Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Fables contain moral teachings.

The entire fabric of the building needs renovation.
I prefer cotton fabric.

She has bought a specially fabricated cloth for winter.
They fabricated evidences to save their friend.

Ranjit Singh gave a new fabrication to the game of cricket.

He washed his face with liquid soap.
With Indias defeat in the world cup match the captain lost his face.

In this exercise, the gymnast should face the floor
The building was faced with beautiful stones

He kept making facetious remarks in the hall.

He has the ability to find too facile a solution for so complex a problem.

"facilitate","VT","1.सुगमकरना/मदद देना/सरल बनाना"
You could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge

The assembly plant has enormous facilities.

He is afraid of facing the facts.

Can this painting be reproduced in facsimile?

He supported his argument with an impressive array of facts

The trade union of our factory is divided by faction.

२ is a factor of 12.
Balanced diet and exercises are the two key factors that affect ones health.

Factory for making crackers is in Sivakasi.

Some people have great faculty for learning languages.
One has to exercise his faculty of imagination in order to understand poetry.

The colour of the curtain fades after some years if the material is cheap.

Smoking fag is not good for health.
What a fag it is yo write imposition 100 times.

They scored runs only in the fag-end of he match.

In villages,women can be seen carrying faggot.

She failed to notice that her child was no longer in the cradle.
Where do todays public schools fail?
--"३.समाप्त हो जाना/खत्म होजाना"
Several companies failed to function during recession.
She studied hard but failed nevertheless
She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law
--"६.अपर्याप्त होना"
The water supply for the town failed after a long drought

She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law

Many of us donot acknowledge the failings in the administrative system.

Ask your friend to recommend the books or,failing that get a catalogue from the library.

All my efforts to save my aunts life ended in failure.
--"२.असफल व्यक्ति
She was a failure as a teacher.

Illness has made her faint and inactive.
I only have a faint idea of what she is doing at present.
I suddenly felt faint from the pain

She fell down from the staircase in a faint.

She fainted during assembly due to weakness.

Her complexion is fair.
There is a fair chance of our team winning the match.
The city has a fair weather.
--"४.न्याय संगत"
I dont find him fair at all.
She is a fair girl.
The umpire should be fair to both the teams.
Ritas knowledge of hisotry is only fair.

On Sunday we went to the fair held in Paradise circle.

The contractor did not treat his labour fairly.
He was fairly sure of the identity of the thief.

Lady Dianas life was like a fairy tale.

I saw many fairies in my dream.

Children love listening to fairy-tales.

She has tremendous faith in the Divine Power.
We can find people of various faiths in India.

Dog is a very faithful animal.

"fake","V","1.जाली बनाना/नकलीबनाना"
He faked his fathers signature.

He presented fake certificates.

He is a fake.

Poet Kabir was a fakir.
Many fakirs can be seen in dargahs.

The logo of IAF has a falcon.

Pilots and drivers should be falcon-eyed.

The fall of the currupt system is certain.

Niagara falls can be seen from both Canada and the U.S.A..

The bicycle will fall if it is not kept properly.
The temperature fell after last nights rain.
Holi falls in the month of March.
He fell for the gifts offered by the shop.
The Princes eyes fell on the poor girl.
The sunlight fell towards the west.
I fell in bad company when I was in my teens.

"fall apart","PhrV","1.टूटना"
Their marriage finally fell apart.

"fall away","PhrV","1.गिर पडना"
The market for their products fell away to almost nothing.

"fall back","PhrV","1.पीछेहोना"
I have my parents to fall back on.

"fall behind","PhrV","1.पीछे रह जाना"
He fell behind in the class due to poor performance.

"fall down","PhrV","1.नीचे गिरना"
The shares of Colgate company fell down in the stock market.

"fall to","PhrV","1.हारजाना"
The fort fell to the British.

"fall in","PhrV","1.मेंहोजाना"
The soldiers fell in line at the commanders orders.

"fall in with","PhrV","1.सहमतहोना"
She immediately fell in with my idea of going to a movie.

"fall into sth","PhrV","1.मेंफसना"
The animal fell into the hunters trap.

"fall off","PhrV","1.सेगिरना"
He fell off a tree and broke his hand.
The crime rate has fallen off in the last year.

There was a fall-out between them.

"fall over sb/sth","PhrV","1.परगिरना"
People were falling over each other to have a glimpse of the filmstar.

"fall through","V","1.असफल होना"
Sri Lankas efforts to win fell through in the very first round.

"fall to","V","1.शुरूकरना"
She fell to brooding about what had happened to her.

"The fallen","N","1.शहीदहुएलोगसैनिकइत्यादि"
Floral tributes were paid to the fallen.

The enemy army fell back at the advancement of our troops.

"falling star","N","1.उल्का"
I saw a documentry on falling star in the planetorium.

"fall off","N","1.गिरावट"
There has been a slight fall off in the sale of Bata footwear.

The fall of Indian hockey team was very disappointing.

George Fernandezs statement on safe passage to mujahideens was fallacious.

People had fallacies about Chandraswami.

The fallen team had to leave the stadium.

"fall guy","N","1.बलीकाबकरा"
He was beaten by someone else but I became the fallen guy.

His statements are fallible.

The fallibility of his statement created an uproar.

"fallopian tube","N","1.डिम्बवाही नली"
She couldnt conceive due to some problem in her fallopian tube.

The differences between two countries might result in a war.

There are lots of fallow farmland in Punjab.

There are many fallows in our country.

The farmer fallowed the farmland.

He made false promises.

The story is full of falsehood.

The prosecuter falsified all his claims in the courtroom.

His argument could not determine its truth or falsity

I faltered many times while speaking in front of the Principal.
We should not falter in times of crisis.

I am writing my sentences in faltering English.

Sachin has earned lot of fame as a cricketer.

He lives near the famed Kovalam Beach.

I long for the protective familial environment.

Amitabh Bacchan is a very a familiar figure.
I am very familiar with people of Ratlam.

His familiarity with influential people helps him in his career.

We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings.

He moved his family to Virginia

Many countries in the Sahara region are facing famine.

Many Non-Govt. organisations are working for famine-relief in Africa.

He is a famous actor.

Japan is famously known as the land of the rising sun.

A fan is a must in the hot summer months.
I am a big fan of Amitabh.

The servant is fanning his master.
Many political leaders fan communal passions for personal gains.

He is a football fanatic.

He is fanatical about his religion.

Religious fanaticism has created a lot of communal tension in the country.

He is a pet fancier.

He has a fanciful mind.

She has a fancy calculator.
The store sells items neatly packed with fancy price tags.
Rita loves making fancy statements at every oppurtunity.

He is having silly teenage fancies.
She bought fancies on her birthday.

I fancy colorful stamps.
She fancies a strong hot cup of tea after a long working session.
In the dark she fancied that she saw a large animal figure move behind the trees.
He fancies that India will win this match but I find it impossible.

The Army Day parade was started with a fanfare.
The marriage ceremony was carried out with lot of fanfare.

The cobras fangs are very poisonous.

I have got a fantastic idea.

Some schoolgirls live in fantasies.

`Filmfare is a fanzine for film fans.

She stood at the far end of the street.

How far is the post-office from here.
Murali has fallen far behind his schedule.

"far away","Adj","1.बहुतदूर"
He visited far away places.
You seem too far away.

"far fetched","Adj","1.अस्वाभाविक"
He used far fetched imageries in his poetry.
His report was far fetched.

"far flung","Adj","1.दूरतकफैलाहुआ"
His fame has reached far flung corners of the globe.

"far gone","Adj","1.बहुतआगेकीस्थिति"
Her cancer has far gone.

"far off","Adj","1.बहूतदूर"
He lives in a far off place.

"far reaching","Adj","1.दूरतकप्रभावडआलनेवाला"
The Pokharan test might have far reaching consequences.

He is a far-sighted leader.

The play was a farce.

The play had a farcical ending.

I cant afford an air fare.
It was a simple and a wholesome fare.

He fared badly in exams.

A farewell was given to the out-going students.

It takes many people to work in the farm.

The farmer farms the land.

He uses modern methods of farming.

He owns 35 acres of farmland.

He has a farmhouse in the outskirts of the city.

"farmstead","N","1.फार्म/चक या चक का कोई भाग"
He went to his farmstead.

He has a forrago of half baked knowledge.

He farted due to gastric trouble.

The stadium is in farther north of the city.

You have to go farther to board the bus.

His house is in the farther-most corner of the street.

The farthest school from here is about 400 metres.

The eye of the Ancient Mariner fascinated the wedding guest.

I have a facination for toys.

Even in democracy one can see facism.

Sending messages through Email is in fashion.
Bell-bottom pants are no more in fashion.

The potter fashioned pots from mud.

She is a fashionable girl.

Express trains are fast trains.
This watch is fast by ten minutes.
Are the colours of this dress fast?

Women keep fast on `Karva Chauth.

He is fasting.

Fasten the lock onto the door.

She has a fastidious and incisive intellect.

It was a fat rope.

Pizza has too much fat.

The fatal train accident took a heavy toll of life.

Deforestation can lead to flood ,and other fatalities.

I consider it my fate that I didnt get a seat in the college.

He was fated to die in the accident.

His father was born in Atlanta

He fathered her child.

Germans love their fatherland.

He is a fatherless child.

My Professor is fatherly to me.

The fathom of the river was tried to be measured.

They tried to fathom the depth of the river.

Many athletes withdrew from the race due to fatigue.

I was fatigued after walking 7km.

They fattened the ram.

Hamburgers are fatty foods.

It was my fault that I didnt inform you.

He submitted a faulty report.

"faun","N","1.ग्राम देवता"
Some tribals worship faun.

We must preserve the fauna.

"faux pas","N","1.सामाजिकगलती"
She has been falsly charged of faux pas.

Due to her favour I was able to pass the exam.

He favoured me in the debate.

"favoured","Adj","1.अनुग्रह प्राप्त करना"
China is the most favoured nation in American trade list.

The public reaction to the new tax was generally favourable.

I was very favourably impressed by her husband.

Ram was Dashraths favourite son"

"the favourite","N","1.सर्वप्रिय"
This horse is the favourite in todays races.

Boss shows undue favouritism to certain employees.

I saw a dear with her fawns in the jungle.
Fawn is a soothing colour to wear in summer.

Rich persons like to be fawned upon by others.

Please fax the documents on recent negotiations to me.

"fax/fax machine","N","1.फैक्सयंत्र"

"fax Copy","N","1.फैक्सद्वाराप्राप्तकियागयापत्र"

He is not fazed by simple problems in life.

"FBI","AbbrFederal Bureau of Investigation","1.एफ.बी.आई.अमरीकाकीपुलिसकाएकविभाग"
The FBI is responsible for solving crimes committed across more than one states of America by same persons.

"FCO","AbbrForeig and Commonwealth Office","1.विदेशएवं राष्ट्रमंडलविभाग"

Some tenents have feality towards the landlord.

Mohan has fear of going to lonely places.

Rama feared dark nights.

"In fear and trembling","IDM","1.अत्यंतभयभीतहोना"
He is in fear and trembling.

"fear of something","PhrV","1.भयभीतहोना"
Mohan has fear of Ghosts.

"In fear of ones life","IDM","1.अपनेजीवनकाभयहोना"
During war, residents of the area were in fear of their life

"No fear","IDM","1.हाकिसीप्रश्नकेउत्तरमें सकरात्मकउत्तर"
Will you be present in the class today? No fear,I will be there.

"Putting the fear of God into","IDM","1.अत्यंतभयभीतकरना"
He has put the fear of God into this students so that they obey him.

The soldier was fearful of waking up the General.
He had a fearful accident.
Ram had a fearful fight with his friends.

The thief was glancing fearfully at the dog.

He is a fearless person.
He is completely fearless in dangerous situations.

He climbs mountains fearlessly.

His fearlessness was awesome.

He was given a fearsome task.

She does not fear death.

"never fear","V","1.मतडरो"
Never fear difficulties in life.

"fear for","PhrV","1.केलियेडरना"
He fears for his life.

It is feasible to complete this work in the given time.

The boss has asked the group to study the feasibility of setting up a laboratory to carry out some specific assignments.

The wedding feast was excellent.
The festival was a feast of colours.
Feast of Christ is one of the bigest festivals in Goa.

Guests had a sumptuousfeast at the wedding.
Travelling in Kerala State is a feast to eyes.

Winning in elections is no mean feat.

Birds use their feathers for balance while in flight.

"Birds of a feather","IDM","1.एकसमान"
They are like birds of a feather.

"A feather in ones cap","IDM","1.कठिनकार्यकोकरना"
Getting this award is like a feather in his cap.

"light as a feather","IDM","1.बहुतहल्का"
This quilt is light as a feather.

"Ruffle someones feathers","IDM","1.उत्तेजितकरना"
Due to his bad behaviour, he always ruffles someones feathers.

"Knocking someone with a feather","IDM","1.किसीकोभयभीतकरना"
On hearing the news he was so disturbed that you could knock him with a feather.

"To crop someones feathers","IDM","1.किसीकोविनीतबनाना"

Snowflakes are feathery.

Public sector industries have been featherbedded by the Government for too long.

"featherbed","N","1.पंखों सेभरागद्दा"
He always sleeps on a mattress as light as a featherbed.

"featherboa","N","1.अंगोछास्त्रियों द्वाराकंधों परडालनेकाकपडा"

His results have proved him to be featherbrained.

"feather","V","1.परों सेढकना"

"Feather ones own nest","IDM","1.अपनाघरभरना"
Instead of working for the benefit of the country, most politicians get busy in feathering their own nest.


Nose is an important feature of the face.

His features are good.

Main feature of this TV serial is its storyline
Most important feature of this city is the river.
This is a feature film, not a documentary.

This film features an important hero.
Does change of job features in your plans.

Desert landscape is generally featureless


There is lot of febrile activity before elections


There is some fecal material lying on this road.

This part of garbage looks like faeces.

Feckless persons have difficulty in mannaging their work properly.

He does everything with fecklessness.

This area has fecund soil.

By addition of proper fertilisers, one can improve upon the fecundity of the soil.

In some countries like United States some matters relating to state are independent but certain matters like defence of the co
उन्त्र्य् अरे थेदेरल् मत्तेर्स्.



This development is federally funded.
federal Bureau of investigations - see FBI

India was made a Republic by federation of many smaller states.

"federation","N","1.कईराज्यों यासंस्थाओं कासंघ"
Fedration of trade unions.

"fed up","Adj","1.दुखी/खिन्न"
I am fed up with people being rude to me.

I have to pay my fee to appear at the examination.
Have you paid the doctor his fee ?

He has very feeble health.
He always give very feeble arguments.

Feebleness of his arguments is apperent to all the colleagues.

He puts forth his arguments very feebly.

"feeble minded","Adj","1.र्मूख"
He is a feeble minded person.

She has a large family to feed.
Feed the wood to the fire.
Mohan feeds the information to me.
To use a public phone, you have to feed coins into it.
Hatred feeds on envy.

"Bite the hand that feeds","IDM","1.विश्वासघातकरना"
He always bites the hand which feeds him.

"feeding bottle","N","1.बच्चों कोदूधपिलानेकीबोतल"

The baby had the last feed two hours ago.
Petrol feed of this car is chocked up.

The feed-back received from the market on our new product is very encouraging.

Some pepole prefer to feed their cattle at night using feedbag.

Many big fish feed on smaller fish.
This road is feeder road to the national highway.
--"३.मशीनमें सामानपहुंचानेवाली"
Belt conveyors are normally used as feeder of raw material to the plant.

Can you feel the tension in this room ?
You will feel better after taking this medicine.
We all felt that the boss is a good person.
The boss feels that he is suitable for this work.
Doctors feel the pulse of the patient to sense his fever.
He can feel his way in the dark.

He spoke feelingly about his family.

Feel of this place is very depressing.

"feeler","N","1.महसूसकरनेवालाकीडेमकौडों केशरीरकाभाग"
Many insects use their antennas as feelers.
I will put a feeler to get more information on this subject.

I have a bad feeling in this matter.
I have lost all feelings in my leg.
The speaker appealed to the feelings of the audiance

The crowd was beating their feet with the music.
The tree is at a distance of about ten feet from the house.

Mohan feigns sleep when he does not want to study.
The player feinted with his left hand and threw the ball with his right hand.

He is a feisty person.

Feldspar is a constituant mineral found in Granite rocks.

The party was organised to faliciate him.

He is felicitous in his choice of friends.

He plays guitar felicitously.

He has written the book with great felicity.

Female models have feline grace.

Lakeland fells.

Due to imposition of the martial law, all civil liberties fell in one swoop.

He prefers fellatio to normal sex.

He is a good fellow.
Where can a fellow get a cab at this time of night.
He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers.
He was my fellow traveller on the long journey.

"fellow feeling","N","1.सहानुभूति"
One should have fellow feeling towards all the persons.

You should show fellowship towards collegues.
Getting a fellowship of a prestigious institution like Royal College of Surgeons is a great achievment.
His financial worries were over after he received a fellowship from his college.

Murder is a felony.

Some carpets from Himachal Pradesh are made of felt.

"felt tipped pen","N","1.नमदेसेबनीनोकवालेकलम"
Felt tipped pens are normally used for writing in bold letters.


