Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : G

T.V. show hosts have the gift of the gab.

They gabbed in the T.V.show.

"gaberdine","N","1.गेबरडीन" #एकप्रकारकामोटाकपडआजोकोटबनानेकेकामआताहै
In winter,people wear gaberdines.

The child gabbled something that I couldnt understand.

That house has three gables.

It was a gabled house.

Tourists were gadding about in Goa.

The horse was bitten by a gadfly.

Nowadays household gadgets have become costly.

He bought some electronic gadgetry.

"Gaelic","Adj","1.आयरलैंड और स्काटलैंड की भाषा"
The Celtics speak Gaelic language.

He made a gaffe by marrying against social norms.

As a gaffer,he is not sympathetic to the woes of the workers.

The kidnappers thrust gag in the mouth of the child .
Gag rule is not possible in a democracy.
He told a gag to entertain children.

The kidnappers gagged the mouth of the child.
He was gagging on a piece of mutton.

Girls go gaga over filmstars.

There are about a dozen gaggle in that pond.
A gaggle of students were sitting in the canteen.

He gaily did that work.

The fancy dress show added to the gaiety of the annual day celebrations.

No one works without any gain.
His business is bringing him a lot of gains.

I gained a lot of information in the two-day workshop.
His business gained him profit.
After six hours of cycling,he finally gained the finishing line.
My wrist watch gains by five minutes.

There is no gainsay that he is a good player.

His gait is very unusual.

She often wears gaiters in winter.

She is a good gal.

Everyone is having a gala time.

A galactic documentry was showed in the planetorium.

There are millions of stars in our galaxy.

The gale blew away the huts of the fisherman.
The comedians histrionics were greeted with gale.

I cannot tolerate the gall of teenagers.
She has hatred and gall towards him.

The noise of children galled him.
He felt galled when she paid the bill for him.

"gall bladder","N","1.पित्ताशय"
He is suffering from the cancer of the gall bladder.

Our gallant soldiers are sacrificing their lives for the country.

Ajay is a gallant.

The soldiers fought gallantly in the war.

Major Saravanan was awarded the Param Vir Chakrafor for his gallantry in the last war.
He impresses everybody by his gallantry.

It was raining,so I sat in the gallery.
The Jehangir Art Gallery is a famous gallery.

I saw a galleried bookshop in Koti.

Galleys were usually rowed by slaves.
He is a cook in the galley.

She has the Gallic beauty.

Those teenagers bunk their classes and gallivant about the city.

"gallon","N","1.गैलनलगभग ४.५ लीटर"
The barrel contained one gallon of petrol.

"galleon","N","1.बडआजहाज" #पन्द्रहसेसत्रहवींशताब्दीमेंउपयोगकीगयीस्पेनकाविशाल जहाज
Galleons are no longer used in Europe.

I saw the gallop of the horse.

The horse was galloping.

Freedom fighters were not afraid gallows.

"gallows humour","N","1.बीमारी/मरणआदिसेसंबंधितचुटकुले"
I bought a book on gallows humour.

Gallstone gives pain.

"Gallup poll","N","1.जनमतनिर्धारितकरनेकामतदान"
Gallup poll helps in predicting election results.

I have books in galore.

He wears galoshes during rainy season.

That transistor runs on galvanic battery.
The government was thrown out of power in a galvanic manner.

Liberalisation policy has galvanized the private sector in the business world.
The mechanic galvanised the iron door of the car.

V.Anands victory in chess depends highly on the opening gambit.

He has played a gamble by investing in stock market.

People gamble a lot on festivals.
Yudhishthir gambled even his brothers and wife in the game of choupad.

Malik is a big gambler.

Gambling is very common all over the world.

The children gamboled around the colony.

Cricket is the most popular game in India.

"game bird","N","1.शिकारकीहुईचिडइया"
He displayed game birds in his bungalow.

"game plan","N","1.खेलनेसेपहलेयोजना"
A good game plan helps in winning the game.

