Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : U

The picture was ugly.

She is suffering from a gastric ulcer.

Chewing betelnut can ulcerate the mouth.

He looks more fat when he wears an ulster.

The ulterior of the house is beautiful.
The ultras had an ulterior motive behind abductions.

Nuclear weapon is the ultimate deterrant.

India issued an ultimatum to Pakistan to stop its aggression.

Ultimately she has to take the decision herself.

Five ultras amongst the ten killed in the violance.

The ultra-violet rays of the sun are harmful.

"umbilical cord","N","1.नाभि"
The umbilical cord is the tube of tissue connecting a baby to its mother before birth.

He took umbrage at the way the media potrayed him.

I use an umbrella to protect myself from rain.
The police worked under the umbrella of the Army during riots.

Dickie Bird was the most revered umpire in cricket.

There are umpteen hotels in Secunderabad.

Some celebrities remain unabashed by public attention.

The cyclone continued unabated in coastal areas.

Dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately.

Ive read the unabridged version of Dickens novels.

Child labour should be unacceptable in our society.

The soloist sang unaccompanied.

For some unaccountable reason,they never came.

Im unaccustomed to wearing sarees.

Her efforts went unacknowledged.

Some North-Indians are unacquainted with South-Indian customs.

Her language is simple and unadorned.

He sells unadulterated ghee.

He leads an unadventurous life.

They seem to be unaffected by war.
She always gives an unaffected smile.

Be unafraid to take risks.

The Indian Army is unaided by modern technology.

The whole day was an unalloyed pleasure.

The laws of the company are unalterable.

The Prime Minister made unambiguous statements regarding price control.

Ram is an unambitious boy.

The decision at the meeting was unanimous.

There was no unanimity in the Indo-Pak meeting.

He went alone and unarmed.

The meeting was postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

He seems to be unaware of the political developments in the country.

Pakistans firing at Kargil took the Indian Army unawares.

The Prime Minister arrived unannounced.

Her dowry case is unanswerable.

The new Chief Minister is unapproachable.

They held each others hands with unashamed delight in the park.

He unashamedly bribed the secretary.

She came to the meeting unasked.

"unasked for","Adj","1.बे-मागा"
People made unasked for contributions to the Defence Fund.

An unassailable stronghold of troops are stationed at the borders.

He is an unassuming person.

He is unattached to any political party.

He left the telephone unattended.

The strike was unavailing.

His sudden demise unbalanced the whole programme.

He fell ill due to unbalanced diet.

The govt. unbarred the production of cigarettes.

Im having an unbearable pain in the stomach.

He is an unbearded man.

Sergie Bubka is unbeatable in the sport of polevault.

He has an unbecoming dressing style.

There was an unbelievable price rise of onions.

Finally her mother unbent and granted them permission .

Unbend the mind from absorbing too much information

Ultimately the workers had to call off the strike due to the unbending
attitude of the authorities.

He has unbiased views on womens rights.

Memories of the past comes unbidden to my mind.

The effect of radiation of atomic bombing in Hiroshima can be seen on unborn

He has unbounded ambitions.

He is suffering from cancer but is unbowed.

He bought an unbreakable flower vase.

Be careful while unbridling the horse!

His unbridled rage made him unpopular among his friends.

The cars passed in an unbroken procession.

Unbuckle your shoes!

I unburden my secrets to my mother.

Its unbusinesslike to arrive late in the meetings.

He unbuttoned his shirt and relaxed.

"uncalled for","Adj","1.अनावश्यक"
The meeting was uncalled for.

He has an uncanny habit of talking to spirits.

She is an uncared-for child in the orphanage.

The unceasing war has taken a heavy toll of life.

The uncensored version of the film was shown.

The unceremonious arrival of the minister was a surprise.

The orphans seem to have an uncertain future.

He was anxious about the uncertainity of outcome of the meeting.

The use of credit continues unchecked.

There are many uncharted islands in the Indian Ocean.

He gave an unchallengeable judgement.

His judgement went unchallenged.

Some unchangeable habits are hard to relinquish.