Females of birds produce eggs.

Female infacticide is a social evil.
She moves around only with her female friends.

Some men have feminine characteristics.

She always gets her work done by taking advantage of her feminity.

Feminism has become a movement all over the world.

"feminist","N","1.नारीवादीस्त्रीकेअधिकारों केपक्षकाव्यक्ति"
She takes a leading part in all feminist movements in the country.

"femme fatale","N","1.सुंदरपरखतरनाकस्त्री"
Mata Hari suited to the role of femme fatale during the second world war.

He fractured his left femur in the fall at college.

Femoral artery is the main artery in the thigh.

Fens are comman in Eastern England.

He has put up a fence around his garden.

"Come down on one side of the fence or other","IDM","1.साथदेनायान देना"
They are on the same side of fence in this matter.

"Mend fences","IDM","1.अपनेमतभेदों कोदूरकरना"
After a long time the family members have mend fences in the matter of the disputed property.

"Sit on the fence","IDM","1.दूरीबनायेरखना/तटस्थरहना"
In case of any dispute at office, he always sits on the fence.

"fenced in","IDM","1.बंधनमेंहोना"
Sometimes we feel fenced in by social customs.

The fencing in his garden is made of barbed wire.

In films the actors fence with wooden swords to avoid injury.
He always fences around the main issues to avoid giving major decisions.

In fencing the more agile player normally wins.

One can always fend off undesirable persons by not giving importance to them.
After a certain age the children have to fend for themselves.

Tyres are used on the side of boats as fender to avoid damage at the time of collision.

Low wetlands with few trees are called fenlands.

Fennel seeds are used for extraction of oil.

Fenel cats are those which are kept in captivity for a long time and escape.

Flour is fermented with yeast to make bread.
Trouble was being fermented in masses due to bad governence by the state government.
By giving inflamatory speech, the leader fermented anger of the crowd.

Yeast is generally used as agent for fermentation.

Many verities of ferns are found on western ghats.

He has developed a ferny in part of his garden to grow ferns.

Lion is a ferocious animal.

The lion jumped on his trainer snarling furiously.

The war was fought with great ferocity by both sides.

Ferrets are raised by many farmers to rid their fields of vermins like rats etc.

I ferreted in the attic for locating my favourite book.

"ferris wheel","N","1.बडआऊंचाझूला"
There is a large ferris wheel at this fair.

Most ferrous materials are magnetic.

For longer life of walking stick, a ferrule is generally put at its end.

At many places in Goa ferry is used to cross the river.
I went to ferry to cross the river today.

In times of war airplanes are used to ferry men and material from one place to another.

Many ferryboats ply on this river.

I requested the ferryman to take me across the river.

This land is very fertile.
He has a fertile brain.

Fertility of the soil can be improved by use of proper fertilisers.


You should fertilise the barren lands to make them fertile.


Artificial fertilisation is necesary to improve crop of fruits and vegetables.


Many types of fertilisers are available to improve the quality of soil to make it more productive.

This is my fervent request.

He is fervid about the forthcoming holidays.

Results for the inteview are fervently awaited by him.

He gave the speech with great fervour.

Wounds will fester if treatment is not proper.

Holi is the festival of colours.

He was in a festive mood in view of the forthcoming holidays.

Diwali is the time of festivities.

The stage was tastefully decorated with festoons.


In Afganistan people prefer to eat feta in preference to other kind of cheeses.

Please go and fetch some chairs.
This hose will fetch atleast Rs.1.million if sold.

"fetch and carry","IDM","1.कामकरवाना"
He wants his servent to fetch and carry the whole day.

This model in the fashion show has a fetching dress.

We are going to the fete arranged by the church.

The cricket team was feted on their return.

A fetid smell was coming from his room.

"fetish","N","1.आवश्यकता से अधिक ध्यान देना"
He has a fetish for everything he does.
--"२.वस्तुजिसेदेवतामानाजाएयह मानना कि इसमें किसी आत्मा का निवास है"
The locals have made a fetish of this banyan tree.

"fetishism","N","1.जादू टोने में विश्वास रखना"
Some people have too much belief in fetishism.

"fetishist","N","1.जादूटोनेमें विश्वासकरनेवाला"
Aborgins are normally fetishists.


The thief was put in fetters at the jail.
I am now free of fetters of the society.


I am in fine fettle and can manage this work.

The feud in their family has been going on for a long time.

Neighbouring landlords are always feuding over property.

In feudal system the tenants were usually treated as bonded workers of the landlords.

In feudal system in early years feudalism was a comman way of life.

He has a very high fever.
I waited for my new car in fever of excitement.

I cooled his fevered body by starting the fan.
He normally has fevered negotiations with the employees unions.

When I touched his hand, I found that he was feverish.
He remains in a state of feverish excitement while waiting for the results of the elections.

I was feverishly searching for a way out of my predicament.

"fever pitch","N","1.उत्तेजनाकेचरम"
The excitement of the crowd was at fever pitch.

Few people know about this episode.

I was with this organisation for a few years.
Only a few people in this area are rich.
She is a woman of few needs.

"few and far between","IDM","1.बहुतअन्तरसे"
Houses on this road are few and far between.

Fewer than ten houses in this area have electricity.

"the few","Pron","1.कुछ"
The few who had the information did not come forward with it.

"a few","Det","1.कुछ"
Only a few students of this class can expect to get first division in their examination results.
--"२. In the party only a few persons were known to me"

"a few","Adv","1.कुछ"
Please give me a few more details of this project.

There were some nice but fey guests at the party last night.

Fez cap is generally worn by turkish people.

"ff","Abbrand the following","1.और आगे के"
See page 50 ff.

Sheela is his fiance.

The strike turned out to be a complete fiasco.

The government issued a fiat on telecome policies.

His explanation was a fib.

He is a habitual fibber.

Fibre from cotton pods is spun to weave cloth.
Green vegetables have lot of fibre.
The president has a strong moral fibre.

Pineapple is a fibrous fruit.

"fibre optics","N","1.फाइबरऑप्टिक्ससंदेशपहुंचानेकाएकसाधन"
Fibre optics cables are used for speedy transmission of signals.

"fibreglass","N","1.फाइबरग्लासकाचकेरेशों सेबनाहुआसामान"
Boats used for racing are made from fibreglass.

He is a fickle minded person.
Climate at hill stations is very fickle.

Fickleness of a woman is well established.

Stories of his bravery are nothing but fiction.
Alif Laila is a book of fiction.

When asked for reason of his absence, he gave a fictional story.

He has a habit of fictionalising the difficulties in the work.

Mohan gave a fictitious account for the expenditure on work of digging the well.

He plays the fiddle in his spare time.

"be on the fiddle","IDM","1.बेईमानीकरना"

"fit as a fiddle","IDM","1.अच्छीसेहतवाला"
He is fit as fiddle.

"play second fiddle","IDM","1.महत्वहीनहोना"
I cannot play second fiddle to others in important decisions.

"fiddle around","PhrV","1.व्यर्थकीबातकरना"
He spent the time in fiddling around with small talk.
He always fiddles around without doing any effective work.

He is a very good fidler.

These fiddling little details we can ignore at the moment.

I feel cleaning of the car is a fiddly work.

Masses have fidelity towards their leaders.
One should have fidelity towards ones partner.
Translation of books should be done with fidelity to the origional.

"fidget","V","1.चुलबुलाना" #किसीवस्तुकोइसतरहछूतेरहनाकिदेखनेवालेकोखीजहो
She always fidgets with rings on her fingers.

He is such a fidget.

He is very fidgety.

Cricket field of this club is very nice.
Mahanadi coalfields are in Orissa state.
He prefers to work in his fields during the holidays.
His field of specialisation is Petrogeology.

"Hold the field(against sb/sth)","IDM","1.क्षेत्रपरमजबूतपकड"
His ideas on population control hold the field"

"Play the field","IDM","1.सबकेसाथसंबंध"
To keep his image as a lover boy, he always plays the field.

"take the field","IDM","1.खेलकेमैदानमें उतरना"
The coach asked the players to take to the field.

"field day","N","1.आनंददिवस/क्रीडआदिवस"
The party had a field day by winning all seats in the election

"field events","N","1.खेलकेमैदानमें होनेवालीप्रतिस्पर्धायें"
Decathelon competion consists of field events

"field glasses","N","1.दूरबीन"
He was watching his favourite horse through field glasses throughout the races.

"Field Marshal","N","1.फील्डमार्शलसेनाकासर्वोच्चओहदा"
General Sam Maneckhaw was made the first Field Marshal of independent India.

"field of vision","N","1.आखसेदिखाईदेनेवालाक्षेत्र"
Field of vision at sea level is around 1.kms.

"field sports","N","1.घरकेबाहरखेलेजानेवालेखेल"
Skiing is considered as a field sport"

"field test","V","1.फील्डटेस्टकरना" #नयेउत्पादकेइस्तेमालकीजगहजाचकरना
Models of new cars are field tested before they are put on the market"

"field test","N","1.फील्डजाच"
Has this machine been fielt tested ?

"field trip","N","1.अध्ययनयात्रा"
The teacher took the students on a field trip to study the flora in the region.

The player fielded the ball with great agility.
In this election some political parties fielded less number of candidates compared to the last ellections.

There were three fieldsmen standing on the off side.

In preparing maps of the area fieldwork is very important.

He often acts like a fiend.

Murder is a fiendish act.

He always behaves fiendishly towards his subordinates.

The battle of Kurukshetra was a fierce battle.
A fierce dog was guarding the house.
He has a fierce loyalty for his mother.

They were fighting fiercely.
The lion attacked the goat snarling fiercely.

His fierceness in boxing is well known.

At the time of sunset sky turns fiery.
Leaders give fiery speeches.

Cuba has many fiestas celebrated in the church.

Fife is played in the military bands.

She is fifteen now.

He is in the first three students of his class.

There were fifteen types of dishes at the feast.

I returned home on fifteenth of the month.

He came fifth in the race.

He always is fifthly in position.

"fifth column","N","1.जासूस"
Army depends on the fifth column for getting information on the enemy at times of war.


There were fifty pessengers in the bus.

"In ones fifties","IDM","1.आयुकापाचवादशक"
One starts looking down to settle at one place in ones fifties.


I recently celebrated my fifteeth birthday.

"fifty cents","N","1.फिफ्टीसेन्ट्सअमीकीमुद्राकाआधाभाग"

They shared the cab fare fifty-fifty.


"fifty pence","N","1.फिफ्टीपैंसइगलैंडकीमुद्राकाआधाभाग"

Fig is a tasty fruit.

"not care\give a fig","IDM","1.परवाहनकरना"
He does not care a fig for opinion of his parents.

"fig leaf","N","1.अंजीरकापत्ता"
Adam and Eve are shown covered in fig leaf in many paintings.

The kids were fighting over a non-issue.

"fight like a tiger","IDM","1.तीव्रतासेलडाईकरना"
When cornered, he fights like a tiger.

"to fight against","IDM","1.विषमपरिस्थितिमेंजूझना"
He is fighting against all odds to get his work completed.

"A fighting chance","IDM","1.कार्यकीसफलताकीथोडईआशा"
This leader has only a fighting chance of success in the election.

Napolean was a great fighter.
He does not give up easily as he is a great fighter.
The Air Forces have recently bought a new fleet of fighter planes.

There was a fight between Mohan and Shayam.
He always gets into a fight with his friends on small issues.
There was a lot of fight left in him.

"a fight to the finish","IDM","1.निर्णायकलडआई"
It was a fight to finish between the two chess players.

"pick up a fight","IDM","1.झगडआकरना"
He always picks up a fight with his collegues on very small issues.

I would feel very proud if I had even a figment of the knowledge she has.

"figment of ones imagination","IDM","1.किसीकाल्पनिकवस्तुकेविषयमें सोचना"
His worries are on most part only a figment of his imagination.

President is the figurative head of the organization. Actual man in power is th e Sectretary of the organization.

figuratively speeking he was the most important person in his organisation.

Monthly sales figures of this company show a declining trend.

Figures for population growth are alarming.
He has a good head for figures.

One can improve her figure by doing aerobic excercises.
I saw a figure approaching from a distance.
Hexagon is a six sided figure.

"to become a figure of fun","IDM","1.व्यंगकापात्रबनना"
Due to his poor sense of dressing, he became a figure of fun in his class.

"facts and figures","IDM","1.तथ्योंपरआधारित"
His presentation at the conference was based on facts and figures.

"in round figures","IDM","1.पूर्णअंकों में"
In round figures the population of India has crossed one billion mark.

"cut a figure","IDM","1.स्वयंकोदिखाना"
He cut a sorry figure in the class as he had not completed his homework.

"put a figure on","IDM","1.मूल्यआकना"
It was not possible to put a figure on the value of his collection of paintings.

"single figures","IDM","1.दससेकम"
Value of this item is in single figures.

"figure of eight","N","1.आठकाअंक"
In test for grant of licence for driving motorcycles, one is required to drive in figure of eight.

"figure of speech","IDM","1.नाटकीयढंगसेबातकहना"
Calling her a cow was just a figure of speech.

His name figures in the list of suspects.
By the way they were talking he figured it out that they will not come.


"it figures","IDM","1.इससेलगताहै"
His father being very rich, it figures that he will not have any value for money.

"figure on","PhrV","1.अनुमानकरना"
I figure on being the next person to be promoted.

"figure out","PhrV","1.समाधानहोनाkaranA"
I can figure out the difficult puzzles in no time.

"figurehead","N","1.जहाज केअगलेभागपरलगानेवालीमूर्ति"
In early ships a figurehead was always placed prominently at the head.
He is only a figurehead in his company, the real power lie with his father.

Figurines of soldiers were found in old graves of emperors in China.

Viscose filament yarn is used for making cloth with longer life.
Tungsten filament is used in incandescent light bulbs.

He always filches things from the office.

"file","N","1.फाइलकागज संभालकररखनेकीजिल्द"
I always keep my correspondence in appropriately labelled files.
--"२.कम्पयूटरमें सूचनारखनेकातरीका"
I have too many files on my hard disk.

"on file/on the files","IDM","1.सूचनारखना"
We have all the information on our employees on files.

Please file my complaint on this issue.

"file away","PhrV","1.सूचनासंभालना"
Please file away these important papers.

"filing cabinet","N","1.फाइलेंरखनेकीअलमारी"
Please keep these files in the filing cabinet.

"filing clerk/file clerk (US)","N","1.फाइलेंरखनेवालाकंर्मचारी"
The filing clerk is expected to file the papers properly.

There was a long file of people at the poling booth.

"in a single file","IDM","1.एकपंक्तिबद्ध"
All the recruits are requested to stand in a single file
Please stand in a single file.

"file in","PhrV","1.पंक्तिमेंअंदरआना"

"file out","PhrV","1.पंक्तिमेंबाहरजाना"

"file off","PhrV","1."

"file past","PhrV","1."

Please use the file to remove uneven surface.

You should file your nails as they have grown big.

"file down","PhrV","1.घिसडालना"
Please file down this casting to meet the clients specifications"

Iron filings are used in making bombs.

Care for parents is a filial responsibility.

The principal gave a filibuster speech to delay the work on new library building.

He always uses filibustering tactics to delay the work.

Filigree work is generally used on gold and silver ornaments.

He asked his son to fill the hole in the ground.
The crowed filled the stadium to capacity.
This vacancy has been filled by a suitable candidate.
I recently got cavities in my tooth filled by the dentist.

"fill/fit the bill","IDM","1.योग्यहोना"
He fits the bill for this work.

"fill the shoes","IDM","1.दूसरेकेस्थानपरकामकरसकनेकीयोग्यता"
He can easily fill the shoes of the boss.

"fill in on","PhrV","1.जानकारीदेना"
Can you fill me in on the latest position in this matter.

"fill in","PhrV","1.पूराकरना"
Please fill in the application form.

"fill up","PhrV","1.भराहुआहोना"
This place is filled up with water.

While casting, a filler hole is kept to pour the metal.

"filler cap","N","1.पेट्रोलकीटंकीपरलगानेवालाढक्कन"

"filler station","N","1.पेट्रोलबेचनेकीजगह"

I had my fill of sweets at the wedding reception.
I have had my fill of my friends bad behaviour.

Fillet steaks are made of best part of beef.

Filling used in this Dosa is very tasty.

He got a fillip after receiving praise from his teacher.

This race is for 2 year old fillies.

The film now showing at the theater is very good.
Have you changed the film in your camera.
There is a film of oil on the water of this pond.

She sometimes wears very filmy clothes.

"film maker","N","1.फिल्मनिर्माता"
Satyajit Ray was a famous film maker.

"film star","N","1.फिल्मकलाकार"
Few famous film stars attended the party.

"film over","PhrV","1.झिल्लीसेढकना"
These books are filmed over with a layer of dust showing that no one reads them.

I will note your address in my filofax.

I use a filter for purifying the water I drink.

Filter water before drinking.

Always drink filtered water to avoid certain diseases.

"filter in/out/through","PhrV","1.छाननिकालना"
Filter out the impurities from this.

"filter tipped","Adj","1.नोंकपरछलनीवालीवस्तु"
I smoke filter tipped ciggarettes.

There is a lot of filth in the street.