"game reserve","N","1.खेलकेलिएआरक्षितक्षेत्र"
He takes care of the citys game reserve.

"game show","N","1.एकप्रकारकाटी.वी.प्रोग्राम"
Game shows are becoming popular these days.

He is working as a game-warden.

He is game for dare-devil shows.
He has quit playing as his left foot is game.

Despite his fathers demise Sachin played gamely to win the match.

He is a gamekeeper.

Everybody doesnt have a knack for gamesmanship.

He ruined himself by spending his entire income in gaming.

Gamma comes after alpha and beta.

"gamma radiation","N","1.गामा-किरण"

I dont eat gammon.

The entire gamut of human relationship is complicated.

I could smell gamy of the uncovered meat.

I saw ganders in the zoo.

A notorious gang of thieves was caught recently.

He is a gangling boy.


I stepped on the gangplank to walk into th boat.

Gangrene sets in when the blood supply stops.

The rotten food was emitting a gangreous odour.

A gangster was killed in an encounter with the police.

We entered into the ship through the gangway.
It was difficult to walk through the gangway in the theatre due to darkness.

I havent seen a gannet.

The central gaol is nearby.

There is a gap on the wall.
After a gap of 6years he returned to his native place.
There is a wide gap between the haves and havenots.

The stranger gaped at the girl.
I saw the hippopotamus gaping.

I have space for two cars in my garage.
He is maintaining a garage.

He was in the military garb.

All of them were garbed in white in the funeral ceremony.

The municipality is incharge of garbage disposal in cities.
Dont talk garbage.

The NATO spokesperson gave a garbled account of the U.S.attack on Yugoslavia .

Bangalore is called the city of gardens.

Gardenias are sweet-smelling.

My gardener is an old man.

Anusaraka project is a gargantuan task.

Gargle with salt water to cure soar throat.

Use a salt water gargle for soar throat.

The rainwater on the terrace passed through the gargoyle.

She wore a garish saree.

We offered garlands at the temple.

The leader was garlanded after his victory in the elections.

Some communities do not eat garlic.

I hate garlicky breath.

I bought some woollen garments for my parents.

India garnered highest points in the tournament.

I have a garnet studded earring.

The table was garnished with flowers.

A garnish of onion and cucumber slices were used to decorate the dish.

We dumped all the junks in the garret.

He is on garrison duty.

Indian troops have garrisoned all along the border.

The talk show hosts are very garrulous.

Talk show hosts compere garrulously.

His socks kept rolling down as they didnt have garter.

Oxygen is the gas we breathe.
Hamid talks all gas so dont believe him.

She gassed herself to death.

"gas about","PhrV","1.गप्पेलडआना"
They sat gassing about whole day without doing their homework.

"gas chamber","N","1.गैसकोष्ट"
The Nazis killed the Jews in gas chambers.

The nuclear reactor was gas-cooled.

That vehicle is gas-fired vehicle.

"gas mask","N","1.गैस-त्राण"
The workers in coal mines wear gas mask.

"gas meter","N","1.गैसमापी"
Gas meter is used to measure the utilization of gas.

"gas station","N","1.पैट्रोलस्टेशन"
He owns a gas station.

There are lots of gaseous substances in the atmosphere.

The liquid was gasified by heating.

Gasification of liquida is done by heating.

The soda was very gassy.
My neighbour is very gassy.

The accident left a deep gash on his back.

He gashed her hand with a knife.

He was gasping after a long walk.

He has gastric trouble due to indigestion.

Spicey food can cause gastro-enteritis.

Tarla Dalal specialises in gastronomy.

The programme showed gastronomically prepared food.

The gate of the fort is made of iron and wood.

"gate","V","1.बंदकरना" #विद्यार्थीकोस्कूलयाकालेजमेंदण्डकेरूपमेंबन्दकरना
Th students who boycotted the classes were gated.

We gatecrashed a party held for members of the club only.

We were notorious as gatecrashers in college.

The gatekeeper checked everyones identity card before letting anyone in.

The entrance of the park had a gatehouse.

"gateleg table","N","1."

