Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : L

The car had an L sign.

I can prepare any of these chemical in my chemistry lab.

Label on the centre of gramophone record must be prescribing the name of the singer.
This movie is an action movie and the label seems to be true.
The label of HMV on the castte ensures its good quality.

"labia","N","1.मादा जननांग के द्वार पे मुडी हुई त्वचा"
I hope their is no infection in labia of your daughter.

Labial sounds are quite funny to listen to.

Rat is commonly is used for zoology experiments in laboratory.

Construction of building is quite a labourious job.
She has got a labourious style of dancing.

Labour has to be done to complete this work.
The factory is closed as the labours have gone on strike.

"labour pains","N","1.प्रसव पीडा"
Take her immediately to the hospital as the labour pains have started.

"labour","V","1.कडी मेहनत करना"
I have been labouring (away) at this report all morning.
--"२.मुश्किलों से चलना"
The van laboured up the steep mountain track.

She has a laboured style of writing.

"labourer","N","1.कामगार/मजदूरी करने वाला"
Bhima was a farm labourer.

"labouring","Adj","1.अनसीखा शारीरिक श्रम करना"
He tried a no of labouring jobs.

Laburary is a tree that is found everywhere.

"labryrinth","N","1.भूल भुलैया"
Shoud not enter this one labryrinth of coridoors without any guidance.

This case is a labyrinthine one.


"lace","V","1.फीता बाधना"
Lace your shoes.
--"२.पुट देना"
He drinks soda-water laced with alchohol.

"lacerate","V","1.चिर-फट जाना"
As he fell on the road his hands and knees got badly lacerated.

Giving off daughters is of an extremely lachrymoss disposition.

"lack","V","1.कमी होना"
He lacks courage to face the audience.

He suffers from a lack of confidence.

The governments lackadsiscal approach to the lrill made people apprehensive of its intentions.

The Lords lackey.
Powerful poliliciaus are often surrounded by a number of lackey.

Lacklustre performance.

My friend is a loconic person.

The pots have beautiful lacquer work.

"lacrosse","N","1.क्रीडा विशेष"

"loctation","N","1.दुग्धआवणप्रसव के बाद"

"lactic acid","N","1.दुग्धाम्ल"


The lacuna is his presentation was quite noticeable.

"lacy","Adj","1.जाले जैसा"

He is fine lad.

Use this ladder to climb up.
Hard work is a sure ladder to advance in ones career.

"ladder","V","1.सीढी बनाना"


"laden","Adj","1.लदा हुआ"
The tree is laden with fruits.

She likes being surrounded by her la-di-da friends.


The cook ladled the dal into bowls.

She is a fine lady.

The queen had several ladies in waiting around her.

The garden is full of ladybirds in this season.

Everybody is impressed by her ladylike behaviour.

"ladyship","N","1.भवतीभद्रमहिला/एक पदवी"
Her ladyship is requested to distribute the prizes.

He is lagging belind is studies.

I understand this lag in the disposal of the file.

A laggard as he is, he is sure to miss this chance as well.


A lions lair.
--"२.छिपने की जगह"
He has retired in his lair.



From the back of the house one can see the lake hidded by trees.

"lakeside","N","1.झील का किनारा"
Big trees surround the lakeside.

The sheep was grazing with its lamb.
She is a clever girl while her brother is a poor lamb.

"lambaste","V","1.आलोचना करना"
The Government was severely lambasted by the opposition on this issue.

"lambswool","N","1.मेमने की ऊन"
I bought a cardigan of lambwool.

I saw a lame man limping around the garden.
This lame excuse is not going to satisfy her.

"lameduck","N","1.असमर्थ व्यक्तिsaMsthA"
Many taxtile mills in India have now turned into lameducks.
--"२.अन्तिम अवधि वाला"
A lameduck parliament.

"lament","V","1.शोक प्रकट करना"
Mere lamenting over corruption is not going to remove it.
They lamented as their friends demise.

Pathetic laments of the family
It is customary to compose laments over the death of an important person.

"lamentable","Adj","1.शोक योग्य"
It definitely is a lamentable issue.

Their lamentations over the state of affairs in the organization did not look convincing.

"lamented","Adj","1.खेद योग्य"

"laminate","V","1.पटल चढआना"
They laminated the photos.

A lamp is not always dependent on Electricity.

"lamplight","N","1.दीप प्रकाश/लैम्प की रौशनी"
It is has comfortable to study under lamplight.

"lamplit","Adj","1.चिराग के द्वारा की गई रौशनी"
Nearby there is a lamplit street.

"lampoon","V","1.निन्दा करना"
He was lampooned by her friend in front of the whole class.

"lampoon","N","1.निन्दा लेख"
Editor should have thought before printing such kind of lampoon in his newspaper.

"lamppost","N","1.दीप स्तम्भ"
There is a lamppost near the bus-stop.

Lampshade softens the light of this lamp.

Early man used lance for hunting.

"lance","V","1.चीरना/घोंपकर बाहर निकलना"
Lancing the infected part of the body is very powerful.

"lance-corporal","N","1.ब्रिटिश सेना"
Lance corporal defeated the french soldiers in the war.

Doctors use lancet during the operation.
--"२.कोरदार खिडकी या कोरदार मेहराब"
I was standing under the lancet.

Frog can survive both on land and water.
The land is reserved for animal grazing.
I spend all my childhood on this land.
I inherited this land from my grand parents.
My motherland is known for its culture all over the world.


Peasants are made landless by the clever zamindars.

"landward","Adj","1.भूमि की ओर स्थित"
The landward side of the island is very beautiful.

Our enemies have land-based nuclear missiles.

"land-agent","N","1.भूमि के दलाल या एजेंट"
This land-agent is a big fraud.

"land-form","N","1.जमीन का एक प्राकृतिक रूप"
This land-form is a treat to watch.

"land-locked","Adj","1.स्थल रुद्ध"
Switzerland is completly land-locked.

"land-mass","N","1.जमीन का कोई बडआ टुकडआ"
Continental land-masses covor a large area of this earth.

"land-mine","N","1.बारुदी सुरंग"
His leg was blown off by a land-mine.

"land","V","1.उतरना/अवतरण करना"
Troops have been landed at several points.
The pilot managed to land safely.
--"२.कूद के या गिर के जमीन पर पहुचना"
Try to catch that leaf before it lands.
--"३.परेशानी पैदा करना"
The complain landed on the desk of the manager.
--"४.सफलता प्राप्त करना"
Dont worry you will land a good job.
--"५.घूसा मारना"
Jones landed several good punches in the early round.

"landfall","N","1.प्रथम भूदर्शन"
We made landfall at dusk after 3 weeks at sea.

Tonic chemicals were dumped at landfill sites.

He has a lot of landholding on his name.

The space travellers made successful landing on the moon.
There was no landing place for the boat.
--"३.लैंडिंगसीढइयों के खत्म होने की जगह"
I left my case on the first floor landing.

"landing-craft","N","1.सामान उतारने के छोटे जलपोत"
Your important luggage is safe in the landing-craft.

"landing-gear","N","1.वायुयान के पहिये"
Landing-gears play an important role in landing of the plane.

"landing-stage","N","1.तैरने वाला चबूतरा"
Your mom has arrived as she is standing on the landing-stage.

"landing-strip","N","1.अवतरण पट्टी"

"landlady","N","1.मकान मालकिन"
My landlady is very good at heart.
The landlady earns a lot from this land.

