Monday, February 25, 2008


Ritas constant babble irritates Hari.
One could hear the babble of the stream near by.

Ram babbles constantly.
राम लगातार बुदबुदाता है.

He is a constant babbler.

She had a babe in her arms.
उसके हाथों में एक बच्चा था.

The babel in the class next door was very disturbing.

Mostly baboons are found in South African Jungles.
बडआ बन्दर अधिकतर साउथ अफ्रीका के जंगलों में पाया जाता है.

I saw a real cute baby in the Market.
मैंने बाजार में एक बहुत प्यारा-सा शिशु देखा.

Even though Rakesh is now six year old his parents still baby him.

Baby-hood is the best stage in onees life.

Her babyish manners are very irritating.

It is convenient to carry the baby in a baby-carriage.

I had to depend on a baby-minder for my children when they were young.

Raghu caught the baby-snatcher red-handed while she was lifting the baby from the pram.

It is the normal baby-talk that he gives to his son while feeding him.

My son is loosing his baby-teeth now.

I need some one to baby-sit for my daughter tonight.

She works as a baby-sitter to earn her pocket money.

Ram is yet a bachelor.
राम अब तक कुवारा पुरुष है.
Ram has done his bachelors degree from St.Stephens.


He hurt his back in an accident.
Usually girls tie knot on the back of their head.
प्राय लडकिया चोटी अपने सर के पिछलेहिस्से में बाधती है.

She was wearing a back-less top.

It has been quite a back-breaking job.

The house has a beautiful view.

People sitting in the back-benches are normally less attentive.


Usually thieves use the back-door to enter the the house.
प्राय चोर चोरी करने के लिए पीछे का दरवाजा उपयोग करते हैं.


On hearing his fathers death Sachin returned back to India.
अपने पिता की मृत्यु की खबर सुनकर सचिन भारत वापस आ गए.
She kept looking back for her friend.
She could no longer hold back her laughter.
I saw the film a few years back.

We must not turn back to our duties.
हमें अपने कर्तव्यों से पीछे नहीं हटना चाहिए.
She is backed by the ruling party in her state.
Some government agency has to back the research project.


Sachin has a large backing in India.
Zakir Hussain provided the tabla backing to his vocal recital.

Eversinceee his accident last summer he gets these backaches.

He is the back bone of his party.
He hurt his backbone while lifting the heavy box.

I never realised that she has been backbiting me.

Hari is a big backbiter.

I do not like backbiting.

I will not take anymore of your backchat.


Backcombing is not very good for ones hair.

Give me a backdated cheque.

The scene had a beautiful back-drop.

The whole plot backfired on them.


Before marriage Sita wanted to know Rams background.
विवाह से पहले सीता राम ही पृष्ठभूमि जानना चाहती थी.
A painting background of green and blue.
कलाकृती की चित्रभूमी हरी और नीली है.

"back-hand","N","1.बैकहैंड" #हाथकोमोडकरलगायागयाशॉटटेनिसइत्यादिमें
He has a strong back-hand.

He often gives back-handed compliments.




I have a lot of backlog to cover before the winter break.

Backpacks are very convenient for travelling.

The government back-pedalled from all its pre-election promises.

She still needs a backrest while sitting up.

She is a back-seat driver.

Get off your backside and do some work..

"back slide","VI","1.पतितहोना"
One should not back-slide from his resolutions.


No one knows what really goes on backstage.




The military had BSF back-up
Always keep back-ups of your files in a floppy.

India is still backward in Sciencee and Technology.
भारत विज्ञान और तकनीकी में अब भी पिछडआ हुआ है.
He gave a backward glance.
उसने पीछे की ओर देखा
Going back to Jaipur would have been a backward step for her.
जयपुर वापस जाना उसके लिये एक पीछे की ओर लिया कदम होता.

Instead of going forward Ram was going backwards.
आगे जाने की बजाय राम पीछे की ओर जा रहा था.




She grows vegetables in her backyard.

Tribal people prefer to eat bacon in their meal.
आदिवासी लोग अपने भोजन में सुअर का मांस खाना पसंद करते हैं.

Foreigners pronunciation of Hindi is mostly bad.
विदेशियों का हिंदी उच्चारण अधिकतर बुरा होता है.
Cricketers cant play if the light is bad.
यदि बत्ती खराब हो तो क्रिकेटर्स नहीं खेल सकतेहैं.
He is going through a bad period.
वह बुरे दौर से गुजर रहा है.
Ravis accident was quite a bad one.
रवि की दुर्घटना काफी गम्भीर थी.

Ram wore a badge saying,"SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT"
राम ने एक बिल्ला लगा रखा था जो दर्शाता था ,"वातावरण को बचाओ.

Badgers move in the night.
बिज्जू रात में घूमते हैं.

Tom has been badgering his father to buy him a Camera.
टौम कैमरा दिलाने के लिए अपने पिता के पीछे पडआ है.

Im afraid that Ive badly hurt him.
मुझे डर है कि मैंने उसको बुरी तरह से आहत किया है.
Terrorists treat people very badly.
आतंकवादी लोगों के साथ निर्दयता से पेश आते हैं.

Badminton is my favourite sport.
मेरा सर्वप्रिय खेल है.

Sita was baffled when she saw a twin of Ram.
सीता असमंजस में पड गयीं जब उसने राम के जुडवा को देखा.
Ravi baffled all their efforts to find the thief.

Since the house is on the main street we need baffles on our windows.

I forget to take the bag when I went to the market.
जब मैं बाजार गयी तो थैला ले जाना भूल गयी.
Sita had dark bags under her eyes due to lack of vitamins.
विटामिन की कमी के कारण सीता की आखों के नीचे काले घेरे उभरने लगे.

They bagged the best vegetables in the basket.
She has already bagged the most comfortable chair.
उसने पहले ही सबसे आरामदायक कुर्सी पकड ली.
Her trousers were bagging from the knee.

"baggage","N","1.यात्री का सामान/सामान"
No one should steal the baggage.
किसी को भी यात्री का सामान नहीं चुराना चाहिए"

We need a baggage car to carry the luggage to the station.

On arriving at the station we deposited the luggage in the baggage-room.

Bagpipe is famous in America.
मशकबीन अमैरिका में मशहूर है.

