Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alphabat : R

Rabbit is a small burrowing animal of the hare family.

"rabbit","V","1.लम्बी-चौडईबातें करना"
What are they rabbiiting on about?

"rabbit warren","N","1.खरगोंशोद्वाराखुदीहुईजमीन"
The council offices were a real rabbit warren.

Some politicians are merely rabble.

Our union leader is a rabble-rouser.

Ram always gives rabble-rousing speeches.

The author wrote a rabelaisian book.

He is a rabid cricket fan.
This is a rabid dog.

Louis pasture discovered the vaccine for rabies.

Racoons are carnivoroes found in central America.

The race of time may leave you behind if you slumber.

I will race you to the stadium.
Thick black clouds raced across the sky.
She races at all the big meetings.
The patient had to be raced to hospital.
The driver waited for the green signal,his engine racing.

We should not discriminate people on the grounds of sex,race,culture,or
Breed a race of cattles which can survive drought.
Aryans were the people of ancient and noble race.
Journalists are an interesting race.

Racecourse is one of the forms of gambling .

He is a permanent racegoer.

She bets on racehorse.

She is an excellent boat racer.

The fight will never end for racial equality.

Racialism always harm people.

It was a racially motivated violence.

They are the victims of racism.

She settled the books neatly on the rack.
She reached up and put her briefcase in the rack.
Put the slave on the rack.
A part of a machine consisting of a bar with teeth into which those of a
wheel or gear fit.

Severe pain racked her body.
Ive been racking my brains trying to remember her name.

Stop making that terrible racket.
He is involved in the drugs racket.
Why dont you strike the ball with your racket.

Her grand father is a brilliant raconteur.

Her racy discription of western life style is shocking.

We can locate an aircraft by radar.

He asked her the reason for being raddled.

Radial spokes of the bicycle inhances the strength of the wheel.

The radiant sun.
The radiant face of her child looks pretty.

A stove that radiates heat.
She is the woman who radiates happiness.
Four roads radiate from this central point.

We should not exposed ourselves to ultraviolet radiation.
Doctors use radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer and other

"radiation sickness","N","1.विकिरणशीलकिरणोंकेप्रभावसेहोनेवालारोग"
Pathol.illness caused by over exposure of the body to ionizing radiations.

Install a central heating system with a radiater in each room.
Radiator is a device for cooling the engine of a vehicle or an aircraft.

We need a thorough radical changes in our society.
Our government should bring a radical change in the foreign policy.
He is a person with radical opinions.


My friend has radically different views from others.

Contact an aircraft by radio signals.

"radio set","N","1.रेडियो"
an apparatus for receiving radio broadcasts.
I heard this song on the radio.
We can hear a gale warning over the ships radio.

We radioed to the police control room that we are in trouble.

Radioactive materials are dangerious to mankind.

Radiocarbons are used in carbon dating(radiocarbon analysis).

Radiography is the process of taking X-ray photographs.

He is a trained radiographer.

Radiology is the study and use of different types of radiation in medicine,
to treat diseases.

Dr.gupta is a famous radiologist.

The treatment of disease by radiation.

He is working in the APPOLO as a radiotherapist.

She bought a bunch of radishes from the market.

Madam Curie discovered radium.

A radius is half the diameter.
The police searched all the corners within a radius of 2km.
Radius is the shorter bone in the part of the human forearm.(thumb side)
Radius is a short bone in the lower part of an animals leg or a birds wing

Radon is a radioactive gas.

The stalks of the leaves of the raffia tree are used for weaving mats etc.

He was moving about with a raffish air.

The Public school sold the tickets for a raffle.

The student got a pressure cooker as a prize in a raffle.

The sailors saved their lives from the wrecked ship on a raft.
Nowadays an inflatable rafts of rubber or plastic are in great demand.

People used the raft to cross the river.

She has a room with exposed rafters.

She uses an old rag to clean the floor.
I read this news in a local rag.
My shirt was worn to rags.

His child has a rag-bag of ideas.

She lay unconscious in the school like a rag doll.

She likes to go into the rag-trade.

The boys are celebrating a rag-week for Durga Puja.

They have ragged her after the college.

She was trembling with rage.
The storms rage continued.
His son has a rage for collecting stamps.

He raged against me for disobeying him.
An epidemic is raging throughout the country.

She has a raging headache.

There is a ragged and barefoot old woman.
He has a ragged coat.

Nizam of hyderabad use to live raggedly.

She always wears a raglan cardigans in winter.

He plays a ragtime band.

Make a bombing raid on enemy bases.
He was killed in an air raid.
Police carried out a raid on the hideouts of the criminals.

Custom officers raided the houses of many film stars.
The children have been raiding their room again.

Send your son by rail.
What is the rail fare to Bombay.
Hold on to the rail at the edge of the water fall.
She has a beautiful curtain rail.


Whenever he goes to home town,he uses his railcard.

V.T.is the railhead for local trains of bombay.

M.C.H. has put the beautiful park railings for the safety of the children.

Her habbit of cracking raillery every time is not good.

People in America use railroad for a comfortable journey.

The railway is still under construction in many villages.
He is working for the railways.

He is a railwayman.

During Cat Walk she wore fabulous raiments.

The farmers want rain.
The rains come in september.
There was a rain of bullets in Kargil region.

It rained heavily last night.
It never rains but pours.
Tears rained down her cheeks.

She got her new silk sari dyed in all the colours of the rainbow.

He has lost his raincoat in the college.

Its lovely to watch raindrops falling from the trees.

The highest rainfall in cherrapunji is about 40cm.

She has a rainproof jacket.

Due to heavy rainstorm thousands of people become homeless.

We can use rainwater for drinking.

Her son doesnt like rainy season at all.

Please dont raise a cloud of dust.
Go and raise a fallen child.
She raised her offer to Rs.3000.
Why dont you raise funds for charity.
She told us all her jokes,but she couldnt even raise a smile.
My parents died when I was young so I was raised by my aunt.
There were many raised eyebrows when people saw him handcuffed.
My victory in the final raised my spirits.
The opposition raised its voice against the womens bill.

"raise (US=rise)","N","1.बढओतरी"
Should I ask my boss for a rise/raise?,a five per cent pay rise/raise.

He is a fund raiser.

she takes raisins daily in the morning.

There were many Indian Rajahs before the British rule.

He uses rake for collecting fallen leaves.

She raked up the grass cuttings.
He has been raking money ever since he started the new venture.
He raked the almirah for the missing letter.
They raked an enemy trench with machine gun fire.

He is a rake,roams with many women.

He wore his cap at a rakish angle.

The seat backs of the car is raked for extra comfort.

The general rallied his scattered army.
The party rallied to the support of the Prime Minister at the Boat Club.
The pound rallied today against the German mark

He has organized a public rally.
There is a car rally from Delhi to Bombay via Jaipur.
she got unexpected rally of life after a prolong illness.

He has hundreds of rams in his cattle farm.
They used the Ram machine to break the wall.

Do not ram the thread too hard or else it would break.
The police van was rammed by a smuggler car.
He rammed his clothes into a suitcase.

RAM is abbreviation of (computing)random access memory.

She goes for a nature ramble.

He rambles along country lanes.
The old man would often ramble on about the past.
Her roses were rambling over an old stone wall.

He is a keen rambler.

If you go to old city of Hyd.You can see many old rambling mansions.
She delivers a long rambling speeches.

Ramification of a nerve is very systematic in our body.

The builder has made a beautiful ramp between two sky high buildings.
Ramps across the roads should be marked with yellow and black linings.

Her child is ramping and raging in a great fury.

An elephant is rampaging through the jungle.
The river went into a rampage and flooded the countryside.

Our government can not control the rampant corruption prevailing in society.
Cholera was rampant in the slum area a few years ago.

Visitors are walking along the castle ramparts.

The soldier stood stiff as a ramrod.

We can see many ramshackle houses in the old city.

She is running a cattle ranch out side the city.

The milk has turned rancid.

Rancorous debate was going on between two brothers.

There was a rancour in her behaviour.

Contestants were selected at random from the audience.

Students were randomly chosen to take part in a drama.

"random access","N","1.कम्प्यूटिगं"
Random is a process that allows information in a computer to be stored or
recovered quickly without reading through items stored previously.

He is a randy fellow.

She has seen the beautiful mountain range
The whole range of new stock of readymade garments has arrived in the market
It is difficult to find a good house within our price range.
The gun has a range of five miles.
The range of prices for steel is from Rs.85 to Rs100.

The scouts ranged themselves along the route of the procession.
The price of wheat ranges from 180 to 250 rupees a quintal
This gun ranges over six miles.
Cattle are ranging over the plains.

He is using the rangefinder to note the distance.

He is a forest ranger.

Her slim rangy figure looks odd to every body.

You should not eat rank meat.
The winner was a rank outsider.
This rank grass is likely to produce many weeds.

Ranks of marching infantry looks so organized.
He is the writer of the highest rank.
The unit consisted of 5 officers and 40 other ranks.
You should try to rise from this ranks.

He ranks well ahead of his classmates in mathematics.
She ranks a good position in her field.
He was ranked among the best dressed men.
The colonel ranks all other officers in the squadron.

Steffi Graf retained her no.1 world ranking.

Her bad remarks rankled him for days.

I have ransacked his house for imp.papers but couldnt find them any where.

Pay them ransom and bring the child back.

Even after paying a demanded ransom,she could not get her husband.

she ranted on at me about my mistakes.

The raps of the boxer were of great injury to the other boxer.
People nowadays love hearing rap music.

He got a rap on the back from the teacher for not doing the homework.
The teacher rapped on the table to get our attention.

He is a rapacious person.

He was sentenced to jail for committing a rape.
Rape is one of the plants of indigo.

The girl claimed that she had been raped.

There has been a rapid increase in the prices of gold and silver recently.

The cholera is spreading with alarming rapidity.

Her project work is progressing rapidly.

To cross the rapids of Ganga is realy adventurous.

he got full points in rapid-fire round.

There is a rapid transit system in Calcutta with the help of a underground

Her son has a rapier wit.

He was watching her dance with a rapt expression.

He is gazing with rapture at the face of his beloved.

She got a rapturous applause from the audience.

He has a huge collection of rare books in his library.

He is rarely seen in the colony nowadays.

University professors always live in a rarefied academic atmosphere.

The rarefied air at high altitudes.

Rain is a rarity in Rajasthan.

