Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : O

There are two os in the word"colour", whether you spell it the American or the British way.
Our telephone number is five o five, two three one.

O, not again!

"o","Prep","1.का,ऑफ, का संक्षिप्तीकरण"
Children must drink a cup - o - milk in the morning.

Out servent is an oaf.

An oak is valued a lot.

This oar is hundred years old.

--"२.नौकानयन क्रीडआ में किसी संघ का घटक खिलाडई"
The team won because of their expert oarsman.

The camels were looking forward to water at the oasis.
--"२.सुखदायक जगह"
The computer room is an oasis for Bill gates.

A witness takes in oath before giving evidence.
It is bad manners to express anger or surprise through a string of oaths.

Oatmeal porridge is fasty.
--"२.हल्का भूरा रंग"
The oatmeal dress suited her.

In cold climates, horses are fed oats.

Todays yungsters find their elders obdurate.

The circus animals are very obedient.

On 14th November, Indians pay obeisance to chache Nehru.
--"२.आदरपूर्वक आज्ञापालन"
Courtiess followed the Kings wishes with obeisance.
--"३.झुककर सलाम"
The Emperor expected his jester to bow in obeisance.

That town has many beautiful obelisks.

If you are obese, you are none to a least-attack.

"obey","VT","1.आज्ञापालन करना"
He refuses to obey his teachers orders.

"obfuscats","VT","1.समझ के परे करना"
Critics obfuscate poetry.

That obituaiy was not sincere.

She loves to be surrounded by femiliar objects.
--"२.किसी भवना का विषय"
I hate to be obfect of pity to anybody.
His object was to hurt you.
That is an example of an indirect object.

"object lesson","N","1.प्रेरणादायी उदाहरण"
Chandra Babu Naidu wants to provide an object-lesson in the use of computers for efficient governance.

"object","V","1.आपत्ति व्यक्त करना"
I object to his use of indecent language.

You should not have any objection to this wise plan.
What is your objection to my suggestion?

Your remarks are objectionble.

Locke believed in the objeetive perception of reelity.
The objective report was not appreciated.

"object d art","N","1.छोटी सी कामापूर्ण चीज"
The salarjung museum houses many objects d art.

He felt obligated to marry his cousin for property.

You are not under any obligation.
It is your obligation to help your old parents.

It is obligatory to cover your head before you enter a Gurudwara.

"oblige","V","1.मदद करने उपकृत करना"
He would be obliged to help.
--"२.नैतिक नियमों से मजबूर करना"
No law can oblige children to take case of their aged parents.

I am much obliged to you for your timely help.

"obliging","Adj","मदद के लिए तैयार"
Elizabeth-I was a very obliging queen.

The oblique comment was very harmful.
The oblique line is necessary for a goud diagram.
--"३.ऑब्लीकशब्द/अंक में फर्क दिखाने के लिए उपयोजित चिह्न"
Her birth date is 3/1.99

"obliterate","V","1.पूरा बूझा देना/नष्ट करना"
The super cyclone obliterated the Orissa coastline.
--"२.धुधला कर देना"
The smog obliterates the sunrise.

When his wife died, he drank himself into oblivion.
--"२.भूल देना"
No body can rescue him from political oblivion.

She is oblivious to their silly criticism.

Draw a neat blong.

The patch of ground was oblong and unweeded.

"obloquy","N","1.कडई टीका"
The Government faced obloquy due to the hijacking.

There was an obnoxious smell.

"oboe","N","1.ओबोएक वाद्य"
He plays the oboe masterfully.

It was an obscene picture.

"obscenity","N","1.अश्लील/असभ्य वर्तन या शब्द"
Women demand strict laws aganinst obscenity.

"obscuratism","N","1.जानबूझकर अज्ञान का अंधेरा फैलाना"
Every institutionalised religion has elements of obscuratism.

"obscure","Adj","1.समझने में कठिन"
That is an obscure example.
Luther was not an obscuse monk.

"obscure","V","1.बोझत्म कर देना"
Reporters obscure facts.

"obscurity","N","1.अचर्चित होना"
Great artists suffer (in) obscurity in the beginning of their careers.
Charvakas philosophy does not pose many obscurities.
Obscurity helped the thieves.

"obsequies","N","1.मैयत के रीतिरिवाज"
Every community has its own obsequies.

"obsequians","Adj","1.मस्का लगाना"
His obsequians behaniour is nauseating.

Those reactions were easily observable.

"observance","N","1.सामाजिक/धार्मिक/नैतिक रीतिपालन"
Observance of college ruels is necessary.

