Monday, February 25, 2008

Alphabat: A

  1. A="Art" एक

  2. Abacus="गिनतारा"

  3. Abandoned=छोडआहुआ"

  4. Abase=अवमानितकरना"

  5. Bashed=लज्जित"

  6. Abate=कमहोना

  7. Abatement=कमी"

  8. Abbess=मठाध्यक्षा."

  9. Abbey=.ईसाइयोकामठ"

  10. Abbot=मठाध्यक्ष."

  11. Abbreviate=संक्षिप्तकरना"

  12. Abbreviation=संक्षिप्ति."

  13. Abdicate=स्वेच्छासेछोडना."

  14. Abdication=पदत्याग."

  15. Abdomen=पेट"My abdomen is paining for the last couple of days."

  16. Abdominal=.उदरसम्बन्धी"For the last couple of days I have been suffering from abdominal pain."

  17. Abduct=अपहरणकरना"Ram was abducted by two gunm

  18. Abduction=.अपहरण"Abduction is a crime."

  19. Aberrant=असामान्य"He has aberrant ideas on social issues."

  20. Abhoa=घृणाकरना"I abhor terrorism."

  21. Abhorrence=घृणा"I have an abhorrence to terrorism."

  22. Abhorrent=घृणित"Terrorism is abhorrent to me.

  23. "Abide=.सहनकरना"If you join sports club,you have to abide by its rules

  24. Ability=योग्यता"He has the ability to solve complex mathematical problems."

  25. Abject=अति/बहुतज्यादा"There is abject poverty in India.

  26. "Abjure=शपथत्यागकरना"He abjured his religion at a very young age."

  27. Ablaze=जलाहुआ"The whole crop was set ablaze."

  28. Able=.समर्थ"Ram was able to lift the suitcase.--"२.चतुर"Ram is the most able student in his class.

  29. "Ablutions=प्रक्षालन"Ablutions of dead bodies are performed before the funeral.

  30. "Abnormal=असामान्य"The weather conditions are abnormal."

  31. Aboard=सवार"An aircraft crashed killing all people aboard."

  32. Aboard=परसवार"I was already aboard the ship."abode","N","1.आवास"I dont know his place of abode."

  33. Abolish=उन्मूलनकरनाHonA"The Excise tax has been abolished."

  34. Abolition=.उन्मूलन"There has been an abolition of Excise tax.

  35. "Abominable=घृणित"I hate her abominable behaviour.

  36. "Abomination=घृणा"Her behaviour is an abomination for me."

  37. Aboriginal=आदिम"There are many aboriginal tribes in India.

  38. "Aborigine=प्राचीनदेशवासी"Red Indians are the aborigines of America."

  39. Abort=गर्भपातहोना"In the age group of 20 more then half of all pregnancies are

  40. Aborted=छोडदेनाअधूरा"Peace talks had to be aborted."

  41. Abortion=.गर्भपात"Some communities are against abortion."

  42. Abortionist=गर्भपातकरवानेवाला"Many illegal abortionists were arrested by the police."

  43. Abortive=.निष्फल"Mission that proved abortive was reported in the newspaper."

  44. Abound=बहुतायातसेहोना"Oranges abound in Nagpur.

  45. About=चारोओर"The boys were climbing about on the rocks.--"२.इधरउधर"Boys were sitting about in the park.--"३.लगभग"She is about to finish her homework.--"४.बहुतहोगया"Ive had about enough of your complaining."

  46. About=केबारेमें"I read a book about cricket.--"२.आसपास"I dropped the pen somewhere about here."

  47. About-turn=पलटना"These new measures induct an about-turn in income-tax policy."

  48. Above=ऊचा"Grades B and above are considered satisfactory."

  49. Above=ऊपर"The water came above our shoulder.

  50. Above=ऊपरका"Please reply at the above mentioned address."

  51. Abracadabra=जादूकामंत्र"The magician chanted abracadabra before unveiling the box."

  52. Abrade=घिसना"His elbow abraded while fielding."

  53. Abrasion=रगड"The area with abrasion has become red."

  54. Abrasive=.चोटपहुचानेवाला"We should not have abrasive behavior towards others."

  55. Abrasive=पीसनेयारगडनेकीवस्तु"She used a pumic stone as an abrasive to polish the surface of the shelf."

  56. Abrasively=.रगडके"She abrasively polished the surface of the shelf with a pumic stone."

  57. Abrasiveness=बुराव्यवहार"I hate the abrasiveness of his behaviour."

  58. Abreast=.बराबरमें"The traffic polices jeep came abreast of us and signalled us to stop."

  59. Abridge=संक्षेपणकरना"The book was abridged for children."

  60. Abridged=संक्षिप्त"I read the abridged edition of Dickenss `Oliver Twist."

  61. Abridgement=संक्षेपण"The book appeared very thin after its abridgement."

  62. Abroad=.विदेशमें"He has relatives both in India and abroad. --"२.प्रचलित"There is a rumour abroad that you are having a love affair with a girl."

  63. Abrogate=रद्दकरना"I abrogate our plan to visit Bhopal.

  64. "Abrupt=आकस्मिक"His speech had an abrupt ending"

  65. Abruptly=आकस्मिकरुपसे"He ended his speech abruptly.

  66. "Abruptness=आकस्मिकता"He ended his speech with abruptness.

  67. "Abscess=फोडआ"My nephew is suffering from abscess of the gums."

  68. Abscond=फरारहोना"He absconded from police custody."

  69. Absence=अनुपस्थिति"In the absence of the Principal, I shall be in charge. "

  70. Absent=अनुपस्थित"He always absent in the class."

  71. Absent-minded=अनमना/खोया-खोया"He behaves in an absent-minded manner due to his childs illness.

  72. "Absent=अनुपस्थितहोना"He was absent from the chemistry class."

  73. Absentee=अनुपस्थितजन"He is always an absentee during extra-classes."

  74. Absolute=पूर्णतया"There is no absolute standard for beauty."

  75. Absolute=परमसिद्धांत"I always have a desire for absolutes in this uncertain world."

  76. Absolute majority=पूर्णबहुमत"The communist won an absolute majority."

  77. Absolutely=पूर्णतYou are absolutely right."

  78. Absolution=क्षमादान"The priest granted absolution for Johns sins."

  79. Absolutism=राजनीतिसंबंधीनिरंकुशता"Absolutism is not good for democracy."

  80. Absolve=विमुक्तकरना/क्षमाकरना"The Judge absolved the accused from all charges."

  81. Absorb=सोखना"Dry sand absorbs water.--"२.ग्रहणकरना"His business absorbs his time."

  82. Absorbed=लीन/सोखाहुआ"I was totally absorbed in the novel."

  83. Absorbing=दिलचस्प"`The English Patient is an absorbing novel."

  84. Absorption=अवशोषितकरना"His studies suffered because of his total absorption in sports."

  85. Abstain=परहेजकरना/सेदूररहना"He has been adviced to abstain from smoking."

  86. Abstainer=सेदूररहनेवाला"He is a total abstainer from wine and women."

  87. Abstemious=संयमी"Ram is an abstemious person."

  88. Abstention","N","1.तटस्थता"Two countries were in absention in the UN poll on the Kashmir issue."

  89. Abstinence=परहेज"He is keeping total abstinence from alcohol."

  90. Abstract=सारांश"This book is an abstract of Ramayana.--"२.भाव"He is a painter of abstracts."

  91. Abstract=.{कलासंबंधीअमूर्त"It is an abstract painting"

  92. Abstract=हटालेना"Two other points must be abstracted to the lecture.--"२.संक्षिप्तबनाना/संक्षेपकरना"Most of the famous novels are abstracted."

  93. Abstracted=अन्यमनस्क"He gave an abstracted smile."

  94. Abstraction=अमूर्तिकरण"He has ideological abstractions.--"२.अन्यमनस्कता"He was gazing at the lawn with an air of abstraction."

  95. Abstruse=जटिल/कठिन"I find maths to be an abstruse subject."

  96. Absurd=निरर्थक/बेतुका"I find his ideas absurd.--"२.मूर्ख/बुद्धिरूद्ध"That dress makes them look absurd."

  97. The absurd=मूर्खता"Some of her statements verge on the absurd."

  98. Absurdity=अनर्थकता"The movie was full of absurdity."

  99. Abundance=अधिकता/अपार"Natural resources are found in abundance in our country."

  100. Abundant=बहुतसारा/प्रचुर/ढेर"There are abundant natural resources in our country.

  101. "Abuse=दुर्व्यवहार"Girl child abuse is rampant in the world.--"२.अपशब्द"The opposition party hurled abuses on the ruling party.--"३.अधिकदुरुपयोग"There is widespread abuse of energy resources.

  102. "Abuse=दुर्व्यवहारकरना"The rowdies abused the journalist for reporting about their anti-social activi-ties."

  103. Abusive=निन्दककुत्सावादी"She used abusive language in the party."

  104. Abut=मिलना"His boundary abuts the highway."

  105. Abysmal=बहुतखराब"His habits are abysmal."

  106. Abyss=गहराकुंड"An abyss seems to have no bottom."

  107. Acacia=पीलेएवंसफेदफूलवालापेड"Glue can be made of acacia."

  108. Academia=.शिक्षायाशोधकाक्षेत्र"Im interested in academia."

  109. Academic=.शैक्षिक"IIIT is an academic institution.--"२.सैद्धांतिक"The subject is purely academic.The research work that she is doing is purely academic."

  110. Academic=.उच्चश्रेणीकाशिक्षक"Mr.Anand is an academic person."

  111. Academician=.शिक्षापरिषदकासदस्य"He is an academician."

  112. Academy=.शिक्षायाशोधसंस्थान"National School of Drama is an academy of drama."

  113. Accede=स्वीकारकरना"They will lightly accede to his request."

  114. Accelerate=चालबढआना"Liberalization has to some extent accelerated the rate of economic growth."

  115. Acceleration=.त्वरण"There seems to be no acceleration in the rate of Indian economic growth."

  116. Accelerator=गतिवर्धक"He raised the accelerator of the vehicle.

  117. "Accent=.स्वरकाचढआवउतार"I the word `remain,the accent is on the second syllable."

  118. Accent=स्वरउच्चारणकरना"His English was slow and heavily accented."

  119. Accentuate=.जोरदेना"The Professor accentuated on British English."

  120. Accept=.स्वीकारकरना"The machine only accepts 1 Re. coin."

  121. Acceptable=.स्वीकार्य"A cup of tea would be most acceptable."

  122. Acceptance=स्वीकृति"We have their acceptance."

  123. Access=पहुच"The only access to the dairy farm is through the fields."

  124. Access=.पहुचना"Ram accessed many different files to find the correct information.

  125. "Accessible=.अभिगम्य"Defence documents are not accessible to the public."

  126. Accession=.उच्चपदप्राप्ति"We celebrated the Kings accession to the throne."

  127. Accessory=उपसाधन"My brother has dumped all the bicycle accessories in the attic."

  128. Accident=.दुर्घटना"When I was going to office I saw a car accident."

  129. Accidental=.आकस्मिक"The Inspector made an accidental inspection of the school."

  130. Accidentally=संयोगवश"After many years,I accidently met my classmate."

  131. Acclaim=.वाहवाहकरना"The critics acclaimed his new book."

  132. Acclaim=वाहवाही/सम्मान"His new book was recieved with great critical acclaim."

  133. Acclamation=वाहवाही/सम्मान"Indian team carried the world cup amidst great acclamation."

  134. Acclimatize=.दशानुकूलितहोनाkaranA"Some people take a lot of time to acclimatize themselves to the new environ-ment."

  135. Accolade=सम्मान"To represent the country in something is itself a great accolade."

  136. "Accommodating=सहयोगदेना"I found the officials extremely accommodating to visitors."

  137. Accommodation=आवास"We found accomodation near the railway station itself.--"२.समायोजन"Dinosaurs faced accomodation problem to the changing environment."

  138. Accompaniment=.साथ"Black coffee provides a perfect accompaniment to a plate of dosa.--"२.संगीतसंबंधी)संगत"Pandit Jasraj sang with a tabla accompaniment.

  139. "Accompanist=.{संगीतमेंसंगतकार"He was a great accompanist."

  140. Accompany=साथहोनाjAnA"I accompanied her to the station.--"२.संगतकरना"The singer was accompanied by his friend. "

  141. Accomplice=सहअपराधी"The police arrested him and his accomplice."

  142. Accomplish=पूराकरना"We have accomplished our task of nabbing the murderers. "

  143. Accomplished=.निपुण"She is an accomplished dancer."

  144. Accomplishment=.निष्पत्ति"We must work hard for the accomplishment of our objectives.-
  145. "Accord=.समझौता"Israel and Palestine signed a peace accord.

  146. "Accord=मिलनाmilAnA"His thoughts and actions do not accord.--"२.देना"Ram was accorded this priviledge.

