Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : I

कपिल एक"hauteur"स्वभाव का व्यक्ति है.

"have","V","1.पास होना"
I have a computer

काण्डला के"haven"पर आयात का तेल खाली किया जाता है

पर्वतारोही अपना सामान"haversack"में रख कर पर्वतारोहण करते हैं.

"have to","V","1.संबन्ध रखना"
I have to attend the party

आसाम में बाढ से भयंकर"havoc "हुआ है.

"haw","N","1.लाल नागफनी/बताना"
,haw के फल रसदार होते हैं.

भगवान विष्णु का वाहन"hawk"होता है.

हिटलर यूरोप के समीपवर्ती देशों में"hawkish"व्यवहार की.

"hawk eyed","Adj","1.तीक्षणदृष्टि"
सुभाषचंद्र बोस एक"hawk eyed" व्यक्ति थे.

"hawk","V","1.फेरी लगाकर माल बेचना"
वह सब्जीवाला"hawk"लगाकर सब्जी बेचता है.

उस hawker को बुलाओ.

"hawser","N","1.जहाज को खींचने का मोटा तार"
,Hawser जहाज में प्रयोग किया जाता है.

hawthorn के फल लाल रंग के होते हैं.

"hay","N","1.सूखी घास"
,hay पशुओं के खाने के काम आती है.

"hay fever","N","1.परागज ज्वर"
,hay feverएक प्रकार का संक्रामक रोग है.

"hay making","N","1.कटी घास को सुखानेके लिये फैलाने का तरीका"
लोग"hay making"काम में लगें हैं.

"haystack","N","1.घास-भूसे का ढेर"
,Haystack में आग लग गई.


शराब पीना स्वास्थ्य के लिये"hazard"की घंटी है.

पर्वतारोहण का कार्य"hazardous" है.

,haze के कारण वह कोई फैसला नहीं कर सका.

"haze","V","1.परेशान करना"
कालेज में नये विद्यार्थी को पुराने विद्यार्थी"haze"करते हैं

"hazel","N","1.पिंघल वृक्ष"
,hazelसे फल प्राप्त होते है.

"hazelnut","N","1.पिंगल फल"
,hazelnutअफगानिस्तान में पैदा होती है.

"hazy","Adj","1.धुंध से भरा"
Things looked hazy due to fog.

"hazily","Adv","1.धुधलापन से"
,hazily दिखाई देने के कारण कई वाहन आपस में टकरा गये.

He is a greedy man.

"he-man","N","1.एक बलिष्ठ व्यक्ति"
दारासिंह भारत का"he man"है.

उसकी "head" पर चोट लगी है.

हिपोपोटोमस बडा"headed" जानवर है.

"headless","Adj","1.बिना नेता का"
,headless भीड ने कारखाने में आग लगा दी.

"head butt","N","1.सिर से जोर से मारना"
अन्य लडकों को"head butt"करने के कारण राजू को कक्षा से निकाल दिया.

"head dress","N","1.शिरोवस्त्र"
उसका" head dress"बहुत सुन्दर दिखाई दे रहा था.

"head hunter","N","1.भर्ती कराने वाला कार्यकर्ता"
वह"head hunter" का काम करता है

"head of state","N","1.राज प्रमुख"
जीवाजीराव सिन्धीया म.भा. के राज प्रमुख थे.

"head on","Adj","1.आमने सामने"
रेलगाडई के"head on"टक्कर में सैकडओं यात्री मारे गए.

"head to head","Adj","1.विवादित विषय का मुकाबला"

"head wind","N","1.अनुकूल हवा"
,head wind चलने के कारण नाविकों को केलिपोत चलाना आसान है.

"headache","N","1.सिर दर्द"
,headacheहोने पर अधिक गोली खाना हानिप्रद है.

"head band","N","1.सिरबंध"
दुल्हे के साफे पर"head band"बाधते हैं.

"head board","N","1.पलंग का सिरहाने की तख्ता"
बढई"head board" को ठीक कर रहा है.

"head count","N","1.गिनने का ढंग"

"header","N","1.सिर के बल जलाशय में कूदना"
वह अपने विद्यालय का"header"का चेम्पीयन रह चुका है.

"headgear","N","1.सिर की टोपी"
मोटर साइकिल चलाते समय"headgear" पहनना अनिवार्य है.

कल के समाचार का"heading"क्या रहेगा.

"headlamp","N","1.हेडलैंपvAHanoM kA agradIpa"
कार की"headlamp"नहीं जल रही थी.

आदिवासियों को सरकार ने"headland"दिये गये.

"headlight","N","1.इंजन/कार आदि में आगे की रोशनी"
रात में इंजिन की"headlight" जलना जरूरी है.

आज के सम्पादकीय की"headline"स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर है.

"headlines","N","1.मुख्य समाचार"
दूरदर्शन पर पहले"headlines"सुनाये जाते हैं.

"headlong","Adv","1.बडई तेजी से"
मोहित दौड कर"headlong"जलाशय में कूद पडआ.

मोहरसिंह डाकू दल का"headman" था.

हमारे"headmaster"अगले माह सेवा निवृत्त हो रहें हैं.

विद्यालय की नई"headmistress"का नाम श्रीमती सुमन है.

"headphones","N","1.कान में सुनने का यंत्र"
टेलिफोन आपरेटर कान में"headphone"लगा कर काम करते हैं.

तीनों सेनाओं का"headquarters" राजधानी में है.

"headquartered","Adj","1.मुख्यालय का"
टाइम्स आफ इंडिया समूह का"headquartered"मुम्बई हो गया है.

चिकित्सक ने उसे"headrest" लगाना मना किया है.

ब्रिज के नीचे गाडी निकलने के लिए अधिक"headroom" नहीं है.

"headscarf","N","1.सिर पर बाधने का रुमाल"
धूप से बचने के लिये"headscarf"बाधना चाहिए.

"headset","N","1.सुनने के यन्त्रों का सेट"
सैनिक"headset" से खबर सुनते हैं.

स्वतंत्रता संग्राम गाधीजी के"headship"में लडआ गया था.

कब्रिस्तान में गडए व्यक्ति की कब्र पर उसके नाम का"headstone"गाडते है.

हिटलर एक"headstrong"तानाशाह था.

विद्यालय के"headteacher" की नियुक्ती इस माह हो जायगी.

"headwater","N","1.किसी नदी की सहायक नदिया"
गंगा की सैंकडओं नदिया"headwater"हैं.

ज्वार-भाटा के साथ साथ नाव"headway" कर रही है.

"headword","N","1.प्रमुख शब्द"
अध्यापक ने विद्यार्थियों से"headword"छाटने को कहा.

स्मेक पीना एक"heady"नशा है.

"heal","V","1.स्वस्थ होना"
उसके पैरों का घाव"heal"हो रहा है.

"healer","N","1.घाव भरने वाला"
यह मलहम"healer"का काम करता है.

,health ही धन है.

फलाहार"healthful" है

"healthcentre","N","1.स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र"
आजकल गावों में भी"health centre"खुल गये हैं.

"healthfarm","N","1.स्वास्थ्य सुधारने का स्थान"
आजकल लोग"healthfarm" में योग करते हैं.

"health food","N","1.स्वास्थ्यप्रद भोजन"
हमें"health food" ही खाना चाहिए.

"health service","N","1.स्वास्थ्य सेवा"
आजकल सरकारी अस्पतालों में"health service"ठीक नहीं है"

"health visitor","N","1.रोगियों को उनके घर जाकर देखने वाला"
गावों में हर सप्ताह"health visitor"जाता है.

,healthyरहने के लिये प्रातकाल वायु सेवन के लिये जाना चाहिये.

"healthily","Adv","1.आरोग्य से"
मनुष्य को"healthily" जीवनयापन हेतु संतुलित भोजन करना चाहिये.

नीरोग रहना"healthiness" का सूचक है.

घर के पास कूडे का"heap" पडा है.

"heap","V","1.ढेर लगाना"
खुले में कपास का"heap"लगाने से आग का खतरा रहता है.

"hear","V","1.सुनाई देना"
बहरे मनुष्य को"hear"नहीं देता,(सुनाई नहीं पडता)

"hearer","N","1.श्रोता/सुनने वाला"
उस क्रुध्द भीड में उसकी बात का"hearer"(सुनने वाला) कोई नहीं था.

"hearing","N","1.सुनने की शक्ति"
बम धमाके से उस बच्चे की"hearing"(श्रवण शक्ति)चली गई.
He has gone to the court for the hearing of his case.

"hearing aid","N","1.श्रवण यंत्र"
बहरे मनुष्य को सुनने हेतु"hearing aid"की जरूरत(श्रवण यंत्र)होती है.

"hearken","V","1.ध्यान से सुनना"
उस गरीब की बात को"hearken"कोई नहीं था.

भूत प्रेत होने की बातें"hearsay"आधारहीन बेबुनियाद है.

"hearse","N","1.शव वाहन"
महानगरों में श्मशान तक शव"hearse"द्वारा ले जाये जाते हैं.

उसका"heart" कमजोर है इसलिए उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती कियागया.

"hearted","Adj","1.भावनाओं का"
हरिश्चन्द्र दयालु"hearted" के थे.

मुस्लिम आतंकवादी"heartless"आदमी(निर्दयी) होते हैं

कश्मीर में आतंकवादियों ने"heartlessly"सैंकडओं लोगों को गोलियों से भून डाला.

रेलगाडई में बम विस्फोट करना उग्रवादियों का"heartlessness"काम है

"heart attack","N","1.दिल का दौरा"
,heart attackआना मनुष्य के लिये जान लेवा है.

"heart failure","N","1.ह्रदयगति का रुकना"
मोटे शरीर वालों का"heart failure"अधिक होता है.

"heart rending","Adj","1.ह्रदयविदारक"
गाइसल रेल दुर्घटना का द्दश्य"heart rending" था.

"heart-stopping","Adj","1.दिल थामने वाला"
फुटबाल विश्व कप"heart stopping"मेच था.

"heart to heart","N","1.दिल ही दिल में"
जब दो महान् व्यक्ति मिलते हैं वे"heart to heart"बातें करते हैं.

"heart warming","Adj","1.सुखद"
वह"heart warming" अनुभवों को बता रहा था.

"heartache","N","1.गहन खिन्नता"
उसने"heartache"पूर्वक शहर छोडने का निश्चय किया.

"heartbeat","N","1.दिल की धडकन"
घायल आदमी की"heartbeat"धीरे-धीरे चल रही थी.

परीक्षा में अनुत्तीर्ण होना उसके लिए"heartbreak"था

बच्चों को जिन्दा जलाने की घटना"heartbreaking"(ह्रदयविदारक)थी.

वह एक"heartbroken" व्यक्ति है.

तिष्यरक्षिता ने"heartburn"वश कुणाल की आखे फुडवा दी थी.

"hearten","V","1.हिम्मत बढआना"
उसने कठिनाइयों के समय अपने मित्र को"hearten"किया

पदोन्नति उसके लिए"heartening" था.

अपने मित्र के विवाह पर उसने उसे"heartfelt"शुभकामनाए भेजी.

गावों में लोग"hearth"पर खाना बनाते हैं.

"hearthrug","N","1.आग के पास बैठने का कंबल"
शीत लहर में"hearthrug" अति आरामदायक है.

मुसीबत में परिवार के लोग"heartily"एक दूसरे का साथ देते हैं.

"heartland","N","1.केंद्रीय स्थल"
जर्मनी के औद्योगिक"heartland" में अधिक लोग रहते हैं

उसके प्रति"heartstring"होने के कारण उसे देख कर उसकी आखे भर आई.

"heartthrob","N","1.दिल की धडकन"

वह अथितियों का"hearty" स्वागत किया.

प्रशिक्षक ने खिलाडी को जीतने पर"heartiness"बधाई दी.

पानी एक सौ से.गे."heat"पर (गरमीपर)उबलने लगता है.

"heat","V","1.गरम करना"
लोहा"heat"करने पर लाल हो जाता है.

संसद में"heated"बहस हो चुकी है.

सानिया"heatedly" किसी से बात नहीं की.

"heater","N","1.पानी या कमरे को गरम करने वाला यंत्र"
ठंडे देशों में कमरा गरम रखने हेतु"heater"जलाया जाता है.

"heating","N","1.गरम करने की पद्धति"
शीत लहर के दिनों में"heating" अच्छा रहता है.

"heath","N","1.झाडइयों से भरा भूखंड"
भारत में जमीन का बहुत सा भाग"heath"पडआ है.

आर्यसमाजी"heathen" होते हैं.

"heather","N","1.फूलों वाली झाडई"
कुछ छोटे पौधों की"heather"सदाबहार (झाडइया)होती हैं.

"heath Robinson","Adj","1.बिना काम करने वाले पेचीदा मशीन"
मुझे नहीं पता कि यह"heath Robinson" अजीबोगरीब मशीन कैसे काम करता है.

"heatstroke","Adj","1.लू लगना"
तेज गर्मी से मनुष्य को"heatstroke"लग जाती(लू लग जाती) है.

"heatwave","N","1.गर्म हवा"
गर्मियों में"heatwave"के कारण लू लगने से कई लोग मर जाते हैं.

"heave","V","1.जोर लगाकर उठाना"
खिलाडईने फुटबाल को किक से हवा में"heave"किया.

उपग्रह को अंतरिक्ष में राकेट द्वारा"heave"किया.

युध्द में मरने वाला"heaven" प्राप्त करता है.

"heavenward","Adv","1.स्वर्ग की ओर"

दूरबीन से आकाशगंगा देखने पर"heavenly"अनुभूति होती है.

एक हमाल सौ किलो"heavy"बोरा पीठ पर उठा लेता है.

The bundle hung heavily on his back.
The player was heavily handicapped.

"heavy duty","Adj","1.मजबूत बनी हुई"
गुडइयर टायर"heavy duty"होने के कारण अधिक चलती है.

"heavy handed","Adj","1.भद्दा"
बाक्सर मोहम्मद अली"heavy handed"स्वभाव का आदमी है.

"heavy hearted","Adj","1.दुखी"
,heavy heartedआदमी अपने जीवन में प्रसन्नता अनुभव नहीं कर सकता.

"heavy industry","N","1.भारी उद्योग"
देश में सार्वजनिक"heavy industry "घाटे में चल रहें हैं.

"heavy metal","N","1.मजबूत धातु"
विजयंत टेंक"heavy metal"से बनाया जाता है.

"heavyweight","N","1.सामान्य से अधिक मोटा आदमी"
टायसन एक"heavy weight"बाक्सर (अधिक भार वाला मुक्केबाज) है.

इसराइल"hebraic"लोगों(यहूदी) का देश है.

यहूदियों की मातृभाषा"hebrew"भाषा है.

"heck","N","1.झल्लाहट की अभिव्यक्ति"
गाडई लेट हो जाने के कारण उसके चेहरे से"heck" हो रही थी.

"heckle","V","1.बीच बीच मेंpraSnoM se टोकना"
पत्रकार वार्ता में नेताजी को"heckle"कर दिया.

"heckler","N","1.प्रश्न पूछने वाला"
साक्षात्कार में heckler"वाले ने कई प्रश्न पूछे.

"hectare","N","1.खेत का नाप १०००० व.मी"
बाढ के कारण लाखों"hectare"फसल नष्ट हो गई.

"hectic","Adj","1.चहल-पहल भरा"
शादी के दिन"hectic"वातावरण था.

अपहर्ता सदा व्यापारी को"hector" करता रहा.

गडरिये अपनी भेडओं को रात में"hedge"बंद करके रखते हैं.

"hedging","V","1.बाड लगाना"
खेत के चारों तरफ काटों से"hedging" हैं.

,hedgehog एक जानवर है

"hedgerow","N","1.झाडइयों की पंक्ति"
स्टालिन अपने विरोधियों को"hedgerow"में रखता था.

यूरोपियन लोग"hedonist"प्रकृति के(आनंदजीवी) होते है.

भौतिकवादी विचार वाले"hedonistic"होते हैं.

"heeble-jeebies","N","1.घबराहट और विषाद"
वह छात्र"heeble-jeebies" सा था.

"heed","V","1.ध्यान देना"
उसने अपने गुरु की सीख की ओर"heed"नहीं दिया.

डाक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार उसने दवाई खाने में"heed"रखी.

वह अपने कार्य के प्रति हमेशा"heedful"रहता है.

एक"heedless"व्यक्ति जीवन में हमेशा ठोकर खाता है.

"heedlessly","Adv","1.असावधानी से"
वाहन चलाते समय"heedlessly"नहीं(असावधानी)रखना चाहिये.

गधा"hee-haw"की आवाज से रेंकता है.

"heel","V","1.एक ओर झुकना"
नाव में वजन असंतुलित होने से वह"heel"हो जाती है

गर्भवती महिलाओं को ऊची"heel" की चप्पल नहीं पहनना चाहिये.

हवाई यात्रा में"hefty"सामान नहीं लेना चाहिये.

"heftily","Adv","1.ह्रष्ट पुष्टतासे"
वह पहलवान"heftily" कुश्ती लड रहा है.

दूसरा विश्व युध्द मित्र देशों के"hegemony"में (नेतृत्व) लडआ गया था.

गाय की छोटी"heifer"दिखने में (बछिया)सुन्दर लगती है.

दुनिया का सबसे ऊचा आदमी"height"में पाकिस्तान मे है.

"heighten","V","1.बढआ देना"
औरतों की सुंदरता में गहने"heighten" करते हैं.

पाकिस्तान ने युध्द बंदियों की हत्या करके एक"heinous"कार्य किया है.

"heinously","Adv","1.नृशंसता से"
बोडो उग्रवादियों ने" heinously"कई गाव जला दिये.

नीच व्यक्ति कभी भी अपनी" heinousness"नहीं छोडता.

शाह हसन ने अपने बेटे को अपना"heir"घोषित किया है.

राजकुमारी डायना को"heiress"पद से वंचित कर दिया गया था.

"heirloom","N","1.पैतृक सम्पत्ति"
अपनी"heirloom"का अधिकार कोई नहीं छोडता.

नक्सलवादी ग्रामीणों के खेत में खलिहान"heist"(लूटते) रहते हैं

झटकों से बचने के लिये रेलडिब्बों में"helical"कमानी लगाई जाती है.

दुश्मन ने मिसाइल से"helicopter" मार गिराया.

"heliotrope","N","1.सुगन्धित बेंगनी वर्ण के पुष्प"
तालाब में"heliotrope" का फूल(सूर्यकमल)पैदा होता है.

"heliport","N","1.हेलिकोप्टर उतरने का स्थान"
हेलिकोप्टर उतरने के लिये बहुत कम स्थानपर" heliport"बनाया जा सकता है.

"helium","N","1.रंगहीन गेस"
खाने पीने की चीजों को ठण्डा रखने के लिये"helium"गेस काम आती है.

"helix","N","1.कुण्डलाकार पदार्थ"
बहुत सी औरतें अपने कानों में"helix"रूपी गहना पहनती हैं.

अपनी मृत्यु के बाद पाडवों को कुछ समय के लिये"hell" की (नरकयातना) भोगनी पडई थी.

मनुष्य अपने कुकर्मों के कारण"hellish"यातनाए (नारकीय)भोगता है.

वह मरने मारने पर"hell bent"था.

"hell-hole","N","1.बुरा स्थान"
वह होटल"hell-hole" स्थान पर है.

चंद्रगुप्त ने"hellene"नामक लडकी से विवाह किया था.

सिकन्दर एक"hellenic"राजा था.

नाव चलाने के लिये"helm"का उपयोग किया जाता है.

एक कुशल"helmsman"अपनी नैया को तूफान से निकाल लाता है.

मोटर साइकिल चालकों को"helmet"पहनना चाहिये.

"helmeted","Adj","1.टोप धारण किये हुए"
,helmeted"मोटरसाइकिल चालक को दुर्घटना होने(टोप धारण किये होने) पर सिर में चोट नहीं लगती.

"help","V","1.सहायता करना"
कठिनाई के समय एक दूसरे की"help"करना चाहिये.

"helper","N","1.सहायता करनेवाला"
फिटर के साथ"helper"काम में (सहायता करनेवाला)रहता है.

"helping","N","1.एक समय में परोसे जाने वाले भोजन की मात्रा"
रेल्वे केन्टीन में"helping"भोजन ही मिलता है.

धनवानों को निर्धनों को"help"देना चाहिये.

वह इकलौता लडका उसकी मा के लिये"helpful" है.

उसका मित्र हमेशा मुसीबत में उसका"helpfully"रहा है.(मददगार रहा)

बिजली के झूले की" helpfulness"से पहाड पर स्थित मंदिर में जा सकते हैं.

वह"helpless"स्त्री है जो बिना सहारे उठ नहीं सकती.

"helplessly","Adv","1.लाचार से"
भारतीय हाकी टीम का खेल"helplessly"होने के कारण विश्व कप में हार गई.

घरबार हीन व्यक्ति"helplessness"होने के कारण दर दर भटकता है.

"helpline","N","1.किसी की मुसीबत में सहायक होना"
निराश्रित सताई हुई औरतों की कुछ संस्थाए"helpline" का काम करती है.

हाथी उन्मत्त होकर"helter-skelter" दौड रहा है.

