Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The puffs are one rupee each.

Place a table in each corner of the room.

Each is for himself.

"each other","Pron","1.अन्योन्य"
We all help each other.

"each way","Adv","1.दोनोतरफशर्तका"
The bet is on each way.

I am eager to learn the Machine Translation.

He is eagerly awaiting his reply.

Mary showed eagerness in doing the job.

"eager beaver","N","1.उत्सुकअनौपचारिक"
Aparna is an eager beaver who shows interest in research.

An eagle flies high in the sky.
He made four eagles in the golf play.

Many eaglets are there in the nest.

"eagle eye","N","1.तेजनिगाहवाला"
Nothing escaped his fathers eagle eye.

He has an ear infection.
The wheat crop has healthy ears this year.

A large eared rabbit is in the garden.

The lady is putting ear-drops into her ears.

The child is crying because of the earache.

Dont poke the pencil in your ear, it might injure your eardrum.

He is the earl of Scotland.

Atul spent his early childhood in Dehradun.
He is an early riser.
Watermelons are early this year.

He has to go to school early today .

The workers went on vacation earlier in this season.

"early warning","N","1.खतरनाकस्थितिकीपूर्वसूचना"
Early warning of plague helped the people to be cautious.

The institution earmarked a sum of money for research.

"earmuff","N","1.कनटोप" #सर्दीसेकानकीसुरक्षाकेलिएकानकाआवरण
I took earmuffs when I went to the U.S.

We must earn well to be comfortable.

He is the only earner in his family.
Tourism is the countrys biggest foreign currency earner.

Susis earnings were good as a tutor.

He is an earnest student.


He spoke very earnestly.

"earphones","N","1.इयरफोन" #अधिकसुनाईपडनेकेलिएकानमेंलगानेकायन्त्र
Use earphones to get a better sound quality.


Sarita carries earplugs to the cinema hall to block the loud sound.

Her earrings are beautiful.

We live on the planet Earth.
Cover the pit with earth.

He earthed the electric wires near the pillar.

The villagers painted the earthen walls.

Earthenware pots are beautiful.

We are earthlings.

Earthly pleasures are ephemeral.

An earthquake in Taiwan devastated many people.

The remains of the ancient earthworks were found near the archeological sight.

Earthworms are helpful for the plants.

The dark cave had a strong earthy smell.

We have to follow a life of ease.
We have put the books here for ease of access.

He eased the burden of debt by implementing many schemes.
The medicines eased his tension.
Interest rates have eased since May.

"easel","N","1.लकडईकास्टैंड" #श्यामपटयाकैनवासइत्यादिकोरखनेकालकडीकाढाचा
He carried his canvas and easel to the river bank.

Ruchi completed the assignment easily.

Trade was carried on east coast.

They come from the east.
The East includes parts of Asia collectively lying east of Europe.

The cyclone has passed in the eastward direction.

He tours eastwards often.

"the East End","N","1.पूर्वीलंदनजहामजदूरोंकेकारखानेहैं"
There are many houses and factories in the East End.

Is this the eastbound train?.

Children are having Easter holidays.

An easterly wind blows during the north-east monsoon .

North-eastern parts of India are very green.

Our house is situated in the easternmost corner.

The place is easy to reach.
Living an easy life may lead to hardship.
Even though he is highly placed he has an easy manner towards everyone.

He is an easygoing person.

The mat has been eaten up by moths.

Eat a good breakfast.

Eatables should be covered well.

My son is a small eater.

There were plenty of eats at a party.

There is an eatery at the end of the road.

Eau-de-cologne is a perfume with pleasant smell.

Bird nesting under the eaves has laid some eggs.

Electonic eavesdropping is used by the police.

The rise and ebb of the tide is common.

The water in the lake ebbed away during the tide.
Due to hard work all his energy ebbed .

Ebony is a hard black wood.

The table is made of ebony.

A.R.Rahman is an ebullient music director.


"EC","Abbreuropean community","1.यूरोपदेशीयसमुदाय"
Euro is the currency of the europeon community.

His ecccentric behaviour puts him down.


St.Paul is an ecclesiastic in a church.


The doctor advised him to take ECG test.

People in the higher echelon of the society often fail to understand the problems of a commoner.

The tomb of Golkonda has a wonderful echo.

The solitary reapers shouts echoed throughn the forest.

The parrot echoed his masters every word.

I like eclairs.

The artists presented the show with eclat.

She has an eclectic taste in music.

An eclipse is a rare phenomenon.

The moon was eclipsed by the clouds.

It is good to spend money in an economical way.

Economics teaches us to spend our money to derive maximum satisfaction.

The government takes steps to improve the economy of our country.

"eco-","Comb form","1.परिस्थितिसम्बन्धित"

The affluent wastes have changed the ecology very much.

The ecological imbalance should be enriched by environmental protection .

Salim Ali is a well known ecologist.

Life is full of agonies and ecstasies.

She is ecstatic about her result in research.

The economic policies of the government have undergone a major change.

Travelling by train is more economical.

These pilicies are not economically sound.