She is under close observation, Dont worry.
Her observations are very sharp.

The Pune observatry is famous for its accurary.

He observes minutest details.
--"२.रीतिरिवाजओं का पालन करना"
He observes christmas.
--"३.नियमों का पालन करना"
The youth does not observe speed limits.
--"४.अप्ना मत/सोचविचार व्यक्त करना"
,The colour is too gawdy, she observed.

You can not be a detatched observer in this context.
V.P. Singh was an observer at the U.N. meet.

"obsess","V","1.डऊबे रहना"
He is obsessed with with cheap success.

His obsession with his wicked wife is disguesting.

That is a case of obsessional intimation.

"obsessive","Adj","1.जादा ही ग्रस्त"
His obsessive concern with rules and regulations is boring.

Computers make many technological obsolescent.

"Obsolescence","N","1.कम समय चलनेवाली चीज"
Plastic resulted in obsolescence in the real estate sector.

That is an obsolete expression.

His attitude is an obstacle in the process of a peaceful solution to the problem.

"obstacle race","N","1.एक तरह की दौड"
Life is an obstacle race.

"obstetrics","N","1.प्रसूति शास्त्र"
He is superb at obstetrics.

Dr.Desai is a famous obstetrician.

Her obstinacy is irritating.

Adolescents find parents obstinate.

"obstreperous","Adj","1.काबू के परे"
Her children are obstreperous.

"obstrnet","V","1.रोध लगाना"
The protestors obstrneted the delegates entrance.

She can overcame any hope of obstruction.

"obstructionism","N","1.अवरोध की नीति"
Obstructionism is necessary according to the environmentalists.

"obstructive","Adj","1.जानबूझकर अवरोधकारी"
His obstructive behaviour did not disturb her.

"obtain","V","1.प्राप्त करना"
How can I obtain my parents permission?
--"२.अस्तित्व में होना"
These rules do not obtain any longer.

Why do you obtrude your ideas on others?
--"२.दिखाई देना"
Only the tip of an iceberg obstrudes.

The music in the hotel was obtrusive.

Why is so obtuse?

"obtuse angle","N","1.90 से १८० तक बीच में पानेवाला कोण"

The obverse of rudencss is goliteness.

"obviate","V","1.जरूरी न समझना"
The flyover obviates the need to drive at a snails pace.

It is obvious that he hates her.

On rare occassions, she dressed up.
I dont get much occasion to speak German.

"occasion","V","1.निमित्तमात्र होना"
The childs remarks occasioned lots of mirth.

She pays her village occassional visits.

He is kind occasionally.

"occasional table","N","1.बहूपयोगी छोटी सी मेज"
That is an occasinal table. At times it is a writing table, at times a dining table and so on.

The occident looks down upon the oriental behaviour.

This is an occidental way of behaviour.

He believes in occult practices.

The occupants of the train had a miraculous escape.

Please write down on a piece of paper your name, address and occupation.
The Nazi occupation hit france badly.
The new apartment is ready for occupation.

That is an occupational hazard you should be ready to face.

The occupiers of the zopadpatti are occupying the land illegally.

The new flat was occupied immediately.
--"२.कब्जआ करना"
The army occupied the enemys capital.
He occupies a senior position in the firm.
--"४.जरूरत होना"
The bed occupies a huge space.

He fully occupied himself with hacking computer codes.

"occur","V","1.अस्तित्व में होना"
Child a fuse occurs in all the sections of society.
When did the accident occur?
A brilliant idea occured to Newton while watching the apple fall.

Maparia should not be a regular occurrence in the state.

Pacific is the deepest ocear.

That is the way oceanic climate changed.

It is an ocean-going luxury-liner.

"oceanography","N","1.महासागरों का अभ्यास"
He specialises in Oceanography.

"ocelot","N","1.लेटिन अमेरिकन बिल्ला"
They have an ocelot as a pet.

"Och","Interj","1.विस्मयवाचक शब्द"
,Och! I am hurt she said.

It was an ochre flog.
--"२.लाल पीली मिट्टी जिससे रंग बनाये जा सकतें है"
The soil is ochre rich.

I like ochre.

"oclock","Adv","1.समय बताने केलिए"
He came between four and five o clock.

The letter begins,"Oct 12, 2000"

"octagon","N","1.अण्टकोन आकृति"
The flat is an octagbon.

You need on octgayonal coin for the diat-on coin sche one.

"octane","N","1.एकरसायनपेट्रोल की गुणवत्ता बतानेवालाल"
It is high-octane fuel.

