Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : P

Two paces forward from this poit is the meeting place.
The pace of a flying kite is very interesting

"pace","V","1.धीमी तेज बदलती गति"
A drunk person walks with a shaky pace

"pacemaker","N","1.आगे चलनेवाला"
I was the pace maker of the whole camping group leading towards the icy Mountains.
Pace maker was used to control the heartbeat of the patient.

"pachyderm","N","1.मोटी चरबीवाला पशु"
Yesterday I watched a very good report on discovery channel about pachyderms like elephant etc.

To give our problems a solution we should be pacific.

"pacifism","N","1.शांति मार्ग"
Pacifism was the basic principle of Buddha for bringing peace amongst people.

"pacifist","N","1.शांति कामी"
To be pacifist is a very important quality in a human being.

"pacify","V","1.शांत करना"
I always pacify my mother when she loses temper.

"pacification","N","1.शांति करण"
For the peace of the country the pacification of the warring groups is necessary.

"pacifier","N","1.शांत करनेवाला"
Always try to play the role of a pacifier in a quarrel.

My father asked me to bring a pack of biscuits from the market.
Everyday I carry a pack of books to school.
A pack of scientists was sent to America for some research.
Last Sunday a wild pack of wolves were brought down to the zoo from the jungles.

"pack animal","N","1.भारवाही जंतु"
Pack animals like horse & ass are quite useful for carrying goods.

"pack ice","N","1.हिमखण्ड"
The boat passing by in icy river banged with a pack ice and sunk in the river.

"pack","V","1.गठरी बनाना"
Pack your luggage as soon as possible.
Usually glassware is protected against breaking by packing a cover of soft materials like cotton & hay around them.
"package","V","1.गठरी बनाना"
The items were packaged neatly.

"package holiday","N","1.संपुटित भ्रमण"
Package holiday was awarded to me for winning BQC Contest.

My mother asked me to bring a packet of biscuits from market.

"packing","N","1.बाधने के लिये प्रयुक्त पदार्थ"
He was packing his luggage for a holiday tour.

"packing case","N","1.पैककरनेकेलियेडिब्बा"
My mother packed all the food material in a packing case.

He made pact with me to divide the property.

"pad","N","1.कागज या सोखते की गड्डी"
Yesterday I purchased a very beautiful pad.

"pad","V","1.भर देना"
Yesterday I padded my torn clothes in a packet.
--"२.मंदगति से चलना"
Tortoise walks with a very pad movements.

"padded cell","N","1."
One of our neighbour was kept in a padded cell.

"paddle","N","1.छोटा चप्पू"
The man was rowing a boat by the paddle.

"paddock","N","1.जानवरों का बाडा"
My uncle is an owner of a paddock.


"padlock","V","1.ताला लगाना"
The gate was security padlock.

In 1983 when India won the world cup every one sang a paen.

"paediatrics","N","1.शिशुसंबंधी दवाइया"
My younger brother was cured with paediatrics against fever.


The magician showed a pageant to entertain the kids.


"paid","Adj","1.चुकाया हुआ"
I paid the rickshaw puller for his work.

Her knee joint has a lot of pain.
उसके घुटने के जोड में बहुत दर्द है.
She took lot of pains to get her daughter educated.
उसने अपनी बेटी को पढआने के लिए बहुत दुख उठाए.

"pain","V","1.दर्द होना"
Yesterday Romis leg was paining thats why she couldnt come to the party.

The wound was very painfull.

"painkiller","N","1.पीडआहारी औषधी"
My mother took a painkiller to kill the headache.
She has taken a painkiller for her back pain.
उसने अपने पीठ दर्द के लिए पीडआनाशक ओषधि ली है.

The would was painless.

She completed the painting with painstaking detail.
उसने परिश्रमपूर्ण व्यौरा से चित्र को पूरा किया.

"paint","N","1.रंगलेप" *
Give the walls two coats of paint.
दीवारों को रंग के दो लेप लगाओ.

They could not paint the ceiling since it was too high.
वे भीतरीछत को रंग लगा नहीं पाए क्यों कि वह ऊची थी.
Their dining room was painted pale blue.
उनके भोजनालय को हलका नीला रंगा हुआ था.
This amateur artist paints well.
यह अव्यवसायी चित्रकार अच्छी तरह चित्रकारी करता है.

Is there green colour in the paintbox?
क्या रंग के डिब्बे में हरा रंग है?

Nowadays the cost of paintbrushes has gone up.
आजकल रंगने वाले ब्रशों की कीमत बढ गयी है.

M.F.Hussain is a famous painter.
एम.एफ.हुसैन एक प्रसिद्ध चित्रकार हैं.
The painters finished painting the house in two days.
रंगनेवालों ने दो दिन में घर का रंगना पूर्ण किया.

Raja Ravi Varmas paintings are very famous.
राजा रवी वार्मा के रंगचित्र बहुत प्रसिद्ध हैं.
She is doing her post graduation in painting.
वह चित्रकारी में स्नात्कोत्तर कर रही है.

In SalarJung Museum the paintwork of old paintings is intact.
सालार जंग म्यूजइयम में पुराने रंगचित्रो का चित्रितकाम अखण्ड है.

She will be paired with her senior in a doubles match.
डबल्स मैच में उसकी जोडई ज्येष्ठ खिलाडई के साथ बनेगी.

These toe rings are only sold in pairs.
ये बिछिये केवल जोडए में बिकते हैं.
They are considered as a happy pair.
वे एक सौभाग्यशाली युगल समझे जाते हैं

She looks gorgeous in her paisley dressing-gown.
वह अपने पर वाले ड्रसिगं गाउन में शानदार दिखती है.

At night, she wears her pajamas in bed.
रात को वह बिस्तर में पजामें पहनती है.

She has been my pal for years.
वह कई वर्षों से मेरी मित्र रही है.

My son became very pally with a stranger in the train.
मेरा पुत्र गाडई में एक अजनबी के साथ बहुत जल्दी मैत्रीपूर्ण हो गया.

Raj Vilas palace has more than hundred rooms.
राज विलास महल में सौ से भी अधिक कमरे हैं.

Recently archeologists have found palaeolithic ruins in A.P.
हाल ही मे पुरातत्वज्ञों को पुरायुगीन अवशेष आन्ध्र प्रदेश में मिले हैं.

Palaeontology is a guide to the history of life on earth.
जीवाश्म-विज्ञान ,पथ-प्रदर्शक का रूप है, पृथ्वी पे जीव का उद्गम जानने के लिये.

We can add some hot spices to make the curry more palatable.
करी को और स्वादिष्ट बनाने के लिये हम कुछ गरम मसाला डाल सकते हैं
This story of his is not palatable.
उसकी यह कहानी स्वीकार्य नहीं है.

Frogs have a soft palate.
मेढक का तालू मुलायम होता है
--"२.स्वाद होना"
She has a good palate for fruits.
उसका फलों के प्रति स्वाद अच्छा है.
She has no palate for such jokes
उसे एसे मजआक के लिए कोई रूची नहीं है.

This five star hotel has a palatial dining hall.
इस पाच सितारा होटल में एक राजसी खाने का बडआ कमरा है.

Now stop the palaver,lets come to the main point.
अब बकवाद समाप्त करो, हमें सारवस्तु पर आना चाहिये.

Her face turned pale on hearing the news.
यह खबर सुनकर उसका चेहरा फीका हो गया.

She paled with the shock of this news.
इस खबर के सदमे से वह पीली पड गयी.
This revelation will pale her face.
यह रहस्योद्घाटन उसका चेहरा फीकाकरदेगा.

*"pale","N","1.बाडआ/खूटा/घेरा" #archaic
They have made a pale with barbed wire.
उन्होंने काटेदार तार से बाडआ बनाया है.

The palette has all the colours that the artist needs.
रंगमिलानेकीतख्ती पर वह सारे रंग हैं जो चित्रकार को जरूरी हैं.


The word `madam is a palindrome.
,able was I saw Elba is a sentencial palindrome.

She has put a row of white palings around her house.
उसने अपने घर के आस पास सफएद बाढ की सीधी रेखा रखी है.

They have made a strong palisade around their farm.
उन्होंने एक मजबूत कटघरा खेत के चारों ओर बनाया.

In olden days people use to palisade their houses.
प्राचीन काल में लोग घरों के चारों ओर नोकदार लकडइयों का बाडआ लगाते थे.

A pall of smoke spread over the town.
धुए का एक लबादा नगर पर फैला हुआ था.
The wind blew away the pall from the dead body.
मृत शरीर पर से हवा ने कफन उडआ दिया.

As the person grows older,worldly pleasures begin to pall.
जैसे मनुष्य बूढआ होता जाता है.सांसारिक खुशिया नीरस होने लगती हैं.

"pallet1","N","1.सामानलेजानेयारखनेकेलिये खाचा"
The pallets of books are stacked on top of each other.
किताबों के खाचों का एक दूसरे पर ढएर लगाया हुआ है.

Pallet helps in reducing backaches.
तृणशय्या पीठ के दर्द को कम करने में मदद करता है.

Many modern drugs palliate but do not cure illness.
बहुत सी आधुनिक दवाईया बीमारी का इलाज नहीं करती लेकिन उसे कम कर देती है.

Aspirin is a palliative drug.
ऎसपिरिन एक लघुकारी दवा है

Due to weakness,he has a pallid complexion.
कमजोरी के कारण,उसका रंग पीला है.
Today the day is gloomy due to this pallid sun.
इस विवर्ण सूर्य के कारन आज दिन अंधेरा है.

The kids face had a sickly pallor due to fear.
बच्चे का चेहरा भय के कारण रुग्ण फीकापन लिये था.

Her palms are very soft.
उसकी हथेलिया बहुत मुलायम हैं
There are a lot of palm trees along the beach.
समुद्रतट पर बहुत ताड के पेड हैं.

One minute the magician palmed the coin and the next minute it disappeared.
एक पलमें जाडूगर ने सिक्का मुठ्ठी में रखा और दूसरे पल में वह गायब हो गया.
I had to palm the accountant to get my loan sanctioned.
मुझे लेखाकार को अपने ऋण स्वीकृति के लिये घूस देनी पडई.

My nephew is a good palmist.
मेरा भतीजा एक अच्छा हस्तरेखा-शास्त्री है.

I dont like his palpable jokes.
मुझे उसके स्पर्शनीय मजआक पसन्द नही हैं.
His statement is palpable nonsense.
उसका विवरण सुस्पष्ट निरर्थक बातें हैं.

His heart began to palpitate due to fear.
डर के मारे उसका दिल जल्दी धडकने लगा.

"palpitation","N","1.घबराहट होना"
I get palpitation when I overeat.
मुझे घबराहट होने लगती है जब मैं अत्यधिक खा लेती हू.

She is suffering from cerebral palsy.
वह दिमागी पक्षाघात से पीडइत है.

I dont want to accept this paltry amount of money.
तुच्छ के बराबर का पैसा मैं स्वीकार करना नहीं चाहती.
He gave a paltry excuse for coming late.
उसने तुच्छ स्पष्टीकरण दिया देर से आने के लिए.

He is a pampered child of rich parents.
वह अमीर माता-पिता का एक लाडला बच्चा है.

Being the youngest son he is pampered by everyone.
सबसे तरूण होने के कारन सबने उसे बहुत लाड प्यार किया है.

They have distributed thousands of pamphlets for publicity.
उन्होने प्रचार की खातिर हजआरों पैम्फलेट वितरण किये हैं.

"pan","V","1.तसले में कुछ धोना"
The prospectors living in South Africa pan for gold and live their life.
The BSP candidate was panned during his visit to Meerut.
The photographer panned the camera to take perfect snaps.

"panacea","N","1.सर्व रोग नाशक औषधी"
Theres no panacea to make idiot an intelligent.

A panache is always there on the bridegrooms Head.

"panama","N","1.बास से बनी हुई टोपी"
My panama was brought by my daddy from London.

"panalella","N","1.एक पतला लंबा सिगार"
English people are fond of Panalella.

Pancakes are usually eaten by rolling them into rolls.

Pancreas help to keep a person from being diabetic.

"pancreatic","Adj","1.अग्न्याशय संबंधी"
Pancreatic juice is known as insulin.

"panda","N","1.चीन का भालू"
Giant Pandas are usually found in China.

"panda car","N","1.पुलिस गाडई"
While chasing the thief the Panda car met with an accident.

Pandemic diseases cause a heavy destruction of life as well as property.

Pandemic disease is as devastating as epidemic.

There was a pandemonium in new YorkExchange market during Great depression.

"pander","V","1.कुटनाई करना"
All students were pandering the Head boy while ragging the new comer.

There are black window panes in my house.


The door with painted panels looks beautiful.
There are lace panels on all corners of my night suit.
Due to the defect in control panel , the aircraft has to land in midway.
The panel of judges in SC sat down to solve the case of Jaisika Lal.

"panel","V","1.दिल्ला लगाना"
During deepawali, we panel our house in all possible manners.

"panellist","N","1.दल का सदस्य"
One of the panelist solving Jaisika Lals case was shot dead.

The rooms furnished with oak paneling are now in fashion.

Pangs of burn shook the child from top to bottom.

"pan handle","N","1.एक राज्य का भूभाग जो दूसरे राज्य में हो"
The city of Jhansi is in the UP panhandle.

"pan handle","V","1.भीख मागना"
I stopped a boy while he was panhandling in the street.

A decision made by me in panic effected me in the long run.

"panic","V","1.सन्त्रास्त होना"
The sound of the fire shot panicked the people.

Dont be so panicky!.

The pannier is too heavy to be drawn by the horse.

The panoply of tanks gave a strong return to Pak forces in 1971.

From here, there is an excellent panorama of the Himalayas.

The panoramic view of the Himalays awas very pleasant.

"pan pipes","N","1."
I have a pan pipe which sounds very good.

The pansy plant has flowers of various colors.

As we heard the panting of tigers in jungle, we ran away.

"pant","N","1.एक छोटा श्वास"
We never take pants while running.

Now-a-days jeans is the latest types of Pantaloons.

"pantechnicon","N","1.फर्निचर गोदाम"
We had to hire a pantechnicon when we came Meerut from Delhi.

Ancient people have a great feeling for pantheism.

Pantheists believe that there is a dictator beyond humanbeing.

Greece is famous for its world famous Pantheons.
--"२.प्रसिद्धलोगों का दल"
A pantheon of doctors, all over the world met in France.

The forest of karnataka are famous for thai panthers.

"panties","N","1.स्त्रिया द्वारा पहनेजानेवाली भीतरी पोशाक"
The panties available in market are mostly frenchie type.

"pantihose","N","1.चुस्त कपडए"
Pantihose are mostly wore by people during exercise.

"pantile","N","1.घुमौआ छद"
The pantile are in the fashion in the newly made banglows.

Pantomimes are usually displayed on the Christmas eve.
I am in a pantomime which line to choose as any career.

"pantry","N","1.रसोई भांडार"
There are many rats in the pantry in our kitchen.

I always prefer to wear pants rather than jeans.

"pantsuit","N","1.पैंट कोट का जोडआ"
Winter is the season to wearing pantsuit.

many kinds of paps made with different ingredients are available in market"

My papa lives in N"ew York.

"papay","N","1.पोप का पद"
During the papay of Pope Urban II, crusades broke out.

A paparazza is always behind the minister with his pen or camera in his hand.

"papaw","N","1.ताड की तरह एक वृक्ष"
The papaw trees are rarely seen in north India.

Paper is the need of students life.
The bedroom decorated with beautiful wall papers is always of my choice.
Papers of secret matters must be kept in secret places.
The solved sample papers are now the need of students.
He has given a good paper in the conference.

Her 90 year old grandmother had a papery skin.

"paper boy","N","1.अखबार पहुचानेवाला"
Our paper boy delivers our newspaper at 700 A.M.

"paper chase","N","1.एक दौड"
Paper chase is going on in the town.

"paper clip","N","1.कागज का क्लिप"
I want a paper clip to hold my project together.

"paper knife","N","1.पत्र कर्तक"
She used a paper knife to cut her notebooks cover.

"paper money","N","1.कागजई चलार्थ"
I exchanged coins with paper money.

"paper round","N","1."
Some unemployed people also go on a paper round for their living.

"paper tiger","N","1.कागजई शेर"
Ram always acts as if he is very brave but the fact is that he is a big coward. He is in fact a paper tiger.

"paper thin","Adj","1.नाजउक"
My friend had a beautiful paper thin show piece.

Paper back books are not very costly.

The clerk uses a paper weight to not let the paper flow away.

"paperwork","N","1.कागजई कार्यवाही"
Government formalities involve a great deal of paper work.

"papier mache","N","1.कुट्टी"
Himachal Pradesh is famous for its paper mache work.

"papist","N","1.पोप का समर्थक"
John is a papist.

"papirika","N","1.पिसी हुई लाल मिर्च"
Generally, papirika is used in most food items.

Jesus taught in parables.

When we throw a stone in air, it comes down making a parabola.

"parachute","N","1.हवाई छतरी"
The sky divers uses parachutes for their jumps.

"parachute","V","1.हवाई जहाज से उतरना"
Anita loves parachuting from her fathers plane.

"parachutist","N","1.छतरी सैनिक"
As soon as the pilot said now the parachutist jumps out of the plane.

The general called the troops out for the parade.

Everyone wants to go to paradise after death.

Bring some paraffin to make candles.

Rajesh is a paragon for me.

The third paragraph of the article deals with this issue.
He wrote a paragraph on wild life.

"parakeet","N","1.ढेलहरा तोता"
He had brought a parakeet.

Draw parallel lines,.

"parallelogram","N","1.समानांतर चतुर्भुज"
This picture is in the shape of parallelogram.

He is suffering from paralysis.

He is partially paralysed after the attack.

His had is paralytic.

"paramedic","N","1.दाक्तर का सहायक"
I got a job of paramedic.

"parameter","N","1.गणित में स्थिर राशी"
We have to work under certain parameters.

"paramilitary","N","1.सह सैनिक"
He is the head of paramilitary force.

Mohan is the paramount of that company.

He has symptoms of paranoia.

He is a paranoid.

Scientists are working on this paranormal phenomenon.

Parapet is necessary on this bridge.

"paraphernalia","N","1.निजी सामग्री"
These are my paraphernalia.

I need a paraphase of this topic.

Mona is suffering from paraplegia.

"parapsycology","N","1.परा मनोविज्ञान"

Spray paraquat on the weeds.

Bacteria is a parasite.

Dont live a parasitic life.

Man uses parasol to protect from rain.

"paratroops","N","1.छतरी सेना"
Paratroops are part of our airforce"

Mother is paraboiling the potatoes.

A post man carrying a parcel of books under his arm.

We can see parched deserts in Africa.

Kirti says pardon to her friend when her friend told him one incident.

The offender was pardoned by the king.

"parent","N","1.मा बाप"
Martina & Gorge have recently become parent.

I saw parantage on a street.

He is aVicar of a large rural parish.

Jatin treated as a pariah.

"parish clerk","N","1.चर्च की कर्मचारी"
There is some work connected to parish clerk.

A parision man lived in our uncle house.

We can see Parisians in India at some places"

A dealer demanding parity of money from all the customers.

There is a big park in our colony.

Park the car under the tree.

"park and ride","N","1."
Use the park and ride when we go somewhere.

"parka","N","1.एक गर्म जैकिट"
Man uses parka in winter.

"parkin","N","1.अदरक से बनाया गया केक"
The mother made a parkin cake to her daughter on her Birthday.

"parking","N","1.गाडई स्थान"
There is no parking between 1 P.M. to 6 P.M.

"parking meter","N","1.किराया यंत्र"
The parking fee can be paid through parking meter.

"parkinsons disease","N","1.पार्किंसनरोग"
Sita has parkinsons disease.

The man having parkland in his village about 500 acres.

There is a parkway near G.T. Road.

Martinas pariance is appreciated in conference.

"parley","V","1.संधि वार्ता करना"
The king sent a messenger to the enemy camp to parley.

Ashok is a member of parliament.

"parliamentarian","N","1.संसद का म
One of our most eminent parliamentarians was Anantasayanam ayyangar.

Amendement to constitution is a parloiamentary issue.

"parlour","N","1.बैठक खाना"
There is a beauty parlour in our colony.

English tennis is in a parious condition.

She has a gift for parody.

"parole","N","1.पर करामुक्ति"
Hes hoping to get parole.

He went in to a paroxysm of rage.

Parrots words are very sweet to listen.

"parrot","V","1.अंधानुकरण करना"
My youngest sister is parroting me to talk in my style.

He has dressed up like a parsee.

Parsimony prevents man to spend money carelessly.

I sowed a parsnip plant in a pot.

The parson were arguing outside the church.

I took part in the chess competition.
We think of you as part of our family.
I was given the part of Shri Rama in the play.
Please give me the property on part of my brother.

He was parted from his family after division.

"partake","V","1.भाग लेना"
He did not partake in festivities.

A partial solar eclipse was observed yesterday.
The teacher was partial toward his relative in the class.

The participants of the badminton tournament were honoured by the principal.

"participate","V","1.भाग लेना"
I love to participate in social activities.
--"२.भागीदार होना"
Ram participated in the share of property.

Participles are used in verb phrases such as"hurrying, hurried" and so on.

Each and every particle is made up of automs.

I am very particular about my studies.

I remember my parting from my parents when I was a child.

In the office, when I was in deep trouble he helped me as a partisan of mine.

Partition of the big state into smaller states may lead to better governance.


I made him my business partner so as to handle it properly.
He was my partner in tennis tournament.

Tim is the part-owner of my flat.

Partidge was shot down by hunter.

Party of that area was given maximum votes.

"parvence","N","1.नया अमीर"
Mayor of the city is a perfect example of parvence.

The street was so crowded that the traffic was unable to pass.
Time has passed so quickly that we are surprised.
--"२.हस्तांतरित करना"
Read and pass on the newspaper.
--"३.पार करना"
Pass the shop and you will be in front of the school.
--"४.उत्तराधिकार में पाना"
I have inherited my nature as it passed from my father to me.
--"५.उत्तीर्ण होना"
I dont know much psychology but I have to pass my exam.
--"६.मंजऊर होना"
The bill should be passed in this session only.
--"७.सहन करना"
Her provocative remarks passed without comment.

The mountain roads are not passable until late spring.
He is an average student but still passable.

