Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : T

`T is the 20th letter of the English alphabet.

He is wearing a T-shirt.

He attached a tab to the file for its quick location.
I have to pick up the tab.

Add tabasco to the noodles.

I saw a tabby in the lawn.

Isralites are praying in the tabernacle.
A priest is holding the tabernacle.

Dont spread things on the table .
You can see the table and check the prices.
He will go to the top of the league table,if he wins.
Learn the three times table.

The minister will table the bill in the parliament on Monday.

She preferred a yellow table-cloth for a white one.

"table manners","N","1.भोजनकरतेसमयसामाजिकव्यवहार"
Mary taught table manners to her child.

I have to get new table-mats.

He is playing table-tennis.

We see tableaux on the Republic day.

"table dhote","N","1.रेस्तरामेंनियतमूल्यकासीमितभोजन"
That place is known for its table dhote .

Use the tablespoon.

The doctor gave him a tablet as he was ill.
Inscriptions are engraved in the tablets.

We purchased a set of tableware recently.

We get a tabloid every week.

Drinking alchohol in public places is taboo many societies.

Ram likes to play on tabor during leisure time.

Note it down from the tabular column.

He tabulated the periodic table.

Use the tabulator for speedy work.

He gave tacit consent to his friend.

Joe is a taciturn person and hardly wastes time.

It is good that you changed your tack now.
It is a tack for the ship.
Get a box of tacks from the shop.

Tack the notice on the board.
He tacked the ship by turning the sail with favorable wind.

He tackles the work efficiently.
He is no good at tackling.

The player was brought to the ground with a tackle.
It is a fishing tackle.
The tackle is ready to remove the goods from the anchored ship.

We will have taco this evening.

He showed tact in handling the situation.

He is very tactful in carrying the job.

The coach taught all the tactics while playing the game.

The petals of the flowers are very tactile.

There are many tadpoles in the pond.

The curtain is made of taffeta .

The tag of my shoe was lost .
The judge earned the tag of `Sir.
`He is going. Isnt he? is a tag question.

Tag the suitcase well with a knot.

"tag day","N","1.झंडादिवस"
Today is tag day.

The monkey had an injury in the tail.
The tail of the comet is visible in the sky.

The batsman in the tail-end played for victory.

We have to reach the airport otherwise we will be caught in the tailback.

The tailgate was opened to check the floods.

The tailor stitches the uniforms well.
Everthing was tailored to his needs.

A good tailoring was done for the suit.

It was the tailpiece of the novel which was subjected to criticism .

The tailplane was damaged.


The food is free from taint.

The chemical wastes from the industries taint the surroundings.

He took the book from his friend.
Aurangazeb took his men and put them in prison.
I will take up the job.
The can takes 4 litres of water.

His business has good takings every day.

"talcum powder","N","1.सुगन्धितपाऊडर"
I have kept the talcum powder on the table.

Children like tales.
There were tales that the enemy will strike any moment.

He is an orator of great talent.
He is the new cricketing talent.

A talented person does his job well.

He seems to be a talentscout.

She lost the talisman while bathing.

Lets have more work and less talk around here.
There has been talk about you.
I attended an interesting talk on local history.

We talked for a long time.
Children learn to talk faster.

That boy is very talkative and he disturbs the class.

He is a tall person.

Tallow is used in cosmetic products.

He has to tallow the candles.

The tally of the match is put up on the board.


The wolf attacked the deer with its talon.

We use tamarind in cooking.

Tambourine is used in the folk orchestra.

The tamed animal is used for labour.
She gets her tame sister to help her with domestic work.
It was a tame Christmas party.

The lion is tamed for the show.

The mahout tamed the elephant.

The officer told the clerk not to tamper with the file.

"tamper with","PhrV","1.मेंहस्तक्षेपकरना"
Someone tampered with the documents on my desk.

People sit in the sun to get a good tan.

Dont walk in the scorching sun.You will tan your body .

They use the tandem to reach their work place.

I like tandoori.

This pickle gives a tang of gooseberry.

The mathematics teacher taught tangent to the students.

The girl is having a tangarine to eat.

The clerk had tangible evidence of his work.
He has a tangible skin.

The artefacts in the museum are not tangible.

They carved their way through the tangle of vines.
His personal matters are in a tangle.

The cord was tangled .
The rope got tangled up with the wire.

He tangled the wire in the bushes.

There will be tango after the tea.

Water is released from the tank .
Children are watching the tank kept in the museum.

He takes beer from the tankard.

Tanneries pollute the area.

We get tannin from the bark of oak trees.

The lady who was a spy tantalized the foreigner.

The child was in tantrums for a while.

The water was dripping from the tap.
Put a tap on his phone.

You have to tap the liquid carefully.
He is tapping the rubber tree.
Minerals are to be tapped.

We have to tap the talent of the youth for their bright future.

The milkman tapped the door.

We saw tap-dance in Holland.

He used a piece of tape for a belt.
The several recordings were combined on a master tape.
The athlete is nearing the tape.

You tape the bundle.
He taped his entire speech.

"tape deck","N","1.टेपरिकॉर्डरआवाजरेकार्डकरनेकीमशीन"
We have a tape deck.

The carpenter is using the tape-measure for the table.

Lucy bought a tape-recorder.

He lighted a taper when there was no light.

The road tapers at the end.

The tapestry on the wall is beautiful.

Tapioca is a root vegetable.

We can see tapir in the zoo.

Tar is black.

The municipal authorities had to tar the road .

Can you see a tarantula on the ceiling.

He shows tardy progress in his work.

Place the target with aim.
Our target is to overthrow the enemies.

The government has given new tariff for the electricity.

Urchins are playing near the tarmac.

He polished the metal to remove the tarnish.

The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air.

His reputation was tarnished by misdeed.

The astrologer foretells keeping the tarots in his hand.

The car is covered with a taurpaulin.

Flavor the salad with a pinch of tarragon.

Tarry a while.

The mango has a tart taste.

She made tart for lunch.

Mary embroidered the tartan beautifully.

Tartar builds up plaque and decay the teeth.
Sage Durvasa was a tartar.

Shyam finished the task which was assigned to him.

I tasked him to look after the children.

A taskforce was sent to the riot area.

The students were afraid of the English teacher as he was a real taskmaster.

She made a tassel during her leisure period.

The taste of goosebery is astringent.
Tim has a good taste for books.
He got a taste of life on the wild side.

Taste the curry .

I have to buy all the ingredients to make the food tastful.
The tasteful interior of the house is very relaxing.

The hotel supplies tasteless food.

He is a taster of the various kinds of drinks.

Children like tasty food.

His dress is in tatters.

He entered the room with tattered clothes.

He tattles in the midst of work.

The tribal girl had a tattoo on her wrist.

He tattooed his face.

The journalist ignored the taunts of the public .

The master taunts him in public.

They saw a taurus.

Clothes are spread on the taut rope.
The commander met a taut soldier.

There is a tavern at the end of the road.

She wears tawdry dresses.

The kid has a tawny flower.

We have to pay tax regularly.

His property was taxed.

You are taxing him beyond his ability.

A tax-payer can not avoid tax.

His income is taxable.

The government puts taxation based on income .

We took a taxi to go to the station.

The pilot taxied the plane.

Go to the museum and see a collection of taxidermies.

He paid the tax to the taxman.

The zoologist had a good knowledge of taxonomy.

He is a taxpayer.

Green tea is good for health.
We will have tea in the evening.

"tea bag","N","1.चायकेबहुतछोटेकागजकाथैला"
Tea bags are convenient to prepare.

"tea party","N","1.चायपार्टी"
They have invited us for tea party.

"tea cake","N","1.चायकेसाथखायेजानेवालीछोटीकेक"
Let us have a tea cake.

Ram taught me to drive the car .
The teacher taught maths to students.

A teacher uses teaching aids to teach the children.

Teaching is a good profession.

This table is made of teak .

I saw a small teal in the lake.

The team is coming to play basket ball.
He is working with a team of foreign scientists.

"team spirit","N","1.दलभावना"
The cricketeers have team spirit.

The teamster is ready with his horse in the race-course.

Tears started rolling down from his eyes when his mother died.

The tiger tore its prey.
The region was torn to conflicts.

She saw her tearful face.

"tear-gas","N","1.अश्रु गैस"
People were running due to tear-gas.

We are going to the tearoom.

He is a tease and his friends are scared to go near him.

Young boys and girls enjoy teasing each-other..

The ground is covered with teasel.

Get me a teaset.

Stir the tea with a tea-spoon.

It is teatime.Let us go out .

There are many technical courses for students.
There are many technical terms in biology.
The lawyer opened with a legal arguement over a technical point.

We have to know the legal technicalities of the case.

There is a vacancy for the post of a technician.

There are technics in learning different arts and crafts.

The doctors learn various techniques in medicine.

Technology brings comforts in life.

A major technological breakthrough has occured with the advent of the computers .

Bill gates is a technologist.

Technocrats play a lead role in the development of science.

This work is tedious.

She wants to relax for a while to relieve the tedium of her work.

The golf player is approaching the tee.

The lake was teeming with lotuses.

We had teeming wet day.

It was in her teens that she decided to become a nurse.

The beggar teetered on the pavement.

Babies like to chew when they are teething.

He is a teetotaler.

