Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : S

Sunday is a sabbath day for christians.

"sabbatical","N","1.विश्रामदिवस सम्बन्धी"
She was given 6 years for sabbatical in Italy.

She is wearing a sable coat.

Dont Sabotage somebodys plans.

Investigators examining the wreckage of the aircraft have not ruled out Sabotage.


"sabre-rating","N","1.किसी को धमकी देकर डराना"
The situation calls for calm discussion not for sabre ratting.

The toads have sac in their throat.

A saccharin smile.


A sachet of sugar.

The sack split and the rice poured out.
The sack of Troy.

"sack","V","1.निकाल देना"
He is sacked for incompetence.
They sacked the town.

"sackcloth and ashes","IDM","1.टाट ओढए और भस्म रमाए"
Just because I was wrong she expects to see me in sackcloth and ashes.

The sacrement of baptism.
Did you recieve the sacrament?

This is the sacramental wine. You can have it.

Her marriage is sacred to her.

The sacrifice of young children in the temple is not a good practice.
A large number of leaders of the national movement sacrificed their personal life for the national interests.

Sacrificial offerings are kept there.

She regarded the damage done to the painting as sacrilege.

Harming these animals is considered sacrilegious.

People consider sacristan to be the next to God as he is responsible for the keeping of Gods verdict.

"sacristy","N","1.पूजा सामग्री कक्ष"
Sacristy being a s sacred place should be kept initially clean.

John is sad because his dog has died.
--"२.बहुत बुरा"
Its a sad fact that many of those who die in road accidents are under 25.

"sadden","V","1.दुी बनना"
We were all saddened by her death.

"sadly","Adv","1.दुर्भाग्यवश से"
Sadly we have no more money.
--"२.बुरी तरह से"
They had hoped to win but sadly disappointed.
--"३.उदासी से"
She llooked at him sadly.

The occassion was tinged with sadness.

Sit on the saddle and ride the horse.
Sit on the saddle and lean forwards.
--"३.पीठ का पारचा"
A saddle of lamb.

The saddler was kicked by a wild horse.

"saddlery","N","1.घोडए का साज सामान"
You can get all the saddlery for your horse near by.
He is perfect at the art of saddlery.


Ancient kings were very fond of safari.

Your secret is safe with me.
The missing child was found safe and sound.
Its safe to assume that there will always be a demand for new software.

Robbers usually make attempt to have safe-conduct.

We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.

"safeguard","V","1.सुरक्षित करना/बचाना"
Every one should safeguard the environment.

"safe Keeping","N","1.सुरक्षा"
Before the game I gave my watch to my wife for safe keeping.

"safely","Adv","1.सलामती से/कुशलपूर्वक"
They arrived home safely.
--"२.निश्चित रूप से"
We can safely assume that he will accept the job.

Panditji wore saffron colour turban round his head.

"sage","N","1.कपूर का पत्ता"
I stuffed the chicken with dried sage.

Grandma always sang the saga of Indian soldiers.

Sagittarius is a Zodiac Sign.

"sail","V","1.जलयात्रा करना"
She sailed on her boat.
--"२.रवाना होना"
When does the ferry sail?
--"३.पार करना"
Sail the Aegean in a cruiser.

Shikha took two sailings from one side to other.

He was walking towards the sailboard.

Sailboat is driven by number of people.

"Sailcloth","N","1.जहाज के लिए प्रयुक्त होने वाला मोटा कपडआ"
Earlier, sailcloth was used for boats to sail.

Sailor directs the ship to sail on the sea.

Swami Vivekanand was a great saint.

How is my sainted sister.

Swamiji accepted sainthood in his early age.

Krishna has saintly expression on his face.

A person should have the quality of saintliness in his behavior.

"Saints Day","N","1.साधु-दिवस"
Saintss day is celebrated all over the world with great fun.

For Gods sake! Please go away.
--"२.साकेचावलों की बनी जापानी शराब"
I took two pegs of sake last night.

Mtv and [v ॥अन्नेल्स् अरे एन्चोउरगिन्ग् सलचिओउस् नतुरे इन् तेएनगेर्स्.

I served him a plate full of salad in dinner.

"salad-Cream","N","1.सलाद क्रीम"
Salad-cream will be added in some kinds of fruit salads.

"Salad-Dressing","N","1.सलाद का सजाव"
Salad-dressing should be done with vinegar, salt or sugar.

Salamander lives on land which is nearer to the water.

"salami","N","1.मसालेदार लंगोचा"
She likes to eat salami.

Poor people cannot manage on their salary.

"salaried","Adj","1.वेतन सम्बन्धी"
In my office, people are salaried at weekends.

They are currently negotiating the sale of their subsidiary companies .

"sales clerk","N","1.दुकानपरकामकरनेवाला"
Sales clerk was given the charge to sell off this car.

"saleable","Adj","1.बेचने योग्य"
This car is saleable and we can earn more money if we will sell it.

Our old cottage is now a saleroom of old and traditional things.

Ram is working like a salesman on Rayond Shopping Centre.

There are many salesperson, who are seeking for other jobs.

Saleswoman are selling goods door to door, so as to earn their livelihood.

She pointed all the salient features of T.V.

An outward curve in a military line of attack is called salient.

Usually saline solution is used for cleaning of cotact lenses.

Salive helps in swallowing the food in the mouth.

She seemed to be sallow and drawn

I planted two sallow trees in my garden.

After lunch she sallied forth for a short walk.

The army made a successful sally.

Salmon are used as food in European countries.

"salmonella","N","1.कीटाणु जो फूड को जहरीली बनादे"
Cases of salmonella poisoning are registered in the hospital.

"salon","N","1.नाई की दूकान"
Customers go for their hair or beauty treatment to salons.

The old mand went to the saloon daily.

Take some salsa with this food.

"salsify","N","1.विलायती कचालू"
Salsify is a vegetable which is very nutritive.

Salt is used to flavour the food.

Please, put some salt into salt-cellar.

"salt-water","Adj","1.नमक का पानी"
We can find salt-water in some water sources.

Salt-petre is used to make dynamites.


"salutary","Adj","1.हितकारी/अच्छा प्रभाव"
The railways was a salutary reminder of carelessness of railway authorities.

The salutation was given to the martyrs of the war.
,Dear Sir is a salutation.

The officer returned the sergeants salute.

"salute","V","1.अभिवादन करना"
Priya stepped back & saluted the national flag.

Salvage of the wreck was carried out successfully.

She took them to court in an attempt to salvage her reputation.
They salvaged the documents from the sunken ship.

One should pray for the salvation of the world.
Writing is Priyas salvation.

"salvation Army","N","1.मुक्ति-सेना"
The salvation army helped in uplifting of poor.

We use Betadine ( an antiseptic cream ) as a salve on wounds.

"salve","V","1.शान्त करना"
The gift was his way of salving his conscience.

I bought a beautiful salver.

The salvo was heard all night.

"salvolatile","N","1.ऎमोनियम कार्बोनेट"

"samaritan","N","1.समारी/फोन पर मिलने वाली सहायता"
I want the help of samaritan as I have no friends.

"samba","N","1.नृत्य का एक प्रकार"
In annual functions day they danced the samba on stage.

Handwriting of Priya & Vidushi is just same.

"the same","Adv","1.समान रूप से"
The two words are spelt differrently, but pronounced the same.

I will do the same again.

Genetically sameness would be shared by the twins.

These samosas are so tasty & crispy.

Priya wants to make tea in samover.

Chinese use sampan for transport purposes.

Ritu needs a sample of his handwritting.

"sample","V","1.नमूना बनाना या लेना"
We sampled openion among the people about changes in constitution.

"sampler","N","1.नमूने जानने वाला"
Neha was asking for sampler as she wants to learn to make different stiches on a piece of cloth.

"samurai","N","1.जापान की मिलिटरी"
One type of military class in Japan is called samurai.
--"२.जापान की मिलिटरी का सदस्य"
A member of the samurai military class is also called samurai.

We need to take him in a sanatorium for his check up as he is very ill.

"sanctify","V","1.पवित्र करना"
Life can be sanctified by praying God.

Ramu cheats everyone. He is a sanctimonious person.

"sanctimoniously","Adv","1.ढोंग रचते हुए"
She has done his exams snctimoniously.

Without my sanction he signed the letter for admission.
This is the need for effective sanctions against computer hacking.

"sanction","V","1.मंजऊर करना"
They wont sanction a further cut in intrest rates.

I belive in the sanctity of temples.

In a sanctuary people worship God.
The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the cathedral.
Pullikat is one of the famous bird sanctuaries in India.

She radiates sanctity.

"sanctum","N","1.निजी कमरा"
I was once allowed into his inner sanctum.
--"२.परमपावन मन्दिरगर्भ"
Miscrients stolen the golden ornaments from the sanctum.

Mix sand and cement to make concrete.
The children are playing on the sands.

"sander","N","1.घिसाई करने वाला"
The surface of the room is rough, I want a sander.

This room is so sandy.

Ankur likes to sit on sandbars.

"sanddunes","N","1.रेत का टीला"
Sanddunes are common in Rajasthan.

Priya wants to buy sadals for her friends marriage.

"sandalled","Adj","1.चप्पल पहिना हुआ"
The watchman stooped the sandalled man at the entrance of the te,mple.

Articles made of sandalwood are very costly.

Sandbags are used as a defence against raising floods.

"sandbag","V","1.बालू-थैली लगाना"
Sandbag the doorway to keep the water out.

The boat struck on a sandbank.

"sandblast","N","1.रेत का झोंका"
blast of wind laden with sand.

"sandblast","V","1.रेत का झोंका मारना"
Grind with a sandblast.
Sandblast the facade of the building.

She brought a sandbox here, it is not allowed to bring it in the hospital .

"sandcastle","N","1.रेती से बना हुआ किला"
Children are playing on the sea-shore by making sandcastles.

We can find sandflys on the sea-shores.

"sandman","N","1.सैंडमेनएक कल्पित आदमी"
My mother told me that sandman will come & make you fall asleep.

"sandpaper","V","1.रगडनारेगमाल से"
I was sandpapering on that old door, when my friend came to my house.

Ravi go and buy a sandpaper.

Neena wants to see a sandpiper.

"sandpit","N","1.बालू का गड्ढा"
My sister likes to play a lot in a sandpit.

Sandstone is very common in fertile lands.

"sandstorm","N","1.रेतीली आधी/रेतीला तूफआन"
In Rajsthan, the sandstorms are common.

I like cucumber sandwiches.

"sandwich","V","1.बीच में रखनादोपाटोंके"
He was sandwiched between two trucks and died.

"sandwich-board","N","1.सैंडविच बोर्ड"
sandwich-board is hanged from the shoulders of a walker to display advertisements.

"Sandwich Course","N","1.एक साथ किए जाने वाले दो शैक्षिक पाठ्यक्रम"
My sister is doing Sandwich course.

Its hard to stay sane under such awful pressure.
My english teacher is sane.

Rani sang a song which was sung by Lata in competition.

Mohan remained Sang-froid when his brother met an accident.

Raj drinks lot of sangria so he is suffering from cancer.

Wars are sanguinary.
Stelin was a sanguinary king.

Rani is sanguine of success in her experiment.

Reena was suffering from T.B so she was kept in Sanatorism.


Atmosphere of Exhibition was Sanitary.

There was a proper sanitation in the hospital .

"sanitize","V","1.साफ सुथरा बनाना"
We should sanitize our surroundings.

He keeps his sanity by singing.
One should work with sanity during redicolors situation.

Titanic sank when it struck the ice berg.

This is a sanserif saree.

"Santa Clause","PropN","1.सैंटाक्लोज"
Santa Claus was born of twenty fifth day of last month of the year.

That medicine is made from sap of Neem tree.
The poor sap never knew that his wife was cheating him.

"sap","V","1.अशक्त या दुर्बल होना"
As he grew older and older his working power sapped.

Madam Curie is sapient in science.

"sapling","N","1.बालवृक्ष/छोटा पौधा"
In the nursery I saw many saplings.

"sapper","N","1.खंदक खोदने वाला सैनिक"
I saw many sappers on the journey to Shimla.

Sita wore a sapphire in a Party.

Doors and windows are made up of sapwood of sal tree.

Saracens wore white cloth on their head during worship of their God.

,And is that free and fair trade? She asked with more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Every one hate Rita because of her Sarcastic behaviouir.

Sarcophagus was used in ancient times.

"sardine","N","1.सार्डीन मछली"
There were many sardine in pond when I went there.

I dont like Sardonic talks.

He is a sarge in the army.

My anuty always wears sari.

Sarky behaviour is not liked by people.

Malaysian and Indonesian men and women wear sarongs.

"sartorial","Adj","1.सिलाई संबंधी"
The sartorial of film industry effects the society.

"SAS","Abbr:Special Air Service","1.उच्च शिक्षित सिपाहियों का समूह"
In elections big leaders prefer S.A.S.

Rajasthani women usually wears sash.
In modern multistories Sash is very common.

Sashcord is used to hang Curtains.

In Doctors clinic curtains are hanged on sash-window.

The girl sashed around the beach.

No one likes her because she shows her sass to everyone.

Alecstewart is a sassenach.
Sassenach is a scots term for an English person.

Satanism is not a good practice.

I have a beautiful satchel.

Moon is the satellite of earth.
--"२.अधीन राज्य"
A satellite state.

Mohan felt satiety after his meal.

"satiate","V","1.परितृप्त करना"
He felt satieted after Christmas dinner.

Rani wore white satin dress on her birthday.

The paint has a satin finish.

She has a satiny skin.

The book is full of cruel satire.
The book is a stinging satire on American politics.

His poems are witty and satirical.

V.R. Lakshman is one of the famous satirists in India.

"satirize","V","1.का उपहास करना/की निन्दा करना"
Political leaders satirize each other.

She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.

The result of the experiment was satisfactory.

"satisfy","V","1.सन्तुष्ट करना"
She wasnt satisfied by my explanation.
--"२.पूरा करना"
She has satisfied the conditions for entry into the college.
--"३.सन्देह दूर करना"
My assurances dont satisfy him, hes still sceptical?.

Labour is satisfied with their salary.

Satsuma is a variety of mandarin orange.
satsuma is a medium-sized largely seedless mandarin orange with thin s
mooth skin.

"saturate","V","1.गीला कर देना"
There was a rain yesterday and cloths which were kept outside get saturated.
--"२.भरा होना"
The market is saturated with good used cars.

I went out in the rain and got saturated.

"saturated","Adj","1.संतृप्त किया हुआ"
Saturated apple juice is distributed amongs the children.

He is saturated with American litrature.

As Sunday is holiday I watch many serials on Saturday.

Saturn has a big ring around it.

She was very saturnine as her husband didnt return.

She had seen satyr in the jungle.

Reema like to eat bread with sauce.
He also sauce with the old poor people.
--"२.रूखा व्यवहार
Thats enough of your sause! Youngman

He is a saucy boy.

"sauce boat","N","1.चटनी पात्र"
She always used to served sauce in sauce boat.

Reema cooked delicous vegetable in a saucepan.

She kept a cup of tea in a saucer vessel.

"saverkrant","N","1.बंदगोबी की आचार"
I like eating saverkrant at lunch.

"sauna","N","1.वाष्प स्नान"
Himanshu always like to take sauna on Sunday.

He was always saunter in the evening.

have a saunter around the shops.

She cooked delicious sausage by nourishing it with other ingredients.

"saute","Adj","1.तला हुआ"
Saute potatoes are tasty to eat.

A savage lion attacked a little rabbit.
The decision was a savageblow for the residents
Some young people are becoming savage.

"savagely","Adv","1.जंगलीपन से"
He scolded his servant savagely.

The man was punished today for his savagery

"savannah (also Savanna)","N","1.घास का मैदान"
It is good for health to walk early morning without shoes
on savannah.

He is a savant in Mathematics.

He saved her from drowning.4

A great saving of money and time is needed for everyone.

"savings bank","N","1.बचत बैंक"
He deposits his money in the savings bank to overcome his problems.

The new Boxer has been hailed as the saviour of the house.

"savoir faire","N","1.व्यवहार कुशलता"
He posessed savoir faire from his ancestors.

We can buy savoury items from a sweet shop.

"savour","V","1.पसन्द करना"
I like to savour the rewards of success.

The delicious savour of gulabjamun attracts me.

"savoy","N","1.एक तरह का बन्द गोबी"
We can get savoy in all places.

I saw an accident yesterday.

"saw","V","1.आरा चलाना"
Saw wood to make any furniture.

The saw is used in cutting woods.

There was a lot of sawdust in my room when it was under construction.

"sawmill","N","1.आरा मशीन"
The workers use sawmill for cutting woods.

"sax","N","1.सैक्साफोनएक तरह का बाजआ"
Jones is very good sax player.

"saxifrage","N","1.एक छोटासा भिन्न रंगों वाली पौधा"
Micky likes saxifrage in his garden.

He is a inhabitant of saxon.

"saxon","Adj","1.सैक्सन् संबन्धी"
We can see saxon churches in some places of india.

"saxaphone","N","1.सैक्साफोनएक तरह का बाजआ"
The major always listen saxaphone in the dance party.

A person who plays saxaphone is known as saxaphonist.

She says that she is a badminton champion.

His wound was covered with the scab.
She has a patch of scab on her arm.
--"३.हडताल भेदी"
Ram proved out to be a scab.

The apples in the basket are scabby.

The scabbard of emperor Akbar was studded with gems.

He is suffering from scabies.

There are some scabious growing on the field.

The trunk of the tree is scabrous.
Scabrous novels should be banned.

I have got scads of money in my pocket.

"scaffold","N","1.फासी का तख्ता"
The culprit was sent to die on the scaffold.
A scaffold is built in order to paint the skyscraper.

The labourer was working on a scaffolding.

ईन् physics, energy, force, distance, power are considered to be scaler quantities.

Huckelberry Finn was a scalawag.

"scald","V","1.जलानागरम पानी से"
She was scalded badly when hot tea fell on her.
--"२.गरम करना/उबालना"
She scalded the milk to drink.

For minor burns and scalds, cool the affected area under running water.

"Scalding","Adj","1.गर्मउबला जैसा"
The milk is scalding hot.

Generally all the fishes have scales on their bodies.
Buds with a covering of sticky scales are beautiful to see.
Scale is a kind of material that deposited inside the kettles.
The world is facing economic crisis on a global scale.
There was corruption on a grand scale.
Decimal scale was first introduced in India.
Vanya practises scales on the piano.
It was impossible to comprehend the full scale disaster.
The scale of fees in the schools now a days is very high.
The Earthquake measured 76 on the Ritcher scale.
This ruler has one scale in centimetre and another in inches.
At the other end of the scale we find gross poverty.

"scale","V","1.छिलका या परत उतारना"
He scalled the fish to cook.

"scale down","V","1.कम करना"
We are scaling down the number of trees to be felled.

"scale up","V","1.बडआना"
Scale up the production to meet demand.

I saw a kettle that which is scally inside.

Scallion is an important ingredient of salad.

Scallops are really beautiful.

Tom sawyer was a scallywag.

"scalp","N","1.सिर की खाल"
Unhealthy scalp can cause dandruff.

"scalp","V","1.सिर की खाल् उतारना"
Hitler scalped the Jews, whom he considered impure.

Doctors use scalpel to perform operations.

That minister was arrested due to currency scam.

In the childhood, very child behaves like a scamp.

"scamper","V","1.दौड जाना"
The deer scampered away when it heard the rour of a tiger.

"scampi","N","1.एक तरह का झींगा"
My mother prepares delicious scampi.

"scan","V","1.पर्यवेक्षण करना"
They scanned his brain to detect the problem.

"scandal","N","1.अनैतिक आचरण"
Involvement of P.M. in a scandal shocked the nation.

"scandalize","V","1.दुखी करना"
He scandalized his wife by giving divorce.

It is scandalous that you were treated so badly.

Scandalmongers should be punished.

"scansion","V","1.पर्यवेक्षण करना"

He pays scant salary to him.

Rainfall was scanty this year.

She made a beautiful painting of land scape.

"scapegoat","N","1.बलि का बकरा"
She became the scapegoat for her friends doing.

His scapula was broken in an accident.

The burn left a scar on my face.
Bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki left a scar.
There are many scars at that place.

Food soon became scarcer and more expensive.

After some years, there will be scarcity of fossil fuels.

"scarcely","Adv","1.मुशकिल से"
There were scarcely a hundred spectators in that match.

He was scared by the strange noises from the woods.

Her sudden appearance gave me a scare.

A scared look appeared on her face.

The story was quite scary.

We could see the scarecrow standing erect in the middle of the field.

She tied a scarf before going out.

She was wearing a scarlet dress.

The stones rolled down the scarp.

"scarper","V","1.भाग जाना"
She scarpered when she received a call from the kidnapper.

She is fed up of his scathing remarks.

She talks scathingly to everyone.

"scatter","V","1.तितर-बितर करना"
The flock of birds were scattered when hunter came.

He is a scatterbrain.

Scatterbrained persons really irritate me.

I will become scatty if I remain here.

"scavenge","V","1.सफआई करना"
Badgers will scavenge from sheep and lamb carcesses.

"scenenario","N","1.दृश्य लेख"
The amount of pollution we are creating will be a bad scenenario for future.

I reached the scene late.
१st world war was a horrifying scene.
There was quiet a scene when she refused to pay.
Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet was very touching.

"scenery","N","1.प्राकृतिक दृश्य"
Kashmir has many beautiful sceneries.
--"२.मंच सज्जा"
We designed a beautiful scenery for our class play.

Kashmir is famous for scenic beauty.

That flower has a good scent.
Put some scent on before going out.
Scientists are on the scent of a cure.

The cat scented the fish.
The detective scented the victim on the spot.
--"३.सुगन्धित करना"
She gave me a bunch of beautiful roses that scented the air.

The queen carried a beautiful sceptre studded with gems.

It will take time to convince him since he is a sceptic.

He was sceptical about existence of God.

Scepticism is his nature.

I couldnt go to the market as I had very tight schedule.
schedule4 ओ

The train is scheduled to arrive at 14:50 hrs.

The architect laid out the schema of the building.

"schematic","Adj","1.योजना बद्ध"
A schematic diais a schematio representation of tree on paper.
She had to live for two years in hostel under training scheme.
A co-ordinated lightning scheme is to be approved by the chairman.

"scheme","V","1.योजना बनाना"
The workers started scheming against the manager.

She sang a melodious scherzo.

The christians after a schism split into protestants and catholics.

The schismatic religious movements are being noticed by the people.

Lately Ram has been showing schizoid tendencies.

She is suffering from Schizophrenia.

She is schizophrenic person.

She had to schlepp those baskets for a very long time.

"schlock","N","1.रद्दी माल"
We should not waste money by buying schlocks.

She always writes schmaltz script.

One who will not listen ones words is called schomo.

"schnapps","N","1.एक तरह का नशीली पदार्थ"
Taking schnapps is injurious to health.

"scholor","N","1.वृत्ति छात्र"
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a great scholor.
Reaserch scholars are being paid in some universities.

"scholorship","N","1.छात्र वृत्ति"
Sita got a scholorship for her achievement in classical music.
Mohan was given scholarship for his scholastic achievements.

Our school is located in Mawana.
He is old enough to go for school.
The school of dentistry is being established in our college.

"school","V","1.प्रशिक्षित करना"
My dad schooled me in a reputed educational institution.

My parents pay for my schooling.

"schoolage","N","1.शिक्षा काल"
My grandfather in his schoolage used to play a lot.

"schooldays","N","1.विद्यार्थि जीवन"
A person said that schooldays are best days of life.

"school Friend","N","1.सह विद्यार्थि"
Yesterday in the market I met my school friend.

"school leaver","N","1.प्रशिक्षित विद्यार्थि"
New scopes are available for school leaver.

"school boy","N","1.स्कूली लडका"
He is a smart school boy.

"school Child","N","1.स्कूली बच्चा"
That school child always cry before going to school.

"school Fellow","N","1.सहपाठी"
We had a lot of fun with our school fellows all the day.

"school Girl","N","1.स्कूली लडकी"
Iअम् a school girl.

"school House","N","1.विद्यालय भवन"
There is a school house in my village.

"school Master","N","1.अध्यापक"
Our school master is very strict.

"school mate","N","1.सहपाठी"
My School mate co-ओपेरटे with me a lot.

"school teacher","N","1.शिक्षक"
Today our school teacher was awarded for her great performance in Maths.

Chinese traders use a schooner.

Years passed I had not met my friend.

"sciatic","Adj","1.नितंब संबन्धी"
My friends grand father is suffering from sciatic.

Science had changed the life of human beings.

New scientific discoveries had made life very simple and comfortable.

"science Fiction","N","1.काल्पनिक विज्ञान"
Reading science fiction is very interesting.

"science Park","N","1.वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाला"
I love to visit science park.

Scientists are helping to make our life easier.

Nepalies keep scimitar with them all the time.

There was not a scintilla of food left in the refrigerator.

Today our teacher gave us very scintillating explaination of the topic.

Ram was a scion of the Suryavanshis.

For cutting this piece of cloth properly I need a pair of scissors.


A sclerotic patient should undergo a nature cure treatment.

"scoff","V","1.उपहास करना"
Do not scoff she is absolutely right.

I will scold you , If you will do this mistake.

I got a scolding from her, for doing the same mistake again and again.

I got a tasty scone to eat at my Aunts bakery shop.

I want a scoop full of rice.
Give me a scoop full of tasty icecream.
--"३.अनूठी खबर"
This is a very exciting and important royal scoop.
--"४.तगडआ गूनाफा"
She caught a famous theif and got a reward of a big scoop of Rs.100000.

Id better scoot otherwise I well get a scolding from my boss today.

Now, I will reach my office at right time with the help of my new scooter.

There is a job having plenty of scope for new and original ideas.
Police are broadening the scope of their enquiries.

I scarched my finger when I was playing with the crackers.
--"२.तेज गति से चलाना"
Motor cyclists scarching down the road.

"scorcher","N","1.गरमी दिन"
Its real scorcher today.
--"२.जओरदार मार"
That scorcher of Tendulkar was applauded by the audience.

In the month of june, days seem as if scarching everything.

"scarched earth policy","N","1.सर्व क्षार-नीति"
It was my enemys scarched earth policy to destroy everything.

One can see many scarch marks on the surface of the land in the summer season.

In the world cup, Indias score was not very good.
The score of both teams was 250,235.
Musicians and singers want to see the orchestral score.
The score of Jatin lalit given in the films is very melodious.
Scores of people were dead in the earthquake.
The scores of the trees show that these trees should not be cut down.

Both the teams could not make any score, so it was a scoreless draw in the match.

he match was scoredraw because both the teams get equal points.

In the football match all players were exited to see the scoresheet.

"score","V","1.अंक बनाना"
We need to score 200 runs in 30 overs to win.
--"२.अंक लिखाना"
Whos going to score?
--"३.अंक पाना"
I scored 98% in the Board examination.
--"४.विजयी होना"
The songs of movie of Tall scored an instant success.
--"५.स्वरलिपि तैयार करना"
Here is a piece scored for violin, viola and cello.
Rocks scored by a Glacier.

I am acting as a scorer in the play.
--"२.स्कोर बबनानेवाला"
He is a prolific goal scorer.

"scoreboard","N","1.अंक फलक"
Who will write the scores on the score board ?
What was the scoreline of the final match of the worldcup ?

"scorn","V","1.से घृणा करना"
She scorned for his proposal to marry him.
--"२.तिरस्कार करना"
She scorned the efforts of ameteur singers.

Scornful nature will shows a great impact on the society.

I am a scorpio.

Some tiumes the bite of scorpion is very dangerous.

"scot","N","1.कर/स्काटलैंड् वासी"
I am a scot, but due to war I have to live here.

This is a Scotch Turkey.

"scotch Broth","N","1.अनाज और सब्जियों की रसा"
Please give me a scothc broth, I love it.

"scotch tape","N","1.फीता"
I want to stick this, please give me a scotch tape.

"Scotch Egg","N","1.तलाअंडागोश्तलगाहुआ"
I will like to have scotch egg.

"Scot free","Adv","1.बिना सजा के"
They escaped scotfree because of lack of evidence.

"scotland yard","N","1.लंदन पुलिस की मुख्य कार्यालय"
She informed the scotland yard the murder which has seen.
"scots","Adj","1.स्काटलैंड् की"
A scots industrialist had setup a woolen industry in
our town.

I am a scotsman.

I am a scotswoman.

"scottish","Adj","1.स्काटलैंड् की"
I want to learn Scottish dance.

Dont meet me again you scoundrel.

Scour out a sauce pan.
--"२.छान डालना"
He spent hours scouring magazines for information.
Use a good scourer to remove tough grease of the vessels.

The gentleman ordered the assistants to punish him with
--"२.लोक कंटक"
He is the scourge of whole mystierious event.

I want to learn scouse language.

He is a scouser.

My friend joined in a scout camp that conducted by the school.

"scoutmaster","N","1.स्काउट् दल की नेता"
I want the job of scoutmaster in your school.

I am afraid of my fathers scoul.

Please close the door, Tiger scrabbling the door to be
let in.
Mice scrabbling behind the skirting-बोअर्ड्.

This man looks very scraggy.

Scram! Go away I dont want to hear you.

"scramble","V","1.चढनाहाथ पैर के बल से"
The girl scrambled over the wall.
--"२.संघर्ष करना"
The players scrambling for possesion of the ball.

Why the scrap of paper is spreading over here?

"scrapbook","N","1.कतरन रजिस्टर/संग्राह पुस्तिका"
A book with blank pages for stickingpictures etc. is
called scrapbook.

Scraping potatoes is necessary to make potato chips.
--"२.खरोंच खाना"
I fell from the bike and scrapped my knee.
Donट् scrape your chair on the floor.
The workers scrape a hole in the ground.

The dog is scratching at ट्हे door.
Heड् scratched his name in the bark of the tree.
Scratching the rash will only make it worse.
--"४.वापस लेना"
I had to scratch from the debate because of stage fear.

I got less marks in my board exams because of my scraull writing.

Screams of laughter are being heard from the theatre.

The fans screamed with delight when they saw him.

There will be a lot of scree in hilly areas.

"screech","V","1.चीत्कार करना"
The monkeys screeching in the trees.
--"२.कर्कशध्वनि करना"
Dont screech, the doctor dosent do anything.

I want a good speech for the school magazine not screed one.
A layer of cement like material is called screed.

Why there is a screen between two walls.
He was using his business activities as a screen for crime.
A screen in a theatre can able to show upto 70mm.

"screen","V","1.आड देना"
The trees screen the house from view.
He screened my necklace from every one because it is very costly.
Government employees are regularly screened by the security services.
--"४.प्रदर्शित करना"
The wild life documentary will be screened tonight on discovery channel.

"screen play","N","1.फिल्म नाटक"
Julius caeser is a famous screen play of shakespeare.

"Screen writer","N","1.पटकथालेखक"
Chandra basu is a famous screen writer.

Machine cannt work properly if any screw is loose.
The nut is not tight enough; give it another screw.

Sending man to moon was considered as a screwy idea before hundred years.
Mostly people fail in their mission if their leader is screwy.

"Screw ball","N","1.सनकी/झक्की"
He was not selected as a principal of the college because he was a screwball.

"Screwed up","Adj","1.मुरझाना"
The candidate became screwed up after fail in exams.
After hearing a complaint of a student the face of the principal screwed up.
Mostly people screwed up waste paper before throwing them in dustbin.

"Screw topped","Adj","1.पेंचदार ढक्कन"
After putting necessary articles in the box it was screwed topped before sending to transport.

"screw driver","N","1.पेंचकस"
Electricians always keep screw driver with them while fitting the electric board.

Students who have interest in studies scribble notes during lecture.

The seminar provides a great opportunity for scribes.

I saw a scrimmage round the bargain counter.

"scrimp","V","1.मितव्ययी होना"
We had to scrimp and save to pay for the Kargil operation.

"scrip","N","1.पावती पत्र"
When I gave the money to an agent to purchase share for the company he gave me a scrip for the amont.

That line is not in the original script.
By his neat script he was always appreciated by his teachers.
A document in cyryllic script may attract anyone.

Ramayana and Mahabharta are two important scriptures of Hindus.

"script Writer","N","1.कथा लेखक"
Munshi prem chandra was a great script writer.

Chainese scroll paintings are famous in Asian market.

Many rich people are scrooge.


Many wives are scrounging money from their husbands.
Many people scrounge and then avoid the person from where they have taken money.

