Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : N

The policeman nabbed the thief near the shopping complex.

They come up with naff advices.

Our cricket teams performance reached its nadir in the World Cup.

A race of nags were held in the country club yesterday.
They used a nag to come here.

Her mother keeps nagging her to study.

Cut your nails regularly.
He fixed the box with nails.

He nailed the box properly.
Nail the painting on the wall.

The match is poised for a nail-biting finish.

I use nail-brush to clean the finger nails.

I use nail files to shape my finger nails.

He is too naive for international cricket.
They led a very naive and unsophisticated lifestyle.

The work was done with a lot of naivety.

The child is standing naked.
He could not tolerate the naked truth.

The child stood nakedly in the balcony.

It is difficult to digest the nakedness of truth.

He is a very namby-pamby sort of a person.

My name is Robin.
Leander Paes has made a name for himself in the tennis world.

I have named my son Kapil.
He named the person accused of stealing.
He has been named the captain of the team.

He thinks that name-dropping would make an impression on people.

Ramesh received a nameless letter.

Asia has two most populous countries, namely China and India.

The famous actor Dharmendra is my namesake.

I have hired a nanny for my child.
The nanny took care of the children.

The milk of nanny-goat is very good for health.

I usually take a nap in the afternoon.
I will come there after a nap.
--"२.मखमल के महीन धागे"
The nap of the sofa cloth was withering.

He was napping in the bus.
Let me nap for a while.

The Americans used napalm bombs in Vietnam.

I have a pain at the nape.
The chain is knotted at the nape.

We use naphtha to light the lamp.

Please use a napkin to wipe your hands.

One should change the babys nappy whenever required.

Some teenagers suffer from narcissism.

Some teenagers have narcissistic complex.

"narcissus","N","1.नरगिस का पौधा"
Daffodils are a type of narcissus.

The drug had a narcotic affect on me.

He was arrested for trafficking in narcotics.
Morphine is a narcotic.

"nard","N","1.सुगंधित गुलमेंहदी"
Nard has a very good aroma.

The nark changed his name to protect his identity.
The nark gave the information to the police inspector.

I was narked at my friend for not attending the meeting.

I narrated the whole story to my brother.

His narration of the Ramayan was very interesting.

He is a professor of narrative literature.
It was a narrative story.

`The English Patient novel contains more of narrative than dialogues.
The incident was self narrative.

The narrator in the story was invisible.

The streets in my village are very narrow.

Please narrow the distance between two vehicles!

The bullet narrowly missed him.

It was the narrowness of his mind that made him angry.

Discrimination on the basis of caste etc is a narrow minded attitude.

Discrimination on the basis of caste shows the narrow-mindedness of people.

Narwhals have long tusks.

`Mars 2001 Langermission is carried on by NASA.

Sinus is a very common nasal problem.

Mukeshs nasal voice was very likeable.
Most of his words were nasal.

The use of satellite phones is still in its nascent stage.

There are many nasturtiums in my garden.

He passed a nasty remark on her.
This is a nasty stain on my shirt.
He is a nasty boy.

The child had this problem right from the pre-natal stage.

All the nations should go for disarmament.

The national flower of India is lotus.

All the foreign nationals have been asked to produce their passports.

Nationalism should not be confused with religious fanaticism.

All the great nationalists were committed people.

My nationality is Indian.

Indira Gandhi natonalised banks in India.
The government passed a bill to nationalize the railways.

Nationalization of banks in India was done during Indira Gandhis reign.

There is a nationwide campaign to change the captain.
They went on a nationwide strike.

This areas native tongue is Hindi.

I am a native of M.P..

"Native American","N","1.अमरीकीमूलप्रजातिसदस्य"
Native Americans are present facing an identity crisis.

"nativity","N","1.जन्म/ईसा मसीह का जन्म"
December 25th is the day of Christs nativity.

"NATO","N","1.उत्तरी अटलांटिक संधि संगठन"
NATO is a treaty between various European countries, the USA and Canada.

This place is a natural beauty.
After her recent accident it is quite natural for her to be scared of speeding vehicles.

I believe in naturals.

They believe in naturalism.

He is a naturalist.

He is a naturalized citizen of that country.

He speaks quite naturally.