"hem","N","1.किनाराkapaDe kA"
उसकी स्कर्ट की"hem"बहुत सुन्दर दिखाई दे रही है.

"hem","V","1.घेरा डालना"
टायगर हिल पर तीन ओर से सेना ने"hem" करके(घेरा डालकर)जीता है.

उत्तरी"hemisphere"( गोलार्ध्द )में महीनों सूर्य दिखाई नहीं देता.

The globe is treated as two hemispherical portions for geographical

"hemline","N","1.वस्त्र का निचला किनारा"
दर्जी कपडे का"hemline" सी रहा है.

"hemlock","N","1.सफेद पुष्प का विषैला पौधा"
सोक्रेटिस को"hemlock"नामक जहर देकर मारा था.

नारियल के पौधों के नीचे"hemp" डालते हैं

बाजार में देशी"hen"मिलना मुश्किल हो गया है.

"hen-coop","N","1.मुर्गियों को ढकने का टोकरा"
,hen coopबास का बनता है.

"hen-house","N","1.मुर्गियों का दडबा"
,hen houseहवादार बनाना चाहिये.

"hen-party","N","1.महिलाओं की जलपान गोष्ठी"
प्रबुध्द महिलाओं की","hen-party"घर घर चलती रहती है.

"hence","Adv","1.इस कारण से"
सुरेश साइकिल से गिर पडा"hence" उसे चोट लगी.

"henceforth","Adv","1.भविष्य में"
मैनेजर ने अपने सहायक को"henceforth"समय पर आने का कहा.

"henchman","N","1.वफादार समर्थक"
कम्युनिस्ट लोग अपने नेता के प्रति"henchman"(बफादार समर्थक) रहते हैं

औरतें अपने हाथ पैरों में"henna"लगाती(मेंहदी)हैं.

"hennaed","Adj","1.मेंहदी के रंग मे रंगा हुआ"
उसने अपने सफेद बाल"hennaed"रंग लिया.

"henpecked","Adj","1.पत्नी द्वारा नियन्त्रित"
कुछ व्यक्ति अपनी पत्नि के कहे अनुसार"henpecked"रहते हैं.

"hepatitis","N","1.यकृत शोथ"
पीलिया रोग"hepatitis"यकृत की खराबी से हो जाता है.

शिक्षक ने रेखागणित में से"heptagon"कोण बनाने का सवाल पूछा.

,heptagonalकोण(सप्तभुजिय कोण)बहुत कम विद्यार्थी बना पाये.

Her brother is coming tomorrow.

You call her.

"hers","Pron","1.उस स्त्री का"
This is my pen so that one must be hers.

नेशनल"herald"समाचार पत्र स्वत्रंतता संग्राम के समय(अग्रदूत)का काम करता था.

"herald","V","1.किसी के आने की सूचना देना"
सभा में नेताजी के आने की"herald" दी.

"heraldic","Adj","1.राजकीय घोषणाओं से संबंधित"
सरकारी गजट में"heraldic"(राजकीय घोषणाए) प्रकाशित होती हैं

"heraldry","N","1.वंशावली चिह्नों से संबन्धित कला तथा शास्त्र"
राजपूतों की"heraldry"वंशावली की पोथिया भाट लोग रखते हैं.

हिमालय के जंगलों में कई प्रकार की"herb"पाई जाती (झाडई) हैं

"herbal","Adj","1.जडई-बूटी संबन्धी"
इस पुस्तक में"herbal"विषयों की(जडई बूटी संबंधी)जानकारी है>

नीम की पत्ती" herbaceous"के रूप में(औषधी के काम) प्रयुक्त होती हैं

सियाचीन में"herbage" भी नहीं(घासपात)उगता है.

"Herbicide","N","1.पौधनाशक पदार्थ"
अनचाहे पेड पौधों को"herbicide"द्वारा(पौधनाशक)दवा से नष्ट किया जा सकता है.
"herbivore","N","1.शाकाहारी प्राणी"

दारासिंह एक"herculean"पहलवान है.

"herd","N","1.पशुओं का झुण्ड"
गडरिया"herd" के पीछे जा रहा है.

"herd","V","1.झुण्ड में एकत्रित होना"
भेडएं सायकाल"herd"में एकत्रित हो जाती है.

रात में भेडओं को"herdsman"बाडए में(चरवाहा)घेर कर रखता है.

"here","Adv","1.इस स्थान पर"
Dont come here.

"hereabouts","Adv","1.आसपास में"

"hereafter","Adv","1.भविष्य में"
,hereafter इस तरह बुरा काम मत कर.

"hereby","Adv","1.इस माध्यम से"
I hereby declare that I am a resident of Madhya Pradesh.

मधुमेह एक"hereditary" रोग है.

उसकी बीमारी का कारण"heredity"हो सकता(आनुवंशिकता)है.

"herein","Adj","1.इस स्थानमें"
Herein" I sign this document as a witness

"hereof","Adv","1.इसका/इसमें से"
इस दस्तावेज में से"hereof"उसका नाम(इसमेंसे)निकाल दो.

"heresy","N","1.विरुद्ध मत"
वाममार्ग एक"heresy" विचारधारा मत है.

,heretoइसको भी अपने साथ लेते जाओ.

"heretofore","Adv","1.अब तक"
Heretofore he has not submitted the application form

"herewith","Adv","इसके साथ"
,herewith मेरा आवेदन पत्र सटा है

ये प्राचीन इमारतें राष्ट्रीय"heritage" का सूचक है.

Now a days a"hermaphrodite"person found in some country.

"hermetic","Adj","1.हवा बंद"
वातानुकूलित कमरा"hermetic"रहता है.

"hermetically","Adv","1.वाद्य प्रभावों से रक्षित"
रेलगाडई में वातानुकूलित डिब्बा"hermetically"बना रहता है.

हिमालय की कंदराओं में"hermit"पाये जातें हैं.

कालीघाट में रामकृष्ण मिशन का"hermitage"बना है.

"hernia","N","1.आत उतरने का रोग"
,herniaके रोगी को पेट पर पट्टा बाधना चाहिये.

हल्दीघाटी युध्द के"hero"महाराणा प्रताप थे.

नाटक अभिज्ञान शाकुन्तल की"heroine" शकुन्तला है.

"hero-worship","N","1.महात्माओं की पूजन"
भारत में"hero-worship" की जाती है.

हमारी सेना ने घुसपैठिओं को मार कर"heroic" कार्य किया है.

"heroically","Adv","1.साहस के साथ"
उग्रवादियों का सफाया हमारे जवान"heroically" कर रहें हैं

"heroic","N","1.ओजपूर्ण भाषा"
सुभाषचंद्र बोस ने सिंगापुर में"heroics"भाषण दिया था.

"heroin","N","1.मादक पदार्थ"
अफीम से"heroin"एक मादक पदार्थ बनाया जाता है.

उसने उफनती नदी में से डूबते बच्चे को निकाल कर"heroism"वीरता का कर्य किया है.

उडने वाले पक्षियौं मे" heron" सबसे बडआ पक्षी है.

"herpes","N","1.एक प्रकार का चर्म रोग"
,herpesएक प्रकार का पीडआदायक चर्मरोग है.

"herring","N","1.हिलसा मछली"
बंगाल में"herring" मछली पाई जाती है.

"herring-bone","Adj","1.नीचे ऊपर की सिलाई"
कपडओं पर झिगझाग"herring bone"वाली सिलाई अच्छे दिखाई देते हैं.

"herring gull","N","1.उत्तरी अटलान्टिक मुर्गाबी"
,herring gullचिडियाघर में है.

"herself","Pron","1.वह स्वयंstrI"
उसने कहा कि वह"herself"जेनी के साथ जायेगी.

"hertz","N","1.रेडियो में एक विद्युत तरंग"
रेडिओ में कोई स्टेशन पकडने के लिये"hrtz" है.

वह एक"hesitant"स्वभाव वाला व्यक्ति होने से अधिक बोल नहीं पाया.

मन में"hesitancy"रखने पर अपनी बात दूसरे को समझा नहीं.

सभा में विधायकजी"hesitation"के कारण भाषण पूरा नही दे पाये

सर्दियों में"hessian"पहनने में अच्छा रहता है.

कुछ"hetro"(विषम)परिस्थितियों के कारण वह दिल्ली नहीं जा सका.

"heterodox","Adj","1.शास्त्र विरुध्द"
,heterodoxबात कहने वाला व्यक्ति नास्तिक कहलाता है.

"hetrodoxy","N","1.रूढी विरोध"
वाममार्गी"hetrodoxy"हिन्दू धर्म विरोधी प्रचार करते हैं.

,heterogeneousविवाह करने वाले को अपने समाज में घृणा की दृष्टि
से देखा जाता है.

उसकी उन्नति में उसकी"heterogeneity"विजातीयता बाधक बनी हुई है.

"heterosexual","Adj","1.विपरीत लिंग कामी"
यूरोप में कई व्यक्ति"heterosexual"पाये जाते हैं.

"heterosexuality","N","1.विषम लिंग कामुकता"
,heterosexualityके कारण एडस् रोग फैलता जा रहा है.

"heuristic","Adj","1.स्वत शोध करके सीखने से संबंधित"
राजेश वनवासी जीवन पर"heuristic"शोध कर रहा है.

"heuristics","N","1.अनुभव पर आधारित"
वैज्ञानिक अपने परीक्षणों में"heuristic"पद्धति का प्रयोग करते हैं.

"hew","V","1.कुल्हाडी से काटना"
घनी झाडइयों में उसने"hew"द्वारा काट छाट कर मार्ग बना लिया.

"hex","Comb form","1.षट्"

छ भुजा वाला"hexagon"षटभुज कहलाता है.

छ कोणौं वाला"hexagonal"षट्कोणीय कोण कहलाता है.

विनय पत्रिका में"hexameter"षटपदी वाले छंद हैं.

जेम्स ने जोनी को देख कर कहा, "hey" जोनी यहा आओ.

"heyday","N","1.चरम समृध्दि की अवस्था"
तानसेन अपने समय में संगीत का"heyday"चरम समृध्दि की अवस्था में था.

कारगिल युध्द के कारण भारत पाकिस्तान वार्ता में"hiatus"क्रम भग्नता आई.

"hibernate","V","1.सुस्ती में जाडआ बिताना"
हिमपात के कारण पहाडई लोगों का समय"hibrenate"घर में बैठ कर बीता.

लगातार बर्षा के कारण मजदूर लोग"hibernation"घर बैठे रहते हैं.

,hibiscusका फूल विभिन्न रंगों में होता है.

"hiccup","V","1.हिचकी आना"
,hiccupआने पर पानी पीना चाहिये

किसी व्यक्ति को"hicough" बार बार आती है

"hickory","N","1.अमरीकी वृक्ष"
अमेरिका में" hickory" नाम का वृक्ष जिसकी लकडई मजबूत होती है.

सी.बी.आई वाले अपनी जाच की बात"hide" रखते हैं.

"hide","N","1.जानवर की खाल"
,hide जूते/बेग आदि कई तरह की वस्तुए बनती हैं.

"hidden agenda","N","1.गुप्त कार्यावली"
विरोधी दल सरकार का"hidden agenda"(गुप्त कार्यक्रम)होने का आरोप लगाते हैं

"hide-and-seek","IDM","1.बच्चों का खेल"
बच्चे रात में"hide and seek"खेलतें हैं.

"hide-out","N","1.छिपने की जगह"
उल्फा उग्रवादियों ने भूटान की सीमा को अपना"hide out"बना रखा है

"hideaway","N","1.छिपने की जगह"
उग्रवादियों ने पहाडओं में अपने"hideway" बना रखी है.

"hidebound","Adj","1.संकीर्ण विचारों वाला"
मुसलमान लोग" hidebound"(सहोते हैं

दूरदर्शन पर"hideous" सीरियल देखकर बच्चे डर जाते हैं.

"hideously","Adv","1.विकरालता से"
डायनासौर की परदे पर"hideously" देखकर उसकी चीख निकल गई.

क्रांतिकारी"hiding" स्थान के लिये प्रस्थान कर चुके थे.

"hiding-place","N","1.छिपने की जगह"
पाण्डवों ने अपना अज्ञातवास का स्थान"hiding-place"विराट नगर को बनाया.

वह पदानुक्रम प्रबन्ध में ऊचा"

"hierarchical","Adj","1.शासक पुरिहित वर्ग"
आश्रमों में पहले"hierarchical"शिक्षा देते थे"

संथाल लोग अपने घरों की दीवारों पर"hieroglyph" बनाते हैं.

"hieroglyphics","N","1.चित्रलिपि से संबंधित"
उसकी हस्तलिपि इतनी खराब है कि वह मुझे" hieroglyphics" जैसी दिखाई देती है.

"hi-fi","Adj","1.अविकृत ध्वनि उत्पन्न करने वाला "
आजकल"hi-fi" उपस्कर प्रणाली विभन्न है.

"hi-fi","N","1.ध्वनि उत्पादक यन्त्र"
तुम्हे मेरी"hi-fi" सुनना है.

"higgledy-piggledy","Adv","1.अस्त-व्यस्त रूप से"
दफ्तरी ने फाइलें"higgledy-piggledy" से जमाई हैं.

"high","Adj","1.पद में ऊचा"
जिलाधीश का पद जिले में सबसे"high" होता है.

"high-born","Adj","1.उच्च कुल का"
वर्ण व्यवस्था में ब्राह्मण"high born"सबसे का होता था.

"high-chair","N","1.बच्चों को खिलाने की ऊची कुर्सी"
बच्चों को"high chair" पर बिठा कर खिलाते हैं

"High-church","Adj","1.इंगलैंड का गिरजाघर जो रीति/बिशप/आदि पर जोर देता है"

"high-class","Adj","1.उच्च जाति का"
रविन्द्रनाथ ठाकर"high class"में पैदा हुए थे.

प्रत्येक देश में विदेशी"high commission"उच्चायोग"रहते हैं.

प्रत्येक उच्चायोग में"high commissioner"नियुक्त रहता है.

"HIgh court","N","1.उच्च न्यायालय"
हर प्रदेश में एक"high court" रहता है.

"higher education","N","1.उच्च स्तरीय शिक्षा"
वह"higher education" शिक्षा के लिये विदेश जा रहा है.

"high explosive","N","1.शक्तिशाली विस्फोटक"
आर. डी. एक्स. एक"high explosive होता है.

"high flown","Adj","1.उच्च शैलीBAXA kI"
उसका साहित्य"high flown" है

"high flyer","N","1.सफलता प्राप्ति की इच्छा"
उसके मन में महान् व्यक्ति बनने की"high flyer" थी.

"high flying","Adj","1.ऊची उडआन भरना"
राकेश ने बचपन से ही अमेरिका जाने की"high flying" की ठान रखी थी.

"high grade","Adj","1.उत्कृष्ट"
जे.के.सफेद सीमेन्ट"high grade" श्रेणी की होती है.

"high handed","Adj","1.स्वेच्छाचारी"
आपातकाल में इंदिरा गाधी ने"high handed" कार्य किये थे.

"high jinks","N","1.हसी मजाक"
हमारी पिकनिक"high jinks"में समाप्त हो गई.

"high level","Adj","1.उच्चस्तरीय. "
ईसाई पादरी व बच्चों को जलाने की घटना की जाच के लिये एक उच्चस्तरीय
जाच आयोग बिठाया था.

"the high life","N","1.रईसी जीवन"
मोतीलाल नेहरू"the high life"बिताया.

डा.राधाकृष्णन एक महान्"high minded"थे.

उसकी आवाज"high-pitched"है.

"high point","N","1.उच्च स्थिति"
वह कठिन परिश्रम से अपनी जीविका में"high point" पहुचा"

"high powered","Adj","1.उच्च अधिकार संपन्न"
भ्रष्टाचार के मामलों कि जाच हेतु एक"high power आयोग
बिठाया गया है.

"high pressure","N","1.अधिक दबाव"
ट्युब में"high pressure"अधिक दबाब से वायु भरने पर वह फट जाता है.

"high ranking","Adj","1.उच्च पदस्थ"
जेनेरल मेनेकशा सेना के"high ranking" पद में थे.

"high rise","Adj","1.अट्टालिका"
महानगरों में"high rise"इमारतें बन रहीं हैं.

"high road","N","1.मुख्य मार्ग"
नगर के"high road" मुख्य मार्ग पर भारी वाहन का निषेध रहता है.

"high school","N","1.उच्च विद्यालय"
हमारे गाव में"high school"तक ही पढआई होती है.

"high seas","N","1.महासागर"
भारत के दक्षिण में हिन्द"high seas"महासागर है.

"high season","N","1.व्यस्त समय"
The owners of hotels usually raise their prices in the high season.

"high sounding","Adj","1.आडम्बरी"
दण्डिन् के काव्यों में"high sounding" पदों का प्रयोग है.

"high speed","Adj","1.तीव्र गति"
राजधानी एक्सप्रेस"high speed"रेलगाडई है"

"high spirited","Adj","1.साहसी"
वह एक"high spirited" बालक है.

"high spot","N","1.घटना का विशष्ट अंग"
इस साल का सैर"high spot" रहा"

"high street","N","1.मुख्य मार्ग"
उस"high street" में अनेक दुकानें हैं.

"high strung","Adj","1.अतिसंवेदनशील"
देश की सुरक्षा से संबंधित"highstrung" मामले सार्वजनिक नहीं किये जा सकते.

"high table","N","1.उच्च मंच का मेज"
मुख्य लोग"high table" पर भोजन के लिए आ रहें हैं.

"high tea","N","1.मध्याह्न के अंत व शाम के पहले चाय लेना"
उन्होनें सबको"high tea" के लिए बुलाया है.

"high- tech","Adj","1.उच्च प्रौद्योगिकीय"
हैदराबाद में"high-tech" नगर का भवन समूह है.

"high technology","N","1.उच्च प्रौद्योगिकी"
IIT में"high technology"उच्च प्रौद्योगिकी की शिक्षा दी जाती हैं.

"high tide","N","1.उच्च ज्वार"
महीने में एक विशेष दिन समुद्र में"high tide" ज्वार आता है.

"high treason","N","1.देशद्रोह या राजद्रोह का अपराध"
प्राचीन काल में अपराधी को"high treason "का दंड कडा था.

"high up","N","1.उच्च स्थान पर आसीन व्यक्ति"
सबसे पहले"high up" से भ्रष्टाचार समापथ करने की शुरुआत करना चाहिये.

"high water","N","1.पानी की ऊची सतह"
बाढ का पानी"high water"खतरे की ऊची सतह पार कर चुका है.

"high wire","N","1.उच्च स्थान का मजबूत रस्सी"
वह"high wire" सर्कस के आकाशी झूले का कलाकार है.

"high","N","1.ऊचा स्थान"
शेर बाजार आजकल"high" नहीं है.

"high","Adv","1.ऊचाई पर"
बाढ से बचने के लिये लोग"high" घर बनाते है"

"highball","N","1.तेज शराब"
पश्चिमी लोग नये साल पर"highball" करते हैं.

वह"highboy" फुटबाल में है.

शर्मा ने संस्कृत में highbrow"की उपाधि ली है

आजकल के नवयुवक"highfalutin" कपडे पहनते हैं.

"highland","Adj","1.उच्च भूमि"
,highlandपर सीढईनुमा खेत बनाते हैं.

"highland","N","1.पर्वतीय भूभाग"

"highlander","N","1.स्काटलैंड का"
,highlanderहट्टे कट्टे व सुन्दर होते हैं.

"highland fling","N","1.स्काटलैमड का नृत्य"
वह"highland fling" देखने जा रहा है.

दूरदर्शन पर सबसे पहले"highlights"प्रमुख घटनाए बताते हैं.

"highlighter","N","1.शब्दों पर जोर व अंकित करने का कलम"
वह किताब में मुख्य शब्दों को"highlighter" से निशान किया.

"highly","Adv","1.अत्यधिक ऊचा"
she is a highly placed lady.

"Highness","N","1.राजघराने की उपाधि"
गौरों के राज में राजा अपने नाम के आगे"highness" लगाते थे.

"highway","N","1.प्रमुख मार्ग"
देश में"highway" राष्ट्रीय राजमार्गों की हालत खराब हो रही है.

पहाडई क्षैत्र में"highwayman"वाहनों को लूट लेते हैं.

"hijack","V","1.अपहरण करना"
आजकल वायुयान"hijack"आम बात हो गई है.

अभी तक कई"hijacker"कमाण्डों द्वारा मारे जा चुके हैं.

वायुयान"hijacking" की कोशिश में आतंकवादी मारा गया.

"hike","N","1.पैदल लंबी यात्रा"
अमरनाथ जाने वाले यात्री"hike" करते है

"hike","V","1.पाद यात्रा करना"
चंद्रशेखर ने कन्याकुमारी से कश्मीर तक"hike" की थी.

मानसरोवर जाने वाले"hiker"अपने साथ बहुत कम सामान ले जाते हैं.

"hiking","N","1.पैदल लंबी यात्रा"
पर्वतारोही"hiking" के लिए विशेष प्रकार के जूते पहनते हैं.

वह "hilarious" फिल्म देखकर आ रहा है.

"hilariously","Adv","1.प्रसन्नता से"
टाइगरहिल पर तिरंगा लहराने के बाद भारतीय सैनिक"hilariously" फूले नहीं समा रहे थे.

