Monday, February 25, 2008

Alphabat :C

We took a cab to the railway station.

It was a cabal to kill the President.

I like to have cabbage curry with chapati.

We booked a cabin on a train.

I kept all my trophies in the cabinet.

Floods can cause damage to underground cables.

She cabled her friend that she would arrive on 20th January.

Cactus can thrive in deserts.

Poetry should be recited in slow rythmic cadence.

He was a topper as a cadet.

I had my lunch from the cafeteria.

The pigeons were released from the cage to mark Independence Day celebrations.

The animal was caged in the zoo.

She was cajoled into selling her property.

I dont like egg cake.

The world witnessed a calamitous cyclone in Orissa.

The cyclone in Orissa was the worst calamity in the history of India.

We have to calculate the estimated cost of our journey.

Rana is the most calculating and selfish boy in our class.

All your calculations about the firms profit are wrong.

Candidates are not allowed to use calculators in public exams.

Calculus is a branch of mathematics.

I havent got this years calendar.

A calf was roaming in the steet.

He works more that his calibre.

Calico came from Calicut.

Caliph is a title given to a religious muslim leader.

I couldnt hear his call from the other end of the street.

My mother calls me Papa.

"call by","PhrV","1.जाते-जातेमिलना" #infl
Ill not call her by.

"call down on","PhrV","1.गुस्सादिलाना/भडकाना"
His remarks were enough to call down the mothers anger on her children.

"call for","PhrV","1.जरूरतहोना"
The present educational system calls for a change.

"call forth","PhrV","1.दिखाना"
His statements called forth an angry reaction from the public.

"call in","PhrV","1.किसीकीसेवाबुलाना"
Please call in the doctor!

"call off","PhrV","1.बन्दकरना"
The workers called off their strike.

"call upon","PhrV","1.निमंत्रितकरना"
The Governor was called upon to address the academicians.

"call out","PhrV","1.बुलाना"
We called out the fire brigade.

"call up","PhrV","1.टेलीफोनकरना"
Ill call you up tomorrow.

Teaching is considered an apt calling for women.

He showed a callous indifference to her sufferings.

He is a callow youth of seventeen.

After the devastating cyclone in Orissa,the state is now calm.

I like the calm of midnight.

The mother calmed the angry son.

He did his work slowly and calmly.

I have never seen a calumet.

The neighbours cow will calve soon.

Camel is also known as the ship of the desert.

Camellias are generally found in China and Japan.

He has bought a new camera from HongKong.

Soldiers use bushes as camouflage.

The soldiers camouflage themselves with bushes and leaves.

Half of the members of the group stayed back in the base camp.

We camped on Nilgiri hills during summer.

Students launched a campaign against smoking on the campus.

Her sister is a leading animal rights campaigner.

The gardener was holding a watering can.

I can do any work.
He has a factory where pickles are canned.

Canal have helped in irrigation.

Canary sings sweetly.

I have to cancel my tickets to Delhi due to illness.

His mother is suffering from throat cancer.

I have never lacked candid critics in my own ranks

Exams and interviews are conducted to select the right cadidate for any given

We have to light the candle if the there is a power-cut.

She has got silver candlesticks.

He admitted all his mistakes with candour.

I dont like candies.


The teacher caned the students for disobedience.

One of his canines was broken.




As a child I read a number of stories about cannibals.

There are a number of myhts about cannibalism amongst the old tribes.

Babur used cannons to fight his battles.

A whole pile of cannonballs can be seen in a corner of the old fort.

He is quite a canny fellow.

We used a canoe to cross the river.

Above us was a canopy of thick green leaves of the old tree.


He often uses cant expressions.


A cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady

I now eat lunch in the canteen.

The horse was going at a canter.

You will find this verse in the third canto.



The crowded canvas of history;
The boxer picked himself up off the canvas

They were convassing for the Congress.

The convassers visited every house in the locality.

The boy was wearing a blue cap.
They established a cap for prices.

The bottles were capped tightly.

He worked to the limits of his capability
The capability of a metal to be fused

Capable of winning
A passage capable of misinterpretation
No one believed her capable of murder

The gas tank has a capacity of 1.gallons
He was employed in the capacity of director
The capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes

The pink cape on her shoulders lookes beautiful.

From a distance we could see the foals capering around in the green fields.
Proper names are always written in capital letters.
Some citizens do not believe in capital punishment for murder.

Delhi is the capital of India.
We require a huge capital to start a business.

Capitalism encourages private enterprises.

A capitalist is a rich man.

USA is a capitalist country.

Many softdrink companies capitalize from international cricket matches.
All proper names in the text has to be capitalized.

The auhtorites capitulated to the demands of the hijackers.

The capitulation by the government to hijackers demands was disappointing.

We experienced a capricious summer breeze in the evening.

The boat capsized in the river due to stormy weather.

She has to take two capsules everyday.

The captains have great responsibilities.

Sachin Tendulkar captained the Indian cricket team.

The powerful performance of Lawrence Olivier captivated the audience.

I feel very sad when I see captive birds and animals in the zoo.

Some captives tried to escape from the prison.

He was held in captivity until he died.

The captors killed one of the hostages.

The convict evaded capture for a week.

Madhubalas beauty captured many hearts.
The poet captured the essence of Spring in his poetry.

He needs a car to get to work.
Ill meet you in the dining car.

She bought a necklace of 22 carats.

We were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels

I bought a packet of caraway.

Carbon occurs in its pure form as diamond.

I saw birds picking at a dogs carcass.

They send us a greeting card from Miami.
I dont like to play cards.

Is there a cardinal rule to solve this problem?

She doesnt care about her looks.
Man is seldom free from care.
One should always take care while travelling.

I really care about my work.

The general had a distinguished career.
His career in the army ended after he lost his limbs in the war.

The cars careered down the road.

They were careful when crossing the busy street

She is careless about her clothes.

The ship anchored at the docks unloaded its cargo.

Caricatures of famous pesonalities arouses laughter.

A cartoonist can caricature famous personalities also.

She bought a carmine saree.

Her saree was carmine.

The terrains of Kargil witnesses a carnage last year.

Everybody has carnal desires.

Carnations usually have white,red or pink flowers.

Were you there during the carnival?

Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore

Lion is a carnivorous animal.

We sang Christmas carols on Christmas day.

They went caroling on Christmas Day.

Teenagers can be seen carousing and dancing on the street on NewYear eve.

I like to go on a carousel.

Carps are edible fishes.

My neighbour keeps carping about her family.

Our carpenter didnt turn up yesterday.

That old man is very good at carpentry.

They bought carpets from Kashmir.

They carpeted the stairs of the hall.

In olden days horse carriages were the common means of transport.
We travelled in a second-class carriage.

There has been an increase in buses by private carriers to Sabarimala shrine.

Some dogs were feeding on carrion.

Carrot is very good for eyesight.

You must carry your camping gear
She was carrying their second child.
The bridge has to carry lot of traffic.
The bill was carried by 250 votes to 200.
His speech on poverty carried the audience.
She carries herself very well.

"carry away","PhrV","1.उत्तेजितहोना"
I get carried away when I see football on TV.

"carry back","PhrV","1.स्मरणकरना"
The sound of laughter carried me back to childhood days.

"carry forward","PhrV","1.{वाणिज्यसंबंधीनएपन्नेमेंस्थानांतरणहोना"
The balance was carried forward.

"carry off","PhrV","1.जीतना"
The USA carried off most of the medals in atheletics.

"carry on","PhrV","1.बहसकरना"

"carry out","PhrV","1.पूर्णकरना"
They carried out their plan to go to the Himalayas successfully.

"carry over","PhrV","1.आगेकेलिएटालना"
The investiture ceremony of the students union has been carried over to next month.

"carry through","PhrV","1.कठिनसमयमेंकिसीकीसहायताकरना"
Her strong will power carried her through the ordeal.

The carry of Bofors gun is superb.

He used a handcart to carry the rocks away

Cartilages are softer than bones.

I like to collect cartoons from the newspaper.

R K Laxman is a famous cartoonist.

In 1857,Indian soldiers were forced to use cartridges made of pig fat.

Some tourists carvename into their name on the bark.

Michaelangelo was a great carver.

There are beautiful cascades in Niagra.

Cases of malaria has become very common nowadays.
I kept all my ornaments in a case.
Latin nouns have case and gender.
Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir

Due to cards,one doesnt have to carry cash.

I have to go to the bank to cash a check.

He is a cashier in the bank.

He was cashiered from the Army for indiscipline.

I have kept all my jewelleries in the casket.

Anthony Hopkins was the head of the cast in the movie `Instinct.
My mother has an unusual cast of mind.

Only citizens of 18years and above can cast vote.
He was casted as Hamlet in the play.
The statue of the poet was cast in silver.

Its high time we got rid of the caste system.

The casting of metals is done in Ramus shop.
I didnt like the casting in that movie.

I have pictures of medievall castles.

"castor","N","1.छोटापहिया" #कुर्सीयामेजआदिकेपायेमेंलगाहुआ
Castors facilitates in carrying things from one room to another.

In some tribes boys are castrated.

She felt offended at his casual remark.

He glanced casually at the headlines.
He was dressed casually for the occasion.

The casualty was immediately taken into the operation theatre.

What a cat she is!

Recently,Orissa faced cataclysm.

Catacombs were found in ancient Rome.

The catalogue of books is available in the computer.

The title of books are catalogued in computers nowadays.

Children are fond of playing with catapults.

My grandmother is suffering from cataract.
The cataracts of Niagra are beautiful.

Lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system.

Jonty Rhodes made a superb catch of the ball at the boundaryline.

He caught the ball superbly.

Every Friday we had to attend catechism in school.

He made a categorical denial of all the charges levelled against him.

Both friends belong to the same category.

We have to cater to fifty people in the party.

Her brother is a caterer in the railways.

Caterpillar develops into a butterfly.

Aristotle propounded the theory of catharsis in his book `Poetics.

Aristotle in his book `Poeticsaid that tragedy plays have a cathartic effect.

We go the cathedral every sunday.

My friend is a Roman Catholic.

His father has catholic views.

The neighbours cattle strayed into our garden.

Cauldrons are very useful to cook curries for parties etc.

I like the curry made of cauliflower.

In economics,we were asked to find the causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices.

They are trying to determine the cause of the plane crash.

Chewing tobacco can cause cancer.

Even the causeway was flooded with water during monsoon.

Soda can be caustic.
He made some caustic remarks at her in the party.

She exercised caution in opening the door

His father cautioned him from spending money lavishly.

Be cautious in spending money!

We saw cavalcade of cars on the street yesterday.

He has a cavallier attitude.

India still has the largest cavalry in the world.

The early man lived in caves.

We like caving.

"cave in","PhrV","1.अन्दरकीओरगिरना"
The roof of the building caved in.

His eyes were like dark caverns.

Toothpastes protect our mouth cavity.

The rebels agreed to cease their fighting.

I enjoy the ceaseless thunder of surf on the beach.

We planted cedar trees in our garden.

India cannot easily cede the Kashmir territory from the Republic.

He hated painting the ceiling
Govt put a ceiling on owning property.

We celebrated Newyear with great pomp and show.

We had a grand celebration on her marriage.

Magic Johnson is a baseball celebrity.

We saw a movie of celestial beings.

Sages used to practice celebacy.

Sages remaained celebate.

Bees store honey in the cells of honeycomb.

Freedom fighters were imprisoned in cellars.

They stood on the gray cement beside the pool.

We cemented our friendship with trust.

Evveryday he places a wreath on the cemetry of his father.

The film will be certified by the Board of Film Censors.

Many communal scenes were censored from the film.

The celebrities become victims of publlic censure.

Celebrities are often censured by the public.

The census is conducted every ten years.

All his predictions of the cricket matches were cent percent correct.

My grandfather is a centenarian.

The clubs centenary celebration is next year.

The centennial celebration of the institution took place yesterday.

The central city has good bus service.

The centrality of the issue should not be marginalized.

The Russian government centralized the distribution of food.

We are entering the next century.

Wheat and barley are cereals.

She was wearing the ceremonial dress in her sisters wedding.

The inaugural ceremony of the hospital will be held next week.

You must set aside a certain sum each week.

Certain of those present had had too much to drink.

Certainly he will win the match.

His victory in the match is a certainty.

The candidates were asked to submit copies of their original qualification certificates along with the application.

Only certificated teachers are offered the job.

He was certified unfit for playing.

Calm came after the cessation of thunder.

The dirty water from the building flows into the cesspool.
Nowadays politics has become a cesspool of corruption.

He had a nasty chafe on his knee.

This collar chafes the dogs neck.

The sifting of grain from the chaff is done sometime in March-April.

The senior boys chaffed the juniors during ragging.

Much to my chagrin I found my son smoking.

He chagrined his parents by smoking before them.

The `Manorama Year Bookgives a detailed report on the chain of events.
The dog is tied to the post with a chain.
I like to wear a golden chain.

The dog was chained to the post.

Nowadays plastic chairs are in vogue.

Who chaired the meeting yesterday?

Dr. Rao is the chairman of the company.

We use white chalks to write on the blackboard.

We have to chalk the items that have to be bought from the list .

His challenge that he would win the duel was not taken seriouly by anyone.

She challenged his claims in the court.