This is one of the calamities caused by nature.
It is in his nature to forgive.

His assets came down to naught.

He is a naughty boy.

He is complaining of nausea.

That smell nauseates me.

He felt nauseous due to the smell.

That ship is 1.nautical miles away.

The naval force of that country is very huge.

--"२.गिरजाघर का मध्य भाग"
They were standing at the nave.

The chord attached to the navel was cut after the baby was born.

This is a navigable river.

It is difficult to navigate in this river.

A compass helps in navigation.

The navigator saw another ship coming.

"navvy","N","1.भूमि खोदने वाला मजदूर"
The navvy did the work in no time.

"navy","N","1.समुद्री सेना"
That boy joined the navy.

"navy blue","Adj","1.गाढा नीला रंग"
He had a navy blue shirt.

Nay, I dont think so.

He said nay to him.

"neap","Adj","1.सब से नीचे स्तर का"
It was almost time for the neap tide.

His school is very near.
They are his nearest relatives.
The drought has brought near satrvation in the village.
This is the nearest colour that you can get.

Dont go any nearer.
She gave a near perfect performance.

She was standing near the door.

He is nearing his death.

"nearby","Adj","1.पास वाला"
you will get that in the nearby shop.

"nearby","Adv","1.पास में"
The boy lives nearby.

He nearly missed the target.

He wore a neat dress.
Hari is a neat worker.
He gave a neat presentation of his work.
Her small neat face attracted everyones attention.

The work was done neatly.

He was rewarded for his neatness by his mother.

"nebula","N","1.असंख्य तारापुंज"
The nebula was visible to the naked eye.

"nebular","Adj","1.तारा मंडल का"
The nebular cluster was visible through the telescope.

She has some nebulous plans for future.

He does not have to necessarily go there.

It is not necessary to go there.
Make necessary arrangements for her stay here.
It is absolutely necessary to finish this job before the month end.
He should accept the necessary consequences his atsion.

This will necessitate reorganization of the whole plan.

The government should recognize the necessity for pollution control.

She felt something crawling on her neck.
It was a bottle with a narrow neck.
She was wearing a dress with a low neck.

"neck","VT","1.गले मिलना"
They necked each other.

She wore a beautiful necklace.

His necktie had a wonderful knot.

"necromancy","N","1.प्रेत विद्या"
He learnt necromancy.

The honey bees collected nectar to make honey.

"necterine","N","1.अमृत जैसा मधुर"
That dish had a necterine taste.

He is a neddy fellow.

There is a need to improve the situation.

She was met with all her needs.
The needs of the poor will be fulfilled.

They needed some evidence of her innosence.
I need a rest.

It was needless waste of time.

She used a very fine needle for the embroidery.

Dont needle that boy.

She is a fine needlewoman.

He donated a lot of money to the needy people.

He had a nefarious personality.

Their attmpts to control pollution in the area were negated by the authorites permission to set up new industries there.

Give a negation to this statement.

He gave a negative reply.
He is very negative in his approach.

He spoke in the negative.
I do not know where I have kept the negatives of these photographs.

They reacted negatively to the proposal.


The case was spoilt due to his neglect.
The flat is kept in a state of total neglect.

Do not neglect your duties.

They are neglected people.

"neglectful","Adj","1.ध्यान न देने वाला"
He was neglectful of his resposibilities.

It was sheer negligence on his part.

He gave us a negligent answer.

He was doing the work negligently.

The error in his answer is negligible.

That was a negotiable deal.

There is still a chance to negotiate.
The path down the hill was hard to negotiate.

He is good at negotiation.

He is a good negotiator.

He is of the negro origin.

The neigh of that horse could be heard loud and clear.

The hosrses were neighing in the stable.

Who is your neighbour?

This is a beautiful neighbourhood.

"neighbouring","Adj","1.पडओस का"
Go to the neighbouring village.

It is a neighbourly town.

I have not seen the film and neither has my sister.
He is neither strong nor weak.

Neither of them was tall.

"nemesis","N","1.दंड जिस से बचा न जा सके"
He has reached his nemesis.

He is a student of neo-science.

"neocracy","N","1.नवीन लोगो का राज्य"
He believed in neocracy.

"neon","N","1.एक प्रकार का गैस"
The name was written with neon lights.