दीर्घायु के लिये"hilarity"जीवन बिताना चाहिये.

"hill","N","1.छोटी पहाडई"
चित्तौड का किला एक"hill" पर बना है.

,hillyप्रदेश में सडक बनाना बहुत महंगा काम है

देवी का मंदिर"hillock" पर बना है.

"hillside","N","1.पहाडी की ढाल"
,hillsideमें रबड के वृक्ष हैं.

"hilltop","N","1.पहाडई की चोटी"
,hilltop पर एक मन्दिर है.

"hilt","N","1.कटार या तलवार की मूठ"
हाथी दात की"hilt"( मूंठ)अब बनवाना मुश्किल काम है.

please give this book to"him"

He should come "himself" to take his share.

घोडए की पीठ का"hind"हिस्सा पुट्ठा कहलाता है.

,hind का शिकार करना अपराध है.

"hinder","V","1.बाधा डालना"
किसी दूसरे के काम में"hinder"ठीक नहीं है.

,Hindi हमारे देश की राजभाषा है.

"hindmost","Adj","1.सबसे पीछेवाली"
धमाली लडके कक्षा में सबसे"hindmost"बेंच पर बैठते हैं.

"hindquarters","N","1.पशु की पिछली टागों व पुट्ठे का मांस"

सडक के बीच कई जगह"hindrance" बने होते हैं.

गलत काम होने पर"hindsight"(समझ आना)कि मैं ऎसा नहीं ऎसा करता तो ठीक होता.

पाश्चात्य देशों में भी"Hindus" रहते हैं.

,Hinduism पुनर्जन्म व आस्तिकवाद को मानते हैं.

दरवाजा में"hinge" लगाते हैं जिससे वह अलग नहीं होता.

"hinge","V","1.कब्जे पर घूमना/निर्भर रहना"
दरवाजा"hinge"(कब्जे की सहायता)से घूमता है

किसी किसी को भविष्य की घटनाओं का"hint"(आभास) हो जाता है.

"hint","V","1.संकेत देना"
शिक्षक ने विद्यार्थियों को परीक्षा में आने वाले कुछ प्रश्नों के"hint" दिये.

"hinterland","N","1.समुद्र या नदी तट के पीछे का प्रदेश"
कच्छ का रन ,hinterland(अविकसित)क्षेत्र है.

मोटे आदमी के ,hip(कुल्हा)बहुत बडए व भारी होते हैं.

"hipped","Adj","1.उत्साह हीन बनाना"

"hip-bath","N","1.कटि स्नान"
टब में पानी भर कर ,hip-bath(कटि स्नान)करनाअच्छा है.

"hip-flask","N","1.शराब की बोतल जो पेंट के पिछले जेब मैं रख ली जाय"
a drunkard person keeps a hip flaskalways in his

"hip-pocket","N","1.पेंट की पिछले जेब"
बस में जेब कट ने ,hip pocketसे बटुआ चुरा लिया.

"hip","N","1.जंगली गुलाब का लाल फल"

"hip","N","1.3 प्रसन्नता प्रगट करने वाले शब्द"

"hip","N","1.4 एक दम नई फेशन या संगीत का जानकार/दक्ष"


"hippie","N","1.हिप्पी लोग लम्बे बाल वाले"
हमारे देश में बहुत से ,hippieपर्यटक आते हैं

"hippo","N","1.दरियाई घोडआ"
,hippo(दरियाई घोडआ) समूद्र में पाया जाता है.

"hippopotamus","N","1.दरियाई घोडआ"
,hippopotamus(दरियाई घोडआ)अफ्रीकन नदियों में पाया जाता है.

"hire","V","1.मजदूरी पर रखना/किराये पर लेना"
उसने वह रिक्शा ,hire(किराये पर) लिया हुआ है.

अप्रेल माह से नये रेल मालभाडआ ,hire(किराया/भाडआ ) लागू हो जायगा.

"hire hand","N","1."

"hire purchase","N","1.किश्तों पर खरीदना"
गृह निर्माण मण्डल के मकान ,hire purchase(किश्तों पर खरीदे ) जा सकते हैं.

"hireling","N","1.किराये का टट्टूपैसा लेकर काम करने वाला"
कश्मीर में विदेशी उग्रवादी ,hireling(किराये के टट्टू) काम कर रहें हैं.

"hirsute","N","1.रोंयेंदार बालदार"
किसी किसी मनुष्य के शरीर पर घने ,hirsute(रोंये/बाल)होते हैं.

कक्षा से गायब होने का सुझाव ,his(उसका) था.

"hispanic","N","1.स्पेन का"

साप ने जोर से ,hiss (फुफकार भरी)

साप की फुफकारी ,hissसुन कर सभी भाग खडए हुए.


डा.ईश्वरीप्रसाद एक प्रसिध्द ,historianइतिहासकार थे.

"historic","Adj","1.इतिहास- प्रसिध्द"
ताजमहल दुनिया के सातवें आश्चर्य में से एक,historic(इतिहास प्रसिध्द)स्थान है

लालकिला एक (ऎतिहासिक) ,historicalकिला है.

भारतीय ,history(इतिहास)विश्व के प्राचीन इतिहासों मेसे एक है.

"histrionic","Adj","1.अभिनेताओं का/अभिनय का"
देविकारानी ने अपनी ,histrionic(अभिनय कला)छाप छौडई थी.


"hit","V","1.प्रहार करना"
उसने अपनी लाठी से उसके सिर पर ,hit (प्रहार) किया.

"hitter","N","1.ताकत से मारने वाला"
सचिन गेंद का ,hitter(ताकत से मारने वाला)खिलाडई है.

"hit-and-miss","Adj","1.कभी काम करना कभी ना करना"
छपाई मशीन अभी ,hit-and-missचल रही है.

यह दुर्घटना एक ,hit-and-run मामला है.

"hit list","N","1.ऎसे व्यक्तियों की सूची जिनकी हत्या की जानी है"
राजीव का नाम लिट्टे के ,hit list में था.

"hit man","N","1.पैसे लेकर हत्या करने वाला.पेशेवर हत्यारा"
दाऊद इब्राहीम के गुंडे ,hit man(पेशेवर हत्यारे) हैं.

बार्डर एक ,hit(सफल) फिल्म हो चुकी है.

"hit parade","N","1.सबसे अधिक बिकने वाले गानों की सूची"
बार्डर के गाने ,hit parade(सबसे अधिक बिकने वालों की) सूची में हैं.

वे बाम्बे ,hitch करते हुए गये.
--"२.ऊपर लेजाना"
रवि ने अपने आप को दीवार पर ,hitch किया
They hitched the car to the truck.

उसने जीतू को ,hitch(धक्का मार) कर गिरा दिया.

"hitchhike","V","1.दूसरे के वाहन पर मुफ्त सैर करना"
मैं अपने मित्र की बाइक पर रोज फेक्टरी ,hitchhike कर के जाता हू.

"hi-tech","Adj","1.उच्च प्रोद्यौगिकी"
अजय को ,hi-tech(उच्च प्रोद्यौगिकी)की शिक्षा के लिये अमेरिका गया.

"hither","Adv","1.इस तरफ"
इस कुत्ते को ,hither(इस तरफ) बाध दो.

"hitherto","Adv","1.अब तक"
मनु ,hitherto(अब तक) नहीं आया है.

human immunodeficiency virus

"hive","N","1.मधुमक्खियों का छत्ता"
उसने गुण्डों के सरदार से दुश्मनी करके,hive(मधधुमक्खियों के छत्ते में)हाथ डाला है.

"hoard","N","1.खजाना गुप्त धन"
किसान को अपने खेत में से ,hoard(गुप्त धन)मिला.

"hoarding","N","1.सडक किनारे लगे विज्ञापन पट"
चुनाव के समय बडए नेताओं के ,hoarding(सडक किनारे विज्ञापन पट)लगाये जाते हैं.

"hoar-frost","N","1.घास पर जमी ओस"
सुबह सबेरे नंगे पाव ,hoar-frost(घास पर जमीं ओस)घूमना चाहिये.

शिक्षक ने ,hoarse(कर्कश) आवाज में विद्यार्थियों को चुप रहने के लिये कहा.

"hoarsely","Adv","1.रूखे स्वरसे"
गृहणी ने भिखारी को,hoarsely(रूखे स्वर से) चले जाने का कहा.

"hoarseness","N","1.आवाज का फटापन"
किसी के भी गले में खराबी आने से बोली में ,hoarseness(फटापन)आ जाता है.

यह तो,hoary और साधारण मजआक है.

कैदी कचहरी जाते समय पुलिस को ,hoax(झासा) देकर भाग गया.

"hoax","V","1.मजाक के तौर पर झासा देना"
वीरू को उसने बगीचे में मिलने का कहा किन्तु वहा नहीं कर मिल उसने उसे ,hoaxed मजाक के तौर पर झासा दिया.

"hobble","V","1.लंगडआ कर चलना"
उसके पैर में चोट लगने से वह ,hobble(लंगडआ कर चलता) है.

शिखा की ,hobby(अभिरुचि) एक पत्रकार बनने की है.

"hobby-horse","N","1.प्रिय विषय"
,उसके लिए राजनीति hobby-horse है.

विक्रम और,hobgoblin(वैताल )की कहानिया बच्चे चाव से पढते हैं.

"hobnail boot","N","1.चौडए मत्थे वाली छोटी कील लगे बूट"
सेना के जवानों को,hobnail boot(चौडए मत्थे वाली कील लगे जूते)पहनने पडते हैं

"hobnob","V","1.मेलजोल रखना"
समाज में रहना है तो सभी से ,hobnob (मेलजोल रखना)पडता है.

"hobo","N","1.एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर मजदूरी करने वाला मजदूर"
कई बिहारी ,hobo पंजाब जाते हैं.

"hobsons choice","N","1.जो मिले सो लेना नहीं तो कुछ नहीं मिलेगा"
वह फकीर,hobsons choiceवाला है(जो कुछ मिले लेता है नहीं तो कुछ नहीं लेता).

"hock","N","1.जानवरों के पिछले पैर का जोड"
घोडए के पिछले पैर की ,hockनामक जोड बहुत मजबूत होता है.

"hock","V","1.गिरवी रखना"
उसने अपना कर्ज चुकाने के लिये पुश्तेनी मकान" hock(गिरवी)रख दिया.

"hockey","N","1.हाकी/एक प्रकार का खेल"
भारत के लिये ,hockey(हाकी) का विश्व चेम्पीयन बनना टेढई खीर है.

"hockey stick","N","1.हाकी खेलने की छडई"
पंजाब में" hockey stick(हाकी खेलने की छडई)बनाई जाती है.

"hocus-pocus","N","1.जादू मन्तर"
सडक किनारे कई जादूगर" hocus-pocusदिखाते रहते हैं.

"hod","N","1.ईंट ढोने का हत्थेदार बक्स "
इमारत के मजदूर ईंटें गारा आदि" hodमें भर कर ढोते हैं.

कुछ प्रदेशों में चुनाव के अभियान में ,hodge podge हुआ

सोमेश रोजाना अपने बगीचे में" hoe से काम करता है.

,Hogमास के लिए पाला जाता है

"hogmanay","N","1.वर्ष का अंतिम मनाये जाने वाला दिन"
दूरदर्शन पर ,hogmanay(वर्ष का अंतिम मनाये जाने वाले दिन)को अच्छा कार्यक्रम आता है.

"hogwash","N","1.बेमतलब की बात"
वह एक,hogwashअनाप-शनाप बातें करने वाला व्यक्ति है.

"hoick","V","1.ऊपर की ओर उठाना"
पायलेट ने हवाई पट्टी छोडते ही" hoick(हवाई जहाज को ऊपर की ओर उठा) लिया.

"hoi polloi","N","1.जन साधारण लोग"
नेताओं की सभा में भारी मात्रा में ,hoi polloi(जन साधारण)लोगों को बाहर से लाया गया था.

"hoist","V","1.ऊपर उठाना"
मुख्य मन्त्री राष्ट्रीय झंडे को ,hoist किया.

वह एक ,hoity toity लडका है.

जानी शराब के नशे में,hokum(बकवास) किये जा रहा था.

"hold","V","1.मजबूती से पकडना"
पहाड पर चढते समय रस्सा,hold(मजबूती से पकडना) करना चाहिये.

"hold-up","N","1.जबरन रोकना"
पुलिस ने बदमाश को थाने में ,hold up(जबरन रोक) कर रखा.

शेयर बाजार पर सटोरियों की ,hold(पकड)मजबूत हो रही है.

सर्दी में यात्रा पर जाने में ,holdall(बिस्तरबंद) ले जाना पडता है.

शेयर ,holder(धारक) अपने शेयर लाभ लेकर बेच रहे हैं.

न्यायाधीश ने,holding(खेतीबाडई)का आधा हिस्सा उसके भाई को देने का फैसला दिया.

"holding company","N","1.शेयरोंकोअपनेनियंत्रणमें रखनेवालीकम्पनी"
There are"Agrade companies which hold the shares of other companies

"holding operation","N","1.s"

उसने"Hole को सिमेंट से भर दिया

"hole","V","1.छेद बनाना"
सीमा वासियों के मकान की दीवारों में गोलाबारी से ,hole(छेद बन गये)किये.

"holiday","N","1.अवकाश का दिन"
रविवार के दिन स्कूल में ,holiday(अवकाश का दिन) रहता है.

"holiday camp","N","1.अवकाश शिविर"
एन सी सी का ,holiday camp(अवकाश शिविर)पंचमढई में लगेगा.

"holiday centre","N","1.अवकाश केन्द्र"
श्रीनगर में रेल्वे का ,holiday centere(अवकाश केन्द्र)बने हुए हैं.

कश्मीर जाने वाले ,holiday-maker(सैलानी)लोगों की संख्या बढई है.

सीताजी को अपनी ,holiness(पवित्रता की) अग्नि परीक्षा देनी पडई थी. २५-८

बाइबल ईसाइयों का ,holistic(पवित्र) ग्रंथ है.

"holler","V","1.जोर से चिल्लाना"
अध्यापक ने शिक्षक पर" Hollerकिया.

यह बास ,hollow है.

वह मीरा के घर वापस आने पर" hollowly दिखावटी हसी में हसा.

साइकिल से गिरने के बाद न उठ पाने का ,hollownessढोंग कर रहा था.

"holly","N","1.एक प्रकार का सदाबहार वृक्ष"
क्रिसमस पर,holly(सदा बहार वृक्ष) की शाखाऎं सजानें के काम आती है.

"hollyhock","N","1.एक ऊचा फूल का पौधा"
,hollyhockइस ऊचे फूल के पौधे के फूल चमकदार होते है

नाजियों ने दूसरे विश्व युध्द में यहूदियों का व्यापक,holocaust(सर्वनाश)किया था

"hologram","N","1.त्रिविमीय फोटोग्राफ की प्रतिनिधित्व"
Hologram are optical devices for storage of information

"holster","N","1.पिस्तौल का चमडए का खोल"
पुलिस अफसर अपना रिवाल्वर ,holster(चमड के खौल में फसा कर रखते हैं.

मक्का मुसलमानों का ,holy(पवित्र) स्थान है.

"the Holy city","N","1.पवित्र माना गया नगर"
जेरुशलम यहूदियों का ,the holy city(पवित्र नगर)माना गया है.

"holy communion","N","1.पवित्र विचारों का आदान-प्रदान"
Holy communion on festival days provide social life.

"holy Father","N","1.पोप"
वेटिकन सिटी में" holy father(पोप)का निवास स्थान है.

"holy ghost","N","1.दिव्य आत्मा"
स्वर्ग में ,holy ghost(दिव्य आत्मा) रहतीहैं.

"holygrail","N","1.अंतिम भोजन के समय येशु द्वारा प्रयुक्त प्याला"

"holy land","N","1.फिलस्तीन"
मुसलमानों का ,holy land(फिलस्तीन)के लिये वर्षों झगडआ चला.

"holy of holies","N","1.यहूदियों के मंदिर का सबसे भीतर का भाग"
यरुसलम में यहूदियों का ,holy of holies(मंदिर के भीतर का भाग)बना है.

"holy orders","N","1.पुरोहताभिषेक"
वेटिकन में पोप का ,holy orders(पुरोहिताभिषेक) हुआ था .

"holy Spirit","N","1.पवित्र आत्मा"
(पवित्र आत्माए) ,holy spirit स्वर्ग में स्थान पाती हैं.

"holy/week","N","1.इस्टर रविवार के पहले का सप्ताह"
ईसाई लोग ,holy week(इस्टर रविवार के पहले का सप्ताह)में उपवास रखते हैं

,holywrit(बाईबल) ईसाइयों का पवीत्र ग्रंथ है.

देशवासियों ने कारगिल के शहीदों को ,homage(श्रध्दांजलि) दी.

प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के मन में इच्छा रहती है कि उसका खुद का ,home(घर) हो.

तुर्की में आये विनाश कारि भूकम्प में हजारों लोग ,homeless(घरहीन)हो गये हैं.

"homeless","Adj","1.बेघर का"
,homelessलोगों के लिए अनेक संस्थान काम कर रहा है

हजारों भूकम्प पीडइतों के ,homelessness(घर विहीनता) की समस्या हो गई है.

"homeWard","Adj","1.घर की ओर"
वह छुट्टियों में"Homeward जा रहा है

"home economics","N","1.गृह प्रबंध की पढाई"
,home economics उसके कोर्स में है

"home-grown","Adj","1.घर में उपज किया हुआ"
,home-grownफल कीटनाशक पदार्थ के बिना स्वाथ्यप्रद होता है

"homehelp","N","1.घर के काम में मदद करने वाला"
,homehelpके लिए उसके घर में एक महिला आ रही है

हमें दैनिक जीवन में ,home-made(स्वदेशी) वस्तुओं का उपयोग करना चाहिये.

"home office","N","1.गृहमंत्रालय का कार्यालय"
केन्द्र सरकार का ,home office(गृह मंत्रालय का कार्यालय)नई दिल्ली में है.

"home rule","N","1.सुराज्य"
हमारे देश में ,home rule(सुराज्य)शासन चल रहा है.

"home Secretary","N","1.गृहसचिव"
देश के ,home secretary(गृह सचिव)गृह मंत्रालय कार्यालय में बैठते हैं.

"home truth","N","1.कटुसत्य"
It is home truth that early childhood decides the behaviour of man

घरेलू उपकरण अधिक उपयोगी हैं.

"home","Adv","1.3परिवार में"
उसके ,home" में कितने सदस्य हैं?

"home","V","1.घर लौटना"
Birds homed towards their nests

सब के लिए ,homelandप्यारा है

वह व्यक्ति एक,homely(सीधा सादा)जीवन व्यतीत करता है.

"homeopathy","N","1.होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा"
,homeopathyचिकित्सा हमारे देश में जर्मनी से आई.

"homeopath","N","1.होमियोपैथ चिकित्सक"
देश में होमियोपैथ चिकित्सकों की संख्या बढ रही है.

"homeopathic","Adj","1.होमियोपैथ की"
लोग ,homeopathic दवाइया अधिक पसंद करते हैं.

गृह वियोग ,homesickness के कारण वह हमेशा उदास दिखाई देता था.

"homespun","Adj","1.घर का बुना"
गाधी जी ,homespun वस्तुए पसन्द करते थे.

"homestead","N","1.कृषि फार्म"
कई नेताओं ने अपने नाम ,homesteadखरीद रखी है.


आजकल छात्रों पर ,homeworkघर से करने दिया काम बहुत होता है.

"homey","Adj","1.घरजैसा सुखद आरामदेह"
पाच तारा होटलों में,homey(आराम देह)सुविधा मिलती है.

अमेरिका में,homicide(नरहत्या)जैसे जघन्य अपराध बढते जा रहें हैं.

पाश्चात्य देशों मे ,homicidal प्रवृति अधिक है

"homily","N","1.धर्म उपदेश"
बुध्द ने अपना ,homily(धर्म उपदेश)अपने परिवार के लोगों को भी दिया था.

"homing","Adj","1.लक्ष्यभेदी मिसाइल"
पाकिस्तान का टोही विमान ,homingलक्ष्यभेदी मिसाइल से मार गिराया.

आलसेसन कुत्ता और भेडइया,homogeneousशक्लसूरत में एक जैसे दिखते हैं.

साप और अजगर,homogeneity(सजातीयता)वाले जहरीले जानवर हैं.

"homogenized","Adj","1.एकरूप करना"
,homogenizedदूध स्वास्थयप्रद है

"homograph","N","1.समानवर्तनी शब्द जिनके अर्थ भिन्न हो"
काव्यालंकार में ,homographका प्रयोग है.

"homophone","N","1.समध्वनिक शब्द"
अंग्रेजी भाषा में ,homophoneअधिक पाये जाते हैं

"homo sapiens","N","1.प्रजाति"
Future of life on earth depends on homo sapiens

Indian movies on homosexuals are controvertial.

"hone","V","1.पैना करना"
- -सान पत्थर पर घिस कर चाकू छुरी को ,hone (पैना करते ) हैं.

- -वह एक सीधा सादा और ,honest(निष्कपट)व्यक्ति है.