He sits for hours in his chamber and reads.
Sitting in the chamber the judge heard the cases.
The upper chamber is the Senate.

Chamberlains helld a special place in the court of royal families.

Chameleons can change colours.

The rats champed the fishing net.

The Grand Prix champion celebrated his victory by opening the champagne bottle.

Garry Kasparov is the world chess champion.

I met him at the railway station by chance.
VVS Laxman got a chance to prove his batting skills in the triangular-series
cricket matches.

I chanced to meet my old friend in the city.

Ms.Romila Thapar is the chancellor of the University of Hyderabad.

Publlic records are kept in the chancery.

Chandeliers are decorated with glasses.

Ramus father is a chandler.
Mohans father is a chandler in Paradeep.

Change is the law of Nature.
He got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver

His voice began to change when he was 14 years old

Channels flow into the sea.
The application must go through official channels
There are more than twenty channels in India now.

The pillgrims sang a religious chant.

The students chanted the same slogan over and over again

Anarchy creates chaos.

That chap is your host

My lips chap in this dry weather

He was late for chapel

Her mother is her chaperon.

Her mother still chaperons her.

Victor is a chaplain.

I didnt read the last chapter of the book.
The Medak chapter of St.Thomas church met in Hyderabad yesterday.
Partition is the most saddest chapter in the history of India.

Around 20 people were charred to death in the fire.

The Greek alphabet has 24 characters.
She is a woman of strong character.
The scandal has damaged the actors character.
His brother has got a strange character.
Women are the main characters in Shakespeares romantic comedies.

He spoke in his characteristic style.

Such remarks are not characteristic of him.

You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist.

Charcoal is used as a fuel.

Captain Nair lead the charge on the enemy camp.
He was arrested on the charge of treason.
The shopkeeper took extra charges for services.
She left her child in the charge of maidservant.
He is in charge of the lab.

The suspect was charged with murdering his wife.
The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks.
He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend.
The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem.
I need to charge my car battery.

I have a painting of Lord Krishna on the chariot.

He is charitable to the poor.

He treated the poor charitably.

Charity begins at home.

Charlatans are not to be believed.

She is a lady of great charm.

She charmed him into giving her all his money.

Her daughter is endowed with charming manners.

The metereologist pointed at the weather chart while giving the weather report.
The captain of the ship always has to keep the chart with him.

It contravened article 51 of the UN charter.
The minister arrived on a charter flight.

The minister chartered an IAF aircraft.

The police abandoned their chase and returned back.

The police chased the robber.

There are chasms in rocks.

The drug rehabilitation centre chastened the drug-addict.

Juvenile delinquents are not to be chastised.

Sita is known for her chastity.

My friend and I had a long chat about our school days.

My friend and I chatted whole night.

Chateau is a large country house in France.

I can hear the chatter of birds from my window.
At the party there was a much excited chatter.

Those girls keep chattering whole day.
My teeth chattered because of cold.
He has a chatty younger brother.

Bananas are available at cheap rates in this season.

Bananas are available cheaply in this season.

He is a cheat.

He cheated his friend that cost him his life.

Dams check the flow of river water.
Soldiers are always vigilant at the borders to check the enemys advance.
Could you please check if the room is in order?
Check the king means the opponents king is in danger.

"check in/into","PhrV","1.अतिथिकेरूपमेंनामदर्जकरना"
Passengers checked in for Air India flight to NewYork.

"check off","PhrV","1.सहीकाचिह्नलगाना"
All the items in the list has been checked off by father.

"check up","PhrV","1.जाचकरना"
The doctor checked up my sore throat.

"check on","PhrV","1.सत्यकीजाचकरना"
The police checked on the murder case.

"checked out","PhrV","1.बिलभरकरजगहखालीकरना"
He checked out of the hotel yesterday.

"check sth out","PhrV","1.जाचकरना"
The doctor checked out the cause of the rashes on the skin.

I went for a medical check-up yesterday.

The police had a check of the area where the murder took place.
One should keep ones temper in check.
Dams give checks to the flow of river water.
He was in check after three moves itself.
He was wearing a shirt with checks.

He was wearing a checked shirt.

She has got chubby cheeks.

Children at the party were full of cheer and laughter.

Everybody cheered the birthday boy.
The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers

I like her cheerful nature.

He greeted me with a cheery hello

I like pizza added with cheeze.

The use of chemical weapons must be banned.

Nowadays chemicals are mixed in edible items also.

Medicines should be bought from chemists and druggists only.

She studied chemistry in college.

I have to get the cheque encashed.

I cherish my old friendships.

The cake was decorated with cherries.

I like the game of chess.

He has wooden chessmen.

He suffered from a pain in his chest.
A medicine chest stuffed with drugs was kept in the compounders room.

I saw a chestnut horse feeding on the grass.

I havent seen the tree of chestnut.

Children who are chevaliers are awarded on Republic Day.

You should chew your food properly.

He fell prey to political chicanery.

The poultry farm has many hens with chicks.

Our neighbour keeps chickens.
He loves to eat chicken every meal.
She is chicken hearted.

The teacher chided the student for not doing the homework.

The chief rivers of India are Ganga,Yamuna and Saraswati. .

The chief of the army staff visited the border districts of Jammu.

His father is chieflly concerned about making money.

I saw the picture og Bantoo tribes chieftain.

He has only one child.

She developed some complications during childbirth.

I can never forget my childhood.

I dont like Priyas childish behaviour.

I met a childless couple yesterday in the party.

Let the pudding chilll for an hour.

There is a chill in the air today.
The news of the citys surrender chilled the soldiers

Im very lazy in this chilly weather.
She is rather chilly to her guests.

I could hear the chime of the clock fom the next room.

The clock chimes every quarter.

The factory chimneys emit lot of pollution into the air.
He reached the peak of the mountain climbing through its chimney.

I liked the movie on chimpanzee.

He has a small chin.

I have a vase made of china.

A chip of the glass was lying on the floor.

Her tooth chipped.

The birds chirped on the branches of the tree.

Chisel is used in shaping wood,stone etc.

The artist chiselled the marble.

That chit doesnt have any respect for old people.
I had take down his address in a chit.

They allways keep chitchatting all the time.

Those girls spend most of their time doing chitchat.

Man Singh was awarded for his chivalry in the war.

Chlorine can be added in water for purification.

Chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic

Your choice of colors was unfortunate

She sings in the school choir.

She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband

Cholera is a communicable disease.

I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant

He cut the sapling in one chop.

He chopped the sapling in one stroke.

I heard a choral composition.

She tied a frienship chord round his wrist.
She played a chord on the piano.
The umblical chord was cut after the birth of the child.

Everyone joined the chorus when the singer sang the song.

He was christened Vinoth Bernard.

He is a chronic smoker.

He consulted the chronicles of the period to find the facts.

That institute chronicles the events.

Gibbon was a famous chronicler.

Chrysanthemum is the national flower of Japan.

She has got chubby cheeks.

He chucked the bits of paper in the bin.

He got the chuck from his job for absenteism.

She gave a chuckle while reading the witty story.

She chuckled while reading the witty story.

I met my school chum in the railway station.

Dont be late for church.

Churchman is a christian minister.

The priest was buried in the churchyard.

Milk is shaken in the churn.

Milk is churned to make butter.

Cider was served in the party.

Smoking cigar can be injurious to health.

Smoking cigarette is injurious to health.

We warmed ourselves by sitting near the cinder.

I go to the cinema very often.

Santosh Sivan is Indias leading cinematographer.

The movie `Rojabagged the award for best cinematography.

I like dishes cooked from cinnamon.

Cipher can be used to represent no amount.
He is treated as a cipher in his office.
The Intelligence agency sent a message in cipher to the headquarter.

The East India company was established circa 1600.

Draw a circle in the paper!
Nowadays he is moving in a bad circle.

The aircraft circled the airport before landing.
The security forces circled the enemy camp.

The earth takes 365 days to make a circuit of the sun.
The building caught fire due to short circuit.
The judge went on a circuit.

He gave a circuitous and puzzling explanation on the theory.

The planets move in circular motion.

He mailed the circular to all subscribers

The fan circulates the air in the room.
Some magazines circulate rumours.

`Malayalam Manoramanewspaper has the largest circulation in India.
She is suffering from bad circulation.

The circumference of the earth is about 25000 miles.

Be circumspect in all your actions!

I had to take leave from office due to domestic circumstances.

A circumstantial report about the debate was published .

It is difficult to circumvent the problems that keep cropping up eveyday.

Children always love to go to the circus

The leakage in the cistern has been repaired.

Citadels were built to protect the city from external aggression.

The students essay failed to list several important citations
He was awarded a cheque of Rs.2 lakhs and a citation for bravery.

The teacher cited the example fom everyday life while teaching a theory.
Many people were cited to witness the divorce proceedings.

Im a citizen of India.

They may be granted British citizenship.

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin B.

Ancient Troy was a great city

The residents should have civic sense to keep the city clean.

Civics is a branch of political science.

The country faced civil disorder during partition.
You should have a civil behaviour in public.
He is a civil lawyer,not a criminal lawyer.
The civil government of the country was overthrown in a military coup.

"civil-marriage","N","1.रजिस्टर्डशादी" #वहविवाहजोधार्मिकविधिसेनहोवरनकानूनीरूपसेहो
There is very less expenditure in civil-marriage compared to religious-marriage.

Civilians are not allowed to enter military area.

You should behave in civility with ladies!

It is said that India and China have the oldest civilization in the world.

Juvenile delinquents are civilized in rehabilitation centres.

The clacking of typewriter can be heard from here.

A steelclad machine was kept in the factory.
The fashion models were scantily clad.

The vehicles had metal cladding.

She claimed that the book was hers.
She claimed that she is the best cook in the town.
The victim in the accident claimed for damages.
There are some unimportant matters in the newspaper that doesnt claim atten-
The supercyclone in Orissa claimed more than 20,000 lives.

Despite her claims of innocence,she was found guilty.
The victim of the accident made claims for damages.
She made no claims that she was the best cook.

The insurance claimants were sent notice by the company.

That restaurant is famous for clam soup.

"clam up","PhrV","1.चुप्पीरखना"
He always clams up whenever we ask him about his academic qualification.

We clambered over the rocks to reach the temple.

The clammy weather of the tropics during the monsoon can be quite unpleasant.

The clamour in the fish market gives me headache.

The photographers clamoured around the minister.

Clampscan hold things tightly together.

He clamped the pencil between his teeth.
He belongs to the Anglo-Saxon clan.

The Army claims about clandestine intelligence operations by the enemy countries.

Children came out of their classes when the school bell clanged.

The spectators gave him a big clap on his victory.
There is hardly any cure for clap.

The children clapped their hands while singing.

My Professor clarifies all my doubts.

The clarification of all my doubts is done by my Professor.

He can play the clarinet very well.

He is a very good clarinettist.

The Generals clarion call boosted the moral of the soldiers.

There is lack of clarity in Radhas speech.

The Army clashed with the militants in the Poonch sector.
The two atheletic events clashed so we had to miss one.
The colour of the picture clashed with the wall paint.
The swords clash in the game of fencing.

Clashes broke out between the two groups in the old city.
There is a clash between two classes so I can attend only one.
There is a clash between her blouse and saree.
There is a clash of swords in the game of fencing.

The clasp of my school batch has broken.
She held his hand in a clasp while weeping.

She clasped his hand firmly while weeping.

I belong to the middle class.
My collegue and I had studied in the same class.
Hardy was in a different class from his contemperories.
Our football team lacks class.
I travel in second-class compartment of the train.
He was always first-class-first in the college.
Whales belong to the mammal class.

Sachin Tendulkar is a high class player.

Words in the dictionary are classed invarious grammatical categories.

Can there be a classless society in India ever?

We had dinner in a classy hotel.

I find all of Dickens novel classic novels.
He sited a classic case of cheating while teaching law.
Tennysons Ulyssesis based on the classic story.

I enjoy reading classics.
The tennis match of today was a classic.

Bharatnatyam is a classical dance.
Many of them criticised the classical Malthusian theory of Population.

I prefer classicism in art.

Our Professor is a classicist.

The classification of books in the library is done according to the subjects.

The books are classified in the library according to the subjects.

I brought a classified catalogue of library books.
Classified official information was disclosed to the public.

My classmate is now my collegue in office.

We had small classrooms in our school.

I could hear the typewriters clattering in the next room.

I could hear the clatter of typewriters in the next room.

A clause has complete sense.
I couldnt understand clause 7 of the contract.

Sometimes released prisoners suffer from claustrophobia.

Some released prisoners become claustrophobic patients.

I havent seen a clavichord.

He is suffering from pains of the clavicle.

The sharp claw of the cat penetrated into my skin.

The cat clawed my hand.

This vase is made of china clay.

Clayey soil is impervious to water.

Claymore is used in Scotland.

I like to keep my room squeaky clean.
I took down the notes in a clean sheet of paper.
He always cracks clean jokes.
He has a clean career record.
The English football team played a clean game.
The batsman made a clean hit of the ball.

The batsman was clean bowled.

I clean my room everyday.

"clean down","PhrV","1.साफकरना"
Clean down the walls before painting.

"clean from/off","PhrV","1.गन्दगीनिकालना"
She cleaned the dirt from her comb.