Sanjays bail was setup at $1 million.
संजय की जमानत १ मिलियन ़ पर निश्चित हुई.

Ram was appointed as the bailiff in his town.

Wet flour is like a bait for fishes.
The Intelligence agency used her as a bait to trap the spies.

The fisherman baited the hook with a worm.

"baize","N","1.ऊन का कपडआ जो टेबल पर बिछाते हैं"
She covered the table with a baize.

Sita is baking breads for breakfast.

I always buy cakes from the bakers.

Get me a baking tin.

Variety of cakes are available in Gurunanak backery.

"bakelite","N","1.एक प्रकार का प्लास्टिक"
He has an old fashioned black bakelite telephone.

One should always buy only ISI marked balance.

Students should be taught to balance their time between games and studies.
Our accountant has not yet found the balance of our companys annual account.

We saw the procession from the balcony.

Ram uses a wig to cover his bald head.
He always gave a bald look after his failure in exam.

"balding","Adj","1.गंजापन होना"
Ram is a balding young man.

Rams baldness started too soon.

The washerman carried bales of clothes .

The pilot safely baled out from the damaged aircraft.

Nuclear bombs are baleful things.

Ram is throwing his ball.

The English Romantic poets of 19th century wrote lyrical ballads.

Ballasts are used to make foundations for railways.

Have you seen this ballet before?

On NewYear day we saw many balloons floating in the air.

This year special ballot boxes were made to keep the ballots.

The party balloted its members.

The gentle music is balm to Rams ears.

Soft music sounds balmy.

Balsam is grown in our school garden.

"ballyhoo","N","1.शोर गुल"
Ram does not like ballyhoo.

There are many trees of bamboo in Indias forests.

The government should put a ban on smoking in public places.

The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.

The teacher wrote some banal remarks in his book.

Banana is good for health.

Ram rolled the paper up and put a rubber band around it.

He tied a bandage roud the wounded leg.

He bandaged up his wounded leg.

"bandanna","N","1.रंग_बिरंगा कपडा"
The hero in the film always tied a bandanna round the neck.

A group of bandits from Chambal surrendered before the police.

The neighbours children are a bane of my life.

He kept banging on the door.

Sita like bangles.

The revolutionary poet was banished from his country for life.

Even lifelong banishment couldnot stop the revolutionary poet from writing.

I deposit my money in the bank.
History tells that civilizations evolved at the bank of rivers.

Ram banks his money for safety.

"bankbalance","N","1.जमा शेष राशि"
My bankbalance is always low at the end of the month.

"bank-book","N","1.जमा पुस्तिका"
Bank-book contains customers bank account.

Ram borrows money from his banker.

Sita choose banking as a career.

"bank roll","V","1.किसीकीआर्थिकसहायताकरना"
Indian cricket team is mainly bank rolled by soft drinks company.

Wemust strive to make a society that is not morally bankrupt.

Forty bankruptcies were recorded in this town last year.

Sita fought the election under the banner of equal rights.

Bantams are small chickens.

My friend had the privilege of attending a state banquet in honour of the visiting French president.

Her father is the owner of the towns banqueting hall.

We saw the traditional banter between officers and subordinates on Labour Day.

We saw officers and subordinates bantering with each other.

He was baptized Vinoth Bernard.

Bernards baptism was done in the Catholic Church.

"Baptist","N","1.बप्तिस्मा दाता"
He is a devout Baptist.

The whole group is here bar two.

I saw Ram walking into the bar.
They fitted bars to their windows for safety.
Poor health may be a bar to success in life.

Her barbs of sarcasm had clearly struck home.

They managed to jump over the barbed fence.

Sometimes videojockies act like barbarians.

Ram is a barbaric man.

Recently I read a book on the barbarity of Nazis in concentration camps.

It was a horrible experience to see a movie on Nazi barbarism.

Ram treats his children barbarous trite.

We had barbecue on the beach.

Ram goes to the barber to get his hair cut.

William Shakespeare is also known as the bard of Stratford-on-Avon.

In the movie the hero fought with bare hands.
His bare dislike for capitalism is known to all.
He presented the bare facts of the case before the Jury.

She bared her veiled face.
He bared the facts of the case before the Jury.

Ram goes to school barefoot.

Hema dances barefooted.

Ram barely passed in this final exam.
He was so short that he could barely reach the table top.
Barely 5% of the population in India knows English well.

We will give you a good discount as part of the bargain.

We have to bargain in order to buy something at less price.

We cant just barge into Vice Chancellors office.

The sparrow sat on the bark of the tree.

The dog barks loudly at the night.

Barley is used for beer and whisky.

They live in a great barn of a house.

"barometer","N","1.नापने कि इकाई/बैरोमीटर"
Barometer is used for measuring of air pressure.

In other countries they have the title baron.

Baroness is also a title in England.

"barrack","N","1.सेना निवास/बैरक"
There use to be barracks in this town.

Oil is stored in barrels.

Oil is barrelled before shipping to other countries.

"barren","Adj","1.ऊसर/बंजर भूमि"
We can not use barren for producing any crops.

The soldiers stormed the barricades erected by the rioters.

The soldiers barricaded in the valley.

Poor health may become a barrier in the way to success.

Meals are available at all times,barring Sunday evenings.

Mahatma gandhi was a barrister.

Barrows are used in villages.

In ancient times wheat was a barter for machinery.

In ancient times wheat was bartered for machinery.

They spend most of their time in taking about base topics.

It is said that Sanskrit is the base of all European languages.

Rams PHD dissertation was based on computer.

Rams charges on financial irregularies in the company were baseless.

Dont be bashful, tell me what you want?

First you should have the basic knowledge of computer.

His basic problem is with the spoken language .

Basil is a medicinal plant .

The village lay in a peaceful basin surrounded by hills .

I didnt find any basis in his argument.

Many tourists can be seen basking on the beach.

They picked three basket of apple.

"basketball","N","1.एक प्रकार का खेल"
Ram is the best basketball playerin our school.

The song was accompanied by bass and drums.
He is a bass.

Children teased the orphan as bastard.

Flying aircrafts has been a male bastion.

I bought a new bat for my nephew.
Bat is a mammal.