"scrub","V","1.मार्जन करना"
Servent was scrubbing the floor with soap water.

In our compound we have many ornamental scrub.

She grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and threw him out.

Calcutta is a scruffy place.

A scrum of press reporters was trying to interview the leader of the opposition.

all the items were scrumptious in the party.

The crow was scrunching in the morning sitting at the top of tree.

"scruple","N","1.नैतिक संकोच"
He had no scruple in taking food at anyoneस् house.

She wouldnट् scrupple to tell a lie if she thought it would be to her advantage.

"scrupulous","Adj","1.कर्तव्य निष्ठ"
A scrupulous inspection of the firmस् accounts to done in this week.

Scrutineer checked the poll result before sending them to the publisher.

He scrutinized all the documents relating to the trail.

"scrutiny","N","1.सूक्ष्म परीक्षण"
Their findings will require careful scrutiny.

"Scuba diving","N","1."

"scud","V","1.तेजई से दौडना/उडना/ब्ह्जाना"
He scuded on the road and fell down.

"scuff","V","1.पैर घसीटकर चलना"
I scuffed the toe of my boot on the step.

"scuffle","N","1.हाथा पाई"
There was a scuffle among the students during recess.

"scull","N","1.छोटा चप्पू"
Propel a boat with scull.

"scullery","N","1.बर्तन माजने की जगह"
All the used dishes were collected in scullery after dinner.

"sculpt","V","1.मूर्ति बनाना"
He sculpted a beautiful flower.

I met a famous sculptor yesterday.

The techniques of sculpture in stone were described by the sculptor

"sculpture","V","1.मूर्ति बनाना"
Beautiful idols were sculptured in elephanta caves.

"sculptural","Adj","1.मूर्तिकला से संबंधित"
I saw a temple of sculptural beauty.

Due to pollution a thick layer of scum has settled on the lake water.
--"२.हेय व्यक्ति"
In his opnion politicians are a scum of society.

He likes scummy coffee.

"scupper","V","1.असफल करना"
The project was scuppered by lack of money.

He is a scurrilous fellow.

"Scurrilously","Adv","1.फऊहडपन से"
He behaves scurrilously.

"scurry","V","1.दौड जाना"
They scurried in out of the cold.

Ram is suffering from scurvy.

"scuttle","V","1.भाग जाना"
He scuttled in the crowd.
--"२.छेद बनाना"
The terrible shark Scuttled the ship.

Scuttle is used to carry vegetables.

"scythe","N","1.घास काटने की हzअसिया/दराती"
People in villages cut grasses with scythe.

Gardener scythed the grass.

Lakshadeep islands are in Arabian sea.

"Sea Air","N","1.समुद्री वायु"
Cold blow of sea air keeps a person fit.

"sea Anemone","N","1.समुद्रफऊल"
Sea anemone is a massive creature.

"sea bed","N","1.समुद्र तट"
The rivers deposit sediments on sea bed.

"sea bird","N","1.समुद्री पक्षी"
At sunset, many sea birds can be seen near the coast.

"sea breeze","N","1.सागरीय समीर"
Cold sea breeze is blowing.

"seachange","N","1.आमूल परिवर्तन"
There is a sea change in Indias development since independence.

"sea dog","N","1.अनुभवी नाविक"
That sea dog saved us from shark.

"sea front","N","1.तटीय नगरभाग"
Sea front of Miami is beautiful.

"sea green","Adj","1.हल्का नीला रंग"
She has a beautiful silk dress of seagreen color.

"sea horse","N","1.दरियाई घोडआ"
I have seen a specimen of sea horse in museum.

"Sea legs","N","1."
The sailor has got good sealegs.

"sea level","N","1.समुद्र तल"
Cold breeze blows over sea level.

"sea lion","N","1.जल सिंह"
Sea Lion has a face of lion and body of seal.

"sea lord","N","1.नौ सेना में चार लोगों का समूह"
He was one among the sea lord.

"sea power","N","1.नौसेना"
India has strong sea power.

"sea shell","N","1.सीप/शंख"
Sea shells are very attractive.

The house was on the seaside.

"sea urchin","N","1.जलसाही"
Sea urchin is the famous food of coastal areas.

"sea wall","N","1.समुद्र तटबन्ध"
Sea wall prevents flood.

"sea water","N","1.समुद्र-जल"
Sea water contains a lot of salt.

"sea board","N","1.समुद्र तट"
The ship arrived at the Bombays western sea board.

"sea borne","N","1.समुद्री"
Initially, western culture was a seaborne culture.

"sea farer","N","1.मल्लाह"
Santago was an experiented seafarer.

"sea faring","Adj","1.समुद्री यात्रा"
Sinking of Titanic was a shock to all sea faring nations.

"sea food","N","1.समुद्री भोजन"
Coastal people eat lots of seafood.

"sea going","Adj","1.समुद्रगामी"
They had made a sea going vessel.

"seagull","N","1.सामुद्रिक चिडइया"
Group of seagulls can be seen at the coast.

"seal","N","1.सील मछली"
Seals are found in coastal areas.
Every official paper has the seal of central government on it.
--"३.वह वस्तु जिसके द्वारा मुहर लगाई जाती है"
I know a person who makes excellent seals.
--"४.जोडने के लिए प्रयुक्त होने वाला पदार्थ"
I bought a seal to fill gap in the water pipe.
--"५.सुरक्षा के लिए प्रयुक्त होने वाला पदार्थ"
Ballot boxes were closed with a seal.

"sealing","N","1.सील का शिकारी"
Sealing is prohibited.

"seal","V","1.बन्द करना"
I sealed an envelope.
--"२.मोहर लगाना"
Official documents are sealed by government.
--"३.रोक लगाना"
Indian government sealed borders of Rajasthan for protection.

He used sealant to prevent the leakage of pipes.

"sealing wax","N","1.मोहरी लाख"
Sealing wax is used to seal the parcels.

"Seam","N","1.सीवन जोड"
The seams of his trouseres are very beautiful.
Seams of Kimberlite rock can be found there.

I have a pair of seamed stockings.

He has seamless trousers.

Santiago was an old seaman.

"seamanship","N","1.नाविक कला"
Seamanship is not an easy task.

Many seamstresses work in that butique.

Cruelty is the seamy side of humanity.

"sअन्चे","N","1.आध्यात्मिक विषय की सभा"
He has hot an invitation of going to a sअन्चे.

"seaplane","N","1.समुद्री विमान"
Seaplane ia a kind of plane which can take off and land on water.

Mumbai is a seaport.

His body was badly seared in the bomb blast.

I was searching for the encyclopedia in the library.

A search for the culprit was made by police.

Edison was a famous searcher.

The inspector gave him a searching look.

"search party","N","1.अन्वेषक दल"
Search party decided to travel by sea.

"search warrant","N","1.तलाशी अधिपत्र"
Police cant search anyones house without a search warrant.

"search light","N","1.खोज बत्ती"
Ships carry powerful searchlights to search the land at night.

"sea scape","N","1.समुद्री दृश्य"
Today sea scape is looking very fascinating.

"sea shore","N","1.समुद्र तट"
Children like to play on sea shores.

"seasick","Adj","1.जहाजी मतली"
She felt seasick on the boat.

"sea side","N","1.समुद्र तट"
He was feeling tired so he lay down on the sea side.

Spring season is very delightful.
Summer is mango season.
I am sure you will get success but you will have to wait for a season.

"season ticket","N","1.मौसमी टिकट"
Season ticket is the best way to visit India in a limited period of time.

"season","V","1.स्वादिष्ट बनाना"
I have made this food season by using more spices.
Furniture made of oak that has been well-seasoned.

He is a seasoned teacher.

Credit of this tasty food goes to seasonings.

Seasonable work is always good.

Now adays seasonal greetings are easily available in the market.

Please take your seat.
I have reserved two seats in the theatre.
Can you guess who will win this seat.
Delhi is the seat of government of India.
"seater","N","1.सीट वाला"
A ten thousand seater stadium is being built in the town.

"Seat belt","N","1.सीट पेटी"
I felt suffocated so I loosened my seat belt.

Seat the boy next to his brother.
--"२.बैठ जाना"
Please be seated ladies and gentlemen.
--"३.के लिए जगह होना"
It is a special bus that seats 100 people.

"seating","N","1.बैठने का स्थान"
This bus has seating capacity of 60 people.

"seaward","Adv","1.समुद्र की ओर"
Some people were running seaward.

Some people were running seaward.

"sea way","N","1.समुद्र मार्ग"
Yesterday some labourers were busy in making sea way.

"sea weed","N","1.समुद्री शैवाल"
Did you ever seen sea weed?

Nothing is seaworthy except ships.

Sebaceous glands are present in skin.

Wait a sec(second) for me.

She is appointed as a sec (secretary ) in our office.

Gardeners use secateurs for cutting plants etc.

"secede","V","1.अलग होना"
Japan seceded from league of nations in 1933.

Secession of Mala from our group became a school wide subject.

He is a secessionist.

"seclude","V","1.समाज से दूर रखना"
Widows were secluded in ancient period.

I want to live in a secluded place.

Seclusion is necessary to concentrate fully on your studies.

She is his second wife.

There are sixty seconds in a minute.

"second to none","IDM","1.सर्वोत्तम"
As a singer, she is second to none.

Firstly we must make a fire, secondly we must cook some food.

"second ballot","N","1.दोबारामतदानगडबडईकेकारण"
Now-a-days misuse of second ballot is increasing.

"second best","Adj","1.दूसरे दर्जे पर"
He is the second best officer on this ship.
After a long experience, I can say that he is second best.
In a match of India and Australia, India came off second best.

"second Class","N","1.द्वितीय श्रेणी"
He didnt had enough money so he bought a second class ticket.

"Second Cousin","N","1.चचेरेकाचचेरा"
Ram is my second cousin.

"second Guess","V","1.भविष्य का अनुमान करना"
I can second guess who is going to come first in this debate.

"second hand","Adj","1.पुराना"
My father bought a second hand car.
--"२.दूसरे से प्राप्त किया गया"
This is second hand slogan.

"second home","N","1.अवकाश की विश्रांति घार"
This is our second home.

"second Language","N","1.दूसरी भाषा"
English is my second language.

"second lieutenant","N","1.सेना का पदाध्यक्ष"
My uncle is second lieutenant.

"second name","N","1.उपनाम"
My second name is Guriya.

"second nature","N","1.निश्चित आदत"
Decency and morality became second nature to her.

"second Person","N","1.मध्यम पुरुष"
Never speak in second person while giving a speech.

"second Rate","Adj","1.मामूली"
Have you bought a second rate watch.

"second sight","N","1.दिव्य दृष्टि"
My brother wants to have second sight.

"Second String","Adj","1."
Mohan is second string in their team.

"Second Wind","N","1."
She is likely to find her second wind .

"second","N","1.द्वितीय श्रेणी"
I came to know that he has come second in B.A.

"Second in Command","N","1."
Vice President is Second in Command of the President.

He stood second in his class.

"Second hand","N","1.सेकण्डकीसुई"
The watch my father bought for me has no second hand.

"second","V","1.समर्थन कररना"
She seconded the proposal of making the old man as the president.
--"२.सहारा देना"
I was ably seconded in this research by my son.
--"३.स्थानान्तरित करना"
The police officer was seconded from a town to a district head quarters.

He joined the company as a seconder to the accountant.

Luxury is a secondary thing in the life of every man.
--"२.दूसरे क्रम का"
Petrol is a secondary fuel obtained from crude petroleum.
The secondary education is a must to achieve success in ones life.

The education he has got is of secondarily importance.

The meating was held in great secrecy.

Secret meeting was held between the govt. and the revolutionaries.
He is a secret drinker.

The wedding date date s a big secret.
The secret of good design is simplicity.
The secrets of nature is difficult to understand.

"secret Agent","N","1.गुप्तचर"
Many secret agents have find out the information regarding criminals.

"Secret Ballot","N","1.बन्द मतपेटी"
The voting process in India is based on secret ballot.

"Secret Police","N","1.पुलिसजासूसी करने वाली"
The oppurtunity to catch the gang of dacoits has been given to secret police.

"secret Service","N","1.खुफइया विभाग"
He has been appointed in Secret service as a reward to his bravery and intelligence.

The Indian secretariat is situated at Delhi.

Kindly contact my secretary to make an appointment.
The secretary of Britain is the assistant of a government minister.

For any secretarial work contact me.

"Secretary Gereral","N","1.महासचिव"
The UN secretary general is the incharge of United Nation.

"secretary of State","N","1.मंत्रि"
The Secretary of state for sports provide opportunities to the talent.

"secrete","V","1.स्रावित करना"
Insulin is secreted by Pancreas.
He secreted his money in a drawer.

The secretion of saliva by the glands takes place in the mouth.

You should be secretive in the matters of your studies.

She does all his work secretively without involving anyone.

People belonging to the different sects gathered there.

Sectarian Violence destroys national feeling among the people.
The political leaders turned sectarians in their views.

The Indian Constitution prohibits sectarianism and discrimination in any religion.

The business section of newspaper provides information regarding business.
Every section of the society has a right to establish its own religious institution.
This sample shows a section through a tree.
The scientists examine a section of bacteria by microscope.
The school library has a separate hindi section.

A group of people come to save the sectional interest of their supporters.

The progress of the nation is lagging behind due to sectionalism.

In rural sector, development is not very fast.
The boy found the sector area in the wrong way.
The war between India and Pakistan was fought in Kargil sector.

The secular functions of the govt. are to give equal status to all the religions.
--"२.गृहस्थ पादरी"
The new secular belong to tribal cast.

Secularism is the motto of the constitution of India.

Gandhiji was a secularist.

"secularize","V","1.धर्मनिरपेक्ष बना देना"
A secularized society is a place where one can live peacefully.

"secure","V","1.प्राप्त कर लेना"
She secured 95% marks in board examination.
--"२.कसकर बाधना"
Secure all the doors and windows before leaving.
--"३.की रक्षा करना"
We should secure our country from foreign attack.

Chidren need to feel secure.
Make a sure investment.
The strongroom is as secure as we can make it.
Is that ladder secure?

"securely","Adv","1.सुरक्षित रूप से"
The important documents of the govt. should be placed securely.

The minister asked for his security from the police.
Inspite of high security in the prison the criminal ranaway.

"security Council","N","1.सुरक्षा परिषद"
The security council maintains peace in the country.

"security risk","N","1.जीवनकोखतरा"
The man who wrote controversal book on Islam is in security risk.

In the mughal period the queens used to travel in sedan.

She is a sedate old lady.

"sedately","Adj","1.गम्भीरता से"
The elegant minister walked sedately towards the stage.


"sedate","V","1.शान्त करनाHonA"
The excess drinking made the old man sedated.

The war affected the sedation among the people.
The doctors want the patient under complete sedation before operation.

She was given a sedative injection by the doctor.

The young girl felt the new job as sedentary.
The work at the typing institute made him a sedentary worker.

Different types of sedges are found in the forests.

Due to earth quakes and cyclones the sediments were deposited under the earth.
The sediment at the bottom of sea.

The sedimentary rocks are found deep in the earth.

The rocks are formed by the sedimentation in the earth crust.

She was charged to death on account of sedition.

One should not be seditious with his country.

Starvation seduced the worker to work at low salary.
--"२.का शील भंग करना"
She claimed that he had seduced her.

The actor are the seducer to young generation.

Her seduction by an older man.

She looked seductive in her blue dress.

"seductively","Adv","1.लुभाते हुए"
She smiled seductively at him.

He could not detect the seductiveness of the offer.

Only a sedulous student can achieve success.

"Sedulously","Adv","1.परिश्रम से"
The thesis which was stolen was sedulously prepared by the scientist.

I can see sun setting behind the sea.
--"२.से मिलना"
The principal wants to see you in the interval.
--"३.पता लगाना"
Just go and see what children are doing @.
He didnt see the joke.
--"५.अनुभव करना"
He has seen a great deal in his long life.
--"६.साथ जाना"
I saw the old lady across the road.
--"७.कल्पना करना"
Her colleagues see her as a future director.

"see about","V","1.प्रबन्ध करना"
Today she will definitely see about getting the top repaired.

"see off","V","1.विदा करना"
I will go to see her off tonight.

"see over","V","1.निरीक्षण करना"
We need to see over the house before we can make you a offer.

"see through","V","1.समझना"
The teacher could see through students very well.
--"२.पूरा करना"
She is determined to see the job through.
--"३.की सहायता करना"
Her courage and good humour saw her through the bad times.

Birds ate away all the seeds he had sown.

I need only seeded raisins.
Only seeded players were sent to play abroad.

Seedless grapes are more expensive.

"seedbed","N","1.तैयार क्यारी"
All my seedbeds were destroyed by the oxen.

"seedcake","N","1.जीरा मिश्रित रोटी"
Rohit is very fond of eating seedcake.

"seed pearl","N","1.छोटा मोती"
I got a seed pearl embedded necklace on my birthday.

The dew drop on the seedling looked like a pearl.

"seedman","N","1.बीज का व्यापारी"
Mr. Thomas is an expert seedsman.

I felt pity for that seedy girl.

Tom fell in an attempt to seek shelter from the rain.
You must seek permission from the manager.
They sought to mislead us.

They are seekers after truth.

"seem","V","1.प्रतीत होना/लगना/जान पडना"
It seems that it will rain heavily today.

He is a seeming man.

They were seemingly unaware of the decision.

All must behave in a seemly manner at any occasion.

Spreading the message of love and friendship is the only seemliness of this festival.

I havent seen her for ages.

Water seeps through permeable rocks.

Seepage of rain water accounts for the raise in the level of underground water.

A teacher is an excellent seer for his students future.
Seer Durvasa was famous for his anger.
The seer who predicted the death of Princess Diana is ill nowdays @.

One must be careful while sitting on a seesaw.
He has seen numerous see-saws in his lifetime.

"see-Saw","V","1.झूमा-झूमी खेलना"
We all love seesawing in the evening.
Life is full of see saws.

They fell into the seething waters of the rapids.
--"२.अति कुपित होना"
Whole of the community was seething at his misdeeds.

I faced many problems solving questions based on segment in geometry.
Just a segment of orange is not enough for me.

Segmentation of society based on caste is never allowed.

"segregate","V","1.पृथक करना"
They segregated the seriously sick and sent them to the intensive care.

Segregation of boys and girls in a class should not be encouraged.

Due to the seismic activity in Garhwal , many people lost their lives.

"seismograph","N","1.भूकम्प लेखी"
Seismograph is used to detect the occurrence of earth quakes.

"seismology","N","1.भूकम्प विज्ञान"
The study of earthquakes is known as seismology.

He seized my purse and ran away with it.
--"२.जीत लेना"
The army has siezed power.
--"३.गिरफतार करना"
All the companys assets were siezed.
--"४.से लाभ उठाना"
Sieze the chance to make some money.
--"५.छलनी होना"
The condition of the destitute seized our heart.

The seizure of power by army general in Japan set dictorial rule there.
He suffered an epileptic seizure.

"seldom","Adv","1.बिरले ही/कभी-कभार"
Seldom, she leaves her house.

We want to select best candidates for IAS exams.

The Indian selectors have selected sachin as their captain.

"select Committee","N","1.प्रवर समिति"
Our government has set up a select committee to select the best philospher of the year.

I am delighted on my selection in Indian cricket team.
If you want to enjoy literature read selections from 18th century english literature.

Cancer can be cured by selective medicines only.
I am very selective about my diet.

"Selectively","Adv","1.चयन करके"
I have selectively bought the books for the library.

I should be self - dependent.
One day he will return to his own self.
He is not concerned about his own self.

"self absorbed","Adj","1.आत्मलीन"
He is self-absorbed , he will not play with us.

"Self Access","N","1.स्वयं निकालना"
These are the stores from where you can get self accesss material for your child.

"self addressed","Adj","1.अपने पते का"
I enclosed a self addressed envelope with my application.

"Self adhesive","Adj","1.स्वयं चिपकने वाला"
It is convinient to use self adhesive floor tiles.

"self Appointed","Adj","1.स्वयं नियुक्त"
A self appointed judge took a wrong decision and sentenced a person to death.

"self Assertive","Adj","1.स्वाग्रही"
While demanding for the scooter my brother was very self assertive.

"self Assertion","N","1.स्वाग्रह"
During the time of partition self assertion was clear on his face and voice.

He sold the stationary goods for a high price.
Do you sell stamps near the court?

A good seller never lets his customer return empty handed.

"sellotape","N","1.सेलो टेप"
I mended my torn book with sellotape.

"selvage","N","1.कपडए की गोट"
Selvage prevents losening of threads.

We should do our work ourselves.

The concept of semantic analysis includes the meaning of words and sentences.

Semantics in a branch of linguistics.

The show started by a welcome in semaphore by the children.
Indian Railways is even today sending signals by the same old semaphores.

"semaphore","V","1.संकेत से सूचित करना"
Semaphore to somebody that help is needed.

She put on a semblance of confidence.


"seminal","Adj","1.शुक्र सम्बन्धी"
Laboratories are set up to test the seminal productivity of males.

Rorkee University is providing six semesters for this course.

The king of Barbaria was a semi barbarian.

Yanni composed a semibreve on the TajMahal.

Angle in a semicircle is always 90 degrees.

Semi-colon is used in writing and printing for seperating parts of a complicated sentence.

Silicon chip is an example of semi-conductor.

An elderly woman was found semi-concious on the floor of her kitchen.

We have semi-detached wall in our house in our town.

The semi-final of world cup was played between Australia and South Africa.

Mahesh Bhupati was the semi-finalist in the Wimbeldon series.

"seminar","N","1.अध्ययन गोष्ठी"
In a seminar the skilled persons gave speeches about their respective field.
A one day language orientation seminar was conducted in our university.

"seminary","N","1.पादरियों की शिक्षा संस्था"
A U.S. based religious institution is trying to set up a seminary in our town.

Semiotics is a hard subject to study.

She was wearing a semi-precious neclace.

He is a semi-skilled machine operator.

As well as Jews, Arabs are also called semitic.

W&J are the examples of semi-vowel.

We oftenly have semolina in breakfast.

Semtex is an explosive used to make bomb.

The senate of the university had decided to take object steps against the law brekers.

He sent for his daughter.

"send sb Down","V","1.कैद करना"
The freedom fighters were sent down for raising their voice against British.
--"२.निकाल देना"
Adarsh was sent down from the university for creating disturbance.

"send for (sth or sb)","V","1.बुला भेजना"
Suresh was sent for a taxi.

"send in (sb or sth)","V","1.भेजनेकेलिये"
I asked him to sent in the prospectus of RIMC.

"send off (for sth)","V","1.भेज देना"
I asked him to sent off for the parcel.

"send sb off","V","1.निकालना"
He was sent off the field for breaking the rooms of play.

"send sth on","V","1.अपने पहुचने से पहले कोई वस्तु भेजना"
Animesh sent on his luggage before his arrival.
Have you sent on that letter?

"send out (sth)","V","1.बाटना"
The sun sends out light essential for the existence of living beings.
--"२.पैदा करना"
The rose plant sends out a new rose in morning.

"send (sb) to","V","1.विशेष स्थिति में पहुचा देना"
His daughter was send to the boarding school.

I am going to give him a send-off in railway station.

"send-up","N","1.नकल कर के हसी उडआने की प्रक्रिया"
Her book is a hilarious send-up of a conventional spy story.

The sender of this letter has not written his address.

That senescent man is very kind and gentle.

He keeps forgetting where he lives - I think he is getting senile.

His senility is making him dull.

"Senile Dementia","N","1.जराजन्य मनोभ्रंश"
The disease senile dementia make one loose memory.

My brother is a senior lecturer in that University.
Being a senior, he is eligible to vote this time.

"senior Citizen","N","1.वृद्ध अथवा सेवा निवृत्त व्यक्ति"
He is a senior citizen.

A sensation of warmth came to his body.
With the sudden attack of paralysis his legs lost sensation.
I have a strong sensation that todays match will be won by India.
The musical group @9 Star became sensation overnight.

A sensational crime is noticed by colonial residents.
He is a sensational writer.
--"३.बहुत सुन्दर"
Yugraj looked sensatinal in typical Indian dress.

The sensationalism of that paper is well known.

The Kargil issue was sensationalised by the Media.

After her nasal operation she got lost her sense of smell.
His sense make him very popular among his classmates.
The child felt a sense of security in his mothers arms.
There is a lot of sense in what she says.
Threatening to leave him should bring him to his senses.
I couldnt understand the sense of that word.

"sense","V","1.अनुभव करना"
Sensing his importance, Rakesh started buttering him.
--"२.मेहसूस करना"
An apparatus that senses the presence of Toxic gases.

You are the most senseless person, I had seen in my life.
He fell senseless to the ground.

Why are you doing this work senselessly.

You have good sensibility.

The magazine out-raged the readers sensibilities.

It is sensible of you to take nutritious diet.
You must wear a sensible cap.

"sensibly","Adv","1.समझदारी से"
At least you must sensibly do your home work.

You are very sensitive.
These are the sensitive documents, keep them secretly with you.
These photographs are very sensitive to light before they are developed.
Skin of some children is very sensitive.


Poets are famous for their sensitivity.

Political sensitivities must be taken into account by the law.

"sensitize","V","1.सुग्राही बनाना"
The teachers sensitize the students to the poets use of language.

There are security lights with an infrared sensor.

Are your sensory organs working properly.

You are a sensualist.

Her appearance hinted at the languid sensuality that lay beneath the surface.

The paintings had a sensuous appeal.

Make a proper sentence.
She has served her sentence and will now be released.

Ram has a sententious personality.

Aditi always talks in a sententiously manner.

There is no room for sentiment in the business.
Public sentiment is against any change to the law.

He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace.

"sentimentalist","N","1.भावुक व्यक्ति"
A poet is a good sentimentalist.

"sentimentalize","V","1.भावुक बनना या बनाना"
He resists the temptation to sentimentalize his ordeal.

He can do better sentinel.

He is a bad sentry.

The moral question is not entirely seperable from the financial one.

The children sleep in seperate beds.
That is a seperate issue and irrelevant to our discussion.

Rahul and Ajeet were eating food seprately.

The separation between hearts lead to many tensions.
decide on separation.

Sepia colored wine.

The month before October is September.

A dirty cut may become septic.

She is suffering from septicaemia.

Ram is septuagenarian.

Ram is septuagenarian.

"sepulchre","N","1.कब्र का"
Christians always place the dead body in sepulchre.

His speech had a most unfortunate sequel.
He is writing a sequel to his recent best seller.

Arrange these words in a sequence.

"sequentially","Adv","1.क्रमिक रूप से"
A successful student always do his study sequentially.

"sequester","V","1.जब्त करना"
He sequestered the things that is why he is very rich.

"sequestrate","V","1.जब्त करना"
He sequestrated the things that is why he is very rich.

A sequestration must be honest.

Seraphs are less in society today.

"seraphic","Adj","1.सेराफीम तुल्य/दिव्य"
It is a seraphic place.

Serenade touches our heart.

"Serendipity","N","1.आविष्करण प्रवृत्ति"
Charles Danow made the game of monopoly in Serendipity.

Its a serene place.

An atmosphere of serenity pervades the place.

The condition of serfs was miserable in Medival Europe.
The condition of serfs was miserable in Medival Europe.

Serfdom was abolished in Europe in 1861.
Serfdom was abolished in Europe in 1861.

A black serge trouser.

To be sergeant do L.L.भ्.

Arrange all of them serial.
Our new drama serial begins at 7:30 this evening.

"serialize","V","1.धारावाहिक निकालना"
The programme was serialized on radio in twelve parts.

Please come serially.

India played a test series with West Indies last year.

Print my name in serif typeface.

Garima is serious about her studies.

"seriously","Adv","1.गंभीर रुप से"
Teacher wants their student to attend the class seriously.

Do you realize the seriousness of the situation.

I attended the sermon of priest.

"sermonize","V","1.प्रवचन या उपदेश देना"
The teacher sermonizes the students.

Lost night I saw a serpent.

The coil of the heater was like a serpentine.

The leaves of Rose plant are serrated.

"serried","Adj","1.कधे से कधा मिलाकर"
The students were sitting in serried ranks.

"Serum","N","1.सीरम/रक्त का जलीय अंश"
The patient in the hospital was left with the seruns in the body.

Faithful servant should be given work in the house.
He is a faithful servant of the company.

"serve","V","1.सेवा करना"
The servant serves his moster faithfully.
Tasty food was served in the party.
--"३.पूरा करना"
This room can serve us for study.
--"४.के लिए पर्याप्त होना"
This packet of soup serves two.
--"५.के सात व्यवहार करना"
They have served me shamefully.
--"६.तामील करना"
Serve a court order on him.
--"७.गेंद चलाना"
Its your turn to serve to me.
His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow.

The person does the service in the office.
He is working in the Health service.
Her services to the state have been immense.
A good postal service is needed for every village.
He attended the morning service in the temple.
Take your car for service every 3,000 miles.
He bought a 30-piece dinner service.
--"९.सर्विसटेनिस में"
Her service has improved.

"service","V","1.सफआई-धुलाई करना"
This machine has already been serviced.
--"की आपूर्ति करना"
The power station is serviced by road transport.

This toy has broken but still serviceable.

"service area","N","1.सर्विसक्षेत्र"
I saw a beautiful service area last night.

"service Charge","N","1.सेवा शुल्क"
I will not give you the service charge.

He is a serviceman.

He gave me a servitte to wipe my sweat.

I am a servile of my nation.

He was trapped in the vicious side of servility.

He leads a life of poverty and servitude.

A mechanism known as servo controls a larger mechanism.

Oil is extracted from the seeds of sesame.

Suddenly a session is called for business transactions.

Can you get a cutlery set for me?
The film had mega sets.
Set of workers got buried under the debris.
He is solving the problems in the chapter sets.

"set","V","1.रख देना"
She set the big tray down on the table.
--"२.लिपिबद्ध करना"
Hari set pen to paper to complete the letter.
--"३.ठीक करना"
Why dont you set the alarm at 6 O clock.
Her necklace was set with rubies.
--"५.निश्चित करना"
Ravi and Rita have not yet set a date for their wedding.
--"६.प्रवर्तित करना"
She set a new world record for the marathon.
--"७.दृढ हो जाना"
The cement will take some time to set.
--"८.कठोर हो जाना"
She set her jaw in a determined manner.
The sergeon set her broken bone.
--"१०.कम्पोज करना"
Books were previously set by hand but not any more.
--"११.अस्त हो जाना"
The sun in northern countries sets much later in summer than in winter.

This Hotel serves meals at set times.
She has very set ideas on womens issues.
She always has a set expression on her face.
The new political party looks set for victory in the general election.
Every winter they visit us on set days.

"set square","N","1.त्रिभुजी"
We use a set square to make right angles.

Ask the guests to sit comfortably on the settee.

"setter","N","1.शिकारी कुत्ता"
Setter was used in searching the criminal.
--"२.बनाने वाला"
He is a setter of crossword puzzles.

The golf field is situated in perfect setting.
The cooker has several temperature settings.
Can you give me your diamond ring with gold setting.
Rehamans setting for vandemataram is very popular.

We are going to settle in Taiwan.
--"२.समझौता कर लेना"
Both of them agreed to settle out of court.
--"३.बैठ जाना"
The bird settled on a very small branch.
--"४.निर्णय करना"
Everything is settled, I am joining the company next Wednesday.
--"५.शान्त हो जाना"
We were dead tired and the baby would not settle.
Well settle the bill later.
Stir the tea to settle the leaves.

The settles are mainly used by old people for more comfort and support.

"settled","Adj","1.बसा हुआ"
He is leading a settled family life.
Youll feel more settled when youve been here a few weeks.

The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.
Now, You cant claim that land as you have lost the property settlement.
Dutch and English settlements in North America.
I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account.

Dutch settlers in South Africa were known as Boers.

There are seven days in a week.

Saturday is the seventh day of the week.

He has eaten seventeen oranges.

Q is the seventeenth letter of english alphabet.

My grandfather is now seventy years old.

"sever","V","1.काट देना"
The robbers severed the limbs of the residents in the building.
--"२.तोड देना"
She has severed her connection with the firm.

The severance of mutual relations between the two cummunitieslead to communal riots.

Several people were killed in bomb explosion.

Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire.

Partners are jointly and severally liable for the partnerships debts.

Romans gave severe punishments to slaves even for minor offences.
The bomb threat caused severe disruption to the flights from Delhi.
Before joining the armed forces, cadets have to pass severe tests.
She wore a severe suit of plain grey with a white blouse.