My decisions remain unchanged.

I cant stick to the unchanging customs of our society.

That behaviour is uncharacteristic of her.

He passed an uncharitable remark on her.
He is uncharitable to beggars.

John is unchristian in his behaviour.

Dont be uncivil to your neighbours.

Uncivilized treatment was meted out to Jewish prisoners by the Nazis.

An unclaimed luggage was lying on the railway platform.

His uncle arrived here yesterday from States.

He wore an unclean shirt .

I am still unclear about my plans.

She has an uncluttered room.

I felt uncomfortable on that chair.

Instances of meningitis are not uncommon in India.

India took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks

The prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination.

The govt. areed to the unconditional surrender by militants.

The accident was unconnected with the procession on the road.

I take unconscionable time to take bath.

She lay unconscious on the floor.
He is unconscious of the new calamity at home.

Communalism in India is totally unconstitutional.

Im having an uncontrollable pain in the stomach.

There has been an uncontrolled influx of immigrants from Bangladesh.

All his policies have remained uncontroversial.

My father has unconventional views on womens liberty.

She remains unconvinced despite being pursuaded.

The minister gave an unconvincing speech on developmental plans.

Salads are made from uncooked vegetables.

He is an uncool brat.

An uncooperative staff in the hopital made patientslife miserable.

An uncoordinated campaign against dowry was a flop.

Do you mind uncorking the French wine?

Stars in the sky are uncounted.

There are uncountable stars in the sky.

Uncouple the engine from the rest of the bogies.

He is an uncouth man.

The doctor uncovered the body for postmartum.
The C.I.D uncovered the secret.

He is an uncritical supporter of the present govt.

Nowadays we seldom find uncrowded trains.

Prince Charles is an uncrowned king of England.

The unction of the infant was done yesterday.

He speaks in an unctuous tone.

She uncurled the sheet to spread on the bed.

India exports uncut diamonds.

The Gwalior fort is old but undamaged.

There are many undated paintings in the museum.

His undaunted spirit impressed me.

Im still undecided about the tour.

An undeclared war was going on in Kashmir.

Sergie Bubka is an undefeated world champion of polevault.

The undefended frontiers pose a threat to the country.

The powers of the dictator are undefined.

She has an undemanding job.

Burma is having an undemocratic regime.

His undemonstrative nature impresses me.

His charms are undeniable yet I dont trust him.

Undercurrents influence the climate.
The manager detected an undercurrent of resentment towards the plan.

Somalia is an underdeveloped country.

Ram underachieved in the high school examination.

I bought a costly underarm deodarant.

Australians bowl underarm in one-day cricket matches.

Trade deficit remains the underbelly of Indian economy.
The police tracked down the kidnappers from the underbelly of the city.

The building contract was underbidded.

The kitten hid itself underbrush.

The undercarriage of the aircraft was raised to facilitate landing.

The shopkeeper undercharged me for the books.

The underclass were discriminated in Indian society.

Underclothes should be washed daily.

Some Pakistan undercover agents are working in India.

Indians were underdogs before the match.

I couldnt eat the underdone vegetables.

The Pakistanis underestimated the strength of the Indian Armed Forces.

All the photographs were underexposed.

My heart aches when I see underfed children on streets.

She bought undergarments for her.

Ram underwent medical treatment in Apollo hospital.

I trampled the beans underfoot.

She is an undergraduate student.

The underground shed is very dark.

The thief went underground to escape capture.

The path to the fort goes through the dense undergrowth.

The teacher told the students to underline the important words in the lesson.
The huge response to the rally underlines the public support.

He is ashamed of being an underling in the office.

His unmanned factory had to be shut down.

Repeated failures havent undermined his determination.
The cliffs were undermined by the sea.

It is a house with a good foundation underneath.

In India there are many undernourished children.

He underpaid his staff despite making them overwork.

Scientific theories are underpinned by sound reasoning.

As an actor he is underrated.

The underprivileged section of the society is looked down upon.

He underscored the difficult words in the book.

An undersecretary enjoys a lot of privilege.