  147. Accordance=अनुरूप"The rules are in accordance with the custom."

  148. According=.केअनुसार"The work was done according to his instructions."

  149. Accordingly=तदनुसार"What the instructions are,you must do accordingly."accordion","N","1.एकवाद्ययंत्र"Ram plays the accordion."accost","V","1.संबोधनकरना"I was accosted on the road by a complete stranger."account","N","1.खाता"I have a current & credit account in the Central bank.--"२.विवरण"He gave an account of his experience in trekking."account","VT","1.कुछहोनेकीआशंका"She never accounted that her child would fall ill during the trip.--"२.मानना"A person is accounted minor until he/she is 18 years.--"३.निश्चितमात्रामेंहोना"The Indian market accounted for 40% of the total sales."accountable","Adj","1.उत्तरदायी"Im accountable to the Personnel Manager of the organisation."accountability","N","1.जवाबदेही"There is no accountability in government departments."accountancy","N","1.लेखाकर्म"Accountancy is a well paid profession."accountant","N","1.लेखाकार"The accountant knows about all financial dealings."accoutrement","N","1.साज-सज्जा"I met a young man with all the accoutrements of leadership."accredit","VT","1.प्रत्यायितकरना"He was accredited as an ambassador to Pakistan.--"२.श्रेयदेना"He was accredited with having propounded the new theory."accreditation","N","1.प्रत्यायन/मान्यता"People are not allowed inside P.M.s office without proper accreditation."accretion","N","1.अभिवृद्धि"A recent research has stripped away many false accretion to historical facts."accrue","V","1.बढना"Interest accrues if money is kept in the savings account.--"२.इकठ्ठाहोना"The company has accrued so much debt that there are chances of its becomingbankrupt."accumulate","VT","1.संचयकरना"The CBI accumulated evidence before prosecution."accumulation","N","1.संचयन"Accumulation of money is a good habit."accumulative","Adj","1.संचयी"Savings is an accumulative process."accuracy","N","1.शुद्धता"The lawyer questioned the accuracy of my account--"२.यथार्थता"The atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy."accurate","Adj","1.सही"All his calculations are accurate."accurately","Adv","1.सहीढंगसे"The article accurately reflects popular opinion."accursed","Adj","1.घृणित"The accursed neighbours of ours are sometimes kind to my mother."accusation","N","1.अभियोग"Accusations of corruption have been made against him."accusative","N","1.कर्मकारक"The accusative form of `Iis `me."accuse","VT","1.दोषलगाना"The government was accused of incompetence."accusatory","Adj","1.अभियोगात्मक"His tone is accusatory."accused","N","1.अभियुक्त"The accused was acquitted of the charge."accuser","N","1.दोषलगानेवाला"The accuser was the main culprit."accusing","Adj","1.दोषलगातेहुए"Her mothers accusing tone offended her."accusingly","Adv","1.आरोपलगातेहुए"He pointed accusingly at my brother."accustom","VT","1.अभ्यस्तहोना"He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life."accustomed","Adj","1.अभ्यस्त"His accustomed thoroughness of work impressed me."ace","N","1.इक्काताशका)"I just need an ace of diamond to win the game.--"२.कुशल"V.Anand is an ace chess player of India.--"३.टेनिसमें)सर्विसजोप्रतिद्वन्दीनहींखेलपाता"Pete Sampras hit 21 aces in yesterdays match."ace","Adj","1.बहुतअच्छा"V.Anand is an ace chess player."acerbic","Adj","1.तीखास्वभाव)"He is of acrebic temperament."acerbity","N","1.कठोरपन"Im disgusted by her acrebity."acetate","N","1.एसीटेट"Acetate is a chemical."acetic","Adj","1.खटासभरा"Many edible things are edible in nature."acetic-acid","N","1.सिरकाअम्ल"Acetic-acid gives vinegar its taste and smell."acetylene","N","1.एसीटिलीनगैस)"Acetylene burns with bright flame that helps in cutting and welding."ache","N","1.पीडआ"My body was in all aches and pains after the accident."ache","V","1.दर्दकरना"My heart aches on seeing her suffer."achieve","VT","1.पूराकरना"She achieved her goal despite setbacks."achievable","Adj","1.प्राप्तव्य"Scoring 300 runs in a one-day cricket match is not achievable."achievement","N","1.उपलब्धि"Computers can be termed as the greatest scientific achievement of the decade."acidic","Adj","1.अम्लीय/खट्टा"Some fruit juices are very acidic."acid","N","1.तेजाब"HCL is an acid.--"२.अम्ल"Irregular meals can give rise to acids in the system."acidify","V","1.अम्लकरना"Irregular meals can acidify the digestive system."acidity","N","1.अम्लता"Im suffering from acidity of the stomach."acidulous","Adj","1.अम्लवत्/स्वभावमेंतीखा"She has an acidulous tone in her speech."acknowledge","V","1.स्वीकारकरना"He acknowledged his fault."acknowledgment","N","1.स्वीकृति"We are sending you a free copy in acknowledgment of your valuable help."acme","N","1.पराकाष्ठा"His landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty."acne","N","1.मुहासा"Sometimes acnes are painful."acolyte","N","1.पादरीकासहायक"John was an acolyte in the Baptist church."aconite","N","1.बछनाग"Aconite is a homeopathic medicine."acorn","N","1.शाहबलूतकाफलयाबीज"I like nut of oak tree."acoustic","Adj","1.ध्वनिसंबंधी"The acoustic properties of the concert hall should be taken into consideration ."acoustics","N","1.ध्वनिकेलिएउत्तम"The acoustics of the new concert hall are excellent."acquaint","VT","1.अवगतकरनाkarAnA"Please acquaint me with the facts of the case."acquainted","Adj","1.परिचित"I am well-acquainted with them."acquaintance","N","1.परिचित"I met an acquaintance in the market.--"२.परिचय"I have little acquaintance with the Russian language."acquiesce","V","1.बिनाविरोधकेस्वीकारकरना"Her family will never acquiesce to inter-caste marriage."acquiescence","N","1.प्रसन्नतापूर्वकअंगीकार"Her family shall never give acquiescence to inter-caste marriage."acquiescent","Adj","1.सहमतहोना"Her parents are too acquiescent for inter-caste marriage."acquire","VT","1.अर्जनकरना"The company has just acquired a further 10% of the shares."acquisition","N","1.अर्जन"Acquisition of langauage is innate in a child."acquisitive","Adj","1.अर्जनशील"The child has an acquisitive mind."acquit","VT","1.दोषमुक्तकरना"The jury acquitted him of bank robbery."acquittal","N","1.दोषमुक्ति"Lack of evidence resulted in his acquittal."acre","N","1.एकड४८४०वर्गगजभूमि"The institute has been built on 35 acres of land."acreage","N","1.कईवर्गभूमि"The institute occupies about 35 acreage of land."acrid","Adj","1.उग्रस्वभाव"I dont like Anils acrid nature.--"२.बदबू"I get vomitting sensation when I get the acrid of burning rubber."acrimony","N","1.कटुतास्वभावमे/कडउवापन"The dispute was settled without acrimony."acrimonious","Adj","1.कटु"He passed some acrimonious remark on her."acrobat","N","1.नट"My brother is an acrobat."acrobatic","Adj","1.नटीय"My brother is restless and acrobatic."acrobatics","N","1.कलाबाजी"My brother is very good at acrobatics."acronym","N","1.संक्षिप्तिशब्दोकेप्रथमशब्दसेबनाशब्द"W.A.C. is the acronym of the Womens Army Corpos."across","Adv","1.आरपार"I helped the old lady across.--"२.उसपार"We shall leave Delhi today and we should be across in Wagah by night.--"३.कोईएकदिशामें"He leaned across to pick up his wallet."across","Prep","1.सभीओर"The Presidents address to the nation was broadcasted across the country.--"२.उसपारसे"My friend shouted at me across the road.--"३.केऊपरयासामने"She folded her arms across her chest while talking.--"४.वहासेयहा"The student drew a line across the sheet."acrostic","N","1.अक्षरबद्धकविता"I havent come across any acrostics yet."acrylic","Adj","1.एक्रिलिकतेजाबसेबनाहुआ"We use acrylic emulsion to paint our room."acrylic","N","1.एक्रिलिकतेजाबसेबनाहुआएकप्रकारकारसायनिकपदार्थ"We painted our room in oils and acrylics."act","N","1.कार्य"He did his act three times every evening.--"२.नाटककाअंग"The murder of the King takes place in the first act itself.--"३.अधिनियम"Parliament has passed an act which makes such sports illegal."act","V","1.कामकरना"Many people can speak but only few can act.--"२.अभिनयकरना"She has acted in low budget movies."acting","Adj","1.कार्यकारी"Before the elections we had an the acting president."acting","N","1.अभिनय"She is not good at acting."action","N","1.क्रिया"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.The government took action against the anti-national group."action","Adj","1.कानूनीकार्यवाहीकरनेयोग्य"In that book there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions."actionable","Adj","1.कानूनीकार्यवाहीकरनेयोग्य"Be carerful what you say - your remarks may be actionable."activate","V","1.सक्रियकरना"Genes are activated by specific vitamins."activation","N","1.उत्प्रेरण"Teachers activation students to succeed."activator","N","1.उत्प्रेरक"Teacher is a good activator for the students ."active","Adj","1.सक्रिय"He is taking an active interest in Indian politics."active service","N","1.सक्रिय सेवा"Gandhiji gave an active service to India."active voice","N","1.कतृवाच्य"In the sentence"I cleaned the house",verb is in active voice."actively","Adv","1.सक्रियरूपसे"We actively participated in the social service."activity","N","1.क्रिया-कलाप"Some schools do not give weightage to extracurricular activities.़"activeness","N","1.सक्रियता"His activeness was well-known."activism","N","1.सक्रियतावाद"He was involved in political activism in his college."actor","N","1.अभिनेता"Ram is a good actor."actress","N","1.अभिनेत्री"Shabana Azmi is a very good actress."actual","Adj","1.वास्तविक"The actual cost of ring was much higher than we had expected."actually","Adv","1.वास्तवमें/वस्तुत "He is actually my best friend."actualist","N","1.वास्तविकतावादी"Only actualists can succeed."actuality","N","1.वास्तविकता"Pooja belives in actuality."actuary","N","1.बीमांकिक"He is an actuary in Life Insurance of India."actuarial","Adj","1.बीमांकिकी"Its better to take an actuarial advice before depositing insurance money."actuate","V","1.परिचालितकरना"Electricity actuates the engine."acuity","N","1.तीक्ष्णता"Acuity of his thought impressed me."acumen","N","1.कुशाग्र बुद्धि"Poojas political acumen has made her popular in the university."acupuncture","N","1.एक्यूपंचरचिकित्सा)"Acupuncture is basically a Chinese medical treatment."acute","Adj","1.तीक्ष्ण"Dogs have an acute sense of smell.--"२.कुशाग्र"Her judgment is acute.--"३.विकट"There is an acute shortage of water in our area."acute angle","N","1.न्यूनकोण"Acute angle is always less than 90 degrees."acutely","Adv","1.तीव्रता से"All are acutely aware of the difficulties that cyclone victims are facing."acuteness","N","1.तीक्ष्णता"All are aware of the acuteness of the difficulties that cyclone victims arefacing."adage","N","1.कहावत"Adages express general truth."adagio","Adj","1.धीरे-धीरेएवंशोभनीय"I like her adagio manner of walking."adam","N","1.आदिपुरूष"Adam is considered as the first man."adams apple","N","1.कंठमणि"Adams apple is especially prominent in men."adamant","Adj","1.अडिग"She is adamant that she wont attend the party."adapt","VT","1.अनुकूल बनाना"Some machines have been specially adapted for use under water.--"२.के लिऎ रूपांतरित करनाThis novel has been adapted for radio."adaptable","Adj","1.अनुकूलनीय"Dinosaurs were not adaptable animals,so they are extinct."add","V","1.जोडना"If 2 is added to 3 we get 5.He added another remark to his earlier one.--"२.बढाना"Girishs irresponsible behavious adds to my worries.--"३.मिलाना"When we add water to the paste we get a drink."add on","N","1.जोडआगया"Everyone received add on to their basic pay."addendum","N","1.परिशिष्ट"The addendum written at the end of the book is very impressive."adder","N","1.जहरीलासाप"He is doing research on adders."addict","N","1.लतलगाहुआ"He is a cocaine addict.He is a T.V. addict."addicted","Adj","1.वशीभूत"He is highly addicted to alcohol."addiction","N","1.लत"He has overcome his addiction to drugs."addictive","Adj","1.लतलगानेवालीवस्तु"Nicotine is highly addictive."addition","N","1.जोड"Addition has essentially been taught for ages.--"२.जोडईगईवस्तु"This equipment is the latest addition to our office.--"३.जोडनेकीक्रिया"The houses have been improved by the addition of windows."additionally","Adv","1.इसकेअतिरिक्त"Additionally,we had to bring lunch box to the school."additional","Adj","1.अतिरिक्त"़There will be an additional charge for food."additive","N","1.योज्य" #किसीवस्तुमेपरिवर्तनकरनेअथवाखराबहोनेसेरोकनेहेतुमिलायाजानेवालापदार्थAll jams and sauces cantain additives which may sometimes cause allergies."addled","Adj","1.व्याकुल"Drug abuse causes a person to become addled."address","N","1.पता"Better note down my address so that we can communicate easily.--"२.भाषण"The president gave a very inspiring address."address","V","1.पतालिखना"Did you address the letter?--"२.भाषणदेना"The president is about to address the nation.--"३.निवेदनकरना"Please address all suggestions to the chairman.--"४.उपाधिदेना"Address all your male teachers as sir.--"५.वाकिफकरनाHonA"We must address ourselves to the main problem of our society."addressee","N","1.जिसकोपत्रलिखाजाए"The addressee is my brother."adduce","V","1.प्रमाणदेना"Adduce the fingerprints obtained before the judge."adenoids","N","1.गिल्टी" #नासिकाकेअन्दरयागलेमेंहोनेवालीगिल्टीShe is finds it diificult to speak because of the adenoid."adenoidal","Adj","1.गिल्टीवाला"He has a very adenoidal voice."adept","Adj","1.माहिर"He is adept at making paper cut toys."adequate","Adj","1.पर्याप्त"Whenever you go on a journey take adequate water and food.--"२.योग्य"Rajat is not adequate to the task."adequacy","N","1.पर्याप्तता"The adequacy of our emergency supplies is being questioned."adequately","Adv","1.पर्याप्तरूपमें"He has adequately taken all equipment."adhere","V","1.पालनकरना"You must adhere to the rules specified.--"२.चिपकना"An electrically charged balloon will adhere to the walls of a room."adherent","N","1.पालनकर्ता/अनुचर"The opposition in the Parliament is gaining adherents."adherence","N","1.अवलम्बन"He gives full adherence to the football team."adhesion","N","1.लगाव"In the rainy season, car tyres lose their adhesion.--"२.अवलम्ब"We must give adhesion to Fundamental principles."adhesive","Adj","1.चिपचिपा"Nowadays, adhesive tape is an essential commodity."adhesive","N","1.चिपकानेवालापदार्थ"Always use quick dry adhesives for any kind of models of buildings."ad hoc","Adj","1.तदर्थ"The government appointed an ad hoc committee to look into the matter."ad hoc","Adv","1.अनौपचारिकरूपसेबिनाकिसीयोजनाके"All the decisions in this matter are ad hoc."adieu","Interj","1.नमस्कारजातेसमय"They bade us adieu and left."ad infinitum","Adv","1.बिनाअन्तके"I can not work in a circus ad infinitum."adjacent","Adj","1.पार्श्वस्थ"We live in adjacent flats."adjective","N","1.विशेषण"Notorious is the adjective which best describes him."adjectival","Adj","1.विशेषणीय"Hard working is an adjectival phrase."adjectivally","Adv","1.विशेषणकेरुपमेप्रयोगकियाहुआ",Cold is a noun which can also be used adjectivally."adjoin","V","1.संयुक्तहोनाkaranA"The telegraph office adjoins the post office."adjourn","V","1.स्थगितकरना"The Parliament was adjourned after the winter session come to a close.--"२.कुछसमयकेलिएरोकना"Failing to control the unruly opposition members the speaker adjourned the House twice.--"३.स्थानांतरितकरनाHonA"After the film ended, we all adjourned to the restaurant."adjournment","N","1.स्थगन" #कुछकालकेलिएकार्यक्रमस्थगितकरनाWe were granted a short adjournment by the chairman of the committee."adjudge","V","1.निर्णयकरनाdenA"The court adjudged her guilty."adjudicate","V","1.मुकदमेकानिर्णयकरना"When her claims for damages were adjudicated, they were found to be baseless--"२.न्यायाधीशबनना"My father was asked to adjudicate at the sports competitions in school."adjudication","N","1.न्यायनिर्णयन"The case was taken to the supreme court for adjudication."adjudicator","N","1.निर्णायक"She was made the adjudicator of the Music competition."adjunct","N","1.जोडआहुआपरगौण"The new branch of the bank was opened as an adjunct to the existing one in that area."adjure","V","1.शपथदिलाकरपूछना"He was adjured to answer truthfully all the questions asked."adjust","V","1.अनुकूलबनाना"Camel can adjust its body temperature according to the external temperature.--"२.व्यवस्थितकरना"The rear view mirror had to be adjusted to get a clear view.He carefully adjusted his tie before going for the interview.--"३.बराबरकरना"The balance will be adjusted later on."adjustable","Adj","1.समायोज्य"The car has adjustable seats and seat belts."adjustment","N","1.सुधार/समायोजन"The car tyres needed light adjustments for driving on Indian roads."adjutant","N","1.सहायकसैनिकअधिकारी"He works as an adjutant for the Army cantonment in Hyderabad."ad lib","Adj","1.बिनातैयारीके"He is famous for singing ad lib."ad lib","V","1.बिनातैयारीकेबोलनाaBinaya~karanA"She had no time to prepare but she beautifully ad libbed her lines."adman","N","1.विज्ञापनबनानेवाला"He is a very famous adman and he is very rich now."admin","N","1.शासन"There are a few admin problems in the state."administer","V","1.प्रबन्धकरना/प्रशासनकरना"At present,my friend administers a project.--"२.प्रभावमेंलाना"It is one of the governments reponsibilities to administer justice.--"३.देना"A special team was called to administer relief to the cyclone victims.The fits of the patient were stopped by administering an injection of medicine."administration","N","1.प्रशासन"He works in the school administration.Nearly all the administrations failed in solving the countrys economic crisis.They are responsible for the administration of the law and defence."administrative","Adj","1.प्रशासनिक/शासनसम्बन्धित"The government solved a great administrative problem recently."administratively","Adv","1.प्रशासनिकरूपसे"The new policy is administratively inconveniant."administrator","N","1.शासक"He works as an administrator in the public works department.He is a great administrator of all kinds of issues."admirable","Adj","1.प्रशंसनीय"He is an admirable singer."admirably","Adv","1.उत्तमरीतिसे"He copes with situations in an admirably cool way."admiral","N","1.एडमिरलसमुद्रीसेनाकानायक/समुद्रीसेनापति"The admiral visits all the ships every week."admiralty","N","1.नौसेनाविभाग"He works at a senior post in the admiralty."admiration","N","1.प्रशंसा"He has won admiration in every field."admire","V","1.प्रशंसाकरना"I admire him for his superb acting.Dont you admire my new bicycle?"admirer","N","1.प्रशंसक/प्रेमकरनेवाला"He is a great admirer of her poems."admiring","Adj","1.प्रशंसायुक्त"Every one was giving admiring glances to the baby."admiringly","Adv","1.प्रशंसापूर्वक"He sings and dances admiringly well. "admissible","Adj","1.स्वीकारकरनेयोग्य"Irresponsible behaviour is not admissible."admissibility","N","1.स्वीकृतता"We do not give admissibility to indecency."admission","N","1.प्रवेश"He got an admission to the Union club.--"२.स्वीकृति"He made an admission that he had lied."admit","V","1.स्वीकारकरना"Alexander never admitted defeat.--"२.प्रवेशदेना"Each invitation admits only two people to the function.--"३.भर्तीकरना"The school admits only 50 student at a time."admittedly","Adv","1.स्वीकारकरतेहुए"The scheme, admittedly, has its own problems."admittance","N","1.प्रवेशकीआज्ञा"He was refused admittance to the studio."admonish","V","1.साधारणचेतावनीदेना"She had to be frequently admonished for not paying attention to work. --"२.गम्भीरतासेसलाहदेना"He was admonished to open a bank account for himself."admonishment","N","1.चेतावनी"He was given an admonishment regarding the laziness shown during work."admonition","N","1.चेतावनी"He was given an admonition not to kill animals."admonitory","Adj","1.चेतावनीदेनेवाला"He was sent an admonitory letter which told him to come on time."adobe","N","1.ईट"Many huts in India have adobe walls. "adolescence","N","1.किशोरावस्था"He grew up through a troublesome childhood and adolescence."adolescent","Adj","1.किशोरकालीन"Adolescent age is a very energetic period of ones life."adopt","V","1.गोदलेना"Many orphans are adopted by childless couples.--"२.ग्रहणकरना"We must adopt only good values from other cultures.--"३.स्वीकारकरना"He was recently adopted as a government candidate.--"४.मानना"He adopted our rules."adoption","N","1.गोदलेना"Many orphanages offer children for adoption.--"२.स्वीकारकरनाHonA"Her adoption in the party was a measure achievment for her."adoptive","Adj","1.दत्तक"He is not their own, but adoptive child."adorable","Adj","1.प्यारा"My friend has a very adorable child."adore","V","1.आराधनाकरना"I adore my parents.--"२.बहुतपसन्दकरना"I adore rail journey."adoration","N","1.आराधना"Students have great adoration for Mr.Varma."adoring","Adj","1.