"severely","Adv","1.कठोरता से"
African slaves were severely treated by their masters.

The attacks continued with increasing severity.

"sew","V","1.सीना/सिलाई करना"
She doesnt know even how to sew a button on to a shirt.

Old ladies enjoy sewing and knitting.

"sewage","N","1.गन्दा पानी/मल जल"
Sewage from the factories pollute the river water.

We must drain sewage into the sewer.

What sex is your dog.
They often have sex together.

We use sextant to determine the position of ship.

He was one among the sextet in the concert.

Sexton is responsible for the proper care of the church.

Sergeant in charge himself intarogated the offenders.

A begger wearing shabby clothes was sitting near a temple.
He played a shabby trick on his friend.

Poor workers live in shacks.

The prisoner was chained with shackles to prevent from escaping.

"shackle","V","1.हथकडई डआलना"
The police shackled the thief and took him to the prison.
He was shackled by his friend from blabing away his secrets.

A shade is a cool place in summers.
Choose a lighter shade.
--"३.सूक्ष्म अंतर"
A word with many shades of meaning.
--"४.थोडआ सा"
I think its a shade warmer today.

The beautiful picture depicts the shades of life.

"shade","V","1.आच्छादित करना"
She shaded her eyes with her hands.
There was a small shaded light in the corner of the room.
--"३.छायित करना/गहराना"
The shaded areas on the map are very clear.
--"४.धीरे-धीरे बदल जाना"
The painting had scarlet shading off into pink.

The chair cast a shadow on the wall.
She has shadows under her eyes as she has been suffering from lack of sleep.
You cant spend your life chasing shadows.

Her face was shadowed by a wide-brimmed hat.
--"२.पीछे लगना"
He was shadowed by the police.

The shadow ministers helped in solving the scandals of ministers of ruling party.

We were lucky to get shadowy place in the stadium.
A shadowy figure glimpsed in the twilight.

Animals prefer to sit in the shady spots in summers.
Hes a rather shady character - I dont trust him.

The shaft pierced the skin of the deer.
The shaft of the hammer broke causing injury to the worker.
The shaft is strong enough in the hammer.
The doctors worked under the shaft of bright lights.

"shaft","V","1.बुरा व्यवहार करना"
It is not good to shaft a gentleman.

"shag","N","1.काटा हुआ तम्बाकू"
Shag is filled in cigerette.

"shagged","Adj","1.थका हुआ"
Shagged boy fell asleep with out removing his shoes.

The shaggy bushes cover a large part of our pavement.

The shah of Iran was known for his great deeds.

Shake the milk well.
He was clearly terrified and shaking like a leaf.
--"३.घबरा देना"
They were badly shaken in the accident.
--"४.दुर्बल कर देना"
Her theory has been shaken by this new evidence.

Give the jar a good shake.
Hang on! Ill be ready in two shakes.

The shaker is free with the mixer grinder.

"shake down","V","1.बिछौना"
The culprits were shaken down by the policemen.

Her hands are shaky because shes nervous.
The government is looking rather shaky at the moment.

"shale","N","1.स्टेली पत्थर"
The pillars of the great temple were made up of shale.

Shall we go to the party?

"shallot","N","1.छोटा प्याज"
The shallot is very nutritious one.

"shallowly","Adv","1.उथलापन सेसास लेना"
He was breathing shallowly after winning the race.

He was unable to swim even at the shallow end of the swimming pool.

"shallows","N","1.छिछला स्थान"
The children were paddling in the shallows.

"sham","V","1.का अभिनय करना"
Hes only shamming.

She claims to know all about computers but really shes a sham.
His love was a sham - he only wanted her money.
They have intellectual pretentions but it is all sham.

"shamble","V","1.पैर घसीटकर चलना"
The old tramp shambled down the road.

The goverments economic policy is a complete shambles.

The departments accounting is shambolic.

I feel Shame at having told a lie.
She is completely with out shame.

She became shamefaced to know that she got poor marks in the test.

Her shoes were made of shammy leather.

"Shampoo","N","1.केश मार्जन"
Sima uses shampoo daily thats why her hair shines brightly.

Shamrock is the national symbol of Ireland.

"shandy","N","1.शराब जिस में नीबू या अदरक मिला हो"
Sudhir asked for two lemonade shandies.

Pain in shanks is a symbol of diabates.

The terrorists shanghai the people by doing anti social actively

He lived in a shanty on the edge of the forest.

The new building is in S shape.
I could just see two dim shapes in the gloom.
What shape is the team in after its defeat?

He shaped his career successfully.

Today all the girls want a shapely figure.

The glass shards were all over the floor.

They shared the apartment.

Ram gave his share to his brother.

The landlord had many Sharecroppers under him.

There were many sharks in the Arabian sea.
He is a loan shark.

"shaman","N","1.धर्माधिकारीजो भगवान के ध्यान से रुग्णों को ठिक कर दे"
The tribals believed in the curing power of their shaman.

"sharply","Adv","1.तीक्ष्णता से"
She always speak sharply to neighbours.

the sharpness of her features add to her beauty.

"sharp eyed","Adj","1.तीक्ष्णदृष्टिवाला"
The sharp eyed detective was able to spot the jewel thief.

"sharp Shooter","N","1.पक्का निशानबाज"
In the prime of his youth, he was a sharp shooter.

"shatter","V","1.टुकडए टुकडए कर देना या हो जाना"
The big building was shattered when the bomb exploded.
--"२.नष्ट करना या हो जाना"
My all hopes were shattered when the result was out.
--"३.छिन्न भिन्न करना या हो जाना"
The news of their sons death shattered them.

"Shattering","Adj","1.हिलाने वाला"
The news of her fathers heart attack was a shattering experience for her.
His abusive words gave a shattering blow to her self respect.

"shatterProof","Adj","1.छितर रोक"
Shatter proof glass for car wind screens is preferable.

Due to his illness, he was not able to shave.
He asked the carpenter to shave a millimetre of the bottom of the window.

He had a shave before he came, thats why he was looking better.

"shaven","Adj","1.मुडा हुआ"
His clean shaven face looked better.

He brought a nice shaver from Bangalore.

He spread the shavings everywhere on the floor.

"shaving brush","N","1.हजआमत बनाने की कूची"
Mohit possessed a beautiful shaving brush.

"shaving cream","N","1.शेविंगक्रीम"
The smell of his shaving cream was fabulous.

She is my sister.

With the pair of shears in his hand he was looking like a gardener.

The king pulled out the sword out of his sheath.
Sheath is provided around the electric cables.
--"३.cocktail dress
She was looking beautiful in sheath.

"sheathe","V","1.म्यान में रखना"
He sheathed his sword.
--"२.आच्छादित करना"
The tigers claws are normally sheathed and are only extended when hunting.

She brought that beautiful shawl from kashmir.

I stroked the cat and she rubbed againast my leg.
India - she is my motherland.

oh! what a Wonderful cat is it he or she?

On top of his rack, there was a big sheaf of notes.

"shear","N","1.खाल उतारना"
Sheep shearing is the main occupation of the people in the Garwal region.
Her hair had been shorn off.
--"३.टूट जाना"
The bolt sheared off and the wheel came off.

There are many sheaves of papers.

"Shebeen","N","1.अवैध शराब"
The lady who used to look very decent had a shebeen at her place.

He kept the cattle shed quite dirty.

Coniferous forests shed their leaves during a particular time.
Freedom fighters shed their blood for their country.
--"३.छोड देना"
You should have the will power to shed your bad habits.
The candles shed a soft glow over the room.

After using the new detergent she got a new sheen in her clothes.

He is watching the flock of sheep.

Because of the inadequate sheep dip the wool was of the inferior quality.

"sheep dog","N","1.कुत्ताभेडो की देखभाल के लिये"
He had a dangerous sheep dog.

Sheep require well ventilated Sheepfold.

When he was a new comer to the school he use to look rather sheepish.

This is a sheer nonsense.
She was wearing a beautiful dress of sheer satin.
Her car slipped at the sheer turn of the hill.

The ground dropped away sheer at our feet.

"sheer away","V","1.बहक जाना"
When he saw me coming he sheered away in the opposite direction.

She painted the bed sheet beautifully.
The iron was beaten to form a thin sheet.
She spoiled many sheets while writing a letter.
In the spring season the garden looks like a sheet of flowers.
The rain came down in sheets.

They had an iron sheeting in their courtyard.

"Sheet lightning","N","1.बिजली की चमक"
On the stormy night sheet lighting covered the sky.

"sheet","N","1.रस्सी" #less frequent}
A rope or chain fastened to the lower corner of a sail is called sheet.

"sheet anchor","N","1.आकबती लंगर"
The will power acts as sheet anchor for difficult situations in the life.

That sheikh had seven wives.

"sheila","N","1.युवति या तरुणी"
That sheila was a gifted orator.

"shekel","N","1.यहूदियों का एक प्राचीन सिक्का"
He is in a habit of collecting shekels.

"shelduck","N","1.एक प्रकार का बत्तक"
The shelduck slept throughout the day in the scorching heat.

He piled up his book in the shelf.
The boat got struck on the rocky shelf.

It is dificult to break the shell of coconut.
Only the shell of the factory was left after the fire had been put out.
The room was full of artillary shells to help the terrorist.

"shell","V","1.छिलका उतारना"
He ate the nuts after shelling them off.
--"२.गोलाबारी करना/गोली बरसाना"
Continous shelling in the border regions has made the life of local villagers absolutely miserable.

"shell bean","N","1.फली"
He ate all the shellbeans kept in the refrigerator.

"shell shock","N","1.मनोविकृति"
She is suffering from shell shock.

"Shell shocked","Adj","1.मनोविकृतिग्रस्त"
He was a shell shocked child.

Because of shortage of shellac the carpenter couldnt make the varnish.

The city of stalengrad was destroyed by heavey shellfire done by bermans.

She has got a shellfish in her aquarium.

I need shelter for one night.
I gave shelter to a puppy.

"shelve","V","1.ताक पर रखना"
Plans for a new theatre have had to be shelved because of lack of money.
--"२.शेल्फ पर रखना"
The books have been shelved in the wrong order.


A lot of financial shenanigans goes on in the business world.
Watching my little brothers shenanigans is a fun.

The shepherd lost two sheep in the meadows.

"shepherd","V","1.मार्ग दिखाना"
A guide shepherded us into the musium.

"Shepherds pie","N","1."
My aunt cooks delicious shepherdspie.

She served me orange sherbet.


He was appointed as a sheriff by Elizabeth-II.

"sherry","N","1.स्पेन की शराब"
She daily drinks one peg of sherry before going to bed.

"shetland","N","1.स्काटलैण्ड के द्वीप समूह"
Biologists have come to know about new kind of monkeys in shetland.
--"२.शैटलैण्ड की भेड का ऊन"
I got a shetland wools jumper on this birthday.

"shibboleth","N","1.दकइयानूसी विश्वास या सिद्धान्त"
Sometimes contradiction occurs between me and my father because of his stickness to shibboleths.

The warriors shield is made of iron.
--"२.गोलाकार पुरस्कार"
I won this shield in the art comptetion.
A drawing or model of a shield displaying a court of arms is called shield.
The gunman used the hostages as a (human) shield.
The duke has sent a large shield to him.

"shield","V","1.रक्षा करना/बचाना"
The ozone layer shields the earth so as to protect is from harmful rays.

There is a shift in the direction of the wind.
He is on the night shift at the factory.
--"३.कम्प्यूटर या टाइपराइटर पर स्थित एक कुंजी"
The whole article had to be typed in small letters because the shift key was not working.

The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London.
--"२.दूसरे पर डआलना"
Dont try to shift the responsibility onto others.
--"३.स्थानान्तरित करना"
I have shifted my T.V. from drawing room to bedroom.

I found myself shiftless in solving these problems.

Nobody likes him because of his shifty nature.

"shilling","N","1.ब्रिटिष का सिक्का"
This pen is worth of two shillings.

"shilly shally","Adj","1.ढुलमुल"
He lost the contract because of his shilly shally nature.

To fix this instrument I had to use a tin shin.

The moonlight is shimmering on the lake.

I will shin up the ladder to reach the upper floor.

The scooters wheel smashed into my shin.

In the accident he broke his shinbone.

Wear the shinguard or you will get the bruiser.

"Shindig","N","1.शोर भरी पार्टी"
He is sick about these shindigs.

I cant concentrate on my work in such shindy.

I like to watch the stars shining in the night sky.

Give your shoes a good shine.

This antiques surface is very shiny.

Children like to play on a shingle beach.
The shingle of the roof is soaked due to seepage of rain water.

I cant practise skating on the shingly road.

"shingled","Adj","1.तख्तों से ढका हुआ"
The thief broke in through the shingled wall.

My doctor gave me a jel to apply on my shingles.

"ship","V","1.जहाज से भेजना"
Tonnes of cocain were shipped from Hong Kong to Indonesia.
--"२.पानी से भरना"
The canoe began to ship water.

He boarded a ship to India.

"shipboard","Adj","1.जहाजा पर घटने वाला"
I like to hear my uncles shipboard adventures.

Mr. Welson is the biggest shipbuilder in Ireland.

The ship was set on sail with the heavy shipload of grain.

The ship sank because of the Shipmates mistake.

The goods are ready for shipment.
Here is a shipment of grain for West Africa.

The shipowner is back on the shore with his ship.

The company contacted the shipper for the transportation of goods.

The canal is now open to shipping.
Nowadays shipping helps us in earning a lot of foreign exchange.

The famous Titanic faced a shipwreck in its very first voyage.

Cochin is famous for its shipyard.

The famous cricketer is from Yorkshire.

"Shire horse","N","1.खच्चर"
In hilly areas shire horses usually carry load.

"shirk","V","1.से जी चुराना/से भाग जाना"
We shouldnt shirk our responsibilities.

All the doors of success are closed for shirkers.

The teacher scolded the student for wearing a dirty shirt.

His shirt front was not properly buttoned.

"Shirt-sleeve","N","1.कमीज की आस्तीन"
It was a warm day and most of the spectators were in their shirt-sleeves.

"Shirt-tail","N","1.कमीज का कमर का नीचे वाला भाग"
The people normally tuck their shirt tails under their pants.

The new teacher is in a habbit of getting shirty with students.

The mischevous cats shit is in the backyard.
You do talk a load of shit!
--"४.अप्रिय व्यक्ति"
Hes an arrogant little shit.

Many astrologers do talk a lot of shit.

"shitty","Adj","1.घटिया स्तर का"
Im not going to eat this shitty food.
He treated his parents in a shitty manner.

She shivered in horror.

The frightening incident gave him a terrible shivers.

"shivery","Adj","1.ठिठुरा हुआ"
Standing outdoors in the winter morning gave me a cold and shivery feeling.

In the big lake I saw many fishes swimming in shoals.
The captain was adviced to steer away the ship from the shoals.

The news of his failure came as a terrible shock to him.
He was given an appropriate medical treatment for shock.
The bumper is designed to absorb shock on impact.
The lady got an electric shock from the washing machine.

"shock tactics","N","1.आकस्मिक आक्रमण"
The police man used shock tactics on the cirminal.

"shock treatement","N","1.प्रघात चिकित्सा"
The doctor gave the shock treatement to the mental patient.

"shocktroop","N","1.आक्रमण सेना"
The king ordered his shock troops to destroy the enemies.

He was shocked to see the results.
He was shocked to hear his child swearing.

"shocker","N","1.चौंका देने वालाव्यक्ति या वस्तु"
The scene of that movie was an absolute shocker.

She went to see the shocking sight after the disastrous flood.
--"२.बहुत खराब"
The food here is shocking.

"shockproof","Adj","1.आघात से प्रभावित न होने वाला"
John bought a new shockproof watch.

"shod","Adj","1.जूता पहना हुआ"
He was well shod for wet weather.

Poor people are compelled to buy shoddy goods.

My father bought a new shoe for me.

"shoot","V","1.गोली मारना"
Dont shoot - I surrender.
--"२.घायल करना"
She went out shooting rabbits.
Do you know how to shoot a pistol?
--"४.गोली चलाना"
Get a riffle that shoots straight.
--"५.शिकार खेलना"
Shoot pheasants.
--"६.फओटो लेना/फइल्म बनाना/चलचित्रित करना"
Cameras ready? OK, shoot.

The number shootings during robberies is increasing.
The shooting of Bengal tiger is being banned.

"shooting Gallery","N","1.शूटिंगगैलरी"
He practised shooting daily in his own shooting gallery.

"shooting match","N","1.पूरा मामला"

"shooting star","N","1.उल्का"
It is a very beautiful sight to see a shooting star at night.

The shoot-out between the dacoits and the police resulted in the death of two women.

The healthy green shoots on a plant enhance its beauty.
Some people often make a visit to forest just to take pleasure of shoot.
On Rams birthday a photographer was appointed for a special shoot.

Jaspal Rana is a famous shooter.

I went to the chemists shop to buy some medicines.
I went to a paint shop where our car is being painted.

"shop","V","1.बाजआर करना"
Im shopping for Christmas presents.

Shoppers can be seen queued up in the new department store.

He went to do his shopping yesterday.
--"२.खरीदी गई वस्तुए"
Please carry the shopping to my house.

"shop assistant","N","1.दुकान सहायक"
Every shop requires a perfect shop assistant to be successful.

"Shop floor","N","1.कार्यशाला"
A shop floor worker is paid very little.
The shop floor must be checked periodically to prevent the formation of a labour union.

"Shop soiled","Adj","1.खराब"
It is difficult to sell shop soiled goods.

"shop Keeper","N","1.दुकानदार"
A shop keeper makes all possible efforts to sell his goods.

She started to shop lift as a fifteen year old.

Shop lifters will be prosecuted.

I saw a beautiful house on the shore of river Ganga.

"shore","V","1.टेक या गदम लगाना"
Shore up the side of an old house to stop it falling down.

We kept on moving along the shoreline.

They had to walk only a short distance to reach the station.

"short-change","V","1.धोखा देना"
He was short-changed in the shop.
The African slaves were short changed by the Britishers.

"short circuit","N","1.लघु पथ"
He got a current shock because of short-circuit.

"short circuit","V","1.लघुपथित करना"
The lights short-circuited when I joined up the wires.

"short cut","N","1.छोटा रास्ता"
I always use a shortcut during a long journey.
--"२.सरल उपाय"
There is no shortcut to achieve success.

"short-handed","Adj","1.श्रमिकों की कमी से ग्रस्त"
Im sorry to keep you waiting - Were rather short handed today.

"short list","N","1.अल्प सूची"
There were only ten persons left for short list.

"short lived","Adj","1.अल्पायु"
Coral Polypus is a short lived specie.

"short-range","Adj","1.लघु परिसर"
Air rifle is meant for short range objects.
This project is prepared for short range only.

"short Sighted","Adj","1.निकटदर्शी"
He has to wear glasses because he is short sighted.

"short-sightedness","N","1.निकट दृष्टि"
Political short-sightedness is prevailed in our country.

"short staffed","Adj","1.श्रमिकों की कमी या न्यूनता से ग्रस्त"
Were very short staffed because a lot of people are on leave.

Our neighbours has a room but for short stay only.

"short temper","N","1.चिडचिडआपन/क्रोध"
Due to his short temper no one likes him.

"short tempered","Adj","1.क्रोधी"
Ramesh is a short tempered boy.

"short term","Adj","1.अल्पावधिक"
My father took a short term loan from the bank.

"short-time","N","1.अल्प अवधि"
Now-a-days labourers are appointed for short time due to lack of capital.

"short wave","N","1.लघु तरंग"
Short waves are used in radio stations.

Shortage of basic amenities led to social problems.

"shortbread","N","1.कुरकुरा बिस्कुट"
She prefers eating shortbread.

Small kids prefer to eat shortcakes.

There shortcomings of the experiments are observed later.

"shortcrust","N","1.एक प्रकार की पिष्टान्न"
Shortcrusts are easy to prepare and good to eat.

"shorten","V","1.छोटा करना"
The teacher asked him to shorten the essay.

My mother asked me to purchase some shortening from the market.

Shortfall of food leads to many deaths in villages.

After completing his education he decided to learn type-writing and shorthand.

He arrieved there shortly.
--"२.रुखाई से"
Go away, said Rama shortly.

"shorts","N","1.छोटी पतलून"
One feel comfortable in shorts while playing.

Two of her shots hit the target.
The photographer took a beautiful shot of the sight.
Have a shot at this problem.
Willian Tell was a very good shot.

"shotput","N","1.एक प्रकार का खेल"
He won first prize in the shotput contest.

Yesterday at night she heard a shotgun blast.

The children should respect their elders.

He had a injury in his shoulder.
--"२.कमीज का कधा"
The shoulders of his newly bought shirt were black in color.

"shoulder","V","1.कधा पर उठानाभार"
He shouldered the responsibility of his brothers children after his brothers death.

The teacher asked the class not to shout.

Children were shoving each other while they were playing.

He gave a good shove to his car.

The laborers use shovel to dig a pit or a big hole in the ground.

"shovel","V","1.बेलचे से उठाना या हठाना"
To clear the road the workers kept on shoveling the snow.

Robert is the host of the cultural show.
The handicrafts of different states are on show at the exhibition.
The sympathy given by the leaders to the injured was nothing but a show.

I will show him how to do it.
They showed me their wedding photos.
I showed him the way out.
--"३.सिद्ध करना/प्रमाणित करना"
They think I cant win but Ill show them.
--"४.दिखाई देना"
I waited for him whole day but he never showed.

"show off","V","1.दिखावाकरना"
She was showing off her new husband at the party.

This book fair is the showcase for the budding writers.
--"२.प्रदर्शन मंजूषा"
I have displayed my dolls in the show case.

Management are provoking a showdown with the unions.

There was a heavy shower of rain in the afternoon.
The gardener was watering the plants by a showering cane.

"shower","V","1.नहानाफुहार में"
She showered, changed and went out.
Ash from the volcano showered on the near by villages.

"showerproof","Adj","1.हल्की बरसात में गीला न होने वाला"
Now a days many school bags are showerproof.

"showjumping","N","1.घुड सवारी प्रतियोगिता"
He is one of the participants of show jumping competition.

Raj Kapoor was the greatest showman of the Indian film industry.
He is a travelling showman.

"showroom","N","1.प्रदर्शन कक्ष"
Recently a showroom for Santro cars is opened in the market.

"shred","V","1.छोटे टुकडओं में काटना"
The servant has to shred the cabbage.

"shred","N","1.छोटा टुकडआ"
He tore the paper into shreds.
There is not a shred of evidence to support what he says.

Shrew is a small animal like a mouse with long nose.
--"२.चण्डी/लडआकी स्त्री"
The fisherwoman is a shrew as she always fights with her husband.

Manthra was a shrewd lady.

The girl shrieked after seeing a dog on the street.
,I hate you, he shrieked.

On hearing the shriek of the boy we all ran towards him.

Sitas voice is very shrill.

She cooked rice with shrimps.
He is a shrimp.

Most of the clothes shrink on the first wash.
--"२.पीछे हटना"
She shrank trembling against the wall.

Buy a bigger shirt to allow shrinkage.
Shrinkage caused a robust loss in the profit this year.

"Shrunken","Adj","1.सिकुडआ हुआ"
Shrunken papaya.

Excessive heat has shrivelled the apples.

She didnt have money to buy a shroud for her husband.
The shroud of clouds concealed the sun.
The shrouds broke and the mast of the ship was no more useful due to the storm.

It is a murder shrouded in mystery.

Some shrubs are also used in long term Indian medical treatments.

It is very difficult to go through this dense shrubbery.

"shrug","V","1.कधा उचकाना या झाडना"
He showed his helplessness by shrugging the shoulders.

Groundnuts are eaten after removing the shuck.

Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder.

He shuffled as he was totally exhausted.
Ram will shuffle in this turn.
--"३.स्थान बदलता रहना"
He was free that day. So he shuffled his room.

"shun","V","1.से दूर रहना"
He is shunned by his friends.

His office has been shunted off to Delhi.
--"२.शंटिग करना"
This person guides the driver to shunt the train.

"shush","V","1.चुप करना"
As the teacher started the lesson the whole class was shushed.

"shut","V","1.बन्द करना"
When you go out shut the door.

"shutdown","N","1.बन्द करना"
The strikers have compelled the owner to shut down the factory.

"shutoff","V","1.बन्द करना"
Shut the water off.

"shutout","V","1.बहिष्कृत करना"
Govt. is thinking of having fences at the border to shut out outsiders.

"Shutup","V","1.चुप करना"
Will you shut up for a second.
--"२.बन्द करना"
We always shut up the house before going away.

The shop doorway is fitted with rolling shutters.
Will you please adjust the shutter spead.

Shuttle is an instrument used in weaving.
There is a shuttle service between Meerut and Delhi.

Shuttlecocks are made of a round piece of rubber with a ring of real feathers.

The child is not at all shy with adults.
He is just shy by nature.
We are still two players shy (of a full team).

He turned out to be a shyster.

The people of Thailand speak siamese language.

"siamese","N","1.श्याम देश वासी"
The natives of Thailand is called siamese.
--"२.श्याम देश भाषा"
The language spoken by the people of Thailand is called Siamese.

"Siamese Twins","N","1.जुडवा बच्चे जो आपस में जुडए हो"

The sibilant sound of whispering.

"sibling","N","1.सहोदर भाई या बहन"
He is the eldest of all his siblings.

He has been sick for many days.
The sick lady was not able to stand in a moving train.
--"२.उलटी आना"
While travelling in the crowded bus I felt sick.
--"३.ऊबा हुआ"
She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it.
We were pretty sick about losing the match.

The basin was littered with sick.
--"२.अस्वस्थ" #मरीज"
Admit the seriously sick first.

"sick","V","1.वमन करना"
The baby sicked up a little milk.

"sick headache","N","1.सिरदर्द"
After hearing a loud noise of speaker her sick headache increased.

"sick leave","N","1.रोग अवकाश"
I took sick leave as I was suffering from Malaria.

"sickpay","N","1.बीमारी का भुगतान"
Now a days sickpay facilities are available in private companies also.

"sickbay","N","1.रोगी कक्ष"
In hospitals and nursing homes there are sickbays for people who are ill.

One sickbed is allotted to each patient admitted in a hospital.

"sicken","V","1.घृणा उत्पन्न करना"
Cruelty sickens me.
--"२.बीमार पड जाना"
He slowly sickened and died.

It was a sickening sight.
It is sickening to think that we miss the aeroplane by five minutes.
--"३.बुरी तरह"
The bus hit the truck with a sickening crash.

"sickeningly","Adv","1.घृणा उत्पन्न करते हुए"
Ram worked at the shop sickeningly.

Sickle is a tool with the curved blade on a short wooden handle.

"Sickle cell","N","1.लाल खून की कोशिका"
Sickle cell is a type of R.B.C in the shape of a sickle found in a severe type of anaemia patient.

Nikhil looked week and sickly.
Ram looked week and gave a sickly smile.
Raju looked week and sickly.

There is a lot of sickness in this village.
Many persons suffer from sleeping sickness.
--"३.उल्टी आना"
The sickness passed after I lay down.

"sickness benefit","N","1.रोग-भत्ता"
The people who could not attend the job because of illness get sickness benefit from the government.

"sickroom","N","1.रोगी कक्ष"
Everybody should go to sickroom if he is ill.

While driving both sides should be watched carefully to avoid accidents.
He was lying on his side.
All the friends were my side.
There was large crowd on the either side of the road.
All sides of mountains were covered with snow.
All the six sides of a cube are equal.
There are four sides in a square.
There are faults on both sides.
We must study all the side of a problem and then try to solve.

The things kept in a glass sided container is always visible.

Side car is a vehicle attached to the side of a motor cycle.

Side-dish is usually served with a main course of a meal.

"side effect","N","1.दवाई का दुष्प्रभाव"
This drug has no side effects.

We should not waste time on side-issues.

"side on","Adv","1.बगल से"
The car hit us side on.

"side order","N","1.सहयोगी व्यंजन"
Here is a side order of French fries.

"Side-road","N","1.छोटी सडक"
During night hours we should not travel through side-roads.

"side-saddle","Adv","1.जनाना जईन"
He wants to ride side-saddle.

The clowns gave a side-splitting performance.

"side-street","N","1.छोटी गली"
During night hours we should not travel through side-streets.

When talking about the performance, she couldnt resist a side-swipe at the orchestra.

"side-view","N","1.एक ओर का चित्र"
A person can imagine the beauty after seeing a side-view of the house.

Side-whiskers are the patches of hair growing on the sides of a mans face.

"side","V","1.का पक्ष लेना/का समर्थन करना"
I always sides with my mother against my father.

Sideboard is used for storing plates and glasses etc.

"sidekick","N","1.खआस सहयोगी"
For getting good results side-kick gets due weightage.

"side-light","N","1.वाहन के आगे लगा छोटा बल्ब"
Every vehicle has side-lights.
--"२.पार्श्व प्रकाश"
The article about the school gave us a few side-lights on the character of its owner.

He is an engineer, but he repairs cars as a side-line.

The team manager stood on the sidelines shouting instructions to the players.

She gave a sidelong glance.

A man was showing side show by a pair of monkeys.
--"२.गौण क्रिया"
Offering a rebate of Rs. 2000 on newly launched television was merely a sideshow to attract the customers.

He sidestepped the issue by saying it was not his responsibility.

"sidetrack","V","1.विषयान्तर करना"
Students want to sidetrack the teacher by creating disturbance in class.

A baby was crawling on a sidewalk.

"siding","N","1.बगली रेलपथ"

"sidle","V","1.दुबककर चलना"
He apologized and sidled out of the room.

The city was under siege for eight months.

"sienna","N","1.गेरु मिट्टी"
Burnt sienna is in reddish brown colour.

We can see Sierra in Spain and America.

"siesta","N","1.दोपहर का आराम"
He is in the restroom having a Siesta.

Sieves are used for separating solids or large pieces from liquids.

Sieve the soup first and then drink.

Sift the dust from the grain.

Go and sift the evidences.

"sigh","V","1.आह भरना"
He only sighed in reply.
The wind sighed in the trees.
She sighed for meeting him.

He lost his sight in an accident.
After ten days at sea we had our first sight of land.
Radhas father wants to marry her daughter but there was no one in sight.
The flowers are a lovely sight in spring.
The sight of a rifle have something in ones sights.

After a long tired journey, we sighted the refugee camp.

The world for a sightless person is always dark.

We went on sightseeing in Madurai.

(+, -, /,x) Mathematics is a game of signs.
Chinese people bow their heads as a sign of respect.
Your zodiac sign is excellent for this month.
--"२.चेतावनी सूचक"
After avoiding lot of signs he arrived at his destination.
--"३.भाव मुद्रा"
Signs on his face were full of sorrow.

"sign language","N","1.इंगित भाषा"
Sign language has proved, excellent for handicapped.

"sign","V","1.हस्ताक्षर करना"
The painting is not signed so we dont know whose it is.

"sign off","V","1.बिदा देना"
The manager signed off from bank with great pomp and show.

"sign on","V","1.बेरोजगार व्यकति के रूप में सूचित करना"
He signed on as an unemployed.

"sign on/up","V","1.कार्य केलिये संझोता करना"
He signed up for forthcoming film.

He gave the signal to the ship for deciding the direction.
We must follow traffic signal.
Our bad behaviour is the signal of our bad background.
The graph on her computer is distorted because of interrupted signal.

"signal","V","1.संकेत करना/सिगनल देना"
He was signaling for the removal of unwanted crowd.

"signaler","N","1.संकेत देने वाला"
The signaler died due to the bulletshot.

"signal box","N","1.सिगनलबॉक्सरेल मार्ग के बगल में बना हुआ कमरा/केबिन"
The train crashed due to failure from signal box.

It is a signal victory to him.

"signalman","N","1.सिगनलमैनरेल केबिन में काम करनेवाला व्यक्ति"
The signalmans intelligence is a must for a happy journey.

India and Pakistan were the signatories to the treaty of Lahore.

Signatures are essential on a cheque.

King gifted signet-ring to his courtier as he was pleased with her performance.

Its very difficult to grab the significance of his remarks.
We dont feel the significance of a thing until we loose it.

There is a significant decline in the child mortality in past few years.
His presence was significant at the premire of the film.

Significantly, he did not deny that there might be an election.

Her behaviour showed a sign of signification.

"signify","V","1.सूचित करना"
These clouds signify the arrival of monsoons.
He signified his victory with a roar.

On reaching the next crossroad look for a yellow sign-post with the street name on it.
Her new friend is a Sikh from Patiala.