I cook in teflon.

Telecommunications are in the forefront of the development.

He got a telegram from his mother.

Telegraph is used by the defence frequently.

An army personnel sent a telegraph to the front.

She believes in telepathy.

Telephone is used for quick communication.

He telephoned his friend to say that he would be late for the function.

"telephone directory","N","1.टेलीफोनपुस्तिकाजिसमेंफोननम्बरछपेहो"
Get a new telephone directory.

"telephone exchange","N","1.दूरभाषसंचारकेन्द्र"
I went to the telephone exchange to inform them about my change of address.

"telephone tapping","N","1.टेलीफोनमेंगुप्तसाधनजोडकरदूसरोंकीबातसुनना"
President Nixon was charged with telephone tapping.

"telephoto lens","N","1.टेलीफोटोलेन्स/दूरचित्रकलेन्स"
There are cameras with telephoto lens.

An army personnel is using the teleprinter at the base camp.

The news reader is looking at the teleprompter.

It is awe-inspiring to see the stars through a telescope.

You can have the telescopic view of the mountain.


"telethon","N","1.टेलीथौन" #दूरदर्शनपरदानहेतुधनसंग्रहकरनेकालम्बाकार्यक्रम
It was a telethon from the Red Cross which was viewed by many people.

We purchased a new television set.

He got a telex this morning.

He refused to tell the truth.
He promised to tell the truth to the jury.
The principal told the students about the seminar.
The age was beginning to tell on her face.

The man is standing near the teller in the bank.

In the exhibition ,his was a telling painting among other posters.

Karuna is a real telltale.

The case had telltale clues.

He lost his temper when the dual started.

Steel is tempered by constantly heating in the fire .
His punishment was tempered by pardon.

One must have a cool temperament to tackle any situation.

She is temperamental.

The sages have temperance over the senses.

A temperate region.
A temperate person controls his senses.

The temperature varies every day.

The tempest uprooted the trees.

It is a tempestuous place.

The designer used a template for pottery.

Temples in South India have beautiful architecture.
The veins in his temple throbbed.

Sages are not attracted by the temporal desires.
Temporal joys are ephemeral.

He worked temporarily in the tea plantation.

Temporariness of the company made him feel insecure.

He had a temporary job.

The peace plan was a temporizing device.

King Harishchandra was not tempted by the riches.

One should not easily give in to temptations.

It is a tempting offer given by the company.

It is a ten gallon barrel.

His statement is tenable.

Parvati was tenacious in doing the penance.

Take over the tenancy of an orchard .

I have to collect the rent from my tenant.

This office is tenanted by a company.

You can see tenches in lakes.

The doctor is tending the injured.

The cyclone tends to advance in the eastern direction.

She has a tendency to skip the breakfast.

The teacher is tendentious towards Rahul.

Quote the lowest tender.

The Company tenderered its application for the construction of the school building.

Mother patted her child tenderly.

The tenderness of the flowers are bewitching.

He gives everything in alms.He is tender hearted.

He injured his tendons.

The tendrils show the shoots now.

He has a small tenement in the city.

The basic tenet of Buddhism was non-violence.

It appears that by buying a house now he has increased his problems tenfold.

He plays tennis everyday.

At his entrance the tenor of the meeting changed .
He was singing at a tenor.

They are playing tenpins.

The ship is anchored with a tense rope.
He was in a tense mood.

The verb in the following sentence is in the past tense `He laughed loudly.

There was tension in the area after the riots. .
There is tension on my leg muscles.
Watch out for tension cables.

A tent has to be pitched for the function.

He tented the tarpaulin on th eriver bank.

He made a tentative statement in the assembly.

The following sloka is given in the tenth chapter.

It is a tenuous creeper and it needs a support.

His tenure as the Governor is coming to an end.

The travellers saw a teepee while travelling.

That vagabond is having tequila in the inn.

Use tepid water for bathing.

The teacher completed the portions in the first term.
The general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree.
A healthy baby born at full term.

He has often been termed a perfectionist.

She has terminal illness.

You have to catch the flight from the terminal.
There are positive and negative terminals in the battery.

The attender was terminated from the service.
The train will terminate at the next station.

He got the termination order from his supervisor.

Terminator genes will prevent the new seeds .

Various terminologies are given in Yaskas Nirukta.

The bus is reaching the terminus.

The cupboard was eaten up by the termites.

We saw a tern near the shore.

He is flying kite in the terrace.

A thing made of terracota is eye-catching.

"terra firma","N","1.स्थल"
After sailing they were back on terra firma again.

The trekkers passed through rough terrain.

Terrapin is found in rivers and lakes in America.

Scientists study the terrestrial phenomenon.

He saw a terrible accident.

The villagers were attacked terribly by the dacoits.

As a child I had a terrier as a pet.

The play had a terrific scene.

The thought of speaking on the stage terrified her.
Arun was terrified at the sight of the intruders.

The girl is terrified of lizards.

Territorial conflicts arise between the two countries.

Every nation has to protect its territory .

He was the terror of the neighborhood.
His neighbours are absolute terrors.

The people were terrorised by the hooligans.

People leave their domicile due to terrorism.

The terrorists killed many people.

It was a terse judgement.

She had tertiary burns.

She made a skirt from terylene.

The space programme was a test for our abilities.

Mohan was tested and interviewed for the officers post.

"test case","N","1.एकआदर्शमुकदमा"
It is a test case for future company negotiations.

"test pilot","N","1.वायुयान को चलाकरपरीक्षाकरनेवालाचालक"
He joined as a test pilot.

"test tube","N","1.परखनली"
Students are using test tubes in the laboratory.

"test tube baby","N","1.वीर्यसेचन सेपैदाहुआबच्चा"

This is a testament from the bible.

A tester is invigilating the students.


He has to testify his conduct.

His promotion is a testimony for his abilities.

He gave a testimonial for the pupils conduct.

He interrupted the conversation with a testy remark.

He was given a tetanus injection after the accident.

He is a tetchy person.

The employer had tete-a-tete with his boss.

The juggler is showing tricks with a tether .

Oxen are tethered in the quadrangle.

This work is in the teutonic language.

The text of the book is in a narrative style.
The preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"

Jack wrote a textbook in chemistry.

Textual errors cause difficulties for the students in learning.

There are many textile mills in Ahmedabad.

The prices of the fabrics came down due to textural defects.

The exported garments have fine texture.

This is a fine textured muslin cloth.

She got a better position this year than last year.

Ram is taller than his sister.

I thanked him for his help.

I am thankful to my friend for the help he rendered to me.

It is thankless to teach students who are not interested.

Thanksgiving day comes in November.

Look at that girl standing there.

It wasnt that cold there.

She said that she cannot write the exam.

Thats a beautiful garden.

"that","Rel Pron","1.जो/जिसे"
The watch that you gave me is very handy.

The huts were made of thatch in the hermitage.

Straw is used to thatch the roof.

The sudden thaw resulted in flooding.

The ice which was removed from the freezer began to thaw.
A gradual thaw in relations with the enemy nation in the recent summit was a step forward.

This is the picture which we saw yesterday.
The girl is playing in the garden.

We went to the theatre to see a movie.

The Chairman gave a theatrical speech.

He is a theatre-goer.

The dance drama was presented theatrically.

I call thee Oh man,that you will be the protector.

There was a theft in the shop.

It is their house.

Theirs is the daughter who is always first in class.

Theism is reducing in its importance in the material world.

I told them that I am not coming to the show.

It is a thematic story which the artists dramatised.

My friend chose a good theme for her story..

"theme song","N","1.विषयधुन"
The theme song is very catchy.

"themselves","Refl Pron","1.स्वयं"
They have to blame themselves for the mess.
The people themselves were not sure of their demands.

We were living in Holland then.
Finish your work and then you play.

We travelled by ship till the coast and thence by boat to England.

India started its fight for independence in the late 19th century and thenceforward continued it till it finally gained indepe
न्देन्चे इन् थे येअर् १९४७.

The civil engineer is using a theodolite to measure the road.

The book on theocracy is available in the library.

Shankaracharya was a great theologian whose philosophy is a treasure.
to the mankind.

There are theological books written by great philosophers.

"theological seminar","N","1.ब्रह्मवैज्ञानिक संगोष्ठी"

There is a course in theology in our University.

The teacher taught a new theorem in Geometry.

Quantum theory is a theoretical subject.

He worked out the problem theoretically.

Experiment is supported by theory.

Isaac Newton was a theoretician.

Anne Besants work is based on theosophy.

Herbs have therapeutic value.

Doctors are familiar with various therapeutics.

A new therapy has been introduced for treating malaria.

He went there in the morning.
There goes the last bus.

There you are!You will make it.

The company is in Bombay or somewhere thereabouts.
I will be home at 6 oclock or thereabouts.

Second world war ended in 1948 and thereafter U.N came into power.

He paid cheque thereby avoiding any problems in the dealings.

Raju has to go to school today therefore he cannot watch the cricketmatch.

Therein lies the mainpoint of the arguement.

I need all the papers, together with the copies thereof.

They were laughing and playing a game and thereupon it ended in blows.

The therm has reached the boiling point at 200 degrees.

You must wear thermal stockings in this cold weather.

He is learning thermodynamics in physics.

The kid broke the thermometer when no one was around.