प्यारभरा"All the passers-by gave adoring look to the baby."adorn","V","1.सजाना"Beautiful paintings adorned the walls of the palace."adornment","N","1.अलंकरण"The best adornment of a human being is his sweet temper."adrenal","Adj","1.अधिवृक्क"Medical report showes that his an adrenal gland is ok."adrenalin","N","1.अधिवृक्कग्रंथि"He felt the surge of adrenalin in his system."adrift","Adj","1.तैरताहुआ"A wooden plank came adrift near our boat.--"२.डावाडोल"His mind was adrift due to confusion."adroit","Adj","1.निपुण"Mr.Seshan was an adroit administrator."adroitly","Adv","1.कुशलतासे"The driver negotiatced the sharp turns adroitly."adroitness","N","1.कुशलता"James Bond has both intelligence and adroitness."adulation","N","1.चापलूसी"Syeophants are experts in adulation."adulatory","Adj","1.चापलूसीपूर्ण"Politicions give adulatory speeches before elections."adult","N","1.बालिग"Adults too like childrens movies."adult","Adj","1.वयस्क"Children are not allowed to see adult movies."adulthood","N","1.यौवनावस्था"His behaviour does not agree with his adulthood."adulterate","V","1.मिलावटकर"Unscrupelous merchants do not hesitate to adulterate even baby food."adultery","N","1.व्यभिचार"Todays films contribute to the increase of adultery in our society."adulterer","N","1.व्यभिचारी"When Mrs.Chitnis discovered that her husband was an adulterer she divorced him."adulteress","N","1.व्यभिचारिणी"AIDS is spread due to adulteresses."adulterous","Adj","1.व्यभिचारी"Though married she had an adulterous relationship with her boss."adumbrate","V","1.अस्पष्टरूपसेसमझाना"The finance minister adumbrated some changes in the fiseal policy of the country.--"२.पूर्वसूचनादेनाMuch misery could have been avoided had the cyclone in Orissa been adumbrated."advance","N","1.फैलाव"The health department is desperate to halt the advance of brain fever.--"२.विकासदीर्घकालीनगThe continued advance of some great civilizations always attract historians.--"३.प्रगति"It is controversial whether the recent advances in technology are beneficial or detrimental to humanity.--"४.अग्रिमराशि"The company agreed to pay a festival advance of Rs.1000 to all its employees.The caterers asked for an advance of Rs.10,000 for the contract of the reception party.--"५.बढत"The auctioneer was disappointed to find no advance on the opening bid.--"६.दोस्ती/प्यारजतानेकीकोशिश"How could Surpanakha not feel dejected after all her amorous advances were rejected by Lakshmana?--"७.पहलेही"We booked our tickets for the magic show in advance.--"८.अग्रगामी"Platos ideas were well in advance of his times."advance","Adj","1.पूर्व"The company did not give any advance notice of its closure."advance","V","1.आगेबढनाbaDhAnA"The army was ordered to advance.She advanced towards him,waving her tickets.The protestors advanced their leader to talk with the minister.The man advanced towards her menacingly.--"२.प्रगतिकरना"The companys shares advanced after the new director joined.--"३.अग्रिमराशिदेना"The government gave an advance to the farmers to help them buy good seeds.--"४.विचारयासुझावदेना"The corporation has advanced a new policy for regularising illegalconstructions.--"५.निश्चितसमयसेपूर्वकरना"The time of the meeting was advanced in view of the night curfew in the city."advanced","Adj","1.उन्नत"Todays advanced technology has made the world smaller.--"२.उच्चश्रेणीके"This dictionary is meant for an advanced learner.--"३.नया/अभीतकसामान्यरुपसेस्वीकृतिनामिलाहुआ"Though attractive,most of Mr.Guptas very advanced ideas about traffic regulation are impractical.--"४.बढआहुआ"His advanced age does not prevent him from singing."advancement","N","1.उन्नति"There is not much scope for advancement in journalism."advantage","N","1.बढत"Her knowledge of several languages gave her an advantage over her competitors.--"२.फायदा"Raju took full advantage of shopping.--"३.भलाई"Is there any advantage in our following the traditional festivals in this 21st century.--"३.एडवांटेजटैनिसकेकेलमेंड्युसउपरांतअर्जितपहलाप्वाइंट"Mahesh Bhupati reached advantage point quite easily.--"४.पूरालाभउठाना"A basketball player should take advantage of his height.--"५.गलतफायदाउठाना"He took advantage of her trust by keeping her in the dark about the deal."advantage","V","1.पूराफायदाउठाना""advantageous","Adj","1.फायदेमन्द"They will be in an advantageous situation by leaving early."advent","N","1.आगमन"The advent of the Mughals into India changed the face of India.--"२.क्रिसमसकेपहलेकेदिनचारइतवारसहित"We are anxiously waiting for advent hymns."adventitious","Adj","1.आकस्मिक"Due to the adventitions visit of the inspection team,the entire staff was taken aback."adventure","N","1.जोखिमभराअनुभव"Jim Corbets adventures in kumaon are very thrilling.Some people prefer a peaceful life to one full of adventure."adventurer","N","1.साहसीयोद्धा"There is an adventurer in every child."adventurous","Adj","1.साहसिक"All stuntmen are adventurous people."adventure playground","N","1.मैदान"After school children spend their time at adventure playground."adverb","N","1.क्रियाविशेषण""adversary","N","1.विरोधी"Tenali Ram defeated all his adversaries by his intelligence."adverse","Adj","1.प्रतिकूल"Excess of exercise had an adverse effect on his health."adversity","N","1.कठिनाई"The people of Orissa are facing grave adversities due to the cyclone."advert","N","1.विज्ञापन"In market, few products are sold without an advert."advertise","V","1.विज्ञापनदेना"All big companies advertise their products."advertisement","N","1.विज्ञापन"The apartment was not as good as the advertisement claimed."advertiser","N","1.विज्ञापनदेनेवाला"Mr.Rajan is an advertiser of this product."advertising","N","1.विज्ञापनकीप्रणाली"With competition growing stiffer,new methods of advertising are being used."advice","N","1.सलाह/उपदेश"Some people take medicine without a physicians advice."advisable","Adj","1.उचित/योग्य"It is always advisable to save for onss future."advise","V","1.सलाहदेना"The doctor advised him a complete rest.--"२.सूचितकरना"Please advise us when you will arrive here."advisedly","Adv","1.विचारकरके"We must always speak advisedly in the tense situations."adviser","N","1.सलाहकार"He is the countrys best scientist and also special adviser to the president."advisory","Adj","1.सलाहकारी"An advisory committee was brought into action to advise the government on defence."advocacy","N","1.वकालत"He is famous for his advocacy of anti-nuclear organizations.He has taken up advocacy as his job and is a famous advocate in the High court."advocate","V","1.वकालतकरना"We all advocate an anti-nuclear policy and want a nuclear-free world."advocate","N","1.वकील"He is a famous advocate and has won nearly all of his (court) cases.--"समर्थक"I have always been an advocate of anti pollution policies."adze","N","1.हसूला/कुल्हाडई"The murdered victim had tried to defend himself with an adze."aegis","N","1.संरक्षण"A team of doctors was flown in under the aegis of the Red cross to cure people injured in the blast."aeon(also eon)","N","1.युग/कल्प"The universe must have been formed millions of aeons ago."aerate","V","1.हवाभरना"Many of todays aerated drinks give a fizz like sensation to your tongue.Before planting seed,the soil is aerated by ploughing it."aeration","N","1.हवाभरना"Aeration of soil has been made very easy by the development of the plough."aerial","N","1.एरियलरेडियोसंकेतपकडनेवालायंत्र"Please, change the aerial direction so that radio can give clear voice."aerial","Adj","1.आकाशीय/विमानसे/हवामेंसेकियागया"The first atomic bomb was dropped by aerial bombardment.--"२.हवाई"The earliest form of aerial transport was balloon."aero","Comb form","1.वायु"The aeroplane was in the aero. "aerobatics","N","1.हवाईकलाबाजी"A show of aerobatics by famed pilots was held after the cultural programme.Aerobatics is a very exciting and risky sport."aerobatic","Adj","1.हवाईकलाबाजईवाला"The aerobatic display had many different kinds of planes including fighter jets."aerobics","N","1.व्यायाम"Swimming is the best aerobic exercises."aerodrome","N","1.हवाईअड्डा"He is so rich that he has brought an aerodrome for his fleet of planes."aerodynamics","N","1.वायुगतिकी"Pilots must also know about aerodynamics.The new model of the aeroplane has aerodynamics improved by nearly 25%."aerogramme","N","1.बेतारपत्र"Immediately send an aerogramme for help."aeronautics","N","1.विमानविद्या"Many people are seeing aeronautics as a very important field for modern times."aeronautic","Adj","1.वैमानिक""aeronautical","Adj","1.वैमानिकी"He has very sharp and refined aeronoutical skills."aeroplane","N","1.वायुमान/हवाईजहाज"Flying aeroplanes has becom a very popular sport and hobby."aerosol","N","1.एयरोसोल" #पिचकारीवालाडिब्बाWe must learn to use recycleable aerosol cans."aerospace","N","1.विमाननिर्माणतकनीक"The aerospace industry requires adequate funds which are not reaching it."aesthete","N","1.सौंदर्यप्रेमी"He is an aesthete of painting and attends nearly all exhibitions."aesthetic","Adj","1.सौंदर्यपरख"His house is very beautiful because he has a good sense of aestheticr.--"२.सौंदर्यप्रेमी"He is a very aesthetic person.--"३.सुरुचिपूर्ण"She makes very aesthetic designs using her computer."aesthetics","N","1.सौंदर्यशास्त्र"He is an active and known personality in aesthetics."afar","Adv","1.दूरसे/दूरपर"In medieval times, news from afar seldom reached its destination."affable","Adj","1.मिलनसार/सुशील"I found your parents very affable unlike what you told me."affability","N","1.सुशीलता/मिलनसारी"He approached her with affability but she refused to speak with him."affably","Adv","1.सुशीलतासे/मिलनसारीसे"Though I approached him affably,he was very rude to me."affair","N","1.कारोबार/व्यापार"Its my private affair, you have nothing to do with it.--"२.प्रेमसम्बन्ध"She is having an affair with the boy next door.--"३.घटनाक्रम"Todays multimedia sources provide a clear insight on current affairs."affaire de coeur","IDM","1.दिलकामामला" #French matter of the heart"affect","V","1.प्रभावडालना"The huge amount of polluting compounds produced will adversely affect humans and the environment.--"२.बहानाकरना"The convict affected an air of innocence even after he was senteneed."affecting","Adj","1.प्रभावपूर्ण"The film I recently saw had many affecting scenes, and all the people were crying."affected","Adj","1.बनावटी"He showed affected feelings of sadness when his uncle died."affectation","N","1.बनावटीबर्ताव"He was highly irritated by her many affectation."affection","N","1.स्नेह"I have a deep affection for my grand parents."affectionate","Adj","1.स्नेही"He is very affectionate towards me but I dont like him."affectionately","Adv","1.स्नेहसे"The gift was given affectionately."affidavit","N","1.शपथ-पत्र"I signed an affidavit stating that you are guilty as I caught you red handed."affiliate","V","1.सहबद्धकरना" #किसीछोटीसंस्थाकोबडईसंस्थासेOur school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and The state Goverment."affiliate","N","1.शाखा"This college is an affiliate of the University."affiliation","N","1.सहबद्धता"Many schools are seeking affiliation to the college."affinity","N","1.सम्बन्ध"I share a special affinity with her."affirm","V","1.प्रमाणितकरना/दृढतापुर्वककहना"She affirmed that she was innocent."affirmation","N","1.अभिपुष्टि"He was asked to give an affirmation that he was not related."affirmative","Adj","1.स्वीकारात्मक"He did not give an affirmative reply as we had expected."affirmatively","Adv","1.स्वीकारात्मकरूपसे"He answered affirmatively."affix","V","1.संयुक्तकरना/जोडना"Dont forget to affix a stamp before you post the letter."affix","N","1.प्रत्यय",Un in the word unkind is an affix."afflict","V","1.त्रस्तहोनाkaranA"The state has been severly afflicted with floods."afflicted","Adj","1.संतप्त"The aid has been sent to the afflicted people."affliction","N","1.मुसीबत"It is our duty to protect or help people in affliction.--"२.रोग"Deafness is a terrible affliction."affluence","N","1.समृद्धि"He lives a life of great affluence as his business is flourishing."affluent","Adj","1.समृद्ध/धनी"Theres is an affluent society and I cannot adjust with them."afford","V","1.वहनकरपाना"I cant afford to take you on a date.--"२.जुटापानाधन"They can not afford a car right now."afforest","V","1.जंगललगाना"We had to afforest large areas of land to maintain the ecology."afforestation","N","1.वनरोपण"Afforestation is the only alternative left to save the environment."affray","N","1.दंगा"He was falsely charged with causing an affray."affront","N","1.अपमान"His word were an affront to all the members of the union."affront","V","1.अपमानितकरना"How dare you affront me."affronted","Adj","1.अपमानित"I was very much affronted by your rudeness."Afghan","N","1.अफगानवासी"In our class there are three Afghan student.--"२.अफगानिस्तानीभाषा"I can read and write Afghan language."Afghan hound","N","1.लंम्बेबालोवालाकुत्ता"He loves dogs very much specially Afghan hounds."afield","Adv","1.दूरघरसे"Groups from as far afield as Brazil have sent deputations."aflame","Adj","1.प्रज्वलित"Once the fire started in the kitchen, it took no time for the whole house to be aflame."afloat","Adj","1.तैरताहुआ/बहताहुआ"A small boat was on afloat beside a huge one."afoot","Adj","1.जआरी"Plans to change our time table are afoot."aforementioned","Adj","1.पूर्वोकपै"The aforementioned people were seen stealing."afraid","Adj","1.डराहुआ/भयभीत"Are you afraid of dogs?"afresh","Adj","1.नएसिरेसे"We have enough time to start afresh."African","N","1.अफ्ररीकीलोग"I have many African friends."African","Adj","1.अफ्रीकी"He always wears African shoes."afrikaans","N","1.अफ्रीकीभाषा"Though he is Indian,he can speak Afrikaans very well."afro","Adj","1.घुघरालेबाल"His hairstyle is an afro."aft","Adv","1.जहाजकेपिछलेभागकेपास"He was in the aft and have was saved from dying earlier in the sinkingship."after","Adv","1.बादमें"The week after,I left for the U.S.--"२.पीछे"He was ahead and I was standing after him."after","Prep","1.केबाद"We shall meet here the day after tomarrow.Day after day I tried to meet him but could not.My name comes after yours in the roll call.After all your ill conduct, I do not wish to speak to you.She arrived just after lunch.--"२.कीओर"The children stared after the detectives dressed I ran after him to tell him to meet me later.Im after a job in the hospital.--"३.केबारेमें"I inquired after him and come to know that he was ill.--"४.केअनुसरणपर"He was named after his grandfather and really emerged just like him."after","Adj","1.बादका"We shall rectify these problems in the after years."after-care","N","1.बादकीदेखभाल"He was given enough after-care by the family members."after-effect","N","1.पश्चप्रभाव"I was relieved of headache by the medicine but its after-effect was stomach ache."after-taste","N","1.केबादकाजआयका"The whole incident lef a bad after-taste."afterbirth","N","1.जेर/खेडई"After giving birth to a small baby, she spoiled the bed with afterbirth. "afterglow","N","1.लालासूर्यास्तकेबादकी""afterlife","N","1.पुनर्जन्म/मृत्युकेबादकाजीवन"The Egyptians were firm believers of afterlife."aftermath","N","1.परिणाम"A new school building was built in the aftermath of the flood."afternoon","N","1.तीसरापहर"I dont like people spoiling my sunday afternoon, so I avoid them.Every afternoon, He goes to the hotel to take meal."afters","N","1.खानेकेबादखायेजानेवालाफलमिठाई"It will be better if you arrange fruit salad for afters. "aftershave","N","1.आफ्टरशेवलोशन"Use sandalwood aftershave."afterthought","N","1.उत्तरचिंतन"As an afterthought, I sent a greeting with the letter."afterwards","Adv","1.तत्पश्चात"We first went to visit them and afterwards went for the movie."again","Adv","1.फिरसे/एकबारफिर/दुबारा/पुन "Try again.Dont worry, hell soon be well again.We will again have to look into the disadvantages apart fom the advantages.--"२.लेकिनफिर"It is very efficient and again it has its own inefficiency and disadvantages"against","Prep","1.केविरुद्ध"Today, India shall play against South Africa.Always take precautions against electric shocks before opening up any electrical appliances for repair.--"२.केसहारे"I was learning against the board but did not know that it was just painted.--"३.सेअलग"His flashy uniform stood out against the drab and dull clothing of his friends."agape","Adj","1.मुहबाएआश्चर्यसेमुहखोलेहुए"He watched her set herself alight,agape and tried to protect her from the fire, but she still was badly injured."agate","N","1.सुलेमानीपत्थर"He gave her an agate necklace."age","N","1.वय/उम्र"Rams age is ten years.Ram left school at the age of ten yearsRajiv died at an early agePeople in the age group of 20-30 are eligible for the postHari has matured with age. --"२.लम्बासमय"For ages we waited for the match to begin.--"३.युग"Modern age is the age of technology.--"४.युगों"It is an age old custom of that community.Africas age long struggle for freedom cannot be forgotten."age","V","1.उम्रबढना"The illness has aged him a lot --"२.बडआहोजाना"Ram has aged a lot recently--"३.पुरानाहोना"Allow the wine to age for a while"aged","Adj","1.वृद्ध"I saw an aged man in the lobby"ageism","N","1.वृद्धोंकेप्रतिअनुचितव्यवहार"Behaving badly towards the elderly is ageism."agency","N","1.संस्था कर्तृत्व"His company has agencies all over the world."agenda","N","1.करनेवालीकार्यवाही"The environment issue is high on the political agenda at the moment."agent","N","1.प्रतिनिधि" #गुमाश्ताHe is an insurance agent."agent provocateur","N","1.प्रतिनिधिजो गलत कार्य करने वाले को "पकडवाता है"An agent provocateur came here for investigation."agglomeration","N","1.समूह ढेर"An ugly agglomeration of new buildings emerged there."aggrandizement","N","1.शक्तिअथवापदवीबढाना"Her sole aim is personal aggrandizement."aggravate","VT","1.उत्तेजितकरना"The problem is aggravated by a lack of understanding.--"२.क्रोधितकरना"Some of his remarks aggravate me."aggravating","Adj","1.उत्तेजक"Some of his aggravating remarks annoy me."aggravation","N","1.उत्तेजना"Some of his remarks are minor aggravations for her."aggregate","Adj","1.कुल"The aggregate profit and loss of the company will be known soon."aggregate","N","1.पूर्णयोग"At the end of financial year, business houses find aggregate of profit and loss. "aggregate","VT","1.संग्रहकरना"Our group aggregate books."aggression","N","1.आक्रमण"Alexanders agression to the east created history."aggressive","Adj","1.आक्रामक"His aggressive attitude frightens me."aggressor","N","1.आक्रमणकर्ता"He was the aggressor in the conflict."aggrieve","VT","1.दुखदेना"Rams exilement aggrieved King Dasharatha."aggrieved","Adj","1.व्यथित"I felt aggrieved at losing my friend."aggro","N","1.कठिनाई"Theres a lot of aggro in getting admission in a good college.--"२.हिंसात्मकबर्ताव"I cant tolerate your aggro."aghast","Adj","1.हक्काबक्का"She stood aghast at the terrible sight."agile","Adj","1.फुर्तीला"Rams mind is very agile."agitate","VT","1.हलचलमचाना"The students agitated in front of the Vice Chancellors office."agitation","N","1.आन्दोलनबैचेनी"The students agitation is for better infrastructural facilities."ago","Adv","1.पहलेबीताहुआ"It was ten years ago that my sister died."agog","Adv","1.उत्सुक"Ram was all agog at the thought of joining the new college."agonize","VI","1.अत्यन्तपीडइतहोना"She agonized for days whether to allow her son to join the army."agonize","VT","1.दुदेना"The death of her son agonized her."agonizing","Adj","1.बहुतदुखी"It was an agonizing decision."agonizingly","Adv","1.बहुतअधिक"India has made agonizingly slow progress in population control."agony","N","1.व्यथा"We suffered the agony of watching him burn to death."agony aunt","N","1.सलाहकार" #व्यक्तिगतसमस्याओंकेपत्रादिमेंहलदेनेवालाShe works as an agony aunt for `Femina."agony column","N","1.सलाहकारकालम" #व्यक्तिगत समस्याओ के लिए सलाहवाला कालम She writes for the agony column of `Femina."agoraphobia","N","1.भीड से डर लगना"I am an introvert person because I am suffering from agoraphobia."agoraphobic","Adj","1.भीड के डर से पीडित व्यक्ति"Seema is an agroaphobic girl."agrarian","Adj","1.भूमिविषयक"After the Green Revolution agrarian laws in the country has undergone treme-ndous change."agree","VI","1.सहमतहोना"NATO agreed to stop the air- raids on Kosovo."agreeable","Adj","1.रुचिकर"Its an agreeable weather for picnic.--"२.सहमत"You can join the company if the conditions are agreeable to you."agreeably","Adv","1.सहमतिसे"He agreeably signed the documents. "agreement","N","1.राजईनामा"Please sign the agreement.--"२.सहमति"The Indo-Pak talks failed to reach an agreement.--"३.