"octave","N","1.सूरसप्तक की श्रुटि"
Her voice has on incredigle range of octaves.

"octet","N","1.आठ गायकों का समूह"
It is a famous jazz octet.

The building is in the shape of an octagon.

Ganhiji was born in October.

"octogenerian","N","1.अस्सी से ज्यादा लेकिन नब्बे से कम उम्रवाला"
He is fit though he is an octogenerian.

"octopus","N","1.समुद्रीय जीव"
Do they eat octopus, too"

I suffer from an ocular defeet.

"oculist","N","1.आखों का तज्ञा"
Dr.Joshi is an oculist.

Three is an odd number.

"oddly","Adv","1.अजीब तरह से"
He is behaving very oddly.

The oddity of the situation is apparent.

He wrote many an ode during this period.

She made an odius remark.

The odours coming from the direction were not pleasant.

Lakshman was the brother of Ram.
Some of the students have not appeared for the exams.

He looked a bit off during the ceremony.

The institute is still two kilometers off.

"off","Prep","1.पर से"
He fall off a ladder.

He has been charged with a serious offence.

"offend","VTI","1.अप्रसन्न करना"
Her tactless remark offended me.

The offender was seriously punished.

Ram found his behaviour most offensive.

I am very happy for your kind offer of help.

"offer","VTI","1.प्रदान करना"
The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting

He gave her a diamond ring as a peace offering.

He behaved in a very off-hand manner.

He rented an office in the new building.

He is the officer in charge of the ships engines.

He has official powers to do anything.

He is a government official.

"officially","Adv","1.सरकारी तौर से"
Officially, he is in charge.

"officiate","VI","1.किसी पद पर काम करना"
He has to officiate as head till his boss comes back.

"offing","N","1.निकट भविष्य में"
There was a wedding in the offing.

They put up prices to offset the increased cost of material.

Water gently the tender offshoots.

She had three offsprings from her second wedding.

Its an oft-repeated warning for you.


"ogle","VTI","1.धृष्टता से देखना"
All the boys oggled at her.

Oh, how horrible.

Sunflower oil is good for health.

"oil","VT","1.तेल लगाना"
Oil the wooden surface.

"oil-cloth","N","1.मोम जामा"
Oil-cloth is used as covering for shelves, tables etc..

We have two oil-mills in our town.

My brother is an oilman.

Hers is a oily skin.

He applied ointment for the wound.

She was wearing an old dress.
The old man had to walk a long way to catch the bus.

"old-fashioned","Adj","1.पुरानी चाल का"
My father bought old-fashioned shoes for me.

In olden days people used to travel on foot.


Olives are used for food and for their oils.

"olive-oil","N","1.जऎतून का तेल"

"omen","N","1.शगुन चिह्न"
He looked for an omen before going into battle

Those black clouds are a bit ominous.

She felt for for the ommission.

"omit","VT","1.छोड जाना"
He omitted a piece of work.

"omnibus","N","1.एक प्रकार की यात्री गाडई"
We went to the exhibition in an omnibus.

God is omnipotent.

God is omnipresent.

She talked on for two hours without stopping.

The book is on the table.

The house is on-fire.

The plane is on the wing.

once I ran into her.
once he loved her.

"once-again","Adv","1.एक बार और"
I will tell you how to do it once again.

"once-and-for-all","Adv","1.आखरी बार"
Im warning you once and for all.

I have one nice pen.

They felt a sense of oneness with nature.

He has to do onerous duties.

One has to live for oneself.

Onions have a stong smell and odour.

There were more onlookers at the accident site than the people who would help.

Only he could do such a foolish thing.

He arrived only to find his wife dead.

At the very onset of his speech he started off in a fiery manner.

"onslaught","N","1.भीषण आक्रमण"
Survive an onslaught by enemy forces.

The drink was dripping onto the floor.
His opponents are onto him for his public statements against the.

The onus of wrong-doing falls on her.

"onward","Adj","1.बढते हुए"
They continued the onward march.

The library is open from 7.am onwards.

"onyx","N","1.सुलेमानी पत्थर"
She was wearing an anyx ring on her finger.

Ooze can be found at the bottom of the rivers and lakes.

"ooze","VT","1.चूना/धीरे धीरे बहना"
Some of the toothpaste had oozed out.

"opal","N","1.दूधिया पत्थर"
Her bracelet is made of opal.

The house had opaque glass windows.

Mary opened the car door.
He opened a new business.