The protesters blocked the gateway to the secretariat.
Wagah is the gateway to Pakistan from India.

We bought a gateau on our teachers birthday.

I like two gathers in my trousers.

He gathered as many flowers as he could.
I gather from the recent reports that external forces are trying to create
trouble in the country.

There was a large gathering of devotees in the temple.

He has a gauche style of walking.

I dont like the gauncheness of his walking style.

Gauchos are basically of Spanish and Indian descent.

Circus artists wear gaudy clothes to attract people.

A new broad guage line is being laid here.

There is a new equipment to guage the speed of the bowlers delivery.

He looked weak and gaunt after recovering from illness.
A gaunt idol of Goddess Durga was installed in the temple.

In ancient times soldiers wore gauntlets in the battle field.

She got curtains of gauze.

She got gauzy curtains.

The judge banged on the table with a gavel.

She has a collection of gavotte records.

"Gawd","N/Interj","1.हे भगवान" #अग्रेजीमेंआश्चर्यक्रोधआदिप्रकटकरनेकेलियेलिखितरूपमेंप्रयोगहोताहै
O Gawd!I forgot switch off the heater.

I didnt like the way he was gawking at me.

He has a gawky way of talking.

He walks gawkily.

Despite his gawkiness in speech he is liked by everyone.

Everybody seems to be gay and happy today.
He is a gay person.

The child looked at the toy with an innocent gaze.

The stranger gazed at children.

"gazebo","N","1.छोटीइमारत" #जहासेबाहरकापूरानजाराहोसकताह"
I could see the entire countryside from the gazebo.

The gazelle runs very swiftly.

The Railways annual gazette comes in December.
We donot get the London gazette here.

The managers appointment was gazetted yesterday.
Mr.Sharma has been gazetted as the director of the company.

Gazetteer is very useful to find the name of places.

We had been cheated,for the house we bought was gazumped.

Gazumping is not a good practice.

I carry all my sports gear in a kitbag.
The Congress party seems to be moving into top gear.
--"३.गियर" #मशीनकेइंजनकोपहियोंसेजोडनेवालायंत्र
He drives in second gear.

Gelatin is used to make photographic film.

Some tribes geld animals.

Some tribes practice gelding of animals.

Gelignite is a powerful explosive.

The museum displayed gems from all over the world.
He is a gem of a person.

There should be equality oppurtunity for both the genders.

RH factor is a genealogical problem.

Man is said to be the geneology of monkey.

Abhimanyu was a great general of the Pandavas.

The general coaches of trains are always crowded.

You cannot generalize from few experiences that all men are chauvinists.

I do not generally like to travel in the summer months.

Atomic power plants generate electricity.

Our generation was born in independent India.

She is specializing in the study of generative organs.

Today generators are common because of frequent power cuts.

The generic term for oranges,lemons is citrus fruits.

Indians are known for their generosity.

Harishchandra was a very generous king.

The genesis of the present war has been the infiltration of the enemy.

He is studying genetic engineering in the USA.

He is a genetically a deformed child.

He is studying genetics in the USA.

Raju is a very genial person.

He is suffering from genital infection.


Ramanuja was a genius in mathematics.
Ramans genius as a scientist is still regarded as unique all over the world.

There are reports of genocide in many African countries.

Players of Gavaskars genre are no longer there in the team.

This is a gents enclosure.

The receptionists are usually very genteel.

"gentile","N/Adj","1.यहुदी या गैर ईसाई"
The Nazi Germany tortured the gentiles.

Ram is a very gentle person.
A gentle breeze is blowing across the beach.

He gently put down the clay cup.

Men in uniform are thorough gentlemen.

Nehruji was known for his gentleness.

There is a special coach for the gentry in express trains.

They genuflected before Ganeshs idol.

I have genuine love for my country.


India has a vast geographical area.

I was a student of geography.

Geology is an interesting subject.

Geometry is a branch of mathematics.

The house is of a Georgian architecture.

I have georgette sari.

Geriatrics deals with the medical treatment of aged people.