"passably","Adj","1.स्वीकरणीय रूप से"
He performed passably in exams.

Read the following passage.
You cant stop the passage of time.
They entered the passage from the side door.
The small particle entered her nasal passage.

He goes to the bank regularly to update his passbook.

Most long distance passengers prefer the window seat.

None of the passers-by helped the beggar.

"passing","Adj","1.गुजरने वाला"
I watched the passing procession.
It was just a passing thought.

One must have control over ones passions.
She has a passion for music.

She writes passionate poetry.
He is a passionate lover.
He became passionate on hearing unkind words.

He was passive even when he was criticized.
He is so passive, he will not oppose you.
Change every active sentence to passive.

His passiveness will never let him succeed.

The police caught him without his passport.
(figurative) Money is not the passport to happiness.

"password","N","1.संकेत शब्द"
Every spy in the detecive agency must remember his password.

She has been ill for the past four days.
They have learnt from their past experience.

He drove past the playground.

Her talks keep reverting back to the past.

This issue is past her understanding.
--"२.से अधिक"
Her grandmother is past eighty five.

Close the envelope with the paste.
Turmeric and sandalwood paste works as a good antiseptic.

Lets paste the posters on the walls.

"pastel","N","1.पेस्टलरंगीन रेखा चित्र बनाने के लिए चाक"
She bought a box of pastels for making sketches.

"pastel","Adj","1.हल्का फीका रंग"
She likes to wear pastel shades.

Her favourite pastime is horse-riding.

"pastor","N","1.पादरी" # गडरिया
The new pastor has an authoritative voice.

This new pastor carries out his pastoral duties whole heartedly.
He talks a lot about pastoral life.

"pastoral","N","1.ग्राम्यग्रामीण जीवन का चित्र खींचती हुई तस्वीर या कविता"
,Paradise Lost is a pastoral poem written by Milton.

"pastry","N","1.पेस्ट्रीएक छोटा मीठा केक"
She wants to eat a pineapple pastry for breakfast.

The pastures have turned fresh and green in the rain.
There is no more pasture left for the cows.

Before I asked the question pat came the reply.

Her pat reaction revealed her presence of mind.

He was given a pat on his back for his courageous feat.

She patted the baby to sleep.

She sewed a green patch over the tear in hear dress.
This patch of land is dry.
You need a patch for your wound.
Bring the white horse with the black patch on his forehead.
There is a patch of blood on your shirt.

They tried to patch the leaking roof.
After their break up they patched up easily. (figurative)

This is a patchwork of torn clothes.
The painting was a patchwork of different colours and designs.

He has a shiny bald pate.

"patella","N","1.घुटनों की हड्डी"
He dislocated his patella due to the fall.

He has put forward a patent question.

He has obtained a patent for this new model of fridge.

The company patented for their exclusively designed dish washer.

Due to his fathers death he was deprived of paternal love.

He accepted paternity of the orphaned boy.

This path leads to the river through the forest.
All Gandhians tread on the path of truth and non-violence.

The poor man died on the road in a pathetic condition.
As an artist he is pathetic.

He is working as a pathologist in his uncles hospital.

She has taken up pathology as her major subject.

"pathos","N","1.करुण रस"
It was an excellent performance of pathos and anger.

He has no patience in dealing with children.

She is a patient listener.

This patient is suffering from malaria.

The teacher patiently answered the queries of the students.

"patio","N","1.चबूतरा/बिन छत का बरामदा"
They are having tea on the patio.

"patriarch","N","1.कुल पिता"
The father is generally the patriarch of the family.

He lives a patrician lifestyle.

He is the first patrician from Rome.

"patricide","N","1.पिता की हत्या"
In a state of drunken fury he committed patricide.

"patrimony","N","1.पैत्रिक संपत्ति"
He inherited the white horse as part of his patrimony.

Every country has its share of patriots.

All the citizens should have patriotic feelings for their country.

There is a police patrol at the end of the road.
The guards make an hourly patrol of this site.

There are troops that regularly patrol along the border.

He is a patron of art and music.
He is a patron of society.
He is the only patron of this institution.

They are the regular patrons of this shop.

The patronage of a few educated citizens revived an ancient art.

She patronizes our theatre group.


The rain pattered on the roof all night long.
He needs no excuse to patter about his achievements.
--"३.हल्के-फुलके कदम से चलना"
She pattered along the corridor in her bare feet.

I heard the patter of their feet as they ran across the road.

She bought a book of wallpaper patterns.
The pattern of his house is not modern.
The tailor showed him the best dress patterns.
They follow his pattern of good conduct.
The companys export policy set the pattern for other companies.

"pattern","V","1.अनुकरण करना"
The child tries to pattern everything her parents do.

"pattern","Adj","1.रचा हुआ"
She has a blue shawl patterned with silver embroidery.

The culprit escaped punishment due to paucity of evidences.

Your paunch is beginning to show.

He lost all his wealth in a bet and died a pauper.

He paused before answering my question.

He slipped out during a pause in the conversation.

They have paved the area in front of the porch.
The roads will get paved before monsoon sets in.
Good economic policies will pave the way for industrial expansion.

They walked on the broader pavement to avoid the traffic.
All the pavements in the city have been destroyed.

There is a dance concert running at the Royal pavilion.
The cricketers are going to the pavilion.
They will construct a pavilion of flowers for their marriage.

Lion cubs have soft paws.

The kitten pawed at the door.
He has been pawing her inorder to get her favour. *
He was made to apologise for trying to paw the lady.

"pawn","N","1.पैदल मोहरा"
A pawn can be moved only straight.
He is just a pawn in their struggle for power.
The terrorists made them all pawns.

He pawned his gold watch to pay his rent.
--"२.दाव पर लगाना"
He pawned his life for the sake of loyalty.

They will get their pay by the end of this month.

They always pay their rent on time.
He will pay for all his evil deeds.
It pays to be honest with the taxman.

This amount is payable in instalments.

"payload","N","1.बम या मिसाइल के फूटने का सामर्थ्य"
It is not easy to gauge the payload of a balistic missile.

They had an early payment this month since the paymaster will be on leave.

They accept payment only by cash.
She made the payment in five monthly instalments.

"payout","N","1.पैसों का विशाल भुगतान"
Lets check the insurance payout this year.

She cant eat peas with a fork.

After the sudden outbreak of war, now there is peace in the country.
She has lost her peace of mind.

She has a peaceable temperament.
After a hot argument they arrived at a peaceable settlement.

One should live peaceably with ones neighbours.

She passed a peaceful evening in the meadows.

The ladies peacefully continued their work.

USA was the peacemaker in the nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

"peacetime","N","1.शान्तिकालजिस समय युद्ध नहीं हो रहा हो"
The army is alert even during peacetime.

She was wearing a peach sari.

The ripe peaches have fallen under the tree.
--"२.पीलापन लिए गुलाबी रंग"
Her favourite colours are peach and pink.

Peacock is the national bird of India.

K2 is the highest peak in India.

"peaked","Adj","1.चोटी वाला"
Everest is a very high peaked mountain.

"peak","V","1.चोटी पर पहुचना"
Land prices have peaked now-a-days.

she look a bit peaky.

After hearing a joke she breaks into the peal of laughter.

Helen pealed with laughter.

Salted peanuts in packets are available in the market.
--"२.अल्पमात्रा में धनराशी"
In early times less peanuts were given for much job.

Pear is a nutricious fruit.

Pearl is used to make a necklace.

His teeth were pearly white.

We can see a no. of peasants in some corners of India.

Peat is used at fire place as fuel.

I saw a different kinds of pebbles in rock garden.

"peccary","N","1.सूअर जैसा जानवर"
We should not perform the way of peccary.

"peck","V","1.चोंच मारना"
Birds are pecking on the trunk of the trees.

"peck","N","1.चंचु प्रहार"
I had purchased 2 pecks of sugar.

There is specific bird named wood pecker.

The old man was looking peckish.

"pectoral","Adj","1.छाती संबन्धी"
Every one of us have a pectoral girdle.

He has his won peculiar brand of humour.

"peculiarly","Adj","1.विशेषता से"
My teacher behaves peculiarly.

He had suffered a peccuniary loss,.

I used to concern my problems with my pedagogue.

Small boats are sometime driven by pedals.

"pedal","V","1.पैडल चलाना"
He was pedaling the bicycle very fast.

The gold pedants are very expensive.

Ram used to peddle to sell his goods.

Pedestrian should walk on the footpath.

Life in the suburbs can be petty pedestrian.

"pedicure","N","1.पैरों की सफआई करना"
She went to beauty parlour for pedicure.

Ram is a pedigree man.

"pedlar","N","1.फेरी वाला"
Mohan is pedlar.

"pee","V","1.पेशाब करना"
He was peeing.

Remove the skin of the potato with a peeler.

The girl took a peep through the bedroom door to make sure that baby is asleep in her cot.

The man was peeping through the hole.

"peep hole","N","1.झाकने का छिद्र/झरोखा"
There is a peep hole in my front door through which I can recognize visitors who come to my home.

"peeping tom","N","1.ताक-झाक करनेवाला"
Harish was a cheap peeping tom as he liked to watch girls taking bath in the pond.

"peep show","N","1.सैरबीन"
At every mela there is man with a TV shaped box on a tripod and many children enjoy the peep-स्होत् through the small sieving

I heard a peep from the floor which I late discovered were mice.

"peep","V","1.चीं-चीं करना"
The class girls had been silent for the entire period with out peeping.

In cricket, Tendulkar has no peer where batting is concerned.

In the british parliament the peerage is formed by a group of elected members of the ruling party.

In the movie Godmother, shabana azmi put in a peerless performance and won world acclaim.

"peer group","N","1.समान व्यक्तियों का समूह"
On my birthday party, I invited all my class mates, a peer group which could be managed freely.

"peer","V","1.सावधानी से देखना/ताकना"
It was dark in the evening, when I returned from market on my bicycle and I had to peer with half-स्हुट् eyes to stay on the r

I am already sad because of my half yearly results, so please do not peeve me further by laughing at me.

"peeved","Adj","1.क्रुद्ध हुआ"
When I told Lata on phone that I saw her with Mohan she was so peeved that she scolded me.

Radha is a mad and peevish girl.

Peewit is really a gorgeous bird.

When I hang a picture on the wall, I hammer in a strong thin peg to hold it in place.

"peg","V","1.खूटी लगाना"
During a storm the people have to peg their tents firmly to the ground.

He recieved pejorative remarks for his work.

"pekineses","N","1.एक प्रकार का कुत्ता"
I have a very sweet pekineses.

During vacation my friends and I generally go to pelagic fishing near the sea shore.

Pelican has a pouch under its long bill for storing food.

In backward villages, due to malnutrition people suffer from pellagra.

In the class children like to throw paper pellets on each other.

"pell-मेल्ल्","Adj","1.हडबडई से"
A fire broke out in the school assembly hall and the children ran pell-मेल्ल्.

The swimming pool in the school is so pellucid that the tiles at the bottom are clearly visible.

"pelmet","N","1.लकडइ का डआंचा/लोहे आदि का परदा लगाने का डंडा"
This iron pelmet is very beautiful.

"pelt","V","1.फएंकना/फएंककर मारना"
A wild barking dog entered the school compound and we pelted stones on it to drive away.

The pelts of dead foxes are good for making leather belts.

My firend have a defect in her pelvis.

She is suffering from pelvic infection.

I have a infinite number of pens in my home.

"pen","V","1.बाडए में बन्द करना"
She feels penned in by her life as a housewife.
He penned a beautiful letter yesterday.

Oshos literary work with pen-and-ink.

Yesterday I received a letter from my pen friend who is living in America.

"pen name","N","1.उपनाम"
Mostly the poet use their pen-name to introduce themselves.

My uncle hates to be a pen-pusher.

"pen","N","1.जानवरों का बाडआ"
I have made a beautiful pen for my animals.
Yesterday, I visited a kids pen.

"penal","Adj","1.दण्ड विषयक"
He is punished by penal of judges.

"penal code","N","1.दंड संहिता"
Every judge reffers penal code in giving his/हेर् judgement.

"penalize","V","1.दण्डइत करना"
A student will be penalized in the school if he/स्हे will broke the furniture or glass pane.

In library you have to pay a penalty for returning a book late.

We have to do penance for our mistakes.

He had to pay 20 pence for this item.

"penchant","N","1.विशेष रुचि"
She has a penchant for buying party gowns.

Have you sharpened your pencil.

"pencil","V","1.चित्रित करना"
She penciled a beautiful room.

"pencil case","N","1.पेंसिल रखने की डिब्बा"
I have 3 pencil cases.

"pencil sharpner","N","1.पेंसिल बनाने का यन्त्र"
This pencil sharpner costs Rs.20.

I have beautiful things containing pendants.

He has so much pending work in their office.

I have a wall clock with a pendulous bell.

I have a wall clock containing pendulum.


The surgeons knife penetrated deep into the patient body.

She is enough penetrate to understand this long chapter.
A penetrating cry heard from our neighbours house.

Our penetration of the enemys defences.

Vishwanath is having a penetrative mind in chess.

"penguin","N","1.एक चिडइया"
Penguins are mostly found in Iceland.

Alexander was the founder of penicillin.

Here is a model of peninsula in the samrat hotel.

There are some beautiful pictures related to peninsular island.

She is feeling penitence for what she has done to me.

My grandma told me a story about a penitant.


He was kept in a penitentary as a punishment.

"pen knife","N","1.चाकू"
Cut the fruit with a pen knife.

On Independence day our school had given pennant to every child.

I saw a penniless beggar near the temple.

"penny","N","1.पेनीब्रिटिश करेंसी"
I have a penny in my coin collection.

"pension","N","1.निवृत्ति वेतन"
Mr. Gupta is getting his pension every month.

He is doing a pensionable job.

Sunil is the pensioner in this office.

She looked pensive when she heard the news.

"pensively","Adv","1.विषण्णता से"
he did his work pensively.

My fathers office is in the shape of pentagon.


"pentameter","N","1.पंचपदी पद्य"
I tried to write a pentameter for our school magazine.

Luxurious panthouse flats are for sale in the city.

"pent-up","Adj","1.दबी हुई"
Some people get pent up emotions for too long.

I got a letter from my friend on the penultimate day of last month.

There are many pennurious people in our independent India.

I was brought up in penury in my childhood.

"peony","N","1.रंग-बिरंगे फऊलों वाला पौधा"
A beautiful penury is there in our garden.

I met many people in the conference.
Some kinds of social problems worry people.
The spartans were a warlike people.
The people of Russia were ruled by Tzar kings.
--"५.वफआदार लोग"
His people are believable.
The chief minister will be elected by the people.
My people are very good in nature.

"pep","V","1.ओत प्रेत करना"
To pep up the Indian cricket the captain wants to put some enthusiastic young men in the team.

"pepper","N","1.गोल मिर्च"
Pepper has got a special place in ayurveda to make some kinds of medicines.
--"२.एक प्रकार का सब्जी"
Peppers stuffed with rice are tasty to eat.

"pepper mill","N","1.पीसने की चक्की"
We can get smooth pepper powder through pepper mill.

I used to swallow Peppermint everyday while going to school.

An ulcer in the digestive system is called peptic ulcer.

Usually some people go for perambulation after the meal.

"perambulator","N","1.बच्चा गाडई"
The mother takes her child in perambulatior to the park for fresh air.

"per annum","Adv","प्रतिवर्ष"
Swati took a loan of Rs.16,000 from the bank at the rate of 10% per annum.

"per capita","Adj","1.प्रतिव्यक्ति"
Per capita tax rises sharply every year.

"per capita","Adv","1.प्रतिव्यक्ति"
Per capita tax rises sharply every year.

She perceived change in his behaviour.
That is not the way, I perceived the situation.

"per cent","Adj","प्रति सैकडओं में एक भाग"
She scored 90 per cent marks in science.

"per cent","Adv","1.प्रति सैकडओं में एक भाग"
She works 20 per cent harder than any other worker.

Over 70 percent of the families in this area own a telephone.

The sales girls get a percentage on each product they sell.
What percentage of the students is awarded a fellowship.

"perceptible","Adj","1.इन्द्रिय ग्राह्य"
The fragrance spread in the room is perceptible.
--"२.आनने योग्य"
The patient got perceptible improvement after consulting a good doctor.

"perceptibly","Adv","1.प्रत्यक्षरूप से"
The student has improved perceptibly.

"perception","N","1.प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञान"
The teachers should improve ones power of perception.
--"२.प्रतिपत्ति ज्ञान"
The doctors analysis on my disease showed a great perception.

A perceptive comment made by the lawyer in the court was appreciated by all.
--"२जल्दी ज्ञान ग्रहण करनेवाला"
It was very perceptive of yours to give that judgement.

"perceptively","Adv","1.कुशाग्रबुद्धि से"
He explained the problem to his client very perceptively.

"perch","N","1.चिडइयों के बैठने का अड्डा"
The sparrow shuffled on the perch.
--"२.ऊचा स्थान"
We watched the game from precarious perch at the last and the highest seats of the stadium.
--"३.एक प्रकार की मछली"
There are many perchs in my acquarium.

"perch","V","1.अड्डे पर बैठना"
The birds perched over the roof.
--"२.ऊचा स्थान पर बैठना"
We usually perch on high stools in the computer laboratory.

"perched","Adj","1.बैठा हुआ"
The perched bird was singing a song.
--"२.ऊचा या खतरनाक स्थान पर रखा हुआ"
A castle perched high above the river.

Perchance the weather will change tomorrow.

"percipent","Adj","1.जल्दी ग्रहण करने योग्य"
sonal is a percipient student.

"percolate","V","1.बूंद बूंद करके टपकना"
Water takes very less time to percolate through cotton cloth.

"percolator","N","1.काफई बनाने का यन्त्र"
A new percolator was established in a near by hotel.

"percussion","N","1.तबला आदि वाद्य यन्त्र"
I like the percussion at several occasions.
--"२.वाद्य यन्त्र विभाग"
We invited a percussion from an orchestra in our programme.

"percussionist","N","1.वाद्य यन्त्र बजानेवाला"
Mr.Y.Venkateswara Rao is a famous percussionist.

"perdition","N","1.नरक वास"
Be damned to perdition.

Her novel about the perigrination of south Africa is very good.

We can find peregrines in zoo-parks.

Look! My orders are peremptory.

"peremptorily","Adv","1.अलंघनीय रूप से"
You should take all my orders peremptorily.

"perennial","Adj","1.आवृत्ति पानेवाली"
Increasing of mosquitos is a perennial problem in our colony.
These plants are perennial.

Her P.A owns a nursery of perennial plants.

"Perennially","Adv","1.पूरे वर्ष"

"perestroika","N","1.आर्थिक या राजकीय संस्करण"
One of the main architects of perestroika is Michel Gorbachev.

This is an absolutely perfect set of cutlery.
This is the perfect copy of the original document.
A perfect score made by the opening batsman gives hope to win the game.
They speak perfect French.
--"५.भूतकाल सम्बन्धी"
I have eaten" is the present perfect tense of"eat"

The verb is in the perfect.

Now I am feeling perfectly well.
The trousers which were bought from readymade shop fit perfectly.
--"३.पूर्ण रूप से"
*What perfectly pleasant weather.

"perfect","V","1.परिपूर्ण करना"
She is an artist who spent years perfecting her creativity.

I aim for better perfection.
Her dancing was perfection itself.
--"३.सब प्रकार से संतोषप्रद"
They are working hard on the perfection of their paint formula.

"To perfection","IDM","1.पराकाष्ठा"
The cake was baked to perfection.

She is such a perfectionist that she insists only for the use of.
the best quality products.

Act of perfidy will not survive for too long.

Beware of his perfidious attitude.

Nowadays perforate brisks are used for constructions.

"perforation","N","1.छेदों की कतार"
Fold the paper along the perforations.

The board of directors had perforce to abandon the examinations.

By giving donation he has performed a great social service.
That magician performs miracles.
The play was first performed in the late 80s.
*--"३.कार्य में आना/क्रियाशील होना"
Your new technique has performed very well in the tests.

He is a talented performer of that orchestra.

"performing arts","N","1.रंगकलाए"
She has opened an institute for the awareness of the performing arts.

Lets go and attend the matinee performance of Remo the singer.
This is a rare live performace of Lata Mangeshkar.
It was an impressive performance of cricket players of India.
--"४.शीघ्रता के साथ ठीक-ठाक काम करने की क्षमता"
I am extremely impressed by this computers performance.
I am not satisfied with your performance of duties.
He goes through the whole performance of checking the air in the tyres.
every time he takes out his cycle.

"perfume","V","1.सुगंधित करना"
We use perfumed deodorants in our house.
--"२.खुशबू से भरपूर करदेना"
The roses perfumed the air.

That shop is famous for selling perfumes.
The fragrant perfume of the flowers gives us happiness.

"perfrumery","N","1.इत्र बनने या बिकने की दुकान"
Lets buy some new ones from the perfumery counter of the departmental store.

I attended a perfunctory interview last week.

Our gardener is perfect in making pergola.

Perhaps I may not attend the class tomorrow.
He was alone for perhaps half an hour.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to open the door for me.
It is, perhaps, the best known of his works.
,Dont you think we should ask your father first? well, perhaps so.

"peri","Pref","1.चारों ओर के अर्थ में उपसर्ग"
The perimeter of this ground is 260 meters.

Be careful of the perils coming on your way advised the astrologer.
--"२.खतरनाक स्थिति"
The reindeers are able to survive in the perils of harsh winter.

I enjoyed a perilious journey to Kashmir.

"periliously","Adv","1.संकटपूर्ण रूप से"
We were periously close to the hanging rock of goa.

Before any calculations, first find out the perimeter of this ground.

Your duty will be to maintain the traffic system at peak periods.
commanded the officer.
This statue was made during Akbars period.
A movie is also made on the jurrasic period.
We have two periods of computer in a week.
She consulted the doctor for period pains.
A periodic review of expenditure is necessary to save money.

India Today is a periodical magazine.

"periodic","Adv","1.नियतकाल में"
For a good health, we should go to check up our body by doctor periodically.

"periodic table","N","1.आवर्तसारणी"
The chemical elements were arranged according to their atomic weight in the periodic table by Mendeleef (scientist).