"clean out","PhrV","1.चोरीकरना"
The theives cleaned the house of all its furniture.

"clean up","PhrV","1.स्वच्छहोना"
Players cleaned themselves up after the match.

My room needs a thorough clean-up.

I bought a new vacuum cleaner.

I do all the washing and cleaning in the house.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

He bowled the batsman cleanly.

I use a cleansing cream every night.

I use milk cleanser every night.

We got a clear picture of the cliff from our terrace.
I have a clear idea about all the formulae.
Her death is a clear case of suicide.
He kept his priorities clear.
A clear glass of water was kept on the table.
I couldnt get a clear view of the TV screen from a distance.
The garden was clear from weeds.
It takes clear two days to reach Indore.

He spoke very politely and clearly.

There is no clearness of vision without glasses.

I could hear her loud and clear.

We have no clear-cut plans to go for trekking.

The sky was cleared of clouds after the storm.
After lunch clear the table.
The lawyer tried to show his client to be clear.
The culprit was cleared of all the charges.
Cheques take three business days to clear.
He cleared all his debts before passing away.

"clear away","PhrV","1.हटालेना"
The municipality cleared away the garbage from our colony.

"clear up","PhrV","1.सुलझाना"
The police cleared up the mystery.

"clear off","PhrV","1.भागजाना"
The petty theives cleared off as soon as they saw the police jeep.

The cheque has been send for clearance.
Matters relating to security of the country are never given clearance.

"cleat","N","1.फन्नी" #लकडईयाधातुकीपट्टीजोबाधनेकेकामआतीहो
The rope to hang clothes was wound on the cleat.

She wore a dress that showed her cleavage.

The carpenter cleaved the wood into two.
His parents are still cleaved to old ways of living.

The butcher uses a cleaver to chop the meat.

She played the violin by seeing the clef.

There was a cleft on the ground after the tremor.

Clematis have pink or white flowers.

Todays clement weather is good for picnic.
The clement judge pardoned him.

The clemency of todays weather is good for picnic.
He pleaded for clemency before the judge.

The boxer clenched his fist in anger.

All the clergies of the town attended the ceremony.

He does some clerical work in the government office.
The clergy was wearing a clerical gown.

His father is a clerk.

He has a clever brother.
He is very clever. He always gets his work done by others.

In essays we were told to avoid the use of cliches.

His cliched essay fetched him very low marks in the exam.

He clicked the camera just then.
Click the button on the right.
The window clicked shut.
His mind clicks very fast.

The door was shut with a click.

The lawyer tried to defend his client.
He is a regular client of our products.

We climbed the snow covered cliff.

Detective movies are mainly cliff-hangers.

Some of the Hindi movies donot have a climatic ending.

Month of April generally have moderate climate.
The present economic climate of the country is disappointing.

He studied climatology in the university.

The climax of that movie was not good.

We climbed the tree to pluck mangoes.
The road climbes steeply for several kilometres.
He climbed to the top of his profession at the age of 45.

Its an hours climb to the summit.

Santosh Yadav is a great mountain climber.
Jasmine is a climber.
He is too conscious a social climber.

They went seeking a warmer clime.

Finally the Indian player clinched the man of the series title.
The mother and the child clinched at the railway station.

The child clinged to its mother.
The smell of petrol clings for a long time.
--"३. चिपकेरहना"
His parents still cling to old ideas.
Dont cling to the railings.

She was wearing a clinging dress.
Her clinging son can never leave her.

After retirement Dr.Anand opened his own private clinic.

He was clinical to her pains.
He was under clinical observation.
Her flat is bare and clinical.

I heard the clink of keys.

He clinked the bunch of keys.

Clinkers can be put to some use.

I bought a packet of paper-clip.
Clips were attached to the gun for firing.

A picture was clipped at the back of the letter.
The parrots wings were clipped and it was put in the cage.

I prefer to wear clip-on earrings.

The hedge around the house needs a clip.
She gave a clip at his right leg.
We saw the clip from the new film.

We used clipboard to write the exams.

I cut my nails with a pair of nail clippers.

The committee is full with small clique of inntellectuals.

Clitoris beccomes larger when a female is sexually excited.

Most of the Shakespearean characters wore cloaks.

The investigation is cloaked in mystery.

We kept our luggage in the railway cloakroom.

The children clobbered the stray dog.

She unnecessarily takes clobbers while going for walking.

The clock struck 1200.

Carl Lewis clocked 9.95 seconds in 100 metres heat.

Children ran round the tree in clockwise direction.

Children ran clockwise round the tree.

Ancient sages used to wear clogs.

The drainage pipeline was clogged due to heavy rains.

The convent is a calm cloister.

The nuns live a cloistered life.

Dolly is the first clone of sheep.

Science has advanced enough to clone genetically.

I could hear the clonk of aircrafts.

The heavy machines in the factory clonked.

Our school is close to the theatre.
She is a close relative of mine.
There is no close resemblance between those twins.
He took a close look at the text.
The match was a close contest.
The army advanced in close formation.
The razor gave a close shave.
She is kept in close confinement of her house.
She was a bit close about her marriage.
The English vowel /i/ is a close vowel.
He is very close with his things.

They sat close to each other in the photo.

He closely resembles his father.
She closely looked at her.

It is not comfortable to wear close-fitting clothes in summer.

The villagers live like a close-knit family.

She has close-set teeth.

The documentary showed close-up pictures of Mars.

The door was closed at night.
The shops in the city close at 1100 pm.
The function closed with a vote of thanks.
The gap between the runners are beginning to close.

"close around/over/round","PhrV","1.आलिंगनकरना"
His hands closed around his son.

"close in","PhrV","1.छोटाहोना"
The days are closing in now due to winter.

"close down","PhrV","1.समाप्तकरना"
The company was closed down due to heavy losses.

"close with","PhrV","1.आमनेसामनेहोना"
The army is close with the enemy.

"close up","PhrV","1.कुछसमयकेलिएबन्दकरना"
The office closes up at 100 noon.

"closing date","N","1.अन्तिमतिथि"
The closing date forr the submission of application is 20th May.

At the close of first innings the score was 158 for 2 wickets.

She belongs to a closed family.

I kept all my jewelleries in the closet.

He is a closet smuggler.

They were closeted in the classroom with the Professor.

Frequent strikes forced the management for the closure of the factory.

A haemophiliacs blood will not clot properly.

I need 2.5 metres of cloth to make a salwar-kameez.

She clothed herself in a new dress.

In summer I prefer to wear cotton clothes.

During monsoon I prefer water-proof clothing.

The sky was full of clouds.

Today it is a cloudless sky.

There was a cloudburst yesterday.

He gave a clout on his head.
He used political clout to get his work done.

The robbers clouted him before looting his shop.

A clove of garlic added in the meat increases its flavour.

Clovers have white and pink flowers.

Clowns are there in circus to make the spectators laugh.
Mohan is really clown at times.

Mohan sometimes clowns around.

Mohans clownish antics sometimes gets on my nerves.

The models gave cloying smiles to the audience.

"cloze test","N","1.क्लोजटेस्ट" #रिक्तस्थानोकीपूर्तीसहीशब्दोसेकरनेकीपरीक्षा
We had to take a cloze test before joining the English teaching course.

We opened a film club in our city.
My grandfather uses club while going for a walk.

The dog was clubbed to death.

The cluck of hen could be heard from the poultry farm.

She has the habit of clucking her tongue.

The police tried to solve the case with the help of little clue it had.

She is absolutely clueless.

A small clump of rose plants is there in our garden.

The soldiers clumped their feet while marching.

The clump of boots can be heard as the soldiers marched.

My brother wears a clumpsy pair of shoes.

His clumsy brother hardly helps him with his work.

The clunk of plates irritated me.

A cluster of grapes can be seen hanging from the vine.

Photographers clustered round the film star.

She clutched the baby in her arms.

The clutch of the scooter has become loose.

The boys managed to free themselves from the clutches of the police.

My room is never in clutter.

My sister cluttered my room with posters.

My height is 155 cm.

We travelled from Indore to Bhopal in a coach.
Ramakanth Achrekar was the coach of Sachin Tendulkar.

Ramakanth Achrekar coached Sachin Tendulkar.

A coachload of boys made lot of noise throughout the journey.

Earlier coachman was paid well.

Blood coagulates in air.

The coagulation of blood takes place in air.

Coal is used as a fuel.

He has coal-black hair.

"coal gas","N","1.कोयलेसेनिकलीगैस"
Coal gas is used for lighting and heating.

"coal tar","N","1.डामर"
Coal tar is produced when gas is made from coal.

A couple of parties coalesced to form a new government.

Some workers got stranded at the coalface.

India has a coalition government at present.

His father works in a coalmine.

Coaming keeps the water out of the ship.

I have a coarse skin.
He uses coarse language while speaking to youngsters.

My mother told me to chop onions coarsely.

Exercise has coarsened his muscles.

There is a port in the east coast.

I coasted downhill on a bicycle.

Keep hot bowls on a coaster.
The coaster was loaded with barrens of oil.

A coastguard vessel is always present at the coast.

Kerala has a beautiful coastline.

He was wearing a leather coat.
My pet cat has a smooth coat.
Walls will need a double coat of paint.

I ate biscuits coated with chocolate.

She coaxed her mother to buy her a new dress.

It took a lot of coaxing before her mother agreed.

I bought a wheat cob from the bakery.
Cobs can run very fast.
Cob looks graceful.
Cob was used to build the cottage.

Cobalt is a hard silvery white metal.

The vehicles clattered over the cobbles.

The streets were cobbled for construction of roads.
The cobbler cobbled my old shoes.

The cobbler repaired my old shoes.

COBOL is a programming language.

Cobra is a poisonous snake.

The lab is full of cobwebs.

Mohan is addicted to cocaine.

Coccynx is a small bone.

Cochineal was added to give colour to the cake.

The cock crows in the morning.

He was cock-a-hoop on his victory.

"cock crow","N","1.सुबह"
We woke at cock crow.

The dog cocked its ears when it heard a sound.
She cocked her scooter to check the oil.
Soldiers cocked the Bofors gun.

They made a complete cock-up of the entire arrangement.

Cockatoo is a beautiful parrot.

The picture on the wall appeared cock-eyed to me.
Their cock-eyed plan failed miserably.

Passengers are not allowed to enter the cockpit.

Coackroaches have white blood.

He is so cocksure that hes not ready to take anybodys advice.

They have cocktail party very often.

I think she is unbearably cocky.

I like the drink of cocoa.

Coconut is produced in plenty in Kerala.

Cocoon is made by larva insect.

She cocooned herself in her own world.

Oil of cods liver is good for health.

I didnt get the coda of that piece of music.

Old people are to be coddled.

The Intelligence agency sends messages in codes.
The code for Hyderabad is 040.
The cadets are suppose to follow a disciplinary code.

The Intelligence agency coded the messages.

Codeine relieves pains.

Our neighbour is a funny old codger.

She added a codicil to her will.

All the laws are codified.

He talks codswallop.

I studied in a coed school.

In 2xy 2 is the coefficient of xy.

The workers were coerced to call off strike.

The management used coercion on the workers to call off strike.

The management used coercive force on the workers to call off strike.

All the states of a nation should coexist peacefully.

All the states of a nation should have a peaceful coexistence.

I prefer to have filter coffee.

"coffee bar","N","1.जलपानगृह"
I had a simple meal in a coffee bar today.

"coffee break","N","1.मध्यवकाश"
After every hour of the seminar there was a coffee break.

"coffee-table book","N","1.समयबितानेकेलिएकिताब"
I flipped through the coffee-table book while waiting for my friend.

Bad economic policy of the government can leave the nations coffer empty.
The mahajan hoarded his wealth in a coffer.

A coffin is made of wood.

Cogs need regular oiling.

The police got cogent evidence to prove his guilt.

I cogitated for several minutes before writing a letter to him.

I wrote the letter after several minutes of cogitation.

The English word welcomeis a cognate of the German word welcomen.

Children can learn language by cognition.

A childs cognitive sense is more developed than adults.

Her younger brother have a powerful cognizance of law.

Her younger brother is cognizant of law.

Sanjeev Kapoor is one of the topmost cognoscenti in India.

I against cohabiting before marriage.

Some of the chapters of this book are good but it fails to cohere as a whole.
His writings doesnot cohere with his practices.

His teachings are not coherent to us.
He wasnt coherent on the phone.

That novel lacks coherence.

That novel hasnt been written coherently.

Nowadays the cohesion of family unit is crumbling down in big cities.

Family has a cohesive force that sustains it as a unit.

Family as a unit is cohesively sustained.

The cohort of the public is helping the government to stand the oppositions.

I coiled the rope around the pole.

A coil of hair was lying on the floor.

१.paise coin is no longer in circulation.

The word pandemoniumwas coined by John Milton.
His new restaurant is coining it.

I have a collection of silver coinage.
The word pandemoniumis John Miltons coinage.

Id and Pongal coincided this year.
My taste in reading coincides with my friends.

It was a sheer coincidence that he died on his birthday.

The festival of Id was coincident with Pongal this year.

The two coincidental movies were super flop.

The two movies had coincidentally the same script.

Ropes made of coir are strong.