"landlord","N","1.मकान मालिक"
My landlord increases the rent after every 6 months.
The landlord of this land is very cruel.

Charminar is the famous landmark of Hyderabad.
--"२.युगांतकारी घटना"
There are several landmarks in history.

The landowner often comes to the village to see his property.

"landrover","N","1.खुरदुरी जमीन पर चलने वाला वाहन"
This ground is no more a smooth one; so we have to get a landrover for it.

"landscape","N","1.प्राकृतिक दृश्य"
I always enjoy landscapes near the sea.

"landscape","V","1.भूदृश्य का निर्माण करना"
I have to landscape my new garden.

"landscape architect","N","1.प्रकृति का चित्रकार"
My neighbour is a very good landscape architect.

"landscaping","N","1.भूदृश्य निर्माण"

Due to heavy rains there was landslide near rohtaing pass.
These elections resulted in a landslide victory for the ruling party.

This is the narrowest lane of the city.
This lane closed today due to same construction work.
This lane is designated for cycle racing.

Hindi is the national language of our country.
His body language shows that he is tired.
--"२.बोलने की शैली"
The people living nearby have a very bad language.
Only advocates can understand the language of courtroom.

"language laboratory","N","1.भाषा प्रयोगशाला"
Our school uses language laboratories for teaching foreign languages.

John is a languid kind of person.

"languidly","Adv","1.उत्साहहीन तरीके से"
Camel languidly moved in the desert.

"languish","V","1.कम होना"
The value of gold is languishing.


Her languorous walking style shows that she is disturbed.

"lank","Adj","1.सीधा और चपटा"
Her hairs are lank and unattractive.

"lanky","Adj","1.लंबा पतला"
He looks funny as he is a very lanky looking person.

"lanolin","N","1.बकरी के ऊन से निकाली हुई चरबी"
Lanolin is used in making skin creams.

I could see his face by the light of the lantern.

His whistle is always attached to him throughthe lanyard which he weares round his neck.

She had fallen asleep with the book open in her lap.
She gathered the beautiful flowers and carried them in her lap.
He crashed on the tenth lap.
--"४.यात्रा का एक हिस्सा"
The next lap takes us into the mountains.

"lap-dog","N","1.छोटा कुत्ता"
My lap-dog is too light to carry.

"lap","V","1.लप-लप पीना"
The dog was very thirsty. It soon lapped up the water.
--"२.छप-छप करना"
The noise was coming from the lapping of the waves on the beach and against the boats.

"lapel","N","1.खुले गले के कोट कालर"
He wears a small rose on the lapel of his coat.


"lapis lazuli","N","1.रावट"

He will not pardon you for this lapse.
This lapse on your part may ruin your career.
With the lapse of time he may overcome his griet.

"lapse","V","1.रद्द हो जाना"
The House allowed the bill to lapse.
--"२.अवनत हो जाना"
Uncared for movements lapse into decay as time passes.

"laptop","N","1.एक छोटा गणक"




"lard","N","1.सुअर की चर्बी"
They use lard for frying.

"larder","N","1.खाद्य भण्डार"
We faced an empty larder.

A large crowd. A large fort
A large view. A large and knotty problem.

"largesse","N","1.उदार दान"
A number of people were living onlargesses from him.

"lark","N","1.एक पक्षी"
Larks clouded the sky.
We enjoyed the lark that day.

Larkspurs enriched the garden.

Stagnated water gives rise to larva population.

"larynx","N","1.स्वर यंत्र"
He has an infection in his larynx.

He is suffering from laryngitis.


A laser beam.

He used a lash to east him. He was given twenty lashes.

"lash","V","1.कोडे लगाना"
Slaves were commonly lashed in olden times.
--"२.शीघ्रता से हिलाना"
The angny tiger is lashing its tail.
--"३.कसकर बाधना"
Lash the patient securely to the strecture.
--"४.से टकराना"
Sea waves were lashing the coast.
He was lashed for his misdemeanour by his loss.
--"६.अचानक आक्रमण करना"
The horse lashed at with its hind legs.

"lashing","N","1.कोडे लगाने की प्रक्रिया"
--"२.बांधने की रस्सी"

A young lass lives in the house across the street.

"lassitude","N","1.शिथिलताशारीरिक अथवा मानसिक"
After having worked very hard the whole day a sudden lassitude descended upon him.

He was the last person in the queue.
The last thing that I expected of him was publishing a defamatory article against his friend.
The last bottle of blood.
It was very cold last night.
--"३.अवशिष्ट" #??
--"४.चरम/अधम" #??

"last","Adv","1.सबसे बाद में"
He spoke last on this issue.
--"२.अन्तिम बार"
I met him last in a market-place.

"last","V","1.चलते रहना"
The bottle that he gave me lasted for a month.
The well was dug at a huge cost; but the water did not last long.
--"२.जीवित रहना"
How long could they have lasted without food and water?

He pulled down the latch and opened the door.

"latch","V","1.सिटकिनी लगाना"
Please latch the door before you go to bed.

"latch on","PhrV","1.समझना"
Traditionalists do not easily latch on to novel ideas.

"latch on to somebody or something","IDM","1.किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति से चिपके रहना"
My sister latches on to me whenever I go out.
Whenever she comes across a new novel she latches on to it till the last page.
Children latch on to comics in a big way.

"late","Adv","1.देरी से"
The train is late by an hour.
Souring of paddy was delayed due to late rains.
It is never too late to give up a bad habit.
He met me in the late afternoon.
Studying till late hour in the night and rising late in the morning is not good for health.
I shall go to Dehradun by the late night bus.
--"३.बाद के"
He bagged the nobel prize in physics in his late forties.

His late father was a very popular figure in this locality.

"lately","Adv","1.हाल में"
I have not met him lately.
Its only lately that wisdom has downed upon him to give up smoking.
Lately he has been seen frequenting him move often.

Strong commitment to moral values was latent in Gandhis political philosophy.
Many a childrens latent talent never blossoms because of lack of opportunities.

Lateral branches are often formed to ensure a straight growth of the plant.

"lateral thinking","N","1.पार्श्विक चिन्तन"
Sometimes brilliant solutions to problems are found due to lateral thinking.

"latese","N","1.वनस्पती-क्षीरउससे मिलता-जुलता एक अचिम पदार्थ"
Latese is used in paintings, fabrics etc.


Shaving creame produces very poor lather in hard water.
--"२.भारी पसीनाविशेषरूप से घोडए का"
--"३.उत्तेजित अवस्था"
He was in lather when asked to deliver his maiden speech.

"lather","V","1.झाग बनाना"
Lather the face well helps in smooth shaving.

"latin","N","1.लैटिनपुरातन रोम की भाषा"

--"२.व्यवहार में स्वतन्त्रता"
Within reasonable limits employees should be given enough latitude to express their views.

He does not mind cleaning laterines.

(as against former) I do not agree with the latter half of your observation.

"latterly","Adv","1.हाल में"

Lattice is used in fencing.

"laud","V","1.प्रशंसा करना"
He was lauded for his bold stand.

Your devotion to duty is laudable indeed.

His landatory remarks about the chairman sanded so shallow.

The childs antics made everybody laugh.
It is easy to laugh at others but difficult to laugh at oneself.

We had a good laugh at his embarrassment.

I dont believe what he says. It is just laughable.

"laughing-stock","N","1.हास्यस्पद व्यक्ति अथवा वस्तु"
His swagger in the office has made him the laughing-stock of his colleagues.

