Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : K

It is a very beautiful kaftan.

Do you know how to prepare a dish out of kale?

I saw a kaleidoscope of colours in the rainbow.

It was a kamikaze trick that he was fond of performing.

We saw kangaroos in Australia.

Two of the robbers in the group claimed the treasure their own.To settle
it the group made a kangaroo-court.

These cups are made of kaolin.

Pillows made by kapok are very soft.

The plan was very good but that did not save it from going kaput.

He sang karaoke on stage.

He bought a twenty-two karat gold necklace from the shop.

In our locality many children have begun to learn karate.
Karate is an excellent way of defending oneself in which your body
is your weapon.

The principle of karma is the essence of many religions like Hinduism ,
The idea of karma took birth in India.
He believes in karma.

In the village people use kayak to cross the river.

It was not an easy task to convince the KC about my innocence.

In many muslim houses kebab is cooked on the occassion of Id.

Kedgeree is a tasty food.

The ship turned on its keel and sank.

He keeled over on the ground since he was standing in the sun
for more than an hour.
The ship turned over its keel.

He was a keen player of outdoor sports.
She is keen to take on medical line.
He is keen on marrying your sister.
Eagle has a keen eyesight.
This knife has a keen blade.
He has a keen mind.
Dogs have a keen sense of smell.

He is keen on your sister.
--"२.विलापकरना" #used in continouous tense}
He is keening over his dead brother.

She is waiting keenly for her son.

His keenness to do work is unmatched.

He has to earn his keep.
Children live in their parents keep.
She was his keep.

When a child learns walking, he keeps walking.
You have to keep trying till you get solution for your problem.

He keeps his books well arranged.
Keep a diary.
Keep accounts.
Keep appointment.
Keep treaty.
Keep bargain.
He earns enough to keep himself and his family.
How are you keeping?
He is keeping well.

"keep at","PhrVT","1.लगेरहना"
Keep at it, you are nearly finished.

"keep at","PhrVT","1.लगाएरखना"

"keep away","PhrVI","1.दूररहना"
It is better to keep away from that dog.

"keep away","PhrVT","1.दूररखना"
It is better to keep him away from that dog.

"keep back","PhrVT","1.छुपाकररखना"
She was unable to keep back her tears.
Do not keep anything back.
Part of the salary is kept back.

"keep down","PhrVI","1.झुककररहना"
Keep down. Dont let anybody see you.

"keep down","PhrVT","1.झुकाकररखना"
Keep your head down.
The army kept the people down.

"Keep sth in","PhrV","1.रोककररखना"
He could keep in his anger.

"keep in with {infl}","PhrV","1.अच्छेसंबंधरखना"

"keep oneself in","PhrV","1.लगातार/पर्याप्तलेतेरहना"
She earns enough to keep herself in good clothes.

"keep off","PhrVI","1.दूररहना/नहोना"
Party will go on provided the rain keeps off.

"keep off","PhrVT","1.दूररहना"
Keep off the sweets.

"keep off","PhrVT","1.दूररखना"
keep him off.

"keep on","PhrVI","1.जआरीरहनाraKanA"
The rain kept on all night.

"keep on","PhrVI","1.नौकरीमेंरखना"
I kept him on, even though his work was poor.

"keep on","PhrV","1.मकानरखना"

"keep on (at SB)","PhrV","1.बारबारकहकरपरेशानकरना"
I wiil do the work, just dont keep on at me about it.

"keep out","PhrV","1.दूररहनाraKanA"
Sign said"keep out. Do not enter."
She wore goggles to keep the sun out of her eyes.

"keep to","PhrV","1.रास्तेपररहनाraKanA"
Keep to the trail, the land is marshy.
As she is old, she has to keep to the house.

"keep to oneself","PhrV","1.अपनेमेंरहना"
She keeps to herself, so not much is known about her.

"keep under","PhrV","1.दबाकररखना/नीचेरखना"
The population was kept under by the army.

"keep up","PhrV","1.जआरीरहनाअच्छामौसम"
I hope the sunny weather keeps up.

"keep SB up","PhrVI","1.जगाकररखना"
I will not keep you up for long.