"peripatetic","Adj","1.जगह जगह घूमनेवाला"
Ancient people were peripatetic.

our school has strong and high periphery.
Every man has a limited political periphery in his life.

Fund raising is peripheral to their main acitivities.
Parents should not give peripheral vision to their children.
Computer has many peripheral devices like display units, printers etc.

Submarine has a periscope to see the view of over the water surface from inside the water.

Thousands of people perished in earthquake.
--"२.सड जाना"
The seal on the bottle has perished.

Pickle is perishable when it is kept without the acid.

It is perishing outside.
I cant get in - Ive lost the perishing key.

"peritonitis","N","1.पेट की झिल्ली का रोग"
He is suffering from peritonitis.

Periwinkle is a plant that has blue and white flowers.

"perjure","V","1.न्यायालय में झूट बोलना"
Many people are perjuring in law courts, habitually!.

"perjure","N","1.न्यायालय में झूट बोलने की प्रक्रिया"
An action should be taken against perjury cases in a law court.

Perks offered by the firm include a house and a car.
She regards free stationery as one of the perks of the job.

"perk up","V","1.जान आना"
He felt depresssed but soon perked up when he stood first in class.

He is still in bed, but he seems to be perky.
She gave a perky grin to her classmates.

To be a good man one should not have perkiness.

"perm","N","1.बालों को लहरियादार बनाने की क्रिया"
Have a perm.

"perm","V","1.बालों को लहरियादार बनाना"
Her hair has been permed.

"permafrost","N","1.स्थायी तूषार"
The soil is permafrost in polar regions.

It is a better post owing to its permanance.

She has now got a permanent job in a school.
Her hair has permanent wave.

"permanently","Adv","1.स्थायी रूप से"
They have settled in punjab permanently.

"permeate","V","1.में फऎल जाना"
The fragrance of flowers permeated through the drawing room.

Fertilizer in liquid form is permeable in the soil.

Soil has permeability for liquid.

Permeation of information technology is really helpful to make a develop country.

Delay is not permissible, even for a single day.

She has got the permission to enter the school.

"permissive","Adj","1.अनुमति देने वाला"
Children are allowed to play after doing complete homework by their permissive parents.

No one can enter school premises without a permit.

"permit","V","1.अनुमति देना"
The security gaurd permitted the students in to the musium.
--"२.करने देना"
School admission should be reopened as soon as circumstances permit.

"permit of","PhrV","1.सम्भव न होना"
To do this work my consience doesnt permit of any delay.

You can arrange these colour pencils in endless permutation and combinations.

Smoking is pernicious to health.

He always seems to be pernickety about unimportant details.

In speech your peroration should be there.

Peroxide is used to bleach hair and to kill the bacteria of superficial wounds.

My maths teacher said me to draw a perpendicular line.
This building is perpendicular to the ground.
Our house is judt behind the perpendicular cliffs in the village.
Qutab minar is little out of the perpendicular direction.

"perpetrate","V","1.पाप या दोष करना"
Perpetrate is a dreadful outrage.

"perpetration","N","1.अपराध कर्म"
The act of discriminating between any religion is a kind of perpetration.

"perperator","N","1.पाप कर्म करने वाला"
This man is perperator..

How can I work with these perpetual interruptions.
He was elected perpetual secretary.
There was a perpetual noise of traffic.

"perpetual motion","N","1.सतत"
Computer machine works in a perpetual motion when it is swtched on.

"perpetuate","V","1.स्थायी बनाना"
These measures will only perpetuate the hostility between the two nations.

Please do your work in perpetuation.

No one can stop the perpetuity of time.

"perplex","V","1.व्याकुल करना"
I was perplexed by his rude behaviour.

She tried to explain her behaviour to her perplexed parents.

"perpexedly","Adv","1.व्याकुलता से"
The person whose purse was stolen went to the police station perplexedly.

Please dont ask perplexing questions.

I looked at here in perplexity.
Try to cope with the perplexities of life.

Perquisites include the use of company house.
The impeachment of the chief justice is the perquisite of the president.

"perry","N","1.नाशपाती की मदिरा"
Perry is a fermented drink prepared from the juice of pears.

The word pers gives the meaning of more than one person.

"per se","Adv","1.अपने आप में"
The drug is not harmful per se but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.

"persecute","V","1.उत्पीडित करना"
He has been persecuted because of his race.
He accused the media of persecuting him and his family.

She is very upset due to the frequent persecution.

Her friend tried to escape her from the hands of persecutors.

"perserve","V","1.निरन्तर प्रयत्न करना"
If you perserve you will succeed.

"perseverance","N","1.निरन्तर प्रयत्न/दृढता"
Only his perseverance help him to achieve his aim.

A few persevering climbers finally reach the top.

"persian","Adj","1.फारसी भाषा या फारसीनिवासी"
Persian is the language of Persia (country) and the inhabitants are known as Persians.

The inhabitants of Persia are called persians.

"persian","N","1.फारसी भाषा"
The language of persia is known as persian.

"persian carpet","N","1.फारसी चटाई"
We may see persian carpets in Salarjung museum.

"Persian cat","N","1.फारसी बिल्ली"
Persian cat has long hairs.

"persimmon","N","1.तेंदू फल"
Persimmon is found in tropical regions and is a sweet fruit.

"persist","V","1.दृढ रहना"
If you persist, you will annoy your mother even more.
You should seek medical advice if the pain persists.

Her persistence was rewarded when they finally got ready to go for outing.
Ram was persistence on her uncles home.

She wanted to married only persistent man.
The policeman began persist questioning of the oosted minister in connection with scam.

He is that person, whom Rita loves.
we bought clothes from sales person.
The first person is reffered by I/We.
--"३.ईसाई मजहब"
The three persons of god are Trinity.

His public persona was of serious.

"persona non grata","N","1.अस्वीकार्य व्यक्ति"
He was declared persona non grata, forced to leave town.

Our principal is very personable man.

"personage","N","1.मान्य व्यक्ति"
Personage persons are treated respectfully everywhere.

My car is for my personal use only.
Well meet you later on after discussing our personal matter.
Her work is personal for her.

She wants to do her work personally.
--"२.व्यक्तिगत रूप से"
I dont know him personally.

Ram is having a strong personality.
--"२.विशेष चरित्र"
Good personality persons are known by every one.

"personalize","V","1.व्यक्तिगत बना लेना"
This pen is personalized with her initials.

"personify","V","1.मानवीकरण करना"
Sun is personified in the poetry.
--"२.विचार प्रकट करना"
I personify my views at debate.

The personifcation of autumn is in keats poem.

"personnel","N","1.कर्मचारी वर्ग"
Army personnel are not allowed to leave on the base.
--"२.कर्मचारी विभाग"
He is working in the personnel department.

The artist shows a fine command of pespective.

We use perspex at our home windows.

He gave a perspicacious judgement.

"perspire","V","1.पसीना बहाना"
After seeing lion I started to perspire.

"persuade","V","1.के लिए राजी करना"
I persuaded her to do my work.
The judge was not fully persuaded by the evidence.

Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.
People of all persuasions are living in our country.

My boss has a persuasive manner.

When the principal posed a question to the student, he gave a pert reply.

"pertain","V","1.से सम्बंध रखना"
He was summoned for evidence pertaining to the case.
--"२.का होना"
The manor and the land pertaining to it.

"pertinacious","Adj","1.दृढ प्रतिज्ञ"
His style of arguement in meetings is not so aggressive as pertinacious.

The teacher asked the students to ask pertinent questions.

"perturb","V","1.उद्विग्न कर देना"
The sad news of my friends accident has perturbed me greatly.

"peruse","V","1.अनुशीलन करना"
Would you care to peruse the wine list.

Her influence is pervasive.

"perverse","Adj","1.जान-बूझकर गलत व्यवहार करने वाला"
Udita is a perverse girl so do what she want.

"pervade","V","1.में व्याप्त होना"
The smell of flowers pervaded our garden.

Desires that are considered abnormal or unacceptable are called perversions.
--"२.सही से जलत में परिवर्तन"
Her account was a perversion of the truth.

He behaves like a pervert.

"pervert","V","1.दुरुपयोग करना"
He perverted the course of justice.
--"२.पथभ्रष्ट करना"
Did Socrates really perverted the youth of Athens?.

The accused was proved to be perverted.

"peseta","N","1.स्पेन की मुद्रा"
The value of peseta is much lesser than dollar.

"pesky","Adj","1.तंग करने वाला"
There are some pesky mosquitoes in our room in the hostel.

"peso","N","1.लेटिनअमेरिका और फिलिप्पिन्स की मुद्रा"
I went to philippines and bought a beautiful dress of 700 peso.

Pessary is injected into womans vagina to cure a disease.
Sometimes pessary is used to cure a disease in women.

There is general pessimism in the company about future job prospects.

Those who are pessimists can never get success in their life.

My brother is very pessimistic about his future.

"pest","N","1.हानिकारक जीव"
The buffer stocks were destroyed due to pest.
That child is an absolute pest he keeps destroying my new saplings by crushing them.

The cows were continually pestered by flies.

Pesticides play a important role in agriculture.

Tuberculosis is a pestilence.

"pestilential","Adj","1.परेशान करनेवाला"
Sometimes the children are pestilential.
polluted water is pestilential.

A pestle is used to grind drugs in Ayurveda.

I have got a pet dog.

Ram pets his little dog.

"pet name","N","1.प्यारकानाम"
His pet name is Kittu.

Rose petals are very beautiful.

Hibiscus is a four petalled flower.

"peter out","V","1.धीरे धीरे समाप्त हो जाना"
The protest campaign soon petered out of lack of funds.

"petit bourgeosis","N","1.निम्नबुर्जुआ"
The clerks ususally come under the category of petit bourgesis.

Film actress Rani Mukherjee has got a very good petite.

A petition against closing the steel works was signed by all the members.
The accused made a petition to the court against the allegation, his wife made a petition for divorce.

She is the petitioner of divorce.

I saw some petrels on the sea-shore.

"petrify","V","1.अश्मीकृत होना"
I was petrified to see the enormous giant.
Without new ideas institution tend to petrify.

Petrochemicals like diesel are very essential for automobiles.

Petrol is used as a fuel in most of the vehicles.

"petrol bomb","N","1.पेट्रोलबॉम्ब"
The rebellions used toe petrol bomb to harm the people.

"petrol station","N","1.पेट्रोलपम्प"
We can find a petrol station after every mile.

Petroleum is a fossil fuel. It is a source of various important fuels.

"petroleum jelly","N","1.वैसलीन"
Petroleum jelly is used as a skin ointment.

Now-a-days petrology is also advancing.

My mother wears while lacy petticoats.

She tends to become pettifoggish about simple things.
He was making pettifogging objections.

The child was of pettish nature.

He was going through the petty details.
He did petty observance of the regulations.
--"३.निर्दयी और मतलबी"
It was a petty desire for revenge.

"petty cash","N","1.खुदरा रोकड"
Give Lixinton fifteen dollars out of the petty cash.

"petty officer","N","1.नाविक अधिकारी"
He was appointed as a petty office in the navy.

she is a petulant girl.

She petulantly tore the letter.

He tore up the letter in a fit of petulance.

Lots of petunias are growing in the garden.

"pew","N","1.गिरजआघर में आसन"
we saw carved pew in the church.
Please have a pew.

pewits are becoming rare these days.

pewter is used for making utensils.
--"२.जस्ता के बर्तन"
The tank was made of pewter.

I want to do pgce in Biology.

Test the pH level of soil.

He broke the phalanx of his enemies.
--"२.संघटित दल"
I saw a solid phalanx of black commandos.

Dont be afraid, its just a phantasm.


The phantom of his dead father often comes in the backyard.
I found myself staring at her as if she were phantom.

Tutan khamen was a great pharaoh.

Mr keki is a pharisee.
Some people pretend to be moralistic but in actual they are pharisee.

The development of pharmaceutics is a boon to the whole humanity.

Japanस् top ten pharmaceutical companies are working on this matter.

She is waiting for the pharmacist.

"pharmacology","N","1.औषध विज्ञान"
Today pharmacology is advancing day by day.

"pharmacologist","N","1.औषध विज्ञानी"
Mr. Kapoor is a pharmacologist.

"pharmacopoeia","N","1.औषध कोश/भेषज संग्रह"
A pharmacopoeia was published in India last year.

"pharmacy","N","1.औषध निर्माण विज्ञान"
The doctor ordered him to be trained in pharmacy.
In every hospital there is a pharmacy.


"pharyngitis","N","1.ग्रसनी शोथ"
He is suffering from pharyngitis.

My son is going through a difficult phase.
The first quarter is the brightest phase of the moon.
The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.

It involved as a phased programme going over a twenty five year period.
Cutbacks were phased over a 1.year period.
The new regulation will be phased in from september.

This type of weapon was now being finally phased out.
The old filling system will have been phased out by 1998.

"Ph.D","AbbrDoctor of Philosophy","1.पी.एच.डी"
I would like to do Ph.D in Biology.

He shot dead a cock pheasant.

People use phenol as cleaning agent at homes.

Ramila drives at phenomenal speed.

Phenomenology is a term used in abstract science.

Photosynthesis is a bio-chemical phenomenon.

Pheromone is a substance produced by an animal as a chemical signal to attract other animal of the same species.

Phew! The foul smell is coming from outside, please shut the door.

Phial is used for keeping liquid medicine.

"philander","V","1.इरकबाजई करना"
Rahul spend his time drinking and philadering girls.

Salman is a great philanderer, a flirt.

His principle of philanthropy makes worry about the poor.

Philanthropic organisationis organised in many cities to help poor people.

Mahatama Gandhi was a great philanthropist.

"philately","N","1.टिकट संग्रह"
Philately is my hobby.

"philatelic","Adj","1.टिकट संग्रहण करने का"
Collecting tickets is a philatelic job.

"philatelist","N","1.टिकट संग्रही"
Iम् a philatelist so I keep on collecting stamps of different countries.

"philharmonic","Adj","1.संगीत प्रेमी"
He is philharmonic so he attends every music ceremony.

She is suffering from paedophilia.

Navya dismissed critics of her work as philistines.

He was a phile.

She is doing here research in philology.

Ramila talks about the philological work.

Socrates was world known philalogist.

Gandhiji was a great philosopher.

Ramu is interested to particapate in philosophical discussions.

"philosphize","V","1.दार्शनिक रूप में प्रस्तुत करना"
Ramila is always busy in philosphizing about nature and existence of God.

Indian philosophy is very rich.

Phlegm is a viscid fluid secreted by mucous membrane especially when one has cold.

she heard phelgmatic cough.

Examination phobia is very common in children these days.

Phoenix is a mythological bird which originates from its ashes.

I have talked to my friend on phone.

"phone","V","1.फओन करना"
My father asked me to phone for a taxi.

"phone book","N","1.टेलीफओन नंबर लिखनेवाली पुस्तक"
Give me a phone book, I have to check the number.

In English `t in `tip and `s in `sip represent two different phoneme.

"phonetics","N","1.स्वर विज्ञान"
Phonetics is the science of sounds.


"phoneticaly","Adv","1.स्वरध्वनि से"

The story sounds phoney to me.


"phonology","N","1.स्वर विज्ञान"
Phonology is the study of speech sounds in a particular language.


"phosphate","N","1.स्फुर आम्ल से बना हुआ क्षार"
Phosphates are used as a fertilizers in agriculture.

Yellow phosphorus shows phosphorescent in dark.

Phosphorus is a non-metalic substance which appears luminous in the dark.

Ramila took two photo of Monalisa.

Get these photocopies by 500 Oclock.

"photo fit","N","1.मुजरिम की तस्वीर"
Photo fit is a picture of a person wanted by the police.

Im not photogenic.

We took the photograph of Tajmahal when we went to Agra.

I am photographing a rare plant.

Shreyans is a good photographer.

I want to take a photostat copy of my SSC certificate.

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants convert Co2 and water into food using energy from sunlight.

A group of words with special meaning is called a phrase.
A phrase can be effectively used to emphasise a point.

The speakerस् phraseology was very powerful.

Just as our favourite programme was about to be aired the television wen phut.

Roses belong to the phylum of plants.

Physical Education is must to every student.
It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once.

The sheer physicality of athletic is enough to send a persons pulse racing.

The class was so boring that all the students were physically there but mentally absent.
--"२.प्राकृतिक नियम के अनुसार"
Thats physically impossible.

It is hadnt been for the speedy arrival of the physician she would have been long gone.

"physicist","N","1.भौतिक विज्ञानी"
To be a nuclear physicist is not an easy task.

"physics","N","1.भौतिक विज्ञान"
Physics is one of the major branches of science.

"physiognomy","N","1.आकृति विज्ञान"
Her physiognomy was highly attractive.

"physiology","N","1.शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान"
The physiology of human brain is mysterious and fascinating.

"physiotherapy","N","1.शारीरिक चिकित्सा/भौतिक चिकित्सा"
The doctor advised him to have physiotherapy daily for his speedy recovery.

Salman khan, the popular actor has well developed physique.

The grand piano adorned the superstars living room.

The piazza was teeming with people.

"pick","V","1.चुन लेना"
She picked up the most beautiful dress.
He picked the red roses from the plant.
--"३.साफ करना"
Please Pick the hair on the floor.
--"४.किसी नुकीली वस्तु से ताला खोलना"
The burglars picked the lock of strong room.

"pick up","V","1.उठाना"
He was supposed to pick her up after lunch.

"pick up","N","1.वैन"
I have booked a pick up to transport goods from the station.

"pick axe","N","1.कुदाली/गौती"
He used a pickaxe to slay his enemy.

The pickets became violent when their demands were refused.
The cow was tied to the picket.

"picket","V","1.घेरा डालना/खूटा गाडना"
On sports day, ground will be picketed.
--"२.धरना देना"
Some workers of the company want to picket.

Picketing should be made illegal.

"pickings","N","1.उपर की आमदनी"
The officer was arrested becauuse of taking pickings.

The mango pickle is very tasty.

"pickle","V","1.अचार बनाना"
I have to pickle these vegetables.

Whenever you travel in a local bus, take care of pickpockets.

She is really very picky about their food.

We took delicious picnic with us on the way to Jaipur.
This Sunday, well go for a picnic.

There is a pictorial illustration of world war-I in our history book.
These photographs seem to be pictorial.

He painted a beautiful picture.
Her birthday pictures were really nice.
--"३.सिनेमा या टेलिविजन का पर्दा"
Our TV has a 45 cm picture.
This is the debut picture of leonardo-di-vinci.
Our teacher gave us a vivid picture of World war-II.
--"६.मानसिक चित्र"
My brothers description helped the police to build up an accurate picture of what had happened.
--"७.मनोहर वस्तु"
My dad was a picture on the day of his anniversary.

"picture","V","1.कल्पना करना"
I tried to picture how our India will be in 21st century.
--"२.चित्रित करना/चित्र द्वारा प्रदर्शित करना"
He was often pictured as an outsider.
The fairy was pictured against a background of bright moon and twinkling stars.

That hotel gives a picturesque view of the beach.
This poem of Rabindranath Tagore is picturesque.

"piddle","V","1.पेशाब करना"
The baby piddled in the cradle.

My father gave me a piddling amount of money.

"pidgin","N","1.मिश्रित भाषा"
They speak in pidgin.

I want to taste that pineapple pie.

"pie eyed","Adj","1.शराबी"
My neighbour is pie eyed man.

Piebald horses look beautiful.

The sofa is delivered in pieces and we have to assemble it.
--"२.एक सेट में से पृथक
A piece of the Tea set is missing.
Leo nardo davinces monalisa is his master piece.

"piece work","N","1.उजरती काम"
He did piece work for one month.

The"Diary of a young girl" by Anne Frank has been pieced together from her personal diary.
--"२.जोडकर बना लेना"
I pieced together the parts of broken vase.

"Piece de resistance","N","1.मौलिक एवं महत्त्वपूर्ण रचना"
Shahjahans piece de resistance was the Taj Mahal.

"piecemeal","Adv","1.थोडा-थोडा करके"
The companies broken up piecemeal.

I like pied birds.

"pied-a-terre","N","1.एकऔरछोटा-सा घर"
I live in India but have a pied-a-terre in America.

The restaurant at the end of the pier is beautiful.
Take the boat from the pier.
That is very strong pier.

"pierce","V","1.छेदित करना"
The bullet pierced his hand.
she pierced that pencil nib on my finger.
--"३.प्रभावित करना"
Her speech pierced the audience.

She gave a piercing shriek.

I saw a pierrot in a circus.

Rituparna is known for her piety

Romila talks all piffle.

"piffling","Adj","1.महत्त्वहीन बात"
She always comes to me with piffling complaints.

There are some pigs in the sty.
Dont be such a pig.
--"३.व्यर्थ और नीरस कार्य"
It was a pig of a exam.

"फिग्","V","1.बहुत खाना"
We pigged out on pizza and chicken wings.

There are a lot of pigs in the piggery.

And the big piggy climbed the window.

"piggy","Adj","1.सुअर के जैसा"
He has got a cute little piggy nose.

"piggy bank","N","1.गुल्लक"
I have hundred rupees in my piggy bank.

The pigeons cooed softly.

"piggy back","N","1.पीठपरलदकेचलना"
I had to carry my son piggy back all the way.

Shweta is a pig headed girl.

The some young piglets grunting in the sty.

Chlorophyll is a natural pigment present in green plants.

Patches of brown pigmentation on the face of Shruti look horrible.

"pigskin","N","1.सुअर की खाल से बना चमडा"
Rashmi is wearing some warm pigskin gloves.

Some nice new piglets are roaming about in the pigsty.

"pigtail","N","1.छोटी चोटी"
The young girl had two swinging pigtails on the either side of her head.

The fishermen caught some pikes.
The old pike used by the soldiers in museum now.
--"३.किसी पहाड की नुकीली चोटी"
The langdale pikes of Britain are beautiful.

This sum is as plain as a pikestaff.

The pilaf was really tasty.

"pilaster","N","1.भित्ती स्तम्भ"
The pilaster of the building looked beautiful.

"Pilchard","N","1.एक छोटी समुद्री मछली"
Pilchards are available in the fish market.

There is a pile of book lying on my tables.
--"२.बहुत सारा"
Ive got a pile of work to do.
--"३.इमारतों का समूह"
Some tourist are tramping around his ancestoral pile.
The pile mooring are about to break down.
I have a carpet which has a deep pile.

