Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : V

Birds fly in v formation

After winning the election the party workers showed v sign with the first
and second fingers

There is a vacancy for a teachers post
The vacancy in his mind changed the whole situation

Go to a vacant room and study
The manager gave a vacant look at the clerk

"vacant possession","N","1.खालीकब्जामकानआदिकेसम्बन्धमें"
A two bed room house is available for sale with vacant possession

Students have to vacate the hostel

We go on tour during our vacations.

It is wise to vaccinate children against polio

Vaccination against diseases ensures good health

Give triple vaccine for the new born baby

To vacillate and delay decisions are not a good practice

His vacillations over whether or no to go are quite irritating.

In political vacuity military steps in

He made a vacuous laugh

Vacuum prevents oxidation

Create a vacuum inside the container.
The death fo her son has created a vaccum in her life.

"vacuum cleaner","N","1.वैक्यूमक्लीनर"
The maid is using the vacuum cleaner

"vacuum flask","N","1.निर्वातबोतल"
Coffee will be hot in the vacuum flask

"vacuum packed","N","1.निर्वातपैक"
Vacuum packed food is tasty

A vagabond moves from place to place

Vagaries are difficult to predict

The woman had an injury in the vagina

She had vaginal discharge and needs doctors attention

The vagrant man saw a hamlet

A shelter for vagrants was constructed

The speaker was vague on the subject

He is a vainglorious person and blows his own trumpet

The valance had good frills

The speaker made remarks but in vain

They marched vainly to the field

The vale was covered with trees

It was a good valediction to the army chief

The students stayed for the valedictory function

The students leader spoke in their valedictory


"valentine card","N","1.वैलैंटीनकार्डप्रेमनिवेदन१४फरवरीकादिन"
Adam got a valentine card from his friend

The valet absents himself quite often from work

He is a valiant army officer who got gallantry awards

It was a valid statement
The marriage was held to be valid

You have to validate your passport

The validity of the contract is not signed

From this vantage point you can see the valley below.

Ashoka showed valour in the battle field

Diamonds are valuable

Keep your valuables inside the locker.

The examiners did the valuation of all the papers

The value of the rupee has gone up
Youngsters have different set of values
Find the value of x

He valued the car for rupees one lakh
I value his friendship.

"value added tax","N","1.किसीवस्तुकेउत्पादनपरलगाएजानेवालाकर"
I paid value added tax at the airport

The lady opened the valve of the gas cylinder
The surgeon operated on three of his valves.

The vampire entered from the back door.

"vampire bat","N","1.खूनपीनेवालीचमगादड"
The wolf killed a vampire bat

My friend bought a new van

Vanadium is used for strenghthening some types of steel

He is a vandal.

The angry mob resorted to vandalism

A vane is there at the top of the building
There are vanes in the fields

A missile hit the vanguard
Bhagat Singh was the vanguard of the movement

Add vanilla essence in the cake mix

The culprits vanished from the scene
The moon vanished from the sky

"vanishing point","N","1.वहबिन्दुजहासमानान्तररेखाएमिलतीप्रतीतहो"
The boy reached the vanishing point

Elizabeths speech was full of vanity
There was vanity in their arguement

Aurangazeb vanquished his foes

"vantage point","N","1.प्रमुखस्थान"
He was at the vantage point.

She did not take part in the vapid conversation


Vaporize the water.

Prices are variable in the supermarket

Take X as a variable here.

His arguement is at variance from his claim.

The school has many variants

Variant suits are available in the show room

Bullion rates are subject to variation
The variation from spring to autumn is noticeable
There was a set of variations on the theme of Bethovan

"varicose veins","N","1.स्फीत"
Ted complains of pain due to varicose veins

Courses for the students are many and varied

This flower is richly variegated in color
The meeting concluded with variegated opinions

We all need variety in our dress
He took the job for a variety of reasons
The students presented the shows in variety

"variety store","N","1.विभिन्नचीजोंवालीदुकान"
She went to the variety store to buy bangles.

Flowers are of various hues and colours.

The same object is called variously in various languages.