He is studying economics for his graduation.

Hari is an economist.

We have to economize on energy resources.


Deforestation is damaging the ecosystem.


"ECU","AbbrEuropeon currency unit","1.ई.सी.यू."


The doctor is treating him for eczema.

The boy was caught in the eddy unnoticed.


The boy stood on the edge of the cliff.

The table-cloth is edged with lace.

Youll get the table through the door if you turn it edgeways.

After the bomb explosion there is an edgy calm in the capital.

These nuts are edible.

Ashokas edicts are inscribed in the pillars.

Buddha gave sermons for edification.

Louvre museum in France is an edifice of the sixteenth century.

Yoga edifies and tones our body .

The teacher is editing the annual report.

This is the first edition of the book.
The news was announced for the evening edition of the paper .

The Editor of the Newstime was gheroed.

He does the editiorial jobs for the press.

Current topics are given in the editorials.

We have to educate the masses.

Education gives us moral support.

The ruls are for the educated.

We saw an eel in the acquarium.

A strange and eerie silence prevailed in the house.

Time will efface the bad memories.

Your scoldings will have no effect on him.
The general effect of the symposium was overwhelming.

The companys transition to automation was effected recently.

She had very ffew personal effects.

The villagers took effective measures to keep their place clean.
The curfew was effective from midnight.

They completed their job effectively.


Apply effectual measures.

He talks in an effeminate manner.

Abdul kalam has an effervescent personality.
Soda is an effervescent liquid.

The effete government lost power due to corruption and misrule.
An effete young man is standing at the door.

The scientist got the efficacious result of getting the mutants.

Hoechst proved the efficacy of a new drug.

Efficiency of the artisans improved with latest technology.

Bill is an efficient computer analyst.

An effigy of Buddha attracts many tourists.

Effluents from the factories spoil the environment.

Students make efforts to get good jobs.

The artist paints the portrait with effortless skill.

The girl sang effortlessly.

He had the effrontery to accuse me of stealing her pen.

An effusion of blood made him unconscious.

The students gave effusive speeches in the farewell party.

"EFL","AbbrEnglish as a foreign language","1.विदेशीभाषाकेरूपमेंअंग्रेजई"

Women work on egalitarian principles.

She takes an egg everyday.

He keeps the boiled egg in the eggcup.

Ego doesnt uplift a person.

Atul is an egotist.

Vishwamitra was an egotistic king.

Anand is an egregious person in the field of chess.

She is sitting on the eiderdown.

I need eight chairs for that room.

The number eight is lucky for him.

Bhagavat Gita has eighteen chapters.

Read the eighteenth chapter of Gita.

There are eighty verses in the book.

They celebrated his eightieth birthday.

He managed to eject from the crashing helicopter.

"ejector seat","N","1.बाहरनिकलनेकीकुर्सी"
The pilot used the ejector seat in the emergency.

The government eked out the grants for the students.

They performed elaborate rituals.

He elaborated and presented his work before the guide.

I could not avail the grant as the tiome for its utilization elapsed.

I keep my schedule quite elastic.

They use good elastic for the waist band.

The news that he will get a seat in the college of his choice elated Ravi.

His elation was obvious.

Apply lemon peel to remove the black mark on the elbow.
It is difficult to clean the elbow of the chimney.

Vasu is my elder brother.

Respect your elders.

We saw an elderly man in the corridor.

Adam is the eldest of their three children.

The minister elect has to prove his majority.

People choose the elect as the best.

Mr. Gupta was elected as the President of the Company.
She elected to work overtime on sundays.

Election is held every five years.

The city is hectic with electioneering.

The electors are waiting in a line.

I am using electric water-heater.

Students prefer electrical engineering.

An electrician fixed the fan.

We have to save electricity.

The Railways plan to electrify to speed up the traffic .

Electrification of the railway line will speed up the transport.

The criminal was electrocuted according to law.

During rainy season accidents happen due to electrocution.

Metals are processed using electrodes.

Electrolysis of water gives hydrogen and oxygen.

The salt solution is an example of electrolyte.

Scientists use electromagnetic radiation for defence.

Electrons are found in atoms.

"electron microscope","N","1.इलेक्ट्रानसूक्ष्मदर्शी"
Electron microscope is a powerful microscope that uses beams of electrons instead of light rays.

Electronic goods are in abundance in the market.

The gadget is activated electronically.

Electronics is an interesting subject.

"electronic mail","N","1.इलैक्ट्रानिकडाक"
Electronic mail is revolutionising communication.

Silver can be electroplated on ornaments.

Queen Elizabeth wore an elegant dress for coronation.

The elegance of her manners were noticed by everyone.

Grays poetry is elegiac.

Elegy is written in praise of people who are no more.

The play"Hamlet"has an element of pathos.
An element like lead pollutes the atmosphere.
The congress party has radical elements.
Periodic table has more than 100 elements.
The ancient philosophers in India considered that the world is made up of 5 elements.
During the cyclone people experienced the fury of the elements.
The graduates are taught the elements of psychology.