He is a rascal fellow.

Her both the children are rascals.

She shouldnt make rash promises.

Too much oily food brought her out in red itchy rashes.
The recent rash of strikes in the railways caused great inconvienence.

He likes two rashers of bacon for breakfast.

A rasp of the saw on the log can be heard from the distance.
Rasp off the rough edges of the table top.

Dont make a noise.the teacher rasped.
The glacier rasps the valley floor.

She likes rasberry jam.
The speaker got a raspberry as he turned his back.

Rastafarians are inhabited at various regions in Jamaica.

Lots of rats are making menace in her neighbourhood.
I smelt a rat when she became kind to me all of sudden.

His friends dislike him as he often rats on them.

Oh rats; I have forgotten my wallet.

Cats are good ratters.

A sharp ratatat on the window has been heard a few seconds before.

He is just a ratbag.

Dont you know that a ratchet is used in a bicycle.

He is walking at the rate of 5km.an hour.
The rate of interest has fallen from 10% to 7%
I am not prepared to marry her at any rate.
If you spend at this rate you will soon be bankrupt.
His pulse rate dropped suddenly.

They rated the book quite high.
They rate him kind and hospitable.
He was rated as a broker.
Those tasks rates low on my priority list.

She is a regular ratepayer of her property.

He came very late last night or rather in the wee hours this morning.
My bat is rather more expensive than his.
This science book is rather too easy for class seven.
Its rather a shame that she missed the concert.

"rather than","Prep","1.इसकेबजाय"
I think Ill have a coffee rather than cold drink.

The ratification of Speakers stand on particular point by all parties is
praise worthy.

Heads of SAARC countries will meet to ratify the treaty.

Government must give to the scientific research a high-priority rating

The ratio between 75 and 25 is 31.
The ratio of women to men in the office is three to one.

Now there is a weekly kerosine ration.
You have to get your new ration card.

Were on short rations until fresh supplies arrive.

We will have to ration petrol.

The patient seemed quite rational.
Man is a rational being.

What is the rationale behind her drastic act.

She behaves rationally.

She always speaks to others in a way of rationality which has strucked me

His rationalism doesnt match with others.

He rationalized his decision to buy a bike by saying that it would save his
money on bus fares.

Rationalization of the company resulted in several jobless people to earn
a living.

Rattans long thin stems are used for making furniture.

Doors and windows began to rattle when the strong wind blew.
She rattled on for an hour about her excursion.

The rattle of bottles was being heard from a milk mans van.

There is a rattling breeze near the sea shore.

A venomous snake having loosely attached horney segments at the end of the
tail which makes a rattling noise when it is angry or afraid.
Most of the rattlesnakes are found in the desert.

She gets ratty with me,when Im late.

We could hear the sound of raucous laughter coming from the canteen.

That film was fairly raunchy.

The terrorists had ravaged the countryside.

The patient with a high fever began to rave.
When he was accused of stealing,he raved wildly.
Everyone is raving about her latest film,"The God Mother"

Youngesters enjoyed the all-night raves.

The music concert got rave reviews in the papers.

Her daughters are all raving beauties.

The rug has started to ravel at the edges.

The mystery needs to be raveled out.

Raven locks of a lady attracts everyone.

We rarely see ravens near our house.

The tiger ravened the deer.

A ravening panther was found roaming here and there.

He was feeling ravenous after the long trip.

Her son is crying ravenously for food.

We can see great ravines while going to srisailam.

Many people love to eat the Italian ravioli dish.

He has ravished a girl from the bus station.
Aishvarya rai is a ravishing beauty.

She looks ravishing in that dress.

Raw vegetables are good for health.
Raw sewage should be chemically treated first.
A raw hand in a factory doesnt suit at all.
You can feed raw data into a computer.
There are many natives all over the world who still live raw.
He lost his job for being late once ,he got a pretty raw deal.

She got a raw-boned figure.

He keeps a rawhide whip.

Sugarcane is the raw-material for sugar industry.

There was a rawness in her behavior which attracted him.

Sun rays produces ultraviolet rays.
Ray fish is very beautiful to look at.
--"३.संगीत का सुर"
Ray is the second note of any major scale.

A ray of light travels straight.

"rayon","N","1.रेऑन कपडआ"
He loves to wear on rayon T-shirts.

The enemy bombs razed the whole town.

She got very sharp razor for section cuttings.

He uses electric razor-blade for shaving.

She is known for her razor-sharp wit.

Nowadays students razzed about their teachers.

In the sense of againeg.reappear.redo,replay,reapply,redecoration,re-entered,etc.

Did any news reach your ears?
The continous stretch of river Ganga reaches up to the West Bengal.
He reached out his hand for the book but it was too far away.
My school reaches as far as the railway line.

"reach","VT","1.पहुचाना" #informal usage
Could you reach me that book from the table.

The rice bag is out of my reach.
That job is within my reach.

That distance is reachable by road within an hour.

How did the audience react to his remarks.
Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.
Acids react on metals.

What was his reaction to your proposal.
The forces of reaction upset the whole plan.
I had a bad reaction after my penicillin injection.
Nuclear reaction produces large amount of heat.

Reactionary forces opposses the improvement in our society.

Reactivate an old generator.

The police continue to favour a reactive policy,rather than a preventive

Government has made a plan to build a new reactor near the coast.

We should teach children how to read and write.
He read a story to us.
I read about the train accident in todays paper.
A driver must be able to read traffic signs.
He is reading for a mathematics degree at Oxford.
I offered my hand to the astrologer to read it.
The meter reads 4895 units.
The sign reads,Keep Left.

His handwriting is readable.

His letters were readdressed due to change of residence.

She is a news reader on T.V.
He is a reader in physics.
He is employed as a reader in civil court.
She works as a proofreader in the press.

He is a man of good reading.
Children should always do loud reading.
He has come for water meter reading.

It takes time to readjust oneself to life after a serious illness.

Are you ready to go for shopping?
She has a keen mind and ready wit.
Keep a weapon ready at night.
Make ready for the Prime Ministers visit.

She buys readymade clothes for her children.

He readily agreed to accompany me to the station.

She is not having enough of the ready.
The watchman keeps his spear and torch ready to hand.

He reaffirmed his loyalty to his boss.

Some reagent acts as a catalyst.

Are these facts real?
He is the real manager of the institution.
The excursion trip was a real disaster
Her real income has gone up by 15% in the past year.

He had a real good laugh after a long time.

There is a proposal to realign the runway.

He accepts the realism even in the worst situation.

You can not escape from the reality of hard life.

I was shocked by the realization that I would perhaps never see her again.

She realized that Hari had been cheating her.
His furniture realized Rs.10000.at the sale.

What do you really think about yourself?
She is really a charming lady.
We are going to U.S.A.next week.Oh,really?

Zamindars realm is nowhere now in India.

Dont waste your forefathers realty in gambling.

She kept the reams on her study table.

Reap a field of paddy.
As you sow, so you reap.
Reap where one has not sown.

Reaper has to reap his field within a fixed time.

The moon reappeared from behind a cloud.

He has reapplyed for a loan.

He was reappointed as Dean for a further two years.

He has taken a photograph of the house from the rear.
He kicked him on the rear.

The snake reared its head.
The male tiger helps the female to rear the youngs.
The horse reared up in fright.

The government is fighting a rearguard action against the public opinion
on the question of reservation.

Would you please rearrange the meeting for next week.

What is your reason for leaving the job?
We have no reason to believe that he is lying.
The conflict between faith and reason is going on.
I will do any thing within reason to please you.

She reasoned that if she started at 5am she would be there by noon.

He is perfectly reasonable in his judgement.

Look at the problem reasonably.
He appears to be reasonably happy with the arrangement.

Her reasoning on this point is correct.

He reasserted that all employees should be envolved in the negotiations.

The job was again reassigned to him.

The police reassured her about her husbands security.

He got a rebate of 5% for early settlement.

He rebated ten rupees to me.

Ravi has always been a rebel.

They rebelled against conventions.

There is a rebellion against social mores.

Her son was a rebellious terrorist.

Hindues belive in rebirth.

she got a rebound in garments export.

The ball rebounded from the wall.
The evil we do may rebound upon ourselves.

My request met with a rebuff from him.

His advances were rebuffed by the girl.

After her husbands death,she had to rebuild her life completely.

Servant got a rebuke from his master.

Do not rebuke me for it would lead us into a disaster.

The allegations to her met with immediate rebuttal.

A student is gifted with instant recall.

Try to recall the information.
I cant recall her name at present.
The speaker recalled the members of Parliament for a special debate.
I recalled my decision of going there

He recanted his former opinions in public.

Let me recap, the points we have discussed so far.

The recapture of towns occupied by the rebels.

He tried to recapture the pleasures of school life.

Owing to the absence of main actors,the whole play had to be recast.

As our ship advanced on the high seas,the seashore slowly receded.

He got happy on receipt of the goods.

We got receipts for each thing we bought.

When did you receive my telegram?
I was warmly received by them.
He received my good wishes at his success.
This building is ready to receive its new occupants.

She asked her son,to put down the receiver.
He is a receiver of stolen goods.

His recent visit to Japan was fruitful.

He has recently been made a Vice Chancellor.

She has a big receptacle for ice in her refrigerator.

Her sons wedding reception was good.
That issue of the magazine had a favourable reception.
Reception of T.V. programmes is satisfactory in Delhi.

He has a receptive mind.

Students enjoy during the recess.
The dark recesses of a cave is scarey.

The gradual recession of flood waters brought relief to the people.

A recessionary effect on the economy is bad.

(characteristics inherited from a parent,such as the colour of the eyes or of the hair,not appearing in a child but remaining
इद्देन् बेचउसे ओथ् थे
presence of more dominent characteristics).
There are some recessive features found in the newly found extinct birds.

Please recharge the battery of my car.

Please can I have the recipe of this plum cake,its delicious.

The people with AB blood group are considered as recipient persons.

His father is a recipient of many scientific awards.

There should be reciprocal relationship between parents and children

She reciprocated by giving him a nice gift.

Reciprocity in trade between two countries is beneficial to both.

He gives a very good flute recital.

She continued her recitation of sanskrit shlokas.

She recited a few verses from Wordsworth.

His reckless driving on a busy thoroughfare is the cause of an accident.

Interest is reckoned from the date of lending.
Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery.
In old days people reckoned on their sons help.
I reckon she is smart enough to handle the job.

