Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : J

I dont know how to use a jack.
Jack is a Court Card in a pack of playing cards.
The speaker was connected to the tape recorder by a jack.

The Jackal population has gone down in the last few years in this forest.

He is a jackass.

I love chips made of jackfruits.

He wore a jacket yesterday.
The jacket of the novel `The God of Small Things has a picture of lotus.

A jackknife is easy to carry.

An articulated lorry has jackknifed on National Highway no.1.

"jackpot","N","1.दावखेल में"
He won the jackpot in the horse race.

Jacks is popular in the USA.

English literature thrived in the Jacobean period.

Some military academies have Jacuzzi.

She was wearing jade ear-rings.

He looked jaded.

I was jaded by overwork.

The jags of the rock are very frightening.

The broken glasses have jagged edges.

The criminal was put in the jail.

He was jailed for 10yrs.

The jailor of Central jail is very strict.

He is a jailbird.

He is very fond of driving his grandfathers jalopy.

I have bread and jam for my breakfast.
There are always traffic jams on the road to Mumbai.

The car was jammed between the two trucks.
The machine has jammed due to dust in the pipe.
The crowd jammed the street in protest against Mandal Commission.

The cycle was propped against the jamb.

There was a jamboree of people from all walks of life in the stadium.

The cinema hall was jam-packed on the first day of the show.

Her anklets jangelled as she ran across the corridor.

I like the jangle of her anklets.

The janitor kept an eye on those who entered the building.

They painted the doors with japan which is usually hard and black.

They japaned the painted doors and windows.

Playing japes on others can be harmful sometimes.

The pickles are kept in a jar.

His comments were jarred the otherwise friendly conversation.
His comments jarred on my ears.
He jarred his back while pushing the car.

They used lot of literal jargons in their speech.

There are jasmine flowers in my garden.

Jaundice is a disease of the liver.

He has a jaundiced perception of people.

I went on a jaunt with my friend.

We jaunted on the beach last evening.

He is a jaunty person.

In olden days,warriors used javelins in battles.

He injured his jaw in an accident.
My friend and I had a jaw in the afternoon.

Jay is a European bird with bright plummage.

One should not do jaywalk on the main streets.

Jazz music has become popular in India also.

I am never jealous of others success.

The whole world looks at our unity in diversity with awe and jealousy.

I am fond of wearing jeans trousers.

I have a jeep at home.

Azharuddin had to face jeers from the public for bad captaincy.

The players were jeered at by the crowd for poor performance.

In Hebrew god is named Jehovah.

Ram is a jejune boy.
Ram is a stupid and jejune boy.

My mother kept the jelly in the fridge.

He jeopardized his career by joinig the mafia.

The soldiers have put their own lives in jeopardy for the country.

The bus stopped with a jerk.
He is a jerk.

My anklet jerked while playing badminton.

He is wearing a dark jerkin.

The train made a jerky halt.

The buildings constructed by jerry builders cannot stand earthquakes.

Petrol is carried in jerrycans.

Jersey is mainly found in Europe.

He wore a jersey yesterday.

I said it only in jest.

Dont jest about anyones physical deformity.

Falstaff was a kind of jester in King Henrys court.

John is a Jesuit.

He is undergoing training to fly jets.
The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room.

The pipe bursted and water jetted out .

Jetsams were lying in the store room.

The tankers were jettisoning crude oil.
He jettisoned his responsibilities towards his family.

She has got jet-black hair.

The boats were tied to the jetty.

He is suffering from jetlag after a hectic tour.

Israel is known as the land of the Jews.

There are lots of jewels on display in the museum.

His bought a jewelled watch.

He is a jeweller.

Ladies are very fond of jewellery.

They lifted the dumped cars with the jib of the crane.
Jib helps in smooth sailing.

He jibbed investing any more money in shares.

His colleagues jibed at his dressing sense.

Everything happened in such a jiffy that we didnt have time to think.

"Jiffy bag","N","1.पारसलकरनेहेतुबैग"
The study material was sent in a Jiffy bag.

I dont mind doing a jig at parties.