Elementary education is necessary for children.
Ramanujam found even difficult problems elementary.

"elementary particle","N","1.मूलकण"
The nucleus has elementary particle like proton.

"elementary school","N","1.प्रारम्भिकविद्यालय"
Our children are studying in the elementary school.

We saw an African elephant.

The wrestler has an elephantine body.

The captain was elevated to the rank of a colonel.
The teacher elevates the minds of the young students.

Spiritial thoughts lead to elevated mind.

The village in elevation looks beautiful.

We are using the elevator to go upstairs.

There are eleven players in a cricket team.

The eleventh cricket player is coming to play.

Children like elf stories.

We should elicit information by reasoning.

,K is elided in the word"knock"

He is eligible for the contest.

Raghav is 21 years old.He has the eligibility to vote.

Chanakya eliminated his foes.

The letter u in the word us is an elision in the phrase"lets go"

The party was for the elite.

The ancient scientist hoped to find elixir to make man immortal.

Great artists lived in the Elizabethan era.

Shakespeare was an Elizabethan

We saw an elk in the zoo.

An ellipse looks almost like a circle.

In the sentence Ram is deaf but Krishna is not `deaf is an ellipses at the end of the sentence.

The planets move in elliptic orbital.

There are elms in the forest .


The musician made an elongation in music.

Rajaji had eloquence in his speech.

Jawaharlal Nehru was an eloquent speaker .

Who else was at the party?.
Leave now or else youll be late.

All restaurants are full. We will go elsewhere .

Success sludes him everytime.

She looks emanciated.

Many of these ideas emanated from the ancient India.

The embankment of the river will lead to diplacement of several villagers.

They embarked the ship at Bombay.
He embarked don his new mission in May.

His comments at party embarrased me no end.

Mr.Galbreith was with Indian embassy.

Nathu is an embattled man.

The paintings were embellished with golden frames.

Raghu embezzled Rs.10,000/- from the companys general funds.

The failures embittered her.

He emblasoned her dress with precious stones.

The Lion is an emblem of fearlessness.

His paintings are now regarded as emblematic of Modern Art.

She embodies a perfect mother.

She was emboldened by the words of her father.

The courtyard has an embossed pattern.

The lady held her daughter in a warm embrace.

Guha embraced Rama.
He embraced Christianity.

I embroidered the table-cloth.

I am doing embroidery in the taffeta.

He is unnecessarily getting embroiled in their conversations.

The botanist showed the embryo of the plant.

He is studying embryology as a specialization for her PG.

She is an embryologist.

The cells are at an embryonic stage.

He emended an article in the journal.

She has an emerald ring.

Gandhiji emerged as an important leader in Indias freedom struggle.

The emergent nations of the new world.

There is a door in the aeroplane which should only be used in an emergency.

The family emigrated to Europe ten years back.

Ram was an emigrant man.

The emigration laws of the country are quite lax.

The book brought him to eminence.

He is an eminent architect.

She seems eminently suitable for the job.

She is a Swedish emissary sent by the UN

The emission of carbon-dioxide from vehicles causes ailments.

The stale food emitted a foul smell.

Surprisingly, the opposition party took up an emollient stance.

His emoluments have doubled since last year.

She never emotes during arguments.

He appealed to our emotions rather than our intellect.
His voice was filled with emotion.

Her arrival was an emotional affair.

She was emotionally disturbed.

She stood emotionless on hearing the bad news.

The President gave a emotive speech on Independence day.

The Governor empathized with the famine striken farmers.

She has empathy for the physically handicapped persons.

Ashoka was the greatest emperor of ancient India.

The emphasis here is on quality work rather than quantity.

He emphasised the importance of good manners.

He emphasized the importance of good manners.

His emphatic denial depressed her.

Her respone was emphatically positive.

The Romans had a large empire.

Her accounts were based on empirical facts.

The solution to the problem was empirically arrived at.

He is a strict follower of empiricism in research.

This scientist is a hardcore empiricist.

She is employed as a shop assistant.

This is a scheme to make more people employable.

This company has over 1000 employees.

The new employer treats his employees well.

The government is aiming at full employment.

The tourists were taken to an arts and crafts emporium.

The assistant is empowered to take decisions in the absence of the Chief.

There is law and order due to the empowerment of the police force.

Sita was an empress.

He left the empty jug on the table.

Ram emptied the overloaded box.

He kept the bottle containing emulsion in the cupboard.

Morning walks enables one to regain lost health.

The Principal has enacted the new rule in the school.

I am responsible for the enactment of my school annual function.

In olden times people mostly engage themselves to enamel the bangle.

We encamped the the foot of the hills that night.

The painting has been encased in the glass.

Gita enchanted Ram by singing a song.

I enjoyed the enchantment of moonlight.

The enemy troop encircled the fort.

He encompassed the enemy ruin.

Teacher asked children to give encore to the answer.

Director told to hero to encore the dialogue.

The terrorists were killed in an encounter with the police.
I had a brief encounter with a angry man.

They encountered several implementaional problems in the beginning of the project.

I always encourage Ashu to play cricket.