Hari was batting when the game had to be abondened because of teh rain.

A new batch of recruits for the Army is going to join tomorrow.

Ram takes bath every morning.

Ram takes bathe in his bathroom.
We have two bathrooms in our house.

She wore a batik dress.

He is a batman in the army.

It is a woodden baton.

"baton round","N","1.नकलीकारतूस"
The policeman fired baton round to scare the protesters.

He is a good batsman.

The Gurkha battalion is known for its bravery.

There is a wooden batten in the drawing room.

He battened on his fathers income.

Ram prepared the batter for the pudding.

He battered at the door with his fists.

He sold his battered car.

The tape recorder didnt work because the battery was down.
He is the battery commander.

Tipu Sultan was defeated in the battle of Seringapatnam.

He is battling with life in the hospital.

A battle-cruiser is faster than a ship.

,Do or dieis a battle-cry.

Battleaxe is a weapon.

Kurukshetra was the battlefield for Mahabharata war.

These are the battelments of this tower

,INS Vikrant is a very famous battleship of India.

He is a batty man.

He bought a cheap bauble for the baby.

The horse baulked the high hedge.

bauxite is an ore.

He cracked bawdy jokes.

In Orissa,the cyclone victims were bawlding for food and shelter.

The Bay of Bengal is in the eastern side of India.
I heard the bay of hunting dogs last night.
I like the fruit of bay.

I heard hunting dogs baying at night.

Bayonet of rifles are coated with poison.

The soldiers were bayoneted.

Ram goes to the bazaar.

Dont worry be happy.

Beach of Bombay is very beautiful.

We have to find a place to beach the boat.

Beach -ball is a light colourful ball used for playing games.

"beach buggy","N","1.बीचबगीसमुद्रतटपरदौडआयाजानेवालास्वचालितवाहन"
We raced the beach buggies.

She is wearing a necklace of beads.

He lifted the iron beam.
A beam of light entered the room through the ventilator.
She is always full of beam and happiness.

The sunrise beamed on the whole countryside.
She was beaming with joy.

I like the curry made of beans.

I saw a bear in the zoo.

"bear","VT","1.धारण करना"
She bears the title of Duchess.
I cannot bear his constant criticism.
She is bearing his child.

My father has a long beard.
मेरे पिता की लम्बी डाढई है.

He was brave enough to beard his senior on this issue.
वह इतना बहादुर था कि अपने वरिष्ठ (अधिकारी) को इस विषय पर ललकार सका.

The lion is called the King of beasts.
Only a beast could beat his wife.

He could feel the beat of her heart.
He heard the beat of a drum.

Agassi beat Becker in a tennis match.
Thugs beat him up when he walking down the street late at night.
He kept on beating on the door but no one opened it.
Her heart was beating fast.
Hailstorms beat against the windows.
The sun was beating down on us
I beat the egg whites to make omelette.
She beat her breast out of emotion.

I saw a beautiful child in the park.

The garden was beautified on the occasion of Christmas.

The Miss World is a woman of great beauty.

Beaver is an amphibian.

"beaver away","PhrV","1.कडईमेहनतकरना"
I beaver away whole day at this work.

The passengers were stranded at the port due to the becalmed ship.

I couldnt attend the class because I was not well.

There are many becks in my village.

From the balcony she beckoned to come to her home.

I wish to become a translator.
Foul language doesnt become her.

She has a becoming hairstyle.

He sat on the edge of the bed.
The gardener watered the bed of roses.
He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.
The railway tracks are laid on a bed of stones.

The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals.
The gardener bedded the roots in the compost.
He has bedded many girls.

We bedecked the Xmas tree.

Lunatics are put up in bedlams.

She was bedridden with jaundice for two months.

She was stung by a bee.

Some communities dont eat beef.

I found a big beehive on the nearby mango tree.

I heard a beep from the computer.

The computer beeps regularly.

Sometimes drinking beer is good for health.

Some criminals were spotted in the beer-house by the police.

I like the curry of beet.

She was stung by a beetle.

He promised that no harm would befall her.

The beauty crown befits her.

I reached the cinema hall before you.

They danced before me.
I had known her before you introduced her to me.

He gave me the book beforehand.

He can easily befriend anyone.

He has befuddled himself by drinking.

He was begging in the street.
I beg you to stop drinking!

Shiva beget Ganesha.
Unemployment begets crime.

One should discourage the beggars.

His spendrift habits will soon beggar him.

We are given a beggarly wage.

The programme begins in the evening.

They will begin the programme in the evening.

He is a good beginner in the game of chess.
He is still a beginner in the art of karate.

He was responsible for the beginning of negotiations.

I begrudge every paise I spend.
We begrudge her on her success.

He beguiled us with his charm and manners.
We narrated our experiences of life to beguile the tedium of journey.
Some thugs beguiled him into giving a large sum of money.

He addressed the UN council on behalf of Prime Minister.

He behaves decently with everyone.

He is known for his decent behaviour.

The French King was beheaded during the Revolution.

The Foreign Minister addressed the meeting at the behest of PM.
At the behest of the commander, all the soldiers moved forward.

The sun disappeard behind the clouds.
He was behind by two points at the end of the match.

She came from behind.

He kicked the boys behind.

Our tenants are always behindhand with rent.

The happiness on Ritas face was a joy to behold.
I beholded her beauty .

Patients are beholden to the doctor .

Medicines are behoof for patients.

That tape is no more behove to me.

We saw a movie of strange beings from other planet.
I detest violence with my whole being.
What is the purpose of our being.

He belched after having a heavy meal.

There was no news from the beleaguered military garrison.

The lawyer belied the guilty.

I have firm belief in Ram.

You should believe in God.
Her neighbours believe that she was murdered.

The rich zamindar belittled the farmer by insulting him before the Panchayat.

He rang the church bell.

Belles from various countries participated in the beauty event.

He is of a bellicose nature.

He is quite belligerent.

Maharana Pratap was a great belligerent.

The patients bellowed in the hospital.
She bellowed at him for making offensive remarks.

In villages, women use bellows to make a fire burn better.

Ravi fills his belly with nuts and chocolates.

"belly out","PhrV","1.फूलउठना"
The sails bellied out.