There are lots of germs in uncovered food.

There are lots of German tourists in India.

Steffi Graf is a very famous German tennis player.

His comments were not germane to the main discussion.

The rose buds have germinated.

The germination of seeds will take a week.


The incumbent party is always accused of gerrymandeering in the elections.

Some Jews were apprehended by Gestapo.

The gestation period in humans is nine months.

The teacher gesticulated to the students to sit down.

They talked to each other across the room in getures.
It was a very kind gesture by him to offer his seat to the lady.

I get my salary on the 7th of every month.
Please get to the airport before noon.
Are you getting my point?
I will get him to speak to you.

"get about","PhrV","1.फैलजाना"
The police have got about in the whole area.
The patient is getting about now.

"get away","PhrV","1.भागजाना"
The thieves got away from the prison.
I want to get away from this place.
The train gets away at 1.Oclock.

"get back","PhrV","1.लौटना"
Get back to your places please.
Finally I got back my pen from him.
The Indian Army got back at the enemy with a strong air strike.
I will get back to you on Monday.

"get behind","PhrV","1.पिछडना"
He is getting behind in his studies.

"get by","PhrV","1.अच्छामानलेना"
They find the present salary a get by.

"get down","PhrV","1.उतरना"
I have to getdown at the next station.
Its high time to get back to business.
Gloomy weather gets me down.

"get in","PhrV","1.घुसना"
I have got in the house without permission.
I will try to get in the play in between the breaks.
Try to get in time at the station.

"get off","PhrV","1.से उतरना"
Get off the bus immediately.
please get off this discussion about politics.
I got off unhurt from the fall.

"get on","PhrV","1.प्रगतिकरना"
They have got on well with their jobs.
We get on very well with each other.

"get out","PhrV","1.पताचलना"
The examination papers have got out.
I am getting out of the company now.
He was asked to get out of the hall.

"get over","PhrV","1.भूलजाना"
I have got over the mistakes of the past.
I have got over the financial debt.
The match got over very early.

"get through","PhrV","1.पूराकरना"
They got through the ration just in ten days.
The younger child got through the exams.
You will reach the town early if you get through the river.
The food and clothing got through to the soldiers in time.
It is very hard getting your ideas through these students.

"get together","PhrV","1.एकत्रकरना"
Try to get some students together for this dictionary work.
We all got together on his farewell party.
The two parties are getting together to form a new party.

"get together","N","1.जमघट"
There was a get together at the captains house to celebrate teams

"get up","PhrV","1.उठना"
He got up from his chair.
I get up at 5 Oclock in the morning.
We are trying to get up an auction for the old house.

"get up","N","1.पहनावा"
He is in an old mans get up.

The militants made a quick getaway after bombing the police station.

I planted a geum in my garden.

Geysers are formed due to the heating of water deep in the earth.
I dont have a geyser at my home.

There was a ghastly murder last night.

Excess of ghee intake is harmful to health.

I like the taste of gherkin.

Maradona was brought up in a ghetto in Argentina.

"ghetto blaster","N","1.भोंपूविशालटेपरिकार्डरजोसार्वजनिकस्थलोंमेंबजायाजाताहै"
They played Hindi film songs in ghetto blater during Ganesh utsav.

Children love stories about ghosts.

The palace has a ghostly look.

I dont believe in ghouls.
Tantrik yogis are interested in ghouls.

A giant T.V. screen was put up in pubs to show matches.

Yetis are the giants of Himalayas.

The speaker gibbered away his speech.

He was uttering lot of gibberish after heavy drinking.

Joan of Arc was tied to the gibbet and burned to death.

They are only few gibbons left in the local zoo.

The players had to face gibes from everyone after their poor performance.

I am feeling giddy due to weakness.

I recieved lots of gifts on my birthday.

I gifted a necklace to my wife on our marriage anniversary.

Kapil was a gifted cricketer.

Before automobiles, gigs were the main means of transport.

Titanic was of gigantic size.

The sweet sound of giggles was coming from the back of the classroom.