We gave encouragement to the Indian team.

We shpold not encroach others freedom.

The magnificent bungalow of our colony is an endearment for people.

Indians endeavoured to throw the British out of India.

He never endorses my views.

He endowed her with wealth and ornaments.

He offered endowments to the temple.

She showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.

One must not endure atrocities.

One should be extra careful when enemy becomes a friend.

Tinku gave advise to Ashu to take some energetic exercise.

The laws were enforced in thebeginning of the last month.

There is a slackness in the enforcement of rules and regulations in the institute.

We engaged ourselves in social work during vacation.
--"२.सगाई करना"
Rahul was engaged to Anjali.

The teacher tried to increase his students engagement in class activities

At present he is involved in an engaging work.

Poverty engenders crime.

His truck had to have a new engine.

Ravi is a qualified mechanical engineer.

He engineered the plot to kill the manager.

He had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study

Rats engrave the land.

Sita bought an old engraving of the cathedral.

I was totally engrossed in reading that book.

This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat

Nowadays companies spend lot of money on modifications and enhancement of their

Shakespeares character Hamlet has always been an enigma for the readers.

Sitas mother enjoined her to behave properly before guests.

The industry enjoyed an abnormal profit this year.

You should take some time off from work for enjoyment.

That building has been considerably enlarged.

The article on spiritualism entitled the readers.

"enlist","VTI","1.भर्ती करना /सूचिपत्रमेंनामलिखना"
He enlisted himself in the Army.

Sita tried some unusual spices to enliven her cooking.

It was a sad play about middle-age ennui.

In Jainism killing of animals is an enormity.

An enormous amount was spent on the construction of the dam.

Have you eaten enough?

"enrage","VT","1.गुस्सा दिलाना/कुपितकरना"
Rahuls bad temper enraged his friends.

"enrich","VT","1.उपजाऊ बनाना/धनी/धनाड्यकरना"
Fertilizers enrich the soil.

Ram needs to enroll his name in the school before July.

The enrollment was less in our school this year.

We should enshrine the non-renewable resources.

Our National flag is ensign of our country.

We have become enslaved to the motor car.

Nikhil was ensnared in the complexities of the legal system.

I am appointed to ensue Mrs. Bingle.

What does this move entail?

Success in any sphere of life entails hardwork.

He couldnt get himself out of the entanglement of bad company.

The ship entered an area of shallow marshes..

He entered her name in the school register.

A growing enterprise must have a bold leader

This year they framed an enterprising foreign policy

He entertained the notion of moving to South America

Entertainment is very important in our life.

The Queen was enthroned after 50years.

One should have enthusiasm towards ones work.

Shabnam is not a great enthusiast for this form of dances.

We received an enthusiastic response in our TV show.

A salesman enticed over 300 people to buy Santro car.

His enticements were shameless

An entire town was devastated by earthquake

They put the blame entirely on him.

We must examine the problem in its entirety.

The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request your FBI file


In some caste dead bodies are entombed under the ground.

The dish was made from the entrails of a sheep.

They waited at the entrance to the garden

A bear was entrapped by the zoo authorities.

He turned a deaf ear to all my entreaties.

The enemy troops were entrenched at the other side of the river.

The messenger was entrusted with the generals secret

Yash got entry in the painting competition.

He noted his arrival on the entry phone .

The dancer entwined the flowers in her braided hair.
They walked along with (their) arms entwined .

"enumerate","V","1.सूची बनाना"
The engineer enumerated the usage of his new robot.
He enumerated his wealth to his son .

"enunciate","V","1.उच्चारण करना"
The spokesman should enunciate properly and correctly .
The interpreter enuciated each word clearly.
--"२.व्यक्त करना
He enunciated his opinion in a letter to the committee.
Speaker enunciated his thoughts on vedic philosophy.

The enunciation for ceasefire was passed only after the cabinet meeting.

She enveloped the baby in the blanket.
--"२.आवृत करना"
Smoke enveloped the entire building.

I received an unstamped envelope.
The forgot to put stamps on envelop before posting it.

"enviable","Adj","1.ईर्षा के योग्य"
His health is enviable ; he never falls sick.
He has enviable achievements in his life .

She looked enviably at my new saree .

Ram is not as envious as Mohan .
She was envious of her friends popularity.

Many people are concerned about the pollution of environment .
Plastics are an environmental hazard.
He was brought up in a middle-class environment.
Peaceful environment in this area is very condusive for meditation.

Environmental pollution is very harmful for health.

"environmentalist","N","1.पर्यावरण विद"
Environmentalists are creating public awareness about environmental

"environmentally","Adj","1.पर्यावरण के तोर पर"
Polythene bags are not environmentally friendly product .

I dislike mumbai and its environs.
The city muncipal corporation is planning to take over the environs of Delhi to beautify the capital city.

"envisage","VT","1.संभावना का ध्यान करना"
The engineer envisaged the recovery process for system breakdown.

A special envoy of the neighbouring country met the Prime Minister.
Since the ambassador was ill, Indian envoy represented the country in the meeting
The UN envoy met the warring groups.