He is a neophyte.

This is the neoteric age.

He is my nephew.

He has reached this level through nepotism.

Are you from planet Neptune.

Some of her finger nerves were badly damaged when she crushed her hands in the car door.
After her accident she lost her nerve to drive.
He is full of nerves.

Nerve yourself for the finals.

"nerve-racking","Adj","1.मानसिक दबाव वाला"
He had a nerve-racking journey.

He was nervous about his results.
She had a nervous breakdown.

He gave the interview nervously.

His nervousness was visible.

"nervy","Adj","1.चिन्ता करने वाला"
This is a nervy situation.

The sparrow made a beautiful nest.

The sparrows nested on the tree.

The lady nesteled in the sofa.

"nestling","N","1.पक्षी का नवजात बच्चा"
The nestling was very cute.

What is your net income?

The fishes were caught in the net.

"net","VT","1.जाली मे फासना"
They netted many fishes.

"nether","Adj","1.नीचे का"
They are from the nether regions.

The chairs have strong wire netting.


He is easily nettled.

I need the plans of underground cable network.
Set up an efficient communication network.

The Company is working on networking software.
They have evolved a system whereby they aim to increase their sales through.

"neural","Adj","1.स्नायु संबन्धी"
He is involved in the study of neural processes.

He is suffering from neuralgia.

He is a student of neurology.

He is a neurologist.

He has a neurotic disease.

He is a neurotic.

`it is a neuter gender pronoun in English.

"neuter","V","1.नपुंसक बनाना"
The vets neutered the dog.

He is a neutral person.

That country supports all the countries which are neutral.

He believes in neutrality.

They neutralized the tensions.

He has never come to the office.
,You took my book. `I never did.

"nevermore","Adv","1.अब से नही"
Never more will I be taunted.

What happened was inevitable but it was dissapointing nevertheless.

This is a new shirt.

They are newly married.

I am having a sense of newness.

"new moon","N","1.दूजकाचाद"
It was a new moon day.

The newborn baby is very cute.

He is a newcomer to this place.

"newfangled","Adj","1.नवीन ढंग का"
All these newfangled gagdets pu me off.

That is a newly discovered planet.

I never miss the evening news.

"newsagent","N","1.समाचारपत्र बेचने वाला"
He is a newsagent.

Their newscast is wide in coverage.

"newsletter","N","1.एक प्रकार का समाचार पत्र"
Have you read the newsletter.

I have read the newspaper.

"newsreader","N","1.समाचार पडने वाला"
The newsreader was very impressive.

What is the next word?
The next worst disaster was the cyclone.

We visited the shrine next.

"next to","Prep","1.बगल में"
He is sitting next to me.
Next to Geography his favourite subject is History.
Reaching the top was next to impossible.

The nexus between industry and government can both be good and bad for the nation.

"nib","N","1.कलम की नोक"
The nib of this pen is very costly.

Do not nibble in the class.
He was nibbling at his food.

He is a nice man.

"nicely","Adv","1.अच्छे से"
He has done the work nicely.

I do not want to go into the niceties of this case.

The doll was placed in a niche.

The small nick in the cloth became big.

The barbers knife nicked his cheek.

Nickel is a metal.

Joes mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph.

She nicknamed her son.

Nicotine drugs are prohibited.

Nicotine is bad for health.

My niece is going to England tomorrow.

He is a nigger who sings well.

He shows niggardly attitude towards the destitudes.

He was ineffective as he niggled during his work.

Spend nigh on Rs.5oo on dresses.


We sat up all night watching a movie.
This is the continuation of the last night of the play.

Nightblindness is a disease.

Would you like to have a nightcap?the waiter asked.

The police raided the nightclub.

We hope to return by nightfall.

"nightdress /nightgown","N","1.गाउन"
She is wearing a new nightgown

The traveller saw nightjars in the woods

We heard the cooing of the nightingale in the woods.

I have nightmares about falling off a mountain.

Our team won the game three goals to nil.

Ravi is nimble and alert in the class.

Rainbow is seen through the nimbus.

Nine out of ten children got good percentage.

Jack is nineteen years old.

The picnic is arranged for the nineteenth of this month.

He celebrated his ninetieth birthday.

He turned the ninetieth page of the book.