"pile","V","1.ढेर लगना"
I have piled up some books for your use.
Pile plenty of coat on the fire.

"pile up","N","1.दुर्घटना जिसमें बहुत सारी गाडिया शामिल हो"
Thick fog has caused several pile ups on the motor way.

She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months.

Devoted pilgrims visiting the shrine were dressed in orange.

The pilgrimage to Amarnath is considered to be very tough.

Take three pills daily after meals.
--"२.गर्भनिरोधक गोली"
Marys doctor suggested her to go on for the pill.

Horrible accounts are heard of pillage during the wars.

The town was pillaged by the decoits.

There are many pillars in the old church.
--"२.खम्भा जैसा"
Warm yourself near the pillar of the fire.
--"३.मुख्य व्यक्ति/प्रधान व्यक्ति"
He is the pillar of the church.

"pillar box","N","1.पोस्ट बाक्स"
The pillar box is red in color.
--"२.कवच कोठरी"
The soldiers in the kashmir valley remain in the pillbox guarding the front.

"pillion","N","1.पिछली सीट"
The pillion of Hero Honda is very comfortable.

Ravi was pilloried in the media for the extravagant election compaigns.

She lay back on her pillow.

"pillow","V","1.सहारा देना"
She pillowed his head to make him comfortable.

She bought two cotton pillowcases.

"pilot","N","1.विमान चालक"
My cousin is a fighter pilot.
The pilot of the canal is very experienced.

A pilot editon of a new language course was introduced recently.

He was able to pilot the plane through the narrow valley.
--"२.प्रयोग करना"
CBSE Board is piloting a new English course.

There are lot of pimps in the Red light area.

"pimento","N","1.लाल गोल मिर्च"
Pimento is used in making chicken curry.

The teenagers are particularly conscious and worried about pimples.

"pimply","Adj","1.फुंसीदार/मुहासो वाला"
Oil and dirt on face makes it pimply.

Get me a packet of pins.
--"२.सुई की नोक"
Please dont irritate me with this pin.
Rakesh hanged your coat on pin.
Anus pins are effected by polio.

"pin money","N","1.जेब-खर्च"
Raju wants a big pin money for the following month.

"pins and needles","N","1.चुभता हुआ दर्द"
Injection gave a feeling of pins and needles.

"pin","V","1.पिन लगाना"
She pinned the bills together.

"pin up","N","1.बडेचित्र"
Her room is full of pi ups of film stars.

"PIN","AbbrPersonal Identification Number","1.निजी पहचान का अंक"
One should not tell his PIN number.

"pinafore","N","1.बच्चों के कपडों के ऊपर का कपडा"
Babies pinafores are beautifully decorated.

"Pinball","N","1.पिनबालएक प्रकार का खेल"
Meera and Bela were playing pin ball.

"pince-nez","N","1.नाक पकड चश्मा"
Kapil sibbar, the congress speaker put on prince nez.

Hold the bowl with pincer to place it on gas stove.

"pincer movement","N","1.दोहरा आक्रमण"
Their batalion was trapped in a pincer attack.

"pinch","V","1.चिकोटी काटना"
Ravi pinched the small babies soft cheeks.
The door pinched Ravis finger as it shut.
The new sandals pinched me.
--"३.चोरी करना"
Robbers pinched off Ravis money.

Malas one of the bad habit is giving a pinch to others.
--"२.चुटकी भर"
Add a pinch of salt to this dish.

Please set those pins in pincushion to prevent them from rolling down on the floor.

"pine","N","1.चीड का पेड/देवदारु"
Pine trees are found in cool northern regions and are used for making furniture.

A cat was pining for her kittens.

"pine apple","N","1.अनन्नास"
Pineapple is a juicy fruit liked by everyone.

The spoon made a ping when it fell on the floor.

Elastic made a ping sound.

"ping pong","N","1.पिंगपोंग"
The game, ping-pong is similar to Table-Tennis.

The kidnappers pinioned both the arms of the lady whom they kidnapping.

"pink","Adj","1.गुलाबी रंग का"
Preeti came to the party in a pink coloured dress.
During elections, everyone want to be pink.

"pink","N","1.गुलाबी रंग"
Pink colour suits you a lot.
--"२.गुलाबी कपडे"
Neetu was in pink coloured dress.
--"३.गुलाबी फूल"
Those roses are red.

"The Pink","N","1.पूर्ण स्वस्थ"
He is in the pink these days.

"pinkish","Adj","1.थोडा गुलाबी"
The colour of sky in evening was pinkish.

"pink-gin","N","1.विशेष सुरा"
Have some pink-gin and enjoy yourself.

"pink","V","1.शोर करना"
A truck was making a lot of pink sound.

"pinkie","N","1.सबसे छोटी अंगुली/कनिष्टिका"
She has cut her pinkie while cutting the vegetables.

"pinking shears","N","1.आरीदार फलों वाली कैंची"
A beautiful paper flower was made with the help of pinking shears.

Snow covered the pinnacle of mountain.

"pinny","N","1.बच्चों के कपडों के ऊपर का कपडा"
Babys pinny was beautifully decorated.

"pinpoint","N","1.सूच्यग्र/सूई की नोक"
Thousands of viruses can be found in pin point.

The Pilot navigated the plane with pinpoint accuracy.

"pinstripe","N","1.कपडे पर छपी सफेद धारी"
Ravi wore a pinkstripe shirt.

"pint","N","1.द्रव्य का एक माप"
A half pint of cream was added to the curry.
--"२.द्रव्य का दूसरा माप"
Ravi stopped at a pub for a pint.

"pint sized","Adj","1.बहुत छोटा"
The length of that curtain is pint sized.

They were the pioneers in the field of microsurgery.
--"२.प्रथम बसने वाला"
Early man was the pioneer on the earth.

"pioneer","V","1.मार्ग प्रशस्त करना"
He poineered research in this area.

Scientists are doing pioneering research in inventing new things.

Reenas mother is a perfect pious.
She is always ready with her pious phrases.
Such reforms seem likely to remain merely pious hopes.

"pip","V","1.नजदीकी से हराना"
We were piped by the other team in the volley ball game and we missed the champion-ship.

Ravi found some pips of grapes on the ground.
--"२.ध्वनि संकेत"
I got up in the morning with help of pip.

Nurse was told to put oxyzen pipe on patientस् nose
Raju is a chain pipe smoker
Lord Krishna plays pipe very well

"pipe","V","1.नल से ले जाना"
She is piping water in to the garden.
The bird is piping a song on the tree.

"piped music","N","1.बराबरबजनेवालासंगीत"
The piped music in that shop is nice

"pipe dream","N","1.असंभव"
Fairy tales are pipe dreams

"pipe line","N","1.नल-तन्त्र"
There is a fault in pipeline

"piper","N","1.वेणु वादक"
Hari shanker is a great piper

Pipette is an instrument used to measure an exact volume of a liquid.

"pipe work","N","1.पाइपलाइन"
There is a leakage in the pipe work in our house.

The require 1.meters of lead piping.
Her skirt was decorated by piping.

Her piping voice irritates me a lot.

"piping hot","IDM","1.खदबदाता हुआ"
My mother served me the food piping hot.

Grasslands pipits in rain.

Pippin tastes very good

Everybody treats him like a pipsqueak.

The spice added to food give it a piquant flavour
The teacher heard a piquant bit of gossip in the class room.

The delicate piquancy of the pani puri water couldnt stop me from praising its maker.

Out of pique, the deterioration of society is increasing.

He was piqued to discover that he had not been invited to the party.

"piracy","N","1.समुद्र की डकैती"
Piracy is an evil act.
--"२.साहित्यिक चोरी"
Public consciousness against piracy has to be aroused.

The snake was eaten up by the piranhas in no time.

"pirate","N","1.समुद्री डाकू"
The notorious pirate is shot dead.
--"२.साहित्यिक चोर"
The pirate video cassettes are now banned.
The interference with radio reception was caused by pirates.

"piratical","Adj","1.चोर के जैसा"
His big eyes give him a piratical look.

"pirouette","N","1.घिरनी खाना"
The pirouette taken by dancers should be praised.

Pisces is a well known zodiac sign.

"piscean","N","1.मीन राशि में पैदा होने वाला मनुष्य"
He is a piscean.

"piss","V","1.मूतना/पेशाब करना"
Pissing is a biological act.

You are permitted to go for piss here.

"pissed","Adj","1.पिया हुआ"
He is always pissed.

"piss up","N","1.अधिकमात्रामेंशराबपीना"
Piss ups are wrong festivals undertaken by our society.

Pistachios in kheer are very tasty.

"piste","N","1.स्कीयिंग के लिए बर्फईला रास्ता"
Piste scenes are very common in Jammu and Kashmir.

License is a must to use pistol.

"Hold a pistol to sbs head","IDM","1.जबरदस्ती किसी से कोई काम करवाना"
To hold a pistol on sbs head is quite easy for men like him.

Piston has a great use in petrol & diesel engines.

"pit","N","1.गहरा गढ्ढा"
Put all the leaves in the pit in that ground.
That metal pit is still open.
--"२.कोयले की खान"
To go in coal mine pit is a risky job.

"the pit of the/ones stomach","IDM","1.पेट का तलाजहा डर आदि महसूस किया जाता है"
He has a sudden feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"pit","V","1.गड्ढे बनाना"
The acid had pitted the surface of zinc piece.

"pit head","N","1.कोयले की खान का मुह"
Be careful while entering pit head of coal mine.

"pit","V","1.बीज निकालना"
Eat pitted dates.

"pit a pat","Adv","1.धक-पक"
Robber went pit a pat after robbery.

"pit a pat","N","1.धकधकी"
The soft pit a pat of rainfall on tin sheet make an admiring noise.

"pitch","N","1.खेल के लिए स्थान"
The cricket pitch is wet now.
A train seens to have higher pitch as the train approaches.
The dancers talent reached the pitch of perfection.
The basket ball player gave an exact pitch and the ball fell in the basket.
The ship travelled on the sea with a pitch.

"pitch","V","1.स्थिर करना"
Their prices are pitched lower than those of their competition.
Pitch the transistor to maximum.
Pitch pebbles into that river.
The ball pitched short.
--"५.गिरनाधडाम से"
The boy suddenly pitched forward out of his seat when the driver applied a sudden break.
The ship pitched in the sea due to tides.
--"७.डेरा डालना"
We pitched camp near the river while tracking.

The pitched roofs of mountainous houses give a peculiar look.

"pitched battle","N","1.जमी हुअई लडाई"
Dacoits fought a pitched battle with police.
--"२.तैयार सेना के साथ लडाई"
The pitched battle between the two nations has ended recently.

Pitch is a useful product in sealing gaps.

"pitch black","Adj","1.कालाकलूटा"
The pitch black night makes me frightened.

"pitch dark","Adj","1.बिलकुल अधेरा"
It is pitch dark out side, we cant be able to search for the thief.

The pitchers are quite common in villages.
--"२.घडे आदि में गीले पदार्थ की मात्रा"
Please serve a pitcher of cold drink to all.
The pitchers play a very important role in base ball.

The pitchfork helps in removing weeds from garden.

Her piteous cry makes me emotional.

"pitfall","N","1.छिपी हुई दिक्कत"
This book has many pitfalls for its readers.

The look at pith of oranges brings water in my mouth.

The pithy comment is always admired.

The pitiable condition of women in most societies cannot be over emphasised.

The sight of that buffalo is pitiful.

The buffalo was groaning pitifully.

Dont be pitiless, be human.

The piton are a good invention

The pitta is very tasty.

The house was sold for a pittance.
The pituitary is master gland of our body.

Have pity on animals.
--"२.खैद का विषय"
its a pity that bad weather forecasting will not permit you to go to Delhi.

"pivot","N","1.केन्द्र बिन्दु"
The top swings round on its pivot.
--"२.महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति"
He is the pivot in the company.

He is the pivotal character in the play.

"pixel","N","1.कम्प्यूटर पर प्रकट होने वाले शब्दबिन्दु"
The pixel together form the whole display.

"pixie","N","1.अप्सरा/एक छोटी परी"
I saw a pixie in my dream last night.

"pizza","N","1.पिज्जाइटालियन खाद्य सामग्री"
This generation kids are very fond of pizza.

"pizzeria","N","1.पिजजआ के लिए विशेष भोजनालय"
The pizzeria is located near to our locality.

At present many musicians are habitual of pizzicato.

A packet of erasers.

Boys is the plural of boy

Placards are being displayed everywhere for elections.

"placate","V","1.शांत करना"
Children are unable to placate their teacher for their poor conduct.

The temple is a good place for worship.

He placed the documents on the table.

"place mat","N","1.मेज की चटाई"
Put the plates on the place mat.

"place name","N","1.किसी जगह का नाम"
Please remember that place name.

"place setting","N","1.भोजन सामग्री"
My place setting contains silver and gold plates.

"place","V","1.रख देना"
The knife has been placed under the pillow.
I didnt placed him as I was getting old.
--"३.जारी रखना"
place a order for these pens to the stationer.
--"४.नौकरी देना"
The company places and removes many labourers a year.

"placed","Adj","1.पाया हुआ"
The placed horce was second in the race.

Many agencies offering placements in overseas.

Placings are offered on compleating the training.

"placebo","N","1.प्रयोगिक औषध"
The placebo effect cured the patients diseace.

The placenta is main source of nutrition for the child growing inside
a pregnant woman.

A placid behaviour is a basic factor of progress.

"plagiarize","V","1.साहित्यिक चोरी करना"
He plagiarizes for writing the articles.

"plagiarism","N","1.साहित्यिक चोरी"
Some poetry of present age is an excellent example of plagiarism.

Plague is a dangerous disease.

"plaice","N","1.एक प्रकार की समुद्र मछली"
a plaice is a delightful dish for coastal areas.

I brought a plaid jacket.

That is the thing I want plain.

"plainly","Adv","1.स्पष्ट रूप से"
The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village.

"plain chocolate","N","1.साधारण चोकलेट"
I never prefer plain chocolates.

"plain flour","N","1.साधारण आटा"
Plain flour is used to make chapaties.

"plain","N","1.समतल भूमी"
We have the plains at the out skirts of the town.

"plain song","N","1.समस्वर संगीत"
Old people like plain songs.

The Jury listened to the plaintiff.

I heard his plaintive voice.

Wearing plaits are compulsory in some schools.

The Government should make a plan to bring up the poor.
A building plan was approved by the authority.

Aeroplanes are filled with gasoline.
A vertical plane was drawn.
The carpenter made the surface of the wood smooth by a plane.
Planes have broad leaves and thin bark.

"planetary","Adj","1.ग्रह संबन्धी"
Earth is the part of the planetary system.

A long narrow flat piece of wood is called plank.
--"२.घोषणा पत्र"
Increased spending on road is the main plank of the governments transport policy.

This table was made of rough planking.

Plants need light and water.
The new plant is decided to develop the tools for artisans.

Each one plant one.
I planted my feet into the clay and walked over.

"planter","N","1.बागआन मालिक"
He is a mango planter.

"plaintain","N","1.केला जैसा फल"
The plaintains are usually cooked before eating.

Now a days Teak plantations are in passion.

The sculptor was asked to make a plaque.
--"२.दात की मैल"
The plaque will harm teeth permanantly.

Blood Plasma is sometimes given to the people who need it.

"plaster","N","1.दीवार पर लगाने का मसाला"
The plaster was applied on the surface.

"plaster cast","N","1.टूटी हुई हड्डी को जोडनेवाला"
Plaster cast is used to rejoin the broken bones.

"plasterboard","N","1.भवननिर्माण के लिए उपयोगी वस्तु"
The plasterboard is used for ceiling of the house.

"plaster work","N","1.सूखा हुआ पलस्तर"
There is a plaster work in the shape of leaf.

Price of plastic items are cheaper than the metal ones.

The plastics are moulded by the quality of its plasticity.

"plastic arts","N","1.प्रतिमा या चित्र बनाने की कला"
All the potters and painters are in the profession of plastic arts.

"plastic explosive","N","1.प्लास्टिक विस्फोटक पदार्थ"
Plastic explosive are found by the police in the criminals suitcase.

"plastic surgeon","N","1.प्लास्टिक सर्जन"
Dr.Ram is a famous plastic surgeon.

"plastic surgery","N","1.प्लास्टिक सरजरी"
Doctors do plastic surgery on the damaged part of the body.

"plasticine","N","1.चिकनी मिट्टी जैसा पदार्थ"
There were many palsticine animals for children in the shop.

We brought paper plates to distribute the savoury.
--"२.सोने चादी के बरतन"
The plates of the Nizam are being exhibited.
The glass plate of the main door was broken.
We saw so many colour plates in the museum.

"plateful","N","1.प्लेट भर"
She had eaten plateful food today.

"plate glass","N","1.मोटे चद्दरवाला गिलास"
We prefer long durable plate glass for our new house.

"plate rack","N","1.प्लैट रखने की ढाचा"
There are wet plates in the plate rack.

"Plate tectonics","N","1."
The group was left to do a project in plate tectonics.

"plate","V","1.मुलम्मा लगाना"
The copper trey is plated with silver.

The plating is beginning to wear off.

There were many plateau in the village.
Prices have now reached a plateau after a period of rapid inflation.

"platelayer","N","1.पटरिओं का मरम्मत करनेवाला"
Platelayers are employees of railways.

Platelet prevent the blood from bleeding.

The jewellers made of platinum are very expensive.

The platitudes of our political leader really bored us.

She claims that our frienship is totally platonic.

The platoons were led by the lieutinant.

She is serving with platter.

"platypus","N","1.बत्तक जैसा जआनवर"
We can find platypus in Australia.

The listeners gave plaudits to the speaker.

He played a game of chess with his brother.

"play along","V","1.खेलने के लिए सहमत होना"
I decided paly along with her idiea.

"play at with./being","V","1.निरुत्साह से करना"
hes only playing at his job in the city.

"play back","V","1.पर्देकेपीछेसेगाना"
I rewind the cassette and played here voice back to her.

"play down","V","1.कम महत्त्व देना"
The government is trying to play down its involvement.

"paly in/out","V","1.संगीत से खेलना"
We play in with the music.

"play off against","V","1.अप्ने लाभ के लिए मुकआबला करवाना"
She played here two rivals off against each other and got the job herself.

"play on","V","1.खेलते रहना"
Some of the players claimed a penalty but the refree told them to play on.

"play out","V","1."
A powerful struggle being played out be the rival factions.

"play up","V","1.सताना"
The children have been playing up their parants whenever they get holidays.

Our aim is learn through play.
That radio play was very good.
The cliff hanger got a play on the rope and climbed up.
New budget boons changed the market plays.

"play with","V","1.सोचना"
He is playing with the idea of restarting the business.

Playback of that audio cassette gives me pleasure.

"played out","Adj","1.पुराना"
Booking trunk-call is played out.

"play off","N","1.मुकाबला"
The Play-off between Srilanka - Australia is post poned due to the rains.

"play acting","N","1.अभिनय"
Ramu got a prize for the play acting of Rama.

"play pen","N","1.खटोलाचारोंओरसेबन्द"
The child is looking comfortable while playing in play pen.

"play room","N","1.खेलने का कमरा"
Sitas play room is well decorated.

Sachin is an excellent cricket player.
He is a well known trumpet player.
Shahrukh is a good actor.

Always be in a playful mood.

"playfully","Adv","1.प्रसन्नता से"
I एन्जोयेड् all the jokes playfully.

"playground","N","1.खेलने का मैदान"
Nearly all schools have play ground.

"play house","N","1.नाट्यशाला"
The preview of Gandhi, showed at that play house.
--"२.खेलने का घर"
A playhouse should be enough large to 9-1.children to play in.

"playing card","N","1.ताश"
I had a new set of playing card.

"playing field","N","1.खेल का मैदान"
In our school there are two playing fields.

"play mate","N","1.सखा"
I had a playmate with whom I used to play Snakes and Ladders.

My uncle presented me a Robort plaything.

"playtime","N","1.विराम समय"
All children should have play time.

She is a good playwright.

Dont listen to pretextual pleas.
The judge permitted the plea of the petitioner.

She pleaded for mercy from the king.

"pleadingly","Adv","1.निवेदित रूप से"
Pleadingly the requests made by the criminals were refused by the president.

The view up the valley is a plesant experience.

"pleasantly","Adv","1.सुख पूर्वक"
He spoke pleasantly enough.

Pleasantry is a great medicine for healthy life.

We made a pleasurable journey enroute to kashmir valley.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to such a renowned artist.

"pleasure boat","N","1.छोटा नाव"
We crossed the river by a pleasure boat.

Shirts with pleats are in old fashion.

The plebian people are getting equal socio economical status along with higher communities.

Take pledge to help co-human beings.

He pledged to fight for his nations security.

The plenary session concluded amidst a great choas.

There is plenteous of straw berries and cherries in the refrigerator.

There was the plentiful pudding left after the party.

"plentifully","Adv","1.बहुत ज्यादा"
We prepared dish for the guest plentifully.

The people offered plenty of food to those who were hungry.

We have plenty of time left to do our work.

"plenty","Adv","1.अधिक मात्रा में"
We have plenty more of books to read.

Sneeha brought the report which contained a plethora of details.

"pleurisy","N","1.फुप्फुसावरण शोध"
Ravi is suffering from pleurisy.


Children have pliable mind.

The natural rubber is very pliant.

We cook chapati with the help of pliers.

"plight","N","1.गंभीर स्थिति"
The flood increases the plight of poor people.

"plight","V","1.प्रतिज्ञा करना"
I plighting that I will never leave you.

"plimsoll","N","1.किरमिच का जूता"
We usually wear plimsoll shoes while playing.

"plinth","N","1.स्तम्भ की नीचे की चौंकी"
For keeping statue safely we should construct plinth under it.

"plod","V","1.परिश्रम से चलना"
Farmers have to plod in fields while passing through it.

"plodder","N","1.परिश्रम से करनेवाला"
Farmers are really the plodders.

Labourers are the example of plodding those who work in factories.

"plunk","N","1.झनकने की आवाज"
At the night the man heard the plunk but was unable to see what it is.
--"२.सस्ती शराब"
The poor people can afford plunk only.

The small boy hurled small stones in to water to hear and enjoy the plop.

"plop","V","1.छपाक की ध्वनि करना"
While bathing the child ploped the water.