The thief escaped through the open gate.
He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.
The matter was discussed and left open for the time being.
He opened a conversation on the issue of animal rights.

"the open","N","1.खुली जगह"
The children love being out in the open.

Please lend me the can opener

There was a small opening between the trees
The opening received good critical reviews
There are few openings in publishing for new graduates

"openly","Adv","1.प्रकट रूप से"
Let us discuss the subject openly.

The openness of her nature attracted everyone to her.

I went to atch the new opera in town.

He is learning dance in the opera-house nearby.

The new machine is not operating properly.
The doctors decided to operate him immediately.

I am very fond of operatic works.

The patient was said to undergo an operation.
That rule is no longer in operation.
It was a joint operation of the navy and air force.

This rule will become operative from next year.

He is an operative and sincere in the factory.

My grandma underwent an opthalmic surgery.

The patient was given opiate for the relief from the pain.


My opinion differs from yours.


They easily defeated their opponents in the game.

This is an opportune place to fix the camp.

My room mate was an opportunist.

Opportunist burglars broke the safety lock.

The holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington.

The senator said he would oppose the bill.

The medicines effect was opposite to that intended.

Hot and cold are opposites.

I sat opposite to him during the meal.

Delegates expressed strong opposition to the proposal.

The poor have always been oppressed.

A tyrants oppression of his people.

Oppresive rules are imposed by the rulers on the people.

He was a well-known opperssor.

A slight difference occured in my right optic nerve.

Micro scopes and telescopes are optical insttruments.

He is doing optics in the medical college.

Be full of optimism for the future.

My friend is a great optimist.

At dinner my option is chapati.
We have a 1.day option on the house.

Sanskrit is my optional subject in the graduation.

We can see oppulent surroundings at the hill view.

Are you coming or not?.

Pay the bill or else we will be thrown out.

My sister is the oracle in investment matters.

For the last some decades the oral tradition has disappeared.

He was administered the drug orally.

Today the sky is of orange color.

Orange is a juicy fruit.

He is a fine orater.

He loved the sound of his own oratory.

He plotted the orbit of the moon.

We have apple orchards in our village.

I enjoyed a good orchestra in the marriage function.

He was ordained in the Church.
The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews.

The hostages went through a terrible ordeal.

Write the names in alphabetical order.
Order ruled in the streets.

The teacher ordered silence.
I need time to order my thoughts.

The class was very orderly.

Put the files in an orderly sequence.

The orderly laid out the generals uniform.

The ordinances of the city council are welcomed by all.

She was quite an ordinary girl.

He behaves quite ordinarily.

The ordinary people will suffer by the price hike.


The ordination was made by the head priest.

The ordnance factory comes in the defence.

Imported metal ores are laid there.

The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department.
The peoples daily is the official organ of the Chinese communist party.

He treats organic diseases.
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds.

Every new organism begins as a single sell.


He was brought in to supervise the organization of a new department.

Can you help me to organize the files?.

Dont go to an orgy.
She went ahead in an orgy of spending before Diwali

These perfumes and spices are from the orient.

All India oriental conference is going on.

He comes from good origins.

The play is original; not an adaptation.

Show the originality in your hard work.

The plan was originally quite different.

A new religious movement originated in that country.

Dont be a originator of that agitation.

Now-a-days the gold ornaments are very costly.

The dress elaborately ornamented with lace was so nice.

The part of the heroin in the film was only ornamental.

The house had a facade full of ornamentation.

The table had an ornate top.

My sister wants to become a good ornithologist.

Some voluntary organisations are trying hard to shelter the orphans.

The foreign delegates visited the government orphanage.

Her ideas were too orthodox.


His ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal is popularity.

The police was sent, ostensibly to bring law and order.

She dresses in a very ostentatious manner.


Ever since I spoke up, my colleagues ostracize me.

Ostrich is a very large African bird.

Ravi and two other men came to my place last night.
Call any other person.
We live the other side of the river.
Give this book to Mohan and keep the others for Ram.

Hameed first lifted the green book to read and then the other.
Of the two options offered first is better than the other.
This place is preferable to any other.

Otter is a small animal that has four webbed legs.

Ouch! the wound hurts me.

You ought to apologize to me.

This ounce of medicine costs one thousand rupees.

Our university has so many departments.

Ours was an unhappy marriage.

We shouldnt blame ourselves for what happenned.

The chief minister ousted the commisoner.


They went out last night.
Ram went to see his friend but he was out.
The truth is out finally.
All the lights were out in the streets.
He was out for more than an hour before the nurses could bring him round.