"keep STH up","PhrV","1.ऊपररखना/जआरीरखना"
The bad harvest will keep the prices up.
Germany kept up the bombardment day and night.
She wants to keep up the appearance.

"keep up with","PhrV","1.समानगतिसेचलना"
I cannot keep up with you.
I have kept up with my college mates.
She keeps up with the latest fashions.

Dogs are the best keepers of houses.
He is the keeper of lions at the zoo.

She has her jewellary in the banks keeping.
He left the book in her keeping.
His clothes were not in keeping with the occasion.

Her aunt gave her a ring as a keepsake.

He has two full kegs of oil.

Kelp is a type of sea plant.

Many gas laws in science depend on the kelvin scale of temperature.

To understand physics laws is beyond my ken.

We left our dog in the kennel before going out.
I wonder what Ram does the whole day along with his dog in the kennel.

Always look left and right before crossing the road by standing at kerb.

She has a good collection of colorful kerchiefs.
She covers her head with a kerchief.

There was lot of kerfuffle in the class in the absence of
the teacher.

Edible part of an almond is its kernel.
The kernel of his book was published in the newspaper.

She poured kerosene in the lamp and lit it to light the room.

Kestrel swooped down from the sky to clasp a crouching rat.

The strong winds blew the ketch away far into the sea.

Children are very fond of ketchup on their sandwich.

She put the kettle on fire to make tea.

Young boys are dancing with the beat of the kettledrum.

This lock opened with this key.
A keyboard has number of keys.
All ragas are the combinations of different keys.

Keyboard is an essential device to communicate with the

I peeped through the keyhole to see what was causing that
peculiar noise in that room.

I did not understand the keynote of that lecture.

His rough handling of the calculator was sure to break the

The big white stone in the centre was the keystone of the monument.
Doing things honestly has been a keystone of his life.

She bought two kg of vegetables for the party.
He did not pay attention to his diet ,thereby increasing
his weight by four to five kgs.

He wore his khaki dress to show that he is a policeman.

We use kHz as a unit of measurment.

kibbutz is a community in Israel whose members live and work together.

Breaking his leg put the kibosh on his holiday.

A kick from a donkey is enough to break your bones.
--"२.अत्यधिक मजआ आना"
He gets a kick out of watching cricket.

"kick","VT","1.लात मारना"
Being angry he kicked the door.
After the examinations were over, children were kicking the ball in
the field.
The horse kicked the bucket of water.
It is difficult to kick out a bad habit.
He kicked out his habit with great difficulty.
Having done poorly at the interview, I felt like kicking myself.

The kick-off for the match was delayed due to inecessant rain.

The recent economic package announced by the government was
just what was needed to kick-start the economy.

"kick up","PhrV","1.उपद्रव"
They kicked-up a big fuss over the supply of water.

People who received kickback in the Bofors deal are being prosecuted.

He was great as a kicker in the football team.

Get out from here fast before you get a kicking.

After school was over the road was full of kids.

He is kidding his sister.
He kidded his friend that he is not well.
Dont take it seriously, I am just kidding.

The little kiddy was great fun to watch.

Kidnap drama is continued for 36 hours.

Many children have been kidnapped in this locality.

The kidnapper asked for a large ransom for the child.

It is a state where kidnapping and looting is the commonplace.

Kidney is an important organ in the body.

Kidney-bean grown in this part of the country are very tasty to cook.

He will have to be put on a kidney-machine if his kidneys do not start
functioning soon.

He kills not for necessity but for the joy of it.

He gave him a killing look.

This man has done many killings in the city.
He has made a killing in his business.

She is a killjoy for sure.

The Bricks have been baked thoroughly in the kiln.

She bought two kilo sugar from the supermarket.

She bought two kilograms of sugar from the supermarket.

The radio station broadcasts at 93 kilohertz.

He walks four kilometers daily.

He uses ten kilowatt light in his house.

Ladies wear kilt in many parts of India.

Kimono is the gown worn by Japanese.

She is my kin, I should not leave her alone.

A kind man forgives and helps others.
It is very kind of you to help me in my studies.

