side was covered with tall trees.

"mountain slide","N","1.पर्वत स्खलन"
The scene of the mountain slide was attractive.

"mountain top","N","1.पर्वत चोटी"
The mountain top is generally covered with snow during winter.

A person who climbs mountains is called a mountaineer.

Mountaineering is a tedious activity and needs months of training and practice.

See the beautiful mountainous region.

"mountebank","N","1.कपटी विक्रेता"
The mountebank had destroyed our spirits.

"mountie","N","1.केनडा की घुडसवार पुलिस"
The mountie is on duty day and night.

"mourn","V","1.शोक करना/दुी होना"
The people are mourning because of the death of the old man.

"mourner","N","1.शोक मनाने वाला"
The mourner became ill as he cried day and night.

The mournful atmosphere at her grandmas ill-health, made Sajini all the more sad.

Mourning is seen at the places where someone dies or something unfortunate happens.

"go into mourning","V","1.मातमी लिबास पहनना"
Every one went into mourning at the graveyard.

"in deep mourning","Adj","1.मातमी लिबास पहने हुए"
Even after seven days of his mothers death, he was in deep mourning.

The mouse was biting up all the papers in the shelf.

A mouse -trap had been set near the hole of the mouse to get rid of it.

"as poor as a church mouse","IDM","1.बहुत garIba"
Raghav is as poor as a church mouse.

"mouser","N","1.चूहे के पकडने वाली बिल्ली"
Mouses are generally domasticated by us.

"mosy","N","1.चूहे जैसा"
See that little mosy.


A moustache was considered as a sign of power and manliness a few decades before, in India.

She is a mousy woman.

Mouth is a important organ among the body parts.
We stood at the mouth of the cave.

"mouth cavity","N","1.मुख विवर"

"mouth organ","N","1.मुह का बाजा"
Not many people can play the mouth organ very well.

"mouth wash","N","1.मुह धोना"
A mouth wash helps in getting rid of plaque and bad-breath.

"mouth watering","Adj","1.मुह में पानी लानेवाला"
My mohther prepares mouth watering sweets for festivals.

"keep ones mouth shut","IDM","1.चुप रहाना"
It is better to keep ones mouth shut than falling into trouble by speaking.

"mouth piece","N","1.मुखिका"
A mouth piece was offered to him as a gift.

I had a mouthful of cherries today.

While mouth-mouthed he was looking as a crow trying to eat its food.

Please move a while further.

"move-heaven-and-earth","IDM","1.कुछ कसर न उठा रहना"


"move about","PhrV","1.चलना/टहलना"
I was mousing about on the pavement.

"move along","PhrV","1.चहल कदमी करना"
She was moving about on the pavement.

"move away","PhrV","1.स्थानांतर जाना"
They moved away to Bombay, yesterday.

"move for","PhrV","1.प्रस्ताव रखना"
A proposal was moved for by the members of the assosiation.

"move in","PhrV","1.मेआनाjAnA"
The Kapoors moved into their new house last saturday.

"move off","PhrV","1.यात्रा शुरू करना"
The signal was given and the procession moved off.

"move on","PhrV","1.विषय परिवर्तन करना/स्थान परिवर्तन करना"

"move out","PhrV","1.पुराना घर छोड देना"
He couldnt pay his rent, so he had to move out.

"move over","PhrV","1.स्थन बदल्ना"
Please move over, so I can sit beside you.

"move up","PhrV","1.स्थान बदलना"

"get-a-move-on","IDM","1.जल्दी करना"
We should get a move on in our personal developments.

"make-a-move","IDM","1.यात्रा शुरू करना"
Its getting dark, we should make a move.

This is a moveable cup-board.

"moveable feast","N","1.चल-पर्व"
They had a lovely moveable feast on new years day.

The industrial movement brought about a great change all over the world.

"moving","Adj","1.हृदय स्पर्शी"
The teacher gave a moving talk during her fare well.

"movong force","N","1.प्रेरक शक्ति"
The moving force behind me is god.

"moving picture","N","1.चल चित्र"
These days the moving pictures are very vulgar.

"moving school","N","1.चल विद्याल"
Now, we have the facility of moving schools in our villages.

"moving staircase","N","1.चलती सीढई"
Moving stair-cases are provided at public places for their convenience.