He walked out of the building with a man in blue coat.

This actor was outed last week.

"outage","N","1.बिजली के बिना कालावधि"
Water could not be pumped up during the outage.

Charles Shobharaj is an out-and-out crook.
The function was an out-and-out success.

"outback","N","1.किनारे से दूर/निर्जन प्रदेश"
The lonely traveller was lost in the outback.

"outbid","V","1.से ज्यादा बोली लगाना"
The millionaire outbid everybody for the rare picassu printing.

"outboard","Adj","1.बाहरीजहाज का"
The gull flew in from the outboard.

"outboard","N","1.बोट के पिछले हिस्से में लगा इंजिन"
The outboard helped them to win the race.

Many outboard trains leave Nampally at 6 p.m..

The super cyclone may lead to an outbreak of water-borne diseases.

"outbuilding","N","1.बाहरी हिस्सा"
The farmhouse has many outbuildings.

The outburst of anger was totally unwarrented.

He married a foreigner. He was outcast by his kith and kin.

He married a foreigner. He was outcast by his kith and kin.

"outclass","V","1.बेहतर होना"
Her performance can rarely be outclassed.

What will be the outcome of the war?
What was the outcome of your meeting with the Board of Directors.

The Hyderabad horizon is boardered with an outcrop.

The public outcry against the murder of innocent girls was tremendous.

In the Internet era, we can not follow outdated working methods.

"outdistance","V","1.निकल जाना"
P.T.Usha outdistanced all her closest competitors.

"outdo","V","1.किसी से ज्यादा बेहतर काम करना"
Wipro has outdone all its competitors in the market.

"outdoor","Adj","1.खुली हवा में"
Tennis is an outdoor game.

"outdoors","Adv","1.घर के बाहर"
Children go and play outdoors.

"outdoors","N","1.गाव का माहौल"
Come to India to enjoy the refreshing outdoors.

The outer layer of skin is made of cells and follicles.
He stays, the address shows, in outer Mangolia.
There is some problem on the outer rim of the front wheel.

"outermost","Adj","1.सबसे ज्यादा केन्द्रावसारी"
Pluto is the outermost planet of our Solar system.

"outer space","N","1.अन्तरिक्ष"
He looks like a creature from the outer space.

"outfall","N","1.प्रवाह का मुख"
The river outfall is getting so dirty as the sewage outfall.

"outfield","N","1.खेलपट्टी से दूर खिलाडई/मैदान का कोन"
A brilliant fielder was moved to the outfield.

"outfielder","N","1.खेलपट्टी से दूर कोने में खैलता खिलाडई"
Azaruddin is not an outfielder.

The courage of the hostages outfaced the cowardice of the hijackers.

"outfight","V","1.से ज्यादा बेहतर लडना"
Prithvi Raj outfought all his enemies.

The skiing outfit requires quite a sym.
He has his own bicycle repair outfit.
The library has a small publishing outfit.

"outfitters","N","1.कपडओं का व्यापारी"
M/S shoppers shops are the outfitters for our organization.

"outflank","V","1.परे हटकर पीछे से हमला करना"
King Shivaji outflanked the Mogul army.
--"२.चौका देनेवाली कृती से आगे बढना"
The Maruti tie-up outflanked all other bids.

There is an illegal outflow of fake currency across the border.

"outfox","V","1.बुद्दू बनाना"
The guerilla outfit outfoxed the army.

Everybody likes her outgoing personality.
--"२.सत्ता छोडनेवाला"
Bill clinton is the outgoing president of the U.S.
Enter the outgoing cell in this register.

What are the company outgoings.

"outgrow","V","1.से बडआ हो जाना"
The expenses have outgrown the income.
--"२.पीछे छोड देना"
She has outgrown her obsession with comics.

The outgrowth of I/T industry is better salaries.

"outgun","V","1.से अधिक सैन्यशक्ति होना"
Nations compete in outgunning each other.

"out house","N","1.मुख्यघरकेबाहरएकछोटाघर"
The poor family had to live in the outhouse.
The outhouse of that chic office is not clean.

The family outing was a pleasure.
--"२.भाग लेना"
The horse finished second on his last outing.

Her dress sense is outlandish.

Robin Hood was an outlaw.

"outlaw","V","1.बहिष्कृत करना"
Hacking should be outlawed.

You require an outlay of $100000 on those machines.

"outlet","N","1.विक्री केन्द्र"
Bajaj has many retail outlets in the A.P..
--"२.विसर्जन केन्द्र"
The pent up anger must find an outlet.