,p, k and t are all plosive sounds.

Plosives are sounds which are articulated by sudden release of air.

I saw a plot which was very beautiful with a small cottage and rose garden.
The plot of this novel is to spot out the murderer.
The rebels in the party hatched a plot to bring the government down.

"plot","V","1.रूप रेखा बनाना"
I ploted a map of Asia on a paper.
--"२.षड्यंत्र रचना"
Police plot a plan for the murderer.

Farmers use plough for turning and loosening the soil.
Plough is one of the brightest stars in the great bear group.

People plough the field to carry on their other agricultural tasks.

Ploughman ploughs the field.

"ploughmans lunch","N","1.मद्यशाला में पायेजानेवाला भोजन"
In afternoon the ladies bring the ploughmans lunch.

"plough share","N","1.हल की धार"
The ploughshare is very pointed and very sharp.

I saw a plover in the pond drinking water and took photograph of it.

I am an engineer this is my marketing ploy.

We should not pluck the flowers from the public park.
The cheff plucked and prepared the chicken to cook.
I plucked and showed the licence to the harassing traffic constable.
the fisherman who were being drowned in the sea were plucked by airforce.

The boy showed his pluck in capturing the decoits.

Subhash chandra was very plucky.

"plug","V","1.डाट लगाना"
I plug the bottle of cold drink after taking some out of it.
--"२.दोहराई से कहना"
The media plugged the achievements of the late prime minister.
Hed been plugged full of holes.

Fix this plug into the socket.
--"२.अनुकूल प्रचार"
The supporters gave a plug in the form of advertisement to their leader.

"plug hole","N","1.डाट का सुराख"
The water was flowed from the plug hole to the drain.

"plum","N","1.बेर का फल"
I love the plum very much because are very sweet.
At last hed got a plum job.

"plum pudding","N","1.बेर से बनी हुई खाद्य पदार्थ"
On christmas day my aunty prepared plum pudding.

I found a plumage in the garden and decorate my study table with it.

"plumb","V","1.गहराई में जानना"
He immediately plumbed into the new research problem.

He fell plumb in the middle of the drama.

My father called the plumber to to repair the tap in the kitchen.

Only plumber can do plumbing well.

"plumb line","N","1.साहुल सूत्र"
The metallurgy official tested the wall with plumb line.

Peacock feathers are very precious to children.
--"२.पर से बनाया हुआ आभरण"
Ita plume of pigion feathers.

"plumed","Adj","1.पर से आभूषित"
Varieties of plumed hats are for sale in the hat show.

The labourers use plummet while constructing the houses.

"plummet","V","1.तेजई से गिरना"
The rock plummet down the mountain side.

"plummy","Adj","1.बेर के समान"
These fruits are like plummy in taste but the name we donट् know.
We dont get the plummy accent of the English.

Ram is very plump. He usually eats a lot of food everyday.

I plumped the big balloon for the Birthday celebration.

Robber plundered the house totally.

plunders are increasing in number day by day.

The municipal workers plunged the iron rods into the drain to clean up.
--"२.गोता लगाना"
I love to plunge in swimming pool for hours.

The car started with plunge.
The boy took a plunge into the lake.


"pluperferct","Adj","1.पूर्णभूत काल"
,Pluperfect is a grammatical term.

The plural of boy is boys.

We are members of the society with pluralism.
Church priests have the chance of pluralism.

"plurality","N","1.बहु संख्या"
A plurality of people are trying to climb the mount Everest.

Three plus two is equal to five.

"plush","N","1.तूल या रेश्म का कपडा"
plush sarees are very expensive.

"pluto","N","1.सूर्य का नवा ग्रह"
Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun.

"plutocracy","N","1.धनिक तन्त्र"
Some Arabian countries are in the rule with plutocracy.

"plutonium","N","1.कृत्रिम रेडियोधर्मी तत्व"
Plutonium is used as fuel in nuclear power station.

We bought a four ply knitting wool.

Private buses ply between our village and the town nearby.

"plywood","N","1.प्लाईवुड/परती लकडी"
That plywood table is so nice.

"PM","AbbrPrime Minister","1.प्रधान मंत्री"
PM addressed the nation an republic day.

"PMT","Abbrpremenstrual tension","1.पूर्व मासिक धर्म की बेचैनी"
My sister who is eleven years old is facing PMT.

"pneumatic","Adj","1.वायु से भरा हुआ"
The balloon was pneumatic.

That famous personality died because of pneumonia.

"PO","AbbrPostal Order","1.डाक घर की आदेशपत्र"
The company requwsted that the application should be accompanied by a 2/- PO.

"PO","AbbrPost Ofiice","1.डाक घर"
My house is just behind PO.

"poach","N","1.गरम पानी में तलना"
I ate poach in my breakfast.

The villager was caught by the forester for poaching elephant.

Some poachers export the ivory for currency.

"pocked","Adj","1.फुंनसी छाला"
The moons surface is pocked with small craters.

He kept the letter in his pocket.
The plane entered an air pocket.

"pocket","V","1.जेब में रखना"
I recieved the routine letter from him and pocketed it without reading.

My parents gave me pocketful money for my trip.

"pocket knife","N","1.जेब में रखनेवाला चाकू"
I got a Japan made pocket knife in palika bazar.

"pocket money","N","1.जेब खर्च"
Every week I get pocket money.

"pocket book","N","1.नोट बुक"
Usually I note down the points in my pocket book.
My pocket book was stolen in the city bus.

"pock mark","N","1.चेचकरू"
My friend is having pock mark on her face.

pod is usually kept in long thin cases.

"podgy","Adj","1.छोटा और मोटा"
I like podgy dogs.

The specialist gave a good treatment for podiatry.

I saw boy falling from the podium.

The runnel was a poem in motion.

he is a gifted poet.

Her poetic compositions are very curious to listen.

I like Kalidasas poetry.

"po-faced","Adj","1.गंभीर भाववाला"
The officer who is po-faced didnt approve his request for leave.

"pogo stick","N","1.एक प्रकार का खिलौना"
The joker in circus was jumping on pogo stick.

"pogrom","N","1.सामूहिक हत्या"
There was pogrom of Jews by Hitler in Germany.

"poignant","Adj","1.हृदय विदारक"
I was shattered by the poignant scene of the accident.

"poinsettia","N","1.एक उष्णकटि संबन्धी पौधा"
Poinsettia is kept in a pot in my bed room.

The pencil has been sharpened to a vicious looking point.
Put a point after completing the sentence.
People came from all points of the compass.
Sensitive points were summoned by the police during the procession.
I prepared the important points for the exam.
The student didt caught the point of the teacher.
Sincerity is his main point.
--"८.विद्युत् साकेट"
Insert this plug into that point.
The two trains collided at the points.
The workman pushed the point to put the train on the other track

"point","V","1.इशारा करना"
He pointed towards the broken window
--"२.निशाना बाधना/लक्ष्य करना"
He pointed the gun at the lion
--"३.की ओर होना"
A rose plants spines point upward
--"४.महत्त्व देना"
This story points the duties and rights of the person
--"५.टीप करना"
He points the broken wall

This pencil has pointed edges on both sides
He gave a pointed talk on the issue.

She looked pointedly at the broken window

The pointing used in the castle is of good quality

"point blank","Adj","1.अत्यन्त निकट से"
He has been fired on a point blank range
She made a point blank refusal

Every meter has a pointer
Our history teacher used a pointer to show the world map clearly to us
Could you give me few pointers on how to score in exams?
--"४.भविष्य की प्रगति को दर्शानेवाली वस्तु"
Population pointers suggest a great increase in the rate of growth
--"५.शिकारी कुत्ता"
Pointers is a breed of dog which is used for hunting

"pointillism","N","1.बिन्दु चित्रण"
pointillism is a technique of art developed in 19th century.

It is pointless to buy a heat convertor in the mid of July.

"poise","V","1.संतुलित करना"
A diver poised his body before taking a dive.

He seemed violent for a moment, but quickly recovered his poise.
She is a woman of great poise.

The cup poised on the edge of the table.
He is poised on the edge of the swimming pool.
The student talked to the principal in a poised manner.

Potassium cyanide is a very strong poison.
--"२.दूषित आहार"
I wont eat that poison.

"poison","V","1.विष देना"
His so called friend poisoned him.
--"२.दूषित कर देना"
The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers and atmosphere.
Dont poison his mind.

He is a professional poisoner.

He died due to food poisoning.

Usually snakes are poisonous.

"poison pen letter","N","1.धमकीभरापत्र"
Terrorist warned him by sending a poison pen letter

While playing children poke each other.
--"२.छेद बनाना"
Drilling machines are used to poke through the wall.
She poked her finger into the fruit.

Pokers are used for scraping up coal fire.
--"२.ताश का खेल"
Poker is generally played by two members.

"poker face","N","1.भावहीनचेहरा"
Neelima held a poker faced expression after hearing the news.

"poky","Adj","1.जरा सा जगह"
He hid the jewellery box in a poky place.

Polar zones are very cold.
The attraction or repulsion shows the polar nature of magnet.
Attraction and repulsion are polar to each other.

"polarity","N","1.एक साथ विरोधी वृत्तिया"
Political party in power and in opposition are said to be in polarity with each other.
--"२.विचारों में भिन्नता"
The polarity of a magnet doesnt exist individually.

The performance of the government has polarised public opinion.
--"२.एक ही दिशा में लहरें जगाना"
Due to low pressure, air polarised northwards
--"३.दो गुटों में बाटना"
Whole of the world polarized during the world war.

In high rise buildings, the windows are covered with polaroid.
--"२.कैमरा जो तुरन्त फोटो दें"
For instant photographs polaroids are used.
--"३.फोटो जो तुरन्त फोटों देने वाले कैमरे से खींचा गया है"
A polaroid doesnt have the negatives.

The thief used a pole to climb the high wall.
Electric poles are connected with several wires.
The north pole region is very cold.

"pole axe","V","1.फरसे से काटना"
Dropping of atom-bomb pole-axed the world.

"Pole position","N","1.काररेसकेप्रारम्भमेंपहलास्थान"

"pole vaulting","N","1.लग्गा कूद"
How does this girl know pole vaulting. It is not an easy work.

The students launched into a fierce polemic against the Governments policies.

He informed the police about the robbery.

They are policing all the entry points to the city.

Policemen are patrolling the street.

Honesty is the best policy.
--"२.शासन की चाल"
British policy divide and rulehas created so many problems in our country.
This is an insurance policy document.

Before going to school, polish your shoes properly.
--"२.परिष्कृत होना/संवारा जाना"
Please polish up your article before sending.

Children always should be polite towards their parents and teachers.
A rude word should not be used in polite society.

The issue was made political by people with vested interests.

Her mother is a politician.

People in this country take active interest in politics.
He got involved in office politics.
--"२.राजनीति शास्त्र"
She is reading politics in the University.

"polity","N","1.राज्य व्यवस्था"
I know about this polity, It may be helpful for our family.
Every big politician wants their polity in their country.

"Polka","N","1.पूरवी यूरोप का एक जइन्दादिल नृत्य"
She is learning polka.

All the States had peaceful polls.

"poll","V","1.वोट प्राप्त करना"
He polled over 50,000 votes.
--"२.मतग्रहण करना"
Of those polled, seven out of ten said they preferred brown bread.

New branches emerged from the pollard.

Every flower has pollen and they are yellow in colour.

"pollinate","V","1.पराग सीचना"
Bees pollinate pollens from flowerto flower.

"pollute","V","1.अपवित्र करना"
Our vehicles are responsible for polluting our environment.

Come rita, I know that you know polo better then me.

Dont fear this is only an imaginery picture of poltergeist.

Her mother is a polyandry because her first husband is handicapped.

Polygamy is not allowed for a government employee in India.

She is polyglot because she had seen and lived in many countries.

Every god and godess are polygon and having something in each hand.

By different types of polymer an atom of plastic is formed.

The plant has polymorphous growth.

"polyphony","N","1.बहुस्वरता/विविध स्वर स
He is busy with his polyphony.

I like polyphonic songs.

Yesterday we brought a set of chairs made of polypropylene.

She broke my polystyrene cup.

,Polysyllable is a polysyllable.

"polytechnic","N","1.बहुशिल्प विज्ञान"
Polytechnic is an institution that imparts training for different engineering and technical branches.

Hindu religion believes in polytheism.

He is forbade by his family to be a polytheistic.

Polythene garbage is most toxic of all.

"polyunsaturated","Adj","1. "
Heart patients can take polyunsaturated fats in order to check their cholesterol level.

This paint is sufficient in polyurethane.

She broke my valuable pomander.

I like pomegranate than all other fruits.

The rider held on to the pommel.

Once a pommy visited our village.

She is always interested in having pomp and show.

I lost my pom-pom on safari.

I hate being with pompous families.

Theres no sign of pomposity in her.

"pompously","Adv","1.आडम्बर से"
She introduced herself very pompously at the party.

Life of a ponce is really terrible.

"ponce about","V","1.व्यर्थसमयगवाना"
You always ponce about, you cant shoulder the responsibility of this work.

"poncho","N","1.एक प्रकार की घडी"
My aunt brought a poncho for me from london.

The pond behind my home is full of fishes.

"ponder","V","1.सोचना/मनन करना/चिन्तन करना"
You can take your won time to ponder, before answering.

Your bag is ponderous.
His ponderous attempts at wit did not make anyone laugh.


The pong of an industrial waste is very difficult to tolerate.

The pontiff died yesterday.

Only after fulfilling all the pontificals one can become a pope.

He loves pontificating about anything you talk to him about.

"pontoon","N","1.एक प्रकार का ताश का खेल"
Let us play pontoon its really very interesting.
Let us climb the pantoon bridge.

I like to ride on a pony.

I cant go through that lane,theres a mad pooch sitting by.

She has just gone crazy after the death of her favourite poodle.

Pooh! I forget to do my english homework.

"pooh-pooh","V","1.तिरस्कार करना"
Cant you do some other work rather than just sitting and pooh-poohing about others.

I am getting baked in this heat, is there a pool around.
That pool was full of insects.
--"२.तैरने का तालाब"
A new pool is being built in the stadium.

"pool","V","1.इकट्ठा करना"
All of Ranis friends pooled money to buy her gift.

"poolside","N","1.तालाब आदि का किनारा"
We went strolling along the poolside.

The poop is already broken, now ship will definitely sink.

According to me, being poor is a curse for a human being.
This soil is poor in nutrients.
They sold very poor quality wool.
The poor girl has nothing to eat.

"The Poor","N","1.गरीब"
We should help the poor.


He used to be a very poorly student while studying in a school.

The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.
--"२.शराब रहित झागदार पेय"
Come on! Lets drink this pop, its alcohol free.
--"३.पाप संगीत"
Now-a-days everyone is rushing towards pop madly.
--"४.पॉपपिता के लिए संबोधन"
Pop! Please allow me to go to the party.
We call him a pop because he is the oldest man in our colony.

Champagne corks were popping throughtout the celebrations.
--"२.पटक देना"
The children were popping ballons.

"pop art","N","1.एक प्रकार की संगीत कला"
You should consult her shes an expert in pop art.

"pop festival","N","1.संगीत महोत्सव"
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at that pop festival.

"pop across","V","1.सहसा आना"
She popped across lst evening.

"pop into","V","1.जल्दी से रखना"
Keep the crockery patiently just dont pop into.

"pop in","V","1.जल्दी से देना"
All you have to do is just pop in the necklace to her.

"pop off","V","1.मर जाना"
He poped off without declaring his will.

"pop up","V","1.अचानक नजर आना"

Pop explosion is worst than nuclear explosion.

I love eating popadum with evening tea.

"pop corn","N","1.लावा/फुटेहरा"
I like pop corns very much.

The election of a new pope is going on in this church.

"pop gun","N","1.तुफंग"
My uncle presented me a pop gun on my birthday.

"poplar","N","1.पहाडी पीपल"
We can find poplars in the hilly areas.


I am fond of poppadams.

See these are the poppy feilds.

"populace","N","1.जन साधारण"
In elections the party which has support of the local populace wins.

Disco theques are now-a-days very popular among youths.
Ritu beris designs are very popular among the people all over India.
He is a leader with widespread popular support.

"popularly","Adv","1.आम तौर से"
It is popularly believed that hard work is the key of success.

"popular front","N","1.जनमोरचा"
Gandhi started popular front to bring awareness among the people.

Now-a-days everyone seeks popularity.

"popularise","V","1.लोकप्रिय बनाना"
The advertisements popularise the products.
--"२.लोकसुलभ बनाना"
The scientists popularized new theories in medicine.

"populate","V","1.बसना/बस जाना"
Ram went to Bombay and populated there.

Population is rising in India.
--"२.जन समुदाय"
The entire working population is on strike.

"population centre","N","1.अधिक जनसंख्या का स्थान"
Bombay is a population centre of India.

"population explosion","N","1.जनसंख्या में एका-एक वृद्धि"
India is suffering from population explosion.

Every elections brings populsim.

"populous","Adj","1.घनी आबादीवाला/जनाकीर्ण"
India is one of the worlds most populous country.

"porcelain","N","1.चीनी मिट्टी के बरतन"
Porcelains are water appreciating architects.

Porch in a house adds to its beauty.
Let us sit in the porch.

When I went to the zoo I saw a porcupine.

"pore","N","1.छोटा छेद"
The pores in the soil helps to pass the oxyzen to the roots of the plants.

"pore","V","1.परिशीलन करना"
She was poring over the photograph to find out the strange person in that.

"pork","N","1.सुअर का गोश्त"
That roasted pork was really delicious.

"pork barrel","N","1.पोर्कवोट" #वोट्सप्राप्तकरनेकेलियेसरकारीधनकोस्थानीयकार्योंमेंखर्चकरन"
Pork barrel politics is very common now.

"pork pie","N","1.पोर्कपाइ"
Chinese love pork pie in their lunch.

"porn","N","1.अश्लील साहित्य"
Children should not read porn magazines.

porno pictures had bad effect on mind.

"pornography","N","1.अश्लील साहित्य"
Now-a-days pornography is in fashion.

"pornographer","N","1.अश्लील लेखक या चित्रकार"
Pornographers are only interested in making maoney.

Why dont you remove this pornographic picture when it is looking so bad.

"porous","Adj","1.छीद्रिल/छोटे छेदों वाला"
Ploughing is done to make the soil porous so that air and water can seep through it easily.

The porosity of soil should be good so that the roots can penetrate through it easily.

Reena said that she saw a porpoise when she went to Japan.

I love porridge in breakfast.

I think this is a port.
The ship spent three days in the port.
The ship was leaning over to port.
--"३.तेज लाल शराब"
Sailors love to drink port.

I like portable chairs as they are easy to carry.

She buys things on the basis of their portability.

I wrote a letter on a small portable.

The queen entered through the magnificient portals of her palace.


"portend","V","1.पूर्वाभास या पूर्वसूचना देना"
This could portend a change of government policy.

Some people believe that a cat crossing the road before us is a portent of something unpleasant.

Portentous signs are seen, Dont know what will happen.
Rita has adopted a portentous tone.

"portenously","Adv","1.खराब तरीके से"
She behaved portenously at the party.

Lot of porters are found in the railway stationairports etc..
He is working as a porter in a star hotel.
The train porter supplied blankets to all at night.

I prepared a portfolio of my certificates.
My stock broker manages my portfolio for me.
The health minister resigned his portfolio.

I love looking through the porthole of an aeroplane.

I love sitting in the portico.

The centre portion of the building collapsed.
She gave me a generous portion of the black forest cake.

"portion","V","1.बाट देना"
The family property was portioned.

"Portland stone","N","1.पीले रंग का पत्थर"
Her house is made of portland stone.

People who have portly figure should do exercises regularly.

"portmanteau word","N","1.मिश्र शब्द"
Pomato is a portmanteau word which includes potato and tomato.

She is a portrait painter.
The book contained a fascinating portrait of medieval times.

Aishwarya is a born portratist.

"portaiture","N","1.रूपचित्र या शब्दचित्र बनाने की कला"
Very few people are gifted with portaiture.

"portray","V","1.अभिनय करना"
He portrayed Alexander the great in the play.
--"२.चित्रित करना"
He portrayed him as a miser.

Arun govil is best known for his portrayal of Ram.
The portrayal of sex and violence in televisions should be banned.

"pose","V","1.प्रस्तुत करना"
Poverty poses a serious threat to the nation.
--"२.चित्र के लिए खडा रहना या बैठना"
She had to pose for the painting.
--"३.का ढोंग रचना/दिखावा करना"
The thief posed as a relative at the wedding.

I made a comfortable pose for the camera.
Her generosity is only a pose.

Please find out a solution for this poser.

She was a poseur at the party.

I live in a posh locality.

"posit","V","1.मान लेना"
Ram posited the existence of God.

The books were kept at their position.
What is his position in the class? He is third from the top.
What position does he play? centre-forward.
The soldiers have to stand for hours without changing position.
She has made her position very clear.
The companys financial position is very sound.
I would like to apply for the position of principal.

"position","V","1.रख देना"
Alarms are positioned at strategic points around the prison.

Ravi has a very poor positional skills.

Rahul is more positive while dealing with the petroleum.
We have no positive evidence of her involvement.
Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight?
The test get a positive reaction.
It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time.
,+, is a positive sign in mathematics.

"positively","Adj","1.निश्चित रूप से"
Ravis attacker has been positively identified.
--"२.स्पष्ट रूप से"
Deepak was positively glowing with excitement.

"positive discrimination","N","1.सकारात्मक भेदभाव"


The sheriff rounded up a posse.
He was followed everywhere by a posse of journalists.

"possess","V","1.का स्वामी या मालिक होना"
Rahul admitted possessing illegal drugs.
--"२.से सम्पन्न होना"
There are some actors who dont possess some musical skills.
--"३.पर नियन्त्रण रखना"
She seemed to be possessed by the devil.

Gagan has now become a proud possessor of a driving license.

The possession of a passport is must for foreign travel.
He lost all his possessions in the fire.
--"३.अधिकृत या अधीन क्षेत्र"
The former colonial possessions are now independent states.

He is terribly possessive about his girl friend.
Rams , Krishnas, The boys , boys -- are the posessive forms.

"possessively","Adv","1.अधिकार सहित"
He possesively took her along with him.

His possessiveness can oftenbe quite irritating.