Girls giggled at his histrionics.

He is a gigolo.

The bangles are gilded.

There is wide gap between the low and gilded in our society.

The guilding on the dome of the gurudwara in Amritsar is of gold.

The hook got stuck in the fishs gills.

man or boy attending sportsman in Scotland}

The necklace that she is wearing is a gimcrack.

I made a hole in the wall with a gimlet.

The show of sympathy by the minister is a publicity gimmick.

Please help the soldiers sincerely instead of this gimmickry.

Some girls drink gin.

Ginger adds taste to tea.

"ginger up","PhrV","1.किसीकोप्रोत्साहितकरना"
My mother gingers me up whenever Im depressed.

He walked back to his seat gingerly.

My school uniform is in gingham.

Giraffe is a very tall animal.

Ginseng has medicinal value.

The female tea garden workers gird their infants around their waist while

The girders are now being laid in the building.

The thin man tied a girdle around the trousers.

The schoolboy girdled his school bag around the waist as he ran
to the school.

That little girl is very cute.

My girlfriend has a very caring nature.

His salary is sent by giro.

His girth has increased over the years.

The gist of his speech is that we dont want war.

Give me a pen please.

"give in","PhrV","1.दबजाना"
Never give in to pressure.

"give on","PhrV","1.पहुचाना"
The street gives onto my house.

"give out","PhrV","1.खत्महोजाना"
Just after a week the water supply has given out.
The scooter gave out after two kilometres.

He is given to drinking alcohol.
The doctor arrived on the given time.

"give away","PhrV","1.देना"
He gave away his old clothes to the poor.
The principal gave away the prizes to the winners.
The bride was given away by her father.

The giver of this donation has not made his name public.

The food gets grounded in the gizzard of the bird.

The cloth of my trousers is very glace.

New water sources are formed due to glacial movements.

We have defended the Siachen glacier really well.

I am glad that you have passed the exams.

I am glanned by your achievements.

If you walk along the glade you will not lose your way.

Gladiators were entertainers in ancient Rome.

The glamour of films attract many people to Mumbai.

He glanced at me.

We got to see a glance of the superstar.

Sweat is produced by sweat glands.

The bulb is glaring directly into my eyes.
The teacher glared at the students.

The glare of the sunlight is at its peak at midnoon.
The teachers glare frightened the students.

We bought glaring bulbs for Diwali.

The glass of the window broke.
--"२.पीने का बर्तन"
I drink water in a glass.

I wear glasses while reading.

I have all glassy cutleries at my home.

We got the door glazed.

Chaplin played a glazier in the movie `The Kid.

The gleam of the evening sunlight is coming through the window.

The sunlight gleamed through the window.

The farmers are gleaning the grain.
The journalist gleaned information from some unreliable source.

His glee was obvious at Indias victory.

Be careful while driving through the glen.

He is a glib salesman.

The glide at the park is very enjoyable.
I saw the glide of the aircraft from the ground.

The aircrafts engine failed yet it was glided down to a safe landing.

I want to fly a glider someday.

Do you see that light glimmering there ?

The glimmer of the bulb helped us to see in the night .
There is always a glimmer of happiness in every disappointment.

I wrote the book in the glimmering.

The crowd had a glimpse of their favourite star.

I glimpsed outside from the window.

The knife is glinting as if it is new.

The glint of a steel container attracted our guest.

The metal is glistening.

The glitter of gold attracts everyone.

All that glitters is not gold.

He gifted me a glittering pen on my birthday.
The awards were given at a glittering ceremony in Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The celebritys wedding was full of glitz.

The celebritys wedding was a glitzy affair.

The hours of gloaming is good for jogging.

The dog was gloating at the meat.

The earth is a globe.
All the countries are shown on the globe.

Tennis is a global sport.

Deforestation is globally effecting the ecological balance.

Globules of wax dropped from the candle.

Vinoth plays the glockenspiel very well.

I couldnt see in the gloom.
People were in a state of gloom due to Indias defeat in the world cup.