He couldnt conceal his envy at my success .
His healthy and strong body is the envy of his friends.

We shouldnt envy others success .
I realy envy your loving and happy family.

Enzymes are the catalysts in most biochemical reactions.

"eon","N","1.असीमित समय"
You will have to wait an eon to see a society where everybody is happy.

The general was present at the meeting in full ceremonial dress wearing his decorations and epaulettes.

"ephemera","N","1.क्षणिक वस्तु"

Indian philosophers taught that one should leave aside ephemeral pleasures and look for lasting happiness.

Mahabharat is the largest epic ever written in world history.

The cyclone that hit Orisa was of epic proportions.

The epicenter of recent earthquake was Jabalpur.
Religious conversions are the epicenter of recent violence againest Chritians.

The epicures eat to please their taste buds and not just to satisfy hunger.

The spread at Mrs. Gigis dinner was an epicurean delight with its variety of meats, deserts and wine selection.

Doctors are fearing an epidemic to breakout after the flood.

"epidemiology","N","1.महामारी विज्ञान"
There is a need to create epidemology department in the medical college.

"epidermis","N","1.बाह्य त्वचा"
Epidermis is the external layer of the skin.


One of the symptoms of teen maturity is the growth of a prominent epiglottis in boys.

Tenali Rama was well known for his epigrams.

Sanchi is famous for its epigraphs.

Suresh is suffering from epilepsy.

"epileptic","Adj","1.मिर्गी रोगी"
Ravi is an epileptic and suffers from attacks occasionally.

The author now is close to completion of the travel article as she is writing the epilogue.

Epiphany is the Christian festival held on 6th January.

Preaching is one of the episcopal duties of a Bishop.

There are some unforgettable episodes in my life.

My brother has phenomenal episodic memory as he can narrate hundreds of stories.

I am going to write a long epistle to him.

Although the epistolary novel style is rare in literary circles it has its own merits.

"Here lies a good and honest man" were the words inscribed in Mr. Johns epitaph.

"epithet","N","1.उपाधि विशेषक"
The corrupt politician was greeted with abusive epithets on his arrival.

Rita is the epitome of beauty.

The ministers statement epitomizes the governments lack of sensitivity of the issue.

The dinosaurs roamed the earth an epoch more than 65 million years ago.

"epoch making","Adj","1.युगान्तरकारी"
The journey of Vajpayee to Lahore was an epoch making event in the Indo-Pak relationship.

He has an equable personality.

All citizens should have equal rights in a nation.

Women in a male dominated society have been struggling for equality of the sexes.

"equalize","V","1.समान करना/बराबर करना"
The poor batting display by the Indian batsmen equalized the teams good bowling performance earlier.


Pele scored the equalizer for Brazil against Argentina in the Americas cup football tournament.

Health and knowledge both the things are equally important.
Bananas were equally distributed among all the students.

The task of translating a novel needs equanimity on part of the translators.

"equate","V","1.बराबर मानना"
One cannot equate beauty with brains.

Albert Einstein formulated the most famous equation in the history of science.

"equator","N","1.भूमध्य रेखा"
The Air India flight crossed the equator over the sea on its way to Johannesburg in South Africa from New Delhi.

Frequent showers is a typical characteristic of equatorial climate.

An equerry is a position of employment in the British monarchy which is useless in the modern context.

"equestrian","Adj","1.अश्वारोही घुडसवार"
Mrs. Jhunjunwala had a great love for horses and never missed the equestrian events shown on TV during the Olympics.

"equi-","Comb form","1.समान"

My house is equidistant from both the railway station as well as the airport.

"equilateral","Adj","1.समभुज समबाहु"
A tetrahedron is a solid figure made up of three equilateral triangles as its four faces.

Rekha keeps equilibrium between work and home demands.

Although we did not want to call her ugly she did have an equine face.

The spring and autumn equinoxes bring wonderful weather in Hyderabad.

"equip","V","1.सज्जित करना"
All the soldiers going to the warfront were equipped with arms.

They own all sorts of modern equipment for their household work.

King Vikramaditya was famous for his equitable decisions.

The judge distributed the property equitably to settle the case.

"equity","N","1.समान हिस्सा"
Bill Gates controls more than 20 percent of Microsoft equity.
The lawyer pleaded for equity and the application of the principles of natural justice.

The perpendicular bisector of a line divides it into two equivalent halves.

The Hindu religion gives moral equivalence to the suffering of animals and human beings.

She tried to give an equivocal answer.
Mr. Ram Babu is well known in our neighborhood in giving equivocal answers to crucial questions.

One of the first things a young diplomat learns is how to equivocate during policy statements.

"era","N","1.युग/संवत कल्प"
The discovery marked a new era in biological research.

We eradicated all the weeds from the garden.

A mosquito eradication program is expected to decrease the incidence of Malaria.

I am trying to erase all her memories from my mind.

I bought a pencil eraser of good quality for my art class.

An erasure or obliteration in a bank cheque should be examined carefully.