He took a tour of ninety days.

Hers is the ninth book on the list.

He gave her a ninth of the total amount.

He felt a sharp pinch in his leg.

She nipped me on the arm.
The frost nipped the young shoots.
The car nipped in ahead of me.

She has a cheeky young nipper.

Nipple is used to direct oil into the machine.

Its a bit nippy today.Take care.

Buddha attained Nirvana under the pipal tree in Gaya.

Dog has nits over its body.
Shampoo your hair to get rid of nits.

Nitrate is a chemical compound containing nitrogen.

Nitric acid is used in laboratories.

Nitrogen is an inert gas

Nitroglycerine is a powerful liquid explosive.

"nitrous oxide","Adj","1.नाइट्रेजनआक्साइड"
Nitrous oxide contains the elements,nitrogen and oxygen.


We have no fruits in the house.
Shes no fool.
No smoking.

Is the shop open today ? `No, it isnt.

The nobility was treated badly in the French Revolution.
An Earl or a Duke was wedded into the nobility.

Tendulkar got two more runs from no-ball.

"no-go area","N","1.निषिद्धस्थल"
Shrines were made the no-go area for the army.
"no mans land","N","1.सीमामेंपरस्परसेनास्थल"
The army is on vigil in no mans land for fear of infiltration

"no one","Pron","1.कोईभीनहीं"
No one was present in the classroom when the teacher came.

The nob squandered his wealth.

Nehru belonged to a family of noble descent.
Martin Luther King died for a noble cause.

He is noble and easily approachable.

Gandhi was a nobleman.

Nobody can prevent him from taking part in the competition.

Nocturnal flowers give good smell.

He composed a nocturne for playing on the piano.

He gave a nod of agreement for his son.

He nodded his head for approval.
The old man was nodding in his chair.
The daffodils nodded in the wind.

He was operated for the node in the arm.

Nodule should be removed from the plants.

The noise of the vehicles tires everyone.
Modern music is just noise to me.

An atmosphere of serenity prevails in the noiseless place.

A noisome smell pervaded the whole area.

Their house is situated in a noisy area.

A nomad wanders from place to place.

"nom de plume","N","1.उपनाम"

A chemist should be familiar with the chemical nomenclature.

The students pay nominal fee in the university.

A.R.Rehman was nominated for the best music director in films.

His name was given for the nomination as head of the Civil Rights Commission.

Nominative is the special form of a noun in sanskrit.

`I,`We,`they are all nominative pronouns.

There were three nominees for the directors post.

Although he is a nonagenarian he is active.

The two countries signed a treaty of non-aggression.

He ordered for non-alchoholic drinks.

Nehru wanted India to remain non-aligned.

India adopts a policy of non-alignment.

The non-appearance of the defendant in the court strengthened the.
lawyers case.

The chairman received three letters of non-attendance at the meeting.

Nonce-word is used rarely.
He sounds nonchalant and does not show any anxiety.

Beneath his apparent nonchalance he is as nervous as the rest of us

He strolled nonchalantly without caring for the examinations.

The non-combatants were attending the injured soldiers.

The non-commissioned officers were posted in the curfew area.

The boss was noncommittal when he asked about his promotion.

The clerk was punished for his non-compliance with the rules.

"non compos mentis","Adj","1.अविचारणीय"
After taking the drink he was non compos mentis for a moment.

Wood is a nonconductor of heat.

Bertrand Russel was a nonconformist in his views.

Non-contributory benefits are there in the pension scheme.

Gandhi led the non-cooperation movement for freedom.

He wore nondescriptive clothes for the party.
None can predict the future.

"none the less","Adv","1.फिरभी"
It is not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.
The politicians became a nonentity after he lost in the election.

The function was a non-event,hardly anyone came.
For an atheist god is non-existent.

Non-fiction books are there in the library.
We should wear non-flammable clothes while cooking.

The government followed a policy of non-intervention in the internal.
affairs of other countries.

He was accused of non-observance of the terms of the agreement.

In 1987 P.T.Usha was a nonpareil athelete amoung women.
It was indeed nonpareil on the part of Vishwanath Anand, the chess champion.

The student had to pay fine for non-payment of fees.

He was completely nonplussed by my reply.