"honestly","Adv","1.ईमानदारी से"
उसने अपनी पूरी सेवा ,honestly(ईमानदारी)से करते हुए सेवा निवृत्ति लेली.

"honest broker","N","1.झगडओं में मध्यस्थता करने वाला"
आपसी झगडओं को निपटाने के लिये,honest broker(मध्यस्थता) करने वाला मिल जाय तो समझौता कर लेना चाहिये.

आधुनिक युग में ,honesty(ईमानदारी)सच्चाई का कोई मूल्य नहीं है.

,honey(शहद) कई दवाओं के काम आता है.

मधुमक्खीयों के ,honeycomb(छत्ते) में से शहद निकालते हैं.

"honeydew melon","N","1.खरबूजा"
,honeydew melon स्वादिष्ट होता है.

नई शादी वाला जोडआ ,honeymoon(मधुमास) मनाने किसी पर्यटक स्थल पर जाते हैं.

"honk","N","1.हंस के काव काव करने की आवाज"
आसमान में ,honk(हंस के काव काव करने की आवाज सुनाई दे रही थी.

"honk","V","1.भौंपू बजाना"
पुरानी मोटरों में,honk(भोंपू बजा कर आवाज की जाती थी.)

"honky-tonk","N","1.एक तरह का प्यानो से बजी जाज संगीत"
वह ,honky-tonk में समय को व्यर्थ बिता रहा है.

हमें अपने मा बाप का ,honor(सम्मान) करना चाहिये.

हमारे गुरुजन हमारे लिये,honorable(सम्मान योग्य)हैं

सेवा निवृत अधिकारीया डाक्टर ,honorarium(मानदेय)पर सेवा कार्य करते हैं.

कुछ सज्जन व्यक्ति अच्छे काम के लिये अपनी सेवाए,honorary(अवेतनिक) रूप से
करते हैं.

उसे"सर" से honorific मिला.

अपने से बडए सभी लोगो का,honourमान सम्मान करना चाहिये.

"honour","V","1.सम्मान करना"
मैं अपने सभी मेहमानों का ,honoured(सम्मानकरता) हू.

भारत के राष्टृपति सबसे,honourable(माननीय)लोगों मे से एक हैं.

सभी मेहमानों को स्टेशन से ,honourably(आदर पूर्वक)घर लाये.

"hooch","N","1.अवैध शराब"
मजदूर ,hooch पीते है.

"hood","N","1.सिर गर्दन ढकने के लिये टोपी या चोगा"
डिजल एंजिन में चालक कक्ष शोर्ट ,hoodकहलाता है.

"hooded","Adj","1.ढकना लगा हुआ"
वर्षा से बचने के लिये ,hooded(टोपी वाली) बरसाती पहनना चाहिये.

यात्रा में यात्रियों को ,hoodlum से सावधान रहना चाहिये.

किसी काम की शुरुआद के लिए अपशकुन उचित नहीं है.

"hoodwink","V","1.चालाकी करना"
मुझे वह अपनी झूठी कहानी सुना कर ,hoodwink(चालाकी कर रहा) था.

"hooey","N","1.बेमतलब की बात"
,hooey करना व्यर्थ है.

"hoof","N","1.खुर. "
घोडए के पैर के ,hoof(खुर में)लोहे की नाल लगाते हैं.

खिडकी का ,hook(कुन्दा)टूट गया है,नया लगवाना पडएगा.

"hook","V","1.काटे से पकडना"
उसने कुए में से बाल्टी ,hook(काटे से पकड कर)निकाली.
--"२.गेंद मारने की एक विधि"
उसने गेंद को पीछे की ओर ,hook किया.

यार्ड में क्रेन से ,hooked(अंकुशाकार)काटे में फसा कर भारी सामान उतारते हैं.

"hook up","N","1.एक केन्द्र का दूसरे केन्द्र से जुडआ होना"
आकाशवाणी में ,hook upकार्यक्रम होते हैं

बहुत से लोग ,hookah(हुक्के में)तम्बाकू डाल कर पीते हैं.

एड्स रोग ,hooker(वैश्या)के संपर्क में आने से बढ रहा है.

,hookwormजो कि खून चूसता है जिससे बीमारिया फैलती हैं.

छोटा राजन मुम्बई का एक" hooligan(गेंगस्टर)है.

पुलिस की निष्क्रिता से नगर में" hooliganism(गुण्डागर्दी) बढती जा रही है.

"hoop-la","N","1.चक्राकार वस्तु का खेल"
बच्चे ,hoop-laमजे से खेलते हैं

लोगों ने जैसे ही टायगर हिलपर सेना के कब्जे की बात सुनी,hooray(प्रसन्नता सूचक ध्वनि से चिल्ला उठे.

भीड के भारी ,hoot(शोरगुल) की आवाज में नेताजी का भाषण समझ नहीं पडआ.

"hoot","V","1.चिल्लाकर भगाना"
बच्चे आपस मैं झगड रहे थे उनको,hoot(चिल्ला कर भगा दिया.)

"hoover","N","1.वेक्यूम क्लीनर"
कालीन व कारपेट का कचरा" hoover(वेक्यूम क्लीनर )से साफ हो जाता है.

"hoover","V","1.वेक्यूम क्लीन करना"
उसने सारे कमरों को ,hoover किया.

किसान की भैंस,hoove ( की बीमारी)से मर गई

"hop","V","1.एक पैर से कूदना"
अमर,hop(एक पैर से कूदने)की लंगडई दौड में प्रथम आया.

वह मैनेजर के पास नौकरी की ,hope(आशा) लेकर गया था/किन्तु निराशा ही मिली.

"hope","V","1.आशा करना"
भूकंप के मलवे में दबे लोगों के जीवित बचने की ,hope(आशा करना)व्यर्थ है.

"hoped-for","Adj","1.वांछित व संभव"
उन्हें hoped for वेतन नहीं मिला.

भिखारी ने दानदाता के सामने ,hopeful(आशापूर्ण)द्दष्टि से हाथ फैलाये.

वह केन्सर रोगी अपने ठीक होने के प्रति ,hopeful(आशावान)है.

"hopefully","Adv","1.आशा से"
उसने,hopefullyइस (आशा से) कहा था कि वे सकुशल घर पहुच जाएगें.

विद्या ने अपनी,hopefulness(आशापूर्णता) के लिये मंदिर मैं प्रार्थना की.

वह ,hopelessस्थिति में आने पर भी अपने लक्ष्य को नहीं छोडा.

"hopelessly","Adv","1.निराशा से"
वह,hopelessly(निराशा से)घबराकर आत्महत्या करने जा रही थी.

उसके चेहरे पर,hopelessness (निराशा )के चिह्न साफ दिखाई दे रहे थे.

"hopper","N","1.अनाज या कोयला खाली करने का स्थान"
ताप बिजली घरों में कोल रेक,hopper(कोयला खाली करने का स्थान)में किये जाते हैं

"hopscotch","N","1.कूदने का बच्चों का खेल"
बच्चे ,hopscotch खेल रहे हैं

फुटबाल मेच में रेफरी के गलत निर्णय से,horde(भीड)उग्र हो उठी.

"horizontal","Adj","1.समतल क्षितिज के समानंतर"
आसमान दूर से पृथ्वी के,horizontal(क्षितिज के समानांतर)दिखाई देता है.

"horizontally","Adv","1.क्षैतिज स्थिति में"
सूर्यास्त के समय सूर्य ,horizontally(क्षेतिज स्थिति में आ जाता है.

"hormone","N","1.हारमोन" #अंदरही अंदर खून में मिल कर उत्तेजना पैदा करने वाला तत्व
कुछ दवाए ऎसी होती हैं जो शरीर के,hormone(अंदर ही अंदर खून में मिल कर उत्तेजना पैदा करती हैं) में परिवर्तन क
अर देती हैं.

युवावस्था में ,hormonal बदलाव होते हैं

साड ने लडके को,horn(सींग)से उठा कर फेंक दिया.

"horn-rimmed","Adj","1.सींग से बना चश्मे का फ्रेम"
चश्मे का फ्रेम ,horn-rimmed की चीज से होती है

"hornet","N","1.तेज डंक मारने वाला भिंड"
उस लडके ने,hornet(बर्र के छत्ते)में पत्थर मारा और उन्होंने उसे काट लिया.

"hornpipe","N","1.नाविकों से संबन्धित एक प्रकार का नृत्य"
नाविक लम्बी यात्रा के बाद मनोरंजन के लिए ,hornpipeदेख रहे हैं.

हिन्दुओं में बच्चे की ,horoscope(जन्मकुंडली)बनवाने की प्रथा है.

फिल्म में डायनासौर का ,horrendous(भयंकर)फटा मुह देख कर बच्चे डर गये.

"horrendously","Adv","1.भयंकरता से"
पूतना के शरीर की" ,horrendously(भयंकरतासे)गोकुलवासी सहम गये.

सिंह की ,horrible"(विकराल)दहाड सुनकर ग्राम वासी अपने घरों में घुस गये.

"horribly","Adv","1.भयंकर रूपसे"
शेर ने हाथी को,horribly(भयंकर रूपसे )घायल कर दिया.

डाकू फूलनदेवी ने अनेक लोगों को गोली मार,horrid(जघन्य)कार्य किया था.

रोबर्ट ने दो सौ कि.मी.घंटे की गति से कार दौडआ कर,horrific(रोमांचकारी)ढंग से विजय प्राप्त की.

"horrifically","Adv","1.रोमांचकारी ढंग से"
अंतिम ओवर में क्रिकेट मेच,horrifically (रोमांचकारी ढंग से )जीता गया

"horrify","V","1.आतंकित करना"
मोहल्ले वालों को दादाओं ने ,horrify(आतंकित कर रखा ) था.

वह बच्चों को ,horrifying कहानी सुना रहा था.

"horrifyingly","Adv","1.भयविह्वलता से"
रेल दुर्घटना का विवरण,horrifyinglyचित्रित किया गया.

The sight of snake pricked my skin with horror.
साप को देखकर भय से मेरे रोंगटे खडए हो गये.

Oh horrors! Not another snake.

"horror-struck","Adj","1.बहुत डरा हुआ"
अपहरण कर्ताओं के हाथ छूटने के बाद वह,horror-struk(बहुत डरा हुआ) लग रहा था.

उस प्रेतात्मा से राह चलते लोग ,horror-stricken(भयभीत) थे.

"hors-doeuvre","N","1.भोजन से पहले लिया जानेवाला ठंडा भौजन"
वह अतिथियों को ,hors-doeuvre कर रहा था.

पुरानेकाल में शीघ्र यात्रा का साधन ,horse(घोडआ)ही एक उपयुक्त माध्यम था.

"horse chestnut","N","1.बन खौर"
एक प्रकार का वृक्ष जोकि,horse chestnut(बन खौर)कहलाता है.

"horse-drawn","Adj","1.घोडों से खींचा हुआ"
तागा ,horse-drawn से चलती है

"horse race","N","1.घुडदौड"
,horse race(घुड दौड) के शौकीन कई लोग कंगाल हो चुके हैं.

"horse racing","N","1.घुडदौडबाजई"
,horse racing"में कई लोग भाग लेते हैं.

"horse sense","N","1.सामान्य बुद्धि"

"horse trading","N","1.खरीद फरौक्त"
अपनी सरकार बनाने के लिये राजनीतिज्ञ लोग,horse trading(खरीद फरोक्त)करते हैं

"horseback","N","1.घोडए पर सवार"
जो भी आता है,horseback(घोडए पर सवार)होकर ही आता है.

"horseback","Adv","1.घोडे का सवार"
,horsebackचलना बच्चे पसन्द करते हैं.

"horsebox","N","1.घोडए को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह ले जाने का डिब्बा"
सेना के घोडए रेल द्वारा ,horsebox(एक जगह से दूसरी जगह) डिब्बे में लाद कर ले जाये जाते हैं.

"horseflesh","N","1.घोडए का मास खाने हेतु"
यूरोपियन लोग,horseflesh(घोडए का मास खाने हेतु)भी घोडए का उपयोग करते हैं.

एक तरह का कीडआ,horsefly जो कि घोडए व अन्य पशुओं को काटता है.

"horsehair","N","1.घोडए के बाल"
(घोडए के बाल),horsehairसे कई वस्तुए बनती हैं.

घोडए की सवारी में एक दक्ष ,horseman(घुडसवार)ही रेस में विजय पा सकता है.

"horsewoman","N","1.घुड सवारी करने वाली औरत"
आजकल कई औरतें भी,horsewoman(घुडसवारी करने वाली औरतें)घुडसवारी प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने लगी हैं.

"horsemanship","N","1.घुड सवारी की कला"
हमारे देश में,horsemanship(घुडसवारी की कला)सीखने के स्कूल बहुत कम हैं.

-छुट्टियों में विद्यार्थी ,horseplayधमा चौकडई में समय व्यतीत करते हैं

किसी भी मशीन एंजिन आदि की शक्ति,horsepower(अश्वशक्ति) से आकी जाती है.

"horseradish","N","1.एक कन्द-मूल पौधा जिससे ठंडा सॉस बनता है"
सलाद के लिए ,horseradishका सॉस प्रयोग किया जाता है.

"horseshoe","N","1.घोडए की नाल"
घोडए के खुर में,horseshoe(घोडए की नाल)जो कि लोहे की बनी होती है ठोकते हैं.

घुडदौड के समय घुडसवार ,horsewhip(चाबुक)से घोडए को मारते हैं.

"horsy","Adj","1.घोडए से मिलता जुलता"
खच्चर ,horsy(घोडए से मिलता जुलता )एक पशु होता है.

हमारे देश में ,horticulture(बागवानी)का शौक पनप रहा है.

"horticulturist","N","1.उद्यान विशेषज्ञ"
कृषि वि. विद्यालय में,horticulturist(उद्यान विशेषज्ञ)की शिक्षा दी जाती हैं.

"hose","N","1.रबड या प्लास्टिक की नली"
बगीचे में पानी पिलाने के काम में ,hose(रबड की नली) का उपयोग किया जाता है.

रेलगाडई के डिब्बों को,hosepipe(रेल डिब्बों में वेक्यूम पाइप का काम)देता है.

"hose","V","1.पाइप से पानी देना"
गेरेज में गाडइयों को ,hose(पाइप से पानी देकर) सफाई की जाती है.

"hosiery","N","1.मौजा बनियान गंजी आदि"
,hosiery(मौजा बनियान गंजी आदि) का सामान दिल्ली में थोक में सस्ता मिलता है.

तीर्थयात्रियों के ठहरने के लिये,hospice(धर्मशाला)हर तीर्थ स्थान पर बनी है>

"hospitable","Adj","1.सत्कार करने वाला"
जयपुर में विदेशी पर्यटको के,hospitable(सत्कार करने वाले)हाथी के साथ महावत खडए रहते है>

"hospitably","Adv","1.आदर सहित"
वह अपने मेहमानों को ,hospitably(आदर सहित) स्टेशन से ले आया.

हरएक बीमार व्यक्ति को,hospital(चिकित्सालय) में ले जाना चाहिये.

"hospitalize","V","अस्पताल में भर्ती करना"
ह्रदयाघात का दौरा पडने पर शारदा को,hospitalize(अस्पताल में भरती करना) पडआ.

"hospitalization","N","1.अस्पताल की भरती"
परिवार के किसी व्यक्ति को ,hospitalization(अस्पताल में भरती)कराने पर परिवार
परिवार के लोगोम की चिन्ता बढ जाती है.

भारतीयों का,hospitality(आतिथ्य सत्कार)विश्व प्रसिध्द है.

"host","N","1.अधिक संख्या"
चीन ने भारत पर ,hostके साथ हमला कर दिया था.

"host","N","1.मेजबान/किसी आयोजन का सूत्रधार"
भारत ने १९८२ के एसियाड खेलों की ,host(मेजबानी)की थी.

"hostage","N","1.बंधक व्यक्ति"
उग्रवादियों ने चार विदेशी ,hostage(बंधक व्यक्तियों) की हत्या कर दी थी

-विश्व विद्यालयों में,hostelबाहरी छात्रों के लिये(छात्रावास)की व्यवस्था रहती है

दर्शनीय स्थानों पर मुसाफिरों के ठहरने के लिये ,hostelery(सराय)बनी हुई हैं.

यात्री विमानों में यात्रियों की सेवा के लिये,hostess(परिचारिका) रहती हैं.

He gave them a hostile look.

कारगिल में घुसपैठ के कारण,hostility बन गई थी.

आज का दिन सबसे,hot(गरम) दिन था.

"hotly","Adv","1.गुस्से से"
वह उसकी घटिया हरकत पर" hotly(गुस्से से )चिल्लाई.

"hot air","N","1.अफवाह"
किसी यूरोपियन ज्योतिष ने पिछले दिनों प्रलय की,hot air(अफवाह)फैला दी थी.

"hot air baloon","N","1.गुब्बारा"
लोग ,hot air baloon (गुब्बारे)में बैठ कर आसमान की सैर करते हैं.

लक्ष्मण बात बात पर,hot bloodedहो जाते थे.

"hot cake","N","1.गरम चपाती"
ढाबों पर तंदुरी,hot cake(गरम चपाती) खाने का मजा ही कुछ और है.

"hot cross bun","N","1.गोल केक जो गुडफ्राइडे के दिन खाते हैं "
ईस्टर के पहले के शुक्रवार उसने ,hot cross bun बनायी

"hot dog","N","1.गरम कबाब"
वह ,hot dog खा रहा है.

"hot favourite","N","1.दौड को जीतने वाला प्रतियोगी"
प.ट.उषा सब का ,hot favourite"है.

"hot flush","N","1.रजोनिवृत्ति में महिलाओं को उष्णता महसूस करना"
वह ,hot flush"से पीडित हुई.

"hot line","N","1.सीधी संचार व्यवस्था"
भारत पाक प्रधान मंत्रियों के बीच ,hotline(सीधी संचार व्यवस्था)है जिससे आपात काल में बात हो सके.

"hot potato","N","1.विषम परिस्थिति. "
मनुष्य को,hot potato(विषम परिस्थिति)में साहस नहीं खोना चाहिये.

"hot Property","N","1."

"hot seat","N","1.दायित्वपूर्ण पद"
वित्त मन्त्री का पद एक" hot seat"है.

"hot spot","N","1.राजनीतिक संकट आने का स्थान"
बिहार एक ,hot spot स्थान बन गया है.

"hot spring","N","1.गरम पानी का सोता"
गुडगाव में एक ,hot springहै.

"hot stuff","N","1.प्रतिभाशाली"
विश्वनाथ आनन्द शतरंज में ,hot stuff है.

"hot tempered","N","1.गरम मिजाजी"
परशुरामजी बहुत ही,hot tempered(गरम मिजाजी)ऋषि थे.

"hot water bottle","N","1.गरम पानी का आधान"
नर्स ,hot water bottle ले जा रही है.

"hotbed","N","1.बुराई के पनपने का अड्डा"
-बडए बडए नगरों में आजकल कई मोहल्लों में,hotbed(बुराई के पनपने के अड्डे)चल रहै

-उनकी योजनाए सब ,hotchpotch है

"hotel","N","1.होटल/किराये का विश्राम स्थल. "
बडए शहरों मे पाचतारा,hotel(होटलों) में ठहरने का व्यय बहुत है.

"hotelier","N","1.होटल चलाने वाला"
,hotelier(होटल चलानेवाले)का काम सीखने के लिये कोर्स करना पडता है.

घर में आग लगने के कारण वह कुटुम्ब सहित ,hotfootबाहर आया.

वह कुछ भी कार्य करने में बहुत ही ,hothead(उतावला)हो जाता है.

"hothouse","N","1.शीशे की पौधशाला"
ट्यूलिप फूल को" hothouse में रखते हैं.

,hotplate पर तवा रखो.

"hotpot","N","1.अंगीठी में मास व शाक को धीरे सिझाना"
रसोइया अथितियों के लिए ,hotpotबना रहा है.

"hotshot","N","1.सफल व्यक्ति"
वह एक ,hotshot युवा वकील है.

खरगोश का शिकार,hound(शिकारी कुत्ता)आसानी से कर लेता है.

"hound","V","1.पीछे पडना"
कार्यालय अधीक्षक हाथ धोकर उसके,hound(पीछे पड गया )है.

केन्द्रीय कार्यालयों में आठ,hour(घंटा)नौकरी करना पडती है

"hourly","Adv","1.हर घंटे बाद"
मौसम की जानकारी की सूचना" hourly(हर घंटे बाद)रखना मौसम विभाग का काम है.

"hour hand","N","1.घडई में घंटा बजाने वाली सुई"
पुरानी दिवाल घडई में,hour hand(घंटा बजाने वाली सुई) होती है.

"hourglass","N","1.रेत की घडई"
प्राचीन काल में समय की जानकारी लोग,hour glass(रेत की घडई) से रखते थे.

यह काम्बली का ,house है.

"houseful","N","1.पूरा भरा हुआ"
सरफरोश फिल्म इन दिनों ,houseful चल रही है.

"house arrest","N","1.नजर बंदी"
म्यामार सरकार विरोधी नेता वान सु ची वर्षों से,house arrest नजर बंदी का जीवन बीता रही है.