There is a possibility of my going to London.

Is it possible to complete this work with in a week?

Ravi is possibly leaving next week to Canada.
I will come as soon as possibly I can.
You cant possibly think that I had anything to do with it.


Tie the tennis net to the post.
The soldiers are at their posts.
She is trying for the post of typist.
There was post for you this morning.

"post free","N","1.डाकभार-मुक्त"
The book will be delivered post free.

"post Paid","N","1.दत्त-डाकभार"

The results of the exam were posted on the notice board.
--"२.नियुक्त करना"
After several years in Hyderabad he was posted to Delhi.
--"३.डाक में डालना"
Could you post this leter for me?
--"४.डाक से भेजना"
They will post me the cheque as soon as they recieve my bill.

"postage","N","1.डाक शुल्क"
The tapes are $10.00 each, including the postage & packing.

Postal services are becomming very late.

"postal code","N","1.पिन कोड"
We have to write postal code on the envelope.

"postal order","N","1.पोस्टल आर्डर"
Please give me a postal order.

"post box","N","1.पत्र पेटी/डाक-बाक्स"
Letters should be dropped in the post-box.

"post card","N","1.पोस्ट कार्ड"
I recieved her post card today only.

"post code","N","1.डाक कोड"
His post code is WBC 42.

"post date","V","1.उत्तर दिनांकित करना"
I didnt receive the postdated cheque sent by my father to me.

He has decorated his bedroom walls with posters.

"poste restante","N","1.न्यस्त डाक"
I have to go to post offiice to collect the letter from poste restante.

She has a huge posterior.

Computer can store all information for posterity.

"post graduate","Adj","1.स्नातकोत्तर"
He is a post graduate.

He got the posthumous award of a medal for bravery.
--"२.मरणोपरान्त प्रकाशीत"
This book contains a number of posthumous essays.

"post industrial","Adj","1.मशीनीकरण के पश्चात"
A post industrial city developing its potential for tourism.

Today our postman didnt come.

"post mark","N","1.मोहर/छाप"
Postmark is used on the stamps pasted on letters so that it is unable to use again.

Postmaster is the head of the post office.

"Post modern","Adj","1.उत्तरआधुनिक"
His is a post modern approach.

The postmortem report revealed that the victim had been poisioned.

Atleast one in ten woman suffer from postnatal depression.
She is a postnatal nurse.

"postoperative","Adj","1.शल्यचिकित्सा के बाद"
Good postoperative care is very much essential for a patient.

"postpone","V","1.आगे बढाना"
The match was postponed to saturday because of bad weather.

we enjoy a postprandial nap immediately after meal.

My brother scribbled a quick postscript about his visit to shimla.


"postulate","N","1.अभिधारणा करना"
The doctor postulates that a cure will be found by the year 2000.

She has very good posture.
The newly elected government has adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of immigration.

He postured as a political activist.

The union need to stop all this posturing and get down in serious talking.

"post war","Adj","1.युद्धोत्तर"
The post war periods of great economic depression.

A little boy presented a posy to his teacher on her birthday.

Women make beautiful pots from local clay.
Marigold plants are flourishing well in those tiny pots.
The tea is ready in the tea pot.

"pot","V","1.गमले में लगाना"
He is busy in potting plants.
Pot the black ball.
They potted dozons of rabbits.

"potable","Adj","1.पेय/पीने योग्य"
In rural areas the water used from the wells is not potable.

Before sowing potato potash must be thrown in soil.

The compounds made by potassium are used as catalysts in preparation of alcohol.

The potato is largely used for in India.

Some children are harming their future by taking potent drugs.

The splendid court of an Eastern potentate.

Students having potential should be encouraged to work harder.

"potential","N","1.अन्तर्निहित शक्ति"
She recognised the potential for error in the method being used.

Ram had the potentiality but it was not properly used.

The job can potentially be done.

"pot hole","N","1.गढ्ढा"
There are big accidents which occur due to pot holes in road.

"pot holer","N","1.पत्थरोंमेंपडएगढ्ढोंकोढूढनेवाला"
The roads constructed on rocks are designed by experienced pot holers.


"potter","V","1.व्यर्थ घूमना"
He loves pottering in the garden.

Ram krishan is the famous potter in India.

Khurja is known for its pottery.

"potters wheel","N","1.चाक"
A potter is unable to show his talent without potters wheel.

You are making me potty.

Potty is used for children.

Everything is available in the pouch now in the market.
The old man has pouches under his eyes.
Kangaroo carries its kid in its pouch.

He wants to sit on the pouffe.
Having a pouffe is considered as fashionable by some.

He applied poultice on his foot to reduce swelling.

"poultry","N","1.घरेलू पक्षी"
I keep poultry in my farm.
I like to eat meat of poultry.

"pounce","V","1.झपटना/पंजा मारना"
He saw the lion about to pounce on a deer.
He pounced on me and accused me of lying.

"pound","N","1.पौण्डएक माप"
I have twenty pounds in my pocket.
Apples are sold by the pound.

Someone was pounding at the door.
My heart was pounding.

"poundage","N","1.प्रति पौण्ड दस्तुरी"
Hundred pence poundage for a pound.

A gun that fires a shell weighing the specified number fo pounds an eighteen pounder.

There was a consistent pounding in his head.

His tears were pouring down while he heard that news.
--"२.बहा देना"
She poured out all the remaining water.
--"३.मूसलधार बरसना"
Its pouring outside.
Commuters were pouring in to the station.

"pout","V","1.मुह फुलाना"
Rita pouted when teased by her brother.

Dr ambedkar lived in poverty.
They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress.
Hilly areas have the poverty of iodine.

"poverty line","N","1.गरीबीरेखा"
Lot of people in India are living below the poverty line.

"poverty stricken","Adj","1.अभावग्रस्त"
There are lot of poverty stricken families in India.

"POW","AbbrPrisoners of war","1.युद्ध बन्दी"
The two nations exchangged POWs.

Children crushed chalks in to fine powder.

I will do everything in my power to help you.
He has lost his power of speech.
The power of the law.
The president has exceeded his powers.
The government came into power at the last election.
World powers.
--"६.विद्युत् शक्ति"
They have switched of the power.
४ to the power of 3 is 64.
The power of microscope is not sufficient to see this clearly.

The toys are powered by batteries.
He powered his way into the lead.


"power base","N","1.अधिकारक्षेत्र"
Rita has her power base in Rajasthan.

"power broker","N","1.सत्ताकेदलाल"
Power brokers play a great role in national politics.

"power cut","N","1.बिजलीकटौती"
During the peak summer power cut cause inconvenience to the people.

"power line","N","1.बिजलीलाइन"
More and more power lines are laid to supply electricity to rural areas.

"power of attorney","N","1.मुखतारनामा/मुखतारी अधिकारी"
Mohan gave power of attorney to his son to take decission in his absence regarding money.

"power point","N","1.बिजली का निश्चित स्थान"
Many students break power point and destroy school property.

"power sharing","N","1.अधिकारबाट"
Coalition government is a kind of power-sharing.

"power station","N","1.विद्युत् उत्पादन गृह"
Indian scientists have made a great progress in generating electricity in nuclear power station.

Raman is travelling in a powerboat.

Hulk hogan is a man having powerful muscles.
Nuclear fusion is sort of powerful explosion.

"power house","N","1.बिजिली घर"
The explosion took place in power house.

I feel powerless to help.

I feel terrible sense of powerlessness.

A man is seriously suffering from the attack of pox.

We did not consider that such an arrangement was practicable.

He is at better practical tasks.
This is a model of practical.modern kitchen.

The idea would never work in practice.
Untouchability is a common practice in this country.
Paying bills promptly is good financial practice.
My solicitor is no longer in practice.

"practise","V","1.अभ्यास करना"
She is practising a new piece on the piano.
Practise ancient customs.

Ramesh is an outstanding practitioner in the art of management.

Scienists apply pragmatic solution to the problem.

"prairic","N","1.घास का मैदान/प्रशाद्वल"
Prairics are the famous grassland of USA.

"praise","V","1.प्रशंसा करना"
The teacher praised the student for his hard work.
--"२.स्तुति करना"
We praised the god daily.

His teachers are full of praise for his work.
They sang a hymn of praise.

"prance","V","1.कुदकते हुए चलना"
A group was prancing according to music.
--"२.घोडा कुदाना"

"prat","N","1.पागल व्यक्ति"
Ravi, dont behave like a prat.

"prate","V","1.बकबक करना"

"prattle","V","1.बकबक करना"
She prattles about her latest boyfriend.

Sea divers ware startled by seeing a large prawn in a sea.

"pray","V","1.प्रार्थना करना"
They knelt down and prayed.
--"२.आशा करना"
We are praying for a good weather tomorrow.

Hari said his prayers before leaving for the new job.

"preach","V","1.प्रवचन देना"
Gautam budha had preached many people.
He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism.

The phrase is explained in the preamble to the report.

The meeting was prearranged.

He was unable to get down from his precarious position on the rock.

A road is made up of pre-cast material.

Take precaution before lightening crackers.

"precede","V","1.से पहले आना या घटित होना"
The president is preceded by security staff.

Prepare the precedence of all the guests who are to be invited in my Birthday party.

A decission without precedent is useless.
Remember this incident as a precedent.

Maintaining good relationship with neighbours is a precept of society.

Ill never allow any street dog to enter in my precinct.
The precinct of the Cathedral is next to our house.

My mother owns a very precious necklace of diamonds.
One should strive to get precious moments in ones life.

"precipice","N","1.खड्डी चट्टान"
It is not easy to climb a precipice.
--"२.खतरनाक स्थिति"
To maintain self confidence in precipice is necessary to overcome it.

"precipitate","V","1.वेग से गिरनाgirA~denA"
To precipitate any object out of earths gravity line requires a large amount of force.
--"२.प्रेरित करना"
The price hike of the onions precipitated the people to buy them at heavy price

Precipitation is very common in hilly areas.

Being precipitous, he is always in loss.
There is a precipitous fall in grain prices.

Precis-writing is must in some competitive exams.

The writer is well known for his precis-writings.
Be precise in your comments.

Talking with precision is a difficult task.

"preclude","V","1.प्रतिबन्धित करना"
Those, who take bribe, should be precluded from their jobs.

"precocious","Adj","1.अकाल प्रौढ"
My friend, Nima, is so precocious in her talks that no one is able to guess her age.

Sita is preconceived that Meena is immoral and undisciplined girl.

Preconception about someone or something sometimes cerates misunderstanding.

Rahul got the room on precondition that hell live alone.

Gandhiji was a precursor in satyagraha.

"predate","V","1.से पहले घटित होना"
Few of the towns fine buildings predate the earth quake of 1755.

"predator","N","1.शिकारी पशु/परभक्षी"
Young rabbits provide food for a variety of predators.

Being predatory, ram doesnt care for others loss.

"predecease","V","1.पहले मर जाना"
Wives always pray that they should predecease their husbands.

"predecessor","N","1.पूर्व अधिकारी"
It is beneficial to consult you predecessor,as you are new to your job.
The present computers are much faster than their predecessors.

Those who believe in predestination now-a-days are called superstitious.

"predestined","Adj","1.पहले से निश्चित हुआ"
It seemed that his getting seat in that course is predestinated.

"predetermine","V","1.पूर्वनिश्चय करना"
Ram is predetermined to go to Nainital.

Almost every one gets predicament in his life time.

Predicate is must in every sentence.

"predicate","V","1.निश्चयपूर्वक कहना"
seniors always predicate their juniors but they become careless.

`Time is very short here `very short is predicative.

"predict","V","1.भविष्य बतलाना"
What Nostradomous predicated about the world, centuries ago, has been happening.

"prediction","N","1.भविष्य कथन"
Dont believe the road side astrologers prediction.

"predispose","V","1.पहले से प्रवृत्त या प्रवण करना"
Selecting committee predisposed ram without concerning his biodata.

Summers are predominant in coastal areas.

"predominate","V","1.प्रबल होना"
Hindus predominate in India.
--"२.सर्वाधिक होना"
Sita is so predominate that no one is able to disobey her.

Gandhiji holds a pre-eminent position among all great leaders.

"pre-empt","V","1.अवरोध करना"
His departure pre-empted any further questions.
I was preparing to speak, when she preempted me.
--"३.बदल देना"
`Antyakshari will be preempted by a special news bulletin.

Most of the teenagers preen themselves before going to any function.
Models and actresses are fond of preening.

"predeterminer","N","1.पूर्वनिर्धारित शब्द"
A word that can precede a determiner in a sentence is called a predeterminer.

"pre-exist","V","1.पहले से होना"

There is no pre-existence of the soul.

His ailment ws pre-existent.

Mr. johns prefabricated shed is very poshed one.

The preface of the book which I red recently was very touching.

"preface","V","1.आमुख लिखना"
In our English text book each chapter is prefaced by an apposite quotation.
--"२.प्रारंभ होना या करना"
She prefaced her talk by addressing the chairman.

I was asked to write a prefatory note for the farewell party.

Our school has thirty prefects to maintain discipline in school premises.

"prefecture","N","1.प्रशासक प्रान्त"
Mr hary is the head of Kent Bury prefecture.

"prefer","V","1.पसन्द करना"
I prefer coffee to tea.

Chocolate ice-cream is preferable to vanilla ice-cream.

She wanted a pizza, preferably one with cheese toppings.

Now-a-days more preference is given to computer literate.
Most electronic devices are being produced on demand of consumer preferences.

"preference shares","N","1.अधिमानी शेयर"
Harry holds 60 preference shares of starks Limited.

We get preferential treatment when we return home from boarding.

Major Singh got a preferment to colonel in the army.

"prefigure","V","1.पूर्वकल्पना करना"
Scientists prefigured a head on collision between the comet Dutta and the Earth.

I left out the question in which we had to add prefixes.
--"२.पूर्व प्रत्यय"
In another two years I will finish my medical course and prefix Dr. will be added to my name.

"prefix","V","1.शुरू या प्रारंभ में लगाना"
All S.T.D. codes are prefixed with `0.

She was four months pregnant when she died.

Women require intake of nutritious and balanced diet during pregnancy.

"preheat","V","1.चुल्हा को गरम करना"
We have to preheat the oven to 150 C for baking fish.

Lizards have prehensile tongue which helps them to catch their prey.

Prehistoric Ajanta caves are the main source of income for Maharashtra tourism.

Prehistory of mankind started with apes.

One should prejudge any kind of issue.

Henry has strong prejudice against john.

He came to me alleging that I was prejudiced against him.

Strikes are prejudicial for the growth of any industry.

Father John is the prelate of St.Xaviers church.

we have two preliminary tests before our board examination.

"preliminary","N","1.प्रारंभिक तैयारी"
All the ambassadors were called for a preliminary meeting before the peace conference.

Elections are often considered to be the prelude to general economic collapse.
The choir presented a prelude before the act.

"premarital","Adj","1.विवाह से पूर्व"
Premarital sex should always be avoided.

Senorita concieved a premature boy.

The burglary was clearly premeditated.

Premeditation is always advised before taking a decision.

Many mowen suffer from nausea due to pre-menstrual syndrome.

Tata is the premier producer of steel in India.

"premier","N","1.प्रधान मंत्री"
The first woman premier is Sirimao Bandarunayake.

"premiere","N","1.प्रथम प्रदर्शन"
Yesterday we watched the world premiere of Matrix.

The voluntary organisation is working on the premise that they will have very little support.

Chewing gum is not allowed in the school premises.

I pay a premium of Rs.500 every month for a life insurance policy.
R.K. Investments pays a premium of 5% on long term investment.

Inspite of being offered a premium rent, he didnt gave his land on lease.

Simran had a premonition that her life was in danger.

He said he had a premonitory dream the night before he met with an accident.

I dont believe in prenatal life.

His main preoccupation during examination was getting enough sleep.
All the tensions will be eased in preoccupation.

"preoccupy","V","1.पूर्वरूपेण ध्यान आकर्षित करना"
One should always be preoccupied with some work in order to be tension free.

The topics for painting competition seem to be preordained.

Two essays are a part of our daily prep.

"pre-pack","V","1.बेचने को तैयार रखना"
The shop keeper pre-packed the provisions.

The delivery charge was prepaid by the consigner.

You can not pass any examination without preparation.
A preparation for AIDS is being invented by the Ayurvedic doctors.

Number of people attended the preparatory meeting of that party for elections.

"prepare","V","1.तैयार करना"
My mother usually prepares a special dish on Saturday.

Prepayment is to be done before joining the course.

Melancholy is the preponderant mood for writing a poem.

Preposition is an important parts of speech.

His appearance is not very prepossessing.

The suggestion is preposterous.

My uncle met a pre-raphaelite in Britain.

The viewers are here by informed that there will be a pre-recorded interview with P.M. in the evening.

A degree is a prerequisite for joining the P.G. course.

"prerogative","N","1.विशेष अधिकार"
A president has the prerogative of pardoning criminals.

Bill clinton is pres of USA.

"presage","V","1.पूर्वसूचना देना/पूर्वबोध होना"
Dark clouds usually presage rain.

"presbyterian","Adj","1.पुरोहिताश्रम से संबन्धित"

The worlds largest presbytery is situated at St. Peters church in Vatican city.

"pre-school","Adj","1.विद्याभ्यास के पूर्व"
We are getting pre-school education from our parents.

The priests of olden times were prescient.

"prescribe","V","1.निर्धारित करना"
The doctor prescribed some pills to help me to sleep.

The doctor gave me a prescription of antibiotics.

we celebrate traditional customs in prescriptive manner.
I purchased a book of prescriptive grammar of English.
Reserved categorised people have some prescriptive rights in appointments.

Your presence is requested at the meeting of shareholders.
Children are impacted by the great presence of the great people.

I was not present when the telegram came.
The present age is computer age.

The present society is a sophisticated society.
This book was a present from my elder brother.

My father presented me a bycycle on my birthday.
Present the entry-pass to go into the auditorium.
--"३.प्रस्तुत करना"
The present cinema culture presents the abnormal development in the children.

"presentable","Adj","1.सामने आने योग्य"
The almond dressing was done to make the dish more presentable.

A good presentation leaves an everlasting impression.
My sister got so many presentations on her marriage.
The salesman gave an excellent presentation of his wide range of products.

I have a deep presentiment that we might meet an accident.

"presently","Adv","1.शीघ्र ही"
The next programme will be broadcasted presently.

"preservation","N","1.परिरक्षित फल या सुरक्षित स्थान"
One should work for the preservation of biological diversities bestowed touse by nature.

Jams and jellies contain added preservatives.

Timber should be treated with a preservative solution before use.

"preserve","V","1.बनाए रखना"
Efforts are being made to preserve the wildlife.

"preserve","N","1.परिरक्षित फल"
Baratanatyam among the classical dances is a south Indian preserve.

"pre-set","V","1.तैयार रखना"
The video was pre-set in order to avoid any problems later on.

"preside","V","1.संचालन करना"
The head boy will preside at the student council.

In India the president holds the presidency for 5 years.

Dr.Rajendra prasad was the first president of India.
He was elected as the president of workers union.

"presidium","N","1.स्थायी समिति"
The election commission is a presidium in democratic India.

The press was prohibited from meeting the prisoners of war.
Text-Books are printed in the printing press.
I wrote a book and prepared for the press.
We bought a lemon press from the market.
Give a press to the shirt before wearing it.
I get a way through the press of people in that market.
I have a wooden press in my bed-room.

"press-conference","N","1.पत्रकार सम्मेलन"
The minister had called a press conference to declare his assets.

"press box","N","1.पत्रकारों के लिए आरक्षित स्थान"
I saw him sitting in the press box.

"press agent","N","1.प्रचार अभिकर्ता"
The press agent organised the party very well.

"press cutting","N","1.अखबार की कतरन"
This press-cutting shows different phases of the moon.

"press gallery","N","1.पत्रकार कक्ष"
The foreign journalists who had arrived to watch parliament proceedings were directed towards the press gallery.

"Press office","N","1.पत्रकारितादफ्तर"
The press office released the contents of the talks which took place between president and the prime minister.

"press officer","N","1.पत्रकारिता विभाग का अधिकारी"
The press officer co-ordinates the working of the press-office.

"press release","N","1.प्रकाशनार्थ विज्ञप्ति"
The government issued a press release of the financial year.

I pressed my face against the pillow in anguish.
Press car bodies out of sheets of metal.
The orange was firmly pressed to get the juice.
--"३.दबाव डालना"
The Hero gently pressed the Heroines arm, who was crying.
The police officials pressed the militants to surrender.
--"५.इस्त्री करना"
The brides saree needs pressing.

At the moment, India is pressed for money.

"pressing","N","1.दबाव डालकर वस्तु बनाना"
The factory manufactures pressings from aeroplane bodies.

Employment for all is the pressing need for hour.

"press-up","N","1.एक प्रकार का व्यायाम"
Doing press-up is good for my mind and body.

The pressure of crowd made it difficult for police to maintain discipline.
A band of low pressure was observed in Pasific Ocean.

Reenas parents tried to pressurise her to marry Ravi.

Being an executives daughter, rani found it below prestige to marry a clerks

On hearing about her mothers heart attack on phone, sonal presto left for hospital.

She is presumably diabetic, because she instructed the cook not to add
any sugar to her tea.

"presume","V","1.मान लेना"
I presume neha is out of station as he hasnt paid me a visit since
the last fortnight.
--"२.साहस करना"
My father doesnt expect me to presume travelling alone.

His honesty proved to be a false presumption on my part.
The Home-minister thanked the commandos for their presumption to free the hikacked hostages.

The accused survived the case on producing a presumptive evidence.

It was clearly presumptuous of charu, to giggle in class in her teachers presence.
"presuppose","V","1.मान लेना"
Sonam presupposed Sahils mohters illness at the reason for his absence from
her birthday party.
--"२.के लिये आवश्यक होना"
To get account in the bank, ones surity is to be presupposed.

Seetas colleagues made a presuppositiion of her decent background of being
well dressed.

"pre-tax","N","1.कर देने से पूर्व कुल आय"
The pre-tax income of that company was better than the last year.

She came to know that, his love is pretence; as he refused to marry her.

"pretend","V","1.अभिनय करना"
In order to win faith of the family members clever thief pretend to be an
honest gardener.

Have social pretentions for being a citizen.

That woman is pretentious of her precious necklase.