He is a very different kind of person.
Either pay in cash or in kind.

All children go to kindergarten before going to a school.

People kindle the lamp on deepawali.
It is very wrong to kindle false hopes in anybody.
His nonsense talk kindled her anger.

Collect some kindling to warm the house.

Kindly grant me leave for two days.

They belong to the same kindred.
My brother & his friend are kindred souls.

They had a get-together with their kindred.

All moving bodies have kinetic energy.

Dashratha was the king of Ayodhya.

He wears king-size shirts.

People were very happy in Ashoks kingdom.

Kingfisher is a beautiful bird.

His kingly behaviour will destroy him one day.

He is the kingpin of his political patry.

The rope is having a number of kinks.
He has many kinks in his personality.

Dont let the rope kink.

He has a kinky style of doing things.

He is my cousin brother by kinship.

I have many kinsmen in this part of the country.

She is a kinswoman to many here.

There is a little kiosk here where you can get all you want.
--"२.A public telephone box
You can make a call from the kiosk here.

I had a kip in the afternoon.

Kippers are often eaten for breakfast.

It is a good practice to go to the kirk and pray.

Drinking the kirsch was too much for him.

He gave a flying kiss.

He kissed the children on the forehead.
The blossoms were kissed by the soft rain.

My travel kit has a knife.
TV kits are imported by many companies.

Bring the nailcutter from my kitbag.

She is cooking food in the kitchen.

She grows many vegetables in her kitchen-garden.

The guest room has a small kitchenette for cooking some snacks.

Many varieties of kitchenware are available in the market.

We can see many kites in the sky on basant panchami.
Children are playing with kites.

The Kitemark on the goods assured us of their quality.

She is my kith.

The whole look was spoilt by the kiltsch plaster dogs on the mantelpiece.

These kittens are very cute.

His cat name is kitty.
There is more than enough money in the kitty to buy a present for everybody.

Kiwis are flightless birds found in New Zealand.

The Kiwi-fruit is very tasty.

We heard a Klaxon at 12oclock from this factory.

Give me some kleenex for my running nose.

He suffers from kleptomania , so keep your belongings secured.

He is a kleptomaniac.

They live 20 km away from city.

She has a knack of cooking.
My scooter has a knack of failing me whenever I need it badly.


The long journey knackers me.

This business is going nowhere but the knackerss-yard.

He is knackered after playing tennis.

He quickly put it away in his knapsack.

I have never said that he was a knave.

Knead the dough.

She has a pain in her knees.

She kneed to open the door.

Grass is growing at knee-high in my garden.

She always has a knee-jerk response.

She wears knee-length skirt.
It was a knees-up type of party.

He had his kneecap operated upon recently.

She askmed him to kneel so that the crown could be put on his head.
He kneeled down and begged her forgiveness.

He knew that the bell sounded his death knell.

She has lots of knick-knack.

Since when have you started wearing Knickerbockers.

There is no need to get your knickers in a twist.

The knife is very sharp.

Dacoits knifed him yesterday night.

They made him sit on the knifes edge.

They were made to part with all their valuables at knife-point.

There are still some knights in this world for those who beleive.


It was not long before he attained knighthood.

He had a certain knightly bearing that was regal and elegant.

The knit of this sweater is very fine.

She knitted a sweater.
I bought knitted sweater from the shop.

She is a very good knitter.

She likes knitting.

Do you have knitting-needles?

She is going to market to buy knitwears for her children.

The door has a nice knob.

The old woman had knobbly fingers with strange rings.

There was a knock on the door in the dead of the night.
The sudden knock floored him.

"knock","V","1.दस्तक देना"
Somebody is knocking on the door.
--"२.ठोकर लगाना"
He knocked the glass clear across the room.

That was a knock-about comedy.

The kits were received in knock-down condition.

He knocked it down with a stick.

It is very sad for him to be knock-kneed.

This industrial dispute will have long term knock-on effects.

It was the knock-out beer that did him in.
That was a knock-out blow by Mike Tyson.

The boxing bout ended in a knock-out.

We decided to have a quick knock-up before the match could get underway.

He had apparently broken the knocker in his haste.