"moving van","N","1.चलती हुई मोटार गाडई"
The moving van picks up each and every child from their houses.

Every person loves to see good movies.

"movie star","N","1.फिल्म सितरा"
A movie star who is successful becomes the role model for many youth.

The movies shown in this channel are informative.

"mow","V","1.घास काटना"
He mows the lawn every now and then.

"mow down","PhrV","1.मार डालनाबडई संख्या में"
Innocent people are being mowed down in the shell firing at the border region.

"mower","N","1.काटनेवाली मशीन"
THe mowers are used mostly in industries.

Mowing the lawn if a hectic job-more so if the lawn is quite big.

"MP","AbbrMember of Parliament","1.संसद सदस्य"
The M.P inaguarated the new automoble showroom.

Mr.Roy is very disciplined.

"mph","Abbrmile per hour","1.मील प्रति घंटा"
Mph is used to show the speed of a motor vehicle.

Mrs.Rajagopal loves to decorate her house.

Ms.Sunitha is our new biology teacher.

Mt.Everest is the highest peak of the Himalayan range.

This job wont take much effort.

You may never as much again get it.

"as-much-as-one-can-do","IDM","1.संबावना तक"
We must work hard as much as we can do.

"make much of","IDM","1.सम्मान करना"

"not much of","IDM","1.जयदा नहीं"
Not much of portion is compleated in physics.

"nothing much of","IDM","1.कुछ विशेष नहीं"
Nothing much of the syllabus wsa compleated in their school.

"too much for","IDM","1.ज्यादा"
THe work given by her mother was too much for her.

"much more/less","Adv","1.फिर भी अधिक"
This material is much more than required.

Musilagenous substances are used to adhesives

"musins","N","1.श्लेष्म रस"
Musins is a type of infection in nose.

The muck here has created many diseases in the people.

"muck heap","N","1.गोबर का ढएर"
The muck heap here has become a hondrance for us to walk.

"muck of","V","1.गंदा करना"
The children muck of in the verandah.

"much raker","N","1.दोष खोजनेवाला"
She is a much raker who makes others realize.

The road was too mucky to walk.

The inner layers of nose and other cavities are with mucus.

"mucuous membrane","N","1.श्लेष्मल् झिल्ली"
The mucuous memblance is in the nose, mouth and certain internal organs.

There was a lot of mud in the play ground.

"mud flat","N","1.कीचडदार भूमि"
Our play ground is mud flat.

"mud guard","N","1.पंक रोक"
The mud guard of the scooterette is not a good one.

"mud mortar","N","1.गारा"
Mud mortar is some times used to make walls.

"mud park","N","1.मृत्तिका स्नान"
Have you ever had a mud park?

"mud slinger","Adj","1.कीचढ उछालनेवाला"
Dont behave like those mud slinger boys.

"mud slingering","N","1.निदा"

"mud flinge","V","1.कीचड उछालना"
THe boys started flinging mud after the rain stopped.

"throw mud at","IDM","1.पर कीचड उछालना"
We shouldnt throw mud at anyone.

"mud turtle","N","1.कछुआ"
We saw mud trutles in zoological park.

"mud wasp","N","1.बिलनी"
Mud wasps are usually found in marshy places.

"muddy","Adj","1.कीचड भरा"
The road here is muddy.

Muddiness on the streets is the cause for inconvenience.

There was a muddle over our hotel accomadation.

"mud headed","Adj","1.भ्रष्ट बुद्धिवाला"
He is a mud-headed person and so he fails every time.

"mud headedness","N","1.मूढता"
Mud-headedness makes us foolish and un-successfull.

"mud along","V","1.घबराहट से शुरू करना"
Mudding along with the work makes it improper.

"mud through","V","1.किसी तरह सफल होना"
In-spite of his inefficiency, he muddled through the examination.

Dont try to behave as mudar for you will lose your respect.

"muezzin","Adj","1.आज्ञा देनेवला"
The muezzin of the mosque is very good and helping.

The muff is used to keep oneself warm during the winters.

"muffin","N","1.एक तरह का केक"
I love eating muffins at evening hour.

"muffle","V","1.आवाज दबाना"
Nina tried to muffle her sound when she heard a noise down stairs.

Yesterday I brought a yellow shaded muffler for my brother.

"mufthi","N","1.सधारण कपडए"
Gandhji used to wear mufthi.