He went to collect silage for the cattle.

A scream shattered the silence.

Car made a terrible roaring sound as soon as the silencer broke down.

The boy became silent when his father asked him the reason for returning so late.
,b is silent when pronounced but written in comb

The boy stood silently beside his father.

"silhouette","N","1.बाह्य रेखा दिखलानेवाला चित्र"
I was harrified to see the silhoutte of someone pepping through the window.

Silica is extracted from sand.

"silicate","N","1.सिलिकेट/अग्नि प्रस्तर का मिश्रण"
Calcium silicate consists of calcium and silica.

Silicon is widely used to prepare glass.

High quality silk was exparted by China in earlier centuries.

She was looking gargeous in her silken sari.

"silkworm","N","1.रेशम कीडआ"
We get silk from silkworm.

Synthetic fabrics are very silky to touch.

She was leaning out of the window while sitting on the window sill.

I was rather silly to let the strangers in who robbed me.
Stop playing silly games, you are old enough to be serious.

"silo","N","1.खत्ती/हरी फसल इकट्ठा करने का गड्ढा"
Store all the grass in the silo.
--"२.प्रक्षेपास्त्र रखनेकी भूमिगत जगह"
Every country has its silos ready to launch missiles pointing towards their neighbouring country.

Ganga plains are made up to fine silt brought down by Himalayan rivers.

"silt","V","1.मिट्टी या रेत से रास्ता बन्द करना/रेग से भरना"
Alluminium has silted up the river Ganga forming sunderkan delta.

Silver is used to electroplate reactive metals.
--"२.चादी का पदक"
He won four silvers for his state.

"silver","V","1.चादी चढआना"
He owns a fine silvered bracelet.

He has an attractive silver sports car.

"silvery","Adj","1.चादी के सदृश"
She has a silvery personality.

"silver jubilee","N","1.रजतोत्सव"
They celebrated the silver jubilee of their marriage with a bang.

"silver paper","N","1.फोटो का चित्र छापने का एक प्रकार का कागज"
Silver paper is very essential to develop photographs.
--"२.चाकलेट सिगरेट इत्यादि को लपटने केलिये उपयुक्त होनेवाला चमकदार कागज"
Silver paper acts as a very good insulator.

"silver plate","N","1.चादी की तश्तरी"
Earlier kings used to have silver plates for dinning.

"silver-tongued","Adj","1.प्रभावशाली वक्ता/वाक पटु"
To be a good salesman you should be silver-tongued.

"silverfish","N","1.चादी के वर्ण वाला कीडआ"
His attic was full of silverfishes and spiders.

He is a fine and very honest silversmith.

"silverware","N","1.चादी के सामान"
She possesses a splendid set of silverwares.

"simian","Adj","1.वानर के समान/वानरी"
That person has a simian appearance.

Those twins are similar in physical features but different by nature.

"similarly","Adj","1.समान रूप से/उसी प्रकार से"
Those two friends dress similarly.

These two movies have stricking similarities.

As beautiful as a blooming flower - is an example of simile.

"simmer","V","1.उबालना/धीरे धीरे पकाना"
He simmered the milk to make it more condensed.

"simmer","V","1.क्रोध उत्सुकता आदी से भरा रहना"
He simmered with anger after seeing his result.

"simper","V","1.बनावटी रूप में मुस्कुराना"
Models in the toothpaste advertisement simper in a funny manner.

He is the most simple person in the whole staff.
She wore a very simple dress in the party.
He teaches in a simple way.


"sing","V","1.गाना गाना"
He sings beautifully.

The chicken was singed to remove the fine hairs.

"single","Adj","1.एक/एक ही/एकमात्र"
Please give me a single piece of paper.

Rishi asked Rishu whether he likes singleness or not.

"singly","Adv","1.अकेले ही/एकश
Misfortunes never seem to come singly.

"single combat","N","1.द्वन्द्व युद्ध"
Rustum and Sohrab fought against each other in a single combat.

"single decker","N","1.एकडेकवाला"
These are only single decker busses.

"single handed","Adj","1.अकेला"
The inspector caught the thief single handed.

"single market","N","1."
Have you ever seen a single market?

"single minded","Adj","1.एकनिष्ठ"
Do not behave like a single minded lady.

"single parent","N","1.अकेलापितायाअकेलीमाता"
Its not easy for a child to live with a single parent.

They were dressed in white singlets.

He had a curious singsong voice.

The detectives were greatly puzzled by the singular nature of the crime.

,boy is in singular number.

It was believed that when a black cat crosses ones path, is a sinister.

Titanic sank in the Atlantic ocean.
The foundation of the house are begining to sink.
The rupee has sunk to its lowest in comparision to dollar.

Utensils are washed in the kitchen sink.

Fishermen use sinker to keep the net under water.

Sinners are punished in the court of God.

"sinuous","Adj","1.टेढआ मेढआ"
The mountanious course of a river is sinuous.

"sip","V","1.चुस्की लगाना या लेना"
He drank his tea sipping noisly.

He used siphon to drink milk from the bottle.

Good morning sir.

This is the sire of many successfull racehorses.

The ship siren signalled its departure.
Siren is a Greek mythological creature.

"sirloin","N","1.पुट्ठे का मास"
Sirloin of a cow is considered as nutritious.

"sirocco","N","1.गरम हवा"
Sirocco blow from Africa to Europe.

Sisal from several plants is used to make ropes.

He was called sissy because he didnt like games.

How many sisters do you have?

They enjoy a sisterhood in the institution.

"sisterly","Adj","1.बहन जैसा"
Sisterly love in precious.

He requested her to sit.
Teacher made the students to sit quitely.

"sit back","V","1.आराम करना"
Being old you should sit back instead of working.

"sit by","V","1.आलसी होना"
How can the govt. just sit by and let this happen.

"sit in","V","1.धरने पर बैठना"
A medical student sat in on consultation.

"sit on","V","1.सभा में शामिल होना"
How many people sit on the panel.

"sit through","V","1.अन्त तक रुकना"
The President sat through the meeting.

"sit up","V","1.देर तक जागना"
We sat up late watching a show on T.V.

"sitter","N","1.चित्र खिंचाने के लिये बैठा व्यक्ति"
He is looking for a sitter for the protrait he wants to make.

"sitting","N","1.बैठक/उपवेशन "
Let the sitting be over and then, discuss this topic.

First sitting is going on, youve to wait.
She can finish one novel in one sitting.

"sit down","N","1.हडताल"
The workers of this mill are on sit down.

"sit down","V","1.बैठजाना"
Just sit down for a while I cant walk any more.

"sit in","N","1.एक प्रकार की हडताल जिस में मजदूर कार्यशाला खाली न करें "
A sit in is even much more horrible than a strike.

"sitting duck","N","1.आसान शिकार"
Dont worry of being caught, he is a sitting duck.

"sitting room","N","1.बैठक"
Ill be waiting in the sitting room, come soon.

"sitting tenant","N","किरायादार"
I am a sitting tenant in cottage number 21.

"sit up","N","1.उठ बैठना/एक प्रकार का व्यायाम"
I do 30 sit ups every morning.

"sitar","N","1.एक भारतीय संगीत वाद्य"
Pandit sasraj plays sitar very well.

"sitcom","N","1.एक हास्यमय परिस्थिति"
When he fell into the gutter it was a sitcom for all of us.

Ill visit sacred site tomorrow evening.

Having six children and no income, I was badly situated.

Act reasonably in all situations.

Ten minutes is the sixth part of an hour.

"six figure","Adj","1.छंकोंवाली"
He draws a six figure salary.

"six-shooter","N","1.छह गोली वाला रिवाल्वर"
The criminal has a revolver of six-shooter.

A six-fold increase.

The sixpence was discontinued in 1871.

There are sixteen ounces in a pound.

There are sixty minutes in an hour.

The size of the card I want is 3/5 inches.

"sizeable","Adj","1.काफई बडआ/बृहदाकार"
The dinosaur was an ancient and sizeable creature.

He sizzled with anger.

It is a sizzling weather.

My father bought me skate shoes for my birthday.

He got a new skateboard for himself?

"skeddaddle","V","1.भाग जाना"
The robbers skedaddled out of the club.

Constances unbeaten skein in this country was stopped.

This is a skeliton of man.
The block is still just a skeleton of girders.
Her notes give us just the bare skeleton of her theory.

Her mother got worried after seeing her daughters skelital physic.


The artist made many sketches in pencil before painting the portrait.

I am afraid to walk on skew roads.

He knocked my hat skew-whiff.

"skewbald","Adj","1.लाल अबलक"
Crompton, on his skewbald, was the only scorer.

She prepares mouth watering kababs with the help of skewers.

There are people who love snow ski rides during the month of December.

The car skidded on the ice.

Skiffs are used by fisherman in lake.

"skiffle","N","1.एक तरह का संगीत"
Skiffle is very much popular in 1950s.

He is a skillful person.

"skulfully","Adv","1.निपुणता से"
He completed the work skillfully.

Painting needs great skill.

He is a skilled weaver.

Oily food cooked in skillet.

"skim","V","1.मलाई हटाना"
Children always skim the cream from the milk.
--"२.सरसरी नजर से देखना"
His eyes skimmed the headlines of Newspaper.

"skim away","PhrV","1.तेजीसेहटना"
The smoke skimmed away after the train passed.

"skim over","PhrV","1.सरसरीनिगाहदौडना"
She skimmed over the article briefly.

"skim through","PhrV","1.सरसरीनिगाहदौडना"
She tries to keep abreast with the latest literature by skimming through the lat
est issues.

"skimp","V","1.मितव्ययी होना"
He skimped to save money for future.

Actor or acrtess wore skimpy dresses.

Africans have black skin.

"Only skin and bone","IDM","1.हडीला"
She is only skin and bone.

An infant child is a skinny one.

"skin diving","N","1.किसी तैराक वस्त्र के बिना पानी के अन्दर तैरना"
Skin diving is most difficult activity of swimming.

"skin frost","N","1.त्वचारोपण"
Skin frost is one of the most successful achievement of scientist.

"skin tight","Adj","1.चुस्त"
Skin tight dress is now the fashion of young generation.

"skin flint","N","1.कंजूस"
He is so skinflint that he dont even spend money on medicine.

He had a skinful and got into a fight.

"skin head","N","1.छोटे बालों वाला बदमाश लडका"
Today most of the skinhead are roaming here and there.

He cant spent money on watching movie, he is absolutely skint.

"skip","V","1.उछल-कूद करना"
Frogs were skipping in the pond.
--"२.विषय बदलता रहना"
He was skipping from one subject to another.
--"३.छोड जाना/छोड देना"
In a hurry he skip breakfast.
Skipping on rope is good for healthy person.

Indian cricket teams skipper played well yesterday.

The two brothers had a skirmish over the disputed land.

"skirmish","V","1.छोटे टुकडओं में भिडना"
They skirmished over the property.

Girls look beatiful in skirt.

"skirt","V","1.के किनारे किनारे चलना"
We skirted the field and crossed the bridge.

Skit on Macbeth is a humorous play.

"skittish","Adj","1.बेकाबू हो जाना/भडकैल"
Generally, horses become skittish.

"skittle","N","1.लकडई की बोतलें"
When skittle is knocked by the rolling ball then the game skittles is played.

He has been skiving again.

For keping a skivvy, we have to pay 500/- per month.

"skua","N","1.बडआ समुद्री पक्षी"
Skua is not found in India.

His career was ruined by political skulduggery.

"skulk","V","1.छिपकना/कोने में डुबके रहना"
The thief skulked himself when police jeep came.

His skull is very thick.

"skull cap","N","1.गोल टोपी"
Skull cap is generally worn by male Jewes when they pray.

"skunk","N","1.एक काला सफएद अमेरिकी जआनवर"
Skunk give an unpleasent smell when attacked.

He is thinking about the sky.

"sky-blue","Adj","1.आसमानी रंग का/नभोनील"
The colour of his shirt is sky-blue.

"sky-high","Adj","1.बहुत ऊचा/गगनचुम्बी"
Property prices have gone high.

"sky-high","Adv","1.बहुत ऊचा/गगनचुम्बी"
He thinks sky high.

"sky-rocket","V","1.बहुत ऊचा उठना"
Insurence costs have sky rocketted.

"skydiving","N","1.स्काईडाइविंगएक प्रकार का खेल"
During sky diving parachutes are used for safe fall.

"skylark","N","1.चातक पक्षी"
Skylark sings sweetly when it flies high in the sky.

Skylights should be there for every house.

The dome of the cathedral dominates the skyline.

"skyscraper","N","1.गगनचुम्बी इमारत"
The modern buildings are skyscrapers.

"skywards","Adj","1.आसमान की ओर"
He is looking skywards.

"slab","N","1.पटिया/पत्थर का चौरस"
I prefer kitchen slab to be made in marble.

The slack rope was tied to Rahul to climb the mountain by mistake.

"slacken","V","1.ढीलदेना/धीमा करना"
He slackened the tight belt round his waist.

"slacks","N","1.ढीली पतलून"
Ramesh bought slacks for Mahesh on his birthday.

Rameshs wife always keeps slagging him off.

"slain","V","1.मार डआलना"
The man slain his real brother for property.

The trekkers slaked their thirst in a stream near by.

"slalom","N","1.छोटी लकडई की नाव"
The slalom race is going to be held in this month.

"slam","V","1.पटक देना"
She slammed the box on the table.

Persons caught by police are sent to the slammer.

Ramesh started a vicious slander against Rahul.

"slander","V","1.मिथ्यापवाद करना"
He was charged with slandering a government minister.

Ramesh met a person whos language was slangy.

Slant your skis a bit more to the left.

"slap","V","1.थप्पड मारना"
The teacher slapped his student for not answering the questions.

Ramesh crossed the corridor

"slap-happy","Adj","1.खुशमिजआज/छोटी छोटी बातों को ध्यान रखने वाला"
Ramesh is a slap happy.

"slapstick","N","1.हसी मजआक"
Jokers do slapsticks in circus.

"slap-up","N","1.बहुत बडइया"
The dinner was really slap-up.

Rameshs mother gone with a slash of mango.

The victim had a big slash on his neck.

"slat","N","1.लकडई की पट्टी"
The window was covered with slats

His article on the current political turmoil was slated by most critics.

"slattern","N","1.फूहड स्त्री"
She was really a slattern.

Government has banned the slaughter of animals.

Butcher slaughters the animals in the slaughterhouse.

"slav","N","1.स्लेवोनिक व्यक्ति"
Mr. scrooge is a slav as he lives in central europe.

Slaves were treated badely in America.

"slaver","V","1.लार टपकना"
Dog slavers on seeing bone.

Womans life without man is slavish.

"slavonic","Adj","1.ऊरोप में दासवृत्ति करनेवाले लोगों की भाषा"
Slavonic is the language of Europeans who are engaged in slavetrade.

"slay","V","1.मार डआलना/वधा"
The butcher slays the animals.

The area surrounding the dustbins are"V","ry sleaze.

Flood water left the fields sleazy.

It is believed that every year on christmas santa comes riding on sledge to meet the chilren.

She has sleek hair.

He slept early today.

Most of the people need eight hours of sleep a day.

"sleeping bag","N","1.सोने का थैला"
She has a beautifl sleeping bag.

"sleeping car","N","1.शयनिका"
We went to Delhi in an AC sleeping car.

"sleeping partner","N","1.निष्क्रिय साझेदार"
Mr.Rao is my sleeping partner in our business.

"sleeping pill","N","1.नीन्द की गोली"
Every night she takes a sleeping pill.

"sleeping policeman","N","1.सडक अवरोध"
Drive slowly as there is a sleeping policeman.

"sleeping sickness","N","1.निद्रा रोग"
Sleeping sickness is caused by tse-tse fly.

I found him sleepwalking in the kitchen.

She always feels sleepy during the working hours.

He looked at her sleepily.

"sleet","N","1.हिमी वर्षा/सहिम वृष्टि"
Sleet looks lovely on mountain areas.

He scolded his tailor for making the sleeves tight.

Eskimos use sledges.

He was restless against his sleight.

She has a slender physche.

He informed his wife to tell his guest that he has slept.

Have you ever seen a better sleuth?

Dont slew my hand because it is paining.

He asked his mother to give him two slices of bread.

We decided to have new slick floor for our new bunglow.
He is a very slick man.

The drawers slide in and out easily.

Do not speak slight language with me.

Today girls dream for a slim and trim figure.
THe chances of India winning the match are very slim.

Do not slinge the books as they are very useful to me.


"slink","V","1.लुक छुपकर आना जाना"
People sometimes slink after doing mistakes.

Her voice seems to be slinky to me.

The climbers foot slipped and he fell.
The earth quakes are caused when the earth plates slip over on another.
It had slipped my memory that you were arriving today.
--"४.स्थानभ्रंश होना"
He is coming IInd from last 2 years. He seems to be slipping from his position.
--"५.चोरी से रखना"
My brother slipped some money in my pocket while my father didnt allow it.

"slipped disc","N","1.रीढकीहड्डीमेंचोट"
Ravi had a slipped disc when he fell while playing cricket.

Due to your slip-up four soldiers were killed.

Due to slipage in the share market many people lost their money.

"slipper","N","1.हवाई चप्पल"
She wore an imported pair of slippers.

"slippery","Adj","1.फइसलनेवाला जगह"
Ice made the path slippery underfoot.
Dont believe what he says hes a slippery customer.

"slip stream","N","1.गाडई के पीछे की तेज हवा"
He is riding the motorcycle leaving a slipstream behind him.

The wicket was a result of slipshod defence.

"slipway","N","1.जलावतरण मंच"
The wooden blocks are trnasported from one place to another with the help of slipway.

The murderer slit his victims throat.

The dress has a slit on the left side.

"slither","V","1.लडखडआकर फइसलना"
When he didnt understand how to get down he slighered up from the top.

"sliver","N","1.काठ का टुकडआ"
After the finishing of our house we kept the left slivers in the store room.

Get out of bed, you fat slob!

"slobber","V","1.लार टपकना"
The baby had slobbered all over her bib.

"sloe","N","1.जंगली आलूचा/झरबेर"
The poor man had nothing to eat except sloe.

"slog","V","1.जओर से मारना"
The ball is slogged after 40 overs in a cricket match.

During the election times many slogans are written on the street walls.

"sloop","N","1.एक मस्तूलवाला जहाज"
The pirates voyaged in a sloop.

The tea slopped into the saucer.

"slop out","V","1.गंदा पानी हटाना"
The person living in prision have to slop out every morning.

"slop","N","1.सुअर का खाना"
Slop is given every day to pigs.

You can find high slopes in hilly regions.

My very close friend who comes Ist in class is very sloppy child.

"slosh","V","1.आवाज करके हिलाना"
Water falls with a sloshing sound in a container when dropped form a hight.

There is a very huge slot in the wall behind our house.

"slot machine","N","1.एक छेदवाली मशीन"
A slot machine is used mostly in foreign countries for selling chocollates etc.

Sloth is his habit.

"sloth","N","1.दक्षिण अमेरिका का जआनवर"
Sloth usually lives in trees and moves very slowly.

"slouch","V","1.भद्देपन से चलना/खडए होना या बैठना"
She slouched past me with her hands in her pocket.

In the forests, of satpura slough of mud can be seen easily.

"slough","V","1.उतारना/उतरना/उतार फेंकना"
The company is trying to slough off its negative public image.
The snake is sloughing off its skin.

We usually see slovenly beggers sitting on the footpath.

Patients suffering from jaundice make slow recovery.
He is slow in understanding.
He is slow in his work.

"slow motion","N","1.मंदगति"
Every shot of that match was shown in slow motion on star sports.

"slow up","V","1.कम मेहनत करना"
You are suffering from fever, its better if you slow up a bit.

"slow coach","N","1.सुस्त व्यक्ति"
This carpenter is a real slow coach.

"slow worm","N","1.सापजातिकाएकजीव"
Slow worms are found in European countries.

He walked slowly towards the platform.

"sludge","N","1.गाढआ कीचड"
You will always observe sludge in the sink of the kitchen.

Chemicals are usualy sprayed to protect the crops from slug.
They all took a slug of brandy to ward off the cold.

He is a sluggish boy as he does his work too slowly.

Opening of the sluice gates led to floods in the nearby villages.

"slum","N","1.गंदी बस्ती"
From his behaviour, I can point out that he was brought up in the slums of Mumbai.

The king was in deep slumber.

The slump occured in share market in USA in 1..

"slump","V","1.गिर पडना"
During the period of Great depression the economy of most of the European countries was slumped.

"slung","V","1.लटका देना"
Due to his sluggishness, his boss slung him for a week.

"slur","V","1.कलंक लगना"
Traitor quisling slurred the image of his country poland.
He continued to slur his words.

He continued to speak in a slur.

"slupr","V","1.खाते या पीते समय आवाज करना"
He slurped down the whishky in one single gulp.

Cattle dung & water are mixed in the mixing tank to prepare slurry.

"slush","N","1.नरम मिट्टी"
In marshy area, we can see slush.

She oblected to being called a slut.

Now a days salesman & saleswomen are becoming sly.

The fatjer gave the son a smack on his back.
Teacher gave him a tight smack.
The smack could be heard all around.

"smacker","N","1.सशब्द चुंबन"
She gave her lover a smacker.

The hat is too small for me.
He is a small man in eyes of his boss.

"small beer","N","1.महत्त्वहीन"
He seems to have a great importance for his family but in office he is a small beer.

"small minded","Adj","1.संकीर्णमना/अनुदार"
Arjun was a small minded man, just opposite of Karan.

"small time","Adj","1.अनावश्यक"
Most of the principles which have no bearing on our life are classified as small time.

"small town","Adj","1.सीमित ज्ञान और विचारों वाला"
In villages people are mostly small town.

"small holder","N","1.किरायेदार या अल्पभू का मालिक"
During middle ages even the landlords due to fragmentation of land, became small holders.

"small holding","N","1.किरायेदार या अल्पभू का मालिक"
During middle ages even the landlords due to fragmentation of land, became small holdings.

Due to the advancement in medical science smallpox no more remained as an uncurable disease.

The waiters manners are always so smarmy.

Smart dress is the true index of a mans character.

"smarten up oneself","V","1.आकर्षक बनाना"
You should smarten up yourself by rich and guady dress.

"smartly","Adv","1.सुव्यवस्थित ढंग से"
The horse by running smartly won the race.

"smart alec","N","1.सर्वज्ञ जैसा प्रदर्शन करनेवाला"
Presemptuous people are smart alec.

"smart card","N","1.कार्ड जिसमें सूचना भरी जाती है"
Smart card helps in issuing the passports to people quickly.

Young lovers smart with pangs of separation which more often than not becomes unbearable.

"smash","N","1.टकराने की ध्वनि"
The plate hit the floor with a smash.
The impact of smash was so great that he crushed many people in the crowd with his car.
Due to technical defects car smash took place at work.

"smash","V","1.जओरसे मारना"
Street children throwing stones on the road smash the passing vehicles.
--"२.पराजित करना/अंत करना"
World powers today are uniting to smash terrorism.

Drinking is not bad but smashed up people create problem of law and order.

"smasher","N","आकर्षित व्यक्ति या वस्तु"
Most of the film linked personalities are classed smashers because of their physical chemistry.

We had a smashing time on holiday.

"smash and grab","Adj","1.शीशातोडकरलूटना"
The income tax and sales tax department in a smash & grab raid held many tax evaders.

A small and little smattering is very dangerous.

"smear","V","1.मैला करना"
During holi festival people smear the faces of others with all sorts of greasy and oily substances.
--"२.बदनाम करना"
During election time the politicians smear the credibility of their opponents.
--"३.कलंक लगाना"
The media today is permitting many cock and bull stories to smear the reputation of PM.

Smear on the walls during election time by posters leave indelible marks.
--"२.मेडिकल परीक्षण"
A smear list is a medical list to check the cancer tissues or many other heart ailments.

I can smell something burning.
The dead body has begun to smell.

"smell out","V","1.का पता लगाना"
The detective smelled out foul play.

"smelling-salts","N","1.स्मेलिंग साल्ट/बेहोश व्यक्ति को होश में लाने केलिये विशेष केमिकल"
Smelling salts are useful in cases concerned with headache,nausia,faintness etc.

Roses smell is captivating.

The dead body has become smelly now.

The iron ore smelting mines are located at Jheria.

A smelter is used for extraction of metal from ore.

"smidgen","N","1.थोडआ सा/थोडई सी"
Do you want some sugar? Just a smidgen.

I saw a cheerful smile on his face.
He has got a million dollar smile.

He smiled at my comment.

"smile on","V","1.साथ देना"
Luck smiled on us that night.

"smirk","V","1.खीसें निकालना"
He smirked aty his wise crack.

"smite","V","1.मारना/प्रहार करना"
He smote the ball into the grandstand.

He is a poor smith and hence can not live happily.

"smithereens","N","1.छोटे टुकडओं में टूटना"
The vase broke into smithereens.

He has been working in this smithy since 1982.

Earlier they quarelled but now they are completely smitten with each other.

"smock","N","1.एप्रनपहने हुए कपडए की सुरक्षा हेतु दूसरा हल्का कपडआ"
He is wearing a smock.

"smog","N","1.धूम-कोहरा/धुआ और धुंध का मिश्रित स्वरूप"
Smog made the driving difficult.

The smoke is injurious to health.
He is addict of smoke.
In 1945 Italy received only smoke from the colonal diner.

He smoked regularly after a meal.
They smoked salami for dinner.

Coke is a smokeless fuel.

"smokefree","Adj","1.धूम रहित"
Recently America has invented a smoke free cigratte.

"smoke out","V","1.भगाना"
He smoked out the characterless students from school.

"smokes","N","1.नियमित रूपसे धूमपान करने वाला व्यक्ति"
He is a smoker since he reached 17.

"smoker","N","1.धूमपान डिब्बा"
In the Ist class compartment of a train smoking is prohibited. So he was smoking in the smoker zone.

Smoking causes cancer.

"smoked glass","N","1.काचगहरे धुए से बनाया"
This bowl is made of smoked glass.

"smokescreen","N","1.धुए की परतजो फौज में छिपने के काम आती है"
They used a smokescreen to move from their hiding place.

The cigarette was smoky.
The room became smoky by a cigarette.
The food was smoky.
The glass was smoky.

The coals smoldered till late at night.
He was smouldering with anger.

She smooch him dancing slowly.

She had a smooth face.
The Ice cream was smooth.
She has a smooth voice.
The path was smooth.
The journey was smooth.
The receptionist was smooth.

Avoid him, he is a smoothie.

"smoothly","Adv","1.आसानी से"
It would be finished very smoothly.

The smoothness with which negotiations had proceeded surprised him.

"smooth talking","Adj","1.सभ्यतरीकेसेबातकरना"
Salesmen of this company are known for their his smooth talking.

"smooth out","V","1.सपाटकरना"
Smooth out the clothes.

"smooth the path/way","IDM","1.राहबनाना"
The people smooth the way & got the target.

He smote the dog.

"smother","V","1.गला घोंटना"
He smothered the man.
They smothered the fire.
--"३.दबा लेना"
I smothered my smile in front of her.

He entered with a smudge on his face.

"smudge","V","1.धब्बा डआलना"
You smudged your new t-shirt.
--"२.रगडने पर छूटने वाला"
You have got a smudge of dust on your cheek.

"smug","N","1.आत्म सन्तुष्ट"
He appeared to be smug while taking his progress report.

"smuggle","V","1.तस्कर-व्यापार करना"
The smugglers smuggle across the border.

The smugglers smuggle gold across the border.

There is a lot of smuggling on the border.

His face was full of smuts.

"smut","N","1.अश्लील साहित्य"
There is a lot of smut in newspapers.

He entered with a smutty face.

"snack","N","1.अल्पाहार/हल्का नाशता"
People prefer to take snakes with tea at evening.

"snaffle","V","1.काबू करना/अधिकार जमाना"
Snaffle your bad habbits

There are several snags in completing this project.
This knife is so snag.

My jeans has snaffed.
My pant got snagged by a throny bush.

He is going like a snail.

"snails pace","N","1.धीमी गति"
The traffic was moving at a snails pace.

All snakes are not poisonous.

The path snakes in the hilly areas.

She has snaky type of hair.

People in the villages believe in traditional remedies for snake-bite.

"snakes and ladders","N","1.साप-सीढईएक खेल"
He is interested in playing snakes and ladders.

"snakeskin","N","1.साप की खाल"
This bag is made of snakeskin.

"snap","V","1.तोड डआलना"
He snapped his finger.
--"२.दंश करना/काटना"
The snake snapped the boys feet.
The teacher snapped shut your mouth.
--"४.फोटो लेना"
I snapped at the jumping boy.

I have a fine collection of holiday snaps.

"snap","N","1.ताश के पत्तों का एक खेल"
Snap is an entertaining game.

This work is too snap.

"snap","Interj","1.समानता पर निकलनेवाला आश्चर्य भाव"
Snap! your bag is similar to mine.

He is a snappy driver.
He looks snappy in this dress.

She is always snappy with body.

"make it snappy","IDM","1.जल्दी करो"
Make it snappy otherwise time will be over.

The rabbits foot was caught in a snare.

"snare drum","N","1.छोटे ढोल"
The boys were playing with snare drum.

She snatched the letter from my hand.

The hand bag snatcher was caught by the police.

"snazzy","Adj","1.अत्यधिक आकर्षक"
Her dress was very snazzy.

"sneak","V","1.चुपके आना जाना"
He managed to sneak out of the restaurent.

"sneer","V","1.उपहास करना"
He is always sneering at people less clever than him.

As she has been suffering from severe cold she keeps on sneezing.

"snicker","V","1.धीरे हिनहिनाना"
The horse was snickering through out the night.

Hes always making snide comments about her appearence.

"sniff","V","1.नाक से सास खींचना"
They all are suffering from cold and kept on sneezing and sniffing.

"sniffle","V","1.सू-सू करता जाना"
I wish you wouldnt keep sniffing.

He drinks snifter every day.

"snigger","V","1.ठी ठी करना"
Superior people sniggered at her foreign accent.

The rat snipped her dress.


I threw a snippet of waste paper in the dust bin.

Dont snivel about how poor you are.

Her husband is a terrible snob.

"snog","V","1.चुम्बन करना"
The couples were snogging a very nice song in the cinema hall.

"snook","V","1.अनादर दिखाना"
He always snooks at his wife.

"snooker","N","1.बिलियर्ड टेबल का खेल"
He loves playing snookers.

"snooker","V","1.परेशान करदेना"
You cant win you have been completely snookered.

"snoop","V","1.ताक झाक करना"
Someone was snooping something in her garden yesterday.
--"२.टाग अडआना"
Journalists should not snoop in private affairs.

He is a very snooty person.

"snooze","V","1.झापकी लेना"
He was snoozing in the class room.

"snore","V","1.खर्राटा लेना"
Her husband snores loudly when he is sleeping.

The engine of a train was snorting before it started.

Snot running down the childs nose.

Only the crocodiles snout is visible above the water.
He was staring into the snout of his pistol.

The children are playing with snow.

"snow","V","1.हिम गिरना या बरसना"
It was snowing when I wokeup.

"snowball","N","1.हिम कन्दुक/बरफ की गोली"
Children are playing by throwing snowballs.

"snowball","V","1.बडई तेजई से बढ जाना या फैल जाना"
The news snowballed very quickly in the city.

Snowblower was used in Mussoiurie last night because of heavy snowfall.

"snow bound","Adj","1.हिम बाधित"
We were snowbound in the cottage for two weeks.

In the morning the mountain seems to be snowcapped.

The train ran into a snowdrift.

The snowdrops are seem to be blooming.

Yesterday a heavy snowfall occurred in our city.

The snowfield is always covered with snow.

The snowflake melts as it falls on the ground.

Climb above the snow line.

The children are playing by making snowman.

The snowplough is used to clear the snow.

Snowshoe is used for walking in the snow.

"snowstorm","N","1.बर्फआनी तूफानि/हिमझंझावात"
After occuring snowstorm there was very cold.

Our football players have consistantly snobbed the tournament because of the poor prize money.

My friends nose something snub from the front.

His remarks in the T.V. interview are being interpreted as a deliberate snub to the president.

As soon as the light came back she snffed the candle.

My uncle took a pinch of snuff in the afternoon.

The snuffbox is used to carry the snuff.

"snuffle","V","1.नकियाना/नाक से बोलना"
The dog was snuffling around in the shed.

I felt warm and snug in bed.
The jackets a bit snug across the shoulders.