I cant understand the complicated mathematical equations.

He has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect.

We have undertaken a project to make the city clean.

He is an undertaker of risks.

He is running a business undertaking.

They spoke to each other in undertones during the meeting.
I like red flowers with an undertone of yellow.
Her remarks contained undertones of resentment for him.

The pull of the undertow can drag swimmers out to sea.

He undervalued my hardwork.

He is an underwater explorer.

He bought underwears for himself.

Her underweight baby often falls ill.

He has contacts with the underworld.
Children like stories of the underworld.

The shares of the company were underwritten by the Reserve Bank.

They got undeserved punishment.

He got the prize undeservedly.

He is an undeserving candidate for the post.

Political interference in defence matters is highly undesirable.

Drunkards,vagrants and other undesirables create nuisance.

Hepatites B disease remained undetected for several years.

That insect is of undetermined species.

Undo your neck-tie and relax!
You cannot undo the damage!

Gambling was his undoing.

The work could be done or undone and nobody cared.
Her blouse had come undone at the neck.

She is undoubtedly very beautiful.

Please dont undress in front of everybody!

Some people in big towns take undue advantage of ignorant people .

Undulating hills can be seen from a distance in summer.

The trees seem to be undulating due to winds.

She was unduly pessimistic about her future

He has made a lot of unearned income from interest on shares.

The C.I.A unearthed a plot to kill the President.

I saw an unearthly species in the movie.
He called me at an unearthly hour.

His uneasiness disturbed me.

Farmers were uneasy untill rain finally came

He is uneducated yet intelligent.

Uneconomic factories are a liability on the countrys economy.

He is running the company uneconomically.

Unemployed workers marched on the capital.

Unemployment is a serious social evil.

He is an unemotional and materialistic man.

I had an unenviable duty of listing the names of plane crash victims.

The unending struggle for existence

They distributed unlike (or unequal) sums to the various charities

The language of law is plain and unequivocal.

She has an unerring instinct for a bargain.

The ground was uneven.

The curtains opened to reveal a completely unexpected scene

The minister arrived unexpectedly.

He used unfair means in the examination.

Her unfaithful lover deserted her.

Her name is unfamiliar to most.

The unfathomable depths of the ocean is immeasurable.

He is unfavourable to poor children.
The presence of widows in social ceremonies was considered unfavourable.
The weather is unfavourable for flying.

He left an unfinished business agenda.

He is very fat and unfit.

Unfit the tube for disposal!

Despite failures,he has unflinching determination.

She unfolded the gift wrapper.
A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings.
She unfolds all her plans to her friend.

It was an unfortunate trip to the Himalayas.

Despite all the unfortunates,she is solely supporting her family.

Unfortunately he couldnt get admission to the college of his choice.

His face is unfamiliar to me.

Unfamiliarity with the latest technology can be a weak point.

She still wears unfashionable clothes.

He had unfeigned delight on my success in the examination.

The financial market remained unfettered by the political turmoil.

They listened to the ministers speech with unflagging attention.

They were unflaggingly attentive to the ministers speech.

My normally unflappable father lost his temper today.

Sons failure to pass the exam put fathers unflappability to test.

He passes unflaterring remarks on her.

The sinking of the Titanic was an unforeseen event.

Wedding is an unfogettable event.

His was an unforgivable behaviour.

He has an unforgiving nature.

Before doing, we should have some rough unformed idea.

Unfreeze some chops!
The govt.unfroze trade restrictions.

The rumours were unfounded.

He is unfriendly to me.

The minister unfurled the natinal flag on 15th August.

We rented the unfurnished flat.

He keeps an ungainly hairstyle.

The ungainliness of his hairstyle irritates me.

He leads an ungodly life
He phoned me at an ungodly hour.

His ungracious remarks on her in the party was condemned.

He remarked at her ungraciously in the party.

He writes ungrammatical sentences.

He writes ungrammatically.

The region has become ungovernable

He did not pass down his properties to his ungrateful relatives.

They were unhappy over her departure.