"laughingly","Adv","1.हसी हसी में"
When I laughingly told my sister that a lion has entered the village she got very panicky.

Laughter is good for health.

"launch","V","1.आरम्भ करना"
Our company has launched a new product.
Launch a ship.
launch a satellite.
--"४.प्रवर्त्तन करना"
Launch a new model of car.

Launcher is a device used to launch a missile.

"launch","N","1.बडी मोटर बोट"
We took a launch to cross the lake.

"launder","V","1.कपडे धोना/सुखाना और प्रेस करना"
Washerman launders the clothes.
--"२.काले धन को सफेद करना"
Unscruplous businessmen adopt ingenious methods to launder their black money.

"laundry","N","1.धुलाई वाले कपडे"
Keep the laundry in the basket in the bathroom.
--"२.कपडों की धुलाई का व्यापार"
There is a chain of laundries in this locality.

"laureate","N","1.साहित्य/विज्ञान/कला आदि के क्षेत्र में पुरस्कृत व्यक्ति"
I went to listen to a talk by a noble laureate.

Laurel makes an evergreen hedge.
She has won laurels for her maiden novel.

Active volcanos often emit lava causing extensive damage.

The building has badly designed lavatories.

"lavender","N","1.लैवेंडरएक फूल"
The breeze brought perfume of lavenders from the garden.
--"२.नील-लोहित रंग"

He was very lavish with his money to help the poor.
His father does not like his lavish style of life.

"lavishly","Adv","1.बडई मात्रा में"
He praised her lavishly.

Governments make laws and people break them.
The laws of a game.
The laws of gravity.
--"४.विधि रक्षक"
His activities were noticed by the law (such as police).

He has acquired his wealth only through lawful means.
He is the lawful heir to this property.

Nobody is safe in a lawless society where there are no laws or are not aboyed.

Police is always on the lookout for lawbreakers.

She has to go to lawcourt in connection with her case.

In a democracy people elect their lawmakers.

We get our lawn mowed envery fortnight.

Use a lawnmower to prune the grass.

He is involved in a lawsuit these days.

I have to hire a lawyer to deal with my financial matters.

The police is not supposed to be lax with the criminals.
He is often lax about his dress.

Use of laxatives too often must be avoided.

Lay this photograph on the showcase.
Go and lay down on your bed.
--"३.गिरा देना"
Hailstorm laid down the crop.
--"४.आधारशिला रखना"
The foundation of this building was laid by the President.
Laying mines.
--"६.अण्डे देना"
His chicken layed a golden egg erveryday.

A lay musician.

The top layer is made of cement.
--"२.अण्डा देने वाली मुर्गी"

The layout of a building.

"laze","V","1.आराम करना"
My husband prefers to laze at home rather than go anywhere out on a holiday.

You lazy fellow! Why not get ready to go to work.

"lazyloues","N","1.आलसी व्यक्ति"

"leach","V","1.विक्षा लेना"
Rain water leaches away the top-soil from the rocks.

"lead","V","1.मार्ग दिखाना"
He led me to his room.
--"२.मार्ग मिलना"
The trail of blood on the road led the police to the criminal.
--"३.प्रभावित करनाHonA"
He is easily led away by others opinions.
--"४.व्यतीत करना"
Many people lead a miserable life due to poverty.
--"५.आगे होना"
This candidate is leading by 10,000 votes.
--"६.ताश का पहला पत्ता चलना"
He led a heart.
--"७.नेतृत्व करना"
The captain led his soldiers from the front.

He has given the lead & others may follow it.
His lead is now more than 10,000.
--"३.मुख्य भूमिकानाटक इत्यादि में"
He has played the lead in a film on Sardar Patel.
The lead led to the arrest of the criminal.
There is nothing wrong with the VCR. Something has gone wrong with the lead causing disturbance in the monitor.
Pencil has lead in it.

He is our leader.

The party has become a prey to poor leadership.
Does he have the necessary leadership qualities.
The party leadership will appoint the Gensaldecretary.

He is a leading political thinker of the times.
--"२.प्रथम स्थान में"
He is the leading lady in this episode.

"leading question","N","1.संकेतक प्रश्न"

Leaf of a plant or tree.
--"२.पन्नापुस्तक का"
Leaf of a book.
--"३.बरकचादी या सोने का"
Silver or gold-leaf.
Shut one leaf of the door.

"leafy","Adj","1.पत्ते वाली"
We should eat a lot of leafy vegetables.

They are distributing leaflets about the demonstration.

League of nations.
--"२.खेल की टीमों का समूह"
Our state league has won the match.
--"३.परस्पर मिले हुए"
(In league)They pretended not to know each other. Actually they were in league in the fraud.

"leak","V","1.रिसना/चूकर निकलना"
Water is leaking from the vessel.
--"२.प्रकट हो जाना"
The examination paper has leaked out.

The boat has a big leak.
He has gone for a leak.
The government should be careful about security leaks.

An oil leakage.
The leakage of the question-paper has created a big uproar.

A leaky Can.

She leaned out of the window.
--"२.सहारे टिकना"
The ladder is leaning against the wall.
--"३.सहारे रखना"
He leant his stick against the wall.
--"४.निर्भर होना"
She leans upon her mother for guidance.
--"५.प्रवृत्ति होना"
His thinking leans towards communism.

He has rightist leanings.

She is very lean and thin.
A lean harvest.
(of meal) He has been advised to take a lean diet.

He leapt across the barrier.
--"२.छलांग लगाना"
The frog leapt into the tank.
--"३.अचानक बढनादाम आदि"
Due to transporters strike the prices of vegetables leapt up.

On seeing the lizard on the ground, in one leap, she was on the bed.
The present leap in prices is totally unjustified.

"leap year","N","1.अधिक वर्ष"

He is learning new techniques of scientific experimentation in this field.
He learnt swimming at a very early age.
(by heart) She has learnt the poem by heart.
--"४.सूचना पाना"
I learnt about his mothers demise yesterday only.

A learned professor.
--"२.पढे लिखे व्यक्तियों का समूह"
A learned society.

"learner","N","1.शिक्षार्थी/सीखने वाला व्यक्ति"
He is a slow learner.
He is still a learner in the art of politics.

He is a man of learning.

You may hire this house on lease.
--"२.पट्टे पर देना"
He leased out the house.

"leasehold","N","1.पट्टे का अधिकार"
Have it on leasehold.

"leasehold","Adj","1.पट्टे पर उठाना"
A leasehold house.

He has committed a mistake by picking up the least experienced to do this job.
It is the least you can do to help the earthquake victims.

A leather shoe.
--"२.चमडे के कपडे"

"leave","V","1.चले जाना"
She leaves for college early in the morning.
--"२.छोड जाना"
He left the city long ago. Leave her alone.
His remarks left me bewildered.
Some workers deliberately leave the work for the evening.
--"४.शेष वचना"
Have you left any money in my purse?
--"५.भूल जाना"
Childhood memories do not leave you all your life.
--"६.शेष रह जानामृत्यु के बाद"
He left behind his wife one daughter and two sons.
--"७.उत्तरदायित्व सौंपना"
He left all his money to the orphanage.
You can safely leave it to him.

He is on casual leave today.
He applied for leave to file a suit.

The leaven is ready for bread.

"leaven","V","1.तनाव कम करना"
His remarkes leaven the tense atmosphere.

The path was strewn with leaves.