She was warm and snug in her blanket.

"snugly","Adv","1.पर्याप्त/अच्छा खासा"
The bat grip fits snugly into the hand.

"snuggle","V","1.सटकर या चिपटकर लेट जाना"
Snuggle down and go to sleep.
--"२.छाती लगाना/छाती से छिपकालेना"
Emma snuggled up to her mother.

Those cups need to soak in soapy water for a minute.
--"२.तरबतर करदेना"
Clean up that tea on that cloth before it soaks in.
--"३.अधिक पैसा वसूलना"
Always soak the rich.

Give that part a good soak so that the smell doesnt come.
Hes a dreadful old soak.

"soaked","Adj","1.भिगा हुआ"
My coat was completely soaked by rain water.

I think you are wearing a soaking wet trouser.

Dont look so angry.
I am so glad to see you in my house.
I have not enjoyed so much in tour.
--"३.उसी तरह/समान रूप से"
He is not so good as his brother.
The banner was so big.
I was not sure if she will succeed but I certainly hope so.
John is going to help me, or so he says.
He is divorced and so am I.

The shop was closed so I couldnt get my requirements.
So, it was that he finally returned home.
I gave you a map so you wouldnt get lost.
So I have a couple of drinks on the way home.
So thats the end of this movie.
So there is no proof, we cant do anything.

"so and so","Pron","1.अमुक/फलाना"
Mr so and so is going to be the champion.

Every one in a family should have a separate soap.

"soap","V","1.साबुन लगाना"
Ram soaped his hand when a insect touch the hand.

Wash that soapy cloth.
You are soapy.
--"३.साबुन जैसा दिखाई देना"
I think this material is a soapy one.

"soap box","N","1.मंच"
To stand on a soap box and say something is very difficult.

"soap stone","N","1.सेलखडई/सिलखडई/गोरा-पत्थर/घीया-पत्थर"
A jeweller was making jewellery with the help of soap stone.

Soar like a pigeon.
--"२.बहुत बढना"
Prices soar when demand is high.

"sob","V","1.सिसकना/हिचकी भरकर रोना"
Poor boy! Why are your sobbing.

Sarlas sobs gradually died down.

Were you completely sober when you said that?
--"२.संयमी/समझदार" A boy of your age should be sober"

The incident had a sobering effect on all.

When you come to school you should be soberly dressed.

The man is not noted for sobriety.

You should not do such things as you belong to good soc.

Your so called friend will not help you.

Man is a sociable organism.

Man is a social animal.

"social climber","N","1.वह व्यक्ति जो अपना ओद्धा बढआना चाहता है"
All human being should be social climbers.

"social conscience","N","1.सामाजिकचेतना"
TO tackle the issue of increasing violence one needs to increase the social conscience towards it.

"social democracy","N","1.प्रजातन्त्र"
India has provided a social democracy which is very necessary.

"social democrat","N","1.प्रजातान्त्रिक"
He is a social democrat.

"social drinker","N","1.सामाजिकमौकोंपरशराबपीनेवालाव्यक्ति"
If you want to drink, you should be a social drink.

"social science","N","1.समाज विज्ञान/समाज शास्त्र"
Social science tells us about the society.

"social security","N","1.सामाजिकसुरक्षाधन"
The family is on social security.

"social work","N","1.सामाजिक कार्य"
She wants to do social work when she finishes college.

Socialism is necessary in the country.

India is a socialist country.

Pandit Nehru was socialistic in nature.

The new magazine focusses on the lives of important socialites of the city.

"socialize","V","1.सामाजिक बनाना"
People dont socialize much outside work.

Socializing is not necessary to assert yourself in the society.


Different people have different societies.
--"२.सामाजिक जीवन"
The society of those people is good.
Join the societies of good persons.

"sociology","N","1.समाज शास्त्र"
He teaches sociology at the university.

"sociological","Adj","1.समाज शास्त्र सम्बन्धी"
The sociological theroies are responsible for the countries progress.

"sociologically","Adj","1.समाज शास्त्र से सम्बन्ध रखते हुए"
Sociologically speaking the crux of the problem lies in the socialization process of the young.

"sociologist","N","1.समाज विज्ञानी"
All the sociolist people are sociologist.

A pair of socks cost nearly Rs. 35.
--"२.जूते का भीतरी तला"
His shoes sock is not working well.

"sock","V","1.शस्त्र का आघात"
My teacher is angry so she socked me.

"socket","N","1.गर्तिका/गर्त जिसमें कोई चीज बैठाई जाती है"
Eyes socket is important in our body.
--"२.बिजली की पुञ्जी"
A socket at the back of the T.V. is broken.

That stupid sod always created problems for me.
The area under the sod is eaten up by the domestic animals.

Sod the fields.

"sodding","Adj","1.कटुता का अनुभव करना"
It is all my friend sodding fault that we reach late in examination.

"sods law","N","1.अनहोनी जिससे काम बिगडे"
It is sods law that it rains only on Sunday when the school is closed.

Please add some soda to the whisky.

"soda fountain","N","1.सोडामशीन"
Soda water is supplied by soda fountain.

"sodden","Adj","1.गिला और भारी"
If you walk in rain your shoes would sodden.

Sodium is a very reactive metal.

"sodium bicarbonate","N","1.खाने का सोडा"
Fizzy drinks are prepared by sodium bi carbonate.
--"२.धोने का सोडा"
Glass, soap and paper are prepared by the help of sodium carbonate.

"sodium chloride","N","1.नमक"
Sodium chloride is used as constituent in our daily diet.



People have a sofa in their drawing room.

Small children like to play with soft things.
People, who have dark complexion should wear soft colours.
Old melodies are soft to listen.
One should not be of a soft character.

"softly","Adv","1.कोमलता से"
Mother touches her son softly.

"soft boiled","Adj","1.आधाउबलाहुआ"
He prefers soft boiled eggs.

"soft drug","N","1."

"soft fruit","N","1."

"soft furnishing","N","1."

"soft hearted","Adj","1.कोमल हृदय"
Soft hearted people are mostly very emotional.

"soft palate","N","1.कोमल तालू"
One couldnt speak with a soft palate.

"soft pedal","V","1.हलका करना/कम महत्त्व देना"
The government has been soft-pedalling on the question of teachers pay.

"soft shoulder","N","1."

Dont try to soft-soap me. I am not going to change my mind.

"soft spoken","Adj","1.मधुर भाषी"
He is very soft spoken.

"soft ball","N","1."

"soften","V","1.नरम करना"
Soil used to be soften if plants are to be planted in it.




By pouring water on soil it became soggy.


"soil","V","1.मैला करना"
While playing children usually soil their clothes.

One should love his soil.
Plants are grown on upper layer of soil.

"soiree","N","1.सान्ध्य गोष्ठी"
People should soiree by 6 p.m.


Every one can find solace in music.

"solace","V","1.सान्त्वना देना/दु कम कर देना"
He gives his parents solace while performing his duties.

Solar energy is a vital source of energy.

"solar cell","N","1.सौर सेल"
Solar cell is used for generating electric power.

"solar plexus","N","1.सौरजालक"

"solar system","N","1.सौर परिवार"
There are nine planets in the solar system.

"solar year","N","1.सौर वर्ष"
Solar year is an important term used in astro physics.

"solarium","N","1.सौर चिकित्सागृह"
Solarium is very useful in reweaving body aches.

He sold his car for Rs. 75000/-

Two wires are connected to a coil with the solder.

He soldered the loose wire.

A soldier sacrifices his life for his country.
Party head is the soldier of his party.

He faced his death soldierly.

"soldier of fortune","N","1.भाग्यकासिपाही"
He behaved like a soldier of fortune."

"sole","N","1.पैर की तलवा"
A shoe is not completed with out a sole.
Sole is mainly eaten by people living in wastal areas.

His sole responsibility was of his parents.

He does the work which is solicism for him.
Students shouldnt do any type of solecism with their teachers.

Holy places are considered to be solemn.
Soldiers performed their duties with full solemn for their mother land.
He looked very solemn when he came to know about his uncles death.

He was burried with great solemnity.

"solemnise","V","1.- "
People should solemnize happy moments of life.

When I solicited for her notebook she made faces at me.

Every businessman requires a silicitor.

"solicitous","Adj","1.ध्यान रखने वाला"
He seems to be solicitous about his friends health.

Mothers have solicitude for their children.

Iron is a solid metal.

"solidarity","N","1.पूर्ण एकता"
Solidarity is necessary for the progress of a country.

"solidify","V","1.ठोस बनना या बनाना/जमना या जमाना"
The freezer solidifies water into ice.
--"२.दृढ करना"
Gandhijis opposition to the British solidified into firm fight on returning to India.

Use of soliloquy increase interest in play.

The lesson of solipsism given by Krishna to Arjun remold his fears.

"solitaire","N","1.एक मणि या एक नग वाला आभूषण"
A solitaire diamond necklase.
--"२.एक व्यक्ति के लिये ताश का खेल"
He is interested in playing solitaire.

Tigers are solitary animals.
Antartica is a solitary place where no man lives.

The man in solitude may get depressed.

"solo","N","1.एकल गायन या वादन"
I got first prize for performing a solo on annual function.

The Summer solstice or the winter solstice.

Alcohol is soluble in water.
--"२.समाधान करने योग्य"
Problems in physics are not readily soluble.

"solution","N","1.समस्या का समाधान करने का तरीका"
India should find a solution to the kashmir problem.
Problems in physics should be solved without seeing the soluton.
A solution of sugar in water.

"solve","VT","1.किसी प्रश्न को हल करना"
solving a differential equation is very difficult.
--"२.हल ढूंढना"
Problem of Kashmir should be solved by the government.

"solvent","Adj","1.अपने ऋण चुकाने में समर्थ"
You should give money to a solvent person.
--"२.अपने में घुलाने की क्षमता रखने वाला द्रव्य"
Water is a universal solvent.

We should wear somber clothes in winter.
Somber mood is not good for health.


Please take some milk.

somebody is peeping through the window.

"someday","Adv","1.कभी भविष्य में"
I hope someday well have enough money to get those beautiful pictures.

"somehow","Adv","1.किसी भी तरह"
Somehow, we should win the match.
--"२.वह कारण जो पता न हो"
Somehow, It didnt seem important to him any more.

someone is peeping through the window.

"someplace","Adv","1.किसी जगह"
Cold will reach peak in Winter in someplaces.

It is very difficult to perform somesault.

"something","Pron","1.कोई चीज"
I want something to eat.

"sometime","Adv","1.कुछ समय"
I want to talk to you for sometime.

"sometimes","Adv","1.कभी कभी"
He meets me sometimes.

"someway","Adv","1.किसी प्रकार से"
We should win the match someway.

He was somewhat angry.

She is waiting for me somewhere.

He is suffering from somnambulism.

I feel rather somnolent after a large lunch.
Our chemistry period has a somnolent effect.

I want to have a son.
Sir C.V.Raman was a great son of India.

"sonar","N","1.सोनार यन्त्र"
Sonar is used for finding depths in sea.

"sonata","N","1.वाद्य संगीत रचना"
its not cost to write piano sonata.

"son et luineire","N","1.साउंडऔरलाइट"
A son et lumiere was held at Taj Mahal.

The new song by Daler is very good.
The car is going for a song at the shop.

Some birds are beautiful songsters.

"songbird","N","1.गानेवाला पक्षी"
Nightingale is a song bird.

"song book","N","1.गीतपुस्तिका"
A songbook has a collection of songs with both music and words.

Lata Mangeshker is a songstress.

"songwriter","N","1.गाने लिखने वाला"
Javed Akhtar is a song writer.

Sonic waves travels very fast.

"sonic boom","N","1.तेज ध्वनि"
Modern jets fly with a sonic boom.

"sonnet","N","1.चतुर्दश पदी"
His latest book consists beautiful sonnets.

"sonny","N","1.प्यारा बच्चा"
I will teach you how to make tea, sonny.

He has got a sonorous voice.


Ill soon come to your house

He came sooner than expecxted.

Fire place was filled with soot.

"sooty","Adj","1.कालिख से ढकी"
The kitchen was sooty.

"soothe","V","1.शान्त करना"
He is soothing the barking dog.
--"२.प्रशमन करना"
Soothe his headache by giving him a medicine.

"soothsayer","N","1.भविष्य वक्ता"
Bejar Daruuralla is a soothsayer.

The Company offered them sops for A sop in any form makes your work easier.

"sopping","Adj","1.बहुत गीला"
We can not wear sopping clothes.

"sophisticate","N","1.व्यवहार कुशल"

People use sophistry to obscure the truth.

"sophomore","N","1.दूसरे वर्ष का छात्र"

He is taking a soporific drug for his disease.

I am a soppy person about animals.

"soprano","N","1.उच्चतम स्वर में गाने वाला व्यक्ति"
Lily is a very good soprano.
--"२.उच्चतम स्वर"
He sings in soprano.

The sorbet of fruits is excelent.

"sorcerer","N","1.जादू-टोना करने वाला"
The sorcerer that killed the boy was detained by police.

That village is a sordid one.

He has got a sore finger.
Dont touch his sore aspects.

I sorely need your help.

The sorghum grows in warm climates.

"sorority","N","1.बहन संघ"
Sorority is a womens social club in a college.

Sorrel is added to food for flavour.

Every one should experience joys and sorrows of life.

"sorrow","V","1.दुी होना"
She is sorrowing over his sons death.

I am sorry that I could not pick you up.
--"२.ग्लानि से भरपूर"
I am sorry about my deed.
Its a sorry seen.
The school is in a sorry condition.

These sorts of books are great.

I have to sort out the letters from the post.
He asked me to sort any one of the pens.

"sortie","N","1.सैन्य आक्रमण"
They do regular sorties for practice.
--"२.संक्षिप्त यात्रा"
Five on finniston farm by Enid blyton is based on children sortie.

"sOS","N","1.सहायता के लिये पुकार"
Titanics frantic calls for SOS went unhurt.

"so-so","Adj","1.जैसे-तैसे/बहुत साधारण"
How was the day? So-so!

"so-so","Adv","1.जैसे-तैसे/बहुत साधारण"
How was the day? So-so!

A sot engaged in a brawl inside the bar.

"sotto voice","Adj","1.धीमे स्वर में"
Both of them shared their secrets in a sotto voice.

"sotto voice","Adv","1.धीमे स्वर में"
Both of them shared their secrets in a sotto voice.

"sou","N","1.बहुत कम धन"
The beggar begged for money, the man exclaimed,"but I dont have a sou"

I would like to have some pineapple souffle.

The near sough of the tree.

Some people do not believe in the immortality of the soul.
Deep down in his soul, he felt cheated.

The captain gave the dead soldiers, a soulful look.

There was an air of soulless among the workers.

"soul-destroying","Adj","1.आनन्द रहित काम"
Hari found working as a clerk in a govt office as soul-destroying.

"soul food","N","1.अफ्रीका-अमेरिका की खाद्य सामग्री"
The soul-food was relished by the guests who were mostly cowboys.

"soul mate","N","1.आत्मीयमित्र"
Peter and his friend Johbn were soulmates.

"soul music","N","1.अफ्रिका-अमेरिका का संगीत"
The soul music show was an out and out hit.

Lord Buddha did a lot of soul-searching.

He could hear a faint sound from the bushes.

The deserted town was soundless.

"sound effect","N","1.ध्वनिप्रभाव"
The sound effects in the film were extra ordinary.

"sound wave","N","1.ध्वनि तरंग"
Sound waves are studied in Physics.

His views on morality are very sound.

"sound","Adv","1.गहराई के साथ/अच्छी तरह"
He was sound awake.

The bell is sounded every hour.
--"२.उच्चारित करना"
The b in"dumb" is not sounded.
It sounds to me like you need a holiday.
--"४.समुद्र की गहराई को उपकरणौं से निकालना"
We can sound the depth of thw sea with the help of an echo-sounder.

"sounding board","N","1.अपने विचारों को फैलाने का माध्यम"
The Newspaper became a sounding board for the revolutionaries.

"sounding","Adv","1.जिसकी एक खास ध्वनि हो"
We heard a loud sounding pop music.

The survey team is taking soundings on the shortage of water supply.

"soundly","Adv","1.अच्छी तरह"
She was soundly beaten in the argument.

The doors of the studio are made of soundproof material.

The soundtrack of the video was impressive.

The soup was upto everyones liking.

"soup-up","V","1.कार आदि के इंजन की शक्ति बढआना"
This is a souped-up old mini, but looking as new one.

The soup-kitchen at Kashi is doing a good job.

"soupcon","N","1.बहुत कम मात्रा में/पुट"
The salad needs a soupcon of salt.

"sour cream","N","1.थोडआखट्टामक्खन"
The sour cream added taste to the delicious dish.

Milk becomes sour when turned into curd.
He was sour over the incident.

I have got this information from a reliable source.
The source of Ganga is in the Hmalayas.

Sourdough is an important ingredient in breads.

The spoiled milk showed sourness.

"sourpuss","N","1.बुरे स्वभाव का व्यक्ति"
The landowner is an old sourpuss.

"souse","V","1.मछली आदि को खारे पानी में रखना"
The soused herrings were still fresh.
--"२.पानी में भिगोना"
They soused his dress.

There is a house facing south-east.

Mexico lies to the south of U.S.A.

"southward","Adj","1.दक्षिण की ओर"
To reach his house follow a southward path.

"south pole","N","1.दक्षिण ध्रुव"
The earths magnetic power is more towards south pole.

"south western","N","1.दक्षिण पश्चिम"

"south eastern","Adj","1.दक्षिण पूर्वी"
There are many historical places in south eastern side.

"southerner","N","1.दक्खिनी/दक्षिणा का रहने वाला"
Southerners are the people who live in south.

This gift was a souvenir of my birthday.


King Dasaratha was a sovereign.

Russia is not a soviet today.

The mango seeds which were sowed six months back has grown up.

Now-a-days farmers are using sowers to sow the seeds quickly.

"soya bean","N","1.सोया बीन"
Soya bean is a hygenic food.

He got absolutely sozzled at the christmas party.

"spa","N","1.सखनिज झरना"
The spa fall was very beautiful.

To play cricket we need a big space.
Niel Amstronge was the first person to go in to the space.

"space bar","N","1.अन्तरक"
In the type writer there is a space bar key to give spaces between the words.

"space heater","N","1.कक्ष-तपित्र"
In winter people use space heaters to have warmth.

"space probe","N","1.अन्तरिक्ष खोज"

There is a lot of space between sun and moon.

"spaced out","PhrV","1.अन्तर पर रखना/बीच में स्थान छोडना"
The house and the shop were spaced out for about 5 inches apart from eachother.

"space craft","N","1.अन्तरीक्ष यान"
It takes months of time to make a space craft.

"space man","N","1.अन्तरिक्ष यात्री"
Rakesh Sarma is the first space man in India.

"space ship","N","1.अन्तरीक्ष यान"
India is going to release some more space ships.

"space suit","N","1.अन्तरीक्ष पोशाक"
One can not survive in the space with out space suit.

Scientists of India were debating on some spatial elements of space.

Most spacious shop in twin cities is Chandana brothers.

We use spade to dig pits.

We used three spadefuls to fill each pit.

"spade work","N","1.तैयारी का काम"
,Has the spade work for the operation been done? asked the doctor to nurse.

"spaghetti","N","1.स्फागैटीइटालियन खाना"
Spaghetti is a very delicious food item.

The arch has a span of 50 metres.
The span of mans life is 100 years.

The spangles on her dress are shining beautifully.

"spaniel","N","1.स्पेनियल कुत्ता"
Mr. Rao, in his house, has a dog of spaniel species.

"spanish","Adj","1.स्पेन का"
In the country Spain people talk in Spanish language.

The angry brother gave a spank to his younger brother.

The boy got a sound spanking.

Mechanics use spanner for the repairs.

People use spars to kill the snakes.
Mike Tyson practices spar every day.

"sparring partner","N","1.मुक्केबाजई खेल का सहायक"
Dinku singh was the sparring partner of Mike tyson in boxing championship.

We should always spare others when they are in danger.
--"२.दे देना"
Could you please spare come food for me?
--"३.बचाना/दया करना"
The little boy begged the terrorists to spare his parents life.

He made sparing use of his groceries.

"spark plug","N","1.स्फुलिंग-प्लग/स्फुलिंग पैदा करने का यन्त्रर"
The engine could not start easily as its spark plug had work out.

A small spark can cause a great fire.
A spark was seen in the transformer when it was raining.

She has a sparkling diamond in her ring.
I like jovial and sparkling people.

The crystal glass was sparkling in the light.
--"२.उत्साह से भरा होना"
He is sparkling with enthusiasm all day and night.

His face got burnt as he was holding the sparkler right in front of his face.

"sparky","Adj","1.जोश से भरा हुआ"
He is popular among everyone due to his sparky nature.

A sparrow is small brown colourd bird.

"sparrow-hawk","N","1.गौरहवा शिकरा/छोटे पक्षियों को खाने वाला एक तरह का बाड"
A sparrow hawk kills small birds for its food.

"sparse","Adj","1.कम मात्रा में उपलब्ध/विरल"
Water is sparsely available during hot weather season.

"spartan","Adj","1.धैर्य एवं वीरता आदि गुणों का होना/सादा और कठोर"
A good soldier should be spartan in nature.

Due to overload of physical work a person can suffer from spasms.

"spastic","Adj","1.कमजओर एवं अपाहिज"
Spastic people shold be encouraged to do good in life.

A spat is a cloth used for protecting shoes from getting dirty.
--"२.हवाई जहाज के पहिए को ढकने वाला कपडआ"
The spats of the aircrafts wheels were eaten by mice.
--"३.बिना मतलब का झगडआ"
Due to a misunderstanding there was a spat between the two friends.
--"४.थोडई सी रकम"
He started his business with a spat.

Due to heavy rains in the region, all the rivers are in spate.
--"२.बडई संख्या में"
He had to face a spate of questions during the trial.

"spatter","V","1.इधर उधर बिखरना"
The glass spattered down in the whole room.

His socks got dirty as his spatterdash was torn from various places

"spatula","N","1.स्पैचुला/लम्बी धार वाला एक बर्तन"
He mixed the paint with a spatula.

A fish lays its spawns in deep waters.

"spawn","V","1.अण्डे देना"
A fish spawns in deep waters.

"speak","V","1.बातचीत करना"
He spoke to me regarding my studies.
He speaks well on this topic.

"speakeasy","N","1.शराब घर"
The police raided all the speakeasies in the city.

"speaker phone","N","1.स्पीकर फोन"
He used the speaker phone as his hand was injured.

Spears were used as weapons in the war during the medieval period.
The backside of my house is full of spears.

"spearhead","N","1.मुख्य भूमिका निभाने वाला"
My father was the spearhead of the last meeting of the housing society.

The spearmint is used to give the additional taste to the food.

"special branch","N","1.पुलीस की विशेष शाखा"
Famous criminal was arrested by special branch of police.

Last night I enjoyed some special dishes in a marriage party.
Vijay is a special guest in this party.
--"३.विशेष उद्देश्य से बना हुआ"
You need a special tool to oepn this lock.


My brother is specialist in computer graphics.

Wood-carvings are a speciality of this village.

"specialize","V","1.विशेषज्ञ बनना/विशेष अध्ययन करना"
He specializes in plastic surgery.

"specialized","Adj","1.विशेष तरह का"

"specially","Adv","1.विशेष रूप से"
I went to Delhi specially.

In forest different species of monkeys are found.

I use this pen for specific work.

"specification","N","1.विशेष विवरण"
I need the specification on this particular topic.


"specify","V","1.विशेष विवरण देना"
The contract specifies red tiles not slates for the roof.

Our teacher got a speciman copy of the book.

Dont misguide me by such specious argument.

A speck is present on my shirt.
The ship was a mere speck on the horizon.

I used to wear specs while travelling.

"spectacled","Adj","1.चश्माधारी/चश्मा पहिने हुए"
I saw a spectacled man who was comming from the house with a suitcase.

"spectacular","Adj","1.अच्छी प्रदर्शन/शानदार"
There was a spectacular seen of the mountain.

It is special spectacle on 26th Jan. this year.

Spectators were very noisy at the football match.

This book contains most of the chapters on specter.


"spectral","Adj","1.भूत-प्रेत के समान"
At that night he looked like spectral.

When light is passed through a prism spectrum is formed.

"speculate","V","1.अन्दाज लगाना"
I speculate that team A will win the match.

This story is speculative.

Human beings express thoughts through speech.
He always gives good speeches.
The film has a number of scenes with rather long speeches by the hero.

"speechify","V","1.भाषणीय अन्दाज में बात करना"
One of my uncles concern very often speechify about the goods & bads of our countrys economy.

My brother always drives at an incredible speed.
Which speed film should I take for taking photograph outdoor.

"speed","V","1.तेजई से चलना"
Speeding fast at corners is very dangerous.

"speedy","Adj","1.तेजई से चलने वाला/द्रुतगामी"
Tendulkar is one of most speedy batsmen in the world.

"speedboat","N","1.छोटी नाव जो तेज चलती है"
A speedboat really sails very fast.

Speedometer showed 60 miles per hour when we were sailing across Atlantic ocean.

"speedway","N","1.तेज गाडइयों के लिये सडक"
Cars travel at an enormous speed on speedway"

"speedway","N","1.मोटरसाइकिल रेस"
Speedway is quite an intersting sport to watch.

"speedwell","N","1.नीले फूलों वाला एक छौटा पौधा"
I am fond of speedwells.

There are few person having interest in the field of spelelogy.

"spell binding","Adj","1.मन्त्र-मुग्ध करने वाला"
What a spellbinding performance.

She has reached great heights under the spell of her beauty.
The poet recited a spell.

"spell","V","1.उच्चारण करना या लिखना"
Some great novelist like Shakespeare used to spell their names differently at different places.

He has the personality and presaence to hold audiences spellbound.

"spelt","V","1.उच्चारण किया या लिखा"
He spelt my name in a different way.

"spectroscope","N","1.वर्णक्रम दर्शी"
Students use spectroscope in physics practical.

He used to spend most of his time by reading books.
--"२.खर्च करना"
Ostensible aim of advertisement is just to persuade the mass to spend.

He is an extravagant spender.

He returned to the pavilion spent & cold.

He has a low sperm count.

He has a low spermatozoon count.

"spew","V","1.वमन करना/उगलना"
Just after having her meal, she spewed out all.
--"२.जल्दी से निकलना"
Water spewed out of the hole.

"sphere","N","1.गोल वस्तु"
Cricket ball is a sphere.

Many African states in past have been under the Russian sphere of influence.

The Anal sphincter.

"sphinx","N","1.नारसिंह मूर्ति"
The Sphinx were common in ancient Egypt.

"spic","N","1.उस जगह का आदमी जहा स्पानिष बोली जाती है"
He is a spic.

"spice","V","1.कुछ नई चीज मिलाना"
Currently released movies of English are spiced with dark humour.

Ginger, pepper etc. are among common spices.
--"२.उत्साह या उत्सुकता"
One should add a bit spice in his life.

One should always keep his home spick & span.

Many spiders spin webs to trap insects as food.

Salesman gave a long spiel and thereby won the interest of customber.

"spigot","N","1.पानी रोकने केलिये ढक्कन"
With the help of spigot, I closed the mouth of tap.

Tendulkars shoes are full of spikes.
The spike in the triblemans arrow.

The would be bride spilled tea on boys parents.

I knocked my mug and the coffee split.

Spin the ball
--"२.सूत कातना"
Spin thread from cotton.

Shane warne gives tremendous spin to the ball.

"spin","N","1.चक्रणी पतन"
The fighter plane crashed with a spin after being attacked by missiles.

Modern technologies have professionally displaced the traditional spinners.

Spinning is one of my hobbies.

"spina bifida","N","1."

Spinach increases the strength of eye power.

"spinal","Adj","1.रीढ से सम्बन्धित"
A spinal injury can prove to be a fatal one.

Thread is wound on a spindle during spinning.

Sachin tendulkar is suspected to have a problem in his spine.

Cactuses have spines.

Spineless animals are called invertebrates.

Cactus is a spiny plant.

"spinet","N","1.छोटी वीना"
She learns to play spinet.


The kids played hide and seek in the spinney.

Despite being a spinster, she has faced no struggles in her life.

A solenoid is in spiral form.

Galaxies are generally of two kinds : spiral and non-spiral.
--"२.uwwarowwara वृद्धि या घटती"
Destructive spirals of the crime.

The spires of USA are known for their heights.

His holy spirit was always worried about his widow.
A man of unbending spirit.
Whisky, brandy, jin and rum are all spirits.
Have a glass of brandy to keep your spirits up.

"spirit","V","1.उडआ ले जाना"
The wind spirited off his papers.
--"२.उत्साह बढआना"
The crowd spirited the Indian team.

Their college team put up a spirited reply to the opponents score.

The soldiers were spiritless after losing the war.

Saints generally lead spiritual life.

Saints always talk about spirituality.

"spiritualism","N","1.आत्माओं से सम्पर्क करने में विश्वास"
He believes in spiritualism.

You should not spit at public places.
--"२.जओर से बोलना"
The cat spat at the dog.

Wipe the spit off his lips.
A spit is used to cook food in a barbaque.

He stole his classmates books out of spite.

"spite(used with to)","V","1.नाराज करना"
The election campaign was going on at a loud voice to spite the students.

He is just being spiteful.

Miandad was a spitfire during his cricket career.


The rich people of Lucknow always keep a spittoon with them.

"spiv","N","1.धोखे से धन कमानेवाला"

"splash","V","1.छींटे डआलना"
The Children splashed water on each other.
--"२.टकराकर छीतराना"
The juice in the glass splashed on the floor.

The boys played in the rain with sounds of splash.
The splash of water on crops gave them a new life.

Spleen is situated at the left of the stomach, which regulates the quality of the blood.
I get spleen due to his foolish activities.

Your house has splendid design.
Your mind is full of splendid ideas.

"splendidly","Adj","1.बहुत अच्छी तरह से"
Tendulkar plays cricket splendidly.

I was struck on seeing splendour of Taj Mahal.

Ram is very splentic type of boy.
--"२.प्लीह रोगी"
Doctor David is specilist splentic disease.

Splice the different colour chewinggum.

Doctors use splint for severe fractures.

I have got a splinter in my finger.

This wood splinters easily.

Why did you split my book into two.
The commander told the soldiers to split into three groups.

Sew up a split in a seam.

People in circus can do splits very well.

"splotch","N","1.गन्दा करना/पोतना"
Kids often splotch themselves with ink.

"splurge","N","1.खर्च करना"
He had a splurge and bought two new suits.

"splutter","V","1.जल्दी और बेठिकाने बोलना"
He spluttered a few words of apology.
She dived into the water and came up coughing and spluttering.

"spoil","V","1.बिगाडदेना/खराब कर देना"
A mental elephant spoiled the field completely.
--"२.लाड-प्यार से बिगाडना"
Our neighbours spoil their children.

The spoils are distributed equally among the thieves.
--"२.फआयदा मुनाफा"
The officers shared spoils of trender.

Spoilage of food is done by Bacteria.


"spoilsport","N","1.खेल बिगाडनेवाला"
My sister is a real spoilsport. She told our parents about our sectret plans of going on a picnic on the riverside.

The ball hit so hard that almost all spokes are broken.

"spoke","V","1.बोला" #past participle form clashing with the noun form
The words you spoke are not liked by anyone.

The Congress has a new spokesman.

"spokes person","N","1.समुदाय केलिये बोलने वाला"
Ravi is the spokesperson of the union.

Sponge is a sea animal.

"sponge","V","1.स्पंज से धोना"
Sponge the hall.

"sponser","N","1.प्रायोजित करनेवाला"

"sponser","V","1.प्रायोजित करना"
A company sponsors their new product named fairness.

This match was organised under the sponsorship of sony.

The spontaneity of the given process is very low.

He gave a spontaneous offer of help.

The ozone layer in the atmosphere spontaneously gets destroyed.

"spoof","V","1.चकमा देना"
You have been spoofed.

A spoof make out money from every person.

Everybody is afraid of spooks.

"spooky","Adj","1.भूत जैसा"
That spooky old man is really terrifying.

We always see spool on the festival Basant.

"spool","V","1.चरखी पर लपेटना"
We spool thread to fly kites.

Without spoon we cant eat ice-cream.

"spoon","V","1.चम्मच से लेना"
Spoon sugar from the packet into the bowl.

"spoonful","N","1.चम्मच भर"
She added a spoonful of sugar in her tea.