I feel very cold in the morning.
I usually avoid cold drinks.
The lady of the house extended a cold reception.
He was wearing a cold grey coloured shirt.
It was a cold hunting to track down the stolen goods.
She was cold for more than an hour after the accident.

The lady of the house welcomed us coldly.

I felt bad by his coldness.

Fishes are cold-blooded creatures.
Auto Shankar of Madras was a cold-blooded murderer.

"cold chisel","N","1.एकप्रकारकीछेनी"
Cold chisel is used for cutting metals.

"cold cream","N","1.चमडएपरलगानेकालेप"
All cold creams donot soften the skin.

"cold cuts","N","1.पकाहुआठंडआगोश्त"
Cold cuts served in the hotel is not tasty.

"cold frame","N","1.शीशेसेढकाहुआलकडईकाढआचा"
Cold frames protects plants.

His father is a cold-hearted man.

"cold shoulder","V","1.जानबूझकरध्याननदेना"
My boss cold shouldered all my problems.

"cold snap","N","1.अचानकअल्पसमयकेलिएठंडपडना"
I fell ill due to cold snap.

"cold storage","N","1.शीतागार"
Edible things can be preserved in cold storage.

"cold sweat","N","1.भयभीतहोना"
I was in cold sweat when I was watching the horror movie.

"cold war","N","1.शीतयुद्ध"
The period of cold war between USA and Russia has ended.

I was shivering with cold at night.
Im suffering from cold and cough.

"cold sore","N","1.मुहकेछाले"
He is having cold sore.

Coleslaw is eaten as a salad.

The baby cried due to colic.

The baby cried due to colicky aches.

Colitis affects the colon.

Many multinatinal companies are collaborating with Indian companies.
He was caught for collaborating.

Many Indian companies are working with multinational companies to develop
computer chips.

The bookFreedom at Midnightis a collaborative effort of Larry Collins and
Dominique Lapeirre.

Collins and Lapeirre worked collaboratively for the book Freedom at Midnight.

Our company is a collaborator of a US based company.

"collage","N","1.कोलाज" #कागजकपडएइत्यादिकेटुकडओंसेचित्रबनानेकीकला
A collage of family photographs was displayed in his room.

The building collapsed due to earthquake.
He felt giddy and collapsed on the way to the hospital.
The company collapsed due to lack of capital.
Share market collapsed due to Kargil conflict.
Use chair that collapse for small spaces.

The collapse of the Soviet Union has ended the cold war.
The collapse of negotiations between the two nations has further aggravated tension in the border.

For small space collapsible chairs should be used.

The collar of his shirt is always dirty.
A dog with a collar is treated as a pet dog by the municipality.

The policeman collared the rowdy.

His collar-bone got fractured in the accident.

He collated all the available information before he started his research.

We had cold collation due to our late arrival.

His collateral aim is to do business.
Cheetah is a collateral animal of cat family.

My classmate is my colleague now.

I collected all the required information from the agency.
A crowd collected where the accident occured.
We are collecting for cyclone victims.
She collected the first prize for extempore.
The municipal worker came and collected the garbage.
Somehow I collected myself for work after his departure.

These paintings are collectable.

Every Friday we sang the collect.

I have a huge collection of books.
There is only one collection from this letter box.
Recently there was a show of winter collection in Paris.
A collection of scientists gathered at the symposium.

We have a collective leadership.

A workers collective held a meeting.

Socialism follows collectivism.

In China farms are collectivized.

"collective noun","N","1.समूहवाचकसंज्ञा"
,Armyis a collective noun.

His father is a ticket collector in the railways.
Collectors are civil servants.

Her sister is a pretty colleen.

My mother could not study in a college due to early marriage.

I never enjoyed my collegiate life.

The car collided with truck and fell into the river.

Collie is a very active dog.

A residential colony for colliers is being developed .

Working in a colliery is risky.

Two people died in the collision between a truck and a bus.
The collision between two parties brought down the government.

"collision course","N","1.मतभेदलानेवालाकार्य"
The differences between the staff and management will surely lead to collision

,strongand healthy collocate.

,Resounding victory is a collocation.

Colloquial expressions are not used in writing.

Colloqialism is avoided in writing.

Shakespeare used colloquies in his plays.

The militants colluded to plant the bomb in the market.

It appeared that there was a collusion between the opposition parties.

Put a colon after every entry.

My frineds father is a colonel in the army.

India was under the colonial rule for many years.

Colonisation was in abundance during the 16th century.

A number of European countries colonized Africa.
Europeans colonized Africa in the 17th century
The British colonized the East Coast


The judges colony near our house has beautiful houses.
I noticed a big colony of ants in my garden.
India was a British colony.

Colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple

Amber is a colossus amongst palaces.

The ribbons on the dress were in beautiful colours.

He coloured the pots in red.

The mare was licking the colt.

The building had marble columns.
The sixth column of the battalion was moving forward.
Each page of the journal has two columns.
The test tube held a column of white powder

The patient went into coma.

His hair needed a comb
The cock had a colourful comb.
Dont disturb the honeycomb.

Comb your hair.
They combed the area for the missing child.

They last the combat.

The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Nothern Iraq

He is a combatant in the Kurd army.

They were a winning combination.
He forgot the combination to the safe.

Combine resources.
These forces combined with others

Plastic is highly combustible.


She has come from Indore.
We have come 160 km since morning.
He came running to her.
Duty comes first for soldiers.
Womens outfit comes in various designs.
The handle of my bag has come loose.
I have come to believe that our neighbour has underworld connection.
How did you come to know about this accident?
She tried to come innocent.
She didnt want to come.
At last monsoon has come!

"come along","PhrV","1.प्रोत्साहनकरना"
Come along child!Drink the milk.

"come at","PhrV","1.आक्रमणकेलिएआगेआना"
The stray dog came at the child.

"come back","PhrV","1.फिरसेआना"
We will come back to the discussion later.

"come across","PhrV","1.अचानकमिलना"
I came across a golden ring on the road.

"come by","PhrV","1.कुछपाना"
Jobs are hard to come by nowadays.

"come down","PhrV","1.गिरना"
Poles and buildings came down due to cyclonic storm.

"come down on","PhrV","1.बहुतनिन्दाकरना"
Environmentalists came down heavily on industrialists.

"come down with","PhrV","1.पीडइतहोना"
I came down with jaundice last month.

"come for","PhrV","1.आक्रमणकरना"
The robber was coming for me with a knife.

"come forward","PhrV","1.सहायताप्रदानकरना"
Many young boys came forward to join the army.

"come in","PhrV","1.आनाअन्दर/शामिलहोना"
They came in for discussion quite late.

"come into","PhrV","1.विरासतमेंपाना"
She came into lot of wealth after her mothers death.

"come off","PhrV","1.सफलएवंप्रभावशालीहोना"
The exhibition came off well.

"come on","IDM","1.शाबाश"
Come on dear! You will succeed.

"come out","PhrV","1.बाहरआना"
The press came out with Clinton-Lewinsky affair.

"come through","PhrV","1.सफलतासेनिकलजाना"
The troops came through the mountainous terrain.
Her personality came through when she became a mother.

"come up","PhrV","1.बीचमेंआना"
His name came up in the discussion.
My sisters wedding is coming up.

Anil Kapoor has made a dramatic comeback to popular films.

Kishore Kumar was a singer and a great comedian too.

I like Shakespeares comedies.

Haleys comet appears once in 1.years.

He is a man who enjoys his comfort.

This pillow doesnt give me any comfort.

Wear only comfortable clothes.

I love reading comic books.

Feste is a comical character in Shakespeares comedies.

The coming generations have to face the repurcussions of partition of the

All are looking forward to the coming of US President to India.

The command of the Army is with the General.
He was dismissed from service for violating the officers command.
She has a good command over French.

The general commanded a huge army
This speaker commands a high fee

He is the commandant of Gorkha regiment.

Commanders have lot of powers.

There are ten commandmnts in the Bible.

This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps

The handicraft exhibition is held for the commemoration of Gandhi Jayanti.

The meeting will commence at 1200 noon.

The commencement of the meeting is at 1200 noon.

His paintings were highly commended by the critics.
I commend my children in your care.

He has given a commendable performance in the match.

The artist was hurled with commendations by the critics.

Her post is not commensurate to her qualification.

From time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account

From time to time she commented on his account.

He gave a commentary on Indias military preparedness.

Harsha Bhogle is a very good cricket commentator.

A forum on trade and commerce in India was held in New Delhi.

Mohan is a commercial pilot in a private airline.

Cricket has become commercialized.

I commiserated with her on the death of her mother.

He has secured commission to design buildings for the government.
He is receiving 20% commission.
The Srikrishna commission investigated the Bombay riot case.

Vinoth Kumar has been commissioned as a pilot officer.

His father is a police commissioner.

She has committed herself to research work.
The patient was committed to the mental hospital.
He is committed to marry her.

His business commitments took him to London

The committee has decided to promote him.

Almost all commodities are available in the super market.

Peace and harmony should be maintained for the common good of all.
Common man is facing lot of problems today.

Rice is the most commonly consumed food in southern India.

Jeans is commonplace in India today.

Measures for the progress of commonwealth has to be taken.

There is a lot of commotion in temples during navratri festival.

Our country has witnessed several communal riots after Independence.

Wordsworth communes with Nature in his poetries.

Please communicate this message to all employees

There should be no gap in communication in any relationship.

Her brother is not as communicative as her.

We belong to the same communion.
Weall went to the Communion.

The ministry has issued a communique about the meeting.

I am a follower of communism.

They appealed for commutation of his death sentence with life imprisonment.

We commute from Indore to Dewas daily.
He was given a commuted sentence.

I saw a compact mass of sand.
This computer is compact and versatile.

India and USA have made a compact to fight terrorism.
She kept her cosmetic items in a compact.

He companions have spoiled his habit.

They have a strong companionship for the past 1.years.

His company is running in profit.
Nowadays my brother is moving around with bad company.

Milan Kunderas work is comparable with best modern fictions.

He is studying comparative literature.

John compared his haircut to his friends

There is no comparison between these two books.

The second class railway compartments were unclean.

The needle of the compass always points to the north.
Certain aspects of Nature like weather etc are beyond the compass of human

Mother Teresa had lot of compassion for the poor and the disabled.

Sparing the childs mother was a compassionate act

There was no compatibility between those newly married couple.

We met a compatible married couple in the party.

Leander Paess Indian compatriot Mahesh Bhupati is also a good singles player.

We compel all students to fill out this form

The book is a compendium of ideas,facts and figures.

She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.

The insurance company paid the compensation for her injuries.

Several institutes are competing for the project.

No one doubts about her competence as a manager.

He is a competent typist.

Business competition can be fiendish at times

He is a highly competitive sales representative.

Some competitors in Olympic Games used banned drugs.

The compilation of the Indian English Supplement of Oxford dictionary is done by Indira Chowdhary Sengupta.

The Indian English Supplement of Oxford dictionary is compiled by Indira Chowdhary Sengupta.

His complacency was absolutely disgusting to me.

He complained to the police about his neighbours mischieves.

The complainant was threatened to withdraw his complaint.

He launched a complaint against his neighbour.

A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner

`Male and `female are complementary terms

You should have a complete meal everyday.

Did you complete your homework?

Her work is still far from completion

He solved a complex problem in no time.

She has a fair complexion.

He enjoyed the complexity of modern computers

You have to play in compliance with the rules.

The compliant government gave in to the hijackers demands.

He presented a complicated theory in a very simple way.

There was a new development that complicated the matter

Bed sores are a common complication in cases of paralysis

I gave her a written compliment for her excellent dance performance.

I complemented her for her excellent dance performance.

She was given a complimentary remark for her dance performance.

You have to comply with the rules of the game.

The spare component parts of cars were dumped by the mechanic.

The mechanic dumped the spare components of cars.

Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
I like the symphonies composed by Beethoven.
She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult

Beethoven was a great composer.

Aluminium is a composite metal.

Harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art
He got an A for his composition.

Compost improves the growth of plants.

The movie was compound of humour and pathoes.
Our school had a big compound.

The test tube in which the chemicals were compounded fell from her.

Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

The teacher should give examples that is comprehensible to the average mind

How you can do that is beyond my comprehension

The CNN gave a comprehensive coverage of the hijacking incident.

The straws were compressed into blocks for burning.
He compressed his whole essay into just few sentences.

Compressors compress air.

The land he conquered comprised several provinces

The newly elected members rejected a compromise because they considered it `business as usual

Nobody will get everything he wants; we all must compromise.

Though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game.

In most schools physical education is compulsory.

The accounted computed the losses at 30 lakhs.

He has got a personal computer.

He is even ready to give his life for his comrade.

We had an unfortunate concantenation of bomb mishaps last month.

I have a concave lens.

She conceals her anger well.

Fear of being caught he forced himself to go for concealment.

The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose

She conceived only eight years after marriage.
He conceived of a robot that would help paralytic patients.

Nowadays I cant concentrate in my studies.
These groups concentrate in the inner cities

Nowadays I cant give sufficient concentration in my studies.
There is a large concentration of Chinese people in Calcutta.

I am still not clear about the basic concepts of mathematics.

Basic mathematic conceptions are still not clear to me.
Women should be very careful after the period of conception.

The safety of the ship is the captains concern

She is very much concerned about her health.