The rain has gloomed the prospect of any further play.

The day was gloomy due to cloudy weather.
The future of this industry looks gloomy.

Some critics unnecessarliy glorify some works of art for vested interests.

The soldiers have brought glory to the country.
They sang paeans in the glory of god.
--"३ महिमा"
Natures glory is great.
I took a snap of the glory of sunrise.

She took glory in her victory at Wimbledon.

The gloss of gold attracts everyone.

They put gloss on the walls on the occasion of diwali.

Film magazines are glossy magazines.

Glossary is given after the last chapter of the book.

I wear gloves in winter.

I could see the glow on her face due to happiness.

The bulb is glowing.

Use glue to paste the envelope.

He glued the broken chair.
Nowadays children remain glued to the television.

Plenty of glum faces could be seen after Indias defeat by Australia.

Glut of food was kept in the plate.

The market is glutted with consumer durables.

I dislike the smell of gluten.

He is a glutton when it comes to sweets.

Glycerine soap is good for dry skin.

I bought 100 gm of groundnut.

"GMT","AbbrGreenwich Mean Time","1.ग्रीनविचमीनटाईम"
Solar eclipse will occur at 1530 hours GMT.

The twig of the tree was gnarled.

I was bitten by a gnat.

The mice gnawed my books.

The new restaurant has gnocchi in its menu.

I love the story of Snow White and the seven gnomes.

I go to school.
These clothes go into that suitcase.
--"३.समाना This key will not go in that lock
How did the meeting go?
Have you gone mad?
The bell has gone for this period.
The P.M. is already gone.

"go about","PhrV","1.लगेरहना"
We went about our work despite strike.

"go against","PhrV","1.प्रतिकूलहोना"
The entire team was against the decision to field first.

"go along","PhrV","1.आगेबढना"
I am going along well.

"go into","PhrV","1.जाचकरना"
The police have gone into the matter.
I am going into selling computers.
I have gone very deeply into the research of this new medicine.

"go off","PhrV","1.चलेजाना"
He has gone off to London.
The bomb went off suddenly at a crowded market.

"go out","PhrV","1.बुझजाना"
The lights go out at midnight.

"go through","PhrV","1.पुनाना"
You have to go through the entire procedure once again.
Parents go through many difficulties to bring up their children.

"go down","PhrV","1.डूबना"
The `Titanicwent down the sea.
The Mughal Empire went down fighting.

"go up","PhrV","1.बढना"
Leander Paess performance in tennis has gone up this year.
I am going up the mountain.

"go without","PhrV","1.केबिनाकामचलाना"
The prisoners had to go without food for many days.

He steered the cattle with a goad.
Elections are a kind of goad in inciting violence.

Vinoth keeps goading me to work hard.

He got his bosss go-ahead to buy a new computer.

Always set goals in life.

Goats milk is good for health.

Goatee doesnt suit everyman.

Gobs of paan lay on the roadside.
He asked her to keep her gob shut.

A gobbet of bread was left on the table.

The lion gobbled down its prey.
He is very good at gobbling while imitating the sound of birds.

In official documents the language should be simple and gobledegook.

America acts as a go-between in the Middle-East peace process.

He drank a goblet of wine.

I have faith in God.

He came up in life on his own for he had no godfather.

Only godless people do serious harm to children.

His godmother has influenced him a lot.

Offer of this job is a godsend in the present circumstances.

He is not satisfied with his job of gofer.

Its not good to be a go-getter.

She goggled at the display of ornaments.

She never wears goggles even on a very sunny day.

I was sad at his going to Banglore.
The cricket field is of rough going.
Becoming a tennis champion at 1.is a great going.

Gold is a precious metal.

I bought a golden bangle for my mother.
I missed a golden chance of meeting Bill Gates when he visited India.
Rajs contribution to the Indian cinema is golden.

Tiger Woods is the new world champion in golf.

I could hear the gong from the nearby church every morning.

"golden jubilee","N","1.स्वर्णजयंती"
India celebrated its golden jubilee of its independence in 1997.