That is an outline map of Maharashtra.

"outline","V","1.रूपरेखा आरेखित करना"
You must outline the important sentences with a marker.

"outlive","V","1.से ज्यादा जीना"
She outlived all her family.

She has a very positive outlook.
--"२.अन्दाजभविष्य के बारें में"
The outlook for this weekend is not something to look forward to.
Computer growth indicates a break outlook for the unemployed.
The house has a beautiful outlook.

The outlying satrllite town is quite comfortable.

The army outmanoeuvred its enemies through smart tactics.

"outmoded","Adj","1.पुराने ढंग का"
Dowry hunting is an outmoded practice.

"outnumber","V","1.से संख्या ज्यादा होना"
The police outnumbered the spectators.

"out-of-date","Adj","1.पुराना और अनुपयोगी"
Fascism is an out-of-date political philosophy.

"outpace","V","1.से तेजई से बढना"
Production has outpaced demand.

Apollo hospital has an efficient outpatient department.

"outperform","V","1.से बेहतर काम करना"
The Singapore economy has outperformed many Western economics.

"outplay","V","1.हरानाअच्छा खेल दिखाकर"
Australia outplayed India in the triangular series.

"outpoint","V","1.ज्यादा प्राप्तांक पाकर हराना"
Mohammad Ali could outpoint any boxer.

The outpost duty is very difficult.

"outpouring","N","1.बहुत ही ज्यादा उत्पादन"
There was an outpouring of suggestions, schemes and ideas in that meeting.

"outpourings","N","1.अत्युत्कट आविष्कार"
Dianas death was the first ever show of British outpourings.

The output of Bajaj is 200 vehicles per day.
That bulb has an output of 200 watts.

"output","V","1.प्रक्षेपण करना"
The computer can output uncountable bytes of information in a second.

The outrage over the ragging incident was very sincere.

"outrage","V","1.प्रक्षुब्ध करना"
The new budget outrages the middle class.

"outrageous","Adj","1.चौंका देनेवाली"
What an outrageous behaviour.

"outrank","V","1.से बेहतर होना"
Agassi outranks all players.

"outre","Adj","1.हक्काबक्का करनेवाला"
That was an outre bikini.


The bomb blast killed the outrider of the president.

Modern ships do not require an outrigger.

"outright","Adj","1.मुह पे बताया गया"
I scolded her outright for her behaviour.
The bomb killed fifty people outright.
She outright denied the charge.

"outrun","V","1.से ज्यादा तेजई से दौडना"
Can a man outrun a car?
--"२.से बहुत जल्दी बढना"
The computer has outrun all traditional industries.

"outsell","V","1.से ज्यादा बिक्री होना"
This model outsells all others.

"outset","N","1.शुरुवात से ही"
Her innocence was obvious from the very outset.

The outside world could not care less.
The outside call costs a lot.
Steffi has an outside chance of returning to competitive tennis.

That job is outside my duty.

The rally was won by an outsider.

"outsize","Adj","1.बडए नाप का"
Larger people may require outsize dresses.

"outsmart","V","1.होशियारी से हासिल करना"
The spy outsmarted all of them.

Her outspoken response made her many enemies.

"outspread","Adj","1.बहुत दूर तक फैला हुआ"
Hyderabad as a metropolitan is really outspread.

ViShwanath Anands outstanding game is amazing.
That is an outstanding problem in that deal.
Lots of outstanding work crowds the daily transactions.

"outstay","V","1.बहुत देर रहना"
The guest outstayed his welcome.

"outstretched","Adj","1.फैलाया हुआ"
The child ran to her mama with her arms outstretched.

"outstrip","V","1.आगे निकल जाना"
Demand is currently outstripping production.

The outtake saved the film.

Keep this letter in the out-tray.

"out-vote","V","1.चुनाव में हराना"
The tamilians outvoted the Andhrites.

Our baggage was lost on the outward journey.

She was terrified. Outwardly she remained calm.

They were bending outwards.

"outweigh","V","1.महत्वपूर्ण साबित होना"
The advantages outeeigh the risks in that venture.

"outwit","V","1.होशियारी से harAnA"
,Deep Blue outwited Light Pink"

"outworn","Adj","1.पुराने ढंग का"
That is an outworn practice in management circles.

"ouzo","N","1.मादक पेय"
Greeks prefer an ouzo.

It was an oval mirror.

The ovaries are the most important organs in the process of reproduction.

"ovarian","Adj","1.बीजकोश सम्बन्धी"
She has overian cyst.