Concerned relatives rushed to the hospital to see the patient.

The Board expressed doubts concerning the bowlers bowlng action.

I attended a music concert yesterday.

All the countries of Asia have to make a concerted effort to fight terrorism.

He got the beer concession at the ball park

The priest blew the conch after the prayer.

He attempted to conciliate her.

She cooled down after his conciliation.

I have a copy of Oxfords concise dictionary.

The Generals of the two countries sat in conclave.

The function concluded with a vote of thanks.
India has concluded an agreement with US to fight terrorism.
From the evidences the police concluded that it was a murder case.

Without thinking he jumped to the conclusion.
The programme will come to a conclusion next week.

The finger prints were conclusive proof of his guilt.

My mother has concocted a tasty meal of rice and paneer.
She concocted a story of she being a successful sportswoman in school.

The neighbouring states should live in concord.

I am looking for a vedic concordance.

A large concourse of cricket fans could be seen outside the stadium.

Trees,books etc are concrete things.
The police couldnt solve the case due to the lack of concrete evidence.

Modern buildings are mainly concrete.

She concurred to the demands of her father.

With her fathers concurrence she married the man of her choice.

Development seems to be concurrent with deforestation.

He suffered from concussion in the accident.

We condemn the racism in South Africa

His uncompromising condemnation of racism ended in his imprisonment.

The one-page article is a condensation of this century,s events.
The cooling of water vapour into water is called condensation.

Water vapour condenses into water.
Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan

He gave me some advice with condescension.

Mustard and ketchup are condiments

After the accident her condition is not good.
He gave her money on the condition that she would return them in two days.

Payment of the money is conditional upon delivery of goods.

Condolences were sent from all over the world on the death of the leader.

Many crimes are condoned in our country.

Working conditions are not conducive to productivity in the factory.

His conduct in public is not good though hes good at heart.

You cannot conduct business if you are not enterprising.

The bus conductor collects the fare.
Zubin Mehta is a world famous music conductor.
Wood is a bad conductor of electricity.

An open conduit emitted foul smell.

She took an icecream cone from the shop.

Too much of confection is bad for health.

I bought rasgullas from the confectioner.

The confederacy of developed nations is called G-8.

Ramu and his confederate was arrested for drug peddling.

The confederate states of Soviet State collapsed.

A meeting of confederation of commerce and industry was held in the Capital.

She conferred with her guide before starting the research work.
He was conferred the doctoral degree by the university.

A conference on water resource management was held in our University.

She confessed that she had taken the money.

He made the confession of his crime before the judge.

KPS Menon was Nehrus confidant.

I confide everything to my friend.

I have confidence in our team

He is a confident speaker.

Governments confidential reports are never made public.

We have to do what is right confidently

Sometimes Natures secrets are beyond the confines of human understanding.

His knowledge about the world is confined to books only.

He was held in solitary confinement.
She cried when her confinement approached.

The witnesses confirmed the victims account.
She was Baptized and confirmed at the age of thirteen.

Fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory.

The police confiscated fake passport and fake currencies from the tourist.

The land near our school is under the confiscation of government.

All their property gutted in the conflagration.

His conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post.

The two proposals conflict!

Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers

We conform to the norms of the society.
Their ideas donot conform.

We have to behave in conformity to the norms of the society.

A sudden rise in prices confounded the public.

The child screamed when it confronted a fox.

These questions confuse even the experts

There is lot of confusion about the new tax policy.

The atmosphere in our colony is not congenial for serious studies.

He is suffering from congenital blindness.

They live in a dirty and congested slum.

I reached office late due to traffic congestion.

Sewage from all over the city conglomerated in this big tank.

I congratulated my friend on her success in exam.

A note of congratulation was send to the winners.

Students congregated in the hall for morning prayer.

He is always present in the congregation.

A two-day congress of opthamologists was held in the city.

The sentence is scarcely congruent with his crime.
Draw congruent triangles.

Pine is a conifer.

Pine is a coniferous tree.

Pine trees are conic shaped.

Sometimes weather conjectures become true.

Most of the weather predictions are conjectured.

We should be aware of our conjugal rights and duties.

I like to see the sky full of conjuction of stars.
`butis a conjuction.

The magician conjures before unfolding the trick.

Can you connect the two loudspeakers?

The connection between the wire and loudspeaker got disjointed.
She is an Indian but has American connection.
He has powerful connections.

The smugglers worked in connivance with the police.

The boys parents connived his bad habits.
The smugglers connived with the police.

Hes no connoisseur of art,he only shows off.

A word may connote various meanings.

Alexander the Great set out to conquer the world.

Alexander was a great conqueror.

In ancient times the rulers spent most of their life in conquest of territories.

He has no conscience about his cruelty

He was a conscientious student in schoo.

He made a conscious effort to speak more slowly.
Young boys and girls are more conscious of their looks.
People in India are very much politically conscious.
His going to Delhi was a conscious move.

He lost consciousness while working.

The state of Israel practices the law of conscript.

Israel follows the system of conscription.

Homi Jehangir Babha led a life consecrated to science

Homi Jehangir Babha consecrated his life to science.

The company sent him consecutive reminders but he didnt report.

He consecutively won all his matches.

A coalition government has to work in consenses.

I married with the consent of my parents.

My parents consented with my desire to marry the man of my choice.

The long-term consequences of smoking is hazardous.
If is is of no consequence then dont do it.

The govt. should anticipate the consequent need for military preparedness

She met with an accident and suffered a consequential loss of eyesight.

She met with an accident and consequently lost her eyesight.

She comes from a conservative family.

I like the conserve of gooseberries.

Wild life should be conserved.

They considered the possibility of a strike.
Your application is being considered.
His name is being considred for this post.
He stood considering the lake.

A considerable quantity of manpower is required to do this work.

Today is considerrably hot.

He is a considerate friend of mine.

He showed no consideration for her feelings

She has done very well in exams considering her illness.

In Hinduism the dead body is consigned to flames.

A ship consisting of consignment of oil was pirated.

Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

Steffi Graf always had consistency in her game.
Mix the flour with water to have consistency.

Steffi Graf had been very consistent in her game.

His presence was a consolation to her

He consoled her when her father passed away.

The companies consolidated their hold in the Indian market.

Multinational companies are trying for the consolidation of their hold in the
Indian market.

The sultans had many consorts.
An orchestra by famous consort of the city came to our campus.

Their son has been consorting with drug-addicts for quite sometime.

An Indo-French consortium of writers met yesterday in Taj hotel.

The conspicuous tower couldnt be captured in the camera.

The Army suspects the bomb blasts to be the conspiracy of ISI.

Conspirators are tortured to death.

They conspired to overthrow the government

Mallesh is a constable in AP police.

There was a parade by constabulary on the occasion of Police Day.

The automatic heater maintained a constant temperature in the room.

Pressure in the container remains constant.
This route is in constant use.
My pet dog has been my constant companion.

`Great Bearis a constellation.

The super cyclone in Orissa filled the entire nation with consternation.

Mohan is suffering from constipation.

Every constituency needs tight security.

Elections for the constituent assembly will be held next week.
That building is just a constituent part of the university.

Females constitute major part of the population in Kerala.
The government has constituted a committee to look in to the causes of the accident.

All the members should follow the constitution of this institute.
His elder brother is having a weak constitution.

Constitutional amendments cannot be done easily.
He is irregular in his work due to constitutional weakness.

We go for a constitutional after dinner.

The factorys work has been constrained due to workers strike.
She felt constrained to point out her husbands mistakes.

There is constraint of time for learning something new.
The workers worked for low wages under constraint.
She was constraint in her dealings with her guests.

AA new building has been constructed in our campus.

The new hostel is under construction.

Research work is a kind of constructive work.

Vehicle constructors have demanded a hike in their wages.

His statements were wrongly construed.

He approached the consul to sort out some visa problem.

He was suspended for neglecting consular duties.

India opened its consulate in Sechells recently.

You should consult the dictionary

The client has to go for consultations with his lawyer frequently.

The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy

Consumer is a king in a capitalist market.

Salvador Dali was a consummate artist

He consummated his lifes ambition at the age of 30.

He had the consummation of his lifes ambition at the age of 30.

The consumption of electricity in villages has shown an upward trend.
The English poet John Keats died of consumption.
They kept in daily contact
Her fingers came in contact with the light switch
litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid
he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor.
the pilot made contact with the base.
they forget to solder the contacts.

A contagion of viral fever spreaded through her family.

Tuberculosis is a contagious disease.

This book contains 100 fairy tales.
How much milk can this vessel contain?
Contain your anger.
The college governing body contained twelve members.
२४ contains 6

The containment of radioactive leak should be brought under control.

Socrates was contained throughout his trial.

You can carry food in air tight container.

House flies contaminate food.

In modern age environmental contaminants are increasing day by day.

Sometimes infections caused by the contamination of milk.

You can give a few minutes in the entire day,to sit and contemplate.
I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job

She sat there deep in contemplation.

contemporary (or modern) trends in design are very much popular.
contemporary leaders are more active and trustworthy.

He and my mother were contemporaries at college.

A terrorist should be held in contempt.

Her contemptible behavior with every one shows her inefficiency.

His contemptuous attitude with his wife shows his uneducatedness.

"contempt of court","N","1.न्यायालयकेआदेशकीअवहेलना"
He was jailed for contempt of court.

He contended that Communism had no future.
She is contending for the prize.

Thirty contenders are there for Miss.A.P.contest.

He is living in peace and content.
He emptied the contents of his pockets
Food with high calorie fat content is not good for health.
She didnt read the article that is why she is unaware of its contents.
The content of your essay is excellent, but it is not well written.

These worldly things do not content me.
There is no butter today,so we must content ourselves with dry bread.

She is leading a contented life.
Are you content with your present job?

Contentment is better than wealth.

This is no occasion for contention.
She faced a series of defeat in the contention.
My contention is that you misunderstood the facts.

The authors recent book has become contentious.
A central and contentious element of the book

Her daughter has won the dance contest.
There was a tough contest for the leadership.

They contested for the post of speaker in the parliament.
His step brother contested for his right in the property.

Try to guess the meaning of the word from the context.
He was forced to say so in that context.

Contextual clues can help you to find the meaning of the preisi.

Contiguous bad events in her life,broke her down completely.

He is able to control on his continent desires.

There are seven continents.

The continental divide in United States is worthseeing.

She should be prepare herself for any contingency.

They had to plan for contingent expenses
The results of confession were not contingent, they were certain

Each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics
He peace-keeping force includes one British contingent

the continual banging of the shutters is unbearable.

He complained continually that there wasnt enough money.

During the continuance of the World War2,he went to Japan.

In continuation of my previous letter,he replied back.
Continuation of match after the tea break was not possible because of rain.

We cannot continue several servants any longer
We continued our research into the cause of the illness
The demonstration continued after a break for lunch
The bad weather continued for two more weeks

We must ensure continuity of sugar supplies to the public.
Her speech lacks continuity,she keeps jumping from one topic to another.

A continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light.

Historians see the past,the present,and the future as forming the some kind of continuum.

Her face contorted due to severe pain.

Contorted aerial roots of Baniyan tree spreads in wide area.

Gymnast has performed a several yoga contortions.

Sculpturist has made the smooth contours of a sculpture.
A road map of A.P.shows several contours.

The neatly contoured lines of her new house shows its clear structure.

The contraband trade of drugs should be banned strictly.

Nowadays so many contraception methods are prevalent in our country.

Oral contraceptives are very common among ladies.

Do not sign a contract until you have read its rule thoroughly.
She has agreed salary terms and is ready to sign a contract.

Metals contract as they become cool.
,Do notis contracted to Dont
She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage.
Bad habits of stealing contracted in his youth.

The contraction of a gas on cooling

Our colony built by a private contractor.

Contractual documents signed by both parties in the presence of lawyer.

The medical reports contradict each other.
Her style of life contradicts her moral principles.
Arent you contradicting what you said before?

The statement `he is brave and he is not brave is a contradiction.
He spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction.
Its a contradiction to say you love animals and yet go for hunting.

,perfect and `imperfect are contradictory terms.

Acts contrary to our code of ethics
`hot and `cold are contrary terms

There is a remarkable contrast between the twins.
The contrast of light and dark shade counts a lot in painting.

His deeds contrasted sharply with his promises.
It is intresting to contrast the two singers.

You are contravening the TADA,act.

There was a small contretemps on the way while coming back.

His work has contributed new information on a difficult problem.
You should contribute old clothes for the victims of flood.
Contribute some money to the charity collection.
The chairman encouraged everyone to contribute to the discussion.
She contributes small poems regularly to her school magazine.

I am proud of my contribution to the teams success.
He expected his contribution to be repaid with interest.
I have paid a monthly contribution of Rupees hundred.
The editor has received extra contributions for the next issue.

Nowadays petrol mixed with kerosine is a major contributor to pollution.

A contributory pension scheme is good for employee.

He looked contrite after hearing the sad news of his father.

The tears of contrition were rolling down from her eyes.

The contrivance of Bank robbery could not materialize.
There is a beautiful contrivance for cutting curved shapes.

He can contrive a means of escape from the prison.
They contrived to murder their boss.

A contrived news about her missing intended to mislead her family.