The mug is filled with water.

"mugful","Adj","1.प्याला भर"
I drink a mugful of milk everyday.

"mugs game","N","1.बेकार कार्य"
Trying to sell over coats in mid-summer is a real mugs game.

"mug up","V","1.अध्ययन करना"
He mugged up the highway code before driving test.

The muger stole the property of a rich person.

Muging is considered as sin.

The summer in Hyderabad usually muggy.

The mugginess created an incomfartable atmosphere for the alien players.

He was a mulatto of his mother who is being an American.

Silk worms fedon mulberry leaves.

"mulch","V","1.घासपात या पलवार से ढकना"
The roots of the plants were mulched.

"mulet","V","1.अर्थदण्ड देना"
She as the head of the village mulet the villager for destroying the fields.

Mules are used in driving the carts.

He is a mulish person.

His mulishness often lands him in trouble.

The mull of Kintyre.

"mull over","V","1.पर विचार करना"
After the maiden speech the speaker sat mull over.

Mullets are considered as delicacies in western countries.

Do not try to smash her head with a muller.

"mullion","N","1.बिचला छड"
A mullion was fixed on the window of the palace.

"mullioned","Adj","1.बिचले छड का"
The palace has mullioned windows.

India is a multilingual country.

"multi coloured","Adj","1.रंग बिरंगा"
Tndian flag is multi coloured.

The multifarious life forms of a coral reef.

"multi focal","Adj","1.बहुकेन्द्रीय"
Multi focal radio stations have been maintained by the Indian government.

"multi form","N","1.बहुरूप"
Multi forms of the same God are worshipped by the same people.

"multi formity","N","1.बहुरूपता"
The multiformity of hydrogen is the cause for the existence of different hydrogen compounds.

"multi lateral","Adj","1.बहु पक्षीय"
He is a person of multi lateral character.

"multi member","N","1.बहु सदस्य"
He was a multi member of different parties.

"multi national","N","1.बहु पदी"
Asia is a multi national continent.

"multi plex","Adj","1.बुविध"
The perodic tabel is a multi plex of different elements in chemistry.

"multi presence","N","1.बहु देशीयता"
People still believe the multi presence of God.

"multi purpose","Adj","1.बहु प्रयोजक"
Multi purpose projects are constructed by the government for our convenience.

"multi purpose policy","N","1.बहु उद्देशीय नीति"
The satelites are launched keeping the multi purpose policy in mind.

"multi racial","Adj","1.बहु जातीय"
India has multi racial people.

"multi storied","Adj","1.बहु तल"
Multi storied buildings are plenty in Mumbai.

"multi syllabic","Adj","1.बह्वक्षर"
French is a multi syllabic language.

"multi valence","N","1.बहु संयोजकता"
He is rich in multi valence which brought him to great heights.

"multi valent","Adj","1.बहु संयोजक"
He is a multi valent officer.

"multi variate","Adj","1.बहुचर"
Godrej appliances has multi variate products for its customers.

The examiner has given multiple type of questions.

"common multiple","N","1.समापवर्त्य"
The common multiple of 8 and four is 2.

"multiply","V","1.गुणा करना"
Multiply four with two to get eight.

The production of the company the company is multiplicable only if there are
more employees.

He has multiplicative talents.

Multiplication is a fun thing to learn.

The world bank has warned the multiplicity of population in China.

The teacher is a multiplier of human values.

"multitude","N","1.बहु संख्या"
The multitude followed the preacher for 3 days.

Dont keep mum when you are asked some thing.

The mummery was one of the performances in the consert.

The mumming was done by some religious persons.

She mumbled something wheen asked if was present at the murder site by the police.

"mumbo-jumbo","N","1.पश्चिमी आफ्रिका का एक देवत"
Mumbo-jumbo is worshipped in westrn Africa.

"mummy","N","1.पुराना परिरक्षित शव"
A three thousand year old mummy was being examined by the forensic experts.

"mummify","V","1.शव का परिरक्षण करना"
Egyptians used to mummify the dead bodies in the earlier ceturies.

"mummification","N","1.शव परिरक्षण"
Mummification was a great and compulsory ritual in ancient Egypt.

Mumps is a disease which causes swelling of the gums.

I like to munch on a choclate after compleating tedious job.

Rekha leads a very mundane life.