He bought varnish to paint the table

Carpenter varnished the door

Varsity has a good library

Fish vary in sizes and shapes.
Prices of fruits vary from place to place
The artist wanted to vary the show

The biologist showed the vascular tissue to the students

That vase is beautiful

He had vasectomy recently

Apply vaseline on your lips

The state is full of small vassals.
Surinam was a vassal of the Dutch

Construction is going on in a vast area

Children from vastly different social backgrounds mingle here.

Vastness of any desert is amazing.

Liquids are poured into the vats for fermentation.

Pope lives in the vatican city

Beautiful pictures are carved on the vault
Wine is stored in the vaults

The athelete vaulted over the pole

We looked at the vaulted roof of the Notre Dame in Paris

The clown took vault over the rope

The companys much vaunted administrative system failed totally

"VC","AbbrVice Chancellor","1.कुलपति"
A new Vice Chancellor took charge of the university recently

"VCR","Abbrvedio cassette recorder","1.वीडियोकेसटरिकार्डर"
We purchased a new video cassette recorder

"VD","Abbrveneral disease","1.मैथुनसम्बन्धीरोग"

"VDU","Abbrvisual display unit","1.दृष्टिगतप्रदर्शनएकांक"

They eat veal

Force is a vector quantity
The vector was positioned with army camps
Vector is the carrier of a disease

The truck veered off the road

He follows vegan diet wherever he goes

After the serious illness he is just a vegetable

Vegetarian food is good for health

I am a vegetarian

Many people follow vegetarianism these days

There is thick vegetation on the hill

The boy is vegetating at home without studying

Her vehemence against going to the meeting could not be explained.

He was quite vehement in his belief.

The vehicle was damaged

Vehicular traffic was forbidden on the road

The lady covered her face with a veil
They did their work behind a veil of secrecy

Shakuntala veiled herself to be incognito

Can you see the veiled moon?
A veiled sculpture of a woman is worthseeing in the Salar Jung Museum

She had an injury in the vein
The picture on the veins of the pipal leaf is wonderful
A vein of melancholy was noted in her song
The king and the vidushak had discussion in a lighter vein

The doctor took blood from the veined hand

The letters k,g,and gh are velars
The velocity of the wind is terrible

Velvet cushion is very cosy

He is a venal politician

The vendetta in their scion still continues

"vending machine","N","1.वैंडिंगमशीनसिक्काडालनेपरग्राहकोंकोमालबेचदेनेवालीमशीन"

A vendor comes to our area daily
The officer took the vendors signature

They veneered the attic

Kanva was a venerable sage

We have to venerate the elders

Kings showed veneration towards the sages

He has a venereal infection

"venereal diseases","N","1.रतिरोग"
Venereal diseases are contagious

"venetian blind","N","1.झिलमिलीदारचिक"
The venetian blind adds decor to the room

He took vengeance against his friend for the act he did

It was a vengeful act by the terrorists

The dinner included a dish of roasted venison.

Venom should be given immediately for snake bite

There are venomous snakes around the campus

The quarrel ended venomously

Her venous blood was taken for testing

Air is coming through the vent in the kitchen
Vent of the birds add fertility to the soil
There is a vent at the side of the coat

Sage Durvasa vented his wrath by cursing Shakuntala

Ventilate the rooms well
The unhygienic food in the canteen was ventilated by the students.

Ventilation helps us to take more oxygen

Ventilator should be kept open

There is a blockage in his left ventricle

He is a ventriloquist who can imitate sounds of other people

To climb the peak during the winter months was a tough venture.

The students ventured into the high-sea
He ventured his opinion in the meeting

Robinhood was a venturesome man

Ravindra BHarathi is the venue for the music concert

We saw the statue of venus in the museum

Harishchandra is known for his veracity

Children are playing in the veranda

Make sentences with the following verbs

Verbal communication helps people to communicate well

He answered the questions verbally

"verbal noun","N","1.क्रियापद"
Jogging is a verbal noun in the sentence Jogging is a good form of excercise..

English frequently verbalizes nouns.