"erect","Adj","1.सीधा खडा"
Mr. A.K. Singh used to keep an erect posture at all times.

"erect","V","1.बनाना/खडा करना"
Saleem erected that huge mansion in a matter of a few months.

They need him at Mumbai, ergo he should go there.

Ergonomics is now an important consideration for office interior designers so as to make the working environment comfortable a
न्द् प्रोदुच्तिवे.

It is now well proven that a house wife suffers less strain in a kitchen which has good lighting and a sound ergonomic design.

My Department has placed an order to buy thirty ergonomically designed chairs.

Mrs. Gansetta drove Mr. Warat crazy as he did not bring her the ermine robes he had promised her.

"erode","V","1.क्षय हो जाना/कट जाना"
The exposure through nights of freezing cold and the days of scorching sun made the famous statue of Buddha in Tibet to erode
अत् अ वेर्य् थस्त् रते.

Geological erosion brings down tons of soil from the mountains to be deposited in the plains.

The movie could not be passed for general viewing by the censor board as it contained several scenes depicting stimulation of
एरोगेनोउस् ज्ञोनेस् ओथ् थे अच्तोर्स्.

Most tourists arrive at Khajuraho with the misconception that it has only erotic postures in the temple decorations.

D.H. Lawrence was amongst the writers of erotica in an era where the expression of sexual feelings was looked down by society.

The films of Deepa Mehta were censured for their blatant eroticism.

To err is human.

He was running some errands for his boss.

Someshwer is an errant father.

Their erratic schedule will soon ruin their health.

In the olden days text books used to print a list of errata at the back.

He has erroneous ideas about Indian philosophy.

This poem originally due to Tagore was erroneously attributed to Bankimchandra.

Computers do not allow one to forget even a single error.

The shop outside the museum was selling ersatz paintings.

"erstwhile","Adj","1.पहले का"
Having lost his fortune his erstwhile friends deserted him.

Mr.Ghose gave an erudite lecture on the modern history of India.

Delegates of the conference displayed their works of erudition in the poster session.

"erupt","V","1.फूट निकल आना"
I saw a column of smoke erupt from the building.

During a volcanic eruption large amounts of lava and gases are emitted.

Shelling from across the border caused tension to escalate further.

Eating of very salty food caused an escalation in his blood pressure.

"escalator","N","1.चलती सीढी"
A child died at the airport due to a faulty escalator.

The hero climbed into the heroines window in a romantic escapade.
Hard work was his escape from worry
That was a narrow escape

The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison
We escaped to our summer house for a few days




A compilation of esoteric philosophical theories











Essential tools and materials
The essential feature
Essential oil

Establish a new department
The trompe loeil-illusion establishes depth

The establishment of organizations dealing with womens issues have made a difference.
He has set up a new establishment for his factory.
The entire establishment was against the the new policies.

The family owned a large estate on Long Island

It is held in esteem



An estimate of what it would cost
Many factors are involved in any estimate of human life
He got an estimate from the car repair shop

I estimate this chicken to weigh at three pounds

They had a high estimation of his ability
He was stranged from his second wife.

She made no attempt to reconciliate with her estranged husband.

The quarrel caused two years estrangement between them.

Fishermans huts are beside estuary.

"et al","Abbrand other people or things","1.तथाअन्य"
On 26th January speech was given by the chairman et al.

"etc","Abbretc cetera","1.आदि/इत्यादि"
From super market, we can buy rice,wheat,maize,etc.

Beautiful etch of animals can be seen on the walls of Ajantha cave.
The artists must have spend many hours etching the images on thick and flat glass.

The vase had beautiful etchings of birds on it.

The Eternal space.

He appears to be working eternally on this problem.

"eternal triangle","N","1.अमर त्रिकोण"
My film story was based on eternal triangle.

"eternal verity","N","1.अमरसत्यता"
In olden days eternal verity was taught at ashrams.

The preacher promised us eternity.

In making medicine, five drums of ether are used by the industry.
Todays hot news disappears into the ether tomorrow.

Her ethereal beauty.
Ethereal solution

An American ethic.
Decision of professional ethics are always right.

Ethical codes.
An ethical lawyer.
It seems ethical and right.

The ethnic composition of the songs of India.

He took right decision at ethnically troubled region.

The prevailing social ethos.

An etiolated painting.


He visited India to study ethmology.

History of words can be known from etymological.

"EU","AbbrEuropean Union","1.युरोपीयसंघ"
He is a leader of the EU.

We planted many eucalyptus plants at our lane.


The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral.

His eulogy on her performance was exagerated.

A telefilm based on the life of eunuchs was telecaste on television.

"euphemism","N","1.मंगलभाषी" #कठोरशब्दोंकेस्थानपरमधुरशब्दोंकाप्रयोग
,Pass awayis a euphemism for die.

Euphemistic expressions.

Soldiers are in a state of euphoria after their victory.

On the occasion of the festival the atmosphere in the village was
almost euphoric.

,Eureka! I can see the land at last said the sea-man to his fellow sailers on the lost ship.

An eurocheque can be drawn from any European bank.