"house husband","N","1.घर का संचालन करने वाला व्यक्ति"
,house husband(घर का संचालन करने वाला व्यक्ति)नहीं होने से एक गृहणी को बहुत कठिनाई पडती है.

"house of commons","N","1.निचला सदन"
ब्रिटेन के निचले सदन के संसदों के बैठने की जगह ,house of commons(निचला) सदन कहलाता है.

"house of God","N","1.गिरजाघर"
ईसाई लोग,house of God(गिरजाघर) में ईश्वर की प्रार्थना करतें हें.

"house of lords","N","1.ब्रिटेन का उच्च सदन"
ब्रिटेन के सांसदों और बिशप के बैठने का स्थान ,house of lords(ब्रिटीश उच्च सदन
कहलाता है.

"house of Representatives","N","1.अमेरिका के चुने हुए सभा के प्रतिनिधि"
अमेरिका की केन्द्रीय सरकार में चुने हुए प्रतिनिधि,house of representatives कहलाते हैं.

"house party","N","1.पार्टी जिसमें मेहमान थोडे दिन ठहरते हैं"
जान ,house partyके लिए तैयारिया कर रहा है.

"house plant","N","1.घर के अंदर उगाया जाने वाला छोटा पौधा"
कुण्डे में ,house plant(घर के अंदर उगाये जाने वाले पौधे) कई तरह के होते हैं.

"house proud","Adj","1.घर की मर्यादा"
कुलीन लोग अपने,house proud(घरकी मर्यादा) का ध्यान रखते हैं.

"house of parliament","N","1.संसद भवन"
ब्रिटेन के निचले और उच्च सदन के सांसद जहा मिलते हैं,house of parliament कहलाता है.

"house-sit","N","1.मकान मालिक की अनुपस्थिति में किराये विना रहना"
मेर मित्र को एक महीने के लिए,house-sit जरूरी है.i

"house sitter","N","1.मकानकीरखवाली करने वाला"
परिवार के सभी लोग यात्रा पर जाते समय,house sitter(मकान की रखवाली-
-करने का जिम्मा घरेलु नौकर को सौंप गये.

"house to house","Adj","1.घर घर बुलाना"
पुलिस ,house to house पूछ-ताछ कर रही है.

"house trained","Adj","1.सिखाया हुआjAnavaroM ko"
,house trained कुत्ते वफादार होते हैं.

"house warming","N","गृह प्रवेश का पार्टी"
मेरी सहेली ,house warming"पार्टी दे रही है.

"house","V","1.घरमें ठहराना"
कई लोगौं ने बेघरबार भूकम्प पीडइतों को अपने,house(घरमें ठहराया.)

कश्मीर की डाल झील में पर्यटक,houseboat(शिकारा) में ठहरते हैं.

"housebound","Adj","1.घर के अंदर ही बना रहने वाला"
अपनी सेवा निवृत्ति के बाद हीरालाल,housebound(घर के अंदर ही रहता है)कहीं बाहर नहीं जाता.

"housebreaking","N","1.मकान में सेंध लगाना"
चोर लोग पटेल के,housebreaking(घरमें सेंध लगा कर)चोरी कर गये.

"housebroken","Adj","1.घर का पालतु पशु"

"household","N","1.घर के सभी लोग"
हर ,householdके पास टेलिविशन सेट होती है.

"householdname","N","1.जाना पहचाना नाम"
चार्ली चेपलिन सभी का,householdname(जाना पहचाना) नाम है.

"householder","N","1.घर का मालिक"
वह,householderदो महीने के लिए विदेश जा रहा है.

आजकल ईमानदार,housekeeper मुश्किल से मिलता है.

"housekeeping","N","1.गृह व्यवस्था"
सोनी,housekeeping(गृह व्यवस्था) के कार्य में होशियार है.

"housemaid","N","1.घरेलु काम करने वाली नौकरानी"
जेनी एक सीधी सादी,housemaid(घरेलु काम करने वाली नौकरानी) है.

"houseman","N","1.किसी अस्पताल का कनिष्ठ डाक्टर"
एम. वाय.अस्पताल के,housemanकनिष्ट डाक्टर हडताल पर चले गये.

"housemaster","N","1.विद्यालय में छात्रों का व्यवस्थापक"
विद्यालय के छात्रावास में ,housemaster(छात्रों का व्यवस्थापक)नियुक्त रहता है.

"housetops","N","1.मकान की छत"
आपातकाल में विरोधी नेता,housetops (मकान की छत) से प्रचार करते थे.

"housewife","N","1.घर की संचालिका"
गृहस्थी के काम काज की जिम्मेदारी ,housewife(घर की संचालिका) संभालती है.

"housework","N","1.घरेलू काम काज"
घरेलु काम काज,housework करने वाली महिला बहुत अधिक पैसे मांगती है.

गृह निर्माण मण्डल,housing(घर) आसान किश्तों पर आवण्टित करती है.

"housing association","N","1.घरदिलानेवालीसंस्था"
,housing association गृह निर्माण कार्य में लगें हैं.

"house benefit","N","1.वास-सुविधा देने वाली स्थानीय कौंसिल"
तुम ,house benefit"के लिए आवेदन कर.

"house estate","N","1.नियोजित घर"
वह,house estate"में रहता है.

"hove","V","1.heave जोर लगाकर उठाना"
सचिन ने क्रिकेट की बाल को जोरदार शोट मारकर हवा में,hove(उठा दिया)

"hover","V","1.हवा में एक ही जगह चक्कर काटना"
गिध्द हवा में घंटों ,hoverरहते हैं.

,hovercraft युद्ध में प्रयोग किया जाता है.

,how are you John?

मेरी तबियत ठीक नहीं है,however(फिरभी) मैं कार्यक्रम में आऊगा.

"hOwitzer","N","1.एक प्रकारकी छोटी बन्दूक"
पहाड पर,howitzer(एक प्रकार की छोटी बन्दूक) लेकर चढने में आसानी रहती है.

"howl","V","1.जोर से चीखना"
जंगल से गीदड के ,howl(जोर से चीखने )की डरावनी आवाज आ रही थी.

"howler","N","1.बडई भारी गलती"
उसने अपने भाई को घर से निकाल कर" howler(बडई भारी गलती) की है.

"howling","Adj","1.महान सफलता"
उसने परीक्षा में महान सफलता प्राप्त की.

"HP","N","1.अश्वशक्तिiMjana kI"
इंजन ,horse power पर चलती है.

साइकिल की ,hub ठीक नहीं है.

"hub cap","N","1.हबकैप"
उसने साइकिल की ,hub capबदली

,hubbub से उसका भाषण सुनाई नही दिया.

रेणु का ,hubby कल विदेश से आ रहै हैं.

,hubris मनुष्य को गिरा देता है.

सारी भीड उसी,huckster की ओर जा रही है.

"huddle","N","1.भीड लगाना"
नेता को देखने के लिए वहा ,huddle है.

एक भिखारी,huddledपेड के नीचे सो रहा है

"hue","N","1.विविध रंग"
पक्षिया अनेक ,hues के होते हैं

"huff","V","1.क्रुद्ध हो जाना"
दुर्वास ऋषि निरादर व्यवहार से ,huff हुए

उससे बात मत कर. वह ,huff में है.

"huffy","Adj","1.झुंझलाया हुआ"
पाण्डवों के नाम सुनते ही दुर्योधन ,huffy था.

"hug","V","1.सीने से लगाना"
कृष्ण अपने मित्र को ,hug किया.

मित्र के ,hug से सुदामा के आखों में आसू भर आए.

"hulk","N","1.टूटा हुआ पुराना जहाज"
समुद्र तट पर एक ,hulk है

टारजआन का ,hulking आकृति था.

"hull","N","1.हाज का ढाचा"
टैटानिक जहाज का ढाचा समुद्र में ढूब गया.

"hull","V","1.छिलका उतारना"
मटर को ,hull करके रखना है.

,hullabaloo से वह पार्टी मनाई.

राहुल गीत को,hum रहा था.

भौरों का,hum कानो में गूज रहा है.

शिक्षक छात्रों को मानवीय शरीर विज्ञान पढा रहे है.

"human error","N","1.मानवीय भूल"
हर काम में"Human errorसर्व साधारण" है.

अपराधी को दण्ड देते समय हमें यह नहीं भूलना है कि गलती ,human से ही होती है.

"humankind","N","1.मनुष्य मात्र"
नाभिकीय शस्स्र ,humankind के लिए अति खतरा है.

"humanly","Adv","1.मानवीयतौर पर"
चिकित्सक ,humanly जो उचित है सारे काम किए

"human being","N","1.मानव"
,human beingsजानवरों के प्रति सहानुभूति दिखाता है.

"human interest","N","1.मानव की अभिरुचि"
,human interestहेतु पत्रों में व्यक्तिगत के भावनाओं को प्रकाशित करते हैं.

"human race","N","1.मानव जाति"
युद्ध ,human race के लिए खतरनाक है.

"human rights","N","1.हरएक मनुष्य के मूलभूत अधिकार"
,human rightsमें वाक-शक्ति भी समाविष्ट है.

शिवि चक्रवर्ती ने ,Humane दशा से कबूतर को छुडवा दिया.

"humanely","Adv","1.मानवीयता से"
फ्रांसिस ओफ असीसी ,humanely व मित्रभाव से अपने जीवन को समर्पित किया.

संस्कृत के नाटकों में अधिक"Humanism है.

"humanist","Adj","1.मानवता का"
हर काम में ,humanist ढंग होना अनिवार्य है.

मदेर तेरेसा"Humanitarian थी जो जीवनपर्यन्त अनाथ बच्चों की सेवा की.

,humanitarianism एक श्रेष्ठ गुण है.

महात्मा बुद्ध ,humanity को अपने सिद्धान्तों का मार्गदर्शन दिखाया.


"humanoid","Adj","1.शक्ल में मानव जैसा"
गुरिल्ला देखने में ,humanoid है.

"humanoid","N","1.मानव जैसा प्राणी. "
पुरातत्वज्ञ ,humanoid की खोज करते हैं.

"humble","Adj","1.नम्र/विनीत/सीधा सादा"
संत रामानुज ,humbleस्वभावी थे.

उसे उच्च पद से हटाकर उसका ,humble किया.

"humbly","Adj","1.विनय पूर्वक"
उसके ,humbly जवाब से सब लोग प्रसन्न हुए

वह ,humbugपासपोर्ट की धोखाधडी में पकडा गया.

"humdinger","N","1.श्रेष्ठ व्यक्ति या वस्तु"
अबदुल कलाम एक ,humdingerहै जिनका विज्ञान क्षेत्र में उत्कृष्ट देन है

इस वर्ष फिल्म समारोह बहुत ही ,humdrum था.

नीचे गिरने के कारण उसकी,humerus में सूझन है

लगातार वर्षा के कारण आज वातावरण ,humid है.

"humidifier","N","1.वायु को नम रखनेवाला उपकरण"
वायु को नम रखने के लिए ,humidifierरखा जाता है.

दक्षिण भारत में ,humidity अधिक प्रतिशत है.

"humiliate","V","1.नीचा दिखाना"
कालेज के चुनाव में राकेश जीतकर अपने सहपाठी को ,humiliate किया.

दुर्योधन से द्रौपदी का,humiliationअत्यन्त घोर था

"hummock","N","1.पहाडई टीला"
बुलडोजर ,hummock को सतह करता है.

वह,humorous लेखक है.

"humorously","Adv","1.विनोद से"
संस्कृत नाटकों में विदूषक का पात्र ,humorously चित्रित किया गया है.

संस्कृत नाटकों में ,humourभी होता है.

,humourless जीवन मनुष्य के लिए अंधकारमय होता है.

"hump","N","1.मिट्टी का टीला"
कोने में ,humpपडा है.

"hump","V","1.कूबड उठाना/प्रयास करना"
मैने फर्नीचर को सारा दिन ,humpingकरता रहा.

उस ,humped बूढई को बच्चे चिढआते हैं.

"humpback bridge","N","1.ऊपर नीचे आने वाली मेहराब जैसा छोटा पुल"
रामेश्वर में ,humpback bridge हैं.

"humus","N","1.खाद मिट्टी"
पेड व पौधों को ,humusका खाद्य अनिवार्य है.

मुझे ,hunchहै कि चोर घर के अन्दर घुसा है.

रीटा पढने के लिए आगे,hunchकिया.

वह" hunched " कुली सदा काम करता रहता है.

वह ,hunchback अधिक भार नहीं उठा सकता.

मुहूर्त में ,hundred जन थे.

कुम्भ मेले में लोगों की संख्या ,hundreds होती है

कुंबले ने ,hundredth रन लिया.

"hundred weight","N","1.0पौंडतौल की अमेरिकी इकाई"
,hundred weight अमेरिकी इकाई है.


"hung Over","Adj","1."
वह बहुत दुखी हुआ क्योंकि हारना उसके लिए ,hung over होगया.

विश्व में अनेक लोग ,hunger से पीडित है.

"hunger march","N","1.भूखेप्यासेमार्चकरना"
अपना माग पूरा करने के लिए मजदूर ,hunger march कर रहे हैं.

"hunger marcher","N","1.अनशन यात्रा"
वह" hunger marcher दो दिन से पानी तक नहीं पिया.

"hunger strike","N","1.भूख हडताल"
कम्पनी के,hunger strike"में यूनियन भाग लेते हैं

"hunger Striker","N","1.भूख हडताल करने वाला"
,hunger striker" अपने माग मे बडा जिद्द है.

,hungry शेर जंगल में इधर-उधर भटकता है.

वह ,hungrilyसारी खीर खा ली.

ब्रेड का ,hunk लेकर तेल में तल.

"hunt","V","1.शिकार करना"
लोग ,hunt के लिए जंगल जाते हैं.

जानवरों की खाल के लिए ,hunterविरल जातीय पशुओं को मारते हैं.

"hunting","N","1.शिकार का खेल"
राजपरिवार में ,hunting एक उल्लासमय खेल था.

"hunting ground","N","1.स्थान जहा वस्तु को खोजा जा रहा हो"
उत्खनन के स्थल पुरातत्वज्ञों के लिए ,hunting ground होता है.

"hunt","N","1.आखेट यात्रा"
पुरातत्वज्ञ पुरातत्व-संबन्धी ,hunt में लगे हैं.

,huntsman शिकार की ओर निशान लगाता है.

छात्र ,hurdlesमें भाग ले रहे हैं.

"hurdle","V","1.बाधा उछल कर पार करना"
पी.टी. उषा ,hurdleकरते प्रतियोगिता में रजत पदक जीती

"hurdling","N","1.बाधा पार करते हुए"
,hurdling में भारत के तेज धावक भाग ले रहे हैं.

"hurdy gurdy","N","1.एक प्रकार का ढोल बाजा"
वादकवृन्द में ,hurdy gurdy" वाद्य भी शामिल है.

"hurl","V","1.जोर से फेंक कर मारना"
उग्रवादी पुलिस पर पत्थर ,hurl कर रहें हैं.

"hurling","N","1.एक प्रकार का गेंद का खेल"
,hurling खेल में वह टीम जीत गई

"hurly burly","N","1.हडबडई"
चुनाव के समय सदा ,hurly burly दशा होती है.

"hurrah","Interj","1.वाह-वाह/खुशी से चिल्लाना"
गीता को स्वर्ण पदक मिलते ही सब"Hurrah कहकर चिल्लाए.

"hurricane lamp","N","1.तूफान"
,hurricaneसे बंगलदेशवासी पीडित हुए.

"hurry","N","1.बहुत जल्दबाजी"
टीनू ,hurry में अपना पासपोर्ट लेना भूल गया.

"hurry","V","1.जल्दी करना"
वह सारा काम,hurry में करता है.

"hurt","V","1.क्षति पहुचाना"
विस्फोट से लोग ,hurt होते हैं

भारती अपने मित्र के निमन्त्रण न पाने से ,hurt हुई.

दुर्घटना में वह ज्यादा ,hurt नहीं हुआ.

,hurtfulखबर सुनकर वह मूर्छित हुई.
उसकी ,hurtful बात सुनकर उसके आखों में आसू भर आए.

"hurtfully","Adv","1.चोट पहुचाते हुए"
मैथ्यू सब के सामने अपने मित्र के बारे में ,hurtfully टिप्पणी करता है.

"hurtle","V","1.खड खड करते हुए आगे बढना"
The train hurtled towards the platform.

मीना अपने ,husband के साथ विदेश जा रही है

"husband","V","1.मितव्ययता के साथ प्रबंध करना"
रमेश अपने फार्म को

भारत में ,husbandryएक मुख्य व्यवसाय है.

"hush","V","1.चुप हो जाना"
मुख्याध्यापक को देखते ही छात्र ,hush हो गए

ध्यान करने के लिए ,hush अनिवार्य है

"hush money","N","1.रिश्वत"
व्यापारी दलाल को ,hush money देकर अपना काम पूरा किया.

नारियल के ,husk से तरह तरह की वस्तुए बनती हैं.

"husk","V","1.भूसी निकालना"
धान्यों के ,husk निकालकर किसान दानों को धान्यागार में रखते हैं

"husky","Adj","1.भर्रायी हुई आवाज"
ठंड से उसकी आवाज में ,husky है.

"huskily","Adv","1.कर्कश आवाज से"
,huskily गाने पर भी लोगों ने उसकी तारीफ की.

धान्यों का,huskiness स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है.

"husky","N","1.एस्किमो कुत्ता"
हिमगाडी को उत्तरध्रुवीय क्षेत्र में" husky खींचते हैं.

"hussar","N","1.हल्का हथियार वाला घुडसवार सैनिक"
आई.ए.एस आफीसर के घर के बाहर एक ,hussar खडा है.

"hustings","N","1.चुनावपूर्व की राजनैतिक गतिविधिया"
,hustings से सारे शहर में उत्तेजित चहल-पहल है.

"hustle","V","1.धक्का देना"
पुलिस उग्रवादियों को ,hustle करके घटनास्थल से दूर कर रहे हैं.

"hut","N","1.झोंपडई.छोटा घर"
,hut में अनेक लोग निवास करते हैं.

"hutch","N","1.खरगोश का पिंजरा"
,hutch में स्थित खीरगोश को बालक ने छुडवा दिया.

#"i","N","1.अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला का नवा अक्षर"
९th letter of the English alphabet.

I am an intelligent girl.

managerial , editorial etc..


Eg- Bostonian, Brazilian.

Eg victoriana, Americana.

"ibex","N","1.आल्पस पर्वत का जगली बकरा"
Ibex are commonly found in Alps mountains.

"-Ibid","Adv","1.उसी स्थान पर"
This article is ibid as in that book.

"IBM","N","1.एक बहु राष्ट्रीय कंपनी"
International business machines make computers and computer peripherals.

"ibis","N","1.सारस के प्रकार का एक पक्षी"
Ibis is a beautiful bird.

We put ice in juice to chill it.

"ice-age","N","1.बर्फीला युग"
In the ice age the entire earth was covered with ice.

"ice-axe","N","1.बर्फ काटने की कुल्हाडई"
Ice axe is often used by people climbing mountains for cutting steps to make
way in ice.

"ice-blue","Adj","1.हल्का नीला रंग"
She looks pretty because of her ice-blue eyes.

"ice-blue","N","1.हल्का नीला रंग"
She looks pretty because of her ice-blue eyes.

"ice-bound","Adj","1.बरफ से ढका हुआ"
They could not move because they were ice bound.

To explore Atlantic Oceans ice breakers are used.

"ice cap","N","1.बरफ से ढका हुआ"
North and South poles are always covered with ice cap.

"ice-cold","Adj","1.बहुत बडई बर्फ के जैसी ठंडई"
I love to have ice cold drinks.

"ice cream","N","1.मलाई बरफ"
Children love to have Ice Cream.

"ice-cube","N","1.बर्फ के छोटे टुकडए"
Ice cubes are used for cooling drinks.

"ice field","N","1.बर्फ का बडआ तैरता हुआ टुकडआ"
We mainly see ice fields in North and South poles.

"ice floe","N","1.समुद्र में तैरता हुआ बर्फ का टुकडआ"
Ice floe breaks down in spring season.

"ice hockey","N","1.बरफ में खेले जाने वाला खेल"
Ice Hockey is very common in Canada.

"ice lolly","N","1.बरफ की मिठाई"
Children are fond of ice lollies.

"ice pack","N","1.बरफ की थैली"
People with swellings use ice pack.

"Ice Pick","N","1.बर्फ को तोडने का औजआर"
Big ignots of ice are broken down using ice picks.

"ice rink","N","1.एक प्रकार की बर्फीली चादर"
Ice rink rink is used for playing ice hockey.

"ice water","N","1.बहुत ठंडआ पानी"
I like to drink ice water in summer.

"iceberg","N","1.बहता हुआ हिमखण्ड"
Ice bergs cause danger to the ships.

"icebox","N","1.बर्फ रखने का डिब्बा"
In hotels Ice boxes are used to keep ice.

"icing","N","1.केक को सजाने के लिए तैयार किया मिश्रण"
Icing makes cake attractive.

Stone icons were widely used in Indian temples.

"iconoclast","N","1.रिवाज तोडनेवाला"
He is an iconoclast because he does not follow the beliefs blindly.

"icy","Adj","1.बरफ से ढका हुआ"
In Greenlands all the houses are icy.