"lecher","N","1.कामुक व्यक्ति"
He is a real lecher.

His lecherous attitudes are quite annoying.


His lecture impressed me.
--"२.लम्बा कथन"
He gave me a lecture on my mistake.

"lecture","V","1.व्याख्यान देना"
He lectures on ancient history twice a week.
--"२.आलोचना करना"
Why are you lecturing me?

My son is a college lecturer.

He has applied for the post of lecturership.

She put the book on the window ledge.

Note the expenditure in the ledger.


We saw leeches in the marshy water.
My brothers friend is a real leech.


"leer","V","1.कुदृष्टि डालना"
The stranger was leeringa t her from the window.

She tends to be leery of sweet talking people.

The ship anchored on a harbour on the leeward side of the island.

"leeway","N","1.अनुवात दूरी/अनुवात गमन"
Keep a leeway distance from him.
The plan has left enough leeway for him to reflect his own ideas.

Some people write with their left hand.
--"२.वाम पंथ"
The left parties.

"leftist","Adj","1.वाम पंथी"
He is out and out a leftist.

"leftovers","N","1.अवशिष्ट भोजन"
I am quite used to eating the leftovers.

A cow has four legs.
The leg of a trouser.
The leg of a chair.
The last leg of a journey.

"legacy","N","1.पैत्रिक सम्पत्ति"
He got a huge legacy.
--"२.परम्परा में प्राप्त"
It is a legacy of the past.

We do not know the legal issues related to the problem.

The legalities have to be taken care of.

"legalize","V","1.कानूनी बनाना"
Liquor drinking was legalized by the government.

"legate","N","1.पोप द्वारा विदेश में नियुक्त प्रतिनिधि"
My friends father is a papal legate in Nepal.

"legend","N","1.दंत कथा"
I heard legends of his adventures.
--"२.ख्याति प्राप्त व्यक्ति"
He is a living legend.
A legend on a coin.

Ravis writing is not easily legible.

She has a legion of admires.
--"२.स्वयं-सेवी सैनिक"
The Raman legion.

"legislate","V","1.कानून बनाना"
The authorities should legislate against descrimination against women.

There is no legisltaion in this regard.

Experts should look into the legislative side of the issue.

The local legislator is fighting for the issue.


His claim to the property is absolutely legitimate.
Your objection is very legitimate.

The legitimacy of your arguement is unquestionable.

Legitimately he should pay the damages.

"legitimize","V","1.वैध बनाना"
They cannot legitimize the position taken by them.

"legless","Adj","1.बिना टागवाला"
--"२.नशे में डूबा हुआ"

I have planted creepers of legumes in my garden.

"leisure","N","1.खाली समय/फुरसत"
I like to relax with a detective novel in my leisure.

"leisurely","Adv","1.इत्मीनान से"
We will take it up leisurely.

Pick up some lemons when you go to the stores.
--"२.हल्का पीला रंग"
She was wearing a lemon saree.

Lemonade is very cooling in the burning heat.

"lemur","N","1.लेमूरबन्दर जैसा जानवर"

"lend","V","1.उधार देना"
He lent him some money.
Lend me your car for a day.
--"३.योगदान देना"
Her presence lent a grace to the occasion.

Measure the lenght of this room.

We had lengthy conversations in evenings.

He was very lenient withhis students.

The students took advantage of his leniency.

I need a new lens for my camera.


"lentil","N","1.दालमूग/मसूर इत्यादि"
Lentil is a regular part of our meals.

"Leo","N","1.सिंह राशि"
My son is a Leo.

"leonine","Adj","1.सिंह वत"
He turned his leonine head towards the onlookers.

The jungle is full of leopards.

The city has an asylum for the lepers.

"leprosy","N","1.कोढ/कुष्ट रोग"
Leprosy is curable.

"lesbian","N","1.समलिंग कामी महिला"
The sisters are lesbians.

He received my lesions in the accident.

I knew him much less aat the time.

She goes out less now.

He has taken the building as a lessee.

"lessen","V","1.घटना/कम होना"
Due to a massive campaign for polio drops the incidence of the disease has considerably lessened.

He is a lesser known writer.

The fifth lesson of the book is on Indian History.
It has been a lesson to me.
I have learnt my lesson.

"lessor","N","1.पट्टा दाता"

I should leave now lest I miss my train.

"let","V","1.दोआने/जाने/करने इत्यादि"
Let him go to the market.
--"२.किराये पर देना"
I have let my apartment to a family from north.

It is a lethal drug.
Death of its leader gave a lethal blow to the movement.

The deed has not yet been signed due to his lethargy.

He is very lethargic.

Letters of alphabet.
I have received your letter.


Use my letterhead to write the letter.

Lettuce grows in colder climates.


The banks here need a levee.

Level ground.
--"२.समान स्तरीय"
Level score.
Level condition.

The level of sugar in his blood has gone down.
--"२.सापेक्षिक स्तर"
He is at a lower level than his friend.
The level of the platform is very high.
Some pieces of pottery were found in the lowest level of the excavations.

"level","V","1.समान स्तर का बनाना"
Positive discrimination is supposed to level the differences among the different social groups.
--"२.समतल करना"
The pitch has been well levelled.

"leveller","N","1.बराबर बना देने वाला"
Death is a big leveller.

A lever has been fixed to raise the iron door.
The gear lever.
He used a political lever to get this job.

"lever","V","1.उत्तोलक से हटाना"
Iron rods are often used to lever the logs.

"leverage","N","1.उत्तोलक पर लगाया जाने वाला बल"
Give a long leverage.
In a corrupt society money provides adequate leverage to get favourable decisions.

"leviathan","N","1.भीमकाय समुद्री जन्तु"
--"२.भीमकाय अथवा अत्यन्त शक्तिशाली वस्तु अथवा समूह"
A leviathan of government servants.

"levitate","V","1.वायु में तैरना"

The levity of his remark was a shock to the august assemblage.

The government has levied agricultural products as well.

Levy on imported cosmatics ha sfurther gone up.

The film is full of lewd songs.

We need lexical resources in electronic form.

He is doing a course in lexicography.

He is an experienced lexicographer.

I need a lexicon of scientific terms.
Now it is his liability to pay back debt.
He is a liability to his colleagues.
Liability for the mishappening.

Trespasser are liable to be fined.
The company shall be liable for any damage caused in transit.
Under stress they are liable to lose their balance.

"liaise","V","1.सम्पर्क रखना"
Businessmen always try to liaise closely with concerned authorities.

"liaison","N","1.निकट सम्पर्क"
A liaison officer.
His liaison with his secretary has damaged his image as a clean officer.

I dont like liars.

Libation to ancestors.
Libation is an alchoholic drink.

He has filed a libel suit against the newspaper.

The article is highly libellous.

A liberal donor.
He is very liberal in his views.

"liberal","N","1.उदार व्यक्ति"
He is a liberal.

"liberalism","N","1.उदार विचार-धारा"
Liberalism is in vogue today.

Donate liberally for the flood victims.

He was known for his liberality.

"liberalize","V","1.उदार बनाना"
There is a need to liberalize economy.

"liberate","V","1.मुक्त करना"
By then large populations of slaves were already liberated.

Literation from foreign rule.

He led the freedom movement and was hiled as the liberator of the nation.


Liberty to hold ones own views.
Giving too much liberty to children sometimes causes serious trouble to parents.
--"३.अवांछनीय व्यवहार"
Taking liberty with somebody.