The thermostat in the central heating is not working.

You must refer to thesaurus to clear your doubts.

Take these books and place them on the table.

Her thesis on environment protection has come out well.

He is a thespian of reputation.

They went for a pilgrimage to Badrinath.

It is a thick pencil.
Dont go in the thick forest lest you get lost.
It is a thick soup.

Children were playing with the snow balls ,lying thick on the ground.

We were in the thick of the talk.

Porridge thickened to a paste since it was kept on fire for too long.

The cook thickened the soup by adding flour to it.

The tailor stitched the lining for the coat to give extra thickness.

He is quite thick-skinned therefore scolding him has no impact on him.

The lad is thick-headed and he needs more attention.

We went through a thicket of overgrown bushes.

A thickset man opened the gate.

The thief ransacked their house.

Pickpocketers thieve when they get an oppurtunity.

The man forced the boy to thieve the watch.

He got hurt in the thigh.

The lady uses a thimble while stitching clothes.

The artist gave a thin coat of colour to his painting.
He is thin and emaciated.
We heard a thin feeble cry.
Air is thin at high altitudes.
She has a thin beard.

He has thinned down a lot.

The silver foil is thinned by thrashing constantly.

Above all to thine own self be true.

What is that thing moving there.
He is interested in doing all the things.
Dont forget your things here.
A terrible thing happened there.

Think before you act.
I think he is very smart.
Just think-you could be rich one day.
Think of good thoughts.

Literacy in India has reached a stage that would not have been thinkable ten years ago.

Newton was one of the greatest thinkers.

My way of thinking is totally different.

She got third position in the debate.

It was a third-class performance by the artist.

"the third degree","N","1.प्रबलयातनाएसूचनाप्राप्तिकेलियेपुलिसद्वारादीजानेवाली"
Police often uses third degree to extract information from the arrested people.

"third party","N","1.तीसरापक्ष"
They gave money to the third party.

"third party insurance","N","1.तीसरेपक्षकीक्षतिपूर्तिकाबीमा"
It was the third party insurance that paid for the damage.

"third person","N","1.अन्यपुरुषvyAkaraNa~ke~anusAra"
,He,him are pronouns in third person.

It is a third-rate movie.

"the Third World","N","1.विकासशीलदेश"
The Third World countries took part in the summit.

The man died of thirst.
A thirst for knowledge can never be quenched in some people.

Naciketa was thirsting for knowledge.

The travellers were thirsty after the sojourn.

Read the thirteenth chapter from Bhagavat Gita.

Dick celebrated his thirtieth birthday.

His marriage is fixed on the thirtieth of this month.

Out of the four books, give this to Ram.

This book is for Ram.

The plant is about this high.

The gardener planted thistle in the garden.


He put a new saddle and thong to his horse.

An arrow pierced his thorax.

A thorn pricked my finger.

Some thorny cacti are beautiful.
The brothers had a thorny problem over the property.

He is confident and thorough in his subject.
Our accountant is thorough in the accounts.

We prepared thoroughly for the ensuing examination.

Thoroughness is a good quality that one should have in doing any work.

A thoroughbred person never shows his temperament.

This is a thoroughfare near our house.

Their thorp was submerged in water.

Those roses are bewitching.

,Thou shall act in the drama said Oliver.

Though she was sick, she finished the task.

Our team lagged behind.It was a good team though.

The thought of resigning the job never struck him.
There are different principles of thought in Buddhism.

Tata was a thoughtful person and he rose to the acme.
It was a deeply thoughtful essay.

He was thoughtless in carrying out the work from his subordinates.

The Kargil issue was a thought-provoking matter.

I paid ten thousand rupees for my flight.

Tom was thrashed by his master for not earning a penny.
Indian team was thrashed by the West Indian team.

We will have a thrash after the exams.

The teacher gave him a good thrashing.

Use the thread for stitching your frock.
The marble on the floor has fine threads of green.
After controlling the disturbance in the House the Speaker tried to gather the threads of discussion that was going on earlier
The screw has lost all its threads.

Would you please thread the needle for me.

The man was in threadbare rugs.
These threadbare arguments cannot support your stand.

Earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan.
They were under threat of arrest.
Pollution is a threat to the health of the future generations.

The servant threatened his master for not paying him his salary.
He threatened me when I tried to call the police.
The clouds threaten rain.

Please give me three bananas.

I baked a three-decker cake for my sons birthday.

The three dimensional model of the house really looks good.

The shareholders made threefold profits by selling their shares.

All the doors have wooden thresholds.
He is only at the threshold of his career in music.
He has reached the threshold of his patience.

She cooks thrice a day.

Thrift helps valuable savings.

He is quite thrifty.

Watching horror films gives him the thrills.

The train ride thrilled the children..
He was thrilled by the speed car.

Alfred Hichcoks movies are thrilling to watch.

Plants thrive in fertilized soil.

I have to show my throat to the doctor.

Look at the red throated bird.

He has a throaty voice.

Ritas achievements gave Rama real throbs of joy.

My head is throbbing due to headache.

The throes of separation was unbearable for Shakuntala and Dushyanta.

George IV ascended the throne when his father died.

We could witness the show in spite of the throng.

People thronged to get a view of their favourite star.

When the steam was let out of the throttle the engine made a peculiar noise.

The thief throttled the security man and made him unconscious .

They throttled down the food supply to the island.

The thief entered the house through the window.
You stay in Birmingham Monday through Friday.
You can get good results through hard work.
The children sat through the long concert.
The accident ocurred through his careless driving.

Put the chemical in the filter and let it pass through.
After the days work the labourer slept right through.
There was red signal but the car drove straight through"
We drove straight through from Chicago to Marshall.

The rule works throughout the data..

Christmas is celebrated throughout the country.

Peter Sampras won the Wimbledon and his throw was great.
He couldnt afford $50 a throw.
It is just a stones throw from here.

He threw the ball in the nets.
The unruly elephant threw the mahout down.
Her announcement threw everybody in a state of confusion.
Dont throw tantrums.

He enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians.

He thrust his chin forward.

The boulder fell with a thud.

Bomb-shells are thudding the front.
Bullets were thudding against the wall.

The thug was imprisoned again.

Ekalavya gave his thumb as guru dakshina to Dronacharya.

It was a well-thumbed book.
He thumbed through the report.

"thumb a lift","IDM","1.अगूठेसे इशाराकरना"
Rahul went to thumb the oncoming motorist.

He drew the attention of the people by a thump on the table.
Manoj gave Hari a thump.

The minister thumped the table during the assembly proceedings.
She could hear somebody thumping at the door.
When she saw the shadow in the dark her heart thumped loudly.

The thunder was frightening.

Ramesh thundered at Mohan.
The bus thundered down the road.
The river thundered below.

Lightening and thunderbolt struck the village.

A thunderstorm uprooted the trees.

He struggled in his childhood and worked hard, thus obtained the good.
position he has now.
He is the eldest son of the king, thus becoming the rightful successor to the throne.
--"३.इस सीमा तक"
Having finished the work thus far, do not leave it now.

They are executing a plan to thwart his speech.
Rams work was thwarted constantly.

The lady in her prayer said,"Lord ,we live by thy grace"

Thyme is a herb used in soups.

He has thyroid problem and he needs attention.

The tiara on the queens head glittered with expensive jewels.

He counted the ticks of the clock.
Ill take just a few ticks to finish this.
Tick is a parasite on cattle.
She stitched the tickes for these pillows out of an old bedsheet.

The clock ticked away.

He ticked the payments made.

"tick over","PhrV","1.मुक्तचलनाgiyara~se"
He left the car leaving the motor ticking over.

He does his business through ticker-tape.
--"२.खिडकीसेकागजकीपट्टीडालकर विख्यातपुरुषयाउत्सवकास्वागतकरना"

He gave me a ticket for the show .
A ticket is attached to every item you purchase.

"ticket","V","1.टिकटदे" #यातायातकेनियमकेविरुद्धकार्यकरनेपरदियाजानेवाला नोटिस
The motorists was given a ticket for rash driving.

He purchased a ticking from the shop.

He tickled her with good humour.
The grass tickled her calves.

The teacher gave a tickler from the crossword puzzle.

Meetu is very ticklish.
The border issue is a ticklish problem to solve.

Tidal wave increases when there is Tornado.

She keeps some tidbits to eat during the intervals.

"tiddly-winks","N","1.टिडलीविंक्सखेलजिसमेंखिलाडीमण्डलककोंउछालकर/बडेमण्डलकको कोनेमेंदबातेहुएप्यालेम
He is playing a game called tiddly winks.

Tide is more on a full moon day.
A rising tide of popular interest.

The tide in the river increased.

"tide over","PhrV","1.पारलगानाApatti~Ane~para"
A true friend is one who tides over the difficulties.

You can see the tide mark on the dam wall.

Meteorologists check the tide-table.

Tide ways are made to check the waterflow.

Anand got the tidings of his promotion.

Rahuls study room is tidy.
Mohan is a tidy person.

You tidy up before the arrival of the guests.

She bought a whole lot of tidies for her office table.

"tidy up","V","1.ठीकठाककरना"
You tidy up your room.