He presented a verbatim report of the meeting.

A.G.Gardeners work is enriched with verbiage

Verdant fields are a feast to the eyes

The convict will be given a verdict

The bronze plate needs a polish as it has verdigris

Vehicles may not be parked on the verge of the road.
There is marsh along the grass verge

He was treated with ridicule which verged on insult.

A verger is going before a bishop

All his philosophical statements are verifiable

Rajs paper is given for verification

The examiner verified all the answers

The mirage is a verisimilitude

These books are a veritable heritage to everyone

Buddha followed verity

She prepared vermicelli for breakfast

Red vermilion goes well with her dress

Married Hindu women put vermilion in the parting of their hair as a sign of marriage.

Vermins should be checked with insecticide

They are running a vernacular press

Children should be taught in their vernaculars

Vernal greenery in the hill is beautiful


Politicians are versatile orators

Jawaharlal Nehru showed versatility in his speeches

Miltons verses are well known

Kalidasa was versed in similies

He narrated his version of the incident.
He tells the final version of the play
The latest version of the book is out in the market.

We can watch India versus England match in Hyderabad this time.

Due to the fall two of his vertebrae are broken.

The pyramid has a vertex
The mountaineers saw the vetex of the mountain

This is a vertical pole

Draw a line vertically

Ana is suffering from vertigo

The festival was celebrated with verve

The flower is very beautiful
She was sitting in the very seat

She sang very well

There are many vesicles in the plants
She has vesicles in her mouth

He is going to attend the vespers in the church

Wash the vessels after the meal

He is wearing a vest under a shirt

The principal vested a student leader with authority

"vested interest","N","1.निहितस्वार्थ"
Politicians have vested interest in their plans

He is keeping the hat in the vestibule
We can pass from one compartment to another through a vestibule

The vestige of the remains of the Dwaraka is noteworthy

The priest is putting on a vestment

The priest is in the vestry

He is a vet

Arun was vetted carefully and selected in the team

Vetch is used as a fodder for cattle.

Gandhiji was a veteran freedom fighter

A veterinarian is attending to the injured animal

Susi is studying veterinary science

THe U.N put a veto on the resolution

India vetoed the proposal of armament of nations.

Their lies would vex anyone.
Her failures vexed him.

The manager was in vexation after the meeting

Prahalada had vexatious father

"VHF","Abbrvery high frequency","1.अतिउच्चतीव्रता"
It is a very high frequency radio

She went to Boston via London

Chanakya adopted viable plans to please the king
Viable Organisms are prone to bacteria

The viaduct on the river krishna is big

The nurse is taking out the vials from the refrigerator

She showed vibrant enthusiasm in the work
The fashion designer showed vibrant designs on the garments
He played vibrant notes on the guitar

Vibration is more in the quarry area

He is using vibraphone in the concert

The building vibrated due to the earthquake

The musicians vibrato is appealing

A vicar is in charge of a church

He got a vicarious pleasure

Seeing movies are one of my vices
Vices are evils

Ram held her arm in a vice like grip

"Vice-","Comb form","1.उप-"
Krishna kant was appointed as Vice-president of India

Lord Mount B. was the viceroy of India at the time of Indias independence.

"vice versa","Adv","1.उलटे"
They come to our place and vice versa

Children played in the vicinity of their house

Hyde was a vicious person
Leopard is a vicious animal
Jane is suffering from vicious migrane

"vicious circle","N","1.दुश्चक्र"
He was caught in the vicious circle of debts

Deal with the vicissitudes of life calmly

The victim was chased by the hunter
He became the victim of a conspiracy
They took the victim to the altar


The woman was victimised for no fault of hers

The victor in the game was given a trophy.

Ashoka was titled Ashoka the Greatafter his victorious triumphs

He was pleased with his victory.

We recorded the whole program on a video

Why dont you video the film.

"video cassette recorder","N","1.वी.सी.आर."
We watched a programme which was recorded in the video cassette recorder

"video game","N","1.वीडियोगेमपरिकलनयन्त्रसेखेलनेकाखेल"
Children like video games

A videotape is used to record a film.