Lata got a standing ovation at Albert Hall.

Take a loaf out of the oven.

"ovenready","Adj","1.भट्टी के लिए उपयुक्त"
Here are the ovenready chickens.

"ovenware","N","1.नीचे गिरा हुआ"
Parrys ovenware is beautiful.

"over","Adv","1.नीचे गिरा हुआ"
Handle the rose carefully. Dont knock it over.
--"२.दूसरी ओर"
Turn the patient over carefully.
He has gone over to France.
--"४.वर्ष से ज्यादा"
Children over fifteen need a full ticket on the journey.
--"५.बचा हुआ"
Is any food left over?
That is all over.
She has called up several times over.

Keep it over the cupboard.
--"२.इस ओर से उस ओर तक"
It is impossible to build a bridge over Brahmaputra.
Snowfall is reported all over the country.
--"४.से ज्यादा"
Over 4 million copies of that book have been sold.
Discuss it over the lunch.
We shall be at Madras over Christmas and the New year.
--"७.कठिनाइया से मुक्त"
It will take her ages to get over the tragedy.
I heard it over the radio.
Nothing could be heard over the traffic din.

"over","N","1.क्रिकेट की ओवर"
That was a wonderful over by Kapil Dev.

That is a warm overcoat.
The overarching bridge connects two main points.
She is overambitious.

"overact","V","1.कृत्रिम अभिनय करना"
MeenakumAri overacted in her films.

The computer industry shows an overall growth.

The doctor was wearing a white overall.

The overarching theme of her writing is the war against injustice.

"overarm","Adj","1.क्रिकेट में बौलिंग की एक शैली"
His overarm bowling is very effective.

"overawe","V","1.पूर्णतप्रभावित करना"
Her beauty overawed him.

"overbalance","V","1.सन्तुलन खोने से गिरना"
He overbalanced on the pole and fell down to the horror of the spectators.

"overbearing","Adj","1.मनमानी करनेवाला"
Geeta is an overbearing woman.

The incident was overblown by the media.
--"२.ज्यादा ही खुला हुआ फूल"
The petals of the overblown rose are falling.

"overboard","Adv","1.पानी में गिरना"
MAny dead bodies were washed overboard the Titanic.

"overbook","V","1.जरूरत से ज्यादा आरक्षण करना"

"overburden","V","1.ज्यादा भोज डआलना"
Children are overburdened with homework.

The overcharge in the goods is very high

The shopkeeper makes a profit by overcharge
The battery got spoilt due to overcharge

People wear overcoat in cold regions

"overcome","VT","1.वशीभूत कर लेना"
She overcame the grief by engaging in work
Anand overcame Kaprov in the chess

"overcompensate","V","1.कमी पूरीकरना"
The loss due to the accident was overcompensated

Vegetables should not be overcooked

They got into a overcrowded bus

Arrangements have been made to check overcrowding in the Kumbh festival

"overdo","VT","1.अति कर देना"
If you try to overdo in your work you may become inefficient
--"२.ज्यादा पका देना
All the nutrients will be lost if you overdo the vegetables

She took an overdose of Aspirin

He overdosed on liquor and became unconscious

"overdraft","N","1.खाते में जमा से अधिकरकमनिकालना"
He took out an overdraft to pay for his car


"overdrawn","Adj","1.बैंकखाते में सेअधिकधननिकालाहुआ"
The banker informed the party that he has overdrawn

He was rather overdressed in that suit

The motorists was on the overdrive to reach the destination
If you overdrive a man working already it will be counter productive

The second installmentfor the refrigerator is overdue

Overeating is not good for health

The teacher overemphasised on the theory paper

I overestimated the amount of provisions wed need for the month

"overestimate","N","1.ज्यादा दाम"
We are expecting fifty people but that may be an overestimate

The picture will become bad if you overexpose

"overexposure","N","1.अधिक अनावरण"
Overexposure of the skin in the sun will damage the cells

"overfishing","N","1.मछलियों का अत्यधिक पकड"
Overfishing will result in the entinction of rare species

The people stopped the overflow of water by constucting bund

"overflow","VTI","1.किनारे से बहनिकलना"
The river overfowed due to inceesant rain

"overfly","V","1.किसी स्थान के ऊपर उडना"
We get noise from the overflying planes

The barricade passed from a new overground route

Overgrown plants should be trimmed

The overgrowth of bushes obstruct the view

He overhang the picture above the cabinet

Overhaul of the car periodically will keep it trouble free

You should overhaul your car engine

"overhead","Adj","1.सिर के ऊपर सेहोनेवाला"
An overhead railway bridge

"overhead","Adv","1.सिर के ऊपर"
Birds fly overhead

"overhead projector","N","1.ओवरहेड प्रोजेक्टर"
The speaker used overhead projector for the talk