There will be a heavy reckoning to pay.

His father reclaimed his lost property.
We will have to reclaim new lands to grow more food.
We can reclaim glass from old and broken bottles.
The losing team reclaimed against the judgement of the umpire.

Paper reclamation can be done from waste material.

Sit on a reclining chair,so that your back will get some relief.

Her father leads the life of a recluse.

She loves to be a recluse girl.

She leads a reclusive life.

The government has announced its recognition of the Institute.
They looked at each other without recognition.

I could recognize him from a distance.
The new institution was not recognized by the govt.
The United States refused to recognize Red China.
India recognizes Netajis services to the nation as a freedom fighter.

She was barely recognizable as a girl at the school.

He recoiled when a gun was fired.
She recoiled in horror at the sight of the accident.

I can recollect my school days even today.

To the best of my recollection he was not present in the seminar.

The meeting will recommence at 4 Oclock in the evening.

THe hotel is highly recommended for its excellent services.
I recommend you to consult a good doctor.

I bought this T.V. set on the recommendation of my friend.

-१.They have reconciled their differences.
You must reconcile yourself to a life of poverty now.
I have reconciled my account with the bank.

You should bring about a reconciliation between hostile persons.

Her husband has recondite knowledge about Astro-Physics.

Its not a new car,its been reconditioned.

Our Prime Minister has taken reconnaissance flight over Orissa.

The management was forced to reconsider its decision about the termination
of an employee.

The Womens Bill has been put before the Parliament for reconsideration.

The building was reconstructed after the fire.

Municipal corporation of India keeps the records of births and deaths.
You must keep a record of income and expenditure.
Her father had a distinguished war record.
Sunil Gavaskar has broken a number of records in cricket.

The programme was recorded in detail.
Barometer recorded a pressure of 76cm of mercury.
Please record a programme from the radio.

My friend has a double cassette recorder.

She recounted her picnic experiences to her mother.

He recouped the show expenses from ticket sales.

The only recourse left for you is to take legal action against them.

Several bodies were recovered from the river after disastorous floods.
Light diet will help you recover from weakness.
The skater quivkly recovered his balance.
The economy is recovering after a period of recession.

Still they have recoverable deposits.

She has made a speedy recovery after a prolong illness.
The loser team staged a dramatic recovery in the second half of the match.
There is a secret behind the recovery of the missing jewellery from the

She has recreated another model from the clay.

She walks and climbs mountains for recreation.

We should not indulge in mutual recrimination.

We can prevent recrudescence of malaria.

They are recruits in the army.

He has recruited some unemployed youths in his company.

The recruitment of workers on minimum daily wages is not a good policy.

Piles is a rectal trouble.

The house is being built in the shape of a rectangle.

My drawing room is rectangular in shape.

You must rectify your errors first.

She has drawn a rectilinear figure.

She is the woman of moral rectitude.

He is a rector of Roman Catholic Church.

She hoped to recuperate at least half of her investment.
Doctors advised her to go to the countryside to recuperate.

My first meeting with her often recurs to me.
This error should not recur again in your answer.

Let there be no recurrence of this error.

She gets recurrent attacks of headache.

"recurring decimal","N","1.आवर्त-दशमलव"
A decimal in which a series of digits is repeated ad infinitum,5.666...

She uses recycled paper pulp for making baskets.

Maple leaves turn red in the autumn.
Nepal rolled out red carpet to welcome Princess Diana.
Snobs of any type make him see red.
The baby,s eyes were red with weeping.
She has seen a red squirrel.

Her favourate colour is red.
The countrywide strike put many businesses in the red.
Would you prefer red or white?

She became reddened with shame and anger.

Reddish sky at the time of sunset looks beautiful.

He is trying to redeem himself for his past failure.
He redeemed his watch from the pawn shop.
This coupon can be redeemed at any of our branches.

These are redeemable debentures of a company.

Police considers him to be a good redeemer in cases hijacking.

They visited the Dargah of Ajmer Shareef to pray for redemption.

The management thinks that some employees can be redeployed elsewhere.

M.C.H.is planning to redevelop a city centre.

Her letters were redirected at her new address.

You should redistribute your property among your children.

Our roof needs redoing.

Her cottage was redolent with flowers.

You must redouble your efforts if you want to succeed.
He has redoubled his strenth for the boxing competition.

Troops has made a redout as a precautionary measure.

They are redoutable foes.

"redound","V","1.पलटकरआना "
His practical jokes may redound on his own head one day.

You should redraw the geometrical figures for accuracy.

She should seek legal redress for unfair dismissal.

The union leader wanted to redress the employees grievances.

Giving up smoking reduces the risk of throat and lung cancer.

There is a special reduction on readymade garments.

There is a redundancy of scientists in the country.

She wrote a beautiful paragraph without a redundant word.

The redwood trees are very beautiful to look at.

Reed is used for thatching.

Reedy things are not very strong.

Sailer has shorten by tying in one or more reefs.

The reek of diesel smoke is harmful to health.

Shopkeepers wrap the electrical wires on reels.
That film was of 1.reels.

The boxer reeled and fell.
Everything began to reel before her eyes.

There is a provision provided in our college to learn the famous reel dance.

He has been posted there as a reeve of the town.

Does this remark refer to you?
The matter has been referred to the committee.
The advocate frequently referred to his notes.
You should refer a patient to a specialist for treatment.

Both the referees in the football match were impartial.

His book is full of references.
Keep this list of numbers with you for easy reference.
The article has a number of references from his book.
You should not have done it without reference to me first.
I am writing with reference to your job application.
He has given his teachers name as a reference.

Our government can settle a national problem by referendum.

You have to refill the over head water tank.

The process of refining oil is tedious.
We need to refine our old techniques of production.

He is a man of refined tastes in dance and music.

The refinement of sugar is done in the factory.

He works as a refiner in shipyard.

There are plenty of oil refineries in our city.

Our health centre has undergone a complete refit.

See how beautifully the water reflects the sun.
The white clothes reflect the glare of the sun.
Before I decide,I need time just to sit and reflect.

He is admiring her reflection in the mirror.
Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality.

We should always use reflective car number plates.

She has a bicycle with a reflector at the back.

We can not control our reflex actions.

He has a very good reflexive character.

Our education minister should carry out reforms in education system.

Shes given up bad habits and is now a reformed personality.

The reformation of criminals should be done by introducing moral values.

Reformatories are the better option for the young criminals.

Swami Vivekanand was a great social and religious reformer.

The light is refracted when passed through a prism.

A pencil held in the water will appear to bend,showing refraction(of light).

A cowboy is trying to control his refractory bull.

She sang the verses and we all join in for the refrain.

Passengers are kindly requested to refrain from smoking.

The long morning walk refreshed her.

She wanted to join the refresher course in english.
A glass of apple juice is a good refresher.

The breeze was cool and refreshing.

They want to have some refreshment.

In hot countries there are many refrigerant ACs being used.

Solid carbon dioxide acts as a refrigerant in refrigerator.

Keep milk and icecream refrigerated.

Keep all meat products under refrigeration.

The ship anchored to refuel.

You can take refuge in my house.

So many refugees have come from Bangladesh.

Diamond can not loose its refulgent power.

We assure you to refund your money in full if you are not satisfied with our

You should claim a tax refund.

She refurled the umbrella.

His refusal to lend me his book is most annoying.

Town refuse is dumped outside the town.

I refused to lend him extra money.

My lawyer refuted all his arguments.

Their allegations are refutable,because they are baseless.

There is a refutation of government proposals by opposition parties.

She has regained consciousness.

They are living in regal dignity.

The guests were warmly regaled with delicious food and drink.

He has made a portrait of the queen in full regalia.

I have enough regard for my neighbours.
I have nothing to say in this regard.
Convey my regards to your parents.

I regard his behaviour unmanly.
He is very highly regarded as the best teacher in the school.
He hardly regards my advice.
He regarded me with some doubt.

He said so much regarding your request.

I must make the decision regardless of any thing.

The people of Kerala arrange regatta at the festival of Onam.

During his regency he had done many good works for the development of the

For 200 years there was the regency of Queen Elizabeth of England in India.

We should believe in the regenerative powers of nature.

You should try to regenerate your old industry.
(bio)Once destroyed brain cells do not regenerate.

There is a regeneration of a political party.

He is the Prince Regent

He acted as a regent in the absence of his father.

Free trade is not permissible under the present regime.

The doctor instructed her to keep to a strict regimen.

Rajput and Gorkha regiments are very active.
A whole regiment of volunteers turned up to help.

Regimental parade was took place on republic day.

The desert region is increasing rapidly in some countries.
Last night Mira had accute pain in her lower abdominal region.

Nowadays regional programmes are also telecasted on T.V.

Sir could you sign the hotel register please?
The register of a flute is very high.

You should always register the birth of a child.
Get yourself registered in the Employment Exchange.
Rain Gauge registered 4.7 cm of rain fall.

He is the registrar of a central university.

The registration of the students for M.C.A. is over.

All registers are kept in the registry.

"registry office","N","1.सिविलविवाहकरनेकाकार्यालय"
They were married at the registry office.

"regius professor","N","1.औक्सफोर्डकाप्राध्यापक"
We do not find any regius professors in South- east Asian countries

The duty of an officer is not to regress from the battle field in any case.

She is in a process of emotional regression.

I regret my inability to help you.
I regret the loss of my wrist watch.

My only regret is that I have to leave the post.
I sent her my regrets about leaving.

His rudeness was most regrettable.

All students have been regrouped into four houses.

You must follow your regular routine.
The machine is checked on a regular basis.
Do you want baby size bicycle or regular size?
They belong to regular forces of India.
The sky was full of the birds flying in regular formation.
The kid smiled showing regular teeth.

He is one of the regulars here.

She got a prize for regularity of attendance.

Her servant maid arrives regularly at seven every morning.

You regularize your programme first.

You should regulate your household expenses within means.
The traffic police regulated the traffic at the immersion site.

Generally people do not obey rules and regulations of the road.

The regulator of a ceiling fan is not working.

We have seen cows and buffaloes regurgitating while sitting leisurely.

The deserted parts of the city have been rehabilitated.
The mentally disabled in the community should be rehabilitated.

There is a rehabilitation centre for psychatric patients.

His speech was just a rehashed version of my lecture.

The judge will rehear his case in the upper court.

They are doing rehearsal of the play,"Merchant of Venice"

He rehearsed the grievances of the party.
All children rehearse the Republic Day programme.