Measures for the control of disease
The control of the mob by the police was admirable
The timing and control of his movements were unimpaired
The control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw
The speed control on his turntable was not working properly
They wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls

Control the budget
Are you controlling for the temperature?
Control an account
Do you control these data?

Drugs can make epileptic patients controllable.

He remained calm and controlled during judicial trial.

He is working as an air traffic controller.

The issue of the death penalty is highly controversial.

His appointment as vice-chancellor aroused a lot of controversy.

He controverted the allegations,that he is guilty.

She got contusion due to fatal fall.

He could not solve even single conundrum asked by his friend.


After typhoid,the child is convalescing

She spent the period of her convalescence at Shimla.

Convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed

Water gets heated due to convection currents.

She uses convector during winter season.

The council convened last week.
The students were convened in the auditorium.

The council convened last week
The students were convened in the auditorium

Chairs arranged for his own convenience
They offered the convenience of an installment plan

A convenient excuse for not going
It will be convenient to you to go by taxi.
Our place is convenient to all transportation.

She will finish this work very conveniniently within an hour.

In most of the convent school teaching staff are nuns.

"convention","N","1.सम्मेलन" is going to hold its political convention about the present crises in the party.
We are bound to accept our social conventions.

He is very much conventional in his ideas.
Many conventional power plants are there in our country.
A conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white.

The lines converge at this point.
The crowd converged on the movie star.
Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power.

Convergence rays converge at infinity.

Convergent opinions of two people never agree on one point.

She should be fully conversant with the traffic rules.
Conversant with business trends

Their conversation centered around the rising prices.

You should adopt a conversational style.

`parental and `filial are converse terms.
Her parents hold converse views.

She thinks shes attractive to boys,though in fact converse is the case.

What were you conversing with that boy.
I conversed with the co-traveller on various topics.

Conversely, not all women are mothers.

Conversion to gas central heating will save you a lot of money.
Her conversion to christianity is critisized by everyone.

She converts to the Jewish Faith.

(phy.)A device for converting alternating current to ditect current or vice-versa.

We converted from 220 to 11.Volt
Could you convert my dollars into pounds?
Convert lead into gold
The substance converts to an acid
She converted to Buddhism

Euro is convertible to all currencies.
She prefers a convertible sofa.

With a curved surface like the outside the ball,eg.a convex lens/mirror.

This train conveys both passengers and goods.
Please convey my good wishes to her.
The important message conveyed by radio and T.V.
Convey the news to everyone

Trains are the largest conveyors of passenger traffic in our countrey.

Nowadays for public conyeyance tempos are very much in demand.
The conveyance of goods by rail is very common in our country.
The conveyance should be signed by both the parties in front of lawyer.

He is a rape convict.

He was convicted of double murder.
There wasnt enough evidence to convict her.

His conviction shocked all of us.
I speak in the full conviction that he is innocent.

He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product
I am convinced of her sincerity.

Her coach was pleased by her convincing victory.
Her arguments were convincing.

She has spend her whole evening in convivial atmosphere.

Her university will arrange its first convocation next year.

C.M.convoked parliament for some emergency issues.

The convoy of armed troops reached safely.


The comedian convulsed the crowd

The play was so funny that audience were all in convulsions.

The mother who held her baby was cooing softly

She is a very good cook.

My husband doesnt cook.
These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes.
His accountant cooked up the financial records.

He does all the cooking by himself.

She doesnt like pressure cooker for cooking food.

She has done a cookery course.

"cookery book","N","1.पाककलाकीपुस्तक"
Recently she has bought a cookery book,for baking dishes.

We enjoy cookhouse food,while camping.

My brother loves to eat peanut butter cookies.

Cookware from Jermany are life long lasting.

I am enjoying a cool autumn day.
Cool greens and blues and violets
She has a cool head.
He was given a cool reception.
Her relations with her boss were cool and polite
He speaks cool lies intentionally.
The bike cost me a cool fifty thousand.
He made a cool appraisal of all the issues in the dispute
Its not cool to arrive at a party too early

She likes the pleasant cool of early morning.
He kept him cool while everyone else panicked due to fire in the building.

His enthusiasm cooled considerably

A swim in the pool should cool you(down)
Cool down, do not be so angry.

Replace the coolant from the engine.

Keep all soft drink bottles for the picnic in a cooler.

Nowadays coolies have also made their union.

She coolly listened to my suggestions.

I appreciate your coolness under these circumstances.

Coons are always very sincere and honest.

Dont keep the chickens in the small coop.

She had been cooped up indoors all day because of her board exams.

He works as a cooper in the factory.

He coopered five drums since morning.

You should cooperate your friends to raise money for flood victims.

Their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission

Our cooperative effort brought the success of such a great event.

A line passing through (x,y) coordinate.
She always coordinates her clothes with her shoes and jewellery.

"coordinate clause","N","1.संयुक्त वाक्य/समानाधिकरण"
Each of two or more clauses in a sentence that make separate parallel statements have similar patterns and are joined by and,o
र् बुत्,एत्च्. अरे चोओर्दिनते च्लउसेस्.

Party workers were asked to coordinate the election campaign.
Coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers

Her plan for annual day function was not very well co,ordinated.

Her arms moved in prefect co-ordination.
Construction work of fly-overs was taken by the coordination with M.C.H.dept.

He is the coordinator of public examinations.

Coots dont migrate from one place to another.

He is a sincere cop.

He was copped for stealing.
The heavy rain missed the south altogether but the north copped a lot.

He always wears synthetic cope.

I know how to cope with difficult problems.

His copilot is very cooperative and intelligent.

They have constructed a strong coping wall on all the sides.

Plants need copious sunshine.
She took copious notes.

Copper is a brown red metal.

Coppery vessels are good conductor of heat.

She is a strict copper woman.

Her house is surrounded by huge copse.

A type of verb that connects a subject with its complements,eg.Ram became ill,the verb becameis a copula.

Wall lizards copulate during summer season.

In amphibians copulation takes place during rainy season.
He ordered for two copies of her photograph.

The teacher told the students to copy all the points written on the board.

She is a copycat so she doesnt have a style of her own.

Mr. Anand is a copyist for, he always copies notes from others.

He took permission to publish copyright material.

Company took advance money to copyright her poems and songs.

Copywriters write catchy slogans.

Cor! Look at him,how he is acting.

Let us cross the river with the help of coracle.

He presented a necklace made of corals.

She was dancing in coral coloured dress.

"corbel","N","1.टोडा" #दीवारसेनिकलाहुआवहभागजोऊपरकेहिस्सेकोसहारादे
Corbels support parapet.

He tied a cord around his luggage.
Bring two bundels of cord.

They gave us a cordial reception.

They served pineapple juice cordial.

They greeted me with genuine cordiality.

An explosion took place while transporting cordite,bombs,arms and explosive.

The crowds broke through the police cordon.
In our garden, there are few cordons.

"cordon off","PhrV","1.घेरा"
The area was cordoned off because of the bomb scare.

He was wearing corduroy jacket.

Do not eat the apple core.
His core belief is that love never dies.


Children love to play with corgi.

Salad was decorated with coriander.

The Grand Prix champion opened the cork of the champagne bottle.

It was his first achievement in cricket and an absolute corker.

The cocks were removed from the bottle with the help of corkscrew.

Farmer collected all the corms from the plants to sow it next year.

She took few snaps of cormorant birds while she was travelling in the ship.

Corn field is ready for cut.

"corn circle","N","1.फसलकाघेरा"
All unwanted grass were removed from the corn circle.

Corns are collected from the corn-cobs.

"corn exchange","N","1.वहस्थानजहामकईबेचाजाताहै"
He purchased two tons of maize from the corn exchange.

"corn pone","N","1.मकईकीरोटी"
She takes corn pone for breakfast.

The doctor gave an ointment to rub on the corn.

"cornea","N","1.कार्निया" #आखकीपुतलीकीरक्षाकरनेवालासफेदसख्तभाग
She keeps her corneas clean.

"corned beef","N","1.नमकलगाकररखाहुआगोश्त"
He bought a tin of corned beef.

I like to wear cornelian brooches.

A piano was kept in one corner of the room.
Too much of lying ended him into a corner.
She tried to hide herself in the corner of the city.

The students question cornered the teacher.
The Jhaveries cornered the gold market.

"corner shop","N","1.छोटीसीदुकान"
She bought goods from the corner shop.

A huge building was built on the cornerstones of stone pillars.
Gandhiji fought for freedom on the cornerstone of non-violence.

He played the cornet in a band.
He finished his cornet ice cream.

He had cornflakes for breakfast.

She was ready to prepare cornflour bread for her children.

She collected few cornflower plants.

They gave beautiful two step cornice at parapet wall.

"cornish pasty","N","1.खानेकासामानजिसमेंपेस्ट्रीभराहौ"
Her children love to eat cornish pasties.

The universe is a cornucopia of galaxy.

Few corny books are there in our library.

Blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love.

Most of the astronomers and the people were ready to see the corona.

A patient of coronary heart disease was admitted in coronary care unit.

"coronary artery","N","1.हृदयतकरक्तपहुचानेवाला"
His coronary arteries are damaged.

The princes coronation will take place tommorrow.

He is the coroner of the leaders death.

As a top goal-scorer he was presented with coronet.
The chief guest was given a warm welcome with coronet.

They received hundreds of application for the post of corporal.

Gandhiji was against corporal punishment.

Tommorrow is the day for corporate election.

Loans were given to the poor by the urban development corporation.

Teacher asked the students to bring corporeal needs to the picnic.

The northern corps was send for combing operation.
The singers corps were given a warm reception.

The corpse was brought to the hospital for postmortem.

His corpulent body does not allow him to run fast.

The entire corpus of Kalidass works is in our library.

The white blood corpuscles fights the antibodies.

The injured horse was sent back to the corral.

The cattle was corraled under the shed as it was raining.

He gave correct answers to all the questions in the exam.

Teacher was correcting the answers of the students.

She submitted her notes to the teacher for correction.

Government took corrective action against the criminals.

Doctor keeps corrective records of the patient.

This line is correlating with other two parallel lines.

Theres no correlation between metal and non-metal.

Her motive for life corresponds with her fathers.
They have been corresponding each other for years.

Draw two corresponding lines.
There is little correspondence between dreams and reality.
All my official correspondence is done by my secretary.

A BBC correspondent was killed in an accident.
My friend is a poor correspondent.

Some people were having tea on the corridor.

Witnesses corroborated her accident.

In corroboration of her accident she produced written statements of witness-

She produced a corroborative evidence of her innocence before the court.

The acid corroded the metal.

Unpainted metals have chances of corrosion.

Corrosive metals should be painted.

They used corrugated cardboards for packing goods.

Mohan is a highly corrupt officer.
I hate their corrupt industry.
That movie was a corrupt form of Howthornes novel `The Scarlet Letter.

Violent and vulgar movies corrupt childrens mind.

There is rampant corruption in government offices.

She wore a dark corset inside a light gown.

Many people joined the leaders funeral cortege.

She went for cosmetic surgery after she suffered from burns.

I avoid using cosmetics.

There is a cosmic power acting in the universe.
The supercyclone in Orissa was a disaster of cosmic proportion.

Carl Sagan is an expert in cosmology.

Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city.
He has a cosmopolitan attitude.

I saw a documentary on the cosmos.

His mother cosseted him .

The cost of oil has increased.

These shoes cost $100
This mistake cost him his job.

This years budget seems to be cost-benefit.

Industries are emphasising on efficiency and cost-cutting.

He closed down his factory because it wasnt cost-effective.

The movie`Taal co-starred Anil Kapoor.

Books have become very costly nowadays.

In spite of the heat he insisted on wearing his woollen costume.

She sat in a cosy bed.

She was lying cosily in the bed.

In summer we put the cot outside under the tree.
I rocked the cot for the infant to fall asleep.

A coterie of friends sat under the tree.

We have a cottage in our farm.

India has an ideal climate for the growth of cotton.
Dresses of cotton is good for summer.

Her child slept on the couch.

"couch potato","N","1.टी.वीदेखतेहुएघरपरसमयबितानेवालाव्यक्ति"
My son is like a couch potato.

Her letter was couched in insolent language.
A cow couched on a grassy field.

Her son has developed a dry cough.

The smoker coughs all day.

Could I borrow some money from you?
I wish,I could help you in your crises.

Please dont remove coulter from the plough.

Teachers have constituted a students council.

She is a councillor.

They have arranged an emergency meeting in council-chamber.

"council estate","N","1.परिषदद्वाराबनायागयाघर"
A new council-estate has come up in the outskirt of the city.

You must listen to the counsel of your parents.

He is a psychiatrist,who counsels drug addicts.

P.R.O. has opened a student counselling centre.

Before opting for divorce, you should see a marriage counsellor.

The food rich in fat will boost the calorie count.
His father is a count.
The judge said to the criminal,"The counts against you are many".

Can you count the books on your shelf?
The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members.
I can count on my friends during.

The countdown was stopped with only five minutes to go.
The countdown begins at the end of October for the Siberian Cranes to arrive
at Bharatpur.

She has a pleasant countenance.
His boss would never give countenance to such a stupid plan.

Never countenance a fraud.

Dont act counter to her wishes.

Our governments Economic polices are running counter to their plan.