One should try to be a good human being.

Mails are carried by goods train.

I bid goodbye to my friend when he was leaving for Banglore.

The film was full of gore and violence.

He was gored to death by a bull.

The car fell into a deep gorge.

She gorged herself on icecreams.

He pasted a poster of a gorgeous looking lady .

I saw a gorilla in the zoo.

The cities are witnessing gory murders nowadays.

The priest preached Gospel in Sunday classes.

Gossip is a sheer wastage of time.

Our neighbours gossip the whole day.

Holes were gouged on the wall.

"gouged out","PhrV","1.छेदकरकेनिकालना"
The terrorists mercilessly gouged out the eyers of the captives.

Holes on the were made with a gouge.

The British governed India for over two hundred years.

Governance by a foreign power is more of exploitation than governance.

The present Indian government is formed by coalition of many parties.

He was recently appointed as the Governor of the Punjab.

She sleeps in a nightgown.

The police grabbed the thief.

By the grace of God I am well.

A beautiful rose plant graces my garden.

She has a graceful look.

He delivered the speech very gracefully.

He is a very gracious human being.

The host welcomed the guests graciously.

He has been promoted to a very high grade.
He secured first grade in the annual exams.
He is a top grade tennis player.

The palyers were graded according to their recent performances.

There has been a gradual improvement in his studies.

Gradually you will learn all the tricks of the game.

He is a graduate in Biology.

Anil graduated from IIT Kanpur.

Amit did his graduation fron Kharagpur







The opening ceremony was a grand show.

The kings palace reflected grandeur in every thing.

I have fitted granite in my drawing room.

His parents granted him permission to play.
The court granted him bail

Grapes are grown mainly in Maharashtra.

The graph of the companys production is here.

He gave a graphic description of the event.

Graphite is radioactive.




He has good grasp over the English language.

The baby tightly grasped his mothers fingure.


Herbivores animals eat grass.

The garden is very grassy.



I shall always be grateful to you for the kindness shown to me.

He gratefully accepted my help.






I expressed my gratitude to him for his timely assistance.


He got Rs.1 lakh as gratuity on his retirement.

He is in grave danger of being attacked by the terrorists.

The graves are the reminders of great men.

He looked at her gravely before anwsering her question.

Everything gravitates towards the ground.


Mutter Paneer doesnt taste good without good gravy.

The sky was gray with dark clouds.

The cows are grazing in the field.

The higes are making a lot of noise, they need some grease.

I grease my bicycle regularly.

The pipes are greasy after oiling.
Traditional Indian food is very spicy and greasy.

Gandhiji was a great human being.

Bose was greatly involved in the freedom movement

Gandhijis greatness was his simplicity.

A mans greed for money leads him to do anything.

The master is greedy.

He is wearing a green shirt.

The lawn is green.

Its nice to see the greenery of fields in spring.

"greenish","Adj","1.कुछ-कुछ हरा"
He was wearing a greenish brown shirt.

Greenhouses are very common in European countries.

They greeted the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister sent his Diwali greetings to people.

Sheep are gregarious animals.

The soldiers used grenades in the war.

Greyhounds assist the police in criminal detection.

The death of her father was a moment of grief.

The manager listened to the workers grievances with rapt attention.

We are still grieving the death of our soldiers in the war.
It grieves me to see them so sad.

It was a grievous bus accident.


The future seems to be grim.

He had a sad grimace.
--"२.मुह बनाना"
He is grimacing in pain.

The children grimed their hands with mud.

His hands were covered with grimes and sweat.

"grin","N","1.उपहास रूपी मुस्कुराहट"
He gave a grin of derision.

She grinned with delight.

We grind chilly in the mixer grinder.

Todays grinders have lots of facilities.

I gripped the overhead rod in the bus.

The film had gripping storyline.

We heard gripes about poor hostel facilities from students.

The students kept griping about poor hostel facilities.

The prisoners of war gave a grisly account of their torture.

A piece of grit got into my shoe.
She faced the interview board with grit and confidence.