"belong","V","1.सदस्य होना"
I belong to a Nair family.

She gave all her belongings to her son.

Her beloved daughter is arriving tommorrow from America.

Gayatree is Ravis beloved.

The pen was kept below the books.

Hari bought a black leather belt for his son.
Pithampur is an industrial belt on the outskirts of Indore.

We bemoaned the demise of our uncle.

Harish has been sitting on the bench for two hours.
The bench gave the judgement in his favour.

There is a bend in the road.

It is very difficult to bend an iron rod.

I dumped all my things beneath the bed.
It is beneath me to quarrel over such petty issues.

The priest conferred his benediction on the young girl.

The Birla Group has been a benefactor to many educational institutions in India.

Payment of income to priests is the responsibility of the benefice.

Fruits are beneficial to health.

There are many benefits of nuclear energy.

The new facilities have benefitted the hostel inmates.

Mother Teresa is known for her benevolence.

She has a benevolent nature.

He is known for his benign disposition.

He connected the tape with a bent wire.

She has strong musical bent.

"bequeath","VT","1.वसीयत करना"
She has bequeathed Rs 7 lacs for her grandchildren.

She has left a bequest of Rs7 lacs for her grand children.

The teacher berated the students for their poor performance in exam.

"bereave","VT","1.छीन लेनावंचितकरना"
He has been recently bereaved and is off work.

The whole family is plunged in bereavement due to the death of father.

I like gooseberries.

I got a berth on the middle deck.

"berth","VT","1.जगह देना"
I was berthed on the middle deck.

We must bravely face the difficulties that beset us.

He sat beside me.

"besides","Adv","1.के अतिरिक्त"
Shiva is my eldest nephew and I have three others besides.

There will be three of us for the party,besides children.

The troops besieged the fort.

I dont know the best film of the year.

I work best in the morning.

I tried my level best to win the match.

"bestow","VT","1.प्रदान करना"
Dr.Abdul Kalam was bestowed with Bharat Ratna for his contribution to science
and technology.

We made a bet of Rs 100.

"bet","VT","1.दाव लगाना"
I bet it will rain tommorrow.

Her smile betrayed her true feelings

I wish you a better luck next time!

The better I know him,the more I admire him.

I expected better of him.

Sergei Bubkas record cannot be bettered.

The house was between the trees.

May I take your beverage order?

A bevy of beautiful birds were seen on the tree.

Beware of pickpockets in the bank.

These puzzles and crosswords bewilder me.

Her dressing and makeup bewitched the audience.

His lectures are beyond my comprehension.

The umpire was biased towards the host team.

Bib helps to protect clothes while eating.

Some writers have a biblical style of writing.

India has a bicameral system of government.

The bicentenary of our institution was celebrated early this year.

The bicentenial celebration of our institution was held early this year.

I get jittery when I see the bicker of children.

Children keep bickering all the time.

I bought a new bicycle for myself.

A bicyclist also ought to wear a helmet.

She made a bid of 7 lacs for the painting.

She bid 7 lacs for the painting.

The painting of Raja Ravi Varma went to the highest bidder.

The bidding at the stock market was brisk today.
At his fathers bidding he wrote to the lawyer.

They met at biennial conventions

We followed the bier to the graveyard.

There is a big ground behind our flat.
My big sisters wedding will be solemnised in February.
The last match is a big match for India.
He has big ideas and plans in his mind.
Cartoon network is a big among children.
Its very big of him to donate half of his salary to the flood victims.
They feel big about the world tour.

Bigamy is not permitted according to the Hindu law.

Taliban militia of Afghanistan are bigots.

Im totally against religious bigotry.

Biles helps the body to digest.

Ram paid the bill at the hotel.
The bill of the sparrow is pointed.

Through the garbage in the bin.


The Chinese would bind the feet of their women

A binding contract
Tight garments are uncomfortably binding

The book had a leather binding

He could see the distant birds with binoculars.

He is a biographer.

He is writing the biography of his father.

The biology of viruses



Teh sanctuary has some of the rare birds during the winter months.

They divorced after the birth of the child
They celebrated the birth of their first child

Rams birthday is on 27th Feb.

Rams birhtplace is a small town in the eastern U.P.
The birthplace of civilization


Free public education is the birthright of every American child

At tea time they serve tea with biscuits.


Bismuth is a delicate metal.

A bit of rock caught him in the eye
All they had left was a bit of bread
The horse was not accustomed to a bit
There are 8 bits in a byte
He looked around for the right size bit

She said her son thought Hilary was a bitch

Gunny invariably tried to bite her

He ate the sandwich in one bite.

It was biting cold outside.

The bitter truth is difficult to swallow.
All the relatives shed bitter tears on his sudden death.
A bitter struggle
Bitter cold

She complained bitterly
It was bitterly cold
He was bitterly disappointed




The shop specializes in black leather jackets.
black deeds
The future looked black
a black moonless night
A face black with fury
Black humor
Black propaganda






He took the blame for it

We blamed the accident on her

Ravi has lived a blameless life

A bland pudding
A bland diet
A bland little drama

Blank pages
A blank stare
A blank cartridge


There was a blanket of snow




She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone

The blaze spread rapidly
Raising blazes

He blazed away at the men
The spaceship blazed out into space

The sun bleached the red shirt
Bleach the laundry

The night after the storm was a bleak night.
Bleak winds of the North Atlantic

He was bleeding profusely.



This flavor will blend with those in your dish
The colors blend well

Blend the nuts and raising together

The dying man blessed his son

Our blessed land
A blessed time
Blessed with a strong healthy body

He gave the project his blessing
Enjoy the blessings of peace



Blind to a lovers faults
Blind hatred
A blind attempt
Blind stitching
A blind alley

He spent hours reading to the blind
he waited impatiently in the blind
they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet

The criminals were punished and blinded




The TV announcer never seems to blink.
One could se the lights blink from a distance.



She spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation
He was loved for her blithe spirit

The dead mans stomach was bloated

Hunger bloated the childs belly

The pyramids were built with large stone blocks
He lives in the next block
There is a block of classrooms in the west wing
since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block and `sector are sometimes used interchangeably
He reserved a large block of seats
I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block
We had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe
The engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked
They put their paintings on the block
He threw a rolling block into the line backer

Block the way
His brother blocked him at every turn
Block trains
Block a nerve
Block an attack
The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage
Block the book cover
Block a plate for printing
Block the graphs so one can see the results clearly



Blond Scandinavians




Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries waste products away
He avenged the blood of his kinsmen
A person of hot blood
We need more young blood in this organization

The bloodless carcass of my Hector sold
Bloodless surgery
An insipit and bloodless young man

The bloodshed during the riots was very sad.

A bloody nose

These roses have beautiful booms during the summer months.
She is in the bloom of her youth.

The cherry tree bloomed


Youth blossomed into maturity

He made a huge blot on his copybook


He suffered a big blow on his head in the accident.

The balloon is blowing high in the air.

The breeze blew the shirt away.

"blow out","PhrV","1.बुझाना"
She blew out the candle of her cake.

"blow over","PhrV","1.बिनाकिसीविशेषअसरसेघटजाना"
Rumours about a big disaster on 8th May 99 blew over.

"blow up","PhrV","1.विस्फोट"
The bomb blew up the whole building.
He blew up at being cheated.
--"३.अचानकऔरजोरसेशुरूहो जाना"
Rain is blowing up.

"blow in","PhrV","1.अचानकआना"
??He has just blown in.

Blow-drying hair consumes a lot of electricity.

Nostril is the blow-hole through which whales respire.

Fire men tried their level best to blow out the fire in the oil well.
Voltage fluctuation is an occasion when an electric fuse blows out.

Do a blow-up of this photograph.

Politicians are bound to blow-upon each other.

A blower is a device that produces a current of air.
You can always get him on the blower.

He used the blowlamp to remove the paint.

Her aunt is a fat and blowzy woman.

Oil is obtained from blubber.

"blubber","VI","1.रोना - बिलखना"
The Indian cricket fans blubbered after the team lost its crucial match
against Zimbabwe.

Persons who are suffering from obesity are generally blubbery.

He was hit by bludgeon several times.

Indian Airforce has blue uniform.
After suffering a great loss in stock market he felt blue.
Blue films are of great danger to the youth.

The sky is blue in colour.
He got blue for football.
Blue music is still very popular.

"blue whale","N","1.एकप्रकारकीसबसेबडईव्हेलमछली"
Blue whale is the largest living animal on the earth.

"blue bell","N","1.घण्टीकेसामानफूल"
Hemangini`s garden is decorated by plants like blue bell.

"blue berry","N","1.फल"
Yashdev`s favourite fruit is blueberry.

"blue bottle","N","1.मक्खी"
I am regularly harassed by bluebottle.

Bluegrass is a country music played with stringed instruements.

The blueprint of the dam project is ready.

Sarojini Naidu is a bluestocking of India.

"blue stone","N","1.तूतिया"
Blue stone is chemically copper sulphate.

"blue water","N","1.विस्तृतसमुद्र"
Worlds largest ship `Titanic sank in the bluewater.

The summers have bluesky most of the time.

He tried to bluff people by all means to work out his plan.

He is known for his bluff behavior .

English people have bluish eyes.

I committed a blunder by not going there.

"blunder away","PhrV","1.कुप्रबन्धसेनष्टहो जाना"
Antiques present in the museum blunder away.

"blunder out","PhrV","1.बिनासोचेबोलपडना"
I often blunder out without thinking twice.

Even today blunderbuss is the pride possession of many royal families in India.

No one is ready to entrust any blunderer with any work.

He blunderingly kept the hot iron on the bed.

Lot of writing blunts a pencil.
We shouldnt be blunt in our speech.

He bluntly asked his friend to return the money.

Losing to a weak team like Zimbabwe was a blur on the Indian cricket team.

The early morning fog blurred our vision.

We can know the quality of a book by the blurb on the first page itself.

Abhishek blurted out the very confidential information without knowing it`s

She blushed when he flattered her.

Girls are generally blushing in nature.

The bride entered the room blushingly.

The union blustered the authority to end up the mismanagement.

A bluster ends up making fool of himself.

Hemraj always talks blusteringly.

Often blusterous people spoil the party.

Boa is one of the largest snakes present on the earth.

A boar was killed by the bullet of the hunter.
The wildboar was the centre of attraction in the zoo.

The board of charted accountants are very strict about the behavior of
their members.
He put the score on the board.

"above board","IDM","1.ईमानदार"
The deal should be above board.

"on board(a ship or an aircraft)","IDM","1.जहाजपर"
All the passengers on board Boeing plane were killed in the air crash.

Rahul boarded the plane for London.

"board at","PhrV","1.भोजन/शरणदेनायापाना"
I am boarding at Anils house until I get a good house.

"board up","PhrV","1.तख्तेलगाना"
The doors were boarded up to prevent any intrusion.

All the boarders at the school were divided in different houses.

"boarding card","N","1.बोर्डिंगकार्ड" #जिसेदिखाकरजहाजमेंयात्राकरनेकीअनुमतिमिलतीहै
He was not allowed to board the ship as he didnot have the boarding card.

"boarding house","N","1.छात्रावास"
Im staying in a boarding house.

"board money","N","1.नौकरकावेतन"
Due to the lockout in the factory boardmoney was due.

My son is in a boarding school at Ajmer.

A heated debate was going on in the board room yesterday.

I spend my time chatting with my friend on the boardwalk.

Never boast about your achievements.
India can boast of its uniquely diverse culture.

His speech reflected his boastful nature.

His boast that he has achieved a lot in life impressed nobody.
It was his proud boast that he was sincere in his work despite his

We crossed the river by a small boat.

We go boating on Hussain Sagar lake every Friday.

"boat- hook","N","1.नावकाआकुडा"
Boat-hook is one of the necessary part of the boat.

"boat- house","N","1.शिकारा"
Nowadays boat-houses are popular even in Kerala also.

"boat people","N","1.शरणार्थीजोनावद्वाराजातेहैं"
Vietnamese boat people are known the world over.

I have never worn a boater.

On our visit to Rishikesh we became quiet friendly with the boatman.

"boatswain","N","1.जहाज केझण्डोंआदिकीदेखभालकरनेवालाअधिकारी"
The boatswain whom I know is not financially sound.