During the reign of Harsha,there was a peace and order.

Darkness reigns on a cloudy day.
Silence reigned everywhere.
He reigned over the land for four years.

We will reimburse the travel expenses to her.

The rider holds and pulls the reins in order to control the horse.

The efforts are going on to rein in terrorists activities at the border.

He believes that his soul is reincarnated in human form.

Satya Sai Baba,as people believe,is the reincarnation of God.

Reindeers are used for transport in Arctic Regions.

Our country should reinforce an army.
Please do try to reinforce your arguments.
The Prime Ministers position has been reinforced following his successful
visit to the U.S.A.
Concrete panels are being reinforced with iron.

There is an urgent request for reinforcements from the front.

He got hurt in the reins.

They have reinstated the ousted chairman.

He got reinstatement with promotion after suspension for six months.

His father has given an application for reinsurance in the bank.

Present generation is continually reinterpreting the meaning of life.

The government is planning to reintroduce the death penalty.

Rembrandt virtually reinvented the art of painting.

He has reinvested the interest from U.T.I. certificates in a bank account.

Government has been reinvigorated our National Arts.

A reissue of a 1960s recordings of old hindi songs are available.

Would you please reissue this book to me?

The government has reiterated its commitment to the upliftment of the poor.

The teachers are doing reiteration of the previous chapters.

Her proposal was finally rejected by the committee.
Imperfect articles are rejected by the editor.
The child was rejected by its parents.

These pairs of shoes are export rejects.

Her article got rejection by the editor of a magazine.

Germany rejoiced at its victory in the World Cup Soccer.

The innocent child tried to rejoin his broken toy.
This stream rejoins the main river further on.

He rejoined that whatever was said was quite right.

I have sent a rejoinder to his notice.

This cream with vit.E, will rejuvenate your skin.

Rekindle the fire by blowing on the ashes.

The child had a relapse of typhoid.

He relapsed into bad habits.

My grandfather related to me the story of a clever fox.
It is not easy to relate cause and effect in this case.
Does the new law relate only to reservation of seats for the handicapped?
Some ladies just cant relate to others children.

She is related to him by her mothers side.
He is not related to me in any way.

she told the relation of some amusing incident.
The relation between doctor and patient should be sincere.
Our business relations are very cordial.
He invited all his relations on his sons marriage.
One of my relation is staying in U.S.A.
you should chalk out your plan with relation to the future.

Science tells us about the structural and relational properties of object.

Relations between the two neighbouring countries have improved.

Her relationship with that boy broke up after six years of courtship.

The file relative to the case is missing.
The relative advantages of gas and electricity are different.
This is the place where we met.
The boy whom I met. whomis a relative pronoun.

She is my close relative.

In spite of his bad health,he is relatively active.

Our governments policies are based only on relativism.

Einsteins theory of the universe,which states that all motion is relative and treats time as a fourth dimension related to sp
Tell me what is the relativity of water and mercury.

our company is going to relaunch their improved and new product.

Let your muscles relax slowly.
--"२.विश्राम करनाHonA"
He likes to relax with a glass of wine when he gets home from work.
I felt relaxed,when I came to know she is safe.
--"४.कम करना"
We would relax the admission fee slightly in your case.

The president doesnt have much time for relaxation.
His favourite relaxations are swimming and tennis.
You will get some relaxation of the rules.

He looked very relaxed after his weekend trip.

A relay station receives signals and transmitts them again with greater strength.
--"२.चौकी दौड"
Children have participated in 4*100 metre relay race.
A new relay of bullocks was harnessed to the cart.

Bribes were relayed to officers via secret bank accounts.
--"२.अग्रसर किया/पहुचाना"
Relay the managers orders to the workers.

Jailer got an order for Rahuls release from prison.
The release of a new film is delayed.
The release mechanism of a lock.

The prisoner was released
--"२.मुक्त करना"
She gently released herself from his arms.
--"३.विमोचन/लोकार्पण करना"
The new edition of the book has been released.
--"४.मोचन करना"
This news has been released to the press.
--"५.छोडनायंत्र का"
The bullet is released from the gun at very high speed.
He has released his rights in favour of his nephew.

He has been relegated to an inferior post.
--"२.काम सौंपना"
He relegates unpleasant tasks to his assistant.

The teacher finally relented and let the children to watch T.V.
The police will not relent in their fight against crime.

He is a relentless enemy.

They have a college curriculum with no relevance to the modern times.

Please have all the relevant documents ready for passport.

Reliability of the source of information is correct.

Her servant is reliable.

The students reliance on the teacher.

"reliant","Adj","1.भरोसा करने वाला"
He is heavily reliant on his supporters.

We can find out the relics of ancient civilisation.

She sent some relief to refugees.
The injection gave the patient much relief.
He did duty from 9a.m.to8p.m.with only one hours relief.
She heaved a sigh of relief when her son returned home safely.
They got temporary financial relief from the tax due to severe drought.

"relief","Adj","1.सहायता कोष"
Relief fund was collected for helping the quake victims.

A relief map of India,i.e.showing mountains,valleys,gulfs,seas,etc.
The hills stood out in sharp relief against the dawn sky.

Amritanjan relieves headache.
He was relieved of his job.
--"३.कम करना"
The flyovers relieves traffic jams in the city.
--"४.कार्य मुक्त करना"
Now you should relieve the guard from his duty.
--"५.सहायता करना"
Government is making efforts to relieve famine in Africa.

We were relieved to hear you were safe and sound.

Religion teaches us to live and let others live.
She has made a religion of always being dutiful and puntual.
--"३.जीवन का अंग"
Hockey was like a religion for Dhyan Chand.
Belief in the existance of God who has created the universe.

Temple is a religious place for Hindus.
There is a religious house at the country side.
Shes very religious.
Pay religious attention to detail.

"religiously","Adv","1.नियमित रूप से"
He phones her religiously every Sunday.

You should relinquish a bad habit.
She relinquished possession of the house to her sister.

Saints carry wooden reliquary with them.

Hunger is the best relish for food.
She savoured the joke with relish.

I would relish a sweet dish now.

"relive","V","1.फिर से जीना"
We would never like to relive like slaves.

"reload","V","1.फिर से भरना"
Please reload the film in the camera.

"relocate","V","1.नयी जगह बसना"
Refugees had to relocate themselves.
We are relocating just south of Delhi.

The relocation of industry is adjacent to his house.

He made a great show of reluctance but finally accepted our offer.

He was very reluctant to admit his mistake.

"reluctantly","Adv","1.अनिच्छा से"
She left her home town reluctantly.

You may rely upon me for help.
--"२.निर्भर करना"
Nowadays we rely on computers to regulate the flow of traffic in the city.

"remain","VI","1.शेष रहना"
If you take 5 from 9,4 remains.
After the fire,very little remained of the building.
Much still remains to be done.
--"२.बने रहना"
Remain standing until I ask you.
I shall remain with you for a week.

Her mortal remains were burried in a cemetery.
The remains of an old mosque.
She rescued the remains of her clothes from the monkey.

They had to remake the uneven wall.

"remake","N","1.वस्तु जिसे फिर से बनाया गया"
The movie is a remake of the 1960 original.

Those prisoners are on remand.

"remand home","N","1.किशोर बच्चों का सुधार गृह"
Delinqyent children, both boys and girls are kept in remand homes.

The accused was remanded in custody for four days.

He remarked that he would be on leave for a week.
--"२.टिप्पणी करना"
It is unmannerly to remark on somebodys appearance.

What is your remark on his article?
There was nothing worthy of remark in the puppet show.

He has made a remarkable progress within two months.
There is nothing remarkable in the new pattern of edutation.

After his wifes death he is being forced to remarry.

"remarriage","N","1.दूसरा विवाह"
She is not happy after her remarriage.

There are many remedial measures for flood.
Remedial classes of english are going on for weak students.

Quinine is a good remedy for Malaria.
She found a remedy for her grief in constant hard work.

Your spelling mistakes can be remedied by drill work.

You cant even remember her name.
If I remember rightly the party starts at 8 pm.
Remember that we are going out tonight.
Please remember the maid before leaving.

I close this letter with best remembrances to you and your parents.
He sent me a small remembrance on the Diwali Day.
They observed two minutes silence in remembrance of Gandhiji on 30th Jan.

"remind","VT","1.याद दिलाना"
May I remind you to answer his letter?

This is my second reminder to you to return me my papers.

Old reminiscences of my college days are still fresh in my mind.
Her work is full of reminiscences of earlier poetry.

"reminiscent","Adj","1.याद कराने वाला"
Her style is faintly reminiscent of her fathers.

He has been remiss in his work.

He got three months remission due to his good conduct.
God give me remission for the sins which I commited.

"remit","VT","1.रुपयाभेजना "
The money has been remitted by Money Order.
--"२. दंड या ऋण से छुटकारा"
Loans to farmers have been remitted.

Staff recruitment is outside our remit.

Please return the completed form with your remittance.

Few remanent of furniture and house hold goods are still lying in her house.--1.There is a remanent sale of cutpieces in the m

The inside of the old theatre was completely remodelled.

There was not a single word of remonstrance.

"remonstrate","VI","1.आपत्ति करना"
We remonstrated with the man about his misbehaviour.

The prisoner showed no remorse for his crimes.

He lives in the remotest parts of India.
I dont have even the remotest idea of the incident.
She seems rather remote.

"remotely","Adv","1.दूर के"
We are remotely related to each other.

"remote control","N","1.दूरी से नियंत्रण"
remote control of a T.V. set.

"remount","VT","1.पुनसवार होना"
He tried to remount the horse after falling once.
--"२.नया फ्रेम चढआना"
He remounted his old family photograph.

She has a removable centre table.

His removal from Head Office is good for him.

"remove","N","1.हटावयादूरहोनेकीक्रिया" #formal#
Her account of the incident was several removes from the truth.

"remove","VTI","1.हटा देना"
Remove your hand from my shoulder.
--"२.दूर करना"
Remove these spots from your shirt.
--"३.अलग करना"
He has been removed from his service.
--"४.अन्त करना"
We should remove terrorism from our country.
--"५.एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाना"
We removed to Mumbai early in June.

"remunerate","V","1.पारिश्रमिक देना"
Remunerate him for todays work.

She got remuneration for doing invigilation duty.

Renal artry carries pure blood from the kidney.