"spoonerism","N","1.आद्यक्षर का विपर्यय"
Speaking,"well boiled icicle" for "well oiled bicycle" is a Spoonerism.
The teachers spoonfeed weak students so they can understand easily.

"sporadic","Adj","1.छिट पुट"
Sporadic bloody incidents are very usual during elections.

"spore","N","1.जीवाणु जो बढकर एक नया प्राणी हो जाता है"
In rainy season many plant tissues produce spores.

Sporran was worn by scotish army in early battles.

We have many types of sports in our school.

We sport many outdoor activities at our home.

"sportscar","N","1.एक छोटी तेजई चलने वाली कार"
A sportsman damages his sportscard in the race.

"sportsday","N","1.खेल दिवस"
Our school organised many types of events on sports day.

"sports jacket","N","1.खेलों में पहने जाने वाली एक जाकेट"
In winter season many sports man wear sports jacket.

"sporting","Adj","1.खेल संबन्धी"

"sportively","Adv","1.खेल खरल में"
A small child sportively hurts his elder sister.

"sportscast","N","1.खेल वा उनका समाचारों का प्रसारण"
A sport channel espn telecasts sportscast of all the sports.

"sports man","N","1.खिलाडई"
Sportsmen did warming up excercises before the actual event.

"sports manlike","Adj","1.खिलाडई की तरह का"
The soldiers at the battle front wear sports manlike attitude.

"sportsmanship","N","1.खिलाडई भाव"

"sports wear","N","1.खिलाडइयों द्वारा पहने जाने वाला वस्त्र"
The sports wear at the olympic was full of glamour.

"sporty","Adj","1.खेलों में रुचि रखने वाला"
An athlete who is sporty often achieves success.

That poor black boy has many spots on his body.
A single spot on the character spoils the life.

Many people spotted their leader in the mob.

In J.P, academy children wear blue spotted shocks.

"spotter","N","1.स्पॉट करनेवाला"
The army spotter dogs looks for the millitants.

In 1 lakh rupees we get spotless second hand car.
--"२.बिना कलंक का"
He has a spotless career as a senior administrator.

"spotlessely","Adv","1.कलंक रहित"
A spotlessely clean uniforn can attract others easily.

My uncle brought me a spotty white dog from canada.

"spotlight","N","1.स्पॉट लाइट"
Special effects can be ereated by the use of spotlights of different beams.

"spotlight","V","1.स्पॉट लाइट डालना"

"spouse","N","1.पति या पत्नी"
It is neccessary to maintain your spouses name on the ration card.

The spout gets blocked with some dust in it.

"spout","V","1.वेग से फूहरा छोडना"
The gardener spoouts the water to the grass.

"sprawl","V","1.अंग फैलाकर लेटना या बैठना"
People who are tired, most of the time sprawl.

The spray of chloroform made the queen faint.

"spray gun","N","1.पिचकारी"
During the festival of Holi, children play with spray gun.

Farmers spray pesticides on the crops.

Spead Jam on the bread and then eat.

Ravi is the fast spreader of news in the colony.

"spread-eagle","Adj","1.हाथ पैर फैलाया"
Sun bathers spread eagle on the grass.

"spread sheet","N","1.स्प्रैडशीट"
Lotus is the first spread sheet application.

"spree","V","1.रंगरलिया मनाना"
In summer we planed to spree.

I saw a guava on a sprig.

Mango tree is a sprigged one.

If you want to enjoy the life be sprightly.

Dont spring on bed it will break.

He has a tall springy body with good muscles.

"spring loaded","Adj","1.उछाल/तख्ता"
A spring loaded hinge.

"spring tide","N","1.बृहत् ज्वार"
Ram is suffeing from spring tide fever.

The best season is the spring season.

"spring clean","N","1.नवीकरण"
She is planning to ahve a spring clean this time for her house.

"spring green","N","1.वसन्त की हरियाली"
Yesterdays weather was just like spring green.

"spring onion","N","1.गोली प्याज"
Shridhar loves to eat spring onions.

"spring board","N","1.गोता-तख्ता"
The boys are playing on the spring board.

"spring bok","N","1.दक्षिण आफ्रीकी खिलाडई"
Spring bok play cricket very well.

"springer","N","1.एक तरह का कुत्ता"
The dog which is faithfull is springer.

"springtime","N","1.वसन्त ऋतु"
The blossoms on the trees look lovely in the springtime.

The sprinkle is used by car painter.

"sprinkler","N","1.छितराने वाला"
The sprinkler was sprinkling the scooter.

She was the one among tem, who were sprinkling the rose water on everyone yesterday.

"sprint","V","1.बडई तेजई से दौडना"
You have to sprint in order to catch the bus.

"sprint","N","1.लघु दौड"
A 100 m sprint was organised in our school.

"sprinter","N","1.तेज धावक"
He is a sprinter, not a long distance runner.

The book was about ghosts and sprites.

"spritzer","N","1.सोडआ युक्त शराब"
A glass of spritzer is less alcholic than a glass of whiskey.

"sprocket","N","1.दातेदार पट्टिया"
He fell of his bicycle as the chain of the second sprocket sprang out.

"sprout","V","1.अंकुरित होना"
New buds have started to sprout from the apple tree.

He looks spruce in his new suit.

"spruce","V","1.श्रृंगार करना"
The students were all spruced up for the annual day.

"spruce","N","1.स्प्रूस वृक्ष"
Spruce trees are mainly found in hilly regions.
--"२.नरम लकडई जो पेपर बनाने में इस्तेमाल होती है"
These papers are made from spruce trees.

"spring","Adj","1.स्प्रिंग लगा हुआ"
A spring matress is more comfortable than an ordinary one.

Despite her old age my grandmother is still very sprite.

I grow spuds in my garden.

A lot of spume was produced when the waves hit the shore.

You need a lot of spunt to fight for your rights.


The spurs of his boots were very sharp.
Failures are the spurs to success.
--"३.पर्वत स्कन्ध"
He was standing on the edge of the spur.
--"४.छोटा रस्ता"
Trekkers usually follow spurs to reach their destination.

Nowadays spunous goods are overcoming the genuine ones.

"spurn","V","1.ठुकराना/तिरस्कार करना"
She spurned his proposal.

"spurt","V","1.फूट निकलना"
Water spurted out from the geyser.
--"२.थोडई देर तक बडई तेजई से काम करना"
The thief spurted out when he saw the watchman comming.

"spurt","N","1.तेज गति"
He make a spurt to catch the bus.
The main lava come out with a loud spurt.

"sputter","V","1.भक-भक करना"
The engine of the tractor spurttered a lot before comming to rest.
--"२.उत्तेजित हो कर बोलना"
He sputtered a lot while delivering the speech.

There was a lot of blood in his sputum.

She was a German spy during world war II.

"spy","V","1.जासूसी करना"
He was hired to spy on the president.
--"२.ध्यान रखना"
I spied on the old man walking down the street.

The wind was followed by a squally shower.

The foul smell was comming from the squalor of the slums.

Have you squared the rooms bill?
--"२.समकोण बनाना"
Tell the carpenter to square off the sides of the table.
--"३.बराबर करना"
The final game squared the one day series.
--"४.इजाजत लेना"
You may leave but it would be better if you square it with the principal first.

A square room.
--"२.पेटभर भोजन"
I had a square meal today.
If you regularly do the exercises, you will be like that woman, of square frame.
--"४.वर्ग मीटर"
The length of the table was nine meter square.
--"५.अच्छा व्यवहार"
You should always make a square deal while signing a business contract.

His house is situated near the gurfam square.

"squarely","Adv","1.उचित रूप से"
He was squarely blamed for the act.

"squarish","Adj","1.चौकोर सा"
The block was squarish in shape.

"squash","V","1.भुरता बना देना"
Tomatoes are easier to squash than potatoes.
--"२.तिरस्कार करना"
His plans were squashed by his new boss.
--"३.धकिया कर घुसना"
You should not try and squash inside the hall at once.

A chilled glass of orange squash.
I enjoy playing squash.
Pumpkins are vanities of squash.

His dog is squat and heavy.

He does 70 squats every day.

"squat","V","1.पालथी मारकर बैठना"
The beggers squatted near the small fire.
--"२.अवैध रूप से बस जाना"
The homeless couple were squatting in a private building.

A lot of squatters have settled in the government land.

"squaw","N","1.अमेरिकी स्त्री"
The squaw waited impatiently for her husband to come back from the war.

He hates the squawk of the parrot.

"squawk","V","1.चीख मारना"
What do you mean? He squawked.

The cat was woken up by the mouses squeak.

"squeak","V","1.चू-चू करना/किकियाना"
These new shoes squeak.
--"२.बाल-बाल बचना"
He squeaked in when the teacher was facing towards the window.

She had a squeaky voice.

The police caught the track as one of the employees squealed about it.

The squeal of the mice could be heard from quite a distance.

Squeamish nations will hesitate to sell their arms.
She became squeamish when she saw a dead cat.

Squeeze a lemon.
Squeeze your shirt before you hang it out to dry.

"squelch","V","1.फच-फच करना"
His shoes squelched as they were wet.

"squelchy","Adj","1.फच-फच करने वाला"
She was wearing squelchy shoes.

The Children like to play with squibs on Diwali.

The aquarium was full of squid.

"squidgy","Adj","1.नर्म और गीला"
The cake was nice and squidgy.

He was a little squiffy after having a glass of whiskey.

He writes in a squiggle

He is got a squiggly handwriting.

She was born with a squint.

"squint","V","1.अधखुली आखों से देखना"
Her eyes squinted as she came out of the movie hall.

The squire was sharpening the knights sword.
These fields belong to the squire.
--"३.श्रीमान् जी"
How do you do,squire?

"squirearchy","N","1.जमीनदार वर्ग"
There are more squireachy than business men in that country.

It made her squirm to think how he had mishandled the whole case.
Rama squirmed out of his grasp and ran for help.

There are a lot of squirrels near our school.

I hate that man, he is such a squirt.

"squirt","V","1.फुहारा मारना"
Please squirt the powder on my back.

He only gave us a tiny squirt of jam with the bread.
I hate that man, he is such a squirt.


Sr. Mary

"SS","Abbr:steam ship","1.जहाज"
SS Titanic, SS corpathain.

St Marys

"stab","V","1.प्रहार करना"
He stabbe him in the stomach.

Hes got stab wounds all over his chest.
A stab of pain in his head.
He made a good stab in the badminton tournament.

"stabbing","Adj","1.छुरा प्रहार"
He felt a stabbing pain in his heart.

The president tried to maintain political stability in the country during the time of emergency.

"stabilize","V","1.स्थिर करना"
He has now stabilized his economic problems.

The stabilizer of my VCR was damaged last week.

His condition has become more stable than before.
After the accident her mind has not been stable.
The chemistry teachers was explanning us about stable compounds.

The horses broke through the stables door.

"stabling","N","1.अस्तबल में स्थान"
There was a stabling for forty.

He was working as a stable-boy.

Play this phrase staccato.

"stack","V","1.गद्दियों में लगाना/ढएर लगाना"
Please stack your chairs before you leave.

A new football stadium was built near Shamerpet.

The staff of this shop is very helpful.
The old man walking down the street had a staff.

The stag was running in the forest.

He is arranging the stage for the play.

Stagecoach is pulled by horses.

I hit him hard and he staggered and felt.
--"२.चोंका देना"
I was staggered when I heard of his death.

An imaginative new staging of Macbeth.

The water lay stagnant in the ponds.

"stagnate","V","1.निष्क्रिय होना"
His mind has stagnated after his retirement.

He gave a loud stagy laugh.

He is a staid person.

The oil stains could not be removed from his dress.

The grape juice stained the carpet.

"stained glass","N","1.रंगीन काच"
She has a good collection of stained glasses.

"stainless steel","N","1.स्टेनलैसस्टील"
All the utensils in my house are made of stainless steel.

His legs were paining so badly that he could not climb even one stair.

He came rushing down the staircase to greet her.

He came rushing down the stairway to greet her.

An old man was walking with the help of a stake.

"stake","V","1.सहारा देना"
Stake has to be provided to seedlings for their better growth.
--"२.दाव पर लगाना"
To save his friend Rama staked his money.

"stake out","PhrV","1."
He has staked out that bench as his own.

"stake","V","1.लगातार नजर रखना"
Police has been staking the area suspected of being occupied by decoits.

"stake holder","N","1.शेयरहोल्डर"
Mr. Taneja is a 50% stakeholder in the OM industry.

One can find a number of stalactites in Amarnath caves.

One can find a number of stalagmites in Amarnath caves.

I threw away the stale cake.
The company refused his stale ideas.

Due to staleness he is unable to work.

"stalemate","N","1.शतरंज के खेल की एक महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थिति"
While playing chess we reached a stage of stalemate.
--"२.स्थिति में अवरोध"
The two parties have reached a stalemate over the Kashmir issue.

The rose plant has a thorny stalk.

"stalk","V","1.छिपकर चलना"
Tiger stalks in order to get his food.
--"२.अकडकर चलना"
After getting the post of the head girl she, stalked in the corridor.
--"३.किसी बीमारी डर आदी का फैलना"
That old hut is believed to be stalked by ghosts.

Entry of stalkers is prohibited in this reserved area.

"stalking house","N","1.धोखेकापर्दा"

Ramu runs a vegetable stall.
--"२.अश्वशाला के अलग अलग कमरें"
His stable has different stalls for different hosrses.
--"३.मंच के समीप वाली कुर्सिया"
Stalls in a theatre are usually reserved for VIPs
--"४.चर्चा में बैठने का निश्चित स्थान"
There are specific stalls for christians in the church.

"stall","V","1.इंजन का बन्द हो जाना"
Our car stalled at the main crossing.
--"२.कार्य को बाधित करना"
Less rainfall stalls the developing of crops.
--"३.प्रगति को रोकना"
Financial crises stalls the development of the countyry.

"stall hodler","N","1.दुकानदार"
There are a lot of stall holder near river Ganga in Haridwar.

"stallion","N","1.घोडआ जो प्रजनन का काम आये"
Gelding is used as a stallion.

He is one of the most stalwart worker of our company.

"stamen","N","1.पुष्प केसर"
The part of the flower which produces poller is called stamen.

To be successful in life we require a lot of stamina.

"stammer","V","1.हकलाना/रुक रुक कर बोलना"
She stammered due to fear and nervousness.

"stammerer","N","1.हकलाकर बोलने वाला"
To laugh on stammerers is a bad act.

"stamp","V","1.पैर पटकना"
She stamped her foot in anger.
--"२.ठप्पा लगाना"
They refused to stamp my driving licence.
--"३.टिकट लगाना"
A letter is considered by the P&T only when it is stamped.
--"४.प्रभावित करना"
He stamped every body by his encouraging speech.

"stamped adressed envelops","N","1.लिफआफआ जिस पर पता और टिकट हो"
Only the stamped addressed enveloped are valid.

"stamping ground","N","1.बसेरा"
The stamping ground for white elephants in Africa.

I have a good collection of stamps.
Tata is a stamp of quality.
Industries of different stamp hold a very high position in our society.

"stamp collecting","N","1.टिकटों का संग्रह"
Stamp collection is a good hobby.

"stamp duty","N","1.विभिन्न दस्तावेजों पर सरकारी शुल्क"
We hav a very heavy stamp duty for registration of land.

"stamp pad","N","1.स्याही गद्दा"
Usually three colours are available in stamp pad.

Due to fear of lion cattle stampeded towards the village.
--"२.बिना सोचे समझे कार्य करना"
Dont be stampeded into buying a car.

A suden explosion lead to stampede.

"stance","N","1.व्यक्ति की अवस्थाखेल कूद में खडए होने का ढंग इत्यादि"
One should have a good stance when he is about to hit the ball in golf.
--"२.जागरूकता एवं बुद्दिमत्ता भरा तरीका"
We all must have the right stance towards voting.

This corridor has a number of stanchion.

"stand","V","1.खडआ होनाraHanA"
Due to weakness he was unable to stand.
We stood up in order to honour our chief guest.
--"२.खडआ करना"
We should stand the water filled bottles in refrigeration.
Once a great banyan tree stood here.
we should stand firm on our opinions.
Our school building stands 50 m high.
No one should stand his /her insult.
--"६.के लिये रुपये देना"
We should be in operation to stand meals to our friends.

"stand alone","Adj","1.अकेलेचलसकनेयोग्य"
A stand alone computer is nice to have with.

"on stand by","N","1.तैयारकिसी चीज/व्यक्ति के सथान पर प्रयुक्त किये जाने वाली चीज/व्यक्ति"
Our cricket players should be on stand by for unexpected cricket match.
Colgate toothpaste is a good stand by for using daily.

"stand in","N","1.की जगह ले लेना"
Gulshan stood in the place of kher in a horrifying movie.

"stand off","N","1.किसी नतीजए पर न पहुचने की स्थिति"
A stand off between them is really a nonsense.

"stand up","Adj","1.आमनेसामनेकी"
A stand up row with elders in not a good act on part of youngesters.

One of the stand at cups fair had a good variety of cups.
Witnesses must take the stand before telling something to court.
Ram has a very firm stand on the issue of economic liberalization.
Appu Ghar has a taxi stand.

"standard bearer","N","1.मुख्य नेता"
Megha patkar is a standard bearer against Narmada Dam.

"standard lamp","N","1.लम्बे स्टांड वाला लेंप"
Decorative standard lamps are made in Moradabad.

"standard of living","N","1.रहन-सहन का तरीका"
Americans have a high standard of living.

"standard time","N","1.स्टैंडर्डसमय"
Every country has its own standard time.

All languages should be accepted in standard form.
NCERT textbooks are a standard for CBSE students.
Please charge the standard cost of this tea set.

Dont let your standards to be vanished.
Meter is an internationally accepted standard for measuring length.
We expect high standards of studies in convent schools.
Now I am in the 10th standard.

Standardization is the need of the hour.

"standerdize","V","1.मानकीकृत करना"
Standardizing of electrical equipments is very important.

"standing order","N","1.बैंक को दी जाने वाली विशीष्ट सावधानिया"
He gave a standing order to the bank to pay Rs. 2000 monthly to shyam.
Our constitution doesnt provides us with a standing order. They can be changed at times.

"standing ovation","N","1.स्वीकृति को दर्शाना"
The Prime Minister got a standing ovation for his speech at parliament.

"standing room","N","1.खडए रहने की जगह"
we were able to get a standing room at concert of Jagjit Singh.

Russia is one of the standing member of UN.
He has a good standing in the society.
--"३.एकदम से किसी चीज की शुरुवात"
He had a standing jump from Ist floor of the building.
--"४.रहने का समय"
My friendship with you should be long standing.

Ravi is quite standoffish in h is behaviour.

From development stand point this is a great achievement.

Due to strike, work in the factory come to a stand still.

"stank","V","1.बदबू से भरा"
Toilets in hotels should not stank.

This poem has ten stanzas.

carbohydrate are the staple components of our diet.

"staple","N","1.कागज आदी का बाधने का साधन"
Stapler has been very helpful.

These documents need staple.

"staple","V","1.एकत्रित करने केलिये बाधना"
I stapled all my test paper.

We can see a lot of starfishes in the sea.

I am a libra according to star-signs.

"star-board","N","1.जहाज या हवाई जहाज का दाया भाग"
We can stand near the star board.

There are infinite stars in the universe.
One born under a lucky star is believed to be lucky.
--"३.प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति"
Lata Mangeshkar is a well known star.
--"४.तारा जैसा"
Stars are used to decorate trees at the time of festivals.
She was the star in this serial.
Taj is a 5 star hotel.

"star","V","1.तारांकित करना"
The starred lessons are to be read carefully.

"starch","V","1.कलफ चडआना"
starch the clothes to make them stiff.

"stare","V","1.आख गडआकर देखना"
The man was staring outside for a long time.

We all have to face stark realities of life.
--"२.पूर्ण रूप से"
Her stark madness can lead her to commit suicide.

"starker","Adj","1.पूर्णतया नग्न"
It is not accepted in the society to move starker.

"starless","Adj","1.तारों के बिना"
It seem that the sky is starless for the clouds are covering the sky.

"starlet","N","1.नयी अभिनेत्री"
Ishwarya is the starlet in Indian film industry.

"starlight","N","1.नक्षत्र रोशनी"
Last night was totally dark for clouds obstructed the starlight.

Only one young starling is there in the nest.

"starlit","Adj","1.तारामय/तारों की रोशनी से चमकता हुआ"
It was a starlit night.

"start","V","1.शुरू करना"
They started to move.

The players took position at the start.
Give it a new start.

"start for","V","1.के लिये जाना"
Its time you must start for work

"start off","V","1.शुरू करना"
The horse started off at the prescribed time.

"start out","V","1.यात्रा शुरू करना"
What time did you start out?
--"२.शुरू करनाकाम"
you must start out with some work in order to earn your livelyhood.

"start over","V","1.दुबारा से शुरू करना"
The boss was dissatisfied with the job and so made the workers start over.

"start up","V","1.चलाना"
He started up the car.

"starter","N","1.दौड में भाग लेने वाला व्यक्ति/घोडआ आदि"
Out of all the starters only four could reach their destination.
--"२.शुरू करने वाला"
The starter gave the signal to the participants.
A tube cannot light without a starter.

"starting-block","N","1.शुरू करने वाला स्थान"
The player took position on the starting block.

"starting point","N","1.शुरू करने का स्थान"
By the time we reached the final decision we realised that the starting point had become almost insignificant.

The high starting price was about a thousand dollars on the white horse.

This magician startle everybody with his tricks.

"startled","Adj","1.चौंका हुआ"
The child was so startled that he could not move.

"startling","Adj","1.चौंका देने वाला"
The sound of the crackers is really startling.

After that major earthquake thousands of people died due to starvation.

"starvation diet","N","1.भूख की पूर्ति न करने लायक भोजन"
The people were on starvation diet in the refugee camp.

"starve","VI","1.भूखा मरना"
The poor man was literature starved to death.

"starve","VT","1.भूख लगना"
I am starving to have something as I had not taken anything since last night.

He has a lot of wealth stashed in his locker.

Statis is very obvious in human life.

Durga Puja is the state festival of west Bengal.
--"२.राज्य से सम्बन्धित"
State education should make compulsory and especially in a country like ours.

"state","V","1.अभिव्यक्त करना"
You are expected to state your views on this issue.

You must report at the office at the time stated.

"state of affairs","N","1.परिस्थिति"
No one can judge the state of affairs in which this scientific development will lead us.

He was expelled from the state for being a criminal.
It is the function of the state to make laws.
He is in a state of shock.

"statecraft","N","1.शासन कला"
Statecraft is also the special art ,not gifted to all.

"statehood","N","1.राज्य की स्थिति"
The Union territories are now striving to get a statehood.

"stateless","Adj","1.किसी भी देश का नागरिक न होना"
No constitution allows a stateless person to be a Prime minister.


Paris is famous for the stateliness of the magic of Efil tower.

Mr. Principal is expected to present a public statement on this issue.

No doubt, Mother Teresa was a stately woman.
The statue seems so stately.

"stately home","N","1.राजकीयमकान"
Teen Murti Bhavan is one among famous stately homes in India.

"stateroom","N","1.जहाज पर निजी कमरा"
Few staterooms are reserved for V.I.P.s only.

"stateside","Adj","1.क्षेत्र का"
Ours is a family belonging to the stateside of china.

Ram is the elder most statesman of the Party.


Statesmanship is the party four most quality expected in any leader.

Nothing, which is static, can develop.

Ambala is the next station.
NDTV is the best TV station as per my views.

My brothers regiment is stationed at Manali.

"station of the cross","N","1."

The stationary exercising cycle is best for perfect circulation of blood.

"stationer","N","1.कागज आदी सामान बेचनेवाला"
Is there any stationer near by?

"stationery","N","1.कागज आदी सामग्री"
Head office requires much more stationery than ours.

"station master","N","1.स्टेशन मास्टर"
To get information about trains one should contact station master.

Every one should learn Statistics.
With the help of statistics only we can check the population growth.
Her school is offering statistics as a compulsury subject.

To make this survey statistically perfect, we need to depend on past experience.

"statistician","N","1.सांख्य शास्त्री"
You need to contact a statistician to solve this statistical problem.

Lepakshi is famous for statuary.

Newly constructed christ statues seems so lively.

He was standing in a statuesque manner.

"statuette","N","1.छोटी मूर्ति"
See Shakespeares beautiful statuette stood on table.

"stature","N","1.तन की प्राकृतिक लम्बाई"
Dont you find him small in statue.
--"२.क्षमता या उपलब्धि से कमाई हुई इज्जत और रूतबा"
Aishwarya Rai proved herself as a real artist of national stature.

"status","N","1.स्तरसामाजिक नैतिक या व्यावसायिक पद"
Her growing status may lead her to the post of home minister.

"status symbol","N","1.स्टेटस"
Guys during adolescent change vehicles as a status symbol.

Under the statute of partnership act, in absence of dead partners will share profits & loss equally.
As per ISCI statute, foundation course is"N","t required for those who are graduate.

"statute book","N","1.नियम"
This law should be included in statutebook for the benefits of society.

Brahmins in Hindu society is usually staunch.

"staunchly","Adv","1.दृढता से"
The parliament opposed the womens reservations bills staunchly.

"stave","N","1.कोई मोटी छडई या डंडआ"
Police use staves during riots.

"stave in","V","1.छेद कर देना"
My right shoe was stave in while I was busy in football.

"stave off","V","1.किसी बुरी चीज को स्वयं से दूर रखना"
Oh God! Stave the danger off from my family.

You have to stay in that cottage to save your life.

"stay the course","V","1.कठिन परिश्रम के अंत तक जाना"
I hope that a patient person like him is strong enough to stay the course.

"stay ones hand","V","1.हाथ पकडकर कोई कार्य करने से पीछे हटाना"
I have to stay his hand in order to take him out from the world of drugs.

"stay behind","V","1.पीछेरहजाना"
I stayed behind in the Museum to shoot some marvelous things into my camera.

"stay in","V","1.अंदर ही रहना"
My bodyguard advised me to stay in till he come.

"stay out","V","1.बाहर रहना"
Her mother ordered her to stay out when she was angree with her.
--"२.हडताल पर रहना"
Let them stay out for a long span of time, ordered industrialist.

"stay up","V","1.जागे रहना"
Hostlers were not allowed to stay up after 1.p.m.

"stayer","N","1.थकानेवाली दौडते रहने की सामर्थ्य रखनेवाला"
After this achievement he proved himself a stayer.

Steadfast love of god never ceases.

Sita is making steady progress in her writing.
Ram has been holding a steady job for past 1.years.
A steady man is trusted by every one.

"steak","N","1.मास का टुकडआ"
I had a steak for lunch.

"steak house","N","1.मासाहारी भोजनालय"
There is a famous steak house in vincent road.

"steal","V","1.चोरी करना"
John stole a cookei from the cookies store.
--"२.चुपके से आना जाना"
The morning light was stealing through the window.

"steal","N","1.सस्ता विक्रय"
There was steal of shoes at only $20 in Goerge town.

Intruders operate by stealth.

"stealth","Adj","1.हवाई जहाज से सम्बन्धित तकनीकी शाखा"
The invention of the stealth aircraft would pheavel the defense mechanism of the country.

Steam inhalation cures cold.

"steam off","V","1.भाप से निकालदेना"
I steamed the stamps off the letter.

"steamer","N","1.भाप से चलने वाला जल-जहाज"
I went to Essel world on a steamer.

"steamy","Adj","1.भाप से भरा हुआ"
The fried rice was steamy hot.

"steam engine","N","1.भाप से चलने वाला इंजन"
Shatabdi is driven by steam engine.

"steam iron","N","1.भाप से चलने वाली इस्त्री"
Dry cleaners use steam iron to remove the greases easily.

"steam shovel","N","1.भाप चालित बेलचा"
Steam shovel was used to dig out the underground pipeline.

"steam train","N","1.भाप चालित रेल"
Rajadhani & Shatabdi are steam trains.

"steam boat","N","1.भाप चालित नाव"
Steam boat works with the help of coal and water.

"steam roller","N","1.भाप चालित रोलर"
Steam roller are used in road leveling.

"steam roller","V","1.रौंदना"
The Director steam rollers the meetings.

"steam ship","N","1.भाप चालित जहाज"
Steam ships are driven with the help of steam.

"steed","N","1.अच्छी जाति का घोडआ"
Black beauty was a famous steed.

Steel utensils are easy to wash and maintain.

"steel","Adj","1.इस्पात से निर्मित शस्त्र"
Various kinds of steel weapons were used in IInd world war.

She steeled herself before going for the interview.

"steely","Adj","1.लोहे जैसा रंग"
The background of the portrait was steely blue.
--"२.लोहे जैसा सख्त"
One should be steely enough to overcome all sorts of hardships.

"steel band","N","1.ढओल बजानेवालों का समूह"
The tribals steel band performed on moonlit night was so nice.

"steel wool","N","1.इस्पात की पतली तारें"
Steel wool is used in cleaning the utensils.

"steelworks","N","1.इस्पात का कारखाना"
Tata group is famous for its steelworks.

The mountain on which we went for tracking was very steep.
There was a steep decline in share values due to mid term elections.
Sewing of corn flakes with tea seems a bit steep to me.

"steepen","V","1.दुरारोह बनना या बनादेना"
The road steepened due to landslide.

We can see beautiful steeples of Taj mahal.

"steeplechase","N","1.टट्ठी बाजई"
Horses are well trained for steeplechase.

"steeplechaser","N","1.टट्ठी बाज"
John is a perfect steeplechaser.

"steeplejack","N","1.मीनार मरम्मत करनेवाला"
Steeplejack should be very sharp and creative.

Captain Smith steered the Titanic into the Atlantic.
--"२.मार्ग दिखाना"
Our parents steer us at every step of life.
One should not prefer steer meat.

The cars steering got wrecked in the accident.

"steering committee","N","1.संचालन समिति"
The steering committee decided to give allowance to all the employees after a huge profit.

"steerage","N","1.सस्ते किराये का जहाज"
I hold to travel in a steerage due to non-availability of tickets in the A.C. compartment.

Stellar constellations are visible even through a small telescope.

The stem of a babool tree is very thick and broad.
The stem of the wineglass has beautiful designs on it.
Sit is the stem of the forms sits and sitting.

Doctor bandaged the cut to stem the bleeding.
Ignorance is the stem of racial discrimination.

"stemware","N","1.नलीदार बर्तन"
Glass stemware is very costly.

We could get the stench of sewage in the office.

I used a stencil to decorate my chart.

Lily works as a stenographer in strakes co. Limited.

Stenography requires speed and skill.

The school head girl has a stentorian voice.

"step","V","1.कदम उठाना"
I stepped on to the stool to take the book from the shelf.

"step down","PhrV","1.स्थानछोडना"
He stepped down to be the junior assistant.

"stepping stone","N","1.पैर रखने का पत्थर"
The villagers used stepping stones to cross the stream.
--"२.प्रारंभिक प्रयास"
Sunder Lal Bahugana is the stepping stone in the incremental upgradation.

She took a step towards the laboratory.
The government took serious steps to check the dacoits.
I made the rangoli in three steps.

"step parent","N","1.सौतेले मा-बाप"
Step parents are often inconsiderate.

"step brother","N","1.सौतेला भाई"
Lucis step brother is an engineer.

"step child","N","1.सौतेला बच्चा"
Ramesh treated his step child very cruelly.

"step daughter","N","1.सौतेली बहन"
He spent lavishly on his step daughters marriage.

"step father","N","1.सौतेला बाप"
Anils step father cares for him a lot.

"step ladder","N","1.सीढई"
We used a step ladder to put on the bulb.

"steppe","N","1.घास का मैदान"
Prairies are the famous steppes of America.

"step sister","N","1.सौतेली बहन"
Neetu is Alkas step sister.

"step son","N","1.सौतेला बेटा"
Ramas step son was arrested in charge of a robbery.

Yesterday, I bought a stereo system.

"stereophonic","Adj","1.त्रिआयामी ध्वनि"
Stereophonic music system have revolutionized.

She defies the stereotype view of women as housewife.

She can not give birth to a young one. She is a sterile.
The conference conducted to upgrade the deteriorating environment proved sterile.
In India most of the land is left sterile.
When I entered the hall, I felt cold and sterile.

Sterility in women causes inability to produce children.

"sterilize","V","1.निष्कीटित करना"
In an experiment we found how to sterilize the curd.

British people use sterling for purchasing things.
--"चान्दी का आभूषण"
Rita collected much sterling silver jewellery for her marriage.