A bill has to pass from Eurocrat.

European politicians are busy in Euro-election.

Italy is in Europe.

A european reputation.

This book belongs to a young european.

Ethanasia is a controvertial issue in the medical ethics.

AFter the earthquake, residents were evacuated.

Orders went out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.

Evacuees from the complex.

Party leader managed to evade all difficult questions.

The situation was evaluated by the old man.

They can help develop our powers of critical evalution.

His memory is as evanescent as a snowflake.

Evangelical Christianity

I met an evangelist in the train who gave me this bible.

The missionary evangelized the local villagers.

The water evaporated in no time.


His evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible

His answers were brief, constrained and evasive
Pilots are taught to take evasive action

Thief gave evasive_ answer to the police
Evasive-answer of a student made the teacher angry.

He always arrives on the eve of her departure
On the eve of the French Revolution

An even application of varnish
Even (or regular) features;
Even amounts of butter and sugar
The score is even
Even an idiot can see this.

Even when he is sick, he works
Looked sick and felt even worse

Even out the surface

"even out","PhrV","1.बराबरकरनाHonA"
The job can be evened out amongst the students.
The ground evened out after the steep climb.

Dimond rings are even-handed to the shopkeeper.

I go for a walk every evening.

Evenings she goes to the market.

"evening dress","N","1.संध्याकालीनपहनेजानेवालीपोशाक"
After wearing evening dress he went to the neighbours house.

A class evenly divided between girls and boys
An apple is divided evenly between two brothers

The most importent event in the college life.
In that event, the first possibility is excluded.

The most exhausting and eventful day of my life

Hope of eventual (or ultimate) rescue

He was already aware of the eventuality his actions.

He will understand eventually

Did you ever smoke?
Have you ever been to Singapur.
She was ever so friendly

Periwinkle is an evergreen plant.


Stars are everlasting in the sky.
Everlasting complaints

This book remains part of our library for evermore.

Every day ,I go for walk.
Every one should be proud of their own country.

Everybody was anxiously waiting for the final results.

Everyday, she cooks the food.

Notice was received by everyone.
Everyone was looking perplexed.

Everyplace is decorated with flowers.

His everything is with me.

You find fast food stores everywhere
Cool and happy atmospher is not found everywhere.

They were evicted from the house.

The evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling
His trembling was evidence of his fear

His involvement in the affair is evident from his suspicious behaviour on that day.

Evil purposes

He sees no evil.
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones
Attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world




Modern man evolved a long time ago
We evolved an interesting idea


Give exact figures.
An exact mind


He was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do

He exaggerates the stories to make them interesting for children.

His stories are full of exaggeration.

The poor will be exalted.

She occupies an exalted pot in the company.

I have my final BA exams today.

Today is my main examination

The doctor examined the patient.

He says he did his exams well but the examiner gave him poor marks.

Theories should be explained through examples.

His constant sly remarks exasperated her.

ASI excavated a buried town in Brindavan.

Excavation of site has become difficult.

The cost of this book does not exceed Rs 150.

They perforemed exceedingly well in the public exam.

She excelled in mathematics.

The use of herbs is one of the excellences of French cuisine.

He gave an excellent speech on human rights.

I could answer all the questions except for the last one.

They are all there except me.

Children under 1.are excepted from watching the movie.

With the exception of the children, everyone was told the news.

There is no exceptional matter in the novel.

Im trying to lose excess weight

Excessive charges of corruption were levelled against him.

Four militants were released in exchange of 154 passengers on board the IA plane
Four militants were exchanged for 154 passengers on board the IA plane.

He is the principal secretary to the exchequer.

The government should raise the excise duty on tobacco.

A lump was excised from her throat.

We were very much excited by the news of Indias victory over Australia.

"excitement","N","1.हलचल/आवेश "
He could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed to marry him.

,Alas,my pet is dead,she exclaimed with grief.

She gave an exclamation of delight

The bad results were excluded from the report

The new policy on taxation contains many exclusions.

She belongs to an exclusive club.

John was excommunicated.

Media excoriated the government on its new economic policy.

The lawn was covered with dogs excrement.

Tooth ache is excruciating.

All our excursions will be sponsored by the company.

He always gives some or the other excuse for being late.

Please excuse my dirty hands.

The murderer was finally executed.
He executed all his plans carefully.

Newspapers condemned the execution of freedom fighters.

I dont think he has any regrets for being a public executioner.

He holds an executive post in the company.

He is an excutive in the company.

He was appointed as an executor of the estate.

He is an exemplary student in the school.

Her style exemplifies modern Indian cooking.

He is exempt from military service.

The accused was exempted from all charges.

I applied for exemption from the exam.

We must do exercises regularly.

We must exercise regularly.

He exerted his power and influence to get his nephew admitted in the college.

She fell ill due to strenuous physical exertion.

This kind of work exhausts me

Pollution can cause exhaustion.

He made an exhaustive study of the dinosaur fossils.

The museum had many exhibits of oriental art

He exhibits a great talent

A remarkable exhibition of handicrafts was held in the city.