The Bombay is renamed,Mumbai.

The storm rent the ship to pieces.
Children were rent away from their parents by terrorists.
--"३.विभाजन करना"
The racial problem is rending our nation.
Her loud screams rent the air.

Render your account for payment.
Thousands of people rendered homeless by the earthquake.
It may be difficult to render a poetry into other languages.
--"४.अर्पण करना
What shall I render to the Lord for all his blessings.
--"५.अनुवाद करना"
You should render Hindi into English.
--"६.प्रदर्शित करना"
The piano solo was well rendered.

That club is a rendezvous for journalists and critics.

Rendezvous in restaurant.

There are bands of renegades in the hills.

"renege","V","1.वायदा करके मुकर जाना"
He has reneged on his promise.

We can renew our relation.
You should renew her lease.
Serpents cast off and renew their skin.

Is the licence renewable?

He cancelled the renewal of a contract.

Lord Ram renounced his claim to the throne of Ayodhya.
--"२.संबंध तोडना"
He renounced his son as he turned into a criminal.
--"३.अस्वीकार करना"
How could he renounced his own son and daughter.

You should renovate your old house.
The house has been completely renovated.

Renovations of old historical buildings are going on.

Win renown in cricket.

P.T.Usha of kerala is a renowned racer.

There is a rent in his jacket.
Monthly rent of his house is Rs.2000.

There are some apartments for rent in these buildings.
His house to be leased or let for rent.
Did you buy your video or is it rented?

Rental value of that building is very high.

Pay a telephone rental of Rs.200.

That boy is her renter.

Renunciation of Kingdom by Buddha.

The college will reopen in July after summer vacation.

It may take me two hours to reorder these files.
Dont forget to reorder those books before the end of March.

The management has been reorganized.

Reorganization of our factory workers became very strong.

Her car has become serviceable after necessary repair.
The process of repairing is very slow.

Please repair her table.
He repaired in haste to Madras for his treatment.

The road is repairable at public expense.

There can be no reparation for so much injustice.

The repartee flew back and forth across the conference table.

There is a luxurious repast in the dining hall.

Repatriate prisoners of war after a peace treaty

Repatriation of prisoners of wars after a war should be at earliast date.

If you lend me some money,I will repay you next month.
She repaid the compliment with a smile.
--"३.मुआवजआ चुकाना"
We can never repay you for your kindness shown to us.

The loan is repayable in monthly instalments.

Indira Vikas Patra due for repayment.

He is repealing the law.

Management has repealed the grant.

There will be a repeat of Prime Ministers speech tomorrow on radio.

Repeat the tables ten times.
History repeats itself.
The programme is repeated on Wednesday at 9p.m.

She begged the teacher repeatedly not to harras her.

Her comments are not repeatable.

She repelled his advances.
He repelled the idea of his boss as it was of no use.
He repelled the armys attack.
Good and evil repel each other.

I find his selfishness repellent.
It is a water- repellent fabric.

He had to repent his thoughtless act.

She doesnt show any sign of repentance.

He looked quiet repentant for his deeds.

His resignation will have serious repercussion on the staff.

Teachers are developing verbal repertoire of young children.

Her grandmother is a repertory of useful information.

I dont want any repetition of this.
She gave a repetition of yesterdays talk.

Daily repetitive work is too much boring.

"rephrase","V","1.एकहीबातकोविभिन्नप्रकारसे कहना"
Please rephrase your point.

Nothing can replace a mothers love.
Replace a book on the shelf.
--"३.केबदलेप्रयोगमें लाना"
Coal can be replaced by oil.
He is inefficient and must be replaced.

I bought this dish as a replacement for the one I broke.

Replay a drawn match.

A slow motion replay of a goal being scored.

Let me replenish your glass.
You should replenish your car with petrol before starting on a journey.

Her house is replete with all modern comforts.
We felt replete after a tidy meal.

He is a cheerful replica of his father.

The virus replicates itself a number of times in the computer.

Replication of genes takes place in D.N.A.

I am grateful to you for your favourable reply.

I have already replied to your letter.
Soldiers have replied to the enemys fire.

Annual report of our school is very good.
Dont believe in idle reports.
My sister received a good report about her character.
There is report of a gun.
He is a man of bad report.

The discovery of a new medicine of Cancer has been reported.
The doctor reported the patient is now fit and well.
I intend to report him to the secretary for cheating.
The stenographer has reported the speech of the president.
Please report to the receptionist on arrival at 10.1.tomorrow with your
certificates and testimonials.
He has reported a deficit.
The company reports pre-tax profits of over 1000d crore.

This is reporter, Manoj reporting the current status of election results.

Earn a nights repose.
Dont disturb somebodys repose.

Repose her head on a cushion.
Repose confidence in someone.

My grandfather is a repositary of world knowledge.
There is a repository for old legal documents.

She failed to meet the payments,so he repossessed her ornaments.

Her attitude is most reprehensible.

I represented him at the meeting.
This painting represents a spring.
The painting represents him as a young man.
He represented his government in a foreign country.
--"५,वर्णन करना"
The article represented the dictator as a benevolent despot.
--"६.उदाहरणके रूपमेहोना"
A genus is represented by two species.
The dishonoured cheque has been represented before the bank for payment.

Enhansments in taxes were followed by representations.

He is a representative of the younger generation.
I have sent my representative to attend the conference.
--"३.प्रतिनिधित्वपर आधारित"
The state is being ruled by a representative government.

Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of national

The movement was repressed by the police.
His childhood was repressed and solitary.

The repression of free speech.

The repressive measures of the police were condemned by the public.

The prisoner was given a last minute reprieve.

Reprieve a condemned prisoner.

Her negligence passed without a reprimand.

The typist was reprimanded for typographical errors.

The book is into its seventh reprint.

The dictionary is being reprinted with minor addition.

They shot 1.hostages in reprisal.

She reprises her classical songs daily.

She heaped reproaches upon her new servent.

Dont reproach any body for being late

Christianity reprobate to eternal punishment in hell.

Human beings cannot reproduce lost limbs.
My stereo system reproduces every note perfectly.
Some colours reproduce better than others.
Reptiles reproduce themselves by laying eggs.

Study reproduction in plants.
Compact disc recordings give excellent sound reproduction.
Is that painting an original or a reproduction?

Reproductive process of birds is very complecated.

She received a mild reproof from the teacher.

He was reproved for not doing his work properly.

He licked his lips in an unpleasantly reptilian way.

Snakes, Lizards,Tortoises,and crocodiles are all reptiles.

The republic of India.

An Indian favours a republican form of government.

He is a member of the U.S.republican party

Russians,they dont believe in republicanism.

He has repudiated his old friend.
She repudiated a charge against her as it was untrue.

The idea of eating non-vegetarian is repugnant to me.

I have repugnance to writing letters.

My request for a donation met with a repulse.

The enemy forces were repulsed.
She repulsed his advances.

She feels repulsion for him.
There are forces of attraction and repulsion between atoms.

I hate her repulsive looks.
Repulsive forces act against each other.

I have repurchased the house that I sold four years back.

He belongs to a reputable organization.

He is a doctor of excellent reputation.

Sachin tendulkar is a player of international repute.

He was reputed to be a millionaire.

He is the reputed author of a novel.


I came here at the request of your mother.

May I request you to stay here for a few days more.
You are requested to grant me leave for three days.

The family members have arranged a requiem for Sir John.

We require extra force to control the situation.
I have done all that is required by law.
Is that all that you requre sir?

My requirements are very few.

The firm employs the requisite number of women.
He lacks the requisite experience for developing his skill.

All mountaineering requisites are available here.

Make a requisition on headquaters for supplies.

"requisition","VT","1.माग प्रस्तुत करना"
Requisition the villagers for billets.

"requite","V","1.वापस देना"
I dont think she will ever requite my love.

My flight was re-routed via Athens.

The resale value of this old scooter is not much.

Please reschedule your plan according to her conveniance.

I am going to rescind an agreement between us.

The rescission of a contract is inevitable.

A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.

Rescue a child from drowning.

The recent research on Cancer is remarkable.

The subject has already been fully researched.

Resell your car at a profit.

There is a close resemblance between two sisters.

They dont resemble each other in any way.

I bitterly resented your criticism.

He was deeply resentful of her interference.

He went away in resentment.

I support this measure without reservation.
I have my reservations about the scheme.
Reservation of land in this area is for scheduled tribes.
Please hold reservations in the name of Mr.and Mrs.Gupta.

There is a reserve fund for the needy.
Reserves military forces kept back for use when needed.
Your statement is accepted without any reserve.
Put a reserve of Rs.2,00000 on a house.

Reserve your strength for the examination days.
These seats are reserved for ladies.
I decided to reserve my judgement until I knew all the facts.
Reserve a table for two in the name of Hill.

She is too reserved to be popular.

He has made a huge reservoir of water for summer.
The gall bladder is a reservoir of the bile juice.
She is a reservoir of wisdom.

Reset a diamond in a ring.
The distributed matter has been reset.
Reset your watch to local time.

Refugees from Punjab have resettled in U.P.

The arrangement of photographs on the notice board has been reshaped.

Reshuffle the cards please.
The cabinet at the centre has been reshuffled.

She resides in London.

Her school is far from her residence.
१.downing street is the British Prime Ministers official residence.

Formerly the official residence of a representative of the British Governor General at a native Indian Court.

The towns resident population has gone up.

The restaurant is open to non-residents also.
He is a resident of Japan.

These are residential quarters of the staff.
This is a residential area.

There is a few residual faults in the computer program.

His residuals are a weak heart and nervousness.

The residue of an estate.
Pesticide residues in food.

he has resigned from the cabinet.
She resigned her child to an adoption agency.

He stood there with a resigned look.

The teacher submitted her resignation.

She finished her difficult task in a resigned manner.

Her natural resilience helped her overcome the crisis.

Some people are very resilient to change.

Some trees produce sticky substance,called resin,which are used in making
varnish, medicines,etc.

She didnt try to resist his attack.
He was charged with resisting arrest.
Fire bricks can resist heat.
She couldnt resist making jokes about his deformity.

The demonstrators offered no resistance to the police.
While rowing upstream the boatman has to overcome the resistance of the water current.
Prolonged illness has deprived him of resistance.
(physics)The opposition to a flow of electric current through a circuit
component,medium,or substance.
A secret organization resisting the authorities,esp.in a country occupied by an enemya resistance fighter.