"overheads","N","1.ऊपरी खर्च से सम्बन्धित"
We have to reduce our overheads on cooling

She tried to overhear the conversation

The overjoyed parents informed about the event

The stock of nuclear weapons in the world is sufficient for an overkill

The room was overheated

Rajus parents were overjoyed when he got a job

The cyclist made an overland journey to Nepal

The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city
His examinations overlapped with the interview

This is a wooden door overlaid with ivory

The goldsmith gave an overlay of gold over the silver vessel.

He turned the book overleaf to continue with the story

The truck was overloaded with bricks

Children are suffering from overload of information

.चौकसीकरना/ जाचना/२.छोडजाना/३.असावधानीकरना/४.क्षमाकरना"
The judges overlooked minor lapses
Our house is overlooked by our neighbours garden

He is the overlord of the county

The company decided to layoff the workers as the office was overmanned

His book displays over-much talent

We all stayed overnight at our friends place
The singer became popular overnight

Their flight has an overnight stop at Germany


The company overpaid him

The company finally ended up in overpayment

The police overpowered the thief when he showed resistence

The military of the bigger country against the smaller neighbouring
country was overpowering

The film has been greatly overrated

"overreach","VT","1.परे निकलजाना"

Latha overreacts when things go wrong



The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill


The place was overrun by uninvited audience.
The seminar was overrun by ten minutes

He travelled overseas

The superviser takes time to oversee the work of his subordinates

An overseer supervises the work

In spite of his success he was always overshadowed by his boss
The garden is overshadowed by banyan trees

The missile overshot the target

The vehicle violated the traffic rule due to oversight
--"२. निरीक्षण"
The radio oversights the frequencies for broadcast

Popular science articles oversimplify the science principles

This is a gross oversimplification of the facts

He is wearing a oversized coat

The boy overslept and was late for school

Newspapers overstate facts for business reasons

It is overstatement to say that science will solve all problems

Overstock of grains may lead to loss
The zoo became difficult to manage due to overstock

Minister made an overt statement about the bud

The lorry overtook the car
The population may overtake one billion in the coming year

Aurangazeb overthrew his father

Do three hours overtime

The workers are paid extra for working overtime

There was an overtone of sadness in his speech

The balley had the overtures in the beginning
A scene was shot where the hero makes overtures to the heroine

The car overturned and fell into the ditch

Overuse of equipment can lead to their breakdown

The revision provides an overview of the subject

The boy showed overweening confidence in the interview

According to the doctor she is 5 kilos overweight
You will have to pay extra if your luggage is overweight

The guests were overwhelmed by our hospitality

The response was overwhelming for the concert

He became ill from overwork

The teachers overworked the whole day

The government decided to overwrite its loans to farmers

The spy was overwrought by the demands of the job


She owes me $200

Rs.100 is still owing

"owing to","Prep","1.हेतुसे"
All the trains are cancelled owing to heavy rains

Owl is a nocturnal bird

It is her own idea to start a school

He owns a farm in Delhi

"own brand","N","1.नामअंकितहोना"
Roy designs the clothes with his own brand on them

"own goal","N","1.अपनीतरफगोलडालना"
The other team won as Bhasker put the ball in his own goal accidentally

He is the owner of a chain of hotels

The ownership of the land is under dispute

"owner- occupied","Adj","1.मालिककारहना"
Most of the flats in that building are owner-occupied

The owner-occupier spent a lot for the renovation of his house

Ox is used for pulling carts

Oxbridge are ranked as A grade universities in England

"Oxfam","AbbrOxford Commitee for Famine Relief","1.अकालराहतकेलिएऑक्सफओर्डसहायतासमिति"
A programme in aid of Oxfam was held yesterday

Oxide is a compound of oxygen with another substance

Oxygen oxidizes iron to produce rust

Oxyacetylene is a mixture of oxygen and acetylene gas which produces a very hot flame

We need oxygen to live


"oxygen mask","N","1.ऑक्सीजननकआब"
The divers under the sea use oxygen mask

"oxygen tent","N","1.अधिकऑक्सीजनदेनेकाटेन्ट"
The patient is lying under the oxygen tent

Divers search for oysters in the sea

Oyster-catcher is hovering over the sea

In the mornings the fresh air is rich in ozone

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