She became a pilot for the sheer exhilaration of flying.

We were exhilarated by the news of Indias victory over Australia in the cricketmatch.

His father exhorted him to take the civil services exam.

All his fathers exhortation were in vain.

The police exhumed a dead body for postmortem.

Ram was in exile for 1.years.

Ram was exiled for 1.years.

"exist","VI","1.अस्तित्व होना"
He could barely exist on such a low wage

I dont believe in the existence of ghosts.

Scientific observations challenge the existent beliefs.

I made an exit to avoid her.

The Jury exonerated him from all charges of corruption.

Last year onion was sold in exorbitant prices.

A priest was called to exorcise the effect of ghost in the house.

She bought exotic costumes from the Far East.

His business expanded rapidly.

After two years he expanded his business.

A wide expanse of sea could be seen from my window.

He is planning about his business expansion.

We were expecting a visit from our relatives

We have little expectation of winning the match.

He acted from expediency not principles.

His action is seen as expedient rather than principled.

In some circumstances it is expedient to express loyalty

Courier companies expedite the delivery of mails to customers.

Some soldiers went on an expedition to Antartica.

We are carrying out the work as expeditiously as possible.

The child was expelled from the school for poor performance.

The Parliament expended its time on economic reforms.

There has been an increase in the defence expenditure for last two years.

He kept a record of his expenses at the meeting.

She always buys expensive clothes.

She has 1.years of teaching experience.

I experienced a brief moment of terror while watching the movie.

She is an experienced teacher.

Researchers are conducting an experiment on human psychology.

Medicines are first experimented on animals before recommending for human

My mother is an expert cook.

My mother is an expert in cooking.

Expiration should be slowly done while doing yoga.

"expire","VT","1.समाप्त होना"
My passport expired last month

The teacher explained the theory to the students.

He gave a detailed explanation of the case.

Explanatory notes are given at the back of the book.

,I swearis an expletive.

She was quite explicit about why she has left.

We were explicitly forbidden to enter the military area.

The champagne bottle exploded.

Im not interested in your exploits in the war.

He exploited the new tax system.
She was much exploited by her office.

He called for a careful exploration of the consequences

I like to explore new places.

The explosion of the firecrackers scared the children.

The militants planted an explosive device near the railway station.

The terrorists planted explosives at the railway station.

M.S.Subbalakshmi is an exponent of Carnatic music.

The government has banned the export of low quality goods.

India exports many edible items to UAE.

He exposed the rampant corruption in his department through his article.
He published an expose of the graft and corruption government offices.


This work gives exposure to computers.

He expounded his theory in the seminar.

Im going to Indore in express train.
It was her express wish to get her son married to a poor girl.

She expressed her feelings very clearly.

I could easily read the expression of sadness in her face.

Actors should have an expressive face.

The players were threathened with expulsion.

The captains name was expunged from the final list.

,The Milkmaid is an exquisite painting by Raja Ravi Varma.

Im searching for the earliest extant of the Scandanavian history.

The railway line hasnot yet been extended to the remotest areas in the North-
East regions.
The school extended an invitation to the parents on the occasion of Republic Day
The minister has extended his visit for another week.

The extension of internet connection all over the country has been rapid.

He did not work to the extent of his knowledge.

We made an extensive use of the public library.

We used the public library extensively.

Carvings were done on the exterior surface of the building.

He is a man with a rough exterior.

Modern civilization has exterminated the tribal populations in many regions.

He got good remarks in chemistry practicals from the external examinar.

The candidate needs to be externally evaluated.

Dinosaurs are an extinct species.

They think a meteor caused the extinction of dinosaurs.

The birthday boy extinguished the candles in the party.

The elders should extol the virtues of ones children.

They extorted money from the executive by threatening to kill his children.

Nowadays extortion is extensive in commercial towns.

He always carried extra medicines in case of an emergency.
An extra fast car

He always carried extras in case of an emergency

The dentist extracted one of my bad teeth.
--"२.सार तत्वनिकालना"
I extracted a promise from the Dean for two new positions


मेजर ने अपराधियो को जनरल को extradite कर दिया

An issue extraneous to the debate
The ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play
Water free of extraneous matter
Extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph

An ambassador extraordinary
Extraordinary authority
An extraordinary desire for approval

उसने चोकलेट्स एंव परफ्युमस पर extravagance किया

Extravagant praise

He carried the argument to extremes.
Extreme cold
An extreme example
An extreme conservative
The extreme edge of town

We have to go to the extreme edge of town to find him.

Our security forces are having a tough time fighting the extremists.
He belongs to the extremist faction of the party.


I cannot extricate myself from this task



She exudes great confidence.



Her eyes are beautiful.
She has an eye for fresh talent
He tried to catch her eye

Contact lens is wore on the eyeball.

She gets her eyebrows plucked.

I cant read without eyeglasses.

Nowadays false eyelashes are available in the market.

My eyelid was swollen last night.

She lost her eyesight in the accident.

The old building is a real eyesore.

We couldnt find an eyewitness to the accident.

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