He keeps his room in filthy condition.
This is a filthy magazine.
Today the weather is very filthy.
He is filthy rich.

He has a filthy way of doing things.

Filteration plants should be put up by the municipalities to supply safe drinking water to the citizens.

Fin like parts are provided on airoplanes for balancing and steering.

The final chapter of this book is the most interesting.
The boss will give the final decision in this matter.
This is the final race of the competition.

He has reached the finals in the match.

There were only four finalists in the last round of selection for the prize.

At long last, the party finally broke up.

The conductor finished the performance with a grand finale.

He closed the subject with an air of finality.


After a long discussion they finalised on the outline for their next compaign.

He has financed his studies through loan from bank.
He has not been able to manage his finances properly resulting in a big loss.

The company has arranged finance for their new project through issue of bonds.

"finance company","N","1.पैसोंकालेनदेनकरनेवालीकंपनी"
After liberaisation, many international finance companies have opened offices in India.

"finance house","N","1.पैसोंकालेनदेनकरनेवालीसंस्था"

Tokyo is a major financial centre in south - east Asia.

He is now financially independent.

"financial year","N","1.आर्थिकवर्ष"
In India financial year is from April to March of next year.

Many banks act as financiers of big projects taken up by the Government.

Goldfinch is a bird from the family of finch birds.

After a lot of hard work they found a new process.
Doctors are trying to find a cure for AIDS.
I cannot find my way in the dark.
He finds that his colleagues are not very co-operative.
I find that Shyam is guilty of the charges framed.
I found a gold ring on the pavement.

"all found","IDM","1.सबमिलाकर"
The servents salary was fixed on all found basis including food and shelter.

"be found wanting","IDM","1.अभावहोना"
He was found wanting in qualifications for the job to which he has applied for.

"find fault","IDM","1.गलतीनिकालना"
He always finds faults with others.

"find ones feet","IDM","1.विश्वस्तहोना"
At last he found his feet in his new job.

"find it in ones heart to do","IDM","1.इच्छानरहना"
I cannot find it in my heart to create troubles for my friends.

"find ones match","IDM","1.अपनाप्रतिद्वंदीपाना"
I met my match in Shyam in matter of studies.

"find ones voice/tongue","IDM","1.अचंभेसेनिकलना"
After the initial shock, at last I found my tongue to answer him back.

"finds ones way to","IDM","1.रास्तातलाशना"
I hope you can find your way out of this problem.

"take as one finds them","IDM","1.स्वीकारकरना"
I take things as I find them without being very choosey.

"find for/against","PhrV","1.फैसलाकरना"
The judge found for the culprit in the case.

"find out","PhrV","1.पताकरना"
Can you find out from the railway station as to when the next train to our destination is due.

I will reward the finder of my lost purse.

Findings of the enquiry are not in favour of the accused.

Our new flat is a real find at the rent being charged.

I had a fine holiday at his farm.
Zardozi work is made by fine needlework.
There is a fine distinction between the two reports.
This is a fine car you have.
My health is fine now.
The weather this year has been fine so far.
The gold bars are made of fine metal only.
The table was covered with fine dust.
For fine writing you should use nib with fine point.

"the finer points of","IDM","1.बारीकिया"
You should try to understand the finer points of this agreement.

"to get down to a fine art","IDM","1.किसीकामकोअच्छीतरहकरना"
This thief has made breaking into a house down to a fine art.

"not to put too fine a point to it","IDM","1.साफकहेंतो"
Not to put too fine a point to it, I hate this person.

She is very finely dressed today.
This work has been finely done.

"fine art","N","1.ललितकला"
Painting and music are two of the fine arts.

"fine print","N","1.बारीकअक्षरों में"
One should always read the fine print in a document before signing it.

"to go over/through with a fine toothed comb","IDM","1.बारीकीसेजाचपडतालकरना"
He went over the plans with a fine toothed comb once again.

This dress is looking fine on you.
There is only a fine distinction between the properties of the two elements.

"to cut it fine","IDM","1.अन्तिमसमयकेलियेकामछोडना"
He always cuts it fine to catch the bus to office.

"Fine tune","V","1.पूर्णविवरणमें जाना"
He is busy fine tuning the programme for his forthcoming trip abroad.

He had to pay a fine for not parking his car at a proper place.

The judge made the accused pay a fine for not accepting summons from the court.

Her bridal finery was admired by all .

He deals with difficult issues with great finesse.

He has six fingers on one hand.

"finger mark","N","1.उंगलीकेनिशान"
Detectives use finger marks left on the scene of crime to catch the culprits.

He fingered the gun kept in his pocket.

He was fingering his guitar preparing to play the same at the function.

She allows her fingernails to grow long.

The thief left very clear fingerprints on the glass.

He uses his fingertips to type.

"at ones fingertips","IDM","1.जानकारीहोना"
He keeps all facts regarding the sales of the product at his fingertips.

He is very finicky about his choice of many things.

He has been asked to finish this work today.
Please finish the coffee.
He has engaged some persons to finish Shyam.

This race will have an interesting finish.

Ram and Shyam were two of the finishers for the 400 metres race.

"finishing line","N","1.अंतिमरेखादौडमें"
This horse will definitely be crossing the finishing line much ahead of the other horses.

"finishing school","N","1.खासस्कूल"
Switzerland has many famous finishing scools for girls.

Finished job is always the most satisfying.
This is what the finished product looks like.

Finite numbers are the numbers which are fixed.

There are many fiords along the coast of Scandinavian countries.

Fir trees are normally found in Himalayan regions in India.

"fir cone","N","1.फरपेडकाफल"

The fire at the cinema hall resulted in many deaths.
The police opened fire to hold back the violent mob.

"fire alarm","N","1.फायरअलार्म" #आगलगनेकीसूचनादेनेवालायंत्र
By law fire alarms are to be installed at all public buildings and offices.

"fire ball","N","1.आगकागोला"
After the explosion a large fire ball was seen.

"fire bomb","N","1.आगलगानेवालाबम"
Fire bombs are sometimes used in war to take out the enemy hidden in bunkers.

"fire break","N","1.जंगलकीआगरोकनेकेलियेसाफकीजगह"
Make a fire break or fire line along the periphery of this jungle to contain the fire from spreading out

"fire brigade","N","1.अग्निशामकदल"
The fire brigade was called immediately after the fire was detected.

"fire service","N","1.अग्निशामकसेवा"
The fire services were immediately informed about the fire.

"fire department","N","1.अग्निशामकविभाग"

"fire door","N","1.आगरोकनेकेलियेबनायागयादरवाजआ"
Please construct a fire door in this coal mine to contain the spreading out of fire to other areas of the mine.

"fire drill","N","1.आगबुझानेकीतैयारी"
Regular fire drills should be carried out to keep the fire brigade trained for any eventuality.

"fire engine","N","1.दमकल"
Fire engines are always kept ready at the fire brigade.

"fire escape","N","1.आगलगनेपरभागनेकारास्ता"
Fire escapes should be provided at all high rise buildings.

"fire extinguisher","N","1.आगबुझानेकायंत्र"
There are many types of fire extinguishers which are to be used for fires caused by different reasons.

"fire fighter","N","1.आगबुझानेवालाव्यक्ति"
There are many fire fighters in this particular fire brigade.

"fire guard","N","1.आगफैलनेसेरोकनेकीबाढ"
A fire guard should always be put around fires lighted indoors.

"fire lighter","N","1.आगलगानेकासाधन"
Matches are most commonly used as fire lighters.

"fire power","N","1.लडआईकीशक्ति"
To have superior fire power is very important in winning modern wars.
This company has lots of financial fire power to avoid takeover by other company.

"fire station","N","1.दमकलरखनेकीजगह"
Please call the fire station to send the fire brigade to this address where a large fire has been reported.

"fire water","N","1.कडईशराब"
Raw alcohol is like fire water.

He fired at the robbers.
He has recently been fired from his job.
The words of the boss fired his imagination for developing a new application for this product.
--"४.भट्टीमें पकाना"
Bricks are fired in fire klins to make them stong.

In India most of the power is produced by coal fired thermal power stations.

The soldiers were being trained in firing small arms at the firing range.

"firing line","N","1.लडआईमें आगेकीपंत्ति"
The top brass of the army is never at the firing line, they control the war from behind the front lines.

"firing squad","N","1.गोलीचलानेवालादस्ता"
At the court marshal it was decided to condemn the soldier to death by firing squad.

In India, a licence is required to possess firearms.

The union leader at this unit is a firebrand.

During festival of Diwali children burst firecrackers to celebrate the festival.

Fireflies are normally seen at night in jungles.

His shadow was seen in the firelight.

He prefers to be a fireman compared to any other vocation.

In old buildings a fireplace was normally designed for each room to keep the room warm in winters.

He uses a fireproof cabinet to keep his important papers and documents.

In winters it is pleasent to sit by the fireside.

In villages people still use firewood for cooking.

There was a good fireworks display at the end of the Asian games.
There were a lot of fireworks at the meeting due to disagreement between the parties.

By studying with deligence, one can have a firm foundation for future.
He always remains firm on his decisions.
Atlast the Rupee is now firm against the US Dollar.

Please firm up your decision in this matter.

The IT industry has now been firmly established as one of the main foriegn exchange earners for the country.

There are many firms in this business.

Firmament is clear on cloudless days.

He always comes first in his class.
There is a huge crowd on the first train of the day.

Firstly you should complete the work in hand before trying the new work.

"first aid","N","1.प्राथमिकचिकित्सा"
St. John Ambulance trains people in first aid.

"first base","N","1.बेसबालखेलमेंपहलाबेस"
The team started the game by touching the first base.

"first class","N","1.पहलादर्जा"
He always travels in first class.
In America there are separate rates for first class mail which is delivered on priority.

"first cousin","N","1.चचेराmOserAभाईbaHana"
Ram and Shyam are first cousins.

"first day cover","N","1.डाकटिकटजारीकरनेकेदिनकीमुहरकालिफाफा"
He collects all first day covers.

"first degree","N","1.कम"
He will get cured soon as his burns are of first degree.

"first ever","Adj","1.प्रथम"
Jawaharlal Nehru was the first ever Prime Minister of the independent India.

"first finger","N","1.तर्जनी" #(see Index finger)

"first floor","N","1.दूसरीमंजिल"
He lives on the first floor of this building.

"first fruit","N","1.प्रथमफल"
First fruits of mango tree are not good, the crop which comes from next season is better.
He is enjoying the first fruits of his success.

"first gear","N","1.पहलागियर"
While climbing steep slopes, the car should be put in the first gear.

"first lady","N","1.राष्ट्रपतिकीपत्नी"
Agatha Christie was considered as first woman of detective fiction.

"first light","N","1.भोर"
We will start our journey at the first light.

"first name","N","1.नाम"
His first name is Akshay.

"first night","N","1.पहलीबार"
Today is the first night of his show.

"first offender","N","1.पहलीबारअपराधकरनेवाला"
The police was lenient on the rioting students as they were first offenders.

"the first person","N","1.आपबीती"
Voyages of Sindbad are the first person account of travels of Sindbad the sailor.

"first rate","Adj","1.अतिउत्तम"
He is a first rate person.

"first rate","Adv","1.अतिउत्तम"
His health is first rate.

"first refusal","N","1.प्राथमिकता"
He has been given right of first refusal for purchase of the house by the owner.

"first school","N","1.प्राइमरीस्कूल"
Now that his son is of school going age, he will soon start going to the first school.

"first time","Adj","1.पहलीबार"
He is a first time buyer in this shop.

"the First World War","N","1.प्रथममहायुद्ध"
The First World War was declared on the 4th August 1.by allied forces against Germany.

He was the first to enter the cave.
Before coming to the party I would like to first finish this work.
He said that he will kill himself first before agreeing to the demands made by his wife.

"first born","N","1.पहलीसंतान"
Mohan was their first born child.

It was a first for the player to score a double century in one innings.

"from the very first","IDM","1.पहलेसे"
From the first I knew that this experiment will fail.

"from first to last","IDM","1.शुरुसेअंततक"
This is an interesting book from first to last.

I always get first hand information on the going ons in the factory.

Many firths are found along the coast of Scotland.

Taxes are collected for the fiscal year.

"fiscal year","N","1.वित्तवर्ष"
Fiscal year in India is from April to March of the next year.

Pirhana is a carnevorous fish.

"odd fish","N","1.औरोंसेभिन्नव्यक्ति"
He is an odd/cold fish in his group.

This person behaves in a fishy manner.
There is a fishy smell in this room.

"fish and chips","N","1.मछलीऔरचिप्सकानाश्ता"
In England people prefer fish and chips for their breakfast.

"fish cake","N","1.मछलीकीटिकिया"
Fish cake is made by frying the patties made of fish meat and potatoes.

"fish eye/lense","N","1.एकतरहकाकैमरेकालैन्स"
Fish eye lenses are used for wide angle photography.

"fish farm","N","1.मछलीपालनकातालाब"
Fish farms are more common in areas which are away from sea or rivers.

"fish stick","N","1.मछलीकेतलेहुएकतले"

"fish finger","N","1.मछलीकेतलेहुएकतले"
Fish fingers are fried covered in breadcrumbs.

"fish hook","N","1.मछलीपकडनेकाकाटा"
I use imported fish hooks for fishing.

"fish knife","N","1.मछलीखानेकाचाकू"
One should use only proper fish knife and fork to eat fish at dining table.

"fish slice","N","1.एकतरहकापलटा"
Fish slice is used in cooking for turning pieces of meat or big slices of food.

I go for fishing every week along with my friends.

Fishermen go for fishing in the sea every morning to get a good catch.

"fishing line","N","1.मछलीपकडनेकीडोरी"
He fastened his fishing line to the post in the boat and started reading a book awaiting fish to be hooked.

"fishing pole","N","1.मछलीपकडनेकाडंडा"

"fishing rod","N","1.मछलीपकडनेकाडंडा"
Fishing line is attached to the fishing rod while catching fish.

In rainy season when the sea is rough, fishermen are advised not to go into the sea to catch fish.

Many areas along the west coast are good fisheries which yield good catch.

Many fishmongers are having their shops in this market.

Ladies use fishnet for covering their hair.

"fish plate","N","1.फिशप्लेटरेलकीपटरियोंकोजोडनेवालीप्लेट"
Many railway accidents have taken place due to removal of fishplates by miscreants.

Care should be taken for disposal of used fissile material from the neuclear reactors.

Atom Bombs are activated by fission of fissile material in them.
Fission of cells in human body results in growth.

Growth of cancers is due to unchecked division of fissalparous cells in the affected area of the body.

After earthquake many fissures developed in the ground.

Cliffs on this mountain are fissured.

In boxing opponents fight with their fists.

He threw a fistful of dirt on him during their fight.

They were engaged in fistcuff fight.

He keeps himself fit by regular excercises.
This water is fit for drinking.
He is a fit person for this work.
It is fit and proper that one should care for the elders.

She gets epileptic fits.
He gets frequent fits due to epilepsy.
He gets fits of coughing frequently.
He broke the crockery in a fit of anger.
In a fit of anger he slapped his friend.
I find that this coat is a good fit.

He underwent medical examination for physical fitness before recruitment in the army.

Only four persons can fit in this car.
This peg is a tight fit on this hole.
This clause does not fit in this agreement.

He has somehow fitted all his clothes in the wardrobe.

After being trained in the trade of fitter, he has been given independent charge at the workshop.
This tailoring shop has some good fitters.

He is fitful in his dealings.

Now a days he sleeps fitfully.

All the fitments in his apartment are chosen with care and expense.

He gave a fitting speech on the occasion.

All the fittings in this office are removable.
I went to the tailor for fitting out the new dress.

There were five persons in the boat.
He was sentenced five years in prison.

I have only a fiver left from my salary.

"five oclock shadow","N","1.बढीहुईदाढी"
He usually has five oclock shadow on his chin by evening.

The prices of necessary commodities have increased fivefold since last year.

There has been a fivefold increase in the prfits of our company this year.

Game of fives is played in England.

Would you please fix this ceramic doll which my son broke.
We should fix the price of material before purchase.
Please fix the time for our meeting.
Please fix up a meal for the guests tonight.
Can you fix this machine ?
He is not afraid of law as he has already fixed the police.
If he behaves funny with you again, I will fix him.
This film has not been developed properly.

In this shop prices of all items are fixed.
He has fixed ideas about his son.
He has a fixed smile on his face.

He glared fixedly at the man till he went away.

"fixed costs","N","1.स्थिरखर्च"
One cannot have control on fixed costs of the establishment.

The case against him is so strong that he needs a fixer to handle the judges to avoid severe punishment.
A fixer is used during development of camera film to fix colours in the negative.

He has shown great fixity of purpose in playing the match resulting in a win.

By agreeing to his proposal, she has put herself in a great fix.
The culprit got away because this case was a fix.
A person addicted to drugs needs frequent fixes to remain normal.
Please fix the co-ordinates of our position by survey.

He is fixated on things which remind him of his father.

She has an abnormal fixation for cleanliness.

A fixative is normally used for developing photographic films.
You should fix this picture using a fixative.

Flying kites is an annual fixture in Madhapur.
He has recently purchased expensive bathroom fixtures.
He has become a permanent fixture in all parties.