Her work is sterling as compared to other.

"stern","Adj","1.कठोर या निर्दय"
Hotler was a stern man.
--"२.जहाज का पिछला भाग,
When an iceberg was seen in front of a ship, people tried to escape from the stern part.

Our respiratory system is supported by the sternum.

"steroid","N","1.रसायनिक विशेष"
Weight-lifters use steroids to build their body.

Rita has got a stertorous habit while sleeping.

"stethoscope","N","1.हृदय गति निदान यन्त्र"
Doctors use stethoscope to check the heart beat of a person.

"stevedore","N","1.जहाज से माल उतारने चढआने वाला मजदूर"
Stevedore has a very hard life.

Meat need to be stewed for several hours.
--"२.परेशान होना"
Rita gets awfully stewed during her examination period.
Ram is very cunning. He knows how to stew others.

"stewed","Adj","1.तेज कडवी"
Last evening, I had an experience of stewed tea.

Before leaving Bombay, my father started searching for a steward.
Ram proved himself as an excellent steward during my sisters marriage.

"stewardship","N","1.प्रबन्धक पद"
The rally was successfully organised under his stewardship.

Old people generally use stick to walk properly.
My brother is a good player of stick games.
--"३.ड्रम छडई"
Ram has got a very good speed at the drum stick.
My servant kept away all the sticks after are furniture work was over.
--"५.पुलीस का डंडआ"
The thieves are scared of the police stick.
--"६.असाधारण व्यक्ति"
Ram is a funny old stick.

I tried to STICK All the strickers on the cupboard.
Stick the iron nail into the wall.
--"३.बरदाश्त करना"
I cant stick on to the TV for more than two hours.
--"४.सथापित करना"
I want to stick the name of my company in the market scenario.

"stick insect","N","1.लकडईनुमा कीडआ"
In a book, I read about a stick insect.

"stickleback","N","1.एक प्रकार की मछली"
Stickleback is rarely found in India.

"stickpin","N","1.टाई पिन"
On occasion of Harishs marriage the stickpin enhanced his smartness.

Gum produces a sticky effect on a paper.
Due to moisture in the atmosphere, the weather was very sticky yesterday.
--"३.पसीने में लथपथ"
I was all sticky after playing basketball throughout the evening.
--"४.बुरा समय"
My fortune is undergoing a sticky situation.

My mother was a bit sticky in giving me money for the movie.

I decorated my almirah with stickers.
Purvi being a sticker is disliked by every body.

The wire is too stiff to be bent.
The examination paper was too stiff to be solved by the students.
The manager of the five star hotels is very stiff.
--"४.भारी कीमत"
The diamond necklace is too stiff to be bought by a common man.

It was a very pathetic sight when Rajans stiff was lying in the coffin for the funeral.

"stiffen","V","1.कडआ होना"
My muscles stiffened up due to severe cold in winters.

"stifle","V","1.दम घुटना"
Many people stiff due to lack of oxygen at high altitudes.
I couldnt stifle my tears at the sight of the handicapped beggar.
--"३.आग बुझाना"
When the building caught fire, the fire brigade was called to stifle the burning flames.

In this modern world still there is social stigma to give birth to a girl child.

"stigmata","N","1.क्षत चिह्न"
When the monkey attacked my brother and left stigmata on the skin.

"stigmatize","V","1.कलंक लगाना"
People stigmatize the relation between boys and girls.

In my drawing room there is a shile that bads to my room.

Mahesh was stabled badly by the stiletto.
--"२.लोहे की ऊची एडई"
Rama wears good quality of stiletto to add grace to her walk.

The photographer asked me to stand still while clicking me.
The weather was absolutely still before the rain poured in.

Though we have reached September ,it s still very hot.
Rama brings up still more good ideas.

"still birth","N","1.मृतशिशुजनन"
It was really pathetic to see Rita aunty when she gave a still birth to a child.

"still-Born","Adj","1.मरा हुआ पैदा"
The baby was still born due to some fault of the doctor.
--"२.जिसके आगे विकास न हो"
The new project taken up by Raj group of Industries is still born due to shortage of finances.

"stilt","N","1.चलने के लिये बडए डंडे"
Stilts are used by men in the circus to entertain people.
--"२.बास जिस पर घर स्थिर हो"
The boat houses built on stills and situated in the middle of the lake look very beatiful.

She said it in a stilted tone.

"stilton","N","1.दूद से बना हुआ चीज"
Stilton tastes very good when spread on pizza.

"stimulant","N","1.शक्ति वर्धक"
The athletes take stimulants to increase their stamina.
The ban on use of polythene will act as a stimulant to the improvement of ecology.

"stimulate","V","1.उत्तेजित करना"
When Rahul stood first in his class,it stimulated him to work even harder.

Hard work acts as a stimulus to attain success.

The sting of a snake is very poisonous.
When the sting of a cactus pieces the finger, it is very painful.
I took Disprin to take the sting off my head.

"sting","V","1.डंक मारना"
When you trouble a wasp it stings you.
--"२.दर्द होना"
My legs were stinging due to excess walking.
Their comments stung him to get into a fight.

"stingray","N","1.एक विशाल मछली"
The Stingray is a very dangerous fish and is poisonous too.

The teacher is very stingy in giving marks.

"stink","V","1.बदबू मारना"
My friend doesnt her bath daily which makes her stink.

Oh! What an obnoxious stink?

Climbing the hill was a real stinker.
--"२.अप्रिय आदमी"
Rama is a real stinker.

Shes got a stinking habit of talking too much.

"stint","V","1.कंजूसी करना"
You shouldnt stint on giving money to the beggar.

"stint","N","1.काम करने का समय"
My mother had a two-year stint as a principal in a school.

My mother gives a stipend of Rs.800 to our servant.

"stipendiary","Adj","1.वजईफआ पानेवाला"
All stipendiaries work very hard for money.

"stipple","V","1.बिन्दी बिन्दी से बनाया गया चित्र"
Rita gave a stippled effect in her cards for the S.U.P.W. work.

"stipulate","V","1.सौदा तय करना"
The money lander stipulated that the money should be returned with in five months.

He agreed to rent me the house but on the stipulation that Ill have to get it painted.

He sat there for two hours without stirring.
She stirred the tea with a spoon.
Slight music stirred him into action.

I gave a stir to the tea in order to dissolve the sugar.
Her sudden death was quite a stir.

"stirring","Adj","1.सदमा पहुचानेवाला"
The story of the beggar was quite stirring.

A rider has to put his feet in the stirrup to climb a horse.

The Doctor had put six stitches on his wound.
I asked her to put two stitches on my skirt in order to mend it.
--"३.एक प्रकार की सिलाई"
Button hole stitch is very common.
--"नस चढना"
Excess running caused a stitch in my uncle.

My mother stitched a beautiful dress for me.

"stitch up","V","1.धोखा देना"
I was stitched up by my best friend.

"stoat","N","1.एक प्रकार का जीव"
Stoats are rarely found in India.

"stock","N","1.तिजआरती माल"
The shop has a stock of good quality rice.
--"२.पशु धन"
Our ancestors had a big cattle stock in the village.
His mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.
She comes from an English business stock.
He possesses a good stock in other peoples mind.
--"६.हड्डियों से बनाया जाने वाला पदार्थ"
Chicken stock enhances the taste of chicken soup.
Its difficult to support the stock of the gun on your shoulder.

"stock","Adj","1.भरपूर मात्रा में रखा जाने वाला"
The shopkeeper keeps bread as one of his stock items.

"stock-Car","N","1.एक प्रकार की गाडई"
Stock Car racing is a very interesting but dangerous sport.
--"२.माल गाडई"
Stock Cars are very useful in the transportation of goods from one place to another.

"stockade","N","1.लकडइयों का घेरा"
In hill stations we comes across many stockades of wood.

Rama is an army officer as well as a stock holder.

A pair of stockings when worn in winter prevents you from extreme cold.

"stockman","N","1.जानवरों की देख-रेख करनेवाला"
Being a stockman is a very tough animal.

Seeing to the rise in the price of onions, people have kept a stockpile of onions a side.

After the budget is announced, the prices of goods stand stock still.

"stock taking","N","1.स्टाककीजाच"
Mostly all the Army stores remain closed during the last week of a month on account of stock taking.
The Principal of the school called for stocktaking of the functioning of the Board classes.

There is a stocky little man who lines in my neighborhood.

"stodge","N","1.घृष्ट भोजन"
The food in the marriage was stodge and made us all feel heavy.

"stoic","N","1.सहनशील व्यक्ति"
Mahesh is a stoic who never complains of his pain.

Though she was ill, she showed great stoicism when there was trouble in the house.

"stoke","V","1.भट्टी में कोयला झोंकना"
In olden days, people used to stoke the fire in order to cook food.
Often politicians stoke up communal issues for gaining vote banks.

My maid servant stole my pair of shoes.

The stole on her shoulder enhanced her beauty.

"stolen","V","1.चुराया हुआ"
The pencil, which she is using, was stolen from my bag.

Stolid people are not liked by children.

I did not eat the dinner, as my stomach was full.
when I came back from the school, I had the stomach to eat anything I get.
After a full day slog, I didnt have the stomach to argue with my brother.

"stomach-ache","N","1.पेट दर्द"
Ram had a severe stomachache.

"stomach-pump","N","1.पंपपेट साफ करने केलिये"
Doctors use stomach pump to remove poisonous substances from the patents body.

During landslides big stones fell down from the hills.
Sapphire is a precious stone.
There is a big stone inside every mango.
People having stone in their kidney suffer from serious pain.
Ram weighs 10 stones.

"stone","V","1.पत्थर से मारना"
The mad man was stoned to death by the villagers.
--"२.गुठली निकालना"
She stoned the cherries for the dessert.

"stoneless","Adj","1.पत्थर रहित"
Stoneless dates are easy to chew.

"Stone Age","N","1.पाषाण काल"
People of Stone Age made many tools out of stone.

"stone cold","Adj","1.पूर्णतया ठंडा"
After death body becomes stone cold.

"stone dead","Adj","1.पूर्णतया निर्जीव"
The bird was left stone dead after being shot.

"stone deaf","Adj","1.बिल्कुल बहरा"
The beggar was stone deaf.

"stoneground","Adj","1.पत्थर का फर्श"
Stoneground covers the frontier of our school premises.

Ramdas was a famous stonemason.

"stonewall","V","1.उदासहीनता दिखाना"
The head girl was trying to stonewall the discussion.

"stoneware","N","1.पत्थर के पात्र"
Stonewares have to be handled carefully.

"stone washed","Adj","1.कपडआ विशेष"
Ramesh possess a stone washed jeans.

Dilwara Jain temples have beautiful stonework.

It is very difficult to walk on a stony ground.
Ramस् stony heart doesnट् allow him to have pity on anyone.

The principal gazed stonily at the disturbing class.

Ram was a stooge of mohan as he followed him blindly.
--"२.हसी का पात्र"
Lalit being a stooge in a circus makes everyone laugh.

Rashmi has a set of sin stools.
Stool test is always carried out in pathology.

"Foot stool","N","1.पाव रखने की चौकी"
Some of the footstools are made up of wood.

"stool pigeon","N","1.फzअसानेवाला व्यक्ति"
Hary works as a stool pigeon in the U S police.

Lata stooped down to pick up the hand.
--"२.शरीर का झुकाव"
Mohanस् grandfather started stooping with the age.

"stoop to","V","1.हद से गिरना"
What ever the shortcomings are, one should not stoop to stealing.

"stoop","N","1.कंधे झुकाकर चलना"
Tall people always walk with a slight stoop.

Rain had stopped yesterdayस् cricket.
--"२.अन्त करना"
She stopped biting her nails.
I couldnट् stop myself from playing in the rain.

"stop oneस् ears","V","1.बातें न सुनना"
She stopped her ears while stop oneस् ears getting scolded.

"stop light","N","1.लाल-बत्ती"
Pedestrians should cross the road when the stop light is on.

"stopping train","N","1.स्थानीय रेल"
I take a stopping train to go to my college everyday.

"stop press","N","1.समाचार पत्र के छपते समय का समाचार"
World cup cricket news had to be stop pressed.

A sentence should always end with a full stop.

"stopcock","N","1.नल की टोटी"
A burette has a stop cock at its opening.

It is only a stopgap arrangement.

"stop over","N","1.ठहरना"
I had a two days stop over in Delhi on my way to Caribbean.

There was a stoppage in production because of the strike.

Geetas mother asked her to put the stopper back in the baltie.

Stop watch is used for recording time during races.

"storage","N","1.माल की रखावाई"
There is storage of grains in the godown.
--"२.जानकारी का संग्रह करना"
We have a storage of worlds encyclopaedia in our computer.
--"३.भखाई का खार्चा"
Pay storage at govt. Godowns is cheaper than private godowns.

"storage heater","N","1.संचायक तापक"
My granny has an antique storage heater at her place.

"store","N","1.संचित माल"
Good store of food is required in every house.
Benetlon has a good store of clothes.
There are several cosmetic stores in a city market.

Store the vegetables in an airtight container.

Now a days computers have become a store house valuable information.

Storekeeper should be polite to their customer.

"storeroom","N","1.भण्डार का कमरा"
There are two storerooms in our house.

R.B. complex consists of seven storeys.

Storks are usually found Near rivers and lakes.

The storm destroyed many villages.

"storm","V","1.हमला करना"
The troops stormed into the city.

My father used to tell me bed-time stories.
The building has ten stories.

"story-book","N","1.कहानी की पुस्तक"
There are many story-books in our collage library.

The story-teller earned his living by telling stories.

She coocked rice in a steel stoup.

He is a stout person.

Rama put the pan on the stove.
Some people use gas-stove to cook their food.

"stow","V","1.सजाकर रखना"
He stowed the sweet box with colourful ribbons.

"stowaway","N","1.छिपकर यात्रा करनेवाला"

"straf","V","1.पर गोलाबारी करना"
The soldiers were strafing near the border.

"straggle","V","1.से अलग हो जाना"
After the death of his father his family straggled.

"straggly","Adj","1.बिखरा हुआ"
Wet straggly hair.

She went straight from her school to her house.

I told her, to do it straightaway.

"straighten","V","1.सीधा करना"
I damaged the front bumper of my car and had to get it straightened.

He is a very straightforward person.

"strain","V","1.पूरी शक्ति लगाकर देखना/सुनना"
I had to strain myself to listen to her as she spoke in a very low voice.

"straitened","Adj","1.कठिनाईगरीबी के कारण"
Lal Bahadur Shastri spend his childhood in straitened circumstances.

Shyam was advised to wear straitjacket by the doctor as he was mentally ill.
--"२.विकास में बाधक"
High population is the straitjacket in Indias fast development.

"strait laced","Adj","1.नैतिक प्रश्नों के प्रति तटस्थ दृष्टिकोणवाला"
Most people are strait laced about female education in India.

Strands of seas are made dirty by people.
--"२.रस्सी वा तार"
Strands are drawn together to do any work.

Everybody makes fun of Hari as he wears strange clothes.

"stranger","N","1.अपरिचित व्यक्ति"
Children should not talk to strangers.

"strangle","V","1.गला घोंटकर मारना या दबाना"
He strangled the mango to take out the pulp.

"strangulated","Adj","1.गला घोंटना/अंग बाधकर रक्त की गति रोकना"
He was strangulated to death by the robbers.

"strap","N","1.चमडए का पट्टा/लोहे का पट्टी/चौडआ कोडआ"
The leather strap of her watch is beautiful.

"strapless","Adj","1.बगैर पट्टी का"
श्हे looked beautiful in a strapless dress.

ऎअर्ट्ह् consists of different strata.

ठ्हेय् gained advantage on their enemies by stratagem.

"strategic","Adj","1.युद्ध कौशल सम्बन्धी"
His strategic knowledge is excellent.

"strategy","N","1.युद्ध कौशल/व्यूह रचना"
He is working out a strategy to develop a new company.

"strategist","N","1.युद्ध कौशल में दक्ष"
Nepolean was a great strategist.

"stratify","V","1.एकत्र होना/परतों का आकार लेना"
Different layers of earth stratified in a long period of time.

"stratosphere","N","1.वायु मण्डल का क्षेत्र"
stratosphere is one of the layers of atmosphere.

"stratum","N","1.परत समाज का एक वर्ग/ऊचाई या गहराई में व्यक्त क्षेत्र"
Nobody can be debarred of fundamental rights because of his/her stratum.

Straw is the main component of the roof of mud huts.
--"२.तरल पदार्थ को पीने के लिए नली"
She likes to drink milk by straw.

"straw-coloured","Adj","1.पीला रंग"
Jaundice made her straw coloured.

"strawberry","N","1.गुलाबी-लाल रंग का फल"
Flower of strawberry is used in ice-creams, shakes etc.

"stray","V","1.विपद्य होना/भाटकना"
Bad company strayed him from the path of honesty.

"streak","N","1.लंबी व पतली लकीर या धारी"
Zebra has black streaks on its body.

To get hair streaked in different colours has become a fashion now a days.

Rams streaky hairstyle looks bad on him.

Hilly areas are full of natural streams.
Students of commerce stream have large job opportunities.

"stream","V","1.धारा रूप में बहना"
His life was streamed with difficulties and hardships.

"streamer","N","1.लंबा संकरा झण्डा/रोशनी की किरण"
His entry was like a streamer in her life.

"streel","V","1.पीछा करना"
Detectives were given the job to streel him.

Orphans children are found to live on streets.

"street ahead","Adj","1.सबसे बहतर"
Sachin is street ahead of all other players in the field.

"street smart","Adj","1.बडए शहर की मुश्किलों से परिचित"
Difficulties of life make the people street smart.

"street value","N","1.अनैतिक वस्तुओं का मूल्य"
Smuggled goods have less street value.

"street car","N","1.ट्राम"
Street car is an effective means of transport.

"street walker","N","1.वेश्या"
Street walkers are a black spot on society.

"street wise","Adj","1.बडए शहर की मुश्किलों से परिचित"
Hardships of citylife makes one streetwise.

Subhash chandra bose possessed great strength of character.
Weightlifters have great strength.
Strength of public opinion can overturn the big powers.
Pallavis strength is her command on language.
The strength of class XIIth is 70.

"strengthen","V","1.शक्ति बढना"
Regular exercise is required to strengthen the muscles.

"strenuous","Adj","1.कठिन प्रयास"
Strenuous efforts are required to be a success in life.

"strenuously","Adv","1.दृढता से"
Megha strenuously accepted all the duties and responsibilities.

Streptococcus can cause infections and disease.

Doctors advise streptomycin to cure the infection.

She put stress on the need of extra security in the border areas.
Due to long working hours Ramu is always under stress.

"stress","V","1.बल देना"
India should stress more on providing employment.

"stressed","Adj","1.दबाव से पीडित"
Students feel stressed under heavy pressure of work.

Deepti finds heavy work load in the office very stressful.

"stretch","V","1.खींचकर बढआना/ताना जाना"
Stretch the rubber band to make it loose.
--"२.जओर से खींचना"
Sita stretched the rope tightly.
--"३.अंगडआई लेना"
After waking we usually stretch our body.
--"४.किसी वस्तु का आयु बढआना"
We can stretch the life of fruits by keeping them in the refrigerator.
Influence of Pandit Nehru stretched all across the country.
He stretched all his energy to come in the rain.
--"७.जरूरत से ज्यादा खींचना"
He stretch the limits of truth to make himself popular.

Body of gymnasts are quite stretchy.

"stretch marks","N","1.खाल खींचने से पडने वाले निशान"
Vitamin E oil helps in lightening the stretch marks.

Patients are carried on stretcher.

Mother scolded the kids when they strew the paper on the floor.

"strewth","N","1.आश्चर्य या गुस्सा"
When John was humiliated he expressed his strewth.

Zebra is striated.

One cant cross the striation

The whole nation was grief stricken when Mahatma Gandhi died.

Some teachers are very strict with the students.
Intelligence meeting takes place in strict confidence.
Sportsmanship should be followed in strict sense.

"strictly","Adv","1.दृढता से"
Traffic rules should be followed strictly.
This picture is strictly meant for adults.

"stricture","N","1.कटु आलोचना"
One should avoid strictures on other people.
--"२.व्यवहार को नियन्त्रित करनेवाला नियम"
Hindu religion strictures against eating cow meat.

"stride","V","1.लंबे कदम रखना"
Ram strode towards the class when he saw the principal coming.
Girls should not stride their limits.

"stride","N","1.लंबे कदम"
With each stride he came closer to success.
Great strides have recently been made towards preserving the environment.
--"२.लंबे डग लेकर चलना"
A stride in the morning is good for health.

Western music is often strident to ears.
--"आक्रामक या कठोर"
Government should avoid making laws which are strident.

Dowry is the major cause of strife in many marriages.

Laborers organised a strike so as to increase their wages.

"strike","V","1.जओर से मारना"
The car struk the pole.
--"२.अचानक मारना"
Ram struck Rahul because of jeolousy.
An idea of how to make a model plane struck Bob today.
--"४.प्रभाव डालना,
Her looks struck Rahul.
I was struck between two loyalties.
--"६.खोज करना"
A rich reserve of petroleum has been struck in Bombay highway.
--"७.सिक्के डालना"
The government will strike a Re.1 coin.
Mary heard the clock strike.

Factory workers are on strike because they want bonus.

The factory was strikebound.

"strike breaker","N","1.हडतालतोडनेवाला"
Ramesh is the only strikebreaker in the strikebound factory.

"striker","N","1.हडताल करनेवाला"
Mohan striker.
--"किसी लक्ष्य को पानेवाला"
Sachin is a good striker of the ball.

There is a striking similarity between my two sketches.

I tied up my luggage with a string.
--"२.गिटार या वयोलिन का तार"
Her fingers are running on gitars string like an expert gitarist.
A string of imported beads is used to make the necklace.
--"३.गुणों की श्रु
A computer has two strings of number.

Lamps were string on the pole.
--"छोटे छोटे चीजओं को सूत्र में फिरोना"
Fibers strung together to form rope.

Our country is passing through stringent economic conditions.
--"२.कठिन आर्थिक हालत"
Straingent measures should be used to enforce discipline of our school.

"stringer","N","1.अनियमित पत्रकार"
Nupur Baso is a stringer for star TV news.

cut the paper into strips for decoration.
--"२.फुट-बाल टीम के सदस्यों के कपडए"
Indians are playing in blue and white strips.
--"३. He owns a cloth store out on the strip"

"strip","V","1.कपडए उतारना"
Everybody stripped off in bathroom.
--"२.नंगा करना"
Our land is stripped off trees.
The inspector was stripped off his rank.

Our army soldiers had a V stripe on their dresses.
The bowl have a red stripe round the edge.

Striplings should not be given much liberty.

"striptease","N","1.मनोरञ्जन का तरीका"
In english clubs one can see artists performing striptease.

"strive","V","1.के लिए प्रयास करना"
Students should strive hard to get sucess in exams.
--"२.का मुकाबला करना"
White blood cels of human body strive against disease.

"strobe light","N","1.जल्दी जल्दी जलने बुझनेवाली रोशनी"
Strobe lights are used excessively on the bill boards these days.

Students who create fuss in class are stroked by teacher.
The master stroked his pet dog.

Strokes played by Martina mings are exciting.
His punishment was six strokes of the cane.
The students name removed from the register with the stroke of a pen.
At the first stroke it will be 9o clock.
--"५.तैरते अथवा नाव खेते समय की हरकत"
For me free style is best stroke in swimming.
--"६.हल्का स्पर्श"
He gave his pet dog a stroke.
--"७.कामयाब घटना"
It is a sheer stroke of luck that he arrived just when I needed him.
The stroke made him deaf.

"stroll","N","1.चहल कदमी"
Stroll in the beach is very pleasure giving.

He is strolling on the beach.

"stroller","N","1.सैर करनेवला"
My father is a regular stroller.

For being an athlete you should be strong.
The rope was strong enough to pull the weight from the bottom.
With a strong kick he pushed the door open.
There should be strong links between management & workers.
Politicians with strong voices have great impact on the audience.
Strong wind is blowing.
He has used very strong colours in his latest painting.
The school has a strong tradition of academic excellence.
I had a strong impression that someone was following me.
Miss Stubs was under strong impression that God is near.
A strong evidence should be there to claim the accident.
Rupee is stronger than Taka but weaker against Dollar.
The demonstrators were 1,00,000 strong.
My mother always prefers strong coffee.
This chease tastes strong.
Ultra voilet rays have strong impact on human body.

"strong arm","Adj","1.बलपूर्वक"
Police make use of strong arm methods against criminals.

"strong box","N","1.तिजओरी"
Precious ornaments should be kept in strong box.

"strong hold","N","1.केन्द्र"
Meerut is a strong hold for this political party.
Moghal strong holds are the witnesses for the past history.

"strong man","N","1.निर्भीक प्रशासक"
Hitler was a strong man who ruled Germany.

"strong minded","Adj","1.मजबूत संकल्प"
Strong minded efforts should be made towards achieving success.

"strong room","N","1.तिजओरी"
Food grains should be stored in strong room.

"strongly","Adj","1.दृढता से"
I strongly feel that one should opposse injustice.


"stroppy","Adj","1.बुरा स्वभावी"
A person who is having stroppy nature is a hinderance in the development of his character.

"struck","V","1.मारा" #past tense of strike
Teacher struck me because I was talking.

"structuralism","N","1.विषयविश्लेषण पद्धति"
Structuralism of any subject is a difficult task.

Subject,verb and object are parts of the structure of a sentence.
Our body is a structure bones and flesh.

"structure","V","1.योजना करना"
To get success movements should be structured.

Mango strudel is delicious.

"struggle","V","1.संग्राम करना"
Although he had no chance of survival after the accident but he struggled out of it.
--"२.प्रयत्न करना"
Though the wind was blowing in the opposite direction the bowlers struggled to keep the length.
--"३.हाथ-पैर मारना"
An innocent guy struggled to get away from police.

Launching of different product involves the struggle of different companies.
After a long struggle he cleared the exams.

Strum a tune on the banjo.

Strumpets are curse on the society.

"strut","V","1.अकडकर चलना"
She strutted past us,इग्नोरिन्ग् our greeting. @

To kill his friend he make use of strychnine.

My pencil had been worn down to a stub.
Fill in a cheque stub.
"stub","V","1.से ठोकर खाना या लगना"
I have stubbed my toe on a rock.
--"२.बुझा देना"
He stubbed the cigarette with his shoe.

When we cut the trees stubble is remained in ground.
Three days stubble can be seen on his face.

My brother is stubborn.
This furniture is stubborn.

She has stubby fingers.

The hut had stucco walls.

"stucco","V","1.गचकारी करना"
We stuccoed the wall twice.

I stucked the painting on the wall.

"stuck","Adj","1.अटका हुआ"
We were stuck in traffic jam for an hour.

"stuck up","V","1.फसजाना"
My heart stuck up on that dress.

Please stitch this stud on my coat.
Fix this stud on that board.
She wore diamond studs in her ears.

He is a student of Biology.

He replied with studied indifference.
--"२.जानबूझकर किया हुआ"
He observed the studied slowness of his movements.

Ashok has his own studio.

I am a studious girl.

"study","V","1.अध्ययन करना"
I study in class Xth.

A study of grammar is important for everyone.

What is this stuff?

He stuffed the bag with his books.

"stuffy","Adj","1.दम घोंटनेवाला"
Open the window, its very stuffy here.

"stultify","V","1.बेवकूफ बनना या बनाना"
You should not stultify anyone.

"stumble","V","1.ठोकर खाना या लगना"
I stumbled over a tree root.
He stumble from the ladder.
--"३.भूल करना"
She stumbled but then continued.

Here is the stump of a pencil.
Sachins ball hit the stump.

The lecture stumped everybody.
--"२.भाषण देते चलना"
They stumped the whole district within a week.
--"३.आउट कर देना"
The wicket keeper stumped the batsman.

I have stumpy legs.

"stun","V","1.अचेत करना"
I was stunned by his corpse.
--"२.चकित होना"
I was stunned by her beauty.

"stung","V","1.ढंक मारना"
Bee stung my mother yesterday.

Drunk men usually stink.

"stunt","N","1.बल प्रदर्शन"
This movie has many stunts.

"stunt","V","1.बढने न देना"
Inadiquate food can stunt a childs developement.

"stupefy","V","1.जड कर देना"
This news is going to stupefy her.
--"२.विस्मित कर देना"
I was stupefied by what I read.

Superman has stupendous power.
--"२.अति विशाल"
The opera was quiet stupendous.

He is really stupid.

His works are full of stupidity.

"stupidly","Adv","1.मूर्खता से"
Do not do this work stupidly.

"stupor","N","1.भाव शून्य"
She became stupor after seeing the dead body.

He is quite sturdy on his decisions.
The company offers a range of sturdy footwear.
"sturdily","Adj","1.दृढता से"
He talked to me sturdily about his plans.

"sturgeon","N","1.समुद्री मछली"
I am fond of sturgeon.

He stutters while speaking.

"sty","N","1.शूकर शाला"
This sty is very smelly.
--"२.आख की बिलनी"
She is suffering from sty.

This place is stygian.

His style of writing is fabulous.

"stylist","N","1.शैलीकार या अभिकल्पक"
He is a stylist.

"stylus","N","1.ग्रामफोन की सुई जिससे वह बजता है"
Stylus of this record player is broken.

"stymie","V","1.बाधाए डालना"
Their plans to open a new shop have been stymied by lack of funds.

We have styro foam crockery.

Believing in styx is a superstition.

He is a sub inspector.

"subacid","N","1.खट्टा सा"


This is a subaqua species.

We are unable to see subatomic particles.

He is a member of subcommittee.

She is in the state of subconcious.

"sub continent","N","1.उपमहाद्वीप"
North and south America are subcontients.

I took this sub contract.

"sub culture","N","1.उपसंस्कृति"

Doctor injected subcutaneous medicine.

"subdivide","V","1.प्रविभाजित करना"
P.M. subdivided the state in cities.

"subdue","V","1.वश में लाना या रखना"
Sikandar subdued porus.

I saw a subhuman in my dream.

"subindicate","V","1.संकेत द्वारा सूचित करना"
She subindicated that there are thieves.

Physics is my favourite subject.
,He is the subject in the sentence"He is going"
The king treated his subjects well.

Your proposal is subjudice, I will declare.

"subjugate","V","1.अधीन करना"
He has subjugated his party member.

,I wish I could fly is an the subjunctive mood.

"sublet","V","1.शिकमी देना"
He sublet a room in his rented house.

"sub lieutenant","N","1.उपलैफ्टीनेंट"
My father is sub lieutenant in army.

please see the subsection ESP in a mathematics book.

"subsequent","Adj","1.बाद वाला"
The first and all subsequent meetings gave a lot of help.

He behaves in a subservient manner.
Everything is subservient to the studies.

"subside","V","1.कम होना"
Gradually my headach began to subside.
--"२.उतर जाना"
The flood water gradually subsided.

All other issues are subsidiary in front of our countrys problems.

"subsidize","V","1.आर्थिक सहायता देना"
Amar as a friend of kamal subsidized him.

"subsidy","N","1.आर्थिक सहायता"
Agricultural subsidies reduces the level of subsidy.

"subsist","V","1.जीवित रहना"
He subsisted manily on non-वेगेटरिअन् food.

For best crops subsoil should also be fertile.

A subsonic flight is going.

Mainly in houses we can find all types of substances.

"substandered","Adj","1.सामान्य स्तर के नीचे"
There are many substandered goods.

There was substantial improvement in his health.

"substantiate","V","1.सिद्ध करना"
Ram can not substantiate his accesations against him.

"substantive","Adj","1.पृष्ट आधारवाला"
Make substantive ideas regarding to start our business.

There is no substitute for our parents.

"substratum","N","1.नीचे का तल"
Plants grow well in any substratum.

There is no structure without substructure.

"subsume","V","1.सम्मिलित करना"
The three departments have now been subsumed under a single manager.

"subtend","V","1.कक्षान्तरित करना"
Try to subtend the arc.

Her claim to a journalist was simply a subterfuge to go into the theatre without paying.

I have seen a subterranean cool mine.

He was spellbounded by her subliminal song.

"sub machine gun","N","1.बन्दूक"
Now a days people are using submachine gun in wrong way.

Scientist generally use submarine to go under water to know some facts or to search something.

"submerge","V","1.डउबकी लगाना"
The submarine submerge in the sea.

The examiner is under no obligation to mark late submission.

He is a submissive man.