She fell ill due to unhealthy food habits.

This is a previously unheard piece of music.

The students unheeded the Principals warning.

His unhelpful nature puts me off.

She managed to finish the work unhelpfully.

The Prime Ministers visit to the slums was an unheralded event.

He gave unhesitating responses to the interview panel.

He responded to the interview panel unhesitatingly.

He had unhindered progress in his career.

She unhooked the picture from the wall.

An unhoped-for goodluck was with me.

I took an unhurried lunch in the canteen.

He escaped unhurt in the accident.

Unhygienic conditions in the kitchen is very harmful for health.

I can hear unidentifiable noises.

I got the information from unidentified sources.

The troops agreed for a unilateral ceasefire.

The troops agreed for ceasefire unilaterally.

Poverty in India is on an unimaginable scale.

His paintings are good but unimaginative.

He returned sound and unimpaired from the battle field.

She has an unimpeachable character.

Her character is unimpeachably strong.

I sat at a place from where I could get an unimpeded view of the stage.

They were discussing about an unimportant matter.

The committee was unimpressed by his presentation.

His presentation was unimpressive.

The television documentry on the Ganges was short and uninformative.

She was kept uninformed about her uncles death.

There are many uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean.

I like his natural and uninhibited acting talent.

His uninitiated job lacks creativity too.

"the uninitiated","N","1.जिनमेअदीक्षिताहो"
The uninitiated would find rocket making complicated.

He gave an uninterrupted lecture for over an hour.

Her flat is small and uninviting.

The sudden demise of her husband unhinged her.

It was an unholy alliance between politicians and gangsters.

They have a unicameral system of govt.

I havent seen a unicorn.

The unification of Germany was an historical event.

One can see uniform tall white buildings on MG street.

Children wear uniform in school.

There is considerable uniformity in working hours throughout the country.

Ants carried a dead insect uniformly.

The rally was an attempt to unify the nation.

The minister delivered an uninspired speech.

She appeared totally uninterested in the work.

There is strength in union.

He is a trade unionist.

She speaks Hindi with a unique with a unique accent.

The soldiers marched in unison.
They sang in unison.

The dollar is the United States unit of currency

The unitarian church of England held a congregation yesterday.

The principles of nationalism are unitary.

She unites charm with a good business sense.

During elections all the regional political parties formed a united front.

There is strength in unity.

Scientific theories are universal.

His guru is a universalist.

There is universality in scientific theories.

All people universally agree on a nuclear-free world.

Our universe is mysterious.

After postgraduation she will do research work in the university.

His execution was unjust.

He was unjustly singled out for punishment.

She was subjected to unjustified criticism.

Her criticism was unjustifiable.

I dont like his unkempt apperance.

He passed a thoughtless and unkind remark on her.

His remarks on her were unkindly.

Unknowingly she trampled on my feet.

It was a poem by an unknown author.

"unlace","VT","1.फीता खोलना"
Unlace your shoes!

A lorry with an unladen weight of 3000 kg.

He was charged with unlawful transaction of goods.

He was prosecuted for transacting goods unlawfully.

Japan has manufactured a car that runs on unleaded fuel.

She was sent to a correction school for unlearning bad language.

He unleashed his anger at the workers for spoiling the project.

The unleavened bread looked flat.

You will fail unless you work hard.

He sells unlicensed goods.

His condition is unlikely to improve.

The Sultan of Brunei has unlimited wealth.

She wore an unlined kurta.
I wrote on an unlined sheet of paper.

Donot invest your money in unlisted companies.

They unloaded the truck.
--"२.खाली करना"
He unloaded the gun.

unlock the door!

Some unlooked-for developments took place this year.

Unloosen your tie and relax!

She wore an unlovely dress in the party.

He was unlucky not to pass the test.
Thirteen is considered an unlucky number.

Unluckily he failed to succeed.

There is a long unmade road on the way to the village.

She is always worried about her two unmanageable sons.

His unmanly behaviour at the time of crisis led us down.

Unman the boy so that he doesnot lose his innocense!
--"२.हतोत्साह करना"
It was an unmanning experience.