अन्वितिव्याकरण में संख्या/लिंग या वचन में समानता"There is no agreement between subject and verb in the sentence `She go there everyday."agricultural","Adj","1.कृषीसम्बन्धी"This years agricultural production was good due to good monsoon."agriculture","N","1.खेतीकृषि"Indian economy depends on agriculture."agronomy","N","1.कृषिशास्त्र"He is studying agronomy in the university."agronomist","N","1.कृषिशास्त्री"Dr.Swaminathan is a well-known agronomist."aground","Adv","1.भूग्रस्त"The tanker went aground."ah","Interj","1.विस्मय"Ah! but it may not be true."aha","Interj","1.आहा"Aha! so youre back to work."ahem","Interj","1.अहा!" #आश्चर्यसूचकAhem! may I make a suggestion."ahead","Adv","1.आगे"Go ahead."aid","N","1.मदद"Japan gave an aid of $1.million to Turkeys earthquake victims.--"२.साधन"Teaching aids were provided to the schools in villages by the govt."aid","VT","1.मददकरना"He was accused of aiding the criminal."aide","N","1.सहायक"The Prime Minister sent his aide for the talk."aide-de-camp","N","1.संदेशवाहक"Aides-de-camp were also present in the cabinet meeting."AIDS","N","1.एड्सबीमारी"The Govt. has opened an AIDS research centre in Delhi recently."ail","V","1.कष्ट देनादु ख देना"I asked what was ailing her."ailing","Adj","1.रोगीबीमार"Sharad is ailing for the past three months."aileron","N","1.सहपक्षहवाई जहाज के पीछे की पतवार"Aileron is part of the wing of an aircraft that moves up and down to control the aircrafts balance while it is flying."ailment","N","1.बीमारी"Reema can treat minor ailments."aim","N","1.लक्ष्य"Her aim is to become a pilot."aim","V","1.लक्षितकरना"Shes aiming at a scholarship.--"२.निशानाबनाना"My remarks were not aimed at you."aimless","Adj","1.लक्ष्यरहित"He is leading an aimless life."aint","Abbr am/is/are not","1.नही हैHEM"They aint good actors."air","N","1.वायु"Kick a football high in the air.--"२.हवाईजहाज"We went to Mumbai by air.--"३.रंग-ढंग"That fort has an air of mystery about it."air-bed","N","1.हवा भरा गद्दा"I have a mattress that can be filled with air."air-brake","N","1.वायु ब्रेक" #हवा खीचकर पहियो को रोकने का साधनHer car doesnt have an air-brake."Air Chief Marshal","N","1.एअरचीफमार्शलवायुसेनाकाबहुतउच्चअधिकारी"A Y Tipnis is the present Air Chief Marshal of the Indian Air Force."Air Commodore","N","1.एअरकौमोडोरवायुसेनाकाउच्चअधिकारी"Air Commodore Rahul gave the details of the air-strikes in Kargil."air-conditioning","N","1.वातानुकूलन"The trains first class compartment has air conditioning."air-conditioned","Adj","1.वातानुकूलित"Its an air-conditioned room."air-cooled","Adj","1.वायु-शीतित"She got an air-cooled engine fitted in her car."air hostess","N","1.विमान परिचारिका"Vibha is an air hostess."air force","N","1.वायु सेना"Ramesh is an air force officer."air letter","N","1.हवाई पत्र"Ram sent me an air letter from America""airpocket","N","1.हवाई गर्त्तहवाई पाकेट""air pump","N","1.वायु पम्प"I use an air pump to fill air in my cycles tyres."air raid","N","1.हवाई हमला"America started the air raids on Yogoslavia."air rifle","N","1.एकप्रकारकीबन्दूक"You cannot easily get the licence to keep air rifles."air-sea rescue","N","1.वायु मार्ग द्वारा समुद्र के व्यक्तियो को बचाना"Helicopters play a major role in the air-sea rescue service."air speed","N","1.वायुयानकीगति"The air speed of Mirage2000 is greater than Mig21 jet."air terminal","N","1.एअर टर्मिनल"We had to stay in the air terminal due to flight delay."air-to-air","Adj","1.हवाई-से-हवाई"India has developed indegenously an air-to-air missile."aircraft","N","1.वायुयान"He owns an aircraft."Air Vice Marshal","N","1.एअर वाइस मार्शलवायुसेनाकाउच्चअधिकारी"Harpal is the Air Vice Marshal."air","VT","1.हवा देना"Air the wet sheet to make it dry. --"२.व्यक्तकरना"Dont air your views to every Tom,Dick and Harry."airing cupboard","N","1.कपडो को हवा देने वाली अलमारी"She bought an airing cupboard."airs","N","1.अकड"Ritesh puts on airs."airbase","N","1.हवाई अड्डा"The Srinagar air base was closed for civilians owing to air-strikes."airborne","Adj","1.वायुवाहित"Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne."airbrush","N","1.पुताई गन"Ram uses airbrush to spray paint on his car."airbus","N","1.एअर बसएकप्रकारकाहवाईजहाज"He flew to London in an airbus."aircraft carrier","N","1.जहाजहवाई जहाज को ले जाने वाला"INS Viraat is the aircraft carrier that Indian Navy has."aircraftman","N","1.एयरक्राफ्टमैनवायुसेनामेंएकपद"Raj is an aircraftman in IAF."aircraftwoman","N","1.एयरक्राफ्टवुमैनवायुसेनामेंएकपद"Radha is an aircraftwoman in IAF."aircrew","N","1.हवाई कर्मी"All the aircrew on board escaped the aircrash."airfield","N","1.हवाई क्षेत्र"They shot down the enemy aircraft that had entered their airfield."airgun","N","1.हवाईबन्दूक"He obtained the licence to keep an airgun."airless","Adj","1.घुटन भरा"It was a hot airless day."airlift","N","1.हवाई जहाज द्वारा मदद करना"There was an airlift of essential commodities to the flood-stricken area."airlift","V","1.हवाई जहाज द्वारा लोगो या सामानों को लाना-लेजाना"The flood victims were airlifted to a safer place."airline","N","1.हवाई कंपनी"He is an airline pilot."airlock","N","1.वायुबन्ध"All submarines are equipped with airlock. "airmail","N","1.हवाई डाक"Yesterday I sent a letter to my friend by airmail."airman","N","1.वायुसैनिक"He is an airman in the Indian Air Force."airplane","N","1.हवाई जहाज"He is a commercial airplane pilot."airport","N","1.विमानपत्तन"A new international airport has been built in Cochin."airship","N","1.हवाई पोत"An airship show was held in France recently."airsick","Adj","1.हवाई सफर से बीमार"Airsick people are advised to take precautions before boarding a plane."airsickness","N","1.हवाई सफर से हुई बीमारी"He suffers from airsickness."airspace","N","1.हवाई क्षेत्र"There are international laws against violating another nations airspace."airstrip","N","1.हवाई पट्टी"Airstrip shuld be cleared of bushes to facilitate safe landing of aircrafts."airtight","Adj","1.वायु रोधक"Petrol is kept in airtight barrels."airway","N","1.वायु मार्ग"A pilot should be well versed with the airway."airwoman","N","1.वायुसैनिकस्त्री.जो अफसर पद से नीचे हो"She is working as an airwoman. "airworthy","Adj","1.उडने योग्य"`Canberra aircrafts are no more considered airworthy. "airworthiness","N","1.उडने-योग्य"`Canberra aircrafts do not have airworthiness anymore."airy","Adj","1.हवादार"My bosss cabin is well-lighted and airy."airily","Adv","1.बेपरवाहीसे"He said airily that he doesnt care for anybody."airy-fairy","Adv","1.अव्यवहारिक"Seemas idea seems airy-fairy to me."aisle","N","1.गलियारा/रास्ता"The couple walked down the aisle."ajar","Adv","1.अधखुला"She left the door ajar."akin","Adj","1.सदृश"She felt something akin to danger."akimbo","Adv","1.कमर पर हाथ रखे हुए"She was standing with her arms akimbo."aka","Abbr also known as","1.ऎसा भी जाना जाता है"Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi aka Jr.Pataudi was an exellent cricketer. "a la","Prep","1.की शैली में"So far the world hasnt had another hockey player a la Dhyanchand ."alabaster","N","1.खडिया मिट्टी"Alabaster is carved to make ornaments."a la carte","Adj","1.व्यंजन सूची से"The Kamath hotel has only an a la carte menu."alacrity","N","1.तत्परता"She accepted his proposal with alacrity."a la mode","Adj","1.फैशन प्रिय"Some college girls are a la mode."alarm","N","1.खतरे का संकेत"The news filled me with alarm.--"२.संकट-घंटी"The alarm bell was set off in the bank."alarmed","Adj","1.भयभीत"I was alarmed by the way the news spread.--"२.सतर्क"The neighborhood was alarmed by the increase in the incidents of house breaking."alarming","Adj","1.भयप्रद"Last year the onion price increased at an alarming rate."alarmingly","Adv","1.खतरनाकढंगसे"Last year the onion prices increased alarmingly."alarmist","N","1.भयप्रसारक"We mustnt be alarmist."alarm clock","N","1.अलार्म घडी"My mother sets the alarm clock for 5 oclock."alas","Interj","1.ओहहाय"Alas! the dog is dead."albataross","N","1.एक बडी समुद्री चिडइया"Albataross is found in the Pacific and Southern Oceans.--"२.मुसीबतवह चीज जो हमेशा कष्ट एवं बाधा उत्पन्न करती है"The factorys unsold and obsolete machine became an albataross."albeit","Conj","1.यद्यपि"I worked hard, albeit unsuccessfully ,to reach the top."albino","N","1.एलबीनोरंजकहीनव्यक्ति"Ive an albino tiger at home."album","N","1.एलबम/संग्रहपुस्तक"She showed me her wedding album."albumen","N","1.अण्डे का सफेदांश"I dislike the taste of albumen."alchemy","N","1.कीमियारसायन विद्या से सम्बंधित"My grandfather has the knowledge of alchemy."alchemist","N","1.कीमियागर"My grandfather is an alchemist."alcohol","N","1.मद्यसारअलकोहल"The Andhra Pradesh govt. has prohibited the sale of alcohol."alcoholic","Adj","1.शराबी"Bunty is an alcoholic boy."alcoholism","N","1.मदात्यय"Her father died of alcoholism."alcove","N","1.आलाकुज"The bed fits neatly into the aclove."alder","N","1.एक प्रकार का वृक्ष"The alder loses its leaves in winter."alderman","N","1.पौर मुख्य"The new alderman of Jamnagar is very efficient."ale","N","1.शराबजौ की बनी"He bought a bottle of ale."alehouse","N","1.शराब की दुकान"Hyderabad has many alehouses."alert","Adj","1.सतर्क"He is an alert listener in meetings."A level","N","1.उच्च स्तरीय"She will take the A level exams this year."alfalfa","N","1.चारा"Alfalfa is nutritious food for cows and buffaloes."alfresco","Adj","1.ताजी हवा मेखुले मे"We had an alfresco lunch yesterday."algae","N","1.शैवालसमुद्र की काई"I could see blue-green shades on algae under the microscope."algal","Adj","1.शैवालयुक्त"The sea bed is covered with algal growth."algebra","N","1.बीजगणित"I hate algebra."algorithm","N","1.प्रणाली"You must follow the algorithm to solve this problem."alias","N","1.उपनाम"Arun Gawli alias Chotu was wounded in an encounter with the police."alibi","N","1.बहाना"He always gives some or the other alibi for coming late."alien","Adj","1.पराया"Going to an alien country for the first time made me nervous. "alien","N","1.अन्यदेशी"Some aliens from abroad were staying in the guest house."alienate","VT","1.विमुखकरना"The Governments Defamation Bill had alienated many of its supporters."alienation","N","1.अन्यसंक्रामण"Depression can create a sense of alienation from the world."alight","Adj","1.उज्जवल चमकदार"Their faces were alight with joy."alight","V","1.नीचेआना"The helicopter alighted on the open ground.--"२.उतरना"Some boys have the habit of alighting from a moving bus."align","VT","1.पक्तिलगाना"She aligned her books in the shelf.--"२.सम्मिलित करना"The left party aligned itself with the the ruling party."alignment","N","1.संलेखन/सीध"The tiles in the bathroom were out of alignement.--"२.सम्मिलित"The alignment of USA with China in the UN Security Council came as a surprise."alike","Adv","1.समानरूपसे"They always think alike."alike","Adj","1.समान"These two handwritings are almost alike."alimentary canal","N","1.आहार नली"She is suffering from the infection of the alimentary canal."alimony","N","1.परित्यक्तापत्नीकेलियेवृत्तियाजीविका"The alimony that she is getting is insufficient for her."alive","Adj","1.जीवित"There are still many people who buried alive after the eathquake.--"२.फुर्तीला"She is always alive and active.--"३.के विषय में सचेत"He is fully alive to the political developments."alkali","N","1.क्षारखट्टापन हटाने का पदार्थ"Caustic soda is an alkali."alkaline","Adj","1.क्षारीयक्षार के गुण वाला"This place has an alkaline soil."alkaloid","N","1.क्षाराभवनस्पतियो का मूल तत्व"Some alkaloids are used for making drugs."all","Adj","1.सारा"We sat up all night."all","Adv","1.पूर्ण रुप से"She lives all alone."all","N","1.सबकुछ"They gave their all in the war."all-round","Adj","1.चौतरफा"He is an all-round sportsman."all-clear","N","1.सब ठीक है का संकेत"The express train got the all-clear to go ahead."all-embracing","Adj","1.सबकोमिलाकर"He has propounded an all-embracing theory. "all-in","Adj","1.कुल"The all-in price of book is Rs.50."all out","Adj","1.भरसक"The Indian team made an all out attempt to win the match."all-purpose","Adj","1.बहु प्रयोजन"A Japanese company has manufactured an all-purpose vehicle."all-star","Adj","1.जिसमें बहुत सारे प्रख्यात अभिनेता/अभिनेत्रिया हो"He made an all-star film. "Allah","N","1.अल्लाह"Muslims worship Allah."allay","VT","1.दबानाशांत कर देना"My mothers consolation allayed doubts about my own abilities."allegation","N","1.आरोप"All his allegations proved to be false."allege","V","1.बिनासबूतकेआरोपलगाना"He alleged that he was not the culprit in the crime."alleged","Adj","1.आरोपितकथित"He is an alleged criminal."allegedly","Adv","1.कथितरूपसे"The novel was allegedly written by a computer."allegiance","N","1.निष्ठा राजभक्ति"They swear allegiance to the flag."allegory","N","1.रूपक-कथा"George Orwells `Animal Farm is a political allegory."allegorical","Adj","1.रूपकसम्बन्धी"I read G.Orwells allegorical novel `Animal Farm twice."allegro","Adj","1.{संगीतसेसंबंधितत्वरितगति"All the songs composed for the concert were allegro in nature."allegro","N","1.द्रुत"He composed allegros for the latest Hindi movie."alleluia","N","1.प्रार्थना ईसाई धर्म का"We sang alleluia in our school."allergy","N","1.एलर्जीप्रत्यूर्जता"I have an allergy to dust."allergic","Adj","1.एलर्जीसेसम्बन्धितपीडित"Im allergic to dust.--"२.अति नफरत होना"He is allergic to hard work."alleviate","V","1.कमकरना"The govt. has introduced schemes to alleviate poverty."alleviation","N","1.उपशम"The govt. has introduced schemes for the alleviation of poverty."alley","N","1.पगडण्डी"We took the alley to reach her place.--"२.वीथिका"The gardener looks after the maintenance of the alleys."all-fired","Adj","1.अत्यधिक"India is reeling from all-fired unemployment."alliance","N","1.संगठनसंबंध"The AIADMK entered into an alliance with the Congress."allied","Adj","1.सहबध्द"USA and allied forces started bombing Yugoslavia."alligator","N","1.मगरमच्छ"I saw many alligators in the zoo.--"२.मगरमछ की चमडी"She bought an alligator handbag."alliteration","N","1.अनुप्रास अलंकार"Repetition of the same consonant sound in a sentence is alliteration."allocate","VT","1.निर्धारित करना"The govt.has allocated pensions for the retired.--"२.बाटना"The govt. has allocated funds for the project."allocation","N","1.निर्धारण"The allocation of funds will be done tomorrow."allot","V","1.देनाबाटना"This land has been allotted to the college."allotment","N","1.आबंटन"The allotment of land to the college has been done."allow","VT","1.अनुमतिदेना/आज्ञादेना"Our teacher allowed us to play computer games.Children are not allowed unless they are accompanied by an adult.--"२.स्वीकारकरना/मानलेना"The judge allowed her claim."allowable","Adj","1.अनुज्ञेय"Some allowable expenses were written off."allowance","N","1.भत्ता"The company paid the travel allowance."alloy","N","1.मिश्रधातु"Brass is an alloy."alloy","V","1.मिलाना"Copper and zinc is alloyed to make brass."allspice","N","1.मसाला जो सूखे सरसफल से बनाया जाता है"Curries added with allspice are very tasty."allude","VT","1.संकेतकरना"He alluded to the problem but did not mention it."allure","VT","1.लुभाना"Villagers are easily allured to the glitter of city-life."allure","N","1.माया"Villagers get easily carried away by the false allure of city-life."alluring","Adj","1.मोहक"Cricket is an alluring game."allusion","N","1.संकेत"This cross-border shelling is an allusion of war."ally","N","1.मित्र/सहबद्ध"France is an ally of America."ally","VT","1.समबद्धकरना"Italy and Japan allied with Germany in teh second world war"Alma Mater","N","1.जहा शिक्षा पाई वह संस्था"I went to my Alma Mater to meet my teachers."almanac","N","1.कालदर्शक/पंचांग"`Manorama released an almanac yesterday."almighty","Adj","1.सर्वशक्तिमान"God almighty bless you!"the Almighty","N","1.भगवान"All are equal before the Almighty."almond","N","1.बादाम"Almonds are very good for health."almoner","N","1.दानाध्यक्ष"The chairman of our company is also an almoner."almost","Adv","1.लगभग/अधिकतर"Almost everybody passed in the exam."alms","N","1.दान"He gives alms to the poor."almshouse","N","1.दानशाला"Many temples in India have almshouses."aloft","Adv","1.ऊचा"The good news sent her spirits aloft."alone","Adv","1.अकेला"he was alone when we met him"along","Prep","1.बराबरबराबर"His little sister came along to the movies"along","Adv","1.आगेबढना"The work is moving along"alongside","Prep","1.बगलमें"My house is alongside the cinema hall."along with","IDM","1.के_साथ"Ravi was also called along with his friends."aloof","Adj","1.अलग/दूर"He keeps himself aloof from politics."aloofness","N","1.दूरी"He is subjected to criticism due to his aloofness from his collegues."aloud","Adv","1.जओरसे"Please read the passage aloud"alpaca","N","1.भेडकीनस्लकापशु"Alpacas are mainly found in South America."alpha","N","1.यूनानीवर्णमालाकाप्रथमअक्षर"The alpha mark is sometimes used to indicate the highest standard of work."alphabet","N","1.वर्णमाला"Children are taught alphabets in nursery."alphabetical","Adj","1.वर्णमालानुसार"The names in the register were written in alphabetical order."alphabetically","Adv","1.वर्णमालाकेक्रमसे"The names in the register were arranged alphabetically."alpine","Adj","1.यूरोपकापर्वतीयक्षेत्र"Alpine flowers are very beautiful."alpine","N","1.पेडजोपर्वतीयक्षेत्रमेंपायेजातेहैं",Ashoka tree is basically an alpine."already","Adv","1.पहलेसे"She had already graduated when I joined the college."alright","Adv","1.बिल्कुल सही"Alright,I should do this way."Alsatian","N","1.एकप्रकारकाकुत्ता"I have an alsatian at home."also","Adv","1.भी"She speaks Hindi,English,Gujarati and little bit Bangla also."also-ran","N","1.सामान्यप्रदर्शनकरनेवाला"Sometimes I feel that Im one of lifes also-ran. "altar","N","1.वेदी" #टेबल जिसपर भगवान पर चढआने वाली सामग्रिया रखी जाती हैBread and wine were kept on the altar."alter","V","1.बदलजाना"The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"alteration","N","1.परिवर्तन"There is no alteration in the scheduled programme."altercation","N","1.कहासुनी"Altercations between Neena and Tina are quite common."alter ego","N","1.अन्तरंगमित्र"My best friend Dolly is like my alter ego."alternate","Adj","1.एकान्तरत "The maid servant comes on alternate days."alternate","V","1.बारी-बारीसेकरना"Most farmers alternate their crops."alternation","N","1.प्रत्यावर्तन"Other planets might also have alternation of day and night."alternately","Adv","1.बारी-बारी से"They worked for the club alternately."alternator","N","1.प्रत्यावर्ति"An alternator that produces alternating current is fitted in a car. "alternative","N","1.विकल्प"He was left with no other alternative,so he resigned."alternative","Adj","1.वैकल्पिक"We have to find an alternative means of transport to reach there."alternating current","N","1.प्रत्यावर्ति धारा"Alternating current is indicated by the abbreviation `AC."alternatively","Adv","1.विकल्पत "We could take the train or alternatively go by car."alternative energy","N","1.वैकल्पिक ऊर्जापानी/सूर्य-प्रकाश से ली जानेवाली ऊर्जा जो धरती के प्राकृतिक साधन को नष्ट नहीं करती"Wind energy is an alternative energy."alternative medicine","N","1.वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा"Any type of treatment that promotes health without using artificial drugsis alternarive medicine."although","Conj","1.यद्यपि"Although we gave him money,he didnt buy the book."altimeter","N","1.ऊचाई नापने का एक यंत्र"Every aircraft is fitted with an altimeter."altitude","N","1.ऊचाई"Jets fly at a very high altitude."alto","N","1.गायन में ऊचा आलाप"Singing alto needs lot of practice."alto","Adj","1.जिसमें दूसरा उच्चतम स्वर होवाद्य संबंधित"Kenny G can play alto saxophone."altogether","Adv","1.पूर्णरुप से"Altogether he earns close to a million dollars--"२.कुल मिलाकर"She owes me Rs.1285 altogether."altruism","N","1.परोपकारिता"Social workers must have altruism."altruistic","Adj","1.परोपकारी"She is an altruistic social worker."alum","N","1.फिटकरी"We put alum in water in order to purify it."aluminium","N","1.अलमुनियम"Aluminium foils are used to wrapping food in the train."alumna","N","1.स्नातिका/छात्रा"She is an alumna of St.Joseph college."alumnus","N","1.स्नातक/ छात्र"Ramesh is an alumnus of"alveolar","Adj","1.वर्त्स्य"/t/ is an alveolar in English."always","Adv","1.हमेशा"I will be there to help you always. "Alzheimers disease","N","1.मानसिक बीमारीजिसमें व्यक्ति की यादाश्त एवं बोलने की शक्ति चली जाती है"Alzheimers disease is generally found in aged men and women."am","AuxV","1.हू"I am a girl."am","Abbr morning before midday","1.दोपहरसेपहलेकासमय"The programme begins at 9 a.m."amalgam","N","1.मिश्रण"A coalition govt. is an amalgam of many political parties.