She is born under the star sign of Libra.

The library is well-equipped with a large number of books and journals.

They are looking for a librarian for their Institute.

Clean hair keep the lice away.

Have you got a licence for this gun.
Liberalisation does not mean a licence to indulge in malpractices.
Poetic licence.

"license","V","1.लाइसेंस देना"
Having power does not license its misuse.

"licensee","N","1.लाइसेंसधारी व्यक्ति"
He is a lincensee for this car.



You will lick your fingers after eating it.
--"२.हल्के से छूना"
The waves licked my feet.

You may have a lick of this pickle.
--"२.थोडी मात्रा"
A small lick will change the look of this chair.
The car was running at a tremendous lick.

Please put back the lid on this container.

"lie","V","1.झूठ बोलना"
He lied to me about his experience.
--"२.भ्रमित करना"
The mirror does not lie.

Whatever he has said is a pack of lies.

Lie down on the bed.
--"२.पडे रहना"
A thick sheet of snow is lying all around.
--"३.स्थित होना"
The whole future lies before you. I know where my interest lies.
--"४.स्थिति में होना"
He lies fourth in the merit list.

"liege","N","1.राजा या सामन्त"


"lieu","N","1.बदले में"
He has come in lieu of his brother.

He is a lieutenant in the army.
He is acting as his lieutenant.

Trees have many characteristics of life common with man.
Scientists have not yet found any evidence of life on other planets.
Thousands of lives were lost in the earthquake.
Even at this old age he is full of life.
--"५.आजीविका अथवा जीवनयापन-विधि"
He plans to start a new life.
--"६.जीवनदानखेल में"
He got a life in the last over.

The doctor declared him lifeless.
The play was absolutely lifeless.
--"३.जीवन रहित"
Most of the planets are lifeless.

"lifecycle","N","1.जीवन चक्र"
It is interesting to study the butterflies life-cycle.

"life expectancy","N","1.जीवन-सम्भावना"
Life expectancy in India has gone up by many years.

Life-giving drugs are administered to seriously ill patients.

"life imprisonment","N","1.आजीवन कारावास"
The judge pronounced life imprisonment for the convict.

"life insurance","N","1.जीवन-बीमा"

"life-jacket","N","1.जीवन जाके"
All are requested to put on their life jackets.

"life science","N","1.जैविक विज्ञान"
He is a student of life sciences.

"life sentence","N","1.आजीवन दण्ड"
He is undergoing life sentence for murder.

"life size","N","1.यथार्थ आकार"
The focus of the room was a life size portrait of the queen.

"life span","N","1.जीवन काल"
Dogs have a life span fron six years to sixteen years.

"life story","N","1.जीवनी"
He wanted to write her life story.

"life support","N","1.जीवन अवलंब"
On the third bed from left is a patien with life support machines.

"life threatening","Adj","1.घातक"
People find a thrill in life threatening sports.

"life work","N","1.जीवन उपलब्धि"
He published his lifes work in three volumes.

Dont enter the deep waters without a lifebelt.

Good poetry is the lifeblood of gazals.

Lifeboats were sent out to rescue the victims of the drowned ship.

Her portrayal of an underworld don was very liflike.

Lifelines were thrown out to the people in the water.

He as a lifelong commitment ot this project.

"lifestyle","N","1.जीवन शैली"
He has a very simple lifestyle.

I have seen a lifetime of suffering.

Lift the child.
--"२.आह्लादित करना"
The appearance of the sun after four days of continuous rain lifted my spirits.
--"३.धुंध हटना"
The fog has lifted.
Somebody lifted his car last night.
--"५.उठा देना"
The curfew has been lifted.
--"६.सवारी में ले जाना"
He will lift me from my office.

There is no lift in his office.
--"२.सवारी में ले जाने की प्रक्रिया"
He will give me a lift.
Upward lift of an aeroplane.
His advice gave me a tremendeous lift.

"ligament","N","1.स्नायु रज्जुक"
He pulled a few ligaments in the accident.



From a distance one could see the light in the hut.
Switch on the light.
He struggled for a while with the puzzle before the light dawned.

Light the stove.
--"२.प्रकाशित होना"
This road is well-lighted.
--"३.चमक उठना"
His face lighted up on listening the news of his success.

The bat is very light. She is a light sleeper.
He made a light touch with his fingure.
--"३.थकावट रहित"
Have some light exercise every morning.
Most people enjoy listening to light music. The culprit was let off with a light sentence.
Light rain.
Light trading. Light breakfast.
--"७.भार रहित"
I feel so light hearted now.

"lightly","Adv","1.हल्के से"
She touched the child lightly.
--"२.कम में"
The accused got off lightly.
--"३.गम्भीरता रहित होकर"
He took her remarks very lightly.

Lightness of his touch on the piano keys generated beautiful music.

"light aircraft","N","1.छोटा वायुयान"
The army uses light aircraft for dropping help in high altitude regions.

"light headed","Adj","1.नशे में"
After hi sthird drink he felt quite lightheaded.

"light-hearted","Adj","1. गम्भीरता रहित"
His speech was quite light-hearted.

"lighten","V","1.हल्का करना"
There is a need to lighten the weight of books/courses on young children.
--"२.गम्भीरता हटना"
As the speaker imploded his plans the mood of the audience gradually lightened.
--"३.चिन्तामुक्त होना"
My heart was lightened when I got the news that he had reached his destination quite safely.

"lighten","V","1.प्रकाश बढाना"
The new lights have lightened the room considerably.
--"२.चमक उठना"
His face lightened at the news of a raise in his salary.

"lighthouse","N","1.प्रकाश स्तम्भ"
The main purpose of the lighthouse is to guide the ships.

Luckily there was nobody in the house when the lightening struck it.

He struck his opponent with a lightning speed.


"lightweight","N","1.प्रभाव रहित"
He is a lightweight in politics.

"lightweight","Adj","1.कम भार का"
Mountaineers carry lightweight equipment while climbing.

"lignite","N","1.भूरा कोयला"
They used lignite to light the fire.

"like","V","1.पसंद करना"
She likes her sister very much. I like milk. I like early morning walk.
Would you like to state your views in the matter.
--"२.उचित लगना"
I didnt like his remarks.
Would you like to go for a walk?

"like","Prep","1.तरह का"
He speaks like his father.
He behaves like a child.
A person like Gandhi is born once in a century.
Its like him to indulge in gossip mongering.

"like","Adj","1.एक से"
Like minded people.

A likely consequency.
He is a likely candidate for chairmanship.

"liken","V","1.तुलना करना"
Life is often likened to an illusion.

The likeness of her voice with that of her mother often confuses the caller on phone.

"likewise","Adv","1.वैसे ही"
The teacher writes in capital letters. The students are asked to do likewise.
The presentation was excellent, likewise the contents.

People are so different in their likings.

Lilac is a kind of lush.
--"२.फीका नील लोहितवर्ण"
She was wearing a lilac colour dress.

Some island nations look lilliputian to a single state in India.

"lilt","N","1.वाणी का उतार-चढाव"
He speaks with a typical American lilt.

I like blue lilies.

A limb of the body.
The limbs of the tree covered the pond.

"limber","V","1.क्रीडा-पूर्व व्यायाम"
They limbered up before going to the ground for the match.

"limbo","N","1.अनिश्चित स्थिति"
The bill remained in limbo for a long time.