The championship has entered into the knockout stage.

A crow is sitting on that knoll.

She is having number of knots in her ribbon.
His stomach was in knots.
Their muscles stood out in knots.
Ship is moving at the speed of 30 knots per hour.
A small knot of women listened to his sermon.

Tie a knot to the string.
Knot the strings tightly to one another.
The strange question had him all in knots.

That is a knotty question to pose.

I want to know who is winning the game.
I know that the President lied to the people.
She knows how to knit.
Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun.
I know that I left the key on the table.
We know this movie.
His greed knew no limits.
This student knows her irregular verbs.
I know Latin.
Adam knew Eve.
The child knows right from wrong.
I know this voice.

She professes to be a know-all in all such matters.

We are getting the know-how for this project from Germany.

He is a knowing collector of rare books.
It was a knowing attempt to defraud.
She gave me a knowing look when I mentioned about him.

There is a big difference in knowing and understanding.

Knowing all the facts I will not hold this against you.

She knowingly threw her doll into the water.

He is an extreemly knowledgable person in his field.
There was a knowledgeable audience in the conference.
He is a knowledgeable critic.

It was not in my knowledge that you are changing the job.
Basic knowledge of mathematics is a must for all children.

He is a musician known throughout the world.
It is a known quantity of milk.
the limits of the known world
--"२.जाना हुआ"
He is a known criminal.

"known","V","1.ज्ञात होना"
Bhagvat Gita is known to every one.
Now-a-days, computer is known to a common man.

I knocked the door with my knuckles.
The Horse was rapped on his knuckles by the rider.

He was hit hard on the knuckles by the duster.

If you want to pass that exam you will have to knuckle-down to some
hard study.

They have got some interesting knuckle-dusters on display at the museum.

It is important to never knuckle-under to threats.

He was KOd out in the first round.

Koalas live on trees and eat leaves.

He did not take kindly to the suggestion.

Kohl is used as a cosmetic by women.

Kohlrabi is eaten as a vegetable.

The comedian is behaving like a Kook in the movie.

"kookaburra","N","1.हसने की आवाज निकालने वाला पक्षी"
Austria is lucky to have Kookaburra as one of its birds.

"kopeck","N","1.रूस की मुद्रारूबल का सौंवा हिस्सा"
Kopeck is a Russian coin.

Muslim read Koran regularly.

"kosher","Adj","1.खाना या खाने से संबन्धित दुकान"
Their is a Kosher shop nearby.
She is the Kosher person for this job.

"kowtwo","V","1.दण्डवत् करना"
He performed Kowtow as soon as the emperor arrived.

"kph","AbbrKilometres per hour","1.किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा"
Kph is a unit of speed.

"kraut","N","1.जर्मनी का रहने वाला"
Steffi Graff is a famous Kraut.

"Kremlin","N","1.रूसी सरकार का किला"
USSR Government officials are requested to meet in Kremlin immediately.
Their is an urgent meeting in Kremlin concerning Soviet Politics.

"krill","N","1.व्हेल द्वारा खायी जाने वाली छोटी मछलिया"
Krills are tiny planktonic crutaream found in deep sea around Antarctic.

"krona","N","1.स्वीडन की मुद्रा"
I should change my rupees to Krona before flying off to Sweden.

"krypton","N","1.गैसीय रासायनिक तत्व"
Krypton is a rarely found inert gas.

This new product has got a well-diserved Kudos from the market.

"ku Klux Klan","N","1.कूक्लक्सदल" #दक्षिणी U.S.A. का एक काले आदमियों का विरोधी संगठन
Groups such as Ku Klux Klan are curse for human society.

"kumquat","N","1.संतरे जैसा मगर छोटा फल"
Kumquat is similar to plum in size.

Kungfu players are very active & alert all the time.

"KW","AbbrKilo watt","1.किलोवाट"
KW is a unit of Electricity.

"kwashiorkor","N","1.बच्चों को होने वाली बीमारी"
Kwashiorkor is caused due to protein deficiency.

Stop this Kybosh and get out of the room.

#"l","N","1.अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला का बारहवां अक्षर"

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