The man did not reveal his ID{identity}.

"ID card","Abbridentity card","1.परिचय पत्र"
Please show me your identity card.

I put forward my idea of starting the business.
I have an idea to start a business.
I put forward my idea when I was asked to.
It was my idea that she would come.
I have an idea of commerce.
I gave her the idea to do that work.

She is an ideal person.
This is an ideal story.
M.K. Gandhi is an ideal for many Indians.

Idealism should be a part of every person.

Indians are idealists.



"ideate","V","1.कल्पना करना"

She has a strong ideation power.

The criminal was identified.

The identification of the accident victims took some time.

"identikit","N","1.टुकडओं को जोडकर बनाई गयी तसवीर"
Identikit is used by police to identify criminals.

This ring is the identity of the killer.

"identity crisis","N","1.पहचानअभाव"
She had an identity crises when she was sixteen.

"ideogram","N","1.एक तरह का चिह्न जो किसी भावना का प्रतीक हो"
Cluiese use Ideogram.

"ideology","N","1.एक सर्वमान्य विचार"
Our ideologies differ widely.

Our differences were rejected on ideological grounds.

"ideologically","Adv","1.आदर्शीकरणता से"
She is ideologically correct.

"idiocy","N","1.पूर्ण अज्ञानता"
Her Idiocy put her in trouble.

Everyone has his own idiolect.

,Old is gold is an idiom.

Reena uses idiomatic expressions while giving a speech.

"idiosyncrasy","N","1.मानसिक घटना या प्रवृत्ति की विशेषावस्था"
One of her idiosyncrasy is always washing in cold water.

"idiosyncratic","Adj","1.विशेष जाती स्वभाव या प्रवृत्ति"
Film directors have on idiosyncratic style.

He is an idiot since birth.

Dont be idiotic.

"idiotically","Adv","1.मूर्खता से"

The factory machines lay idle during the workers strike.

"idle","V","1.कुछ नहीं करना"
Stop idling, help me in my work.

He suffered six months of enforced idleness.

He Idly storked his beard.

He is still the idol for countless teenagers.

"idolater","N","1.मूर्ति पूजक"
He is an idiolater.

Most of the Hindus are idiolatrous people.

"idiolatry","N","1.मूर्ति पूजा"
He supports his local team with a fever that borders on idolatry.

"idiolize","V","1.पूजा करना"
She idiolized lord Rama beautifully.

If you have finished eating you may leave the table.

"if not","Conj","1.नहीं तो"
If you have finished we can have coffee together if not Ill have one on my own.

"if only","Conj","1.अगर ऎसा"
If only I were rich.

"if so","Conj","1.यदि ऎसा है तो"
If so why dont you come tomorrow.

Shes had a rather iffy relationship with some architect.

Eg codify, purify, solidify.

"igloo","N","1.एस्किमो की झोपडई"
Eskimos live in igloos.

"igneous","Adj","1.अग्नि सम्बन्धी"
Petrol is an igneous substance.

He lit a match to ignite the fuse.

Turn on the ignition first and then start the scooter.

He has ignoble thoughts.

It is difficult to suffer the ignominy of defeat.

An ignominious defeat.

He is an ignoramus.

I prefer to remain in ignorance about how you make your money.

He is ignorant but he is certainly not stupid.

"ignore","V","1.अवज्ञा करना"
I said hello to her but she ignored me completely.

Iguana is a large lizard of tropical America.

"ilk","N","1.उसी का"
I cant stand him or any other of that ilk.

She fell ill suddenly.

"ill at ease","IDM","1.घबराया हुआ"
He was ill-at-ease, when he got the court notice.

"ill advised","Adj","1.कुमंत्रित"
He was ill advised to tell his manager.

"ill bread","Adj","1.असभ्य"
He is an ill bread child.

"ill concealed","Adj","1.ठीकसेनछुपायाहुआ"
An ill considered proposal or response.

"ill defined","Adj","1.कुपरिभाषित"
Her role in drama was ill defined.

"ill fated","Adj","1.अभागा"
He is an ill fated man.

"ill got","Adj","1.छल या बेईमानि से प्राप्त"
Enjoy Ones ill gotten games.

"ill judged","Adj","1.नासमझपूर्ण"
Going to the riot-ridden areas was an ill-judged decision.

"ill mannered","Adj","1.बुरा स्वभाव"
He was ill mannered of you not to thank her.

"ill natured","Adj","1.बुरे_स्वभाववाला"
The ill natured king punished the innocent.

"ill prepared","Adj","1.तैयार न होना"
He was ill prepared for emergency.

"ill starred","Adj","1.गलतनक्षत्रोंमें"
It was an ill-starred move.

"ill tempered","Adj","1.क्रोधी"
He is an ill tempered person.

"ill treat","V","1.दुर्व्यवहार करना"
Do not ill-treat others dogs.

"illegal","Adj","1.नियम विरुद्ध"
There are many illegal immigrants in our country.

Many people have illegible hand-writing.

It is illegitimate to use company property as private.

Her paints are illiberal.

"illicit","Adj","1.नियम या व्यवहार विरुद्ध/अवैध"

Government has to take action to eliminate illiterate.

Illeteracy is a curse to human development.

Daksha never had a days illness in her life.

It seems illogical to change the time-table so often.

"illuminate","V","1.प्रकाशयुक्त करना"
Spotlights were used to illuminate the thieves.

Bhagavadgita gives us spiritual illumination.

She is under the illusion that he loves her.

Her success was only illusory.

"illustrate","V","1.व्याख्या करना"
Our teacher makes the lessons interesting by giving illustrations.

"illustrative","Adj","1.दृष्टान्त देनेवाला"
These materials are illustrative of a particular approach to language teaching.

She has an illustrious future.

International labor organization.

I have this image of you as always being cheerful.

The poem is imagery.

The house has the most spectacular view imaginable.

The story is purely imaginary.

He does it have much imagination.

The enlibity were imaginatively displayed.

"imagine","V","1.विचार करना"
Imagine a house with a big garden.

Imam leads the prayer is a mosque.

A serious imbalance between our import 4 export trade.

Bill has an imbecile behavior.

Dont go imbecility.

Dont imbibe for yours sake.
--"२.आत्मसात करना"
Imbibe the eternal knowledge.


"imbue","V","1.भर देना"
politician imbued with a desire for social change.

"IMF","N","1.International monetary fund"
Her very cleaver at imitating her Irish accent.

"imitate","V","1.नकल करना"
Without the chairman support the committee is important.

Imitation jewellary is used now a days.

Children try to be imitative is their actions.

Great mens life are immaculate.

The world around them is immaterial for saints.

Immature fruits should not be plucked.

The convert of effort put in scientific research is immeasurable.

for every action there is an equal, immediate and opposite reaction.


The cyclone victims^H^[[C were immediately shifted to the hospital.

"immemorial","Adj","1.अति प्राचीन"
The sight of Taj mahal is immemorial.

Rosy was followed by a this shop - girl staggering under an immense white dress.

We cant trace the immensity of the time. .

immerse the potatoes in water for their better cooking.

Ganesh immersion is held on the 1.th day of Ganesh utsav.

"immigrant","N","1.देशांतर में बसनेवाला"
Many Indian immigrants contributed to the flood relief.


The characteristic of land is immobile in nature . Land is immobile.

"immobilize","V","1.अचल करना"
satellites in space were immobilized.

The climate in African countries is immoderately extreme.

Rita was immodest.

uneducated & illiterate persons are immoral in their character.


exemption from death,Nobody can attain immorality.

"immortalize","V","1.अमर बनाना"
The generous act done by Shyam immortalized him.


I am immune to small pox as a result of vaccination.

Artificial immunity is given to people suffering from diseases.

"immunize","V","1.उन्मुक्त करना"
have you been immunize against polio yet.

All India immunization program is going against polio.

"immure","V","1.बंद करना"
He immured himself in his room to work undisturbed.

Dress code in college was an immutable decision.

"imp","N","1.छोटा प्रेत या पिशाच"
Children are scared by the imp is the bungalow.

Her speech made an tremendous impact on every one.
The impact caused a dent in the car.

Too much alcohol impairs your ability to drive.

In trying to climb the fence he had impaled his leg.

"impalpable","Adj","1.न समझने योग्य"
She was an impalpable person lushing in his imagination.

"impart","V","1.प्रदान करना"
Ram has to impart with some of has money as tax.

impartial justice is provided to everyone in a secular state.

His impartiality is known by everyone in the city.

Roads became impassable by fallen trees.

The negotiations have reached an impasse with both sides refusing to compromise.

The leader impassioned his people to revolt against the industrialist.

"impassive","Adj","1.भावना शून्य"
The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to her years in prison.

The patient was very impatient to meet the doctor.

The managements growing impatience towards union made the situation worse.

"impatiently","Adv","1.अधीरत से"
Piyush was impatiently waiting for the train to arrive.

"impeach","V","1.महाभियोग लगआना"
The prisoner was impeached of the charge of theft and.

"impeachable","Adv","1.दोष लगाने योग्य"
Dowry is an impeachable offense.

His written Hindi is impeccable.

He is an impecunious student.

She is an impedance between me and my friend.

Regulation impede imports.

The main impediment to growth was lack of capital.

He came with his wife, six children, four dogs 4 various other Impedimentalla.

"impel","V","1.प्रेरित करना"
I was impelled to investigate the matter further.

His impending arrival.

Computer jargon is completely impenetrable to me.

The impenetrability that prevents the scientists to discover some.

It is absolutely imperative that we make a quick decision.
--"२.आदेश सूचक"
In go the verb is imperative.


His imperfect knowledge about his subject always gets him in trouble.

Imperfection in his work made him to lose his job.

The imperial army supressed the rebellion.

Imperialism prevailed in the Ancient times of India.

The imperialists desire. .

"imperil","V","1.जोखिम में डआलना"
Soldiers imperil their lives for protecting their country.

Rita is an imperious personality.

Land is an imperishable gift of nature.

Now a days the jobs of educated persons are mostly impermanent.

An impermeable rock.

Lets keep the discussion impersonal so as not to en bored अन्योने.

"impersonate","V","1.पररूप धारण करना"
He can impersonate many well known politicians.

"impersonation","N","1.अभिनय करना"
He does impersonation of TV personalities.

It would be grossly impertinent to tell her how the job should be done.

she was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry.


Impetigo is as infectious disease.

Dont be so Impetuous.

What the economy needs is a new impetus.

Ram is an impiety man.

The workers have impinged against the factory owner.

Dont be so impious.

He takes an impish delight in shocking people.

An implacable enemy.

The scientists have implanted a satellite in the space.

The story is implausible.

Mans earliest implements were carved from stones and bones.

The government is pressing for immediate implementation of its new policies.

She tried to avoid saying anything that would implicate her further.

They failed to consider the wider implication of their actions.

I have implicit faith in your abilities.

The windows on both sides of the room had imploded.

"implore","V","1.प्रार्थना करना"
They implored her to stay.

"imply","V","1.का अर्थ होना"
His silence seemed to imply agreement.

Some people think it is impolite to ask someones age.

It might be impolitic to refuse his offer.

The environmental impact is imponderable at present.

"import","V","1.आयात करना"
Technical equipments imported from abroad.

The worlds largest importer of coconut is India.

There are many important works to be done yet.

This book is of great importance to me.

"importantly","Adv","1.आवश्यक रूप में"
can she be trusted more importantly.

I am fed up with this importunate beggar.

Has the importation of goods being done.

"importune","V","1.हठ करना"
Please dont importune people.

"impose","V","1.लागू करना"
I have never imposed myself on others.

Her presence is an imposing one.

I would like to stay in your house if its not too much of an imposition.

It is not impossible for a man to achieve high points of success in life.

It is the logical impossibility of anyone to win a nuclear war.

"impossibly","Adv","1.असम्भाव्य रूप में"
He sets impossibly high standards.

Beware of all impostors who cheat people.

Dont pretend to be an Imposture in front of me.

Without the chairmans support the committee is impotent.

Some people have a feel of impotence while solving a problem.

"impotently","Adv","1.नपुंसकता से"
He speaks so impotently that no one would like to speak to him.

"impound","V","1.जब्त करना"
The police impounded his car as evidence.

"impoverish","V","1.अशक्त कर देना"
Intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil.

Rich people willfully create impoverishment in the society.

It is impracticable to allocate a member of staff full-time to the project.

People might laugh on your impractibility.

It is impractical to think that we will finish our work within one hour.

Okay! Now dont speak about impracticality. Its more than enough.

Ask her not to mutter those imprecations.

Your language is imprecise as I thought.

Your words are imprecisely written.

Arsenal are in an impregnable position at the top of the league.

"impregnate","V","1.से व्याप्त करना"
The smoke had impregnated their clothes.
--"२.गर्भादान करना"

The impresario of the Italian music concert is a man of wonderful nature.

"impress","V","1.प्रभावित करना"
She knows how to impress her teachers.

Do not create false impression about your nature.

She wants to create her impressionism in the field of painting.

There are good impressionists in India.


Rajajis speech was impressionable to the students.

He delivered an impressive speech on the occassion.

You should speak so impressively that others think about you.

Each book should possess the imprimatur for identity.

"imprint","V","1.मन में बैठा देना"
The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his memory.

The tragedy left a lasting imprint on the community.

"imprison","V","1.कऎद करना"
His uncle was imprisoned for fraud.

He was sentenced to years of imprisonment.

It is highly improbable that the level of unemployment will fall.

It was the improbability of his being recaptured.

"improbably","Adv","1.असम्भाव्य रूप से"
Your work is improbably being done.

It was an impromptu drama.

Marks cannot be given to the improper work of the students.

"improperly","Adv","1.अनुचित रूप से"
Arent you ashamed of yourself for behaving improperly in the party.

The investigation revealed no impropriety.

He has been improved a lot in his studies.

There is still room for improvement in your work.

Our country has the most improvident local councils.

Her Improvidence might lead her in trouble later.

"improvise","V","1.तत्काल तैयार करना"
The pianist improvised a tune.

"improvisation","N","1.अप्रस्तुत या आशु रचना"
One has to test ones powers of improvisation.

It would be imprudent to invest all ones money in the same company.

Your imprudence may lead me in loss one day.

"imprudently","Adv","1.असावधानी से"
Do not work imprudently.

Not all people in the villages are impudents.

Ive had much of your impudence young lady.

"impugn","V","1.पर संदेह करना"
He clearly impugned on the matter of partition.

He felt an irrestible impulse to giggle and laugh.

Ram is a very impulsive man.

I and my family will come, Ramu said impulsively.

Due to excessive impulsiveness he could not speak.

You cannot break the law with impunity.

The gold found in the earthen core is impure.

Petrol is used only after removing the impurities.

"impute","V","1.दोष लगाना"
Her character in the court was badly imputed by the lawyer.

His record shows many imputations being involved in this case.

He walked in at the right moment.

They were born in the same year 1984.
He is blind in one eye.
He is the most famous person in town.

"ins and outs","N","1.पूरा विवरण"
He should know the ins and outs of the job after two years of experience.

He is 4 ft 2 inches tall.

He has shown a complete inability to concentrate.

The ancient temple is now inaccessible to the public.

It is a great inaccessibility to reach Mt. Everest.

The maps of the area were wildly inaccurate.

The writer is guilty of bias and inaccuracy.

"inaccurately","Adv","1.अशुद्धि से"
It is inaccurately rather than approximately.

There were many protests at official inaction.

Some animals are inactive during the day time.

Long periods of prolonged inactivity create boredom.

The safety precautions are totally inadequate.

There is a great inadequacy of our resources.

"inadequately","Adv","1.अयोग्यता से"
He is inadequately trained in his profession.

The court does not allow inadmissible evidences.

He is walking on the road in an in advertent mood.

"inadvertently","Adv","1.असावधानी से"
He brought back her keys, which he has inadvertently put in his pocket.

Due to her inadvertence she lost her job.

It is inadvisable to be too inflexible in ones travels plans.

He seems to be as of an inalienable nature. isnt it.

Do not speak in an inane manner.
Rock is an inane.

"inanely","Adv","1.निरर्थकता से"
After his retirement the post was left inanely.

The inanity of his father made him mad.

A rock or stone is an inanimate object.

These rules seem to be inapplicable to this situation.

It seem inappropriate for us to intervene at this stage.

She dressed inappropriately for the funeral.


What an inapt question has been asked by you.

It was an inaptly titled programme.

The title of the story itself showed its inaptness.

He is a clever but inarticulate person.

He shows an interest in other people only as much as they can be useful to him.

The work marred by inattention to detail.

He is inattentive to the needs of others.

Speak in an inaudible whisper.

The minister gave an inaugural speech.

"inaugurate","V","1.उद्घाटन करना"
He will be inaugurated as president in January.

The presidents inauguration is in February.

This is an inauspicious occasion.

The proofs presented by the lawyer in the court by the lawyer were inauthentic.

The way she described showed the inauthenticity of the matter.

The vehicle has an inboard motor.

He had inborn talent for music.

Culture is some times learned, but not inbred.

There are many deformities caused by inbreeding.

"inbuilt","Adj","1.प्राकृतिक बनावट"
His extra height gives him an inbuilt advantage over his opponent.

Rama is a person of incalculable moods.

"incandescent","Adj","1.उत्ताप से चमकनेवाला"
She was incandescent with rage.

Chant incantations to ward off evil spirits.

The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves.

"incapacitate","V","1.अयोग्य बनाना"
Persistent pain is incapacitating.

There is incapacity of the government to govern effectively.

"incarcerate","V","1.कऎद करना"
He was incarcerated for years.

The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.

Shes the incarnation of feminity.

He is incautious in driving.

AK 47 is an incendiary device.

I like the incence of the sandal.

"incense","V","1.नाराज करना/गुस्सा दिलाना"
She was incensed by his abusive words.

The government offers various tax incentives.

He has been the director of the project since its inception.

This week is of almost incessant rain.

There is an incest between the father and the daughter.

Theater people are a rather incestuous group.

Could you please move an inch.

"inch by Inch","N","1.धीरे-धीरे"

They inched their way across the narrow footbridge.

It is an inchoate idea which should be developed.

The incidence of poverty is high is India.

The demonstration proceeded without incident.

Budget for incidental such as tips and taxi fares.

Incidentally whatever became of jenkins. I havent heard of him for years.

"incinerate","V","1.भस्म कर देना"
We incinerate rubbish.



They are all the signs of incipient unrest.

"incise","V","1.उत्कीर्ण करना"

The surgeon made a deep incision in the thigh.

He has an incisive mind.


"incite","V","1.उत्तेजित करना"
He incited the workers to violence.

It is an incitement to social hasted.

We were astonished at his incivility.

Its been rather inclement this week.

The car has an inclination to stall on steep hills.

Radha inclined her head in prayer.

Im inclined to trust him.


"inclosure","N","1.संलग्न पत्र"

"include","V","1.सम्मिलित करना"
They included me in the hockey team.

"including","Prep","1.सम्मिलित करते हुए"
The band played a number of songs, including some of my favorites.

The list contains some surprising inclusions.

"inclusive","Adj","1.को मिलाकर"
The pool is closed on Monday to Friday inclusive and so is only opened at the weekend.

"incognito","Adv","1.अज्ञात या गुप्त रूप से"
He didnt want to be recognised, so he traveled Incognito.

He was in a state of shock, sobbing and incoherent.

I found a slight incoherence while talking to him.

His income is very low.

This instrument records the incoming telephone number.

It is very critical to think the incommensurable in GDP.

His abilities are incommensurate with the demands of the job.

"incommode","V","1.कष्ट देना"
These children incommodes in the premises.

The prisoner was kept incommunicado for three months.

Amitab Bachan is an incomparable actor.

Mohammad Ali was famous for his incomparability.

"incomparably","Adv","1.अतुलनीय रूप में"
Tulsidas in incomparably, the greatest poet of his generation/time.

Ive never seen such an incompatible couple.


He is an incompetent businessman.

He was dismissed for incompetence.

Man without women is incomplete.

"incompletely","Adv","1.अपूर्णता से"
In hurry I submitted the work incompletely.

His absence gave us a sense of incompleteness in the function.

Technical expressions that are most incomprehensible to the ordinary man.

The improving methods in technology gives incomprehensibility.

The new teacher lecturing incomprehensibly.

Her explanations were met with blank incomprehension.

It seems inconceivable (to me) that the incident could have happened so quickly.

were facing a crisis of almost inconceivably devastating magnitude.

The debate ended inconclusive.

"inconclusively","Adv","1.अनिश्चिति से"
The meeting ended inconclusively.

They made an incongruous couple, she so tall and gracious and he seems so short and funny.

She sensed the incongruity of putting fluffy ruffled curtains in tha.
formal room.

The delicate water color and the bold paintings were incongruously hanging next to each other.

The details available are inconsequential.

"inconsequentially","Adv","असंगतता से"
Dont sleek inconsequentially.

A inconsiderable sum of money was lost in the journey.

It is inconsiderate of people to smoke in public.

"inconsiderately","Adv","1.ला परवाह से"
He is talking inconsiderately with the co-passenger.

I noticed a few minor inconsistencies in his argument.

He was inconsolable, when his father died.

"inconsolably","Adv","1.असांत्वनीय रूप से"
He was weeping inconsolably.

He tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible.

"inconspicuously","Adv","1.अस्पष्टता से"
At night I heard a sound inconspicuously.

He is an inconstant lover.


It is an incontestable fact.

"incontestably","Adv","1.अविवाद्य रूप में"

people often become incontinent when they get very old.

People get incontinence by the age.

It is an incontrovertible evidence.

"inontrouestibly","Adv","1.निर्विवाद रूप से"
It is an incontrovertibly true.

He apologized for the inconvenience he caused.

They arrived at an inconvenient time.


"incorporate","V","1.सम्मिलित करना"
Many of your suggestion have been incorporated.




The answer youve given is incorrect.

"incorrectly","Adj","1.अशुद्ध रूप से"
You always answer incorrectly.

Try to speak without incorrectness.

samir is an incorrigible liar.

He is incorrigibly naughty.

He is incorrupt.

Judges should be incorruptible.

His incorruptibility is well known.

He is incorruptibly honest.

"increase","V","1.वृद्धि करनाHonA"
He increased his speed to overtake the car.

Pesticides are increasingly used by the farmers.

He has most incredible good luck.

I was so taken back by his suggestion that I blunted out something incredibly stupid.

It seems incredulous.

We listened dumb-struck, full of incredulity to the shocking details of corruption and vice.

"increduously","Adv","1.अविश्वनीय रूप से"
she listened incredulously to her husbands confession of his frequent infidelity.
Over the years the increment to his resources was slow but steady.

"incremental","Adj","1.वृद्धि सम्बन्धी"


"incriminate","V","1.अभियोग लगाना"
Incriminating evidence was introduced.


Incrustation of burnacles on the hull.

A bird incubates on her eggs till they hatch.

Artificial incubation of eggs.

New born weak babies are kept in the incubator.

He is in the incubus of his unpaid debts.

"inculcate","N","1.मन में बैठाना"
The teachers should inculcate the feeling of compassion among the students.

The president incumbent at the white house.

His incumbancy was over.

"incur","V","1.अपने ऊपर लेना"
Incur somebodys anger.

AIDS is an incurable disease.


you seem very incurious about it.


Im deeply indebted to you for all your help.

Indebtedness is one of the main reason for the poverty of the peasants.

That short skirt of hers is positively indecent..

He was arrested by the police for Indecency.

"indecently","Adv","1.अनुचित रूप से"
He was indecently dressed.

Her writing is completely indecipherable.

A possible thinker knows even indecision is a decision.

The meeting was indecisive.

"indecisively","Adv","1.अनिर्णायकता से"

He was forced to make a hasty and indecorous departure without his clothes.

"indeed","Adv","1.अवश्य ही/वास्तव में"
I was very sad indeed to hear about it..


The governments attitude is morally indefensible.

Love is indefinable.

He gave me an indefinite answer i.e. neither `yes nor `no.

"indefinitely","Adv","1.अनियत रूपेण"
The meeting has been postponed indefinitely.

He made an indelible impression on my mother.

"indelibly","Adv","1.स्थाई रूपेण"
She made an impression indelibly.

It was indelicate of you to mention her marriage problem.

He behaves with indelicasy.

I undertook to indemnify them for any losses incurred due to me.

Obey for indemnification.

The vicarious nations are demanding huge indemnities from their former enemies.

"indent","V","1.दांतेदार बनाना"
--"२.गड्ढा बनाना"

I placed an indent for new equipments.

She made indentations in the clay with her fingers.

We got independence of 1.the Aug. 1947.

India is an independent country.
Some independent evidence has recently come to light.
Independent schools prove better education.
We demand independent inquiry into the governments handling of the affair.
These days the number of independent candidates are increasing.

"independently","Adv","1.स्वतन्त्र रूप से"
The couple have split up and are now living independently.

He has done an in-depth study of the subject.

I met an extremely indescribable accident.

"indescribably","Adv","1.अनिर्वचनीय रूप से"
Kajol is an Indescribably talented Ballywood actress.

Meeras lord, Krishna is indestructible.

It was indeterminable for the umpire to declare the batsman out.

The colour of the curtain was indeterminate half way between grey and brown.

The indeterminacy of small scale physical quantities in olden days led to many scientific inventions.

He published an index of film titles.

Indexation is necessary to show the percentage of increase in price level of different things every year.

"index finger","N","1.तर्जनी"
We usually use our index finger to point out others mistakes.

Dearance allowance of government employers is index-linked to cost inflation index.

The Indian cricket team won the 1984 worldcup.

"indian summer","N","1.भारतीयग्रीष्मकाल"
I like the Indian summer weather.

Now-a-days we find India-rubber of different companies with various size and shapes.

"indicate","V","1.सूचित करना"
She indicated that I should wait a moment.

he gave no indication of having heard of us.

Is a high forehead indicative of great mental power.

Litmus paper can be used as an indication of the presence or not of acid in a solution.

"indices","N","1.बीज गणित में प्रयुक्त विशेष चिह्न/इंड

"indict","V","1.अभ्यारोप या दोष लगाना"
He was indicted on charges of corruption.

There were indictable proofs that he had committed the crime.

Conditions in some inner cities are a damning indictment of modern values.

He is angry at the indifference of the authorities to the plight.

She appeared indifferent to their sufferings.
As a viewer, Ive seen hundreds of films, good, bad and indifferent.

"indifferently","Adv","1.जैसे तैसे"
He shrugged indifferently.

The Kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.

The country has a large indigent population.

He ate a lumpy indigestible pudding which made him sick.

Onions give me indigestion.

Strikers are indignant at what they regard as false accusations.

"indignantly","Adv","1.क्रोध से"
I am certainly not asking her! she reported indignantly.

There was an storm of public indignation in the sudden steep rise in bus fares.

The chairman suffered indignity of being refused admission, to the meeting.
The hijackers subjected their captives to all kinds of indignities.

The colour of that bed-sheet is indigo.

There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.

"indirectly","Adv","1.अप्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रूप से"
This legislation will affect us all directly or indirectly.

An indiscernible conflict was between them.


One indiscreet remark could ruin the whole plan.

"indiscreetly","Adv","1.बिना विचार के/बिना विवेक के"
He was indiscreetly behaving in front of elders.

It was a moment of indiscreetion when he slapped his father.

The indiscriminate use of the oceans for dumping toxic waste, may be harmful not only for aquatic animals but also to human be
One shouldnt be indiscriminate in ones choice of friend.

The police was shooting indiscriminately into the crowd.

A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.

The soprano Sarah walker replaces Elise Ross, who is indisposed.

A minor indispostion in a person disturbs all the family members.

The decline in manufacturing is indisputable.

"indisputably","Adv","1.बिना विवाद के"
Viswanath Anand is indisputably the best chess player in the world.

There are indissoluble friendship fonds between Ram and Ravi.

"indissolubly","Adv","1.अभेद्यता से"
They are indissolubly linked to each other.

The postmark was indistinct.

"indistinctly","Adv","1.अस्पष्टता से"
He gave the speech indistinctly.

Its colour makes the moth almost indistinguishable from the branch it rests on.

We interviewed each individual member of the society.

"indirvidually","Adv","1.एक एक करके/व्यक्तिगत रूप से"
The teachers spoke to each parent individually.

The arts depend on individualism, flair and eccentricity.
Capitalism stresses innovation, competition, and individualism.

Shes a complete individualist in her art.

It was highly individualistic music.

Nehru was a man of high individuality.

"individualize","V","1.विशिष्ट कर देना"
Does your style of writing individualize your work..

For her, work and leisure were indivisible.

Their indivisibility shows their love for each other.

"indivisibly","Adv","1.अविभाज्य रूप में"
Ram and Shyam indivisibly worked together.

Sanskrit is an Indo-European language.

"indoctrinate","V","1.शिक्षा देना"
He was an indoctrinate child from an early age with stick religious beliefs.

"indoctrination","N","1.दिमाग को भरने की स्थिति"
Religious indoctrination has changed peoples life style.

Her husband is indolent.

He failed in his exams due to his indolence.

Mother Teresa was an indomitable campaigner for social justice.

"indomitably","Adv","1.अदम्य रूप से"
The devil indomitably suffering the saints; in the story.

Girls usually prefer indoor games.

"indoors","Adv","1.घर के भीतर"
No one stayed indoors when the fire broke out in the near by building.

"indrawn","Adj","1.अन्दर लिया हुआ"
There were indrawn breaths at such plain speaking..

"indubitably","Adj","1.सुनिश्चित रूप से"
He was, indubitably, the most suitable candidate.

Nothing on earth could induce Ravi to step down from his position.

There is little inducement for them to work harder.

"induct","V","1.नियुक्त करना"
The party inducted several young and dynamic professionals.

The induction of new employees, has increased the growth of production.
Induction is one of the methods in logical reasoning.

It is inductive that tomorrow will be a cloudy day..

"indulge","V","1.का मन रखना"
one shouldnt indulge oneself in day dreaming.
--"२.प्रसन्न करना"
She indulges his every whim.
--"३.सन्तुष्ट करना"
Lets indulge ourselves with a bottle of champagne.

The father gave an indulgent smile to his daughter.
Let us take an indulgent view of the play.

She laughed indulgently.

One pint of beer a day and an occasional game of billiards are his only indulgences..

The industrial output in India has been rising every year.

He is a supporter of Industrialism.

He is a prominent German industrialist.

Africa needs to be industrialized.

The increasing industrailization of China has brought about a financial development of China.

The industrially developed countries dominate the third world countries.

L.V. Raman was an industrious and inventive man.

Ludhiana is famous for woolen industries.
His success was due to industry and thrift.

An inebriate man never cares for his family.

It was ineffable for me to narrate the whole Ramayana.

"ineffably","Adv","1.अवर्णनीय रूप से"
It was ineffably an exiting news.

The anti-air craft guns proved virtually ineffective.

He narrated the speech ineffectively.

The death of passengers in the hijacked plane, shows the countrys ineffectiveness in dealing with the situation.

He was an ineffectual leader.

That bridge is inefficient and so causes a lot of trouble.

The inefficiency of some charitable organizations made the children beg.

"inefficiently","Adv","1.अयोग्यता से"

She made an inelegant gesture.

"inelegantly","Adv","1.असुंदर रूपेण"
She eats inelegantly.

Citizen below 1.are ineligible to vote.

Gnadhiji was the victim of ineluctable fate.

I have never heard anyone so inept at making speeches.

The bungling ineptitude of the police on this occasion spoiled the situation further.

"ineptly","Adv","1.अयोग्यता से"
The police handled the situation ineptly.

Great inequalities in wealth causes social unrest.

The price charged to distributors was highly inequitable.

He was a victim of the inequities of the legal system.

Malaria is an ineradicable disease.

Inside the room she saw Sitas inert body on the sofa.

I cant seem to throw off this feeling of inertia.

This is an aircrafts inertial navigation equipment.

We were forced to the inescapable conclusion that he was an embezzler.

"inescapably","Adv","1.न टलने योग्य"
The two factors are inescapably linked.

It is better that we cut down all the inessential expenditures.

This diamond is inestimable value.

It is inevitable that interest rates will rise again..

Death is an inevitability type of situation.

Inevitably, these negotiations will take place.

This is an inexact comparison.

Her conduct is inexcusable.

Kajol seems to have an inexhaustible, acting talent.

She is an inexhaustibly talented actress.

His demands are inexorable.

"inexorably","Adv","1.कठोरता से"
Events that are leading inexorably towards a crises are taking place.

Window locks are inexpensive and effective.

"inexpensively","Adv","1.सस्ते में"

The blunder was a sign of inexperience.

He is an inexperienced man.

To Bobs inexpert eye it looked like a camera.

"inexpertly","Adv","1.अनिपुणता से"
We shouldnt take up work inexpertly.

"inexplicable","Adj","1.व्याख्या न करने योग्य"
For some inexplicable reason, the PM resigned from his post.

"inexplicably","Adv","1.दुर्गमता से"
She was inexplicably delayed in the meeting.

To her inexpressible relief he decided not to tell the children.

"inexpressibly","Adv","1.अवर्णनीयता से"
The movie was inexpressible boring.

He has totally inexpressive eyes.

A date which will live in infamy

A child needs extra care in infancy.
The project is still in its infancy.

I have left my infant son at home.

The infantry was sent in advance.

He is infauted with her.

It is clearly an infatuation that she has for him.

Your children have infected you with this bead cold

Playing the dust out side with an open wound you are increasing the risk of infcetion.

Fear is exceedlingly infectious; children catch it from their elders

Any one can infer a connection between pan chewing and mouth cancer.

The inference is clear.

Inferior seeds will yield inferior crop.
Mercury and Venus are inferior planets

Ravi is Rams inferior.





The infinite ingenuity of man
Gods infinite wisdom





Infirm of purpose.


Her nasty remarkes inflamed my temper.

Gas leakage caused the inflammation
Dont worry the inflammation on your foot will subside shortly.

An inflammatory process

Inflate a balloons
The charges were inflated
The war inflated the economy
Inflate the currency

A man of inflexible purpose
An inflexible iron bar

The theif inflicted injury on his arm with a knife.


Used her parents influence to get the job
Her wishes had a great influence on his thinking
The influence of mechanical action
She was the most important influence in my life


An influential newspaper



I informed him of his rights
The principles that inform modern teaching
She had informed on her own parents for years

Conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress
An informal agreement

"informant","N","1.सूचना देनेवाला"

He passed on the news to us but could not say who his informant was.

One should be well informed of the current affairs.

"informer","N","1.सूचना दाता"
The police informer was mercilessly killed by the robbers.

The two prime ministers will meet for an informal discussion today.

Though the official confirmation had not come, I was informally informed that I had been selected for the job.
The BBC news is a very informative one.

Tell them about the prescribed infra structure.

Any infraction of the rules of the college will be punished.

"infra dig","Adj","1.प्रतिष्टा के प्रतिकूल"
It is infra dig to put bright clothes for a funeral.

Infrared waves have long wavelength than visible light.

"infrastructure","N","1.आधारिक संरचना"
A good infrastructure is required for the perfect functioning of any

RAins are infrequent in Rajasthan.

"infringe","V","1.उल्लंघन करना"
It is wrong to infringe a copyright or a patent of others.

The infringement by Mr.Palekar was despised by all.

"infuriate","V","1.क्रोधोन्मत्त करना"
The corrupt officials indifferent attitude infuriated me.

"Infuriating","Adj","1.क्रोधित करने वाला"
It was infuriating to see the students misbehave.

Mark Antonys speech infused the hearts of the Romans and they turned against Brutus.

My grandmother recommended an infusion of special herbs for my cold.

The terrorists came up with an ingenious plan to do a heinous act.

With her innocent looks, my friend gets the ingenue roles in the dramas.

The ingenuity of Sridevi was appreciated by one and all.

Only the most ingenuous persons would believe, today the feeble excuses of the corrupt politicians.

The mother forced her baby to ingest the food.

Maharana pratap suffered an inglorious defeat in the hands of Akbar, the great.

Gold ingots are imported from Australia.

The ingrained habits are very difficult to be terminated.

"Ingratiate","V","1.अनुग्रह प्राप्त करना"
Sushma easily ingratiate her teachers.

Lakshmis ingratitude to others made her lonely.

Flour and sugar are the two major ingradiants used to make a cake.

There is a little ingroup in that department that seems to keep all the good jobs for itself.
Nicky always despised her ingrowing toe nail.

"inhabit","V","1.में निवास करना"
Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.

K.R.Narayanan is an inhabitant of Kerala.

"inhale","V","1.सास खींचना"
Inhaling fresh air is good for health.

People suffering from breathing problems keep inhalers with them.

The voices and tunes of the different singers in the same group are

Singing and dancing are mostly inherent talents.

"inherit","V","1.उत्तराधिकार में प्राप्त करना"
Sheela inherited hae mothers good looks.

Ravi, a spendthrift, spent all his inheritance in less than a year.

Prince William is the inheritor of the England throne after Prince Charles.

"inhibit","V","1.निरोध करना"
The visitors of the zoological park were inhibited from feeding the animals.

Shyness inhibited the boy from speaking.

The chairman checked the inhibiting factor in the plan.

The student was too inhibited to laugh.

The girl has no inhibitions about seeing the irksome stranger .

Raju was inhospitable towards his friends.
The vagabond saw a barren and inhospitable place.

The company is giving in-house language training .

The guardian was inhuman towards the orphans.

The inhumanity of the of the father towards his daughter was undescribable.

An inhumane person hurts everyone.

Inimical behaviour should be curtailed.

He is inimitable in his thinking.

Children should have good foundation in schools in the initial stages.

The child wrote his initials clearly.

He initialled the document..

He cleared all his debts initially.

The sutradhar initiates the sanskrit plays.
He was initiated in the ceremony.

After ablutions the initiate started reciting vedas.

Rajaram Mohan Roy initiated social reforms..

The initiation of the play will start now..
Sage Vishwamitra performed the initiation.

He is the initiator of Information Technology project..

Chandrababu Naidu initiated the technological programms in Andhra Pradesh.

The doctor injected the glucose into the patients vein.
He injected the play with his performance.

The nurse administered an injection to the patient.

The lawyer made injudicious statements in the court.

The court issued an injunction against the minister.

The boy was injured while playing cricket.

The injured antelope limped.
The boy with injured reputation left the company of his friends.

Smoking is injurious to health.

This injury should be immediately attended to. .
The injury done to an honest man is irrepairable.

"injury time","N","1.खेलकेअन्तमेंअतिरिक्तसमय"
Injury time was added at the end of the football game.

We should not do injustice to anyone..

The boy bought ink from the shop.

Ink the roller of the zerox machine.

An ink-pad is kept on the table.

He had no inkling of what was going on.

He posted an inland letter.

Tight security was imposed inland.

Artisans inlay the artefacts with beautiful designs.

Kings built inlets to keep their foes away.

All the hostel inmates have left for their home towns.

Travellers entered the inn after a sojourn.

Ram had the innate qualities of being calm all the time.

He is innately an arrogant person.

They decorated the inner portion of their rooms.
Mozarts music touches ones inner feelings.

"inner circle","N","भीतरी"
Towns-womens guild works in an inner circle.

Tendulkar made a century in the first innings.

He proved his innocence in the court.

She is an innocent child.

Krishnas decision to quit from the job was innocuous.

The group tried to innovate new ideas in their company.

Scientists involve themselves in the innovation of research.

Innovatory methods are experimented in the field of Agriculture.

The minister showered innuendos on the collector for his own faults.

There are innumerable books in the library.

If you are not able to innumerate you cannot handle cash.

He was inoculated for Typhoid.

Inoculation is given to babies against diseases.

The teacher made an inoffensive remark in the classroom.

The patient was worried as his tumour was inoperable.
The saboteur held all the work inoperable.

This machine is inoperative for further use.

The postal system came to a standstill due to inordinate delay.

Inorganic fertilizers are used in agriculture.

"inorganic chemistry","N","1.अजैवरसायनविज्ञान"
He is giving lectures in inorganic chemistry.

"in-patient","N","1.अंतरंग रोगी"
The doctor is looking after the in-patients.

Input is essential for financial benefits.
Computers give information from the input.

Input the annual sales figures.

Philosophers inquest of life after death.

The tourists inquired about the route.

The inquirer is waiting in the line.

Children show an inquiring mind.

An inquiry was started for his scandal.

The church set up a committee for an inquisition of heresy.
The commander asked for an inquisition on the conduct of the soldier.

He is an inquisitive person .

Indian businessmen made inroad into u.s markets.

An inrush of water flooded the village.

An insane person should be properly dealt with.

Rohan was in a quarantine and treated for insanity.

Many people live in insanitary conditions.

Desires are insatiable.

Susi inscribed her name in her thesis.

Ashokas inscriptions are renowned for his greatness in Indian History.

Religious people think that gods ways are inscrutable.

Remove the insect from the table.

Insecticide should be kept out of reach from children.

We must take precautions while spraying Insecticidal powder .

Hedgehog is an insectivore.

Birds are insectivorous.

Tom feels insecure when his parents are not around.

Rope is insecurely fastened.

Lack of confidence gives insecurity.

The veterinary doctor inseminated the monkey.

The woman resorted to insemination for want of a child.

The man was lying in a state of drugged insensibility.
He showed total insensibility to the welfare of his children .


He is insensitive to criticism.

His insensitivity towards others is unbelievable..

These are inseparable pieces of rock.

Insert the key in the lock..

The game is played with the insertion of a coin.
He had the insertion of the title deed in the newspaper.

In-service training is going on in the school.

Inset the border with dainty flower design..

This room has a mantelpiece with gasfire inset .

The inside of the temple was carved on marble.

Roman emperors had bath spas inside their palaces.

This is a secret information leaked by an insider.

"inside lane","N","1.बाएओरकेवाहनोंकापथमार्ग"
After overtaking, the car moved back to the inside lane.

Jealousy is insidious .

Alchohol drink advertisers work insidiously but effectively on people.

Seers had the insight to go in search of truth.

Emperor Ashoka got the insignia as"Ashoka the great"
A sentry is putting the badge on the right sleeve.

Electrical light is insignificant against sunlight.

An insincere person should not be trusted.

He was accused of insincerity.

Antonys friends tried to insinuate by their remarks to win ceasers.

It is not uncommon for the subordinates to use insinuation.