"limbo","N","1.वेस्ट-इण्डीज का एक नृत्य"

Use lime to paint the walls.
They sell fresh limes in the bazar.
Lime-juice is quite sour.
--"३.फूल वाला एक पौधा"

Same public figures remain in the limelight for a while and then fade into oblivion.

He is very good at making limericks.

"limestone","N","1.चूने वाला पत्थर"

Limits of metropolitan towns are expanding day-by-day.

"limit","V","1.सीमित रहना"
Limit your speech to five minutes.

In administration there is a limitation of powers of functionaries at different levels.
Subject to this limitation you are free to move about.
You should know your limitations.

She called a limousine to go to the ball.

Paper-back books have limp covers.
Due to the injury his leg has become quite limp.

He limps a lot.
--"२.कठिनाई से आगे बढ पाना"
The boat limped into the harbour.

She was clinging to him like a limpet.

She has large limpid eyes.

"linchpin","N","1.धुरे की कील"
The linchpin of the wheel was loose.
--"२.सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति"
The Prime Minister is the linchpin of the cabinet.


A horizontal line.
The crossed the line and so he was declared out.
In battle fields there are different lines of defence.
Stand in a line. There are ten words in this line.
He comes from a family with a line of sportsmen.
Fishing line; telephone line.
Line of train.
We are not sure which line of action he is going to adopt in this matter.
--"९.परिवहन कम्पनी"
A shipping line.
He has chosen business as his line.
He is joining a technical line.
--"१२.विशेष दूरसंचार सेवा"
He talked on the hotline.

"line","V","1.रेखा खींचना"
Draw a line joining A and B.
--"२.अस्तर लगाना"
A woollen blanket gives more warmth when lined up with a cotton sheet.

He has an aristrocratic lineage.

My friend is a lineal descendant of the companys founder.

His greatness lay in the lineaments of his characters.

Linear measurement.
Keep the pots at a linear distance.

White linen is very good for a babys bedspreads.
--"२.कपडे की बनी घरेलु चादरें/मेजपोश आदि"
She is washing her linen.

"liner","N","1.बडा पोत"
We crossed the bay by a luxury liner.



--"२.कार्य विशेष के लिए कोई व्यक्ति"

"linger","V","1.ठहरा रहना"
He lingered there for a while.
--"२.धीमे से करना"
Please, dont linger on with the work any more.
--"३.घसिटते रहना"
In spite of having gone weak he is lingering on.

"lingo","N","1.कोई विदेशी भाषा"
He was speaking a lingo unknown to us.
--"२.व्यवसाय विशेष से सम्बन्धित शब्द-समूह"
A technical lingo.

"lingua franca","N","1.लोक-भाषा"
Spanish is the lingua franca in many Latin American countries.

Linguists study language.

The linguistic policies of the newly independent states have to be well defined.

Linguistics is the science of language.

"liniment","N","1.दर्द-निवारक तैल"
She applied liniment on her back to get rid of her backache.

Use a thin lining for the curtains to give them a neat fall.

Links of a chain.
She provides a link between the two groups.

"link","V","1.कडी जोडना"
Link the two pieces of the chains.
Linking the evidence is a difficult job.

"linkage","N","1.जोडने का साधन"
Though the two posts appear to be so close to each other there is hardly any linkage between the two.
These are all stray remarks with hardly any linkage among them.

Linoeum is good for kitchen floors.

"linseed oil","N","1.अलसी का तैल"
Linseed oil is used for oil painting.

The doctor put a lint on the wound.
My daughter is ver fond of collecting lint, she makes nice things out of them.

India is known for its lion population.

He put the cigarette between his lips.
The lip of the saucer.
--"३.अभद्र व्यवहार"
We have had enough of your lip. Will you please stop now?

"lipservice","N","1.दिखावटी सांत्वना"
Paying lipservice costs only a few words.

She uses very soft shades of lipstick.

"liquefy","V","1.तरल बनाना"
They liquified the gases.


Pour the liquid into another beaker.

Use liquid soap as a face wash..
--"२.स्पष्ट और स्वच्छ
Liquid blue eyes.
Bonds issued by the government are liquid assets.

"liquidate","V","1.परिसमाप्त करना"
The company has been liquidated.
--"२.ऋण चुकाना"
He is finding it difficult to liquidate his debts.
--"३.को समाप्त कर देना"
The government is trying hard to liquidate terrorism.

The company has gone into liquidation.

He has been appointed a liquidator for a company.

This company has little liquidity.

"liquidize","V","1.पीस कर द्रव में बदल देना"
The tomatos have been liquidized.
--"२.बेच कर पैसा इकठ्ठा करना"
He liquidized his assets.

Add some liquor inthe cake.

Liquoise is the root of a plant.

Lira is Italian currency.

The man has a slight lisp.

Her lissom movements made her a well sought model.

A list of books.

"list","V","1.सूचीबद्ध करना"
List all the contents of this bag.
The damaged boat was listing.

Please speak a bit loudly. I am not able to listen anything.
Why don you listen to me?

This is complete listing of our models.

The disease has left her listless.

"litancy","N","1.गिरजाघर में पढी जाने वाली प्रार्थनाए"
--"२.उबाने वाली घटनाओं, कारणों आदि का लम्बा विवरण"
A litancy of adventures.

The drive for literacy has been quite successful in remote areas.

Literal reproduction of speech.
His interpretation of the poem was too literal.

Proverbs and idioms cannot be translated literally.
The hurglars literally did not leave behind even a pin.

He has a literary taste.

He is a literati.

He is a student of literature.
There is not enough literature on science in our library.
To promote sales companies circulate a lot of marketing literature.

People with lithe bodies learn dancing very easily.


"lithography","N","1.अश्म मुद्रण"
Lithography is a technique for printing books.

"lithograph","N","1.अश्म मुद्रण द्वारा मुद्रित चित्र"


The litigant decided to appeal to a higher court.

"litigate","V","1.मुकदमा लडना"
He litigated his brother for a share in the property.

"litigation","N","1.मुकदमे बाजी"
The property is under litigation.



"litmus test","N","1.परीक्षासच्चाई की"
The passage of the bill is going to be a litmus test of the governments seriousness.

Give me three litres of milk.

A lot of litter is piled up outside the locality.
--"२.एक साथ पैदा हुए बच्चे"
A litter of pups.
In some parts of the country even now litters are used for travelling.

All kinds of things are found littered on roads.

Give me a little salt.
Its little away from use.
A nice little girl.
When I was a little child my mother used to carry me in her lap.
He has a little problem with his speech.


"liturgy","N","1.गिर्जाघर में होने वाली विशेष प्रकार की पूजा"

The live organisms.
A live drama.
Live cartridges.
--"३.दहकता हुआ"
He pulled out live coals from the furnace.
Live electric wire.
Cancer is a live killer.
--"६.घटित होता हुआ"
Viewing highlights is not so interesting as the live coverage of a match.

"live","Adv","1.घटित होने वाली"
The match is going to be broadcast live.

"live","V","1.जीवित रहना"
Due to his ailment he will not live for long.
I wish to live a peaceful life.
He lived a full life.
Where do you live?
--"३.याद रहना"
Pleasant memories live longer.

"liveable","Adj","1.जीने योग्य"
Life is full of miseries. How is it liveable?
--"२.रहने योग्य"
As it is it is not a liveable house.
--"३.संभाली जाने योग्य"
But for these two fatal diseases all others are liveable with.

Everyone has to do some work to earn livelihood.