He bought a tie for his brother.
Ram and Mohan had strong ties of friendship.
He nailed the rafters together with a tie beam.
He needed a tie for the packages.
The game ended in a tie.
See that the notes go with the tie.
--"७.स्लीपर lakaDI~yA~anya~padArtha~se~bane~slIpara~jina~para~rela~kI~paTarI~kasI~jAtI~HE"

They tied their victim to the chair.
I am tied to UNIX.

The teams tied in the end.

We have to tie-in the matter with the evidence.

The sailors used a tie-beam for their raft.

The second set was on the tie-break.

Get a tie-pin for your tie.

The traffic tie-up delayed the delivery of the goods. .
The company tie-ups need not always be profitable.

He went to the tied-house.

"tie and dye","N","1.बंधेजकीरगाई"
Tie and dye is very popular with the diers is Rajasthan.

"tie dye","VT","1.बंधेजकीरंगाईकरना"
Why dont you tie dye this material?.

We have three tier system in our school education.
Tier upon tier of huge casks could be seen there.

The man had a tiff in the pub.
The manager had a tiff with the clerk.

He tiffs often.

Children saw a tiger in the safari park.
He is a tiger on the tennis court.

It is his tigerish approach which makes him win all the matches. .

Look at the tigermoth.

The knots are so tight that it is impossible to untie them.
He found the knot tight.

She wears tight dresses.
This bottle is too tight.
He has a tight schedule.
It was a tight race.
In the financial section money is very tight.

You tighten the string with a screw.


The spy was tight-lipped when he was questioned.

He performs feats on a tight-rope.

She is wearing tights.


Tiles are used for roof .
She is sitting on a tile.

The roof top is tiled by straw.

The pawn-broker keeps the money in the till.

The farmer tills the land.

The ground is ready for tillage for this season.

Tiller is not there in the boat.

The new constituency has a tilt in his favour.
The courts tilt towards conservative rulings may not always be welcome.

He tilted the side mirror towards himself to have a better rear view.
Votes have tilted in favour of the communists.

"tilt at","PhrV","1.कीओरझुकना"
This is a popular magazine tilted at the prominent personalities .

Rake till you get a good tilth.

Timber is used for the construction of buildings.
They have erected timber for the construction of the building.

The carpenter brought materials to timber the door .

On both sides of the path are the timbered huts.

Can you see the timber-line.

We can hear the feable timbre coming from direction of the thick woods.

This time he succeeded.
Do you know what time it is?.
He had a time holding back the tearso.
University stay was a good time for us.
How time is changing.
Childhood is the best time of life.
Geenwich time.
The building will stand the time.

He got timely help from his friends.
The timely filing of his income tax return saved him from trouble. .
A timely warning was given to the peon .

"time bomb","N","1.निश्चितसमयपरफटनेवालाबम"
A time bomb exploded in the market.

"time card","N","1.मजदूरीकाहिसाबरखनेकाकार्ड"
A supervisor is checking the time-card.

It is a time-consuming work .

Our traditions are time-honoured.

Keep a time-keeper.

The time-lag between the research and the development was noticeable.

Finish your job within the time-limit.

Mary got a timepiece as a gift.

The memories are reflected on the timescale.

A new timetable is put on the notice board.

Northern India and Pakistan fall in the same time zone.

These are the timeless laws of nature.

Timely help was given to the injured person.

This room is two times bigger than the hall.

A timer was kept to switch off the instrument.

Ketan is a timid boy.

Great people show no timidity in executing a task.

She is a timorous girl.

He is playing on the timpani.

They have used tin for the roof of their house.
Open a tin of fruits.

Fruit juices are tinned and exported.

Cover the apples with a tin-foilo.

Soldier is wearing a tin-hat.

Get me a tin-opener.

Tin-plate is melted to get the alloy.

A tinsmith is cutting the steel.

Use tin-tack for the cupboard.

Use tincture for the wound.


Do not meddle with the tinder-box as it may explode.

The pencil has a tine.
Use knife and tine while eating.
He has made a beautiful object from the tine.

He heard the ting.

The priest tings after the oblation.

We heard the ting-a-ling sound of the anklets.

There is a tinge of smile in her face .

The dyer tinged the sari blue.

My fingers are tingling due to cold weather.
The teacher slapped him and that made his cheek tingle.

I feel a tingle of anticipation.

He is a tinker and does a good job .

He likes tinkering with electrical appliances.

The tinkle from the church is heard.
Give me a tinkle before you leave.

Decorate your room with tinsel.

His tinseled image of Hollywood.

He sprayed a tint of yellow color in his paintingo.
She had a tint before a party.

The glasses are tinted with different colors.
He tinted his comments with sircasm .

Adam has a tiny pup in his house.

The ship"Titanic" sunk after hitting the tip of the iceberg.
He got a tip on the stock market.

The hunter tipped the arrow with poison.
Remember to tip the waiter.
The ball tipped the edge of the bat.

"tipper lorry","Adj","1.उलटाऊगाडी"
Sand is removed from the tipper lorry.

You tip-up your chair.

The police arrested the criminal, acting on a tip-off"

She bought a new tippet for her dress.

He tipples too much when he is alone.

He is a tipster.

He blabbered when he was in the tipsy state.

Stand on your tiptoe to open the door.

The two kids tiptoed quietly and went out.

The opposition party gave a long tirade against the government.

Dont exert too much, you will tire yourself.

We are tired of eating the same food.

I am dead tired after the days work.

It is a tiring job to do.

He is a tire-less person and he can work long hours.

Though it is a tiresome work he carries out in an explicit way.
The class was discontinued as the students were being tiresome.

We put a new tier for our car.

The tissues in the stomach have been destroyed due to injury.
Do embroidery on the tissue.

He bought tissue paper for the toilet.

We come across many tits in our campus.

Alexander was a titan.

Many people died in the titanic ship.

The landlord is demanding a tithe of the produce from the farmer .

The farmer gave a tithe to his landlord.

"tithe barn","N","1.खलिहान"
Farmers assemble near the tithe barn.

He is allergic to coco-cola as it titillates him.

He looked for books with the word `jazz in the title.
The novel has a very catchy title.
He held the title for two years.
`Your majesty is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king.
Professor didnt like his friends to use his formal title.
The titles go by faster than I can read.

Ashoka was titled as"Ashoka the great"

He is a titled king.

He showed the title-deed to the broker.

P.T.Usha is a title-holder in atheletics.

Go through the title-page to know the contents.

She sang in the title role in Alice in the Wonderland.

The students tittered when the teacher entered the class room.

It is a tittle-tattle. Dont pay heed to.

He just tittle-tattles and wastes time.

The Nizam got the titular name from the Hyderabad state.
He is just a titular head of the school.

I went to the garden for jogging.
The house has a garden extending to the river bank.
Ram gave the book to Rama.
She is working as the secretary to the Executive Director.
It takes 30 to 40 minutes to read this.
The chances are 10 to 1.
He is richer to her.
There are 100 paise to one rupee.
He was standing with his ear to the door and listening to th conversation inside the room.
Dogs are devoted to their masters.
Hari is committed to the job.
According to her he will not come.
The dress may be nice but it is not to her liking.

Toads can be seen during the rainy season.
He disliked him so much that he considered him as a repulsive toad.

Rama prepared toasts for breakfast.
They all proposed a toast for her birthday.

Standing in the hot sun for full two hours she was toasted completely.

She always toasts bread for breakfast.
Let us toast the birthday girl!.

Tobacco is bad for health.

He did everything on his tod.

I cant meet with you today.

Today is Monday .

Manuj heart his toe while playing football.

The leader asked his deputy to toe his line.

The criminal was on the precipice with a toe-hold.

The Romans wore togas.

"together","Adv","1. एकसाथ"
The two of them together went to the market.
All his troubles seem to have come together.
Gather them together.
For hours together he can talk about bird species.

He hung his shirt on the toggle on the side wall.

After years of toil he got good results.

You have to toil to get good results.

Toilets should be kept clean.

The shop keeps all kinds of toiletries.

She bought two rolls of toilet paper.

Ram gave Hari a book on birds as a token of appreciation for his help.
White flag is a token of surrender.

The pain was tolerable.
The climate is at least tolerable.

He lost his tolerance due to bad health.

He is a tolerant person and easily adapts to new situations.

The lady cannot tolerate the pangs of separation .

Toleration is a virtue.

One could hear the church bells toll.

The car was stopped to pay the toll.
The negligence of hygiene took a heavy toll of lives due to cholera. .

There was a long que at the toll-gate.
The toll-gate is open.
The boy stole a toma-hawk.

Tomato is rich in vitamin C.

There are many tombs in Delhi which are of historic value.

A tom-bola was kept in the fete.

She was a tom-boy in her childhood but later she became a leader.

It was diffcult to read the name of the dead burried in that grave because.
the engraving on the tombstone had faded completely.

A tomcat is seen in the garden.

The epics Ramayana and Mahabharata are the tomes which have great impact on.
our lives.

I will play badminton tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Monday.

Tony plays an accordian which has an excellent tone .
The Beijing dialect uses four tones.
They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies.
She has got a picture in bright tones.
His majestic walk shows that he has a muscular tone.
The manager spoke to the employer in a tone which was indignant .

Lets tone our muscles.

He could not identify the notes because he is tone-deaf.

Their enthusiasm has toned down since their offer was turned down.