India has developed two unmanned aircrafts indigenously.

The unmannerly behaviour of teenagers is not a healthy trend.

The journal article unmasked the corrupt politician.
--"२.नकाब उतारना"
He unmasked the imposter.

Billy Jean Kings record Grand Slam titles remains unmatched in womens tennis.

It was an unmemorable cricket match.

He is suffering from an unmentionable disease.

I lack resources to satisfy my unmet desires.

He is unmindful of the events that are happening in the country.

Do buy a copy of that unmissable book.

His unmistakable speech impressed me.

His speech was unmistakably the best one.

They had unmitigated delight in the party.

They grilled her but left her unmolested.

The poem is written by an unnamed writer.

He always appeared completely unmoved and impertable.

His was an unnatural death.
Her laughter is unnatural.

The class was unnaturally quiet today.

I took an unnecessary leave today.

I unnecessarily took leave today.

His sudden demise unnerved my spirit to live.

His sudden demise was unnerving.

His sudden demise was unnervingly shocking.

I hoped his departure had passed unnoticed

He led a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial

It is an unoccupied telephone booth.

The minister was on an unofficial visit to his constituency.

The minister visited his constituency unofficially.

He was elected unopposed.

He holds unorthodox views on womens liberation.

unpack the presents

The soup kitchen was primarily run by unpaid helpers

The food in the mess is unpalatable.
I had to work on unpalatable lines drawn by the company.

She has unparalled beauty.

The politician was highly condemned for using unparliamentary language.

Unpatriotic spirit in citizens is unhealthy for the nation.

I had to unpick the stitches and start all over again.

She was unplaced in the qualifying round of 100m heat event.

The pitch was unplayable due to wetness.

He has an unpleasant personality.

I unplugged the telephone.

He was unpopular in college.

Last year we saw an unprecedented expansion in population and industry.

The weather is unpredictable.

Poetry is an unpremeditated art.

He is unprepared to stand on his own feet

He has an unprepossessing appearance.

He is very unpretentious.

They need freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny

The photograph was obscene and unprintable.

There is unproblematic relation between the two neighbours.

The govt.has decided to eliminate high-cost or unproductive industries.
The talks between labor and management were unproductive.

He ran the company unproductively.

He is very unprofessional in his work.

He does his work unprofessionally.

All the unprofitable industries are white elephants for the economy.

The textile mills functioned unprofitably.

He offered unprompted help to the old lady.

I find Chinese names unpronounceable.

All the theories put forward by him were unproven.

His anger was quite unprovoked.

He has a collection of unpublished poems.

Heinous crimes should not go unpunished.

He was unqualified for the job.
Her performance deserves unqualified praise.

He has unquenchable ambition.

Her honesty is unquestionable.

Her painting is unquestionably the best.

I have unquestioned faith in her.

Their obedience to their parents is unquestioning.

The philosophers mind was unquiet.

Can you unravel the mystery?
Try to unravel the tangle of string.

She returned the book unread.

I found the novel unreadable.

I dont believe in ghosts and other unreal entities

There was too much of unreality in that movie.

That movie was rather unrealistic.

She makes unreasonable demands on her husband.

She unreasonably put demands on her husband.

She has unreasoning dislike for non-vegetarian food.

His life style is totally unrelated to his family norms.

The dictator was a stern and unrelenting man.

In the early 1950s computers were expensive and unreliable

One cannot depend on the unreliability of postal services.

We are served an unrelieved diet of dal and rice in the mess.

Her performance in the public examination was unremarkable.

His achievements in sports went unremarked.

She gave an unremitting dance performance for 48 hrs.

Such offers are unrepeatable.

He is an unrepentant murderer.

They have an unrepresentative minority rule.

She had an unrequited love for him.

The bus seats were unreserved for men.
The opposition offered unreserved support to the govt. on the Nuclear issue.

He expressed his views unreservedly in the gathering.

She is very worried about her unresponsive child.

The country is currently facing a political unrest.

We had unrestrained joy last evening.