Insects that have become resistant to D.D.T.

Many candidates are there for the November resit.

He is a resolute man.

She is the lady of firm resolution.
Adopt a resolution.
His resolution never to drink.
The resolution of white light into the colours of the spectrum.
-१.There is the resolution of a dispute.

She resolved that she would never see him again.
you should resolve her problem.
My resentment resolved itself into resignation.
The council resolved in favour of the nationalization of education.

Make a resolve to help someone.

I was firmly resolved not to see him.

You can hear the resonance of tuning fork.

Varanasi lanes resonant with the sound of temple bells.
This is a resonant hall.
The house was still resonant with memories of his childhood.

The sound resonated in the valley.

A beach to which many people resort
I have come to you for advice as a last resort.

If negotiations fail,we will have to resort to hunger strike.

The Parliament house resounded with the cries of opposition members.
The film was a resounding success.

There is a resounding cheers at his success.

He is a man of resources.
We must make the utmost use of our resources.
He has no inner resources and hates being alone.

Have some respect for your teachers.
A good journalist must have respect for the needs of the reader.
With respect to your letter.
Your article is praiseworthy in respect of style.
-१.In some respect your article is better than mine.

We must respect our elders.
I respect you for your honesty.
If you dont respect your self,how can you expect others to respect you.

Kabir was a firm believer of respectability.

He was a respectable man.

You should be respectful to others also.

Do you have any information respecting the childs whereabouts?

After the function all the students went to their respective houses.

Both the matches will be played on Monday and Tuesday respectively.

He is kept on artificial respiration.

Respirators are used by aviators at high altitudes.
Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma are very common in India.

Some reptiles respire through their skin.

She toiled whole day without respite.

His hanging was respited.

The resplendent tail feathers of the male peacock looks beautiful.

Girls sang respond at musical night.

I responded to her letter with a phone call.
Animals respond to kindness.
He cicked the dog which responded with a growl.
He responded to my volley with a back hand.

--१.I am not respondent to any Body.

६०% of the respondents said they were opposed to the new law.

She made no response to my query.
The tax cuts produced a favourable response from the public.
The liturgy sung by the people at a church service in answer to the priest.

I have done it on my own responsibility.

You are responsible for this loss.
Parents are responsible for the upkeep of their children.
The driver is responsible for the safety of his passengers.
--"४.किसीकाम केलियेजिम्मेदारहोना"
Who is responsible for his faliure?

He discharged his duty responsibily.

Be responsive to the criticisms.
A horse responsive to the wishes of its rider.

Sunday is a day of rest for many.
An arm rest.
A rest for a telephone receiver.
The trumpets have six bars rest.
The football is lying at rest in the field.
The king was laid to rest beside her late Queen.

Eat what you wish and leave the rest.
He did the rest of the work.

He is tired and he is resting now.
May her soul rest in peace.
He rested his head on a pillow.
I will never rest until I know the truth.
Indias hope of a gold medal rested on P.T.Usha.
His eys rested on her face.
Let the Bofors case rest.
I rest my case.
Let this field rest for a year.

After coming from night duty,she had a restful day.

She is doing social work for the rest-home.

Mostly in theatres rest-rooms are always dirty.

Restate your position in front of your boss.

We can have tea and snacks in a restaurant.

Make restitution for the damage done by you.

This is a restive horse.
Another hour passed in waiting and the crowd grew restive.

Her children always get restless during the journey.
The patient passed a restless night.

The palace is closed for restoration work.
There should be restoration of law and order after communal violance.

Growing children should take restorative diet.

You can restore your family traditions.
He has restored a ruined building.
Restore an employee to his post.

He is a restorer of old furniture.

Restrain your anger.
Your movements are restrained during curfew hours.
Consulting of reference books is restrained in the examination hall.

The childs affections suffered continual restraint.
There is a constant restraint on the family budget.
Throw off the restraints of conventions and traditions.

Speed limit restricted to 40km.an hour within city limits.
--"२.Restrict your self to one cup of tea a day"

The drug has only a restricted commercial use.
Enter a restricted zone.

His movements have been placed under restriction.
I will put restriction on monthly expenditure.

Restrictive movements of ailing man.
The clause that just ended is a restrictive clause.

"restrictive practices","N","1.होडकमकरनेकासमझौता"
The industry should adopt restrictive practices.

Restructure the theme of a story.

She died as a result of heart failure.
Result of a mathematical problem.
The result of the match was a draw.

Their negligence resulted in a heavy loss.
Undue haste results badly.
Give the best without thinking of resultant.

First give a resume of your lecture.

After several days of leave she resumed her duties.

"resurface","V","1.फिर से बनाना"
The road is closed for resurfacing.
--"२.फिर से तल पर आना"
The submarine resurfaced after one hour.

Due to low prices of essential commodities, now resurgent economy is main

Many Hindus believe that there is a resurrection of the soul.

People tried to resuscitate a boy pulled from the lake.

He sells his goods at a retail price shop.

There is a retail grocery shop in our lane.


Oban group is one of the Hyderabads largest food retailers.

She is trying to retain her place in the hocky team.
--"२.रोक रखना"
Clay soil retains water.
--"३.सुरक्षित रखना"
He retained a lawyer by paying him in advance for his case.

He was paid rs.30 for a day,plus rs.600 a month retainer.
They are kings retainers.

An army has retaken its position.
Retake all the papers.

The boy teased the girl. She retaliated by slapping him.
The other group is likely to retaliate.

Feeling of retaliation causes harm to every one.
The killing may have been in retaliation for the recent murders.

Lack of proper sunlight,water,and air retards the growth of a plant.

For mental retardation one should consult the psychiatric.

He retched at the rotten smell and ran to the out side.

Many ancient mythological stories are retold for the children.

The government wanted to close the private firm but the committee argued for its retention.
She has an amazing retention power.

My friends son having immence retentive ability for remembering everything.

Please rethink of your earliar order,it may change your attitude.

He has overcome his natural reticence and talks freely to every one.

She seemed strangely reticent about her childhood.

There is a membrain at the back of the eye which is called retina.


Politicians should retire at the age of 65.
--"२.पीछे हटना"
The battalion retired to take positions.
The player retired from the match with knee injury.
The director retired from his chamber at lunch.

"retired","Adj","1.अवकाश प्राप्त"
He is a retired chief medical officer.

He has announced his retirement from the cricket team.

Her servant maid bit back a hard retort and left the house.

She retorted heatedly to her bosss remarks.

After retouching only,you should display your painting.

She had lost her earring, so we retraced our journey up to the zoo.

"retract","VTI","1.वापस लेना"
she made a false statement which she later retracted.
Retract the reverse gear otherwise car will hit the tree.

She has a knife with a retractable blade.

He published a retraction of his earlier statement.
Retrain your staff to use new technology.

"retread","N","1.पुराने टायरों मे रबर चढाना"
Her old car tyres got new life,due to retread.

The N.C.C.cadets are in retreat from the camp.
--"२.वापसी का संकेत"
Sound the retreat on a bugle.
She always spends her weekends at a country retreat.

He has forced the enemy to retreat.
--"२.चले जाना"
The forces retreated form the border after the peace treaty.
--"३.पीछे हटना"
The flood water slowly retreated.
--"४.कीमत कम होना"
Nowadays share prices are retreating.

Management has retrenched the expences by removing half of the workers.

Retrenchment in expenditure is necessary to meet our both ends.

The judge ordered a retrial for the accused.


She has taken revenge and retribution from her husband for neglecting her.

The chances of data retrieval are lean.

She has retrieved her lost purse after two days.

The new policy was made retroactive to 1st october.

,d in Hindi is a retroflex sound.

Closing primary health centre in the village is a retrograde step.

In retrospect looking back on a past incident is a foolishness.

The management has retrospected her confidential report.

His paintings were dipicting retrospective era.
The legislation was made retrospective.

"retsina","N","1.ग्रीक शराब"
Greek white wine that is given a special flavour with resin.

Her return journey was memorable.
He bought the ticket a weekend return.
The deposit is refunded on return of the vehicle.
Her return of service in T.T.was very accurate
Many happy returns of the day.
--"५.लाभपूजी या लागत पर"
Have you submitted your returns of income for the year?
--"६.बिना बिका या बिकने योग्य सामान की वापसी"
Merchandise returned to a retailer by a consumer.
--"७.लौटती डाक से"
Kindly reply by return of post.

She returned home from an excursion trip.
--"२.पुरानी स्थिति में लौट जाना"
He has returned to his old bad habits after his wifes death.

I hope you will return my book soon.
She never returned me my books.
Good men return good for evil.
She could not return his affection.
Only an expert could have returned that ball.
--"२.वापस आना"
The train service has returned to normal.
The money i gave him returns to me in the event of his death.
After reading returned the book to the shelf.
--"४.लाभ प्रदान करना"
Our joint venture returned a net saving of five thousand rupees.
She taunted him but he returned with a witty sally.

A family reunion at christmas was really touching.

Divorced parents were reunited with the help of their children.

"reuse","V","1.पुनप्रयोग करना"
She always reuses old envelopes.

"revalue","V","1.पुनमूल्यांकन करना"
I think her house should be revalued at to-days price.
The franc is to be revalued.

"revaluation","N","1.पुनमूल्यांकन करने की क्रिया"
There is the need for a further revaluation of the rupee.

"reveal","V","1.प्रकट करना"
She can not reveal her secret to any one.
Her evidence revealed the accused to be innocent.

This document is extremely revealing.
Mostly she wears revealing dresses.

"reveille","N","1.जगाने का बिगुल"
Reveille is at 5Oclock in the morning.

Her friends were busy in midnight revel

They revelled till late at night.

All of sudden he experienced a devine revelation of truth.
She was stunned by seeing the revelations about her private life in the press.

Slowly their drunken revelry went on late into the night.

She swore to take her revenge against her in-laws.

He revenged his brothers death.

Government department is responsible for the collection of govt.revenue.

The hall reverberated from the noise of the visitors.

Children were scared of the reverberation of thunder.

Our science teacher is reverred by the principal for her excellent teaching.

People worship buddha with great reverence.

(abbrs.rev,revd.)used as the title of a member of the CLERGY.the reverend Charles Dodgson,the rev.john smith.rev,father,rev.mo

She has got a reverent voice.

My son reverently accepted my advice.

He fell into a reverie about his boyhood.

"revers","N","1.वस्त्र का उल्टा भाग"
Revers of her frock are same from both the sides.