The colours of the wall tone-in with the furniture .

Use tongs to lift the pan from the stove.

Clean your tongue well.
He is comfortable when he speaks in his mother tongue.
The tongue of my shoe has fallen somewhere. .

He has a bad tongue and hurts everyone.

His friends tongue-lashed him with rude remarks.

The boy is not telling the truth. He is tongue-tied .

Words of wisdom act as a tonic in the times of difficulty.
A tonic syllable carries the main stress in a word.
Tonic harmony.

She took tonic to improve her health.

I am leaving Hyderabad tonight.

Tonight there is a Lunar eclipse.

The ship has tonnage of export items.
The ship was anchored to pay the tonnage.

This bag is too big to carry.
He has a Mercedes, too.

Take all the tools to repair your cycle.
Computer has become a tool in every field of work.
Mohan is a tool in the hands of his master.

The sound is coming from the toot.

The boy tooted the horn.

Chewing tobacco causes tooth decay.
The teeth of the saw are very sharp. .

Rahul was very keen to tooth his friend.

I have a severe toothache.

Change your toothbrush often.

Throw this toothless comb.

No toothpaste can cure a dental ailment.

A toothpick helps to remove the food particles.

She made some tooth-some sweets.

All his relatives have occupied the top positions in the company.
He is a top man in the management.

The mower cuts off the tops of the grass.
Put your books on top of the desk.
The boy is playing with a top.
The girl was at the top of her voice when the intruder entered.
He got a bright red top and string for his birthday.
He removed the top of the carton.

You top the cake with cream and chocolate.
We topped the mountain to have a clear view.
He has topped the list by securing majority of votes.
--"५.निशानछूटना golPa~meM"
He lost the game because he topped the ball in the last round.

Top up the can with water.

It was a top class ballet.

Top-dressing has to be done for these plants.

He is the top-most scientist in his area of research.

We will get top secret information from this spy.

She presented a ring embedded with topaz to her sister.

He is wearing a topi on his head.

He is good in the art of topiary.

The teacher gave me a topic for the debate.

The election compaign did not touch any of the topical issues.
--"२.स्थानिक "
It is a medicine for topical (or local) application.
This definitely is a topical reference.

A tourist takes a topography while travelling.

The child went on placing the books on top of each other till they toppled.
The government was toppled by the opposition.1.

Incessant rain has removed the topsoil.

His work is topsyturvy.

Torch is handy when there is a power failure.
Tribals living in the forests use torch to scare the wild animals.

The entire hamlet was torched by their enemies.

It was a torment for the jews in the hands of Nazis.
His illeteracy was a constant torment to him.

The police tormented the man to reveal the truth.

A tornado devastated the village.

Torpedos destroy the ship.

He is a torpid person.

He fell into a deep torpor.

The torque helps the machine to pull the load well.

The houses were swept away in the torrent.

We have torrid summer.
It was a torrid love affair.

He painted the his torso blue.
The sculptor carved out a torso.

??It was a tort on the part of the lawyer to give a verdict.

Mexicans like tortillas.

The life span of a tortoise is longer than other reptiles.

This is a tortuous lane.
Chanakya used tortuous methods .

The torture was unaccountable for the jews .

The innocents were tortured by the jailor.

Take a toss .

You toss the coin .
The boy could not sleep and spent the night tossing in bed. .
Toss the salad in oil.

A crech is there for tots.

It is awe-inspiing to watch the total eclipse.

India scored a total of 278 runs.

You havnt done the total yet?.

The totality of the eclipse was observed throughout the world.
The bank official checked the totality of the currency .

Your remark was totally uncalled for.

He is a totalitarian.

The drunkard tottered across the road.

He longed for the touch of her hand.
There was a touch of sarcasm in his tone.
At his touch the room was filled with lights.
Garnish the salad with a touch of garlic.
His work depicts the professional touch.
His music has a touch of Mozart .

The two creepers are touching each other.
Touch the floor.
He is the best actor.No one can touch him.
The water touched the danger mark .
Whatver Midas touched became gold.
The museum was not touched by the fire.
The news of his fathers death touched him deeply.

She was deeply touched by his sad story.

"touch at","V","1.ठहरना"
The ship touched at Hawaii port .

"touch down","V","1.उतरना"
The aircraft touched down at the Hyderabad Airport at 5.00 in the morning.

"touch for","V","1.से उधारलेना"
The maid tried to touch me for a hundred.

"touch off","V","1.दागना"
His arrest touched off a revolt.

"touch on","V","1.परप्रकाशडालना"
The case was hardly touched on.

"touch up","V","1.ठीककरना"
We touchd up our house recently.

Charles Dickens stories are touching.


He is very touchy in these matters.
He is too touchy to make judicious decisions.

He is a tough person to deal with.
It is a tough glass. It will not break.
Police are controlling the tough mob.
Police are tough with the criminals.
It is rather a tough problem to solve.

He toughened the wood by processing it. .

We went on a tour in southern India.
The orchestra is currently on tour in india.
The children made a tour of the museum .

The Indian cricket team will be touring the West Indies next summer.

There is a large influx of tourists in our country.


He is participating in the National Chess tournament.

Tying a tour-ni-quet is the best first-aid in snake bite cases.

She tousled her hair.

A tout collects more money.

He touted the product.

The truck gave him a tow to the garage.

The car was towed to the garage by a pick up truck.

I have to get a tow-bar.


We walked towards the park.
The concert was held towards the spirit of unity.
We collected money towards orphanage.
Computer will dominate towards the end of the century.

Wipe your hands with the towel.

We saw the Sears tower at Chicago.

The building towered over the small houses in the area.

He towers above his father.
Subbhalaxmi towers above all other musicians.

Jamshed Tata was a towering personality.

We went to the town to purchase provisions.
The whole town came to greet him.

"town centre","N","1.नगरकामुख्यक्षेत्र"
We have very good town-centre.

"town clerk","N","1.नगरपालिकाबाबू"
He was appointed as a town clerk.

"town council","N","1.नगरपालिकासभा"
The town council office is near our house.

"town councillor","N","1.नगरपाल"
A town councillor looks after the welfare of the town.

"town crier","N","1.ढढोरिया"
Kings had town-criers in early days.

"town hall","N","1.नगरभवन"
We are going to the town-hall to attend a meeting.

He is a townsman.

The townspeople live in comforts.

Chandigarh has a good town planning .

We have a town-ship near our University.

He died of tox-aemia.

The factories send toxic waste into the rivers.

Unprocessed water has toxicity which causes many diseases.

Scientific research is going on in the field of toxicology.

There are poisonous mushrooms which are toxin .

The child ia playing with a toy.
His latest toy is a computer.

He plays with a toy gun.

He has been toying with the idea of starting a new venture.
She was toying with her chocolate.

The thieves disappeared without a trace.
There is a trace of adulteration in the food.

You have to trace the bag which you have misplaced.
The book traces the causes of the downfall of the Mughal empire.
Harappan culture has been traced from the pots found during excavations.
Trace the map of India.

Tracer of bullets were seen during the Iran-Iraq war.

The students did the tracing of the pictures.

Give me a tracing paper.

Traces of horses are kept in the stables.

It is a good piece of tracery.

She has a blockade in the trachea.

He underwent a tracheotomy and is on bed rest .

We followed the track of our friends vehicle.
The track gave way which resulted in the rail-accident.
Tracks are ready for the races.
A bulldozer is moving on the track.
Whitney Houston has given two tracks on her album.

The police tracked the dacoits to their hideout.
The director took a tracking shot of the picture.

The tracker is going with the foresteer.

"tracker dog","N","1.शिकारीकीमददकरनेवालाकुत्ता"
The hunter is following the tracker dog.

"track field","N","1.खेलकामैदान"
Boys are watching the sports in the track field.

"track events","Adj","1.तेजदौडआदिखेलकूदकीघटनाए"
She is taking part in the track events.

"track record","Adj","1.पिछलालेखा-जोखा"
She has a good track record of her work.

The tract is cleared for the construction work.
There are various tracts in the anatomy of our body.

This question is tractable.


He went to the Physio-therapist for traction.

He purchased a tractor.

"tractor trailor","N","1.ट्रैक्टरकेपीछेजुडआवाहन"
A tractor trailor is attached to the van to carry extra load .

Romans carried trade with india.

"trade mark","N","1.व्यावसायिक चिह्न"
I look for the trade mark while buying the clothes.

"trade price","N","1.विक्रयमूल्य"
He quoted the trade price.

He is a tradesman.

"trade union","N","1.मजदूरसंघ"
Their trade union is very strong.

"trade wind","N","1.पूर्वीहवा"

The businessmen have to trade with other countries.
He traded his stamp-collection for a coin-collection.

"trade in","PhrV","1.पुरानीवस्तुदेकरनयीवस्तुखरीदना"

"trade on","PhrV","1.अनुचितलाभउठाना"
He traded on by selling his bicycle .

Traders sell goods.

Trading is his profession.

India has a long tradition of Mathematics.

Farmers no longer use traditional methods in agriculture.

Traditionalism is not good for the progress.

He is a disciplinarian and a traditionalist .

Latas marriage was conducted traditionally .

"trade name","N","1.व्यावसायिकनाम"
The commercial organizations use catchy trade names to com into notice.