The cricket team has lost its fizz.

There is a fizz when you open the soda water bottle.

All of his plans fizzled out on hearing the cost of implementation.

Carbonated drinks are fizzy drinks.

He has a lot of flab on his body.

Due to long sickness, his muscles have become flabby.
He has been giving flabby arguments.

He was flabbergasted by looking at the decorations done at the party.

The acting of stars in this movie was quite flaccid.

National flag is flown on all Government Buildings.
Flag plant normally grows near water.

He flagged down the taxi.
All items in this shop are flagged to indicate the prices.
Due to age the chairmans interest in the company was flagging.

"flag day","N","1.झंडादिवस"
Armed forces celebrate flag day to collect money for their welfare fund.

"flag of convenience","N","1.दूसरेदेशकाझंडा"
Many ships are registered in countries like Panama under a flag of convenience to avoid taxes in their own country.

"flag waving","N","1.निष्कर्षरहित"
The demonstration by students was just a flag waving excercise.

How much it will cost to cover the courtyard with flagstones.

The courtyard is flagged with flagstone.

In the procession on Moharram, the participants flagellate themselves to show their devotion.

Flagellation is a kind of self inflicted punishment.

Various elaborate designs of flagons were in use during the Greek period.

He tries to get things done by flgarant violation of all rules and regulations.

When the boss requested him for completing the work, he flagrantly refused him.

This is the flagship company in the group.


Flagpole is kept in a prominent location at all important places where the national flag is flown.

Flail is used to separate chaff from grain.

The child was flailing and crying helplessly after he had wet himself.

He has a flair for making friends easily.

He got the flak from his boss for coming late.
The soldiers were ambushed staraight into enemy flak.

"flak jacket","N","1.बचावकाकोट"
Flak jackets are used by persons in danger of their life due to gunfire.

Snow flakes were falling in the valley.

He used his knife to flake off the stick.

Flaked cherries were used in this dish.

This cake is very flaky.

There is a flakiness in his behaviour.

Certain dishes are prepared by flambe method to improve their taste.

"flamboyant","Adj","1.स्वयं कीओरआकर्षितकरना"
Due to his flamboyant behaviour people pay attention to what he says.
He always wears flamboyant clothes to make people notice him.

The flamboyance of film stars is lacking in the stage actors.

He is a person who always projects himself flamboyantly.

The whole building was in flames before the fire brigade arrived on the scene.
All the flowering bushes were in full bloom turning the whole area in scarlet flames.
His love letter kindled the flame of passion in her.
At the party he met with his old flame.

"flame thrower","N","1.आगकीलपटेंफेंकनेवालायंत्र"
Flame throwers are used to flush out enemy from bunkers in hand to hand combat.

The flames of the fire were seen from a long distance.
Due to fire the whole area was glowing in flame colour.
His hatered flamed anew on strong criticism from his collegues.

The curry was flaming hot.

He is a good flamenco dancer.

Flamingo birds travel a long distance to come to India in winters.

Petrol is highly inflammable material.

Flan is not popular in India.

The railing has a flange on the top.

While riding he held the flanks of his horse tightly.
--"२.मकान का किनारा"
The flank of this building is in a dangerous state.
--"३.फौज का बगली भाग"
The enemy attacked the flank of the army.

"flank","V","1.बीच में"
The leader was flanked by his security staff.

Flannel is used for making clothes for children as it is soft, light and warm.

"flannel","V","1.ढील ढाल करना"
Why are you flanneling the issue? Do decide promptly.

"flannelette","V","1.नरम सूती कपडआ"

Flap of his overcoat was trailing on the ground.
The flap of the curtain was moving with the wind.
Flaps are lowered to reduce the speed of the aircraft.
He got in a real flap when he was not considered for promotion.

The bird flaaped its wings.
--"२.हल्के से मारना"
Please flap the insect with this book.
--"३.चिन्ता करना"
He was quite flapped at his first appearance at the show.

Flapjack is a type of flat cake.

"flapper","N","1.शौकीन महिला"
She is considered a flapper in her circle.

The match flared briefly before burning out.

"flare","N","1.हिलती रोशनी"
The captain saw the flare of searchlight from another ship at a distance.
--"२.प्रकाश का संकेत देने वाली वस्तु"
Signal flares are used to indicate distress.

"flare path","N","1.प्रकाशित मार्ग"
Flare paths are put up to show the way in the darkness to approaching aircrafts.

"flare up","V","1.आग भडकना"
The fire flared up as it reached the petrol dump.
--"२.अचानक क्रोधित होना"
The boss flared up on finding rejection of his ideas by the higher ups.
He flares up easily on minor matters.

"flare","V","1.फैला हुआ होना"
She always wears skirts which flare at the bottom.

His shirts have a flare at the front.

There was a sudden flash of lightening in the sky.
--"२.फ्लैश यंत्र"
In low light a flash is necessary for taking good photographs.
--"३.पद का संकेत"
He wears the flash of his rank at all functions.

"flash","Adj","1.आकर्षक व्सतु"
He has a big flash house.

"flash bulb","N","1.फ्लैश बल्ब"
Modern cameras do not use flash lights with bulbs.

"flash cube","N","1.फ्लैश बल्ब लगाने का तरीका"
In flash cube, four flash bulbs are arranged in pattern of a cube.

"flash flood","N","1.अचानक आई बाढ"
He had parked his car on a causeway and it was washed away due to flash floods in the night.

"flash gun","N","1.फ्लैश लगाने की जगहकैमरेमें"
He uses a flash gun of very old model in his camera.

When she is annoyed her eyes flash angrily.
He was flashing the torch to stop the car.
--"२.तीव्र गति से जाना"
The cars were flashing by at high speed on the highway.
--"३.समाचार देना"
There was a flash in the news about the devastating floods.
Please flash your identification before you can be allowed into the restricted area.

"flasher","N","1.जलती बुझती रोशनी"
Flasher on the vehicles is used to indicate as to in which direction they are going to turn.

"flash card","N","1.दिखाने वाले कार्ड"
Flash cards are used as aid to learning as well as to present data in a conference.

"flashback","N","1.पिछली कहानी"
The book was written in a manner where the story goes frequently in flashbacks to describe previous events.

Flashings are put up on buildings to prevent ingress of water through leaks.

He needs a flashlight to move in the dark.

"flashpoint","N","1.उत्तेजना का समय"
The frenzy of the crowd reached a flashpoint by his speech before start of the riot.

He drives around in a flashy car.

"flask","N","1.पतले मुंह की बोतल"
He uses a flask to store wine.

"hip flask","N","1.जेब में रखने की शराब की बोतल"
He always carries whiskey in a hip flask wherever he goes.

"vaccum Flask","N","1.थरमस"
Vaccum flasks are used for keeping liquids at the same temperature till the time of use.

This building has a flat roof.
He was speaking in a dull flat voice.
The share market has been flat for quite sometime.
--"४.एक समान"
The contractor is charging a flat rate for supply of labour.
--"५.संगीत का एक नोट"
This symphony has prelude in E - minor.
--"६.पुराना हुआ पेय"
This soda has become flat due to long storage.
--"७.पंक्चर हुआ"
He had a flat tyre on way to office.
--"८.खराब होना"
His car could not start as the battery was flat.
--"९.बिना घुमाव का होना"
He could not be selected for the army as he had flat feet.
The restaurant serves rather flat food.

"and thats flat","IDM","1.अन्तिम निर्णय"
He flatly stated his decision on the subject saying and thats flat.

"flat as a pancake","IDM","1.बिल्कुल समतल"
This area should be made flat as a pancake by removing all uneven ground.

"in a flat spin","IDM","1.अत्यधिक परेशान होना"
Due to sudden fall in share prices, the market has been in a flat spin throughout the day.

"flatly","Adv","1.पूरी तरह से"
His request for a loan was flatly rejected by the bank.

Flatness of her stomach was of envy to the other ladies of her age.

"flat bottomed","Adj","1.समतल तले वाला"
Fishing boats are normally flat bottomed.

"flat fish","N","1.एक तरह की मछली"

"flat footed","Adj","1.पैर में घुमाव न होना"
He walks unevenly as he is flat footed.
He does every job in a flat footed way.

"flat racing","N","1.समतल जगह पर घुडदौड"
Horse races at turf clubs are normally flat racing type omly.

He lives in a flat on the third floor.
--"२.समतल भाग"
He slapped him with flat of his hand.
--"३.समुद्र किनारे का समतल भाग"
Salt flats are located on flat areas near sea shores.

"flatlet","N","1.छोटा फ्लैट"
He rented a flatlet to save on rent.

"flat","Adv","1.गिरा देना"
Due to floods, all huts near the river were razed flat to the ground.
--"२.सीधा रखना"
Keep the furniture flat aginst the wall.
The singer sang all songs in a flat voice.
I will be able to complete this work in two days flat.

"fall flat","IDM","1.असफल होना"
All his efforts to impress his boss fell flat.

"flat broke","Adj","1.कडकाहोना"
He is always flat broke before end of the month.

"flat out","IDM","1.शीघ्रता से"
The whole office was working flat out to meet the deadline of completion of the project.
--"२.बहुत थका होना"
They were flat out after comletion of the work.

"flat car","N","1.रेल का खुला दिब्बा"
Flat cars are used to transport material like timber, rails, large machinery etc.

"flatmate","N","1.साथ रहने वाले"
Ram and Shayam are flatmates as they share the same flat.

Please flatten out the map of this area on the table.
--"२.पूरी तरह हरा देना"
He was comletely flattened by his arguments.

He always flatters his superiors to keep himself in their good books.
--"२.खुश होना"
I was flattered by his praise of my book.
This dress flatters your complexion very much.

He is a confirmed flatterer.

"flattering","Adj","1.चापलूसी करने वाला"
The farewell speech was very flattering to the boss.
--"२.प्रशंसा करने योग्य"
You are wearing a flattering dress.

His flattery of the boss will not get him the promotion.

"flatulent","Adj","1.पेट में गैस होना"
After eating oily food he always feels fatulent.
--"२.बढआचढआकर बात करना"
He always gives flatulent speeches.

"flatulence","N","1.पेट में गैस की तकलीफ"
He has too much fatulence.

He always flaunts his wealth to others.

"flautist","N","1.बासुरी वादक"
Hari Prasad Chaurasia is a great Indian flautist.

Food in this dish has a superb flavour.
This city has a distinct flavour of times gone by.

"flavour of the month","IDM","1.आजकल के फैशन में"
Grey and black are the flavour of the month.

"flavour","V","1.खास स्वाद बनाना"
She flavoured the rice-dish with mint.

"flavoured","Adj","1.स्वादिष्ट या सुगंधित किया हुआ"
This milk is flavoured with chocolate.

"flavouring","N","1.स्वादिष्ट बनाने के लिये मिलाया गया पदार्थ"
Essences are added as flavouring in many sweets.

"flavourless","Adj","1.बिना स्वाद का"
The food prepared by his servant is quite flavourless.

This casting is full of flaws.
Your report is full of flaws.
The main flaw in her character is the habit of telling lies at all times.

His presentation at the conference was flawed.

She speaks flawless french.

"flax","N","1.एक छोटा पौधा"
Flax is planted as a cash crop in delta areas.
--"२.धागाएक पौधे से बनाया गया"
Flax is woven into various items of daily use like carpets, bags etc.

"flaxen","Adj","1.फीके पीले रंग का"
He does not like girls with flaxen hair.

This bed is full of fleas.

"with a flea in ones ear","IDM","1.गुस्सा प्रकट करना"
He always treats juniors as if he has a flea in his ear.

"flea bite","N","1.पिस्सू का काटना"
He had a flea bite the other day.
--"२.छोटी कठिनाई"
He has a feeling of flea bite in adjusting the accounts,

"flea market","N","1.कबाडई बाजआर"
Each city has a flea market where you can pick up good bargains.

"flea pit","N","1.फालतू सिनेमाBavana"
This building is a flea pit.

There is a fleck of dust on your coat.

While painting the house, he got flecked his clothes with paint.

"fledged","Adj","1.मजबूत पंख सहित"
Matured birds are fully fledged.

"fledgling","N","1.उडने को तैयार चिडइया का बच्चा"

"fledgeling","N","1.उडने को तैयार चिडइया का बच्चा"
The fledgelings of this bird are now strong enough to learn to fly.
The fledging company could not survive forces of the market.

"flee","V","1.भाग जाना"
All shopkeepers closed their shops and fled the market as soon as roiters entered the area.

"fleece","N","1.जानवरों के शरीर की ऊन"
Blankets are made of fleece from sheep.

"fleece","V","1.धन हथियाना"
He was so simple that his friends slowly fleeced him of his inheritance.

He has put on a fleecy coat.

"fleet","N","1.जहाजी बेडआ"
A fleet of ships was deployed to evacuate persons stranded on the coast.
--"२.गाडइयों का समूह"
The company maintained a fleet of cars for its officers.

"Fleet Admiral","N","1.फ्लीट एडमिरलनौसेना का उच्च अधिकारी"
Fleet of all naval ships is under control of a fleet admiral.

He has trained a fleet footed team for the forthcoming competition.

For a fleeting moment, I thought that I have recognised the thief.

He fleetingly smiled at the girl in the departmental store.

"Fleet Street","N","1.फ्लीटस्ट्रीटलंदन की एक सडक का नाम"
Fleet street is the name of the road where publishing firms are situated in London.

Carnivorous animals eat flesh of other animals.
Flesh of apples is quite tasty to eat.

"the flesh","N","1.शरीर"
He cannot control the desires of the flesh.

"flesh and blood","IDM","1.शारीरिकभावनाए"
The death of his near ones storm was more than his flesh and blood could tolerate.

"go the way of all flesh","IDM","1.सांसारिक कामनाओं की इच्छा रखना"
Though he projects himself as a saint, but he goes the way of all flesh.

"in the flesh","IDM","1.सशरीर"
He got a surprise when he met his favourite actor in the flesh.

"make ones flesh crawl/creep","IDM","1.घृणा करना"
Meeting Mohan makes his flesh crawl.

"ones own flesh and blood","IDM","1.नजदीकी रिश्तेदार"
He always takes care of the needs of his own flesh and blood.

"ones pound of flesh","IDM","1.स्थिति का लाभ उठाना"
Though he helped his friend in time of need, but extracted his pound of flesh when the time came.

"a thorn in ones flesh/side","IDM","1.कष्ट देने वाला"
Due to old enimity between their families, Sohan is always a thorn in his flesh.

"flesh","V","1.विस्तार में जाना"
His thesis needs more fleshing out before he can submit the same to the university.

This person is more interested in fleshly persuits than doing some useful work"

He likes girls with fleshy bodies.
Fleshy part of apricots is made into jam.

"flesh wound","N","1.घाव"
He received numerous flesh wounds in the fight.

"fleshpots","N","1.मनोरंजन के स्थान"
When visiting any new town, he always seeks the fleshpots of that place.

"fleur-de-lis","N","1.एक फूल और तीन पत्तियों का नमूना"
France was one country which had fleur-de-lis design in their coat of arms.

"flex","N","1.बिजली का तार"
Power to electrical appliances is provided through a flex.

During excersise you should flex your arms.

"flex ones muscles","IDM","1.शक्ति प्रदर्शन"
Before the fight the wrestler flexed his muscles to impress the audience.

He keeps his body flexible through regular excercises.
--"२.स्थिति के अनुरूप ढालना"
The plan for the trip should be flexible enough so that we can cover more cities during the trip.

You should incorporate enough flexibility in your plans so that changes can be made as the work progresses.

"flextime","N","1.निश्चित समय न होना"
The company allows its employees to work flexitime but insists that they work for a minimum number of hours per week.

"flibbertigibbet","N","1.बकवास करने वाला"
He has been proved to be a flibbertigibbet in his office due to his inefficiency.

He flicked the curtains to remove dust.
He flicked through the applications received in response to the advertisement but could not find one suitable to companys req
--"३.सिनेमा की फिल्म"
A very good flick is running at Capital theater.

"flick","V","1.झटके से मारना"
He flicked the whip at the horse to drive him faster.
--"२.झटका देना"
He flicked the ball with a twist of wrist to send it to the boundary.
He flicked the towel in his face.
The dog flicked its tail to drive away the flies.

"flick something away","PhrV","1.झटके से गायब करना"

"flick something from","PhrV","1.झटके से गायब करना"

"flick something off","PhrV","1.झटके से गायब करना"
He flicked away the purse of the passenger sitting next to him.

"flick through","PhrV","1.कागजपलटना"
He flicked through the newspapers to find an article of interest to him.

"flick knife","N","1.स्प्रिंग वाला चाकू"
Flick knife is a dangerous weapon.

His eyes flickered for a while before he died.
A nasty suspicion was flickering in his mind about the proposed trip to mountains arranged by his collegue.
In his last moments, images of his past deeds flickered through his brain.

"flicker out","PhrV","1.बुझजाना"
His hope for getting the job flickered out by his poor performance at the interview.

"flicker","N","1.आशा की किरण"
There was a flicker of hope in him for the job that he had recently applied for.

"flies","N","1.स्टेज के ऊपर की जगह"
Flies are useful for storage of materials.