"preternatural","Adj","1.अति प्राकृत"
Rishu has a preternatural power of knowing the future of people by reading
their forehead.

Ravi found the pretext of stomachache to give up the History class.

Mrs Das used various varieties of ferns to prettify her lawn.

Tanya was looking so pretty at the party.

"prettily","Adv","1.आकर्षक ढंग से"
Prettily decorated interiors of the house spoke volume about the owners
fine aesthetic sense.

"pretzel","N","1.कुर कुरे नमकईन बिस्कुट"
Mrs charles tea is always accompanied with pretzel.

"prevail","V","1.प्रचलित होना"
The system of shaving the hair of widows prevailed in some traditional areas
of West Bengal.
--"२.जीत लेना"
Much to the suprise of the spectators, the amateur boxer proved that he could prevail over Bhim Singh, a veteran.

The custome of child marriage is still prevalent in certain parts of the world.

"prevaricate","V","1.छल_कपट करना"
Shweta prevaicated about getting a high rank in class while she actually
had failed miserably.

Raj, being a righteous man tried his best to prevent his friend from taking
bribe, but, failed.

For prevention of head injury, all two wheeler riders must wear a helmet.

Little children are administered polio drops as a preventive measure
against the disease.

"preview","N","1.पूर्व दर्शन"
Preview of the movie gave us an idea about its storyline.

The students were asked to complete all of the exercises of the previous
lessons before starting a new one.

"pre-war","Adj","1.युद्ध पूर्व"
The museum gave us an idea about pre-war locomotive.

The little mouse fell prey to the claws of a stealthy cat.

"prey","V","1.शिकार करन"
A cunning fox pounced to prey upon a little squirrel.

Whats the price of this pencil.

"price","V","1.मूल्य निर्धारित करना"
The articles are priced differently.

The Taj Mahal is a priceless legacy for the Indians.

Our trip to Goa was a bit pricey for me.

Dont prick the balloons.

"prick up","V","1.कान उठाना"
My pet dog pricked up his ears as it heard a sound.

The organ with which a male person or animal urinates is called prick.
He behaves like a prick in the class.
While sewing, the needle gave a prick on my finger.

The trees of apricots have many prickles.

The polyster cloth prickles the skin.

Be careful! The tree is a bit prickily.
--"२.झुनझुनी पैदा करने वाला"
Avoid going out in such prickly head.

The pride of our nation was Bapuji.
Dont hurt ones pride.
--"३.शेरों का समूह"
There is a pride by the near forest.

"pride","V","1.गर्व करना"
Pride yourself on your achievements.

The temple priest was a generous man.

"priestly","Adj","1.पुरोहित संबन्धी"
He performed all the priestly rituals.

Now a days so many prigs entered into politics.

His priggish attitude led to the downfall of his carrier.

Dont play that rude joke to her since she is prim.
The british queen received the prim welcome from the mayor.

"prima ballerina","N","1.रंगमंच की प्रसिद्ध नर्तकी"
She was a prima ballerina of her time.

"prima donna","N","1.प्रधान गायिका"
She was prima donna of the group.

Primaeval man didnt know how to cook.

"prima facie","Adj","1.प्रत्यक्षत
Court found prima facie audience against the corrupt officer.

The primal objectives of training is to prepare good players for the team.

The doctor cured the disease in its primary stage only.
The primary aim of N.S.S. is to produce social volunteers.
One must possess primary education for high school study.

The primarily aim of this institution is to give a good education.

"primary","N","1.एक प्रकार का निर्वाचन"
He won by a great margin in primary elections.

"primary colour","N","1.लाल पीले नीले में से कोई एक रंग"
Try to get all the colours by mixing primary colours.

"primary education","N","1.प्राथमिक शिक्षा"
Primary education is must for all.

"primary health care","N","1.चिकित्सक द्वारा देने वाली चिकित्सा"
One should always have primary health care before the health deteriorates.

"primary school","N","1.प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा केन्द्र"
Primary school, next to the church is a good one.

The primate of the church integrated the prayer.
--"२.नर वानर"
I read a xhapter about primates in the History book.

The prime cause of the accident was carelessness.
Mine was the prime assignment that which submitted.

The prime cause for this is not known.

He is in the prime of his life.

"prime","V","1.तैयार करना"
The workers were primed by their leader for strike.
The windows were all primed before actual painting.

The primer is given to children by school itself.

Evidence of the primitive civilisation have helped us to imagine our own history.

He succeeded his father by right of primogeniture.

Oceans are primordial.

"primrose","N","1.बसंती गुलाब"
In the rainy season, our garden gets full of primroses.
--"२.फीका पीला रंग"
His life is a primrose as he lost everything.

"primula","N","1.बसंती गुलाब"
The garden is full of primula flowers.

"primus","N","1.एक छोटे प्रकार का कुकर"
The primus will be a great help in the rigorous camping.

Prince edwardस् marriage was viewed by thousands of people.
Rama was the price of Ayodhya.

We were surely impressed by the princely lifestyle.

Princess of Yanina got married yesterday.
Sita was the princess of Ayodhya.


The principal acknowledged our work.
The principal of the insititution is very popular among the members.

Principally students dont like to enter into the politics.

Before independence India was a principality of Britain.

Mahatma Gandhi was known for his great Principles.

A man who lead a principled life was a real humanbeing.

The print in ordinary mixed with italic is so convenient to read.
The murderer gave a clue to the police by giving his foot prints.

story books are printed on a great scale.

"printable","Adj","1.छापने योग्य"
Agencies should print those news which are printable.

The market of books are increasing therefore the demand from printers are also increasing.

After the invention of printing our society has changed a lot.

The teacher should have prior knowledge of the subject which he is going to teach.

Now the government is giving priority to the defence of the nation.

"prise","V","1.बल से अलग करना"
The kidnappers prised the child and taken away from her mother.

We can see different colors through the prism.

A prismatic compass is used in the army to measure the distance.

A prison is a place where people are kept as a punishment.

To fullfill their demands terrorists kept two hundred people as their prisoners.

He is so prissy in administrational matters.

Our country is full of pristine monuments.

Many people like privacy while studying.

A private letter was sent to the publisher for demanding the money.
He revealed private chat with his boss, to others.
Dont be a private citizen of the country, achieve something.
--"४.गऎर सरकारी"
Private Industries are given a boon in the present cental budget.

"privately","Adv","1.व्यक्तिगत रूप से"
I agree to the conditions of the management with the other staff but privately I deny them.

The captain alerted the crew on seeing the privateer from distance.

In India many people are living with privation of food.

The government is thinking to privatise the Electricity board.

"privet","N","1.एक तरह की झाड"

Officers on special duties are given special privileges.

Coming from a privileged background, she became the club president.

"privy","Adj","1.गुप्त जानकारी के संबन्धित"
Ram was privy to the illegal negotiations.

Voluntery organizations are building privies in slum areas.

"privy council","N","1.सर्वोच्च न्यायालय"
He is a member of the privy council.

"privy purse","N","1.राजभत्ता"
The king had to depend solely on the Privy purse after his kingdom was annexed.

Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature.

Chetak was rana prataps prize horse.

"prize","V","1.महत्त्व देना"
The canary was his prized possession.

"prize-giving","N","1.पुरस्कार वितरण समारोह"
Priya was awarded a prize at the Annual prize-giving function of her school.

Mohammad Ali won the prize fight.

"pro and cons","IDM","1.पक्ष और विपक्ष"

His aim is to become a golf pro.

"pro-am","N","1.खिलाडियों की खेल"
A pro-am skating tournament was organised last week.

"pro-","Pref","1.के पक्ष में"
He is pro-China.


The probability of his success is less.
The concept of probability was established in early 90s.

Increasing air-pollution is the most probable explanation to depleting ozone layer.

Probables for the next years tournament were selected in the camp.

Probably she missed the last bus.

"probate","N","1.प्रमाणित इच्छापत्र"
He was granted a probate regarding his fathers will.

"probate","V","1.संप्रमाणित करना"
There is an urgent need to probate this will.

"probation","N","1.परख अवधि"
She was put on probation for two years for shop-lifting.

He is a probationary officer in the bank.

"probation officer","N","1.परिवीक्षा अधिकारी"
He is a probation officer above ten candidates.

The doctor used a probe to examine her throat.
A probe was ordered into the fodder scam by Supreme Court.

"space probe","N","1.जाच पडताल की विमान"
A space probe was launched to study the comets movement.

"probe","V","1.जाच पडताल करना"
She probed the ground ahead with a stick.

"probing","Adj","1.जाच संबन्धी"
This probing questions sounded insulting.

We have no doubts about his probity.

We completed our work without any problem.

Training the wild horse proved to be problematic for the trainer.

"problem child","N","1.समस्याप्रदसंतान"
Too much affection caused him to become a problem child.

Passing bills through the parliament is a complicated procedure.

"procedural","Adj","1.कार्यविधि संबन्धी"
Many procedural changes have been made in the consititution through amendments.

"proceed","V","1.आगे बढना"
The judge asked the lawyer to proceed with the case.

The company threatened to start legal proceedings against him.
The journalist was asked to report the proceedings of the function.
His article was published in the proceedings of the law journal.

The proceeds from the show were donated to the orphanage.

Learning a foreign language is a slow process.
Irregular eating habits interfere with the digestive process.
Computer graphics have simplified the process of movie-making.

"process","V","1.संसाधित करना"
They processed many fruits to make jams, jellies etc..
--"२.अग्रेसर होना"
They processed through the cathedral was slow.

"processor","N","1.संसाधित करने का यन्त्र"
She has bought a new food processor.

Thousands of people joined the martyrs funeral procession.

"processional","Adj","1.प्रसरण संबन्धी"
The choir sang a processional hymn.

"proclaim","V","1.घोषित करना"
He dared to proclaim his intention to fight racial discrimination.
--"२.प्रमाणित करना"
His dress proclaimed his royal status.

The finance ministers proclamation of the budget was accepted peacefully.

His proclivity to sudden violent outbursts landed him in prison finally.

"procrastinate","V","1.विलम्ब करना"
He lost his opportunity due to his tendency to procrastinate.

Our procrastination to depart caused us to miss the train.

"procreate","V","1.प्रजनन करना"
Stud farms help to procreate new breeds of horses.

Through procreation new breeds can be obtained.

She has risen tothe post of chief proctor in the college.

"procurator fiscal","N","1.मुखतार"
Procurator fiscal is appointed by the Scotland government.

"procure","V","1.प्राप्त करना"
She promised to procure a copy of the law journal for me.
--"२.दलाली करना"
His job was to procure young girls for his clients.

Procurement of raw material for the factory is his responsibility.

She prodded me with the tip of a blund knife.
He prodded me to join his gang.

He gave me a terrible prod by this nail.
Give him a humble prod to attend the seminar.

"prodding","N","1.उकसाने की प्रक्रिया"
He needed some prodding because he is a stubborn man.

Not a penny was left with him because of being a prodigal man.

Check your prodigality or you will be in financial crisis.

A prodigious amount of money was spent in building this monument.

He was tortured prodigiously by the police.

"prodigy","N","1.विलक्षण प्रतिभा संपन्न व्यक्ति"
Being a prodigy Ruskin Bond won the national award at a very young age.

"produce","V","1.उत्पादन करना"
My uncles factory produce shoes.
--"२.रचना करना"
Monalisa was the best work produced by Picasso.
--"३.परिस्थिति उत्पन्न करना"
My arrival at home produced many problems for him.
--"४.प्रस्तुत करना"
The operator produced the bill immediately.

This year a large part of paddy produce got ruined by heavy rains.
The factory sells its produce in the local markets.

India is the main cotton producing country in the world,.
The twentieth century fox is one to the two producers of Titanic.

This newly launched product is showing great results.
This documentary is the product of my hard work.
A mathematical table is the series of product of a number and the number from 1 to 10.

He had to face a lot of problems during the production of his new kind of paper.

Productive methods are invited to implement the project.

The productivity of agricultural land is low because of bad climate.

The productivity of agricultural land is low because of bad climate.

He is Prof.Krishnamurthy.

He was found guilty of being a profane person.

"profane","V","1.अनादर करना"
Profaning ओ

"profanity","N","1.ईश निन्दा"
Religion tolerates profanity.

"profess","V","1.दावा करना"
He professed himself as an intellectual.
--"२.खुले आम स्वीकार करना"
She professed of being his mother.
--"३.धर्म को अपनाना"
Professing christianity as a religion was considered as a crime during that period.

"professed","Adj","1.आत्म घोषित"
His professed rights of property are not agreed.

I have adopted teaching as my profession.
A profession of loyalty is to be accepted.

One can be very successful by being highly professional.

I adviced her to develop prefessionalism as one of her traits.

"professionally","Adv","1.व्यवसायिक ढMग से"
She aid her job professionally.

My grandpa was a chemistry professor in Roorkee University.

She recently got a professorial job in a college.

I will profer this antique to her.

Bring a proficient cook, he prepares delicious food.

He has acquired proficiency in singing.

"profile","N","1.पार्श्व चित्र"
His profile came in front of my eyes.
That magazine publishes profiles of eminent person by every month.

This time she didnt get much profit out of this business.

This is a profitless business to do.

"profit","V","1.लाभ उठाना"
Political parties are profiting voter needs.

Selling of this book will be profitable for us.

One must look profitability in buying products.

"profitably","Adv","1.लाभदायकता से"
I sold all my goods to the customer profitably.

Profiteering is the main aim of a businessman.

"profiterole","N","1.क्रीम आदी से बनया हुआ मीठी रोटी"
My father ordered a dozon profiteroles in the Karachi bakery.

No one should be prfligate.

Some governments announce some boons, that leads to financial profiligacy.

A proforma was sent by the exporter to the company.

Life of Gandhiji had a profound influence on the youngsters during the independnece movement.

I am profoundly happy to see you .

Profundity is anyones heart makes that person somewhat unique.

I gave profuse thanks to her hospitality.

"profusely","Adv","1.बहुलता से"
The speaker was thanked profusely by giving a good lecture.

I saw a profusion of flowers in moghal gardens.

Our progenitors were intelligent in building temples etc..

Shri krishna was the progeny of Devaki.

"progesterone","N","1.एक तरह की हार्मोन"
Every human being has progesterone harmone.

Todays news prognosis that tomorrow there will be heavy rainfall.

The prognostication of nostradomous are ever true.

Now a days some useful programs are being prepared.

"program","V","1.योजना या प्रोग्रम बनाना"
The computer is programmed to receive instructions from the user.

T.V. programs have both the effect good as well as bad on children.

"programme","V","1.कार्यक्रम बनाना"
They have programmed the list and you are the first to speak.


"programmer","N","1.प्रोग्रम लिखने वाला"
Programmer should be very much sensitive so that he can bring sense in the program.

"programming","N","1.प्रोग्रम लिखने का तरीका"
Programming should be so attractive that everyone should be impressed by that.

people with will in their hearts can only achieve progress in their lives.

"progress","V","1.आगे बढना"
One should progress in life in spite of hardships.

After progression one should not become over confident.

Indis is progressive among south Asian countries.

Progressives and conservatives clash in communist countries.

His income is progressively increasing year after year.

"prohibit","V","1.निषेध करना"
Mutual allegations are prohibited in Lok sabha.

Prohibition of smoking is imposed in public places by the government.

Dowry system is a prohibitive system which should be removed.

Studying in convent schools is becoming prohibitively expensive.

A research project is being taken by the investigators.

"project","V","1.परियोजना करना"
A projected drain improvement scheme is being implimented in our colony.
The present cine actors must learn to project their voices.
Colour shades were projected on the dias.
--"४.बहिर्विष्ट होना"
I saw a projecting beam in the lab.

The enemy fired projectiles at the army base.

Our future projection is to get more money in our business.

In our business, he is the best projectionist.

The projector got strucked in the middle of the movie.

He got an elbow pro-lapse in the accident.

Western countries saw proletarian revolutions in the past.

Now-a-days prolatariat are dominated by the technology.

"proliferate","V","1.प्रचुर मात्रा में उत्पन्न होना या करना"
High yielding variety seeds should be used to proliferate the productions in agriculture.

Buyers are confused by the sheer proliferation of models available.

Farmers are now adopting package approach to the prolific harvest.

"prolifically","Adv","1.बहुफलदायकता से"
Bogenvilla is a prolifically flowering plant.

The prolix speaker was demanded to conclude his speech.

Every chapter has a prologue.

"prolong","V","1.लम्बा करना"
The doctor prolonged the patients life for some more days by a good treatment.

Prolongation of the same treatment was not advisable any more.

"prom","N","1.सामूहिक नृत्य"
The prom performed by our class was appreciated by out teachers.

I love to walk in a promenade.

Ram always plays a prominent role in stage programmes.
The prominent development of the country is based on the ruling government.
The dentist corrected the prominent teeth of the patient.

Promiscuous persons are prone to aids.

Ram promised Raj to return his money back.
Her work shows great promise.

"promise","V","1.प्रतिज्ञा करना"
He promised to help me.
--"२.विश्वास दिलाना"
He promised to come tomorrow

"promissory note","N","1.वचनपत्र"
No one trusted Mira and thus asked for promissory note.

"promo","Adj","1.प्रचारित हुआ"
General manager enquired about their new promo product.

My uncle got a land near the promonitory.

"promote","V","1.पदोन्नति करना"
The director knows Rahuls hard work and thus promoted him to the post of G.M..
--"२.प्रचार करना"
In spite of tough competition in soap market, they succeeded in promoting their product.

Hari was happy to hear the news of his promotion.
The sales man was appreciated for his promotion to the product.

I gave a prompt reply to my friend.
Ram is very prompt in paying income tax.

"prompt","V","1.प्रेरित करना"
The ban on taking alcohol was prompted by complaints of middle class women.

Amateur actors need prompt in the stage.

I will be have at 6o clock prompt.

The emergency staff will act promptly in critical cases.

The fire staff acted with great promptness in the building collapse.

"prompter","N","1.अनुबोधन करनेवाला"
The director himself acted as prompter in the play.

The prompting could help the actor to give better performance.

"promulgate","V","1.घोषित करना"
Birla Tata promulgated the future plan.

"prone","Adj","1.झुका हुआ"
Rajni is prone to disease.
I saw Ravi in a prone position.

One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot.

"pronomial","Adj","1.सर्वनाम सम्बन्धी"
The words he she it are pronomial.

Pronoun makes a sentence more constructive and precise.

"pronounce","V","1.उच्चारण करना"
its still hard to pronounce some words of Latin.
--"२.निर्णय देना"
Ram pronounced that he would definitely go to the party.

"pronto","Adv","1.जल्दी "
This sum should be done pronto.

"pronunciation","N","1.उच्चारण की रीत"
It is always difficult to acquire the exact pronunciation of foreign words.

Sita has all proof against her accusations.
Mira is perfect at the work of proof.

My wrist watch is proofed against water.

Prepare with firm proof clothing in winter season.

"proof read","V","1.प्रूफ्-शोधन करना"
The work of proof reading is very hard.

"prop","N","1.लकडी से बना आधार"
The prop of TV was antique piece.
--"२.आश्रय दाता"
Rahul acted as a prop in bad time of Ravi.

We balanced the almirah with the help of prop.

The political parties started their propaganda in full swing before the elections.

The democratic party in America is a great propagandist.

"propagandise","V","1.प्रचार करना"
The party manifestos was propagandised to change public opinion.

The opposition party propagates misdoing of the ruling party.

Some voluntary organizations are in the propogation of saving trees.

He is a great propagator.

"propane","N","1.रंग रहित जैसा"
Propane is used as a fuel.

"propel","V","1.नोदन करना"
The propelled helicopter would be take off from the ground.

Propellents are attached to the racket.

The aircraft willnot move until the propeller works properly.

The rich have the propensity to spend on costly items.

We should always be dressed in a proper way.

"properly","Adv","1.उचित ढंग से"
Comb you hair properly.

"proper noun","N","1.व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा"
`Himalayas is a propernoun.

This property consists of land and building.

"propertied classess","N","1.धनी"
Propertied classes will only bear the luxuries.

She was born with the talent of prophecy.

"prophesy","V","1.पहले से बता देना"
He prophesied that I will get a good position after completing my P.G..


The muslim regard Mohammed as their prophet.

The prophetess pledged to wipe off poverty from the world.

Some diseases like AIDS couldnt हवे proper prophalytic medicines.

Anti-biotic is a prophylactic.

My maternal uncles are in great propinquity iwith us.

"propitiate","V","1.प्रसादित करना"
The smugglers offered bribe to propitiate the police officers and release them.

This is not the propitious time to grow wheat.

Gandhiji was the first proponent of satyagraha.

The proportion of water and acid should be equal.

There is no proportional peak to the kanchan-Jung.

Increased oil tax effects the proportionate price increase for the consumer.
A proposal for computerised teaching in schools is being discussed.

"propose","V","1.प्रस्ताव रखना या करना"
Re-writing of the constitation is proposed by the opposition party.

A commercial proposition was made between the government and some private companies to share the software technology.
Collecting of crime news is a bit proposition to the reuters.

"propound","V","1.प्रस्तुत करना"
Ram was requested to propound his theory in front of the principal.

The HMT is the sole proprietary of various brand of watches.

They offered prayers in propitiation for their sins.

Proportiatory rituals are performed among Hindus.

We are living in a well proportioned room.

"proportionately","Adv","1.अनुपात में"
Whenever the L.P.G. costs increased, proportionately the consumer has to pay more price.

She was propositioned several times in the cource of evening.

The proprietor holds the records of the profit and loss per annum of his business.

"proprietorial","Adj","1.proprietor से संबन्धित"
Union has decided to revolt against proprietorial decision.

Our colonians behave with a mutual propriety.

Duck uses its webbed feets for propulsion through the water.

The motor boat picks up the speed by propulsive force.

If deforestization continued, there will be a pro-rata increase in the prices of wood.

Reema told the interior decorator that she would not prefer a prosaic decoration for her room.

She gave the welcome speech of the function standing on the proscenium.

"proscribe","V","1.अभिनिषिद्ध करना"
Usually, the government proscribes some un-licenced drugs.

Khuswant singh is well known prose writer.

"prosecute","V","1.अभियोग करना"
Some central ministers of our country were prosecuted in connection to Hawala.

The public prosecutor denied the defence lawywers statement.