The traffic was blocked.
There is an increase in the import and export traffic.
Traffic has increased in the commercial sector.
Traffic in drugs has become a major concern of several countries.

He is a trafficker who sells illicit liquor.

"traffic circle","N","1.यातायातपरिपथ"
There is crowd in the traffic circle.

"trafficator","N","1.मोटरगाडीकेबाहरलगाहुआदिशासूचक यन्त्र"
Give signal to the passing vehicle by using the trafficator.

The fall of a school bus into the river was a great tragedy for the.
whole nation.
Shakespeare wrote many tragedies.

Marloe,the playwriter was a tragedian.

She always took the role of a tragedienne.

The drama had a tragic end.

The play of Hamlet ended tragically.

"tragi-comedy","N","1.शोक तथा हास्य पूर्ण नाटक"
Ups and downs of our lives have tragi-comedy.

The vagabond made a trail through the forest.
The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.

Her dress was trailing along the floor.
Jasmine creeper is trailing over the walls .
The party is trailing badly in the polls.
Tired Shyam trailed behind his brother.

"trail away","PhrV","1.किसीकीआवाजकाधीरेधीरेकमहोना"
The solitary reapers voice was trailing away in the wood.

Shankaracharya was a trail-blazer in Advaita philosophy.

"trailer","N","1.विज्ञापनार्थ आने वाली फिल्मके सूक्षम अंश"
I saw the trailor of the new film.
A trailor is towing the truck.

The boy saw the train coming.
We saw the baggage train.
The actress was followed by a train of admirers.
His call obstructed my train of thoughts.
The girls are holding the train of the brides gown.

"train-bearer","N","1.ट्रेनबियरर" #सेवकजोकिसीकीलम्बीपोशाककापिछलाहिस्साहाथमेंलेकरचलताहै
The train-bearer was following the king.

"trainman","N","1.ट्रेन मेंकामकरनेवालाकर्मी"
The trainman is stopping the train.

We presented a train-set to the child.

We have to train our children properly.
They train their students well.
He trained the dog to look after the house.
He trained his camera on the picturesque view.
I trained a creeper over the fence.

He is a trainee in the telecom department. .

He is a trainer who trains the animals for the circus.

Anand got good training in chess.

The teachers training college is near our house.

The boys spent the day traipsing from place to place.

Perseverance is a good trait that one should possess.

Iago was a traitor in Othello.


Trams ply in Calcutta.

The girl is standing on the tramline.

He is no longer trammelled by his duties as Head.

Trammels of superstitions hamper progress.

The intruders came tramping through the enterance.
Pilgrims tramp to Badrinath.

He is a tramp.
During his trams in the forests he discovereds variou new species of plants.
We heard the tramp of the marching army.

"tramp steamer","N","1.मालजहाज"
Goods are exported in the tramp steamer.

The cows trampled the garden.
I trample him because of his misbehaviour .

The girl is doing feats on the trampoline.

The tramway is clear.

The hermit went into a trance.
The lady was in a trance after the accident.

The company declared the tranche of the new share.

It is a tranquil place to do meditation.

The Hermitage has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

The elephant was tranquillized by a dose of medicine.

The lady is on tranquilizers.

I want to visit trans-Atlantic countires.

The broker is coming to transact a deal.

The transaction of the public business is done in this office.
The company does transactions in cash.

There is a transatlantic flight now.

It transcedents human knowledge.

She is a singer of trancendent genius .

People do transcendental meditation.

Upanishads stress on transcendentalism.

He is a transcendentalist.

Transcontinental railways connect Britain and France.

The music director transcribed the composition into musical notations.
The manuscripts are trancribed into Tamil.
He transcribed a guitar piece for mandolin.

Get a transcript of your teachers speech .
The committee requires all the transcripts of the students.

"transducer","N","1.विद्युतयंत्र" #एकप्रकारकायन्त्रजोवैद्युतधक्काअन्यऊर्जासेउत्पादितकरताहो dabAva
??Nose acts like a transducer for smell.

People are standing in the transept of the cathedral .

He got the money transferred from the bank.
Ajay was transferred from Delhi to Bhilai.
He transferred his property to his brother.
Her novels were transferred into cinema.

His job is not transferable.


Umas transfer was a surprise to her friends.

Her countenance transfigured with the arrival of the guests.

Her transfiguration took every body by surprise.

The door frames transfixed with nails were placed in the walls.
Seeing the lion before him the boy was transfixed with terror.

The barren land was transformed into a beautiful garden.

The new officer is responsible for this transformation in the official machinery.

It is advisable to use a transformer for any electric gadget because fo the .
frequent voltage fluctuations.

The boy was given blood transfusion.

The research on the sheep Dolly is transgenic.

He trangressed all boundaries of decent behavior by abusing her in public.

The ephemeral pleasures are transient.

Transience is not common in some elements in that state.

A transistor is used in the radio.
He bought a new transistor.

My suitcase was lost in transit.

"transit camp","N","1.अल्पकालिकआवासशरणार्थियोंकेलिए"
The earthquake victims were put in a transit camp.

Adolescence is a transition for childhood to youth.

A transitional Government is not stable.

"transitional relief","N","1.परिवर्तीसहायता"
People are benefitted during transitional relief.

transitive verb has object.

Happiness is transitory.

You translate this passage.

Today computers help in translation.

He is a tranlator.

I transliterate Tamil words into English.

Transliteration is done by many students.

Stained glass is translucent.

Translucence in the diamond is spectacular.

There is transmigration of birds from Siberia to Bharatpur in India.

We will see a live transmission from Wimbledon.

Radio will trasmit todays programme.
Parents should not transmit fears to their children by over protection.

An army sepoy is using the transmitter.
Polluted water is a transmitter of various diseases.


There are transnational organizations in different countries.

A transom is fixed in the new building.

This is a tranparent material.
Banabhatta had a transparent style of diction.

Good administration should have transparency.
You take the transparencies for the conference.

It transpired later that he never conveyed the message to her.
Let me know what transpires in the meeting.

The rose plant was transplanted from the pot.
He had a kidney transplant operation recently.

There are various means of transport.

You have to transport the goods in a lorry.
The Britishers transported the freedom-fighters to the Andmans.

Many goods are transportable these days.

Transportaion of goods over a long distance has become fairly easy now.
During the World War transportation was prevalent.

Listening to her sing so soulfully I was totally transported.

He booked a transporter while shifting.

The librarian transposed the books from the shelves.
The girl is gifted as she transposes the songs of various singers.

Many chemicals exhibit transubstantiation.

The car engine is transverse.

He is a transvestite.

The rat was caught in a trap.
The mouse was caught in the trap.

He was trapped inside when the fire broke out.
The hunter hid behind the bushes to trap the antelope.

The trapdoor is open.

The girls are ready to display their skill in the trapeze in the circus.

She bought a land which looked like a trapezium.

The teacher is teaching trapezoid in Geometry.

He had the trappings of the high position.

Many newspapers give news everyday that is trash.
The corporation does not offer an efficient trash collection system.

These are trashy novels.

The girl was in trauma after the accident.
The trauma is not so deep.

He had a traumatic experience during the war.

The victims were traumatized after the attack.

She was in the travails of woes.

I like to travel.
News travels fast.

Rams travels are always adventurous.

Take your travel bag.

Ram is well travelled.

The traveller is sleeping in the guest house.

"travellers cheque","N","1.ट्रैवलर्सचैकयात्रियोंकीसुविधाकेलिएबैंकद्वाराजारीकियाहुआचैक"
Travellers cheques are useful while travelling.

"travelling salesman","N","1.व्यापारयात्री"
A travelling salesman is always busy.

Travelogue gives a vivid account of travel and tourist spots.

"travel agent","N","1.घूमघूमकरटिकटबेचनेवालाएजेंट"
We booked our tickets through a travel agent.

The scooter traversed the path on which the jeep was coming .

It was a real traverse for the mountaineers.
The space is reduced by a traverse.

His trial was a travesty of justice.

They use trawls to catch big fish.

The fisherman is using the trawl-net.

A trawler is coming in this direction.

She brought two tea cups in a wooden tray.
The papers were kept in a tray on his table.

He is a treacherous person.
The ground is treacherous here.

It was a treachery on the part of Mukund.

The treacle is ready for the sweet. .

He followed a path where no man had trod before.
Avoid treading on the flowers.
The villagers had trodden a path through the forest.

"tread on","V","1.नाराजकरना"
Dont tread on others feelings unnecessarily.

He walks with a heavy tread.
Jim fell from the tread.
--"३.टायरकेऊपरका हिस्सा"
The tyres have no treads.

The lady is using the treadle to spin.

I wish to go out of the office treadmill.
She works on the treadmill everydayo.

He was sent out of the country for treason.

The spy did a treasonable task.

They found a treasure .
Ramayana is a treasure which is always placed on a high plank .
She is a great treasure to everyone.

We have to treasure our ancient monuments.
I shall treasure the memory of our time together.

He was appointed as a treasurer recently.

Tom and Tudy found a treasure-house in the woods.

"treasure hunt","N","1.खजआनेकीखोज"
Children are playing the treasure hunt game.

"treasure trove","N","1.खजानाजिसकामालिकपतानहो"
No one knew that the old monument had a treasure trove.
That curio shop is a treasure trove of novelties.