The dramatic reversal of their parts created a problem.
Her luck suffered a cruel reversal.
Reversal of her role with husband makes every body laugh.

The gate was open,so she reversed in.
The Judge reversed the decision of a lower court.
They are trying to reverse the decline of their fathers company.

He has done the reverse of what he was asked.
He suffered some serious financial reverses.
The reverse of a mountain is the area of rain shadow.
The arms race has gone into reverse.

The three winners were announced in reverse order.
She is going in the reverse direction.

He has reversible coat.

She likes reversion of old fashion.

He reverts to smoking when under stress.

"revet","VT","1.पलस्तर लगाना"
He has reveted the wall with cement.

The play was reviewed in the daily mail.

Her case is coming up for review in june.
You should present a review of the years sport.
The play got mixed reviews in the news paper.

She is an excellent reviewer of many good books.

His boss always reviles at corruption.

She is revising her notes for the examination
Revise a book from time to time to update it.

I have already finished two revisions of my notes.
The government policies are currently undergoing drastic revision.

She revisited our house after a gap of six months.

The revival of his health condition is bleak.
Rajasthani folk art is undergoing a revival.

The plants will revive in water.
Some old customs are gradually reviving.
The doctor revived him with some injections.

"revocation","N","1.खण्डन करना"
He got a big jolt from revocation of the contract

He has revoked an agreement with his partner.

The army crushed the revolt of rebellions.
The people rose in revolt.

The Romans revolted against the Caesar.
The gory sight of the accident revolted her.

The French revolution of 1789.
The earth completes one revolution each day.
The present revolution in church architecture is remarkable.
Hour hand completes one revolution in sixty minutes.

Some people pasted revolutionary posters on the walls

Mr.L.K.Advani is a revolutionary man.

His life revolves around his office
The earth revolves round the sun.

The five star hotel has a revolving restaurant.

His revolver is fitted with silencer.

Children are going to perform a revue.

There is a revulsion against hoarders and black marketeers.

she got a reward of Rs.5000, for information about a lost child.

Her son was rewarded for his hard work.

She has done a rewarding task.

Riwind the whole tape first then play it.

The old building has been completely rewired.

You should rework the original story so that it appeals to reader.

You should rewrite the essay.

She got rhapsodies of praise for her performance.

People are now fed up with empty rhetorics of politicians.

You should see an orthopaedic doctor about your rheumatic pains.

He is suffering from rheumatism.

A large thick-skinned- four legged animal with sharp horn on nose.

Rhizome grows along or under the ground and has roots,and shoots growing from it.

Rhombus is a quadrilateral whose all sides are equal,but no angle is right angle.

An oblique- angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal is called a rhomboid.

Rhubarb is a plant with thick red stems that are cooked and eaten like a fruit.

Her all poetries end in rhyming words.
She made up a little rhyme to amuse the children.

You can rhyme girl with curl.

She has a great sense of rhythm.
All phases of life come and go in rhythm.

He has an excellent rhythmical sense of drumbeat.

There are 24 ribs in our body.
The ribs of a leaf keep it straight.

"rib","VT","1.तंगकरना/मजाक बनाना"
He is ribbed for being shy.
The doctor is going to join his cracked ribs.

Her hair was tied back with a red ribbon.
--"२.पोशाक मे लगे छोटे-छोटे फीतेओहदे का आभास हो"
Any one can find out his rank because of the ribbon,he wears on the jacket.

Indian basmati rice is famous for its aroma and long grain.

"rice paper","N","1.राइस पेपरपतलाखानेयोग्य"
She uses rice paper as a base for cakes.

Rich countries like U.S.A. and japan are getting richer and richer.
Fruits are rich in vitamins.
This year paddy harvest is rich because of good monsoon.
Dry-fruits curry with hot spices is very rich.
She has a god gifted rich voice.
She always buys rich fabrics.

In our country the natural riches of the soil are in abundance.

She wore a richly decorated lahanga in the marriage.

The richness and diversity of Indian culture is incomparable.

"richer scale","N","1.तीव्र माप का"
Recently an earthquake in Taipei city was measured 7.8 on the richer scale.

There is a huge rick of straw in her neighbourhood.

"rick","V","1.दर्द जोडओं का"
Her lower back got ricked.

"rickets","N","1.सूखा रोग"
Her son was suffering with rickets.

The house has a rickety wooden gate.

My friend from Sweden enjoyes rickshaw rides.

He got hurt by the ricochet bullet.

"ricochet","V","1.वस्तु का टकराकर वापस लौटना"
The stone ricocheted off the wall and hit her son.

He wants to get rid of his bad company.

She was ridden by guilt after the accident.

He is always ready to solve the riddles.

The terrorist riddled his body with bullets.

He gave me a ride in his new car.

He rode his jeep over the rough mountains.

More than two pillion riders are not allowed on two wheelers.

Himalaya mountains have many prominent ridges.

"ridge","V","1.मेड बनाना"
A slightly ridged and ploughed field is good for a healthy crop.

His new hat has become an object of ridicule amongst his friends.

The managing committee ridiculed the staff for their new ideas.

It is ridiculous to follow your stupid instructions

He has enrolled himself in a riding school.

Speculation is rife in the market for a rise in share prices.

"riffraff","N","1.निन्द्य लोग"
Dont learn bad habits with riffraff.

Dont play with that rifle, it is loaded.

Someone has rifled through her bag.

There is a rift between the two brothes now.

I have provided all rigs for your ship.

The ship was rigged properly.
--"२.चालाकी से संचालित करना"
Opposition party claimed that the election had been rigged.

Rigging of the ship broke due to friction.

Place the books on the right side of the spects.
He is the right person for the job.

Nothing seems to be going right for him nowadays.
Please wait here for me, I will be right back.

You have no right to stop me from going to bombay.
The children should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.

There is no place for the righteous people in our society.

Righteousness is a rare virtue now a days.

He is the rightful owner of that house.

Her boss is a man of rigid principles

The rigidity of his nature caused him a lot harm.

"rigmarole","N","1.अनाप-शनाप "
She has never heard such a rigmarole.

"rigor mortis","N","1.मरने के बाद शरीर का कडआपन"
Time is running out rigor mortis has already set on his body.

The accused got the rigorous imprisonment of seven years.

One can see the scientific rigour applied to the investigation.
Indian army has faced the rigours of kargil war.

She bought a fruit bowl with gold rim.

Her beautiful gown is rimmed with frills.

Cattle rind is used for making bags, shoes,etc.
Dry rind paste of orange is good for skin.

she always wears diamond ring.
--"२.छल्लाचाभी/नेपकिन का"
He keeps all his keys in a key-ring.
He is an expert in blowing smoke-rings.
In inteligence dept. some people have made spy-ring.
In circus spectators sit all around out side the circus-ring.
Please put the kettle on the ring.

I will answer the telephone for you if it rings.
The playground rang with childrens shouts.
The music was so loud it made my ears ring.

Ring the bell for school assembly.
Someone is ringing at the door.
Her story may seem true but it rings false to me.
My clock only rings the hours.


He is the ringleader of his gang.

He is suffering with ringworm due to some infection.

"rink","N","1.बर्फ का मैदान"
Children love to skate on rink.

Rinse the clothes with clean water.

The washing machine has just started its rinse cycle.

Riots broke out in many sensitive areas.

During campaigning protesters rioted with opposition.

This is the rioter who started the fight first.

He has been expelled from the job due to his riotous behaviour.

There is a big rip in my new sari.

He has ripped his jeans.
Her puppy had its ear ripped open by a stray dog.

All the mangoes are ripe enough to eat.

Raw bananas will take time to ripen.

Keep this raw papaya inside for ripening.

Ripeness in the age brings maturity in ones life.

He threw a stone into the lake and watched the ripples spread.

Flowers are rippling in the breeze.

The smoke is rising from the chimney.
She rose from the table to welcome me.
--"२.उदित होना"
The sun rises in the east.
--"३.जी उठना"
He rose from the death bed.
The river has risen by one metre due to contious raining.
The cost of living continues to rise.
The unemployment rose by 5% last year.
Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.
I felt sadness is rising within me.
She is the rising young politician.
My cake is very spongy,it rose nicely.
--"५.तीव्र होना"
My voice rose in anger.
The wind is rising which shows a storm is coming.
--"६.प्रसन्न हो जाना"
Her spirits rose after hearing the good news.
--"७.उन्नति करना"
She rose from an attender to become an officer.

Her husband is a late riser.

Japan is a rising country.

Para military forces were brought in to suppress the rising.

There is a risk of going out in the curfew.

Dont take any risk of her life,consult some good doctors.

It is risky to go to the station all alone at midnight.

His relatives performed the funeral rites immediately.

Tribal women performed the ritual dance in front of the guests.

The wedding was performed with all the right rituals.

They are business rivals.

She is a genius, no one can rival her.

A bitter rivalry has grown up between the two families.

Her uncles family is rivened by land dispute.

All three rivers ,ganga ,yamuna and saraswati,meet at prayag.

River-bed of jamuna at Agra is very shallow.

A riverside guest house is very beautiful.

She has used rivet for tightening her bag.

The scissor handles are made of two pieces riveted together.
--"२.आकृष्ट करना"
He was completely riveted by her tale.

Roach is a small european fish found in lakes and rivers.

This road leads to the suburbs of the city.

He works as a roadie with famous pop group.

There is a pub on the highway which remain open for twenty four hours.

"road sense","N","1.मार्ग-बोध"
You should have a road sense while driving.

"road tax","N","1.मार्ग कर"
Without paying road tax we can not drive our vehicle on the road.

Roadblocks are put across a road for the safety of the people.

He used to roam around our house for hours.

The roar of the traffic was unbearable.

Tigers are roaring in their cages.
How dare you speak to me like that,she roared.
His motorbike roared up the hill.

He has ordered a roast in the fast food centre.

The smell of roasted coffee beans is mouth watering.
--"२.छिद्रान्वेषण करना"
The critics eventually roasted his new play.

She was robbed of her cash and jewellery.
A last minute goal robbed them of almost certain victory.

His friend is a robber.

He was convicted of bank robbery.

Many Arabs wear long flowing robes.

All advocates were robed in their black gowns.

Robin is a beautiful European bird.

"robot","N","1.यंत्रवत काम करनेवाला"
In many countries surgery is done by robots.

He is a robust man with full of energy.