The minister was not able to face the prosecution.

Some religious institutions proselytising the tribals by giving money.

"prosody","N","1.छन्द शास्त्र"
Prosody is an optional subject in our graduation.

There is hardly any prospect of that party to coming into the rule.

Some villagers are prospecting the wild animals in the hill areas.

My uncle is a government prospector.

The prospective buyers gathered for the auction.

"prospectus","N","1.विवरण पुस्तक"
Smita will bring the prospectus of man schools today.

"prosper","V","1.सफल होना"
I wish my son will prosper in his business.

Hard work brings prosperity to life.

She went to foreign to become a prosperous lady.

"prostate","N","1.प्रास्टैट ग्रंथि"

Jaipur is famous for prosthetic limbs.

He is happy since a prosthesis has been fitted for his hand, which he lost in car accident.

The circumstances forced her to work as a prostitute.

"prostitute","V","1.नीच काम में लगना"
He prostituted his talents as an artist by painting cinema posters.

"prostitution","N","1.वेश्या वृत्ति"
Prostitution is banned by the law.

The piligrimmes prostrate themselves before the almighty.

"prostrate","Adj","1.दण्डवत किया हुआ"
Every morning she fall prostrate in worship of Lord Rama.

"prostration","N","1.साष्टांग प्रणाम"
Piligrimes offer prostration with awe at the feet of the god.
I got a great prostration during my illness.

She has a prosy attitude towards life.

Ram is the protagonist of Ramayan.

I played a protean role in the Drama.

"protect","V","1.रक्षा करना"
Mothers protect their babies.

Protection of babies against mosquitoes is very necessary.

Our government is a protectionist.

Any country should have its own strategy of protectionism.

Epithelial tissue is a protective sheath for body organs.

"protectively","Adv","1.संरक्षात्मकता से"
The school management acts protectively with the students.

Some statehomes provide protectiveness to the orphans.

Eye lashes act as protector to eyes.

"protectorate","N","1.संरक्षित राज्य"

I was a protege over my teacher during my study.

Vitamin A is an essential protein for eyes.

A pro-term speaker was appointed by the president.

"protest","V","1.विरोध करना"
Opposition party protested against the PMs statement.

The mazdoor union staged protest against the erraneous management.

The protesters demanded the ministers resignation for the rail accident.

In ancient times a protestant was punished very harshly.

In ancient times a protestant was punished very harshly.

A protestation should be made within the countries to unprove the terrorism.

Connective tissue have long proto plasmic projections.

The president would have the protocol of asking the ruling party to prove the majority in collision.
My grandfather used to keep all the protocols in a certain way.

"proton","N","1.अणु का एक छोटा भाग"
Protons are positively charged.

Protoplasm is the basic substance of all the animals and plants.

A prototype PSLV was built by our engineers.

"protozoan","N","1.एक कण जीव"
Protozoans can be viewed only with telescope.

We got a protracted vaccation due to the heavy rains.

Teacher asked the students to make a 50 degrees angle with protractor.

"protrude","V","1.बाहर निकला हुआ होना या निकालना"
Librarian asked the students that books should not be left protrude while they search for the magazine.

I saw rocky protrusions in that cave.

After the long and adventurous journey.

Parents of brilliant students are always proud of them.
The cement should stand proud of the surface and then be smoothened down later.

The president did us proud at the press.

"prove","V","1.सिद्ध करना"
You should prove your point by logical argumentation rather than raising your voice.

Newton was very confident that his laws are provable.

"proven","Adj","1.सिद्ध हुआ"
Dr.S.Radhakrishnan was a personality of proven capability.

Almost all languages are provenance of sanskrit.

These days people mix dirty food in cows provender.

There is a proverb in English, Tit for tat.

In Board exams some schools provide writing pads also with answer sheets.

In Hindu family father is the only provider.

"provided","Conj","1.बशर्ते कि"
I will present you cycle provided (that) you would pass in 1st class.

"providence","N","परमात्मा का विधान"
There is a providence of III world war.

Every brilliant student might have a provident.

She saved from such breath taking accedent. she is really providential.

"province","N","1.प्रान्त/अधिकार क्षेत्र"
India has 26 provinces.

Provincial taxes are very less in some provinces.
Provincial attitudes will not help to become gentle.

Provincial taxes are higher on certain commodities.

One should not hesitate to reveal his provincialism.

Provisions are made by law to uplift the standards of Scs and Sts.
One should go with complete provision in board exam.
--"३.खाद्य सामग्री"
I hope mother has made all provisions for our journey.
She entered inthe contract with a provision that beside the salary she would also be entitled to get 5% profit.

Please produce your provisional certificate for verification.

The proviso has been made to use mobile during driving a veicle.

Dont ever give way to provocation.

Sudhir purposely made provocative comments to arouse Haris temper.

"provoke","V","1.क्रुद्ध करना"
He provoked his neighbors into a quarrel.

Its really very terrifying to stand on a prow.

Sporting prowess will be recknod in interviews.

"prowl","V","1.खोजते फइरना"
Thieves prowling near the bank to rob.

He is my proximate relative.

Me and my sister share a good proximity.

The manager made his assistant as his proxy for the meeting.

"prude","Adj","1.छद्म लज्जालु स्त्री"
Some sales girls are generally prude.

It would have been more prudent for us not have started building the new house.

We always need prudence for success

"prudently","Adv","1.बुद्धिमानी से"
Prudently he won the match.

Prunes cause stomach ache.

She has been pruning the roses in the rose garden.

We appointed a gardener for pruning.

He showed a prurient interest in the details of a rape case.

The villian followed the heroine with provience in that scene.

"prussic acid","N","1.जहरीला पदार्थ"
Avoid prussic acids from the reach of children.

"pry","V","1.ताक झाक करना"
Our neighbours always pries into our domestic matters.
The magician pried the lid open without touching it.

"PS","Abbrpost script","1.पुनश्च/पोस्ट स्क्रिप्ट"
The actual Latin word for PS is post scriptum.

A number of psalms were being heard, especially on Sundays from a near-by church.

Luka was a psalmist.

"psalter","N","1.भजन संग्रह"
Books of psalters were distributed among the school children.

"psephology","N","1.चुनाव विश्लेषण"
During elections most channels have psephology experts predicting election results.

"psephologist","N","1.चुनाव विश्लेषक"
M.V.L.Narasimharao is a famous psephologist.

"psephological","Adj","1.चुनाव विश्लेषण संबन्धी"
The news paper appointed him to submit the psephological report.

Shes just pseud,. She knows nother about the theatre really..
Ke made a pseud remark about my achievement.

Be aware of pseud in the society.

Pseudo Naxalites were caught by the people.

He was living in society with a pseudonym.

Pseudonymous authors were gathered at the writers conference.

Psoriasis is commonly found in India.

Psst! Lets get out now before they see us.


Her book si an exploration of the American psyche.


"psychedelic","Adj","1.भ्रमित करने वाला"
Kokaine and Ganza are psychedelic drug.

Psychiatry saves the lives of depressed.

On mall road there is a big psychiatric clinic.

Psychiatrist will do psycho-analysis.

He is psychic.
--"२.आत्मिक या मानसिक"

The hero acted as psycho in the movie.

After doing psychoanalysis the psychiatrist came to a decission.

He wanted to become a psychoanalyst in the future.

All people hae their own psychology.

This seems to be a psychological case to me.

"psychologically","Adv","1.मनोवैज्ञानिक तरीके से"
You should be psychologically strong in front of your enemy.

The psychologist advised her not to speculate.

He became psychopath after the death of his father.

Psychopathic disorders will be cured by psychiatrist.

Raju was suffering from psychosis.

psychosomatic symptoms should be properly checked.

psychotherapy is a good treatment for tension.

She works as a good psychotherapist, better you go to her.

Their family have psychotic disorder.


"PT","Abbrphysical training","1.शारीरिक अभ्यास"
There should be one PT class in our school.

I want to read shakespeares Henry IV pt..

We can see the pt moresby located on the map.

"pt","Abbrpoints","1.बिन्दु या अंक"
The winner should score 10 Pts in badminton.

१.pt milk.

"PTA","AbbrParents Teachers Association","1.पेरेंटटीचर्सएसोसिएशन"
There will be a PTA meeting once in every month in our school.

"pto","Abbrplease turn over","1.कृपया पन्ना उलटाइए"
You should write PTO on exam copy so that no question will be left unchecked.

One can get food also in pubs.

You hae reached the age of puberty.

The teenagers are called pubescent.

Injured pubic bone effects the rate of reproduction.

The campaign was designed to increase public awareness of the problem.

The public has a right to know what is in this report.

The information is not publicly available.

"public relation","N","1.जनसम्पर्क"
I applied for the post of public relations officer.

"Public school","N","1.पब्लिकस्कूल"
There are a number of public schools all over the world which keep on overall personality development of students.

"public sector","N","1.राजकीय क्षेत्र"
she applied for loan to buy a house in the public sector housing scheme.

"public spirit","N","1.लोकहितभाव"
Wth public spirit that leader emphasised on the construction of road of the village.

"public utility","N","1.जनोपयोगी"
The water tank had been constructed for public utility.

"public works","N","1.सार्वजनिक निर्माण"
A huge public works program was organised last week.

"pubicican","N","1.शराबखाने का मालिक"
Mr. Rohit is a well known publican.

The book is ready for publication.
The publication of exam result in the डइल्य् times created much fuss throughout the city due to over crowding of the street

"publicist","N","1.अन्तरराष्ट्रीय विधिवेत्ता"
The publicist always gets much importance in the society.
A publicist should be an intellectual person with a clear idea of whatever he wants to describe.

They hae done a lot of publicity of their new product.

"publicise","V","1.प्रचार करना"
He worked hard to publicise the new product launched by his firm.

"publish","V","1.प्रकाशित करना"
Most of the good books on English were published during the British rule.

Publishers give a foxed royalty to all the writers.

He is involved in publishing.

"publishing house","N","1.प्रकाशन संस्था"
He is the owner of a big and well known publishing house.

On seeing his enemy, his face colour changed to puce..

All the players were chasing the puck.

"pucker","V","1.सिलवरे पडना"
On hearing the news of his fatherस् death, his face puckered up and he began to cry.

Dont be deceived by puckish grins.

We prepared a nice pud to serve to the guests after lunch.

Serving pudding after meals is considered essential.
--"२.गोलगप्पा मुह"
She possesses a pudding face.

"pudding basin","N","1.पुडिंग पकानेवाला बर्तन"
A pudding basin is required a prepare a pudding.

"puddle","N","1.छोटा सा तालाब"
A lot of fishes were present in the puddles.

"pudenda","N","1.गुप्त भाग"

Seeing a pudgy child running everyone bursted into a laughter.

Though he consideres himself that he is very intelligent but his behaviour is puerile.

A puff of air brought a little relief during power cut.
A puff of smoke emerged out from the chimney.
--"३.एक तरह का विशिष्ट पिष्टक"
She is expert in making chololate puffs.
He was merely able to speak out of puff.

"puffy","Adj","1.उभरा हुआ"
The cake seems to be very puffy.

He examined a puff-बल्ल् under a microscope.

"puff pastry","N","1.एक प्रकार का पिष्टक"
I am crazy for puff pastry.

"puff sleeve","N","1.फुली हुई आस्तीन"
My red frock had puff sleeve.

"puff","V","1.फूक-फूककर निकालना"
He was punished for puffing smoke into peoples faces.
--"२.सिगरेट पीना"
Puffing pipe in cinema hall his prohibitted.
--"३.कशा या दम लगाना"
He was puffing hard when he reached the hill top.

She was puffed after climbing the stairs.

"puffin","N","1.एक प्रकार की काली सफेद चिडिया"
Puffin is commonly found on North Atlantic.

His mother presented a pug to him on his birthday.

Ram is the best pugilist in the city.
--"२.वह व्यक्ति जिसे लडना पसन्द हो"
Most of the MP are parliamentary pugilist.

He indulges in pugilism very often.

He is very pugnacious.

"pugnaciously","Adj","1.झगडालूपन से"
Pugnanciously he snatched his shirt from the tailor.

"pugnacity","N","1.कलह की इच्छा"
Raj was able to defend his position with great pugnacity.

"puke","V","1.उलटी करना"
I used to puke out everything that ate when I was suffering from jaundice.

She possesses pukka walking boots.

He pulled the rope of well to lift up the bucket.
He pulled back her hand when a thorn pierced her fingers.
Dont pull the plug out.
After his fathers death he started working in the local pub pulling punts.
--"३.आकर्षित करना"
The contenstant paid oen thousand Rupees to a person who pulled in forty voters in his favour.
--"४.आगे बढना"
The old machine pulled hard when it was operated after a time gap of one month.
--"५.गैर कानूनी कार्य करना"
Ram was pulling some sort of work.

"pull in","PhrV","1.गिरफ्तार करना"
The constable pulled in two criminals to investigate about the murder case.
Hes pulling in good sum of money by working in Tata steel.

"pull into","PhrV","1.पहुचना"
The crowd ran towards the platform when shatabadi express pulled in.
The matador bus pulled in to a resturant on its way to shimla.

"pull off","PhrV","1.रुकना"
The vehicle pulled off the highway to refresh its passengers.
--"२.सफल हो जाना"
At last, he pulled off his examinations and came out in flying colours.

"pull out","PhrV","1.हटना"
As the driver saw a truck approaching with very high speed, it suddenly pulled out from the road.
I pulled out the waste papers from the book shelf.

"pull(sth) over","PhrV","1.रुकना"
The car immediately pulled over as a bus was approaching it with a very high speed.

"pull round","PhrV","1.ठीक हो जाना"
She was pulling round when I went to enquire about her health.

"pull (sb) through (sth)","PhrV","1.मदद करना"
During hill illness the nurse pull him through.

"pull together","PhrV","1.मिलकर काम करना"
One must pull together to succeed in life.

"pull oneself together","PhrV","1.नियन्त्रित करना"
After my relatives success in civil service examination I pulled myself together.

"pull up","PhrV","1.रुकना"
The car suddenly pulled up on approaching a huge crowd.

"pull sb up","PhrV","1.निन्दा करना"
The student was pulled up by the teacher for his mistakes.

"pull in","N","1.भोजनालय"
The cyclist stopped at pull in during their tour.

"pull-out","N","1.किसी पत्रिका का अनुबन्ध"
The Hindustan times monthly publishes a 30 page pull out on entertainment etc..
--"२.निकालने का कार्य"
Alexander pulled out his rivals from the battle field.

"pull up","N","1.कसरत"
The wrestlers pull up regularly to build their muscles.

A pull of the chain will stop the train.
Sensitiveness can not tolerate the pulls.
I need not to use your pull to get this job.
The magician took a long pull and finished the cigarette.
The man took a small pull of wine in the party.
--"६.लंबी चडाई"
Mountaineers have to take several long pulls to reach their destination.
The door pull was got strucked by rust.

"pullet","N","1.घरेलू मुर्गी/पठोर"
Our pullet lays 1.eggs a week.

Water is drawn by stretching the pulley attached to the well.

"pullman","N","1.एक विशेष प्रकार का रेल डिब्बा"
Just a few minutes before the departure of train, Mr. Parson rushed to book a pullman for his family.

In Delhi, teenagers are found crazy for Mohini Knitwear pullovers.

Oxygenated blood is brought by pulmonary arteries to the heart for circulation in the body.

Jams and jellies are made from the pulp of various fruits.
Most of the kashmir handicraft items are made from pulp of waste paper.
Pulp fiction was old at low prices at the book fair.

Mango is considered to be a very pulpy fruit.

"pulpit","N","1.फ्रवचन मंच"
On the occasion of teacherस् day, the pulpit was beautifully decorated by the students with colourful garlands.

At the climax of the movie, my heart started pulsating rapidly.
Sometimes pulsating of the left eye is considered quite lucky.
--"३.कम्पायमान होना"
Great men are always pulsating with life.

I could hear the vibrating pulsation under the earth.

"pulse","N","1.नाडी स्पन्द"
During illness, the doctor tested my pulse.
--"२.एक लगातार गाने की धुन"
I could clearly hear throbbing pulse of drums form the music room.
--"३.कोई कम्पित ध्वनि"
Calculator works on electronic pulse.

Rice is pulverised for making dosas.
--"२.विनष्ट करना"
During elections every party is busy pulverising its opponents.

"puma","N","1.बिल्ली परिवार का एक जानवर"
Pumas are abundantly found in American forest.

Pumice stone is used for cleaning and softening the skin.

Dara singh pummelled hard on his opponents back.

The mechanic used pump to fill air in my bicycle.

The doctor immediately pumped oxygen to the patients heart to bring his beat to normal.
--"२.पानी निकालना"
He used a motor to pump water from the well.

"pump priming","N","1.सरकार की लग्गत"
The government has recently spent two lakhs rupees as pump priming to develop leather industry.

"pump","N","1.एक तरह का हलके जूते"
My friend ha srecently bought a beautiful pump on her birthday.

Pumpkin is widely used by Indian for making a variety of dishes.

Charles Dicken has used several puns for Ornado in his Pickwick papers.

His friend gave him a hard punch on his face.

"punch","V","1.मुक्का मारना"
The boxer was repeatedly kicked and punched.
The story told by the little boy was full of punches.

"puncher","N","1.मुक्का मारनेवाला"
He is famous as the best puncher in our school.

The speech given by the head girl sounded very punchy to all the students.

"punch drunk","N","1.उलझाया हुआ"
The other boxer was punch drunk in the ring.

"punch line","N","1.फलश्रुति"
Shakespearean stories have very attractive punchl lines.

He punched his papers with a punching machine.

"punch up","N","1.लडाई"
Most girls keep themselves away from punch ups.

"punch card","N","1.पंच कार्डऎसा कार्ड जिस पर सूचना छेदित हो"
Punch cards are rarely used now-a-days.

"punch","N","1.एक विशेष प्रकार का शरबत"
Americans are fond of drinking punch.

"punch bowl","N","1.बरतन जिस में पंच पिलाया जाता है"
My uncle has a good collection of punch bowls.

"Punch and Judy show","N","1.पुतलिओं का प्रदर्शन"
Children are enjoing with Punch and Judy show.

We should be punctual at the school.

"punctuate","V","1.बीच में रोकना"
Punctuate the following sentences.

The puncture of the tyre could cause to buy a new one.

He regards himself as a pundit in sanskrit.

Sulphuric acid has a pungent smell.

"punish","V","1.दण्ड देना"
We should punish the children whenever necessary.

Punitive methods are restricted in Montessory.

In early 80s people used to follow the punk style.

He is famous as a punster.

We cross the river in a punt.
--"२.गेंद पर प्रहार"
The forward player gave a punt to make a goal.
--"३.ऎर्लैण्ड की मुद्रा"
I got a punt in my coin collection.

Her puny limps were not strong enough to carry the weight.

The pup seems to be very playful.

The pupa looked very attractive on the leave.

१.pupils were selected to represent the school in the competitions.
The pupil of the eye becomes smaller in light.

There is a puppet show also in the trade fair.

The puppy lay beside the bitch.
The puppy puffed into the co-passengers face.

A purchase order sent by the G.M..
You cant get purchase on flat-surface.

The paraxa system was there during Moghal period.

The acqua guard provides with pure water.

The Puree of raspberry was very tasty.

I like the Ayurvedic purgatives.

"purgatory","N","1.शोधन स्थान"
A prayer for the souls in purgatory was made.
To get the running bus is sheer purgatory.

"purge","V","1.शुद्ध करना"
He purged all his unhappy memories.
Officers who were not loyal to the king were purged.

"purify","V","1.शुद्ध करना"
We should purify the water before drinking it.

He is a well known purist for arts.

Purity of the soul leads to the heaven.

"purl","N","1.सोने का तार"
I made a purl on the cloth.

My uncle has a banglow in the purlieus of the capital.

Cyber-crime is related to purloing in computer.

Brinjals are purple and good in taste.

"purport","V","1.दावा करना"
The final judgement purports to be very important.

I have got a good purpose to show my cause.

"purposeful","Adj","1.दृढ संकल्प"
One need to join in defence services with a purposeful mind.

She seems to exist in a purposeless manner.

She purposely did not come to the party.

He had a purposive stand on his argument.

The cat purred on looking at bowl of Milk.

I lost my expensive purse.

In pursuance to catch the thief I broke my arm.

The bill was finally given the pursuant and it became law.

"pursue","V","1.पीछा करना"
I shall pursue my goal by the year.
--"२.आगे बढना/बढाना"
I will pursue my studies after completing graduation.

In pursuit of a good maid servant I roamed each and every street.

I continously had a purulent discharge from my eyes.

"purvey","V","1.प्रबन्ध करना"
The TV media has to purvey the real information to the people.

Political science falls within the purview of social science.

His wound was full of pus and blood.

Give a push to the door to be opened.
The general ordered the soldiers to implement a push.

He carried their goods in the pushcart.

"pushover","N","1.सरल समस्या"
Fair game demands on pushover.

No man can survive happily with a pusillanimous attitude.

Puss, puss, where are you.

"pussyfoot","V","1.सतर्कता से कहना"
Dont be pussyfoot in some situations.

My brother has many pustules on his face.

He put the magazine aside and turned to speak to me.
--"२.महत्ता देना"
our company puts the emphasis on communication skills.
--"३.व्यक्त करना"
I put a clear statement on this issue.
My leg was fractured while I was putting the shot-put.

Einsteen is a putative personality in the field of science.

The grape juice is putrefied to make wine.

Putrescent corpses were removed from the mortury.

We should not take putrid food.

he Indians organised a putsch to dethrown the British empire in 1857.

"putt","V","1.गेंद पर प्रहार देना"
Why dont you concentrate on puttings?

The engine puttered away.
--"२.व्यर्थ घूमना"
Dont putter down the streets.

The frame worker applied some putty over the window to fix the glass.

We spent the whole day solving crossword puzzles.

Pygmies are the inhabitants of Africa.
The scientists tested the pigmy shrew in the garden.

I bought new type of pyjama in the exhibition.

A pylon is being built in our township.

Buddha made his mind to renounce the world when he saw a burning pyre.

"pyrex","N","1.एक विशेष प्रकार का काच"
We saw a special type of pyrex in the steel shop.

Iron consists of pyrites.

We bought pyrotechnics on the eve of Diwali.

The forest was full of pythons.

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