I bought some unriped guavas.

The Professor has an unrivalled knowledge of Vedas.

She unrolled the carpet.
--"२.एक के बाद एक होना"
We watched the events unroll.

He remained unruffled by their criticism.

Unruly teenagers are a nuisance.

The unruliness of teenagers made the parents anxious.

Nowadays tap water is unsafe for drinking purposes.

He left many things unsaid at the meeting.

Unsaleable goods were dumped in the godown.

I like unsalted lemon juice.

His performance in the Olympiad was highly unsatisfactory.

Heart patients should take unsaturated food.

He has unsavoury habits.
They serve unsavoury food in the mess.
The clogged drainage made the entire area unsavoury.

The prisoners of war returned unscathed.

He has an unscientific approach to the problems.

I find difficult to unscramble the crossword clues.

I unscrewed the door handle.
--"२.खुल जाना"
I cant unscrew the lid.

Tulu language is unscripted.

He unsaid about the crime when the police enquired from him.

Unscrupulous politicos are happy to sell their country to gain power.

The politicians fought unscrupulously for power.

Unscrupulousness of politicians is dangerous for the country.

He sells unseasonable vegetables.

The Republicans are trying to unseat the liberal Democrat

The country witnessed unseemly riots this year.

Our country has yet to exploit many unseen natural resourses.

He is unselfconscious about his baldness.

He unselfconsciously asks money from others.

She has unselfish devotion to her siblings.

She is unselfishly devoted to her siblings.

His unsentimental attitude disheartens his family.

Their divorce seems to have unsettled the children.

He leads an unsettled lifestyle.

He has unshakeable faith in his servants.

He looked pale and unshaven.

She has an unsightly scar on her face.

He is an unskilled labourer.

He is a reserved and unsociable person.

He offered unsolicited help to the old lady.

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains unsolved.

They still use unsophisticated machineries in their factory.

He is having an unsound foundation in mathematics.
The govt.takes strict action against unsound banking practices.

Her unsoundness of mind is clearly evident.

He is unsparing in his efforts to help the poor.
Her articles on poverty are unsparing and unforgettable.

He unsparingly gives alms to the poor.

They experienced unspeakable sufferings in the hands of the enemy.

They unspeakably suffered in the hands of the enemy.

The dates in the book were unspecified.

The opening ceremony of the National Games was unspectacular.

People are anxious about the unstable political conditions.

There were unstated reasons for his dismissal.

She is unsteady on her feet after the illness.

She walks unsteadily after her illness.

There is unsteadiness in her walk after the illness.

Unsteady the pendulum of the clock!

She was always unstinting in her efforts to help others.

She unstintingly helped the poor.

The unstoppable rise in world population must be checked.

He leads an unstructured way of life.

The flap of the envelop has come unstuck.
--"२.निष्फल होना"
Their plan of going for excursion came unstuck.

All his allegations against the secretary were unsubstantiated.

He was unsuccessful in his attempts to climb the Mount Everest.

He climbed the Mount Everest unsuccessfully.

He is an unsuitable boy for her.

Parents should be aware of the unsuitability of TV for children.


Their marriage broke because they were unsuited to each other.

He still had unsullied innocense.

We must pay tribute to all those unsung soldiers who died for the country.

The old lady somehow lived unsupported.

Im unsure about myself.

Crime figures unsurpassed in recent history.

They appeared totally unsurprised by the news.

Its unsurprising that she was totally unmoved by the news.

Unsurprisingly she was unmoved by the news.

He left quietly, unseen and unsuspected.

He had crept up on his unsuspecting victim from behind.

Demand and supply ratio is rather unsustainable.

I dont like unsweetened orange juice.

He has unswerving loyalty to his master.

He shooed away the beggar unsympathetically.

He followed unsystematic working methods.

He did his work unsystematically.

He was a politician untainted by scams and scandles.

He is an untalented actor.

That area is full of untamed wilderness.
He is an untamed genius.

Can you untangle the mystery?

There are many untapped scientific talent in the country.

The lawyers untenable arguments in the court failed to save his client.