"non prescription","Adj","1.अनिर्धारित"
Non-prescription medicines are available in the pharmacy.

It is a charity of non profit making.

A non-proliferation treaty aimed at stopping the spread of nuclear.
His deposit was non-refundable as the due date was over.

Most of our energy comes from non-renewable resources.

The house is purchased by a non-resident indian.

This area is non-residential.

Fees are higher for the non-resident.
This scheme applies to non-resident indians

He is talking nonsense.

His arguement in the party was nonsensical.
"non sequitur","N","1.अतर्कसंगत"
The process in Russia is non sequitur on Marxs theory.

Non-slip mats are available in the shops.

He is a non-smoker.
This is a non-smoking area.

They dramatised a non-standard play in English.

I use non-stick pan to make curry.

I took a non-stop flight to London.

It was a non-stop lecture

Non-union members conducted the seminar.

Buddha preached non-violence.

Gandhiji adopted non-violent methods in the freedom struggle.

Non-whites are given preference in the college.

Chinese food is served with rice or noodles.

The labourers made huts in a nook.

The guests arrived at noon.

The hunter kept the noose ready for the prey.

The mountaineer tries to put the noose on the cliff.

Neither Krishna nor Raju were present in the class

The nordic regions have extreme winter.

We must adapt to the norms of the society we live in.
Serve wine at normal room temperature.
He is a perfectly normal child.

Things have returned to normal after the curfew.

The cyclone hit area returned to normality.

The police used teargas to normalize the situation.

We get up early in the morning normally.

Norman style was introduced in England in the 11th century.

The committee took normative measures for future growth.

He is staying in North London.

Winter is severe in the north.

The weather in the northeast is pleasant.

He is a professor in the northeastern university.

The northerly wind will bring showers during north-west monsoon.

Canada and U.S are in the northern hemisphere.

The wind is taking the northward course.

The ship is sailing northward.

Northwesterly rain has delayed the monsoon

The train is going towards the northwest.

We have to drive northwestwards to reach our destination.

All northbound flights are cancelled due to heavy fog.

We want to travel to the northernmost part of India.

His nose is blocked due to cold.
The nose of the aircraft was damaged and was forced to land.
The dog nosed the food.

Gita helped her friend to put a nose-pin in her nose.

The horse is eating the fodder from the nose-bag.

Bela looks pretty with the nose-ring.

The aircraft had to nosedive sharply towards the ground.

The receptionist gave a nosegay to everyone.

He had a bout of nostalgia when he went abroad.

Close one nostril and inhale slowly.

They gave him nostrum for the snake bite.

He does not speak French.
Pearl.s.Buck is a notable novelist.

The government made advance for the notability of their service to the people.

They got the marriage certificate from the notary.

Musicians have done the notations for the songs composed in the 16th century.

There were four notches in the handle of his revolver.

He made a notch on a stick.

She took all the notes from her friend.
Jim gave her a note for attending the party.
The singer held the note too long.
We gave him a hundred rupee note.
A brief note is given in the introduction of this book.
It was a performance worthy of note.

Take note of this chemical reaction.

M.S.Subbhalakshmi is a noted singer.

Advancement in Information Technology is noteworthy.

Students use notebooks in the class

The boy is using a notepad for writing.

There is nothing as refreshing as lemon juice.

He felt nothingness for a moment when he was hit by a ball.

He got notice from his office about the meeting.
The book received good notices.

Children should notice the traffic while crossing.
The critics noticed the books and reviewed.

Comets are noticeable in the sky.

Dark lines are noticeable seen under her eyes.

Typhoid is a notifiable disease.

A notification was sent to all the students to clear the mess bill

The income-tax officer notified the payer for the default.

All political systems are based on the notions of liberty, equality and fraternity.

My estimate is based on notional figures.

His notoriety was due to his gambling.

The notorious dacoit Phoolen Devi later turned into a politician.

Naxalites attack the public properties notoriously.


The player got a nought in the first game.

Pick out the noun from the following sentences.

"noun phrase","N","1."
Noun phrases has the same function of the noun.

Good food,education and good environment play a vital role to nourish our.
He nourished my wish to write a book.

We must take nourishing food.

Nourishment is essential for the development of our body.