Birds in flight look beautiful.
--"२.हवाई यात्रा"
His flight was uneventful.
To reach the temple you will have to negotiate a very steep flight of stairs.
--"४.कल्पना की उडआन"
His riches are only his flight of imagination.

"the first flight","IDM","1.अपने काम में श्रेष्ठ होना"

To fight this case I want to engage only a top flight lawyer.

"flightless","Adj","1.उडने में असमर्थ"
Pruning of wings made the bird flightless.

"flight crew","N","1.विमान र्कमचारी"
The flight crew is always very helpful to the children travelling alone on the flight.

"flight deck","N","1.विमान में चालक के बैठने का स्थान"
Passengers are normally not allowed on the flight deck.
--"२.जंगी जहाज पर विमान रखने का स्थान"
The flight deck of the aircraft carrier was kept ready for flight of the fighter aircrafts.

"flight lieutenant","N","1.वायुसेना का अधिकारी"

"flight path","N","1.उडआन का मार्ग"
Aeroplanes are required to file their flight path before the flight starts.

"flight recorder","N","1.फ्लाइटरिकॉर्डरहवाई जहाज की उडआन की जानकारी रखने वाला यंत्र"
In time of accidents to airoplanes the reasons can be found out by study of data recorded in the flight recorder.

"Flight Sergeant","N","1.फ्लाइटसार्जैंटवायुसेनापदवी"

"flight simulator","N","1.फ्लाइटसिमुलेटरहवाई जहाज उडआना सीखने का यंत्र"

Due to the war there was a flight of residents from the border areas.

"put someone to flight","IDM","1.किसी को भागने को मजबूर करना"
He put his adversary to flight after defeating him in a fight.

"take to flight","IDM","1.भाग जाना"
The thief took to flight on hearing the challenge from the approaching watchman.

"flighty","Adj","1.चंचल व्यवहार"
He is flighty in his behaviour and not consistant at all.

"flimsy","Adj","1.पतला कपडआ"
She always wears flimsy clothes.
The material is packed in flimsy boxes.
The prosecution could make only a flimsy case.

He flinched with pain when the blow hit him.
--"२.घबरा जाना"
He never flinched from any work given to him.

He flung the book away as it was not upto his expectations.
--"२.धक्का देना"
During the fight, Ram flung Shyam to the ground.
--"३.हिलाना/पटक देना"
As she flung herself from the cliff, he caught her in his arms.
Do not fling unnecessary accusations on others.

"fling oneself at","PhrV","1.पर थोपना"
At parties he always flings himself at the beautiful girls.

"fling oneself into","IDM","1.मेंरतहोनाkaranA"
He flung himself into the preparation for the forthcoming meeting with the clients.

"fling on","PhrV","1.शीघ्रता से कपडए पहनना"

"fling off","PhrV","1.शीघ्रता से कपडए उतारना"
He flung off his sweater as he was feeling uncomfortably hot in it.

"fling","N","1.आनन्दित होना"
He had his fling before going abroad.
--"२.प्रेम प्रसंग"
He had a brief fling with Sheela.

"flint","N","1.एक तरह का सख्त पत्थर"
Flint stone was used for lighting fires before invention of matches.

"flinty","Adj","1.फ्लिंट पत्थर की तरह सख्त"
Flinty stones are used for grinding.
He gave a flinty stare to him.

"flintlock","N","1.पुराने प्रकार की बन्दूक"
Flintlock pistols were used for duels.

He flipped the chair on the ground.
He flipped the coin in the air.
--"३.उत्तेजित होना"
The boss was flipped when he found that his junior was absent.

"flip ones lid","IDM","1.क्रोधित होना"
He fliiped his lid when told that the work done by him is of no use.

"flip through","PhrV","1.तालाश करना"
He flipped through the drawers to locate the missing file.

He did a flip on being told to complete the work.

"flip","Adj","1.गम्भीर न होना"
It was only a flip comment made by the teacher which annoyed the students.

"flip","Interj","1.फ्लिपआर्श्चय या दुख का उद्गार"
Oh flip !

"flipping","Adv","1.नापसंदगी दिखाना"

"flipping","Adj","1.नापसंदगी दिखाना"
This is a flipping town.

"flip chart","N","1.आकडओं का चार्ट"
He uses flip charts to make presentation in the conferences.

"flip flop","N","1.एक तरह की चप्पल"
Flip flop is a sandle in which there is a strap between big toe and toe next to it.

"flip side","N","1.दूसरा पहलू"
You should always consider the flip side of the problem before taking any decision.
--"२.दूसरी सतह"
Do you play the flip side of this record.

"flippant","Adj","1.गम्भीर न होना"
He has a flippant attitude towards his work.

"flippancy","N","1.हल्का स्वभाव"
He gets into problems in school due to his flippancy.

"flippantly","Adv","1.बिना गम्भीरता के"
He always talks flippantly with his colleagues.

"flipper","N","1.हिलने वाला अंग"
Seals use flippers for swimming.
--"२.फ्लिपरतैरने में सहायता का उपकरण"
Deep sea divers use flippers to control the speed of their dive.

He always flirts with all the girls in the locality.
--"२.विचार करना"
He is flirting with the idea of changing his job.
--"३.खतरा लेना"
Mountain climbers flirt with all types of dangers to achieve their objective.
He has flirted with many professions.

He is a compulsive flirt.

He carries on flirtation with his current girlfriend without any seriousness.
His flirtation with dangers will cause his death one of these days.

The boss objected to his flirtatious behaviour in the office.

"flit","V","1.इधर उधर उडना"
He keeps on flitting from one job to another.

"flit","N","1.भाग जाना"
He did a flit to avoid his creditors.

The dead body was found floating on the river.
She kept on floating in the pool to relax.
The water in the pond was so low that the boat could not float.
--"३.राय देना"
He floated a few ideas on the new product.
This company has floated its first public issue now.
This company is floating a fresh issue of shares and debentures.
--"५.मुद्रा का संतुलन रखना"
Countries normally float their currency against the US Dollar.

"float on air","IDM","1.अति उत्साहित होना"
He was floating on air after hearing that he topped the class in the final examinations.

"float about","PhrV","1.फैलाना"

"float around","PhrV","1.फैलाना"
In the times of war all sorts of rumours keep floating around.
--"२.अकारण समय बिताना"
I just floated around during the holidays.

"floating around","Adv","1.इधरउधरघूमतेहुए"
Have you seen the file on personnel floating around .
This peon keeps floating around the office without doing any useful work.

he has only a floating interest in that girl.

"floating voter","N","1.वोट देने में अर्निणीत व्यक्ति"
Many people are floating voters till the last minute before casting their vote.

"float","N","1.तैरने वाला पदार्थ"
Do not forget to attach a float to the fishing line to prevent its sinking.
There were many interesting floats in the Republic Day parade.
Bus conducters do not keep float with them to avoid giving change to passengers.

"flock","N","1.जानवरों का समूह"
He has a large flock of sheep at his farm.
--"२.आदमियों का समूह"
At this place people flock around to admire the view.
--"३.र्चच के मेम्बर"
The priest keeps his flock toghther on all major issues.

A large number of persons flocked near the open air stage to have a clear view of the drama being enacted.

"flock","N","1.गद्दों मे भरने की मुलायम वस्तु"
He recently bought flock cushions.

The teacher flogged the students with birch stick.
Let us flog our house at the price quoted by the dealer.

"flog a dead horse","IDM","1.व्यर्थ का प्रयत्न करना"
Getting any information out of him is like flogging a dead horse.

"flog to death","IDM","1.बोर करना"
Public was flogged to death during the speeches given by leaders during the election compaign.

"flog oneself to death/ into the ground","IDM","1.स्वयं पर अत्याचार करना"
He flogs his workers to death due to overwork.

"flogging","N","1.मारना पीटना"
The teacher believes in flogging the students to keep them in control.

"flood","V","1.पानी भर जाना"
All low lying areas of this city get flooded during rainy season due to inadequate drainage.
--"२.बाढ आना"
The river is flooded due to heavy rains.
--"३.बहुतायत से"
Many companies flood the market with their goods during festival season to increase sales.
--"४.भर जाना"
This room is always flooded with light as it has large windows.
I was flooded with relief when the work was completed.
The office was flooded with applications for the sole available job.
--"५.भर कर बहना"
Use the choke to start the car when the carborator is flooded.

"flood out","PhrV","1.बाढ से प्रभावित"
During the recent cyclones a large population of the state was flooded out of their homes.

Since no proper precautions were taken in advance the flooding of the area could not be checked.

The rivers are in spate due to flood.

"flood of tears","N","1.आसुओं की बाढ"
People were in flood of tears on the death of their respected leader.

"floodgate","N","1.पानी का बहाव रोकने का दरवाजआ"
The flow of water in the river increased as soon as the floodgates were opened.

"open the floodgates","IDM","1.भीड आने के दरवाजए खोलना"
The public came to the city square in such large numbers as if the floodgates have been opened.

"flood-plain","N","1.बाढ से प्रभावित होने वाली जमीन"
The most fertile area of this land falls in the flood-plain.

"flood-tide","N","1.ऊंचा ज्वार"
At times of flood-tide the area near the river banks is flooded with water.

"floodlight","N","1.तेज रोशनी वाली लाइट"
Day and night cricket matches are played under flood-lights.

"floodlight","V","1.तेज रोशनी से प्रकाशित करना"
Buildings of historical importance are usually illuminated by floodlights in the evenings.

The floor in his house is always kept very clean.
Many large volcanoes rise from the floor of the sea.
This building has ten floors.
--"४.खास कार्यस्थल"
He took her to the floor in Christmas dance.
--"५.निम्न मूल्य"
The wages at times of draught have fallen through the floor.

"be/get in on the ground floor","IDM","1.निचले स्तर से काम शुरू करना"
Though he was the son of the owner, he got in the company on the ground floor like other employees, before rising to senior le

"hold the floor","IDM","1.जइम्मेदारी लेना"
Please hold the floor till I return.

"take the floor","IDM","1.कार्य आरम्भ करना"
Now Mr.Patil will take the floor and explain to you details of the project.

He used granite for flooring his house.

"floor show","N","1.क्लब या होटल में प्रदर्शन"
The floor show at this club has some very good performers.

He was floored by the argument.
--"२.गिरा देना"
The wrestler floored the opponent by a single punch.
--"३.सतह लगाना"
He preferred to use marble for the floor of living room.

"floorboard","N","1.फर्श बनाने का सामान"
Wooden planks have been used as floor board in this hall.

"floozy","N","1.चरित्रहीन महिला"

"floozie","N","1.चरित्रहीन महिला"
This girl is behaving like a floozie by going around with many boys.

Clothes hung for drying were flopping in the wind.
--"२.थक कर बैठ जाना"
I was so tired that I flopped on the ground as soon as I reached a shady tree.
--"३.असफल होना"
He flopped in the interview.

"flop back","PhrV","1.गिरना"
The fish flopped back into water.

The rope hanging outside is creating a flop against the wall.
He is a flop in whatever he does.

He wears floopy hats.

"floopy diskette","N","1.फ्लौपी डिस्क"

"floppy disk","N","1.फ्लौपी डिस्क"
Floppy disks are used to store information from the computer.

By study of fossils the scientists can get information on flora of pre-historic period.

The regiment placed a floral tribute on the dead body of their officer.
--"२.फूलों का"
The tiles in his bathroom have floral design.

"floret","N","1.गोभी के फूल का टुकडआ"
Florets of cauliflowers are edible.

The decoration at his reception was florid in taste.
Due to excessive drinking his complexion is permanently florid.

"florin","N","1.फ्लोरिनइंगलैंड के सिक्के पाउंड के दसवें भाग के मूल्य का सिक्का"

"florist","N","1.फूल बेचने वाला"
He has gone to the florist to buy some flowers.

"floss","N","1.सिल्क का धागा"
Floss is used for embroidery.
--"२.दात साफ करने का धागा"
Dentists use dental floss to remove stains from the teeth.

Flotation of shares of this company has not been sucessful.
Froth flotation is a process to remove impurities from the minerals utilising their different specific gravities.

"flotila","N","1.नावों का समूह"
The flotila of warships proceeded towards the enemiys coast.

"flotsam","N","1.समुद्र में बिखरे जहाज के टुकडए"

"flotsam and jetsam","IDM","1.निराश्रय और निर्धन लोग"
Many social organisations care for floatsam and jetsam of the society.
--"२.व्यर्थ की वस्तुए"
The attic in his house is full of flotsam and jetsam discarded over the years.

When he found that people are not paying any more attention to him, he flounced out of the gathering.

She wears skirts with flounce sewn to it.

"flounced","Adj","1.झालर लगा हुआ"
Her petticoats are flounced.

His jeep got floundered in the mud.
--"२.घबडआ जाना"
He flounders whenever asked to do any difficult work.

"flounder","N","1.एक तरह की छोटी समुद्री मछली"
Flounder is a type of edible fish.

He went to the flour mill to get the grain ground.

"flour","V","1.आटे में लपेटना"
Cutlets are floured before frying.

"floury","Adj","1.आटे से सना हुआ"
She opened the door with floury hands.
--"२.आटे की तरह"
This medicine has a floury taste.

"flourish","V","1.सफल होना"
His shop is flourishing in this neighbourhood.
--"२.स्वस्थ होना"
His health is flourishing in this climate.
--"३.हिलाना या घुमाना"
He flourished his pen at the audience to draw their attention on specific points.

"flourish","N","1.संकेत सहित"
He does everything with a flourish.
--"२.हाव भाव से"
The new hotel opened with a flourish.

He flouted the norms set by the society.

Water began to flow as soon as the dam burst.
Traffic islands help in regularising flow of trafic.
--"३.अनवरत प्रवाह"
Money flowed without restraints at his party.
--"४.ढीले ढाले"
Priests usually wear flowing robes.
--"५.बहुतायत से"
There was no control over flow of money in this election.

"flow in/into","PhrV","1.जआहिर होना"
The information on sales peformance from different dealers flowed into the office.

"flow from","PhrV","1.सेउभरना"
Many ideas flow from group discussions.

"flow out","PhrV","1.बाहर निकलना"
Sensitive information on our new product is flowing out from this office.

The flow of blood from the wound has stopped.
Timely and proper flow of information is very important for good management.
--"३.धारा प्रवाह"
When he starts talking, you cannot stop his flow.

"the ebb and flow","IDM","1.समुद्र का ज्वार"
The ebb and flow of sea is controled by gravity during the phases of the moon.

"flow chart","N","1.प्रक्रिया की जानकारी का चार्ट"
Please study carefully the flow chart of this process so that you can control the operations.

The flowers of this plant are very beautiful.
--"२.श्रेष्ठ भाग"
The most meritorious students are considered as the flower of the nation.

"in/into flowers","IDM","1.फूल खिले हुए हैं"
All the seasonal plants in this garden are into flowers at this time of year.

"flower","V","1.फूलों का खिलना"
Roses flower throughout the year.
Their dependence on each other flowered with time.

This wall paper has a flowered pattern.

The deterioration in law and order in this area has been flowering since the new corporater has been installed.

He wears shirts with flowery designs.
This book has been written in a flowery language.

"flower bed","N","1.फूलोंकीक्यारी"
On his holidays, he prefers working on developing the flower beds in his garden.

"flower children","N","1.शांति के प्रतीक में फूल ले जाने वाले"

"flower people","N","1.शांति के प्रतीक में फूल ले जाने वाले"
Flower people take peaceful procession to propagate peace and harmony to all.

"flower power","N","1.शांति के प्रतीक में फूल ले जाने वालों के विचार"

He grows flowers in his balcony in flowerpots.

"fl oz","Abbrfluid ounces","1.आउन्सतरल पर्दाथ नापने का एक माप"

"Flt Lt","AbbrFlight lieutenant","1.फ्लाइट लैफ्टिनेंट"

She has been down with flu for sometime.

"fluctuate","V","1.घटना बढना"
The share market fluctuates widely at times.

There is wide fluctuation in the prices of commodities in times of disturbances.

"flue","N","1.धुए का निकास मार्ग"
Chimney in kitchen acts as flue for the hot gases produced during cooking.

He gave the speech in fluent Japanese.
He is a fluent player of tabla.
She dances with fluent movements.

He can speak English with fluency.

"fluently","Adv","1.बिना रुकावट के"
He can speak German fluently.

Lot of fluff is collected on your blankets.
--"२.जानवरों के मुलायम रोऎं"
Young birds have fluff which develops into feathers.

"fluff up","PhrV","1.फुलाना"

"fluff out","PhrV","1.फुलाना"
She fluffed up all the cushions after warming them in sun.
She fluffed the performance.

She has a nice fluffy kitten as a pet.
You should beat the dough to a fluffy consistancy for making cakes.

"fluid","N","1.द्रव पदार्थ"
In diseases like dysentary there is a lot of fluid from the body which should be replenished to save life of patient.

Milk is a fluid substance.
We have a fluid arrangement of work here.
She had a fluid grace in her dance.

Panther has a fluidity in his movements.

"fluid ounce","N","1.द्रव पदार्थ नापने का मापदंड"

It was only by fluke that he secured good marks.

I was completely flummoxed by the sudden change in his attitude towards me.

"flunk","V","1.असफल होना"
I flunked in the test.

"flunk out","IDM","1.निकाल देना"
He was flunked out of the class for poor attendance.