She always dresses up mundanely.

The municipal corporation of Hyderabad is incharge of the cleanliness of the city.

"munucipal corporation","N","1.नगर् निगम"
The municipal corporation of Hyderabad has about 2 thousand employees.

"municipality","N","1.नगर पालिका"
The munucipality are planning to supply water regularly to the city in summer.

"municipalize","V","1.नगरपालिका के अधीन करना"
They muncipalized the open lands near the play ground.

For true personality development we should learn to munificent.

Munificense always helps us to be on the right path of our lives.

"munificensely","Adv","1.दयाशीलता से"
We have to give alms to the poor munificensely.

The Indian constitution is a muniment of law and order.

The officials were suspended for not keeping the muniments in order.

"munition","N","1.युद्ध सामग्री"
The minitions are always kept ready so as to use them in emergencies.

He is cunning muncif of this cement factory.

A mural painting was hanged in the hall.

The artisans had muralant talent.

"mural painting","N","1.भित्तिचित्र"
A mural painting was put in the exibition.

The police are treating his death as a case of murder.

"blue murder","N","1.उथल पुथल"
The accused created a blue murder in the court during the prosecution.

Murderers ate no longer hang in Britan.

Murderers ate no longer hang in Britan.

There was murderous look in his eyes.

He killed the man murderously.

Reading in murk effects badly on our sight.

Its a murky room.

There was a low murmer among the crowd.

Chetan has well developed muscles in his arms.

"muscle-bound","Adj","1.सुदृढ पेशी वाला"
He is a muscle- bound man.

"muscle-man","N","1.सुदृढ पेशी वाला व्यक्ति"
He is a muscle-man.

Ranjit is tall and muscular.

The Salarjung museum has a huge collection of wonderful things.

"museum piece","N","1.रुचिप्रद वस्तु"
Their car is a real museum piece.

The mush of the wood pulp is used in manufacturing paper.

Some of the oil paintings which were on display were mushy.

Mushrooms can be cultivated in backyard of our house.

Music is a way of expressing emotions which cannot be expressed through words.

"classical music","N","1.शास्त्रीय संगित"
Balamuralikrishna is famous for Karnatika classical music.

"Instrumental music","N","1.वाद्य संगीत"
I am interested in learning instrumental music.

"vocal music","N","1.कण्ठ-संगीत"
I am learning vocal music.

"music hall","N","1.संगीतशाला"
The audience were waiting in the music hall for the concert to begin.

"music stand","N","1.स्वरलिपि स्टैण्ड"
The music stand is created by renowned musicians.

The musical concert was attended by a large crowd.

"musical box","N","1.संगीत पेटी"
The musician has a musical box with him.

"musical chairs","N","1.एक खेल"
We conducted musical chairs for our teachers on Teachers day.

"musical variety","N","1.विविध संगीत"
Carnatic, Hindustani are some types of Indian musical variety.

"musically","Adv","1.संगीत सुखान्तक"
Sensitive people are musically inclined.

Balakrishna Prasad is one of the famous musicians.


The musk is extracted from musk-deer.

"musk deer","N","1.कस्तूरी मृग"
The perfumes are extracted in their natural state from a musk deers glands.

"musk rat","N","1.छूछूदर"
We saw the musk rat nibbling on a peanut.

"musky","Adj","1.कस्तूरी गन्ध युक्त"
The air became musky and sweet smelling when Reena assumed.

The British batallion were asked to raise their muskets when the alarm was sounded.

"musketeer","N","1.बन्दूकधारी सैनिक"
The three musketeers made a pact that day saying,"All for one and one for all"

"musketry","N","1.बन्दक चालन कला"
Hear the distant sound of musketry.

The teacher told the students that the shelfish belongs to the mussel family.

The Queen of Rathod ordered that her clothes should be made of muslin.

I must go finish this job today.

They grow mustard in their fields.

He was thrown in the brig for missing muster


Muster the courage to do something



A mute appeal


The madman mutilates art work



The men became mutinous and insubordinate

The king supressed the mutiny in a very short time.



He muttered to himself.

They eat mutton.

Any relationship lasts on mutual trust




My sister has myopia.

I could see myriads of stars in the clear sky.

He faced a myriad of details


The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms
Mysterious symbols

How it got out is a mystery

Mystical intuition
Mystical religion



Mystify the story



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