--"२.पारदमिश्रण"Amalgam is used by dentists for filling holes in teeth."amalgamate","V","1.मिलजाना"East and West Germany amalgamated in 1990."amalgamation","N","1.मेल/मिश्रण"Amalgamation of various political parties can be seen during elections."amass","VT","1.संचितकरना"He has amassed enough fortune."amateur","N","1.अव्यवसायी"He is an amateur painter."amateurish","Adj","1.अप्रवीण"We dont want any ameteurish detective to investigate this case."amaze","V","1.चकित करना"Martina Hingiss elimination at the first round of Wimbledon championshipamazed everybody."amazed","Adj","1.अचम्भित"She maintained an amazed silence today."amazement","N","1.अचम्भा"She looked at me in amazement."amazing","Adj","1.आश्चर्यजनक"She gave me an amazing look."ambassador","N","1.राजदूत"He is presently posted as the Indias Ambassador in China.--"२.दूतHe is an ambassador of good will"amber","N","1.अम्बरतैणमणि"The necklace was made of amber beads.--"२.लालरंगAn amber light illuminated the room"ambience","N","1.वातावरण"The park has a peaeful ambience."ambient","Adj","1.चारोओरसेघेरनेवाला/व्यापक"The ambient air is cool."ambiguity","N","1.द्वयर्थ"Language has ambiguity.--"२.संशयात्मकस्थिति"He could never understand the ambiguity of his wifes behaviour."ambiguous","Adj","1.द्वयार्थी",I saw a man with binoculors is an ambiguous sentence."ambition","N","1.महत्वाकांक्षा"Her ambition in life is to reach the highest levels of success.His ambition is to own his own business"ambitious","Adj","1.महत्वाकांक्षी"It is a highly ambitious schedule.He is highly ambitious."ambivalent","Adj","1.मिलेजुलेभाववाला"He has an ambivalent attitude towards her."amble","VI","1.टहलना"They ambled along for an hour."ambulance","N","1.अस्पतालगाडई"The organization provides an ambulance service in the city."ambush","N","1.घात"The soldier was killed in an ambush."ambush","V","1.घातलगाना"The actress was ambushed by reporters and cameramen. "ameliorate","V","1.सुधारना "The army has been called to ameliorate the city situation."amen","Adv","1.तथास्तु/ऎसाहीहो"After a long prayer, the priest says Amen."amenable","Adj","1.जवाबदेही/आज्ञाकारी/वश्य"An employee is amenable to the officer."amend","VT","1.संशोधनकरना"Our Parliament amends the bill."amendment","N","1.संशोधन/शुद्धता"Our 1999 Budget passed without any amendments."amenity","N","1.सुख-सुविधा"Due to electricity we have lots of amenities in life.--"२.मनोहरता"The valley of flowers is an amenity in the Himalayas."American","Adj","1.अमरीकी"Americans are hard-working people."american","N","1.अमरीका वासी"Two Americans came to our city as tourists."americana","N","1.अमरीकी वस्तुए"She collects americanas of the fiftys."americanism","N","1.अमरीकी मुहावरा"He used americanism in his English. "americanize -ise","V","1.अमरीकी जैसा बनना"Many NRIs are americanized after a span of 20 yrs."american football","N","1.अमरीकी रगबी"American football is a famous sport. "american Indian","N","1.स्थानीय अमरीकी"American Indians are also known as Red Indians. "amerindian","N","1.आदिवासी"Now amerindians have become modern Americans."amethyst","N","1.जामुनी मणी"She was wearing an amethyst ring."amiable","Adj","1.मिलनसार"Nehru chacha was always amiable with children."amiability","N","1.सौम्यता"He always talks in amiability."amicable","Adj","1.मित्रवत्"The two parties do not seem to reach an amicable settlement."amid","Prep","1.बीचमें ही"The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud."amidships","Adv","1.जहाज के मध्य में"A cyclone struck them amidships."amino acid","N","1.एमिनो रसायन"Amino acid is a compound from which protein is formed. "amiss","Adj","1.गलत"Every thing seems to be amiss -what to do?"amiss","Adv","1.गलत"Something seems to be amiss that I couldnt understand."amity","N","1.मित्रता"India and Russia are in amity."ammo","N","1.कारतूस"Have you any ammos in your pistol?"ammonia","N","1.अमोनियारंग रहित तीव्र गंध वाली गैस"Ammonia has a very foul odour. "ammunition","N","1.युद्ध उपकरण/लडआईकासामान"The militants surrendered their arms and ammunitions to the army."amnesia","N","1.याददाश्त खो जाना/विस्मरण"Due to head injury he suffered from amnesia. "amnesty","N","1.सर्वक्षमा"The rebels who surrendered themselves were granted amnesty."amniocentesis","N","1.गर्भवती महिला के गर्भाशय की जाच"Women in villages hardly have any access to amniocentesis."amoeba","N","1.अमीबा/सूक्ष्म जीवाणु"Amoebas are found in water or soil and all the time changes shape."amok","Adv","1.पागलकीतरह"The elephant got amok and so it was shot dead."among","Prep","1.में/मध्य में"He stood first among all the children in a class."amoral","Adj","1.दुराचारी/अधर्मी"Ravan was an amoral person."amorous","Adj","1.कामीरसिक"After having alcohol in the party he became amorous."amorphous","Adj","1.अनाकार"He found it difficult to manage the amorphous organization."amortize","V","1.किस्तो में ऋण चुकाना"Now a days people amortize after occupying the flats."amount","V","1.केबराबरहोना"The cost amounted to Rs.250."amount","N","1.रकम"Indians waste a large amount of money on wedding ceremony.--"२.कुछ हद तक"You can expect a certain amount of confusion in the meeting."amour","N","1.गुप्तप्रेमयानाजायजप्रेम"He has an amour for her."amour propre","N","1.स्वाभिमान"He wont take the money because it is his question of amour propre."amp","N","1.बिजली की धारा की माप"Computer inbuild speaker must have 6amps of electricity. "ampersand","N","1.और का चिह्न&"Johnsons & Johnsons are partners in a company."amphetamine","N","1.उत्तेजक दवा"This amphetamine is a banned steroid in Olympic."amphibian","N","1.जल तथा स्थल में रहने वाला जन्तु/उभयचर जन्तु"Frogs ,tortoises and crocodiles are amphibians."amphibious","Adj","1.जल तथा स्थल पर चलने योग्य"Tortoise is an amphibious animal."amphitheatre","N","1.रंगभूमि"Amphitheatres were used for public entertainments.--"२.गोलाकारइमारतजिसमेंदर्शकोंकेबैठनेकीव्यवस्थाहो"Medical colleges have amphitheatres."ample","Adj","1.पर्याप्त रूप से/बहुतबडआ"The election was given ample coverage on T.V."amply","Adv","1.पर्याप्तरूपसे"The students were not amply rewarded for their hardwork."amplify","VT","1.बढआनाखासकरआवाज"He amplified the tone of the radio.--"२.कहानीमेंअतिरिक्तविवरणदेना"The author did not amplify his statements."amplifier","N","1.ध्वनीविस्तारक"The amplifier of this radio is not working."amplitude","N","1.अधिकता"They have amplitude of resources at their disposal."ampoule","N","1.सीरिंज"Ampoules and needles should be sterilized properly."amputate","VT","1.काटनाअंगोच्छेदनकरना"He has a gangrene on his leg, we must amputate it."amputation","N","1.अंग-विच्छेद/अंग काटना"Many soldiers are apprehensive about their service after the amputation of their arms."amputee","N","1.अपंग"That amputee doesnt want any sympathy."amulet","N","1.ताबीज/रक्षा यंत्र"Azhar always wears an amulet around his neck."amuse","VT","1.मनोरंजन करना"Toys that run on batteries amuse children."amused","Adj","1.खुश हुए"The hostess gave an amused smile to all the guests."amusement","N","1.मनोरंजन"He hunts for amusement."amusememt arcade","N","1.जुआ घर"The police made a surprise raid of amusement arcades in the city."amusement park","N","1.मनोविनोद का खुला स्थान"In Delhi"Appu Ghar" is an amusement park."amusing","Adj","1.विनोदी/मनोरंजक"My grandfather told me an amusing story."amusingly","Adv","1.मनोरंजकरूपसे"He amusingly imitated his friends."an","Art","1.एक"She bought an umbrella."anabolic steroid","N","1.मांसपेशियाबडआनेवालीदवा"Sometimes bodybuilders use anabolic steroid."anachronism","N","1.पुरानेसमयका"Monarchy is considered as anachronism in the age of democracy."anaconda","N","1.अजगर से भी बहुत बडआ साप"People say that an anaconda is found in the Amazon river."anaemia","N","1.रक्ताभाव"The cases of anaemia are on the increase."anaemic","Adj","1.कमजोर"Indian atheletes gave an anaemic performance in the World Atheletic Meet.--"२.रक्ताभावसेपीडइत"She is an anaemic girl."anaerobic","Adj","1.वात निरपेक्ष जीवाणु"You can find anaerobic creatures in the depth of the sea."anaesthesia","N","1.चेतनाशून्यता/बेहोंशी"Before operation,the patient is given an anaesthesia drug."anaesthetic","N","1.चेतनाशून्यता की औषधि/बेहोंशी की दवा"Dentist always use an anaesthetic for removal of a tooth."anaesthetist","N","1.चेतनाशून्य करने वाला/बेहोंश करने वाला"An anaesthetist has always to be present in the operation theatre."anaesthetize","V","1.चेतनाशून्य करना"The patient was anaesthetized before the operation."anagram","N","1.शब्द बदलकर कर नया शब्द बनाना",Cart-horse is an anagram of orchestra."anal","Adj","1.गुदा-सम्बन्धी"He is suffering from anal cancer. "analgasia","N","1.दर्दनाशक/पीडआशून्यता"Analgasia of the skin can be a symptom of leprosy."analgesic","N","1.दर्दनाशक औषधि"Aspirin is a mild analgesic."analogous","Adj","1.अनुरूप"Unconsciousness was sometimes held to be analogous to death."analogues","Adj","1.सादृश्य/तुल्यरूप"Many familiar European mammals have analogues among the Australian marsupials."analogy","N","1.समानता"Chimpanzee and human being have analogy between them."analyse","V","1.विश्लेषण करना"They analysed the drug before bringing it into the market. --"२.मनोविश्लेषण"Psychologist analysed the cause of depression."analysis","N","1.विश्लेषण"A team of experts were constituted for the analysis of the economic situationof the country."analytic","Adj","1.वैश्लेषिक"Scientists are of analytic intellect."analyst","N","1.विश्लेषक"He is a very good analyst for military weapon."anarchy","N","1.अव्यवस्था/अराजकता"Bad government can give rise to anarchy."anarchism","N","1.राजविप्लव"Anarchism is a result of bad government."anarchist","N","1.अराजकतावादी"Due to unemployment some youth have turned anarchist."anathema","N","1.अभिशाप"Caste system in Indian society has become an anathema."anatomy","N","1.शरीर रचना"He is a professor of anatomy.--"२.चीरफाड"The book attempts an anatomy of the situation in South Africa."anatomical","Adj","1.शारीरिक/संरचनात्मक"The students were asked to draw a diagram of anatomical structure."ancestor","N","1.पूर्वज"According to some anthropologists, monkeys are ancestors of human beings."ancestral","Adj","1.पैतृक/बपौती"She inherited her ancestral property."ancestry","N","1.वंश-परंपरा"She is very proud of her ancestry."anchor","N","1.लंगर"They brought the boat to harbour and dropped the anchor."lie/ride-at-anchor","V","1.पानी में सही स्थिति में रहना"There was a storm but the boat is lie/ride at anchor."weighed-anchor","V","1.पानी से लंगर उठा लेना और जाने के लिए तैयार रहना"The steamer blow a whistle and weighed anchor to start.--"२.सहयोग/सहारा"Without the anchor of his wifes support,he couldnt have been successful."anchor","V","1.लंगरडालना"The sailor anchored the boat to the shore.--"२.नींव"Hardwork and foresightedness of Mr.Varma helped to anchor the company."anchorage","N","1.लंगरडालनेकास्थान"We have to pay money to anchor the ship at anchorage."anchorite","N","1.सन्यासी"Swami Vivekanad was a great anchorites in India."anchorman","N","1.संचालक"Siddharth Basu is a well-known anchorman. "anchovy","N","1.नमकीन स्वाद की छोटी मछली"He likes pizza with an anchovy."ancient","Adj","1.प्राचीन"India and China have the most ancient civilizations of the world."ancients","N","1.प्राचीनकालीनलोग"There are historical and archeological evidences to prove that the ancientswere very advanced."ancillary","Adj","1.सहायक/अनुशंगिक"He runs a small ancillary unit at the outskirts of the city."and","Conj","1.और"Sita and Gita are sisters. "androgynous","Adj","1.उभयलिंगी"Androgynous models are those who have both male and female characteristics."android","N","1.यंत्र-मानव"The teleserial `Star Trek had androids as characters."anecdote","N","1.किस्सा"I love to read anecdotes published in `Readers Digest."anecdotal","Adj","1.किस्सासंबंधी"Before starting his speech,he quoted an anecdotal phrase."anemia","N","1.खूनकीकमी"The case of anemia is increasing in India."anemone","N","1.छोटा पौधा सफेद/जामुनी और लाल फूलों वाला"We have anemones in our garden."anew","Adv","1.नयेप्रकारसे"They looked at the same problem anew. "angel","N","1.देवदूत"Children love stories of angels."angelic","Adj","1.देवदूतकेसमान"Monalisa had an angelic face. "angelica","N","1.सुगंधित और मीठा पौधा"Angelicas are used to decorate cakes."anger","N","1.क्रोध"She sensed my growing anger."anger","VT","1.क्रोधित करना"The spectators were angered when he threw his wicket with only 1 run on thescoreboard."angina","N","1.सीने का दर्द/हृदयशूल"He suffers from angina especially after exercising."angle","N","1.कोण"A 90 degree angle is a right angle.--"२.दृष्टिकोण"We are looking at the consumers from a new angle for our next advertising campaign."angle","V","1.काटे से मछली पकडना"Angling is very time consuming.--"२.इशारेसेमागना"He angled at the guard for a free entry.."angler","N","1.मछुआरा/काटाडालनेवाला"He is not an angler but its his hobby."angling","N","1.काटालगाकर मछली पकडना"Angling is his hobby."Anglican","N","1.गिरजाघर के सदस्य"He belogs to the anglican church."Anglican","Adj","1.गिरजाघरसम्बन्धी""anglicize","V","1.अंग्रेजीढंगकाबनाना",Yogis anglicized to `Yoga."anglo-american","N","1.आग्ल-अमेरीकी"Most of the anglo-Americans ancestors came from England. "anglo-american","Adj","1.आग्ल-अमेरीकी""anglo-catholic","N","1.ईसाईकैथोलिकमतके"An anglo-catholic are conservative people."anglophile","N","1.इंग्लेण्डप्रेमी"She is an anglophile."anglophobe","N","1.इंग्लेनड ओर वहा की वस्तुओं को नफरत करने वाला"There are many in India who are anglophobe."anglophone","N","1.अन्य देश में अंग्रेजी बोलने वाला"He doesnt know Hindi thats why he is an anglophone."anglo-saxon","N","1.प्राचीन अंग्रेजी जाति का"The English are of anglo-saxon race."angora","N","1.लम्बे बालों वालेभेड/बकरी और खरगोश"You can find an angora goat in the Himalayas. "angry","Adj","1.क्रोधित"He is an angry man."angrily","Adv","1.क्रोध से"She behaves angrily with me."angst","N","1.घबराहट"Letters of angst from public poured in at the WTO office."anguish","N","1.मानसिक वेदना/कष्ट"I saw him in a state of anguish."anguished","Adj","1.मनोवेदना से भरा"When he realized that he was unwanted,at once he wrote an anguished letter."angular","Adj","1.दुर्बल/इकहरा"The weak children of Somalia have angular figures.--"२.कठोरअक्खड"His angular posture often misled the people.--"३.कोणीय"The angular blocks of stones fell from the top."animal","N","1.पशु"We should be kind to animals."animal","Adj","1.पाशविक/जंगली"His behaviour with his wife is just like animal."animal husbandry","N","1.पशु चिकित्सा"He is studying animal husbandary in the university."animal magnetism","N","1.सम्मोहित करने की शक्ति"He has animal magnetism thats why people are drawn to him.--"२.आकर्षण"Peacocks find rain as animal magnetism."animate","VT","1.जीवन संचार करना/प्राण डालना"Few words of consolation animated the widows life. "animated","Adj","1.जोशपूर्ण"Freedom fighters used to have animated discussions."animation","N","1.जीवन्तता/चंचलता"With the help of computers animation films can be made these days."animator","N","1.कार्टून फिल्म बनाने वाला दिगर्दशक"We have only few animators in India."animosity","N","1.वैरभाव"I dont have any animosity towards anyone."animus","N","1.द्वेष/विरोध"They showed strong animus against NATO action."anise","N","1.सौंफ"Anise is good for digesting food. "aniseed","N","1.सोंफ के बीज"He sowed some aniseeds in his garden."ankle","N","1.टखना"He jumped from the tractor and got his ankle twisted."anklet","N","1.पायल"She was wearing beautiful anklets."annals","N","1.वर्णक्रमसेलिखाहुआइतिहास"Rajasthan has kept all the annals of Rajputana warriors.---"२.वर्ष वृतान्त"He submitted his companys annals for year 1999."annex","VT","1.साथ जोडना/संलग्न करना"West and East Germany were annexed due to the efforts of the people."annexation","N","1.कब्जे में करना"Annexation of a country is not so easy in the world today."annexe","N","1.उपभवन"This wing is an annexe of the main building."annihilate","VT","1.विनाश करना/मिटाना"So far there is nothing that can annihilate cancer."annihilation","N","1.विनाश/विध्वंस"So far no medicine has the power of annihilation of cancer."anniversary","N","1.वर्षगाठ"This is their 25th wedding anniversary."annotate","VT","1.टिप्पणी करना/टीकाकरकेसमझाना"Without reading a book you cant annotate."announce","VT","1.घोषणाकर"She announced the withdrawl of her financial support to the institute."announcement","N","1.घोषणा"She made an announcement about the withdrawl of her support to the institute."announcer","N","1.उद्घोषक"She worked as a railway announcer for five years."annoy","VT","1.चिढआना/सताना"I was annoyed when they abused me."annoyance","N","1.चिढ"One of the annoyances of working here is the difficulty of parking near theoffice. "annual","Adj","1.वार्षिक"We get `Readers Digest on an annual subscription. "annually","Adv","1.वार्षिकमें"The bills have to be paid anually only."annualized","Adj","1.वर्षभर में एक बार"This factory was running smoothly ,but in the year end there is an annulizeddeficit."annuity","N","1.वार्षिकभत्तार"They feel they get less annuity thats why they gave you a memo."annul","VT","1.रद्द करना/निष्फलकरना"The marriage was annulled by the court."annulment","N","1.लोपकरना/शून्य करना"After a long discussion they decided to do annulment of the agreement."anodyne","Adj","1.नीरस"He writes anodyne articles.--"२.पीडा नाशक"I gave him an anodyne tablet for headache."anoint","VT","1.तेललगाना"The mother anionted the babys body and gave him a massage."anomalous","Adj","1.अनियमित/नियमविरुद्ध"He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm."anomaly","N","1.असंगति/नियमविरोध"There are many anomalies in the tax system."anon","Abbr anonymous","1.अज्ञात लेखक"The writer of this poem is anon."anonymity","N","1.अज्ञात वास"He works for a nuclar energy and all of a sudden he vanished in anonymity."anonymous","Adj","1.गुमनाम"There was a phone call from an annonymous person."anorak","N","1.बरसाती"I couldnt recognize him because he wore an anorak."anorexia","N","1.क्षुधा का अभाव/भोजन के लिए अरुचि"Many figure conscious young girls suffer from anorexia."anorexic","N/Adj","1.भूख न लगने की बीमारी"Many figure conscious girls are anorexic."another","Adj","1.एकऔर/दूसरा"Would you like to have another cup of tea?Take this book and bring another one."answer","N","1.उत्तर"She didnt want to give any answer his question."answer","V","1.उत्तरदेना"She didnt want to answer his question.Everyman must answer for his actions to God."answerable","Adj","1.उत्तरदायी"You are answerable for this debt."ant","N","1.चींटी"Ants always walk in a line."antagonism","N","1.विरोध"He has inherent antagonism of capitalism. "antagonist","N","1.विरोधी"He is an antagonist of capitalism."antagonistic","Adj","1.विरोधात्मक"He has antagonistic views on capitalism."antagonize","V","1.विरोध करना"I advise you not to antagonize him."antarctic","Adj","1.दक्षिणीध्रुवी"You can find penguins in antarctic circle."ante","Pref","1.पूर्व"`ante is a prefix in the word `anteroom."anteater","N","1.चींटीखानेवालापशु"An animal with a long nose and tongue that feeds on ants."antecedent","N","1.पूर्ववर्ती "Before marriage I would like to know about his antecedent ."antechamber","N","1.बाहरी दलान"He is a unknown person let him sit down at an antechamber."antedate","V","1.पूर्व-दिनांकितकरना"You have to put this paper on an antedate because today is a holiday."antediluvian","Adj","1.पुराना/दकियानूसी"He still lives in that ramshackled antediluvian tenement"antelope","N","1.हिरन"An antelope was found in the Shivalik ranges of the Himalayas."antenatal","Adj","1.प्रसवपूर्वका"Antenatal complication can affect a babys health."antenna","N","1.श्रृंगिकाकीट-पतंगों को स्पर्शज्ञान कराने वाला बाल"Honey bee has a vector known as antenna."ante-room","N","1.गलियारा"Ante-room is decorated with cactus and green plants."anthem","N","1.भजन"Our national anthem is written by Ravindranath Tagore. "anthill","N","1.बाम्बी"Anthills are formed by ants."anthology","N","1.पद्य"`Geetanjali is an anthology of poems."anthracite","N","1.कोयला"Anthractic is a very hard type of coal that burns without producing a lot of smoke or flames. "anthrax","N","1.गिलटी रोग"Anthrax is a serious disease affecting sheep,cattle. "anthrop(o)-","Comb form","1.मानव-""anthropoid","Adj","1.मानवकार"Monkeys are anthoropoid ancestors of modern humans."anthropoid","N","1.बंदरो का समूह"Anthropoid have a nuclear family system."anthropology","N","1.मानवशास्त्र/नृविज्ञान"Anthropology is the study of the human race esp of its origins, development,customs and beliefs."anthropological","Adj","1.