"flunkey","N","1.वर्दीधारी नौकर"
The hotel has many flunkies.
The minister had many flunkeys who did his bidding to gain his patronage.

"flouroscent","Adj","1.अंधेरे में चमकने वाला पदार्थ"
He painted design of skeleton in flouroscent paint on his clothes to horrify people in the night.

The flouroscence of many refined Atomic minerals can cause damage to the eye.

"fluoride","N","1.फलोरीन गैस का एक मिश्र"
Some intake of Flouride is required for better growth and longivity of teeth.

"flouridation","N","1.पानी में फ्लोराइड मिलाना"
Flouridation of municipal water supply is done in many cities to prevent tooth decay.

"flourine","N","1.एक घातक गैस"
Flourine is an element usually found in gaseous form in the family of other gases like chlorine.

"flurry","N","1.अचानक होना"
There has been unseasonal flurry of snow fall in this area.
There has been unusual flurry of activity in the town when the visit of VVIP was announced.

She had a flush on her cheek.
In the flush of excitement, he forgot to lock the door.
--"३.पानी बहाना"
Please flush the drain after you have taken bath.
--"४.नया विकास"
The plants in his garden are in their second flush.

"in the first flush","IDM","1.पूरे यौवन पर होना"
The heroin in this play is in her first flush of youth.

"flush","V","1.कपोल पर लाली छाना"
He flushed when praised in the office.
--"२.पानी से बहाना"
He flushed away all the incriminating documents through the toilet.

"flush out","PhrV","1.बाहर निकालना"
The police flushed out the bandits from their place of hiding.


The edge of the tank was flush with the ground.
His father is a rich man and is always flush with money.

"flush","N","1.ताश का एक खेल"
Flush is a game of betting.

He gets terribly flustered even with minor problems.

The students were in a state of fluster due to the new circular from the principal.

He is well versed in playing flute.

"flutist","N","1.बासुरी वादक"
The flutist in this orchestra is superb.

"fluted","Adj","1.स्तम्भ आदि पर की गयी कारीगरी"
The columns of this temple have fluted designs.

"fluting","N","1.बारीक कारीगरी"
These carvings have fine fluting.

This place is so calm that you can even hear the flutter of wings of the birds.
--"२.हवा में हिलना"
All the flags in the stadium were fluttering in the strong wind.
The vamp fluttered her eyes coquettishly at the hero in the film.
--"४.तेज रफ्तार से धडकना"
Due to excitement his heart was fluttering.

He was in a flutter on clearing the hurdle.
The sound of the song had a flutter due to long use of the tape.
--"३.बाजई लगाना"
He had a flutter at the stock market today.

"fluvial","Adj","1.नदी सम्बंधी"
Alluvial deposits of Gold are fluvial deposits.

The economy of this country is in a constant state of flux due to political instability.
Lines of flux change their properties while pass through a magnetic field.

The bees fly to the garden to collect necter.
I normally fly to save time.
Her skirt was flying in the strong wind.
The rumours of a coup were flying thick and fast.
This company flies its own planes between the locations of its plants.
The commercial pilots are trained to fly aeroplanes.
I want to fly a kite.
People are allowed to fly the national flag at their homes on specific days.
--"४.तेज रफ्तार से जाना"
The bus was flying along the road at a very high speed.
He was hit by a stone which came flying at him.
The gate flew open when the car dashed against it.
Time flew so fast that holidays were over before he realised.
pages 453 and 454 of OALD
He flew from the city fearing his arrest.

"as the crow flies","IDM","1.सीधे लक्ष्य में"
As the crow flies, the distance between the two cities is small it takes a long time because of circutious route you have to t
अके तो रेअ॥ थिस् प्लचे.

"the bird has flown","IDM","1.भाग जाना"
What is the use of coming here in search of Mohan, the bird has flown.

"fly/show/wave the flag","IDM"-- see FLAG

"fly high","IDM","1.सफल होना"
Due to his hard work he is flying high in the organisation.

"fly in the face of","IDM","1.अस्वीकार होना"
The proposal mooted by the government is flying in the face of all established norms.

"fly into a passion","IDM","1.अचानक क्रोध करना"

"fly into a temper","IDM","1.अचानक क्रोध करना"

"fly into a rage","IDM","1.अचानक क्रोध करना"
The boss flew into a rage on hearing about the losses suffered by the company due to rejection of manufactured goods.

"fly a kite","IDM","1.दूसरों की प्रतिक्रिया जानने के लिये किया काम"
His action on the problem was like flying a kite.

"go fly a kite","IDM","1.किसी को भगा देना"
He was so annoyed that he told his friend to go fly a kite.

"fly/go off at a tangent","IDM","1."

"fly off the handle","IDM","1.क्रोध करना"
He goes off the tangent at his subordinates even on very minor problems.

"fly/go out of the window","IDM","1."

"keep the flag flying","IDM","1.मान बनाए रखो"

"let fly","IDM","1.आक्रमण करना"
He was so annoyed that he let fly with the paper weight at his subordinate.

"pigs might fly","IDM","1.असम्भव हो जाना"

"fly at","PhrV","1.आक्रामक होना"
She suddenly flew at him in rage.

"fly away","Adj","1.बिखरना"
Whatever care she takes, her hairs tend to fly away in a short time.

"fly by","PhrV","1.हवाई जहाजओं द्वारा दी गयी सलामी"

"fly past","PhrV","1.हवाई जहाजओं द्वारा दी गयी सलामी"
On Republic Day the planes of Air Force fly past the main stand.

"fly by night","IDM","1.अविश्वसनीय लोग"
Many persons have been duped of their hard earned money by fly by night operators who promise high returns.

There are many flies in this room.
--"२.बंसी में लगाने का चारा"
He uses only artificial fly for fishing.

"drop like flies","IDM","1.मृत्यु होना"

"fall like flies","IDM","1.मृत्यु होना"

"die like flies","IDM","1.मृत्यु होना"
During the outbreak of plague, people started dying like flies.

"a/the fly in the ointment","IDM","1.काम बिगाडने वाला"
Their love affair was proceeding smoothly but the father of the girl came as a fly in the ointment.

"a fly on the wall","IDM","1.बिना महत्व का व्यक्ति"
He is like a fly on the wall in the affairs of the party.

"there are no flies on","IDM","1.चतुर व्यक्ति"
He is so smart that there are no flies on him.

"not harm/hurt a fly","IDM","1.दूसरों को दुखन देने वाला व्यक्ति"
Shyam is so nice that he cannot hurt a fly.

"fly-blown","Adj","1.खराब हालत में"
His car looked in a fly-blown condition.

"fly-fishing","N","1.नकली चारे से मछली पकडना"
He always goes for fly fishing in preference to using live bait.

"fly-paper","N","1.मक्खी पकडने का लेसयुक्त कागज"
He has put fly-papers in his room to minimise fly nuisance.

"fly","N","1.पैंट में जइप लगाने की जगह"
His fly is open as the zip is not closed.
--"२.तम्बू का दरवाजआ"
Please close the fly of your tent to prevent entry of snakes in this jungle.

"flyer","N","1.हवाई जहाज का चालक"
I went to the flight deck to see the flyer of this plane.
--"२.हवाई यात्री"
He is a frequent flyer on this route.
--"३.उडआने वाला"
The flyer of this model plane is 1.years old.
--"४.उडने वाला"
Some insects are caught as they are poor flyers and cannot escape the predators.
--"५.तेज रफ्तार से चलने वाला"
Cheetah is a great flyer when catching his kill.
--"६.विज्ञापन हेतु पुस्तिका"
I receive many flyers from the companies inviting me to buy their products.

"high flyer","N","1.ऊंचे समाज में रहने वाला"
Film actors are normally high flyers.

"flying","Adj","1.उडने वाला"
There are many flying insects in this area.

"get off to a flying start","IDM","1.आरम्भ से काम अच्छी तरह होना"
His business got off to a flying start with help from his friends.

"with flying colours","IDM","1.पूर्ण सफलता"
He passed the examination with flying colours.

"flying","N","1.हवाई यात्रा"
He takes his whole family with him when he goes flying.

"flying buttress","N","1.अर्ध गुम्बज"
The outside wall of structures are supported by constructing a flying buttress.

"flying doctor","N","1.डाक्टरजो हवाई जहाज से दूर के बीमार देखने जाता है"
Flying doctors are more common in countries which are sparsely populated.

"flying fish","N","1.उडनमछली" #एक तरह की मछली जो पानी की सतह के ऊपर उड सकती है

"flying jump","N","1.दौड कर ली कुदान"
The thief took a flying jump to clear the wall of the house to escape the dog persuing him.

"flying officer","N","1.इंगलैंड की वायुसेना का एक अधिकारी"

"flying picket","N","1.स्ट्राइक करने को तैयार कामगर"

"flying saucer","N","1.उडन तश्तरी"
Many people believe to have seen flying saucers which they claim have come to earth from some other developed civilisations of
ओउतेर् स्पचे.

"flying sqad","N","1.पुलिस का एक दस्ता"
Flying squad is a mobile group of policemen who can reach the scene of crime very fast.

"flying visit","N","1.कम समय की भेंट"
He could pay only a flying visit to his friends house as he was very busy.

"flyleaf","N","1.किताब की जिल्द का पहला पन्ना"
Usually people write their name on the flyleaf of their books as proof of ownership.

"flyover","N","1.सडक के ऊपर पुल"
Many flyovers are constructed to ease out the congestion of the road traffic on busy roads.

"flysheet","N","1.तम्बू का बाहरी कवर"
Extra flysheet is put on tents to give additional protection from rain and wind.

"flyweight","N","1.कुश्तीmukkebAjaI का एक वर्ग"
He could take part only in flyweight group of the wrestling competition due to his lower weight for other categories.

"flywheel","N","1.मशीन में लगा लोहे का भारी चक्र"
A flywheel is put on machines like crushers to avoid fluctuations in speed at all times.

"FM","Abbrfrequency modulation","1.रेडियो प्रसारण का एक तरीका"
Programmes broadcasted at FM bands cannot be received over long distances.

"FO","AbbrForeign Office","1.विदेश विभाग"
FO(Foreign Office) in England is responsible for diplomatic relations with various countries.

"foal","N","1.घोडए का छोटा बच्चा"
A foal has been born to his horse.

"in foal","IDM","1.घोडई का गाभिन होना"
His filly is in foal.

"foal","V","1.घोडई का बच्चा पैदा होना"
His filly is foaled.

During epileptical attack, lot of foam came out of her mouth.
In place of cotton,foam is used to fill matresses to make them soft and long lasting.

"foam","V","1.झाग निकलना"
This soap foams a lot.

"foamy","Adj","1.झाग सहित"
A foamy substance has collected around the beach after the high tide.

"fob","N","1.छोटी चेन"
A fob chain is used for securing things on ones person.

"fob off","PhrV","1.मना करना"
He always tries to fob me off from doing any important work in the office.

"fob off on/onto","PhrV","1.बेवकूफ बनाना"
You are trying to fob me off on taking the correct decision in this matter.

"focal","Adj","1.फोकस में होना"
The focal point of the whole discussion was not very clear.

"focal distance","N","1.लैंस से उसके फोकस की दूरी"

"focal length","N","1.लैंस से उसके फोकस की दूरी"
The focal length of a large diameter lense is quite long.

"focal point","N","1.मुख्य आकर्षण का केंद्र"
The focal point of all gathering was the spech of the chief guest.

"focus","N","1.केंद्र बिंदु"
He was the focus of all attention at the party.
He has taken the photographs without properly focussing his camera causing the images to blurr.

"focus","V","1.केंद्रित होना"
Since he was the chairman, all praises for the better performance of the company were focussed on him.
The speakers are kept in such a way that the sound is focussed at the centre of the room.
--"२.साफ दिखाई देना"
He fell as he could not focus his eyes in the semidarkness of the hall.
--"३.केन्द्रित करना"
Please focus the lense of the microscope to see the specimen clearly.

"focussed","Adj","1.साफ दिखना"
As he regained consciousness, his eyes slowly got focussed on his friend standing in the room.

"fodder","N","1.पशुओं का चारा"
Grass is fodder for all Cattle.
Gossip columnists collect fodder for their stories at social gatherings.

Ram and his friend have turned foes after the last time they quarrelled.

Sometimes the foetus of women is aborted due to sickness.

"foetal","Adj","1.गोल होकर लेटना"
He curled up in foetal position and covered his head to avoid injuries during police lathi charge.

In dense fog driving is dangerous as visibility is very poor.

"in a fog","IDM","1.भ्रम में रहना"
He was in a fog as how to get out of the problem in his work.

"fog","V","1.कोहरे से घिरना"
All my books have been fogged over due to excessive steam in this room.
--"२.भ्रम पैदा होना"
This is a difficult puzzle, I am fogged over by this.
I am fogged by your instructions.

This is a foggy day, you cannot see the sun.
His instructions are always foggy.

"not have the faintest/foggiest idea","IDM","1.मालूम न होना"
I do not have the foggiest idea how to sort out this matter in the office.

"fog-bound","Adj","1.कोहरे द्वारा हुई परेशानी"
The passengers were stranded as the airport was fog bound.

"fog lamp/light","N","1.कोहरे में इस्तेमाल करने के लिये तेज रोशनी"
Cars need fog lamps for visibility for driving in the night.

"fog horn","N","1.कोहरे की सूचना देने का सायरन"
Fog horn is normally sounded by ships travelling in thick fog to avoid collision with other ships/boats in vicinity.

"fogy","N","1.पुराने विचार का व्यक्ति"
He behaves like an old fogy when in company of youngsters.

"foible","N","1.छोटी चारित्रिक दुर्बलतायें"
People tolerate her foibles because of her old age.

"foil","N","1.धातु का महीन पत्तर"
Aluminium foil is used to preserve food.
The legitimate business is a perfect foil for his illegal activities.

"foil","V","1.रोडए अटकाना"
He foiled attempts by Ram to get the job.

"foil","N","1.पतली तलवार"
They fenced with foils at the competition.

"foist","V","1.बेवकूफ बनाना"

"foist on/upon","IDM","1.पर थोपना"
He foisted a number of counterfeit currency on him.

Fold the clothes properly before putting them in the drawer.
--"२.बंद करना"
Please fold the chairs in the garden and stack them .
--"३.समाप्त होना"
The movie folded within a week in spite of all the publicity.

"fold ones arms","IDM","1.हाथों को छाती पर बाधना"
He stood their with his arms folded waiting for her to arrive.

"fold in ones arms","IDM","1.अपने पास करना"
He folded his son in his arms as soon as he got down from the train.

"fold ones hands","IDM","1.हाथ जोडना"
He prayed to the boss with folded hands not to remove him from service.

"fold into","PhrV","1.फेंटना"

"fold in","PhrV","1.फेंटना"
Fold in the bater for the cake properly before putting it in the mould.

Please see that this curtain hangs with proper folds.
--"२.मोडने का निशान"
The folds on this paper are not properly made for orgamy designs.
--"३.चट्टान में मोड"
Oil is normally found in basin caused by folding of sedimentary rocks.

"fold","N","1.भेडों को रखने का बाडआ"
At sunset he locked his sheep in the fold.
Some disgruntled members decided to leave the partys fold.

He has multiplied his money tenfold by investing judiciously.

"foldaway","Adj","1.जो मोडआ जा सके"
Foldaway furniture saves space in small flats.

Please bring the folder on sales projections to me.

Trees with good foilage are useful for giving shade.

"folio","N","1.एक बार मोडआ हुआ कागज"
He kept all the folios in his briefcase.

I am going to my village to meet my follks.
The folks of Scandinavian countries are very friendly.
--"३.लोक परम्परानुसार"
Every culture has many folk tales of their past.

folk music, folk dances, folk art of a country or community.

"folk dance","N","1.लोक नृत्य"
Her performance of folk dance at the festival was very much appreciated by the audience.

"folklore","N","1.पौराणिक कथा"
Mahabharat is a folklore from ancient India.

"folklorist","N","1.लोक कथाओं का अध्धयन करने वाला"
He is a well known folklorist of stories from ancient Egypt.

"folk memory","N","1.पुरानी यादें"
The battle for control of this fort was so fierce that it still exists in folk memory.

"folk singer","N","1.लोक गायक"
She is a well known folk singer.

"folk song","N","1.लोक गीत"
Folk songs of this region are well liked even today.

"folk tale","N","1.लोक कथा"
There are many folklores on ghosts in this village.

His behaviour is folksy with all his staff.
In villages womenfolk spend their free time persuing folksy weaving of cloth.

"follicle","N","1.रोम छिद्र"
Hair on body grow out of follicles.

"follow","V","1.अनुसरण करना/अनुकरण करना"
One should follow the precedents set by the peers.
She follows the same way of life as her parents.
To reach the city you have to follow markers on this road.
Before entering the city, the road follows along the sea.
--"३.पीछा करना"
He is so infatuated that he follows her everywhere.
--"४.आज्ञा मानना"
In the office you should follow what the boss says.
--"५.अनुगमन करना"
She is following the medical profession.
You should try to follow the instructions of the teacher.
He tried his best to follow the instructions, but failed.
Do try to follow how I am playing the instrument.
--"७.ध्यान से सुनना"
He sat following every word of the leaders speech.
--"८.वर्णन करना"
The story of this film follows the life of the saint.
--"९.घटित होना"
A dispute between us is likely to follow due to the false propaganda created by him.
--"१०.अर्थ निकलना"
If rains are good it does not automatically follow that the crop will be better than previous years.