The road was gritted


The patients groan could be heard even outside the operation room

The patient is groaning with pain


a grocery store

He is not playing because of a groin injury

Call the groom for taking the horse to the field.

The horses were groomed for the race.

"groove","N","1.ग्रूवनाली जैसा"
The doors have grooves on the side.

"groove","VT","1.ग्रूव बनाना"

He was groping in the dark for his torch.

Stop making such gross errors.

His walk is very grotesque


The balloon came back to the ground
A cricket ground
Go and play on the ground
Is there any ground on which you can base your argument.

His bat was grounded
He ground the stick to avoid falling

A group of journalists protested against the Defamation Bill.
The Goenka group is now under Mr.Vivek Goenka.

The teacher grouped the students.

Groupies are actually crazy after pop singers.

An anti-management grouping emerged in the organization.

"group captain","N","1.वायुसेनाकाअफसर"
Vinoth is a group captain in the Indian Air Force.

"group practice","N","1.डाक्टरोंकादल"
After MBBS he was in group practice.

"group therapy","N","1.सामूहिकचिकित्सा"
A two-day group therapy was held in the government hospital.

The hunters killed the grouse and roasted it.

Our maidservant keeps grousing to my mother.

The gaps between the tiles is filled with grout.

Nagpur has many orange groves.

Children grow very fast.

Sugarcane is grown mainly in Uttar Pradesh.

I get scared by the growl of dogs.

The dog growled on seeing a stranger.

That child unfortunately has an abnormal growth.

He is always in grubby clothes.

I have no grudges on my friends success in examination.

She grudged in lending her notes to her classmates.

She grudgingly lend her notes to her classmates.

A gruesome murder was committed in Chandni Chowk area.

His gruff manners gives a very bad impression.
Her gruff voice is not pleasant.

She talks gruffly.

The gruffness of her manners gives a bad impression.

The grumble of the maid servant irritates me.

The waiter grumbled for not getting any tip.

I could hear the grunt of pigs every morning.

Monica Seles grunts while playing tennis.

The T.V. has come with a three year guarantee.

Going tutions doesnt guarantee you success in the exams.

The guard at the gate checked my identity papers before allowing me to enter.

Guard yourself against diseases.

I am guarding the field against any cattle intrusion.

His report card was signed by his guardian.

That bungalow is a gubernatorial one.

Guess the answer to the question and win the prize.

We have guest at our place every Sunday.

I am working under my supervisors guidance.

The teacher is your best guide.

My brother guided me in my work.

The writers guild has decided to donate Rs.1 lakh to the war martyrs families.

She can not get over her guilt.
Let the law punish him for his guilt.

He was found guilty of stealing money.

Guinea is a coin of 21 shillings.
Guinea pigs are originally found in South America.
Monkeys are used as guineas to test the effectiveness of medicines before prescribing them for human beings.

The police were in the guise of traders.

I play the guitar very well.

Most of the Gulf states are Islamic.
There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor.

Richard Bach has written a beautiful story on gull.

The sewage water drained into the gully.

I drank the full glass of water in one gulp.

I gulped down the tea as I had to rush to the office.

Paste the papers with gum.

Too much of oil in the hair makes them gummy.

The Bofors gun had been very useful in this war.

He works as a gunner in the Indian Army.

There was always a variety of guns in the Rajput rulers gunnery.

Gunpowder was first used in India by the Mughals.

Everyone got scared due to the sound of a gunshot.

He gurgles salt water when he has a sore throat.

The blood is gushing out of the wound.

The tent was blown away by gust of wind.
She hugged him in a gust of emotion.

The children did the dictionary making work with gusto.

The food passes through the gut to the stomach.

The human waste is collected in the gutter.

These guys are very good players.

Children guzzled in the four day food festival held in the city recently.

I exercise in the gymnasium.

Nadia Comanecci has been a very famous gymnast.

Gymanstics is a popular sport at the Olympics.

Gypsum is a very useful mineral resource.

They gyrated to the tune.


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