Some of the boatyards are very well maintained.

Bobcut was a very popular hairstyle in the sixties.

He bobbed his head in agreement.

She sports a bobbed hairstyle.

Bobbin is a kind of reel around which a wire is wound.
In the absence of teacher a situation of bobbery arose in the class room.

"bobble","N","1.बॉबल" #लकडीकीछोटीगेंदजो सजावटकेलिएप्रयोगकीजातीहै
I have always wanted to decorate my hat with a bobble.

My relative in Baroda is a bobby.

Some girls are very fond of bobby-pin.

Bob sleighing is a popular sport in Europe.

"bode","V","1.भविष्यसूचितकरना "
So much corruption in high places does not bode well for democracy.

"bodeful","Adj","1.अशुभ - सूचक"
A cat crossing ones way is regarded bodeful.

Many people in our country believe in bodement.

She was in a very colourful bodice in the party.

All soldiers are able-bodied people.

The soldiers stood by the post without worrying about any bodily harm.

Marriages in India are done bodingly.

Human body is a unique creation of God.
The whole body of doctors were working on the new medicine.
The body of the truck got completely damaged in the accident.

"body and soul","IDM","1.पूर्णरूपसे"
He is into the project body and soul.

"body blow","N","1.जबरदस्तझटका"
Injury to Robin was a body blow to our chances of victory.

His bodyguard was killed in the recent shoot-out.

He was caught in the bog.


This boggles the mind!

The trunk was full of bogus currency notes.

He has a boil on his back.
The brought to water to a boil

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius

Boil potatoes
Boil this liquid until it evaporates

They had installed a boiler in the bathroom for heating water.

A boisterous crowd
Boisterous practical jokes
Boisterous winds and waves

Bold settlers on some foreign shore
Bold handwriting

Little Hari boldly faced the theives till the police arrived.



He locked the bolts on the doors.
He took a big bolt in the thin air.

She bolted from her seat
Bolt the door
The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas

The man had a crude bomb on him.

The Americans bombed Dresden

The soldiers bombarded the enemy camp.


He bombasted his audience.

His bombastic speech did not impress his audience.

The sisters had a strong bond between them.
He was made to sign a bond before joing his new job.

The labour lived in bondage for centuries.

He broke his collar bone.

They celebrated holi by lighting a bonfire.

He lifted the cover from the bonnet to see what was wrong in the engine.
The lady was wearing a black bonnet.

My bonny lass

The employees were given a bonus for the festival.

Emaciated bony hands
A bony shad fillet

He is a real booby.

I am reading a good book on economics
He used a large book as a doorstop
They got a subpoena to examine our books
The book of Isaiah
He bought a new daybook
He bought a book of stamps

Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo
The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man

I am looking for an ornate boocase.

He carries a booklet on gita in his pocket.

A number pf booksellers participated in the book exhibition.

He works as a book-keeper in a small store.

He is very good at book-keeping.
Her garment business is booming nowadays.
They have fixed a very light boom in the boat so it got broke.
The boom of the guns could be heard from very far.

"boomerang","N","1.बूमरैंग" #आस्ट्रेलियाकेआदिवासियोंद्वाराप्रयुक्तएकमुडआहुआबाणजोफेंकनेवालेकेपासलौटआताहै

Nowadays boomerangs are very popular among children.

Her attempt to defame me boomeranged on her when I charged her with libel.

Parks are a great boon to the children in big cities.

They are both boon couples.

Their family lives way out in the boondocks.

Dont invite him,He is such a boor!

She behaves in a boorish manner, in front of every body.

The unexpected increase in share prices helped to boost the market.

This small gift as a token will be a boost for the childs improvement.

She needs a morale booster to come out of the grief.
Students have put the booster in their exhibt to make it working.

She bought a pair of winter boots.
You can put the luggage in the boot.

Boot the ball towards goalkeeper.

She has knitted a beautiful pair of bootee for her new born baby.

Organizers have erected many booths in the trade fair.
There is a telephone booth near my house.

Her son never ties bootlaces properly.

Government has put the ban on smuggling bootleg liquor.

Her child finds it difficult to put on shoes because he never pulls up

Government has found large amount of booty from the Militants.

She likes to go out boozing with her boy friends.

His partner has gone on the booze again.

My friend has always been a great boozer since he was young.

It was a boozy party.

They had a nice bop in the party.

They bopped the thief continously.

My friend loves to eat borage leaves in salad.

We can use borax powder as an antiseptic.

People use to smuggle bordeaux from the neighbouring districts.

Bordellos are also known asred lightareas.

Our friends camped on the border of a river.
She has a beautiful tablecloth with laced border.

How many countries border India?
Her garden is bordered on three sides by a tough hedge.

We crossed the border from Andhra Pradesh to Madhya Pradesh at night.

The borderline between formal and informal behavior is diffecult express.

He is a borderline student.

They have to bore a tunnel through a mountain.

His father always carries twelve-bore shotgun.

I hope you are not getting bored listening to me.

Dont be such a bore!

He gets very bored with his friends company.

One can easily find out a look of boredom on his face.

Its a boring job,I cant continue.

Many persons died due to sudden bore in the sea.

Her son was born in 1990.
He was born to be a great singer.

Sunil Gavaskars son will be a born cricketer.

"borne","V","1.जन्म दिया"
She has borne (him) six children.


Can I borrow some money from you?
They have borrowed music from other composers.

She is a born borrower,borrows every pity things from others.

The wordmaidanis an example of borrowing from Hindi to English.

Those young criminals have been sent to borstal.
His bosom was bursting with the secret

She bosomed his letters

The boss hired three more men for the new job
He is his own boss now
Party bosses have a reputation for corruption

He bosses around here.

He is an expert in Botany.

His face was full of botches.


Both of his recent books are on poaching.

Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
Dont bother the professor while she is grading term papers
The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster

Going to the city is quite bothersome.

Vinegar is in the bottle on the left.

Cool the sauce and bottle it in disinfected bottles.

They started at the bottom of the hill
They did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms

A bottomless pit
Aottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front
A bottomless supply of money
One of the bottomless mysteries of life
Bottomless dancers



The were huge boulders on both sides of the road.

The ball gave a big bounce.