The music is such that you cant help jigging.

She had a jiggered expression on her face.

We suspected that some jiggery-pokery going on.

I jiggled my nephew in the swing.

Carpenters use jigsaw to chisle woods.

Fundamentalists are fighting against the government in the name of jihad.

She jilted her lover.

The jingle of bells is very pleasant.
He composes jingles for advertisements.

He jingled his bunch of keys.

My job in the office is to prepare reports

The closure of factories has left many people jobless.

Joblessness led him to the crime world.

"job creation","N","1.नौकरीउपलब्धकरानेवालीयोजना"
Most of the job creations had been a flop.

"job description","N","1.कार्यकालिखितविवरण"
The job description is given with the appointment letter.

My job-hunt is not over yet.

"job satisfaction","N","1.कार्यसन्तुष्टि"
The present job is not giving her job satisfaction.

"job sharing","N","1.कामकोबाटना"
Under job sharing,I have to work in the morning.

Many graduates have submitted their bio-data in the jobcentre.

Pesi Shroff is the most famous jockey in India.

Some shopkeepers jockey foreign tourists to make money.

My friend is a very jocose person.

Please dont take his remarks seriously as they were said in a jocular mood.

He wore jodhpurs in the party.

I jog every morning to keep myself fit.
The suitcase jogged against his leg as he walked.

I go for a jog in the park every morning.

"john","N","1.शौचालय" #slang
David is in the john.

I have joined the two wires.
Lets join together in our effort to bring peace in the society.
I joined the Navy in 1998.

"join forces with","IDM","1.एकजुटहोना"
All the political parties have joined forces to defeat the Congress.

The project is a joint venture between India and Russia.

She is suffering from joint pain.

We have decided to work jointly on this project.

"joist","N","1.लकडई/लोहे आदि की कडई"
The boards of the floor are nailed with joists.

Khushwant Singhs jokes are very popular.

I am only joking.

The histrionics of the joker make me laugh.

She has a jolly nature.

The building got a jolt due to the earthquake.
Her fathers sudden demise was a big jolt for her.

The bomb explosion jolted the entire building.

The newcomer was joshed by the seniors.

"joss stick","N","1.अगरबत्ती"
We light the joss stick near the Ganesh idol everyday.

I cant tolerate the jostle in the bus.

We were jostled by the crowd.

There is not a jot of truth in what you say.

I jot down the important points during discussion.


I keep record of all my expenses in a journal.
Journals are very informative.

She is working in the field of journalism.

Praful Bidwai is a very famous journalist.

Have a nice journey!

He has been jouneying for a month in connection with the Assembly elections.

He is a journeyman.

Modern day war does not have jousts.

The boss seems to be in a jovial mood.

Her jowls turned red with embarrasement.

It is a joy to be with kids.

He has a very joyful nature.

The supporters are joyous at their teams victory.

We had a joyride yesterday.

The Indian army is jubilant after its success in Kargil.

Indians expressed great jubilation after Indias victory in the world cup.

The institution celebrated its silver jubilee.

The Jewish people follow Judaism.

I blindly trusted him but he came out to be a Judas.

The bus juddered to a halt.

The children themselves acted as the judges for these competitions.
My uncle is a high court judge.
He is a good judge of art.

You cannot judge a man by his face.

I will abide by the courts judgement.

We need a strong and uncorrupt judicature.

There will be a judicial enquiry into the train mishap.

We need a strong and effecient judiciary.

Gandhiji was a very judicious person.

Please pour me some water from the jug.

"jugged hare","N","1.खरगोशकापकायाहुआमांस"
I dont eat jugged hare.

"juggernaut","N","1.बलिदानदेनेकीप्रथाअंधविश्वासजिसकेखातिरलोगस्वयंयादूसरोंका बलिदानदेतेहैं"
Some tribals still practice juggernauts.

The magician can juggle the balls very well.

The jugglers item was last in the show.

She is suffering from jugular infection.

I like lemon juice.

Mango is a very juicy fruit.
Robbins always writes juicy novels.

Judo is a kind of jujitsu.

My room is in a jumble.