She prepared insipid tea.
She presented a insipid performance.

My friend insisted that I should come for the party.

The lady could not manage her childs insistent behaviour.

"in situ","Adv","1.मूलस्थानपर"
The old box is still in situ.

Insole in my shoes are worn out.

The soldier was punished for his insolent behaviour.

The teacher left the classroom at the insolence of the students.

Cholesterol is insoluble in water.
The issue is insoluble.

The Palai Bank went into insolvency.

Ram helped his insolvent friend by clearing his debts.

He is suffering from insomnia.

He is an insomniac and does his work abruptly.

Some youths are insouciance and lead carefree life.

The income-tax officers inspected her house.

Inspection is going on in the school.

An inspector visits the school often.
An inspector controls the traffic.

The primary schools inspectorate put forward a curriculum.

"inspector of taxes","N","1.करनिरीक्षक"
An inspector of taxes examines statements of peoples income.

Children get inspiration by reading good books.

Gandhi was an inspirational leader.

I am inspired by the compositions of sri Thyagaraja.

Shakespeare was an inspired dramatist.

The paintings of Piccaso is inspiring to artists.

Financial instability makes a person insecure .

The electrician installed the water heater in our house.
Emperor Ashoka installed many stupas to spread Buddhism.

Many people were present during the installation of the new machinery. .
The telephone installation took only a few minutes.

He paid the amount in instalments.

Take the instance of identical twins.

The government provided instant relief for the flood victims.
I like instant coffee.

Come here this instant.

Relief was instantaneous for the injured people.

Shaw helped the boy instantaneously from drowning.

He offered to help his colleague instantly.

Neeta was ill so I went instead.

He has corn on the instep.

Opposition leaders instigated the people against the government .

Instigation can lead to disorder in a society.

She was the instigator of their quarrel.

We should instil a sense of responsibility to children.

The pilot acted on instinct and landed the plane safely.

She has an instinctive affection towards the animals .

The stranger instinctively came forward to help the child.

I like to work in this institute of Information Technology.

Tatas have instituted a number of openings for the engineers.

An institution of reputation attracts many students.

Institutional accreditation helps the institute to function well.

Chartered Accountants institutionalized accountancy in India.

Religious leaders were responsible for the institutionalization of.
their followers.

She instructed the students to work on their pronounciation.

Instructions should be followed strictly.

Sylvia found that the visit to India is instructive.

The player is talking to an instructor in the field.

Varieties of instruments are used in surgery.
Learning to play an instrument is an art.
His instrument of his success was his perseverance.

Yanini gave instrumentation in an applauding way.

He was largely instrumental in negotiating the peace settlement.
He is good in instrumental music.

Sashank is an instrumentalist.

Rama killed the insubordinate Ravana.

Rama never showed insubordination to others.

Mirage is insubstantial.

Buddha realised that pain is insufferable.

Universities get insufficient funds.

Insufficiency of essential commodities should be checked .

Insular attitudes are not good for health.

Tapes can be used to insulate electric wires.
Guest room was insulated during winter.

Insulated tapes are used in the electric wires.

Insulator is used for insulating against loss of electricity.

"insulating tape","N","1.विद्युतअवरोधीपट्टी"
Insulating tape is used for covering the electrical wires to prevent the.
possibility of an electric shock.

Insulin level should be often checked in diabetic patients. .

The lady hurled insults at the waiter .

He insulted her with his rude remarks.

Her anger rose by the insulting remarks of the passerby.

Gandhiji overcame insuperable problems.

Their debt had become an insupportable burden .

One should take insurance to cover the risk factors.

"insurance policy","N","1.बीमायोजना"
Insurance Policy helps people in many ways.

We should insure against accidents.

Security against insurgent terrorists should be provided .

Gandhiji overcame insurmountable difficulties.

Naxalites insurrection has come up due to land disputes.

All the porcelains were intact when we shifted.

Intake of fluids should be more in a day.
Intake of students in the humanities has come down.

As the students handwriting was bad,it was intangible.

३/४ is not an integer.

Security was beefed up in the integral part of the country.

The students of this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds.
Integrated network helps communication.

Subramanya Bharati composed songs of integration.

"integrated circuit","N","1.समन्वितसरकिट"
Integrated circuit is used in instruments.

Leaders fought for the integrity of our country.

She is a woman with a keen intellect and exceptional qualities.

Childs intellectual development depends on the upbringing and environment.
An intellectual person always foresees an act.

Intellectualism without application is not effective.

He intellectualizes everything. It doesnt always help..

Involving older people in various activities helps them intellectually .

Hari showed no intelligence when he was a child.
We sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage.

The student put forward intelligent questions.
Computer is fed on an intelligent system.

The girl answered the questions intelligently.

"intelligence test","N","1.बुद्धिमत्ताकीपरीक्षा"
Students often give intelligence test to test their I.Q level.

People of intellingentsia are interested in culture and learning.

His seminar was intelligible to many students.

Clarity in expression promotes intelligibility.

The intemperate desires made Vishwamitra to ask for the kamadhenu.

One must check the intemperance of anger.

I intend to complete this work by evening.
Cars are intended for the scrapyard.

The professor completed the book intended for class 8th.

Tom has intense pain in his ankle.
Dont go out in intense heat.
He gets very intense when he talks about politics.

He worked intensely.

The earthquake occured with intensity this time.
The intensity of the tornado is unaccountable.

The security intensified the combing operations .

In grammar such,very are intensifiers.

Intensive methods are implemented in the field of agriculture.
An intensive search helped him to regain his possessions.

He worked intensively for the post.

"intensive care","N","1.सघनसंरक्षण"
The accident victims are admitted in the intensive care unit.

Sam is watching the programme with an intent expression .
He was intent on getting promoted.

His intent was to provide a new translation.

Raj listened to his lecture intently.

Chief Ministers intention is to make Hyderabad as Hitech City.

Intentional sabotage was alerted by the police .

He passed the remark intentionally.

They intered the body in the cemetery.

The government has to interact with the people.
Telephones are inetr-connected.

He should interact more with his colleagues.

Interaction between the teacher and the students should be cordial.

The company encourages interactive groups.

"inter alia","Adv","1.अन्यबातोंकेसाथ"

Botanists interbreed many plant species.

He interceded in the family dispute.

The reporter intercepted the conversation.


The interceptors destroyed the battalion of the enemies.

I interchanged a rupee for a dollar.

In a barter system things were interchangeable.

An inter-city train service helps the people to commute faster.

Mahesh took part in intercollegiate competition.

Intercom plays a vital role in the network communication.

We had intercommunicating rooms.

Intercommunication helps people to come closer.

Computers help people to interconnect in the field of information.

Tourism encouraged intercontinental travels.

There is a meeting for social intercourse.

Interdenominational attitudes help one to interact freely.

An interdepartmental meeting was held today in the university.

SAARC countries are interdependent nations.

Interdependence between the workers and the management strengthens the economy.

The interdict from the court forced him to go underground.
As he preached against the pope he was interdicted.

The show did not interest him.
I have interest in music.
He has best interests at heart.
Public sector gives more interests for the depositors.

After retirement he began to interest himself in voluntary work.

The interested people can join the group..

Arthur Haileys novels are interesting.

Interestingly,consumer spending has increased these days.
The press provides the interface between the government and the people.

The computer interfaced new system with existing programs.

She interferes and gives her opinions in the meeting.

Concentration on our work will be difficult if there is interference.
Interference from a foreign broadcasting system is causing disturbance..

Interferon helps communication in the nervous system.

Space shuttle was sent to study the intergalactic stars.

An intergovernmental conference was held in the capital.

The discount is for the interim period.

The university is holding convocation in the interim.

An interior decor adds beauty to the house.

The interior of salar jung museum needs attention.

"interior decorator","N","1.इन्टीरियरडेकोरेटरघरकीभीतरीसाजसज्जाकरनेवाला"
An interior decorator decorates the insides of houses.

"interior design","N","भीतरीडिजआइन"
I like to do interior design .

"interior designer","N","1.आंतरडिजआइनकरनेवाला"
He works for the company as an interior designer.

She interjected the conversation with clever remarks..

Hurray! he shouted on seeing the comet.

This crochet is interlaced.

The exercise book has lined pages interleaved with plain pages.

Rivers are interlinked with the canal system.

Interlock the pipes to prevent leakage..

He is an interlocutor and keeps everyone busy.

She felt as an interloper in the new town.

There will now be a 1.minute interlude in the play.
The play will have an interlude with music .

C.Rajagopalachari believed that caste and creed will be merged in intermarriage.

He played an intermediary role in the conflict.

There are intermediaries in the business.

The car stops at a number of intermediate junctions.

His was an interminable discussion.

The lecture was dragged on interminably.

Students intermingle in the farewell party.

There will be a short intermission after the song.

Intermittent rain stopped the cricket match.

Flashes of lightning occures intermittently.

Jawaharlal Nehru was interned in jail.

He knows the internal workings of the machine.
The teacher is showing the picture of internal organs to the students.

They are working internally for the project.

"internal-combustion engine","N","1."
Internal-combustion engine is used to drive cars .

He is a player of international repute.

UNICEF,concerned with the health and education of the children is.

Internationalism promotes the development of a country.

Internationalisation helps peace in the world.

Bertrand Russell is an internationalist in his outlook.

C.V.Raman ,the physicist is internaionally known.

The band played the internationale on beating the retreat.

Internecine conflict crops up in the border between two countries.

Internet brings people closer all over the world through communication.

Ashoka interpenetrated Buddhism after the Kalinga war.

Many leaders fought for the interpenetration.

Interpersonel skills should be developed.

The movie on the interplanetary space mission was thrilling.

Interpol helps in detecting international crimes.

He interpolated a conversation with a witty remark.

He interposed in the midst of the meeting.

He interpreted a poem in the class.
Will ,you interpret the passage for me.

The evidence suggests a different interpretation of events.

Interpretative commentary is given by Mallinatha.

An interpreter is accompanying the Russian President.

He takes over as vice chancellor after a lengthy interregnum.

Medicine and psychology are interrelated.


The police interrogated the prisoner.

The accused is taken for interrogation.

The interrogator put forward evidences to the judge .

Interrogative pronouns are used in English Grammar.
He gave an interrogative look at me.

Trade between the two countries was interrupted by constant war.
Please dont interrupt me while Im on the phone.

His speech was long without interruption.
The telephone is an annoying interruption.

The field is intersected by a small brook.

Road is broad at the intersection.

Pearls are interspersed with diamonds. .

Many lorries ply in interstate highways.

Interstellar constellations are seen in space.

Interstices in the walls should be filled.

The creepers are intertwined and looks beautiful .

She returned to work after an interval of about half an hour.

The military intervened and the situation was brought under control.

The intervention of the state government gave relief to the flood.

Applicants for posts are called for interview.

We interview many people for the job.

The interviewee is preparing for the interview.

The interviewer put forward many questions to the applicant.

Bees interweave the honey combs with wax .

He has fever due to infection in the intestine.

Intestinal disorders crop up with unhygienic food.

Intimate friendship should be encouraged.
He has an intimate knowledge of criminal law.
Kalidasa,the poet and the dramatist was intimate with nature.

Family intimacy should be strengthened by frequent visits.

He intimated his willingness to take part in the function.

The two phenomena are intimately connected.

Her boss intimidates her by threats.

The police tried to bribe her by intimidation .

The factory workers did not bother about the intimidatory tactics of the.

You come into the house.
५ into 1.is fifty.

Noise in the city is intolerable.

Hitler was intolerably cruel to the Jews.

He is intolerant to others faults.

Religious intolerance leads to violence.

The mandolins intonation was pleasing.

Latha intoned a prayer.

"in toto","Adv","1.पूर्णत"
He accepted the proposal in toto.

Alchohol is an intoxicant.

He was intoxicated under the influence of drugs.
Hitler was intoxicated by the power of his office.

Intoxicating drugs should be avoided.

Intoxication makes a person astray.

She was given intra venous injection.

Intractable children should be guided properly.

An intramural game is there today.

We are unable to reach any compromise due to their intransigent nature.


Intransitive verb has no object.

She had a intra-uterine test.

"intra-uterine device","N","1.गर्भनिरोधकउपकरण"
The knowledge of the use of intra-uterine device has checked the population.

An intravenous injection is painful.

Darwin was an intrepid explorer.

The intricate work on the porcelain is beautiful.

He is unable to follow the intricacies of the plot.

The princely families of Rajputs were full of intrigues.


He found her rather intriguing.

The Montessari educational system has intrinsic values.

Artisans work intrinsically on the artefacts .

Graham was introduced to me in the function.
A new word processor was introduced.
The domestic appliances were introduced in the market .

The introduction of the new agricultural methods helped the farmers.
He is a person who needs no introduction.
Apar gave a general idea of her research by way of introduction.

He began the slide show with some introductory remarks.

The loss in his business led to a great deal of introspection.
in the family.

Some children are introspective.

He is an introvert who does not take part in any activities.

He became introverted when he grew older.

Introversion should be discouraged.

They intruded on our dinner party.

Many intruders cross the indo-pak border.

She did not like his intrusion in her privacy.

She felt her presence there was intrusive.

When reason is difficult you try to intuit.

He had an intuition that something had gone wrong.

Philosophers had intuitive perception.

They were inundated with enquiries.
Brashmaputra inundates the valleys every year.

inundation of low lying land should be checked.

Their air space was invaded by the enemy aircrafts.
Many fans invaded the pitch.

Invaders were checked by the army in the border.

His passport became invalid.
Most of her arguments sounded invalid..

All his statements were invalidated in the court.

It is heartening to know that an invalid is getting oppurtunities.

He was invalided out of the army after he had an injury in the war front.

His passport showed invalidity.

This book will be invaluable for the students of sanskrit.
The invaluable antiques and gems of Salarjung Museum are worthseeing.

The Minar Express comes invariably late everyday .

The invasion of the Mohammud Ghori started the muslim rule in India.
An invasion of tourists in the beginning of this millenium boosted tourism.

The doctor diagonsed invasive cancer cells spreading.

The opposition let out a stream of invectives against the ruling party.

His friend inveigled him to start the new venture.

Graham Bell invented telephones.

Nobel Laureates play an important role for their inventions in science.

Scientists are involved in inventive methods in research.

WE must admire the inventiveness of the modern advertising.

An inventor puts his heart and soul in the invention.

We made a good inventory of the contents of our house.
They carried a vast inventory of hardware.

She told the mathematical tables in inverse order.

Englsih uses inversion as a syntactic device..

The theme is inverted in the fairy tale movie.

"inverted commas","N","उलटाअल्पविराम"
Put inverted commas for the following sentences.

There are vertebrates and invertebrates animals.

He invested his providend fund money in securities.
The vice-chancellor has been invested with full authority to act.

A good dividend shows the companys investment plans.

Jamshed Tata was an investor who invested on industries and institutions.

The district attorneys office investigated reports of possible irregularities.
A team investigated the ruins of Dwarka city under the sea.

The income-tax officials completed the investigation on the actor.
Investigations are going on in science for the cure of cancer.

He got the investigatory orders from the income-tax officials .

The investigators from the insurance found out the cause of the accident.
Army men are investigators on the border line.

The investiture of the army chief was held today.

She is an inveterate musician.
His inveterated behaviour brought his downfall.

It is not good to encourage inviduous behaviour.

Ram went to the school to invigilate the history exam.

The army forces were in the war front for invigilatrion.

An invigilator collects the papers from the students.

Yoga invigorates health .

Invigorating herbs are good for health.

Alexander thought that he was invincible.

The laws of Newton are inviolable.

We should not think that our borders are inviolate.

The moon was invisible in the sky.

The plane could not land due to invisibility.

The birds sang invisibly.

We got the invitation for the concert.

We invited our relatives for our daughters marriage.
Leaving your vehicles unlocked is just inviting trouble.

An egg fertilised in vitro.

We sang the invocation in the function.

The clerk made an invoice for the expenses.

The booking will be invoiced by your travel agent.

Bahuguna invoked many people to back up the agitation.
The devas went to invoke vishnu to protect them.

Her help was involuntary.

Involuntarily she came forward to help the needy.

The job will involve many workers.
All students were involved in the science exihibition.
She was involved in a trouble.

His suspected involvement in the robbery came into limelight.

The Mughal emperors had the fortification that was invulnerable to attacks.
Srilankans are in an invulnerable position at the cricket match series.

Our actions do not reflect our inward nature.
She had the inward inclination to help others .

When he got the promotion he was delighted inwardly.

Iodine plays a vital role in our body.

Water has hydrogen ions.

If we ionise water we get hydrogen ions.

In the ionosphere radio waves are reflected.

There is not even an iota of truth in his saying.

An irascible person loses temper on petty issues.

The irate mob burnt the buses.

One must control ire.

A garden with iridescent flowers are bewitching.

Iridium is a metal.

The ink had the color of iris.
The garden is beautiful with iris flowers.

Irish people live in Ireland.

"irish stew","N","1.शाकवमासकाव्यंजन"
She is making irish stew for dinner.

It irks me to see money being wasted..

His irksome behaviour concerns everyone.

An iron bar is blocking the way.
He took iron tablets when he was convalescing.
He has an iron will.
The prisoner removed the irons from his hands.

"the Iron Age","N","1.लौहयुग"
In the Iron Age period iron began to be used.

"the Iron Curtain","N","1.लौहावरण"
Life behind the Iron Curtain was not smooth.

"iron rations","N","1.आपातखाद्य"
The soldiers were using iron rations during emergency period .

She listens to music while ironing.

Lucy kept all the clothes on the ironing-board.

He made ironic statements in front of everyone.

The poem is written ironically.

An ironmonger is a shopkeeper who deals in tools and implements.

Ironstone is a type of rock containing iron.

Gates and rails are made of ironwork.

Iron goods are moulded in ironworks.

Banas prose works are full of irony.

Irradiated fruits ripen faster.
Radium irradiates harmful radioactive rays.

Irradiation reduces the nutritive value of the food.

He makes irrational statements in the meetings.

Hamlet found the murder of his father irreconcilable.
Irreconcilable differences arose between the brothers.

He suffered irrecoverable losses in his business.

The wrestler thought his honour irredeemable due to defeat.

The mathematics teacher taught irreducible tensors.

It is irrefutable that there is a cause for every effect.

The girl has irregular teeth.
Irregular students do not perform well.
There are irregular verbs in grammar.
The irregular troops are taking part in the parade.

The officer checked the irregularities in his office.

The boy comes to the college irregularly.

If the law is no longer enforced,it becomes an irrelevance.

He gives irrelevant answers.

Irreligious people do not perform rituals.

The irremediable oil sleek from the tanker was brought under control.

The World War did irreparable harm to Japan.

Irreplaceable antiques were destroyed in the fire.

Adam found plucking the apple irrepressible.

Gandhi wanted his acts to be irreproachable.

He felt an irresistible urge to slap her.
Children find their desire for ice cream irresistible.

They were irresistibly drawn to each other.


The teacher taught the class irrespective of the attendance.

He is an irresponsible child.

Lucys parents were concerned over the irretrievable breakdown of her marriage.

Durvasa cursed Shakuntala because of her irreverent attitude.

Irreverence should not be shown to anyone.

He suffered irreversible loss in his business.

The committee passed irrevocable judgement against the chairman.

The union of the Electricity Board put forward their demands irrevocably.

Farmers irrigate the lands.

Irrigation by windmills are a good source in agriculture.

The delay of the guests made everybody irritable.

`Be quiet!the teacher shouted irritably.

Avoid irritant foods such as red-pepper.

There are vegetables which are irritants.
The noise of traffic is a constant irritant in this house.

Untidiness irritates me.
Aspirin irritates my stomach.

She was irritated when her maid did not turn up.

She has an irritating habit.

He noted with some irritation that the gate had been left open .

The boy is reading.

Islam,the religion of the Muslims was founded by prophet Muhammad.

The Islamic calender follows the moon.

Mauritius is an island.

The islander is helping the shipwrecked people.

The British isle is a small continent.

There are many islets in the Arabian sea.

Isobar indicate countries with similar weather conditions.

They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates.
Scientists have isolated the virus from the gene.

The solitary reaper was singing the melancholy tune in isolation.

Countries do not show isolationism when conflicts arise.

In isometric physical exercise muscles are made to work.

An isosceles triangle has two sides equal in length.

Isotopes are used in experiments.

The issue could be settled by public education for everyone.
She found an old issue of the magazine in her cupboard.
The king died without an issue.
Thalakaveri is the point of issue for the Kaveri river.

The court issued an order.
The school issued a new uniform to the children.

Isthumus is a narrow strip of land joining two larger areas of land.

It is impossible to reach on time for the function.
Its Jim who is the tall one.

Write in italic script.

Susi wrote her name in italics.

He has a bad itch on his body.
My daughter cannot resist the itch to travel.

My nose is itching.
Students itching for the lesson to finish.

I feel itchy all over my body.

He checked the items in the catalogue.
Budget is the item of news in todays paper.

I gave the itemised list in the store.

The medical representative is a itinerant worker.

We placed the itinery in front of our guests.

The company has got itself into problems.

This ivory piece is remarkable.

Things made of ivory are expensive.

Ivy covered our fence.
The Ivy league universities are famous in the eastern United States.

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