मानवशासत्रीय"All his essays are based on anthropological studies."anthropologist","N","1.मानवविज्ञानी"Mr.Patel is an expert anthorpologist."anthropomorphic","N","1.मानवतारोपी"Anthropomorphic is treating Gods or animals as human in form and personality. "anti","N","1.विरोधी/प्रतिरोध"Its an anti dowry campaign."anti- aircraft","Adj","1.हवामार/विमानभेदी"India has developed its anti-aircraft missiles. "antibiotic","N","1.प्रतिजीवाणु"Antibiotics can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and cure infection."antibody","N","1.रोगप्रतिकारक"Antibody is a substance formed in the blood to fight against disease."anticipate","N","1.पूर्वानुमान करना"He had anticipated the rail accident. "anticipatory","N","1.पूर्वाभासी"Not all the goalkeepers have fast anticipatory movements. "anticipation","N","1.पूर्वानुमान"We never had an anticipation that such a disaster will take place."anticlimax","N","1.प्रभाव को न्यून करने वाला"The ending of the play was anticlimax."anticlockwise","N","1.वामावर्तदाये से बाये"This machines nob moves anticlockwise."antics","N","1.अद्भुतबर्तावजोठिठोलनेकेलिएकियाजाताहै"We laughed at the clowns antics."anticyclone","N","1.प्रतिचक्रवात"Anticyclone is an area of high air pressure."antidote","N","1.विष नाशक"There is a no antidote for cobras poison."antifreeze","N","1.हिमनिरोधी"Antifreeze is used specislly in radiators."antigen","N","1.प्रतिजनचिकित्साशास्त्र"The body usu produces antibodies to fight against antigens. "anti-hero","N","1.अनायक"Bassanio is potrayed as an anti-hero in Shakespeares play `The Merchant of Venice."antimony","N","1.अंजन/सुरमा"Antimony is used in making alloys."antipathy","N","1.वैरभाव"She made no attempt to hide her feelings of antipathy towards him. "antipathetic","Adj","1.विरोधी/प्रतिकूल"They are deeply antipathetic towards reservation system."antiperspirant","N","1.दुर्गन्धनाशक"She uses a very strong antiperspirant."antiquarian","Adj","1.पुरातनिक" #प्राचीन वस्तुओं का संग्रह एवं अध्य्यन करने वालाHe is an antiquarian and works in Archeological Survey of India."antiquary","N","1.पुराविद/पुरावेता"He is an antiquary in the Archeological Survey of India."antiquated","Adj","1.पुराना"Antiquated coins and notes donot have exchange value."antique","Adj","1.पुराना/पुरातन"She is very fond of antique jewelleries."antique","N","1.पुरानीचीजे"Her hobby is to collect antiques."antiquity","N","1.पुरावस्तु"The trade flourished until last classical antiquity."anti-semite","N","1.यहूदी विरोधी"The Nazis of Germany were anti-semite."anti-semitic","Adj","1.यहूदी विरोधी भावना"Nazi Germany had anti-semitic feelings."antiseptic","N","1.रोगाणु रोधक"Antiseptic helps to prevent infection in a wound."antisocial","Adj","1.असामाजिक"Some anti-social elements were arrested by the police.--"२.समाजकेनियमोंकेप्रतिकूल"He is an antisocial man so he remains aloof."anti-tank","Adj","1.तोपनाशक"Anti-tank missiles were deployed in the border regions."antithesis","N","1.विपरीत"Rich is the antithesis of poor."antler","N","1.बारहसिंगेकीसींगकीएकशाखा"The hunter took pride in displaying an antler in his drawing room."antonym","N","1.विलोभ"The asked the students to write the antonyms of the given words."anus","N","1.गुदा/मलदार"He has some infection in his anus."anvil","N","1.अहरन/निहाई"An anvil is an iron block on which a blacksmith puts hot pieces of metal beforehammering them into shape. "anxiety","N","1.उत्सुकता"Cricket lovers were watching the match with great anxiety.--"२.चिन्ता/व्याकुलता"Clearing the main examination of IAS is his anxiety at present."anxious","Adj","1.चिन्तित"He is anxious about his future.--"२.चिन्ताकरनेवाला"He is an anxious father.--"३.चिन्ताजनक"We had a few anxious moments before the plane landed safely.--"४.उत्सुक"They are anxious to know who will be the next Prime Minister."anxiously","Adv","1.उद्वेग से",When will you come?,he asked anxiously."any","Adv","1.किसीभीस्थितिमें"Is your mother any better?"any","Adj","1.कोईभी"Can you give me any book?"any","Pron","1.कुछ/किंचित"Is there any water in the jug?"anybody","Pron","1.किसीकोभी"I cant lend my book to anybody.--"२.कोईभी"Anybody can come to the TV lounge. "anyhow","Adv","1.किसीप्रकारसे"Anyhow they managed to escape the police."anyone","Pron","1.कोई एक"Anyone of you can go and get the tickets."anyplace","Adv","1.कोईभीस्थान"You go to anyplace in India,youll find temples."anything","Pron","1.कुछ भी"Do you want anything to eat?"anyway","Adv","1.कैसे भी"You can solve this problem in anyway.These books are expensive and anyway you dont need them now.You should try to reach there anyway."anywhere","Adv","1.कहींभी"You can find this food anywhere."aorta","N","1.बायीं धमनी"Aorta carries the blood from the left side of the heart."apace","Adv","1.शीघ्रतासे"Our work is proceeding apace."apart","Adv","1.पृथक"The two buildings stood about 50m apart."apart","Part","1.पृथक"They decided to live apart."apart from","Prep","1.अलावा"Apart from his acting there was nothing worth seeing in that film."apartheid","N","1.रंग-भेद/श्वेतवाद"South Africa has a history of long struggle against aparthied."apartment","N","1.घरबडईइमारतमें"We live in a three room apartment."apathetic","Adj","1.उदासीन"They are totally apathetic towards world affairs."apathy","N","1.उदासीनता"There is certain apathy about the economic condition among the public."ape","N","1.एपबन्दरकीजातिकाजानवर"According to some anthropologists,man evolved from apes."aperture","N","1.छेद"Scientists say that there are lot of apertures on the moon."apex","N","1.शीर्षसबसेऊचाबिन्दु"At 50,he reached the apex of his career."aphorism","N","1.सूत्र"Aphorisms contain general truth."apiece","Adv","1.प्रत्येक"We bought cakes sold at 25 Rs.apiece."apocryphal","Adj","1.अप्रमाणिक"Most of the stories about his life are probably apocryphal."apologize","VT","1.क्षमामागना"The students apologized before the Principal for teasing a newcomer."apology","N","1.क्षमाप्रार्थना"He wrote a letter of apology to the hostess."apoplexy","N","1.मूर्छाकीबीमारी"She often gets attacks of apoplexy."apostasy","N","1.स्वधर्मत्याग"Salman Rushdie was accused of apostasy and blasphemy."apostate","N","1.धर्मरहित"He is an apostate."apostle","N","1.सुधारकनेता"J Krishnamurty was a great apostle of spiritualism."apostrophe","N","1.अक्षरलोपयासम्बन्धकाचिह्न"We put apostrophe and `sto indicate that what follows relates to the word."appall","V","1.विस्मितकरदेना"That architecture apalled him."appalling","Adj","1.भयंकर"Flood victims are struggling to survive in appalling conditions in Orissa."appallingly","Adv","1.भयंकररूपसे"The prisoners were appallingly thin."apparatus","N","1.उपकरण"The dying patients life was supported by the breathing apparatus.--"२.संगठन"We had to read Platos theory on the apparatus of a welfare state."apparel","N","1.पोशाक/वेशभूषा"NCC cadets took their apparels to the camp."apparent","Adj","1.स्पष्ट"He is angry for no apparent reason."apparently","Adv","1.ऊपरीतौरसे/आभाससे"Apparently they have left the city for some other place."apparition","N","1.प्रेत"He told us stories of apparitions and frightened us."appeal","N","1.अपील/याचना"He filed an appeal to release his imprisoned friend.We should answer the appeal for flood donations."appeal","V","1.अपीलकरना/याचनाकरना"The government appealed to the public to donate blood for soldiers.Appeal to somebody for help.--"२.पुनर्विचारकेलियेप्रार्थनाकरना"He was found guilty but appealed immediatelyShe appealed the verdictThe case was appealed immediately after the verdict--"३.अच्छालगना"The idea of a vacation appeals to me"appealing","Adj","1.आकर्षक"I find the idea of a trip to the mountains appealing.--"२.याचनाकरतेहुए"He gave her an appealing glance."appealingly","Adv","1.याचनाकरतेहुए"He looked at her appealingly."appear","VI","1.दिखाईपडना/दिखपडना"Gielgud appears briefly in this movie--"२.प्रकटहोना"He suddenly appeared at the wedding--"३.प्रकाशितहोनाDid your latest book appear yet?--"४.उपस्थितहोनाHe had to appear in court last month--"५.जानपडना"It appears that he is not going to come."appearance","N","1.प्रकटीकरणदर्शन/दीदार"The hero made his appearance on the stage alone.Her appearance as a commercial model in the T.V. telecast attracted the viewers.This counterfeit coin looks genuine in appearance."appease","VT","1.संतुष्टकरना"Shop keepers try their best to appease their customer.The owner appeased his workers by granting them bonus."appeasement","N","1.तुष्टिकरण"The opponents criticized the government on its appeasement policy. "appellant","N","1.अपीलकरनेवाला/पुनन्यार्थी/पुनर्वादी"The appellant went to the higher court for his case to be reheard . "appellate","Adj","1.पुनर्विचारसम्बन्धी""appellation","N","1.पदवी/नाम/उपाधि""append","VT","1.परिशिष्टकेरूपमेंलगाना"Some extra information has been appended to the booklet .Always append your signature at the end of a statement ."appendage","N","1.परिशिष्ट"The book has a long appendage.--"२.उपांग"The tail is a very useful appendage to the monkeys body."appendectomy","N","1.उण्डुक पुच्छ विच्छेद शल्य क्रिया"Appendectomy operations are performed at all district hospitals. "appendix","N","1.परिशिष्टजोडईहुईवस्तु"Some more information is given in the appendix at the end of the dictionary .--"२.उण्डुपुच्छ"A small tube like growth attached to the intestine is called appendix ."appendicitis","N","1.उण्डुपुच्छशोथ"(an intermation of the vermiform appendix)Appendicitis is a painful swelling of the appendix."appertain","VI","1.सम्बन्धरखना"The duties and privileges appertain to ones office"appetite","N","1.भूख"Physical exercise stimulates appetite .--"२.रुचि"People have no appetite for classical music ."appetizer","N","1.क्षुधावर्धक"Trifala is an ideal appetizer .For loss of a appetite ,physicians prescribe appetizer for their patients--"२.रुचिवर्धकGood literature is an appetizer for the scholars . "appetizing","Adj","1.स्वादिष्ट"I am very fond of appetizing sauces . "applaud","V","1.तालीबजाकरप्रशंसाकरना"Indian spectators applauded Sachins good performance.A victory ought to be applauded .--"२.सराहना करना"An outstanding creation or performance of art is always applauded ."applause","N","1.करतल ध्वनिसराहना"Applause from the spectators encourage the players and artists .Dont get puffed off by the vain applause "apple","N","1.सेब"An apple a day keeps the doctor away ."The apple of ones eyes","IDM","1.आख का तारा"A child is an apple of his mothers eyes ."In apple pie order","IDM","1.सफाई पूर्वक सुसज्जित"The exhibits in the showcase were well arranged in apple pie order . "appliance","N","1.उपकरण"A modern kitchen should be well equipped with appliances .Mostly all appliances are run by electricity ."applicable","Adj","1.लागू होना"Some of the conditions mentioned herein are not applicable to the candidatescoming from rural areas.Write NIL against the columns which are not applicable ."applicability","N","1.प्रयोज्यता"The applicability of this condition is doubtful . "applicant","N","1.प्रार्थी/आवेदक"The applicants should write their names in block letter .The applicants must bring their original certificates at the time of interview "application","N","1.प्रार्थनापत्र"Application forms are available with the booking clerk from 11.00 to 16.00 hr.Avoid frequent application of the brakes .--"२.प्रयोग"The application of BURNOL on burns is in common use nowadays .Street application of traffic rules avoid so many accidents ."applique","N","1.एप्लीकरंगीन टुकडे को सीकर डिजाइन बनाना"Besides screen printing , ornate applique is also popular for bedspread,tents etc .In ready-made garments applique designs attract customers ."apply","VI","1.लागू करना"Traffic rules must be applied strictly .--"२.लगाना"Apply BARNOL on the burns .--"३.प्रयोग में लाना"Apply the breaks wherever necessary .Unsocial elements apply political pressure and go unpunished .--"४.आवेदनपत्रदेना"Apply to the chairman for the post of cashier ."applied","Adj","1.व्यावहारिक"In every text book applied grammar is given at the end of the lessonsfor practice ."appoint","VT","1.नियुक्तकरना"Mohan was appointed as a food officer .--"२.नियत करना२०th January was appointed for the meeting ."appointed","Adj","1.नियत"People gathered in the hall at the appointed time of the concert . "appointment","N","1.नियुक्ति"Haris appointment in the bank was welcomed by his family.--"२.नियोजित भेंटIn western countries people fix appointments for their forthcomingmeetings or visits .Patients have to seek appointments with the doctors for special medicalcunsultancy . "appointee","N","1.नियुक्त व्यक्ति"All the appointees must join their duties on or before"5th" of April९९ ."apportion","VT","1.संविभाजित करना"Abdul divided the profits among the shareholders apportioning them according to the numbers of their shares ."apportionment","N","1.भाग"Each heir must get his proper apportionment ."apposite","Adj","1.उचित"Do not deviate from the apposite topic of discussion .In this context it would be quite apposite to say that our policy is up to the mark . "appose","VT","1.एककेऊपरदूसरीचीजरखना""apposition","N","1.समानाधिकरण/अतिरीक्तोक्ति""appraise","V","1.मूल्यांकन करना"Brokers appraise the value of the merchandise.Teachers appraise the work and study of individual students.Society must appraise the work of artists, social workers, scientists, reformers etc."appraisal","N","1.मूल्याकंन"Experts can make a proper and correct appraisal of the things they deal with."appreciable","Adj","1.पर्याप्त"The finance committee has granted appreciable amount for the building work."appreciably","Adv","1.पर्याप्त रूप से"Good films appreciably influence the society."appreciate","VI","1.सराहाजाना"Only good manners are appreciated."appreciate","VT","1.सराहना"Always appreciate fine works of art and culture.I appreciate your co-operation and help given to me in my hard times.--"२.वृद्धिहोना"The value of this property has appreciated over the years."appreciative","Adj","1.गुणानुरागी"He expressed his gratitude with an appreciative gesture."appreciation","N","1.सराहना"Good deeds deserve appreciation.--"२.समालोचना"Write a critical appreciation on"The Poem On His Blindness""apprehend","VT","1.गिरफ्तार करना"The police could finally apprehend the thief after a long chase.--"२.पकडना"Pupils can easily apprehend the meaning of a word written in their vernacular."apprehension","N","1.आशंका"His apprehension of the new teacher was baseless."apprehensive","Adj","1.आशंकित"I feel very apprehensive about tomorrows match."apprehensively","Adv","1.डरपूर्वक"He looked towrds her quite apprhensively."apprentice","N","1.अपरेंटिसशिष्य"After completing his Diploma in Pathology Mohan is now working as an apprentice in the Civil Hospital Laboratory."apprenticeship","N","1.शिक्षा"Mohan will be completing his apprenticeship next month."apprentice","V","1.शिष्यबनना"I apprenticed for 2 years before becoming a mechanic."apprise","VT","1.सूचित करना"The press reporters were apprised of The Cabinet Ministers decisions."approach","N","1.पहुच/निकटता"Transportation has enabled us an easy approach to the remote parts of the world.Ravi has an easy approach to The Minister.--"२.पद्धतिIn the latest approach to language teaching direct method is preferred.--"३.प्रस्तावThey have made an approach to the local authorities in this connection."approach","VTI","1.पासआना"Can anyone approach an auncanged lion?No singer could approach Mohan mad Rafis high range quality.--"२.पहुचनाWe should seriously consider how to approach the problem before we make any definite plans."approachable","Adj","1.सुगम्य"The high peaked mountains are now quite approachable.--"२.मिलनसार"He is an easily approachable person."approbation","N","1.मंजूरी/अनुमोदन"The approbation committee passed the bill willingly."appropriate","Adj","1.उचित"The alliance will be declared at an appropriate time."appropriate","VT","1.अनुचितरूपसेअपनाबनालेना"It is alleged that Mr. Kumar appropriated the Institute Funds.--"२.अलगरखनाRs.20000/- have been appropriated for the Conference."appropriately","Adv","1.उचितरूपसे"The funds have not been appropriately used."appropriateness","N","1.औचित्य"The appropriateness of his statement can not be questioned."appropriation","N","1.विनियोजन"Mr. Kumars case of fund-appropriation will be decided by the high commands."approval","N","1.अनुमोदन"The terms are subject to the approval of th managing committee."on approval","IDM","1.स्वीकृतहोनेपर"UN proposed items can only be accepted on approval of the purchasing committee."approve","VT","1.अनुमोदनकरना"Your tour programme has been approved by the financial authorities.The text book is approved by the Board of Secondary Education M.P. Bhopal.--"२.पसन्दकरना"I dont approve of your misbehaviour with the elders."approximate","Adj","1.लगभग"The approximate estimate of the building construction is Rs.10,000,00/-."approximately","Adv","1.तकरीबन रूप से"All the prices have been assessed approximately."approximate","VTI","1.समीप आना"These statistics approximate the figures we have."approximation","N","1.निकटता"Statistical approximations help planning a scheme."appurtenance","N","1.उपाबंधपरिशिष्ट"He bought the house with its appurtenances."apricot","N","1.खूबानी"I prefer apricots to almonds."April","N","1.अप्रेल माह"April is the fourth mouth of the international calendar."April fool","N","1.पहलीअप्रैलकोबनायागयामूर्ख"Children enjoy the prank of making everyone April fool on the the fools day."apriori","Adj","1.प्रागनुभव"They have an appriori experience i.e. deducting the outcome of an activity."apron","N","1.एप्रन"House wives wear aprons while cooking."Tied to ones mothers/wifes apron strings","IDM","1.उगली पकडकर चलना"Hen pecked husbands are tied to their wives apron strings."apropos","Adj","1.अभिप्रायानुसार/सन्दर्भित"All these matters are apropos of what has been discussed before."apse","N","1.अर्धवृतानुमा कक्ष""apt","Adj","1.उपयुक्त",Shall I call thee Bird or but a wandering voice?Here Wordsworths use of metopher is very apt.--"२.प्रवण"Sharp students are always very apt at learning quickly."aptitude","N","1.अभिक्षमता"He has a great aptitude for computers."aptitude-tests","N","1.योग्यतापरीक्षण"Aptitude-tests are an integral part of competitve examination."Aqualung","N","1.स्वसन उपकरण"Divers use Aqualung apparatus while they are in deep seas."aquamarine","N","1.बेरूज"Her eyes were the colour of aquamarine."aquarium","N","1.मछलीघर"The Tarapur Aquarium in Mumbai has a huge collection of various kinds of worlds live fish species."aquarius","N","1.कुम्भराशी"Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac."aquatic","Adj","1.जलचर"Crocodile is an aquatic animal.Water-polo, water skiing, etc. are aquatic sports."aqueduct","N","1.कृत्रिमजलसेतु"One should build aqueducts for carrying water to the areas which have water scarcity."aqueous","Adj","1.जलीय"??१.Trapanataus is an aqueous fruit."aquifer","N","1.जलीय चट्टानी पर्त"An aquifer can retain water."aquiline","Adj","1.गरूडईय"Aquiline birds soar up in the sky."arab","N","1.अरब देशवासी"The arabs speak Arabic."Arabian","Adj","1.अरबी"Arabian dates taste sweet."arable","Adj","1.कृषियोग्य"In some parts of the deserts of Rajasthan land is converted into arable fields ."arbiter","N","1.निर्णायक/पंच"The chairman is the full fledged arbiter in settling the disputes ."arbitrage","N","1.मुनाफावाणिज्यिक"Transportation of goods from the place of production to the place of sellinggives a good percentage of arbitrage to the traders ."arbitrary","Adj","1.मनमाना"The arbitrary nominations by the party chief were widely criticised by the members. "arbitarily","Adv","1.मनमानेरूपसे"The parties semm to have distributed election tickets quite arbitarily ."arbitrariness","N","1.मनमानापन"The arbitrariness of selections is very irritating."arbitrate","V","1.मध्यस्थता करना/पंच फैसला देना/निर्णयकरना"In anciant India judicial cases were arbitrated by the village elders ."arbitration","N","1.पंच फैसला"Arbitrations save time and money and also helps the law courts ."arbitrator","N","1.सरपञ्च/मध्यस्थ"Impartial arbitrator not only gets high respects from the society but is also worshipped like god ."arboreal","Adj","1.वृक्षवासी"Birds are arboreal creatures ."arboretum","N","1.वनस्पति वाटी"Arboretum is attached with every science college so that the students of botany can have a better idea of plant life."arbour","N","1.लता मंडप"Arbours provide shade and add to the beauty of the garden ."arc","N","1.वृत्तांश"From a distance we could see the arc of a rainbow."arcade","N","1.