He jumbled up the words while giving a speech.

This is a jumbo sized shirt.

The thief jumped over the wall.
The children were jumping about in joy.
The companys profit has jumped from 2 to 6 percent this year.
His stained pocket jumps out of his otherwise tidy dress.

Carl won the gold medal in the long jump event in the Olympics.

"jump in","PhrV","1.विघ्नडालना"
Before I could speak,he jumped in with his own opinion.

"jump at","PhrV","1.तुरन्तमानलेनायास्वीकारकरलेना"
Given a chance to go abroad,Ill jump at it.

"jump on","PhrV","1.टोकना"
My maths teacher used to jump on my mistakes.

He is not an officer,more a jumped-up clerk.

"jumping-off point","N","1.शुरूहोनेकास्थान"
The ralleys jumping-off point is Osmania main gate.

We had to use the jump leads to start the car.

"jump -off","N","1.अतिरिक्तदौडरेसमेंबराबरीहोनेपरआखरीदौडजिससेविजयतानिश्चितहोताहै"
There was a jump-off to decide the winner.

"jump rope","N","1.कूदनेकीरस्सी"
I skip everyday with my jump rope.

The car jump-started when we pushed it.

"jump suit","N","1.जम्पसूटएकप्रकारकीपोशाकजिसमेंकमीजऔरपतलूनजुडईहुईहोती है"
Divers usually wear jump suits.

The Americans are very good jumpers.
Sachin is wearing two jumpers to protect himself from cold.

Ratlam is a big junction on the railway route

At this juncture I cant afford to chuck my job.

Monsoons arrive in June.

Wild animals live in jungles.
Delay in any developmental work is due to the jungle of bureaucratic paperwork.

All my juniors at the office respect me.
My friend is three years junior to me.

"junior college","N","1.जूनियरकालेजकालेजजिसमेदसवीकक्षाकेबाददोसालकीपढआईहोतीहै"
I studied biology in my junior college.

"junior school","N","1.जूनियरस्कूल७ से १.साल के बच्चों के लिए स्कूल"
My sister is in the junior school.

Junipers purple berries are used as medicine.

I have lot of junk in my store room.

I junked all the old newspapers.

"junk bond","N","1.अधिकब्याजदरबॉण्ड"
The yield on junk bonds doesnt compensate for the risks.

"junk food","N","1.अंडबंडखाना"
Hamburgers are junk food.

"junk mail","N","1.व्यर्थकीचिठ्ठिया"
On an average we receive 4 items of junk mail a month.

Government officers on junket should be penalized.

Government officers going on a junketting should be penalized.

More and more students are becoming junkies.

Aung Su Kyi is fighting against the junta in Myanmar.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.

The dispute was brought under juridical enquiry.

It is under Supreme Courts jurisdiction to solve water sharing dispute
between two states.

Our countrys jurisprudence is based on strong principles.

The jurist should be impartial.

The jury in the high court has given the decision in my favour.

Lord Dashrath was a just ruler.
The courts have to be just in their dealings.

This blouse is just my size.
This is just the colour I wanted for my car.
My brother is just the opposite of me in behaviour.
I have just completed my home work.
He is just as intelligent as his brother.

The Constitution says that all Indians will be treated with justice.

Her excellent performance in the exam has justified her ability to succeed.

His actions were illegal but morally justifiable.

The public can justifiably demand an explanation from the govt.

I cant give any more justification on the statement.

The soldier saw a gun jutting out from bush.

Gunny bags are made of jute.

There is an increase in the number of juveniles taking to crimes.

There is an increase in cases of juvenile crimes.

"juvenile court","N","1.नाबालिगअपराधियोंकान्यायालय"
His case will be heard in the juvenile court.

"juvenile delinquency","N","1.बाल-अपराध"
The graph of juvenile delinquency is showing an upward trend.

"juvenile delinquent","N","1.बालअपराधी"
Juvenile delinquents are treated in the rehabilitation centres.

The traditional Ganesh idols are juxtaposed with computers in pandals.

The novel has an excellent juxtaposition of narrative and descriptive

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