The rubber ball bounced
He bounced to his feet
The check bounced
Bounce a check
The ex-boxers job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club

Bound and gagged hostages
A bound official
Felt bound by his promise
Bound volumes
Bound to happen
Children bound for school

The theif cleared the fence in one bound.

The horse bounded across the meadow

Plant lanterna all along the boundary.

He is full of boundless enthusiasm.

Business enterprises bounty supllied the roads in the city.

The chief guest was offered a bouquet at the beginning of the function.

This political party fully relies on the bourgeoisie votes.


She has a boutique on the main street.

Showed a bovine apathy

She was wearing a green bow.
He pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line

The children bowed to the audience after the dance.

In the corner of the garden was a rose bower.

I like mud colored ceramic bowls.

The bowler bowled an off spin.

Bowmen sorrounded the king.

He rummaged through a box of spare parts
He gave her a box of chocolates
The royal box was empty
The flowchart contained many boxes
The sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold
The umpire warned the batter to stay in the batters box
An armed guard sat in the box with the driver
I gave him a good box on the ear

Box the gift, please
He boxed him on the ear.

The baby was a boy
Get out of my way boy
He likes to play golf with the boys

The opposition boycotted the meeting.

He spent his boyhood in the USA.

He gave a boyish grin.

He wore a brace on his knee

Brace your elbows while working on the potters wheel.

She had a gold bracelet on her wrist.


Put the grammatical category in brackets after each entry.

Please bracket this remark

A brackish lagoon

His brag is worse than his fight

He is always bragging about his achievemets.

She decorated her long braids with flowers.

Braid a collar
Braid hair

Hes got plenty of brains but no common sense

My car brakes are not working properly.

He fell in the brambles.

Separate the bran from the grain.

A branch of Congress
He broke off one of the branches

This road branches off into three lanes after two kilometers.

Theres a new brand of hero in the movies now

She was branded a loose woman

The thief brandished a knife at the residents of the house.

A swig of brandy helps in a bad cold.

The doors have brass handles.

His threats are nothing but sheer bravado.

Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring
Girls decked out in brave new dresses

Brave the natural elements
She braved the elements

The book is full of episoed of his bravery.

They were all involved in a street brawl.

They dont mind brawling in the streets.

The dish has brawn in it.
The job needs brawn power.

He loves showing off his brawny physique.

His bray gave him away.

The donkey started to bray rather loudly.

He is quite brazen in his behaviour.

The bridge developed a breach soonafter construction.

Our tanks breached their defence.

The bakery has good quality brown bread.
He is the only member in his family to earn bread.

A teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject

They hoped to avoid a break in relations
The break in the dam threatened the valley
The break in the eighth frame cost him the match
He finally got his big break
He made a break for the open door
We took a 10-minute break
It was presented without commercial breaks
He was up two breaks in the second set

Break the loaf of bread
The book dealer would not break the set
The horse was tough to break
If the new teacher wont break, well add some stress
Break a circuit
Break cigarette smoking
Break into tears
Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months
My daughters fancy wedding is going to break me!
I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy
Break a branch from a tree
For a hero loves the world till it breaks him
His voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir
Break an alibi
Break the code


For breakfast the restaurant offers a wide range of Indian and continental dishes.

He beat his breast in anger

He took a deep breath and dived into the pool
His sour breath offended her
Not a breath of scandal ever touched her
There wasnt a breath of air in the room

I can breathe better when the air is clean
Every creature that breathes
He breathed new life into the old house
Not breathe a word

Breathless at thought of what I had done
A breathless flight


A breed of Americans
He experimented on a particular breed of white rats

She breeds dogs

A woman of breeding and refinement

The breeze was cooled by the lake


The tea is brewing

They brew wine every year.


He was offered a bribe to do the job but he refused to accept it.

They bribed the officials to get the licence.

Bribery is an evil.

I prefer bricks to stones.

Bridal gown
Bridal procession


Everyone was leaning forward to get a glimpse of the royal bride.

The bridegroom came on a horse.

I was my fraiends bridesmaid at her wedding.

His letters provided a bridge across the centuries
Her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose
They spent the evening playing bridge.

Bridge a river
For the relationship to continue it is important for them to bridge their differences.

His common sense is a bridle to his quick temper

Bridle horses

Covered the matter in a brief statement
A brief stay in the country

In the beginning he presented a brief of the last meeting.


Our brigade was ordered to march forward.

The sun was bright and hot
Bright greens
Bright silver candlesticks
Some children are brighter in one subject than another
The bright sound of the trumpet section
The room was bright and airy
Had a bright future in publishing
The bright stars of stage and screen
Bright faces

The sky brightened

The paint will brighten the room

The brightness of her face told it all.


A brilliant performance
The brilliant court life at Versailles
A brilliant star

The cup was filled till the brim.


The water here tastes like brine.

Can I bring my cousing to the dinner?
Bring an extra cup for me.

He was at the brink of loosing the match.

A brisk walk in the park
Doing a brisk business


The brush has neat bristles.

Bristle yourself to hear the news.

Brittle bones
A brittle and calculating woman

He decided to broach the isuue before the evening was over.

A broad rule
A broad lawn
Gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave
A broad southern accent
A broad political stance

The broadcast news
The broadcast sowing of wheat


The event was broadcasted live on TV.

Broaden the road
The road broadened

The ship was broadside to the dock

This saree has beautiful brocade.


Broil fish
The sun broils the valley in the summer

He is a land-broker.

He was paid his brokerage.


She bought a bronze statue for the left corner of her sitting room.

She pinned the brooch on her shoulder.

The bitch moved to a new corner with her brood.

The terrible vision brooded over her all day long
Birds brood

There are lovely lilies near the brook.

The teacher does not brook any nonsense.

She picked up the broom from the corner of the room to clean the floor.

The curry has thich fish broth.

My brother still lives with our parents
None of his brothers would betray him

In their community their is a strong feeling of brotherhood.

Brotherly feelings
She gets her brows plucked from the beauty parlour.
This path goes straight towards the brow of the hill.

The lawyer browbeat the witness.

Poor browbeaten children sat quietly in the class.

Rajini was wearing a brown sweater.

His shirt has shades of brown.

He has a brownish/browny hair.