Untested medicines can be harmful.

Indias defeat in the hands of the Zimbabweans in the World Cup was unthinkable.

He is regretting for his unthinking remarks on her.

He unthinkingly commented on her.

She is careless and untidy in her personal habits.

She dresses up untidily.

The untidiness in her dressing is very unimpressive.

They untied the prisoner.

Lets wait until she comes.

He works until 9 Oclock.

His untimely death at the age of 20 shattered his mother.
--"२.कुसमय का"
The untimely arrival of the minister took the organisers unawares.

Mother Teresa was untiring in her efforts to help the poor.

Its an untitled poem.

We promised to be faithful unto our last breath.

Her untold story was at last disclosed.

For the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target

He was left untouched by the music.

No untoward incident took place in the last 24 hours.

He is an untrained artist.

She had an untrammelled rise in her career.

His head injury was left untreated.
The untreated sewage is causing pollution in the area.

They took untried models for their new advertisement.

unfortunately the statement was simply untrue
he is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty

His servant is untrustworthy.

Gandhiji fought agaist violence and untruth.

He is untruthful and untrustworthy.

He defended himself untruthfully.

An untutored boy can be intelligent.

That laugh was untypical of her.

we bought an unused car for a change
He is unused to such an ostentatious life-style.

The movie had scenes of unusual beauty.

Unusually it was very cold here.

The lecture was an unutterable bore.

The lecture was unutterably boring.

The door was unvarnished.
He spoke plain and unvarnished truth

Women must not unveil themselves in public in Islamic societies

The bride was asked to unveil herself after the wedding.

His ideas remained unvoiced.

He is an unwaged worker.

She was an unwanted child.

Her remarks were quite unwarranted.

One could hear the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise by the suuden appearance of the tiger.

Piles of clothes are still unwashed.

He has unwavering determination to succeed.

His desire to succeed is unwaveringly strong.

It turned out to be an unwelcome publicity gimmick.

The govt.officers were afraid of unwelcoming villagers.

She was unwell, so she didnt attend the party.

She fell ill because she had unwholesome food.
Mills & Boons is unwholesome reading for children.

We set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter

She is unwilling to work under him.

His unwillingness to cooperate vetoed every proposal I made.

He unwillingly cooperated with me.

She is unwinding a ball of yarn.
--"२.शांत हो जाना"
Music unwinds all my tensions.

An unwise investor is soon impoverished

He invested in the loss-making company unwisely.

an unwitting subject in an experiment

I think Ive unwittingly offended him.

This year they celebrated Holi with unwonted delight.

This is an unworkable proposal.

His father is having an unworldly outlook.

She is unworried about her childrens future.

The principal dispelled a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy

She unwrapped the gift packet.

Great Britain has an unwritten constitution.

She is unyielding to any pressure.

He unzipped his jeans.

Lift your head up!

He is been really up after marriage.

He ran up the stairs.
Look up in the sky.

The sales is on the up.

He upped his offer to 1 million dollars.

The mood is upbeat for the dance party.

Azharuddin was upbraided for bad captaincy.

Ali had a religious upbringing in a Madarasa.

The upcoming generation is expected to be well-informed.

Its high time we updated our thinking on womens issues.

The BBC brings the news updates.

He upbent the crater and sat on it.

He is upfront about his private life.
--"२.पहले दिया हुआ"
He spent upfront payment given to him.

We should upgrade the defence technology.

There has been a major upgrade in defence technology.

There has been a major upheaval in the political situation .

There is an uphill road leading to the temple.

This street lay uphill

We should uphold the dignity of our nation.

We upholstered the sofa.

We bought upholstery for our new flat.

The ayah was responsible for the upkeep of their children.

Upland regions of Norway are very cold.

It is very cold in the uplands of Norway.

Sachin Tendulkars presence gives an uplift to the teams morale.

Sachin Tendulkars presence uplifts the teams morale.

The cat jumped upon the table.
Diwali is almost upon us again.