All opposition parties countered the budget of 2000.

Go to the teller counter.
Japanese always use special counter for counting.

We can counteract the effects of poison.

For the sake of my classmates,it was necessary to launch some
sort of counter-attack.

Indian forces counter-attacked the enemy.

An additional battalion was sent as a counterbalance to the enemy forces.

An additional battalion was sent to counterbalance the enemy forces.

His article was a counterblast to his critics.

The accused filed a counter-claim in the high court.

A large amount of counterfeit notes have been found from the visitor.

Some anti-social elements have put counterfeit ballot papers into the ballot box.
It is a crime to counterfeit notes.

You should always keep counterfoils of your cheque.

Our counter-intelligence service is combating I.S.I.activities.

The election was countermanded by the death of a candidate.

Strong countermeasures have been taken by the people against thefts
in our colony.

Give this dirty counterpane to laundry.

The Indian Foreign Minister met his Japanese counterpart in Tokyo last week.

The melodies are played in counterpoint.

Increase in population growth will be counter-productive for our country.

Students union staged a counter-revolution against the administration.

"counter-revolutionary","N","1.क्रान्ति विरोधी"
Some counter-revolutionaries are kept under house arrest.

All cheques must be countersigned by the Manager.

His voice is like a counter-tenor of a female.

Contervailing force was sent to contain the enemy.

She is the richest countess.

She has told the story countless times.

His countrified behaviour gives a very bad impression.

India is my country.
They spent a week in a country cottage.

"country club","N","1.एकप्रकारकाक्लब"
His friends play billiards in the country club daily.

"country dance","N","1.लोक-नृत्य"
Rajasthani country dance is famous for its ethnicity .

IGNOU conducts country-wide classes.

He started his business abroad with his fellow countryman.
Thousands of countrymen came to see our C.M.

She likes the greenery of countryside.

A play ground was booked by county cricket team.

"county clerk","N","1.प्रदेशक्लर्क"
County clerk was arrested on corruption charges.

"county council","N","1.प्रदेशकाशासनपरिषद्"
All members of county council are rewarded for their good work.

"county court","N","1.स्थानीयन्यायालय"
A case was solved by county court.

"county town","N","1.काउण्टीप्रशासनकाअधिष्ठानकेद्र"
A new administrative building is being build at county town.

The Prime Minister was afraid of a military coup.
The takeover of a multinational company was a brilliant coup.

Newly married couple went to the hill station in beautiful red coupe.

A young married couple from Chicago are staying in that house.
Hes coming for a couple of days.

The bad light, coupled with ugly sound of the mike,spoiled the show.

The concert was a rare coupling of Indian and Western classical music.

Kabirdas couplets inspire me a lot.

She got two food coupons.

He was rewarded for showing great courage in the battle.

He was awarded with gold medal for his courageous work.

Indian soldiers fought courageously in the battle.

We made salads of courgette.

The letter can be sent through a courier.

He took a course in basket weaving
The course had only nine holes
The government took a firm course
If you persist in that course you will surely fail
The river takes a southern course
A course of bricks.

The river coursed down the hill.

The king will visit the dukes court
Television cameras were admitted in the courtroom
The house was built around an inner court
Pay court to the emperor
Players had to reserve a court in advance.

John is courting Mary
We were courting for over ten years

If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world

Show courtesy towards your elders.

A courtly gentleman

Its was a brief and intense courtship.

All her cousins had come for the wedding.
They did boating in the cove.

He did not keep his covenant to give charity to the orphanage.
She was forced to sign the covenant.

The computer was covered with a plastic cover.
The desert didnot give any cover to the troops.
He forgot to past a postage stamp on the cover.
He pulled the cover over his head and went off to sleep.
The notebook had a brown cover.
He took a policy that gives extra cover against theft.

She covered her face with her hands.
The grass covered the grave.
The grant doesnt cover my salary.
The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day.
The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House
The insurance wont cover the colossal loss of property.
She is covering for our secretary who is ill.

The CNN brought an extensive coverage of the hijack drama.

The coverlet has a crochet design

The army should keep track of covert actions by the forign espionage agencies.

The fox went into the covert.

The thief watched their movements covertly.

She covets her sisters house.
Dont covet others wealth

He has covetous plans to grab his fathers wealth.

His brother took all his wealth covetously

Cow is a domestic animal.

Cow-pat is used as a conventional energy

He was cowed by the rowdies to surrender his possessions.
The industrialist was cowed by a criminal

"cowed","Adj","1.डरा हुआ"
She feels cowed and diffident

Cowards cannot be recruited in the army.

The boys were accused of cowardice.

It was cowardly of boys for not saving their drowning friend.

Cowboys ride horses.

The child cowered away as she raised her hand.

The cowhand is taking his herds towards the hill

The purse is made of cowhide.

The monks cover their head with cowl.

The mechanic left the cowling of the aircraft open.

Cowslips have yellow flowers.

Cowrie was used as money in parts of Asia

The cowshed was stinking of cowdung.
Cows are in the cowshed

The cox encouraged the rowers to increase the speed in the boat race.

His coy bride was reluctant to show her face.

A coyote is wandering in the forest

They gave a cosy welcome to the invitees

he caught a crab and lost the race

She makes very delicious crab-apple jelly.

No one can read his crabbed handwriting.

She got fed-up with his crabby nature.

He opened the window a crack
The crack of a whip,could be heard from my house.
She is a crack.
There was a loud crack of thunder in the night.
She fell down and got a crack on the head.
Crack is now freely available in India also.

The glass cracked when it was heated
The child fell on the ground and cracked her bone.
Her lips were dry and cracked.
She cracked her head on the wall.
The hunters rifle cracked and the fox fell dead.
Loud crying cracked her voice.
The lawyer questioned her for three hours and she finally cracked.
The teacher cracked the child with a stick.
Our new computer game is a tricky one,but my son finally cracked it.
She is very good at cracking jokes.

My children love to eat crackers with cheese.
Children should use crackers very carefully.

My friends son is a real crackerjack in all subjects.

My Rice Crispies crackled in the bowl
The blazing sun crackled the desert sand

He was taught from the cradle never to cry

He cradles the child in his arms
He cradled the infant in his arms

Traditional crafts of Kerala and Orissa are famous for their intricacy.
The goldsmith works with great craft.
Whatever she has achieved in her life is by craft and guile only.
The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.

As an actor he was a consummate craftsman

Her father is a crafty politician.

Some beaches of Goa have craggy coastline

Dont cram books into the suitcase

He passed after just one months cramming.

After writing for two hours,he started to get cramp in his hand.

All these difficulties cramped his progress.

"crampon","N","1.काटा" #स्कीइंगकेलिएधातुकीप्लेटजूतेपरपहननेकेलिए
She does skiing perfectly,with her new crampons.

Her mother kooked roasted turkey without cranberry jelly.

Cranes have long legs and long necks.
Cranes can move and lift very heavy weights.

Crane your neck forward so you could get a better look.

The pedals of a bicycle are attached to a crank.
her husband is a health-food crank.

"cranky","Adj","1.ढईला "
Cranky old engine of her car makes too much noise.

Her bed room walls are full of crannies.

Her dog use to crap on every bodys lawn.

Even teachers got fed-up with her crap.

The crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever

The branch crashed down on my car
The car crashed through the glass door
The plane crashed into the fields
The terorists crashed the car into the gate of the palace
My sons friends crashed our house last weekend
Lets crash the party!
My computer crashed last night

Please dont waste others time by asking crass questions.

She has bought two crates of cool drinks.

The glassware has been crated.

There was a big crater on the top of the volcano.

Necular tests in Pokhran crated the landscape.

"cravat","N","1.गुलुबन्द" #छोटास्कार्फजोगलेमेंबाधकरशर्टकेअन्दररखतेहैं
He looks handsome after wearing cravet with his new suit.

In my childhood,I craved for my parents attention.
She craved for her husbands life.

The craven fellow turned and ran.

Due to his bad health,he became craven.

The traffic advanced at a crawl
A crawl was all that the injured man could manage

The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed
The wounded soldier crawled into a bunker.
The childs hair was crawing with lice.
The old cheese was crawling with maggots
European children learn the breast stroke;they often dont know how to crawl

Crayfish are found in the river and lakes.

This drawing is made with crayons.

Nowadays there is latest teenage dance craze among children.

He was crazed by the desire for drugs.

Every body is scared of a crazed look in his eyes.

She was crazy about him.
He had a crazy dream
The crowd went crazy
She is crazy about cars and racing

Her bamboo gate creaked open.

Our countrys creaky legal system is known to every body.

The cream of Englands young men were killed in the Great War
She regularly applies the cold cream in winter.

skim cream from the surface of milk

skim cream from the surface of milk

There is a big creamery near her house.

Those creamy translucent pebbles look fabulous.

Crease resistant cloths are very popular nowadays.
A crease on the face is a symptom of old age.
Cricketers they dont play well on out side crease

Please go and make crease on his trouser.

God has created the world.
Her rude behavior created a bad impression.
The company was created 25 years ago
She can easily create a poem;

From its creation the plan was doomed to failure.

Her creative writing power is appriciated by all teachers.

The creator of Walt Disney is died.

German Shepherd a breed of dogs is a ferocious creature.
He was a charming young creature.

She leaves her baby in the creche before going to office.

He gives credence to the gossips.

The new ambassodor of Japan presented his credentials to the President of

completely credible testimony

She has been credibily informed about it.

No credit is given at this shop.
I have a credit balance of Rs.1000.
The bank refused further credit to the factory.
A retired General was the man of highest credit.
She is a credit to her teachers.
The captain takes credit for saving the ship by his skill.

We credited her for saving our jobs
I credit you with saving his life
The Cheetah is generally credited as the worlds fasted animal.
Would you credit it,if she won first prize?
Credit his account with Rs.100.

The students effort on the essay--though not outstanding--was creditable

His creditors are demanding to be paid.

I dont think that firm is creditworthy.


Credulous people rely upon the promises of the leaders.

In our country people of all races,colour,and creed,live in harmony.

The creek dried up every summer.

"creel","N","1.टोकरामछलियोंका "
Fishermen keep all fish in the creel.

The snake crept quietly towards the frog.
My friend crept up and peeked over the window.
Ivy had crept up the wall.

Her creeping disease results in cancer.

Our december creeper blooms in the month of dec.jan.

Her children enjoy watching creepy serials on T.V.

The officers body was cremated with full military honours.

His friends attended Mathews funeral last week.

He has collected the bones from the crematorium.

Its worth to see remanents of crenellated castle.

generally tribal people speak creole.

She has applied creosote to all her wooden furniture.

She looks gorgeous in her beautiful crepe dress.

The anti-dowry camaign reached a crescendo.

The new college building is in crescent shape.


She loves salad with cress.

Pecock with its long crest looks more beautiful.
After her victory in the match,she was on the crest of a wave.
N.C.C.cadets with crest and motto on their caps look very smart.

The river crested last night.

She came back from her house empty-handed and crestfallen.

Why did you open your your mouth in front of the principal,you cretin?

Her new built house got big crevice in one of the wall.

Officers and the crew of the ship are all alert.
He is a member of the Cambridge crew.
The crew of the Rajdhani Express do their duty sincerely.

You can employ a crew for our ship.

Cattles usually eat its fodder from the crib.
She bought a beautiful crib from the emporium for her baby.

She was caught cribbing in the exams.

People play cribbage in the clubs.

She got a crick in the neck.

cricket is an small brown insect.
His son loves to play cricket.

He is a town crier.

Her maid commits crimes by stealing small-small things.

No one can stop his criminal activities.
It is criminal to waste energy.
He takes up only criminal cases.

The locality is full of criminal.

She has crimped the edges of the pie shell.

He became crimson with fury.

The colour of the flower is crimson.



The dog cringed at the sight of a stick.

The accused cringed before the judge.

Her mother got crinkles on her face.

I crinkled the aluminium paper up into a ball.

He sits idle at home like cripples.

Her child got crippled by polio attack.
This measure crippled our efforts.
The accident has crippled her for life.

They went bankrupt during the economic crisis
After the crisis the patient either dies or gets better

crisp potato chips
crisp carrot and celery sticks
Her answer was crisp and clear.
crisp clear nights and frosty mornings

"crisp","VT","1.कुरकुरा बनाना/बटना"
Please crisp the french fries up in the oven.

He would like to take lunch of crispbread and cottage cheese.

She likes criss-cross paterns on clothes.

What are the criteria for selecting the candidate for the job.

She is her best critic.

He looks at every thing with his critical views.
Aparna sens movie has received critical acclaim.
The condition of the patient is very critical.
A critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C--its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure

Stop criticising her,she is more efficient than you.
The paper criticized the new movie

the senator received severe criticism from his opponent
constructive criticism is always appreciated

Dr.Amratya sens book presents a critique of ours economic policies.

Why are you making croaking sound like frog?

Because of his sore throat,he croaked out a few words.

She is expert in crochet work.

She wears crocheted dress on special occasions.

Nowadays potters make multiple designs on crocks.
Why do you want to keep this old crock car in your house.

She has very expensive crockery set.

Crocodile is a large river reptile,having a hard skin,a long tail,and very
big jaws.

"crocodile tears","N","1.मगरमच्छकेआसू"
She shed crocodile tears,when she beat her brother.