I browsed through a magazine before entering the examination hall.
I saw cattle browsing in your field.

I had a browse among the second-hand books.

The soldier was covered with bruises after returning from the front.

He fell from the bike and bruised himself.

Bruisers play the role of villians in Hindi films.

Cricket is a pretty bruising game.

I usually have brunch instead of breakfast and lunch.

We find more of blondes than brunettes in Europe.

He paints beautifully with brush.
I saw a fox with a small brush.
--"३.हलका स्पर्श"
He knocked the glass off the table with a brush of his coat.
The staff had a nasty brush with their manager.

I brush my teeth everyday.

"brush aside","PhrV","1.एकओरधकेलदेना"
The army brushed aside the enemy.
All his proposals were brushed aside by the committee.

"brush away","PhrV","1.ब्रुशसेहटाना"
I brushed the fly away from the childs face.

"brush oneself down","PhrV","1.ब्रुशसेसाफकरना"
I brushed my books down as they were covered with dust.

"brush up","PhrV","1.पुनभ्यासकरना"
I need to brush up my Sanskrit before I start chanting shlokas.

The committee gave a brush-off to all his proposals.

"brush wood","N","1.पेडकीटूटीहुईडआलियायालकडइया"
Villagers use brush wood as fuel.

His manners are typically brusque.

Everyone dislikes the brusqueness of his manners.

Auto Shankar of Chennai was a brutal murderer.

He was brutally assaulted by the police.

Brutalities of war send shivers down my spine.

"brutalize","V","1.नृशंस बनाना"
The hard life in the high mountains had brutalized the boys.

His drunkard father is a brute.

"brute force","Adj","1.नीच प्रवृति/पशुपन"
The police applied brute force to extract more information from the criminal.

I hate that drunkards brutish behaviour.

"brutishly","Adv","1.पशु कि तरह से"
When he is angry,he behaves brutishly.

The brutes did not even spare the children.
The jungle was full of wild brutes.


Life is a bubble that can burst any day.

The lava bubbled in the crater.

I saw three wild bucks in the bushes.

She kept the bucket under the tap.

His shoe buckle was broken.

He buckled the shoes tightly.
His knees buckled
The highway buckled during the heatwave

He always used a rose bud in his button-hole.
He budded the hybrid rose for me.

The hibiscus is budding!
Their friendship was budding.

They have a budding friendship

He did not budge from his point of view.


The laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year
The president submitted the annual budget to Congress

She was wearing a buff color saree.

In the buff

Buffaloes love water.

We were given a buffet lunch.

Winds buffeted the tent
The wind buffeted him


The bed was full of bugs.

The sepoy blew the bugle.


Build a reputation
Government is building new school in this state
This investment is building interest
Build a modern nation
These architects build in interesting and new styles
Build a defense on nothing but the accused persons reputation
Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera

There was a three-story building on the corner
The entire building complained about the noise
Building of the house is taking too much of my energy.

The kids broke the bulb by hitting a ball.
The bulb of a syringe

The bulge of the bowl was visible in the bag.

His eyes bulged with surprise

It is cheaper to buy it in bulk

The parcel bulked in the sack


He was a bull of a man


He shat a bullet at her.

Todays bulletin was full of budget news.

The bullion rates have fallen today.

One his bullocks is sick.

A bully pulpit

Ramesh is a real bully.

He bullies everyone around him.


He hit the wall very hard and got a bump on his forehead.
The bump threw him off the bicycle

Bumper of my car has come off.

They ate buns with tea for dinner.

He gave a bunch of flowers.
A bunch of trees

The frighened children bunched together in the corner of the classroom
She bunched her fingers into a fist

Tie a bundle of these papers.

He lives in the bungalow at the corner of the street.

I bungled it!


The life vest buoyed him up


Buoyant spirits
Buoyant balloons

The burden of responsibility

She was burdened with the responsiblity of her handicapped father and three younger sisters.

The burdensome task of preparing the income tax return

In the corner was a kept a bureau of teakwood.

Too much of bureaucracy hinders fast progress.


The police chased the burgler.

Her burial was performed on the Sunday following her death.

Burke an issue

Burlesque theater



He was a burly man with a happy face.

He received severe burns in the fire.

Maple wood burns well
She was burning with anger
My eyes are burning

They burned the house and his diaries
The sun burned his face
She was burning with anger
Burn garbage
Witches were burned in Salem
He has money to burn
Burn off calories through vigorous exercise
The iron burnt a hole in my dress


A burning fever
Burning issues of the day
Coal-burning (or wood-burning) stoves
Begged for water to soothe his burning throat




Burrow through the forest

A burst of applause

The bubble burst
The dam burst
He burst out of the house into the cool night
The sun burst into view

She was buried later that evening.

He always rode the bus to work
The fenders had fallen off that old bus

He was hiding behind the bushes.


Bushy locks

He bought his brothers business
Computers are now widely used in business
Hes not in my line of business
Government and business could not agree
Business is good today
Gossip was the main business of the evening
Its none of your business

The portrait showed his bust.
They went on a bust that lasted three days

The streets were full of morning bustle.

She busy with her work.

Sonu eats sweets but Sweety doesnt.

Nobody but only you could do that.

He is but a boy.

The butchers son has become an officer.

The militants butchered the captured soldiers.

Our butler is on leave.

The ash-tray was full of cigarette butts.
We bought a new water butt.
He gave a head butt to his sister.
The juniors have become the butt of everyones jokes.

He butted his sister in the stomach.

I had bread and butter for my breakfast.

You have not buttered my toast properly.
Sita has been buttering her mother to get permission for going to Bombay.

Butterflies are beautiful.

Buttermilk is very good for health.

His left buttock is paining.

The elevator was operated by a push buttons

He always forgets to button his shirt.

The governments fiscal policy acts as a buttress against inflation.

I cant afford to buy expensive things.

The best buys of this winter are carrots and peas.

I havent yet found a buyer for my secondhand car.

The buzz of a bee distracted my concentration.

This office is buzzing with activity.

He took the pen when noone was by.

She came and sat by me.
The book was given to him by Ram.
He was holding the child by hand.

By-laws are seldom followed in our locality.

Unemployment is one of the by-product of population growth.

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