"as follows","IDM","1.निम्नलिखित"
My requirements for today are as follows.

"follow the crowd","IDM","1.सबके साथ होना"
He always follows the crowd instead of expressing his own opinion in official meetings.

"follow in sbs footsteps","IDM","1.पदचिह्नों पर चलना"
Present leadership should follow in the footsteps of great leaders.

"follow ones nose","IDM","1.सीधे चलना"
You cannot miss the station if you follow your nose.
--"२.अपनी सहज प्रेरणा से"
One should follow his own nose in matters of personal and confidential nature instead of discussing with everyone.

"follow suit","IDM","1.वही करना"
When the invitees start dancing, you can follow suit.

"to follow","PhrV","1.इसके बाद में"
The main course of food is to follow the entree.

"follow through","PhrV","1.अंत तक"
You should follow through to complete all the holes on the golf course.

"follow up","PhrV","1.जानकारी लेना"
You should follow up with the officials to get the telephone connection expeditiously.

This person is a follower of the sect formed by Hare Krishna movement all over the world.
The programme was held on the following day.
Look at the following examples.

Sai Baba has a large following in India.

There was a major uprising following his arrest.

It was utter folly to choose batting first on this wicket.

The Defamation Bill fomented journalists to take to the streets.

I have very fond memories of childhood.

My mother held my hand fondly.
I used to fondly imagine that life is a bed of roses.

I have fondness for Dolly.

He fondled his pet dog .

Most of the temples in India have fonts.

Beef fondue was prepared yesterday.

We cannot survive without food.

Food-chain is commonly seen among small insects.

"food poisoning","N","1.खराबखानाखानेसेहुईबीमारी"
१५० cases of food poisoning were reported yesterday.

"food processor","N","1.साग-सब्जीकाटनेकीमशीन"
Food processors have made grinding of foods easier.

"food stamp","N","1.राशनकार्ड"
Food stamp is generally given to the poor.

"food stuff","N","1.भोजन-सामग्री"
He bought some food stuff from the market.

He is a fool to visit Kashmir at this point of time.

I was fooled by my friends on April 1.

It was foolhardy of her to go alone in the night.

It would be foolish to believe such rumours.

He foolishly spent his time and money.

His foolishness led to the disaster.

A foolproof security system should be there in the university campus.

"foolscap","N","1.कागजकाएकनापलगभग ३००*२०० or 400mm}"
Her essay ran over ten pages of foolscap paper.

My left foot was injured in the accident.
They erected a 5-foot wall in front of their house.
The 18th century Metaphysical school of poetry laid too much emphasis on
metrical foot.
They camped at the foot of the hill.

He is a six-footer.

The BBC showed the film footage of Babri Masjids demolition.

Baichung Bhutia plays football very well.

Baichung Bhutia is the best footballer in India today.

Baichung Bhutia is blessed with footballing skills.

"football pool","N","1.फुटबालखेलसम्बन्धीजुआ"
Initially, he was winning in the football pools.

We have to cross the footbridge to reach the other side.

I heard a light footfall on the corridor last night.

They camped at the foothills of the Himalayas.

Coca Cola has a strong foothold in the Indian market.
She used the stool as a foothold to climb the table.

His company is now on a firm footing in the market.
She lost her footing in the slippery bathroom and fell down.
The workers wanted to be on equal footing with their officers.

She is unmarried and footloose.

The footman served us tea.

Footnotes facilitate the understanding of text.

Lalbujhakkad saw the footprints of an elephant.

Pedestrians should always walk on the footpath.

He played footsie with her to attract her attention.

I get footsores specially during summers.

Raj heard the sound of footsteps in the next room.

My grandfather rests his feet on a footstool while sitting in a chair.

She bought a new pair of footwear for herself.

Ravi bought a book for Sonu.
Yash has a strong desire for a remote-control car.
Speak for yourself, not for all.
We do not know who the MP is for this district.
She is very tall for her age.
He went on and on for an hour.

Rama was very angry with Madhu for she has again forgotten her birthday.

Forage is a nutritious food for cattles.

"forage","V","1.खोज में घूमना"
Women in villages forage for firewood.

He wears foragecap when he is not on duty.

Some miscreants made a foray into the petrol pump.
Many newcomers foray first into the computer industry.

The unhappy teachers forbore from going on strike.

Forbearance is one of Meetas good qualities.

She is very loving and forbearing in nature.

My sense of tact forbids an honest answer.

She gave me a forbidding reply.

She looked forbiddingly at me.

They used force to open the jammed door.
The police took away the protesters by force.
The Air force was pressed into operation in Kargil.
Women turned up in force.
The new law will come into force next month.

She forced him to take up a job in the city.
She forced a smile.
The cricketers forced their way through the crowd.

His resignation was forced.
The air-hostess gave a forced smile.

"forced labour","N","1.बेगार"
The prisoners had to be forced labours.

"forced landing","N","1.विवशयामजबूरनअवतरण"
The aircraft made a forced landing due to technical snag.

The students on hunger-strike were force-fed .

"force majeure","N","1.नकरनेकाबहाना"
Lack of funds was the force majeure for delaying the project work.

"forced march","N","1.सेनाकीटुकडईकोजबरनचलवाना"
Prisoners of war are often made to do forced march for long distances.

Forcemeat was stuffed into the cooked chicken.

Mr.Prasad is a forceful speaker.
The lawyer with his forceful arguements could convince the judge about the
innocence of the accused.

He forcefully argued on the matter.

She argued with forcefulness.

I use forceps to hold the hot plate.
Many doctors are not in favour of using forceps at the time of normal delivery.

The police made a forcible entry into the building.

She forcibly restrained herself from joining the group.
The intruders were forcibly evicted from the border areas.

We drove through the ford to reach the village.
It is not easy to cross the ford during the rainy season.

"ford","VT","1.पार करना"
Many people ford the river in boat.

The fore part of the car was damaged in the accident.

He came to the fore to address the audience.

He covers her forearm while working in the chemistry lab.
Indian girls put bangles on their forearms.

"forearm","V","1.तैयारी करना"
The armed forces must be forearmed against a possible attack from across the
Every country should be forearmed against the enemy attack.

She had a sense of forboding that her husband would meet with an accident.

I dont know the whereabouts of my forebears.

The ORG-MARG forecasted the outcome of the assembly elections.
Astrologers claim to forecast the future.

According to the weather forecast,the sky is likely to remain clear for
the next 24hrs.

She is working as a weather forcaster for the BBC.

The bank foreclosed on the mortgage.

There was foreclosure on the mortgage .
The auctioneers foreclosed the propert of the bankrupt man.

"forecourt","N","1.खुला मैदान"
The forecourt of the assembly house of full of people.
There is a large forecourt in front of my school.

The fate of an illiterate man is foredoomed.

His forefathers have left huge property.

He broke his forefinger.

"forefoot","N","1.अगला पैर"
My pet dogs forefoot bruised in an accident.
Kangaroos hop without using their forefeet.

He is always in the forefront in college functions.

The forgoing discussion of the isuue was based on subjective analyses.

The election outcome is a forgone conclusion.

Good tennis players have a very strong forehand.

She learns foreign languages during vacations.
Foreign tourists should be treated as guests.

A foreigner was kidnapped by the terrorists.

"foreign exchange","N","1.विदेशीमुद्रा"
The rate of foreign exchange varies daily.

"foreign secretary","N","1.विदेशीसचिव"
He has recently been appointed as the forign secretary.

"fore knowldge","N","1.पूर्वज्ञान"
The fore knowledge of the cyclone could have saved many lives.

"fore leg","N","1.आगलेपावचौपायोंके"
The circus dog can walk on his fore legs.

"fore lock","N","1.अलकमाथेपरगिरनेवाली"
The portrait showed curly fore locks on the forehead of the lady.

If you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman.

Hillary was the foremost person to conquer the Mount Everest.
Educating the masses is the foremost need.

Im foremost concerned about my career.

In the name `Rajesh Shukla,`Rajesh is the forename.

The forensic report went against the accused.
He is a forensic scientist.

Foreplay is a natural sexual instinct.

Scanty rainfall is the forerunner of the drought.
Garry Kasporov is a forerunner in the field of chess.

Such a thing wont be used in the forseeable future.

I forsee some danger in the next 24hrs.
It is difficult to foresee the future of any country.

"foreshadow","V","1.पूर्वाभास देना"
The minor skirmishes foreshadowed a major war.

His figure was foreshortened in the dark.

He has a good foresight of the share market.

"fore shore","N","1.तटाग्र"
The tide reached the foreshores.

"fore skin","N","1.ऊपरीचमडई"
The fore skins of the organs should be cleaned regularly.

Wild animals live in forests.

The police forestalled the stadium before the match .

A foresters job is very challenging.

The entire department of forestry is busy planting trees.

He foretold the result of the cricket match.

They remained friends forever.

The metereological department forewarned fishermen not to venture into the sea.

Her Professor wrote the foreword of her book.

Tennis players using foul language on court have to pay forfeit.

If you cancel your reservation,you will forfeit some amount of deposit.

The company declared the forfeiture of shares.

An ironsmith heats the iron in a forge.

"forge","VT","1.तपाकर गढना/बनाना"
The ironsmith forges the iron to give it a shape.
He forged as a school teacher.

He was arrested in the case of forgery.

He is suspected to be a forger.

I forgot to bring my book.

My grandfather is sometimes forgetful.

In old age some people suffer from forgetfulness.

She left her purse forgetfully in the auto.

Yesterdays concert is a forgettable event.

I saw a clump of forget-me-nots in my friends garden.

My mother forgave me for my mistakes.

Jesus was the living portrait of forgiveness .

My mother is loving and forgiving by nature.

His behaviour is not forgivable.

They ate food with a knife and fork.

This road forks just beyond the bridge.
The farmer forked the manure into the soil.

Snake has a forked tongue.

A forlorn orphan was begging on the street.
I made a forlorn attempt to shed weight.
The hermits prefer to live in a forelorn place.

The orphan begged forlornly in the street.

A dark form could be seen in the distance.
The past form of `write is `wrote.
I got an application form.
Water in the form of solid is ice.
The assignments should be done in a proper form.
The modern form of the painting is often obscure.

He formed a union in his organisation.
The Prime Minister formed his cabinet within a week of his election.

In former times cut-throat competition was not so acute.
The former Vice Chancellor visited the university.
In the phrase `Jack and Jill,Jack is former.

Formerly girls were not so career-oriented.

Gas is a formless matter.

For formal functions formal dress is more appropriate.
A formal studentsunion meeting was held yesterday.

He was formally invited to the party.

Formaldehyde solution is used to preserve dead reptiles.

Excessive formalism in Afghanistan has marred the creative spirit in people.

There are no formalities between my friend and me.

They formalized their relationship by marrying each other.
They gave formalization to their relationship by entering into wedlock.

Attractive format often attracts buyers.

The formation of the state of Madhya Pradesh took place on November 1.50.
Rock formations take millions of years.

Formative years of a child need careful supervision.

The former rulers of the state designed certain policies.
The former rule applies later.

Solving rider and theorems is a formidable task for me.

There is a formula to solve this problem.
There is no easy formula for success.

The Directive Principles of State Policy were carefully formulated.

He forsook his career to join the freedom struggle.

He forswore in the court of law to save his guilty friend.
A person who forswears his promises is not to be believed.

The Gwalior fort is today a tourist attraction.

Mathematics was never my forte.
Hard work should be every bodys forte.

He played the music forte.

He came forth to address the audience.

I will be casting my vote in the forthcoming elections.

The contract was terminated forthwith.

He is a forthright person.

The town was fortified against the enemy.

Fortification of a state has become a necessity to avoid infiltration.

The music was played fortissimo in the party.

A brave person bears all kinds of sufferings with fortitude.
She bore the labour pain with great fortitude.

We have a fortnights holiday.

`India Today was a fortnightly magazine.

FORTRAN is a programming language used especially in scientific applications.

Today fortress towns have become tourist attraction.

It was a fortitious meeting .

He is really very fortunate to get admission in a good college.

Fortunately the weather was good.

May fortune be with the Indian team.

"fortune teller","N","1."
Gypsies are often famous as fortune tellers.

The number of people present in the party were forty.

"forty winks","N","1.{अनौपचारिकझपकी"
I take forty winks after lunch.

The political situation was different in the forties.

He took voluntary retirement in his fortieth year.

TV has become a popular forum for debates on social issues.
He filed a suit against the retail shopkeeper in the Consumer Protection forum.

The forward seats in the bus are reserved for ladies.

Come forward!

The case was forwarded to the Supreme Court.

I admire her forwardness.

She is very ambitious and forward-looking.

"fossil fuel","N","1.जीवावशेषसेबनातेलकोयलाआदि"
Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy resources.

Fossils of dinosaur were found near the rocks.

The bones of dinosaurs were fossilized.
He has fossilized his ideas on the role of women in society.

The process of fossilization is very long.

She fostered the orphan.

Her reputation was fouled by him.
My skipping rope got fouled in a net.

The open nallah emits foul smell.
The movie was full of foul language.
He played a foul game and won the match.

"foul play","N","1.नियमविरुद्धखेल"
He was shown red card for foul play.

He was shown the red card for foulness.

He played foully.

Her father founded the hospital in 1958.

"founding father","N","1.जन्मदाता"
Hari is the founding father of this movement.

The foundation of the building was layed way back in 1997.
The foundation of a library in the town helpe dmany a students.
To get financial support for your research you can apply to various
research foundations.

"foundation stone","N","1.आधारशिला"
The minister laid the foundation stone of the new hospital.

He is the founder of the party.

"founder member","N","1.संस्थापकसदस्य"
All the founder members of the party were present in the meeting.

The project foundered because of lack of proper planning.

The children who are foundlings are highly insecure.

The government is running the foundry at a loss.

All who knew him regarded him as a fount of wisdom.

There was a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden.

I saw four men coming.

He lives in the fourth house from here.

"four poster","N","1.चारबल्लमवालापलंग"
Four poster beds are very heavy.

"four wheel drive","N","1.चौपहियासवारी"
Car is a four wheel drive.

Her troubles were fourfold after her divorce.

The foursome of Jatin, Mira, Meeta and Sonu was famous in the whole college.

It took me fourteen days to finish this work.

The help arrived on the fourteenth day.

The farm had a large number of fowls.

I could see a fox in the bushes.
He is an old fox.

He foxed every body with his behaviour.

He is quite a foxy guy.

My garden is full of foxgloves.

"fox hole","N","1.खाईयुद्धकेसमयछिपनेकेलियेखोदी"
The soldiers fired back from their fox holes.

"fox hound","N","1.शिकारीकुत्तेलोमडईपकडनेकेलिये"
The pack of fox hounds chased the vixen away.

"fox trot","N","1.नृत्यपाश्चात्य"
She was an expert in fox trot.

I told her to wati for me in the foyer.

He unwillingly got involved in a fracas.

Would you please move a fraction.
Break it into equal fractions.

There has been a fractional decline in the petrol prices.

The bus fractionally missed the motorcycle.

Bad health has made him fractious.

He has a collorbone fracture.

His leg is fractured.

He has fractured his leg in the accident.

Dishes made of bone china are fragile.
She looks very fragile.

Her fragility makes everyone feel protective towards her.

The glass broke into small faragements.

The ownership of the farm is increasingly fragmented.

The lawyer could not establish his case on the basis of fragmentary evidences.

Fragmentation of the empire led to its downfall.

Fragrance from the garden filled the room.

These flowers are strongly fragrant.


She has become very frail after her illness.

Despite her frailty she manages to work hard.

The door frames need not be made of wood.
The main frame of the aircraft is ready.
I broke the frame of my spectacles.
Try to stick to the time frame assigned for this job.

The door frames are made of teak wood.

A dense mass of black hair framed her face
A wrtiers frame the stroy/plan in a systamatic order.
He maintained his innocence and claimed that he had been framed.

You cant imagine; It was all a frame- up.

A bridge was contructed with a steel frame work.
Terrorism shook the whole fgrame work of society.
Judge considers the cases within the framework of the existing rules.

She has only thousand francs in her pocket.

Women were not given the franchise in Switzerland until quite recently.
Buy a fast-food franchise, grant/withdrawn a franchise.
Southern Television lost their franchise in the reorganization.
Operate a franchise.

Sales persons franchised the goods.

Franco-German Border

Francophone countries of West Africa

Everybody should be frank in speech/reply.

He expressed his opinions fully and frankly.

He speaks about his fears with complete frankness.

"frank","V","1.टिकटलगा" #पत्रआदिपरटिकटछापनाकिभुगतानकरदियागया
They franked the letters.

A long thin smoked sausage,often eaten in a bread roll is called Frankfurter.

She only burns frankincense in her morning meditation.

He was frantic with worry when his daughter did not return to home.

"frantically","Adv","1.पागलपनसे "
He works frantically to finish on time

He always shows fraternal affection to her.

Indians beleive in liberty, equality and fraternity.