"submit","V","1.सामने रखना"
They submitted the copies to the teacher.

"subnormal","Adj","1.सामान्य से कम"
He is eduationally subnormal child.

"suborn","V","1.दुष्प्रेरित करना"
Suborn a witness.

Have you received your subpoena.

"subscribe","V","1.अंशदान करना"
The share issues will be subscribed.

A monument paid for by public subscription.

ESP in a mathematics book : please turn to subsection.

"subsequent","Adj","1.के बादवाला"
The first and all subsequent meetings gave a lot of help.

Everything else is subservient to the studies.

"subside","V","1.कम हो जाना"
Gradually my headach began to subside.
The flood water gradually subsided.

Agricultural subsidies reduces the level of subsidy.

All other issues are subsidiary in front of our countrys problems.

Aman as a friend of kamal subsidized him.

"subsist","V","1.बना रहना"
He subsisted manily on vegetarian food.

"subsoil","N","1.अधोमृदा/नीचे की मिट्टी"
For best crops subsoil should also be fertile.

"subsonic","Adj","1.शब्द की गति से कम गतिवाली"
A subsonic flight is going.

Some black substance was exhuming from the engine.
There was not much substance in what he said.

"substandered","Adj","1.निम्न स्तर का"
There are many substandered goods.

"substantial","Adj","1.अच्छी मात्रा में"
There was substantial improvement in his health.

"substantiate","V","1.सिद्ध करना"
Ram can not substantiate his accesations against him.

"substantive","Adj","1.विधिवत प्रस्तावित"
Give substantive ideas regarding our business.

"substitute","N","1.स्थानापन्न व्यक्ति"
There is no substitute for our parents.

"substratum","N","1.नीचे का स्तर"
Plants grow well in any substratum.

There is no structure without a substructure.

"subsume","V","1.समाविष्ट करना"
The three departments have been subsumed under a single manager.

Her claim to a journalist was simply a subterfuge to gut into the theatre without paying.

I have seen a subterranean cool mine.

Subtitles of our english book are very interesting.

"subtitle","V","1.उपशीर्षक देना"
The book is subtitled The grand earth.

Her mind is very subtle.


I have never seen such subtly persons in our life.

Sub total of maths is 100.

Depreciation is subtracted form GNP (ie GNP depreciation ) to get NNP.

In this sum you have to do substraction.

The rainfall is heavy in the subtropical areas.

"suburb","N","1.उपनगर" #शहर के समीपवर्ती आबादी क्षेत्र
Suburb of Meerut is polluting at a very fast rate.

We can get fresh vegetables in the suburban markets.

Inspite of many other lack of facilities the suburbanites are fortunate enoughto have cleaner envirment.

"suburbia","N","1.उपनगरीय रहन-सहन"
Suburbia of Switzerland is very advanced.

"subvention","N","1.आर्थिक सहायता"
Subvention was granted by her in the days of illnes.

An underground railway in a city travel by subway.

Shes absolutely determined to succeed in life.

Hes hoping to make a success of the business.

My final atempt to fix it was successful.

Who is first in the line of succession to the throne?

This was their fifth successive win.

Who is the successor of this house?

His story was full of suspense, short and succinct.

"succour","N","1.सहायता करने वाला"
Bring succour to the sick and wounded.

This fruit is succulent.

"succumb","V","1.परास्त होना"
The city succumbed after only a short siege.
The driver later succumbed to his injuries.

Many such cases are reported everyday.

You can buy pen, paper, notebook such like items from the stationary shop.

Blood was sucked by mosquito from human body.

"sucker","N","1.चूसने वाला"
An octopus has suckers on its tentacles.

"suckle","V","1.स्थन से दूध पिलाना"
The mother is suckling her babe.

"sucrose","N","1.दानेदार चीनी"
Sugar is obtained form sucrose.

Vaccum cleaners works on suction.

All of a sudden, the front tyre burst.

This soap had white suds.

"sue","V","1.किसी पर मुकदमा कायम करना"
Shes suing for a divorse.
--"२.किसी से निवेदन"
Shes suing for a peace.

"suede","N","1.सिझाया हुआ चमडआ"
This is asuede coat.

"suet","N","1.पशु की ठोस चर्बी"
This suet pudding is tasty.

She is suffering from jaundice.

Hes only here on sufferance.

"suffice","V","1.पर्याप्त होना"
A week suffices for completing this work.

This food is sufficient for me and for my friends.

,ing is the suffix in loving.

"suffocate","V","1.दम घुटना"
Two fireman were suffocated by the fumes.

"suffragan","Adj","1.प्रधान पादरी का सहायक"
A suffragon was killed mercilessly last month in Orissa.

"suffrage","N","1.मतदान देने का अधिकार"
All the citizens have got suffrage who are above 1.years.

"suffuse","V","1.से भरना"
Her face was suffused with delight.

How much sugar do you like in your coffee.

"suggest","V","1.प्रस्ताव रखना"
I suggest a tour to the museum.

He gave me a good suggestion to me.

I was desperately unhappy, almost suicidal.

He commited suicide due to lack of money to pay back for his debt.

"suit","V","1.सुविधाजनक होना"
Bombays climate doesnt suit me well.
--"२.अनुकूल होना"
That colour doesnt suit your complexion.

This suit is not suited for me.
The suits are spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs.

I found Appu Ghar as the suitable place for a picnic.

I packed all my suitacses before supper.

"suite","N","1.होटल का कमरा"
The deluxe suite consisted of a bedroom and a bathroom.

She had rejected all her suitors.

He sulked for days after being left out of the team.

"sullen","Adj","1.रूठा हुआ"
All my attempts to ammuse the children were met with sullen scowls.

"sully","V","1.कलुषित करना"
I always refuse to take money from any organization.

"sulphate","N","1.गन्धक शुल्वारि"
Potassium sulphate is a foul smelling chemical.

Sulphide of hydrogen is in gaseous state.

Sultan ordered all his minsiters to leave.

Sum of 3 and 4 is seven.

We should always cover sump with a small slab.

"summer house","N","1.ग्रीष्मावास"
Would you like to spend your holidays at my summer house.

"summer pudding","N","1.गर्मीकीमिठाई"
I have prepared this gorgeous summer pudding especially for you.

"summer school","N","1.ग्रीष्मकालीन शिविर"
I attended the summer school last year.

"summer time","N","1.ग्रीष्मऋतु"
Anyone hardly comes out of their houses during summer time. It is so hot.

We planned to go to Shimla in summer vacation.

Bachendir Pal reached the summit of Mt.Everest with in four months.
--"२.शीर्ष सम्मेलन"
She is at the summit of her carrier.

Mirabai was summoned to apper before Rana.
--"२. समन भेजना"
The court summoned the culprit to confess.

"summons","N","1.आह्वाहन पत्र"
Go and issue a summons that he should appear at court tomorrow.

"sumo","N","1.एक प्रकार की कुस्ती"
It is always exciting to see sumo wrestling.

The jewels which were robbed were very sumptuous.

"sumptuary","Adj","1.व्यय सम्बन्धी"
We must try to limit and control our expenses.

Sun is the main source of energy.

I got sunburned while playing basket ball.

Sunday is a working day for our Company.

"sunder","V","1.अलग होना"
The gangsters sunder themselves from the group.
--"२.अलग करना"
It is very difficult to sunder iron from the mixture of iron and sulphur.

A flock of sundry birds was sitting on our terrace.

I got sunburned while playing basket ball.

This is a sunless room.

Its a nice sunny day.

"sun baked","Adj","1.सूर्य के गरमी से तप्त"
Its so difficult just to spend two minutes on sun baked beaches.

"sun blind","N","1.झिलमिली"
Pull down the sun blind, its excensive heat.

"sun drenched","Adj","1.सूर्यलिप्त"
Who would love to rail over sun drenched mid teranion area.

"sun dress","N","1.गरमी में पहने जाने वाले वस्त्र"
I have a nice cut sleaves sun dress.

"sun glass","N","1.धूपचश्मा"
I have a pair of bright black sun glass.

"sun god","N","1.सूर्य-देव"
We all offer our heartiest prayer to sun god.

"sun hat","N","1.सोला हैट"
I had a white coloured sun hat but its torn now.

"sun lamp","N","1.सनलैम्प"
Sun lamp is used for making skin go brown.

"sun lounge","N","1.एक कमरा जहा सूर्य की किरणें पहुचती है"
Sun launges usually made up of glass and other light furniture.

"sun launger","N","1.आरामदायी कुर्सी"
It is realy comfortable to sit on a sun lounger at the beach.

"sun roof","N","1.मोटर गाडई का एक किस्सा"
Open the sun roof. Let some sunlight and air in.

"sun up","N","1.सूर्योदय"
It is beautiful to see sun up at hill station.

"sun worshipper","N","1.सूर्योपासक"
We can see many sun-तोर्स्हिप्पेर् lying on the beach.

"sun bathe","N","1.धूप स्नान"
Usually we can see Brazillians lying in the sun and taking sunbathe.

A single sunbeam has hit up whole room.

"sunbed","N","1.मुडने वाली कुर्सी"
Lie on the sunbed and support your back.

"sun burn","N","1.धूप ताम्रता"
Her face has been discolored because of sun-बुर्न्.

"sun block","N","1."
You should use a effective sun block.

"sundae","N","1.फलमिश्रित आइस्-क्रीम"
Feeling hungry, have a sundae.

Its Sunday, that means we are going to have lots of fun today.

"sunday school","N","1.रविवारकेदिनलगनेवालास्कूल"
She attends sunday school to increase her qualifications.

Today sundials have been replaced by wrist watches and alarm clocks.

Return to home before the son down.

The expenses include Rs.100 for sundries.

"sun flower","N","1.सूर्यमुखी"
I have sun flower is my garden. It really looks beautiful.

She sung so beautiful yesterday that everyone was enchanted by her melodious voice.

The squa divers had discovered a sunker ship on Friday.

When I opened the window, sunlight spread all over my room.

"sunlit","Adj","1.सूर्य की रोशनी द्वारा प्रकाशित"
All bright colour flowers were there in that garden, It seems like a sunlight garden.

Make haste to see the sunrise.

It you have rashes, sun screen lotion can be helpful.

Dusk is known as sunset.

"sun shade","N","1.छाता"
We use a sun shade to protect ourselves from harmful sun rays.

Sunspot cuases electrical disturbance and interferes in video signals.

"sun stroke","N","1.धूप आघात"
She is suffering from sun stroke.

"sun-tan","N","1.धूप ताम्रता"
Get a good suntan oil.

"sun trap","N","1."
This garden is real sun trap.

The sat supping their evening tea.

"super","Adj","1.बहुत बडआ"
The movie was a super hit.
Here is a super storage of food grains.

"super","N","1.एक पुलीस अधिकारी"
We salute our new superintendent of police.

"super abundant","N","1.अत्यधिक"
Here is a superabundance of energy.

All retired people get superannuated from government.

Steffigraph is superb tennis player.

"super charged","Adj","1.जयादा ताकत वाला"
It is a 8 cylinder supercharged car.

She is supercilious person and cant bear anyone elses superiority.

"super computer","N","1.एक शक्तिशाली कम्प्यूटर"
A super computer can perform many tasks at a time.

"super conductivity","N","1."
Copper has super conductivity.


The burns are all superficial, so do not worry.

We should avoid superfluity in our conversation.

Mother gave away superfluous vegetables as she had prepared too much.

"superfluously","Adv","1.अत्यधिकता से"
She should not spend our money superfluously.

"superglue","N","1.एक प्रकार का शक्तिशाली गोंद"
I repaired my copies using superglue.

"super grass","N","1.पुलीस का खबरी"
The criminal was caught by the help of supergrass.

People considered gandhiji to have superhuman power.

"superimpose","V","1.अध्यारोपित करना"
The company superimposed into trade mark upon all the products.

"superintend","V","1.पर्यवेक्षण करना"
The head girl superintended all the cultural programmes.

The principal appriciated the superintendence of the teachers.

"superintendent","N","1.एक पुलीस अधिकारी"
Mr. John is a superintendent.

A captain is superior to a lieutenant in the army.
The quality of wheat from the northern region is superior.

"superior","N","1.बडए लोग"
Be respectful to your superior.

The New party proved its superiority over the old one.

"superiority complex","N","1.श्रेष्टता मनोग्रन्थि"
One should not have superiority complex.

Nancy gave the superlative answers in the class.

These fruits are of superlative quality.

"superlatively","Adv","1.सर्वोत्तम रूप से"
She did her work superlatively.

Superman is a superficial man.

All products are available in supermarket.

ghosts are सुस्पेनटुरल् creatures.

We should never believe in supernatural things.

"supernaturally","Adv","1.अलौकिक रीति से"
Things that occur supernaturally can not be explained.

"supernova","N","1.अधिनोवाएक प्रकार का तारा जो विस्फोट होने के कारण चमकता है"
Sometimes we can see supernova in the sky.

In this hospital the nursing staff is supernuerary.

"superpower","N","1.अलौकिक शक्ति"
They believe in the superpower of their god.

"supersede","V","1.दूसरे का अधिकार ले लेना"
He was superseded by his junior.
Human can not bear supersonic sounds.

"superstar","N","1.प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति"
He invited all the superstar in his party.

There is a superstition, which makes some people afraid of walking under a ladder.

John is superstitious, he believes everything that a magician tells him.

"superstitiously","Adv","1.अन्धविश्वास से"
One who does something superstitiously will have to repent.

My mother prefers to buy all the things from the superstore.

Human institutions and ideas are a superstructure built on economic reality.

"supertanker","N","1.समान उठाने केलिए एक बडआ जaZहाजaZ"
Heavy goods are transported by a supertanker.

"supervene","V","1.बीच में आ पडaZना"
She was working well unless illness supervened.

"supervise","V","1.पर्यवेक्षणा करना"
He supervised the building work.

Some people can not be trusted to work without supervision.

They must have a supervisor to keep them working properly.

You can do this excercise in a supine position.

When I asked her about her studies she replied supinely.

"supper","N","1.रात्रि भोजन"
For supper we take same light eatables and drinks.

"supplant","V","1.स्थान या पद ग्रहण करना"
Computers will never completely supplant books.

Moisturizing cream keeps your skin soft and supple.

The freelance design work provides a useful supplement to my ordinary income.

"supplement","V","1.परिपूर्ण करना"
A diet supplemented with Vitamin tablet.

"supplementary","Adj","1.बाद का/जुडआ हुआ"
In exams we take supplementary copies.

"supplicate","V","1.प्रार्थना करना"
Oh! God I supplicant you please forgive her.

Every morning we go for supplication in the temple.

"supply","V","1.सप्लाई करना"
The baker supplied us bread.

The supply of blood to the heart should be good.

"support","V","1.सहारा देना"
He supported his friend in his difficulties.
--"२.भरण पोषण करना"
He supported his family.

He was their only means of support.

He concluded its supporters to be helpers.

She was very supportive during my fathers illness.

"suppose","V","1.मान लेना"
What makes you support Iam against it.

This article is based on suposition.

"suppress","V","1.दबाना/दमन करना"
Suppress your fear and go on with your work.

"suppresant","N","1.दबानेवाला वस्तु"
The chemical is believed to be an appetite suppresant.

The shape of the ball changed because of suppresion.

The wounds suppurate.

He filed a petition for his case in the Supreme Court.

"supremo","N","1.बडआ अफसर"
I got a meeting with the office supremo Mr. Amar Prakash.

In our country every tax has a surcharge.

I am sure that Neha will pass in the examination.

"surely","Adv","1.निश्चित रूप से"
He must surely have known you were sad.

By paying surety sethji helped the criminal to come out form the jail.

"surf","N","1.तट की समुद्री लेहरें"
The surf took away the two boys from the beach.

"surface","N","1.ऊपरी तल"
The surface of land is fertile.

"surfboard","N","1.तख्तासमुद्री फएन पर चलने वाला"
I brought a new surfboard from the market.

We should not eat in surfeit.

Cricket fans surged into the stadium.

"surgeon","N","1.शल्य चिकित्सक"
I went to the surgeon yesterday.

"surgery","N","1.शल्य चिकित्सा"
My father has a fair knowledge of surgery.

"surgical","Adj","1.शल्य चिकित्सा सम्बन्धी"
Doctors use surgical gloves for operating.

She has a surly nature.

"surmise","V","1.अंदाजआ लगाना"
We can only surmise the reason for his delay.

This is a pure surmise on my part.

"surmount","V","1.विजय पाना या पार करना"
She has to surmount this economic crisis.

"surmountable","Adj","1.जीतने योग्य"
Small problems of life should be easily surmountable.

"surname","N","1.कुल नाम"
Everyone has surname along with the"N","मे.

"surpass","V","1.आगे निकल जआना"
Geetika worked so hard that she surpassed Neha.

There is a scenery of surpassing beauty.

"surplice","N","1.ढईला श्वेत चोला"
I saw a priests wearing surplice.

After flood help was givin from surplus area to affected areas.

Farmers store the grains so that it should be surplus.

Oh! what a surprise its a fairy.

"surprise","V","1.आश्चर्यचकित करना"
He surprised everyone by his behaviour at the party.

Tajmahal is very surprising.

Ghosts sprits are mainly surreal.

Surrealism tries to express what is hidden in the mind by showing objects and events as seen in dreams.

He is a surrealist painter.


"surrender","V","1.आत्मसमर्पण करना"
We shall never surrender.

He signed a treaty of surrender.

He has left the surreptitious job.

Some people do their job surreptitiously.

She looked upon them as a surrogate family when her real parents were killed.

"surround","V","1.चारों ओर से घेरना"
Police had surrounded the criminals house.

A fire place with a tiled surround.

"surrounding","Adj","1.आस-पास का"
From the roof of my house I can see the whole town and the surrounding towns and villages.

One should prefer to live in a peace surroundings.

"surtax","N","1.अतिरिक्त कर"
Early times some kings take surtax from the people.

Police are keeping surveillance of president house.

A quick survey of the street showed that no one was about.

"survey","V","1.जाचना/निरीक्षण करना"
Police had surveyed the person whom she thinks theif.
--"२.सर्वेक्षण करना"
The minister did an areal survey of the city.

He is a chartered surveyor.

Here is a story about the miraculous survival of some people in the air crash.

"survive","V","1.जीवित रहना"
From the six deers in the jungle when they were hunted, only one survived.

Government is sending help to the survivors of earth quake.

He took the advantage of her susceptibility.

Children are more susceptible to some diseases than adults.
He is a man who has susceptible nature.

"sushi","N","1.जापानी भोजन"
I eat sushi in her marriage.

"suspect","Adj","1.सन्देहयुक्त मनुष्य"
Two suspects ran away after seeing the police.

"suspect","V","1.सन्देह करना"
Police suspects the Ram when he was seen with the robberers.

He was suspended from his job for misconduct towards his superior.
Police had suspended the case.

"suspended animation","N","1.जीवितकिन्तुनिष्क्रिय"


"suspender belt","N","1.गेलिस"

A hook in the wall is the suspender of clothes.

I read a story which is full of suspense.

"suspension","N","1.थोडए समय के लिये रुकावट"
The suspension of kidnapping case.

He was arrested on suspicious of stealing car.

"suspicious","Adj","1.सन्देह जनक"
Im suspicious about you.

"suss","V","1.कुछ खोज निकालना"
I think I have got it sussed.

"sustain","V","1.जीवित रखना"
Water sustains life.
--"२.निर्वाह करना"
The author is to sustain his arguement throughout the chapter.

There is not much sustanance in a glass of lemonade.


She has svelte body.

Nurses use the swabs to clean the wounds.

She sat by the fire, swaddled in a blanket.


"swagger","V","1.इठलाना/ऎंठकर चलना"
He swaggered with into the room looking very pleased with himself.

Mostly in movies the swains are handsome.

Snakes swallow their pray.
--"२.आख मूदकर विश्वास करना"
He flatters her outrageously, and she swallows it whole.
The air craft was swallowed in the clouds.
--"४.समाप्त करना"
The cost of the trail swallowed up all their savings.

A lone swallow sat on the tree stump.

I swam acroos the river and reached the other bank successfully.

I saw a swami under the tree.

She slipped in the swamp.

It is believed that swan can divide water and milk easily.

"swansong","N","1.अंतिम कृति"
This is my swansong.

"swap","V","1.अदल-बदल करना"
Does anybody want to swap with me.


"swarm","V","1.झुंड बनाकर घूमना"
The bees are swarming around the bee-hive.
--"२.बडई संख्या में एकत्रित हो जाना"
This market is swarming with people.

I dont like swarthy people.

"swashbuckling","Adj","1.रोमांचक और उत्साहपूर्ण"
My journey was full of swashbuckling .

Put swastika mark on the main door.

I swatted him with all my power.

"swatch","N","1.कपडएUna का नमूना"
You can test by using this swatch.

A swathe of daffodils.

Thick bandages swathed his head.

The trees are swaying in the wind.
--"२.प्रभावित करना"
He refused to be swayed by her arguement.

"swear","V","1.गाली बकना"
She bumped her head in the door way and swore loudly.
--"२.शपथ लेना"
Soldiers swear by the nations safety while joining the army.

"sweat band","N","1.पसीने को सुखाने केलिये बाधा गया कपडआ"
She was sweating so much so that she tied sweat band on her head.

"sweat shirt","N","1.जैकेट"
She was looking smart after wearing sweat-shirt.

"sweat off","V","1.वजन घटाना"
The fat persons usually sweat the fat off by doing excercises.

After playing sweat will be seen on every bodys face.

"sweat","V","1.पसीना निकलना"
When I saw the exam paper I start sweating.

We used to wear sweater in winters.

"sweatshop","N","1.मजदूरों की जगह"
Sweat shop give a piece to the labour.

She was sweaty due to the running.

"swede","N","1.एक तरफ की सब्जी"
I like swedes.


"sweep","V","1.सफआई करना"
I use to sweep my cycle everyday.

The sweeper of our colony is not coming since 4 days.
--"२.फुट बाल का एक खिलाडई"
My brother participated in the football as a sweeper.

Teacher has sweeping power on children.

Sweeping the home is the best work for a lady.

There are people who waste money on sweepstake.

Grapes are sweet at this time of the year.
She has a sweet voice.
The garden air was sweet with the scent of tube roses.
Once you enter the countryside, you can smell the pollution free sweet air.

They distributed sweets on this festive occassion.

"sweet and sour","Adj","1.खट्टा-मीठा"
Every one like sweet and sour toffees.

"sweet bread","N","1.बछडए का एक अंग जो खाया जाता है"
The sweet bread of calf is liked by the non-vegetarian.

"sweet corn","N","1.मीठी-मकई"
I like to eat sweet corn.

"sweet heart","N","1.प्रेमी/प्रेमिका"
She likes her sweet heart very much.

"sweet pea","N","1.रंग-बिरंगे फूलों वाला पौधा"
That garden is full of sweet pea.

We observe sweet fragrance every where in spring season.

Small kids always like sweet.

"sweeten","V","1.मधुर बनाना"
Milk sweetened with a little sugar.

"sweetie","N","1.प्यार से"
Every one should talk in a sweetie manner with small kids.

We should not eat too much sweetish things.

"sweetly","Adj","1.अच्छे ढंग से"
The train was going sweetly.

The toffee which I ate yesterday was filled with sweetness.

His eyes swelled with tears.

His legs got swelled.
The group of onlookers soon swelled to a crowd.
--"३.फूल जाना"
Her heart swelled with pride at his achievement.

Wasp things cause swelling and sharp pain.

"swelter","V","1.औंसना/उमस होना"
The country is sweltering by the sun rays.

The airoplane swerved suddenly to avoid the other aeroplane.

He gave a swift response to my question.

"swift","N","1.बतासीएक पक्षी"
Swift can fly with rapid curving movements.

"swig","V","1.गटागट पी जाना"
Swig down this one spoon of medicine.

I like to swim.

Early morning he had a swim in the lake

He likes swimming as a sport.

"swimming bath","N","1.तैरना"

"swimminm costume","N","1.तैरने की पोशाक"
Swimming costume is necessary for swimming.

"swimming pool","N","1.तैरने का तालाब"
Many hotels have swimming pool for tourists.

"swimming trunks","N","1.पुरुषों की तैरने की पोशाक"
Mahesh have swimming trunks for swimming.

"swimmingly","Adj","1.आसानी से"
Marriages can survive only when both the partners get along swimmingly.

"swim-suit","N","1.तैरने की पोशाक"
Swimsuit is essential for swimming.

"swimwear","N","1.तैरने की पोशाक"
Swimwear is essential for swimming.

"swindle","V","1.धोखा देना"
Ram was swindled by the insurance company.


He was s swindler.

Swines always live in group.

Most of the people swing their arms while walking.
--"२.झूमते हुए चलना"
The riders swung past us and away into the distance.
A car swung sharply round the corner.

Girls walk with slight swing.
The children are playing on the swings.


"swing door","N","1.अपने आप बन्द होने वाला दर्वाजआ"
Swingdoors are essential for maintaining salience.

"swing wing","N","1.हवाई जहाज का पंख"
It is a swing wing bomber.

Swingeing taxes discourage the saving.

"swipe","V","1.जओर से अन्धाधुन्ध मारना"
He swiped at the ball and missed.

"swipe","N","1.अन्धाधुन्ध मार"
Basketball required quick swipes.
Whoस् स्तिपेड् म्य् टोओट्ह्ब्रुस्ह्?

"swirl","V","1.चक्कर खाते हुए उडना"
The dust is swirling in the streets.

Dancers spinning round in a swirl of bright colours.

Dogs swish their tail when they see their masters.

The dog gave a swish of its tail.

Super bazars are always swish.

He is a swiss soldier.

"swiss","N","1.स्विट्जर्लैंड का निवासी"
He is a swiss.

"swiss roll","N","1.एक प्रकार की मीठा केक"
My brother likes swiss roll very much.

"switch","V","1.स्विच दबाना"
I asked him to switch on the light.
--"२.अचानक बदलना"
Agriculture is switched to modern method from traditional method.

"switch blade","N","1."

"switched on","Adj","1.जागरूक होना"
Journalist are always switched on to the happening.

A switchback ride of a camel is very adventurous.

He swiveled in his chair.

There are many switchboards on the power house.

He sat there with a swollen face.

"swollen","Adj","1.सूजा हुआ"
He could not write with his swollen finger.

"swoon","V","1.बेहोश हो जाना"
She swooned when she heard about her failure in the exam.

"swoop","V","1.झपटना/झपट्टा मारना"
Cat swooped over the rat.

Police made a dawn swoop.

"swop","V","1.के बदले में देना"

Sword is a weapon which was used in battles in early times.

"sword dance","N","1.दो तलवारों के बीच नाचना"
He is skilled in Sword dance.

"swordfish","N","1.तेगा मछली"
We can see sword fish in the sea.

He is practising sword play.

He is a good swordsman.

Swordsmanship is important for a swordsman.

He gave a sworn statement.

"swot","V","1.कठिन परिश्रम करना"
He is swotting for his board exams.

"swot","N","1.कठिन परिश्रम"

Many people like sybaritic life.

The wood of the sycomore is valuable.

He is a habitual sycophant.

Use of wrong syllable gives us wrong word.

Class XII syllabus is very vast.

,Man is mortal, Ram is a man, therefore he is mortal is a syllogism.

The arguement is syllogistic.

"sylphlike","Adj","1.परी-जैसा/पतला और सुन्दर"
Models has sylphlike figure.

There is lot of sylvan in Africa.

The bacterias are living in symbiosis with the leguminous plants.

There is a symbiotic relationship between man and the natural environment.

White colour is a symbol of purity and serenity.
Mg is the chemical symbol for magnesium.

The two ambassodors shook hands as a symbolic gesture of having resolved their differences.

"symbolically","Adv","1.लाक्षणिक रूप से"
Joseph explained symnbolically, the theory of gravity.

Writers used symbolism to enhance the beauty of literature.

John keats was a symbolist poet.

"symbolise","V","1.प्रतीक द्वारा प्रस्तुत करना"
Mahatma Gandhi symbolised Indias struggle for freedom.

There was perfect symmetry of the two flower arrangement kept on either side of the table.
The symmetry of her face was spoiled by a long and deep scar on her forehead.

The legs of the table are not symmetrical.

"symmetrically","Adv","1.सन्तुलित रूप से"
Her evening gown was symmetrically decorated.

He was very sympathetic on the demise of her mother.
Mahesh wept bitterly when his dear friend met an accident. It shows his sympathetic nature.
The devastation caused by earthquake was very sympathetic.

Meetas sympathy for me on the loss of my pet dog gave me consolation.
A feeling (bond) of sympathy developed between the friends during their school days which continued throughout their life.

"sympathize","V","1.सहानुभूति रखना"
I fully sympathize with her, I had a similar experience myself.
--"२.से सहमत होना"
He doesnt sympathise with her plans to start a small business.

Murali is a communist sympathiser.

The orchestra at the night club was a symphony orchestra.

"symphonic","Adj","1.स्वरसंगति का या जैसा"
The works of Pandit Ravi Shankar are very symphonic.

"symposium","N","1.विचार गोष्ठी/संगोष्ठी"
The symposium on the problem of increasing population in the country was held in the university on the world population day.
--"२.निबन्ध संग्रह"
The students of the school are asked to contribute to a symposium on the poverty and corruption prevailing in the country.

The sudden decrease in the body weight is a sure symptom of some disease.
The industrialists should not ignore the symptoms of discontent among the workers of the industry.

Headache may be symptomatic of brain cancer.

"synagogue","N","1.यहूदी सभाघर या प्रार्थना भवन"
There is calmness and serenity inside a synagogue.

The synapse is a connection between two nerve cells in a human body.

The sound of the movie is not in sync with the picture.

"synchromesh","N","1.वाहन का एक भाग जिससे वाहन निर्विघ्न रूप से चलता है"
The synchromesh of jacks car doesnt function properly.

"synchronize","V","1.समकालिक होना"
Please synchronize all the clocks in the house.

The synchronization of the four wheels of the car is essential.

She was utterly confused by the synchronous events in her life.

A jazz plays syncopated rythms.

Now a days syncopation is quite normal in modern music.

The trade unions in the country support syndicalism.

Lenin was a syndicalist.

"syndicate","N","1.व्यवसाय संघ/अभिषद"
The various software industries in the countries formed a syndicate.

"syndicate","V","1.प्रकाशन हेतु संघ बनाना"
His articles and strip cartoons are syndicated throughout the country.

"syndication","N","1.संघ द्वारा प्रकाशन"
The syndication of the periodicals was successful.

Harrys fear for closed room was a syndrome of his being claustrophobic.

"syndrome","N","1.परिस्थिति का लक्षण"
Corruption and poverty are parts of the political @& social syndrome.

Synergy is the key to success of Joseph and John.

The synod of the church of England decided against giving mercy to the atheist who mocked at christanity.

Royal and regal are synonyms.

Ambition is synonymous with aspiration.

Isabel is submitted the synopsis of her thesis.

The paragraph given at the end of this story are synoptic of the actual story.

"syntax","N","1.वाक्य रचना"
It is essential to study syntax in order to learn a new language efficiently.

A syntactic controversy started between the Hindi and Sanskrit professors.

His poems are a synthesis of modern and traditional"V","लुएस्.

"synthesize","V","1.संश्लेषण करना"
She designed a new dress by synthesizing the traditional look of India and western fashions.


The synthetic silk is giving a tough competition to natural silk as it is more durable.

The honesty and frendliness of the shopkeeper was synthetic.

"syphilis","N","1.संक्रमित रोग/गरमी/उपदंश"
Bob is suffering from syphilis.

Syringes are used for injecting medicines in the body of a sick person.

"syringe","V","1.पिचकारी से साफ करना"
The doctor syringes the wound of the patient.

The tinned pineapple in syrup is a favourite food of small children.

"syrupy","Adj","1.चाशनी जैसा"
Heat the sweet milk till it is thick and syrupy.
His music was melodius and syrupy.

The railway system of the country is properly & efficiently laid out.
The alcohol is spoiling your system.
India has a democratic system of Govt.
One must accept the traditional system.

Rahul is very systematic in his studies.
A systematic attempt to assassinate the president of the country was made by the terrorists.

Some one systematically tried to damage the reputation of the company by giving this bogus advertisement in the newspaper.

"systematize","V","1.सुव्यवस्थित करना"
He made an effort to systematize the books which were scattered in the room.

If you work without systematization, you cannot hope to get good results.

His systemic blood pressure was very high.

Systemically it was proved, that in his case cancer was in the last stage and therefore incurable.

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