They drilled the bore through many layers of rock to reach the water.

Suddenly the prices of essential commodities have reached rock-bottom.

She sat rocking in her chair.
The whole building rocked as the bomb exploded.
The scandal about bribe rocked his life.

Her baby got a rocker chair.

"rockery","N","1.पत्थरों के बीचमे पौधे"
She has a beautiful rockery garden.

Rockets are used to shoot missile or launch spacecraft.

"rocket","V","1.अचानक बहुत बढना"
Nowadays land prices are rocketing.

The new colony has come up on a rocky hillside.

"rococo","Adj","1.अधिक अलंकृत"
She had a passion for rococo fountain.

There is a old saying `spare the rod spoil the child.

All rodents have strong sharp front teeth.

Rodeo is a contest in which cowboys show their skill at catching
or riding animals with ropes, etc.

Roes are not found in our country.


He is a rogue.
--"२.अडइयल जानवरघोडआ/हाथी"
He is a rogue elephant,that is why he is kept apart from others.
He has played a variety of roles in the film
The role of a teacher is very important in the development of a child.

He has wasted a roll of film by exposing it.
book wrapper is sold in rolls.
They have not included her parents name in electoral roll.
There was a loud drum roll from the restaurant.

Keep the cameras rolling.
She rolled over to her back.
The ball rolled down the hill.
The marbel fell and rolled away.
He always roll his own cigarettes.
Roll the cheese in mashed potato.
The high tides rolled the boat from side to side.
--"५.धीमे चलना
The traffic rolled slowly forward.
Roll out the pizza dough.

The huge machine was moved to its new place on rollers.
I use very thin roller for making chapati.

"roll bar","N","1.धातु की छड"
She got saved from the accident due to strong roll bar in her car.

"roll call","N","1.हाजइरी"
There is always mass roll call in kendriya vidyalaya.

"roll of honour","N","1.उपाधि प्राप्तकर्ताओ की सूची"
The roll of honour is given to the army personal who died in kargil war.

"roll-top desk","N","1.खुलने वाला डेस्क"
Roll-top desks are used in primary section in K.V.

"rolled oats","N","1.जई की खली"
Rolled oats are given to cattles.

"rolling drunk","Adj","1.धुत्त पियक्ड"
He can not move straight because he is a regular rolling drunk.

She uses thin rolling-pin for making biscuits.

"rolling-stock","N","1.छोटी गाडईपटरी पर चलने वाली"
Railway employees brought the rolling-stock for minor repair of the coach.

"rolling stone","N","1.बिन पेंदी का लोटा"
He changes his job like a rolling stone.

"roll on","N","1.रोल-ओनडिओडारेन्ट"
Now-a-days market is full of deodorants.

"roller-coaster","N","1.रोलरकोस्टरबच्चों की पटरी पर ऊपर नीचे चलने वाली गाडई"
Children love to take ride on roller-coaster.

"roller skate","N","1.पहिये का जूता"
Her son wanted to buy a pair of roller skates

He used to take rollicking walk in the forest at night.

Her sister bakes a delicious roly-poly.

His roly-poly body makes every body laugh.

She is a Roman woman.

It is a saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do.

She prefers romances to detective stories.
Colleges have reopened and theres romance in the air.
She can not resist the romance of travel.

She has highly romantic ideas of life rather than reality.
Keats was one of the greatest romantic poets of his time.

Children are having a romp in the party.
The latest film of Basu Chatterji is an enjoyable romp.

All the puppies are romping around in the garden.

Our house is very small but at least weve got a roof over our heads.

Her house is roofed with red tiles.

Rooks have build their nests in our garden.

The shopkeeper rooked us by charging high prices for every item.

The officer gave a difficult task to the rookie.

The house has a simply furnished living room.
They have rented out rooms near the college.
This huge sofa takes up too much room.
There is room for improvement in your performance.
The whole room broke into laughter.

She has a spacious bungalow with a roomy garage.

My friendss room-mate is very friendly and cooperative.

"room service","N","1.रूम सर्विस"
Room service of krishna oberoi is very good.

There is a big roost on the baniyan tree near our house.

There is a roosting place for pigeons in her house.

They enjoyed a lot after seeing roosters fight

Euclyptus has very long and deep roots.
Dentist pulled the tooth out by the root.
The root of the problem lies in his quarrelsome behavior.
४ is the square root of 1.( 4*4 =16)
The root word in `going is `go.

Hibiscus type of plants roots easily.

She always roots the tender saplings very carefully.

She tied a piece of rope to the branch with the help of a long stick.
She has a beautiful rope of corals.

"rope","V","1.रस्सी सेबाधनाबधना"
Mountain climbers roped together for safety.

I have to discard my ropy furniture.

"rosary","N","1.जपमाला "
Her mother has a sandal wood rosary beads.
There is a beautiful rosary in the public garden.

There are many different types of roses in my garden.

Mixture of rose-water,glycerine and lemon is very good for cracked skin.

"rosette","N","1.रंग-बिरंगे रिबनों का बना बिल्ला"
Rosettes were worn by the all members in the seminar.

She has used rose-wood for furniture in her house.

She has given the roster to the head of the dept.

Party workers have made a big rostrum for chief ministers speech.
Wood pecker has a long rostrum.

She painted a rosy picture of the tribal woman.

There is a heap of rotting garbage near our colony.

Carpenters use rotary drill machines to make holes in the walls.

The post of Dean rotates among the members of the staff.
Try to rotate your eyes .

The rotation of crops yields a healthy and good crop.
The rotation of the earth on its axis.

Her son believes in rote learning.

We should avoid eating rotten food.
We had rotten holiday last week.
Why do you look rotten.

Butchers are totally rotters.

Her daughter has a rotund figure.

Kutub shahi tombs have very big rotundas.

Rouble is the currency of Russia.

She never comes out of her house without applying rouge on her face.

The artists rouge themselves to create proper effect.

Her skin becomes very rough during the winter months.
Due to rough weather the ferry would not sail.
Show me a rough draft of your letter.
She looks as though she had a rough day.
Your voice sounds rough to me.
I feel pretty rough today.

You may have to rough it a little more if you come to stay in the hostel.

It needs roughly two hours to reach Kazipet from here.
Do not handle the book roughly.
He treats his wife roughly.

Roughness of my sons skin becomes very bad during winter.

Russian roulette is a very dangerous game.

She has a beautiful round mirror.

Cut the dough into small rounds for making biscuits.
She has eaten two rounds of cheese sandwich.
The next round of the peace talks between india and pakistan will start next month.
He fired several rounds at the thief.
The match only lasted three rounds.
Now its my round to buy drinks for you all.
The children sat in a round.
The police fired several rounds at the thieves.
He got a big round of aqpplause from the audience.
The doctor saw the patient on his daily round.

Make a round shape of the object.
Round the lips while making clear sound.

He took a roundabout route to reach the theatre.

"round-table","Adj","1.गोल सभा"
Round table meeting was going on between management and staff.

"roundel","N","1.गोलाकार फलक/चित्र"
There is esp.roundel in our military aircraft.

Roundsmen come to our colony every day.

Roundworms make the soil fertile.

Their visit roused her from her depression.
She was roused from her sleep by the door bell ringing.
The addition of new syllabus is bound to rouse a lot of contradiction.
When roused my physics teacher can be quite frightening.
The new law is bound to rouse the members of opposition.

She got a rousing reception in the party.

He works in a oil mill as a roustabout.

After their defeat in the first half the second half match became a rout.

"rout","VT","1.हरा देना"
He resigned from his post after his party was routed in the election.

Due to heavy rain he drove home by the shortest route.
Pak. army has cut off our supply routes. --"3.Take route 88 to reach salarjung musium.

He has a regular routine.
All of my guests have left now so I will be back to my routine.
You should set your time to go through a skating routine.

She is routinely abused and beaten up by her in-laws.

His eyes constantly roved around the garden.

His is something of a rover.

They had a row again.
She has arranged all her books in rows.

He rowed us across the hussain sagar lake.
Shes being rowing again over money with her husband.

Rowlock should be fixed firmly to the boat.

A group of rowdy teenagers are misbehaving with a teacher.

He is a rowdy.

He belongs to a royal family.
Her uncle had a royal visit to America.
His father is a member of royal society of arts.
King of jorden got a royal welcome when he came to india.

It is a country of royalists.

The young royals enjoy life.

She got an advance against future royalty.

Give your shoes a rub before you go out.

The long branches rubbed against each-other
Stop rubbing otherwise paint will come off.
Her bicycle wheel is rubbing on the mudguard.

She rubbed her body with a towel.
She rubbed the cream on her back.
I know it was a silly mistake but theres no need to rub it in.
Whos rubbed the answers off the blackboard.

"rub the wrong way","IDM","1.चिढआना"
He tends to rub people the wrong way.

The tubes are made of rubber.
Rubber gloves are used in surgery.

"rubber plant","N","1.रबर का पेड"
She has a big rubber plant in her garden.

"rubber stamp","N","1.रबर की मोहर"
He uses his rubber stamp on every official document.

Throw the rubbish out.
You are not so young, so dont talk rubbish.
The film was rubbish.
You should give up your all rubbish ideas

All the buildings were reduced to rubble after an earthquake.

"rubella","N","1.जर्मन खसरा"
Rubella has been completely eradicated from our country.

She has a big dark ruby colour stone in her ring finger.

I have a beautiful ruby.

She wants to come out of the ruck and establish herself as a leader.

"ruck","V","1.शिकन/सिलवट पडना"
Your clothes got rucked up due to sleep.

"rucksack","N","1.कंधे पर पहनने वाला झोला"
She never goes out without her rucksack.
During parliamentary sessions there is always a ruckus in the house.

A boat can not move in a particular direction without a rudder.

There is a ruddy glow in the sky.
He is a ruddy stupid.
Her child has ruddy complexion.

He got annoyed with her rude behaviour.
I dont like rude jokes.
The news that she has lost her father came as a rude shock.

She was offended by his rudeness.

I have only a rudimentary knowledge of French.
In india there are villages with rudimentary sanitation.
Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.

"rudely","Adv","1.अशिष्ट व्यवहार"
He always behaves rudely to his friend.

Rue is used as a ayurvedic medicine.

My son rued the day he joined the new college.

She had a rueful smile on her face.

She quitted her job ruefully.

The parrot has a beautiful ruff.

A gang of ruffians enterted his house.

The flour is used for making rye bread

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