तोरणपथ"Now a days many Indian cities find it convenient to build shopping arcades."arch","N","1.मेहराब"The building was full of high arches.Mughal architecture is known for its beautiful arches."arch","Adj","1.वक्र"Her arch smile left him dreaming."arch-","Adj","1.प्रधान"The archbishop of Rome will visit India next summer."archaeology","N","1.पुरातत्वविज्ञान"Among the social sciences archaelogy is my favourite subject."archaeological","Adj","1.पुरातत्व"Archaeological department of India preserves and maintains historical monuments. "archaeologist","N","1.पुरातत्ववेत्ता"Dr.Vakankar is a well known archaeologist ."archaic","Adj","1.पुरातन"`Thee is an archaic form of you. "archaism","N","1.पुरातन प्रयोग विधा"Archaism is very rare in poetry and art ."archangel","N","1.महानफरिश्ता"You are my archangel."archbishop","N","1.प्रधानपादरी"An archbishop controls and commands all the churches under him ."archbishopric","N","1.प्रधानपादरीपद"Father Samuel has been successful during his archbishopric tenure ."archdeacon","N","1.उप-महापादरी"An archdeacon has to work under an archbishop ."archdiocase","N","1.प्रधानपादरीक्षेत्र"An archbishop is the highest responsible priest over all the churches ofhis archdiocase ."archduke","N","1.आस्ट्रेलिया देश का राजकुमार""arch-enemy","N","1.महाशत्रु"Ignorance is the arch-enemy of wisdome ."archer","N","1.धनुर्धर"Arjuna was the greatest archer amongst the Pandavas in the Mahabharat ."archery","N","1.धनुर्विद्या"Acharya Drona trained the Pandavas in archery ."archipelago","N","1.द्वीपसमूह"The Andman-Nikobar archipelago in the bay of Bangal are in the Indian territory."archetype","N","1.आधाररूप"This painting is an archetype of the impressionists."archetypal","Adj","1.आधाररूपीय"This painting is an archetypal of Picasso ."architect","N","1.वास्तुकार"An architect is required to design and construct buildings ."architecture","N","1.वास्तुकला"Skyscrapers are the best examples of modern architecture ."architectural","Adj","1.वास्तुकला संबधी"Good architectural designs ornate buildings ."architecturally","Adj","1.वास्तुकला अनुसार"The construction of these houses is architecturally defective."architrave","N","1.चौखट"The timber used for the window architrave is of low quality ."archive","N","1.ऎतिहासिक अभिलेख"Old stone archives are still indelible ."achivist","N","1.ऎतिहासिक अभिलेख संग्रहकर्ता"An archivist preserves, developes and keeps the archives intact ."arch-rival","N","1.प्रमुखशत्रु"Jaichand, the king of Kannoj was the arch-rival of Prithviraj Chauhan, the king of Delhi. "arch way","N","1.मेहराबदारपथ"In old historical palacial builidings there were long arch_ways to go from one end to the other ."archives","N","1.लेखागार"One should look in the archives for the old documents."arctic","Adj","1.उत्तरीध्रुवी"Arctic zone has the coldest temperatures."ardent","Adj","1.उत्कट"King Ashoka was the ardent follower of buddhishm ."ardently","N","1.उत्कटतासे"He admired the Dul Lake very ardently ."ardour","N","1.जोश"Renaissance transfused new zeal and ardour in the Revival movement ."arduous","Adj","1.श्रमसाध्य"From Joshimath to Badrinath is quite an arduous journey."area","N","1.आयाम"The total area of this field is 1000 squ. metres.--"२.क्षेत्र"Tele-communiscation services are available even in the remote rural areas.Scientific investigations reveal new areas of research in various spheres of teachnology. "Area-code","N","1.क्षेत्रीयकोड"Telephone area code , postal area code such as pin code ."arena","N","1.रंगभूमि"Wrestling and other physical feats are played in arenas ."arent","Vneg","1.नहींहैं"The contracted form of are not mostly used in spken English is arent."argon","N","1.अरगौनएक प्रकार का रसायन""argot","N","1.वर्ग बोली"The argot of the underworld is difficult to understand."argue","V","1.बहस करना"You should not argue on non-issues.--"२.प्रमाणितकरना"His point argues for a change in the policy decisions."arguable","Adj","1.आलोच्य"The implementation of this policy is arguable.--"२.तर्कयोग्य"Given the present plitical instability it is arguable that the government will last its full term."argument","N","1.बहस"The captain got into an argument with the umpire--"२.तर्क"Rams arguements against capital punishment were quite convincing--"३.दलील"The prisoners argument was that he was attacked first--"४.विषय"The main arguement of the book is on economic liberaization"argumentative","Adj","1.विवादप्रिय/तार्किक"He is very argumentative"argy-bargy","N","1.लडआईझगडआ"There was a lot of argy-bargy going on in the room"aria","N","1.गीतएकव्यक्तिकेगानेकेलिये"She writes arias for the operas."-arian","Suffix","1.-मेंविश्वासरखनेवाला"He is a true humanitarian"arid","Adj","1.शुष्क"The Atacama desert is an arid placeSome teachers always give long arid lectures."aries","N","1.मेषराशि"My zodiac sign is that of Aries"aright","Adv","1.सही"he always gives the answers aright"arise","VI","1.उठना"Many questions arose in his mindThey arose before dawn and left for the forests.Many difficulties are arising due to negligence of officials--"२.खडआहोना"Many problems arise due to lack of proper co-ordination"aristocracy","N","1.अभिजातवर्ग"The aristocracy has ordered them hanged"aristocrat","N","1.अभिजातवर्गकाव्यक्ति"He is an aristocrat"arithmetic","N","1.अंकगणित"She hates arithmetic"ark","N","1.बडआजहाज"Noah looked out of the ark."arm","N","1.बाह"He held the monkey in his armsThe dye has stained the arm of my jacket--"२.शाखा"It is said that the monster was seen in the northern arm of the lakeThis arm of the science institute houses the physics departmentThe country was bombarded through air arm--"३.हत्था"She sat on the arm of the chair."arm","VT","1.शस्त्रयुक्तकरना"Two men armed with rifles entered and looted the bank"armada","N","1.जहाजओंकाबेडआ"The Roman armada sailed through the English channel to conquer Britain"armadillo","N","1.आर्माडिलो"He thinks that armadillos are ugly"Armageddon","N","1.अन्तिमयुद्धबाइबिल"The two rival countries may start a nuclear armageddon"armament","N","1.हथियार"The barn was full of armaments--"२.शस्त्रधारीसेना"The U.N may send its armaments to the country--"३.हथियारलेसकरना"The country has started its armament process"armband","N","1.बाजूबन्द"A person wearing a colourful armband is sitting there."armchair","N","1.आरामकुर्सी"He is sitting in the veranda in an armchair."armchair","Adj","1.अनुभवहीन"He is an armchair politician."armful","N","1.भुजाभर"She walked down the stairs carrying an armful of clothes."armhole","N","1.कपडएकीबाह"He put his hand through the armhole."armistice","N","1.युद्धविराम"The two nations have signed an armstice."armlet","N","1.बाजूबन्द"She was wearing delicate armlets on her wrists."armour","N","1.कवच"They wore their armours and started for the battlefield.--"२.ढाल"The armour of these vehicles is quite protective.--"३.सेना"They sat off with their armours to invade the U.A.E."armoured","Adj","1.कवचवाला"The vehicles are armoured with machine guns.--"२.कवचितवाहन"An armoured division of Indian army set off for the LOC."armourer","N","1.शस्त्रसाजई"The armourer said that no more weapons could be supplied."armoury","N","1.शस्त्रागार"The General is taking a trip to the armoury.--"२.सेनामुख्यालय"An emergency meeting waas held at the armury.--"३.शस्त्रालय"A ggod handwriting is an important weapon in a childs armoury."armour~plated","Adj","1.कवचित"The armour-plated tanks led the attack."armpit","N","1.बगल"The doctor placed the thermometer in the childs armpit."arms","N","1.अस्त्रशस्त्र"Those men were carrying arms."arms-race","N","1.हथियारोंकीहोड"An arms-race was going on between the Soviet Union and the U.S.A."army","N","1.सेना"The Kings army crossed the river.As he ran with the honey we noticed that an army of honeybees was following himAn army of volunteers came to help the cyclone victims."aroma","N","1.मीठीसुगन्ध"The aroma of fresh coffee beckoned me towards the cafe."aromatic","Adj","1.सुरभित/सुगन्धित"There are many aromatic plants in the rain forest."aromatherapy","N","1.सुगन्धोंसेउपचार"The best treatment for this disease is aromatherapy."around","Adv","1.लगभग"There are around 20,000 people in the stadium today.--"२.चारोओर"The children were running around in the garden.--"३.घेरेवाला"The town was 100 kilometers around."around","Part","1.हरओर"He looked around.Someone will show you around.--"२.इधरउधर"There were insects scampering around.--"३.कुछनहींकरतेहुए"Several people were sitting around looking at the passers by.--"४.मौजूदहोना"There were more fish around in the tzars reign.--"५.आसपास"There is no one around.--"६.पीछेकीओर"He turned around and ran back to the station for his bag."around","Prep","1.इधरउधर"A large number of people were running around the place.Books were lying around the room.--"२.चारोंओर"He had tied a cloth around his waist.--"३.आसपास"I saw him around the garden in the afternoon.--"४.घूमकर"The thief ran into a man as he turned around the corner."arouse","VT","1.जगाना"The prince was aroused by the sound of trumpet.His interest in birds was first aroused when he was in Rajasthan.--"२.उत्तेजितकरना"He could manage to arouse her from apathy.--"३.वासनाजगाना"A girl in red always aroused her."arpeggio","N","1.स्वरोंकीझंकार"He was practicing an appeggio when I entered the room."arraign","V","1.दोषीठहराना" #न्यायकर्त्ताकेसामनेअपराधीकोउपस्थितकरनाHe arrainged her for robbery."arrange","VT","1.प्रबन्धकरना"They have arranged a dinner in her honour.--"२.क्रमसेलगाना"She was arranging flowers in a vase."arrangement","N","1.प्रबन्ध"The dinner arrangements were quite good.--"२.क्रमसेस्थापन"She won the first prize for her flower arranggement.--"३.समझौता"I have an arrangement with the authorities to work at home."array","N","1.व्यवस्था"The lower shelf had an array of bottles of various sizes and shapes.--"२.सज्जा"The guest appeared in beautiful arrays."array","VT","1.सजाना"Books were arrayed on the shelves.--"२.वस्त्रपहनाना"The guests were asked to array in formal dresses."arrears","N","1.बकाया/शेष"All the employees received their arrears before the festival."arrest","VT","1.गिरफ्तारकरना/पकडना"The ploice arrested the thief.--"२.रोकना"Timely action arrested the falling share prices.--"३.आकर्षितकरना"Her musical voice immediately arrested my attention."arrest","N","1.गिरफ्तारी"Increase of crime rate led to several arrests.--"२.अवरोध"He suffered a cardiac arrest."arrival","N","1.आगमन"We anxiously waited for her arrival.--"२.आगन्तुक"We are going to have a new arrival in our family."arrive","VT","1.पहुचना"The train arrived ahead of time. --"२.आ_जाना"The dress you ordered has arrived."arrogance","N","1.अहंकार/दर्प/घमण्ड/अभिमान/गर्व/मद"His arrogance puts people off him."arrogant","Adj","1.अहंकारी/घमण्डी/अभिमानी"He is an arrogant man."arrow","N","1.तीर/बाण/शर"Ram shot the arrow that killed Ravana.--"२.`-->, चिह्न"A few steps down the lane you can see the arrow showing the direction of the park."arrowhead","N","1.तीरकाफल"Hari poisoned the arrowhead before shootjng the arrow."arsenal","N","1.शस्त्रागार"The nation has a well equipped arsenal."arsenic","N","1.संखिया/हरताल"The terrorist swallowed an arsenic pill before she could be arrested."arson","N","1.आगजनी"During the communal violance arson broke out in the area."art","N","1.कला"This painting is a piece of modern art.--"२.कौशल"To perform this operation is an art by itself."art form","N","1.कला"Leather puppetry is an art form of rare skill."artefact","N","1.प्राचीनकलाकृति"The shop is full of rare artefacts."artery","N","1.धमनी/रक्तवाहिनी"One of his artery was blocked."artful","Adj","1.चालाक"He is quite an artful devil.--"२.कुशलतापूर्वक"He played an artful trick on her."arthritis","N","1.गठियारोग"She has been suffering from arthritis since two years now."artichoke","N","1.हाथीचाकएकप्रकारकाकन्द"The dinner included a dish made of artichoke."article","N","1.वस्तु/चीज"There is a shop round the corner which has wide range of articles of clothing.--"२.दफआ/धारा"Article 51 of Section three refers to the fundamental rights.--"३.लेख/निबन्ध"I have completed my article on rights of women last evening.--"४.एकशब्दवर्ग"`a is an indefinite article in English."articulate","Adj","1.स्पष्ट"He is unusually articulate for his age."articulate","V","1.साफबोलना"He articulated his opinions in the meeting.--"२.जोडना"These two bones articulate with each other."articulated","Adj","1.जुडआहुआगाडईकेप्रसंगमें"They have designed a new truck with articulated lorries."articulation","N","1.उच्चारण"As he drank more wine, his articulation became worse."artifice","N","1.चालाकी"Pretending to be ill was her artifice."artificer","N","1.शिल्पकार"We have many skilled artificers in India."artificial","Adj","1.कृत्रिम"The airhostess put on an artificial smile."artillery","N","1.तोपची सैनिक"Indian artillery fought excellently in the war.--"२.तोपखाना""artisan","N","1.शिल्पी/शिल्पकार/कारीगर"This carpet was made by the local artisans."artist","N","1.कलाकार/चित्रकार"Ram was a great artist."artiste","N","1.गायक/गायिका/नर्तकी"There are many great artistes in India."artistic","Adj","1.कलात्मक"This building is very artistic.--"२.कला प्रेमी"She comes from a very artistic family."artistry","N","1.कला -कौशल"This painting shows Rams artistry."artless","Adj","1.बेढंगा"Her speech in the meeting was artless."as","Conj","1.जैसा"As I grew older,I lost interest in movies."as","Prep","1.के समान/केरूपमें"Treat me as a friend."ascend","V","1.चढना/बढना"The path started to ascend more steeply at this point."ascendancy","N","1.प्रभुत्व/प्रभुता"He has the ascendancy over all his main rivals. He has ascendancy over all others."ascendant","N","1.उदीयमान"Though he is still very young his career is already on the ascendant."ascension","N","1.चढआव/उत्थान"His ascension to the top in the tennis ranking was due to hardwork.His ascension to this position of power has been quite quick."ascent","N","1.चढआई"We reached a point from where we could clearly view the ascent of Mount Everest.--"२.आरोहण"He was the first man to make an ascent to the Mount Everest. All are proud of Santosh Yadavs ascent of Mount Everest."ascertain","VT","1.जाचकरपतालगाना"They ascertained whether the newspaper reports are accurate.Ascertain the facts about the case.They are trying to ascertain what has actually happened."ascetic","N","1.तपस्वी/योगी"He is leading the life of an ascetic."ascribe","VT","1.आरोपण करना"You cant ascribe the meaning to both words.--"२.उत्तरदायी ठहराना"He ascribed his failure to bad luck.--"३.कारणमानना"He ascribed the failure of the project to bad communication system."ascription","N","1.आरोपण"His ascription on him were false and baseless."asepesis","Adj","1.रोगाणुरहित"Ratlam is not an aspesis town."asexual","Adj","1.अलैंगिक"Plants have asexual reproduction."ash","N","1.राख"The fireplace was full of ash of burnt coals.--"२.अंगूएकप्रकारकापेड"The forest was full of ash trees."ashamed","Adj","1.लज्जित"She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party.He should be ashamed of the way he behaved in the party.Are you ashamed for having lied?"ashen","Adj","1.पीला/विवर्ण"Her face became ashen after hearing the news.She heard the news ashen-faced."ashes","N","1.राख"She burnt the old papers and collected the ashes in a bag.The house was burnt to ashes.--"२.चिता भस्म/मरे हुए शरीर का भस्मावशेष"Raju immersed his fathers ashes in the Ganges."ashore","Adv","1.तट पर"We reached ashore by boat.They went ashore when the ship reached the port."ashram","N","1.प्रार्थनास्थल"The saint had an ashram on teh hill top."ashtray","N","1.राख दानी"People who smoke put tabacco ash into ashtray ."ashy","Adj","1.धूसर"His shirt was ashy grey ."Asian","N","1.एशियाका"Asians are also called the Orientals."Asiatic","Adj","1.एशियासंबंधी"There is an asiatic library in London."aside","Adv","1.रद्द करना"You must put aside any idea of holiday this year .--"२.अलगरखना"My father has kept aside some money for his retirement."aside","N","1.स्वगतउक्ति"One could understand Hamlets mind by his asides."asinine","Adj","1.बहुतमूर्खतापूर्ण"What an asinine words you say ."ask","VTI","1.पूछना"Ask him about the ring .--"२.मागना"How much they are asking for their house?--"३.निमंत्रण देना"I asked him to come to the party ."askance","Adj","1.संदेह से"She looked at me askance when I asked her to give her bank pass book ."askew","Adj","1.टेढा/तिरछा"The line is drawn all askew ."asleep","Adj","1.सोताहुआ/सुशुप्त"I found him fast asleep in his room."asp","N","1.विषैला साप"There are many kinds of asps in the world ."asparagus","N","1.एकप्रकारकासाग"Do you like asparagus?"aspect","N","1.पहलू"We should consider the good aspects of a person."aspen","N","1.एकप्रकारकावृक्ष"Aspen is a type of poplar tree."asperity","N","1.चिडचिडापन/कठोरता/कटुता"His replies are always in asperity."aspersion","N","1.छींटाकशी"His aspersions tarnished his reputation in his work place."asphalt","N","1.डामर"Asphalt is used for constructing roads ."asphalt","V","1.डामरडालना"The road was asphalted before spreading sand on it."asphyxia","N","1.श्वासावरोध"He is suffering from asphyxia."aspirant","N","1.महत्वाकाक्षी/उच्चाकाक्षी"He is an aspirant to politics."aspirant","Adj","1.प्रार्थी/उम्मीदवार"He is an aspirant politician."aspirate","N","1.`ह,ध्वनीसेउच्चारणकरना"The word `honest is pronounced without an initial aspirant."aspiration","N","1.अभिलाषा/चाह"He has a strong aspiration to become rich ."aspire","VT","1.चाहना"He aspires to become a doctor."aspirin","N","1.एसपिरिनपीडआ-नाशकएकदवाई"Aspirin is good for headache."ass","N","1.गधा"Washermen use an ass to carry their laundry.He is as stupid as an ass."assail","V","1.बौछारहोनाkaranA"The minister was assailed with questions in the press conference.--"२.टूट पडना"The army assailed on the enemy .The army assailed the enemy in retaliation to the bombing."assailant","N","1.आक्रमणकारी"The assailants were nabbed by the army."assassin","N","1.हत्यारा"Beant Singh was the assasin of Mrs.Indira Gandhi."assassinate","V","1.हत्याकरना"The prime minister was assassinated by terrorists ."assault","N","1.धावा"The Indian army made an assault on the enemy."assault","VT","1.हमला करना/आक्रमणकरना"The police assaulted the unarmed demonstrators."assay","N","1.परखधातुओंकी"The blacksmith made an assay of iron ore."assay","V","1.परखकरनाधातुओंकी"The blacksmith assayed the iron ore.The police assayed the case without much success."assemblage","N","1.जमघट"One can see the assemblage of old people in the temple every evening."assemble","VI","1.एकत्रितहोना"Group of people assembled before the Prime Ministers office.All the students assembled in the main hall ."assemble","VT","1.इकट्ठाकरना"The spare parts of the vehicle were assembled in the garage."assembly","N","1.सभा"The national assembly held a meeting to discuss the cyclonic situation inOrissa ."assent","N","1.मंजूरी"I cannot give an assent to your request .They sought assent from the Principal for holding a concert in the college.--"२.सहमति"They took the decision with common assent."assent","V","1.स्वीकृतिदेनाkaranA"The manager refused to assent to his requests.The proposal on reservation for women was assented by the committee.He assented for taking up the job."assert","VT","1.बलपूर्वक कहना"She asserted that she would not yield to any pressure.The lawyer asserted her innocence.--"२.जोर देना"Everyone has to assert for the law to be passed."assertion","N","1.दावा"I seriously think of your assention .His assertion that the crime was committed during the day is false.His assertion implied his innocence."assertive","Adj","1.हठ धर्मी"His assertive argument was convincing.He is assertive by nature.."assertively","Adv","1.दृढतासे"She assertively stated her innocence before the court."assertiveness","N","1.दृढतापूर्व"Despite her assertiveness about her innocence,she was penalized."assess","VT","1.आकना"I cannot assess the present situation.Assessing the loss due to the shattering earthquake was difficult."assessment","N","1.आकलन/मूल्यांकन"What is your assessment of the situation .The chief justices assessment is usually correct."assessor","N","1.आकलनकरनेवाला"The income tax assessor came for a surprise check in the office.The assessor had done a correct assessment of the situation."asset","N","1.परिसम्पत्ति"The companys assets were shown in the balance sheet.The income tax department attached his assets.--"२.खूबीHis patience is one of his assets. "assiduity","N","1.परिश्रम"Assiduity is required in achieving a goal."assiduous","Adj","1.