"nouveau riche","N","नवधनाढ्य"
This nouveau riche has become a spendthrift.

"nouvelle cuisine","N","1.आधुनिकपाकशैली"
Nouvelle cuisine emphasises on the presentation of the dishes and.
avoids heavy foods.


It is exciting to see a nova in the sky.

The computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem.

Aparna is a voracious reader of novels.

There are many novelettes of low standard available in the market.

Jane Austin is a well known novelist.

The use of puns and alliterations are the novelistic feature of the writers.

We like novelty in our day to day life.
He is a novice in this trade.

Goods are now on sale.

Now that you have done it, I will see it.

Who is taking the class now?
Untill now I did not realize his worth.

"now and then","Adv","1.कभीकभी"
Now and then we go to the movies.

"now or never","Adv","1.अब या कभी नही"
Come with me now or never.

It is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished.

I am going nowhere.

"nowt","Pron","1.कुछ नही"
There is nowt bad about it.

Noxious chemical wastes.

There was a block in the horses nozzle.

"nozzle","N","1.पाइप या नली का अगला भाग"
Squeeze the nozzle and spray the water.

"nuance","N","1.सूक्ष्म भेद"
There were subtle nuances in his poem.

"nub","N","1.केन्द्र बिन्दु"
The nub of the problem is his arrogance.

"nubile","Adj","1.विवाह योग्य"
She is a nubile young woman.

Neuclear forces are the most powerful force in nature.

The neucleus of this atom is unstable.

He sketched a nude women.

He was swimming in the nude.

He nudged that boy.

He was given a nudge.

He believed in nudism.

"nudist","N","1.नंगेपन मे विश्वास रखने वाला"
He was a nudist.

They showed a lot of nudity in the film.

He passed nugatory statements.

"nugget","N","1.कच्चा सोना"
I found a nugget on the ground.
I have nuggets of secret information.

This situation has turned out to be a nuisance.

The conviction has been declared null and void.

The nullification of that law was important.

That law has been nullified.

His fingers became numb due to the cold.

"numb","VT","1.सुन्न कर देना"
The shock numbed her senses.

Every number has a unique position in the sequence.

"number","N","1.बहुत सारे"
He had a number of chores to do.

She sang a beautiful number.

You should number the pages of the thesis.

There are numberless people in the auditorium.

He learned to write the numerals before he went to school.

Can you numerate the people in this room?

There are tests for rating numerical aptitude.

In ten years time the Oxbridge mathematicians, scientists, and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than t
ए औक्ष्ब्रिद्गे मेदिचल् स॥ोओल्स् अरे नोऑ.

Numerous people saw the movie.

"numinous","Adj","1.परमेश्वर सम्बन्दी"
There was a numinous touch in his words.

"numismatics","N","1.मुद्रा शास्त्र"
He is a scholar in numismatics.

He is a numismatist.

She was a nun.

They tied the nuptial knot.

He does not believe in the nuptils.

The nurse gave a lot of attention to him.

"nurse","VT","1.उपचर्या करना"
He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs.

"nurse","V","1.दूध पिलाकर बच्चे को पालना"
She nursed her child and made it sleep.

"nursery","N","1.पेड-पौधों को रोपने का स्थान"
This is beautiful nursery.

"nursury rhyme","N","1.बच्चों का गीत"
The little boy sang the nursery rhyme.

"nursury school","N","1.छोटे बच्चों का विद्यालय"
He was admitted to the nursery school.

They debated whether nature or nurture was more important.

"nurture","VT","1.पुश्ट बनाना"
The nurse nurtured the patient.
--"२.सिक्षा देना"
The teachers nurtured the childs talent.

He ate a lot of nuts.
--"२.लोहे की ढिबरी"
The nut had been tightened wit a lot of force.
He is a nut.

He is a nutcase.

The nutcracker cut his fingers while he was cutting the nuts.

Nutmeg has also beed added to give flavour.

Have you gone nuts.

Break the nutshell.

This custured is very nutty.

"nuzzle","V","1.सूगना या सूगकरप्यार करना"
The dog nuzzled the kid.

This cloth is made from nylon.

He saw a beautiful nymph by the river.

"nymphomaniac","N","1.स्त्रियों मे उत्कट कामुकता"
She is a nymphomaniac.

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