She doesnt like her boss fraternizing too much with other colluges.

He is a fratricide.

Her family members are engaged in a fraticidal struggle.

He earns money by fraud.

Company found him as a fraudster,so they have thrown him out.

He wanted to make fraudulent medical bills.

Shopping any where in the world seems to become more fraught every year.

Students are eager for the fray.

Our tempers began to fray in the heat.

At the end of the annual-day function teachers look completely frazzled.

It was a freak accident.

Her boss got fed-up with the freakish behaviour of an employee.

My friends freaked out when they saw my shaven head.

Her face and back are covered with frackles.

Her freckled face with red hair looks odd to every one.

The slaves were set free.
We belong to a free nation.
One end of the rope is free.
Thousands of prisoners have been set free.
He got free tickets for the magic show.
The bathroom is free now.
I tried to telephone her but her line was never free.
Her brother is always free with a piece of Advice for everybody.
No one likes Hindi lecturer,she is too free in her language and behaviour.

Children under five usually travel free on buses and trains.
Beauty parlour lady cuts my hair for free.

Nowadays drugs are freely available in every corner of the city.
People travel freely across the Nepal border.
No one is here,you can talk freely to me.
She freely admits that she has made many mistakes earliar.

"free agent","N","1.स्वतंत्रकार्यकरनेवाला"
No responsiblities,no worries,he is a free agent.

There is a free church in my neighbourhood.

"free enterprise","N","1.फ्रीऎंटरप्राइजएकआर्थिकव्यवस्थाजोसरकारकेहस्तक्षेपकेबिनाकार्यरतहो"
The Wipro group of companies are working as a free enterprise

"free fall","N","1.नीचेगिरना"
Share prices of multinational companies went into free fall.

"free floating","Adj","1.चालू होना"
Fake currency notes of Rs.500,are free floating in the market.

"free for all","N","1.तर्क/लडआईजिसमेंउपस्थितसभीलोगभागलेतेहैं"
We started discussion on AIDS but it developed into a real free for all.

"free house","N","1.एकपब"
Her brother was reopened a free house in the last month.

"free kick","N","1.फ्रीकिकखेलोंमें"
Indian team got a free kick in the final match against the Koreans.

"free love","N","1.बिनाविवाहकेसम्बंधरखना"
Younger generation of todays believe in free love.

"free market","N","1.मुक्तबाजारएकआर्थिकव्यवस्थाजिसमेंमागवपूर्तिकेअनुसारकीमतेंघटती/बढतीरहतीहैं"
Middle class people can not cope with free market.

"free port","N","1.बन्दरगाहजहाचुंगीनहींलगती"
she has brought her whole luggage through free port.

"free range","Adj","1.स्वच्छंद" #मुर्गियोंवअंडोंकोप्राकृतिकस्थानमेंरखना
My neighbour has a free range chicken farm.

"free standing","Adj","1.नजुडईहुई"
My sons drawing teacher has made a beautiful free standing sculpture.

"free trade","N","1.अबाध/मुक्तव्यापार "
Many companies want to do free trade with our country.

"free verse","N","1.अतुकान्त/मुक्तकविता"
My friend is expert in making free verse.

"free vote","N","1.संसदमेंमतनियममुक्त"
Some of the opposition parties believe in free voting system.

"free wheel","V","1.मुक्तरूफसेचलाना"
Her son enjoyes free wheeling, when his bicycle is on the slope.

"free will","N","1.स्वेच्छा/स्वतंत्रसंकल्प"
When she visits me,she makes free will with my every thing.

It took the rescuers two hours to free the people from the debris.
Physical exercises can free your body and mind of tension.
The A.P. government intends to free more funds for educational purpose.
Winning the contest has freed her to take full-time practice.

She got these two mugs as freebie with Maltova.

After 5 years in prison-he was given his freedom.
She enjoyed complete freedom to do as she wished.
Her son got freedom from fear.

"freedom fighter","N","1.स्वतंत्रतासेनानी"
His grand father was a famous freedom fighter.

"free fone","N","1.मुफ्तफोनब्रिटेनमेंफोनकरनेकीएकव्यवस्थाजिसमेंपैसानहींचुकायाजाता"
A system in Britain in which the person making a telephone call does not payfor the cost of the call is called free phone.

"free hand","Adj","1.{चित्रकारीमुक्तहस्त"
She is excellent at free hand drawing.

"free hold","Adj","1.निष्करसम्पत्ति"
She can buy free hold property.

"free hold","N","1.पूर्णस्वामित्व"
Our family can share a free hold.

"free holder","N","1.उन्मुक्तभूम्याधिकारी"
Her cousin is a free holder of vast property.

"free lance","Adj","1.स्वतंत्र"
He is a free lance writer.

"free loader","N","1.मुफ्तखोर"
She stays with my aunt as a free loader.

He will be made a freeman of the city of Vieana.

"free mason","N","1.अन्तर्राष्टीयगोपनीयसंस्थाकासदस्य"
Her uncle worked as a Free mason for many years.

"free masonry","N","1.फ्रीमेसनरी" #अन्तर्राष्टीयगोपनीयसंस्थाकीकार्यप्रणालीऔरअधिकार
The free masonry of factory workers is known to every one.

"free post","N","1.फ्रीपोस्टब्रिटेनमेंडाकभेजनेकीएकव्यवस्थाजिसमेंपत्रकामूल्यप्राप्तकरनेवालीसंस्थादेती
Free post service is available here.

"freesia","N","1.सफेद/गुलाबी/पीले रंग के फूलों व अच्छी महक वाला पौधा"
She has put multicoloured saplings of freesia in her garden.

"free style","N","1.तैराकीकीकोईभीविधिअपनाना"
He won the mens 100 metres freestyle.
He wanted to take part in free style wrestling.

"free thinker","N","1.स्वतंत्र विचारक"
Her father is a free thinker priest of a Roman Catholic church.

"free thinking","Adj","1.स्वतंत्रविचारोंवालालेखकयाकलाकार"
Shobha de is a free thinking novelist,and writer.
The painting featured freely brushed strokes

I would freeze to death in this office if the air condition is turned on for 24

I keep the vegetables in the freezer.

Indian railways have services for both passengers and freight.

The authorities will freight the order to you.

He wrote that bitter letter in a frenzy.

There are no frequent bus service from here to Koti.

He frequents to her place every now and then.

He comes to my house frequently.

Khajuraho temple is famous for its fresco.

Have only fresh bread for breakfast.

Freshen up your face with moisturiser.
He freshened his drink with ice-cubes .

The freshness of air in the morning keeps us fit.

He sprayed air- freshener around the room.

Classes started for the freshmen in the school.

Angel fishes are freshwater fishes..

The guitarist replaced the frets in the guitar.

Reema starts to fret whenever her son goes out.

Buddha was in fret after seeing the injured swan.

Because of fever the baby has been fretful the wholedayi..

The woodcutter is using fretsaw to cut the wood.

The Tanjore temple has an elaborate fretted border in the quadrangle.

The artisans show their skill in fretwork.

Freudian theory about the working of the human mind is a well known theory.

"Freudian slip","N","1.निजभावोंकीअकस्मात्टीका"
Anne Frank made Freudian slips in her famous diary.

The land here has firable soil.

Friars work with people in the community.

He took fricassee along with bread.

There are nine fricatives in English.

Friction between two stones enabled early men to lit fire.
Friction arose between the two brothers over the ancestral property.

Friday is the 6th day of the week.

Fridge is used for cold storage.

My friend visits me often.

Friendliness can be helpful.

"friendly match","N","1.मैत्रीमैच"
India and Srilanka played friendly match here.

"Friendly Society","N","1.सहायताकरनेवालासंघ"
The old age people get support from Friendly Society.

Our neighbours were very friendly when we moved to our house.

Rana and Rahul had strong ties of friendship between them.

"friesian","N","1.गायअधिकदूधदेनेवालीकालीऔर सफेदगाय"
The shepherd is taking his herd of friesians to the field.

The house is decorated with colorful frieze.

The frigate of the navy came to the shore.

Its frigging cold outside.

It gave me a fright when I saw the stranger at the door.
The lady looks a fright in her new dress.

Ravis anger frightened me.
The bark of the dog can frighten the child.

The frightened antelope ran fast.

The student left his room in a frightful mess.
They saw a frightful accident.

The shop is frightfully expensive.
I am frightfully sorry, but I cant see you today.

He finds her frigid.
His poems are frigid and have less impact.
The Antartic has a frigid climate.

Her skirt has lots of frills.

The frilled curtain in the room is beautiful.

With a fringe in her hair she looks beautiful.
The lady made a fringe on her garment.
Their house is located on the fringe of the forest.

"fringe benefit","N","1.मुफ्तसुविधाकर्मचारीकोमिलनेवाली"
The fringe benefits of his job include a car and a furnished accomodation.

She was wearing a dress with golden frippery.

The boys are playing frisbee in the ground.

The custom officer frisked the passengers.
The little fawns frisked, on seeing Shakuntala.

The kid is playing with a frisky puppy.

Hitchcock movies give us a frisson of thrill.

The brothers frittered away their wealth in gambling.

The potato fritters are very tasty.

John spent his time in a frivolous manner.

His youthful frivolity in vices made him unsuccessful.

She had her hair frizzed for the party .

Krishna looks beautiful with a frizz.


Lucy stitched a frock for her daughter.
The priest arrived in his black frock.

We hear the croaking of frogs throughout the night.

The frogmen are under the sea in search of pearls.

The prisoners were frogmarched to the jail.

The party was just a frolic.

Children are frolicking in the play ground.

The worker comes home from the factory.
She shows interest in music from childhood.
I got a letter from my brother.

"fromage frais","N","1.पनीर"
She spreads fromage frais on the bread.

The fern fronds could be seen from the high window.

The front of the building needs whitewash.

Beautiful flowers fronted the fence.

"front man","N","1.किसीसंघकानेता"
Vinoba Bhave was the front man in the Bhudan movement.

"front runner","N","1.सबसेआगेदौडनेवाला"
P.T.Usha is a front runner in sprint.

The shop premises with frontages on two streets is illumined.

We had the frontal view of the Mughal Gardens.
The frontal vermilion looks nice on her face .
A hot frontal system is prevalent now.

The frontier states are always in the danger of foreign invasions.

A frontiersman has to forego all the comforts.

The latest edition of Ramayana has a good frontispiece.

The planes were delayed due to frost.

The windows were all frosted up.
You have to frost the cake and refrigerate it.

People living in cold regions get frostbite.

We set out for walk on frosty morning.
Rahul is frosty towards his friends.

The milk is full of froth.
The television programmes are full of froth.

He always has a frown on his face.

Ritas mother frowned at her when she came late.

Skating is done on frozen ice.

"fructose","N","1.प्राकृतिकचीनी" #शहदयाफलोंकेरसमेंपाईजानेवाली
Fruits contain fructose.

She is a frugal housewife.

The frugality helped them to lead a simple life.

Fruits are good for health.
Almond is a fruit.
We must nurture the fruits of the earth.
Susi enjoyed the fruits of her labour after getting her ph.D.

The mango trees have fruited well this year.

"fruit cake","N","1.फलसेबनाकेक"
I like fruit cake.

"fruit fly","N","1.फलमक्षिका"
The decayed fruit attracts fruit flies.

"fruit machine","N","1.जुआखेलनेकीमशीन"
He is playing with the fruit machine.

"fruit salad","N","1.फलोंकामिश्रण"
She is making fruit salad.

He earns his livelihood as a fruiterer.

Nehru lived a fruitful life.
The garden is full of fruitful trees.

The efforts over the last several years came to fruition this year.

Our efforts to curb the intruders proved fruitless.

The thief searched the house fruitlessly for money .

I like fruity desserts.
The orator has a fruity voice.
The boys are used fruity dialogues while eve-teasing the girls.

A good quality wine has fruitiness in it.

I was surprised to see her dressed like a frump.

Constant failures frustrated him.
The businessman tried to frustrate his partner by secret dealings.

The officer became a victim of frustration.

The police made frustrating efforts to keep the mob away.

He left the job frustratingly.

The cook fried the chips.

She is selling fries in the market.

I bought a frying-pan.

They had a fry-up for their lunch.

Deep fryers are available in the store.
The chef placed the fryers on the table.

I have several fuchsia plants in the garden.

He fucked her.

The fuddled drunkard is walking in the streets.

The young partymen thought their leader is fuddy-duddy.

He had hamburger and chocolate fudge for a meal.

The convict fudged the replies in the police enquiry.

Fuel is used for cooking.

We must fuel [up ओउर् चर् बेथोरे अ लोन्ग् त्रिप्.

The fugitive asked for asylum in Britain.

Rushdie was a fugitive in U.K.

The theater organised a fugue on christmas.

One end of the bar is fixed on a fulcrum and on the other weight.
The fulcrum of the whole debate is that the bill has to be postponed once again.

He fulfilled his promise.
The student fulfilled the conditions of entry to a college.

A fulfilling job gives satisfaction.

The fulfilment of his work gave him satisfaction.

The lake is full during rainy season.
She is full of energy.
Im full.I cannot eat any more.
The woman gave full information of the incident.

The superviser was fully satisfied with his work.

We can see the fullness of the moon on a full moon day.

The college is starting a full-fledged course.

Put afull stop after the sentence.

There was full-throated cheer in the hall.

"fullers earth","N","1.एकप्रकारकीमिट्टीजोनएबुनेहुएकपडेकोमोटाऔषसाफकरनेकेकामआतीहै"
The Indus Valley people used fullers earth to improve the quality of the.

He fulminated against casteism.

He is in the habit of paying fulsome compliments.

The boy fumbled for the light switch .
The wicket keeper tumbled with the ball and dropped it.

His fumble was just a pretention.


The air was thick with sulphurous fumes.

He fumed at his servants for irregular work.
It is a fumed teak.

The hospital ward was fumigated after the plague.

Children had fun at the party.

The major function of the judiciary is to maintain law and order in a society.
We have to attend a function in the evening.
The president has to attend various functions every year.

All these seats are reserved for functionaries.

The prime minister helped the flood victims from his fund.

The project is funded by WHO.

We have a fundamental right of speech.

Learn the fundamentals of Algebra.

Buddhas principles were fundamentally sound.

The fundamentalism gives rise to terrorism.

He performed funerary rights of his father.

He took part in the funeral.

Fungicide is a substance that kills the fungus.

Algae is a fungus.

Fungal diseases should be treated early.

People are sitting inside the funicular.

The Africans concluded the celebration with a funk.
The girl was in a state of funk after the accident.

People gathered to hear the funky music.
Its a funky dress.

Pour kerosene through the funnel.
The kitchen has a provision for funnel.

Funnel kerosene into a can.

Vidushaka in sanskrit plays engages everyone between the acts with funny jokes.
The refrigerator is making a funny noise.
I feel a bit funny today.

My friend behaved funnily today.

The old lady injured her funny-bone .

Sheep has fur.
I find the food tasteless due to fur on my tongue.

It is a furry dog.

Furl the flag.

The teacher made a furious statement at the student.
A furious storm uprooted the trees.

I walked a furlong to catch the bus.

The naval officer is going home on furlough.

Glasses are baked in the furnace.
Please switch on the fan. Its like a furnace in here.

He furnished the house with ethnic curios.
Furnish all the equipment for the expedition.
He furnished her with more information on the case.

We changed the furnishings when we shifted.

Furniture adds decor to the room.

There was furore in the assembly.

The woman purchased a fur from the furrier.

The farmer furrowed the land.
She has furrows on her forehead.

The military thought that further movement could be risky.

I want to hear his speech further.
He went further to explain the meaning.
Further,it has come to my notice .

Mahatma Gandhi furthered the cause of peace.

The guild took a reasonable measure in the furtherance of the downtrodden.

The Tatas started industries in addition to the opening of laboratories.

Scott wanted to go to the furthest point of the Atlantic.

Chanakya planned his work in a furtive manner.

The teacher flew into a fury when the student did not complete his work.
The crops were devastated by the fury of the hurricane.

The police removed the fuse of the bomb to avoid explosion.
Fuse is used for using electricity safely.

All the lights have fused.

He is a composer who fuses carnatic music with western music.
The electrician fused two pieces of wire together.
The chemists can fuse two metals to make alloy.

Check the fuse-box.

The fuselage of the palne was found a few kilometers away from the accident sight.

The terrorists made a fussilade on the army.
The minister had to face a fusillade from the public.

Brass is produced by a fusion of copper and zinc.
The band plays a fusion of rock and jazz.

My maid servant does all the work without any fuss.

She kept fussing about her dress.

My brother is very fussy about the way his food is served.
Her dress has a fussy design.

I purchased a jacket made of fustian.
His works are full of fustian.

These vegetables are fusty due to incessant rain.
He is a fusty writer.

He made a futile attempt to cross the border.

Why dont we accept the futility of war.

It was late night and he spread his futon to go to sleep.

Students work hard to get good positions in future.

Who knows what will happen in the future.
A good student plans for his future.

The futures have come down in the share market.

There is an element of futurism in the works of H.G.Wells.

Yeats is a futurist.

The artist gave a futuristic design for the tapestry.

The fuzz on his forehead adds beauty to his countenance.

The child is playing with a fuzzy teddy bear.
These answers are fuzzy.

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