They vied with one another to win the competition

The town came into view
There is a wonderful view from the top of the hill
He was invited for the private view of the exhibition
What is your view on this matter?
Take a realistic view of the problem

The problem should be viewed carefully
The crowd is eagerly waiting to view the match
The house is open for viewing in the morning



A watchman keeps vigil in our area

Police keeps vigilance over the trespassers

Ram is vigilant while working

A charming vignette of Elizebethen life is depicted in the book

The boy works with a vigour

Politicians conducted a vigorous campaign

The children celebrated the party vigorously

He used vile language in the conversation
Stealing is a vile practice


The queen stayed in a villa while touring

Village needs attention

Shankaran is a villager who comes to the town often

He played the role of a villain in his latest film.

He has a villainous role to play

He is full of vim

He was vindicated by the court.

He demanded a public vindication

He is very vindictive

One could see the grape vines from a distance.

Add vinegar to the chips

Both sides of the street were lined by vineyards.

This year vintage was later than usual.

Ravi is a vinter in the town.


These practices violates the basic human rights.

Violation of human rights should not be encouraged.

Children are exposed to a lot of violance on TV.

Many of the commercial films are extremely violent.

He gave her a vilet dress.

Vilets were blooming in the garden.

He plays violin in his free time.

Jog is one of the best violinist in Indian classical music.

Vipers are highly venomous snakes.

Most boys want to marry a virgin girl.

They insulted her by making her have a virginity test.

He is quite a virile man

Men are never questioned for their virility.

Our Vice-Principal is the virtual head of our school.
Their demonstration was a virtual failure.

I virtually waited there for two hours.
She virtually promised her the job.

Her virtues are uncountable.
Patience is a virtue.

He is a virtuoso of Sarod

He is a virtuous man

A virulent strain of Japanese enscephlitis has spread in parts of AP.

Virus for common cold is highly contageous.

They are discussing plans vis-a-vis merger of the two companies.

Her visage looked gloomy.


The snow reduced the visibility

The moon was visible after the eclipse

Vitamin A improves vision

Bill Gates has the visionary insights in the field of technology

Abraham Lincon was a visionary

The chief minister paid a visit to our University

Tourists visit Taj Mahal in Agra

Ram showed the visiting card and entered the room

The historical monument was a visitation
She had strange dreams and visitations in sleep
A visitation of natural calamities affects people

I had a stream of visitors the whole day.

The visor protects the face while driving the scooter

You get the vista of the town from the top of the hill

The visual images became real
Her seminar was accompanied by interesting visuals

The artist visualised the drama before enacting

The writer had the visualisation of the drama

Visually handicapped persons have various programms

"visual display unit","N","1.आंकडेप्रदर्शनकीकम्प्यूटरकीस्क्रीन"
He is working on the visual display unit

Mahatma Gandhi played a vital role in the freedom struggle
Shes a vital person

Good food is vitally important for our body

"the vitals","N","1.शरीरकेमुख्यअवयवHradaya~Ora~mastiXka"
The heart and brain are the vitals of our body

"vital statistics","N","1.स्त्रीकेवक्षस्थल/कमरवकूल्होंकानाप"
She is a model of vital statistics

The music has good intonation and vitality

Nutrients must be supplemented by vitamins

The quarry has vitiated the environment

Hyderabad is known for viticulture

The vitreous chinaware in the museum is beautiful

Moulten quart vitrifies on cooling fast

The opposition poured out a stream of vitriol in the assembly

The master had a vitriolic talk with the servant

His article was not published because it had vituperation of other religions.

Rushdies novel had vituperative reviews

Aishwarya is a vivacious model

Balley was performed with vivacity

"viva voce","N","1.मौखिकपरीक्षा"
The student gave the viva voce for his ph.D

Vivisection of a frog is going on in the laboratory

A vixen killed the villagers
She is a vixen who is difficult to deal with

The wall has been painted a vivid blue
The painting has vivid colours.
He gave a vivid description of what really happened there.
I saw a vivid picture of Nirmal art

Verbs are of two kinds,viz transitive and intransitive

Improve your vocabulary
He introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques



This piece of music has Lata on vocals.