श्रमशील"His marksheet shows that he is an assiduous boy .His success was due to his assiduous campaign."assiduously","Adv","1.मेहनतसे"His marksheet shows that he had worked assiduously for the exams."assign","V","1.निश्चित करना"He assigned how to do his work .It is difficult to assign a date to these documents.--"२.नियुक्त करना"Ashok was assigned as monitor of the class .--"३.बाटना"The teacher has assigned each of us a part in the drama .--"४.सौपना"They assign mathematical works to mathematicians only."assignment","N","1.सौंपा हुआ कार्य"The assignment was completed successfully."assignation","N","1.गुप्त मुलाकात"The lovers always met in assignation."assimilate","V","1.आत्मसातकरना"The numerous concepts have to be assimilated."assimilation","N","1.आत्मसात"Assimilation of the concepts is important for students."assist","V","1.सहायताकरना/मदद करना"They assist each other in their works."assistance","N","1.सहायता/मदद"They did not receive any assistance."assistant","N","1.सहायक"They needed an assistant to finish the work in time."assize","N","1."For justice(in England)we can approach the assizes."associate","Adj","1.सहयोग"These are associate companies--"२.उप-He is our new associate professor."associate","N","1.सहयोगी"He is my associate."associate","V","1.जुडनाjoDanA"To associate with him is prestigious"association","N","1.संघ"He is a member of the Association of Gymnastics.--"२.सहयोगThe organisations have a long association--"३.जुडा होनाHe got the position because of his association with the ruling political party. "assort","V","1.छाटना""assorted","Adj","1.मिलाजुला"Give me a box of assorted chocolates."assortment","N","1.मिश्र"The shop has a large assortment of sweets to choose from."assuage","VT","1.शान्त करना"The man assuaged his angry son."assume","VI","1.कल्पना करना/मान लेना"Never assume things.--"२.कार्यभार संभालनाThe elected Prime Minister will assume office from tomorrow.--"३.रूप धारण करनाShe assumed a happy look on her face"assume","VT","1.कल्पना कर लेना"How did you assume that?"assumption","N","1.अनुमान"Your assumption is not true.--"२.अंगीकारकरना"His assumption of supreme power in the office was not liked by many."assurance","N","1.आश्वासन"He gave me his assurance that he will finish the job before Monday."assure","VT","1.आश्वासन देना"I assure you that the work will be done.--"२.निश्चित होना"Sachins good batting has assured that India wins the match."asterisk","N","1.तारा चिह्न"Put an asterisk before every sentence."astern","Adv","1.जहाज के पीछे के भाग मे""asthma","N","1.श्वासरोग"Asthma is an illness related to breathing."asthmatic","Adj","1.श्वासरोगीय"He got an asthmatic attack."astir","Adv","1.खलबली"His sudden death set everyone astir. "astonish","VT","1.चकित करना"His sudden death astonished everyone."astonishment","N","1.आश्चर्य"Astonishment was written all over his face."astound","VT","1.चकित करना"The blast astounded everyone."astray","Adj","1.गुमराह"His drinking led him astray in his life."astride","Adj","1.पाव फैलाकर"He was sitting astride on the motorcycle."astride","Prep","1.दोनो तरफ"There are green fields astride the road."astringent","Adj","1.कठोर"It was an astringent decision."astrologer","N","1.ज्योतिषी"The astrologer predicted the event before it occurred."astrological","Adj","1.ज्योतिषीय"All astrological pronouncements proved wrong."astrology","N","1.ज्योतिष शास्त्र"He knew his future because he knew astrology."astronaut","N","1.अन्तरिक्ष यान मे प्रयाण करने वाला"The astronaut entered the space shuttle. "astronomy","N","1.खगोलविद्या"The science of astronomy is vast."astute","Adj","1.चतुर"The astute man gave the idea. "asunder","Adj","1.पृथक्-पृथक"They were all lying asunder on a piece of rock."asylum","N","1.शरणराजनैतिक"The refugees asked for political asylum.--"२.आश्रमरोगियोंकेलिये"Ram was finally sent to an asylum for treatment."asymptomatic","Adj","1.स्पर्शोन्मुख""at","Prep","1.पर"He was waiting for her at the platform.--"२.में"She works at a school for the handicapped.He joined the army at twenty-two.--"३.केयहा"She stayed at her parents for the whole vacation.--"४.कोसमय"At night the sky was totally clear.--"५.की_ओर"Dont throw stones at others."at-once","Adv","1.तुरन्त"Give the book to me at-once."at_all_events","N","1.हर हालत में"He promised to attend the function at all events."at_the-outset","N","1.आरंभमें"At the ouset I would like to say .... ."atheism","N","1.नास्तिकता/अनीश्वरवाद""atheist","N","1.नास्तिक"Hari is an atheist."athlete","N","1.व्यायामीखिलाडई"The atheletes gave a good performance at the games."athletic","Adj","1.हृष्ट-पुष्ट"Giri is an athletic man."athletics","N","1.खेल"He went to participate in the athletics events."athwart","Prep","1.आडआ""atlas","N","1.एटलस/मानचित्रकीपुस्तक"She bought a wild life atlas for her daughter."atleast","Adv","1.कमसेकम"He could atleast have written a letter."atmosphere","N","1.वातावरण"Polluting gases spoil the atmosphereThe atmosphere was tense after she left."atom","N","1.परमाणु""atomic","Adj","1.परमाण्विक"They built two atomic energy plants."atone","VTI","1.प्रायश्चितकरना"She attoned her behaviour towards her parents by looking after them in their old age."atonement","N","1.प्रायश्चित/क्षतिपूर्ति""atop","Prep","1.केऊपर/सिरकेऊपर"The gun atop the hill kept firing till early morning."atrocious","Adj","1.अति-दुष्ट"His behaviour at the party was atrocious."atrocity","N","1.अत्याचार"The atrocities committed against the innocent are uncountable."attach","VTI","1.जोडना"She was attached to the department of security-services.--"२.नत्थीकरना"Attache all the relevant papers to the form and send it for signature.--"३.अपनाना"The young puppy attached itself to my mother.--"४.कुर्ककरना"His property was attached for non-payment of taxes."attachment","N","1.लगाव"He formed a strong attachment to the new boy in the school.--"२.कुर्की"He could not bear the attachment of his property."attack","N","1.धावा/आक्रमण"The sudden attack during the night took the entire nation by surprise."attack","VT","1.धावाकरना"The enemy forces attacked the outpost during the night.--"२.आक्रमणकरना"The editorial attacked the new president on his policies."attain","VTI","1.प्राप्तकरना"He will do anything to attain a position of power.--"२.पहुचना"He wants to get over all his responsibilities before atttaining retirement."attainable","Adj","1.प्राप्य"If you are clear about what you want to do with your life all your ambitions will be easily attainable."attainment","N","1.प्राप्ति"For the attainment of his ambitions he has worked very hard."attempt","N","1.प्रयास"The rescue attempts for the flood victims were hindered by the continous bad weather."attempt","VTI","1.प्रयासकरना"The prisoners attempted to escape from the prison."attend","VTI","1.हिस्सालेना"Many people attended the function.--"२.सेवाकरना"She attended to all his needs during his illness.--"३.ध्यानदेना"He had a number of matters to attend to."attendance","N","1.उपस्थिति"The attendence at the funeral was very low due to the bad weather.--"२.सेवा"She was in constant attendance to all his needs."attendant","Adj","1.साथी"In the attendant circumstances it may not be proper to raise th eissue."attendant","N","1.परिचारक"The office attendant unlocked the door for him."attention","N","1.ध्यान"The issue came to his attention by the media reports.He gave her a lot of attention.--"२.सावधान"The soldiers were commanded to stand in attention."attentive","Adj","1.चौकस"The students were quite attentive during the lecture."attenuate","VT","1.कमकरना"The organization helped tremendoulsy to attentuate the effect of diseases during the floods."attest","VTI","1.गवाहीदेना"The evidences attested his guilt.--"२.हस्ताक्षरकरना"The officer attested his certificates."attire","N","1.पहनावा"She was clad in a formal attire."attire","VT","1.वस्त्रपहनना"She attired herself in a formal suit for the occasion."attitude","N","1.रवैया"To really empower women one has to first change the public attitudes."attorney","N","1.मुख्तार"Hari was his attorney in the lawcourt."attract","VT","1.आकर्षितकरना"The noise attracted everyones attention to the back of the room."attraction","N","1.आकर्षण"The place has several tourist attractions."attractive","Adj","1.आकर्षक"She has an attractive personality."attributable","Adj","1.सम्बन्धलगाएजानेयोग्य"The change is attributable to better environment."attribute","N","1.गुण/भाव"His greatest attribute was his helpful nature."attribute","VT","1.सम्बन्धठहराना"Attribute their illness to their poor diets."attribution","N","1.रोपण/लगाव""attrition","N","1.संघर्षण""attune","VT","1.कीआदतपडजाना"His ears were attuned to the noises in the surroundings."auction","N","1.नीलामी"He went to the auction in search of a good writing table."auction","VT","1.नीलामकरना"His paintings were auctioned at high prices."auctioneer","N","1.नीलामकरनेवाला"The auctioneer called for the last time."auctioneer","VT","1.नीलाममेबेचना"He auctioneered his jewels for paying the taxes."audacious","Adj","1.साहसी"He is quite an audacious man."audible","Adj","1.श्रव्य"His voice was not audible at the back of the hall."audience","N","1.श्रोतागण"The audience were enthralled by the performance.--"२.विधिपूर्वकभेट"At last the governor agrred to give an audience to the demonstrators."audit","N","1.लेखापरीक्षण"The auditors are coming for the companys audit."audit","VT","1.लेखाजाचना"The auditors audited all the accounts."auditor","N","1.लेखापरीक्षक"The auditors checked companys accounts.--"२.श्रोता""auger","N","1.बडआपेचदारबरमा""aught","Pron","1.कोईवस्तु/कुछ/कोईअंश""augment","VTI","1.बढआनाbaDhanA"The side job augmented his income. "augmentation","N","1.वृद्धि""augur","N","1.भविष्यबतानेवाला""augur","VTI","1.आगमकहना"The figures augur a massive defeat for the government."august","Adj","1.प्रतापी"The members were honoured by the august presence of the stateman."aunt","N","1.चाची/मामी/मौसी/फूफी"This summer he is visiting his aunt in Paris."auntie","N","1.चाची/मामी/मौसी/फूफी"She called on her auntie while she was in town."auspices","N","1.सहारा/आश्रय"The school is run under the auspices of Red Cross Society."auspicious","Adj","1.शुभ"They were looking for an auspipcious day to move into their new house."austere","Adj","1.संयमी"Ram was a rather austere figure.--"२.सादा It was a big house furnished in an austere style."austerity","N","1.कठोरनियम"The austerity of Governments economic measures did not please the industrial organizations."authentic","Adj","1.असली"The center-piece on the wall was an authentic Rembrandt painting.--"२.विश्वसनीय"He is an authentic man.वह एक विश्वसनीय आदमी है.--"३.विशुद्ध"The corner shop keeps authentic French Cheese."authenticate","VT","1.प्रमाणितकरना"Historians have authenticated the painting to be an original Leonardo da Vinci."authenticity","N","1.प्रमाणिकता"The authenticity of the painting is beyond doubt.कलाकृति की प्रमाणिकता शक से परे है."author","N","1.लेखक"Shakespeare is my favorite author.शेक्सपियर मेरे प्रिय लेखक है.--"२.प्रवर्तक Ram is the author of the proposal so he cant comment राम इस प्रस्ताव का प्रवर्तक है अत वह टिप्पणी नहीं कर सकता ."authoritative","Adj","1.आधिकारिक"authoritative instructions will be given on Sunday.आधिकारिक निर्दैश रविवार को दिए जाएगें.--"२.प्रामाणिक"Information will be given by an authoritative source .सूचना प्रामाणिक जरिए द्वारा दी जाएगी."authority","N","1.अधिकार"Ram has authority to suspend his laborersराम को अपने मजदूरों को बर्खास्त करने का अधिकार है.--"२.आज्ञा"It was done without the teachers authorityयह अध्यापक की आज्ञा के बिना किया गया.--"३.विशेषज्ञ"Shes an authority on mathematics वह गणित की विशेषज्ञ है.--"४.विश्वस्त सूत्र से"I have it on good authority that hes leaving for home today.मुझे विश्वस्त सूत्र से जानकारी है कि वह आज घर के लिए रवाना हो रहा है."authorize","VT","1.अधिकारदेना"Ram authorized him to handle his business.राम ने उसे अपना व्यापार संभालने का अधिकार दिया.--"२.अधिकृतहोना"Has this visit been authorized ?"autobiography","N","1.आत्मकथा"Ram wrote his autobiography about 60 years ago.राम ने अपनी आत्मकथा लगभग ६० साल पूर्व लिखी ."autocracy","N","1.निरंकुशता"Autocracy leads society to destruction.निरंकुशता समाज को पतन की ओर ले जाती है."autocratic","Adj","1.निरंकुश"An autocratic leader.एक निरंकुश नेता."autograph","N","1.हस्ताक्षर"Ive got Sachins autograph.मेरे पास सचिन के हस्ताक्षर हैं."automatic","Adj","1.स्वचालित"All the controls in the car are automatic.कार के सभी कंट्रोल्स स्वचालित हैं.--"२.अविवेचित"For most of us breathing is automatic.हम मे से अधिकतर के लिए सांस लेना अविवेचित है."automobile","N","1.मोटर-गाडई"The automobiles were invented in the modern period.मोटर-गाडई का आविष्कार आधुनिक युग में हुआ."autonomy","N","1.स्वशासन"Autonomy is necessary for success.सफलता के लिए स्वशासन आवश्यक है."autumn","N","1.शरदऋतु"Leaves turn brown in autumn.शरद ऋतु में पत्तियां भूरे रंग की हो जाती हैं."autumnal-equinox","N","1.शरदविषुव२३सितम्बर"On autumnal-equinox our school building will be inaugurated.शरद विषुव के दिन हमारे स्कूल की इमारत का उद्घाटन होगा."auxiliary","Adj","1.सहायक"We should have an auxiliary generator in case of power cut.बजली की कटौती की दशा में हमारे पास एक सहायक जनरेटर होना चाहिये."auxiliary","N","1.सहकारी"Auxiliary foreign troops used by a country during war.युद्ध के दौरान किसी देश द्वारा विदेशी सहकारी फौजों का प्रयोग."avail","N","1.लाभ उठाना/प्राप्ति"Students are encouraged to avail the library facility provided by the college authorities.विद्यार्थीयों को कालेज प्रशासन द्वारा दी गयी पुस्तकालय की सुविधा का लाभ उठाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है."avail","VT","1.लाभउठाना"Why dont you avail the bus facility available in your school."available","Adj","1.उपलब्ध"They have to manage within the available space.उनको उपलब्ध स्थान में ही काम चलाना पडएगा.--"२.मिलताहैRam is available in the afternoon.राम दिन में मिलता है."avalanche","N","1.पहाडसेगिरताहुआबर्फकाढेर"Yesterdays avalanche killed about 200 people.कल पहाड से गिरते हुये बर्फ के ढेर ने लगभग २०० लोगों की जान ली ."avarice","N","1.लोभ"Ram earned money by greed and avarice.राम ने लालच और लोभ के द्वारा धन कमाया ."avenge","VT","1.बदलालेना"Ram avenged his sisters murder .राम ने अपनी बहन के खून का बदला लिया."avenue","N","1.पथ"An avenue to success is shown by our teachers.सफलता का पथ शिक्षकों द्वारा दिखाया जाता है.--"२.पेडदारपथ"From the top of the building one could see the wide avenues leading to the Central Park."aver","VT","1.वादाकरना"Ram averred that he will come at 6o clock .राम ने वादा किया कि वह ६ बजे आएगा."average","Adj","1.औसत"Indian team needs an average of 6 runs perीय टीम को औसत ६ रन प्रति ओवर की आवश्यकता है."average","N","1.औसत"This car has an average 40 miles an hour.इस गाडई का ४० मील प्रति घंटा औसत है."average","VT","1.औसतनिकालना"Meals average out at about Rs.10/- per head .खाने का १.रुपये प्रति व्यक्ति का औसत निकलता है."averse","Adj","1.अनिच्छुक"Ram is averse to going to Bombay.राम मुबंई जाने के लिए अनिच्छुक है."aversion","N","1.घृणा"Ram has an aversion to the strong smells.राम को तीव्र गंधों से घृणा है."avert","VT","1.घुमादेना"She averted her thoughts from his memories.--"२.टालदेना"Ram always averted the issue of getting married.राम विवाह को टाल देना चाहता था."aviator","N","1.वायुयान चालक"Ram is an aviator in KJL Airlines.राम KJL एअरलाइन्स में वायुयान चालक है."aviation","N","1.वायुयानचालन_vijJhAna"Ram wanted to do aviation .राम वायुयान चालन_vijJhAna करना चाहता था."avid","Adj","1.लालायित"She is an avid watcher of Hindi filmsवह हिन्दी फिल्मों की एक लालायित दर्शक है."avidity","N","1.उत्सुकता/लालच"Ram had an avidity to know his result.राम को अपना परीक्षाफल जानने की उत्सुकता थी."avidly","Adv","1.उत्सुकतासे"She was waiting avidly for the plane to land.वह हवाईजहाज के उतरने का उत्सुकता से इन्तजआर कर रही थी."avocation","N","1.बुलावा""avionics","N","1.एवियोनिक्स" #एविएशन में इलैक्ट्रौनिक विज्ञान का प्रयोगRaghu is studying avionics for his post graduation."avocado","N","1.एवोकाडोएकप्रकारकाफल"Eating avocadoes on a hot summer day is very refreshing."avoid","VT","1.सेबचना"Ram always tried to avoid driving during night.राम हमेशा रात के समय कार चलाने से बचता था.--"२.बचाना"He hit the tree in an effort to avoid hitting the cow./"avoidable","Adj","1.परिहार्य"Smoking is an avoidable habit.धूम्रपान एक परिहार्य आदत है."avow","VT","1.बीडआउठाना"Ram avowed to kill Ravana.राम ने रावण को मारने का बीडआ उठाया."await","VT","1.बाटजोहना"Farmers await for rain for their crops.किसान अपनी फसल के लिए वर्षा की बाट जोहते है."awake","VI","1.जागना"Ram awoke at 5a.m. in the morning.राम प्रात५ बजे जागा."awake","VT","1.जगाना"Hari awoke Rina at six in the morning.हरि ने रीना को सुबह छबजे जगाया""awake_to","V","1.जागरूकहोना"Citizens should be awake about their Duties.नागरिकों को अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति जागरूक होना चाहिए."awake","Adj","1.जागेहुए"The children were wide awake.बच्चे पूरी तरह से जगे हुए थे."awaken","V","1.जागजानाjagA~denA"She was awakened by the loud noise next door.पडओस के घर से आ रही ऊची आवाज से वह जाग गयी."awakening","N","1.जागृति"The population needed an awakening for the increasing enviromental destruction."award","N","1.पुरस्कार"Ram and Shyam received an award for their excellent performance.राम और श्याम को अपने अच्छे प्रदर्शन के लिये पुरस्कार मिला.--"२.अनुदान"Ram has received an award from the University funds.राम को विश्वविद्यालय कोष से अनुदान मिला है.--"३.दंड"The judge has pronounced an award of Rs.1000/- as damages. जज ने उसपर जुर्माने के तौर पर १००० रु के दंड की घोषणा की है."award","VT","1.पुरस्कारदेना"The Jury awarded the best film title to Shyam Benegals film.जूरी ने श्याम बेनेगल की फिल्म को सर्वोत्तम फिल्म का पुरस्कारदेने का निर्णय किया."aware","Adj","1.अवगत"Are you aware of the time.क्या आप समय से अवगत हैं.--"२.सावधान"Be aware of the dangers.खतरों से सावधान रहो."awareness","N","1.जानकारी/अभिज्ञता"An awareness of the projects limitations will help in deciding further course of action."away","Adv","1.दूर"My birthday is only a week away from today.मेरा जन्मदिन आज से केवल एक सप्ताह दूर है.--"२.बाहर"Preeti is away on vacation for one month.प्रीति छुट्टियों में एक महीने के लिए बाहर गई हुई है.--"३.लगातार"They worked away for three days to get it finished.उन्होने उसे समाप्त करने के लिए लगातार तीन दिनौं तक काम किया."awe","N","1.विस्मयपूर्णआदरDara"My first view of the Lal Quila filled me with awe."awe","VT","1.विस्मयपूर्णआदरDaraउत्पन्नकरना"Rams scholarship awed Sita.राम की विद्वत्ता सीता के मन में विस्मयपूर्ण आदर उत्पन्न करती थी."awesome","Adj","1.आदरDaraकाहेतु"Haris strenght was awe-some.हरि का बल आदरDaraकाहेतु था""awe-inspiring","Adj","1.आदरDaraकाहेतु"It is an awe-inspiring drama."awestruck","Adj","1.आदरDaraसेपूर्ण"Raghu was awe-struck by the magnanimity of the snow-covered mountains."awful","Adj","1.डरावना"The sight of starving children is too awful to see.भूखे बच्चों को देखने का दृश्य डरावना होता है.--"२.भद्दा"An awful movie.एक भद्दा चलचित्र."awfully","Adv","1.बहुतजयादा"The month of June is awefully hot in Delhi."awhile","Adv","1.कुछदेरकेलिये"Please stay a while.कृपया कुछ देर के लिए रुक जाओ."awkward","Adj","1.अजीब"The handle of this door has an awkward shape.इस दरवाजे के हत्थे की आकृति भद्दी है.--"२.कष्टदायक"Driving down this road is quite awkward.इस सडक पर गाडई चलाना बहुत कष्टदायक है.--"३.नाजुक"On reaching the party she found herself in an awkward situation.पार्टी में पहुचने पर उसने स्वयं को एक नाजउक स्थिति में पाया."awl","N","1.सूआ"Ram is handling business of awl in Bombay.राम बाम्बे में सूआ का व्यापार संभालता है."awning","N","1.शामियाना"In the olden times travellers stayed in awnings during their journeys.पुराने समय में यात्री अपनी यात्रा के दौरान शामियाने में रहते थे."awry","Adj","1.गडबड/टेढआ"His plans to visit Germany was went awry.जर्मनी जाने की उसकी योजना गडबडआ गई."awry","Adv","1.टेढआ"His clothes were all awry."axe","N","1.कुल्हाडई"Ram had an axe.राम के पास एक कुल्हाडई थी."axe","VT","1.काटनाkama~karanA"The government grant to the University has been axed this year."axiom","N","1.स्वयंसिद्ध-वक्तव्य"Rams axioms are quite clear.राम के स्वयंसिद्ध वक्तव्य काफी स्पष्ट होते हैं."axis","N","1.धुरी"The earth moves on its axis.पृथ्वि अपनी धुरी पर घूमती है."axle","N","1.धुरा"The front axle is broken.आगे की धुरा टूट गई है."aye","Adv","1.सदा"Aye I dont know what you mean."azure","Adj","1.आसमानी"I have a dress of azure silk.मेरे पास आसमानी सिल्क की ड्रेस है."azure","N","1.नीलाकाश"Usually swimming pools reflect the azure of the sky.प्राय स्वीमिंग पूल नीलाकाश प्रतिबिंबित करते हैं.

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