Multicoloured crocuses are blooming in her garden nowadays.

He has a croft near new Bombay highway.

She loves to eat croissant in the breakfast.

She is an ugly old woman,creating lots of problems.

Her son spends most of his evenings with his cronies.

That sales girl is a real crook.
His grand father can not walk without crook.
We should drive carefully at deep crook.
Shepherds always keep crooks with them to control the cattles.

Suddenly he crooked my arm.
The servant crooked Rs. 200, from my bag.
When he was about to fix a deal with the party,she crooked it away from him.

crooked country roads

She has crooned her child to sleep.

This land is out of crop.
Main crops of Andhra Pradesh are rice and maize.
This years crop of junior students are very good.

She wanted her hair cropped short
A lot of problems of new admissions cropped up.

She wanted her hair cropped short
The sheep have cropped the grass short.

"crop circle","N","1.खेतकेबीचमेगोलघेराजहाजमीनचपटीहोजातीहै"
There are several theories about how crop circles are formed.

"croquet","N","1.क्राक्वेट" #एकखेलजोलकडईकीगेंदऔरडण्डेसेखेलाजाताहै

He gave her a cross look.
What are you so cross about?
Strong cross winds make it impossible for boats to leave harbour.

The crop regions are marked on the map with a cross{+,x}.
We all have our crosses to bear and to live with it.
A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.
She wears a small golden cross on a chain round her neck.
The cross on which Christ died.

Look before you cross the road.
The river is too deep,we can not cross over.
A new idea crossed her mind.
Two sentences have been crossed out from the paragraph.
We crossed each other on the way.
The trains crossed
She was angry when her plans were crossed.
Let straight lines,AB and CD cross each other at O.
She crossed herself as she passed the church.

She is very good at gymnastics and regularly takes part in crossbar comptetion.

Crossbenches,{a seat}occupied by those members who do not support a particular political party.

Crossbones are present in the skull.

Cross-border activities of ISI agents are increasing day-by-day.

Tribals are still using crossbows for hunting purpose.

By cross-breeding we can produce new varities of plants and flowers.

He has cross-checked his answers by using a calculator.

Organizers have arranged cross-country race for disableds.

Cross-cultural studies of different religion and culture inhances the friend-ship bond.

"cross-current","N","1.क्रॉसकरेन्ट" #नदीयासमुद्रमेंएकदूसरेकोकाटतीपानीकीलहरें
Cross-current of the river decreases the speed of the boats.

Nowadays cross-dressing is very much prevalent among young girls.

The public prosecutor cross-examined the accused in the court.

Cross-eyed boy is born in their family.

To fertilize a plant by using pollen from a different type of plant

Rescuers who went to help the wounded were caught in the crossfire.

cross-hatched markings on the map makes it easier to identify things.

While doing Yoga you should sit cross-legged on the floor.

"crossover","N","1.आर-पारपुलबनाना" planning to construct a crossover bridge on the river.

He has fixed crosspieces on his wooden wall to give it strength.

Cross-ply tyres have greater grip.

Judge cross-questioned the criminal.

She gave me her notes with all cross-references.

We reached to a crossroads.

Cross-sections of the monocot and dicot stems are very clear under microscope.

She has made a beautiful table cloth with cross-stitch.

While crossing the road,we should follow crosswalk.

Strong crosswinds blew her umbrella far away.

A blue flag with a red bands going crosswise from top left to bottom right.

Her grandfather is expert in solving crossword puzzles.

Main crossing at Punja gutta is always busy.

There were grains of sand in the crotch of his clothes.


There is the most crotchety person in our neighbourhood.

He crouched down.

His servant sat crouched in a corner.

Her child is suffering with croup.

In his racing stable,most of the horses have very strong croup.

In one of the night club,croupier always tries to cheat players.

My son doesnt like tomato soup without croutons.

A black bird with a harsh sound.

The cocks crowed all morning.
Her success is not something to crow about.

Their full luggage got shifted from the platform, on crowbar.

A crowd of insects assembled around the flowers
He still hangs out with the same crowd

Now go to your classes,dont crowd here.
Dont crowd me,I will not appoint her as a lecturer.
Tourists crowded the bus.

In summer Shimla is crowded with tourists.

The crown of king Chamarajaudayar is kept in the Mysore museum
Aishwarya Rai got the crown in the beauty contest
Poet Kalidasa gives a vivid description of the crown of Himalayas

"Crown prince","N","1.युवराज"
The coronation of the crown prince took place in Isthanbul

"Crown princess","N","1.युवराज्ञी"
Queen Elizabeth became the queen when young

Queen Elizabeth was crowned when George V died
Kasturirangan was crowned with Padma Vibhushan for his contribution in the
field of space technology
Mountaineer Bachendra Pal crowned the Himalayas with Indian flag
The dentist put a crown on his wisdom tooth

The performance provided the crowning touch to the entertainments

At a crucial moment he rescued me

Raw metals aremelted in the crucible

She has a pendent with crucifix

The students enacted the crucifixion of Jesus christ

She is wearing a chain with a cruciform pendent

Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross

Copper occurs in the crude form as sulphide
The boy made a crude sketch of the portrait

The students left the class crudely

The disheavelled hair of Kity showed crudeness to her colleagues

The crudity of her language offended him

She placed crudites along with sesame sauce on the dining table

Hitler was a cruel man

Do not treat the animals cruelly.

Cruelty to animals is an offence

She placed a cruet on the table

The couple went on a round the world cruise

They went on a long voyage cruising the Indian Ocean
The sprinter cruised past the winning post

A cruiser was hit by a missile

"cabin cruiser","N","1.विहारकामोटरबोट"
We reached vivekananda rock in a cabin cruiser

"cruise control","N","1.तेजनियन्त्रंमशीन"
The new motor vehicle has cruise control

"cruise missile","N","1.परिकलकसंचालकक्षेप्यास्त्र"
A cruise missile hit the tank

He was using the crumbs for the pastry

The strawberry crumble is delicious

The houses crumbled due to earthquake
Soviet Union crumbled after the revolution

Most of his works are crummy

The boy is taking crumpet along with tea

Cotton fabrics crumple easily

He bit the appricot with a crunch

The boy was crunching the popcorns
The road roller crunched the gravel
He crunched the data rapidly

I like crunchy potato chips

In the medieval times the crusade began

Gandhi crusaded for non-violence

Many christ went on a crusader in the 16th century

I could not get through the crush in the temple

I crushed the fruits for juice

She gave the beggar a crust of food
The space shuttle landed on the moons crust

Many crustaceans extinguished due to pollutants

The cook garnished a crusty pizza base

The doctor advised her to use crutch

The crux of the matter was solved with great difficulty

The cry of the baby awakened her
Their cry for help has to be heard.

People cry when they are in pain
When the intruder entered her place she cried for help

Liquid nitrogen was kept in the cryogenic storage system

The priest accompanied the man to the crypt

Anand could solve a cryptic puzzle

A message in cryptography was sent to the commander

Quartz is a crystal

"crystal clear","Adj","1.सुस्पष्ट"
His statements were crystal clear

He does crystal gazing in his spare time

Crystalline minerals are found in the mines
A crystal vase on the mantelpiece is beautiful

The sugar was crystallized and then the coconut was added for the cookie

The crystallised pineapples were tinned

A lion is fondling its cub

A cube has six equal square sides
The cube of 4*4*4 is 84

The room is cubic
Volume is experimented in cubic units

There is a cubicle in our dormitory

The artist depicted cubism in his painting

The cubist artist exhibited his paintings

The cuckoo leaves its eggs in the nests of other birds eggs

"cuckoo clock","N","1.कूककरनेवालीघंटाघडी"
He presented a cuckoo clock to his friend

Cucumber is good for health

The baby is longing for his mothers cuddle

Mother was cuddling her baby

He scared the dogs with a cudgel

He is striking the ball with the cue

The tailor stitched a cuff for the shirt

He gave a cuff on his head

The cuisine of the Italian restaurant is excellent

He lived in a quiet cul-de-sac for a long time

The culinary items were bought from the supermarket

Blackbucks are culled by hunters
The girl had to cull the flowers for the bouquet

The mountaineers reached the culmination

The freedom movement culminated in getting independence

She is looking pretty in culottes

The culpable officials were suspended

The culprit was caught red handed

There is a cult of Kapalikas exist in Benaras

Cultivable land should be enriched with fertilizers

Farmers cultivate the lands
We must cultivate good relations with others

She is a cultivated young women

This vast land is under cultivation

The cultivator toils the land
The farmer uses the cultivator to level the ground

Cultural activities are going on in the city

Institutions should be centres of culture
People from different cultures throng here
A sudent is doing the culture of the E-Coli bacteria

He is a cultured man

"culture shock","N","1.सांस्कृतिकधक्का"
She was in a culture shock when she went abroad

An accident took place near the culvert

It is a bedroom cum dining room

It is a cumbersome parcel to carry

Cumin is an Ayurvedic herb which helps in digestion"

He kept a cummerbund for the formal occasion

The businessman put the cumulative money in the bank

The cumulus in the sky shows the arrival of the rain

Cunieform writing was used in the Babylonian civilisation

A cunning person should be kept away

He resorted to cunning when he could not get what he wanted

The broker cunningly took away his money

She dropped the cup on the floor

The girl was holding the berries in her cupped hands

Add two cupfuls of water to the batter

She made cup-cakes for the party

"cup final","N","1.कपविजेताफुटबालखेलमें"
The cup final will decide the winner of a series

Close the cupboard

Cupid is said to be the God of Love

Cupidity should be curbed

Many Buddhist stupas have a structure like cupolas

Leprosy is curable

He is a curacy at a church in windsor

He is a curate to the priest at a church in Chelmsford

The herbs have curative properties

He was appointed as the curator of the museum

The traffic was curbed for the Republic Day

We have to curb the emotions

Curd is good for health

Add curd to curdle the milk

Her cure took three months

The doctors cured him of Blood pleasure

Curfew was imposed for a day in Hyderabad

They have a valuable collection of curios

The boy opened the letter out of curiosity

"curious","Adj","1.जिज्ञासु "
He is curious to know the result
A curious shooting star appeared in the sky

The girl looks pretty with a curl

She curled her hair with rollers

Her curly hair got dishevelled

The beautician is using curler for her hair

Lots of curlews flock in the bird sanctuary

Culing is played in Scotland

He is a curmudgeon who cannot be dealt with

She added currants to the pudding

Currency is the system of money used in the country

Get me a current magazine

Tele-communication has improved currently in our country

"current account","N","1.चालूखाता"
She opened a current in the bank

"current affairs","N","1.सामयिकघटनाए"
Television exposes current affairs of political importance

He had to swim against the current
A sudden fluctuation in the current made the lights fuse

Computer is included in the curriculum at the school

"curriculum vitae","N","1.पेशा"
She sent the curriculum vitae for the job

Curry is spiced with all the ingredients

"curry powder","N","1.मसाला"
She mixed all the spices in the curry powder

The witch put a curse on him

Durvasa cursed Shakuntala

Her cursive handwriting is beautiful

Take the cursor to the right of the computer

Give a cursory look into the matter

She gave a curt reply

A prudent person will curtail his expenditure on unnecessary items

The people agitated due to the curtailment of the essential things

My daughters brought beautiful curtains for our house

Put the curtains on the rings

The play had the curtain-raiser

She has a curvaceous figure

He is suffering from the curvature of the spine

There is a curve in the road

The road curved suddenly to the right

I did embroidery on the cushion

The lady had to cushion her childs seat

The custard with apples is very tasty

"custard pie","N","1.सेकाहुआकस्टार्डव्यंजन"
She gave custard pie to her children

He is the custodian of the students hostel

They left their valuables in safe custody

Customs and rituals are in vogue even today

Custom-built[made॥ओएस् अरे अवइलब्ले इन् थे ॥ओप

It is customary to welcome the guests

A good shop attract customers

He paid customs on the goods

The girl applied medicine to the deep cut
The censor made several cuts in the film

She cut her fingerwith a knife
The gardener cut the grass
His remarks cut him deeply

A cute little babe is sleeping in the crib

Massage the cuticles on your fingers

A cutlass was formerly used by sailors

The chef set the table with cutleries

She made cutlets from mixed vegetables

He was using a pair of cutters to cut the wire

There is cut-throat competition in every field

He took the cutting from the article
Hibiscus cuttings are planted here
We faced the steep cutting in front of us.

"cutting edge","N","1.विकासकीउच्चअवस्था"
The industry is working at the cutting edge of computer technology

You can see cuttlefish in the aquarium

Cyanide is a poisonous chemical compound

Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons
Operate at the speed of 60 cycles per second
He bought a cycle recently

The boy cycled along the road

Cycling is a popular sport in Europe

A cyclist was knocked down by the bus

Recent cyclone in Orissa devastated many crops

The bottle has the shape of a cylinder

Cylindrical columns in Madurai temple give musical notes

The group had a cymbal in the archestra

He is a cynic who criticises everyone

Being synical he found fault with everyone

Cypress is a evergreen tree

He is recovering from the operation of cyst

"cystic fibrosis","N","1.श्वासअवयवमेंसंक्रमण"
Research is going on in cystic fibrosis,a genetic disease

She is suffering from cystitis

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