The vocalist sang well

She protested vocally against the exploitations.

"vocal cords","N","1.वाकतन्तु"
He has some problem with his vocal cords. He can not speak clearly.

Let him vocalize some words

Deaf and Dumb children are given vocalization excercises in the beginning

He has teaching as his vocation

There are many vocational courses for students

Vocative is used in addressing a person

The girl vociferates when left alone

The meeting was vociferous.

The demonstrators were vociferously opposed to the idea of increasing the petrolprice.

He is taking vodka

Leather clothes are latest in vogue
Stephen kings novel is in vogue these days

I heard a feeble voice from the house
The students want a voice in the decision making
Change the sentence into a different voice

The protesters voiced their demands

He is a soft voiced person
b is a voiced sound.

Some consonants such as p, t, and k are voiceless.

Larynx is a part of the human voice-box.

"voice-over","N","1.टेलिविजन या फिल्म में अदृश्य बोलना"
Sita takes part in voice-over programmes

Her face was void of all emotions

After climbing he found that below him there was nothing but a void
His wifes death created a void in his life.

The authorities had to void his passport

Voile is good for summer


"volatile oils","Adj","1.वाष्पशीलतेल"
The ship is loaded with volatile oils
He is a volatile person
Volatile stocks are present in the market

The volatility in camphor is rapid

"vol-au-vent","N","1.पेस्ट्रीमास या मछली से भर कर बनाई हुई"
The chef is making vol-au-vent

Mount Fuji is a volcanic mountain.
Volcanic eruptions cause havoc to nature

Many volcanoes are still active in Japan.

Crops are damaged by voles

She married him entirely of her own volition

Army fired a volley near the border
The boy was subjected to a volley of abuses by eve teasers
Steffe Graff hit a volley with her forehand

He volleyed the ball on the line

She plays volley-ball well

Check the volt

Voltage fluctuations are common

The two groups had volte-face in their thinking

She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in rapid conversations
His speech was voluble

Read the first volume of Mahabharata
Pickles are stored in the jars of different volumes
The volume of traffic is increasing day by day
The music was on full volume

It is a voluminous book
The book writing was voluminous task.

People donated voluminously for the cyclone relief.

He voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting

He is a volunteer working in this organisation
He joined the volunteer forces

He volunteered to help
She volunteered to drive the old lady home
He volunteered the information

The voluptuous lady had a prominent role in the drama
A voluptuous person should not go astray

Take medicine to curb vomit

After drinking too much, the students vomitted

Voodoo is practised in some places

He is a voracious eater
He seems to be a voracious reader

"voraciously","Adv","1.उत्सुकतासे "
The girl reads voraciously

They show voracity in their work

People were warned not to go near the vortex

Chinmayananda is a votary

There were only seventeen votes in favor of the motion

He voted for the motion

A voter casts his vote

Voting for this constituency is over

"vote of confidence","N","1.विश्वासमत"
Vote of confidence was passed in the motion

"vote of thanks","N","1.धन्यवादप्रस्ताव"
The Principal gave vote of thanks on the foundation day

Mary went to the church to pay votive offerings

"vouch for","PhrV","1.गवाहीदेना"
Will he vouch for me?
I vouch for the quality of my products

Take this voucher
Keep this voucher safely

He vouchsafed to his friend all his wealth

He took a vow never to drink again.

He vowed never to drink alcohol again

Languages have different vowel systems
,a,e.i,o,u are vowels

The archaeological findings in the sea near Dwarka takes us on a voyage into the past

This voyager is ready to sail

These tyres are vulcanised

He made a vulgar remark
His behaviour is vulgar

There is vulgarity in his speech

He spoke vulgarly


IT is a vulnerable bridge
He is vulnerable to diseases

Pollution affects peoples vulnerability to various diseases

Judy is as clever as a vulphine

Vultures eat flesh
He is a wealth vulture

Businessmen vying for their customers attention

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