Saint Ramdas spent the money from the treasury of the ruler.
Gold reserves are kept in a treasury.

We have to treat animals in a human way .
Krishna treated Sudama as his close friend.
The subject is treated vividly in the following chapter .
She was treated for Jaundice.
Treat the crops with pesticide.
She treated her friends to an icecream.

The concert was a real treat for the music lovers.
This is her treat. Lets go.

He is in a treatable condition.

The Ramayana and Mahabharata are treatises that kindle our mind.

His treatment towards the guests was not cordeal.
Trace is undergoing medical treatment.
Kalidasas treatment of love in Meghasandesha is very vivid.

Treaty helps two nations to have cordial relations.
They had a treaty with the auctioneer.

She earns treble my salary .

The businessman had to treble his profits.

Switch off the treble on the music system.
It was a choir of trebles.

The music system has a treble recording facility.

Trees give shade.

A treed area is a feast to the eyes.

We could see the treeless plains of the desert.

"tree house","N","1.वृक्षघर"
Children are climbing the tree house.

"tree line","N","1.तलजिसकेऊपरपेडनउगताहोपहाडओंइत्यादिपर"
Snow has covered the tree line.

A monkey is sitting on the treetop .

Maple leaves are trefoil.

They went on a trek to the mountains.

They loved trekking in the Himalayas.

A trellis gives an ornamental look to the garden.

Her voice trembled with fear when she got the news.
Leaves swayed and trembled by the cool breeze .

She showed a tremble in her face.

He felt all trembly.

He did a tremendous job.

We miss him tremendously.

It was a tremolo played on the mandolin.

Strong tremors were felt during the earth quake.
There were tremors of excitement in the film.

She spoke in a tremulous voice.

The army dug a trench.

"trench coat","N","1.बरसाती"
He bought a trench coat.

His trenchant critism was not called for.

Youths follow the general trends in fashion.

Wipro company is a trend-setter for computers.

He waited for his exam results with trepidation.

The army trespassed the enemy camp.

"trespass against","V","1.अपराधकरना"

It is a tresspass to enter other peoples property without their permission.

Trespassers will be punished.

She had long tresses.

The bench is supported by a trestle.

Our tri color flag is hoisted by the Prime Minister.

The act was done by triad.
He was caught by the traid while travelling.

"triage","N","1.गम्भीररोगियोंको पहलेचिकित्सादेनेकीविधि"
She was appointed as the triage nurse.

The case is on trial.
The new medicine has undergone trials before entering the market.
Trials for the olympic games will be held.
Sheepdog trials.
The trial of the case begins tommorow.

The machine stopped during trial-run period.

Draw a triangle.
Cut the material into triangles.
The trial is broken in the instrument.
It is a love triangle.

It is a triangular plot.
It is a triangular contest.

The triangulation of the plot was done.

P.T. Usha is a triathion.

Lambadis are tribal people.

Tribalism is prevalent even today.

Thodas are a tribe who live in ootacamund.
A tribe of social workers welcomed him.
She has to go through the tribes for the test.

That tribesman dwells in the forest.

He had a time of tribulation.

The matter was sent to the tribunal.

Many tributaries join the sea.

Our country paid tribute to the jawans who laid their lives in the Kargil.
Winning a wimbledon is a tribute to her coachs skill.
Aurangazeb was collecting tributes from the neighbouring statesओ.

Magic is nothing but a trick of hands.
The students played a trick on the teacher by giving proxie.
Anand knows the chess tricks well.
She should learn the trick of attending the guests.

Mohan was tricked by his friend.
"trick out","PhrV","1.सवारना"
??She was tricked out in blue dress.

It was trickery on the part of Chanakya to over throw the Nandas.

He is a trickster.

She is a tricky person to deal with.

Tears trickled down her cheeks.
The coins trickled into the hole.

"trickle down","PhrV","1.पतलीधारमेबहना"
The water trickled down the tap after 6.00 in the evening.

It was a trickle of information.

"trickle charger","N","1.बैटरीचार्जकरनेवालाविद्युतयन्त्र"

It was a play of tricksy presentation.

Our National Flag has tricolors.

Lucy got a tricycle as a gift.

She is drawing a picture of a trident.

You will get the interest in triennial.

They made an issue over the trifle.
It was a trifle amount for her to spend.
Her mother made a trifle pudding for the breakfast.

"trifle with","PhrV","1.खेलना"
He is an affluent person and he is not a man to be trifled with.

Keep your finger on the trigger.
His joining in the office was the trigger that brought profits to the company.

Violence triggered off after the function .

I could hear the trill in the birds song.

The birds trilled in the forest.

He spent a trillion on the project.

Kalidasas trilogy are an important work in the sanskrit literature.

She has a trim figure.

The garden was trim and nice.

He trimmed the hedges recently.

She trimmed the dress with frills.

He had a trimmer to trim the hedge.

Baked potato and all the trimmings were on the table.

The fisherman is using the trimaran to cross the river.

They have examinations every trimester.

Brahma,Vishnu,Shiva is trinity in the Hindu mythology.

She wore a trinket for the occasion.

The trio was going to a movie.

The girl tripped over the dog.
Trip the shutter of the video.
His friend tripped after taking the drug.
She came tripping down the stairs.

"trip up","PhrV","1.गलतीकरना"
Shyam tripped in the interview.

We made a trip to Badrinath.
The drug gave him a trip.

The bay was flocked by trippers.

The army saw the trip-wire near the trench.

They had tripartite treaty with the neighbouring country.

The meal had a dish of tripe boiled with onions.
There are tripes in the news paper.

Add triple amount of water to the flour.

The farmer had to triple his produce.

"the triple jump","N","1.तीनबारकाकूद"
She was in the triple jump in the game .

The dog had triplets.
She played the violin with triplets.

Submit an application in triplets.

We made a table with tripod.

People are standing near the triptych.

His speech was not trite.

Steffe Graf returned home in triumph after winning the tennis tournament.
The triumps of modern science is a remarkable achievement.

Anand triumped over his partner in the chess.

The procession went through a triumphal arch.

Ashoka had a triumphant victory in the Kalinga war.

The firm is run by a triumvirate of directors.

The cook placed the pot on the trivet.

It is a trivial matter.

Dont waste time in trivialities.

Major issues are trivialized by the media.

Flint stones were used by troglodyte.


The trojan war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans.

"trojan horse","N","1.{शत्रुओंकोगुप्तरूपसेविनाशकरनेकेलिएप्रयोग कीजानेवालीवस्तुयाव्यक्ति"

The fishermen were in the high sea trolling.


A coolie is getting a trolley.

"trolley bus","N","1.ट्रालीबस"
It is nice to go in a trolley bus.

Can you hear the music from the trombone?.

We heard the footsteps of the troops of deer.
A troop of school children approaching the gate .
Troops are marching in the parade.

Jawans are trooping out of the camps.

A trooper is getting down from the parachute.

Peter sampras got the Wimbledon Tennis trophy.

The summer in the tropics can be very hot.

The flora and fauna of the tropics are different from the rest of the world.

"tropic of cancer","N","1.कर्करेखा"
The climate changes markedly in the tropic of cancer.

"tropic of capricorn","N","1.मकररेखा"
The climate below and above the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn.
is similiar.

The tropical diseases require attention and care.

He trotted in the field.
The kid was trotting along beside his mother.

"trot out","PhrV","1.सूचनायासफाईप्रदर्शितकरना"

Go at a steady trot.

A trotter is well trained by the equestrian .



We are having trouble with our Television.
I dont want to give him trouble.
There is always trouble in Ireland.
He had kidney trouble and he needs attention.

The sprain in my neck is troubling me.
He took the book away without even troubling to ask.
May I trouble you for the newspaper?.

He is a troublesome person.

"trouble spot","N","1.उपद्रवस्थान"
The border of the two countries is a trouble spot.

Keep away from him. He is a troublemaker.

He is a man of etiquette and a troubleshooter.

The trough is filled with grains.
They allowed the water to pass through the trough.
There is trough in the Bay of Bengal.
The market showed profit from the trough of recession.
He is surfing in the trough and going towards the shore.

Indian cricket team was trounced by South Africa.

The dance troupe performed in ten cities.

The trouper died while performing the show .

Atul bought a pair of trousers.

"trouser suit","N","1.महिलाओंकेपतलूनसूट"
Her trouser suit was lost"

She is keeping the trousseau in the suitcase.

There are various types of trouts.

The mason is using the trowel in the construction.

Keep an eye on the student.He seems to be a truant.
He is a truant and hardly comes to the office.

Truancy has increased in schools these days.

They had a truce after the quarrel.

Many trucks are plying on the road.

Trucks are used for transporting goods.

A trucker is driving the truck.

Goods are transported by trucking.

He became truculent in the midst of our conversation.

Truculence is not a good behaviour.

The mountaineers are trudging through the snow.

Finally it was a trudge for the trekkers.

It was a true story.
He claimed to be the true owner of the land.
The man showed the true document.
He is a true friend of mine.

He behaved true to his words.

"true blue","Adj","1.पूरीतरहसच्चा"

The ground was full of truffle there.
For dessert she made truffle.

The girl brought a trug for fruits.


He is truly a great Politician.

He declared hearts as the trump for that game.

She teumped my Ace.