This girl is very lively.
The atmosphere in the party was very lively.
A lively discussion.
He was a lively imagination.

Her liveliness is infectious.

"liven","N","1.सजीव होना"
The discussion got livened towards the end.

Liver produces bill.

The bride was in fine livery.

The farm has a large livestock.

"livid","Adj","1.अत्यन्त एआउKKPPस"
She was livid with rage.
A livid brnise.

Living organisms.
Living custom.

Everybody has to work for a living.
--"२.जीवन यापन विधि"
Simple living and high thinking.

"living room","N","1.कमरा"
The flat has two living rooms and a store.

"living wage","N","1.वेतन"
Adequate living-wage.

The house is full of lizards.

Llamas are found only in south Americas.

The door was opened and, lo, there stood the pricess of his dreams.

He has been advised not to lift any heavy load.
It is not even half load for this truck.
How much work-load have you got?
--"४.बोझख Eनह aEEUUऊई ंआग्हु aमqल्गूश्रad ंब् म्दलEEOOऊ"
he is carrying a heavy load of guilt.
The available load is not enough to meet the requirements of the city.

Load the truck.
Load the software.

A loaded dice.
He carries a loaded gun.
--"३.निहित अर्थ होना"
A loaded statement.
A loaded question.

Let everyone take a loaf.

He spends all day loafing about.

He is a loafer.

He got a loan from the bank. I have taken the book on loan.

"loan","V","1.ऋण पर देना"
He loaned me some money.

I am loath to keep this car any longer.

"loathe","V","1.घृणा करना"
I loathe to take that road to my house because of very unpleasant stench at a particular point.

Each has an intense loathing of the other.

He is a loathsome stickler for his ideology.

"lob","V","1.उछालकर फेंकना"
Somebody lobbed a grenade on the crown killing many people on the spot.

He is waiting for you in the lobby.
Indian lobby in the American senate is quite active these days.

"lobby","V","1.अपने पक्ष में जनमत तैयार करना"
In spite of intense lobbying the government failed to secure a consensus on the bill.

Holes are pierced through the lobes of young girls for putting on ear-rings.
Frontal lobe of the brain.

Lobelia decorated the garden paths on both sides.

"lobotomy","N","1.मस्तिष्क पर की जाने वाली शल्य-क्रिया"
He is due for a lobotomy.

"lobster","N","1.समुद्री झींगा"
The fishermen cooked the lobsters for dinner.

A local resident.
A local problem affecting certain areas.

"local","N","1.स्थानीय निवासी"
Locals are raising their voice against encroachment.

"locally","Adv","1.स्थानीय तौर पर"
He is quite popular locally.

"local authority","N","1.स्थानीय अधिकारी"
Local authorities have to solve the problem.

"local call","N","1.स्थानीय काल"
All local calls are free for us.

"local colour","N","1.स्थानीय रंग"
The bright costumes gave the dance a local colour.

"local government","N","1.स्थानीय सरकार"
The local government has asked for help from the Center government do deal with the emergency.

"local time","N","1.स्थानीय समय"
I have set my watch for the local time.

To which locale does this dance belong?

It is a fairly open locality.

"localize","V","1.परिसीमित करना"
Violance has been localized to certain areas of the city only.

"locate","V","1.पता लगाना"
The police has failed to locate the culpit.
--"२.स्थान निर्धारण करना"
let me locate you.
--"३.बस जाना"
I shall be happy to locate here.

They are looking for a suitable location to set up the factory.
It has been popular location for shooting films.
The location of the damaged ship has been identified.

--"२.संकीर्ण खाडी"

Locks are sealed daily in this office. Fit on internal lock on this door.
Locks control the flow of the river.
A lock of hair.

"lock","V","1.ताला लगाना"
Lock the door please!
--"२.फस जाना"
The scooter skidded because the brakes got locked suddenly.

Banks provide lockers to their customers for the safe custody of valuables.

Her mother gave her a gold locket for her birthday.

"lockjaw","N","1.धनुक-बाईएक रोग"

The employees have declared a lockout as the last resort.

"lock smith","N","1.तालसाज"
We had to call a locksmith to break the lock.

"loco","N","1.रेल इंजन"
The train on this track has a steam loco.

Because of fracture in his left leg his locomotion has been considerably hampered.

Locomotive force.

Trains need locomotive power to run.

"locumtenens","N","1.स्थानापन्न व्यक्ति"

"locus","N","1.स्थान विशेष"
The locus of power is in the high command of the party.
The locus of a point equidistant from two fixed points is a straight line.

Locust destroyed the crop this year.

"locution","N","1.विशिष्ट शैली"
His strange locution is often quite communicative.


Ships are also guided by the lodestar in fixing their moorings.
--"२.पथ प्रदर्शक"
Lodestar of the party


I have booked my stay in a lodge.

"lodge","V","1.दर्ज करना"
He lodged a complaint with the police.
He was lodged in the outhouse.
He is lodging in a family as a paying guest.
--"४.जमा करना"
Lodging valuables with the bank.

"lodging","N","1.अस्थायी निवास स्थान"
Board and lodging will be taken care of by the society.

Put it in the loft.

A lofted drive.

He was guided by his lofty ideals.
I could not appreciate his lofty patronizing remarks.

Logs of wood are often used as beams in rural houses.
The driver maintains a logbook.


"log","V","1.वृक्ष काटना"
In protected forests trees are logged with the convinance of the forest guards.

"logging","N","1.कटाईवृक्षों की"
Logging on a large scale is creating environmental problems.

"log cabin","N","1.झोंपडात
He has a log cabin in the forest.

"log-jam","N","1.कार्य में प्रगति न हो पाना"
A log-jam of files on the ministers table.

"loganberry","N","1.लागेन बेरी"


The brothers are at loggerheads over the distribution of the property.

He is studying logic.
--"२.गणितीय तर्क"
Mathematical logic.
Your logic does not convince me.
--"४.गणक तर्क"
The logic of a computer program.

My friend is a logician.

His arguments were very logical.
A logical conclusion.
He sounds very logical.

Ravi is in the logistics department of the defence services.

We have to decide on a logo for our organization.

He was hurt in the loin.

He has a simple life style and wears only a loincloth.

"loiter","V","1.आवारा फिरना"
So many people are seen loitering on the road.

"loll","V","1.ढीले ढाले ढंग से लेटे/बैठे/खडे रहना"
He enjoys lolling.
The babys head is lolling.


A lone voice of protest. A lone passenger.

He leads a lonely life.
A lonely place.
All my friends have gone away. So I am feeling very lonely.

He was lonesome after all his friends left.

A long stick. A long road. A long poem. A long time.

"long jump","N","1.लम्बी कूद"
The athelete won the long jump event.

"long odds","N","1.बहुत कम सम्भावना"

"long wave","N","1.लम्बी तरंग"

"long winded","Adj","1.उबाने वाला लम्बा भाषण/लेख आदि"
I couldnt make any head or tail out of his long winded elocution.

"long","N","1.लम्बा समय"
It shouldnt take long for you to solve the problem.

"long","Adv","1.लम्बे समय तक"
Stay here as long as you like.

"long drawn out","Adj","1.बहुत समय लेनेवाला"
A long drawn out debate.

"long lasting","Adj","1.बहुत समय तक ठहरने वाला"
He made a long lasting impression upon me.

"long lost","Adj","1.बहुत समय पहले की"
A long lost episode.

"long running","Adj","1.बहुत समय तक चलने वाला"
It is going to be a long running serial.