I reserved an upper birht totravel comfortable in the train.
The upper sections of a society are often unaware of the problems of the lower classes.

The leather uppers were not available with the cobbler.

Get me the uppermost book in the pile

The blade turned uppermost

Its an upright post.
He is an upright businessman.

The 1857 sepoy uprising against the British was a failure.

There is uproar in the Lok Sabha nowadays.

The war uprooted many people
--"२.निर्मूल कर"
The vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted

His carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
He was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed

The final upshot of the month-long debate was that govt. fell.

The unlettered held the newspaper upside-down.
Dacoits left the village upside-down.

I left the upstairs window open.

They lived upstairs

Bungalows do not have any upstairs.

That party consists of upstanding members.
He is a tall and upstanding man.

The seniors find it difficult to take orders from the new upstart.

They have set up a new plant in upstate Hyderabad.

He commutes upstate every day for relaxation.

Factories upstream are polluting the rivers.

He swam upstream.

There was a sudden upsurge in crime in the city.

After the victory in Kargil,there has been an upswing in the popularity of the
ruling party.

He was admitted to the hospital as his bodys oxygen uptake decreased.

she gets uptight about the exams.

He has up-to-date knowledge of sports.

The CNN gives an up-to-the-minute account of the Kosovo war.

I like to stay in uptown Hyderabad.

He is going to stay uptown.

This years sale of greeting cards took an upturn.

She sat on an upturned crate.

The prices of essential commodities are showing an upward trend.

"upwards of","Prep","1.सेअधिक"
Upwards of a thousand pilgrims visited the Rishikesh this year.

"upward mobility","N","1.समाजकाऊचास्तर"
He finds difficulty to get along with the upward mobility.

"upwardly mobile","Adj","1.उच्चस्तरीय"
He is an upwardly mobile young executive.

They sailed upwind.

Uranium is used as a source of nuclear energy.

Uranus is the planet 7th in order from the sun.

I studied urban sociology in my college.

The Planning Commission has allocated money to urbanise the rural areas.

Rapid urbanisation is increasing pollution also.

He is an urbane man.

He urbanely conducted himself in the meeting.

His urbanity impressed her.

The street urchin played in the rain.

He writes songs in Urdu.

Urea is very good for plants.

He is suffering from the infection of the urethra.

I urged him to finish his studies

He has a strong urge to go to space.

There was a note of urgency in her voice.

An urgent telephone call came for her.

Graffitties were seen in public urinals.

He is suffering from urinary infection.

The infant urinated in the bed.

There was blood in his urine.

The urn in the mess is filled with hot tea.
--"२.मृतक की राख रखने का बर्तन"
They emersed the urn having ashes into the Ganges.

We took our pets with us for picnic.

That word is not in common usage anymore.

the steps were worn from years of use
he put his knowledge to good use
we were given the use of his boat

She uses drugs rarely.

She gave useful information about

Her kitchen was full of useless gadgets

Computers should be made user friendly.

The usher helped me to find a seat in the theatre.
He was guided by the usher to complete the assignment.

I was ushered in and then the interview started.

She grew the usual vegetables.

Usually she was late.

Usurers exploited the poor landless labourers.

The minister usurped the kings throne.

The usurpation of the kings throne by the minister created a chaos.

"usury","N","1.अत्याधिक ब्याज/कुसीद"
His father made money from the business of usury.

I bought some utensils for cooking purpose.

She is suffering from uterine cancer.

She has some infection in the uterus.

She got some utilitarian steel tables
He is smart but utilitarian in nature.

He believes in utilitarianism.

A computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users

We should utilize all the available resources.

The USA makes full utilization of the available resources.

He was pushed to the utmost limits of endurance.

He tried his utmost to win the match.

Practically,Utopia is impossible.

He has utopian ideals but seldom puts them to practise.

All his arguments are utter nonsense.

He never uttered a word in protest.

He gave utterance to his feelings in the get-together party.

The theory was utterly confusing for me.

He is doing his doctorate under Prof.Mohan.

For twins they are very unlike.

Chewing betelnut can cause cancer of the uvula.

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