"trump card","N","1.सर्वोत्तमसाधन"
He played the trump card to win his boss.

He is playing the trumpet.
The open flower of the daffodils look like the trumpet .

The guard trumpetted the arrival of the king.
The elephant trumpetted in the forest.

A trumpeter is playing the trumpet in the band.

Her article was truncated and published in the journal.

The police were using truncheons to disperse the mob.

Truncheon the snake hard.

She was trundling the cart along the passage.

The storm uprooted the trunk.
The doctor is showing the anatomy of the trunk with the help of a diagram.
A coolie is lifting the trunk.
An elephant lifts the trunk often.
They loaded the luggage in the trunk of the car.

"trunk call","N","1.ट्रंककाल"
The woman got a trunk call from her husband.

"trunk road","N","1.प्रमुखरास्ता"
We take the trunk road to go to Bangalore.

The truss caved in,in the auditorium.

The owner trussed the dog when the guests arrived .

I have absolute trust in you.
The children were left in the trust of the caretaker.
He gave all his wealth to the trust.

You have a trusting nature.

"trust fund","N","1.अमानतकेकोष"
Set up a trust fund.

"trust territory","N","1.संयुक्तराष्ट्रसंघद्वाराशासितक्षेत्र"

I trust you.
You have to trust the woman before leaving your daughter.
I trust [thatए इस॥विन्ग् गोओद॥ेअल्थ्.

I have been asked to act as a trustee for my niece"

The trusteeship was given to the Board of directors.

He is honest and trustworthy.

My trusty old friend came to my help.

He is a trusty in the jail.

Truth always wins.
Speak the truth.

His statements have truthful meanings.

I will try my best to attend the function.
I have tried the new detergents.They are good.
His case was tried in the sessions court.

"try on","VP","1.पहनकरदेखना"
You try on the dress first.

A tried machine.

He is a real trier and expediates well.

I will give it a try and see.

The workers had a trying day.

It was a tryst on the part of the man who entered the harem.

People disliked the tsar before the Russian revolution.

The tsar and the tsarina did not care for the welfare of their subjects.

"tsetse","N","1.त्सेत्से" #निद्रारोगउत्पन्नकरनेवालीएकप्रकारकीअफ्रीकीमक्खी

We bought a tub for washing the clothes.
The child is taking bath in the tub.


Laboratory is equipped with tubes and glass containers.
Squeeze the ointment from the tube.

Measure the length of the tubing.

There are tubular furnitures available in the market.
His bronchial tube is congested.

Potato is a tuber.

Tuberous plants are easy to grow.

There is cure for tuberculosis these days.

He is suffering from tubercular infection.

Tuck your skirt properly.
The lady tucked her hair with a clip.
He tucked the watch in the bureau.
Tuck a blanket.

"tuck into","VP","रुचिपूर्वकखाना"
He was tucking into a large plate of noodles.

He made a tuck in the frock.
A school tuck shop is nearby.

Tuesday is a holiday.

He tied his tuft.

She had to tuft her dishevelled hair.

He is selling a tufted peacocks feathers.

He tugged so hard that the latch broke.

The crowd gave a tug and there was stampede.

A tugboat is attached to anchor the ship.

"tug of war","N","रस्सा-कशी"
We all will play tug of war.

He is taking tution in all the subjects.

There are tulips of various hues that one can see in Holland.

The lady is wearing a tulle.

The child tumbled over the stairs.
Share prices tumbled in the stock market.
The puppies are tumbling about in the grass.

"tumble down","VP","सर्वनाशहोना"
The old building tumbled down.

People buy gold when there is a tumble in gold.
All her things were in a tumble.

Put the clothes in the tumble-drier.

Use the tumbler for milk.
He is a tumbler in the circus.
The tumbler is broken in the lock.

These weeds will grow like tumbleweeds.

Sepoys are dragging the tumbril through the streets.

He died of brain tumour.

The tumult reached its height when the speech was going on.

The soldiers rolled the tuns.

Tun the grains before it rains.

"tuna","N","1. एकप्रकारकीसमुद्रीमछली"
They went looking for tuna in the sea.

There are vast tundra regions in Northern Asia.

Play a tune correctly on the flute.

The music for the film is quite tuneful.

The violinist had to tune his instrument with the guitarist.
He had to tune his car according to the sharp slopes.
His answers were finely tuned to what the interviewers wanted.

"tune in","VP","1.लगाना"
Tune in All India Radio.

He is using a tuning-fork to play the instrument.

Tungsten is used while processing the steel.

He is wearing a tunic.
I have gave her a tunic for her birthday.
The soldier removed his tunic and slept.

The miner went through the tunnel.

The criminal escaped after tunnelling out.

"tunnel vision","N","1.आखोंसेसीधानदेखसकनेकीबीमारी"
The opthalmologist checked his eyes for tunnel vision.

He is wearing a turban.

The river water is turbid.

Turbines are heavy electricals.

Turbulent crowd advanced towards the army.
Turbulent waters entered the place.

The sweet was kept in tureen.

Children are playing on the turf.
These horses are the champions of the turf.

You have to turf the field.

The turgid waters of the river will subside.

They bought a turkey for christmas.

He is Turkish.

"turkish bath","N","1.हम्माम"
Turkish bath soothes the body.

"turkish delight","N","1.एकप्रकारकीचिपचिपीमिठाई"
She gave turkish delight to her friend.

Turmeric is good for health.

There was turmoil after the election.

The windmill took a turn with the course of the wind.
Take a right turn.
An unfortunate turn of events occurred.
Wait for your turn and then go.

You turn the wheel.

"turn against","VP","1.कादुश्मनबनना"
She turned against her teacher.

"turn away","VP","1.अस्वीकारकरना"
The lady turned away the gift given by her husband.

A car stops near the turnpike.

We will pass through the turnstile to enter the park.

Mix turpentine in the paint.
She got a turquoise necklace.

The turret was lined with the pigeons.
The missile hit the turret when it was about to land.

This part of the sea is full of turtles.

Elephants are hunted for their tusks since it fetches high prices.

He had a tussle with his landlord.

Let us sit on the tussock.

She was under the tutelage of her uncle when her parents went abroad.
Giri was under the tutelage of a performing artist.

The lady was appointed as a tutor for the children of a rich businessman.

He tutored his son to be polite.

Students go to tutorial colleges after the school.

We had tutti-frutti after dinner yesterday.

The girls were wearing tutus for the ballet.

Tu-whit,tu-whoo,that was the sound the solitary reaper heard constantly.

We have never heard such a twaddle.

He pulled the twang.

The artist was twanging his mandolin before playing the tune.

It was a painful tweak for him.

He tweaked her ear while playing.

I got a tweed top stiched last week.

We heard the "tweet tweet" of the birds in the woods.

A pair of tweezers is kept on the table.

Read the twelfth chapter from Mahabharata.

He is coming on the twelfth next month.

The book has twelve chapters.

Her twentieth birthday falls on this Thursday.


Write the numbers till twenty.

You can consider him as a twerp.

I have already seen the movie twice.
He does twice as much work as his brother.

The path was full of dried twigs.

He took a long time to twig the answer.

We go for a walk in the twilight.
He was at the apex even in the twilight of his career.
Naciketas was in a twilight world of knowledge and ignorance.

It is a cotton twill matress.

The brothers are twins.
The cup was one of a pair.The servant broke its twin.

Hyderabad is twinned with Secunderabad.

"twin engined","Adj","1.दोइंजनवाला"
The twin engined aircraft is taking off.

She purchased a twin-set.

Get a ball of twine to tie this bundle of old newspapers.

The creeper is twining around a tree.

He gets twinges of arthrities.
He felt a twinge of regret after hearing the news.

There was twinkle in her eyes when she saw her mother.
We could see the twinkle of the street lights.

Rashtrapati Bhavan twinkled after the parade.
He twinkled at her.

Everything was set in a twinkling.

The band master twirled the wand and marched forward.
The dog twirled around the garden.

There was a twirl in the whirlpool.
His signature has a twirl at the end.

He twisted his head round to speak to his friend.
Twist the creeper into the arch.
He twisted his face after eating bittergourd.
The nurse twisted the bandage round her arm.
The papers twisted everything.

He broke the handle with a violent twist.

The deer gave a slight twitch after the blow.

The child twitched with pain.

I heard the twitter of the birds in the morning.

The birds twittered in the woods.

There are two trees here.

A two-dimentional image is projected in the picture.

We saw a two-edged sword in the museum.
His speech was full of two-edged remarks.

A two-faced person should be carefully dealt with.

The questions are twofold.

His investment increased twofold.

The twosome walked down the beach.

He is a tycoon and has set up many industries.

There are various types of roses in the garden.

He has to type the script.
This typewriter types well.

He is a typist and does a good job.

Pran was typecast as a villain early in his film career.

He got a typewriter as a gift.

She is suffering from Typhoid fever.

Typhoid should be checked immediately.

Typhoon hit the Florida coast.

It is typical of him to speak the truth.

He typifies a self made man.He should be honoured.

Typography is an art of printing.

Typographical reprints are kept there.

He was a tyrannical ruler.

It was a rule of tyranny.

Aurangazeb was a tyrant.

We have to change all the tyres of our car.

He is a tyro. It is his maiden speech.

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