"long serving","Adj","1.बहुत समय से काम करने वाला"
He is a long serving employee of this office.

"long-stay","Adj","1.लम्बे समय तक रहना"
He will have a long stay in Delhi.

"long suffering","Adj","1.लम्बे समय से संकट झेलने वाला"
Under privilegeds are a long suffering section of the society.

"long","V","1.इच्छा करना"
I long to be here for the rest of my life.

He died with a longing to see his estranged son.

"longbow","N","1.लम्बा धनुष"

"longevity","N","1.दीर्घ आयु"
People in certain areas are known for their longevity.

"longhard","N","1.सामान्य लेखनआशु लेखन का विलोम"

"longitude","N","1.देशान्तर रेखा"

He looks at you.
I am not getting my pen . I have looked for it everywhere.
--"३.ध्यान देना"
Look at him. How absorved he is in the novel.
--"४.दिखाई देना"
He looks so much like his father.
--"५.दिशा की ओर होना"
The school looks towards the garden.

"looker","N","1.आकर्षक व्यक्ति"

"look-alike","Adj","1.किसी के जैसा लगना"
A Gandhi look-alike.

Have a look at this book.
A pleasant look.
A new look hairdress.
A new look hairstyle.
I have had a good look at the shelf but I could not get the book that I needed.

The brothers have similar looks.

A lookout tower.
Many lookouts are posted along the border to prevent smuggling.

Handloom cloth is woven on handloom.

"loom","V","1.अस्पष्ट छाया दीखना"
I was relaxing on the ground when an enormous figure suddenly appeared from somewhere and loomed at me.
--"२.सम्भावना होना"
The possibility of a sense storm loomed large in the eastern horizon.

"loomy","Adj","1.सनक वाला"
It is a loomy idea.

"loop","N","1.घुमावदार वक्त"
The plane flew in a loop.
A loop to hang someone.
Loop of electric current.

"loop","V","1.फन्दा बनाना"
Electric wire has been looped around the branches of the tree to hang bulbs.
--"२.फन्दा डालकर बाधना"
Loop the rope firmly round the log.

"loophole","N","1.बचाव का रास्ता"
Defence lawyers always try to find loopholes in the prosecutions story.

It is a loopy plan.

A loose coat.
--"२.बन्धनमुक्त हुआ"
The dog is roaming loose on the road.
Loose papers.
They have entered into a loose alliance.
Loose thinking.

"loosen","V","1.ढीला करना"
Loosen the knot. Loosen the grip.

The robbers shared the loot.

The mob looted the shops.

Lop off a tree

"lope","V","1.लम्बे-लम्बे डग भरना"
The deer loped off into the jungle.

People committed to a particular ideology have a very lopsided thinking.

A loqueacious person.

He is the lord in this area. Everybody has to obey him.
The British Lords.
Lord Christ.
The Lords of the treasury.

"lord","V","1.अधिपत्य दिखाना"
Because of their muscle power the goons lord over the local residents.

He dismissed his request with a lordly disdain.
In spite of being in heavy debt they maintain their lordly way of life.

Your lordship.

Tribal lore.


He was hit by a lorry.

"lose","V","1.खो देना"
He most his pen.
--"२.गवा देना"
He lost a leg in the accident.
--"३.मिट जाना"
He has lost his confidence.
--"४.न सुन पाना"
His protests were lost in the noise.
--"५.हार जाना"
They lost the series by 2-0.
--"६.बरबाद होना"
Twenty minutes were lost due to the drizzle.
--"७.पीछे हो जाना"
My watch loses two minutes every twenty-four hours.

"loser","N","1.हानि भुगतने वाला"
In family disputes often the children are the real losers.

The company has suffered huge losses.
The loss of life and property was unprecedented in the last earthquake.
His departure will be a big loss to the company.

"loss-making","Adj","1.घाटे में चल रही"

"lost","Adj","1.हारा हुआ"
It is a lost case.
--"२.खोया हुआ"
Lost property.
--"३.गवाया हुआ"
His is a lost case. It is a lost cause.

This lot is meant for him.
--"२.बहुत बडी संख्या"
Lots of people come to this temple every day.
--"३.स्थान विशेष"
Parking lot.
I pity her lot.

Use some lotion to cure the rashes.

Government resorts to lottery to raise money for development purposes.
Who will get what may be decided by lottery.

I have planted some lotus in a pond inmy garden.

"loud","Adj","1.ऊचे स्वर वाला"
Loud noise. Loud music.

"loudly","Adj","1.ऊचे स्वर में"
He speaks very loudly.
He is seen lounging around the parks and streets.

A lot of people were waiting at the airport lounge to get some news of the hijacked plane.
She has furnished her lounge very tastefully.

Her hair is full of louse.

"lousy","Adj","1.बहुत खराब"
I had a lousy day at my office today. Nothing went right.

"lout","N","1.उजड्ड लडका"
He behaves like a lout.

Pull down the louvres to shut the bright light out.

A mischievous but lovable child

Their love left them indifferent to their surroundings
His love for his work is obvious.
The theater was her first love
It was 40 love

I love French food
I love cooking
She loves her husband deeply

He spent a loveless childhood.

"love affaire","N","1.प्यार का चक्कर"
They had a strong love affaire during their college days.

"love letter","N","1.प्रेमपत्र"
He wrote her a love letter.

"love match","N","1.प्रेमीयुगल"
They are a ture love match.

"lovelorn","Adj","1.प्रेमी द्वारा ठुकराया हुआ"
She always behaved like a lovelorn lass.

The window offered a lovely view of the lake.

Her lover accompanied her to the court.

Devadas is a lovesick hero creaated by Sharatchandra.

Low ceilings
Low prices
Supplies are low
She spoke in a low murmur
The play is low comedy

The branches hung low
Speak lower.


Lower a rating
The prices have been lowered as an election stunt.
He lowered the chair onto the lawns.

The mountain people move down to the lowlands during the winter months.

He works as a lowly shop assistant.

Loyal subjects

He is a loyalist.

He proved his loyalty to him by sticking to him during his hard period.



Use lubricant to grease the lock.

Lubricate my car
Lubricate my car engine


A lucid moment in his madness
A lucid thinker

Bad luck caused his downfall
It was my good luck to be there

Luckily I could find a garage to repair my tyres.

He considered himself lucky that the tornado missed his house
My lucky day


It is a ludicrous idea.

Youll have to lug this suitcase


He hates lukewarm coffee
He has a very lukewarm attitude towards his family.

There was a lull in the storm

The fighting lulled for a moment


Lumbar vertebrae

Sell the lumber to get some money.

Hari was lumbered with the task of compiling his letters.

He is a luminary in his field.

His luminous career is full of good research.

He had a lump of clay inhis hand.
He bumped his head against the wall and soon developed a lump on his forehead.

Lump together all the applicants

Lumpy gravy


On the lunar surface

He is a lunatic.

Lunatics were sent to the assylum.

I will meet you over lunch.

He has gone to attend an official luncheon.

He has weak lungs.


"lunge","VT","1.आगे कूदना"
He lunged forweard to catch the rope.


Offer higher salaries to lure more efficient workers.

They saw a man lurking in the dark.

On eshould learn to curb ones lust.
His lust for power is frightening.

He lusts for a materially rich life.

His deeds added lustre to his life.

Set a lustrous example for others to follow

The sound of the lute carried to the top of the mountains.

They lead a luxurious life.

He lives in luxury.





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